#Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo
reignmaker1911 · 6 years
10 Horror Movies and The Depraved Acts That Inspired Them
10 Horror Movies and The Depraved Acts That Inspired Them
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Based on a True Story,’ or “Inspired by Actual Events”; are just two phrases that, when added to a cinematic production are guaranteed to raise eyebrows as well as ticket sales. Why; well it seems that when we see phrases such as these, our proverbial antennas rise and immediately we won’t know about the horrible tale that happened…
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doom-over-the-world · 7 years
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Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo (November 1, 1962 – May 6, 1989) was a Cuban-American serial killer, drug dealer, and cult leader of an infamous gang dubbed by the media as The Narcosatanists (Spanish: "Los Narcosatánicos").[1] His cult members nicknamed him The Godfather ("El Padrino"). He was reportedly responsible for the murder of Mark Kilroy, an American student killed in Matamoros in 1989, along with several other cult killings.
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nights-at-the-opera · 3 years
Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo (November 1, 1962 – May 6, 1989) was a Cuban-American serial killer, drug dealer and cult leader who led an infamous drug-trafficking and occult gang in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, that was dubbed the Narcosatanists (Spanish: Los Narcosatánicos) by the media.[1]
His cult members nicknamed him The Godfather (El Padrino). Constanzo led the cult with Sara Aldrete, whom followers nicknamed "The Godmother" (La Madrina).
The cult was involved in multiple ritualistic killings in Matamoros, including the murder of Mark Kilroy, an American student abducted, tortured and killed in the area in 1989.
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corallorosso · 4 years
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Nel marzo del 1989 Mark Kilroy, uno studente di 21 anni dell'Università del Texas, decide di fare un viaggio in Messico con i suoi amici per le cosiddette vacanze di primavera. Il 13 marzo varcano il confine con gli Stati Uniti per poter raggiungere la città di Matamoros e iniziare il loro giro tra bar e discoteche. Durante la serata, Mark viene avvicinato da un uomo, come testimonierà in seguito un suo amico e verso le 4:00 del mattino del ragazzo non c'è più traccia. Tutti si mobilitano per cercarlo ma si rendono subito conto che serve l'aiuto della polizia: le ricerche partono repentine ma per circa un mese, del giovane Kilroy, non si avranno più notizie. Fino a quando, per un caso fortuito, si scoprirà il triste destino di Mark: durante un posto di blocco un'auto non si ferma allo stop della polizia e viene inseguita sino ad un ranch messicano. Gli agenti, dopo un sopralluogo, scoprono che la fattoria altro non è che un nascondiglio di una setta, dedita a rituali che si rifanno alla Palo Mayombe, alla Santeria e alla Brujeria. (...) A capo di questa setta c'è Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo, un serial killer cubano-americano, leader di culto di una banda soprannominata Narcosatanisti e chiamato dai suoi seguaci "El Padrino". Adolfo promette a coloro che effettuano traffici illeciti di essere in grado di proteggerli dalle forze dell'ordine, in cambio di sacrifici umani e alte somme di denaro. Quella sera Mark fu rapito perché il capo della conventicola necessitava di un uomo bianco e intelligente per i suoi riti magici. Dopo l'irruzione della polizia nel covo, molti adepti riuscirono a scappare, compreso Adolfo e durante le perquisizioni furono ritrovati 74 cadaveri e 110 kg di marijuana. Secondo la confessione di uno dei membri della setta la fine di Mark Kilroy fu violenta e feroce: il "gringo" fu sodomizzato, torturato e decapitato con un machete. Per completare il rito gli fu strappato il cuore dal petto e il cervello bollito e mangiato. Non furono solo gli omicidi in quanto tali a rendere tragica la storia, ma anche la crudeltà con il quale avvenivano: gli adepti catturati testimoniarono di lacerazioni inflitte alle vittime ancora vive, come l'evirazione, raccontarono di dita spezzate e di organi rimossi. A tutto questo seguivano i rituali veri e propri: le parti del corpo estratte venivano cucinate in grandi calderoni, mescolate al sangue e successivamente ingerite. Intere famiglie furono ritrovate smembrate e dilaniate, semiseppellite attorno al ranch e appartenenti soprattutto ai rivali nei traffici illegali. Nemmeno i bambini furono risparmiati: 14 corpi affiorarono nei campi della fattoria, il loro scopo era quello di fare da esche per le vittime designate. Pochi mesi dopo la scoperta della banda, Adolfo venne ritrovato morto accanto al corpo della sua amante: sicuramente un omicidio-suicidio per evitare di essere arrestato e passare la fine dei suoi giorni in carcere. Cripto ........ Adolf Gesù, bel nome!
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hyaenagallery · 5 years
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Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo (1962 – 1989) was an American serial killer, drug dealer and cult leader. His nickname was El Padrino de Matamoros (The Godfather of Matamoros). Born in Miami, Florida to a Cuban immigrant mother in 1962, Constanzo was baptized Catholic and served as an altar boy. As a boy, he often accompanied his mother on trips to Haiti where he began to learn about Voodoo. In his teen years, Constanzo became apprenticed to a local sorcerer and began to practice a religion called Palo Mayombe, which involves animal sacrifice. His mother and stepfather were involved in the religion and dealt in drugs on the side. Both Constanzo and his mother were arrested numerous times for minor crimes like theft, vandalism and shoplifting. He graduated from high school, but was expelled from prep school. His mother believed he had psychic abilities for supposedly having foretold the attempted assassination of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan in 1981. As an adult, Constanzo moved to Mexico City and met the men who were to become his followers: Martin Quintana, Jorge Montes and Omar Orea. They began to run a profitable business casting spells to bring good luck, which involved expensive ritual sacrifices of chickens, goats, snakes, zebras and even lion cubs. Many of his clients were rich drug dealers and hitmen who enjoyed the violence of Constanzo’s “magical” displays. He also attracted other rich members of Mexican society, including several high-ranking corrupt policemen who introduced him to the city’s powerful narcotics cartels. Constanzo started to raid graveyards for human bones to put in his nganga, or cauldron, but before long he would need live human sacrifices instead of old bones. More than 20 victims, whose mutilated bodies were found in and around Mexico City, are thought to have met their end at his hands. #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B3zeVj1BDn7/?igshid=196bmk4m3r706
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itunesbooks · 5 years
World Serial Killers - Gordon Kerr
World Serial Killers They Kill for the Thrill Gordon Kerr Genre: True Crime Price: $0.99 Publish Date: October 5, 2011 Publisher: Canary Press Seller: Canary Press eBooks Limited World Serial Killers investigates the fiendish crimes of butchers like Fritz Haarman selling human meat on the streets of Hanover, Germany, Edinburgh body-snatchers Burke and Hare and Alberto De Salvo, the notorious Boston Strangler. Read the accounts of deranged real-life monsters such as Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and Jack the Ripper as well as the stories of many other serial killers from around the world.   Contents:  Europe - Burke and Hare, Jack the Ripper, Henri Landru, Fritz Haarmann, Marcel Petiot, Peter Kürten, Peter Manuel, Joachim Kroll, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, Fred and Rosemary West, Harold Shipman. North America –  H.H.Holmes, Albert Fish, The Lonely Hearts Killers,The Boston Strangler, Charles Manson, Ed Kemper, Ted Bundy, Son of Sam, The Hillside Stranglers, Clifford Olson, Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole, Tommy Lynn Sells, Cary Stayner. South America – Pedro Alonso López, Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos, Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo, Juana Barraza. Australia – Eric Edgar Cooke, William the Mutilator Macdonald, Paul Charles Denyer, Ivan Milat, The Snowtown Murderers, John Wayne Glover, Peter Dupas, Catherine and David Birnie http://bit.ly/2LDfTxw
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dustedmagazine · 7 years
JFK — Nganga (Chondritic Sound)
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Photo by Nikki Sneakers
The term “nganga” is a Cuban word for a creation made in an iron pot in which various items are placed together, as well as to the spirits that are then trapped within the pot. It’s a fittingly grim and mysterious thematic background for the first official album (after a number of compilations and tape releases) by JFK, one of Ramleh bassist/electronics player Anthony Di Franco’s most successful solo ventures. Long before melodic industrial music was a popular thing, a teenaged Di Franco would create hypnotic and forceful power electronics in his bedroom, eventually seeing some of the results released on famed British underground label Broken Flag. Listening back (I recommend the La Bas compilation), it’s clear that the young man was well ahead of his time and that his abrasive but rhythmic concoctions stood out above the maelstrom of power electronics swirling around early to mid-1980s Britain. So if JFK has remained even more of a cult entity than even Ramleh, having a fresh, brand new slab of vinyl is therefore a perfect chance to celebrate this singular noise project.
From the nganga traditions of Cuba, Di Franco traces a sinister arc that curves westwards towards Mexico and the ritual murders by Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo, himself a Cuban-American. Constanzo’s twisted belief in the power of a sacrificial victim’s fear led to many a grisly act of violence, so convinced was he that this fear could be controlled and re-used by the sorcerer (himself) as a weapon against enemies. Lunacy? Perhaps. But as we stare out at a political landscape in which fear (often disguised as righteousness) is used to justify bombings, terrorism, crackdowns on political opponents and has propelled Trump into the White House and Britain out of Europe, it’s hard not to think that Di Franco might be onto something. The martial drumbeats that pound away like an off-kilter heartbeat on “The Scythe” mutate into the explosions and detonations of ordinance, the background hiss sounding like the ear-ringing sonic aftermath described by survivors of bomb explosions. The drum patterns initially sound out of control, but listen close and it becomes clear that Di Franco is keeping his rhythms under tight control, deftly switching tempos and altering their patterns to maintain tension and discomfort.  
“The Scythe”’s industrial clatter is echoed more doggedly on “Machinen” where JFK forgoes frenetic pace for hypnotic pace, the effect if anything even more forceful. The balance between the insistent, crunching beats and the shimmering, ghostly electronics creates subtle unease, the forces of danger no longer crashing down around our heads but definitely out there, in the dark. Meanwhile, the title track pays tribute to the rhythmic traditions of the Caribbean isles with dense polyrhythms and a chaotic overload of beats, but refracts these ancient notions of music through the lens of abrasive noise attacks and unexpected pauses. It’s easily the most unexpected track on the album, and one that highlights Di Franco’s pre-eminence in the UK power electronics sound alongside Matthew Bower, William Bennett, Gary Mundy and Phillip Best.  
The tracks mentioned so far are power electronics at their most forceful and, paradoxically, most nuanced. By injecting space into “Nganga,” for example, Di Franco demonstrates a deftness that allows him to avoid all-out macho abrasion to deliver a piece that is both affectively rhythmic and blessed with intriguing sonic details. Where too many noise or PE or industrial artists go for full frontal assault at the detriment of subtlety, Di Franco’s more measured use of distortion and overdrive on his electronics means they build up melodic textures that linger in the mind. Even more effectively, Nganga is not dominated by these more aggressive moments. “Star-Killer” is bereft of drums altogether, as is the beautiful “Zarathustra.” The former builds up wave upon wave of beatific feedback and gossamer synth melodies, creating a wall of blissful ambient drone not too dissimilar from what Di Franco’s Ramleh bandmate Gary Mundy is currently doing as Kleistwahr. Not content to give us one transcendent bliss-out, “Zarathustra” follows a similar pattern -albeit with ominous helicopter-like sounds hovering in the background- as a deep bass rumble hums gently under a curtain of swirling white noise and an aching synth drone. Where so many noise artists take grim themes and then revel in them for the sake of provocation, Di Franco delves into the heart of his dark inspirations and comes out with a humane and emotional cry from the heart. “Zarathustra” may just be the best JFK track ever.  
Much like the disparate “ingredients” that go into a nganga pot (sticks, bones, etc), the tracks on this album all stand as separate entities, each with a force of its own. As the sorcerer standing over them, Di Franco seizes them and brings them together, coming up with a fearsomely potent whole. Or maybe he actually invites us to do that: more than a brutal demonstration of fear and violence, Nganga comes across as a call to reflection on those very subjects and how humanity as a whole is allowing fear to become a weapon in the hands of dread people. Are we all our own Constanzos, turning away from the horrors our fears concoct but allowing them to play out anyway? It’s a grim and terrifying thought.
Joseph Burnett
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leea1l · 6 years
Human Sacrifice in Matamoros
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truecrimedrive-blog · 7 years
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Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo (November 1, 1962 – May 6, 1989) was a Cuban-American serial killer, drug dealer, and cult leader of an infamous gang dubbed by the media as The Narcosatanists. Constanzo began to believe that his magic spells were responsible for the success of the cartels and demanded to become a full business partner with one of the most powerful families he knew, the Calzadas. When his demand was rejected, seven family members disappeared. Their bodies turned up later with fingers, toes, ears, brains, and even the spine missing. Constanzo soon made friends with a new cartel, the Hernandez brothers. He also took up with a young woman named Sara Aldrete, who became the high priestess of the cult. In 1988, Constanzo moved to Rancho Santa Elena. It is there that he carried out more sadistic ritual murders, sometimes of strangers and other times of rival drug dealers. He also used the ranch to store huge shipments of cocaine and marijuana. On March 13, 1989, Constanzo's henchmen abducted a pre-med student, Mark Kilroy, from outside a Mexican bar and took him back to the ranch. Kilroy was a U.S. citizen who had been in Mexico on spring break. When Kilroy was brought to the ranch, Constanzo murdered him. Under pressure from Texan politicians, Mexican police initially picked up four of Constanzo's followers, including two of the Hernandez brothers. Police quickly discovered the cult and that Constanzo had been responsible for Kilroy's death; he sought a "good"/superior brain for one of his ritual spells. Officers raided the ranch and discovered Constanzo's cauldron, which contained various items such as a dead black cat and a human brain. Fifteen mutilated corpses were dug up at the ranch, one of them Kilroy's. Officials said Kilroy was killed by Constanzo with a machete chop to the back of the neck when Kilroy tried to escape about 12 hours after being taken to the ranch. #gymlife #health #fitness #fit #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitspo #workout #bodybuilding #cardio #gym #train #training #fitbody #health #healthy #active #strong #motivation #instagood #lifestyle #diet #cleaneating #eatclean #exercise #murder #serialkiller #death
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hyaenagallery · 6 years
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Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo (1962 – 1989) was a Cuban-American serial killer, drug dealer, and cult leader of an infamous gang dubbed by the media as The Narcosatanists ("Los Narcosatánicos"). His cult members nicknamed him The Godfather ("El Padrino").  Constanzo was born in Miami, Floridato Delia Aurora Gonzalez, a Cuban immigrant mother. She gave birth to Adolfo at the age of 15 and eventually had three children, by different fathers. She moved to San Juan, Puerto Rico, after her first husband died, and remarried there. Constanzo was baptized Catholic and served as an altar boy, but also accompanied his mother on trips to Haiti to learn about Vodou. The family returned to Miami in 1972 and his stepfather died soon after, leaving the family with some money. As a teenager, Constanzo became apprenticed to a local sorcerer and began to practice a religion called Palo Mayombe, which involves animal sacrifice. His mother remarried and his new stepfather was involved in the religion and drug dealing. Constanzo and his mother were arrested numerous times for minor crimes like theft, vandalism and shoplifting. He graduated from high school, but was expelled from prep school. As an adult, Constanzo moved to Mexico City and met the men who were to become his followers: Martin Quintana, Jorge Montes, and Omar Orea. They began to run a profitable business casting spells to bring good luck, which involved expensive ritual sacrifices of chickens, goats, snakes, zebras, and even lion cubs. Many of his clients were rich drug dealers and hitmen who enjoyed the violence of Constanzo's "magical" displays. He also attracted other rich members of Mexican society, including several high-ranking corrupt policemen who introduced him to the city's powerful narcotics cartels. Constanzo started to raid graveyards for human bones to put in his nganga, or cauldron. Before long, his cult decided that the spirits of the dead that reside in the nganga would be stronger (providing the cult more powerful protection) with live human sacrifices instead of old bones, and they began abducting and ritually murdering random people. #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQnFCvBxDv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4snif69pismb
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