#Danny is waiting for his engagement proposal now
nelkcats · 1 year
Snowflake Proposal
Two halfas met in winter and after an eventful day full of snowballs and laughs Jason offers Danny a snowflake, not realizing that this action was a promise of a future engagement for ice core ghosts.
Since Jason had a fire core, he was taught by the other fire core ghosts when he discovered he was a halfa; the traditions of other types of ghosts completely ignored.
He learned important things for the fire cores like: how romantic the bonfires were, saying I love you through food among other things. Fire cores used to value survival and effort above all else.
However, Jason had no idea about the others ghosts; according to him, Danny had started flirting first (Danny didn't know he was, since he only knew the traditions of ice core ghosts)
It was common in the Realms to investigate your potential partner's traditions if they didn't have the same core. Something most ghosts knew about, of course, this didn't include halfas.
So, Danny has no idea how to respond to this proposal...
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theblue6ook · 3 months
Other Lovers
Summary: Here’s something I didn’t tell you. Our charming bachelor Bruce is still invested in his old fling Rachel and our beautiful assistant Y/N is engaged (but not for long hehehe).
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
a/n: Listen there’s a reason it’s called a slow burn. For more context you can follow the full “Out of My League” series. Also, Y/N is just turning 22, this is doubling as her birthday post. [B (23) Y/N (22)] [Eventual slow burn with Bruce] [Y/N/N is your nickname]
Y/N had known Danny Russel since primary school. He started working at her dad’s mechanic shop in middle school. They started dating in high school. Russ and her were stupid teenagers in love doing stupid teenager things. Going to Chuck’s Chili way too late on a school night. Taking the cars they were working on drifting. Fooling around in said cars…
He’s been there for her since the beginning. Him and Carrie sat and supported her through her run in with the cops, when her dad kicked her out. Even after she decided to further her education, he was there… on his knee… proposing at eighteen. Again, stupid teenagers in love.
They weren’t stupid teenagers anymore.
It had been a long engagement and she was no where near ready to get married and he was… Russ. Always ready for anything. Always ready to tie the knot and that was great. It was, but they had no money and honestly, they’re in different places right now. Russ really wanted to focus on his music. She needed to focus on Bruce. She means work. Whatever. Bruce is her work okay? When he’s stressed it’s her job to get shit done and he seems really on edge lately.
Plus, her and Russ were kind of going through a rough patch. He didn’t exactly seem pleased she was working with Bruce Wayne or even that she was working at Wayne Enterprises. It had always been her and Russ against the world, but now she was in that world. It didn’t exactly sit right with him no matter how much money she made. But she was trying to schedule a date with him anyway. Well a birthday date. It was her birthday. Bruce had been nice enough to make a reservation for her and a plus one at his restaurant downtown. People waited months to get a table and she had one in less than a day. He assured her it was all his treat for her birthday and to go crazy. So she wanted Russ to come. 
“Y/N/N, you have never been that girl who wants to go to The Occult or whatever it is.” She had been sitting at the office on the phone with Russ for the past 15 minutes trying to convince him to come with her. It was getting to be too much.
“It’s The Ocelot, Russ,” she hissed into the phone. She was trying to be quiet about their spat, but everytime she thought they were taking three steps forward it was five steps back. Rubbing her eyes she said, “Seriously don’t be like this. Bruce is just trying to do something nice.”
“That’s great. Let’s let the millionaire finally do something nice for everyone else.”
“He’s a billionaire, actually.”
“Jesus, Y/N/N I am not going to be caught dead in that snobby place. Lets just do something casual babe. Let me take you to Chucks-”
“Russ, I am twenty two years old,” she snapped, “I don’t want to go to the high school hangout and eat chili dogs. I want to look nice. I want to have a nice drink at a sophisticated restaurant.”
“Babe, I can’t afford to take you there. It is what it is,” he stated so condsending. Like his word was god. Like there was no way in the world he could even show up.
“Well shit good thing you don’t have to worry about the money. It’s already paid for, I have told you this. This is the third time I’m telling you this.”
She could tell they were both getting frustrated and Y/N knows they should take a step back. Compromise. But she had done a lot of compromising lately and what had he been doing? This was her birthday. Was it too much to ask her fiance to take her to a nice restaurant? He didn’t even have to pay for it. He just had to show up.
“Since when did you take handouts,” he scolded. “That’s not the Y/N I know.”
“I’ve got to go, Russ,” she sighed and hung up before he could say anything else.
The conversation felt so backhanded. Everytime she talked to him she felt like she was getting scolded for having a nice job, nice clothes, and nice things. Her boss wants to reward her with a birthday dinner. You’re taking handouts. His driver drops her off at home when she has to work late. Why does Bruce Wayne know your schedule so well? She’s been so excited for this new opportunity, but everytime she wants to talk with him about it he doesn’t want to hear about it. The bands not doing well. I’m busy bartending tonight. What do you mean you have to work early tomorrow? No, I won’t come to your birthday dinner.
It made her question herself. He was making her question herself. Maybe I should just cancel the reservation. I’m being difficult. She picked up the phone again and dialed The Ocelot.
“Hi, I was just calling to cancel my dinner reservation.” A hand came from over her shoulder and took the phone out of her hand, hanging it up. She didn’t even need to look over her shoulder, she knew it was Bruce Wayne.
“I was using that, Mr.Wayne,” she sighed, picking up the phone and redialing the number. He took it out of her hand again and unplugged the phone line. She turned to him, “What is your problem?”
“Why are you canceling your birthday dinner?” he looked at her quizically. “It’s free. I’m paying for it. You love free things.”
“That doesn’t mean anything. Everyone loves free things,” she mumbled as she started look up their other contact information on the computer. Maybe I can find an email.
“Even the rich,” he added, “but that doesn’t answer my question.” He leaned his forearms on the front of her desk and hit the off button on her computer so she had no choice but to looked at him.
She leaned her head back into her chair and closed her eyes groaning in defeat, “My fiance, he’s… busy so I’m not sure who I’d really go with.”
“Your fiance is busy… on your birthday.” She gave him a glare that said, just go with it. “Why don’t you take Carrie then?”
“I shouldn’t she has a lot going on-”
“You don’t want to tell her he screwed up again do you?”
“How did you know he screwed up in the first place?”
He shrugged, “I’ve been talking to Alfred.”
“About my love life?”
“What else is there?” So many other things, but it didn’t matter Y/N decided she was done talking about herself. She decided to pivot.
“You know Rachels going to be at the Ocelot too. I saw it on the Gotham Gazette” She looked up at him. “She’s going out with Harvey Dent to celebrate his campaign.”
“How do you know about Rachel?” She gave him that look. 
“Alfred,” he sighed.
It wasn’t that Bruce was in love with Rachel he just missed her. A lot. He missed their late night conversations. He missed having someone down to Earth who understood the crazy uptown world they were in. He missed talking with someone about his… night shift. Most importantly, he missed his friend and the fact that she was his friend made him love her. He didn’t even mean to. He just did.
So what was he supposed to do besides… offer to bring the entire Gotham Ballet to The Ocelot the exact day Rachel and Harvey would be there. He didn’t have a choice; she forced his hand. In all actuality, he wasn’t just moving them around for Rachel. Bane is still on the move trying to steal and harbor chemicals and the next CEO he was planning on visiting had made it obvious they were going to the Gotham Ballet. So… kill two birds with one stone. 
Next episode we’ll see Bruce and Y/N “happen upon” each other at the Ocelot. Maybe old flings don’t need to be flung anymore. It’s time for something new and hot (like birthday candles :D)
Also, this was not edited so sorry, I'm MIA this week. I just scheduled this in advance to keep y'all fed this week.
@pank0w @moejoeflow @padsfirewhisky
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jusvibbbin · 1 year
Graduation Frustrations
Kenickie x Reader: Epilogue 1
1 | 2 | 3
//my original trilogy is near and dear to my heart, and since its been popping off recently i’ve decided to write a few epilogue chapters for it :) i hope you enjoy and feel free to send me more grease requests <3
“I’m sorry kiddo, but it looks like you’re going to have to repeat senior year.”
Kenickie stared back at Mrs. Murdock, mouth slightly agape. The shop teacher awkwardly looked around the classroom as the rest of the class had started to pack up. Graduation was one month away and she knew that boy’s only chance was finals.
“REPEAT WHAT?!” Kenickie had finally processed what she had said.
“Come on, Kenickie. Are you really surprised? You’re passing my class but only because you actually showed up. How many times did you go to history? English?” She threw her hands up, exasperated, and walked over to her desk. Kenickie paused for a beat before following after her.
“What the hell do I do now?” He chewed his bottom lip, a nervous habit he developed years ago.
Mrs. Murdock looked at him and sighed, sitting in her chair.
“Study, kid. Study til you drop.”
At that, Kenickie rushed out the door.
Your head slipped off your hand and smacked against your desk with a loud thud. You groaned lightly as you sat back up. Looking out the window, it was much darker outside than you thought it should be.
A short knock at your door scared you out of your thoughts as you quickly tucked the ring on your necklace under your shirt.
“Come in!”
Your dad’s head poked around the door, an eyebrow raised behind his glasses.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed? I thought you had a big test tomorrow.” His eyes scanned the room carefully as he spoke and you rolled your eyes tiredly.
“Kenickie isn’t here, Dad. I’m studying calculus.” You stretched your arms and stood up from your chair. Glancing at the clock you realized he was right. Two a.m. was way too late.
“I know that.” He huffed lightly.
“I know you do.” You crossed the room to give him a hug before pushing him out of your room. You turned off your light and sat by your window. Hearing your dad shuffle back down the hall, you pulled the ring out. 
The engagement ring sparkled in the moonlight making you smile softly. It was beautiful, plain and simple. But would that be enough to ease your parents' worries? You still hadn’t found the right way to tell them Kenickie had proposed. You knew they liked him, but would they approve of him? He was your first relationship, a high school sweetheart. You sighed as you twirled the ring around your finger.
You decided you’d figure it out once finals were done. Right now all you needed to do was sleep.
The T-Birds were utterly gobsmacked as Kenickie smirked proudly. Unlike yourself, he had told anybody who would listen that he had put a ring on your finger. His mom was overjoyed and started ringing all her friends to tell them the good news. 
“Kenickie freakin’ Murdoch is getting tied down?”
“A married man?”
“Never to be seen again?”
There was a cacophony of mock groans and weeping as Kenickie rolled his eyes. The only one of them who was quiet was Danny, who simply gave his old friend a genuine smile. He had already asked him to be his best man, the only guy around for the job, and Danny accepted wholeheartedly. Kenickie had waited to tell the rest of them because of this exact reaction.
“Don’t be so dramatic. You know (Y/N) doesn’t mind havin’ you idiots around.” The guys all whooped and high fived.
“Me on the other hand… I don’t know.” Kenickie chuckled as they shot skeptical looks his way. His face turned serious as he remembered why he was telling them all this in the first place.
“Look, we can talk about weddings all day long, but it’s not gonna happen if I don’t graduate. How the hell am I gonna pass five classes before the end of the year?”
The T-Birds grimaced then looked thoughtful as they tried to brainstorm any possible way for Kenickie Murdoch, the king of skipping class, to get passing grades.
“You could threaten all the teachers so they raise your grade,” Doody suggested.
“Yeah,” Sonny chimed in. “Just tell em that they’ll have to have you again next year!” He laughed loudly as the other boys just shook their heads.
“Why don’t you ask (Y/N) to help you cheat? You’ve got a couple classes together,” Putzie said. The T-Birds agreed with shrugs and ‘yeahs’, but Kenickie frowned. He wasn’t sure about getting you involved in his mess, especially if that put your reputation on the line.
“Why don’t you just pay some nerd to tell you what you need to know?” Danny piped up.
Kenickie grinned and slung his arm around his buddy’s shoulder.
“And that’s why you’re my best friggin’ man!”
The gang cheered and walked across campus to find just the right nerd.
As the bell rang on your calculus final, you breathed a sigh of relief. It was out of your hands now and that meant there was no point worrying. You picked up your things then headed back to your locker to find Kenickie waiting for you.
“Hey you,” you said with a smile as he opened your locker for you.
He sent a sheepish smile your way and you instantly narrowed your eyes.
“What is it, Nickie?”
“Do you think you could uh, introduce me to one of your smart friends?” He rubbed the back of his neck as he said this, and looked anywhere but at you. To no one’s surprise but the T-Birds, they didn’t exactly have the best track record with the ‘nerd community’ so finding help had been damn near impossible. You quirked your eyebrow and nudged his foot with yours. His eyes finally met yours and he turned a bit red. 
“Do you need help with something?” You made a slight face, a bit hurt he didn’t want your help. He scoffed and waved your comment away.
“No, no, no. Uh, Putzie needs some assistance with a history project.”
You gave him a suspicious look as Kenickie stood there starting to sweat.
“I think Alyssa Monroe has the extra time to help him out.”
Kenickie smiled and quickly kissed your cheek.
“Thanks, babe. He owes you one.”
You waved him off and he headed back down the hallway as you looked after him.
You walked up to your house, wondering about Kenickie the whole way. As you walked past the dining room, you noticed something glittering on the table. You took a couple steps backward to look again and to your horror, it was your engagement ring. Before you could snatch it, your parents came in from the kitchen.
“Hi sweetie, how were your tests?” Your mother sat down next to your father and motioned you to sit as well.
“Good,” you replied as you nervously took a seat.
“I found that on the bathroom counter this morning,” your dad remarked, picking it up. “It's a sparkler that's for sure. Where’d ya steal it from?”
“I’m only kidding!”
Your mother rolled her eyes at his antics as she took the ring from him and handed it to you.
“You know you can tell us anything, sweetie.”
“Yeah honey. Most of the time we know already.” Your mother elbowed your father in the ribs as you squinted your eyes at them.
“Wait… you already knew? How?” You were utterly confused.
“Kenickie came by two months ago, asking if we’d accept him proposing to you. We said ‘of course’, you know we love that boy.” Your father beamed at you.
“We’ve been waiting for you to tell us,” your mother said, looking at you expectantly.
You hadn’t realized you were crying until you felt the first tear roll down your cheek.
“I was scared you wouldn’t approve. Not of Kenickie exactly, but the fact that we’re so inexperienced. He was my first boyfriend and now we’re getting married.” You let out a shaky breath as you processed what you had said. You two were really going to be together for the rest of your lives.
“Sweetheart, we just want you to be happy. If that boy makes you happy then who are we to say anything? No one is ever really ready.” Your mother grabbed your hand from across the table and your father reached to cover both.
“Thank you,” you said softly, feeling the stress from finals and the engagement finally fading away.
“No, the war of 1812 has nothing to do with the Spanish Inquisition. Are you even listening?” Alyssa Monroe had her head in her hands as Kenickie looked over his notes again.
“Shit, I wrote that on the wrong line,” he groaned as he erased and rewrote.
“I still don’t understand why you didn’t tell (Y/N) that you needed help,” she started. Kenickie shot her a look and she simply huffed before looking around the local library. It was getting dark and people were beginning to gather their things.
“Look, it’s getting late. How bad can your grades really be?”
“Really fucking bad, okay? Bad enough to get dumped. Okay, I’ll work on the history later, let’s go to geometry.” Kenickie pulled out another piece of paper. Alyssa stared at the greaser, wondering if anybody had ever seen him care about school before. She opened the textbook and started going over what he needed to know for the final.
After studying for days on end, Kenickie was ready to blow his teachers away. He had prepped as much as he could and thanked Alyssa tremendously. He tried to pay her but she declined, stating she’d rather consider it ‘volunteer hours.’
One by one, he blazed through his tests, even finishing early in history. All he had left was geometry. He was about to walk in when you grabbed his hand and tugged him around. 
“What’s up, hun?”
You pulled him down to plant a kiss on his lips then pulled away with a smile.
“Good luck, handsome.”
Kenickie flushed as a grin spread across his face. He squeezed your hand then headed into his final, confident as ever.
“A D-?! What the hell?”
You bit your lip, listening outside to Kenickie as his teacher graded his test on the spot. Mr. Roberts simply shrugged, and swiveled his chair away from him to do something else. Kenickie stood there, heartbroken as he looked at his test. He had been so close to just barely skating by. Now it was a wash and he would have to do it all again next year.
“Excuse me,” you piped up. Kenickie snapped his head up to look at you in the doorway. Mr. Roberts smiled as you walked in.
“(Y/N), one of my favorite students! You could learn a lot from this one, Murdoch.” He gushed over you as you looked over Kenickie’s final. Several moments went by until you set the test back on the mathematician’s desk.
“I don’t think you graded this right.”
The two men looked at you and then the test as Mr. Roberts picked it up again. He looked over it briefly before shaking his head.
“You must be mistaken. He missed several.”
You glared at the teacher, walking over to the board and writing all the problems he had marked incorrect. You began solving them and as Kenickie looked on, he realized his test looked like what you were writing.
You turned back to Mr. Roberts as he looked on shamefully.
“You don’t have to like him, but you have to treat and grade him fairly. Kenickie, you got a B-.”
Kenickie was sure he had stopped breathing. Here you were, his shy, sweet, brilliant fiance, telling off a teacher in your own nerdy way. And he was in awe of you.
Mr. Roberts changed his grade as the two of you walked out and headed to his car.
“Once again, a round of applause for our valedictorian, Patty Simcox. And now to introduce our honors students, our salutatorian, (Y/N) (L/N),” Principal McGee announced as you took to the stage. 
Kenickie cheered obnoxiously loud for you, as you stepped up to the mic. You were glowing with pride and all he could do was thank his lucky stars that he was yours. He thought about your year together and all its ups and downs. He thought about how you had changed him for the better in so many ways. And he thought about what you might look like on your wedding day. He hollered for you again as you got your diploma and you sent him an overjoyed smile. He had never been prouder. As the honors students left the stage, he made eye contact with Mr. Roberts and gave him the finger.
With graduation over and done with, the seniors had one last day of celebration at Rydell. The school had shelled out for a carnival on the field and everywhere you looked people were having a good time. You walked with Jan as she stuffed her face with cotton candy. 
“Isn’t this great?” She said with her mouth full. You laughed, nodding as you tore some of her cotton candy off the stick. The two of you walked over to where the T-Birds and the rest of the pink ladies were watching Danny and Kenickie compete at the shooting gallery. Kenickie grumbled as he lost by a few points until you slipped your hand in his. He smiled in that way that he saved just for you and let you drag him away when no one was looking.
“We’ve been so busy I feel like I’ve barely seen you.” Kenickie nodded in agreement as you stopped at a ring toss game. You pulled out a quarter to play while he stood by and watched you.
“Gonna win me somethin’?” He pointed at a long stuffed snake and you knew you just had to get it. A few quarters later, Kenickie had a brightly colored ‘scarf’ around his shoulders. The two of you walked, chatting about everyone else’s plans for after school, when you walked into the line for the ‘Tunnel of Love.’ You sent him a look but he just wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. As you got up to the operator, Kenickie slipped him a few bucks before you got in one of the cars shaped like a swan.
“What was that about?”
“I just wanna get some extra time for us,” he said as he pulled the bar over you both.
The ride started up and you cuddled into his side. You entered a dark tunnel that suddenly lit up with all sorts of colors and shapes. You looked around at everything, but all Kenickie looked at was you. Your eyes met him and you leaned forward to kiss him. He held you to him as you made out in the middle of the tunnel of love.
Around the corner you could hear the groans of the people in line as the operator lied that it was down for maintenance. You giggled into your kiss and Kenickie pulled away to chuckle too.
“We’re getting married.”
You opened your eyes to find him studying your face.
“I know. How do you feel about it?”
Kenickie thought for a moment as he played with the hair at the nape of your neck.
“I’m the most excited I’ve ever been. I’m happy that you said yes. And I’m hopin’ that I’ll be enough for you, forever.” His eyes flicked away as he finished and you put a hand on his cheek to guide them back to yours.
“I’m a little nervous too. But I know we’ll be okay, because I love you. And we make a great team.” Kenickie kissed your forehead before traveling down to leave hickies on your neck. You moaned softly which only spurred him on as he groped at your hips.
With a jolt the ride started up again, Kenickie letting out a frustrated noise which made you laugh. Blinking at the sudden sunlight, you exited the ride and walked around until the sun started to set. Everyone was standing around Kenickie’s car as the day ended, discussing where to go after.
“You guys have fun, I think I’m gonna head home,” you said with a smile as the other T-Birds begged you not to go. You waved to them and, as you turned to walk home you heard footsteps come up quickly behind you.
“Let me drive you, it’s getting dark,” Kenickie grabbed your hand to twirl you around. 
“It’s not that far.” But he had already started leading you back to the car, ranting and raving about how dangerous the neighborhood could be.
Parking in front of your house, Kenickie kissed your hand sweetly. You kissed his cheek and moved to get out, before he tugged you back gently. 
“Can I take you to lunch tomorrow?” You pulled an amused face as you nodded. Kenickie smiled and let you go, only driving off once he was sure you were safe inside.
Lunch had been simple, just a date at Frosty’s. But as he started to drive back to your house, you noticed Kenickie was going a very roundabout way to get there.
“Nickie, what’s up?”
“Huh? What do you mean? Ain’t nothing’s up.” Kenickie was not a very good liar, but there wasn’t much else you could do as he drove you in circles for another twenty minutes. Finally, he pulled into your driveway, getting out quickly to get the door for you. You punched his arm lightly at the gesture, starting to walk up the porch. You looked back to see him peering intently through a window before snapping his attention back to you, an awkward smile on his face. You narrowed your eyes and pushed open the door…
The lights were thrown on, a bottle of champagne was uncorked and a confetti cannon popped. You gazed around, startled, until you saw your family, friends, and a large banner that read ‘Happy Engagement!’ You started to tear up when the T-Birds brought a cake out of the kitchen.
“Ah shit, did we miss it?” Sonny exclaimed as everyone else just laughed.
You turned to Kenickie, who was standing by your parents, and it all clicked.
“How long have you been planning this?”
“Since he asked if he could propose to you! Isn’t that right, son?”
Kenickie looked at your father, mild shock written all over his face before he quickly nodded. You wrapped your arms around his neck, whispering how much you loved him in his ear. Kenickie grinned as he held your waist, appropriately in front of your parents of course.
As you pulled back to look at him, he looked slightly worried.
“What’s wrong?” You reached up to put a hand on his cheek.
“We still got a whole wedding to plan!”
You chuckled and planted a kiss on his lips.
“Well then, we better get started.”
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theres-a-tvjoe · 9 months
as long as stars are above you - drw x sfk
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Hi hi hi I’m back with another sanny fic because I can’t stop myself 🫡
Set in the same universe as ‘nice guys throw punches’ and just unmitigated, completely indulgent fluff.
Tags: proposal (!!), engagement, conspiring siblings, family fluff, softest boys in the world
- - -
“Okay, I’m just pulling up to the house to pick up Sam,” Josie whispers into the phone, not waiting for Danny to even say hello. She has one hand on the steering wheel of her car as she pulls up out front of the Kiszka family home, peering out the window to make sure Sam isn’t waiting outside.
“Why are you whispering?” Danny whispers back, sitting in his own car a block away where he won’t be spotted. “They can’t hear you.”
“Shut it, asshole,” Josie rolls her eyes, knowing Danny will be able to hear that even over the phone. “Which one of us is taking this plan seriously?”
Danny snorts. “I really doubt anyone is taking this plan more seriously than I am, considering it was my idea and I’m about to walk myself into the proverbial lion’s den.”
“A lion’s den you’ve had your own key for since you were like, 15. I’d hardly classify your second family’s home as a lion's den.”
“You know what I mean,” Danny nearly whines, sighing. “I’m nervous, Jo.”
Josie sighs fondly, sitting back against the driver’s seat as she puts the car in park.
“I know you are,” she says gently. “But Dan, they adore you. You’ve been a fixture in the Kiszka family for over a decade - well before you and Sam ever started dating. And now you’ve been together, what? Five years?”
“Six,” Danny provides, heart fluttering.
“Right,” Josie says. “So this isn’t going to be a surprise to them. They’re going to be thrilled and they’re going to be so touched that you wanted to do this.”
Danny exhales, nodding even though he knows Josie can’t see him.
“I just -,” he swallows. “Yeah. You’re right. Thanks, Jo. And thanks for helping.”
“You’re my big brother, Danny,” Josie says, her smile obvious through the phone. “And Sam is one of my favourite people - it’s not like it’s a hardship to hang out with him, even if I have to pretend it’s for a super secret early birthday present for you.”
“You better get me something good,” Danny says, smiling.
“Oh yeah, don’t worry,” she quips. “I already pre-ordered your big pile of nothing, just have to go pick it up -”
Danny hears a door close in the background of the call, and his heart kicks in his chest.
“Oh shit, he’s coming out,” Josie whispers. “You’ve got two hours - go ask for your blessing! Love you, bye!”
Danny doesn’t even get a word in before she’s hung up. He blows out a breath, starting his car and waiting until he’s sure Sam and Josie are gone before driving up to the Kiszka family home. A break from touring and Christmas coming up means everyone is home under one roof.
Danny gets out of the car, wiping his hands on his pants and taking a steadying breath. Here goes nothing.
Danny knocks twice on the door before opening it, just as he’s done since he first met the Kiszka family. It’s so instinctual even though Karen constantly reminds him he doesn’t need to worry, that he’s welcome any time.
“Knock knock,” he calls out, praying his voice doesn’t betray how nervous he is. He can hear sounds coming from the living room, the odd twang of a guitar amidst lively conversation.
Karen’s head pokes around the corner and she smiles widely, immediately coming forward with arms open for a hug.
“Hi honey!” she says, pulling Danny down for a hug. “I didn’t think we’d see you today - Sammy just left.”
“I know,” Danny says, hugging Karen tightly. She’s always been so kind to him, welcoming him with open arms as a gangly teenager and never letting him go. “I actually came to see you all, if that’s okay.”
She presses a firm kiss to his cheek, patting the other one with a gentle hand.
“Of course it is, Daniel, you know that,” she gently admonishes him. She brushes a few errant snowflakes from his shoulders before leading him to the living room. “Come sit, we just made coffee.”
Everyone is seated comfortably in various spots, Jake reclined on the floor with his back against the couch, guitar in hand. Josh is folded like a pretzel in the arm chair, an obscenely large mug in one hand and a book of Mad Libs in the other (concerning, Danny thinks, because the last thing Josh Kiszka needs is a structured game for fart jokes, but he’ll worry about it later). Ronnie is sitting on the other side of the coffee table on the floor, working diligently at untangling a gnarled rope of twinkling lights.
“Hey kiddo,” Kelly says, smiling from where he’s seated on the couch. “Didn’t think we’d see you today - you want a coffee? Come sit.”
“I uh,” Danny clears his throat, wiping his palms on his pants again. God, why is he so sweaty all of a sudden? It’s snowing outside, for fuck’s sake. He’s wearing one of his favourite sweaters (re: one Karen bought him a few Christmases ago that’s covered in little knitted pine trees) and a nicer pair of pants, but he suddenly feels underdressed. “I came to talk to you guys, actually. All of you, if that’s okay.”
It seems to get their collective attention, Karen sitting with a worried expression next to Kelly and Jake setting his guitar down.
“Is everything okay?” Ronnie asks, hands stilling on the tangled lights.
“Yeah, yep,” Danny says, cracking his knuckles nervously. “It’s not - it’s good, not bad. I hope.”
“Sweetheart, why don’t you sit down?” Karen says gently, gesturing to the empty loveseat across from them all.
Danny nods, sitting.
He stands back up almost immediately, too nervous to sit still. He shifts on his feet, swallowing.
“Okay,” he says, more to himself than to the family sitting in front of him. Josh is giving him a worried look, and Jake’s gaze is steady but gentle. “Okay, yeah. So. Alright. Um.”
“Danny,” Josh says, shifting a little to sit forward. “It’s just us. What’s going on?”
Danny looks at them all, taking in the kindness and concern so evident on all of their faces. Faces he’s known for most of his life now. Faces he loves. Faces that are so reflective of the one he loves most in the world.
He nods, blowing out a breath. He makes himself sit down, resting his elbows on his knees and threading his hands together just so they’re occupied.
“You’ve all known me since I was so young,” he starts, praying his voice won’t break. “And you’ve never been anything but welcoming and kind. You gave me a second home like it was no big deal, fed me, cared for me, treated me like I was one of your own.”
Karen takes Kelly’s hand, squeezing it like she’s anticipating something.
“I want to thank you for that,” Danny says, looking at them. He’s doing his best to keep it together, but it’s getting harder by the second. “All of you. It means more to me than I could ever say, and I’m so grateful for each of you and the room you made for me in your lives. It’s a privilege that I don’t take for granted, and I want you to know that.”
“Of course we know that, Danny,” Kelly says, smiling softly. “We love you, kid.”
Danny nods, swallowing. He can feel tears burning behind his eyes, but resolutely keeps them at bay.
“I love you too, so much,” he says, and his voice wobbles a little. He clears his throat. “The respect I have for each of you and for this family is - I can’t even really put it into words. Your opinions and perspectives carry so much weight for me, and I know they do for Sam as well. You’re his world, you know? This family is everything to him, and he’s everything to me.”
“Danny -” Karen says gently, like she’s worried he’s about to fall to pieces.
He gives her a reassuring smile, laughing a little. “Sorry, I know this is kind of weird,” he says. “But I’m almost there, I swear. I just have to say this. It’s important.”
Karen nods, squeezing Kelly’s hand and giving Danny an encouraging nod. Josh, Jake, and Ronnie are still watching Danny carefully.
“I got Josie to take Sam out this morning because I wanted to do this just us,” he explains. He sits up a little, heart pounding. “To have this moment, this conversation. And - well, I guess it’s not really asking for your blessing because we all know that Sam is going to do whatever he wants regardless of what anyone says, but -”
Karen gasps, pressing her hand to her mouth.
Danny smiles, letting out a shuddering breath as he nods. He digs out a little box from his pocket, holding it in his hand.
“I’m going to ask Sam to marry me,” he says, and the words feel like a song. Like the perfect progression of chords, like a rhythm that never ends. He can’t help the nervous laugh that follows, because he just dropped his heart onto the coffee table and has to hope for the best. “And I wanted you all to know first, so that we could talk if, you know, if there was anything you were worried about.”
There’s a moment of silence, certainly no more than a few seconds, that feels like an eternity. And then it’s suddenly broken by a sound, a half hiccuped laugh punctuated by a sniffle.
It’s Jake. His chin is wobbling and there are tears filling his eyes faster than they can roll down his cheeks and he’s smiling.
“Oh, Jakey,” Josh sighs fondly with his own eyes shining, immediately getting out of the armchair to join his twin on the floor. He wraps his arm around his shoulders, tugging him close.
“Jake,” Danny breathes, his own eyes burning. He sits forward, half out of his seat. “Are you - hey, it’s okay -”
Jake shakes his head, still smiling while wiping roughly at his eyes.
“No, it’s - these are happy tears, I swear,” he croaks, voice breaking and choked with tears. “Jesus, Danny. You’ve been our brother for so long, and now it’ll be official.”
“If you’ll have me,” Danny manages to say, tears finally spilling over as he looks at them all. “If Sam will have me.”
That seems to set everyone into motion, all of them getting up and tugging Danny into a massive hug. They’re all crying, happy tears and excited laughter bubbling from the tangle of limbs they’ve made.
“Oh, this is just so special,” Karen sniffs, finally letting Danny go and wiping her eyes. “My first son-in-law!”
“Wait wait,” Ronnie says, holding her hand out. “You had a ring box. Show us!”
“Jake just stopped crying,” Danny teases, earning a whack from the younger twin. He opens the little black box, revealing the gold and black band inside. Golden letters shimmer through the silken black enamel:
“You’re setting the bar way too high,” Ronnie sniffles, taking the ring out and looking at it. “He’s going to love it. God, he’s going to freak.”
“When are you going to do it?” Josh asks, taking his turn with the ring.
“Well, I was thinking tonight,” Danny says, grinning. “We’ve got a few days before Christmas, so we can celebrate and still leave room for actual Christmas stuff.”
“And then it’s your birthday,” Jake points out.
“Yeah, but that’s whatever,” Danny waves it away. Jake rolls his eyes in disagreement.
“There's supposed to be really nice snowfall tonight,” Danny continues. “So I think we’ll go for a walk. I’ll bring something warm to drink and tell Sam to bring his camera and then,” he wiggles the ring box.
Karen claps her hands together, looking at Kelly. “We can have everyone over tonight,” she says excitedly. “Danny, your family knows, right?”
Danny laughs, her excitement endearing. “They know, yeah.”
“Okay, oh my god,” she says, half spinning on the spot looking for her phone. “Kelly, call Dan and Lori, tell them we’re coming over. We can get everything ready there and then bring it back here so Sam doesn’t suspect anything. We’ll get champagne and snacks and when the boys get back we can surprise Sam and celebrate!”
“Mama,” Josh laughs, reaching out and grabbing her shoulders. “Maybe check with Danny and see if that’s something he wants as part of the night.”
Karen immediately presses her hand to her mouth, turning and grabbing Danny’s hands.
“Oh, of course,” she says. “I’m so sorry, honey! I’m just excited. But whatever you want, if you want the night to yourselves -”
Danny shakes his head, pulling her in for a hug.
“That all sounds amazing,” he insists. “Having everyone together would be perfect.”
Karen claps, nearly jumping up and down on the spot. She turns, looking at her family.
“Alright, Kiszkas. We have work to do!”
By the time Danny manages to wrangle Sam out of the house for an evening walk, the sun is beginning to set. They’d enjoyed dinner just the two of them, the house conveniently empty.
“Alright, I’ll admit it,” Sam says, looking through the lens of his camera. “You were right. The light is really nice - god damned winter golden hour shit.”
Danny whistles. “Wow, I might have to write that down. You admitted I was right about something.”
“I’m known for my benevolence.”
“Uh huh,” Danny laughs, holding out a hand for Sam to take. It’s cold, but not so cold that it’s miserable to be outside. They’re bundled up, noses turning pink and breath visible, but the way the setting sun reflects off the snow makes it all worth it.
“Let’s go this way,” Danny says, leading Sam down the path to the nearby park. “Josie was telling me they strung up a bunch of twinkling lights over the bridge.”
“Sounds like you’re trying to put the moves on me, Wagner,” Sam wiggles his eyebrows. “Are you trying to romance me? Woo me? I’m a tough sell, you know.”
Danny snorts. “Oh believe me, I know. You make me work for it.”
“Yeah, but worth the effort,” Sam grins, swinging their hands. They talk about everything and nothing, Sam artfully dodging questions about what he did during the day, thinking he’s keeping a birthday surprise for Danny a secret.
It’s incredibly endearing, and it eases the nerves fluttering in Danny’s stomach.
“Oh wow, that’s pretty,” Sam says, taking his hand back from Danny to snap a photo of the snow dusted park bridge. It’s small, arching pleasantly over a now frozen pond, and twinkling golden lights are strung from the trees on either side and through the railings.
“Here,” Danny says, holding his hand out for the camera. “Go stand on the bridge, I want to take a picture of you.”
“You have a million pictures of me,” Sam says, but hands it over as he walks onto the bridge, standing in the middle.
“Yeah, but this one is special,” Danny murmurs, holding the camera up to his eye. Sam is smiling widely, the glowing sun behind Danny lighting him just enough to paint him gold.
Once he takes it, he moves to join Sam on the bridge, thankful they have the park to themselves in the quiet evening.
“C’mere,” he says, pulling Sam close and pressing their cheeks together. He holds the camera out, hoping it’s at least a little in focus as he takes the selfie.
“That’s what front facing phone cameras are for, grandpa,” Sam teases, still smiling.
“Yeah, yeah,” Danny says. He swallows, heart beating a million miles a minute. “Hey, do me a favour?”
“Nope,” Sam says immediately, popping the p as he starts fiddling with his lens cap.
Danny rolls his eyes, because of course.
“Just -,” he grabs Sam by the shoulders, turning him to face the opposite way, his back to Danny.
“Don’t manhandle me, Daniel -“
“I have a surprise for you, you brat,” Danny laughs. “Shut up and let me do it.”
Sam makes a delighted noise. “Well in that case, carry on.”
“Thanks,” Danny says drily.
The sun is below the horizon now, stars just starting to twinkle overhead. The lights in the trees and on the bridge are casting everything in the golden glow and - just as Danny takes a deep breath - big, fluffy snowflakes start to fall.
He takes the ring box out of his jacket pocket, and lowers himself to one knee. He doesn’t feel the cold - every bone in his body, every nerve ending, every cell, every bit of stardust he’s made of is focused solely on Sam.
“Okay,” Danny says, thankful his voice comes out steady as he opens the box. “You can turn around now.”
Sam turns around, and it takes him a split second to realize Danny isn’t standing. His hands come up to his heart so fast that it almost looks like it hurts.
“Are you fucking serious,” he blurts.
Danny laughs, head thrown back. It’s the most Sam reaction he could’ve hoped for.
“Yeah, Sammy,” Danny says softly, smiling up at him. He can feel the tears in his eyes, but he couldn’t care less. “I’m serious. You have to let me say what I want to say, alright?”
For once - ever, maybe - Sam says nothing, simply nodding, hands over his heart like he’s trying to keep it in his chest.
“Shit,” Danny laughs, wiping at his eyes. “Was really hoping I’d keep it together.”
“You’re doing great,” Sam nearly whispers, the tremble in his voice so painfully sweet that it brings fresh tears to Danny’s eyes.
Danny takes a steadying breath, looking up at Sam.
“Sam,” he starts, no longer fighting the emotion in his voice. “You’ve been my best friend for what feels like my whole life, and if I’m honest, I think I’ve loved you for just as long. You push me, you challenge me, you comfort me, and you understand me like no one else in the world. Every day that I wake up next to you feels like I’ve won the fucking lottery.”
“Even when I steal the blankets?” Sam asks, tears running unchecked down his cheeks.
“Yeah,” Danny laughs, sniffling. “Even when you steal the blankets. Sometimes I think about what life would be like if we hadn’t found each other, if fate or the universe or god or whatever hadn’t brought us together. And… I can’t see it. Not because it’s too painful to imagine, but because I know that there’s no world, no universe, no reality where there’s a me without you. There’s no existence where there’s a Daniel Wagner without a Samuel Kiszka to follow anywhere and everywhere. And -“
He has to take a second to wipe his eyes and take a breath, voice breaking.
“And that makes me feel like I could take on the world, Sam,” he whispers. “It makes me feel unstoppable. Knowing I have you next to me, in my corner and by my side, it makes me feel like there’s nothing I couldn’t do.”
He reaches out and tugs one of Sam’s hands down, pressing his lips to the cold skin of his knuckles.
“You make me so fucking happy, Sam,” he says. “And if you’ll let me, I want to spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to make you feel the same way. Will you marry me?”
There's a long moment of silence, and then before Danny even registers that the other man has moved, his back is hitting the snow and he has his arms full of Sam Kiszka.
“Yes!” Sam cries, the sound muffled by Danny’s hair and jacket and probably a mouthful of snow. He’s pressing furious kisses to Danny’s neck, then his jaw, and then all over his face, each punctuated by another ‘yes!’.
Sam sits up, straddling Danny’s lap, hair flying wild and snowflakes kissing his eyelashes.
“I’m making Daniel Wagner my husband!” He whoops, so loud that Danny can’t help but laugh. He rests his hands on Sam’s thighs, content to stare up at him for as long as he can.
Sam looks like an angel, cheeks flushed with cold and lashes still damp with joyous tears. Danny takes Sam’s left hand, setting the ring box on his own chest to pull the gold band out.
“There,” he says, sliding the band onto Sam’s ring finger. “Official.”
Sam lifts his hand, looking at the band. His smile is radiant, eyes shining.
“Always,” he reads aloud. He leans down, holding Danny’s jaw with his left hand as he brushes their noses together. “Promise?”
Danny smiles. “Promise.”
“Shh, they’re coming!” Ronnie hisses, nearly skidding on the floor as she runs to hide behind the couch.
All the lights are out in the Kiszka home, everyone tucked behind various pieces of furniture to conceal themselves from view. Strung over the fireplace is a massive banner, lovingly but hastily painted with hearts and ‘CONGRATULATIONS DANNY AND SAM’.
“Man, this will be awkward if Sam said no,” Josie remarks, yelping when Lori pinches her side in reprimand.
The sound of a key turning in the lock makes everyone quiet down, the door opening.
Sam is tapping his boots against the hallway mat, shaking off the snow. “Daniel, if we still have the house to ourselves then I’m about to give you the ride of your life -“
Danny’s eyes go wide, cheeks flushing. He knows everyone is within earshot. “Sam -“
The lights turn on and everyone pops up from behind couches and bookshelves. Sam nearly jumps out of his skin, screaming and instinctively grabbing for Danny.
“Thank god we interrupted that sentence,” Josh quips, blowing into a paper party horn. Danny looks up at the ceiling, shaking his head with a grin.
“Well?!” Karen asks, bouncing on the spot.
Sam doesn’t move for a long moment, face impressively passive.
Danny pinches him and Sam breaks into a wide grin, holding up his hand. The gold band is there, a perfect fit.
“We’re engaged!” He hollers, immediately kicking off his shoes and jumping into the chaos of family, everyone shouting in excitement and piling in for hugs.
Danny grins, taking off his jacket and shoes, letting himself savour the view for just a moment before joining the fray.
“I like the banner,” he says once he’s exchanged hugs and kisses with everyone, putting his arm around Sam. Around his fiancé.
“Let’s just say there was a battle of wills to end up where we are now,” Dan says, giving his son a rueful smile.
“I maintain ‘same penis forever’ is a great engagement banner,” Josh says, somehow now in possession of a paper party hat that says ‘bridesmaid’ on it.
“It is,” Jake agrees.
“Alright,” Karen claps her hands, ignoring the twins. “Time for a toast!”
Kelly pops a bottle of champagne, filling glasses as everyone passes them around. There’s music playing in the background, the fireplace lit, the Christmas tree twinkling in the corner. Danny’s pretty sure he’s never been happier in his life.
He pulls Sam close, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“We’ve all been family for so long,” Dan says, holding up his glass. “But it feels like magic to welcome you officially into the family tonight, Sam. We couldn’t ask for anything more in a son in law, and couldn’t ask for anyone better for Danny. We love you.”
Danny presses his face into Sam’s hair, trying to keep more tears at bay, but it’s useless. He’s too happy, too fucking grateful for this moment.
“Thank you, Dan,” Sam says, eyes shining.
“And to our gentle giant,” Kelly says, raising his glass. “Danny, it’s our honour to officially welcome you to our family. You’ve been a brother to Jake and Josh since you were just a kid, but to Sam you were always more - his lighthouse, his rock. You make each other better, and we are so proud of you both.”
“To Sam and Danny,” Jake calls, lifting his glass.
“To Sam and Danny!”
The clink of glasses sounds like ringing bells as Danny leans down to kiss Sam properly, smiling against his lips.
“To us,” he whispers.
“Hell yeah,” Sam grins. “Always, baby.”
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thisismeracing · 7 months
komh thots
sir lewis carl davidson hamilton would officiate the union of his dear little sister and his co worker
they announce they're engaged and lewis is signing up to be an ordained minister, they cant stop him
in a similar vein, gina is making herself maid of honor and seb is making himself best man
one of my og thots was estie being best man but then i remembered the 5'9" 4x wdc german man and how he is one of mick's closest friends
i can see george william russell worming his way into being in the wedding party as a groomsman and him dragging carmen into the wedding party as well
and then we can have roscoe as ring bearer and angie as flower girl
half of the wedding party invited themselves in, but mickyn wouldnt have it any other way
because these are the people they love and they are happy that they are so adament on being part of their special day
OMG OMG LARA JACK ROSCOE AND ANGIE 😭😭😭😭 the quartet we stan!
Lewis would def sign to be the official
Seb to best man, totally!!! Especially because he 1) helped lewis get the license to officiate the wedding and 2) helped mick with the proposal. He’s mick’s and lewis’ bestie and they def hang out whenever they can.
I have to add that I think mickyn would get married in secret though 👀 like, a small trip with just direct family, their parents, and siblings. It would be a small ceremony, maybe they rented a private beach because Yn always wanted to get married at the beach but she also wanted to do the whole church thing and you know how mick would do anything for her right? So he rented a portion of a beach Yn always talked about, and they spent a week there. It’s small, and intimate, everything party-related was either handmade by them or brought from locals. her dress was handmade by locals artisans too (corinna got everything ready and just surprised yn with it) and baby blue, it matched mick’s eyes and the water and sky behind them in the pictures. their families would spend a day after the ceremony and then fly back home leaving the two to enjoy a small honeymoon. once they get back home everyone is a bit sus because the whole hamilton and schumacher family went mia for a week, and then mick and yn show up all giddy (more than ever), and it's not hard to find, but only because they decide to tell their friends, and set an official date for the big party. It will take six months or so, they’ll get married in a church, following the rites, yn wearing a white dress, mick a tux, seb best man, jack, and laura bearing the rings, roscoe and angie with the flowers, charles will play the piano, he’ll probably gift them with a special composition, danny will have his camera around his neck all smiley and wavey registering some moments, and lando will play dj at the party. It will be HUGE as you can imagine, the whole grid, and people that work with them on a regular basis, even rihanna and asap rocky attended bc reader loves them and of course they wouldnt pass an invitation from the hamiltons (now a schumacher-hamilton)
I guess I got carried away 🤭 but yeah now you got me thinking about mickyn wedding and I- 😩😵‍💫🥹
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raindancer2004 · 1 year
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 5,106 Demetri x OC Swan. Part Nine. Warnings: Fluff, mentions of childbirth
Danni found herself staring at the ring on her finger ‘It’s so beautiful’ she thought and smiled to herself “What are thinking about mi amore?” Demetri asks sitting beside her on the sofa “I was just looking at my ring, it’s so beautiful, thank you” She replied kissing him “I’m glad you like it so much” He kissed her lips and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m going to find Gianna, Heidi, Chelsea and Jane. I want to tell them our news and show them my beautiful ring that my gorgeous fiancé got me” Danni said kissing him and he smiled at her.
Danni found Gianna at her desk and Heidi and Chelsea in the kitchen “Congratulations hunny” Gianna said when Danni told her Demetri had proposed. “Wow, the ring is gorgeous” Heidi said “Congratulations. What a beautiful ring. That man has good taste” Chelsea adds smiling. Danni told Jane that evening once Jane came off guard duty and she also loved the engagement ring and congratulated them both.
A few days later Demetri was on guard duty when Athenodora and Sulpicia entered the throne room with Corin and Afton catching the three Kings and the guards by surprise “We are going to see Danni and will be in her room for the remainder of the day” Athenodora says firmly “Afton, Corin you are not required to join us” Sulpicia added as she and Athenodora left the throne room and made their way to see Danni.
There was a knock on the door “Come in” Danni called not bothering to get up off the sofa. “Hello my child and congratulations on your engagement and the baby” Athenodora greeted sitting beside Danni and wrapping an arm around her for a quick hug. Sulpicia sat on Danni’s other side and gave her a quick hug too “Hello my dear. How are you feeling today?” “Temperature wise I’m fine, although both the baby and I are thirsty” Danni replied getting up “Sit back down. I can sort getting you and the baby a drink” Athenodora said getting up and walking to the door. “Guards!” She shouted and Afton appeared moments later “Yes mil lady” “Please bring Danni some juice and blood bags, her and the baby are thirsty” She instructed “Of course I’ll be right back” He bowed and made his way to the kitchen.
“That is a beautiful ring” Athenodora said “What did you expect from Demetri?” Sulpicia said when they saw the sapphire and diamond engagement ring.
“Afton” Caius called as he passed the throne room “Why was my wife shouting for a guard?” “Danni and the baby are thirsty and the wives don’t want Danni getting up to get the drinks, so I have been asked to do so” He answered “Well don’t keep them waiting” Caius said sternly. Demetri couldn’t help smiling, feeling amused that the wives are making sure Danni is being catered for in his absence, the way they are on a daily basis by the guards.
Afton returned with a few blood bags, a carton of orange juice and a glass “Can I get you anything else?” He asked “No thank you. You are dismissed” Sulpicia said waving her hand to dismiss him and he left the room.
“So baby names. What have you got so far?” Athenodora asked. “We haven’t actually discussed baby names, in fact we haven’t done much to prepare for our son’s arrival” Danni replied quietly. “You have less than two weeks left child. Come on bring your laptop, we have work to do” Athenodora said helping Danni off the sofa. Sulpicia picked up the drinks and followed her sister and Danni out of the room knowing exactly where they were going.
The wives and Danni entered the throne room, again surprising the Kings and the guards. “Demetri, you are needed for a meeting in Caius’ study. You too my dear. Now come along” Athenodora said looking at Caius, leading Danni out of the throne room and down the hall to his study. “Come on Demetri, you heard my wife we are being summoned” Caius said as he crossed the room to leave “Yes master” He replied bowing his head and following Caius out of the room. “What is that about my dear?” Aro asked his wife “Athenodora just learnt they haven’t picked a name for their son nor have they prepared much for his arrival. So Athenodora is taking charge” Sulpicia replied, amusement clear in her voice “Oh my, that will be an interesting chat” Aro sounded amused too. “They’re first-time parents they’ll work it out, I’m sure. After all, finding out Danni was pregnant was a shock for everyone” Marcus said sympathetically.
“What’s the meaning of this my love?” Caius asked once inside his study “Well my dear our grandson is due in less than two weeks and they have not chosen a name nor have they prepared much for his arrival. This just won’t do” “Grandson?” Danni mouthed to Demetri, who shrugged looking a little shocked too. “Ok, but they do still have time and I’m sure they’ll sort things out. Danni please take a seat” Caius said and she did so nodding. “I have been thinking about names but we just haven’t spoken about them” Danni said quietly “Really cara mia?” Demetri asked coming to stand beside Danni, she looked up at him nodding. “Take a seat Demetri” Caius said smiling as he and Athenodora sat down on the sofa opposite Danni as Demetri sat down beside her.
“What names were you thinking of?” Caius asked “I know what last name he will have, Volturi” She said smiling and squeezing Demetri’s hand. “Not Swan?” Demetri asked “No, he’s your son and you’re a Volturi” He nods smiling at her “Ok, but he still needs a first name” He added “I have some ideas, Theo – it means God’s present, Xander – Defender of man or Nicolai – People’s triumph. What do you think?” She asked the three vampires “They’re all Greek names” Demetri replied surprised at her suggestions. “I know that. I looked up Greek boy names on google. I wanted our son to have a Greek name like his dad” Danni responded and Demetri smiled at her lovingly. “I think that is a wonderful thing to do child. To honour Demetri’s heritage that way” Athenodora adds smiling. “Thank you, I thought so too. We haven’t got to pick one right now, have a think and we can decide later” Danni adds smiling to Demetri. “Danni do you know what kind of crib you would like for the baby? We can go shopping for stuff or we can order it online, whichever you prefer?” Demetri asked “I think we should look at stuff online and go from there. I do know that I’d like to keep a baby book for him” She replied “A baby book, what’s that?” He asked curious “It’s a book you keep that tracks your pregnancy and the first five years of the child’s life. I’ll google one later and show you” She replied and Demetri nodded, he looked up to see Caius smiling at them. “This worked out well my love” Caius whispered to Athenodora “The baby will need his own room as he grows up, is there one near them, my love?” Athenodora asked Caius “Yes, I think there is one opposite their room, if not we can put one in as there is space up there” He replied and she smiled back at him nodding.
Later that night Danni and Demetri are cuddling on sofa watching a film “Sorry if you felt put on the spot earlier babe. Athenodora asked about baby names and when I said we hadn’t spoke about them the next thing I knew she was summoning you to Caius’ study” She looked up at him “No need to apologise cara, it was a bit of a surprise but it was nice to talk about it. I’m just sorry I didn’t bring up the topic sooner” He replied looking down at her, kissing her. “Me too. Let’s discuss stuff now then. What do you really think about the baby names I suggested?” “I like the name Nicolai” He responds “Nicolai Volturi it is then” She smiles kissing him. Danni opens her laptop and shows Demetri the different baby books that they can get and they choose one with a baby jungle animal theme.
The following morning Demetri and Danni went shopping to buy stuff for the baby, they picked out a beautiful wooden crib, a wooden rocking chair and a changing table that they had delivered to the castle. They also bought a selection of baby clothes, bottles, toys, nappies and a bottle steriliser. “I must admit this feels really weird buying all this baby stuff. I feel like a real grown up” Danni said laughing to Demetri “If I’m being honest, I never thought I’d be doing this myself either and you are a grown-up” He replied kissing her forehead. “I love you Dem” “I love you too.”
Demetri, Felix and the twins were called into the throne room “We need the four of you to travel to Forks and track some newborns that are starting to draw attention to themselves” Aro informed them. “You are to observe them and make a decision regarding their punishment as my thoughts are likely being watched by Alice” He continued. “Demetri do not worry about Danni, we will look after her in your absence and you should be back in plenty of time before your son is born” Caius added. “One more thing do not think about Danni or the baby when around the Cullens, should your paths cross. They do not need to know anything about her seeing as they have removed her from her family’s life” Marcus advised. “Of course master” The guards reply nodding. “I understand that may be harder for you Demetri, but please remember this is for the best” Marcus spoke quietly. “I understand master” The guards bowed their heads and left the throne room. Demetri said goodbye to Danni and met the other three guards at the castle doors.
The four guards arrived in Seattle and observed the newborns “They’ve already drawn too much attention” Demetri said “So has our in action, others may start to question the Volturi’s effectiveness” Felix adds “Let them” Jane responds; Felix turns and starts to walk away from the other three vampires “Maybe we should consult with Aro” Felix continues before falling to the ground in pain; Demetri and Alec smirking at the sight before them “Aro’s decisions are being watched, we must decide” Jane replied, turning to face the back of Felix “Then decide sister, it’s time” Alec added, placing a hand on his sister’s shoulder. Jane turns back around looking down at the newborns, smiling “We either let them do what they were created for or we end them. Decisions, decisions” She replies.
June 13th 2006 – The day of the Cullens’ confrontation with the newborn army.
Demetri text Danni to check in and see how she was doing without him.
Good morning darling, hope you slept well. How you are you and my son doing? Xx
Good morning babe, didn’t sleep too good, but I’m ok. Me and your son are doing great but I am missing you so much xx
Sorry to hear you didn’t sleep much, try and nap during the day if you can. I miss you too. Love you xx
I will and I love you too xx
The four elite guards arrived at the site of the confrontation as the newborn’s dismembered bodies were being burnt on the bonfire “I’ve never seen a coven escape an attack of this magnitude intact before, impressive” Jane said to the Cullens “We were just lucky I guess” Carlisle responds “I doubt that” Jane replies “Looks like we missed an entertaining fight” Alec adds “Yes, it’s not often we are rendered unnecessary” Jane comments “If you had arrived half an hour ago you would have fulfilled your purpose” Edward adds “Pity” Jane replies “You missed one” She continues, looking over at the small girl behind the Cullens. “We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender” Carlisle states and Jasper moves to stand beside Bree “That wasn’t yours to offer” Jane says smirking looking at Bree as she drops to the floor in pain. “Who created you? Why did you come?” Jane asks. “You don’t have to do that; she’ll tell you anything you need know” Esme says “I know” “I don’t know. Riley wouldn’t tell us. He said our thoughts weren’t safe” Bree answers. “Her name was Victoria, maybe you knew her” Edwards says looking at Jane “Edward, I’m sure if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria they would have stopped her. Isn’t that right Jane?” Carlisle asks “Of course. Felix” Jane responds “We’ll take responsibility for her” Esme adds and Jane holds up her hand to stop Felix “Give her a chance” Carlisle says. “The Volturi don’t give second chances, bare that in mind. Caius will be interested to know she’s still human” Janes says looking over at Bella “The date is set” Bella replies “Take care of that Felix, I’d like to go home” Felix walks up to Bree and executes her before leaving with Jane, Alec and Demetri.
Danni was pleased that Demetri stayed in touch by text when he was away as she really missed him and worried about his safety.
Whilst Demetri was away Danni made a start on filling in the baby book and organising the baby clothes in their closet. Heidi came into the room to see her “Hi Danni I have something for you” She said handing Danni a small bag; inside were a selection of bibs, one with the phrase ‘Mommy’s little boy’ and some muslin cloths. “Gianna said these would be things you’ll need” “Thank you Heidi they’re lovely” She replied hugging her. Heidi then joined Danni on the sofa and they watched ‘Three Men a Baby’ “Wonder how Demetri will get on with the baby whilst you’re being changed” Heidi mused “He’ll probably get Felix and Alec to help so expect some of these shenanigans to happen” Danni replied pointing to the film, both girls started laughing. “That said Demi and I haven’t actually talked about me being changed” “I think you two should have that talk before the baby comes hunny, just in case as no one knows what will happen” Heidi replies softly and wraps one arm around her shoulder. Danni nodded and rested her head on Heidi’s shoulder.
Demetri, Felix and the twins arrive back at the castle and report to the throne room to debrief the Kings before heading to see Danni.
“I’ve missed you so much” Danni says hugging Demetri once he’s hung up his cloak “I’ve missed you too darling” He replies holding her close. “We’ve missed you too sweetie” Jane adds as her, Alec and Felix sit on the sofas ready to watch a film “Missed you guys too” Danni replies “How’s the baby doing?” Alec asks “He’s doing well, likes to move about a bit and he lets me know when he’s thirsty” Danni replies smiling.
That evening Demetri makes Danni Vanilla waffles, using her waffle maker and tops them with strawberries. “Oh wow. Look at this Chels Demetri’s gone all domesticated” Heidi says laughing “I am making Danni one of her favourite things to eat and then we’ll be spending the night together. No interruptions” He responds “Aw that’s lovely Dem” Chelsea says smiling “Danni’s one lucky girl” “Thanks Chels but I’m the lucky one” He replies and makes his way back to his room.
Once back in the room they cuddle up and watch North and South, drinking their blood bags. “Thank you for the waffles, they were yummy. Although the baby prefers blood, he is at least letting me enjoy some food now” Danni says smiling and kissed Demetri. “You’re welcome” He wraps an arm around her shoulder, gently moving her closer to him. “Dem can we talk about me being changed?” “Of course. What did you want to discuss?” He replied “Once the baby’s born what happens? Will you change me or do I get to remain human a little longer?” She asked “I will be the one to change you because you are mine mi amore. As to when you are changed that depends; if it’s a case of losing you once the baby’s here I won’t hesitate to change you Danni, I can’t lose you. I won’t lose you” He kissed her temple “I know Demi, I can’t and won’t lose you either” She lifted her head up and kissed his lips. “Caius said there’s no rush to change me as I’m here in the castle with you and they figured I’d want to get a little older, nearer to your physical age of 21…” Demetri nods as Danni continues “…But that was before I got pregnant. So, I was wondering would you have a problem if I was 16 forever?” Demetri smiles at her “No amore I wouldn’t have a problem with that; you’d be forever sweet 16” He kisses her hair “Are you asking me to change you once the baby’s here?” He asks “I was thinking about it, I mean it would be easier in some ways, although…” She paused “Although what?” He asked turning to face her and placing a hand to her cheek “I was thinking if I stayed human a bit longer…maybe we could have another baby…hopefully a girl. You know have a little family” She continued “Cara mia, I’d love that but I don’t know if I want to risk having another baby with you. What if the next pregnancy doesn’t go as well as this one, I could lose you. We could lose you” He moves his hand to her belly “I know, it was just a thought I had the other day. How nice it would be for you to have a daughter as well as a son, you know daddy’s little girl” She said quietly “Oh Danni…that is a nice thought really but I’m happy to just have one baby with you, as that is something I never thought would happen once I was changed. I would much rather have our son and you by my side immortal and 16 forever than risk losing you” He kissed her hair again “If you’re sure you’d be happy with just one child, then can you change me once our son is born so we don’t risk another pregnancy?” She looked into his eyes “I am sure and I will change you once he is here and I will look after him whilst you go through the transformation” He kissed her “I love you more than you’ll ever know mi amore” “I love you too Dem, so much.”
June 19th 2006 – Baby Volturi’s arrival
Dr Watts was in his guest room at the castle preparing himself for delivering a half-human half-vampire baby. Caius had given Dr Watts an extra room so he could deliver the baby somewhere other than Demetri and Danni’s shared room.
Demetri was fussing over Danni “Are you sure you’re ok? Do you need anything? Are you sure you want me to change you once Nicolai is here?” “Demi calm down everything will be fine. I don’t want anything except a cuddle from you. Yes, to being changed once he is born. I miss being with you” She smiled and winked at him “I miss being with you too” He whispered to her “I want to spend forever with you Dem” “And I with you” He took her into his arms holding her close until Dr Watts was ready for them.
A few hours later Danni was lying on a bed in a guest room waiting for her son to be delivered. Demetri was holding her hand whilst the doctor carried out the caesarean. Gianna was acting as the nurse as Demetri didn’t want any vampires in the room with them due to the blood. “Dem you can wait outside if you need to, please don’t make yourself uncomfortable” She squeezes his hand a little “Danni I’m fine and there is nowhere else I would rather be right now” Demetri kisses her forehead “I love you” “I love you too Dem.” The moment is cut short when they hear the soft cries of their newborn son. “Congratulations it’s a healthy baby boy. Who would like to hold him first?” Dr Watts asks “Hand him to Danni please for a cuddle before I change I her” Demetri says smiling. “Hey little one, I’m your mommy and I love you very much. Be a good boy for daddy over the next few days” She kisses his head “Mmm I love the new baby smell” She continues, Demetri smiling wide at the sight of Danni and his son ‘My two-favourite people in the whole world’ he thinks to himself.
Five minutes later Gianna takes the baby from Danni and goes into the bathroom to clean him up. “Danni has come through this pregnancy really well. She is all stitched up and she’ll have a very neat scar” Dr Watts says to Demetri “Thank you for everything Dr Watts. I really appreciate it” Demetri says shaking his hand. “Yes, thank you doctor” Danni says smiling at him. “I’ll leave you now. I have given Danni some more morphine for the pain following the caesarean” Dr Watts says before leaving the room.
Gianna comes out of the bathroom with Nicolai all cleaned up and in a simple pale blue Babygro “Congratulations you two he’s gorgeous” She says smiling “Here you go, support his head with your arm” She continues as she places Nicolai into Demetri’s arms. Demetri looks down at his son and smiles “Hello son, I’m your daddy and I’m very happy to meet you” He leans down and kisses his son’s head “He’s gorgeous cara mia” He says to Danni smiling before leaning down to kiss her. “I love you both so much” She replies “We love you too Danni” “Look after him for the next few days Dem” Danni’s eyes begin filling with tears “Of course, I will cara” He responded and kissed her hair.
There was a knock on the door “Hello Demetri, Athenodora and I wanted to see how you, Danni and the baby were doing” Caius says entering the room. “We’re all doing ok. I’d like to introduce you both to our son Nicolai Volturi” Demetri says to Caius and Athenodora smiling. “Congratulations my child he’s gorgeous” Athenodora says looking at Nicolai in Demetri’s arms. “Thank you Athenodora. Would you like to hold him?” Danni asks “Yes please, if Demetri doesn’t mind parting with him” “Here mi’ lady you need to support his head with your arm” Demetri instructs politely. “How are you feeling Danni?” Caius asks “I’m ok thank you. Demetri is going to change me later today so we don’t risk another pregnancy, he is worried in case another pregnancy doesn’t go as well as this one did” She replies “That’s understandable child” Caius responds “He doesn’t want to lose you and nor do we” He finishes stroking her hair gently. He really had come to care for her as though she was his daughter. “Caius come look at our grandson. He’s gorgeous” He nods walking to stand beside his wife and looking down at Nicolai smiling “Hello little one”.
“We’ll leave you now so you can prepare and don’t worry child we’ll help Demetri with Nicolai during your transformation” Athenodora says reassuringly, after about half an hour “Gianna will you hold Nicolai whilst Demetri turns Danni?” Caius asks, Gianna nods taking him from Athenodora and walking into the bathroom to give Demetri and Danni some privacy as Caius and Athenodora leave the room.
Demetri climbed on the bed carefully beside Danni and wrapped his arm around her “I just want to hold you once more before I turn you. I’m going to miss hearing your heartbeat when I hold you and when you sleep bedside me. I’m also going to miss your warmth. I love you so much Danni.” “I love you too” Danni responds, he unwraps his arm from her and positions himself so he is hovering above her, leaning down he kisses her neck before biting her, letting his venom flow through her system. He then licks the wound to close it, leaving his mark there. “I’ll see you in a few days mi amore” He kisses her lips and rests his forehead against hers.
Demetri calls out for Gianna “Gianna you can come out now” “Here take him and show off your son to everyone, I will go to your room and get a change of clothes for Danni” She replies with a smile and he nods “Thank you Gianna.”  
Demetri exits the room to see Felix, Heidi and Chelsea outside in the corridor “I’d like you to meet my son Nicolai Volturi” Demetri says proudly. “Aww he’s gorgeous Dem” Heidi says as Demetri smiles down at his son full of pride. “Congratulations Demetri. How’s Danni?” Chelsea asks “Danni is great. Dr Watts said she came through the pregnancy well. She is currently going through her transformation” He replies “Chelsea, Heidi will you help Gianna change Danni’s clothes please? She has gone to get an outfit from our room” “Of course we will” Heidi responds smiling.
Demetri and Felix make their way to the throne room so Demetri can introduce his son to the others whilst the girls change Danni. “Afternoon my dear boy” Aro says smiling “I hear congratulations are in order” He adds. “Afternoon masters. Thank you. I would like to introduce you to my son Nicolai Volturi” He says to Aro and Marcus “Congratulations Demetri” Marcus says smiling. The twins walk over to them excited to meet the baby “Congratulations Demetri” Alec says “Congratulations. He’s so cute” Jane says smiling at Nicolai “Thank you” “How’s Danni doing?” Marcus asks “Danni is great. Dr Watts said she came through the pregnancy well. She is currently going through her transformation. Heidi and Chelsea are assisting Gianna to change Danni’s clothes” Marcus smiles and nods in response.
“Can I hold him please Demetri” Jane asks and Demetri hands her the baby, not bothering to explain how to hold him as she used to hold the immortal children they used to execute. “Aww listen to his little heartbeat and he feels so warm to hold” She smiles holding him closer to her chest and Demetri nods. “We know that he has a few human traits from Danni, but I wonder what vampire traits he will inherit from you D” Felix says “Me too Fe” He replies.
“Brother” Marcus says quietly and holds out his hand to Aro, showing Aro the new ties he sees forming between Jane and Nicolai. Aro nods but says nothing to the vampires in the room. “We’ll wait and see what happens” He says to Marcus too low for the others to hear, Marcus nods in agreement.
Demetri took Nicolai back to the guest room along with Felix. “Hi Dem, Danni is ready. I didn’t want to leave her on her own. Are you going to move her back to your shared room?” Heidi asks “Thank you Heidi for changing her clothes she looks beautiful. Yes, I want her with me in our room. Fe would you mind picking Danni up and bringing her back to our room please?” “Not at all D. Do you want me to move her now?” He asks and Demetri nods. Felix picks up Danni carefully and carries her back to her and Demetri’s room and gently lays her down on the bed. Demetri thanks his friend as he takes a seat on the sofa in front of the fireplace and cuddles his son close to his chest placing a kiss to his temple. “How are you doing D?” Felix asks “I’m ok. I just can’t believe how much my life has changed in the last three months. I met my mate, fell in love, got engaged and had a baby with her” Felix nods in agreement “Yea who would have thought that one little human would have changed your life the way she has. Honestly though she’s had an effect on all our lives” “That she has. Sometimes I find myself thinking how I ever got through the last thousand years without her. I can’t wait for her to wake up as an immortal so we can really start our eternity together” Demetri says with a big smile on his face.
A little while later there’s a soft knock on the door “Hi Demetri, Felix. I’ve brought a bottle up for Nicolai as I thought he may be thirsty” Gianna says handing Demetri a bottle of formula. “Thank you Gianna” “No worries just let me know if you need any help with him. Before you give him that I’ll just get you a bib from the closet” Gianna says smiling “Gianna I have no idea how to feed him, please can you help me?” Demetri asks feeling a little helpless “Of course I can” She puts the bib around Nicolai’s neck before instructing Demetri on how to feed his son. “So you are holding him correctly already so you just place the bottle in his mouth and tilt the bottle up slightly” Demetri nods “When he has had enough you’ll know because the bottle will either be empty or he’ll stop drinking. Then you sit him up slightly holding his neck gently at the front and rub/pat his back gently to wind him” Demetri looks confused “I’ll stay and show you what to do when we get to that point” Gianna continues and sits beside Demetri on the sofa. “Thank you. I appreciate your help” Demetri says. “Anytime. I said to Danni that I’d help you. Being human has its advantages when it comes to babies and children. I’ll also show you how to change his nappy later too” Demetri nods smiling grateful for Gianna’s help and advice. He decided that he would ask the Kings to turn her as a thank you for helping him and because she was best friends with Danni.
Later that night Demetri puts Nicolai into his crib and lies beside Danni on the bed noticing her brown hair getting a little longer and brighter. “I love you cara mia” He then gets comfortable and spends the night reading to Danni and tending to Nicolai when needed.
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long-distance-love · 1 year
Hey guys, how are you? Congrats on moving in together. I'm so happy you guys are now united it warms my heart and gives me hope. It's A. again. I just wanted to thank you for your response, it was a great help even "delayed". We talked about everything, I told him everything I was feeling and all my thoughts, he acknowledged it all and apologised for everything. Truth is this is all new for us both, he's my first boyfriend and both of us have never been in a ldr before, it's been rough navigating this uncharted waters and we were just overwhelmed. But we're all good now we've settled some "rules" and things are way better than before. We are talking more, including eachother more in our routine and life in general and communicating way better. He said I'm his one and only and can't even imagine living without me in his life and wanted to reassure me he can't wait to build a life with me. We're talking about moving in together, he actually asked if I wanted to moving in already but he wants to do things the right way, and go on my pace, not get ahead of himself. I don't want to get my hopes up but he might propose soon hahah.
Thank you guys so so much for your advice and help, this blog is actually amazing and I'm so sorry for what's going on now. I know it makes it hard to want to continue but what you're doing here it's great work and very much appreciated. Hope you can find joy in keeping it up, it really helps us out here. Take care, and congrats again. ❤️
Hello A! It's lovely to hear from you again! 💕
When I tell you I scared my Husband by how excited I got when I read your update, I'm not exaggerating. Benny legit thought something was up, but I was just so excited and elated that I couldn't speak for a second!
We're both so so happy you guys managed to talk things through. It's honestly just another proof of how long distancing can work so well if both/all parties are committed. It's also wonderful to see how your boundaries are once more respected to an exceeding degree, as it should be in any loving and respectful relationship. We honestly wish you nothing but the best in the future, and we hope you'll let us know if your partner ends up proposing to you. 🙊💕 We're rooting for you either way.
Thank you for your well wishes, as well as your support for this blog. There's a good update I can share with you all regarding the blog issues we've been facing, and that is tumblr has finally restored our private messaging function. And on top of it all, engagement with the blog is suddenly back up again. 💕 We considered scrapping this blog after we moved in together, but we still believe we have relevant experience to share with you all, so we're not going anywhere!
Thanks again for this lovely update! 💕
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handeaux · 3 years
17 Curious (And Occasionally Famous) Cincinnati Dogs
Early Aeronaut
Richard Clayton, proprietor of a watch shop on the corner of Sycamore and Second streets in Cincinnati, gained international fame in 1835 when he flew a balloon from Cincinnati to Monroe County, Virginia. Shortly after liftoff from an amphitheater on Court Street, between Race and Elm, Clayton released a parachute which descended slowly to earth. Suspended from the parachute was a little (and unnamed) dog, who was returned safely to its owner. The owner refused large sums of money to part with his pioneering aeromutt.
Lusus Naturae
Cincinnati witnessed the birth of a most unusual dog in 1858. A bull terrier owned by Smith Betts of Western Row (today’s Central Avenue) gave birth to a litter including a puppy with three normal legs and a foreleg from which, where a paw should have been located, was a perfectly formed puppy head. According to the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune [17 May 1858]: “The little curiosity was as lively as a cricket, but Mr. Betts procured the service of a lad, who, for a dime, drowned it in the canal.”
Dog Days At The Zoo
In its early days, the Cincinnati Zoo offered displays of dogs. On the Zoo’s opening day in 1875, visitors could view a Newfoundland, two mastiffs, some poodles, “Danish hounds” (Great Danes) and greyhounds. Some of these dogs were trained performers, but others merely illustrated unfamiliar breeds. Cincinnatians could purchase dogs from the Zoo if they wished. The Zoo advertised Saint Bernard dogs especially as “docile . . . but a terror to tramps and evil-doers.”
A Canine Con Artist
Attorney John J. McCarthy had a friend who owned a dog. The dog preferred the company of Mr. McCarthy to that of his actual owner. As the Enquirer [27 January 1891] told it, the dog, on command, would sit up, wear a hat and smoke a cigar while displaying the “most sage look.” McCarthy turned down multiple offers to sell the dog, repeatedly explaining that he did not own the mutt. Some buyers persisted, however, to the extent that McCarthy took their money and turned over the dog. After every purchase, however, the dog was back at McCarthy’s feet within the hour.
A Dog With A Job
Willie Theobald was a clerk at the American District Messenger Office on Vine Street in 1894 and he owned a dog named Purp who followed him to work. In the days before email and faxes, a lot of business communication traveled through the city by messenger and Willie supervised a troop of young messengers – and a dog. While Willie sat at his desk, making assignments, Purp accompanied messengers on their rounds and often delivered messages on his own. Purp waited patiently until the receipt book was signed, then trotted back to Willie to await his next task.
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A Vet’s Pride
Veterinarian L.A. Anderson was known throughout Cincinnati because of his dog, Jeff, esteemed to be the smartest canine in town. One day in 1894, Jeff was, as was his habit, holding the reins of his master’s horse while Dr. Anderson attended to some business. When a rainstorm blew up, Jeff led the horse onto the pavement and under the awning of a nearby store. As the rain abated, Jeff led the horse back into the street to await Dr. Anderson’s return.
It’s Not easy Being Green
Oscar A. Stuckenberg, a clerk in the city engineering office, donated to Cincinnati’s Natural History Museum the freshly deceased body of a greyhound pup which had died 36 hours after birth, 23 February 1897. The color of its coat was distinctly asparagus green, except the head, which was the ordinary grey color. Museum curators scrubbed the corpse with soap, then soaked it in alcohol for several hours, but were unable to remove the color. “Mr. Stuckenberg's assurance that the pup was born with the green color can not be doubted,” they concluded.
Pug In Lieu Of A Ring
Margaret Harrison was one of the most sought-after young ladies in Cincinnati, if not for her own charms then for the riches of her father, Learner Blackman Harrison, president of the First National Bank. She accepted the proposal of Ezra Howard Child, son of a wealthy Massachusetts manufacturer but, it being 1900, thought engagement rings were too old-fashioned for a modern couple and requested a dog instead. Margaret’s fiancé complied, and a pug, decorated with a white satin ribbon, accompanied her throughout the ceremony, attended by one hundred guests, at her parent’s house on Grandin Road.
Cincinnati’s Most Intelligent Dog
Word got around in 1902 that Prince, a white and brown water spaniel owned by Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Wirthwine of Evanston, could do anything except speak. The Wirthwines talked to Prince continually as they trained him and this, it was believed, educated Prince to understand every word spoken, so that he followed every command to the letter. Although 10 years old, Prince was described as frisky as a puppy, and much beloved by the neighbors on Harvard Avenue.
Cincinnati’s First Police Dog
Visitors to the Greater Cincinnati Police Museum are greeted by the stuffed remains of a scruffy mutt in a display case. This is Handsome, beloved companion of the Cincinnati Police who patrolled Rat Row, Sausage Row and the other unsavory neighborhoods that constituted what is now The Banks but was once known as The Bottoms. Handsome’s feats of investigative skill spread far and wide. On his demise in 1915, the cops chipped in and had Handsome preserved through taxidermy. For a while, he decorated police headquarters, but he’s now at home in the museum.
An Extra Leg
In 1926, somebody dropped off an unusual dog to Hamilton County Sheriff Richard Witt who, back then, also served as the county’s dog catcher. There was nothing wrong with the little puppy except that it had five legs. Witt turned the little fellow over to his deputy, Charles “Buck” Hauser, who promised to take care of it. Hauser had a history with freak animals; he also provided a home to a three-legged rooster.
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Danny Dumm’s Greyhound
Cartoonist Harold E. Russell inked daily sports highlights for the Cincinnati Enquirer over a 52-year career that ended only with his death in 1966. Along the way, Russell is credited with inventing mustachioed Mister Red and the Cincinnati Royals logo. He also created a miniature alter ego named Danny Dumm who provided commentary on Russell’s cartoons for decades. In 1928, promoting racing meets at a Springdale greyhound track, Danny adopted a dog and the Enquirer ran a contest to name the pooch. Inundated with thousands of entries, Russell got two assistants to help him pick the eventual winning name – Big Swig – submitted by Miss Evelyn Klopp of Norwood.
Big Jon & Sparkie’s Pooch
For a decade, beginning at WSAI in 1948 and later on the ABC network, the most popular show on radio, “Big Jon & Sparkie,” was produced here in Cincinnati. Big Jon was the show’s host, Jonathan Arthur Goerss. Sparkie was an elf from the Land of Make Believe who wanted to become a real boy. Most of the characters were based on writer Don Kortekamp’s Cincinnati childhood, including Sparkie’s mischievous dog, a Boston toy terrier named Bunny.
Uncle Al’s Dog
From 1950 to 1985, it seemed mandatory for every kid in Cincinnati to appear at least once on WCPO’s Uncle Al Show. In addition to host Al Lewis himself and his wife, Wanda, aka “Captain Windy,” the show featured a multitude of supporting characters. Many of the subsidiary roles on the Uncle Al Show were created by artist and set designer Thomas York, including Ringo Rango the cowboy, Lucky the Clown, Chief Red Feather, Charley the Horse, the Merry Mailman and, of course, Pal the Dog.
Hattie The Witch’s Hound
At least two generations of Cincinnati children grew up with the Larry Smith Puppets, from his days on the Uncle Al Show on WCPO-TV through his decade-long run as the host of Larry Smith’s Cartoon Club on WXIX-TV. In addition to “Batty Hattie from Cincinnati,” Teaser the Mouse and Rudy the Rooster, the central canine character in this puppet menagerie was Snarfy R. Dog.
WEBN’s Program Director
When radio station WEBN first went on the air from a small, blue Considine Avenue house on “Price’s Mountain,” the owner and chief on-air personality, attorney Frank Wood Sr., was meticulous in crediting the talents of program director Miles Duffy. Visitors to the station may have suspected something funny about a dog bowl labeled “Miles.” In fact, Miles Duffy was a cocker spaniel, drafted into that significant position to give the impression WEBN’s employee roster was larger than it was. When Miles went to doggy heaven, the Woods had him taxidermied.
Cincinnati Reds In The Dog House
No review of Cincinnati dogs could be complete, of course, without featuring Marge Schott’s Saint Bernards, known as Schottzie and Schottzie 02. Reds managers were subjected to rubdowns with dog hair in often-vain attempts to attract good luck, groundskeepers had to pick up dog poop off the field, players had to dodge the beasts during pre-game warm-ups and the dogs sat front and center in the team photos during Schott’s ownership of the team.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Déjà Vu (Or are we losing our minds?) XIV -Modern!Shirbert
A/N: I haven’t written the epilogue yet, so it might not come out next week, I do hope I get the time to do it though, hang in there! -Danny
Words: 1,178
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Epilogue
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'I hope that if alternate universes exist, it will still be you and me in the end. I hope that there will always be an us. 
In every world,  in every story' — Tina Tran
New Year's passed without any strange occurrences as well, Anne had made up her mind and decided that those dreams had been the result of a very shitty week in which she'd had to deal with her ex's engagement, but now she was fine!
If fine meant being unable to not daydream about the handsome stranger with the pretty eyes.
Either way, her trip back to Toronto had gone well, next day they would attend the Orchard's party (Diana had told her she'd contacted Gilbert and he'd reserved a whole table for them) and she couldn't wait to get rid of this false illusion, she decided that the only way she'd be able to get over this man would be by meeting him. Usually, that's all it takes to stop liking a man.
"Anne?" Diana peered through the door. "It's almost three in the morning, you should go to bed..."
"I'm sorry Di, did I wake you?"
"Yeah, what are you doing anyway? School hasn't started, you can't be doing homework?"
"Oh, no," Anne smiled. "I started a new project. It's... It's a romance."
"Oh?" Diana's brow raised. "Are we back to being hopeless romantics, then?"
"I don't know," She looked back at her laptop. "I haven't decided yet. Which is perfect for the book, you know? I think I can give an interesting perspective, don't you think? More objective?"
"What's the main plot?"
"I don't know yet," Anne laughed. "It's about this boy, he's met a girl once in his life and only talked to her for like, five seconds, but it's enough for him to fall in love completely. After that, he starts to compare every woman to the stranger even though all is mere speculation— I haven't decided whether if it should have a happy ending or a realistic one."
"Happy endings can be realistic too, you know?"
"Well, you know what I mean," She shrugged. "It's just a concept, and it could suck— I could end up abandoning the story if it doesn't feel right, but it's the first time I feel inspired enough to do something longer than three pages and I thought I should try it."
"I think you should," Diana walked up to her and kissed the top of her head. "I know it's hard to go to bed when you're inspired and all, but do try to sleep? I don't want you leaving the party early..."
Anne's stomach twisted in anticipation, she doesn't know if she'll want to stay after meeting Gilbert, but she can't say that to her friend.
"Of course," She smiles. "Don't worry."
It wasn't a fact, but the possibility of Anne coming to the party caused Gilbert to pour all his energy into making sure everything was perfect.
Gilbert had always been a bit of a control freak, but this was the last opportunity to actually meet the real Anne, and he didn't want to waste it.
He looked at the decorations around him feeling satisfied, Gilbert checked the time and realized it was almost 3 am, he swore under his breath and quickly made his way out, making sure everything was in place and safely secured.
He didn't know why, but something about the next day felt final, it was a now or never kind of situation.
The train's incessant rumbling woke him up. He realized he'd fallen asleep while reading the newspaper, Gilbert carefully folded it and fixed his posture as well as his clothes. He realized he was wearing some kind of old-fashioned suit, which he didn't consider strange at all, it felt right, actually, he felt more at home than ever.
Someone sat down in front of him, a dark-haired girl with intense brown eyes and flushed cheeks, he knew who it was immediately.
"Diana," He smiled. "To what do I owe the ple—"
"What is wrong with you?" She interrupted. "First you make us all believe you're marrying an older lady, then you show up at the last minute and announce to my father that you're no longer marrying and you're moving to Toronto instead?"
"I— What?" Gilbert blinked. "Marrying?"
"Yes!" Diana leaned forward. "You told my father you were planning to propose to Winnifred Rose and that you were moving out to Paris, then you change your plans completely! You have no idea how's Anne suffered because of you!"
The name immediately stirred something in him, Gilbert smiled.
"This is a dream, isn't it?" He asked. "She's here—"
"So you simply never bothered to speak to Anne about any of this?" She demanded, clearly not listening to him.
Gilbert's mind came up with a reply on its own, much like any regular dream, it was as if he knew there was a script he had to follow for the story to continue its course.
"Had I had the opportunity to I would have, in fact, I went over—"
"You had every opportunity, for years! Admit it— You've been smitten with Anne ever since she first came to Avonlea and smashed that slate over your head!"
The sentence brought back clear memories: Anne looking extremely pissed, holding a small slate and then hitting him with it. Him being so drunk he'd insulted her without really meaning to.
'Oh... crap', He thought.
"I need to talk to her," Gilbert stood up abruptly.
Part of him knew this wasn't real and talking to Anne here would do nothing to fix the reality that he'd screwed up the first impression already. But his dream-self had no sense of logic, so he ran to the nearest exit just when the train was reaching the station.
He rushed past the crowd and quickly found himself in the middle of a town with no idea of where he was going. The streets looked familiar, but where was Anne?
He ran across alleys, wide streets and unknown houses until he saw a big, greenish building ahead, and his heart jolted in excitement, he knew this was it, he sped forward, he was reaching the entrance—
The loud beeping of his alarm woke him up abruptly. Gilbert's eyes opened at once and he looked for the device frantically.
"No no no," He said anxiously. "I was so close!"
But it was all a dream, even if he'd found Anne, it wouldn't change the fact that he'd already ruined his chances with her since the start, and maybe his dreams were all a constant reminder of how it didn't matter how many times he could rewrite the story in his dreams, what's done it's done.
Gilbert fell back on the mattress with a groan. He'd been planning this party for weeks and now it all felt useless, now all he could do was wait for the party and hope Anne didn't remember him.
Anne stood gracefully in the corner of the room, looking around at the attendants of that evening's ball without much interest, she was looking for those familiar dark-brown curls, but there was no sign of them yet.
"Oh, Anne!" Phil approached her. "Isn't this dance beautiful? Although it saddens me that the only reason why we get to enjoy it it's because we've finished our studies for good! I shall miss the classroom very much, won't you miss me?"
"Yes, I believe my heart will feel like a part of it has been stolen as soon as you part from my side," Anne replied, only the tiniest hint of teasing in her voice.
"Oh, you're lying!" Phil sniffed dramatically. "I know I won't be you most missed old chum, that's a place Gilbert Blythe has occupied ever since you rejected his proposal."
"Phil!" Anne exclaimed. "Don't speak like that! It wouldn't be proper of me to miss a man while courting another and you know it!"
"Oh, but the heart is such a funny thing," Phil sighed. "And I know you love him, therefore I should deliver the news before it's too late. Gilbert is expected to be engaged very soon."
Anne felt like her heart was getting squeezed and shattered, but she managed to control her voice.
"Yes," Phil continued calmly. "I thought you ought to know, even if you insist you don't love him. I tell you so you don't do anything foolish... you should tell him the truth."
"What truth?"
"That you and Roy won't get married, of course!"
"Dear me, Phil, where did you get that from?" Anne gasped. "He hasn't even proposed!"
"It doesn't matter, I know you regret deeply the way you treated Gilbert that dreadful day, I know you would answer differently now, wouldn't you?"
What dreadful day?
Rejected his proposal? What proposal?
A muffled voice echoed in her mind, one she knew too well already.
'You would have sex with me?'
Anne shook her head in incredulity. Well, of course she was going to reject him! That offer had been positively scandalous!
And what had she done? She had... she had...
The memory came to her fresh in a flash. She had seized the slate and slapped him with it.
"Oh my..." Anne's hand covered her lips in horror. "Well, I did what I had to, Phil, he was incredibly rude!"
"Rude? He was just asking a question!" Phil blinked in confusion. "How's that rude?"
"Because he... he..." Anne blinked several times, then her gaze gained a bit of clarity. "He called me carrots! Yes, he did!"
"Oh, Anne, that was so long ago!" Phil laughed. "Haven't you gone through enough together to know he didn't mean to offend you?"
Anne was growing anxious. She fixed her skirt even though it didn't need any fixing, and stood up.
"It's getting late, I think I'll go now."
Without waiting for a reply she left, in the blink of an eye, she found herself inside the Green Gables' kitchen, Marilla was seated in front of her, and she had a very pitiful expression.
"I understand if you don't want to visit him, Anne, but I think you should, this may be the last chance you get to speak to him."
"I... Visit him?" Anne blinked. "Last chance?"
"I don't want to scare you, dear, but his mother told me his condition is quite grave," Marilla sighed. "Gilbert might not be with us next week."
"Gilbert?" Anne's voice trembled. "He's sick?"
"I understand your shock, but please do consider going to pay him a visit, whatever he did to offend you... it's better if you let him go with a clean conscience, he was such a good man..."
Marilla was talking of him as if he were already dead! He couldn't be! Anne had seen him in the picture—
But how long had it been since that? How long since she'd stopped dreaming about him? What if this was the reason?
Anne stood up and ran upstairs, she got to her room and locked herself away so she could be miserable in peace.
It was true that he had disrespected her, and she'd defended her honour with that slate... but he was really sweet and generous... or was he?
Ugh, she was so confused! How could she know what was real and what had been her imaginings entirely?
"Good morning, Princess Cordelia!" Cole stormed into the room and let himself fall on top of her. Anne groaned and pushed him away. "Are you ready for tonight? I'm planning to get you so drunk you start talking about shifting realities!"
"No!" She whined.
"What?" Cole looked at her.
"I'm not ready to—" She caught herself before she could say 'meet him', "...to get drunk! I think I should take a break from parties..."
She knew that meeting him would help her get over her infatuation, and maybe even stop her dreams... but she didn't want them to stop; it was so nice to have someone treating her the way Gilbert would in her imagination... what if he was just as awful as Roy? She wasn't ready to have her heart broken again...
"Anne, but you've only gone to one party since the holidays started," Cole visibly deflated, "please don't tell me this is about your ex? Diana told me you were writing again, I thought you were making progress..."
Anne shook her head. "I'm not feeling well, Cole."
Cole stood up, Anne pulled the blankets over her head.
When the first group of people arrived, Gilbert's anxiety skyrocketed. He was expecting to see Diana's face any moment now, and that would end up confirming whether he would be reuniting with Anne that night or not.
Thirty minutes... an hour...
"Gilbert!" The young woman and her group of friends (including Cole) made a beeline towards him. "Oh my goodness, you're so tall!"
He smiled, for a moment his thoughts focused on his old friends, and how different yet similar they all look from their younger versions. Then he realized Anne wasn't there, and his hopes and expectations both crashed.
Of course she wasn't going to come! Even if she did live here, Diana had probably told her it was a reunion for old friends only, and she didn't know him, not the real him, and if he was really honest, he didn't know her either.
If she were to stay and miss the party, she'd end up frustrated. If she did meet him and didn't like him, she would move on faster— a bit hurt, but knowing she was making the right choice.
However, if she were to attend the party, meet him, and realize he was all she'd been expecting him to be and more... well, she could only hope for him to be single.
Anne had been pacing up and down her apartment pretending to be cleaning when in reality she was only making a bigger mess. Her phone buzzed and Diana's name appeared on the screen. She picked it up with shaky hands and unlocked it.
'We miss u :c'
Under the text, there was a selfie of Diana, over her shoulder was Cole, and he was talking animatedly with... Dear God, he was taller than expected.
She stared at Cole and some strange resentment filled her.
"That should be me," She stated, and somehow she knew she was right. It should be Anne talking to Gilbert, taking a risk for the first time in years. She'd only dated one guy, for heaven's sake! She had to let herself live!
"FINE!" Anne groaned. "I'm going!"
Gilbert hadn't announced he was leaving, he knew they would all ask him to stay but he couldn't, he was disappointed, all he wanted was to stay home watching shitty romcoms and crying his eyes out.
It was all his fault, Anne had nothing to do with this, he had let his mind run wild and these were the consequences he was forced to face.
Unknown to him, Anne was in her apartment frantically changing her clothes and brushing her hair. She grabbed a bag and hastily put all her stuff in it. She'd already wasted two hours, she had to leave the house NOW.
Gilbert searched his pockets for change, he was planning to buy a few beers and get slightly tipsy so he could be sad properly. He found a dollar but the wind snatched it out of his hand abruptly. The young man let out a short groan as he ran after it. A door opened across the street and a woman's voice reached him.
"C'mon!" Anne closed the door roughly, she lifted her gaze and...
Gilbert didn't breathe, he didn't move. In front of him Anne stopped as well, her arms fell to her sides and she stood there wondering if she was dreaming.
That was his voice! His voice!
She shook her head lightly and walked down the few steps that separated her from the sidewalk. Gilbert's feet moved on their own until he was standing right in front of her.
Anne's hand reached blindly and pinched her arm, she hissed. He looked down at her wrist and frowned.
"I-I just had to check," She laughed nervously. "I have... a very good imagination— so... I just had to be sure this... is real."
Gilbert spoke in the softest of voices.
"Anne? With an E?"
"I'm Gilbert," He continued. "I don't know if you remember but... I think... I think we've met before?"
"My god— You won't believe this, but I've been having the strangest—"
"Dreams?" He finished for her. "Me too."
She laughed again, her hands were shaking.
"There... there was a coffee shop—"
"And a cat—"
"You were dying—"
"You were a pirate!"
They looked at each other in disbelief, their smiles growing.
"I... was it real?" She questioned.
Gilbert's brow furrowed as he spoke. "Which part?"
"I don't know... everything... us?"
"Anne," He repeated, this time a bit more urgently. "I have to know... does this mean... you know who I am?"
She beamed, then stretched out her hand.
"Gilbert Blythe, I'm Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. I broke a slate on your head the first time we spoke, and I've been sorry ever since, I just didn't remember it."
He let out an incredulous laugh and held her hand eagerly.
"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, I think we're going to be the best of friends," He gazed down at her adoringly. "We're meant to be. You've thwarted destiny long enough."
"It was you who moved out before we could meet!"
"You left the bathroom before I could apologize!"
There was a moment of silence before Anne spoke again.
"You know what this means?"
"Yeah, we have around ten years of conversations we need to catch up to," He joked.
"Ten years and a month," She realized he hadn't let go of her hand, but she wasn't going to move any time soon. "But I'd say the night's still young. I was on my way to your party..."
"Can I walk you there?" He asked expectantly.
"Lead the way."
"Anne! You came!" Diana froze and stared at Gilbert. "Oh, hi. Did you guys know each other?"
Anne and Gilbert exchanged a look and smiled.
"I ran into him a moment ago," She explained. "He's nice."
"Thanks," He chuckled. "Anne was telling me she's been your best friend ever since she moved to Avonlea— is it true that she's the Cuthbert's daughter?"
"Yes!" Diana beamed. "Isn't she great?"
"Is it true you got drunk on accident when you were thirteen?"
Diana laughed.
"You're already sharing stories? Hang on, I have a great one of that one time she dyed her hair green—"
"Diana, don't you dare!"
"You lucky bastard," Bash slapped the back of his head as Gilbert walked into the kitchen.
"Ouch! What was that for?"
"You've been whining about your dream girl for weeks and just when you tell me you gave up, this breathtaking redhead steps into the diner and wastes the whole night flirting with you!" Bash said in disbelief. "How did you do that? What the hell did you sell your soul to?"
Gilbert laughed lightheartedly.
"Honestly, Bash, I have no clue... Was she really flirting with me, though? Do you think she likes me?"
Bash rolled his eyes.
"I swear, Blythe, if you don't ask her on a date I'll kill you."
"You don't have to tell me twice," Gilbert grinned.
"So, Gilbert," Cole nudged her arm as soon as the boy went into the kitchen. "You know he has a crush on you, right? It's so obvious, I'd be shocked if he doesn't get in one knee by the end of the night and asks you to marry him—"
"Don't scare her, Cole!" Josie slapped his arm lightly. "But Gilbert definitely likes you. He hasn't seen any of us in years and yet he's acting as if we were the strangers!"
Anne squirmed in her place giddily.
"I like him."
"That's our girl!" Jane exclaimed, finishing her drink in one large gulp. "I swear to god, Anne, if you don't take him home I'll run you over with my car..."
"Wow, that's a bit too drastic, don't you think?" Diana said. "They just met, and Anne's just recovering from her breakup with Roy!"
"Fuck Roy, honestly," Anne replied carelessly. "Gilbert's gorgeous..."
"Thanks," a voice said behind her.
Anne winced, the table fell silent and she covered her face with both hands.
"Oh my god... please tell me this isn't happening..."
The group burst out laughing, Gilbert sat down practically glowing with joy.
"Just so you know, I was about to ask you on a date, but I understand if you need time—"
"She'd be delighted!" Cole interrupted. "Please, help us, our friend desperately needs to get laid—"
"Are you talking about Gilbert?" Moody sat down next to Ruby and placed a drink in front of her. "Because the others told him that already and—"
"Okay!" Gilbert replied loudly. "Can we please not talk about sex?"
"Oh, pity, I was about to offer you a hand..." Anne teased.
Gilbert choked on his beer.
"Smooth, doctor," Josie mumbled.
"Wait, is this actually happening?" Ruby asked with excitement. "Are you two going on a date for real?"
Gilbert stared at Anne with his mouth half-open, unable to get the words out. Anne simply smiled at him and nodded.
"Yes Gil, I'd love to."
The table went wild afterwards. Cole, Diana and Josie rambled about how they should've introduced them sooner, the rest simply were in for the teasing, but no one in the place apart from Anne and Gilbert knew exactly how long both had been waiting for this moment. No one was more relieved than them.
No one was happier than Gilbert as he reached for her hand and held it in front of everyone. No one felt giddier and excited than Anne when he asked for her phone number.
Life had turned into their best dream.
@ninizkd @http-itsrebecca @fuckthisshitimoutyall @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @little-boats-on-a-lake @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @skarlygonzalez
27 notes · View notes
domesticmail · 3 years
happy new year || vince dunn
AUTHOR’S NOTE: happy new year to everyone!!! i hope you’re all ringing in this year with love & kindness! this is a fic for @hockeynetwork​ ‘s fic exchange, particularly for @pucksnsticksnhockeyboys​ !! 
i think you’re officially the last fic recipient of 2020, so congratulations!! i hope you like the fic <33
lots of thanks to @makarsy​ for beta-ing this for me!! <3
WARNINGS: dysfunctional family, divorce, alcohol !
SUMMARY: going back to your hometown to visit your family for the holidays is supposed to be fun. accidentally running into your childhood best friend is supposed to be nostalgic. love is supposed to have a happy ending. nothing disappoints more than high expectations.
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She’d hung the mistletoe right under the hallway arch. The gray-green leaves, attached to stems that seemed to sink with the gravity, dangled from the red ribbon holding them together, tied to a hook hanging from the highest point of the arch. Small berries, white in color, caught your eye as you stood, frozen, in the living room. 
The familiar feeling of dread and terror floods your veins. Your chest begins to freeze over as your heart picks up pace. It’s like someone lit a bonfire in the middle of a glacier, and it’s melting you. If you were a little less aware, you’d think you were sinking to your knees, weakness invading and settling deep in the bones of your legs like the mere memory of him saps you of all your willpower.
There’s a strange floating feeling in the gravity you feel. It’s like you’re being pulled up and down simultaneously, and for a moment you feel so confused, and it scares you, this feeling of anxiety and fear.
A familiar hand settles on your shoulder, pulling you out of the spiral. “I thought maybe it’d be a...cute little touch.” From the way the deep voice is straining to hit a higher octave, you’re guessing it’s your brother, mimicking your mom.
You turn, and you’re right. He’s rolling his eyes, saying some smartass comment or another. Something about how she has no regard for anyone but herself. You nod noncommittally as he downs a glass of champagne. You raise an eyebrow. “Don’t you think you should pace yourself? It’s just more fuel for Aunt Cindy.”
“Y/N, I’ve never cared about what she thinks, and I sure as hell am not gonna start now.”
You shrug as he looks you up and down. Your shitty christmas sweater is the only one you own, but it’s the perfect mixture of funny and definitely going to offend Mom. It’s a knitted, ugly green, and the front has Jesus with a party blower in his mouth. He’s wearing a birthday hat, one of the pointy cone ones, and is holding a white, circular balloon that has “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” written on it in red. He’s wearing a shirt that says “BIRTHDAY BOY”.
She nearly had a heart attack when she saw you wearing it last week. The mistletoe, then, is payback, presumably.
He turns back to you, eyebrows raised.
“Are you getting more champagne?” You ask. He nods. “I want some too,” you sigh, joining him at the kitchen island. He smiles conspiratorially.
While he pours you a glass, you inquire about his life. You don’t see each other often, with you up in New York and him traveling over 300 days out of the year. “It’s a miracle you’re even here,” you joke.
Danny snorts, taking a sip of his own drink. “Couldn’t miss another family event, especially not since last month.”
Last month was his 10-year anniversary of joining the Bureau, a week after he turned 33. Your mother’s pride and joy, she’d gone all out, and had been infuriated when an hour into the party he’d been called to the office. And even while she was annoyed with his duties, she still took the time to go out of her way and inform both you and your sister, Jo, that “at least he has an important job.”
You laugh. “She was pissed.”
“Yeah, she called me later that day.”
“She called you? While you were at work?”
“Do you think she has any respect for my time?”
You raised your eyebrows, eyes wide in shock. “How can she possibly be so….not self-aware?”
“I have no clue.”
As though summoned by the mention of your mother, Jo enters the room, long blonde hair a mess around her face, red and puffy. She takes the spot next to you, grabs your champagne glass, and downs it. 
“Hi, Jo,” you and Danny say in unison, neither of you surprised.
“Mom’s being such a bitch,” she spits, wiping her eyes. On her left hand, you spot something shiny, and it takes a moment for you to register the huge diamond ring on her finger. Like you can read each other’s minds, you and Danny look at each other, back to the ring, and then back to each other. Danny’s mouth is wide open in an ‘O’, and Jo squints at him. “What, Danny?”
She notices you staring at her, too. “Guys. What? Can’t you see I’m obviously in distress?”
“With that ring? You should be the happiest woman on the planet, Jo,” Danny replies.
“Ugh.” Jo sniffles aggressively. “I can’t be happy when Mom is being so...judgemental! I mean, can’t she just be happy for me?”
“Wait, wait,” you interrupt, hands up in a ‘slow down’ motion. “Who gave you that ring?”
Your sister looks at you like that’s the dumbest question you’ve ever heard. Her face in this expression looks almost exactly like your mother’s, and it strikes a nerve deep down. “You don’t remember?”
“Peter. From - “
“The guy from the coffee shop?” You’re completely surprised. Jo makes impulsive decisions, yes, but getting engaged to a guy she’s been on four dates with? That’s just plain reckless.
“Yes. He proposed last week.” She sniffles again, this time trying to seem at least a little more dignified. Chin high, she proclaims, “We’re in love.”
Danny sips his champagne, still completely caught off-guard. He has a small smile as he watches you say, “Jo, that’s fucking insane.”
Jo rolls her eyes. “You wouldn’t understand. You’re too young.”
Your brother laughs. “She’s only two years younger than you.”
“That’s two whole years of experience she doesn’t have.”
“You realize I’m not seventeen anymore, right, Jo? I’m an actual adult.”
“An adult with an actual job,” Danny points out.
“I have a job!” Your sister protests.
“What job? Oh, wait, you mean being a sugar baby, right? That’s your job?”
Jo glares at you. “That’s not fair, and you know it.”
You shrug and drink some more champagne. “I’m being honest.”
“You’re being mean.” “Oh my god, Jo. You’re the one getting married to a guy you’ve known for two months.”
“We’re in love!”
“You can’t possibly be in love!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was talking to the expert of all things romantic! Please, O Great One, give me your opinion!”
You pressed your lips together tightly. “You’re not funny.”
“Oh, wait! I forgot,” Jo continues. “The Master of Love has a boyfriend.”
Your face heats up. You’d only told your mom you had a boyfriend so she would stop badgering you with questions about your love life. You hadn’t been thinking about the consequences, you’d just wanted to stop the questioning, and that had clearly backfired. “Mom told you that?”
Your sister smiles, seemingly satisfied with this secret knowledge. Danny, who’s been listening to the conversation with wide eyes, is grinning like a maniac behind his champagne flute. 
“Yes,” Jo says. “So, where is he?”
Scrambling internally, you frown. “He’s busy.”
“Probably spending Christmas with his family,” Danny cuts in. That is surprising - usually he’ll let Jo beat you down, and then show support later. And anyway, he doesn’t even know you’re lying about the boyfriend. “They’re probably ten times less dysfunctional.”
At the last word, Jo switches gears completely, snapping her head to look at Danny. “We’re not dysfunctional,” she hisses.
Your brother laughs in her face. “Yes, we are.”
As they begin to argue, you take this as your chance to escape. You leave your champagne on the island - alcohol will only make this worse, and you want to be somewhat lucid for dinner. On the bright side, the less you drink now, the more you can drink later. You make your way down the hall, stopping to look at the photos framed on the walls in a remarkably perfect design. Every Christmas card photo meticulously arranged from oldest to newest, below the childhood pictures. There are a few of Jo, with her beautiful curls and pearly-white teeth, playing lacrosse. Everyone’s high school graduation photos. Lots of photos of Danny, the eldest and golden child. His first birthday, his eighteenth birthday, first day in college, first Christmas back home, various pictures of him and your parents. Any picture including your dad is small and inconspicuously placed, so as not to draw attention to it.
Scattered between pictures of your siblings are the ones of you. They’re all smaller; the only large one is your high school cap and gown picture. And the others aren’t of your accomplishments - they’re of you at home, smiling, with a book, or building a snowman with your dad in the backyard. Tucked below a picture of Danny and one of his ex-girlfriends (Sandy, your mother’s favorite) and above Jo’s first varsity photo is your favorite. Your dad took it when you were fourteen, on an old camera, one that used film, and had developed it himself. You had gone to visit him in Oregon, the only one who’d wanted to go, and as a surprise, he’d taken you to the beach. Your hair is wet and sticking to your face, and you’re making a silly face - lips puckered, eyes crossed, hands at either side of your face like fish gills. It’s a decade old, and the memory has faded a bit in your mind, but you can still remember the way he laughed at you when he took the photo. “That’ll be a good one,” he’d proclaimed. “I’ll send it to you.”
That’s how it was every summer since then. You went off to stay with him in Oregon, and Jo stayed at home with your mother. Danny, seven years older than Jo and nine older than you, wasn’t involved, at that point - he was just joining the bureau. Nobody had batted an eye when your dad didn’t show up to the party last month. Him and Danny had never quite gotten along.So you spend June through August with him at Gold Beach. Just the picture brings to mind memories from the cottage; the summer your dad grew a beard; him bringing you to the touristy area, to a struggling record shop to let you pick out your first album. You still had it, tucked away in an old box of vinyls in the back of your closet at home. The Chain, Fleetwood Mac.
There was something surprising about your mom keeping this picture. She hated that you spent your summers with him. It wasn’t uncommon for her to blame your personality as an adult on those vacations with your dad, as though he was the reason you were a journalist, and not that he’d simply loved you for who you were, and given you the love and affection you’d needed. So the picture here, that was confusing. In fact, you’d thought for years she’d thrown it out, because she talked so often about how deeply she wishes she’d fought for full custody in the divorce. Why would she keep the picture?
There’s no way she kept it as a reminder of him. She’d never voluntarily keep something like that around.
So then, why does she have it?
“Do you have to wear that horribly offensive sweater?”
And there she is, the devil herself, shrill as ever. You turn to the end of the hall and find your mother there, in her favorite cream-colored dress. Her hair was in a bun, and you knew without even being close to her that she had wasted an incredible amount of hairspray on keeping it in place. She’s wearing the pearl earrings and necklace set Danny gave her for her birthday last year, and on her wrist was a surprise - the white watch you’d gifted her. 
“Hey to you too, Mom,” you greet, not dignifying the question with an answer. The best way to deal with her was to pretend you didn’t hear her little jabs.
“Honestly, Y/N, how do you expect us to have a peaceful dinner with my family when you’re wearing such blatantly tasteless clothing?” She approaches you and seems to be picking apart your appearance piece by piece. You expected no different. “Our family. And I know Leah and Mark will think it’s funny.” The only two cousins of thirteen that you can stand, Leah is Aunt Cindy’s only daughter, and Mark is her eldest son.
“What?” Genuine confusion etches itself into her features.
You raise an eyebrow. “Our family. I’m related to them, too.”
She snorts. “No, you take too much after Ryan’s family to be a Benson.” The mention of her last name, once her maiden name, presses a button for you. When they got divorced, Danny took your mom’s last name, and when Jo asked, she took her to city hall so she could change it back to Benson.You were the only child who kept your father’s last name.
“Technically, I’m half Benson, half L/N.”
“Mmm,” she hums noncommittally. “Sure. If that’s what you believe.”
You furrow your brows. “You gave birth to me.”
Smiling tightly, she says, “Babies have been switched at hospitals before.”
Completely taken aback, your jaw drops open, and she takes this chance to survey your teeth. “I see you’ve had dental work done since last month.”
You close your mouth tightly and frown. “Just a cleaning.”
She looks you up and down and once again offers nothing but a disingenuous “Sure.”
There’s a moment of awkward silence before your mother inhales sharply and asks, “Has Jo told you yet?”
“About the engagement?”
“Yes.” She is gritting her teeth so hard you’re sure she’s going to crack a molar.
“And your opinion?”
You shrug. “I think it’s royally stupid, but it’s her decision.”
This seems to satisfy her, because she nods and, after looking you up and down once more and confirming that you are not going to change your outfit, she heads past you, her heels clicking forcibly against the hardwood.
You exhale audibly when she is gone, the tension in your chest and back releasing slowly. Conversations with her are so tense you can hardly breathe, she takes up so much air.
Raised voices echo down the hall from the kitchen. You look uncomfortably in the direction the chaos is coming from. Forcing yourself to walk towards the room, you find yourself standing quietly in the entryway to the kitchen.
Jo and your mother are going at it again. Your sister’s face is red and puffy, she’s clearly been crying the entire time. Danny is sitting down at the dining room table, pouring himself yet another glass. You sigh, and there’s only one thing that comes to mind as you watch this scene unfold, your mother talking loudly and sternly to Jo, who is yelling and sobbing.
God, you hate it here.
You’ve been banished (read: released) to the store, to pick up eggs. And milk. But only almond milk, the soy kind. You’re not sure that exists, but whatever. Any chance to escape your mother’s house is a chance you’ll take.
This grocery store has been standing since before you were born. Your parents went to it, their parents went to it, and even their parents went to it. O’Malley’s General is over five decades old, and even worse -
As you enter through the old wooden door, you peer around at the inside of the store. Fruit and veggies are still on your left, the over-the-counter pharmaceuticals to your right. No different from when you were five.
“Y/N!” The man sitting at one of the two checkout desks to your left offers you a wide grin.
- it’s a family business. When you were younger, it was run by Dennis O’Malley, a charmer in every sense of the word. You, Danny, and Jo used to make fun of your mother every time she blushed at one of Dennis’ not-quite-well-meaning flirts.In the time you’ve been gone, Dennis must’ve died, because his usual spot at the foremost checkout counter, his rickety metal stool, is occupied by his son, Ryan. He’s your age, and it appears he never grew into his big front teeth. You offer him a wave as he sets down his magazine and makes his way over to you.
“Hi, Ryan,” you say, picking up a basket from the stack near the door.
He takes a place next to you as you head for the small refrigerators at the back of the produce section, where you know the milk and eggs are. “How are you? Feels like I haven’t seen you in years!”
You laugh politely, smile stretching thin. “Yeah, it’s been a little bit. I’m good.”
“Oh, that’s good.”
The awkward quiet stretches on. You open the glass door and look for the milk your mom asked for, almond soy milk, you’re sure that isn’t real but nonetheless -
“You look just as pretty as when I last saw you,” Ryan compliments, and you feel your stomach turn at the words. Even in high school he’d been this way, interested in you, watching you from across the cafeteria and sticking notes to your locker in passing periods. He’s a little too close, you realize as you turn to him. You can feel his hot breath on your face, and instantly you smell that he didn’t brush his teeth this morning. Your flesh crawls as you meet his eyes. “Thanks,” you offer slowly. Your eyes dart to find a way around him as you say, “Ryan, you’re a little too close to me.”
He doesn’t make an effort to give you any space - in fact, quite the opposite. He steps his right foot forward, moving at nearly the pace of molasses, and you feel your adrenaline spike when he reaches his hand out to feel the cloth of your ugly sweater, his touch suddenly turning to a death grip on the cotton. “We’ve been this close before,” he murmurs, and you panic.
Your hands come up to his shoulders and shove him away as hard as you possibly can. You succeed in pushing him away, partly, but his right hand is still gripping your sweater, anchoring him to you. His quiet demeanor dissolves into something resembling hurt as he pulls you closer to him, grabbing your other shoulder with his free hand -
The front door squeaks open. Ryan, distracted, turns to look at the door. You take this moment to finally shove him off of you, running around him. There’s another man standing at the front door, eyes flicking back and forth from you and Ryan. When you move to get past him, he appears to regain his senses, following you out of the store. 
“Wait! Are you okay?” He yells, and the sound of his voice stops you in your tracks.
You freeze in the middle of the sidewalk. There’s no way. There’s no way. You’re delusional. “Excuse me?” He asks again.
You turn slowly on your heels. He looks so concerned, his face contorted in the same way he used to frown when you’d fail a turn on the ice while practicing your routine. That worry, reminiscent of how he’d skate over and offer you a hand, pulling you up with a simple “Are you alright?”
You exhale, hard. There’s no sign of recognition on his face, no nostalgia, no recovered memories of an old friend. You’re having a freak coincidence right now, and the only other person who would understand has no idea who you are.
He walks over, his boots crunching rock salt as he surveys your face for wounds. “Can you hear me?”
Snap out of it.
You blink a couple times. Nod. Twice. “Yes, I’m sorry, yes, I’m okay.”
The friend smiles, but it’s confused, worried. “Do you need me to call 911, or…?”
“No,” you laugh. The noise catches both of you by surprise, but you can’t stop, dropping the basket, giggles shaking your body. The situation is a little comical, in all honesty - you’re stuck in your hometown with your dysfunctional family, you were practically just assaulted by someone who’s been in love with you since the eighth grade, and the boy you were once in love with doesn’t remember you. It’s like the plot of a Hallmark movie, if Hallmark movies were written by whoever writes Grey’s Anatomy.
You look up at him, and there’s that little chuckle of his, the one that lights up his whole face. He’s confused, yeah, but he’s got the right spirit. You clear your throat and extend your hand to him. “Thank you, really.”
He takes it gently. “Sure. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, definitely, thank you.” Releasing his hand, you pick up the basket from the ground. “I appreciate your concern, but I’m good.”
“Okay.” He’s still watching your face carefully. “You know what? Why don’t I accompany you home?”
Oh, no. No thank you. Not today. Not in my Hallmark movie.
“No thanks. I’ll be fine.”“Can I at least give you my number?”
You look at him incredulously. “Why?”
He shrugs. “So you can text me to make sure you got home okay.”
Your laugh is cold, abrupt. “Why would you care?”
“Because I just saw you get assaulted! Is it a crime to care about people?”
“No, but it’s weird to give your number to a stranger.”
“People do it all the time.”
“Oh, do they, really? Where?”
“Bars. Clubs. Parties.”
“We’re not in any of those places.”
He rolls his eyes with a smile, already whipping out his phone. “I’m Vince. Dunn.”
You laugh a little self-consciously. “Yeah, I know.”
Vince looks up from tapping his screen to raise his eyebrow at you. “You’re into hockey?”
“No. We went to school together.”
His eyes widen, first with shock. You see the initial confusion pass and become replaced by intense, sudden recognition. “Y/N?”
You grin broadly. “Long time no see.”
This absolutely wasn’t your fault.
You hadn’t ever expected him to go along with it, let alone offer himself up to help you. You’d merely been commiserating. Right, sharing your troubles with a friend. 
Vince takes you to brunch the next day, a welcome reprieve from your family. Your mother protests, but you’re only half-listening to her while you watch the read 9:13 am appear below your most recent text to him.
La Fontaine is way overpriced. Let me show you a place
You smile and type back, what? so you can get me alone?
Is it really so bad to want to spend time alone with an old friend?
We haven’t seen each other in years, there’s no way you know any good breakfast places here
you remember that i grew up here, right?
Sorry, how long’s it been since you’ve been here?
It’s within walking distance. I’ll meet you at Bailey’s at 10?
sounds like a plan
It’s good, to see him again. Your breath fogs the space in front of you, dissipating when you walk through it, your steps in perfect synchronization with Vince’s. He leads you down a back road that hadn’t existed when you were little and entertains you the whole walk with tales of his hockey shenanigans. You find yourself shocked that the Vince you knew as a child, the goofy kid that never quite fit in, is now a famous professional athlete. Time has changed him, too; he’s so mature now, with his good posture and manners. He holds the door open to a small diner off Quincy and Arlette, and you find yourself wondering if an alien kidnapped your childhood best friend and possessed his body.
When he starts talking is when you feel your heart begin to slip. The way he grins when he’s talking about his friends or his family or something stupid he’s done is breathtaking, his lips reaching his eyes. The way he throws his head back when he laughs, a deep, shaky noise, like if he’s too loud he’s going to break something.
So when he asks about your love life, you can’t help it. You open your mouth and words materialize on your lips without you even consciously forming them. You tell him everything, about your tragic love history and the way you felt when your mother asked snidely if you were going to bring a boy home for Christmas and the panic in your chest when you blurted “yes.”
And when your lip wobbles after you finish, he swears he can see tears beginning to prick at your eyes. Baby, he thinks - no, he feels the word in his heart, looking at you like this.It’s not your fault he offered himself up. He’s a grown man, he makes his own decisions, and he is the one who decided to pretend to be your boyfriend at Christmastime. In front of your family.
You’re just the one who’s going along with it.
“We should probably hold hands.”
The skin of his hands is rough, calloused, a sharp contrast to your soft touch. His palm feels so big against yours, the flat surface nearly dwarfing your whole hand, long fingers enclosed around yours. He bites his nails - you know from one glance at the chewed nubs of calcium.
“And hug,” he adds. “Couples hug.”
“Okay, fine, hugging, too.”
When his arms snake their way around your torso from behind, you become acutely aware of just how touch-starved you are. Every nerve ending is on fire, rocketing signals lightning-fast to your brain, adrenaline flooding your system. Your heartbeat quickens, and you know he feels it, the bastard, because your mother asks him what he’s smiling about, and he says “Nothing.”
You turn in his arms when she leaves, taking a step away from him. He looks mildly dismayed at the loss of your warmth but doesn’t comment on it. You lead the topic of conversation away from the hug.
“What about kissing?” Vince points out. “Couples kiss.”
That line has been ringing through his head all night. Every glimpse he catches of you, every tiny little look, makes the phrase rattle around his skull like a maraca of that one phrase.
When you catch his eye across the kitchen and make a funny face at him, a small gesture of togetherness in an atmosphere so cold and distancing.
“Couples kiss.”
When he rounds the corner to find the bathroom. You come around the opposite side at the same time and smack your face right against his chest, and when you pull back frantically you look up at Vince with a look of such pure apology he can’t help it.
“Couples kiss.”
You take his hand under the table at dinner. You don’t even really know why - it’s a strangely intimate gesture - but you see it through, your small hand resting gently on top of his.He flips his hand over so you can lace your fingers through his.
“Couples kiss.”
You huff, considering him.
“Only if it’s an absolute emergency.”
New Year’s isn’t an emergency, Vince knows. He knows New Year’s is actually the exact opposite of an emergency, nothing important, and if he could, he’d walk away. At least, he pretends he would.
But he can’t, because your siblings are egging him on, face-to-face with you. 
“Couples kiss.”
“Only if it’s an absolute emergency.”
“An absolute emergency.”
“Couples kiss.”
“Only if it’s an absolute emergency.”
He knows New Year’s isn’t an emergency and he knows he could just brush Danny and Jo off but the light is framing you so perfectly, and the way you smile at him so earnestly - his brain is shaking like a pinball machine but he doesn’t have time to consider that so he kisses you.
He kisses you.
Your lips are sweet against his. You taste like sugar, he notices.
And then you pull away and make an excuse to use the restroom again and while Jo and Danny screech congratulations and celebrations at him. The champagne glass in his hand feels empty, and the hand he had tangled in your hair only seconds ago feels like it’s burning.
Couples kiss.
When you press the hastily-wrapped present into his hands, you won’t meet his eyes. It’s days after that kiss, that goddamned mistake, and you’re so shaky you can barely keep it together. The sight of you in such an uncomfortable state in Vince’s presence hits him in the heart and causes a deep knot to settle in his stomach. 
“I know we said no presents,”
“We’re not a couple,” you said. “You don’t have to get me anything.”
“But I think you deserve at least one. For putting up with my family.”
“What if I want to get you something? As friends?”
He offers his best normal smile. “You didn’t have to,” he says. A car horn blasts from somewhere near.
You scowled at him, but he just continued. “I can get presents for my friends.”
It’s ironic that he’s the one who asked to give presents but here you are, with a present, and here he is, empty-handed.
The silence is awkward.“Well,” you say. “Have a good trip.”
You’re turning to leave when his hand grips your upper arm, holding you in place. You move your gaze to meet his, and before you can say anything, he says,
“Hey.” His eyes are boring holes into yours. You feel goosebumps litter your skin when he says, “Happy New Year.”
“Thank you,” you murmur, and he lets you go.
He lets you go.
The box weighs heavy in his lap. The car moves with every bump in the road, and with each jolt he feels the cardboard corners, wrapped in patterns of reindeer faces and Santa’s smile, pressing into his legs. The sharp, quick pain is a constant reminder, and it makes him think of you. Even the wrapping paper is so stereotypically you, obviously something you grabbed from the back of your closet or (more likely) borrowed from a neighbor or classmate. He could see it now, the way you asked with a smile if they had any ugly wrapping paper, the confusion on their face as you lit up when they said, yeah, why? You delighted in the stupid pattern, so busy that he could barely focus on just one aspect. And you’d certainly picked a black Sharpie to write his name, knowing full well it’d easily be lost in the mottled colors and insane patterns. The way you wrote Vince, in that unique combination of print and cursive, like you couldn’t decide - again, so predictably you. He traces the big V with his index finger, picturing you in your apartment, on the floor, taking special care to write his name this way, on the top where he would at least have a chance of seeing it. Your hair falling into your face, hand gripping the pen and being oh-so-meticulous about the way you wrote it, his name, not wanting it to be too big, but not too small either. Just the right size to grab his attention.
Of course you would.
And you’d have known that he would hate to tear open the paper, to rip something with so much significance to him. He flips the box over and finds the taped-over seam. There has to be a way to undo this without ruining the wrapping, he knows, so he picks at the tape gently, taking care not to destroy the delicate paper. The taping is perfect, because you, obviously, couldn’t handle anything else. It spans the exact length of the box, no more, no less; you’ve always been a perfectionist.
He manages to unwrap the box with only one or two tiny tears and feels a tiny moment of pride immediately eclipsed by the desire to know what, exactly, you’ve given him for Christmas. He flips it over to find the top once more and does so successfully. The top flaps of cardboard are folded over each other without any tape, and he remembers begging you to teach him how to do this when you were kids, making presents for the teachers at your school. You never did.
He pulls one of the tabs and, like magic, the whole top undoes itself. Inside, there’s another small box with what he assumes are polaroids, two tiny boxes next to each other, a wrapped present in the shape of a book, all placed meticulously on shredded filler paper. Delicately taped on top of the book-shaped item is an envelope.
On the front, Vince, in your script. Of course.
Something about the box smells familiar, so he brings the envelope to his nose, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. The scent of your favorite perfume, the one you wear constantly, your lucky charm (as you’ve informed him several times), floods his senses, and he nearly cries at the nostalgia that fills his heart. His whole body aches with pain, begging him, make the Uber driver turn the car around, run back.
He doesn’t.
Instead, he opens the envelope carefully. Inside is a stack of papers folded together several times, small enough to fit the package. He can’t help but smile at the long, flowing script you use when you write on loose-leaf, when you’re feeling emotional. Again the way you write has his heartstrings tugging. He isn’t a crier, usually, but for you he makes an exception. For you tears gather in his eyes, threatening to break and bury him. For you he feels, feels so deeply and painfully he doesn’t know if he can manage to read more than Dear Vince because it might kill him, the aching in his heart and the begging in his hands. The memory of you is poised for destruction in his mind and he can’t help but wonder if you’d known this is what you could do to him, this was the power you held over his life.
Dear Vince, that fatal first line reads.
Dear Vince.
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pitch-pearl-void · 4 years
"Wow," Danny breathed, his hand hovering over the ice sculpted shuttle.
Phantom floated beside Danny's bed, his gaze darting to the shuttle he had set on Danny's beside table and then back to Danny's face. His hands were firmly clasped behind his back, as if to hold himself still. 
"Can I touch it?" Danny asked. "It won't melt?"
Phantom shook his head. "It's not like ice from your realm. Force will destroy it, but heat won't affect it. You can pick it up, just be careful not to drop it."
"Wow, cool." 
Carefully--so very carefully since Danny knew the worth of a recreated rocket, never mind one built from scratch--Danny lifted the shuttle off his table and set it on his lap. Immediately, he felt the cold seep through the thin material of his pajama bottoms, and he shivered. 
Unlike the model rockets Danny had built, Phantom's shuttle was meant to stand upright as if it was on the launchpad. The two rocket boosters were attached to the large external tank, taking their proper position beneath the rocket's delta wings, ready to be detached as soon as the shuttle made it to orbit. Every engine was accounted for at the bottom of the rocket, even the orbital maneuvering engine. 
There was even two safety hatches carved into the ice above the windows. He found the crew's access hatch, and then just allowed his hand to glide over the smooth surface of the rocket, delighted by the smooth surface and the cold, dry feel of the ice beneath his hand.
Phantom shifted in the air beside him. "Do you...accept then?"
"What?" Danny slid his hand up the tail and then looked up at Phantom. His friend was, if anything, more nervous than when he had first placed the shuttle on Danny's bedside table. "Accept what?"
Phantom visibly bit his lip. He lowered his head, and the flaming crown he so rarely wore--usually only when forced to by circumstance since he still refused to give up protecting Amity Park--flickered, the tail of the flames growing, until Phantom managed to subdue whatever emotion had caused the crown and his core to become agitated. 
"You okay?" Danny set the shuttle on his bed and stood up. He reached for Phantom's shoulder, but before his fingers could make contact, Phantom flinched and floated out of easy reach. 
"Only nervous." Phantom flashed Danny a weak smile as if in apology. "I've never done this before."
"Done what?" Danny looked at the shuttle on his bed. The morning sun was falling on the ice, causing it to sparkle beautifully, but Danny turned away to frown at Phantom. "Am I missing something? My birthday isn't until December, you're a few months early."
Phantom titled his head, his brow furrowing. "It isn't for your birthday, Danny. It's just, it's...for you. If you'll accept it." Phantom's green eyes widened as if he had just made a mistake. "Or not!" he said quickly. "You can keep it either way! I made it for you, and I want you to have it! It's just...it's..."
He trailed off, but now Danny knew there was more to the shuttle than as just something Phantom wanted to show off, and he held up his hands. "Wait, hold on, start at the beginning. You made this really cool shuttle...for me?"
Phantom smiled and nodded, meeting Danny's eyes briefly before looking away.
Giddiness rose in Danny's chest and made a smile burst onto his face. His heart beat faster, no doubt adding a blush to his cheeks, but he couldn't help it. The amount of detail Phantom had put into the shuttle...and all for him. All that time he must have spent researching man-made shuttles and then trying to recreate it through ice...all while thinking about him?
"Wow..." he breathed again.
Phantom met Danny's eyes again, his gaze lingering so that Danny felt like his insides were melting beneath the other's attention.
He was the one to look away that time, turning his head and rubbing at his neck. "But it's, uh, it's not just a gift, is it? You're offering something else with it? Something you're hoping I'll accept? But, um, dude, I don't know what you're asking me."
Phantom cocked his head to the side. "It's not obvious? It looked like you understood just a second ago..."
Danny licked his lips. "It--well, it seems like you're asking me out?"
"Asking you out?" Phantom repeated, confused. 
"Like on a date and stuff."
Danny blew out a breath. Usually, Phantom was pretty good about adjusting to human life. He had been in their world for three years, after all. But, sometimes, the culture divide had a way of tripping them up. Perhaps he shouldn't be surprised Phantom didn't understand this area. Despite all the fans who threw themselves at him, Phantom had never seemed interested in reciprocating. In fact, he had seemed disturbed sometimes. Danny had begun to think...well. Maybe he had been wrong. Maybe Phantom was interested in humans.
"It's like hanging out," Danny explained, "but with a stronger emphasis on, like, romance and stuff. On a date, sometimes you bring a gift like flowers or something, and you dress up to look nice before going somewhere together."
Phantom had worn his crown. He was giving Danny a gift and he seemed nervous about something. It made sense. Danny wasn't just fooling himself...was he?
Phantom didn't look satisfied by the explanation, at any rate, and Danny felt his heart sinking. "What comes after the dating?" Phantom asked. 
"Uh...I guess engagement?" Danny looked down at his toes. "You get someone a ring and propose to them. If they say no, that, well, that kind of ends the relationship. If they say yes, then you're engaged to be married."
Phantom's expression cleared. "That one."
"Uh, that one what?"
"That's the one I'm asking."
Danny stared at Phantom. Looked at the shuttle. Jerked his head back to Phantom. "What? You--me--you're proposing? With an ice shuttle?"
"I didn't understand the significance of the rings until now." Phantom released his hands from behind his back so that he could grab the Ring of Rage and twist it anxiously around his finger. "I can't offer this one without endangering you. I could sculpt you one, though. If you'll give me the chance."
"That's not--I just can't believe you--" Danny's legs gave out and he fell onto his bed. "Marriage?!"
"Yes?" Phantom looked at him oddly. "You're old enough now and I'm strong enough to be considered fully formed. There isn't anything wrong, is there? Something I missed?"
"N-no," Danny had to admit. "I mean, you'll have to win my parents over. You're, uh, if you really want to be proper about it, I think you're supposed to get their approval first."
Phantom's eyes widened. "Oh. We don't have parents. I didn't--"
Danny shook his head. "You don't really have to anymore. It's just--isn't this a little fast?" he asked desperately. "I'm--I--I'm not even dressed!"
Phantom raised an eyebrow. "You are more fully clothed than you usally are..."
"Oh, ha ha." Danny pulled at his pajama sleeves. "Before you get into one of your 'show less skin' spiels, you should know, seeing a human in their sleeping clothes is considered almost as intimate as seeing them shirtless. For the record."
Phantom blushed a brilliant green. "Oh. Really?"
"You never said anything!"
"Because it doesn't bother me! Watch!" Danny began undoing the buttons at the top of his pajama shirt, exposing his collarbone. 
"Danny!" Phantom gasped, scandalized. 
He flew toward Danny, but Danny fell backward on the bed, rolled across the surface, and stood up on the other side, still unbuttoning his shirt. "What's the matter Phantom?" he asked his friend, grinning as Phantom's cheeks began to frost. "Can't handle a little skin?"
"Not when it's your skin!" Phantom covered his eyes, groaning. "I'm not supposed to see you like this unless we're married!"
"Why not?" Danny undid the final button. He hesitated, allowing both ends of his pajama shirt to pull apart and expose his chest and stomach, before turning away from Phantom and heading toward his closet. "I thought ghosts didn't put much stock in appearances?"
"We don't," Phantom agreed uneasily, "but we're not meant to see each other vulnerable either. You humans use clothing as a shield against the elements and each other. It feels as though you are exposing your core to me."
"I guess..." Danny sighed. They had discussed it before. Danny had just never understood why Phantom felt so flustered about seeing Danny in shorts or a tank when he rarely bated an eye at Sam's or Paulina's choice to wear midriff shirts and skirts.
Now...now it made a little more sense. 
Danny slipped his arms out of his sleeves, dropped his shirt, and pulled a fresh t-shirt off its hanger. "Wait, just how long have you been, like..." Danny made a face. What was Phantom after? "Dude, you like me? Is that what you're saying?"
Phantom made a sharp, dry laugh. "It is well past 'like', Danny. I thought we were dating, even if I didn't realize there was a word or process for it. We hung out, just the two of us, all the time. You even asked me to see a movie with you last week. There were times you would look at me, and I thought...but you never gave me a courtship gift. I thought maybe you were waiting for me to make you one. So I, um..."
Danny zipped up his jeans and turned around. Phantom, apparently unsatisfied with only covering his eyes, had turned his back to Danny while he changed. Danny smiled and shook his head. He grabbed a hoodie from his closet and pulled it on too, just to spare Phantom the distraction of seeing his bare arms.
"That's what the shuttle is then?" he asked. "A courtship gift?"
"Yes. Isn't that what the ring and your kind mean by proposal?"
"No, that's, uh, that's more like being, like, betrothed?"
Danny pushed his hands into his pouch and stared at Phantom's back, chewing on his lip. For all that Phantom made a lot of noise about seeing Danny's skin, Phantom's jumpsuit clung to his body like a second-skin, and Danny found his eyes tracing along the slope of his spine and the curve of his butt like always, unable to help himself. He did try, though. Since Phantom seemed so conscious of decency, he did try. It was just...how was he supposed to ignore a sight like that? When Phantom flew and floated however he pleased, bending his legs, twisting his torso...
Danny blushed and looked away. "I'm dressed, by the way."
Phantom flew to his side in a flash, his face still flushed and looking a little anxious. "I suppose we have been handicapped by our differences again."
"I guess so." Danny shrugged. He tilted his head and looked up at Phantom from an angle. "Humans used to do courtships, though. Like, a few centuries ago. It just fell out of style." His lips curled into a mischievous smile. "I could look it up and start courting you in the human fashion, you know."
Phantom's lips formed an answering smile. "I initiated mine first. I called dibs."
"Ha!" Danny laughed and pulled one hand from his pouch so he could run it through his hair, trying to hide his blush. "I guess you did. What, uh, what does a courtship mean? For ghosts? I didn't even know you guys got married."
"Not in the way humans do. Ours is less metaphysical and more..." He shrugged. "In ghosts, we share energy across our bond. I'm not sure how bonding with a human will affect it, but if it's you, I want to try."
Danny's blush worsened. "Um..."
"A courtship is meant to be a process wherein we determine if we're compatible or not. It's not final or anything." Phantom drifted back a pace and breathed in deep, a habit he had picked up from Danny. "First, as your suitor, I was meant to craft a gift for you. It's meant to demonstrate my skill and power, but the thing I make is supposed to show how well I know you. Sort of like a promise that I will value your interests."
Danny glanced at the ice sculpted shuttle on his bed and had to swallow. "You definitely did that..."
Phantom flashed him a quick smile. "You can keep it. I made it for you, so even if you reject my--"
"I'm not! I won't." Danny laughed weakly to himself. "I, uh, I like you too. I just...well, it just seemed like you weren't interested in humans, so I thought we were just hanging out as friends. You never tried to kiss me, and every time I tried to touch you, you flinched away."
"Ahh..." Phantom blushed then. "Touching is really intimate for ghosts. It's a little like..."
"Being groped?"
Phantom shrugged. "Probably."
Danny snickered. "Is that why you dropped Paulina on the pavement that one time she kissed your cheek?"
Phantom wrinkled his nose. "She was lucky all I did was drop her, honestly..." He shook his head and refocused on Danny, his eyes bright. "Does this mean you'll accept?"
Danny smiled at him, charmed by the excitement lifting Phantom higher into the air. "Yeah! I mean, probably. I just need to know what I'm getting into, you know?"
Phantom nodded rapidly. "I'll explain everything. I can probably even find a book! Frostbite might have one...or maybe Dora..."
Danny laughed. "I would rather you just explained it. Maybe even...over breakfast? At the diner down the street?"
Phantom paused. Slowly, he grinned. "This is one of your dates? This is you asking me out in the human fashion?"
"You're catching on." Danny grinned back at him. "Do you accept?"
Phantom beamed, bright-eyed and glowing. "I do."
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merakiaes · 4 years
A Choice - John Shelby
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Pairing: John Shelby x reader
Requested: Yes. 
Prompts: #4 from the angst-list. 
Warnings/notes: Angsty! This is a combination of this request and another I got for the prompt #4 a few weeks ago but can’t find for some reason😅 This is the first part in the two-part series. Link to the second part below!
Wordcount: 2884
Summary: You get fed up with having to worry for John’s safety and life every day and give him a choice; you, or the Peaky Blinders. 
Part Two - A Second Chance
You had first met John Shelby when you were both eighteen, a year before the war struck. You had been a nurse in training at the time, walking home from work one dark September afternoon when you had found yourself thrown into a brawl on the street, right outside your house.
It was your brother, older than you by five years, who had managed to piss off the Shelby boys and started a fight, and as the more mature sibling, you had been the one who was forced to step in and interfere.
Seeing as your street was a good fifteen-minute walk away from Watery Lane, you invited all three of the Shelby boys inside despite your brother’s strong and rather loud protests, sending your brother’s friends home to their own homes.
Once inside, you had cleaned them all up, apologized on behalf of your brother who had turned out to have made a nasty comment about their father, and stuck together with them from then on forward. More specifically, you stuck by John.
Being the same age, the two of you instantly clicked, and as John had been the first one out of the three of them to fall victim to your brother’s scrawny fists, he had jumped at the opportunity to get under his skin by flirting with you right under his nose.
Already then, he had been a cheeky boy.
And that ever changed.
From that day forward, the two of you started seeing each other every day, and you quickly built up a relationship that was far too complicated to call a simple friendship.
You loved each other already from early at the start, but when the war struck and John finally gathered the courage to ask for your hand in marriage, you couldn’t say yes. It wasn’t the right time.
You couldn’t accept his proposal when he was just about to be shipped off to fight for his country and put his life on the risk. 
You knew it probably wouldn’t have made any difference in you had agreed, seeing as you already loved him, but for some reason, you felt it would be harder to get over him, if he were to get killed if you were engaged.
So you turned him down, with the promise that you would happily take his name and give him your all when he returned, giving him something worth fighting for.
You saw him, his brothers, Freddie, Danny, Jeremiah and your own brother off at the train station that would be taking them out of Birmingham, alongside Polly, Ada and little Finn.
By the time this day rolled around, your brother had made his peace with the Shelby brothers, even though you were still to this day not entirely sure what it was they had been fighting about in the first place. 
You hugged each and every on of them goodbye, including Freddie, Danny and Jeremiah despite not knowing them half as well as you knew the Shelbys.
It didn’t matter to you, you still wanted all of them to come back alive. You prayed for it every single night before going to bed, and several times throughout the day.
But your prayers only worked so well, bringing you back John, his brothers, Freddie, Danny and Jeremiah, but not your brother. He had been ambushed in one of the tunnels and died by a bullet to the head.
With both your parents having died when you were still very young, your brother had been the one to raise you despite you being the one taking care of him the later years of his life, and he had been your only remaining family.
It ruined you to hear of the news of his death. You didn’t eat or sleep for weeks. All you did was cry, scream, and cry some more.
But John and the others stayed by your side through it all, and once you had gotten through the first three months of grieving, you started feeling great comfort in being around the Small Heath Rifles. After all, your brother had been one of them, and in a way, you felt his presence whenever you were close to them.
They had seen the same horrors, felt the same pain as your brother. And although you hated seeing them so broken, it made you feel more at ease to know that your brother hadn’t been out there on his own.
True to your word, you finally accepted John’s proposal once the worst of the storm had blown over, and you got married five months after their return from the war. 
Despite still mourning your brother’s gruesome death, you were happier than you had ever been, seeing a chance to a fresh start when looking into the eyes of the man you loved.
But upon his return home, you quickly realized your marriage was no different from what it would have been if you got married before he left.
The very danger he had been heading into at the time remained, and the anxiety of seeing him dead that you had been trying to avoid by declining his offer at the start was stronger now than you ever could have imagined.
You thought you would be living a normal life once he got back. That you would start a family, move to a nice house somewhere in the countryside, maybe keep a small farm, and keep the racing business legitimate.
But the business him and his brothers turned to once they had gotten situated back in Small Heath was everything but legal. Every day, you sat at home, waiting with panic buried deep in the pit of your stomach that John wouldn’t return home.
He lived a dangerous life with the Peaky Blinders, and as he did so, so did you.
You had put up with it for this long, for the unwavering love you felt for him stopped you from even considering living without him. But the instability of your life together, the never-ending cycle of not knowing what was happening when you were apart was eating away at you from the inside out. And you couldn’t take it anymore
“I want a divorce.”
It was like time and place just completely came to a stop as the sudden and unexpected words fell from your lips.
You were seated on the sofa in John’s office, while he worked his way through a thick stack of paperwork behind his desk just a small distance away from you.
As your words fled into the air, the scratching of his pen against the paper suddenly stopped, and you could feel your entire body freezing with dread as you waited for his response, your eyes not once wavering from the fire crackling away in the fireplace in front of you and the
His voice was hard, most likely just as hard as the look he was probably giving you at that very moment.
But you refused to look at him, only swallowing as he questioned again. “What did you say?”
You twirled the wedding ring around your finger furiously, bouncing your leg slightly and biting down on the insides of your cheeks to keep the tears back.
“I want a divorce, John.” You repeated, your voice barely even audibly, thick with unfallen tears.
“Are you-“ John cut himself short, struggling to find the right words. He stood up from his chair abruptly, the paperwork now long forgotten. “You want a divorce?”
You swallowed, nodding your head and feeling your lip tremble. “I do.” You whispered in confirmation, squeezing your eyes shut tightly as he walked around his desk and approached the sofa you were sat on.
He stopped by your side, keeping some distance between the two of you. He was silent for a long moment, the air thick with a flurry of emotions radiating off of the two of you.
“Well that’s just too fookin’ bad then, innit?” He questioned finally, now fully having processed your unexpected request and the shock having turned into anger. “Because you’re not getting one.”
The grip you held on your own fingers tightened, and the first tear finally escaped your eyes to roll down your cheek.
“Once you marry a Shelby, you stay fookin’ married!”
You jumped in your seat as he suddenly yelled out, his foot shooting out to violently kick the side of the very sofa you were sitting in.
You whipped your head around to face him at that, standing up. “You would force me to stay married to you even if it killed me every day?” You asked, seething and looking at him through narrowed eyes, not even caring that you were fully crying at this point.
“What do you want me to do?” He asked, throwing his arms out. “Do you want a bigger house? I’ll buy you the biggest house in all of fookin’ Birmingham!”
“I don’t want a house!” You quickly shot him down, raising your voice. “I’m perfectly content with what I have now!”
“Then what’s the fookin’ problem?!” He yelled, to which you let out the painful sob you had been holding in for the entirety of the evening.
“The problem is that I don’t have you.”
His demeanor seemed to falter ever so slightly, his face softening. But the fire was still burning strong behind his blue eyes as he walked closer to you, looking at you with questioning eyes. 
“What are you on about?” He asked. “You’ve always had me.”
Your eyes instinctively fluttered closed at the feeling of his hand coming up to cup your cheek, the touch only causing you to cry even more.
“It doesn’t feel like it.” You denied, your voice cracking with the tears. 
You opened your eyes, looking up into his. “Every day I have to sit alone at home and wonder whether you’re going to come back to me alive or dead on a stretcher. I’m losing my grip on you. I can feel you slipping further and further into Death’s arms for every passing day and I can’t take it.”
John watched you closely as you spoke, his lips pursed and his jaw tense, but his thumb still wiping away at the hot tears rolling down your face.
“I can’t fucking take it, John.” You admitted, crying. “It’s me or them. Me or your Peaky fucking Blinders.”
John had never in a million years expected you to want to divorce him in the first place, but when that sentence passed your lips, he was more taken aback than he had ever been before.
His face turned down with disbelief and his hand suddenly fell from your face as he took a step back. “They’re my family.” He said, and you crossed your arms over your chest, hugging yourself for some comfort.
“I’m your family, too.” You cried quietly, but he only shook his head.
“That’s not fair. You can’t do that to me. It’s not fair.”
“Perhaps not.” You agreed. “But it’s a choice I feel like I’m forced to give you.”
He said nothing, so you continued. 
“I want to have a family, John.” You said, chuckling tearily. “I want to settle down and have a family of my own. Kids. And I want it all with you. But I would never forgive myself if I brought a fatherless child into this world. I want to give my child a better life than the ones that we’ve had. With the love and support of both parents.”
John shook his head, his breathing now having gotten significantly heavier and his eyes glossier by the tears that were starting to sneak up on him. 
“It wouldn’t be fatherless, though, would it?” He argued. “I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“You don’t get to decide whether or not you stay when you get injured and can’t be saved.” You pointed out, and unwrapped your arms from around your body, walking forward and raising your hands to bring his face closer to yours.
“Leave with me.” You begged, searching his eyes and pressing your forehead to his. “Leave for me. For me and our future family. You’re bright, John. You’re so smart, so kind, and you have so much potential. You know you were meant for a life much bigger than the Peaky Blinders. This is not your destiny.”
He looked down at you with hard eyes, tears now pooling at the corners of his eyes. He sniffled, trembling slightly under your touch, indicating just how hard he was trying to keep his calm when he was really panicking on the inside.
For a moment, you held hopes that he was going to agree, tell you to go pack your bags, that he would take you away from Small Heath, gang wars and the violence and death that came with it.
But then he shook his head, and your face instantly fell.
“Fuck destiny.” He swore, tearing his head out of your grasp and taking a step back again. “Family is the only thing that matters.”
“Then what am I?” You snapped, a fresh set of tears springing to your eyes. “Because it certainly does not seem like I fit into that category.”
“You’re my wife. That’s what you are.” He answered, pointing a finger at you and glaring with all his might. “You’re supposed to clean the house, cook and keep your mouth shut. What I do by means of business is none of your concern, and you know what Tommy thinks about you putting your nose where it don’t belong. Why can’t you just be happy? My duty as your husband is to provide for you and that’s exactly what I’m doing. How the food ends up on the table shouldn’t matter so long as we don’t starve.”
This entire conversation and situation had been unpleasant from start to present, but you could swear you felt your heart break into a million tiny, prickly pieces behind your chest at his words. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
Sure, you hadn’t known each other for more than a few years and you had barely been married for two, but you really thought your loved would have matter more to him than he was letting on at that moment.
“Is that seriously what you think?” You asked, your sorrow  slowly turning more and more into fury.
“Of course it fucking matters!” You yelled. “The life we build together won’t matter at the end of the day if you run off and get yourself killed!”
“I won’t get killed!” He argued.
“You can’t promise that!”
The entire room seemed to shake under the loud volume of your voice, and it seemed to take John by surprise as he calmed down after that, simply shaking his head slowly and continuing in a much quieter voice.
“You can’t keep this up forever.” He said, without a doubt referring to the countless other times you had brought up that you didn’t feel comfortable with the life he led. “People are starting to talk. Saying I don’t know how to handle my woman.”
This time, his words actually brought a scoff out of your lips. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. 
“Is that so?” You challenged, glaring at him fiercely. “Well, you’ll be glad to know that your woman is sick of getting handled and no longer wishes to be yours.”
You tore your eyes away from his and looked down at your hand, starting to twist the ring off of your finger.
John instantly took note of this and rushed over to you, taking your hand in his and stopping you from completely removing the small piece of jewelry. “Come on, (Y/N). What are you doing?”
Although it pained you greatly to do so, you ripped your hand out of his warm grasp, wasting no time in going back to tug at the ring. 
“I think I’ve made it pretty clear by now that I’m not staying.” You deadpanned, keeping your attention on the ring to avoid looking at his expression as you did so.
Because if you did, you knew you would just break down completely.
“If you love me like you claim you do, you cut this shit out right now.” He told you, his voice low and threatening.
It broke your heart to hear him utter those words in that tone, but it broke you even more as you finally got the ring off and looked back up to meet his teary eyes.
You had to strain your entire body in order to stay strong, glaring into his eyes as you answered. “If you loved me like you claim to do, you wouldn’t have forced me to stay in a life I don’t feel safe and happy with. You would’ve left with me.”
And with that, you pushed the ring into his hands and turned around, leaving the room. 
He didn’t make any move to follow you, and in that final moment, it was his choice not to do so that made you realize your choice had been the right one. 
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gvf-imagine · 4 years
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Weekend with Jake
You and the boys relaxed in Jake and Josh’s basement, it was a calm saturday afternoon and most of your free time was spent with these men in this basement. They were your friends, your best friends even. Sam was the first one you met , he was in your biology class to which you both showed up late and were paired together to dissect a frog. Which you both protested, instead of cutting up a poor frog you and him talked about music the whole class hour. You failed the class but gained a friend, well four friends after he introduced you to his brother’s that lunch period. That was a few years ago now, back in freshman year. Now you're all seniors, who barely attended school. The boys at least had good reason, they were investing their time in their band. You just didn't want to go to school if your friends weren't there, you did what you needed to graduate and coasted through the rest.
“Thirsty?” Jake inquires , noticing you'd been quiet for a while. You didn't realize any of them had spoken; you were adrift in reflections of the past.
“Yeah I could go for some soda” you answer, offering him a kind smile, he grins back and hops off the black suede couch, his imprint still left in the cushion next to you. You hadn't noticed the warm presence of his body heat until it was gone. He moved across the room and jogged up the stairs headed for the kitchen.
“I'm bored” Danny utters, looking at an old magazine. He let it fall out of his grip and settle lightly on his lap.
“Me too” Sam announces, he had been situated in the corner of the room and was fiddling around with his Bass, he often played small compositions to himself. You looked to Josh who you expected would be the next to say something, he was far too enthralled with his phone to even regard that any of you were here.
Jake's footsteps descended the stairs before he hopped over the back of the couch landing perfectly in his fading imprint.
“Here you go!” he voices handing you the cold can. You grab it and inspect the label, your eyebrows peak up towards your forehead in thought.
“You got me diet?” you inquire looking to him. His face goes pale and panic fills his chocolate brown eyes. He shifts his weight on the couch, adjusting his posture. He gulps telling you his throat went dry. You tried your hardest not to laugh, but couldn't help it. It was cute seeing him all flustered at the thought of insulting you.
“Jakey, I'm just kidding, I prefer diet, thank you” the words escape your lips and Jake sighs with relief sneaking in a small chuckle as well.
“Good….because I didn't mean anything by bringing you diet, I mean I know you like it but I dont - I dont think youre ya know, I don't thi- you look really good to me like you don't have to change anything about your- I just-” you put your finger to his mouth, his haphazard words coming to a stop.
“Thank you Jake” you speak softly, you knew what he was trying to say.
“Let's go swimming” Josh proposes, finally lifting his eyes from his phone. You had almost forgotten what you were talking about.
“Swimming? We don't have a pool” Sam replies, setting his base back in its case. Josh shrugs looking at his tall, slim, younger brother.
“no , but the neighbors do and they're out of town” he offers with a sly grimace.
“Problem solved” Danny chimes perking up with a toothy grin.
“I’m in” Jake replies nodding.
“(y/n)?” Josh asks, they all look at you in waiting. Your eyes flicker between the four of them.
“Sure….but I don't have a bathing suit” you realize.
“That's ok you can just wear your birthday suit” Josh winks. Your eyes roll, as they often did in Josh's direction.
“You can borrow Ronnies,here come on I'll take you to her room” Jake offers, touching your shoulder gently indicating it was time to stand. You agree and follow him up the stairs and down the hall to her room. You walked in and it smelled just like her, vanilla and cashmere , her signature perfume scent. Jake looks around the room and silence settles in the air he looks over to you his hand tucked snugly in his back pockets.
“Here it's right here….dont worry its clean '' he says pulling the bikini out of Ronnie's drawer. You look at it as he hands it to you , it was the color of strawberry milk, which you liked, it was also a two piece, which you didn't like.
“Oh it's a bikini” you utter, you didn't mean to say it out loud. You did not usually wear bikinis , you didn't feel very comfortable in them, especially not in front of four boys. You just didn't feel like you had the right body for a bikini. Jake must have noticed your unease
“You can wear one of my shirts if you're not comfortable in just that” he offers gently. You smile and thank him but decline, you didn't want his clothes to get ruined from the chlorine.
“Ill just wear this, its no problem, plus I really wanna go swimming its hot as fuck out” you chuckle. Jake nods in agreement
“Well I'd better go change too” he announces, leaving you alone in the room. You slip your clothes off and shuffle into the bikini. You looked at yourself in the mirror that hung on the back of Ronnie's door. You didn't look as horrible as you thought you would have, but you were still kind of nervous about the guys seeing you like this, they'd never seen you in such a small amount of clothing.
“Most of your body will be underwater, they'll only see you for a moment” you give yourself a small pep talk.
“Come on (y/n) were leaving!” you hear danny call from the living room. With a fortifying breath you give yourself one last look and walk out of the room. You make a pit stop in the bathroom and grab a towel to wrap around your body , you grabbed an extra four for the guys as well. The soft shag carpeting of the bath mat in the bathroom grounded you and calmed you.
“Just getting some towels!” you yell down assuming they heard you. You had the towels and you were ready to go, butterflies slammed incessantly into the sides of your stomach, begging to be released.
You walked down the stairs and found the guys waiting by the front door.
“Alright let's go” Josh says as he turns the bronze door knob, the sun gleamed in the sky, you squinted trying to combat its powerful rays.
“Jesus christ” Sam spat holding his hand up above his eyes.
“Good day for swimming,” Danny adds as you all walked towards the backyard, the neighbor in question was a few houses down. The warm soft grass felt inviting on the bottoms of your feet the sun bathed your skin with warmth like a hug from mother nature herself.
The pool was actually pretty big, you were almost surprised something like this was in someone's backyard and not on an episode of ‘cribs’. The boys begin pulling their shirts off with no thought , you were almost jealous at how little they had to worry about their bodies. You, on the other hand, were a little more reluctant. A few droplets of water hit your face as Jake jumps in the pool, then Danny then sam.
“Come on” Josh nudges you before joining his brothers. You watch them with a smile before dropping your towel , slowly. Jake was watching you intently only with his head visible above water. His lips part and his tongue smooths across them as he takes in the sight of you. His hair was wet and small drops of water cascaded down his face, he didn't seem to notice he was too engaged with you. You didn't see him looking at you at first and the first person to say anything was danny.
“Jesus…” he muttered, in a good way you had hoped.
“I'll take that as a compliment Daniel” you chime walking closer to the pool, using the ladder to slowly dip yourself in the refreshing water. It wasn't too cold or too hot, it was perfect and your body thanked you for it.
The guys swam around for a while, all of you splashing each other, laughing and probably being far too loud to go unnoticed by the other neighbors but none of you cared. It was freeing to be in the water, all your worries fade with every splash , ebb and flow just like the artificial waves Josh and Sammy were causing while wrestling in the water. You felt something grab your leg and pull you under before you could let out a sound. You smile when you see Jake's long hair floating aimlessly in the clear blue water, he waves to you then brings his hand to his lips and blows you a kiss before resurfacing. You stayed under a few seconds longer than followed him up. The noise of the outside world filling your ears once again. Jake flipped his hair out of his face, you watched in slow motion as droplets of water flung of the tips. You couldn’t help but take not of how attractive Jake is, his smooth sun kissed skin covered in droplets of water racing down his body
Stop stop stop.
You pull your eyes away from him , you could swear you saw him smile.
Your heart was fluttering in your chest, you hadn’t felt like this before about Jake, you’ve always seen him as a best friend. The night went on and now you and Jake found yourselves back at his house , upstairs on the balcony that was attached to his second floor bedroom.
“You want a drink?” He questions
“Wine?” You inquire with a smile.
“Yes ma’am, your favorite too, pink moscato” he returns the smile. You were at the kiszkas so often for dinner they’d always kept a bottle of your favorite wine in their liquor cabinet. Jake stepped out of his room and downstairs. You turned your attention to the sky. Pinks and oranges painted across the lazy sky as the sun began to set. You closed your eyes, your body tired from spending the day in the hot sun. The clinking of glasses brings you back to a more present state of mind. Your eyes flicker up to Jake who stood over you, holding a wine glass out to you , once you took it he returned to the wooden patio chair he was sitting on.
He poured your drink first and then his, the wind gently blowing his hair. You took a sip of the sweet and tart liquid, it was ice cold and delicious.
Your eyes find their way back to the sky.
“What a beautiful view” you chime to no one in particular. Jake looks to you, he watches the wind sweep through your hair , his eyes scan your profile lingering on your lips.
“Yeah...you’re gorgeous” he says , his words softly float out of his mouth.
“I means ITS- it’s a gorgeous...view” he corrects himself quickly, he curses himself under his breath. You pretend like you didn’t hear the first part but you did and it made your stomach flip. Did he really think you’re gorgeous?
“Are you sleeping over?” He asks, taking another drink from his glass. You mull the idea over in your head.
“Do you want me to?” You respond , a loaded question.
Jake catches this and smiles at you.
“Of course” he coos. This would not be the first time you slept over so it wasn’t a big deal.
The rest of the guys were downstairs drinking around the fire pit, you could see them from where you were sitting.
“Wanna join them?” Jake asks, noticing you gazing down at them.
“Sure!” You chime. The two of you grab your drinks and make your way to the fire pit.
“We should make s’mores” you propose making a pit stop in the kitchen. You open the cupboards looking for graham crackers and some chocolate bars. Marshmallows were on top of the fridge as always.
“Here I can carry that” Jake offers, taking the food from your hands , such a gentleman. His fingertips gently brush against yours and by the look in his sparkling eyes you couldn’t help but wonder if it was intentional.
“There they are,” Josh exclaims as you and Jake sat down. You sat next to Danny who welcomed you with a side hug and a kind smile. Jake sat across from you with Sammy. Flames of blazing heat separating the two of you, obstructing your view of him.
“We brought snacks” Jake chimes tossing the marshmallows to Sam who tore the bag open happily.
Conversation flowed as easily as the drinks, the sun was gone now, the heat of the alcohol was all you needed to keep you warm. The five of you spent a few hours around that fire landing you all in a drunken stooper.
“Well...I think I’m gonna go to bed ladies” you say, struggling to stand up. Danny holds your arm stabilizing you. You turn and give him a good night hug, his hand brushes up and down your back as he says goodnight. You take a lap hugging each of them , all of them saying goodnight. You stumble again as you walk towards the house.
“I’ll help her” Jake says standing to his feet, you feel his hand lay above your hip bone and his other hand grab your arm as he stands behind you holding you up.
“Went a little heavy on the wine huh girl?” He laughs as he moves you through the house.
“Yeah” you slur.
“Think you can make it up the stairs?” He asks, trying to catch your gaze. You shrug. He chuckles and just picks you up bridal style , carrying you gracefully up the stairs. He sets you down on his bed gently, his mattress shapes to your body , you feel him drape a thick comforter over you , his body weight settling next to you. He brushes your hair out of your face and kisses you softly, reluctantly on the cheek. It felt right, being here with him in this bed , with his arms wrapped around you , your body against his, his face nuzzled into your neck planting kisses on your shoulder. He whispers a soft goodnight.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed, it took you a moment to realize where you were, your head pounded , the night before still knocking against your brain.
Jake was nowhere to be found , well, at least in the bedroom. You squint your eyes as the sun gleamed through the blinds
“Good morning” Jake voices as he steps into the room carrying a tray with breakfast foods laid out attractively.
“I brought you breakfast, I bet you’re feeling pretty rough” he chuckles as he sets the tray down so it’s stationed across your lap. You smile at the plate of delicious food in front of you and then turn to Jake.
“Oh Jake this is so sweet, thank you so much”
“You’re welcome girl….I made it all myself” he adds.
“Well here we can share” you chime scooting over so he could get closer, he wasted no time doing so.
You rest your head on his chest as he takes a drink of juice.
It all felt right, for the first time in your life everything felt right.
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mylifeiskara · 4 years
I made this thread on Twitter kind of comparing how The Mindy Project and The 100 seem to be handling their cast shake-ups, which might seem rather silly of me because they are different genres, but I’ve been rewatching The Mindy Project recently, and I remember how upset the writing and stuff made me while I was watching TMP, even though I knew that it was because Chris Messina had asked to be on the show less to pursue other projects. He was in like a million movies in 2016! But as I go back and rewatch, I’m realizing they actually handled it very well, and I thought I’d elaborate a little more on my thread where there is no character limit. So spoilers for TMP and what we’ve seen of season 7 of The 100 probably.
Tl;dr: I still think Bellarke is happening, and I don’t think what we’re seeing on screen would be that much different, even if Bob hadn’t asked for time off.
So season 3 of The Mindy Project ends with Mindy and Danny (played by Chris Messina) together and expecting a baby, though Danny has said he’s not sure he wants to get married again. He even travels all the way to India to visit Mindy’s parents and explain to them that he is in love with Mindy, but isn’t sure he wants to marry her. This is where the first episode of season 4 picks up, and at the end of this episode, after Danny talks to Mindy’s parents and comes to the realization that he wants to work past his hang-ups on marriage, he proposes to Mindy.
Now somewhere in between season 3 and the writing of season 4 Chris Messina asked to be on the show less because he was interested in pursuing other projects. So the writers had to navigate how to tell a story where Mindy’s fiance and the father of her child was not on the show as much. They first did this by setting up the conflict of Mindy realizing that she does not actually want to be a stay-at-home mom, like she initially agreed. She wants to still be a doctor and continue to grow her fertility practice. She has a hard time telling this to Danny, because since his mother was a single mom and always working, he felt alone during childhood, and he doesn’t want his kid to feel alone or unloved, though Mindy argues that just because they both work doesn’t mean that Leo will feel unloved. This argument and conflict gets put on pause when Danny’s father has a heart attack, and he goes to California to take care of him. While he’s gone, Mindy goes back to work and realizes for sure that she doesn’t want to stop working. When Danny returns this conflict continues, because Danny wants another kid soon, and Mindy realizes she’s not sure she wants another kid, because she’s committed to growing her fertility practice, especially now that her new business partner Jody is involved. They can’t work past this, and end up breaking up, which is told through an extremely well done montage if you’d like to watch season 4 ep. 14.
The next two seasons show Mindy as she handles being a working single mom, co-parenting with her ex, and even some of her dating adventures. She even ends up marrying someone else for a while, and Danny gets engaged again. So even though Chris Messina is no longer a series regular, he is very much still part of the story. Season 6 shows how Mindy and Danny grow back together in a way, as they realize that they’ve both grown and that they still love each other and want to work through their issues and be with each other again.
I then think about what TMP would have looked like had Chris Messina not asked to be on the show less, and I honestly think it makes sense for them to still have done something similar. Danny was always Mindy’s main love interest, and seasons 1 and 2 saw Mindy through many boyfriends, Danny and Mindy’s “will they, won’t they”, and their eventual decision to be together. Season 3 was them being together, and also navigating long distance for a period of time as Mindy went to do a fellowship at Stanford. Yeah, this is a rom-com, but I think it would have been pretty boring for seasons 4-6 to only be about the “happily ever after.” Even if Chris hadn’t asked for time off, I think conflicts still would have arisen between Mindy and Danny, because they are very different as people and they both had some growing to do, even if they do have to stay on somewhat decent terms because of their son. The whole point is that they never stopped loving each other through all of this.
So what, might you ask, does this have to do with The 100? Well I’m assuming a similar sit-down happened between season 6 and the writing of season 7 where Bob asked to take some time off. Obviously the situation is different, but Bob and Chris are both the second leads, so it’s definitely something the writers have to sit and think about in terms of how they’re going to handle it.
If your second lead asks to take time off in the last season of the show, it makes sense to write him missing for most of the beginning half of the season. So that when things wrap up at the end, Bellamy will be there as the story comes to a close. Now that we’ve seen six episodes, I’m assuming that we’re about to start wrapping up some of the side stories so that when Bellamy is back for real, the focus will then turn back to Bellamy and Clarke. People have been saying that Bellamy is the key and Clarke is the key to whatever this story unfolding is. Their stories are connected, and you can’t fully tell one without the other. I think it’s safe to say that later on we’ll see them reunited and learn more about what this means. But for now, we’re focusing on other characters, and I’m okay with that.
Since the story is coming to a close, I’ve been thinking a lot about the overarching journey. We’ve seen Bellamy and Clarke go from adversaries to reluctant leaders, to best friends, and I’d still say we are most definitely on track for a Bellarke ending. I’m one of those people that actually loves when Bellamy and Clarke are separated, because I find their reunions to be incredibly meaningful. And I think the reunion that we’re being set up for is going to be great, though I don’t have much of an idea on how it’s going to happen. I’m just waiting to watch all the pieces fall into place.
I know a lot of us talk about what would have happened if Clarke made it up to the Ring in season 4 because it was pretty obvious there was such unspoken tension and love between the two of them, but honestly? I don’t think there would have been much reason to continue the show. They would have gotten together on the Ring, and then what? It’s always been about Clarke and Bellamy, and them being together leaves little story to tell, if we think about it. The whole conflict of season 5 was that they had spent so much time apart that Bellamy had to start thinking with his head (per Clarke’s advice) and they had grown without each other, so they had to take the time to recognize that and be on the same page again. Season 6, they are on the same page, but then Clarke “dies” and Bellamy’s entire story becomes how to get her back. And now in season 7 though it’s not just Bellamy missing, Clarke seems very focused on getting back Bellamy in particular. Sure there’s a lot going on at the same time, but Clarke’s main focus currently is getting back to Bellamy, especially after Bellamy did so much to save her last season (which was like a mere few days ago Sanctum time).
Had Bob not asked to take time off, I think the story would still play out similarly. Maybe we’d see Bellamy a bit more, the way that we saw Danny every now and again in season 4 of TMP and through voiceover text messages to Mindy. But I think this was always going to be what the story looked like. We also have to remember that storytelling on TV and storytelling in other forms are fairly different, since you can’t necessarily have a bunch of long scenes where people just sit and talk about their feelings. That’s boring to watch. I think that’s why we got that Princess Mechanic scene in 7x06 when Raven and Clarke were stuck in the body of that organism and Raven broke down, or the scene in 6x11 where Octavia and Bellamy had a heart-to-heart. Neither of those scenes were very long, but the characters were working towards another goal while also talking through some issues that they were having. There’s different time constraints and factors to consider when writing a scene for TV that you could handle differently in a novel or a fanfic.
None of this is to say that I’ve never taken issue with how the story is told, because that’s not true. I just think that the overarching narrative is about reuniting Bellamy and Clarke, similar to how The Mindy Project’s overarching narrative is about Danny and Mindy growing so that they can be together again. Unlike when I watched season 4 of The Mindy Project, I’m taking the time to watch how the story plays out here, because I spent a lot of time back in 2016 being needlessly angry over something that in retrospect was actually fairly well done given the circumstances. I’m watching what’s presented to me on screen, because that is the story that we’re working with. And I’ll see how I feel about the whole thing once it’s all over. I’m hoping I’ll be satisfied with the ending, but if not, there’s a whole lot of very talented content creators who I know are already geared up to write some fix-it fanfics.
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altosxratus · 4 years
last goodbye
➳ book: open heart
➳ pairing: bryce x my (casey valentine)
➳ wordcount: 694
➳ trigger warning: death & angst. If you’re sensitive to those topics, please click off now
➳ note: as always, thank you so much to the lahela protection squad for giving me this idea! Credit to @lahelhands @shiyagiru @the-unconquered-queen​
listen to six feet under by billie eilish for extra feels 
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This day was supposed to be perfect. He had been planning it months in advance. The day he would get down on one knee, and finally ask her to be his. Forever. A fancy, candlelit dinner followed by a stroll in the park, ending with a proposal.
Instead, he was spending the day standing and looking at her grave. Her body, six feet under him. Her final resting place.
Casey Valentine
Beloved Sister & Daughter
September 29th, 1993 - July 18th, 2023
He would never forget the phone call from the hospital. The phone call telling him that she had passed away. The phone call telling him that the love of his life had been ripped away from this earth too soon. The one phone call that had shattered his world into a million pieces. Nothing could compare to the pain he felt at that moment.
“Bryce? Bryce are you still there?” But he couldn’t hear Danny over the deafening sound of his blood thumping through his temples followed by the deafening sound of ringing in his ears.
A car accident, they said.
She was gone. She was dead. He was waiting for her to get back home. Home to the apartment they had been sharing for years.
His knees buckled. He fell to the ground as his world fell around him. It felt like waves were crashing around him. She was gone. Forever. He couldn’t help think of her cold, lifeless body laying on the street. She never hurt a soul. She didn’t deserve this.
Silent tears turned into loud sobs as he recalled the memory. He really would never see her again. Never hold her in his arms again. Never kiss her lips. Never look her in the eyes as he tells her how much he loves her again. He took a shaky breath and cleared his throat, attempting to subside his tears to speak.
“Hey Casey…”
And he broke down again.
Just speaking her name was enough to tear his walls down. He missed her. He really missed her, but he had to get through this. He had to believe that, wherever she was, she would hear his final message to her.
“I- I miss you. I…” he fiddled with the hem of his shirt, suddenly nervous. “I want you to know that I love you so, so much, and I’ll never, ever stop.” He paused, taking another deep breath before continuing. “I know that you’d want me to move on. I know you would want me to find someone else… but I can’t. I just… I can’t. I can’t live in this world without you. You were my rock… The only thing keeping me sane in this… this messed up world that took away too soon… I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you and I couldn’t protect you.”
Bryce wiped away his tears, still running down his face, preparing himself for what he was about to do. “I, um, I was going to do this today… if you were…” another sob escaped him, “and I know you have no way of answering me, but I… I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t give this to you.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his grandmother’s engagement ring. The ring he would have slid onto her finger if she were still here. Slowly, he got onto one knee as his tears watered her grave. “Casey Valentine… I knew since the day I first saw you that I’d marry you one day. I know that if you were here, you’d say that that sounded cheesy,” He let out a cold chuckled, “but it’s true. You’ve always been there for me and supported me through thick and thin. You stayed with me after learning about my past. After learning all my flaws. I wanted you to marry me”
He carefully deposited the ring next to the tomb and stood up, taking a couple minutes to look at the stone.
“Goodbye, my love” he whispered one last time before turning around and heading back to his car.
He loves her. He’ll love her till his last breath, even if she’s already taken hers.
Tagging people who might be interested: @egguistique @lovelahela @bloodboundhoe @luckyferrero @desiree—1986 @moty-oph @lahellacute @littlemisspraetor @fandom-trauma
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moontheoretist · 3 years
Danny let Stark have his moment before his smile sharpened a little. “Here’s one that’s a little closer to home. MandatoryMonkeyMayhem asks ’How can you claim to support the Accords and proper registration, when you’re still actively protecting Spider-man and other vigilante’s identities from the proper authorities?’” They’d forced the entire question into the banner at the bottom, even though that crammed the words into all the available space.Scott noticed the room silenced as they all waited to hear how Stark tried to explain that. Or worse, betray those superheroes as well. “Another hard-hitting question,” said Stark with a grin, looking frustratingly unconcerned. “Your viewers are determined to draw blood tonight.” “Have they succeeded?” asked Danny, coyly. “We’ll have to see,” said Stark. “I’ll get back to the specific example of Spider-man in a moment, but in general that’s actually a bit of a trick question. I suspect the person asking might not have realised that, though. When we talk about superhero registration, most people are thinking about something that isn’t in the Accords at all. They’re thinking of a variety of laws currently being proposed within some countries by the same people who pushed for the Sokovia Accords. Those registration laws typically propose requiring anyone with unusual abilities or technology, anything that they might possibly use in one of those Good Samaritan situations we mentioned earlier, to register with their government. Asking them to register for what they can do, if you will, rather than what they are actually doing. That’s obviously a very complex moral, legal and practical proposal.” “I can see the moral and legal, but the practical?” asked Danny. Stark said,“If you’re going to ask every person to register themselves who has the know-how to build Falcon’s wings, or to pilot the War Machine or the Ant suit, or to aim arrows, or any other skill that could potentially be used in combat, then we’re talking a very significant percentage of the population. And a fair number of them are still children. Is there an age at which they’re supposed to register? Is there some sort of time limit for how soon they have to register if they only realise they meet the criteria later in life? Do they register at a local police office, or at a hospital, or do they just send a letter to a federal office? Considering the immense volume of people that would be, which department will be providing the resources to handle that? And if there’s any sort of judgement call, or training, or monitoring involved in that, then even more staff will need to be hired and trained and equipped. So even if they solve the ethical dilemmas to their own satisfaction, any country considering this kind of general registration option will have to take into consideration just what a massive burden it would be to their taxpayers.” “Yeah,” said Sam. “Forget telling people about how morally corrupt that kind of legislation is. Tell them it will hurt their pocket book.” Sam sounded disgusted, but Scott couldn’t see the problem. The people who would be convinced on moral grounds probably already had been convinced. If you were trying to convert the rest, why not try a method that might actually work? “But you’re saying that’s not what the Accords mean by registration,” said Danny. “No,” agreed Stark “It couldn’t, even if it wanted to. So long as human rights are not being violated, the UN just doesn’t have the power to dictate what a country does to its own citizens within its own borders. What the Accords say is, if someone wants to operate as a superhero on an international scale, then they and their powers have to be on record. The superhero has to provide certain minimum details and agree to a code of conduct when they sign up as specified under the Accords – the equivalent of a job application, in other words. Even then, they can chose to restrict knowledge of their everyday legal identities. That will not be released to the public or even the wider law enforcement community. The idea is that a country appealing for help will be given just enough information that they can make an informed opinion about whether they want to risk that particular superhero within their borders.” Danny nodded.“That seems perfectly reasonable, and I’ll skip ahead a little and predict you’re about to tell me that agreeing with the Accords has nothing to do with unmasking superheroes who stay home.” “Exactly,” said Stark. Danny said, “So what about Spider-man? He was there with you in Leipzig, after all. Sounds pretty international to me.” “I can’t deny that,” said Stark, “but Spider-man’s presence was explicitly deputised by me, not him deciding to do something on a whim of his own. That kind of ad-hoc assistance is provided for within the Accords when it is necessary for the success of the mission. Your local viewers will be aware that Spider-man exclusively engages in non-lethal means of fighting?” Stark made it a question in the tone of his voice, and the crowd roared their agreement. Stark smiled at them, then continued, “Spider-man agreed to assist me because he saw the importance of avoiding casualties in this particular case. He would otherwise strongly prefer to remain within his own neighbourhood. Now I would strongly prefer he had better support, better medical care and better integration with local law enforcement, and I hope to work with him to obtain that. But that’s an entirely personal desire. Outside of that one authorised  action, he falls well outside the scope of the Accords. I have no legal or moral authority regarding him or any of the other local crime fighters. ”
Enough Rope by Amber_and_Ash
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