#Aenar targaryen
alienoryva · 4 months
A targaryen name that only used by one person in the family ;
Aenar (Father of Daenys the dreamer)
Daenys (Daughter of Aenar the exile)
Maegon (Son of Aegon & Elaena/grandson of Daenys the dreamer & Gaemon the glorious)
Aelix (Son of Aerys/great-grandason of Daenys the dreamer)
Daemion (Youngest son of Aerys/great-grandson of Daenys the dreamer/father of lord Aerion/grandfather of the Conqueror siblings)
Aenys i (only child of Aegon the Conqueror & Rhaenys)
Aerea (Daughter of Aegon the uncrowned & Rhaena Targaryen/twins sister of septa-princess Rhaella Targaryen)
Maegelle (Sixth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Vaegon (Seventh child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Viserra (Tenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Valerion (Twelfth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Gael (Youngest/thirteenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Rhaenyra i (Daughter of Viserys i & Aemma Arryn)
Helaena (Daughter of Viserys i & Alicent Hightower)
Baela (Daughter of Daemon & Laena Velaryon/Twins sister of Rhaena)
Jaehaera (Daughter of Aegon ii & Helaena/Twins of Jaehaerys)
Daena (Eldest Daughter of Aegon iii & Daenaera Velaryon)
Naerys (Daughter of Viserys ii & Larra Rogarre)
Rhaegel (Third son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Maekar i (Youngest son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Aelor (Son of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Aelora (Eldest Daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn/Twins of Aelor)
Daenora (Youngest child/daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Valarr (Eldest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Matarys (Youngest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Rhae (Youngest daughter/child of Maekar i & Dyanna dayne)
Rhaelle (Youngest daughter/child of Aegon v & Betha Blackwood/grandmother of Robert i,stannis,renly Baratheon)
Rhaegar (Eldest son/child of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
Shaena (Second child/Eldest Daughter of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
NOTE: I didn't add the Targaryen name which only uses additional alphabet but the spelling is same (Saera & Shaera / Aemon & Aemond)
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feanoryen · 6 months
Don't pit THE MEN of House Targaryen against each other!!!
Aegon I is...
Maegor is...
Jaehaerys I is...
Aemon the Pale Prince is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TARG MAN
V*serys I is...
D@emon is...
Aegon II is...
Aemond is...
Viserys II is...
Daeron I is...
Baelor I is...
@*g0n !V is...
Aemon the Dragonknight is THE FATHER DAERON II DESERVED
Daeron the Drunken is...
Aerion is...
Maester Aemon is FLAWLESS
Jaehaerys II is...
Aerys II is...
Rhaegar is...
Viserys III is...
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amoratearte · 7 months
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🐉 Aenar Targaryen 🌋
Targaryen Family Tree
“Aenar Targaryen sold his holdings in the Freehold and the Lands of the Long Summer, and moved”
Known children: Daenys and Gaemon
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Daenys the Dreamer in 114 BC
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mmelolabelle · 3 months
Watching HOTD and how much Helaena suffers because of beinga dreamer has given me a new appreciation for Aenar “The Exile” Targaryen. His baby girl told him that their entire civilisation was going to go down in actual flames and he packed up the whole of House Targaryen and dipped.
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Daenys the Dreamer. Daughter of Aenar Targaryen, a dragon lord of the Valyrian Freehold. She was a dragon dreamer who foresaw the fall of Valyria. Her father listened to her warnings and fled with his family to Westeros. She is the great-great-great grandmother of Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives Rhaenys and Visenya. Her visions led to the Targaryens being the only dragonlords to survive the fall of Valyria.
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warsofasoiaf · 2 months
When do you imagine the Targaryen’s did away with slavery? It was said that Aenar sold all his holdings then brought all of his wealth, dragons, family, and slaves to Dragonstone. However by the time of Aegon the conqueror there are not mention of slaves on Dragonstone.
That's a good question. Dragonstone is a short boat ride away from Lys or Myr, so any future member of House Targaryen could easily buy more slaves. If Aenar wanted to, he could have maintained the practice.
But Dragonstone already has a peasant population to work the fields, fish the seas, mine the mines, etc. Westeros also has a strong cultural abhorrence of slavery, so bringing a large slave population would probably engender significant backlash. I imagine the practice died a slow death; simply atrophied out of sheer practicality over the generations.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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You are my Home
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pairing: Fanon!Aegon Targaryen x Female OC
summary: Aegon and Saera finally reach Dranstone but will everything be as it used to?
Word count: 3,8K
Warnings: Angst, incest, Fluff, Childbirth, Mourning
Saera was finally able to breathe freely as The Cannibal landed on the bridge of Dragonstone. She slid down feeling slightly numb from the ride here along with the cold weather. Sunfyre had landed with only a few feet between him and The Cannibal who did not stay around for long and flew away happy to be back in his home again. Saera's smile did not reach her eyes though and Aegon saw that even atop Sunfyre.
He wrapped an arm around Aenar although he was already strapped to his body, and got down the saddle. Sunfyre immediately followed after The Cannibal curious about the island they were on now having never been here so freely. Saera watched the two dragons fly around screeching to one another.
"Darling" Aegon greeted with a chaste kiss to her red cheeks. She turned to face him with her cute red nose, it was cold no shock there really.
"Muña, where are we?" Aenar questioned holding tightly to his father's tunic. Aegon's eyes trailed to the palace behind them, he did not feel very safe here despite everything, his brother was killed here after all, Daemon captured Aemond in Harrenhal and brought him to receive his punishment for killing Luce and having a hand in usurping Rhaenyra's throne.
"Our new home" Saera answered. She looked at the palace she lived in for some years before her marriage to Aegon and felt some familiarity but this was still not home to her.
"We should go inside before īlva byka zaldrīzes gets sick" Our little dragon. Saera turned to look at her son to see him burying his nose in his father's neck shivering slightly. Saera linked her arm with Aegon's and led the way into the palace. To her surprise the place was flooding with servants preparing for their arrival. Her mother was not heartless she knew that but she still hasn't forgiven her and Aegon fully but in the end she has not heard the full story just yet.
"Pretty" Aenar interrupted their walk through the corridors. Saera looked at what her son was pointing at to find a window, she raised an eyebrow confused at the plain sight that greeted her.
"Oh gods" Aegon gulped as a familiar dragon emerged through the skies roaring loudly. Saera felt her knees weaken beneath her as Vermithor gave a small show.
"I did not know he was still here" Saera admitted. She has never seen him before but everyone knew who he was besides he was an old dragon after all and she thought he retired somewhere calmer than Westeros especially with the war that has happened a while back between sister and brother, mother and daughter.
"I am shocked he left his cave" Aenar wiggled out of his father's hold and the strap and walked over to the window forgetting the fact that he was short and could not reach the ledge.
"Do you reckon...?" Saera trailed off eyes never leaving her son's jumping frame. Aegon shuddered a little at the thought, Aenar was still too young especially for a dragon like Vermithor.
"I suppose..." Aegon walked over to Aenar and held him up so he could stand on the edge of the window but held him around the middle tightly, he was his only child and he would rather die than see him hurt, even a small scratch broke his heart.
"My boy will ride a dragon in due time" Saera wrapped an arm around Aegon's waist and the other trailed to Aenar's head to push back some of his hair.
"He is so pretty! Can I go see him?" Aenar asked bouncing a little. Aegon pulled him away from the ledge sensing danger with his movement. Aenar huffed annoyed a little.
"Not now, maybe another time" Saera trailed off. Her eyes looked down the corridor, she could hear an echo, maybe it was real and maybe it was her imagination.
"Wait here a second" She did not look at Aegon and Aenar as she walked off looking like she was in a daze of sorts. Aegon was confused as he watched his wife walk off. He turned to the maid that usually cared for Aenar and placed him in her arms before following after Saera quietly.
She did not notice him following and resumed walking deeper and deeper into the palace holding her breath as the sounds grew louder. Her hand hovered over the handle of the door for a second before pushing it open praying that this was real and that the entire war was merely a dream, no a nightmare. There was no one in the room, no Jace pointing to lands on the glowing table and no Luce trying to distract her from their brother's lessons.
Jace had taken it upon himself to teach them what he learned from his maester since they were younger and had some time before having to study the map of Westeros and eventually the rest of the world. He would stand to the side and watch as Saera would try and identify the area he had pointed at. He would laugh when she would mess up the names of the lands, he found it hilarious when she called Lannisport, Lannisfart when she was merely five of age one time when they were visiting before they moved here for an extended amount of time after Luce took Aemond's eye.
Her fingers felt numb as she traced the design on the table. Her tears rolled down her cheeks as Jace's laugh echoed in her head again and again and again. She felt like her mother was punishing her by sending her here to Dragonstone, that was not true of course, Rhaenyra loved Saera and would never intentionally hurt her, she forgave the usurper of her throne for her daughter after all.
Saera felt her knees give out under her with a small cry. She leaned her forehead on the table wanting nothing but for this fake reality to be real. She wanted Jace and Luce to meet her baby boy, Aenar. Luce was gone before Aenar was even born and Jace was furious and instead of a congratulations he sent her an angry letter saying he no longer had a sister, saying he hated her for giving birth to the child of the usurper and the nephew of the man that killed their brother. She knew he did not mean it, he was mourning Luce. She knows that if he were to be alive now he would welcome her with open arms, he would still be wary of Aegon but he would welcome her and Aenar because blood was thicker than water. She missed his warm embrace, the comfort he gave her when she needed it most.
"My darling" Aegon kneeled down beside her and pulled her into his arms. His embrace was nothing like Jace's but it was more than welcomed. She loved Aegon's hugs but they did not have the brotherly love she longed to feel, his embrace was filled with a different kind of love.
"Shhh, do not cry" He rocked her back and forth. He has always been there for her during her darkest of times. He was there when she received the letter from Jace and cried for hours and held her. He was there when she panicked over Aenar who refused to stop crying or when she fought with his mother for weeks over having a wet nurse but Saera refused saying he is her son and her responsibility.
"I miss them so much" She sobbed clutching his tunic like Aenar did earlier. Aegon pressed a loving kiss to her forehead. His muscles complained from the weight and movement but he did not utter a word, no her pain was greater than anything he felt in his body.
Aegon's own turmoil was playing in his head. He could not help but imagine the screams of Aemond, he did not know if Daemon had tortured him first or just killed him immediately seeking justice. He did not know if it was a smooth death or if he had suffered and he did not plan on asking, he feared the answer. He did not want to torture himself and Saera with the answer. Saera grew to love Aemond as she did Jace and Luce that is until he had taken the life of Luce in Storm's End.
"I miss him too" Aegon whispered closing his eyes. He wanted to block the screams from his head but it felt impossible. Saera looked up at him catching sight of the tear rolling down his eye. She raised her hand and wiped it away, she hated seeing him cry, it reminded her of his coronation, how miserable he was but he still went through it fearing his grandfather's threat from becoming true, fearing that the discreet press of a knife in his wife's back would plunge itself into her if he refused, he feared the knife would move to his son's small neck after it had killed his mother.
"They're with the dragons now" Saera wanted to comfort him but it was hard when she was just as broken. Aegon opened his eyes to look down at her, she looked like a mess, her hair was sticking in all direction from the flight here and she had dark circles under her eyes making the tear streaks more visible and her cheeks were puffy from the crying but she looked nothing less than a goddess.
"Will we ever move forward?" He questioned tilting his head to the side. Saera looked down for a second before making up her mind and took his hands into her own.
"We have to, for Aenar" She was determined to never see her son on the end of a knife ever again, she wanted to protect him, she did not want him to have the same childhood as her and Aegon ever.
"For Aenar" Aegon nodded in agreement. For their son they will move on from their trauma, for their son they will get better, for their son they will build their lives again and smile more, all for Aenar.
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"This used to be my room" Saera smiled as she stepped into the room. Aenar held on to her neck looking around in wander, he has never seen a room like this before. She had sent word first saying that she wanted her son's nursery to be in her old room and it was done to perfection before they came to Dragonstone.
"This room is very big" Aenar gasped in shock. His wide eyes moved around the room taking the bed in the right corner against the wall with pillows on the other side in case he ever fell off of it. Beside the bed there was a small library filled with books too small to be filled with adult stories. There were a lot of toys in the room and the second he saw a dragon figure big enough for him to ride he wiggled out of Saera arms and ran to it now ignoring the rest of the room but Aegon still looked around the room wanting to see where his wife grew up.
"What is that?" He questioned eyes pausing on something. Saera followed his gaze to the area just beside the window. She smiled when she looked at the cradle sitting there.
"Why is it there? Have they forgotten to take it out?" Aegon questioned. Saera wanted to laugh at his question, it seems it did not accure to him that she lived in the room when she was much older than a baby that fits in the cradle and she had no use of it back then.
"We will be needing it soon" She answered. Aegon's head snapped in her direction shocked. She placed a hand on her belly to make it easier for him to understand in case he was daft enough not to.
"Another?" Aegon whispered eyes filling up with tears. Saera nodded her head with a smile. He wasted no time to pull her into his arm and that is when it accrued to Saera that home was not a place but a person and Aegon was her home along with Aenar and their new baby. A new purpose to get better, a new person to live for.
"No" Aenar whined running over to his parents to seperate them from each other's embrace, a new trait of his, not wanting his parents near other, he was jealous.
"Oh my darling boy" Aegon picked Aenar up who had a small pout on his lips.
"You are going to make the best big brother" Saera giggled kissing her son's cheek. Aenar's eyes grew in surprise at his mother's words.
"Is that why Vermithor came? To bring me a sibling?" He questioned. Aegon regretted telling him that babies came from dragons now.
"No, Vermithor came for you dear zaldrīzes, your sibling will have a different dragon" Dragon. Aegon answered. Aenar giggled happy to hear that now he had his own dragon although he still has not bonded with Vermithor but the older dragon has been circling the palace none stop since they came.
"How about your father takes you to meet Vermithor?" Saera questioned. Aegon looked up at her shocked and a little afraid, he did not want to go near the ancient dragon. Aenar on the other hand shouted in glee and pulled himself out of his father's arms to start pulling him out of the door.
"Come on Kepa"
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"You're doing so good my love" Rhaenyra assured dapping a soaked cloth to Saera's forehead. Saera huffed closing her eyes to take a small break before another contraction hit her again. Rhaenyra insisted on being there and basically moved to Dragonstone the last couple of weeks to be by Saera's side in case she went into labour.
"Aegon! I want Aegon" Saera demanded eyes glaring daggers at the maester between her legs. He shuddered and went back to check on her from below.
"He is on the way Dōna riña" Rhaenyra assured. She had sent Daemon to retrieve Aegon who was visiting the caves with Aenar to see Vermithor. Aenar who had turned four during those nine moons kept insisting to visit Vermithor every other day after bonding with him.
"I am not pushing until he is here" Saera huffed closing her legs. The master pulled away just in time so her knees won't smash his head from both sides.
"Princess you must, we all believe you can do it" The midwife spoke sweetly from the side as she handed warm towels to the maesters.
"I know you cunt! I've done it before" Saera screamed feeling a new stabbing pain in her abdomen. The midwife chuckled not taking the heir's words to heart knowing the pains of childbirth. Rhaenyra gave her an apologetic look and received a nod back. The doors to Saera and Aegon's shared chamber burst open to show Aegon panting, sweating and shaking.
"Aegon!" Saera held her free hand to her husband. She opened her legs as he sat down beside. He did not even flinch at her strong grip and leaned down to kiss her sweaty forehead.
"Ñuha kostōba riña" My strong girl. Aegon leaned his forehead on her shoulder. She rested her head on his taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.
"Tis time, princess" The maester announced to her. She looked at her mother who smiled at her and nodded her head encouragingly. Rhaenyra watched her brother move to sit behind Saera so she could hold onto his thighs to squeeze while his hands kept her hair out of her face. She could hear Daemon pacing outside the doors with Aenar throwing question after question his way.
"Hold me" Saera begged eyes watering. Aegon did not hesitate to wrap his arms around her as she pushed, face scrunching up in pain and concentration. Aegon looked pained hearing her trying to conceal her screams so their son won't hear them and get scared.
"Perfect, keep going princess" The maester praised. Saera wanted to call him a cunt for being so enthusiastic while she was in so much pain but did not have time.
"Get out!" She screamed throwing her head back. She loved the little bean to death but she just wanted him or her out of her to end the pain physically and the her penitence was wearing thin, she wanted to meet her child.
"My brave girl, you are doing amazing" Aegon complimented in her ear. She smiled a little and pushed harder. Rhaenyra knew their love was great and she was glad, her Saera deserved the world. She was happy to hear of her pregnancy although she was still mourning her sons.
"That's it" The maester's voice was joyful. Saera relaxed back feeling the pressure release after a couple more pushes. The loud cry of a newborn filled the room.
"Oh my baby" Saera burst out crying seeing the baby being wrapped in a blanket by the midwife.
"A healthy girl, your grace" The midwife announced placing the bundle in Saera's awaiting arms. The baby's cries quietened as Saera rocked her a little. Aegon leaned his chin on Saera's shoulder to get a better glimpse of his baby girl. Tears build up in his eyes faster than ever at the sight of his daughter's eyes that were still closed but were slowly peeling open to show the identical violet as his own. This was his daughter and he could not believe it.
"May I?" Aegon asked. He moved to stand beside the bed letting Saera lean back against the cushions. She smiled up at him with a nod. She placed a kiss to her baby's forehead before placing the baby in her father's arms. Aegon did not even care that he was crying in front of so many people in the room as he held his princess for the first time ever. Her white-blonde hair was already showing on the top of her head identical to the shade of her brother's hair, their hair was somewhere in between their parents' slightly different hair. Aegon's hair was a shade or two darker than Saera's hair and their children's were a mix of both.
"What should we name her?" Saera asked breaking the silence that was only filled with the movement of the maids, midwives and the maester cleaning up the mess.
Rhaenyra hesitated to sit down on the bed now that the labour was over, she feared Saera would move away from her embrace again. She placed a hand on Saera's shoulder sighing in relief when she was not shrugged off. Saera turned to look at her mother with a huge smile on her face. The birth gave her a sense of peace and she wanted to keep it this way. She leaned into her mother missing her embrace and Rhaenyra did not hesitate to hug her as well. They both turned to look at the baby huffing a little in her father's arms sounding tired as if she did all the work.
"You birthed her, you bled for her, you name her" Aegon answered. The exact same answer he gave her when Aenar was born. Her eyes filled with tears at the memory.
"Visaera in honor of grandsire" Saera spoke. She was very close to her grandsire especially after she moved back to the Red Keep when she married Aegon at only ten and five, she was by his side during his sickness. Sometimes he mistook her for her mother but she did not mind. She would read books of Old Valyria to him when he was confined to his bed and he listened intently. When her belly swelled with Aenar he seemed to have been even more happy than her and Aegon but he passed before he could meet his grandchild/great-grandchild.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Rhaenyra's eyes welled up with tears but she wiped them away. The doors opened giving Saera a good view of her stepfather/great-uncle standing outside with Aenar in his arms awaiting news. Aenar gasped in wander, seeing his father with a bundle and his mother in bed made him curious.
Daemon walked into the room slowly trying not to make much noise. He stopped beside Aegon so Aenar could see his newborn sibling. He felt relieved seeing the mother and daughter holding onto each other like old times.
"Congratulations, nephew se tala" Aegon nodded back. His focus was on Aenar leaning over in Daemon's arms to take a look at his sister.
"You did good, tala" Daughter. He has not called her that in a long time. She grinned missing having a father figure in her life.
"Thank you, Kepa, Visaera was not an easy birth like Aenar" Father. She has not called anyone that since Laenor passed away, even when Daemon married her mother she refused to call him that not wanting to offend Laenor's memory.
"A girl?" He questioned also turning to look at the baby. She whined burying her face in Aegon's chest making even more tears well up in his eyes, his little girl was already seeking comfort in him. It was unintentional of course, she did not know who was holding her but it still brought out a new emotion seeing her seek his protection.
"Sister" Aenar grinned reaching over to touch her cheek. Aegon was ready to correct his son but seeing him being so gentle with the baby he saw no need, Aenar was a good boy he would never hurt anyone intentionally.
"Would you like to hold her?" Aegon asked seeing Daemon eyeing the baby. He was scared but he still took the first step. He did not want to interact with the man that killed his brother but for Saera he would do anything.
"Can I?" Daemon asked looking between Saera and Aegon wanting to be respectful although he was itching to hold her.
"Of course" Saera nodded her head. Daemon placed Aenar in his mother's embrace before turning to look at Aegon. Aegon slowly and carefully placed his little girl in Daemon's awaiting arms. She let out a small yawn and began drifting off lazily.
"She trusts her grandsire" Saera giggled hugging Aenar close. Rhaenyra reached over to carefully hold her grandson's hand. He giggled and started playing with her rings. Daemon laughed a little rocking Visaera from side to side guiding her towards dreamland where she could ride dragons until she had her own dragon and was big enough to ride him or her. Saera watched as Aegon looked at their daughter, he could not tear his eyes away from their princess just as he could not tear his eyes away from Aenar when he was first born and knew she had found her home in him.
"Aegon" Saera called earning is attention. She opened her arms inviting him into them. He sat on the bed beside her guiding Aenar into his lap as she wrapped her arms around his shoulder to hold him close.
"You are my home" She whispered in his ear. He turned his head in her direction to place a kiss on her lip.
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anira-naeg · 1 year
Pedigree of the Targaryens. Part 1.
Aenar, Daenys and Gaemon.
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Aerion, Valaena, Visenya, Aegon and Rhaenys.
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hosts-of-valyria · 1 month
• Thoughts of Daenys and Gaemon Targaryen - thoughts of Daenys the Dreamer and Gaemon the Glorious - Centuries before the War of the Five Kings an Empire ruled with an iron hand over its enemies. Long before the Dance of Dragons with Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen, before Robert's Rebellion and the Fall of the Iron Throne an Empire shattered the enemies into the sand. Many years before the Greyjoy Rebellion and the Tournament of Harrenhal - the dawn of Valyria when the stars were young the greatest power in Essos. Over 100 years before Rhaenys, Aegon and Visenya Targaryen nations tremble and hold their breath as the Valyrian Armies march nobody in the known world shall stand a chance against the might of the Valyrian Empire with a weapon arsenal and manpower up to 1500 dragons, 6000 Valyrian War Ships, 8000 Ghiscari Spearmen, 90000 Valyrian Knights, 5000 Valyrian War Elephants, 10000 Firewyrms and over 100000 Dragonlords. Fear and Respect for the valyrian contingent and the war machinery •
Volantis River Rhoyne the far East of Essos - Valyrian Colony the Rhoynish Valyrian Wars
"Any last words Garin now is the time", said Gaemon as he took Blackfyre and Volantis burned brightly, "i piss on you and your arrogant whore sister. You're just following the shit your sister whispered to you one day you and your sister will lose your arrogant, smug grin. I piss on all Valyrians i piss on Valyria! SISTER FUCKER", and Gaemon cut off Garin's head with Blackfyre, "Execute them and send their heads back to the capital while we plan our return and tell them that Nymeria escaped to Westeros the west is due now", said Gaemon, "oh with pleasure Commander", and Ardrian Qoherys and his Valyrian Knights and Dragonlords killed Garin's followers.
Tyria capital of the Valyrian Empire the ancient home of the Targaryens and Belaerys - Reign of Emperor Aurion Belaerys and Empress Jaenara Belaerys - Valyrian Peninsula
"Valyria's most loyal vassal is back my best Commander is back from the Rhoynish Valyrian War in Volantis before the competition steals him away. Let's hear what Gaemon Targaryen and his men have to say. Silence in the senate silence in the room. I command Silence", said Jaenara and Aurion while Daenys, Aenar and Shaena smiled at him, "I greet the Senate, Dragonlords and Senators. Garin and his followers are dead i executed him myself. Nymeria and her Rhoynar fled to Westeros after Sunspear in Dorne so i would councel we have our eyes to the west", said Gaemon and Jaenara and Aurion nodded, "Gulltown, Stonehelm, Duskendale or Lannisport are great for targeted attacks, conquests and invasions we have unfinished business with the Andals and First Men", said Gaemon.
"Valyria has been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time and now it is within reach to compete with the West i agree with the Commander we should look westward", said Daenys Targaryen and Daemion Velaryon, the senators from their seats, "the hell itself could not digest Westeros and we show Valyria's Might to the Westerosis we are light years apart. Valyria and Westeros cannot be compared. That's like comparing Lannisport to Asshai or Gulltown with Tyria it's another world", said Jaenara and Aurion and the senate applauded loudly.
Freya Allan and Will Fletcher as Gaemon Targaryen and Daenys Targaryen - Daenys the Dreamer and Gaemon the Glorious - Marton Csokas and Charlize Theron as Lord Aenar Targaryen and Lady Shaena Targaryen born Belaerys - Luke Eisner and Anya Taylor-Joy as Jaenara Belaerys and Aurion Belaerys Emperor and Empress of the Valyrian Empire
Murat Yildirim as Garin of the Rhoynar - Garin the Great
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alienoryva · 2 months
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Lady Daenys Targaryen (The Dreamer)🪻
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feanoryen · 5 months
Targaryen names I have beef with
Aenys - Fitting name for a little wimp but it still sounds ugly.
Aenar - Also ugly.
Daella - Why is it pronounced "Day-ella" but spelled "Da-ella"?
Same for Rhaelle & Rhaella (I want to pronounce her name "Ray-la" so bad), but they sound slightly less ugly than Daella & don't give me the ick like the rest.
Maelor - I know it means "little prince" or whatever but it rolls of the tongue terribly. It sounds like the name of an ugly Valyrian pet or something. Why couldn't Helaena have named him Baelor (sounds slightly better) after her grandfather or something?
Rhae - Cute but a name for a princess??? Maekar & Dyanna were so lazy with this one.
Rhaegel - Because it's one letter off from Rhaegal and sounds almost the same.
Matarys - I hate it, thanks.
Valarr - ...
Aegor - Sounds ugly
Haegon - It just feels off. "Hae" & "gon" don't sound good together.
Gaemon - Gael is the only pretty name with the "Gae" prefix.
Names I also don't like but can live with: Saera, Vaegon, Aelor, Baelon
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carnelianlove · 1 year
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Queen Visenya
Visenya Targaryen was the older sister and wife of King Aegon I Targaryen, the first Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Visenya was both a dragonrider and a warrior, riding Vhagar and wielded the Valyrian steel longsword Dark Sister.
hair, eyebrows, nose, eyelids, eyes, nose mask, blush
lipstick & eyeliner, jewelry, crown, dress
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The exile fire of love and family
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Aenar x wife! reader
warning : fluff, comfort, kissing, cuddling, no use of Y/n
Summary : They were a small family but a happy one with what they had, until the dream came and the Targaryen household had to make a decision. A decision that scared everyone and Aenar, even though he would be ridiculed as the exile, was always there for his wife and children.
inf : Oh yes Aenar the dad of our favourite dreamer (next to Helaena of course) I wanted to write something similar to families and I wondered why not. Have fun reading and see you next week :)
The heat of flames and screeching noises was the first thing you heard when you came to Valyria, the largest city with the most power and a mysterious aura that hardly any other place in this world had.
The fires that came from lanterns, from facades, from the dragons or the volcanoes everywhere seemed to reside in every Valyria inhabitant like a bond they needed to live on and the screeching of the dragons that not only gave them the magic but also gave them power and influence.
The mysterious creatures were born of magic, and with magic and connection they continued to multiply, and so it had always been, and so it would always have been had the day not come, the day when the small Targaryen dragon family received something that would make them the most powerful force in Westeros just a few decades later.
The familiar sound came through the open windows, the colourful cloths hanging from the ceiling next to the golden lanterns made a gentle tinkling sound almost like a wake up call that was carried on only a few moments later by the servants the parents slowly stirred in the bed with silk covers and sheets she felt a warm hand on her shoulder.
,,Mhhh good morning my love" she heard his tired and sleep-drenched voice as she looked into violet eyes that watched her the loving look as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear that had come loose a pleasant greeting.
As busy as he was with tasks during the day she enjoyed the love and warmth of Aenar in the morning, ,,Morning my dear husband," she quipped, sitting up slightly, tucking the blanket around her and hearing his grin as he too sat up, still looking slightly tired despite everything, his light beard streaked with light stubble, yet she appreciated him for all he had done, from giving her the purple ring on her finger to helping with the birth of her two beloved children, Gaemon and Daenys.
His hand lay on hers he took her hand always as they both sat in silence in the room looking at their homes remembering that despite everything they were happy.
,,I love you" she heard his words looked up at him and rested her head on his shoulder for a moment, ,,I love you too my Amethyst" she gave him back smiling as she called him that a nickname because of his eyes which were just like hers only a little darker just like an Amethyst.
She savoured his gentle kiss before he sighed as he rose from the bed and watched her dress him ,,A look like that of a hungry dragon, is my being such a pretty thing?" she heard his question and her eyes travelled from his slightly muscled chest back to his eyes she appreciated that he didn't indulge in wine and food like the creepy imaginations of some other lords.
Aenar was a simple man who lived for his family, who was content with that, ,,Perhaps it is our common fire," she returned, still feeling the warmth on her cheeks as he caught her and waited until he had dressed, his dark red toga-like clothes held up by a gold brooch, and he came to her bedside.
His hand rested on her cheek and he looked at the couple before he leaned his forehead against hers, ,,I'll be back soon" he said goodbye to her and walked out of the apartment, he would return late in the afternoon from the most beautiful place in the world, fire, soot and magic clinging to him as he sold new jewellery and jewellery, a job with art and a job that fed them all.
She herself stood up with a sigh as she rang a bell to call the servants to help him get dressed, instead of the dark red she preferred the violet with silver, an example her daughter imitated ,,Has breakfast already been prepared? I will eat together with my children" came her order, but it came out softly.
She didn't think much of the bold methods of other housekeepers and until now she saw the servants and employees more as friends with whom she chatted from time to time, dined together or sometimes took care of the dragon together.
They were friends who had other interesting views and knew things that sometimes put even Valyria in the shade, ,,Gaemon is reading in the hall…well Daenys is still in her room my lady" came the answer that did not really change her mind, they were the only heirs had a deep connection Gaemond was white he wanted to make it big and yet never arrogant he lovingly took care of his sister who was blessed by dreams.
One thing about these dreams, dreams that sometimes made their family the laughing stock of the people, sometimes the object of their homage, it was different but to them it was a sign from the gods, from the dragons that Daenys and Gaemon, their family were destined for so much more.
Moving through the corridors from the bedroom, she found Gaemon again on one of the stairs to the hall, where he seemed to be engrossed in a book on the art of war and political diplomacy.
,,Such an intriguing book, not even started before sunrise? Your father and I couldn't be prouder Gaemon," she said, seeing him startle slightly as he seemed so engrossed in the book and barely daring to look at her, the young man still a child in her eyes and yet trying to be a help where he could, he stood up and embraced his mother.
,,Thank you mother…it's really interesting but a bit hard to remember the words strange and difficult but I'll master it" he said back and she gave him a gentle look before she accompanied him to the hall and sat him at the table pouring him some water as he gladly forgot that he needed to drink ,,Have you seen Daenys today I was told she was in her room?" she asked and helped herself to a few grapes to stave off her hunger while Gaemon thought about it.
But she saw that behind his violet eyes there was slight worry and helplessness as he shook his head, ,,No, I hadn't looked for her, she didn't answer I assumed she was still asleep" he returned and she squeezed his shoulder to let him know it wasn't his fault before she made her way to her daughter's room.
The further she went the brighter it got Daenys liked the stars, liked the dragons and liked violet especially her daughter Balerion the dark dragon who seemed to do her good since he hatched here ,,Daenys? It's me who's here tomorrow…may I come here?" she asked and knocked on the door, not wanting to interrupt her getting dressed or feeding the dragon, otherwise a few things might break but she didn't get an answer.
Something that worried her and she realised with a slight start that the door was open, she went in and found a picture of chaos scattered on the floor, papers with words and phrases, writings that repeated numbers and dates and Daenys with Balerion sitting in the rent who had wrapped himself around her to keep her warm as she sat there in just her light nightgown.
Rushing to her daughter, Balerion moved away from her and seemed to be waiting to see what happened, ,,Daenys, my child, do you hear me?" she asked, feeling her neck heave to see that she was still alive, hugging her and almost crying, seeing her violet eyes open, ,,Doom….mother….the doom is coming".
Was the first thing Daenys mumbled, the first thing that made her realise that another dream must have happened, a dream stronger than all the others, ,,Daenys! Are you all right?" she heard her son call, who must have run across the noise and sat down with his sister, who gave him a tired but relieved look and nodded.
It was the morning that taught the family the power of dreams and how strongly they had to stick together as they tried to figure out what it all meant after breakfast and the more they searched, the more she had to soothe her own restlessness with hugs and words of courage from her children.
As Daenys and Gaemon searched together for answers among the papers in their room, their mother was off to her own little library to look for answers in old scrolls, but in the end they came to the conclusion that Daenys' anticipation of the end would also mean the end of Valyria.
An answer they all told Aenar, who returned home to his family that evening, caring for the sad, tearful faces, he embraced his family, kissed their heads and stroked their backs, ,,Whatever happens, we will get through this" he had said as they sat together at the table, giving his children a stolen look.
Gameon showed understanding as he immediately wanted to take care of everything and Daenys he helped her to understand what her dreams meant but most of all he took care of his wife in the evening, ,,You couldn't have handled it better dear…despite the dream we now know what lies ahead…and your care has given her life" he reminded her of the moment of Daenys birth difficult and painful when she had nevertheless survived and made it.
He held her in his arms and the smell of fire and soot surrounded her, a familiar scent as she slowly realised that, despite this wonderful dream, she would still have her family with her.
,,Our love Aenar created all this here and I believe that if we worship love once more, worship the fire and strengthen our bonds we will go into exile with hope" she said slowly as he brushed away her tears and wrapped her in a kiss as he slowly pulled her towards the bed to blur her sorrow with the heat of fire and lust.
As the Targayren couple made their way to the harbours of the city only a few moons later with everything they had and despite the calls and rumours the family had hope in their eyes as they set the dark sails and the dragon showed them the way to a future a future where Aenar held her hand and she held the hands of Gaemon and Daenys, it was a future for the family with fire and blood but most of all loving hope.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
The Targaryens were of pure Valyrian blood, dragonlords of ancient lineage. Twelve years before the Doom of Valyria (114 BC), Aenar Targaryen sold his holdings in the Freehold and the Lands of the Long Summer, and moved with all his wives, wealth, slaves, dragons, siblings, kin, and children to Dragonstone, a bleak island citadel beneath a smoking mountain in the narrow sea. At its apex Valyria was the greatest city in the known world, the center of civilization. Within its shining walls, twoscore rival houses vied for power and glory in court and council, rising and falling in an endless, subtle, oft savage struggle for dominance. The Targaryens were far from the most powerful of the dragonlords, and their rivals saw their flight to Dragonstone as an act of surrender, as cowardice. But Lord Aenar’s maiden daughter Daenys, known forever afterward as Daenys the Dreamer, had foreseen the destruction of Valyria by fire. And when the Doom came twelve years later, the Targaryens were the only dragonlords to survive. Dragonstone had been the westernmost outpost of Valyrian power for two centuries. Its location athwart the Gullet gave its lords a stranglehold on Blackwater Bay and enabled both the Targaryens and their close allies, the Velaryons of Driftmark (a lesser house of Valyrian descent) to fill their coffers off the passing trade. Velaryon ships, along with those of another allied Valyrian house, the Celtigars of Claw Isle, dominated the middle reaches of the narrow sea, whilst the Targaryens ruled the skies with their dragons. Yet even so, for the best part of a hundred years after the Doom of Valyria (the rightly named Century of Blood), House Targaryen looked east, not west, and took little interest in the affairs of Westeros. Gaemon Targaryen, brother and husband to Daenys the Dreamer, followed Aenar the Exile as Lord of Dragonstone, and became known as Gaemon the Glorious. Gaemon’s son Aegon and his daughter Elaena ruled together after his death. After them the lordship passed to their son Maegon, his brother Aerys, and Aerys’s sons, Aelyx, Baelon, and Daemion. The last of the three brothers was Daemion, whose son Aerion then succeeded to Dragonstone.
Fire and Blood, by George R.R. Martin pg 4-5
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sebeth · 2 years
The World Of Ice And Fire: The Aftermath of the Doom (Revised 12/15/22)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The dragonlords of Valyria were nearly wiped out in the Doom. Aenar Targaryan, thanks to forewarning from his daughter, Daeyns the Dreamer, had taken his children and dragons and fled to Dragonstone before the Doom.  Other dragonlords weren’t as fortunate.
Let’s be honest, the only one who liked the Valyrians were their fellow Valyrians. The Doom caused the destruction of their power base, and the death of their military and most of their dragons. Huge targets were painted on the back of the surviving Valyrians.
The citizens of Tyrosh and Lys killed the dragonlords that were in their cities. Dragonlords in other areas suffered the same fate.
“Dragonlords” implies the lords were in possession of dragons but that didn’t seem to stop Tyrosh, Lys, and other areas from killing them. Either these were wimpy dragons, or the respective cities felt the mass casualties would be worth it if the result was no more dragons – like the storming of the Dragonpit in the Dance of the Dragons.
The histories of Qohor claimed Aurion, a visiting dragonlord, raised forces from the Qohorik colonists and proclaimed himself the first Emperor of Valyria. Aurion led a 30,000 strong host to Valyria but neither he nor his host were heard from afterwards.
How long after the Doom did Aurion wait until he led his mission to reclaim Valyria? A mass volcanic destruction on that scale would take years to settle. As a dragonlord, shouldn’t Aurion have some idea of the creatures that reside in the Fourteen Flames – and that the eruptions would have freed them? What did he expect his ground forces to do once they arrived in Valyria? It wasn’t an opposing army that destroyed the Valyrian Freehold.  Qohor is some distance from Valyria so it’s possible Aurion didn’t know how the Freehold fell, only that it did. If GRRM was a faster writer, I wouldn’t mind a short story told from Aurion’s point of view to discover the reasoning behind his doomed expedition. And to see how quickly the poor foot soldiers were massacred by the fire wyrms, wyverns, etc.
Volantis, founded by Valyrians, decided to be the new Valyria, and attempt to conquer the Free Cities. Volantis had initial success – gaining control of Lys, Myr, and the southern reaches of the Rhoyne.  The party stopped when Pentos and Tyrosh allied to battle Volantis. Myrs and Lys rebelled.  The Sealord of Braavos sent a hundred ships to aid Lys. Argilac the Arrogant, a Westerosi Storm King, led a host into the Disputed Lands and defeated a Volantene host attempting to retake Myr. Remember Argilac’s name, he pops up later in the histories.
The struggles in the Disputed Lands led to the formation of the Free Companies – bands of sellswords who fight for whomever pays them.
Pentos and Tyrosh approached a young Aegon (not yet a conqueror) Targaryan to join their alliance against Volantis. And he agreed. Apparently, he didn’t have any residual loyalty towards his fellow Valyrians. Aegon met with the Prince of Pentos and the magisters of the Free City. Aegon flew Balerion the Black Dread to Lys and burned a fleet that was preparing to invade the city.
 Volantis’s luck contunied to worsen. The fire galleys of Qohor and Norvos destroyed most of the Volantine fleet on the Rhoyne. In the east, the Dothraki sensed Volantine weakness like a shark senses blood in the water. The Dothraki swarmed out of the Dothraki, leaving nothing but ruin and devastation in their wake.
Esso really went all-in on their “no more Valyrian overlords” response – even Westeros got in on the action. Like I said, the only ones who liked the Valyrians were the fellow Valyrians. I wonder if anyone has ever told Daenaerys and Faegon the history of the immediate aftermath of the Doom? Both have the same “I am the blood of old Valyria, the blood of the dragon, and therefore I am entitled to the throne, and the people are waiting/and will rejoice when I take it” but the history shows otherwise. The nations and the people will bend due to the threat of the dragons but as soon as weakness is exposed, the people revolt.
Daenerys is popular with the freed slaves and the underclass, but the non-slave areas of Essos aren’t welcoming her. And Westeros won’t either. She’s coming with three weapons of mass destruction and an army of Dothraki, Unsullied, and sellswords. Westeros is aware of the atrocities a dragon can inflict (the Field of Fire, Harrenhal, the Dance of the Dragons). What are the Dothraki known for - theft, rape, slavery, and murder. Daenerys, through no fault of her own, will also have to deal with the fallout of being the daughter of the Mad King and the rumors and horror stories that have preceded her arrival in Westeros – she killed her own brother, she bathes in the blood of virgins, etc.
Faegon may be initially popular if he replaces Cersei but that’s going to end as soon as the Dance of the Dragons, part 2 begins.
We know King’s Landing is going to burn – the most likely time is during Daenerys and Faegon’s clash. It’s only a matter of how: does Daenerys unleash the dragons in a controlled strike and accidentally hit the caches of wildfire? Does she lean into the “fire and blood” option that she embraces at the end of A Dance With Dragons and intentionally unleash the dragons on King’s Landing? Remember, Tyrion will be the devil on her shoulder, and he has an axe to grind with King’s Landing. If you’ve only watched the show, Tyrion is a completely different character in the book. Are does Cersei/Jon Connington light the wildfire in a desperate attempt to fight off Dany’s forces?  No matter who sets it off, Daenerys will get the blame. The wildfire under King’s Landing isn’t public knowledge. A few people know of it – mainly the Lannister siblings. If King’s Landing erupts in a firestorm, Westerosi will blame the dragons as that is the simple explanation.  Add in the rumor mill, not to mention the fearmongering efforts of Varys, Littlefinger and Cersei, and Daenerys’s reputation will be shot - instead of the “Breaker of Chains”, Westeros will see the “Mad King Version 2”.  
Back to the aftermath of the Doom…
Volantis itself underwent a power struggle. The Tigers – the faction who favored expansion and conquest – lost power to the elephants – a faction of tradesmen and merchant who favored peace. The elephants sued for peace and the wars were over.
Aegon Targaryen lost interest when peace ensued and returned to Dragonstone.
Aegon dropping Essos like a child bored with a toy intrigues me. His family had control of the few dragons left in the world. Essos was weakened by the wars. For someone who goes down in history as the Conqueror, Essos is easy pickings. So why did he take the “bored now, going home” option? Did he have his “A prince that was promised” vision while he was in Essos? If so, did he not think he would need the aid of Essos in the upcoming battle? Or did he simply want to ensure that no other Valyrian could threaten his family’s power and once that was accomplished, he went home.
Valyria remains a ruin to this day. The Fourteen Flames have turned into a Smoking Sea. The road that joins Volantis to Slaver’s Bay is known as the “demon road” and is avoided by sensible travelers.
Men who enter the Smoking Sea do not return. Volantis sent a fleet the claim the peninsula during the Century of Blood only for the fleet to vanish.
Rumors state men still live in the ruins of Valyria and its neighboring cities of Oros and Tyria. Most don’t believe the rumors and insist the Doom still infects Valyria.
A few cities on the outskirts of Valyria remain inhabited. In Mantarys, men are said to be born twisted and monstrous. Tolos, home of the finest slingers in the world, and Elyria are less sinister but have ties to the Ghiscari cities on Slaver’s Bay.
Based on a few minutes of research, it takes anywhere from two hundred to a thousand years for land to recover from a volcanic eruption. A single eruption. Now imagine the devastation of fourteen simultaneous volcanic eruptions. It’s been a little over three hundred years since the Doom and the land hasn’t even begun the recovery process. Add in fire wyrms and bad magical juju released in the eruptions and Valyria may never recover from the Doom.
Up next, the Reign of the Dragons
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