#Aenar the exile
amoratearte · 7 months
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🐉 Aenar Targaryen 🌋
Targaryen Family Tree
“Aenar Targaryen sold his holdings in the Freehold and the Lands of the Long Summer, and moved”
Known children: Daenys and Gaemon
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alienoryva · 2 months
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Lady Daenys Targaryen (The Dreamer)🪻
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Art by riotarttherite || Twitter
(1) Daenys the Dreamer (2) Aenar the Exile (3) Gaemon the Glorious (4) Lord Aerion (5) Valaena Velaryon
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The exile fire of love and family
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Aenar x wife! reader
warning : fluff, comfort, kissing, cuddling, no use of Y/n
Summary : They were a small family but a happy one with what they had, until the dream came and the Targaryen household had to make a decision. A decision that scared everyone and Aenar, even though he would be ridiculed as the exile, was always there for his wife and children.
inf : Oh yes Aenar the dad of our favourite dreamer (next to Helaena of course) I wanted to write something similar to families and I wondered why not. Have fun reading and see you next week :)
The heat of flames and screeching noises was the first thing you heard when you came to Valyria, the largest city with the most power and a mysterious aura that hardly any other place in this world had.
The fires that came from lanterns, from facades, from the dragons or the volcanoes everywhere seemed to reside in every Valyria inhabitant like a bond they needed to live on and the screeching of the dragons that not only gave them the magic but also gave them power and influence.
The mysterious creatures were born of magic, and with magic and connection they continued to multiply, and so it had always been, and so it would always have been had the day not come, the day when the small Targaryen dragon family received something that would make them the most powerful force in Westeros just a few decades later.
The familiar sound came through the open windows, the colourful cloths hanging from the ceiling next to the golden lanterns made a gentle tinkling sound almost like a wake up call that was carried on only a few moments later by the servants the parents slowly stirred in the bed with silk covers and sheets she felt a warm hand on her shoulder.
,,Mhhh good morning my love" she heard his tired and sleep-drenched voice as she looked into violet eyes that watched her the loving look as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear that had come loose a pleasant greeting.
As busy as he was with tasks during the day she enjoyed the love and warmth of Aenar in the morning, ,,Morning my dear husband," she quipped, sitting up slightly, tucking the blanket around her and hearing his grin as he too sat up, still looking slightly tired despite everything, his light beard streaked with light stubble, yet she appreciated him for all he had done, from giving her the purple ring on her finger to helping with the birth of her two beloved children, Gaemon and Daenys.
His hand lay on hers he took her hand always as they both sat in silence in the room looking at their homes remembering that despite everything they were happy.
,,I love you" she heard his words looked up at him and rested her head on his shoulder for a moment, ,,I love you too my Amethyst" she gave him back smiling as she called him that a nickname because of his eyes which were just like hers only a little darker just like an Amethyst.
She savoured his gentle kiss before he sighed as he rose from the bed and watched her dress him ,,A look like that of a hungry dragon, is my being such a pretty thing?" she heard his question and her eyes travelled from his slightly muscled chest back to his eyes she appreciated that he didn't indulge in wine and food like the creepy imaginations of some other lords.
Aenar was a simple man who lived for his family, who was content with that, ,,Perhaps it is our common fire," she returned, still feeling the warmth on her cheeks as he caught her and waited until he had dressed, his dark red toga-like clothes held up by a gold brooch, and he came to her bedside.
His hand rested on her cheek and he looked at the couple before he leaned his forehead against hers, ,,I'll be back soon" he said goodbye to her and walked out of the apartment, he would return late in the afternoon from the most beautiful place in the world, fire, soot and magic clinging to him as he sold new jewellery and jewellery, a job with art and a job that fed them all.
She herself stood up with a sigh as she rang a bell to call the servants to help him get dressed, instead of the dark red she preferred the violet with silver, an example her daughter imitated ,,Has breakfast already been prepared? I will eat together with my children" came her order, but it came out softly.
She didn't think much of the bold methods of other housekeepers and until now she saw the servants and employees more as friends with whom she chatted from time to time, dined together or sometimes took care of the dragon together.
They were friends who had other interesting views and knew things that sometimes put even Valyria in the shade, ,,Gaemon is reading in the hall…well Daenys is still in her room my lady" came the answer that did not really change her mind, they were the only heirs had a deep connection Gaemond was white he wanted to make it big and yet never arrogant he lovingly took care of his sister who was blessed by dreams.
One thing about these dreams, dreams that sometimes made their family the laughing stock of the people, sometimes the object of their homage, it was different but to them it was a sign from the gods, from the dragons that Daenys and Gaemon, their family were destined for so much more.
Moving through the corridors from the bedroom, she found Gaemon again on one of the stairs to the hall, where he seemed to be engrossed in a book on the art of war and political diplomacy.
,,Such an intriguing book, not even started before sunrise? Your father and I couldn't be prouder Gaemon," she said, seeing him startle slightly as he seemed so engrossed in the book and barely daring to look at her, the young man still a child in her eyes and yet trying to be a help where he could, he stood up and embraced his mother.
,,Thank you mother…it's really interesting but a bit hard to remember the words strange and difficult but I'll master it" he said back and she gave him a gentle look before she accompanied him to the hall and sat him at the table pouring him some water as he gladly forgot that he needed to drink ,,Have you seen Daenys today I was told she was in her room?" she asked and helped herself to a few grapes to stave off her hunger while Gaemon thought about it.
But she saw that behind his violet eyes there was slight worry and helplessness as he shook his head, ,,No, I hadn't looked for her, she didn't answer I assumed she was still asleep" he returned and she squeezed his shoulder to let him know it wasn't his fault before she made her way to her daughter's room.
The further she went the brighter it got Daenys liked the stars, liked the dragons and liked violet especially her daughter Balerion the dark dragon who seemed to do her good since he hatched here ,,Daenys? It's me who's here tomorrow…may I come here?" she asked and knocked on the door, not wanting to interrupt her getting dressed or feeding the dragon, otherwise a few things might break but she didn't get an answer.
Something that worried her and she realised with a slight start that the door was open, she went in and found a picture of chaos scattered on the floor, papers with words and phrases, writings that repeated numbers and dates and Daenys with Balerion sitting in the rent who had wrapped himself around her to keep her warm as she sat there in just her light nightgown.
Rushing to her daughter, Balerion moved away from her and seemed to be waiting to see what happened, ,,Daenys, my child, do you hear me?" she asked, feeling her neck heave to see that she was still alive, hugging her and almost crying, seeing her violet eyes open, ,,Doom….mother….the doom is coming".
Was the first thing Daenys mumbled, the first thing that made her realise that another dream must have happened, a dream stronger than all the others, ,,Daenys! Are you all right?" she heard her son call, who must have run across the noise and sat down with his sister, who gave him a tired but relieved look and nodded.
It was the morning that taught the family the power of dreams and how strongly they had to stick together as they tried to figure out what it all meant after breakfast and the more they searched, the more she had to soothe her own restlessness with hugs and words of courage from her children.
As Daenys and Gaemon searched together for answers among the papers in their room, their mother was off to her own little library to look for answers in old scrolls, but in the end they came to the conclusion that Daenys' anticipation of the end would also mean the end of Valyria.
An answer they all told Aenar, who returned home to his family that evening, caring for the sad, tearful faces, he embraced his family, kissed their heads and stroked their backs, ,,Whatever happens, we will get through this" he had said as they sat together at the table, giving his children a stolen look.
Gameon showed understanding as he immediately wanted to take care of everything and Daenys he helped her to understand what her dreams meant but most of all he took care of his wife in the evening, ,,You couldn't have handled it better dear…despite the dream we now know what lies ahead…and your care has given her life" he reminded her of the moment of Daenys birth difficult and painful when she had nevertheless survived and made it.
He held her in his arms and the smell of fire and soot surrounded her, a familiar scent as she slowly realised that, despite this wonderful dream, she would still have her family with her.
,,Our love Aenar created all this here and I believe that if we worship love once more, worship the fire and strengthen our bonds we will go into exile with hope" she said slowly as he brushed away her tears and wrapped her in a kiss as he slowly pulled her towards the bed to blur her sorrow with the heat of fire and lust.
As the Targayren couple made their way to the harbours of the city only a few moons later with everything they had and despite the calls and rumours the family had hope in their eyes as they set the dark sails and the dragon showed them the way to a future a future where Aenar held her hand and she held the hands of Gaemon and Daenys, it was a future for the family with fire and blood but most of all loving hope.
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year
The Targaryens are the blood of the dragon, descended from the high lords of the ancient Freehold of Valyria, their heritage proclaimed in a striking (some say inhuman) beauty, with lilac or indigo or violet eyes and hair of silver-gold or platinum white.
Aegon the Dragon’s ancestors escaped the Doom of Valyria and the chaos and slaughter that followed to settle on Dragonstone, a rocky island in the narrow sea. It was from there that Aegon and his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys sailed to conquer the Seven Kingdoms.
To preserve the blood royal and keep it pure, House Targaryen has often followed the Valyrian custom of wedding brother to sister. Aegon himself took both his sisters to wife, and fathered sons on each.
The Targaryen banner is a three-headed dragon, red on black, the three heads representing Aegon and his sisters.
The Targaryen words are Fire and Blood.
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sebeth · 2 years
The World Of Ice And Fire: The Lords of Dragonstone (Revised 12/18/22)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
   The Targaryens were Valyrian lineage of ancient lineage. They were “far from the most powerful dragonlords” in the constant struggle for dominance between the twoscore rival Valyrian houses.
Twelve years before the Doom, Aenar Targaryen sold his holdings in the Freehold and the Lands of the Long Summer and moved “all his wives, wealth, slaves, dragons, siblings, kin, and children” to Dragonstone.
The re-location of the Targaryens was seen as a sign of surrender by the other Valyrian houses. Daenys, Aenar’s daughter, had foreseen the Doom of Valyria and warned her father. Aenar took his daughter’s vision seriously and initiated the move to Dragonstone.
The book states Daenys became known as the Dreamer after the Doom. Did she have any visions before the one of the Doom? Did she have any after? Aenar had an enormous amount of faith in his daughter if her vision of the Doom was her first prophetic dream. Most fathers would simply dismiss it as a bad dream, but he sold everything, gathered the entire family, and moved to a new continent.  Did any of the family have any objections or was Aenar’s word final and no dissension was brooked?
Did Aenar feel foolish when nothing happened for years after Daeyns’ dream? Vindication of the move didn’t occur until twelve years later. Did Aenar attempt to warn any of his fellow Valyrians or did he simply gather everyone of importance to him and left the rest of his civilization to its fate? Regardless, the Targaryens were the only dragonlords to survive the Doom.
“Dragonstone had been the westernmost outpost of Valyrian power for two centuries. Its location athwart the Gullet gave its lords a stranglehold on Blackwater Bay, and enabled both the Targaryans and their close allies, the Velaryons of Driftmark (a lesser house of Valyrian descent), to fill their coffers off the passing trade. Velaryon ships, along with those of another allied Valyrian house, the Celtigars of Claw Isle, dominated the middle reaches of the narrow sea, while the Targaryens ruled the skies with their dragons.”
The Velaryons and the Celtigars would remain loyal to the Targaryens through Robert’s Rebellion and may continue to be with the arrival of (fake) Aegon and later Daenerys to Westeros.
In the hundred years after the Doom of Valyria, known as the Century of Blood, the Targaryans paid little attention to the events in Westeros.
After the death of Aenar the Exile (is it exile, if he voluntarily left?), Gaemon Targaryan, brother and husband of Daenys the Dreamer, became Lord of Dragonstone. He would later be referred to as Gaemon the Glorious. There is no mention of what made Gaemon so glorious. Aegon and Elaena, Gaemon’s son and daughter, ruled after his death.
The lordship passed to Aegon and Elaena’s eldest son, Maegon, and then to a younger son, Aerys. Aelyx, Baelon, and Daemion, the sons of Aerys, were the next lords of Dragonstone. Daemion’s son, Aerion, then succeeded to Dragonstone.
The Targaryen Lords of Dragonstone:
1.       Aenar the Exile (spouse unnamed)
2.       Gaemon the Glorious and sister-wife Daenys the Dreamer
3.       Aegon and sister-wife Elaena
4.       Maegon
5.       Aerys
6.       Aelyx
7.       Baelon
8.       Daemion
9.       Aerion and Valaena Velaryon
10.   Aegon the Conqueror and sister-wives Visenya and Rhaenys
The incest runs deep in the Targaryen family.  We have three known full sibling marriages.  Aenar’s wife was presumably a Targaryen.  Maegon and Aey’s spouses are unknown – did they even have sisters to marry? Alex and Baelon seem to have had short reign – did they even marry? Aerion wed a Velaryon – its unknown how much inbreeding Valaena brought to the marriage – perhaps some of her sisters/aunts were the unnamed spouses of the earlier Targaryens?
Up next, the most famous Dragonstone lord of all time: Aegon the Conqueror.
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While the pre-Aegon I targs receive almost no focus in any published material, how do you think it may have changed in precedent at the Great Councils if there was a ruling Lady of Dragonstone in the ancestry? When I first read F&B, I almost thought there would be a retcon with the Valyrians to be Salic / Agnatic and that would factor into the precedent of the great council of 101. There’s also a pro-daemon argument for agnatic seniority up to Daemon that I would’ve loved to have GRRM explore
Oh, but there was a ruling lady of Dragonstone:
Gaemon Targaryen, brother and husband to Daenys the Dreamer, followed Aenar the Exile as Lord of Dragonstone, and became known as Gaemon the Glorious. Gaemon's son Aegon and his daughter Elaena ruled together after his death. After them the lordship passed to their son Maegon, his brother Aerys, and Aerys's sons, Aelyx, Baelon, and Daemion. The last of the three brothers was Daemion, whose son Aerion then succeeded to Dragonstone.
And we know that Elaena was a Lady in her own right and not just her husband's, because Aerys and Daemion and Aerion had wives, but they aren't spoken of as "ruling together". Therefore Aegon and Elaena's situation must have been with her on the same level as him. But alas, that didn't seem to help much with later succession arguments.
I suppose there might be an agnatic seniority argument, but I can also see that they specifically factored in female heirs and "a daughter before an uncle" of male-preference primogeniture:
As the glad tidings of Rhaena’s birth spread across the land, the realm rejoiced…save, perhaps, for Queen Visenya. Prince Aenys was the unquestioned heir to the Iron Throne, all agreed, but now an issue arose as to whether Prince Maegor remained second in the line of succession, or should be considered to have fallen to third behind the newborn princess. [...] The boy, named Aegon after his grandsire, was born to Lady Alyssa and fathered by Prince Aenys. [...] While many still debated whether Prince Maegor or his niece, Rhaena, should have precedence in the order of succession, it seemed beyond question that Aegon would follow his father, Aenys, just as Aenys would follow Aegon.
BTW, if you're interested, you can see an essay by an actual lawyer stating that the precedent of the Great Council of 101 was no legal precedent at all.
But anyway, you're not the only one who wishes F&B had gone into far greater detail about various legal and social decisions of the Targaryens. @goodqueenaly has gone into it at length, in particular about the politics of matchmaking, and the lack of it in F&B...
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mmelolabelle · 3 months
Watching HOTD and how much Helaena suffers because of beinga dreamer has given me a new appreciation for Aenar “The Exile” Targaryen. His baby girl told him that their entire civilisation was going to go down in actual flames and he packed up the whole of House Targaryen and dipped.
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the-common-cowgirl · 6 months
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Chapter 1 - Intro
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x OFC (Anikyra Targaryen)
Summary: The Peaceful King Viserys hears word of a Targaryen Princess that resides in the broken stronghold of Valyria; which has since become an immature kingdom after of the doom befell their land. Feeling the tension between his house and believing the long night may soon come, Viserys proposes a betrothal between the Valyrian Princess and his second son, Aemond Targaryen, believing his daughter’s prophetic dream that the child born of this union will become the prince that was promised.
Warnings (Ch. specific): Mentions of murder and usurpation.
Word Count: 1600
A/N: AHA! First chapter of this rework done! Probably going to work on finishing The Lost Children after this unless this gets a lot of attention lol.
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Dawn awakened over the vast land that once was the great stronghold of Valyria; now an emerging kingdom over the broken land. The red, hot sun greeted her on the east side of her balcony and the beautiful, bright rays danced along the pale, blue water of the sea that faced her to the south. The large, shiny, black castle, mounted on the side of a great mount of stone and soot, stood tall above the city. She could see the hustle of morning coming and goings of the smallfolk below her who now resembled crawling ants. She often sat high above them on warm dawns with her tea, wondering if, although their lives were harsh and rough, were they simpler? Were those people below her free in the choices they made or were they too, confined to a blind duty born of their station? Did they have autonomy over their beating hearts or were they too a prisoner in their own personal hell? 
She doubted it.
 She heard a door open in the distance behind her and knew her handmaiden was coming to ready her; she also knew the handmaiden would be bearing news in which she dreaded. News of the scheming of the King of Valyria and another King of a distant land. News that would be comparable to news of her own execution; at least, in her mind. She did not want to hear it but she knew it would come regardless of her wishes. So, she decided to muster up her courage, to take her cup with now cool tea and walk into her bedchambers to hear if this was the news her handmaiden would be bearing.
“Princess, a messenger has sent word that the Targaryens of Westeros have embarked on their journey here.”
The ‘False Targaryens’ you mean. 
She all but slammed her cup on a table, nearly breaking the fragile porcelain, angered by the audacity of these Westerosi to come here and believe they have any sort of claim to what was once their homeland. A homeland they were exiled from when Aenar defiled the name “Targaryen '' by gambling his riches awash then trying to make good on his debts by stealing his elder brother’s, Aelys Targaryen, dragon eggs. Aelys should have not only exiled him, but executed him. No, her ancestor, Aelys, allowed his brother to be exiled comfortably with his family, a dragon and a handful of eggs. After the doom befell Valyria,  all the dragons fell from the sky, burning from the outside in, and Aelys’ only daughter requested help from the Westerosi. She asked for Aenar to bring his dragons and help what remained of the dragonlords escape the wrecked ruins of what was their home. Aenar responded with a simple “Nyke ivestragon Aelys hen bisa vejes” [I tell Aelys of this doom].  So, desperate for help and to save the remains of her people, she took it upon herself as the last highborn blood of the dragonlords alive, she turned to head to Asshai…and the Taragryens rose from the ashes…without the help of the last of their kin.
“Princess?” Her handmaiden approached lightly and slowly; holding out her hand as if she were approaching a deadly beast that needed to sniff her first to know she’s not a threat.
“Yes, Tiah. I understand the words you spoke. I know they are coming. I’d be more content today if you chose to not speak of it. Is that understood?” She snapped with an edge to her voice she wasn’t intending upon. Realizing she was staring harshly toward her handmaiden, she softened her stance slightly and turned away to hide the outburst; lip twitching with residual anger.
 Tiah, she thought, only a year older than I but such a meek and foolish girl still. 
Her handmaiden took two steps back briskly. She held her head down and hands clasped behind her back. “Yes, your Grace. I will not speak further about them.” Like an obedient dog. 
The Princess, overcome with emotion of anger she did not want to process nor dim, yet also, feeling the need to apologize to her poor handmaiden who was only doing her duty in informing Princess of the updates that the walls of the castle echoed, decided to walk out to the balcony again instead of apologizing for her misdirected anger. 
Tiah is not the enemy here. Keep your head clear. Breathe. 
 After some time, the Princess decided to walk back into her bedchambers yet again, call upon her handmaiden, and ask for help dressing in a gown. She did not care which gown her handmaiden decided to pick, as long as it was light in this warming daylight and allowed her to breathe unrestrictedly. The day was hot and will grow hotter as the sun crawls higher into the sky. Tiah picked a thin silken gown that would allow her to stroll the castle on this day of summer without becoming faint. Emerald green silk with gold filigree embroidered on the sleeves and either side of her torso. It showed off a hint of her collarbone and she decided that it was an acceptable amount of skin to show to court. The Princess’ left hand slid along her exposed collarbone. Slender fingers caressing her soft skin. 
I will not become some broodmare for a false dragon. She reminded herself in the mirror. I am the true daughter of Valyria. The last true dragon of Valyria and I will not let the false Targaryens of Westeros feast upon my body with their eyes. I will not bend, nor will I break. 
 She thought of her mother and how she did not bend, nor break to her father’s whims. The beautiful “Light of Valyria” remained gentle but firm in her hold of power. How her mother loved her father deeply but it was her who sat the throne. How her father helped raise Valyria from the ruins and strengthened their fledgling kingdom, his duty born purely out of the love he held for her mother. Despite all of their love, duty, and power, they only produced a single child. One daughter. 
Naturally, being the “First Child of Valyria,” she would be the heir uncontended; free to marry whomever she wanted, regardless of status or power. If only the natural order of things were so easy to abide by. 
The day they revolted against her father, the King Consort, she had viewed her mother’s face for the first time for who she truly was: a monster. Only a monster would sentence their true love to death. Only a monster would marry the man who usurped her father’s place and allow him to stand beside her throne as her new King Consort. Only a monster would lie with the man who murdered her only child’s father and only a monster would give birth to the most precious being in this world. 
Her younger sister. Only four years younger but still so very wise and kind. The only person in this world whom Anikyra has ever had to love and cherish. The only one who had ever claimed to love her and didn’t abandon her for the sweet taste of death. The young Princess Scilia was the very image of their mother. Pale hair, purple eyes, touched by the dawn and the light above. She always wore light colors as well; an homage to her mother. The elder sister sometimes even thought that Scilia was the Sun itself; especially when times were dark and cruel. Many referred to the young Princess as “The Light Princess.” 
Those very people had a similar name for the elder Princess. A name she did not care to refute as she knew the truth in it. When she was born, in the month of the Sapphire, her father was so happy his child would carry a reminder of him, regardless how small. The midwives called it “touch of dark.” Her mother called it “soul of the dragon.” But the people of the great castle called her “The Dark Princess,” for the small patch of black hair on the right side of her head, intertwined in her long, thick silver locks.
Those names, those whispers as she walked the slick, black floors of the castle, they gave life to the fire burning within her. Gave life to the rage she felt. Gave life and all that is unholy to the plan she had laid before herself once she heard the news, fourteen years ago, that her mother had been taken out of the castle a month after the birth of the Usurper King’s first child, the child that sealed his place on the throne, and executed in secret by the that very man. By the Usurper, her Father-by-law. She may be the heir to her parent’s murder’s kingdom, but this kingdom will bend the knee to her and her alone. She will take her realm back by blood. 
She found herself in front of the massive iron double doors to the throne room. As they opened, the large crowd of the court turned all eyes toward her and dared not look away for even a moment, as they always had done. The masses watched the predator in the eyes of the Dark Princess at all times for sign of a threat, waiting anxiously for the day she finally snaps and ends the man who murdered the very couple who gave her life.
She began ascending into the throne room, straight toward the Valyrian Throne where the now-King sat and a voice called out before her. 
”Princess Anikyra of the great House Targaryen. First child of Valyria, Heir to the Valyrian throne.”
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For updates when I post chapters, follow fics-by-the-common-cowgirl!
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amoratearte · 7 months
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🐉 Gaemon Targaryen ❤️‍🔥
Targaryen Family Tree
“Gaemon Targaryen, brother and husband to Daenys the Dreamer, followed Aenar the Exile as Lord of Dragonstone, and became known as Gaemon the Glorious”
Known children: Aegon, Elaena, younger daughter
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Hello there, sorry for disturbing you, but I just imagined something and I wanted to share.
Imagine Modern!Reader isekaied in ASOIAF before the Doom of Valyria, at least before Daenys’s prophetic dream. I can’t help but imagine if other Valyrian families of dragon lords took interest in Reader?
Modern!Reader just mind their business.
Yandere Valyrian families of Dragonlords getting interested and wanting Reader for themselves.
Yandere Targaryens: 👀👀👀🗡️
Imagine Daenys, Gaemon and their father Aenar the Exile holding Modern!Reader close and sticks(swords) not letting anyone near their precious Reader.
Meanwhile Modern Reader: *confused*😶 what is happening?
Modern!Reader: just minding their own business and enjoying Valyria 🥰
The other Dragonlords + the Targaryens + the Velaryons taking an interest in them: 💀
I like to imagine that Modern!Reader would have something in them that demonstrates that they are not from there, something subtle. And this could be a way to get the dragonlords interested. Especially the Targaryens. We know what they are like.
Poor Reader doesn't have a day of peace. We are talking about the Valyrian Peninsula when it was still very powerful and influential. There's not much they can do, especially with dragons involved. I like to think that since dragons have a connection to their riders, they could develop an obsession toward the Reader as well, like a kind of mirror.
After Daenys' prophecy, the Targaryens would be adamant about taking the Modern!Reader with them. The Velaryon might agree, as they too have left Valyria. Just like House Celtigar. There would definitely be a lot of conflict there, these three houses wanting to leave Valyria with the Reader and the other Valyrian families not wanting to leave.
This has a lot of potential for conflicts and I'm all in! 🥰
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alienoryva · 4 months
A targaryen name that only used by one person in the family ;
Aenar (Father of Daenys the dreamer)
Daenys (Daughter of Aenar the exile)
Maegon (Son of Aegon & Elaena/grandson of Daenys the dreamer & Gaemon the glorious)
Aelix (Son of Aerys/great-grandason of Daenys the dreamer)
Daemion (Youngest son of Aerys/great-grandson of Daenys the dreamer/father of lord Aerion/grandfather of the Conqueror siblings)
Aenys i (only child of Aegon the Conqueror & Rhaenys)
Aerea (Daughter of Aegon the uncrowned & Rhaena Targaryen/twins sister of septa-princess Rhaella Targaryen)
Maegelle (Sixth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Vaegon (Seventh child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Viserra (Tenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Valerion (Twelfth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Gael (Youngest/thirteenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Rhaenyra i (Daughter of Viserys i & Aemma Arryn)
Helaena (Daughter of Viserys i & Alicent Hightower)
Baela (Daughter of Daemon & Laena Velaryon/Twins sister of Rhaena)
Jaehaera (Daughter of Aegon ii & Helaena/Twins of Jaehaerys)
Daena (Eldest Daughter of Aegon iii & Daenaera Velaryon)
Naerys (Daughter of Viserys ii & Larra Rogarre)
Rhaegel (Third son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Maekar i (Youngest son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Aelor (Son of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Aelora (Eldest Daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn/Twins of Aelor)
Daenora (Youngest child/daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Valarr (Eldest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Matarys (Youngest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Rhae (Youngest daughter/child of Maekar i & Dyanna dayne)
Rhaelle (Youngest daughter/child of Aegon v & Betha Blackwood/grandmother of Robert i,stannis,renly Baratheon)
Rhaegar (Eldest son/child of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
Shaena (Second child/Eldest Daughter of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
NOTE: I didn't add the Targaryen name which only uses additional alphabet but the spelling is same (Saera & Shaera / Aemon & Aemond)
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
Any thoughts on why Targaryens and Celtigars never intermarried? I’ve been thinking about this, because are - supposedly- the blood of Old Valyria, just like the Targaryens and the Velaryons.
I think it’s very likely that like the Velaryons they weren’t dragon riders and like the Targaryens they weren’t rich either and without either signifier of power, the Targaryens just aren’t interested in them. Like, I’m guessing there’s absolutely no magic in their blood whatsoever, bc we do know there were Valyrians who didn’t ride dragons! - they were just some random Valyrian family that lived nearish to the Targaryens and believed Daenys’ the Dreamers dream was real and followed them into exile, but I’d bet they weren’t otherwise super associated with the targaryens or the Velaryons when Valyria still stood.
So they follow them all the way to Westeros and kind of expect to be treated as equals, only the Targaryens aren’t interested in Valyria so much as they’re interested in Valyrian magic. The Velaryons probably do have some magic in their family that’s a lot more consistently there than the Celtigars.
And like, obviously I have my own theory that you actually don’t need any Valyrian blood at all to ride a dragon, just a lot of nerve and patience and access (as in, literal access to a dragon) but not only do the Targaryens not know that (imo they did once know, but don’t now) but keeping themselves ~above the rabble~ as well as designating themselves the sole arbiters of who gets to ride a dragon keeps power firmly in their hands. I think you can even see this in the way that post Dance they completely cut the Velaryons out of power - they don’t “need” to keep their blood pure anymore because there’s no dragons, but they incest marry because they don’t want to share power/are coping badly on a spiritual level with the loss of their dragons.
So, early Targaryens (ie Aenar the Exile) probably saw the Celtigars as magically useless and post Dance Targaryens saw basically everyone as less than them, including the two other Valyrian houses. I’d be happy to hear other people’s takes though!
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 3 months
What are Aenar birthdays like? Do they celebrate them at all? If so, how? (Also, this is my new temp backup blog because I lost my phone with access to my main one (: )
(oh cool- welcome back from exile haha sorry abt ur phone my brother)
And EEEEEE I love this question! YES and I have many many non-canon fluffy things! more below the cut!
Thank you for the ask!
Alright so there's stages with birthdays- like ours on Earth! When you're a kid it's more of a social/fun thing and as you age it's more social and less toy/gift centered.
In general: Birthdays are...complex. Like some indigenous tribes here on Earth, the Aenar don't have set 'milestones' for ages; eg. crawling, talking, etc. The child will learn and grow in their own time and in their own way. 'Normal' and 'average' are myths.
However, birthdays are meaningful because it means you're older, wiser, and have survived the tundra/ice caves for another year! Kid birthdays: Super focused on both the child and family; it's an honor for the kid, sure, but also for the people who created said kid. (specifically who birthed said kid- but that can sometimes be tricky with surrogates and whatnot) Gifts are common, and food is common, but the 'birthday parties' we think of for children are not. On the actual day, it's strictly family time only. Birthday parties (like the ones we think of with cake, balloons, and chaos) are usually held a day or two after.
Teen birthdays: less gifts, more centered around the teen's purpose. If a teen has figured out their purpose in life (eg. Hemmer's is fixing things) then their gifts will center around that thing. (eg. a toolset)
Adult birthdays: This is when the shift from formal to casual takes place. Given the adult has a partner, it shifts from the parents to their partner to plan the day. Single Aenar rely on friends/platonic partners/family to plan the day. Sometimes casual drinking or a casual get-together is in order.
Adults with children: depends on the Aenar but some Aenar partners will let their kids help plan the day/help with decorations. Other Aenar partners will plan a nice 'break' or a more quiet day for their partner.
Elder Aenar: back to formal...only, it's the whole damn city that shows up to the gig. Especially if you're super old/have a far reach. The whole goal of Aenar lives/purposes/life goals is to help each other. Fixing things (eg. Hemmer) protecting things, and other such life purposes are not only for the individual but for the whole community. And thus, when an Aenar gets old, the more and more the community shows up for them- as they have shown up for the community. (Eg. old patients of a retired doctor will gladly show up at a birthday party for them to show their appreciation!)
Common themes/decorations: certain types of music/incense are only played/used for birthdays or special occasions. So, when a child is having a birthday they'll usually be awoken by the smell of incense/a special song that they'll recognize. This actually continues into adulthood- and if the person's partner is cool-- it'll continue until they're quite old.
Food: Naturally, they break out the good stuff. Top-shelf liquor, best-cut meat, and pricey dishes are the bread-and-butter of these get-togethers. After all, what's a more special occasion than celebrating the continuation of life itself?
Anywho, thanks for the ask! I enjoy when y'all ask super cool questions! (which is always lol)
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goodqueenaly · 10 months
@kristinakyidyl reblogged your post “I love talking about Targaryen crowns (like all...”
You know what I wonder? Where did Aegon I's crown come from. It was valyrian steel 100 years after the secret of making it disappeared. Did they have some valyrian steel just hanging around dragonstone that was then reworked into the crown? Or did they have the crown just chilling and ready to go, having been purchased back in Valyria? Like a crown is a very specific thing with a specific purpose, not a generic piece of jewelry that happens to also serve as the marker of royalty. And the implication that they might have just had a valyrian steel crown hanging around waiting for a king is interesting what with the dreaming thing and all. Maybe Daenys was like "yeah, buy a crown before we go dad, we're going to need one some say". Or maybe they had a 3rd ancestral blade and they melted it down into the dagger and the crown (tho the Catspaw dagger being explicitly Targaryen is a TV show thing, it's not necessarily out of the realm of possibility for the books imo.). Like who knows, but it's just a weird thing I've always kinda wondered about.
For one, it's certainly not impossible that Aegon Targaryen had existing Valyrian steel worked into a new circlet. While no new Valyrian steel has been produced, so far as we know, since the Doom, the method of reworking Valyrian steel has not been completely lost to history (as evidenced by the work of Tobho Mott). Of course, most families would not have a surplus of Valyrian steel items to use for more (hence why Tywin was so willing to give Joffrey and Jaime swords made from the Valyrian steel blade he had stolen from the Starks), but it is not out of the realm of possibility that a Valyrian dragonlord family, among the very select elite in the Freehold, would have brought any number of Valyrian steel items out of the city into de facto exile (as indeed, Yandel reported that Aenar Targaryen sailed to Dragonstone with "all his wives, wealth, slaves, dragons, siblings, kin, and children"). If Aegon believed that he needed or wanted a Valyrian steel crown more than he wanted, I don't know, a random Valyrian steel knife or axe or whatever that was in the Targaryen treasury, then it's at least possible he would have sacrificed this item for the sake of creating a crown. 
And that's even assuming he had to make the crown from scratch, so to speak, at all. The Valyrians do not appear to have limited Valyrian steel exclusively to blades and bladed items, given the existence of Euron's Valyrian steel armor, so it is at least possible that a the height of the Freehold the Valyrians created any number of non-weapon Valyrian steel pieces. Likewise, it is unknown whether the dragonlord families would have rejected crowns or the appearance of regality (especially considering that they appeared to see themselves as closer to gods than humans). In turn, it is at least possible that this and similar crowns existed in the Freehold prior to the Doom, worn by dragonlords as a sign of their power, wealth, and magnificence - a sort of "look how mighty we are, we can afford to spend money for the ultimate in Valyrian handiwork simply to glorify ourselves". 
I don't see any evidence at this time that the crown was created specifically by the Targaryens as an act of prophetic preparation before the Targaryens left Valyria, whatever may or may not have been known or theorized about what would happen to the family in the future. (Friendly reminder not to bring The Show or That Other Show into my house.) Whether or not it existed before the Doom as a Targaryen/Valyrian decorative piece, or was created by or at the direction of Aegon Targaryen from some extant Valyrian steel piece he owned, remains for now unanswered.
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presidenthades · 4 months
since Aemond is a history nerd, what historical figures do you see him admiring the most?
Aemond seems like he would specifically enjoy mainstream history about battles, kings, knights, and such. I say this to contrast him with Jace, who probably enjoys “daily living” and women’s history, and Joff, who’s interested in mysteries and weird stuff like “who really built the Hightower?”
Aemond would also be interested in important legendary figures, even if it’s dubious whether they really existed, because their stories are so important to the mythos and culture of Westeros.
I cracked open my copy of “The World of Ice and Fire” to get some names to answer this Ask:
The usual Westerosi legends like Brandon the Builder, Garth Greenhand, Lann the Clever, and Durran Godsgrief. And of course, Symeon Star-Eyes.
Artys Arryn, who rode a falcon to slay the Griffon King and found his own royal dynasty of kings.
Garin the Great of the Rhoynar, who was an enemy to the Valyrians but faced them bravely, though it ultimately led to the destruction of his people.
Aenar the Exile, who listened to Daenys’s visions and saved his family by doing so.
The Conqueror and Visenya, of course.
Orys Baratheon, who was a great warrior, chivalrous, and loyal to his king. He also harbored a years-long desire for vengeance against the person who maimed him. 👀
John the Oak, the First Knight ever in Westeros.
Lymond “the Sea Lion” Hightower, the last Hightower king, who built the Hightowers’ great fleet.
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