#After discovering his halfa status the fire core ghosts helped him
nelkcats · 1 year
Snowflake Proposal
Two halfas met in winter and after an eventful day full of snowballs and laughs Jason offers Danny a snowflake, not realizing that this action was a promise of a future engagement for ice core ghosts.
Since Jason had a fire core, he was taught by the other fire core ghosts when he discovered he was a halfa; the traditions of other types of ghosts completely ignored.
He learned important things for the fire cores like: how romantic the bonfires were, saying I love you through food among other things. Fire cores used to value survival and effort above all else.
However, Jason had no idea about the others ghosts; according to him, Danny had started flirting first (Danny didn't know he was, since he only knew the traditions of ice core ghosts)
It was common in the Realms to investigate your potential partner's traditions if they didn't have the same core. Something most ghosts knew about, of course, this didn't include halfas.
So, Danny has no idea how to respond to this proposal...
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About Danny's Ice Core: Maybe it's not Danny PHANTOM's core but Danny FENTON's. Like the Fenton family has been entrenched in the supernatural for generations and evolved their own "magic" to counter courses. It wasn't noticeable in most but then Danny gets halfa'd and that core has to deal with a ghost 24/7 and gets stronger and the ghost core gets stronger in response and Danny's stuck in a feedback loop. Which is why he could evenly fight Dan and Vlad after a few months of being a ghost.
I have no idea why it was me specifically this was sent to (I know I’m a fan and I do theories and despite my inactivity I am in the Phandom Slack and—yeah okay starting to see it now) but I am DELIGHTED to see it. Thank you so much!!
I’ve kinda always considered the Fentons to be, in some way, supernatural. Generally I give them more subtle things, mostly Jazz and PARTICULARLY Danny. But I’ll keep it to the basics of this for now:
-Danny has always been a little... cold. Not in the meanspirited way—he literally always felt like a block of ice
-Temperture and him have a WEIRD relationship.
-Sometimes it’s like it doesn’t apply to him. Sometimes it’s maginified. Why? Who knows.
-But Jack’s similar. So they leave it.
-Despite the temperture flux, he’s hardly complained of cold. At least not for long.
-he also had his own assortment of.. party tricks, he supposes. Though he and all the other Fentons tend to talk around just WHAT is going on
-His drinks always end up with condensation
-Ice cubes melting? Not near him they’re not.
-Once, Tucker discovered that sharing a drink with Danny means always sharing a COLD drink
-Amazing snow falls in winter, strangely focused on the Fenton residence. Unless Danny’s not there. Then it’s focused wherever he is.
-He never has to shovel driveways, at least. It literally just doesn’t work.
-He has a tendency to have more frozen puddles behind him than in front of him, so for everyone’s sanity, he’ll walk toward the back of the group. They don’t talk about it
-they doN’T.
-he’s also an exceptional ice skater, for all that he can’t help that he finds the iciest patches (or, perhaps, that the water is freezing just a little, and part of him is reassured that it’s not like the water freezes solid, that would make it LESS slippery, but—ignoring ignoring ignoring)
-sledding with him is also fun. Snowball fights? Not so much. For some reason, his are far less powdery than they should be.
-then the accident.
-somehow he got even COLDER
-But, considering the... family history that they sorta just avoid mentioning very often and the less than natural portal in the basement—sorta understandable.
-It’s small, of course. For all that so much changes, it’s basically the same stuff as always as far as the... colder side of things go.
-he’s a boon in the summer, less so in winter, but that would never stop Tucker or Sam or his family. Thus, exclusive summertime AC rights
-even if he still won’t talk about it
-He makes ice ferns frost across windows, although it usually has to be cold anyways
-and he... did make dry ice, a time or two
-Then suddenly he was very aware and VERY annoyed to find out what feeling cold was actually about, and what the fuss was
-the fuss was that he couldn’t focus, and his limbs were slow, and his joints hurt, and and and
-it felt like a jolt through his nerves, a distressing volt he didn’t think about too hard, at all, ever, even when thoughts about how he’s always been a little strange regardless of his ghostly status
-back to the whole Feeling Cold thing
-freezing to near death wasn’t, exactly, what he had in mind
-But the far frozen felt... comfortable, once his inner ice was now *outer* ice
-and he embraced it.
-He never knows why electricity and fire are accessible to him, as a ghost. Klemper makes ice and has an ice core, but while Danny is arguably stronger, it should... still be a thing Klemper should be able to do... right??
-He doesn’t look too hard as to why using his ice feels like a jolt going *out*, which he’s fine with and grown used to, unlike how the Far Frozen describe it
-He can’t explain why, unless he focuses, his ice goes out so _violently_ and, on more than one occasion, like how he’s seen pictures of sand do when struck by lightning.
-He doesn’t get why he *glows*, of all things, when he uses his ice powers.
-((He Definitely doesn’t feel nor understand how there is a slight rift between his natural ice and this seemingly unnatural... voltage within him, why lights get brighter and phones stay charged and why thunderstorms got so wild, so close, so... exciting... and scary. And he certainly isn’t aware how he seems to have an internal arms race between these two sides and how he’s not sure how he’d feel if one ‘won’ or if it’s possible for that to happen and if it’ll go on with no stop until something... happens))
-((And he absolutely never connected that the reason why he’s ‘good’, why he’s not so ghost like, like the other halfa he knows, is because he’s already got a supernatural element he’s used to that fights against him on his worst days and keeps him... tethered, in a way, regardless of the day))
-Danny has always been cold.
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