#daenerys targarye
sebeth · 2 years
The World Of Ice And Fire: The Aftermath of the Doom (Revised 12/15/22)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The dragonlords of Valyria were nearly wiped out in the Doom. Aenar Targaryan, thanks to forewarning from his daughter, Daeyns the Dreamer, had taken his children and dragons and fled to Dragonstone before the Doom.  Other dragonlords weren’t as fortunate.
Let’s be honest, the only one who liked the Valyrians were their fellow Valyrians. The Doom caused the destruction of their power base, and the death of their military and most of their dragons. Huge targets were painted on the back of the surviving Valyrians.
The citizens of Tyrosh and Lys killed the dragonlords that were in their cities. Dragonlords in other areas suffered the same fate.
“Dragonlords” implies the lords were in possession of dragons but that didn’t seem to stop Tyrosh, Lys, and other areas from killing them. Either these were wimpy dragons, or the respective cities felt the mass casualties would be worth it if the result was no more dragons – like the storming of the Dragonpit in the Dance of the Dragons.
The histories of Qohor claimed Aurion, a visiting dragonlord, raised forces from the Qohorik colonists and proclaimed himself the first Emperor of Valyria. Aurion led a 30,000 strong host to Valyria but neither he nor his host were heard from afterwards.
How long after the Doom did Aurion wait until he led his mission to reclaim Valyria? A mass volcanic destruction on that scale would take years to settle. As a dragonlord, shouldn’t Aurion have some idea of the creatures that reside in the Fourteen Flames – and that the eruptions would have freed them? What did he expect his ground forces to do once they arrived in Valyria? It wasn’t an opposing army that destroyed the Valyrian Freehold.  Qohor is some distance from Valyria so it’s possible Aurion didn’t know how the Freehold fell, only that it did. If GRRM was a faster writer, I wouldn’t mind a short story told from Aurion’s point of view to discover the reasoning behind his doomed expedition. And to see how quickly the poor foot soldiers were massacred by the fire wyrms, wyverns, etc.
Volantis, founded by Valyrians, decided to be the new Valyria, and attempt to conquer the Free Cities. Volantis had initial success – gaining control of Lys, Myr, and the southern reaches of the Rhoyne.  The party stopped when Pentos and Tyrosh allied to battle Volantis. Myrs and Lys rebelled.  The Sealord of Braavos sent a hundred ships to aid Lys. Argilac the Arrogant, a Westerosi Storm King, led a host into the Disputed Lands and defeated a Volantene host attempting to retake Myr. Remember Argilac’s name, he pops up later in the histories.
The struggles in the Disputed Lands led to the formation of the Free Companies – bands of sellswords who fight for whomever pays them.
Pentos and Tyrosh approached a young Aegon (not yet a conqueror) Targaryan to join their alliance against Volantis. And he agreed. Apparently, he didn’t have any residual loyalty towards his fellow Valyrians. Aegon met with the Prince of Pentos and the magisters of the Free City. Aegon flew Balerion the Black Dread to Lys and burned a fleet that was preparing to invade the city.
 Volantis’s luck contunied to worsen. The fire galleys of Qohor and Norvos destroyed most of the Volantine fleet on the Rhoyne. In the east, the Dothraki sensed Volantine weakness like a shark senses blood in the water. The Dothraki swarmed out of the Dothraki, leaving nothing but ruin and devastation in their wake.
Esso really went all-in on their “no more Valyrian overlords” response – even Westeros got in on the action. Like I said, the only ones who liked the Valyrians were the fellow Valyrians. I wonder if anyone has ever told Daenaerys and Faegon the history of the immediate aftermath of the Doom? Both have the same “I am the blood of old Valyria, the blood of the dragon, and therefore I am entitled to the throne, and the people are waiting/and will rejoice when I take it” but the history shows otherwise. The nations and the people will bend due to the threat of the dragons but as soon as weakness is exposed, the people revolt.
Daenerys is popular with the freed slaves and the underclass, but the non-slave areas of Essos aren’t welcoming her. And Westeros won’t either. She’s coming with three weapons of mass destruction and an army of Dothraki, Unsullied, and sellswords. Westeros is aware of the atrocities a dragon can inflict (the Field of Fire, Harrenhal, the Dance of the Dragons). What are the Dothraki known for - theft, rape, slavery, and murder. Daenerys, through no fault of her own, will also have to deal with the fallout of being the daughter of the Mad King and the rumors and horror stories that have preceded her arrival in Westeros – she killed her own brother, she bathes in the blood of virgins, etc.
Faegon may be initially popular if he replaces Cersei but that’s going to end as soon as the Dance of the Dragons, part 2 begins.
We know King’s Landing is going to burn – the most likely time is during Daenerys and Faegon’s clash. It’s only a matter of how: does Daenerys unleash the dragons in a controlled strike and accidentally hit the caches of wildfire? Does she lean into the “fire and blood” option that she embraces at the end of A Dance With Dragons and intentionally unleash the dragons on King’s Landing? Remember, Tyrion will be the devil on her shoulder, and he has an axe to grind with King’s Landing. If you’ve only watched the show, Tyrion is a completely different character in the book. Are does Cersei/Jon Connington light the wildfire in a desperate attempt to fight off Dany’s forces?  No matter who sets it off, Daenerys will get the blame. The wildfire under King’s Landing isn’t public knowledge. A few people know of it – mainly the Lannister siblings. If King’s Landing erupts in a firestorm, Westerosi will blame the dragons as that is the simple explanation.  Add in the rumor mill, not to mention the fearmongering efforts of Varys, Littlefinger and Cersei, and Daenerys’s reputation will be shot - instead of the “Breaker of Chains”, Westeros will see the “Mad King Version 2”.  
Back to the aftermath of the Doom…
Volantis itself underwent a power struggle. The Tigers – the faction who favored expansion and conquest – lost power to the elephants – a faction of tradesmen and merchant who favored peace. The elephants sued for peace and the wars were over.
Aegon Targaryen lost interest when peace ensued and returned to Dragonstone.
Aegon dropping Essos like a child bored with a toy intrigues me. His family had control of the few dragons left in the world. Essos was weakened by the wars. For someone who goes down in history as the Conqueror, Essos is easy pickings. So why did he take the “bored now, going home” option? Did he have his “A prince that was promised” vision while he was in Essos? If so, did he not think he would need the aid of Essos in the upcoming battle? Or did he simply want to ensure that no other Valyrian could threaten his family’s power and once that was accomplished, he went home.
Valyria remains a ruin to this day. The Fourteen Flames have turned into a Smoking Sea. The road that joins Volantis to Slaver’s Bay is known as the “demon road” and is avoided by sensible travelers.
Men who enter the Smoking Sea do not return. Volantis sent a fleet the claim the peninsula during the Century of Blood only for the fleet to vanish.
Rumors state men still live in the ruins of Valyria and its neighboring cities of Oros and Tyria. Most don’t believe the rumors and insist the Doom still infects Valyria.
A few cities on the outskirts of Valyria remain inhabited. In Mantarys, men are said to be born twisted and monstrous. Tolos, home of the finest slingers in the world, and Elyria are less sinister but have ties to the Ghiscari cities on Slaver’s Bay.
Based on a few minutes of research, it takes anywhere from two hundred to a thousand years for land to recover from a volcanic eruption. A single eruption. Now imagine the devastation of fourteen simultaneous volcanic eruptions. It’s been a little over three hundred years since the Doom and the land hasn’t even begun the recovery process. Add in fire wyrms and bad magical juju released in the eruptions and Valyria may never recover from the Doom.
Up next, the Reign of the Dragons
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
Rouka, I just saw a photo of emilie as young alicent and young sophie as sansa and I was struck by how almost similar they look like? I really don't know if it was deliberate (as is with the red hair and seems to be getting lighter this season) but you know, another thing is the alys actress also kind of looks like maisie? Are these deliberate choices?
Do you think that suddenly to justify them insisting the prophecy every single turn, they'd actually insert that house whent theory where the Starks are Alys and Aemond's descendants?
Hi there!
(I don't think that Gayle Rankin looks terribly similar to Maisie Williams? Maybe the coloring they created for Alys, but otherwise Maisie's features are much softer and rounder, and the character personalities are very dissimilar? The vibes between her and Daemon are certainly very different from those between Arya and Tywin in Harrenhal in the show. It's not much of a parallel.)
But when it comes to Alicent-Sansa resemblance, I do think it was deliberate, specifically in order to play on the antagonistic relationship between Sansa and Daenerys in Season 8 of Game of Thrones, which led to a lot of, let's say, passionate side-taking. It seems to try and pick up a spin on Sansa's character as a villainous schemer against a Rightful Targaryen Queen that was popular with some viewers.
Fans of Daenerys who felt that Sansa's distrust of her was unwarranted and malicious are bound to feel a sense of satisfaction seeing a similarly coded character (young, naive, conforming, dutiful, and later abused and consequently embittered) portrayed as a failure and a villain, rather than seeing her raised to queenship by her people while the assertive dragonrider is killed for burning thousands of people.
As for the Aemond-Alys Stark line, that would be hilarious, but it would also put importance on Catelyn's Whent-Tully bloodline and as we all know, Catelyn was ultimately an Evil Bastardphobic Conformist, so this would be a tough pill to swallow for them, even if it ended up validating House Targaryent through their descendent Arya. I mean, it would take away importance from the Dany-Rhaenyra bloodline too. It feels like this is something they would not care to exploit.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
When Yandere Cersei and Targaryen Reader (Prince) are waiting for a second child, who do you think it would be? Also I think that the second child would be born first, then Daenerys. Although I’m not sure if Rhaella survives or not. Also when Aerys 2 dies, Targaryen Reader becomes the King of Seven Kingdoms and Yandere Cersei becomes the Queen. And as much as I want them to have a peaceful reign, I think there would be war or rebellion. Like Greyjoys rebellion or Blackfyre rebellion (if there are survivors). Of course Targaryen Reader would deal with this, but he won’t be alone. I think Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark would help their friend, as well as Tywin and Rhaegar.
I think Cersei and Prince Targarye's second child will be a boy. Moreover, Cersei's second baby will be born before Daenaerys. If Rhaella doesn't survive, Viserys and Daenerys will grow up under the aegis of the Prince and Cersei. When there are riots, Ned, Robbert and Tywin will support the new Targaryen King.
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danceofdragonsrphq · 1 year
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NPC queen, Daenerys Targaryen took the throne after the death of her brother Daemon II Targaryen who died in the same way.
The return of Jaehaerys Targaryen will be the same.
During the timeskip before the Reach Wedding Season, Jaehaerys moved into Storm’s End with his house, Daenerys takes issue with this though allows it to avoid conflict and to reassure her council, namely the Master of Coin, that his worries are unfounded.
During this timeskip the war within the Stepstones happens, Jae departs to take part in this conflict for a period though he returns in time to go to the Reach.
A meeting between Jaehaerys Targarye, Tyland Lannister, and Leo Lefford take place in the reach (link pending)
Upon his return to the Stormlands, Jaehaerys leaves to fight again and then vanishes. This has people whispering he has either died, turned crave, or cloak.
There is a noticeable increase in the presence of Lords who supported the Green cause during the dance, the Princess Consorts party has a growing number of armed men everyday it seems.
Maximus Celtigar starts speaking with the Hand and the Queen about his concerns.
Jaehaerys Targaryen is on hiatus until September 1st allowing the Stormlanders and Crownlands to circle the wagons and prepare for what appears to be a slow brewing conflict.
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years
A Song of Death and Life
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dGagMoQ
by umbrakinetic
Ice and Fire. Death and Life. Two ways to say the same thing. The Prince who was promised doesn't just come from Fire and Ice, he transcends the boundaries of death and life.
One day, a depressed Jon Snow goes to bed wishing to meet his Mother. He encounters Ashara Dayne in his dreams every night after. Not his mother but someone who cares. As Jon explores his ability to commune with the dead spirit of Ashara, he finds himself plunged into a world more mystical than he ever could have imagined. Crowns, Magic, the Others, the Deep Ones, and lots of Dragons loom in his future. A future that he can see in the fire?
Words: 8373, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jon Snow, Ashara Dayne, Robb Stark, Bran Stark, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Rickon Stark, Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Arthur Dayne, Lyanna Stark, Rhaegar Targarye, Elia Martell, Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Jaime Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), Petyr Baelish, Euron Greyjoy, Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Varys, Joffrey Baratheon, Gregor Clegane, Sandor Clegane, Stannis Baratheon, R'hllor | Lord of Light (A Song of Ice and Fire), The Old Gods, The Others | White Walker Character(s) (A Song of Ice and Fire), Theon Greyjoy, Oberyn Martell, Ghost | Jon Snow's Direwolf
Relationships: Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Ashara Dayne & Jon Snow
Additional Tags: Book Universe, Dragons, King Jon Snow, Dark, Horror, Political Jon Snow, R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Prophetic Visions, lots of magic, Human Sacrifice, Lovecraftian, Necromancy kind of, Jon Snow is Magic, Powerful Jon Snow, But it's balanced I promise, all magic has a price, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Azor Ahai Prophecy | The Prince That Was Promised, Wargs & Warging (A Song of Ice and Fire), Jon is trained by Arthur Dayne, Squire Jon Snow
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dGagMoQ
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mariedemedicis · 3 years
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the three Daenerys
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yuluohe · 4 years
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Emilia Clark, Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones 1/2
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arumaonthemoon · 5 years
They really did it wrong
So, Game of Thrones was proven to be the dissapoiment of the year, D & D had proven that they really didn't understand the core of what made GoT so engaging and what made.the characters so lovable. They did them wrong and they did us wrong too.
This season has such a lazy, stupid writing. Only a few moments in this season felt like the old GoT, some characters interactions and that's heavily influenced by the actors who do know they characters and have good chemistry among themselves.
I'm just angry, and not because my dream finale isn't becoming canon, not because my only OTP (Braime) isn't canon either, no it's not about this. This had never been a "and they lived happily ever after" series, and that was his strong point, for a fantasy world with dragons and white walkers it's was realistic, every action had consequences, and every action was justified.
But this season has decided to throw all of that out of the window, after 7 seasons of developing this characters and making they grow they have done them dirty. Specially Daenerys & Jaime.
We had six seasons of Daenerys being a libertator, who yes, could be rash and imprudent sometimes, but she was empathetic and knew when to stop most of the times, but know, they decided to go with the Mad Queen way. And all for what? To makes us hate her, to make us want Jhon onda the Throne.
And Jaime? They flushed all his development to give us what? That all his growth and how much he had changed was for nothing, cause he really loved Cersei? Please. Not even the actors could buy it.
They really just crushed the Lannister twins under a bunch of rocks, Cersei deserved a better ending, not that sappy try to I don't know what.
There was no battle for the throne, we are well aware that no one will want Daenerys as ruler anymore.
It's not the what, it's the how they decided to finish it all, it's the betrayal of 11 years of a narrative that right at its culmination decided to ignore all it's writing for the shock value. Guess what, we are shocked, but we aren't impressed, we aren't happy. Game of Thrones killed his characters, not by throwing them into flames, not by crushing them under stones. It killed their characterization, and it's own story, it betrayed the chore of their beings.
My only consolation is that G.R.R Martin won't do us this dirty, cause he does love his characters and his story.
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atlasblm · 5 years
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We are only human, and the Gods have fashioned us for love.
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sebeth · 2 years
Interesting article but the writer missed the obvious meaning behind Jaime's name (French for "I love") and went for a different angle.
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“I’ve done my part. I’ve brought ice and fire together… .”
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i read the ASOIAF books again(still bad, but that old man is amazing at creating a clear image) and WOW how i wish i saw the fandom portraying or just overall talking more about how Dany, who was just a child with no education along all the other shit she has been through, was an actual prodigy, the show showed her so much depending on her (male) advisors for tatical decisions meanwhile 14yo book dany was making insane moves all by her own decisions, after watching Vikings i can even say in that aspect she reminds me of that Ivar The Boneless character, the difference is actually insane.
Similar differences are present in Jon and Tyrion, those 3 really feel like completly different characters at times
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I love them!!! All the cast, Kit, Emilia, Lena, Nikolaj, Peter... They’re AWESOME!!! BRAVOOOOO !!!
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muvana · 5 years
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via Giphy
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as someone who literally studies this, you CANNOT be racist to white people in america. there is a difference between personal discrimination and systemic racism! white people are the social majority meaning they maintain the power that makes it impossible for them to suffer from racism. can they be discriminated against? absolutely! but you CANNOT BE RACIST AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE IN AMERICA PEOPLE!!!!! ughhh
Thank you for your input! I really, really appreciate it!
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cariifletcher · 4 years
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