#Advanced Macros Training
onlineteaching · 2 years
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Looking for getting enrolled into advanced excel course. EXCELYTICS provides the Best Advanced Excel training course in Hyderabad. Become expert in Advance Excel. By professionals, for professionals, meet EXCELYTICS - a Team of passionate working IT Professionals who have come together to share the best career advice,and to mentor you on the right path. Here's inviting you to participate in any of our courses that are designed to actually benefit you on the job. We, Excelytics, situated at Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India, we provide world-class training that can help you gain relevant, hands-on, and data analytics skills.By professionals, for professionals, meet EXCELYTICS - a Team of passionate working IT Professionals who have come together to share the best career advice, and to mentor you on the right path. Hereby we invite you to participate in courses designed.
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graysongarelick · 2 months
Elevate Client Services with Excel: Expert Tips for Financial Consultants by Grayson Garelick
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Financial consultants operate in a dynamic environment where precision, efficiency, and client satisfaction are paramount. Excel, as a versatile tool, offers an array of features that can significantly enhance the services provided by financial consultants. Grayson Garelick, an accomplished financial analyst and consultant, shares invaluable Excel tips to help financial consultants elevate their client services and add tangible value.
The Role of Excel in Financial Consulting
Excel serves as the backbone of financial consulting, enabling consultants to analyze data, create models, and generate insights that drive informed decision-making. As the demands of clients become increasingly complex, mastering Excel becomes essential for financial consultants aiming to deliver exceptional services.
1. Customize Excel Templates
One of the most effective ways to streamline workflows and improve efficiency is by creating customized Excel templates tailored to specific client needs. Grayson suggests developing templates for budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting that can be easily adapted for different clients, saving time and ensuring consistency.
2. Utilize PivotTables for Data Analysis
PivotTables are powerful tools in Excel that allow financial consultants to analyze large datasets and extract meaningful insights quickly. Grayson emphasizes the importance of mastering PivotTables for segmenting data, identifying trends, and presenting information in a clear and concise manner to clients.
3. Implement Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting is a valuable feature in Excel that allows consultants to highlight important information and identify outliers effortlessly. By setting up conditional formatting rules, consultants can draw attention to key metrics, discrepancies, or trends, facilitating easier interpretation of data by clients.
4. Leverage Excel Add-ins
Excel offers a variety of add-ins that extend its functionality and provide additional features tailored to financial analysis and reporting. Grayson recommends exploring add-ins such as Power Query, Power Pivot, and Solver to enhance data manipulation, modeling, and optimization capabilities.
5. Automate Repetitive Tasks with Macros
Macros enable financial consultants to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors. Grayson advises recording and editing macros to automate tasks such as data entry, formatting, and report generation, allowing consultants to focus on value-added activities.
6. Master Advanced Formulas and Functions
Excel's extensive library of formulas and functions offers endless possibilities for financial analysis and modeling. Grayson suggests mastering advanced formulas such as VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, and array formulas to perform complex calculations, manipulate data, and create sophisticated models tailored to client needs.
7. Visualize Data with Charts and Graphs
Visualizing data is essential for conveying complex information in an easily digestible format. Excel offers a variety of chart types and customization options that enable consultants to create compelling visuals that resonate with clients. Grayson recommends experimenting with different chart styles to find the most effective way to present data and insights.
8. Collaborate and Share Workbooks Online
Excel's collaboration features enable financial consultants to work seamlessly with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders in real-time. Grayson highlights the benefits of sharing workbooks via OneDrive or SharePoint, allowing multiple users to collaborate on the same document, track changes, and maintain version control.
9. Protect Sensitive Data with Security Features
Data security is a top priority for financial consultants handling sensitive client information. Excel's built-in security features, such as password protection and encryption, help safeguard confidential data and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Grayson advises implementing security protocols to protect client data and maintain trust.
10. Stay Updated with Excel Training and Certification
Excel is a constantly evolving tool, with new features and updates released regularly. Grayson stresses the importance of staying updated with the latest Excel training and certification programs to enhance skills, explore new capabilities, and maintain proficiency in Excel's ever-changing landscape.
Elevating Client Services with Excel Mastery
Excel serves as a catalyst for innovation and excellence in financial consulting, empowering consultants to deliver exceptional services that add tangible value to clients. By implementing Grayson Garelick Excel tips, financial consultants can streamline workflows, enhance data analysis capabilities, and foster collaboration, ultimately driving client satisfaction and success. As financial consulting continues to evolve, mastering Excel remains a cornerstone of excellence, enabling consultants to thrive in a competitive landscape and exceed client expectations.
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10 VBA Tips and Tricks to Make Your Life Easier
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Are you tired and fed up with spending hours on repetitive tasks in Microsoft Excel? Do you want to boost your productivity and creativity and streamline your workflow? Look no further! In this article, we will explore ten valuable VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) tips and tricks that will revolutionize the way you work with Excel and make your life easier. So, let's dive in and discover how you can become an Excel power user.
1. Automate Repetitive Tasks with Macros
Macros are a powerful feature in VBA that allows you to automate repetitive tasks. By recording a series of actions, you can create a macro that can be executed with a single click. This saves you time and effort, especially when dealing with large amounts of data or performing complex calculations. Say goodbye to manual data entry and let macros do the work for you.
2. Speed Up Data Manipulation with Arrays
Working with arrays in VBA can significantly speed up data manipulation. Instead of looping through each cell or range, you can load data into an array, perform operations on it, and then write the results back to the worksheet. This approach, especially when combined with VBA Macros training in Gurgaon, can be much faster than traditional cell-by-cell processing and can make a noticeable difference, particularly when dealing with large datasets.
3. Customize the Excel User Interface with User Forms
User forms are customizable dialog boxes that allow you to create intuitive interfaces for your Excel applications. With user forms, you can collect user input, display informative messages, and create interactive dashboards. By leveraging the power of VBA, you can enhance the user experience and make your Excel applications more user-friendly and professional.
4. Error Handling for Robust Code
To ensure your VBA code runs smoothly, it's crucial to implement proper error handling. By using error handling techniques such as "On Error Resume Next" or "On Error GoTo," you can gracefully handle unexpected errors and prevent your code from crashing. Robust error handling improves the reliability of your VBA projects and provides a better user experience.
5. Optimize Performance with Screen Updating
The Screen Updating property in VBA allows you to control whether the screen is updated during code execution. By temporarily turning off screen updates, you can significantly improve the performance of your macros. This is especially useful when working with large datasets or performing resource-intensive operations. Remember to re-enable screen updates once your code has finished executing.
6. Work Efficiently with PivotTables
PivotTables are a powerful tool in Excel for data analysis and summarization. By using VBA, you can automate the creation and manipulation of pivot tables, making it easier to analyze and visualize complex data. You can dynamically update pivot tables, change their layouts, and apply advanced calculations, empowering you to gain valuable insights from your data more efficiently.
7. Interact with Other Applications Using VBA
VBA allows you to interact with other applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, or Access, seamlessly. By automating tasks across different Office applications, including Advanced Excel Classes in Gurgaon, you can streamline your workflow and eliminate manual steps. For example, you can generate reports in Word based on Excel data or import data from Access into Excel with a single click. The possibilities are endless when you harness the power of VBA to connect different applications.
8. Secure Your VBA Code
Protecting your VBA code from unauthorized access or modification is essential, especially when sharing your workbooks with others. VBA provides various security measures, such as password-protecting your code or locking specific modules. By securing your code, you can ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your VBA projects.
9. Leverage Events for Enhanced Interactivity
Events in VBA allow you to trigger specific actions based on user interactions or changes in the worksheet. By leveraging events, you can create interactive Excel applications that respond to user input in real time. For example, you can automatically update calculations when a cell value changes or display a message when a specific condition is met. Events empower you to create dynamic and responsive Excel solutions.
10. Learn from the VBA Community
The VBA community, along with numerous online forums, websites, and tutorials, is a valuable resource for learning and exchanging knowledge, including advanced Excel training in Gurgaon. By actively participating in these communities, you can expand your VBA skills, get answers to your questions, and stay updated with the latest trends and techniques. Embrace the power of community and grow as a VBA developer while also exploring opportunities for advanced Excel training in Gurgaon.
In conclusion, VBA is a game-changer for anyone working extensively with Excel. By implementing these ten tips and tricks, you can take your Excel skills to the next level and enhance your productivity. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, mastering VBA will unlock a world of possibilities and make your life easier. So, start exploring, experimenting, and embracing the power of VBA today!
For more information, contact us at:
Call: 8750676576, 871076576
Website: www.advancedexcel.net
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pangtasias-atelier · 11 days
Fortuna's New Big Star
Kinda thought I already posted this oopsie, but enjoy this longer story commissioned by @maletfgrowthblog involving Ki-ria and male tf along with some macro and musclechub. Cause I definitely enjoyed practicing teehee. And messing with the male cast cause tms is a guilty pleasure of mine.
The crowded, busy streets of Shibuya a flurry of activity every waking hour of the day, and even well into the night, the closed off area is no shabby exception. A concert scheduled months in advance —the preannouncement done before summer had even begun— the immediately sold out concert had promptly become the summer event of the year in the entirety of Japan. And even beyond, already booked and busy hotels swamped with orders from foreigners lucky enough in scoring tickets to Fortuna Entertainment’s summer bash. Though the concert had been initially planned in drawing out the company’s enemies, remnants of mirages once again appearing despite Medeus’ defeat. So many people around, a concert consisting of their own in-house talent —each and every one of them more than capable enough mirage masters— had been the perfect excuse to have all hands on deck, the public all too happy to see Fortuna’s contracted performers all together for the first time with the company’s true reasons unknown to them.
The entire lineup drip fed to the adoring and crazed fandom over multiple weeks, the opening/intermissionary act of Itsuki had come as no surprise to anyone, the still blooming artist a perfect way to open the show and fill in between artists without supposedly wasting Fortuna Entertainment's heavy hitters in a lineup of heavy hitters. 
Which had caused every single news outfit in Japan to cover the countrywide cheer and appraisal when Kiria had been announced as the very last artist to perform on the first day of summer.
But unlike everyone else —and unlike even her fellow performers— Kiria thinks nothing of the decision, Maiko never wrong in whatever she puts her mind to. The still bright afternoon of the day's clear, sunny sky makes for the perfect weather for the outside concert. The crowd booms as they scream and cheer for yet another of Itsuki’s intermissions. The walls to Uzume Lesson Studio shake and tremble with the crowd so threateningly close to it. And to the rest of the talent hosted inside.
“Hmmph, seems like he’s finally taking to his lessons,” Yashiro having a seat like the others, his elbow rests on the arm of the adequate enough chair. The long exhausting day of work clearly affects him, Yashiro slumped against the back of his chair with his legs spread forward, no persistent vultures for paparazzi hounding him.
Kiria waits with Yashiro. The others with them as well, Tsubasa, Touma, and Eleonora keep their focus on the large flatscreen TV that has the free live feed of the concert —courtesy of Maiko after fighting tooth and nail with the bottom feeders that are shareholders.
“I trained him well, didn’t I?” The rhetorical question hangs in the air as Kiria continues to fiddle with her makeup. As the last one —and only one to still not have gone up— she touches up the small streak of pink makeup right underneath her eye, wiping off the minimal bit of excess product. The color matches the pink collar of faux fur around her neck. In her Reincarnation outfit, the song chosen to be the first of her set by her fans in a voting poll, the outfit still looks as snug as ever on her thin, shapely body. Her corset gives her little wiggle room, the enhanced hourglass shape pushing up her barely covered up breasts. Itsuki’s song blares in the small waiting room of the studio as they talk.
I know it's tough but I'll hold on, until we meet again someday
And I promise you with all of my heart that my smile won't fade away
The water swishes in his hand as Yashiro takes a drink. He has a brow raised at Kiria. 
“Is there something you have to say Yashiro? I thought you’d have turned a new leaf. Or is that princely persona you put on still nothing but that?” The edges of Kiria’s plump lips are upturned, her lips covered in a nude lip gloss to help them pop.
“I’m glad I’m not wearing that ridiculous outfit,” Yashiro fixes his tie. Wearing a plain purple suit, the outfit is what he changed into after his set, the gaudy princely attire immediately shrugged off the instant he walked back into the sanctity of the studio. “If anything, you’re the one not giving someone enough credit. Itsuki worked rather hard to get where he is,” Despite looking up at Kiria, he can’t help but glance at the screen every so often, Itsuki taking up most of the camera.
There was a new me waiting somewhere inside
Doesn't matter how much I searched, I'd never have found it looking on my own
“I’m glad we can agree on one thing then,” She gives her hair one final brush, the lengthy ponytail cascading down her back as she heads out, ready to start her part. Itsuki reaches the halfway point of his song, the end of the third verse being sung by the time she steps out.
But now, everything's clear-- we just accept each other, nothing held back
Now that we know who we are, we can all see how much we've grown
The rest of the studio is empty, besides a few security guards; she easily walks out onto the streets of Shibuya. A barricade is already formed. The crowd that spots her behind the wall of tall, brawny security scream their heads off, each and every one of them that see her calling for her as they take photos. But Kiria keeps on track. She takes her time walking to the stage, Itsuki still singing the last parts of his song. 
And to Itsuki’s credit the crowd loves him, the momentary shock in seeing Kiria washed away as they resume their shouts and cheers as he wraps up his set. “Ladies and gentlemen, Kiria Kurono!” He yells into the mic with all the energy he can muster in his usual shy, average body. He gestures to his right, walking off to the opposite end of the stage.
And as soon as Kiria reaches the stage —Kiria herself dead silent amidst the thunderous crowd— she refuses to say a word; her head facing the ground, the thunderous screams only become more booming as they expectantly wait, the uproarious crowd soon chanting her name. And their chanting soon devolves into a cacophony of screams and applause upon hearing the very first note from the guitar, Kiria beginning to sing.
But good things are unable to last unfortunately, the entire area dimming and graying as if all color were slowly being drained from the world, the once bright, big blue sky turning a fowl shade of gray as purple specters materialize. They start at the very tail ends of the crowd, only a single one arriving before numerous more of its comrades begin to appear along with it; putrid chains coil down from them, the blotchy essence of the enemy mirages channeled along with the metal as they descend onto the crowd. Which begins to slowly die down, elated cheering soon turning into mild screams of panic before the only sound from the sea of a crowd is a chorus of tired groans.
“Those bastards!” Touma is the first to rise up from his seat, already shifted into his Carnage form with Cain as naturally as breathing comes to him. Yashiro and Eleonora follow right behind Touma, Navarre and Virion summoned as well from the sudden onset of an Idolasphere.
“Wait! We should think at least! Oh…” Tsubasa trailing behind them, she’s the only one to notice the enemies’ crimson red cloaks, the group’s enemies the rare savage mirages —as Maiko had dubbed them the first time they were forced to narrowly escape them. But she continues on after them, transforming into her Carnage form with Caeda and riding atop her pegasus. “It’s my job to make sure nobody gets hurt,”
“Kiria. You know the plan!” Itsuki still by her side, he slashes at the abundance of ironclad knights swarming the concert. Watching over her the best that he can, Itsuki charges at them all. He stands between the spacious back of the concert stage and Kiria’s back, sword drawn as he swings at everything trying to get to the two of them.
The concert part of a coverup to draw the mirages, the scattered remnants of Medeus’ army easily fall for the bait.
Unlike the others, all of them fighting the small army of mirages, Kiria remains on stage. Transformed as well, she still continues her performance, herself the one to draw the short stick by being the one performing during the attack. But Kiria pours all her magic into her words nonetheless. She uses the months of planning to her favor, enchanting the soothing melody to lull the nearly numb crowd and beyond them as well, the honeyed lyrics swirling through Shibuya as Kiria does her best from the group’s practice and research into techniques to aid those less gifted with Performa and thus more susceptible to mirages. 
The sounds of combat swish and swirl around her. But Kiria thinks nothing of it as Tharja continues to hold a protective barrier over her. The shield fizzes against the few axes and swords that strike at it with all their might, but it never once wavers, the shield withstanding all attempts to break it as Kiria remains encased in it. But the mirages soon turn their attention back away from her, their next best interest lying in the more enticing, hittable target currently fighting their leader.
And winning at that, Falchion’s piercing blade already having torn through the flesh of the enemy commander. Though Itsuki’s fatigued state —and the way he clutches his sword arm— shows that the strike was far from a free hit, the stalwart scales a difficult thing to pierce even with the divine blade. And the savage mirages loom over him, blackscale riders screeching with delight as they swirl over his head. And the ironclad knight and red barbarians for once simply wait for Itsuki to make the first move, the numerous mirages ready to strike.
A dragon beside him, the being towers over Itsuki as it roars. “This world, and everything on it, is ours...The ones who intruded were you humans!” The dragon known as Xemcel shouts, a wound already leaking with purple mist where Itsuki punctured it with Falchion. The dragon roars once more, black mist expunged from its mouth as it attacks Kiria with ferocious anger, all of its attention diverted into breaking her shield with its minions keeping Itsuki busy. The shield slowly deteriorates against the barrage. The once clear tinted shield begins to crack under the deluge of power, a faint purple hue taking hold of the barrier.
“You two get out of the way!” Yashiro plunges his sword into a red barbarian, the axe wielding enemy charging at Touma and Tsubasa’s lance using selves. The group of four take on stragglers as they attempt to regroup with Itsuki and Kiria. But the myriad of axe wielding ironclad knights and red barbarians makes the task difficult. And the airborne blackscale riders make it impossible for Tsubasa to fly ahead all on her own. 
“I guess you all will finally realize how wonderful I am,” Eleonora claps her hands, her mirage appearing right before her side. “Virion, make yourself useful,” Stepping to the forefront, the group’s lone archer stands in front of her useful melee party members. She hands her bow out, the curved wooden design light in her hands.
“Of course, my fair lady,” Virion accepts the bow and launches himself into the air, bow taut and drawn. And in an instant, the dozens of enemies swiftly become only a mere handful; spectral corpses fall to the ground, littered with a flurry of arrows before disintegrating into nothingness.
Eleonora marches on. She has the other three deal with her leftovers. “See how easy it is? Now, pick up the pace,”
Most of his mirages are now nothing more than a memory with Eleonora’s backup. So Itsuki turns his attention to the enemy commander, the dragon refusing to budge from its spot despite the pools of miasma spilling forth from its body. The only being different from the rest of the common mirages, the slightly serpentine mage dragon is barely holding on, dozens of arrow wounds piercing through the scales on its back. It roars, expunging one final breath as it stares down at the ever singing Kiria, the last bit of her song for her numbed audience coming to close.
Then at least help me destroy it all---
My solitude, and all my pain
Reincarnation, Realization
Reincarnation I want to be reborn 
And the barrier breaks, one crack surfacing for an instant before it shatters into countless immaterial pieces; Xemcel and the scattered remains of his mirages soon disappear along with it.
“Kiria!” Itsuki rushes over to her, kneeling beside her limp form.
“I’m,” She coughs, hacking out saliva and spit as if she were choking. “I’m fine,” Already out of her Carnage form, Kiria’s form has none of the debilitating weakness or injuries any of them would expect. She slowly picks herself off the floor, on all shaky fours.
In fact, as Itsuki examines her, he finds her figure a bit more… filled out. Even her voice sounds odd, her usual mildly deeper pitch —compared to Tsubasa and Eleonora at least— now an octave lower.
“Kiria?” Itsuki asks this time, looking down at the back of her head.
“Yeah? I said I’m fine, Itsuki,” Kiria looks at him this time. And while her usual angular face glares at him, her chin seems larger, broader, like her shoulders and the rest of her. Well, most of the rest. Itsuki turns away after catching himself staring at her breasts, well chest, her modest bust size now flattening out as her clavicles gain a bit more definition to them. 
Kiria slowly loses her mildly hourglass figure achieved with her light pink corset. Both from her broadening torso and her loosening corset. The bit of musculature she has on her abdomen from trekking through numerous Idolaspheres and battling more mirages than she can keep count on follows with her during her transformation. Kiria slowly pulls down the zipper of her corset, letting out a groan upon getting a bit of relief. Her smaller chest appreciates the relief, Kiria’s flatter chest still having some definition to them as they begin to morph into the very beginning onset of pecs. The straps over Kiria’s chest begin to mildly strain. So she loosens the harness, hands reaching behind her broader, more defined back. Her arms start to look more toned; Kiria has a mild hint of musculature on her thicker arms. She even loosens the most minor of belts on her body, the small straps attached to her elbow length gloves adjusted to the loosest hole. She even grows a few inches taller, her garter belts straining against the taut fabric of her black pants before she adjusts them like everything else. Her thighs slowly broaden out as they begin to lose their once shapely figure.
“What are you embarrassed about, Itsuki? Never expected your senpai to get hit?”
“N-no. It’s just that…how do I put it” Itsuki finds it hard to keep his eyes off of Kiria. Itsuki continues to stare at Kiria, trying his best to not stare but unable to avert his eyes. He only manages to find a captivating interest in the ground once a slight but noticeable bulge appears in Kiria’s pants, the cut of pants not meant for such an extra appendage. “Well, you’re a man,”
Kiria simply laughs at him. He slugs him in the arm, much more force behind them with the added bit of muscle to Kiria’s own defined arms. “Same as the last time I checked. And I’d say the same about you if you weren’t acting so childish all of a sudden. We beat those mirages and this is how you are?” Kiria slowly stands back up, a hand on Itsuki’s shoulder for support. “Stand up,”
Itsuki graciously accepts Kiria’s hand. Where once he stood a single inch taller than Kiria, Itsuki is now the shorter of the two, a couple of inches of height separating the two of them. “You’re… you’re right, Kiria,”
“See. You’re just imagining things,” Kiria pats Itsuki’s head, his blue hair ruffled under his ever so soft, slightly larger hands. “Though you might want to get out of your Carnage form, Itsuki. The crowd is still a bit drowsy but the Idolashpere should slowly start dematerializing soon,” 
“Yes. Of course,” The clumped up Performa stored inside him slowly dissipates, the aura spreading back throughout his body as he transforms back, his usual attire back on him. Afterwards, he pulls out his phone. And typing from the expertise of dealing with everyone’s spam of texts and reaction images —and from sending his very own back at them— Itsuki hastily adds the rest of the group to a new chat. “MEET ME IN FRONT OF UZUME ASAP SOMETHING HAPPENED TO KIRIA HE’S PERFECTLY FINE BUT IT’S SERIOUS!” He texts without once looking away from Kiria. “*SHES” He texts immediately after.
“Wait, something feels wrong,” Kiria feels himself. His hands roam over his body, a minor frown formed as he tsks in irritation. Kiria looks down at himself. Inspecting every inch of himself, the fabric of his clothes shift and strain with them already being a bit tight at rest. He feels up his thicker arms, grabbing the newfound heft of them. He presses a hand on his chest, fingers squeezing his trim yet defined pecs that have a bit more definition to them than Itsuki and Yashiro’s but less than Touma’s own defined musculature that comes from a mildly dedicated training routine along with the natural strength that comes from lugging around stage props. Kiria even feels his ass, the less flabby part of himself the only thing to have lost a bit of size relative to the rest of himself as they don’t strain the rest of his outfit like every other inch of himself. 
“Yes! You finally realized Kiria, you-”
“Ahhhhh…” Locks of his cool dark green-blue hair sway in the freedom of the wind. Kiria runs his fingers through his extremely long, nearly knee length hair. His mess of hair looks more unkempt as before, bits and ends of hair splayed to the side in a slightly messy but still well manicured style. “I hate wearing my hair up. Don’t know how I managed to be convinced of that,”
“Ah. Well, I’ll be right back. Just stay here in case the crowd wakes up early. So just be ready to perform,” Itsuki holds his hands up at Kiria before rushing off and leaving him alone.
He finds Touma, Tsubasa, and Eleonora right where he asked them to be.
Touma is the first to speak. “You didn’t have to fix the typo, man. What happened to Kiria?” Eleonora and Tsubasa stay quiet, waiting for Itsuki to speak.
“It wasn’t a typo,” Itsuki explains the entire situation to the three of them, starting off by mentioning the strange mirage attack before divulging into Kiria’s transformation into a guy —leaving out the more saucy details left grabbed in his mind, Itsuki’s brain replaying the scene with a morbid curiosity he doesn’t quite wish to explore in such a crowded area— and finally ending the short retelling with Kiria’s obliviousness to his current state.
“Wait! So Kiria…” Tsubasa holds her hands to her chest. Tears well up in her eyes, the fat, salty drops threatening to spill at any second. “She’s a guy nowwwww,” She wails, her chance with her now feeling lost.
“Kiria may be fine. But now’s not the time, Tsubasa,” Eleonora chastises. Though she herself seems a bit downcast, the two women having their own crush on Kiria,
“Yes. She seems perfectly fine but while we still have the ability with the Idolashpere temporarily active, I know we can reverse this with your help,” Itsuki smiles ahead at the group.
Eleonora pushes back, jabbing Itsuki in the chest with her manicured finger, not a single scratch on it somehow. “Me? What, you think I know all these healing spells just because I’m a girl? How s-”
“E-Eleonora, Itsuki was looking at me…” Tsubasa meekly says, standing right beside where Eleonora once did. 
A hand on Tsubasa’s back, Touma stands right beside her. “C’mon Tsubasa. You got this! You always patch us back to full health. Just think of this as another little status for you to cure. No reason for you to worry!” He pushes her forward with a couple of hearty pats on her back. 
“We believe in you Tsubasa. We know you can do it,” Itsuki similarly cheers her on.
“U-understood!” Tsubasa rushes over to the concert stage to reclaim her possible chance —no matter how slim and unlikely she is to act on her own feelings— with Kiria. 
Kiria is still right where Itsuki left him after all this time. 
And Yashiro is beside the man already. Yashiro glares at Kiria, still standing a couple of inches above him instead of the nearly half a foot difference from before the transformation of his newfound male senpai. “Hmmph. You’ve gotten taller, I see,” Yashiro plainly comments, as if commenting on the weather. The faint tinge of red on his exposed face betrays his glare. Yashiro is back to his normal appearance, Yashiro all too aware of the slowly fading essence of the Idolasphere.
“Forgive me, Kiria. But I need to cast some healing magic. Just to make sure everyone is okay,” Back in her Carnage form, Tsubasa stands almost an entire head shorter than Kiria now. She leans a bit down, hands over Kiria’s body. “Well, if she doesn’t remember anything and she’ll be back to normal, then maybe…” Tsubasa places her hands on Kiria’s chest, her fingernails giving the pecs a light squeeze. And Tsubasa feels nothing stir in her own heart. She puts all concentration into turning Kiria back into a woman.
Eleonora speaks up for Kiria, the entire groups’ senpai awkwardly chuckling. “You can’t just harass Kiria, Tsubasa! When we get back, I’m learning healing spells if you’re not going to honor our truce,” She threatens.
“Ladies, don’t fight over me,” Kiria laughs, smiling as Tsubasa and Eleonora fawn over him. “I thought I told you, I’m only into men,”
The two women go wide-eyed; both of their brains ding with enlightenment, Kiria never once showing an ounce of interest in men before his transformation. 
“Tsubasa hurry up with those spells!”
“I’m trying!” Tsuabsa cries. “Nothing’s working, not even amrita,” And Tsubasa’s outfit slowly dissipates, her wedding dress for her performance appearing back on her.
Yashiro interrupts the two of them, clearing his throat. “Why don’t you two wait at Uzume while Kiria finishes the rest of his set. The crowd should be waking up soon,” Yashiro gestures with his hand, done with them and shooing them off like a pair of inconsolable children throwing a tantrum.
“Sorry,” Kiria nervously chuckles. He waves them off as Touma and Itsuki join the two men. “I’ll make sure to put on a good show at the very least,”
Touma and Itsuki say nothing at the failed fix. “Itsuki and I are going to keep watch just in case some more mirages attack,” Touma gives Kiria a cheeky grin as he takes Itsuki with him in a headlock.
“Y-yes. Good luck, Kiria,” Itsuki nervously waves. His face is red, his complexion a positively bright shade of pink as he goes to sit in the small but fenced seating area right next to the stage.
“Good luck. Not that you need it,” Yashiro shrugs as he joins the other men.
“Private viewers, huh? I guess I really do need to do my best then. But, alright,” Emboldened from his transformation, Kiria wastes no time in flirting, Kiria no longer the brightest rose in the garden, the prickly adornment too beautiful to be plucked like all the rest.
“Alright Shibuya! Let me hear you make some noise!” He wastes no time in getting the crowd ready, Kiria jumping on stage in beat to get the crowd pumping. To the magic’s credit, not a single soul in the crowd utters a word about Kiria’s new self. The adoring crowd shows their enthusiasm over Kiria with their posters and merch. Even those are modified by the magic, pictures and drawings of Kiria miraculously changed to reflect his current form. They all continue to adore him all the same as he starts singing, Kiria moving onto the next song in his set, The Labyrinth, as if the mirage attack never happened.
The instant Kiria begins to sing, his body fills with the usual infliction of magic, a bit of purple haze imperceptible to himself and to the entire crowd. Kiria sings as if nothing is happening; he continues to slowly walk across the stage, looking out to the uproarious crowd as the magic begins to swell within him anew. 
The three men watching from the side keep their newfound shock between the three of them as the mirage’s spell continues to work its magic, Kiria still transforming once more. They all watch with bated breath as Kiria begins to expand, his new masculine figure beginning to look like a stick as he grows.
The growth is as slow as the beginning of Kiria’s transformation, but the extra bit of poundage he starts to gain becomes readily apparent on his lithe, mildly built frame. His corset is the first to struggle against the budding bit of fat on him, like bread rising in the oven. Kiria’s corset already having a difficult time adjusting to his slightly broader, more squarish figure as a man, the extra blubber from his swelling midsection does it no favors. The zipper slowly falls down bit by bit with every few pounds or so, his flat stomach turning into the very onset of a beginner's belly. Until the zipper gets caught from his tummy, the very little give of the corset visibly bulging from the visible swell of his stomach, the bottoms flabs of it forced at an awkward angle with his newfound love handles, the plump little rolls of fat more fitting on a perhaps a little too indulgent individual rather than Kiria’s once slim self. His budding breasts which he once lost begin to appear once more through the added helping of lard being slathered onto his figure. Kiria’s chest doesn’t hold their former voluptuousness. They instead have much more sag to them, the two puffy moobs much smaller than his waist. Kira’s ass and thighs swell up much the same, thighs becoming slowly engorged as they widen, his pants beginning to similarly strain like the rest of his clothes. His pants curve outward as his rear does, Kiria regaining his shapely ass with a bit of extra heft to it, his ass less defined with his extra pudge.
And yet no one says a single word as Kiria grows bigger, his clothes struggling to hold onto their dear life. Kiria even slowly begins to grow taller, a couple extra inches of height added to him as he surpasses six feet tall, Kiria now the tallest of the three as his pants begin to rise up his ankles. 
It takes Itsuki clearing his throat to regain his own attention, Kiria’s corset busting clean off after a rather sudden burst of flab on his gut. “Shouldn’t we do something? I mean Kiria probably…” Itsuki purses his lips.
“Just look at the brute. Do you really think he’s not enjoying himself?” The flushed Yashiro has his legs crossed, one svelte thigh resting over his groin. His fingers are clenched around the silky fabric of his black trousers.
Kira flaunts his extra bit of bulk, one hand testing the heft of his belly as he lifts it and then gives it a bit of a taunting smack; he throws the crowd a cheeky smile all the while. The underbit of his gut is exposed. A tiny portion of the smooth, creamy, and flabby skin peeking out with the taut undergarment for the corset struggling to cater to Kiria’s larger, growing size. Though Kiria’s added girth doesn’t stay so soft as patches of fuzzy hair begin to appear on him. Especially underneath his navel, a small but decent patch of pitch black hair for a happy trail suddenly on him as well. His voice grows gruffer as he keeps on singing, the pitch going deeper and deeper. 
“It’s just the spell!” Touma half-shouts half-whispers. He leans forward in his seat unlike the other two, but his face is just as red as the others, Touma covering most of his face with his hand. Besides his entranced eyes. “R-right? C’mon Itsuki. you were there when it happened, so tell us already!”
Kiria easily tears through his pants. They last very little longer against the surging tide of mass. Kiria’ thighs now easily surpass their former size, the two meaty legs looking more akin to those of a practicing sumo than a rising popstar. All Kiria has left to show for his pants are tatters of black fabric that litter the stage as well as his legs. 
“I don’t know. I mean, we can’t be affected since we remember what happened before this, right? I’m sure at least someone in the crowd would have to have screamed by now if they knew this was happening now,” He turns his head back to the screaming, adoring crowd and sees the same exact merchandise as before, all of it the same besides the morphing depictions of Kiria.
Yashiro hums in agreement, sagely nodding his head as if he has anything to add to Itsuki’s statement. “Kitria’s gaining some muscle too,” No bit of Kiria’s body goes unexplored, no single portion unlovingly admired. Both from Yashiro and the ever-excited crowd. 
Both Itsuki and Touma look to where Yashiro points, Kiria’s thighs.
His thighs already large, the two meaty limbs soon become absolutely positive in crushing another man in between. Both from the sheer heft of them but also from the bit of muscle that begins to appear and form on them, the loose, saggy fat slowly but surely firming up as well as they still keep on slowly growing. Not only that, but Kiria’s flabby, oh so smackable gut —which looks a bit too empty to all three party members— also gains some definition to it. Out with the old and in with the new, the fat accumulating on Kiria’s body soon becomes mingled with muscle. His gut continues to swell outward, his large belly bulging outward as if he drank nothing but beer. 
“Whatever,” Touma’s ass never leaves his seat. He reclines back into the plush chair, arms crossed over his chest. “It’s better that he gain some muscle. That way, he’s not a useless blob,” He taps his foot to whatever beat that manages to irrelevantly stay in his brain with the growing man in front of him demanding all of his attention. 
And Kiria’s figure demands all of Yashiro’s attention as well. Back as hunched as ever, he looks about ready to give himself a permanent hunch. “Tch. As if,” Though Touma’s words hang heavy in his fried mind.
“That wouldn’t have been too bad, would it?” The ringing laughter comes out like none before it. Itsuki painfully hot in the face, he tugs at his collar with a single finger.
Though the men have little reason to complain about Kiria’s unexpected turn of events. Not with his arms looking as capable as snapping them in half as they once did slinging spells at mirages, the former looking even more simple of a task. The heaping layer of fat on Kiria’s arms refuses to betray the unbridled strength beneath them. His arms soon surpass the largest biceps any of the three have seen, Kiria’s thick, virile arms wider than his former thighs; they easily surpass the waists of the three men watching. Or even the entire crowd as Kiria’s longtime fans begin to evolve with the times —and evolve with his girth— a choice few people in the crowd matching Kiria’s extra heft with a bit of flab and some muscle here and there. Though none of them even come close to Kiria’s large, beefy size. Much less his growing stature as Kiria soon surpasses being an incredulous seven feet tall as Kiria continues to grow like a beanstalk. The stage slowly begins to creak as Kiria takes ponderous steps on it, every part of the stage giving its own feedback on his size.
“Do you have any idea when it’s going to end at the very least?” Yashiro finally asks a relevant question, done simply gawking and admiring for a short while before turning his attention back to Kiria. He presses a hand to his lips. The others’ responses go in one ear and swiftly out the other, his attention firmly placed on Kiria’s growing firmness.
“Yeah, Itsuki. Though you clearly don’t seem to mind when it ends,” Touma bumps him in the arm, one arm slugged around his shoulders.
“BWOOORRRP,”  Kiria belches directly into the mic, the ear shattering belch loud enough to rival the wyverns they’ve dealt with and loud enough to finally remove the attention off the increasingly creaking stage. Having paused the song with his belch, he catches the crowd’s attention, a booming and resounding applause followed, it definitely catches Itsuki and Touma’s attention, the entire crowd of Shibuya captivated by Kiria’s size like a blue ribbon winning prized hog. Staring at Kiria’s face, the massive wall of a man —that’s now a towering dangerously eight foot, nearly nine foot adonis— has some facial hair to show for it, a small bit of messy scruff for a beard as if he hadn’t shaved for a week or two. His hair looks more fitting on a rockstar than his old self, the loose, flowing locks an untamed mess of hair that manages to still cascade all the way down to his ass even as he grows taller, the concert stage looking more and more cramped as Kiria fills out the massive platform.And underneath his face are his pecs, the two massively sized brawny tits jutting forward and obstructing his vision. They also obstruct everyone else's vision as they command awe and attention. Kiria’s broad chest resembles more a bulging table than anything on a properly sized person; his squeezable, grabbable chest is slathered with a thick patch of hair centered in between the two fat tits unlike the bit of dusting on the rest of his immense figure. The large patch of black hair covers most of his large pecs, the outer tufts of hair coming close to his nipples. Kiria’s tits begin to press up against his tree trunk sized arms, both parts of his grandeur that look ready to break any piece of furniture starting to struggle with mobility with so much of himself to go around. So much of Kiria to get an eyeful of, Itsuki and Touma don’t even think to look down on Kiria’s body. Yashiro gets enough of a look of Kiria’s bulging manhood for all three of them. It takes Kiria finally breaking the twelve foot tall threshold, Kiria now twice as tall as them, for Touma and Itsuki to finally notice; the two of them immediately do their best to not gawk, nervous glances to the side and staring at the floor only working for so long before they can refuse no longer.
Touma loses his embarrassment first. His high pitched and long length whistle is lost amongst Kiria’s groan muddled singing. “Damn. I guess it was a good thing you didn’t stop the spell, huh Itsuki?”
“I…” Itsuki hurriedly covers his crotch with his jacket. “I mean… yeah but still…” Itsuki’s eyes refuse to leave Kiria’s growing dick.
For all the magic’s little worth in keeping Kiria’s clothes adequately equipped for such a massive brick wall of a man, it does manage to keep the small strip of fabric as something akin to clothing, his underwear the sole surviving piece on him. He keeps up with performance even as he reaches the tailend of his set and by extension the concert. Through the effects of the spell, Kiria now wears a dark black jockstrap as deemed adequate with so much fabric needed to create that and that alone for Kiria. The strips of fabric deserve a promotion from the bulk they hold back, Kiria’s swelling manhood pushed forward by the taut, ever so revealing fabric. Kiria’s growing gut begins to press into his dick, the carpet for a happy trail resting and blending into the jockstrap. His thighs similarly struggle against his large dick, the size of it when coupled with Kiria’s still growing stature easily beginning to surpass every single crowd member’s entire body. Though that doesn’t stop Kiria from singing. He grabs and adjusts his junk, Kiria needing to pull up the dangerously low jockstrap that struggles to withstand the weight of his package.
Easily pushing four times as tall as the next tallest person in Shibuya, the stage finally gives away underneath the massive mountain of a man. Kiria neither screams nor panics. He only rests a hand on his massive car crushing musclegut as he lets out a pleased huff. “Thanks for coming -buuhhoourrp- to Shhibuya everyone!”
“Encore! Encore! Encore!” The entire crowd screams, everyone jumping as they demand more. Those in front try their best to reach and pick up as many scattered pieces of the stage as they can.
Kiria rubs the back of his head —albeit struggling to reach back there with his biceps squishing against his face as well as the lack of flexibility he has all around. His hairy armpit is visible to the entire crowd, a mess of camera flashes taken from every angle for everyone to post online and gawk over like they do with every concert. “Sorry everyone but our staff really needs time to clean up this mess,” He pats his belly, letting out another resounding belch. “And I really gotta fill up this tank,”
And eventually, the crowd slowly begins to dissipate, the countless staff members they have for such an event safely getting everyone out in an orderly line.
Kiria’s three watching party members go back on the ruined stage, rubble kicked around as they approach him.
Having now stopped growing, Kiria crouches down to face the three men standing in the tatters of his destruction. His outfit is completely gone with all of it in tatters. All that remains of it is a skimpy jockstrap that only pushes his enormous third leg forward. “What’s the matter, Yashiro? You’ve always been jealous of my size, but I mean, so is everyone else,” Kiria comments as Yashiro glares at him. The glare is no less softened as Kiria practically shoves his dick right in front of his face, Yashiro craning his neck the best he can to look up at Kiriia’s face and not the hill for a dick or the overhanging cliff for tits.
“Nothing,” He continues to glare up at Kiria despite his crimson red face.
“You said you were hungry, right? So c’mon already. I thought you wanted to fill up that tank of yours,” Touma wastes no time with pleasantries. Standing right next to Kiria, Touma is nothing more than a molehill to a mountain. He doesn’t even come up to the lowest bits of Kiria’s gut—even with Kiria crouching down the best that can— and with Kiria’s dick right in front of him, the massive manhood is longer than Touma is tall. And more than three times as wide as Touma rests a hand on it.
“Damn right I am. Come on, Itsuki. There should be some food waiting for me at Uzume,” Kiria stands at his full height. If not aware of Kiria’s predicament, the three would believe the world to be ending, all three men eclipsed in his enormous shadow as Kiria blots out the sun from where he stands, and the buildup of tremors as Kiria moves around very nearly knock them flat on their asses. His face is obscured from the three of them, his height making it a difficult task to bask in all of his glory; his jutting chest makes it flat out impossible, Kiria also unable to look down at them with his pecs in the way. Though his wobbling musclegut would do the same. He takes slow lumbering steps through the designated walkway just for him.
“Wait! You can’t possibly…” Rushing back around, Itsuki’s words are already useless with Kiria unable to hear such a tiny man. And his protests die down once he sees Uzume’s transformed state, the skyscraper-like building taking up the entire block now. All for Kiria most likely, the enormous man requiring the space.
Touma already follows behind Kiria. He has to run just to somewhat keep up with him, still lagging behind as he struggles to keep his balance from the tremors of Kiria’s labored walking.
“Just hurry it up, Itsuki. Clearly everything Kiria needs to be refit for his new identity will mold to it. So we might as well get used to it,” Yashiro beckons him forward, following behind the two men. He barely hides his near speed walk pace while he attempts to hastily catch up to them.
The two of them enter the much, much, much smaller entrance of the two, the regular door akin to a mousehole next to the broad, expansive entrance built just for Kiria. Which he even struggles to fit into, all three getting a view of his exposed ass wedged against the edges of the doorway as he tries to fit himself past the door despite the attempts from his gut and dick pressed up against the other end of the doorway try to stop him before he goes in at an angle. Which is difficult for him with his limited flexibility. But he lets out a contented groan once he’s inside. Kiria is at least cognizant of his size. He puts little pressure on the wall, a swarm of memories swirling in his brain of him breaking enough things. But Itsuki and Yashiro find themselves back inside Uzume just fine; only Touma and Kiria are waiting for them along with enough food to seemingly feed an entire army. Or enough just for one greedy, massive Kiria.
Only one room in the newly sized Uzume is able to withstand Kiria’s new bigger body. All the other rooms are far too small for him to even squeeze a fist inside. He waits inside the former waiting room now turned into a dual feature vocal training room and waiting room. The room is blisteringly cold as well. Kiria’s body heat radiates all around him, the confined area a sweltering sauna if not for the frigid temperature the air conditioning system set in place just for Kiria. And to Kiria, the room feels perfectly fine to him despite the cramped conditions. Kiria barely manages to squeeze inside the snug building despite being made with his own enormity in mind. The upper wisps of his hair brush against the ceiling, even with Kiria slightly bent over to make some extra room. He has more than plenty of room in the other dimensions until he sits down, the walls shaking and trembling regardless of how gentle he tries to be with his movement. He uses one end of the wall as his personal backrest. His broad, powerful back takes up most of the width of it. Kiria’s jutting shoulder blades make the most contact with it, his slightly doughy yet broad shoulders also pressed up against it. The outermost curves of his biceps —the widest circumference of them akin to an entire car— chafe against the walls of the room. They also press up against his bulging pecs, the two oversized tits plumped up with copious amounts of lard and muscle just like the rest of his body. The two jutting breasts obscure most of Kiria’s face with him leaning back. And his traps make it difficult for him to shift his head to look around him. Kiria also takes up most of the entire length of the room despite not even fully laying down, his feet pressing up against the other end of the room; the robust, sturdy walls already have a few cracks in them from other days. His bulging thighs rest comfortably against the floor. At least his right thigh which Kiria has almost fully extended, the straightened out leg pressed up against his crotch. He has his left knee bent up to help him a bit with his balance; his knee comes far above the three smaller men’s heads. His left thigh presses up against his gut, the large ball of fat pushed a bit back against the thigh big enough to seat all three men on it. His gut also looks more than capable of seating all three of them and many more, the jutting curve of it deep enough from the sheer size and heft of it despite how his powerful chest rests and presses atop it. Kiria’s gut still has some sag to it despite his gained musculature; it rests on his bulging dick still struggling to stay inside his jockstrap, the hill of his dick taking most of the weight of his gut. Kiria’s bulge rests on the ground, the jockstrap finally having some relief, the fabric visibly worn out from how stretched the tent-like clothing is.
“Time for the best part, fan food always tastes great,” Kiria makes no motion to move himself, rather comfortable in his spot. And neither do the three men, all suddenly embarrassed as they remain glued to their spots. “Well? What are you all waiting for? You guys always love feeding me,” Kiria burps. He rests a hand on his firm gut, rubbing the grumbling gut that’s shattered a few windows in his brand new memories before Fortuna Entertainment became properly equipped with handling his immense size.
“Hmmph. If you insist on being a glutton then,” Yashiro moves first. Very little room for him to freely stand in, he shuffles around the bulky, sinewy thighs to reach the overburdened table filled with food. Yashiro is practically stuck between Kiria’s thighs and the wall, the cramped fit especially warm with him practically pushed up against Kiria. But he finds himself reaching for as much as he can possibly hold with just two hands.
He also finds Touma right behind him,  over eager in loading the provided serving trays with as much meat he can grab. Almost all of the food he grabs is some meat dish or another. “Hurry it up. I thought you were eager to feed him,” Touma hands Yashiro another serving tray, laughing as the older man seems ready to swat him with it.
“I’ll-” The ground trembles underneath them, another earthquake suddenly striking as Kiria’s gut grumbles. Yashiro comes crashing onto Kiria’s immense thigh, his head not even surpassing the upper crest of the meaty, powerful limb. Not a single piece of food ends up wasted on the ground thankfully. 
The two men have their trays ready. The four trays alone would be an overwhelming amount of food for the two of them and Itsuki, but for Kiria alone, the food looks underwhelmingly insufficient.
The ground shakes once more with a small but deep gurgle. “That should be enough for an appetizer for now,” Kiria holds out his hand for the two men, the back of his hand resting on the floor with his palm open. “It’s more fun feeling you all crawl on me, but I need food. Now,” Kiria belches, the walls themselves shaking now as he rests his other hand on his gut. He also gives it a couple squeezes. That and his tits, his biceps struggling much more with the latter.
And Yashiro and Touma accept Kiria’s hand. Touma stands straight up, smirking up at Kiria the best he can with so much bulk in the way. Yashiro sits down, his legs dangling off the edge of Kiria’s palm.
“Hurry it up, Itsuki! I’m starving over here,” The walls themselves shake and tremble this time from his mere voice alone, his voice slightly raised. His rumbling gut quaking the floor doesn’t help matters, his gut almost resting on the floor if not for his massive endowment in the way.
Itsuki rests a hand on the wall, everything moving around him. Looking up at Kiria with his face just as flushed as the very first few moments of seeing him grow, he only sighs. But he obediently goes over to the table filled with a buffet of food —after adjusting his tight pants and a couple of deep, flustered breaths. And he joins the other two men on Kiria’s hands, Itsuki kneeling down on it in hopes of not falling over and spilling everything.
Three pairs of eager feet step down on Kiria’s body, Touma and Itsuki resting on his broad, massive traps that resemble a sidewalk to the two of them while Yashiro makes himself comfortable sitting atop the massive overhang of Kiria’s bulging chest. “See how easy that was. Feels good to have such handy little helpers,” Kiria expectantly opens his mouth. And he accepts every bit of food that they toss into his eager maw. 
Yashiro treats him like a garbage disposal, chucking entire meals into his mouth without thinking an ounce over it. “You better hurry it up, there’s still way too much food,” He even throws a bit of food once Kiria closes his mouth, Kiria ending up with a bit of a mess smattered over his lips. And he ends up quickly reprimanded each time he does it, Kiria using a single finger to press into him, holding him squarely in place despite his flustered protests.
“Yeah, man! If you eat it fast enough, then it’ll still be early enough for us to get you some more. You’re gonna need it, right?” Touma standing much closer to Kiria’s face, he still has to toss the equivalent of buckets of food to his gaping mouth, his experience in throwing spears and javelins leaving him well equipped for the job. Kiria only hums in agreement, urging Touma to hurry it up as Touma greedily lists all of Kiria’s favorites, the same as before.
Itsuki is far more reserved than the other two. Though still being willingly complicit in the situation has him looking rather strange to begin with. “Just make sure you take your time, Kiria. You might get a stomach ache,” He coos and worries over, slowly feeding Kiria his favorite foods, his assumption of his personal favorites not having changed a bit a correct one. Kiria only plucks him up and places him closer, clear in his hunger despite how he carefully pets Itsuki for his fretting.
Kiria simply keeps on accepting the food, none of them finding the situation of feeding a twenty plus foot tall behemoth of a man strange at all. “I can’t wait for the next concert,”
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How do you explain Neon and Flynt being the way they are all the while coming from Atlas Academy?
I think I touched upon it a bit in the Weiss short I wrote years ago, but to put it bluntly, my take on Atlas Academy is a lot more Starship Troopers in structure.
There's still a class divide in Atlas - in more than one way.
While my version of Atlas isn't a flying city, it still towers upon Mantle - a city fortress etched into Mt. Atlas - the tallest mountain on Remnant.
Mantle, by now, houses the working class running its factories, immigrants, and the less wealthy people who weren't involved in the foundation of Atlas as a city. Mantle simmers in pollution and neglect as the people in Atlas view it as a reminder of the Kingdom's less-than-savory past during the Great War.
Within Atlas itself, life is more luxurious and pretty similar to, let's say, in Vale where one's wealth and power determine one's status. Arts, music, dancing - the cultural expression is treated as primary right of a citizen (let alone the rich and powerful). Kingdom of Atlas prides itself in how advanced, culturally and technologically, the place is - as seen by Weiss being a singer (and in my version her grandfather's hobby was painting).
One way to get access to live in Atlas is military service - especially becoming a Huntsman - the lucky ones who get into the Atlas Academy, no matter whether they are from Mantle or Atlas, get to move to the academy's dormitories within Atlas and, as they finish training, get to live within Atlas as soldiers and huntsmen, gaining full rights of a citizen. Some use this as a chance to change their names to escape their pasts.
While not every soldier in Atlas is a Huntsman, every Huntsman is considered a soldier, which results in a kind of contradictory situation there - the Huntsmen are expected to be more uniform when they serve as soldiers but are also allowed the freedom to do whatever they want as Huntsmen, as long as it's within the laws of the Kingdom.
Neon and Flynt worked their way up this way, having had quite a hard time achieving it for different reasons.
They belong to the kind of student group that sees the hypocrisy within the Kingdom and would like to change the status quo, being uncomfortable with class divide and the militarism, but don't want to lose the privilege being a Huntsman provides. They see only one way to challenge the more rigid structure and the power people like SDC hold over the Kingdom - being as expressive and individualistic as the rules allow them, essentially challenging the more rigid military structure without breaking the rules.
Especially since the current head of SDC is notably known for his dislike of arts and music - Jacques views art as pointless and only sees use in Weiss popularity as a singer because it works as a tool to expand Schnee influence. Weiss going all-in on being a singer was also the only way to oppose her father's influence over her - in a way unintentionally representing on the micro level what art means to the current generation of citizens on the macro level.
Now, mind you, while the division is there and Kingdom of Atlas veers deeply into pretty problematic militarism, it isn't an autocracy - for the majority of the population, including the soldiers and the government, the rules are still rules - the governing structures shackled by the rules they have defined.
The Kingdom of Atlas follows the law to a fault, no matter what. The kinds of policies the Kingdom of Mantle enacted before and during the Great War are considered an antithesis to the modern world. The governing body is obsessed with never allowing history to repeat itself, so nobody has the unchecked power to break the rules.
It's reflected in the way Ironwood holds himself during the first three Volumes, for example (the way he handles Ozpin or the way he understands that Yang might have been framed but still follows through with upholding the rules).
So Neon or Flynt embracing a more artistic and free identity works as a challenge for what is "expected" of the Kingdom and its soldiers. It's actually a pretty popular idea within the Academy itself.
Not to mention someone like Flynt defeating a Schnee in the tournament would send a message and likely reverberate through society in Atlas. He doesn't really hold any ill will towards Weiss though, due shared interests in art.
I think it's interesting to use aspects like this in order to add an element of gray morality to the setting, portraying the Kingdom as something fluid rather than stagnant - because of the people like that, Atlas is not guaranteed to stay the way it is forever. The question, of course, is whether such approach is feasible and if those in power would just let it all slip from their grasp.
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aclosetfan · 10 months
Heyyyyy, how are you doing? I hope you are doing well and life gets better and better with each day for you. just saw your post with your H/Cs about the girls. I was wondering if you have some of the boys too?? Maybe something you haven't mentioned before, and/or would be unexpected to some fans.
Btw, you are probably my favourite writer in the fandom. I usually don't re-read fics but Until Do Us Apart has my heart, ksjdhhdgghj. You can't imagine how much I cried when I first read it 😭 When I find it, I will definitely read it again (when I have free time).
Bro ngl, forgot i wrote that (AGAIN), re-read it, and after i got past all the typos i missed and fell into the story, i was like WHAT!? I couldn't have written that! Like who?? Me?? That was too sad. too heartbreaking. I hate it. I want five more stories just like it. thnxs!!
here's the link so everyone can be sad too :) just ignore all the fucking typos
lmao anywayyy! Three h/cs for our fave boys. I've forgotten what i have and have not mentioned, so if these are just repeats, sorry in advance. Like with the girls, my headcanons don't vary often! Once I've characterized them, they're pretty much characterized lolol
On paper, he's not a good leader. He's condescending, bossy, lazy, and the biggest asshole, but where Blossom needs a plan for everything, Brick is quick on his feet and doesn't mind Boomer and Butch straying from the plan. He doesn't direct every action, and because he's better at taking shit in stride, his brothers are also better at acting independently. By contrast, Bubbles and Buttercup are well-trained and don't act until directed, which drives Brick up a wall. He's definitely an "I told you what needs to be done, so figure it out already" macro-manager.
Boy band/girly pop junkie, but he'll go to the grave before anyone finds out, except everyone knows. He's bad at hiding it. He claims all the k-pop shirts he owns were bought as a joke, but his spotify is linked to Butch and Boomer's, and they know how big of a swiftie he is. (or like in-universe equivalent lol)
He's depression barbie all the way, which isn't a new h/c I just want to reiterate that mentally he's not doing well and is a gremlin about it. His brothers routinely remind him that he does, in fact, have to drink water.
If not for him, his brothers would have killed each other by now. He's not any more responsible than the other two, but he is a grounding figure. He has, overall, earth-sign-middle-sibling energy. He's the one who remembers to take out the trash, not because he wants to take out the trash, but because the trash just needs to be taken out, and he's standing there anyway. This headcanon is actually hard for me to convey with words. Basically, he's the one keeping the trio together. Good second-in-command guy.
Sure, Brick broods and Boomer whines, but Butch is the brother staying up at night yearning for something a little bit more than the life they've got. I think he'd be the brother most easily persuaded to "go good," not Boomer like I've seen. He likes his reputation as the big tough monster of the trio, but a small part of him knows it's all just a front and that he'd like to be respected as a person. With that in mind, it's easy to see how he could be angry angry angry. He's stuck, he wants more, he's doing what he's made to do, he loves his brothers, he wants to leave them, he feels directionless, lost - - - might as well workout to distract himself, maybe start a fight.
planes, trains, and automobiles bbbyyyyyyyyy. Autism be damned, my boy can work an engine (both real and of the model variety)
i feel like i've already said everything I've got on this kid haha, but I don't think I've mentioned that, like Bubbles, he's good with small creatures, but where she focuses on the cute ones, he's obsessed with rabid raccoons and fucked up looking opossums. He has an opossum hidden in his bedroom named Trashcan. Also very interested in Bugs(tm).
Went through an "emo" phase, except he was a total poser about it, which caused considerable tension between him and Brick (goth boy extraordinaire), and wore bad eyeliner. Then, immediately after, went through a surfer boy phase, then a cowboy phase, and then a, well . . . basically, Boomer's always trying to find himself because he doesn't think Himself is good enough (he hasn't had his Kenough moment yet), and is desperately seeking other peoples approval.
Boomer may not know who he is quite yet, but to his brothers, he is crinkly-eyed smiles, breezy laughs, warm hugs, and cold hands with an innate ability to make them feel like they're people worth loving. He may not like it, but he's the baby brother through and through.
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luasworkshop · 2 years
Party Kinks
There is a lot of kink to see, do, or be involved with at Evander’s Parties, here’s a non-comprehensive list.  Again any/all of these are things which an individual may or may not engage with or view at their own discretion, whatever the main event will involve will be reasonably laid out via invitation and is intended to be generally accessible and interesting for all attending.
The overall rules are, of course, safe, sane, sanitary, and consensual, generally the sky’s generally the limit from there.  Whether the attendee is having this happen to them, doing this to someone else, or just watching is varied by individual and overall theme and presentation.  What part a party-goer plays is quite varied and may even be agreed on in advance depending on what is going on.  To say things are BDSM related is perhaps to put too fine a point on it, there’s quite a lot in any given night.  What exact physical sex takes place is up to the individual and the moment, so things like pegging, handjobs, blowjobs, masturbation, etc, have been left off of this list as they are more the practicalities and less so the kinks on display - if there's a reasonable way to put something in something else or grind it, suck it, or fuck it... it happens.
A few core things that are a given at any event, to a point where they may or not really be considered ‘kink’ outright (depending on whether they’re just visual fun or actually connected to something more):
Cross-Dressing/Genderfuckery (so much as gender means anything in Vesuvia)
Body Paint/Gilding
Nipple/Genital Piercings/Decor
Things that are on at most every party (in no particular order):
Body Worship
Impact Play/Caning/Whipping
Various forms of Restraint/Cuffs/Collars/Bars/Etc.
Sensory Deprivation/Gagging
Orgies/Group Sex
Shibari/Ropework (as well as silk, chain, etc.)
Edging/Orgasm Denial/Overstimulation
Master/Slave Dynamics
Sub Training/Presentation
Dom Training/Demonstration
Collaring/Temporary Marking
Things that will be special for various themes and won’t necessarily appear at every event (from more to less common, but any can overlap the others):
Pool/Bath/Shower Sex
Predator/Prey and Hunter/Hunted
Magic Shapeshifting/Illusion
Magic-Based Electricity
Magic Stimulation/Emotional Heightening
Other Magic Funtimes
Pup Play/Pony Play/Animal Roleplay  
Aesthetic/Temporary Piercing
Edgeplay/Bloodplay (within controlled circumstances)
Food Play
Sex Pollen
Things that are considered acceptable to engage with on grounds but will not be part of any main attraction:
Asphyxiation (used with care)
Watersports (where sanitation is possible)
Things that will not be used thematically owing to Evander’s tastes (but are not considered outright forbidden):
Medical Play
Uniform/Military Play
Guro (as an aesthetic, with no real bodily harm)
Age Regression
Things that will get you thrown out (and worse depending on severity):
Treating Disability/Body Type/Race/Gender as a Kink (not to be confused with enjoying these within a safe kink context)
Branding/Permanent Marking/Permanent Injury (even if consensual)
Scat/Vomit (and other unsanitary practices)
Things like Vore, Macro/Micro, Inflation, etc. are excluded from this list as they are considered (even within the magical capacity of Vesuvia) to be purely fantasy and not a physical reality that would be encountered.  Evander’s own feelings on them are basically ‘you do you in your own funky lil mind.’
Guests are asked to either keep their level of inebriation at a level at which they can still actively, reasonably, consciously consent if needed, or pre-agree upon/contractually decide where to draw the line when intoxicated.
It goes without saying that all guests lists and plus ones are legal adults which is assumed to be at least 18+ in this setting (though overall by the people he knows the guest lists skew toward at least 20+.)
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trainingforfandom · 2 years
Bakugo Katsuki
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Bakugo is probably a very advanced gym-goer and trains for ‘his sport’. He also is very knowledgeable on all aspects of his training. Though he is a student, it might not be perfectly optimized due to demands on his time, and because it’s basically impossible to perfect workout programming. Even the pros change their workout plenty as new knowledge comes out. A few aspects he might utilize include: Effective reps, 2x a week per muscle group, and since hiking is labeled as one of his favorite activities: bouldering. Bakugo’s muscles of emphasis are in his chest, shoulders, back, and arms, these are the muscles that put up with a lot of abuse from his explosions and help him execute strong hand to hand maneuvers. But, this is Bakugo we’re talking about; he's not likely to neglect a single muscle group in his body. While it might seem a little strange that he isn’t about ‘out-voluming’ Deku, he understands the value of rest (dude sleeps at like 8pm every night, fun fact Einstein also prioritized rest which is probably why he was so productive) and doesn’t want to go catabolic, the body and mind grow while resting. Another ‘weird thing’ is a lack of quirk training, that is part of school, not even PE, I’d assume this is a straight up subject/class. As mentioned previously Bakugou just goes to class and is able to understand material very easily and apply it without many qualms, however, he probably does some extra reading for the classes ahead and some challenge questions which do take time. 
Diet: Spice… I wouldn’t eat spicy food before working out, if you can then go ahead by all means. Leaving it for a nice post workout meal would go great. Bakugo is lean and appears to have considerable bulk over Todoroki and Deku. He isn’t the type to bulk and cut, but rather ‘maingain’, his calorie burn being a hero student allows him to eat greasier, richer food (how he isn’t pimply I’ll never understand). In general I’d imagine he eats clean, easily digestible food for breakfast and lunch, then gets a majority of his calories and spice fix in his evening meal. Now ‘mainganing’, he probably eats about 1g of protein for every lb of bodyweight (2.2g for every kg), and doesn’t count other macros, in terms of calories he's maybe 200 kcal above what he expends leaving room for what HE wants, cake and candies are in constant supply let’s be honest. If you’d like, try one of those ‘increasing my spice tolerance’ challenges off the side, or make a single meal spicier than usual, keep some ice cream on the side too for the aftermath. Depending on your goals, adjust kcal intake. 
Recovery: Bakugo is very advanced and efficient so he chooses to destroy himself on days when he works out, and rests very hard on days when he doesn’t. I am no expert on being a jack of all trades and master of all like Bakugo, so just have some patience with extremely average me, attempting to theorize how people like this manage. Bakugo would definitely prefer hot baths and saunas for recovery and is fortunate enough to receive any sports medicine treatments he wants or needs. He probably stretches too, every morning, because he needs to be flexible too. 
Here’s one, do it either morning or night: 
If you are short on time this one works too: 
It goes without saying, you might want to do a Week A PE on Mon, Wed Fri then a Week B Upper/Lower split. Anime people are… built different. This is a fair amount of variety, but the volume is reasonably low to safely combine with the PE program (not recommended). 
PE Program: https://at.tumblr.com/trainingforfandom/when-i-eventually-get-around-to-posting-the-bnha/qz8ywl2lrpc7
* Note on Effective Reps: Firstly you can do less, start out 2-3. These reps are a result of failing and then forcing reps which is why all of these exercises are on machines which can easily be dropped. For example this is how it should be done: Warm up the muscle with very light weights, then pick a moderate weight and fail with it, aim to fail between 10-20 reps, take a 30 second rest and then try to get to five, say you fail at 3 because you are tired, take another 30 second rest and crank out the last 2. 
Monday: PE + Upper Body 
(Warmup: 2x15) 1 x Failure + 5 x Effective reps  Lat Pulldown
(Warmup: 2x15) 1 x Failure + 5 x Effective reps Plate Loaded/Machine Row 
3 x 10 Incline Bench Press (relatively light weight) 
7 x 3 Overhead Press 
2 x Failure Headbanger Chin Ups 
2 x Failure Explosive Push Ups 
1 x Failure Drop Set Lateral Raises (Ex: Fail 30 lb after 10 reps → Fail 25 lb after 10 reps → Fail 20 lb after 8 reps, ‘cruise the rack’ as far as you feel like. PLEASE RE-RACK YOUR WEIGHTS WITH EVERY CHANGE) 
Tuesday: Lower Body 
(Warmup: 2x15) 1 x Failure + 5 x Effective reps Hack Squats 
4 x 3 Hang Cleans 
3 x 10 Romanian Deadlifts 
3 x 8 Seiza → Box Jump 
2 x 15 per side (30 per side total)  Shrimp Squat 
Wednesday: PE + Upper Body 
(Warmup: 2x15) 1 x Failure + 5 x Effective reps Plate Loaded/Machine Chest Press 
(Warmup: 2x15) 1 x Failure + 5 x Effective reps Machine Shoulder Press 
7 x 3 Pendlay Row 
2 x Failure Explosive Pull Ups/Front Lever Progression 
2 x Failure Drag Curls
3 x 10 Cable Crossover 
3 x 10 Dumbbell Rear delt flye 
Thursday: OFF
Friday: PE +  Lower Body (Done during the weight room portion of PE while constructively shitting on Todoroki and Deku’s weight room workouts, a bit sad since I’m the author of those workouts) 
(Warmup: 2x15) 1 x Failure + 5 x Effective reps Leg Press 
3 x 10 Barbell Squats 
7 x 3 Nordic Curls (Negative if needed) 
3 x 10 Weighted Split Squat 
2 x Failure (aim to fail around 10 -15 reps ) Leg Extension
Saturday Bouldering/Hiking/Calisthenics day (Choose 1 Option) 
Bouldering Classes (I can’t help you much here, it's great for all the Bakugo muscles, try it if you wish. 
Hiking: A long walk would also suffice 
2 x Failure Pull Ups 
30 Sec (per arm) One Arm Dead Hangs Progression 
3 x 5 Muscle Ups (Split into Pull Ups and Dips)  
Parallel Bar Work: 2-3 chosen movements for about 10-15 mins http://www.gymdrills4profs.com/gymnastics-events/skill-drills-parallel-bars/gymnastics-parallel-bars-swing.php 
Sunday: OFF
I'll be honest, offending all the fan-people here: None of us would ACTUALLY be friends with Bakugo. If anyone treated others like that in real life, no matter how smart, and talented, no one in their right mind would like them out of anything but fear. I’m very glad his character is maturing and learning to see humor, but maintaining his distinctive grit. 
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alexakimms · 2 years
Best fisheye lens 2022
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You've probably heard about virtual reality (VR) by now. It's been huge lately, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. VR has a lot of potential uses, from entertainment to education to business. But what is VR, exactly? VR is a type of technology that allows you to experience a different reality. It works by creating a completely immersive environment that you can interact with. You can see, hear, and feel everything around you, as if you're really there. This makes it perfect for things like training and education. You can learn faster and more effectively in a VR environment than you could any other way. But that's just the beginning. VR is also being used in the medical field, for things like surgery and rehabilitation. There are even plans to use VR to help people with anxiety and other mental health issues. VR has the potential to change the world, and we're just seeing the beginning of it.
What Are the Best Fisheye Lenses on the Market?
You're probably thinking, "What the heck is a fisheye lens?" Well, let me tell you. A fisheye lens is a type of ultra-wide angle lens that gives you an almost 180-degree view. This type of lens is perfect for VR because it offers an immersive experience that feels more realistic. There are a few different fisheye lenses on the market, but not all of them are created equal. So, what's the best fisheye lens on the market? Here are a few of our favorites:
1. The Canon Fisheye Lens :
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- Advanced Optics For Professional Imaging - Quiet And Fast Autofocus And Low Light Performance , - Built For Professional Performance - Max Focal Length: 15.0 - Read More
2. The Nikon Fisheye Lens
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- Widest NIKKOR fisheye Lens yet and the first with zoom capability - Capture EPIC 180 Degree circular images and traditional frame-filling fisheye images - Close focusing up to 0.5 inches from your subject for macro-style fisheye images - Weather-sealed design and Nikon protective fluorine Coat for use in harsh conditions - Equally suited for still photography and video work - Read More
3. Opteka 6.5mm f/3.5 Professional Ultra Wide Angle Aspherical Fisheye Lens
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- EXPANSIVE 180 DEGREE VIEW - HD SUPER MULTI-COATED OPTICS - - CONSISTENT AND SHARP IMAGES - DURABLE HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION - COMPATIBILITY - Can be used on all Canon EOS APS-C cameras including 90D, 80D, 77D, 70D, 60D, 50D, 40D, 30D, 20D, 10D, 7D, Rebel T8i, T8, T7i, T7s, T7, T6i, T6s, T6, T5i, T5, T4i, T3i, T3, T2i, T1i, SL3, SL2, and SL1. - Read More
The Future of VR With Fisheye Lenses
Imagine being able to step into a completely immersive virtual world. With a fisheye lens, that's now possible. This technology is the next big thing in VR. It creates an incredibly realistic experience that's so immersive, you feel like you're really there. Fisheye lenses are perfect for creating a sense of depth and making you feel like you're part of the action. The possibilities for this technology are endless. It's already being used in medical training, for example, to help surgeons learn new procedures. And it's also being used in military training, to help pilots prepare for real-world scenarios. The future is looking very exciting for VR!
You've probably heard about virtual reality (VR) by now. It's been a huge topic of discussion in the media and in the business world over the past few years. But what is VR, exactly? And what can it be used for? VR is a digital technology that allows you to create a completely immersive virtual environment. You can explore this environment, interact with its inhabitants, and even learn new skills in it. VR has many uses, from entertainment to education to business. One of the most interesting aspects of VR is its potential for training and education. VR can be used to speed up training for things like fighter piloting or surgery. It can also be used to teach people new skills in a safe and controlled environment. VR has the potential to revolutionize education as we know it. Whether you're interested in VR for entertainment, education, or business, there's no doubt that this technology is changing the world as we know it. Keep an eye on VR – it's only going to get bigger and better in the years to come!
Best Fisheye lens under $200 Click Here
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onlineteaching · 2 years
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macrogolf12 · 7 hours
Mastering the 1 Plane Golf Technique with Macro Golf Innovations
Golf, often regarded as a game of precision and technique, has seen numerous innovations over the years aimed at enhancing player performance and enjoyment. One such groundbreaking advancement is the concept of '1 Plane Golf,' championed by Macro Golf through their innovative products and instructional methodologies.
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Understanding 1 Plane Golf
The term 1 Plane Golf refers to a technique where the golfer's swing follows a single, consistent plane throughout the entire motion, from address to impact. This approach contrasts with the more traditional '2 Plane Golf,' where the swing involves a distinct change in the plane of the club during the backswing and downswing.
Macro Golf's Contribution
Macro Golf has revolutionized the golfing experience by introducing products designed to facilitate the 1 Plane Golf technique:
PowerStroke® Grips: These USGA and R&A conforming grips feature a mid-tapered ergonomic design. They promote tension-free wrist flexion and enable a seamless arm-shaft extension at address and impact. By alleviating the need for complex mid-swing adjustments, PowerStroke® Grips make executing the 1 Plane Golf swing more achievable for both professionals and casual players alike.
Square Stroke® Putters: These putters are engineered to complement the 1 Plane Golf philosophy. With features like 100% rubber grips for stability and precision milled faces for consistent ball contact, Square Stroke® Putters enhance putting accuracy by aligning with the principles of the 1 Plane Golf technique.
Benefits of 1 Plane Golf
Consistency: Maintaining a single swing plane reduces variability in swing mechanics, leading to more consistent ball striking and shot outcomes.
Simplicity: Simplifying the swing by focusing on a single plane reduces the complexity of the golf swing, making it easier to replicate under pressure.
Improved Performance: Golfers adopting the 1 Plane Golf technique often experience improved performance metrics, such as better accuracy, increased distance, and enhanced control over their shots.
Training and Support
In addition to their innovative products, Macro Golf provides comprehensive support through instructional materials:
Instructional DVDs: These resources offer insights and guidance on how to integrate the 1 Plane Golf technique into one's game effectively.
Online Resources: Macro Golf's website and social media platforms feature tips, testimonials, and FAQs to assist golfers in mastering the 1 Plane Golf technique.
As golf continues to evolve, innovations like Macro Golf's 1 Plane Golf philosophy and products play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the sport. By focusing on simplicity, consistency, and performance enhancement, Macro Golf empowers golfers of all skill levels to elevate their game and enjoy a more rewarding golfing experience.
For those looking to enhance their performance on the course, embracing the 1 Plane Golf technique with Macro Golf's innovative solutions may just be the key to unlocking greater success and enjoyment in golfing endeavors.
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Maximizing Efficiency with IT SMART Techniques
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 The Basics of Computers: An Essential Foundation
In our increasingly digital world, understanding the basics of computers is more important than ever. Computers are integral to almost every aspect of our daily lives, from personal tasks like managing finances and social media to professional activities such as data analysis and virtual meetings. The basics of computers encompass a wide range of skills, including operating systems, software applications, internet navigation, and cybersecurity measures. These foundational skills are crucial for anyone looking to succeed in today’s technology-driven environment.
For those looking to build a strong foundation, enrolling in a basic computer course in Uttam Nagar is an excellent first step. These courses typically cover essential topics such as computer hardware, software applications like MS Office, and internet basics, providing a comprehensive introduction to computer literacy.
 The Importance of Computer Literacy
Computer literacy is not just about understanding how to use a computer; it’s about being able to leverage technology to enhance productivity and efficiency. With a solid grasp of computer basics, individuals can perform tasks more quickly, communicate more effectively, and access a wealth of information and resources online. This skill set is invaluable in both personal and professional contexts, opening up numerous opportunities for growth and advancement.
For instance, basic computer classes in Yamuna Vihar can equip students with the knowledge to use essential software tools, navigate the internet safely, and understand basic troubleshooting techniques. These skills can significantly boost an individual's confidence and efficiency in handling everyday tasks.
 Introducing IT SMART Techniques
As technology continues to evolve, so do the methods for maximizing efficiency. IT SMART techniques are a set of strategies designed to optimize the use of technology in both personal and professional settings. These techniques focus on streamlining processes, reducing wasted time, and improving overall productivity. Let’s delve into some of the key IT SMART techniques that can help you make the most of your technology.
 1. Streamlining Workflow with Automation
Automation is a powerful tool for enhancing efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks, you can free up time for more critical activities. For example, using macros in MS Excel or setting up automated email responses in Outlook can save significant time. Learning these skills through a basic computer course in Uttam Nagar can provide a practical understanding of how to implement automation in your daily routines.
 2. Enhancing Communication with Collaboration Tools
Effective communication is essential for productivity. Tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Zoom facilitate real-time collaboration and information sharing, making it easier to work with others, whether you're in the same office or across the globe. Basic computer classes in Uttam Nagar often include training on these tools, ensuring that you can communicate and collaborate efficiently.
 3. Improving Data Management
Efficient data management is crucial for any organization. Tools like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and database management systems help in organizing, analyzing, and storing data effectively. Understanding how to use these tools can significantly boost your productivity. A basic computer course in Uttam Nagar can provide the necessary training to master these applications, allowing you to handle data with confidence and precision.
 4. Enhancing Security Measures
With the increasing threat of cyber-attacks, having a robust understanding of cybersecurity is vital. Simple practices such as using strong passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, and keeping software updated can protect your personal and professional data. Basic computer classes in Yamuna Vihar include cybersecurity training, helping you to safeguard your information against potential threats.
 The Role of Continuous Learning
Technology is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest advancements is key to maintaining efficiency. Continuous learning through advanced courses and workshops can help you keep pace with new tools and techniques. For example, after completing a basic computer course in Yamuna  Vihar, you might consider more specialized courses in data analytics, programming, or advanced software applications to further enhance your skills.
In conclusion, mastering the basics of computers is the first step towards maximizing efficiency with IT SMART techniques. Understanding and leveraging technology can transform the way you work, making tasks easier and more productive. Whether you are just starting with a basic computer course in Uttam Nagar or seeking to refine your skills through basic computer classes in Yamuna Vihar, investing in your computer literacy will pay off immensely in both personal and professional contexts. Embrace the power of technology and start maximizing your efficiency today.
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bostonlevin8 · 3 days
affordable online weight loss coach Canada
Are you living in Dubai and looking for an effective way to shed those extra pounds? Whether you're a man or a woman, Dubai offers some fantastic online weight loss programs tailored to meet your specific needs. Additionally, if you're interested in the keto diet, there are excellent online keto diet coaches in Dubai who can guide you through every step. In this post, we'll explore the top online weight loss programs for men and women in Dubai and highlight the benefits of working with an online keto diet coach.
Why Choose an Online Weight Loss Program in Dubai?
Living in a bustling city like Dubai can make it challenging to find the time for traditional weight loss programs. Here's why an online weight loss program might be the perfect solution:
Convenience: Access your program anytime, anywhere.
Personalization: Customized plans to suit your individual needs.
Support: Continuous support from coaches and a community of peers.
Flexibility: Fit workouts and meal plans into your busy schedule.
Cost-Effective: Often more affordable than in-person programs.
Online Weight Loss Programs for Men in Dubai
Men have unique weight loss needs that require specialized programs. Here are some top options available online in Dubai:
1. Customized Fitness Plans
Strength Training: Focus on building muscle while losing fat.
Cardio Workouts: Tailored to improve endurance and burn calories.
Flexibility Exercises: Enhance overall mobility and prevent injuries.
2. Nutritional Guidance
Balanced Diet Plans: Incorporate a variety of foods for optimal health.
Macro Tracking: Keep an eye on protein, carbs, and fats.
Supplement Advice: Learn about beneficial supplements to enhance performance.
3. Behavioral Coaching
Goal Setting: Define and track your weight loss goals.
Motivational Support: Regular check-ins to keep you motivated.
Stress Management: Techniques to handle stress and avoid emotional eating.
4. Progress Tracking
Regular Assessments: Monitor your progress with weekly check-ins.
Fitness Apps: Use apps to log workouts and meals.
Community Support: Join online groups for motivation and tips.
Online Weight Loss Programs for Women in Dubai
Women also have specific weight loss needs, and Dubai offers excellent online programs designed just for them:
1. Personalized Diet Plans
Calorie-Controlled Diets: Tailored to your specific calorie needs.
Hormonal Balance: Diet plans that consider hormonal changes.
Plant-Based Options: For those who prefer vegetarian or vegan diets.
2. Exercise Routines
Strength Training: Build lean muscle mass.
HIIT Workouts: High-intensity interval training for maximum calorie burn.
Yoga and Pilates: Improve flexibility and reduce stress.
3. Holistic Approach
Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate meditation and mindfulness.
Sleep Hygiene: Tips for improving sleep quality.
Self-Care: Emphasis on overall well-being.
4. Community and Support
Online Forums: Connect with other women on the same journey.
Regular Webinars: Learn from experts through online sessions.
24/7 Access to Coaches: Get help whenever you need it.
Online Keto Diet Coach in Dubai
The keto diet has gained popularity for its effectiveness in weight loss and health benefits. Here’s how an online keto diet coach in Dubai can help you succeed:
1. Personalized Keto Plans
Macronutrient Breakdown: Get the right balance of fats, proteins, and carbs.
Meal Planning: Delicious and easy-to-make keto recipes.
Grocery Lists: Simplified shopping to keep you on track.
2. Education and Resources
Keto Basics: Learn the fundamentals of the keto diet.
Advanced Strategies: Tips for overcoming plateaus and optimizing results.
Recipe Ideas: Access to a variety of keto-friendly recipes.
3. Continuous Support
Regular Check-Ins: Monitor your progress and adjust plans as needed.
Community Groups: Join other keto dieters for motivation and support.
Troubleshooting: Get help with common issues like keto flu and cravings.
4. Health Monitoring
Ketone Testing: Learn how to test and interpret ketone levels.
Nutritional Advice: Ensure you're getting all necessary nutrients.
Exercise Guidance: Integrate effective workouts with your keto lifestyle.
Tips for Choosing the Right Online Weight Loss Program in Dubai
When selecting an online weight loss program, consider the following tips to ensure it meets your needs:
Credibility: Choose programs and coaches with good reputations and verified credentials.
Customization: Look for programs that offer personalized plans.
Support System: Ensure there’s a robust support system, including access to coaches and a community.
Flexibility: The program should fit into your lifestyle and schedule.
Results-Driven: Check for programs with proven success stories and testimonials.
Benefits of an Online Weight Loss Program
Joining an online weight loss program offers numerous benefits:
Accessibility: No matter where you are in Dubai, you can access your program.
Affordability: Online programs are often more budget-friendly.
Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of top coaches and nutritionists.
Privacy: Work towards your goals in the comfort of your home.
Motivation: Continuous support and motivation help keep you on track.
Embarking on a weight loss journey can be daunting, but with the right online program, you can achieve your goals efficiently and sustainably. Whether you're a man or woman living in Dubai, or interested in the keto diet, there’s an online weight loss program tailored just for you. Embrace the convenience, personalization, and support these programs offer, and take the first step towards a healthier, fitter you.
Start your journey today by exploring the best online weight loss programs and keto diet coaches in Dubai. Your future self will thank you!
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eduhubspot · 3 days
Mastering Microsoft Project: Comprehensive Online Training Guide
Project management has become a vital skill set in today's fast-paced business world. As complex projects grow, the need for robust project management tools and certifications becomes evident. One such indispensable tool is Microsoft Project, a software synonymous with efficient project management. In this article, we delve into the benefits and intricacies of MS Project training online, aiming to answer all your pressing questions and guide you on earning a Microsoft Project Management certification.
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What is MS Project?
MS Project is powerful software that empowers project managers to efficiently plan, assign resources, track progress, manage budgets, and analyze workloads. This tool is part of the Microsoft Office suite and is widely used across various industries to manage large and complex projects efficiently.
Why Should You Consider MS Project Training Online?
Online training for MS Projects offers numerous advantages, particularly for professionals looking to enhance their project management skills without disrupting their current work schedule. Let's explore some of these benefits:
Flexibility and Convenience: Online training enables you to learn at your own pace and at your convenience. Whether early in the morning or late at night.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Reputable online courses offer a thorough curriculum covering all aspects of MS Project, from basic functionalities to advanced features.
Access to Expertise: Online training often provides access to seasoned professionals and experts in project management, offering invaluable insights and real-world applications.
Cost-Effective: Online courses offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional classroom training, saving you money on tuition and eliminating travel expenses.
How to Choose the Right MS Project Training Online
Choosing the right training programme is crucial for gaining the most out of your learning experience. Here are some factors to consider:
Accreditation and Certification: Ensure the course is accredited and offers a recognised MS Project certification upon completion.
Course Content: The curriculum should cover all necessary topics, including project planning, resource management, task scheduling, and progress tracking.
Instructor Credentials: Look for courses taught by certified and experienced instructors with practical project management experience.
Student Reviews and Testimonials: Research reviews from past students to gauge the effectiveness and quality of the course.
Support and Resources: A good course should offer ample support, such as forums, direct instructor access, and additional learning resources.
Critical Components of MS Project Training
A comprehensive MS Project training course should cover the following key components:
Introduction to MS Project: Understanding the interface and basic functionalities.
Project Planning: Learning to create a project plan, define tasks, and set timelines.
Resource Management: Assigning and managing resources effectively to ensure project success.
Task Scheduling: Understanding dependencies, milestones, and deadlines.
Tracking and Reporting: Monitoring project progress and generating reports to keep stakeholders informed.
Advanced Features: Exploring advanced functionalities such as macros, custom fields, and project consolidation.
Possessing advanced project management skills is invaluable in the modern professional landscape. MS Project training online offers a flexible, comprehensive, and cost-effective way to gain these skills and achieve Microsoft Project Management certification. Choosing the right course and dedicating time to learning can significantly enhance your project management capabilities and open doors to new career opportunities.
How EduHubSpot Can Help You with MS Project Training Online
EduHubSpot offers comprehensive MS Project online training for both beginners and advanced users. Our accredited courses provide a clear pathway to earning a Microsoft Project Management certification. With expert instructors, a comprehensive curriculum, and robust support, EduHubSpot ensures you acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in your project management career.
Q1. What is the duration of an online MS Project training course?
The duration of the course varies depending on the provider and the level of depth. The length of courses can range from a few weeks to several months.
Q2. Is prior project management experience necessary for MS Project training?
While prior experience can be beneficial, many courses are also designed for beginners. Basic project management knowledge is helpful but optional.
Q3. Can I get a Microsoft Project Management certification through online training?
Yes, reputable online courses offer certification upon successful completion. Ensure the course you choose is accredited and recognised.
Q4. How does MS Project certification benefit my career?
MS Project certification demonstrates your proficiency in using the software, making you a valuable asset to employers and enhancing your career prospects in project management.
Q5. Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in an MS Project online training course?
Prerequisites vary by course. Some may require basic computer skills, while others recommend prior project management experience. Always check the course requirements before enrolling.
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boatarenttahoe · 4 days
Data Acquisition Market Size, Share, Demand, Growth and Forecast 2024-2032
Data Acquisition Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Data Acquisition manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Data Acquisition in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
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The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Data Acquisition Market.
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Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Data Acquisition are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Data Acquisition.
Major stakeholders, key companies Data Acquisition, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Data Acquisition in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Data Acquisition Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Data Acquisition and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/data-acquisition-market-101469
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
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