wylloblr · 5 months
Do tell me about Aelyos!
:O I'm glad you asked. Aelyos is a fantasy realm populated with lots of your basic magical creatures, such as Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, and Slimes. But with some I created like Ellari, giant golden praying Mantis creatures that are ridden by Elves, and Mosfoxi, spectral foxes made of spirits and moss, and Stelves (creative name), Elves who favoured the Dwarfs' ways and customs with tech - separated from the normal Elves by a war, and Shadowlings, a mysterious creature that is dark as night as well as able to teleport - said to be corrupted Elves. The main countries/nations: Alluscýr: A thriving empire of Elves, Humans, and many more. Back in old times, it was an Elven colony. However, they sided with the Stelves in The Great War (I know, inventive name...) and are now completely shut off from the Elves. The Elven Lands: A forest-like area of to the south-east of the map (which needs to be redesigned currently). It is inhabited by the two different tribes of Elves: Sowila - Red Elves, and Dasika - Blue Elves. Both Elven groups worship their respective God/Goddess of the Moon. Both groups live peacefully together as sibling tribes.
Newort & The Republic States of Wytt: An empire comprised of different island states, one of which has become independent from the Republic. Newort fought hard for it's independence and has become a nation in it's own right, it doesn't interfere with many matters concerning the mainland, it prefers to stay neutral.
Stelven Empire: Home to the Stelves mentioned earlier, a part of the Elven land and another separate part of Alluscýr that have been carved out for their use. As part of the Agreement of the war. Dwarves also live here but mostly stick to the mountains (Yes, very stereotypical) Archicoven: Pirates. What more can I say? Just an anarchistic nation of Pirates near the sea. The pirates consist of any race, Even slime-borne who melt upon contact with water (Yes, it's weird, I know). Tri-kingdom Alliance (Originally called Triforce alliance but I was informed that may get me in trouble with Nintendo): Basically 3 ancient Kingdoms who are joined together by a single goal to bring back their god they worshiped (who is evil and banished to another dimension by the king god, power politics, Am I right?). Anyway, they realised the god they each worshipped is just an aspect of the same god who was banished, now they wanna bring him back. I won't go into too much more detail about the creation story but it's basically. No one exactly remembers what happened, till one day a guy decided he was King of the whole place. People agreed, he looked strong enough. And the King created the Gods (Magical stuff, I dunno) and they lived like this in harmony for a while. Then Severyn (aforementioned evil guy) decided he wanted to pull a Loki (Norse reference) and be mischievous. So, naturally, he killed the King dude. Throwing the land into chaos. Oh, and there's a tribe of humans who live in the forests and wear masks. But that's not too relevant. Anyway, that was a not so quick rundown of the world. More or less all the important stuff. One day I hope to make the map and flesh it out more with a novel to introduce it. Hope I didn't bore you :) Thanks for Listening, anymore questions just feel free to ask if I didn't make something clear or I can just make something up and then make it canon. :)
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megsdoodletag · 1 year
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Attack for xiuqae on artfight!
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Manuscript search tag
I was tagged by @talesofsorrowandofruin to look for these words: elegant, free, power, cheese, storm, alive, worth, corner, monumental, sacrifice, love, betrayal, rune and space. Since there’s so many, I’ll search through my most recent WIP, Shadows of Kaykoura:
He was familiar with Aelyo’s magic, and it, too, knew him. Because of this, Kohashi could dip both arms into the ring of fire and only have blisters bloom on his skin; because of this, he could shield the child in his own power, grit his teeth and drag him out and away from danger, pressed tightly to his own chest.
“Doesn’t it bother you, the blood?” Sorevan asked, drawing her out of her musings. 
Jahdi blinked. The Tower was already in sight, and the magic-induced storm roared around them, crashing against the barrier, where it was at its strongest. “There are more important things,” she answered, wiping her cheeks and chin temporarily dry. “And it will be gone soon.”
“Ah, but how can you be so sure? How can you know that once you’ve crossed this line the wounds will have healed?”
“How are you feeling, love?” he asked, leaning down to kiss their forehead. 
“I don’t know,” said Kyragh, and rested their head against Kohashi’s chest, playing with his fingers. “Tired, mainly. Confused. How long has it been since we married?”
Kohashi shivered at the question but kept his expression sweet, and guided his husband forward so he could sit behind them and share some heat.
“We have waited seven centuries for a solution, what’s a few years more? It’s not like the Wars got us any closer to it. The cure will come,” she said, in her even tone. “My Marìm* has sacrificed much to stand with us in this; he has saved the King’s son at a great cost.” (*meaning maestro/master)
Too quickly, the light faded as the sun fell behind the tallest peaks, and Raykan called Kohashi away to reinforce the magical protection shielding their home —their hiding place in the last corner of the world— from the rest of Haramihat, the land of the elves.
Having given up on the idea of getting any research done while the king was free to roam her sanctuary, Jahdi decided she might turn her attention over to his ward and the very real danger she presented. The night was fading, and she had no doubt whatsoever Inaid had spent the majority of it meddling about.
worth + betray
Jahdi crossed her arms, one hand coming up to wrap around the pendant hidden in her robes —a black and white rose, Kyragh’s last gift to her— as she thought about an answer. “Kohashi-nes was Kaykoura’s favourite soldier before he betrayed her for my sake. I think Inaid might be worth a try.”
Thank you so much for tagging me! It’s been a while since I’ve last done one of these but as you can I have much to share! If you’re curious about Shadows of Kaykoura, here’s the presentation post @thesunempire and I did for it!
Tagging @ardawyn  @concerningwolves and @ramblinggriffin to find the words: lovely, arms, blood, snap, alone, hide (no pressure of course!) Leaving this also open to whoever feels like doing it! Feel free to tag me!
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aelyos · 9 months
Devlog #4 - Game Dead, a new God(s), and a updated creation story
Hi guys, Just realised the last Devlog was nearly a month ago, so here is an update: Game is dead, I got bored.
Anyway: I added more deep deep lore to the creation story:
In the beginning, there was something, then still something. Except no one knows what that something is, so really it was nothing. Till one day, a king decided to make that something-nothing into something, you follow? This king created the gods, celestials, space and time. That was year 0AF (Afreito), later in year 10 he created one more god to help him find his wallet. A few more were created in later years as needed.
Many Years later a great battle rang out throughout the land, a battle between Windorian and his brother, Severyn, for the control of Aelyos. Severyn had killed Original King to take the power for himself, Windorian decided to put a stop to his brother's evil plans. Fighting raged on, shaping the land with mountains, seas, and craters. As the fight reached its climax, the tension in the land between all the species was at a maximum high, the Elves retreated to the enchanted forests that once created them, vowing never to meddle with the gods again. A winner emerged from the rubble of the decades long struggle, Windorian had defeated Severyn and cemented himself as supreme ruler of Aelyos. Severyn was sealed away in the afterlife behind the Celestial Gate, though before he was banished he split into three parts: Volgoch, Bregauf, and Royansis. These aspects of himself would be worshipped by those of the early The Tri-Kingdom Alliance, who upon learning of their gods' origins joined forces to bring him back in his full glory.
Windorian created beings known as Behemoths & Guardians to serve as protectors for specific sacred areas. These beasts lie dormant in the area, waiting to protect it at all costs. One day, a man was in his forge and a little bit of his elven hair fell into the molten metal, he thought nothing of it. When the blade was finished being forged, it took on a glowing golden look. This metal would be called Antheium. It was later figured out by Seamýs the Valliant Hero that this metal could kill a Gods, Behemoths, and Guardians. And upon defeating a god, one would become that god, gaining their powers. The one catch was that it could only harm minor gods, not the ones of the Pantheon. Behemoths & Guardians can be defeated but a new one will take its place and their powers will not be transferred.
Remember when the Elves promised to never meddle with the gods again? Well, they did. The Elves sent colony parties out to try and conquer more of the globe, in an effort to "Elvenize" it. One such colony would become the Alluscýr Empire, though this colony would eventually break off from the hold of the Elven Lands and forge a new way.
In other news:
Severyn: A evil god, brother of Windorian, who wanted control of Aelyos for himself. He killed the Original King, which sparked a war with his brother. It ended with Severyn being sealed away by the Celestial Gate. But before this happened he split into 3 aspects: Volgoch, Bregauf, and Royansis (each worshipped by different kingdoms of The Tri-Kingdom Alliance).
The aspects of Severyn:
Royansis: A fragment of Severyn that is believed to be the true aspect by The Kingdom of Royavine. Royansis is the aspect of ego/arrogance, it's name comes from the word royal and the Greek god 'Dionysus'. This aspect is often depicted in a Grape farming outfit or a purple suit of Armor.
Bregauf: A fragment of Severyn that is believed to be the true aspect by The Kingdom of Neriflinn. Bregauf is the aspect of deceit. It's name comes from "auf" an old name for a changeling, and the Irish word for lies "bréaga". They are often depicted as a changeling to symbolise their lies and deceit, taking on multiple forms. Pronounced: Breg - off
Volgoch: A fragment of Severyn that is believed to be the true aspect by the people of The Kingdom of Draigyth. Volgoch is the aspect of Pride, it's name comes from volcano and "goch" meaning red in Welsh. This aspect is often depicted as a red dragon or sword wielding King (to reference the French's belief that King Arthur May have been Welsh).
The Republic States of Wytt are indebt to themselves because of war expenses, sound familiar... (Cough, America, Cough)
Redcaps exist in Aelyos now (google them "redcaps mythology")
Anyway, that's about it for now I have no idea what will be in the next Devlog, so you will just have to wait and see
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goldenrubi · 5 years
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A northern warrior, called Aelyo. From a story i’m writing
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hydaelynsprophet · 5 years
Allow Me To Introduce Myself...(LF RP)
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Name: Aquila Strea
Age: As old as the Source Reflection
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: Married 
Race: Similar to that of the Voice of the Mother, takes appearance of Xaela, Au’Ra
Physical Appearance:
Build: Short and slight
Hair: Mid-length and black
Eyes: Red with bright pink limbals
Profession: Hydaelyn’s Prophet. She serves as a twin to the Voice on the Mother that physically exists on Hydaelyn. She is the bridge between those with the Echo and the knowledge of the realm as well as Hydaelyn. She travels constantly, rarely in the same place as there is always a Warrior of Light who can use her help.
Hobbies: Doting on her Godchildren, sharing a tea or coffee with friends, spending time with her husband. 
Languages: She can speak them all, thanks both to the Echo and her extended lifespan.
Residence: For now, she lives in Shirogane, quietly dwelling amongst the adventurers in the housing district. 
Birthplace: Within Hydaelyn
Religion: She is devout to the Mother Crystal, but how long will that last.....
Patron Deity: She doesn’t really have one
Fears: Losing Verol, her Godchildren and the Free Company she has been working with.
Spouse: Verol Strea
Children: Not of her own, but she would protect her precious Godchildren to her last breath. The DeMavelle children are one of her greatest joys.
Parents: Hydaelyn
Siblings: Not by blood, but she does consider Llufphoe, Nyx ( @missgumiho ), Aelyos and Ymir her siblings.
Other Relatives: Still no, but anyone in the Sea Compass or the DeMavelle alliance is considered family to her and will be protected as such.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Out Of Character:
- I will RP anything that doesn’t involve elite God-Modding (low to moderate is fine), harassment or spreading of hate.
- I’m 18 so NSFW is cool, I’m not super well-versed in it though and Aquila would never cheat on her husband
- Both Canon and Non-Canon is fine!
- I live in Australia and operate within AEST
- I can RP here through IM, on Discord (pm for tag) or in game, however I’m almost always online on Discord so that’s the easiest way to reach me!
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wylloblr · 5 months
Writeblr Intro??
Hey Writeblr! I'm Wyllo (pronounced like Willow), he/him, I'm a writer who dabbles with art and video making. Mainly, I write fantasy, though I do other types as well. I'm looking for some mutuals, yayyy. To talk writing with and improve. I'm about to ramble about myself so here we go: Age: 17 Interests: Pokemon, Writing (obviously), DnD, art, worldbuilding, Shakespeare, reading, listening to music (indie bands like Arctic Monkeys), and playing Video Games. Favourite Book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Favourite Movies: Detective Pikachu, The Rock, and A Few Good Men. I have another account which I just post random stuff on but I wanted to make this one to try and improve my writing. I'm currently still in Highschool, and I am going to university next year. So I'm aiming to really improve my writing before going. My main project right now (when school isn't interfering or my procrastination isn't taking hold) is my world Aelyos. Which is your basic fantasy world with lots of other bits and bobs thrown in.
Anyway, that's enough for now. Cya! :)
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wylloblr · 4 months
I have no idea where to set my story...............................
My original intention was to show off Aelyos but I've been watching Malevolent podcast recently and now I wanna set it somewhere like that with lots of Eldritch stuff and Lovecraft. AAAAAAAA
I guess, I'll just have to finish my Gatsby writing task for English class first and then decide maybe lol
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aelyos · 10 months
Devlog #3 - Game?!?!?!?
I will start this off by quoting myself from an earlier Devlog: "Is this going to be a game? Could be,"
And now, "could be" has become "I'll try"! That's right, I am trying to make a game set in the world of Aelyos, one catch though. It's gonna be small game, nothing fancy, with lore scattered around. So far it's....
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Unity go brrr. (I'm using the MysticWoods asset pack if you're wondering) (and yes, I did re-colour the player to resemble Marty McFly)
In other news:
Kelpies: I added the good ol' spirit water horses to this realm. They are found in haunted lakes and some shallow seas, they are often ridden by Nedilgar (Ice Ghost Viking Guys)
Aelyos Rail: A rail system that runs throughout the mainland of Aelyos. The train starts at Alluscýr and stops at all the nations and ending just short of the Elven territory and looping back around. Aelyos Rail uses steam powered trains made of wood and steel, they were built by a group of Dwarves and Stelves. With the invention of train travel, it was easier for people to get between kingdoms, though a passport is needed to cross borders.
Curses/swears from Aelyos: For Wyn's sake! (For God's Sake)
To the lost realm with you (Go to hell)
Oh Mi Panth (Oh My God)
Matre de Panth (Mother of God)
Oh, and new logo for this blog! No longer is it the basic one, it's now a modified version of the basic one.
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Okay, that's it for this Devlog, more news next time! Cheerio
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aelyos · 10 months
Devlog #2 - Flags, Vikings, and Pirates, oh my!
Hi guys, I know that you lot waited with baited breath to hear of the newest developments in the world of Aelyos. I added a plethora of new things, so without further ado:
Slime: I made the official artwork for the Slime (I know it looks bad, don't judge me).
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A new life form has been added: Nedilgar A Ghostly Zombie Viking creature. They are sentient and live in the icy wastes, some say they are the remnants of an old species of Berserkers that went extinct.
A new food native to Alluscýr: Waphellen (Waph - el - en): Waphellen are a sweet treat, wafer thin short-bread biscuit decorated with syrup. Normally, they are eaten for Breakfast.
FLAGS!!! The official flags of The Tri-Kingdom Alliance have been "poofed" into existence. The Flag of Royavine:
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The Flag of Neriflinn:
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The Flag of Draigyth:
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The Flag of the Tri-Kingdom Alliance itself:
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The white 3-leaf clover represents the peace of the nations (Yes, I know the clover is slightly off-center because of the stem.)
Flything: That's right, I added the old Norse/Celtic contest where you assault your friends with your words! Flyting is a competition in which the participants engage in poem/rhyming style insults. It is in use throughout Aelyos and has become a international sport that nations compete in (except Elves, they hate it. I know right, they seem like such killjoys).
Capitals: The Capital of Royavine is Bosira
The Capital of Draigyth is Naryph
The Capital of Neriflinn is Glasine (From Glasgow and Dublin with an 'e' at the end)
And finally, it's what you waited for: PIRATES!!! The anarchy archipelago filled with Elven pirates, Archicoven Elven pirates live in harmony (a chaotic harmony) and they steal from other ships sailing on the ocean and sell the loot in the many markets on the islands of the archipelago.
Okay, that it for now.
Next time: I have no idea
Cheerio for now
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aelyos · 10 months
Devlog #0 - The Basics
Hey guys,
First off, what is Aelyos?
It is a fantasy realm I am currently developing with tonnes of fun creatures, magic, and brilliant lore!
Is this going to be a game?
Could be, the idea right now is that it's going to be a series of books based around the main character Ryn (and others). Plans for a game aren't happening right now but if I were to make a game it would be either a 3D open-world game like Breath of the Wild or Genshin OR a 2D roguelike/platformer inspired by games like Hollow Knight, Rainworld, and Dead Cells.
Why are you making a Devlog then???? ಠ_ಠ Aren't they only for Game devs or the likes, it doesn't make any se-
I can do what I want, shush.
Fine. What will happen in these Devlogs?
I will update (No one) on the updates I have made to the lore and anything new added. I will do these weekly or whenever I add something big. That's all for now, Cheerio
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