ilusara · 2 years
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postblogsworld · 9 months
Supongo que todo pasa y cuando pasa, pasa por algo
Ahora sí, después de mil despedidas, después de tantos shows y tanta insistencia llegó el momento que tanto pospuse y al que me negaba por completo. Como siempre te agradezco por absolutamente todo, gracias por todas esas cosas bonitas que me diste, puedo prometerte que cada momento lo disfruté y fui muy feliz en cada uno de ellos (incluso hoy, ahora que estás leyendo este mensaje), muchas gracias por estos meses de felicidad fue como una montaña rusa, muchas emoción en tan poco tiempo. Gracias por el tiempo que me dedicaste, gracias por cada canción dedicada que estoy segura que te recordare cada que las escuche, muchas gracias por cumplir mis caprichos y hacerme sentir querida y segura a tu lado! Agradezco el apoyo que me diste desde un inicio, por todas esas veces que me diste ánimos y me ayudaste con mis mil y un problemas pero es momento de continuar sola y sin ti.
Me voy con el corazón hecho pedazos y con un nudo en la garganta, sintiendo mil emociones y muriendo por dentro. Te soy sincera, no quiero irme, en el fondo aún deseo estar a tu lado, volverte a tenerte en mis brazos, llenarte la cara de besitos y reír como tonta cada que te veía. Llegue al punto de insistir y rogar por cosas que no debía, cosas que debían de nacer de ti y cosas que tenían que hacerse por el simple hecho de *amor* pero supongo que en algún momento te saliste del camino y dejaste de comprender muchas cosas. Ahora me tengo que obligar a dejarte ir y empezar a considerar la idea de que por ahora ya no estaremos juntos o quizá nunca lo volvamos a estar, se me es difícil dejar de sentir y continuar con mi vida como si no hubiera estado *enamorada*, deseo tener tu mentalidad y ganas de dejar todo atrás pero no puedo, me aferro tanto a ese amor que te tengo, pero ya no más, es momento de dejar todo y empezar a vivir sin tu presencia, es momento de sanar eso malo que dejaste en mi y te prometo que haré lo posible por perdonarte eso malo que dejaste en mi corazoncito, hoy esa niña interior que un día quisiste conocer y no te importo mucho ella, ella te perdona por lo malo que le hiciste y quiere que sepas que te lleva en su corazoncito e intentara recordarte como la buena persona que eres.
Amdv, justo fue el primer apodo que te dije sin sentido algúno, lo dije sin saber que probablemente eso es lo que seas ahora "El amor de mi vida" mi primer amor y a quien le entregué muchas cosas, no me arrepiento del amor que te di, de las veces que me entregué a ti y de los detalles tan tontos que te hacía! Estoy segura que en su momento te hicieron feliz y siempre recordaré esa carita de felicidad al ver las cosas tan tontas que hacía por ti. Lamento mucho el daño que nos hicimos, lo siento por no lograr querernos de buena manera y no dar nuestro mayor esfuerzo para salvar lo de nosotros, lo siento por el tiempo perdido y por esas mil promesas que un día hicimos.. Pero dejemos lo malo a un lado, te llevaré en mi corazoncito y cuando me sienta lista te déjare atrás, tratare de no tenerte presente y recordar lo justo y necesario para mí salud mental, si tú gustas puedes olvidarme y dejarme justo ahora, pero yo no, yo no puedo y quiero recordarte y llevarte conmigo como algo bueno. Fuiste, eres y siempre te recordare como la mejor experiencia de mi vida, como mi primer amor y al niño que ame con lo más profundo de mi.
Hasta entonces eso es todo, gracias por llegar a mi vida y darle color, es una lástima que todo termine así y te lleves esa alegría que un día creaste en mí. Cuidate mucho y recuerda que siempre estaré orgullosa de ti, siempre estaré feliz por cada uno de tus logros..
te amo para siempre
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angelhelena · 2 hours
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my light in the darkness
and i love to follow your lead
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roselbellrafferr · 2 years
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Eso Pa Que Ome Ay + Mlm = AdMv > ♾️ ❤️ #admv #mlm #tequiero https://www.instagram.com/p/CoOyescKWot/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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percervall · 2 years
amor de me vida
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Player: Rodrigo De Paul Words: 975 Warnings: None, fluff Request: Stealing their clothes - he's away and you've been ill at home but you miss him so you basically drag yourself to his apartment/house to wear one of his hoodies and joggers and then he comes home during the night (was supposed to be later that next day) and he finds you cuddled up in his bed, wearing his clothes and he drops everything and joins you and you wake up and you two cuddle and A/N: I tweaked it a little bit, hope you like it!
title's from Maluma's ADMV
January was one of those months that always left her feeling run down. Work had been exhausting the past month and today had been a particularly horrible day where everything that could go wrong, went wrong. What made it even worse was that she hadn’t been able to see her boyfriend in over a week due to their conflicting work schedules and missed him terribly. He always knew exactly what to do to make her feel better. Missing him felt like a dull ache in her chest, mirroring the way her head pounded with a headache that had settled behind her eyes. There was no point in pretending she could get any work done feeling like this, so after sending a quick email to her boss, she packed up for the day and figured she might as well go to his house to at least seek comfort in his shower and bed. One of the many advantages of dating a professional athlete was that they had money to spend on top tier water pressure and mattresses. 
After stopping by the supermarket to get some soup and bread, she parked her car in front of his house. Rodrigo had given her a key for situations just like this, where she needed him to settle the ache in her bones. Dropping her work bag by the door, she took off her shoes and carried the groceries into the kitchen. Her phone automatically connected to the sound system he had set up, and the playlist she had put on in the car started playing over the speakers. She made her way to the ensuite, throwing her clothes in the laundry basket. As the hot water hit her skin, she sighed at the feeling of her muscles letting go of the tension that had held them in a vice all day. 
She wrapped the towel tighter around herself and walked to Rodrigo’s closet. They shared a preference for oversized lounge wear and while his closet held about a third of her’s, right now she wanted nothing more than to wrap up in one of his soft hoodies. Grabbing her favourite one, she buried her face in the fabric, inhaling the scent of his fabric softener and aftershave. Smiling softly as his scent enveloped her, she got dressed in the hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, and settled in for an evening on the couch with her favourite series on TV.
To say he was tired would be an understatement. Between winning the world cup with Argentina and the starting of La Liga, his time had been spent mostly travelling. The plan had been to travel back from their latest away fixture early the next morning, but the whole team wanted to go home and see their families –Rodrigo being one of them. Ever since Diego agreed, he’d been trying to get a hold of his girlfriend. She hadn’t answered her phone, but when he pulled up to his house he spotted her car on the driveway. His lips tugged up in a smile seeing it parked there. Rodrigo quickly made his way inside, dropping his bag by the stairs to take up later. The house was quiet, but he could tell she was still downstairs by the light coming from the living room.
“Babe?” he called out, voice barely above speaking volumes. He waited a beat to see if she’d answer before moving into the living room. The TV was still on, a streaming service politely asking if anyone was still watching. Rodrigo moved further into the room, picking up the remote to turn the TV off. Turning his face, he spotted his girlfriend on the couch, bundled up in one of his hoodies and fast asleep. She had made herself a hot drink and was still clutching the empty mug to her chest as her head rested on her own shoulder. He couldn’t help but smile lovingly, taking in her sleeping features. Rodrigo carefully took the mug from her hands, placing it on the coffee table, before moving to lift her up. He chuckled when she sighed deeply and snuggled into him as he carried her out of the room. 
“Hey,” she croaked, waking up enough to realise the couch wasn’t moving but her boyfriend had come home and was carrying her upstairs.
“Hey mi vida. This is a nice surprise, didn’t think you’d gotten my texts.” 
“Put my phone on do not disturb, so haven’t seen any come in. Just missed you and your hoodies,” she mumbled, sleep slurring her speech. Rodrigo chuckled and carried her up the stairs. He gently set her down on his bed and moved to his closet to get her a shirt to sleep in. 
“How was your day?” he asked as he handed it to her. 
“It’s been hectic and I’m exhausted. Last month was insane and it’s not looking to slow down any time soon. Went home early today with a headache,” she told him, swapping the hoodie for the shirt. Kicking off the sweatpants, she got under the covers. Rodrigo climbed in as well, pulling her closer. It wasn’t lost on him that she had referred to his house as home, his heart squeezing at the thought of her living with him. 
“I have the day off tomorrow, how about we spend it in bed all day?” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple. She hummed in agreement, snuggling into him. 
“That sounds lovely,” she sighed. Rodrigo smiled again, pressing his lips to her hair. He heard how her breathing evened out, body fully relaxed against his. Finally giving in to sleep, the last thought that crossed his mind was that he would ask her to move in tomorrow. Home was no longer a place, it had become a person shaped like the woman asleep in his arms. 
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Tags @football-and-fanfics @kostasstsimikass @lfc21
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alvcro · 1 year
Siempre me he soñado una vida contigo Más valen los hechos que lo prometido Sin saber a dónde vayas te persigo
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shit-sorry-fuck-mybad · 11 months
Bestie let me tell you,I’ve got sooo many songs that i think are at least a little bit hangster 😭
Colapso - Kevin Kaarl
Dueles - Jesse & Joy
Dónde está el amor - Jesse & Joy ft Pablo Alborán
Todo cambió - Camila
ADMV - Maluma (but like the angsty version)
Bestie how does it feel to be this smart 😭
All of these are absolutely right but ADMV is my favorite it’s perfect for them
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rmd-writes · 2 years
six questions
sidenote: my autocorrect has lost the plot. It will change duck to fuck for me (a win!) but it just tried to turn six into soz and I can’t even remember half of the crazy shit my phone has been turning my words into
rules: answer the questions then tag some people to do the same
Tagged by @celeritas2997 (and I feel like I was tagged in this by some other people a few weeks ago but I can’t find the notes now, sorry!)
Last song: ADMV - Maluma
Last show: Ginny & Georgia
Currently watching: 911 Lone Star, The Last of Us
Currently reading: Nova, Baby by @cha-melodius
Current obsession: stealing Cee’s answer but it’s true, the gdocs files I have the absolute privilege of getting early access too. Lonestar pals, there is some good fucking soup coming our way!!
Unrelated obsession: a new pair of shoes that arrived today
Tagging: @three-drink-amy @clottedcreamfudge @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @maxbegone @hippolotamus @treluna4 @good-ways @goodiecornbread
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Tu estas en primera parte
En el mundo hay uno igual para cada parte
"Me alegro. Que no te quedarás tirado. Que buscarás a alguien que te diera lo que yo no pude darte".
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vivicitamoncayo · 2 years
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14/11/21🫶🏻❤️. Fue el comienzo de esta bonita relación 🥑🫶🏻. Fuimos creciendo diariamente con este amor, cada momento fuimos cultivando nuestra relación haciéndola más fuerte, superándonos juntos como pareja dándonos el apoyo y el amor que va creciendo cada instante❤️🥑. Durante estos meses nos fuimos conociendo, queriendo, cuidando, comprendiendo y sobretodo apapachándonos, existieron obstáculos pero aún así estuvimos superándolos🥑❤️😘
14/11/22🥑❤️ Llegamos al primer puntito yeiiiiii🫰🏼🥰 sigamos volando y superándonos juntos😍 viviendo más locuras y aventuras, disfrutando cada momento e instante que se nos presente🥑 sigamos luchando juntos por subir cada vez un puntito más y seguir complementándonos como hasta ahora entre tú y yo🥑😘❤️. Te Súper Amo Una y Mil Veces Mi Paltita🥰🥑😘❤️🫶🏻
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racing-related · 2 years
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BMW 318ti @ ADMV CC Hohnstein 2022
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oookram · 5 days
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moon-she-mack63 · 30 days
Tu cumpleaños número 24 y yo solo pude ser parte de 5, espero que sea un muy bonito cumpleaños ADMV.
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marcel17101980 · 3 months
26 ADMV Lausitz Rallye 2023 Action by RRV
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un-posts-mas · 4 months
De pronto, de la nada volvió a aparecer. Ya no me sorprende, sé que llega cuando su vacío lo ahoga y busca en mí un refugio temporal. El patrón se repite: un "Hola" sutil, un encuentro fugaz y terminamos en su habitación... y luego, el silencio abismal cuando encuentra una nueva distracción. Solo soy su salvavidas... A pesar de saber el final, el brillo que irradian mis ojos y los nervios siempre son lo mismo. A pesar de saber en que terminara, sin dudarlo siempre estaré para sostenerlo sabiendo que la que terminara ahogada seré yo.
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meva21 · 5 months
Te extraño admv EM...
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