#Agni x reader
sunnydazzy · 1 year
Black Bulter DILF Hot takes:
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
🪴~ hi, everyone! i hope you’ve all had a lovely day or night. today i give you some black butler headcanons because i haven’t written for it in a little while. enjoy, ily <33
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ fem!reader, street harassment, catcalling, language
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𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝- 𝐟𝐭. 𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧, 𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚, 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥
a/n~ i am in no way romanticizing sexual harassment. most of the things i write here in these types of headcanons have happened/been said to me, so i just wanted to make that clear :) thank you <33 also, sorry these are so short, i am tired but i needed to post 😭
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you two are simply walking down the street, minding your own business as usual- maybe returning from an errand or something. because you’re outside and the weather isnt looking good, you propose that you take a shortcut through a different area. it’s a rougher part of town, but neither of you are fond of the idea of getting caught in the rain, so you take the risk.
you’re probably discussing something fairly mundane when a group of two or three guys spots you from the side of the road. they look dirty and are not at all easy on the eyes. you hear jeering and whistling from the side of the road, along with a few unsolicited comments about how sexy you apparently are. you give them a dirty look but are mostly inclined to ignore them, but Sebastian has other plans.
the butler first moves you to the opposite side of him protectively before marching straight up to the men jeering at you. they stop initially, a little confused, but when they decide Sebastian isn’t too much of a threat, they resume their antics.
“hey, what’re ya doing? you’re blocking our view, bastard.”
“what, are you her boyfriend of something? are ya mad? gonna tell us to stop? not our fault your girl’s a fine piece of ass.”
sebastian literally just stands there and waits for them to finish cackling like middle school boys. then, once they stop, a bit confused as to why Sebastian is still standing there, the butler promptly decks all three of them, knocking them all to the rough ground with three very painful-sounding thuds.
“it’s terribly impolite to verbally assault an innocent woman on the street like that, you know. i would appreciate it greatly if you’d mind your manners next time, yes?”
Sebastian simply leaves the men on the ground to moan and groan at their injuries before rejoining you, who is rendered speechless, in the road.
“this wasn’t a very good shortcut, now was it, my dear? i recommend you make your decisions more wisely next time, rain or not.”
you two are probably just hanging out, on a date or something. you’re walking in the middle of the city, where there are lots of people shopping, selling, just walking, other various things. because of the crowd, you and agni get off the main street and walk behind all the shops and buildings instead for a little more privacy.
while walking behind the buildings, you accidentally stumble and drop your bag. agni politely asks if he can get that for you, but you smile and insist on getting it yourself. you bent over to get your bag and stood back up, which should have been the end of it, but unfortunately you happen to catch the eye of two guys loitering beside one of the buildings you two are in front of.
“i liked it better when you were bent over, sweetheart!”
abruptly, you whirl to face the source of the voice, shocked, your eyes wide. clenching your teeth, you clutch your bag closer and shake your head, starting to walk away in an attempt not to escalate the situation, but agni grabs your hand just before you’re out of his reach. he doesn’t want to bring you any closer to the two men, but agni wants to keep you by his side, so he grasps you around the waist and walks over to them. when he approaches them, his expression is dark, and you can tell how he’s straining to maintain his non-violent ways.
honestly, agni doesn’t really have to say anything to let the guys know that he means business. his threatening aura is overpowering- the cowards are already running for the hills.
“it is a shame that it is so acceptable for these men to treat you like that in England. however- it is clear that they are mere cowards, given that they ran as soon as i approached them. are you doing alright?”
“as long as you are with me, you will never be in harm’s way.”
“hey, baby, your boyfriend don’t look like much- why don’t you come on home with me and i’ll show you a real good time.”
the remark catches you completely off guard. you and soma were on your way back from a cute first date at a quaint coffee shop, which poor soma, trying desperately not to mess up, had planned way too far ahead for just an hour-long date. luckily for him, it had gone well, and you and soma were hitting it off on the walk back to the manor. however, the cheerful little bubble you two were in after officially becoming a couple poles rather abruptly after hearing that comment.
you opted to ignore the offender, and soma simply shot him a dirty look before continuing on your way, protectively wrapping an arm around your shoulder and bringing you closer to him. but the man doesn’t leave you alone.
“hey, babe, why don’t you wanna talk to me? i promise i can be better than that guy you’re with.”
you outright groaned this time, sick of the man hounding you, and soma instantly sensed your annoyance. although he definitely wasn’t fond of the idea of confronting the burly man- who indeed was bigger than soma- he didn’t want to look like a chicken in front of you, and he genuinely didn’t like seeing you upset and vulnerable. so, soma promptly storms up to the man and tries his best to chew him out without wavering.
“hey! you know that it is very rude to catcall a woman like that! you do not even care that she is with a gentleman? you, sir, are a very crass and immature man!”
it really looks better typed out… in reality, soma’s voice is shaky and cracks a lot, and he’s visibly very nervous. like i mentioned, this guy who catcalled you is certainly intimidating. luckily, he isn’t amused by soma and simply waves him off and goes on his way.
“why didn’t he say that to me? what’s wrong with my ass?”
carefully explain to grell that catcalling is not a compliment because she will not know that. even after you explain, she still might take offense☠️☠️
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cielwritings · 1 month
What if Ciel, r!Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Soma, Agni (and whoever else you wanna add) worked somehwere like ouran hshc? Like how would they be w each other and with a reader/customers n all that? 🥰
! Ouran HSHC AU !
..also, imagine soma and agni being related
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This took forever to think about.
Ciel as Haruhi, R!Ciel as Tamaki, Sebastian as Kyoya, Claude as Mori, Alois as Honey, Soma and Agni as the twins. Soma as Hikaru, Agni as Kaoru (it made most sense but my fujo brain wanted agni to be the seme...)
Despite Soma and Agni being the brocons, they aren't the most popular duo. That's Ciel and R!Ciel. A teasing older twin, and a shy younger twin.
Alois is more-so a mix of Shiro and Honey. He isn't the innocent type Honey is, but goes for the dynamic of Honey. For girls that wish for a cute boy to dote on. He has a naughtier, playboy personality like Shiro.. as shown at the end of that episode he's in.
This club is known for being quite.. taboo. Only the girls that were known for being naughty or improper went there, or the girls too shy to admit it. Sometimes, even boys or GNC people as well! Everyone gets treated the same though.
You'd be welcomed with a kiss to the hand from Sebastian, leading you to a table for you to sit at. Ciel will be the one to ask who you'd wish to schedule.
If you pick Ciel, he'll be quite sweet to you. He'll be kind, brushing his hand through your hair sweetly. He'll offer you his favorite candies, telling you that he doesn't share with just anyone. You're special! If you want, he'll let you have a taste of his favorite lollipop. Then, he'd like the exact same spot you did for an 'indirect kiss'.
If you pick R!Ciel, he's much more flirty. He'll always have a hand on you unless you explicitly say no. On your arm, holding your hand, in your hair, on your knee. He'll rest his head on your shoulder, taking in your scent. Whether it be your natural one or some perfume or cologne you put on, he doesn't care. He loves your smell, and will let you know that fact.
If you pick Sebastian, he'll act, unsurprisingly, like a butler for you. But a more daring one. He'll hold your tea cup as you drink, he'll wipe your mouth sensually, he'll feed you. He makes sure everything you have in your mouth is perfect, and the smallest complaint you have will leave him apologizing and treating you 10x better. His compliments are very unique, and always leave you flushed beyond belief.
Picking Alois will leave you almost as flustered as Sebastian. Perhaps it's the taboo, but the way he'd curl up in your lap and ask for pets is adorable. He treats you, of course, but his cute little face is irresistible. Twirling his soft hair while Claude watched in the distance, making sure everything was going okay. Alois called you his big sibling, or one of his parents. He loves seeing how flustered you get.
Picking Claude is practically a two for one deal. Alois is almost always at his side, clinging onto him, looking at you with a pout of jealousy. Claude is a much more professional butler role, his advances being more subtle. But you expect it, so every movement he makes always leaves you flustered. Whether it be the slightest graze of his hand on yours, or perhaps he breathed a little too hard on you. He knew how to tease, and he did it well.
Soma and Agni, however, are a 2 for 1. Without Agni, Soma is nothing. Without Soma, Agni is nothing. So you kind of have to get both... which Ciel and R!Ciel decided to price down to be the same cost as everyone else. They're more seductive, almost worshiping you, in a way. Soma will hug you from behind, Agni praising you, on his knees for you, stroking your legs. One time, the two bickered about who would do the worship. Agni begged to be the one, as the prince shouldn't be on such dirty floors.
Of course, it ended up in brocon fanservice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that, my prince.." Agni whispers, wiping a tear from Soma's eye. Crocodile, of course.
The other's merely watched in curiosity, confusion, or interest.
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todoroki-waifu · 1 year
Headcanons about how Sebastian, Agni, and Rei would react if his gender neutral crush accidentally confesses to him?
Note: Thank you for the request! Meant to put this out last night, but I fell asleep on my laptop. ^^U
Warning: Gender neutral reader.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 305
~Sebastian (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)~
He's surprised and you definitely gave him an ego boost. 
The man knew you liked him, but wasn't expecting you to confess the way you did. 
Honestly was going to do it himself, but was just waiting for an opportunity.
Sebastian tried not to laugh, but wasn't laughing at you and your feelings.
Just at the situation. 
Found it too cute for him to not smile.
Sebastian would take your hand and kiss it, apologizing if his reaction had upsetted you.
You're his first lover so he's quite excited to see what kind of adventure he'll have with you.
~Agni (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)~
He's so happy and overwhelmed with gratitude that he nearly cried.
You wanted to be with a guy like him? Even though his past wasn't the best?
Agni would embrace you tightly and give a little spin. 
But then he'd get all shy and compose himself.
He's still a butler and had a master to represent.
But he also didn't want to embarass you or make you feel uncomfortable.
Agni would also promise to cherish your feelings and to make you feel as happy as you've made him.
~Rei (Buddy Daddies)~
Rei first stares at you in a complete state of confusion and shock. 
Very nervous also. Did you really admit you liked him? Was this a prank? Because he likes you a lot as well.
Rei is a trained and professional hitman, but when it comes to romance, it's out of his scope.
But that doesn't mean Rei wouldn't try nor is he unhappy.
He's extremely happy.
So happy that he takes you to his bathroom and locks you in there with him. (only if you want ;) )
Rei has no experience with any type of affection so he's worried if he'll be a good boyfriend for you.
Still won't stop him from learning and trying.
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constantly0lost · 1 month
Sitting in Agnis lap as rests his head on your shoulder. He has his arms wrapped around your waist, nuzzling into your neck like he could absorb your warmth. The day had been... Well not calm, no say Involving Soma can be calm. But it was more peaceful, less stressful.
He hums into your neck when you shift, and you get the pleasure to see this man pull back, and pout. And you can't help but laugh, kissing his cheek. "I'm not leaving you, silly man. My leg is falling asleep." You say, your voice slightly hoarse due to lack of use.
His lips drop into an "o", and his cheeks heat, with an embarrassed chuckle he pulls you back so you're laying on the bed together. He smiles at you, so tender that you think you're dreaming for a moment.
He takes his face into your hands, and kisses you tenderly, before leaning back to extinguish the candle on your bedside, leaving only the moonlight to illuminate you as you fall asleep, your mind full of the image of Agni.
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sleepingdeath-light · 10 months
relationship hcs ; agni
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requested by ; mod / self indulgent
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; agni
outline ; “dating headcanons for agni”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
agni is the most loving and attentive partner that you could possibly hope for — someone who loves you wholly and unconditionally, who supports you in everything you wish to pursue, who is consistently mindful of your boundaries and wishes, who is proud to be with you and who never fails to step up when you’re unwell or upset
when it comes to pet names his favourites for you are ‘mera pyaar’, ‘jaanu’ and ‘my dear’ — he mostly defaults to his native language when he’s complimenting you or referring to you in an affectionate manner, but he has picked up a few english terms of endearment that he’s grown quite fond of using with you
whenever you’re injured or unwell (be that due to physical sickness, mental illness, or a chronic flare up) he will tend to your every need (even more so than usual): managing and tracking all of your symptoms, fluffing your pillows, fetching new blankets, helping manage your temperature, massaging away any aches or pains, making sure you take any medication exactly when you need to, helping you get enough rest, making you your favourite foods, making sure you stay hydrated, helping you keep clean, etc, etc.
he makes it known that he thinks you’re extremely attractive to him and isn’t shy about complimenting you — be that on a new hairdo, your outfit, or just your general appearance — and he’s always extremely earnest and genuine in what he says (yes he might be a bit over the top in how he says it but he wholeheartedly believes what he’s saying and will insist upon it — even if you don’t believe him when he says that you’re incredibly ‘beautiful’/‘handsome’/‘attractive’ depending on what sorts of descriptors you prefer)
his main love language is acts of service and he loves being able to take care of his loved ones (you and soma, mainly) — he learns the recipes for all of your favourite meals, remembers everything you mention liking so that he can get you the best gifts for your birthdays/holidays, tends to you when you’re unwell or in poor spirits, etc.
and if you start to take care of him as well, even if he’s a bit reluctant at first, he’d absolutely melt and get extremely emotional as he’s looked after (especially if you’re very physically affectionate as well)
he prefers to keep pda to a socially acceptable level, and minimal if he’s working since he has to focus on taking care of soma, but he’s always happy to peck you on the temple, the top of the head or across your fingertips if he has a moment
he’s an early riser and if you’re the sort who prefers to wake up a bit after sunrise then he’ll gently kiss your forehead and tuck you back in bed — eventually returning with a cup of your preferred morning beverage and a very cheerful, of quiet, ‘good morning’
when you cuddle he prefers to take on a role that allows him to hold you and keep you close — whether that’s big spoon or him just laying on his back with you curled up against his side/on his chest — because he likes feeling as if he’s protecting you
if you want to learn from him (be that cooking, his native language, or another skill of his) then he’s happy to teach you — agni has the patience of a saint and will offer encouragement, praise and feedback throughout (giving you the space to learn and to grow without judgement whilst also keeping you on the right track)
sometimes he’ll zone out and just stare at you with this really soft lovey-dovey expression on his face when he’s meant to be working and several people have picked up on it — with some lovingly teasing him for it (ciel, soma, sebastian, and bard) and others finding it adorable (mey rin, finny, and lizzy)
agni doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body and trusts you completely, letting you handle any interactions you’re in and only ever stepping in himself if you look uncomfortable, the other party appears to be threatening you, or if you ask him to lend you a hand — and if it comes down to it he’s going to protect you as best he can because that is his duty as your partner (as he’s sure you’d do the same in return)
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blue-sterling0357 · 1 year
Hi! Can I get Agni and Baldroy with a hypermobile fem s/o with knee problems? I hope this is cool.
(I enjoyed this, apologizes if it's wrong..)
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Agni and Baldroy X Reader with hypermobility
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✜ He wished to be as flexible as you, he even tried to understand how to be flexible but to no avail, he can't be and that's a hate crime according to him....
✜ He is actually quite surprised that you're this flexible naturally, he is quite worried about your knees though, you have told him how your knees ache horribly, so he helps you by massaging your legs when he's free, he's happy to do so.
✜ If it's possible he tries to limit huge leg movement for you as to stop you from making a lot of leg movement could cause your legs to dislocate most likely your knees could dislocate and so it hurts and when your legs hurt you whine and he's upset about it as well.
✜ He also carries you on stairs because as you have stated a few times, you legs hurt when you go up or down and he doesn't want you to experience that so often while helping the servants.
✜ He often takes you on walks as walks are said to help hypermobile people reduce stiffness in their joint or dislocations, he also very often runs you warm baths as to help relieve your joint pain.
✜ Whenever you get joint pain or maybe you end up getting a dislocation, the first person he goes to is obviously Sebastian, who tells him how to look after you and how to reduce the pain for a while.
✜ He also heard from Sebastian that swimming and cycling are ideal exercises for people with hypermobility so he takes you swimming nearly everyday very early in the morning or in the evening and takes you cycling everyday as well, or when you both feel like it!
✜ Sometimes you knees also lock up if you're standing too long, so he asks Ciel to make arrangement for you to make sure you don't stand up for too long while working and risk locking up your knees.
✜ He freaks the fuck out of the fact that your skin is very stretchy as well to the point you cover your thumb with the skin on your hand, it's freak him out...
✜ When you did it in-front of him the first time, he though your thumb snapped off your hand and was carrying you while rushing to Ciel and Sebastian, who were equally as scared until you told them that this is very normal for you.
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Agni Iyer
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✜ Agni is quite familiar with this, mainly because Indian medical research is very large and very deep, so he knows how to handle you a bit.
✜ Agni makes sure you're not extending your knees too far or you're doing very strenuous tasks as to not risk hurting yourself or having horrible joint pains.
✜ He is always very happy to massage your back, legs or arms if your arms, legs or back are paining, he does not mind helping you whenever you need help!
✜ He also runs you warm baths, rubs oil on your body in case of joint pain, takes you on walks or gives you holidays whenever you need due to the fact that you're having horrible joint pains.
✜ Whenever you do very strenuous tasks he gets worried sick, something is gonna happen like you're gonna dislocate some joint and he's not going to be able to help you as if there isn't a literal doctor just a call away...
✜ He always takes you swimming in rivers or lakes whenever you both have the time and maybe cycling nearly everyday to help with your joints because doctor told him these are ideal for a person with a condition like yours.
✜ He takes doctor's advice very seriously like any other Indian would, but maybe a little too seriously...He would honestly stop you from doing anything, basically you're on bedrest most of the time, until somebody reminds him you're capable of doing things and these occurrences are quite rare and
✜ He also learnt form the doctor that your skin is very stretchy, it freaks him out, but it's fine, he finds it funny when you do stuff with you skin...
✜ He and you both do those type of things to test your flexibilities, and you of-course win all the time, it doesn't annoy him, he's happy to have fun with you!
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hesperioae · 10 months
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To Agni On His Birthday
Agni x reader, Agni x oc. Female s/o. Mostly head-canons and reader-insert.
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
Rabindranath Tagore
You certainly spend some time thinking and wondering about Agni’s birthday before making up your mind. You observe him, ask some questions here and there… You clearly do not wish to pressure him, to look imposing in any way. You know there are cultural differences, and you must respect his customs… You also have the strong feeling he welcomes you in his life, and he is happy to experience different things with you.
It has been almost a year since you found him in the library that evening, at the Phantomhive’s manor. He was alone checking up some books before Soma’s lesson the next morning, and you had been ruminating a work problem, a letter that Ciel had entrusted you to write.
The circumstances in which you two interacted for the first time and how long it took you to feel attracted to each other do not matter now. But that night in the library, Agni gave you an idea for your letter without realizing it, and you decided to reward him with an experience, a walk to the gardens to witness something special in the middle of the night. He considered consulting first with the prince whether to exit the manor into the gardens that late at night, alone with you, but after seeing prince Soma sleeping soundly, Agni decided not to disturb him and accompany you.
You gently and mysteriously escorted him through. After a while, he asked with his calmed deep voice: “It is good that you know the way, my Lady. I have never been to the gardens at night. Do you come here often, after dark?” As the night breeze played with your hair, and the moon light produced a rather refreshing effect on your skin, you replied: "I do. The gardens at night give me a comfort I can hardly find elsewhere. This way, please." You said entering a small greenery tunnel and accessing the forest.
Agni was curious as to why the gardens at night brought you comfort, since he enjoyed so much the explosion of colors in daylight. He asked, so that he could better appreciate the same sights. Agni followed you carefully, matching your pace despite his very long legs, so that he would not be ahead or behind you. "I guess... It is the quietness? It is quiet to all my senses. I am a bit oversensitive and... daytime, though endearing, sometimes overwhelms me." You said thoughtfully as you two passed by a creek.
Agni understood how the quietness could allow us to appreciate the many other senses that were not usually focused on due to the noise of the day. And he could see how daytime could be overwhelming for someone who was sensitive.
You then accessed a clearing and a group of bushes with tiny tubular flowers that looked almost like small stars and had a fresh sweet perfume. The Night Blooming Jasmine or Lady of the Night were open in the evening and would close the next morning. “Tonight, they flourish for you, Agni. Thank you for joining me and indulging me." You said taking a sit on a rock as stylishly as you could.
Agni sits down next to you, and looks at the beautiful flowers, admiring their color and shape and thinking about how wonderful they were. “We call them Raat Rani in India, Queen of the Night. I had not seen this happen since I was a kid. It would have been a shame to miss them. It is a very special gift. Thank you so much.” He said in a low voice.
"I thank you also for trusting me." You replied. "This manor is beautiful and dangerous. Thank you for not thinking I was trying to lure you into a trap or something. We first met rather recently, after all."
“Trust is a mutual agreement.” He said with a smile. “You have been kind to me and my prince. It is true that the manor can be dangerous, especially at night, and I hope that we are not attacked. But no, I feel I can trust your favor. It is beautiful here.”
"Beauty can be dangerous, but not necessarily." You said protecting yourself from the mild night cold. "You and your master are lucky to have each other."
“I do feel very blessed to be my prince's trusted khansama and friend. I was very lucky to have met him, and it still does not feel quite real to me. You are correct, we are indeed very lucky.”
The night was still blissful, but darker. A firefly took refuge on your shoulder. The sky turned into a sea of black and blue with shining sparks.
Agni felt truly fortunate to have been able to come out and see all this with you, and the night only grew more peaceful for him. He hoped the firefly would stay there for a long time, it was very beautiful and fitting to him that it had chosen to land where it had.
“Did you find your partner, Agni? Or you feel you are still looking for them?” You asked looking at the firefly.
He looked saddened for a moment, and it took him some time to answer “It… it appears I still want some forgotten things. Some very old dreams still haunt me, for better and for worse.”
You took Agni's left hand and placed the firefly in it softly. You caressed his hand carefully.
“You are so kind to me. I do not deserve these things. You are giving me too much. There are many better people you could be giving all this kindness and care, but... I must say it is quite nice to be so cared for. There is something so very calming about you…” He said a bit shakily with his rich voice.
You made sure to thank him as well for his compassion and kindness. And then you came closer to him and kissed his lips.
He was slightly taken aback at your gesture and did not immediately return it, though he did not pull back his head or try to repel it. You could almost feel the tension and the struggle in him.
After a moment, he gently placed his hand against your face, slowly bringing you closer as the kiss grew more passionate.
He suddenly woke up some hours later. A firefly glinted by his window and a soft perfume of minty jasmine was lingering... He had a joyful demeanor, but the kind of happiness you had brought to him scared him. That was the night of his birthday.
The next day, your silky high-pitched voice made him turn around in the middle of a corridor. You approached him radiantly and as you walked next to him, you told him Ciel needed to come to France with you for a while, to La Province, where you currently live.  You extended the invitation to Agni and Prince Soma, to stay there for a season or two with you. You spoke gently but clearly, your eyes showing an inner glow.
Agni's eyes widened slightly as you spoke, and he stared at you for a moment, looking quite shocked by your proposition. After a moment, he cleared his throat and spoke.
"This is a surprise. To think such an offer would be extended to us... well, we are humbled by it, that's for sure."
He smiled at you warmly. "I shall speak to my prince, and we shall see what he thinks. If he agrees to it, then I shall gladly come with him."
Many aspects of his destiny were connected to that of his prince. You knew that. You had planned to snatch both Agni and his prince away from the dangers of the underworld, to provide Agni with help and support in the task of assuring the achievement of Soma’s best potential.
You came closer to him and promised to make them feel as comfortable and safe as possible. You also asked him playfully and enticingly if he or the prince spoke a bit of French.
Agni flushed somewhat as you came closer and spoke like this. But he tried his best to stay composed and maintain his professionalism, and he replied without losing his warm and kind attitude.
"I do know some basic words and phrases of French, but my knowledge is a bit lacking, I must admit. I shall try to improve and learn more before we come - if we come," He added, looking at you with a grin. "And my prince is a very quick learner, he will no doubt pick up the language in no time."
You smiled visibly pleased and told him you lived in a small castle near a medieval city, that there was much nature around, but people had cosmopolitan tastes as well. You could possibly find some of his spices in the big market, and some others you could import, to a certain extent. You knew cooking was a huge topic for him. You raised your hand softly to his cheek and dared to caress him.
After some hesitation, Agni leaned into your touch, allowing himself to relax and take it all in. He looked at you with a fond expression.
"Your home sounds beautiful. My prince is quite a lucky person to have a lady who is so kind, and thoughtful on his side... Not to mention so charming," He added, slightly blushing as he spoke the last part. "And, yes, I do love to cook for my prince. I take it that you also enjoy good cuisine and fine food?"
You smiled affectionately to him and explained you did. However, some experiences in your life had made your meals more and more plant based with time. You added a bit sheepishly that you were not actually used to hot-spicy food.
He smiled at you, and his expression remained warm and genuine. He explained there were many plant-based options in Indian cuisine, that Brahmins in Bengal were mostly vegetarian and sometimes ate fish, that there was a wide variety of flavors, and many dishes could easily be made for those who preferred a softer seasoning. “We are very adaptable, and we can always adjust to suit your tastes," He replied in a friendly and knowledgeable fashion. "Now, is there anything else I could be helpful to you, my lady? I am always happy to be of service.”
That was a little too tempting to hear. You looked around and subtly stretched up all you could to reach his ear and graze it with your lips. "I much look forward to being of service to you," You whispered, and then looked at him intently.
Agni blushed and blinked a bit nervously, but he remained calm and composed, and he spoke with a warm and kind demeanor as always.
"As do I. There is no doubt that it will be a wonderful experience to come to France with you. I shall be forever grateful for this opportunity."
He looked at you and smiled. "I look forward to showing you around Bengal someday and introducing you to our culture as well."
Your eyes sparked genuinely since you could not be more excited. You found his culture very interesting and had already started to learn Hindi.
"I shall be sure to tell my prince of your beautiful invitation. And I do not doubt that he shall take it seriously, as we both very much appreciate kindness and generosity.” He smiled at you warmly. "Now, is there anything else I can help you with, my lady?"
"There is much you can help me with, dear Agni. But that will have to wait." You replied gently while you walked away towards Ciel, who was requesting your attention at that moment.
Agni watched you with an adoring expression as you walked away, and he could not help but feel a bit of sadness as you left. But at the same time, he knew he had to behave professionally, and so he bowed his head respectfully and gave you a friendly smile, before turning to return to work.
You had first addressed him as Monsieur Agni. He had politely and swiftly insisted on dispensing with the title, since he preferred you called him simply Agni. He had insisted, however, on always calling you “my lady”, despite your friendly disposition to be treated less formally. It would be a long time before he finally whispered your name some months later between the sheets and at a rather heated moment.
It has been a year since that, and it was Agni’s birthday again.
Even when Prince Soma could change his mind any time soon, the Black Perigord forests had watched him grow fond of the colors, the light, the people, the subjects he was studying… You did your best to surround him every now and then with artists, scientists, and philosophers from different countries who visited your place. He even made good friends with your son, who was a bit older than the prince. You thought they could be a good influence on each other.
Of course, sometimes people talked about the solitary widow who looked far too young for her age, who often locked herself away in her forest where hunting was banned, and had now the company of a foreigner from the far East. Those things did not disturb your mind if Agni and your family had not been disturbed. He was thriving, though. He had made everybody in your small castle like him and be pleased to work with him. And despite his past, his life was growing a bit more and more balanced now.
The morning of his birthday, among the quiet stony walls of your chateau, Agni accepts -despite those many years when his birthday was just another day of work- and lights some lamps. He prays and meditates early. He thanks Kali, his star Dhanishtha, and his mother. He then goes along with you and Soma distributing food and presents in Sarlat-la-Canéda. You accept enjoying daylight with him this time. You two go alone and visit the forest in the afternoon. Your hand in his larger one, you walk calmly taking in the splendor. In the evening, you feast with him, Soma and your other loved ones.
A quiet simple life you hope will last for many years to come.
I apologize for any mistake because English is not my first language and I had not written fanfiction in a very long time.
Everything for this lovely fictional man on his birthday. August 24th 2023.
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Angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst for agni! I want everyone to suffer :)
you guys are supposed to say “angst me Mommy” when you ask for shit like this ;)
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Even after he recovers following the townhouse attack, he’s not going to be quite the same person he was before that trauma. It’s not a matter of pure emotional distress, either; his body doesn’t exactly care what he wants anymore. He lost a lot of blood and barely escaped alive, so he’s weak for a long time. There are days he can’t even get out of bed because it simply takes energy he doesn’t have.
In the early days of his recovery, he’s completely dependent on you and Soma. That’s something he never wanted, because he’s supposed to be the one taking care of Soma, not the other way around. And you… he always wanted to take care of you, too. It makes Agni angry in a way he never has been before that he can no longer look after the people he loves, and angrier still that he can’t even truly look after himself.
It takes him a very long time to trust Ciel again, even knowing that it wasn’t actually Ciel who attacked him. It’s the same face, similar voices ― Agni is ashamed that he struggles to separate his attacker from his friend. It’s frustrating, because he knows it was someone else, and yet…
Unless Soma has any objections… sadly, Agni might want to leave England and return to India. Although there’s obviously violence everywhere, the unfortunate truth is that dangerous things happen around the Phantomhive household, and indeed, there’s a heavy mystery in the streets of London. He’s already been sucked into it once, and he’s convinced if he stays, everyone he cares about will be in danger. You and Soma are the most important people in the world to him. If leaving will protect his little family, he’s prepared to do it.
Of course, this means he might have to persuade you, if you’re on the fence about leaving. Your entire life might be here; your job, your friends, your home. Agni very much understands that you might be hesitant to leave. He won’t blame you if that’s the case… however, he will be more than a bit depressed if you stay in England. You’re his other half, and he’d feel so incomplete without you. It’s not a decision to be made lightly. And if you do stay in England, it’s… going to be difficult to keep a relationship with him. Letters are the best option, and visits as often as possible, but truth be told, in this era it’s incredibly hard to have a long-distance relationship.
(If you stay, you might have to console Sebastian. Agni was really that man’s only true friend.)
If you go with Agni back to India, it’s still not happy. Even under the protection of the Raja, Agni lives his life in a rather paranoid way. Despite not having to worry about London’s risks, there’s the issue that Agni in his earlier life basically threw away his status as a Brahmin to follow Soma. There’s no love for him in that community, with the rest of them considering them as someone who turned his back on his caste. It’s not unthinkable that he might be the target of harassment from anyone (Brahmin or not) who sees him as this… heathen, almost, even though he’s not. That’s the price he pays for shedding his old name and caste, thinking he was never coming back.
Life is just always going to be hard. There’s no winning in this situation.
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random-oneshots92 · 2 years
Agni stumbled through the doorway. Breath sticking to his throat and laying heavily on his lungs as he collapsed to the floor. Jamie raced over to him and knelt by his side. "Agni. What happened?" They asked, not daring to touch him for all the fresh wounds on his skin.
He pushed himself up to lean on his forearms. "Where is prince Soma?" A loud, forceful cough ripped through his throat. Leaving flecks of crimson on the carpet.
"The hospital. Sebastian came over and told me then left. His majesty is getting stitches in his hand." Jamie grabbed some towels, "let's get you upstairs so I can clean your injuries." Agni didn't say a word. Instead dragging himself to his feet. Palm pressed flat to the base of his throat as he leaned into the wall, forehead pressed flat to it. Fire tearing through every inch of his being.
Jamie approached him. Draping their fiancé's arm over their shoulder, leading him through the house and up to the bathroom.
Despite Agni's persistent protests, Jamie ran him a bath. Once he had sunk into the water up to his waist, wincing from the Epsom salts dissolved in it, the secret villain hidden away from view, Jamie sat behind him. The top of his head barely reaching Agni's mid back. They pressed a careful kiss to their beloved's shoulder blade before starting to tend to the external injuries and the blood that caked them. Thick and congealed. Bragging of the time Agni had spent walking home through London streets.
Streets filled with hidden debris, each fleck waiting patiently for its moment to strike. Waiting to hit broken skin and nestle away where it couldn't be found. Breeding bacteria that would assault the human body faster than sense should allow. Destroying it from the inside. Until nothing was left but a pile of bones, cloaked in a netting of skin and cloth.
Getting rid of any dirt that might have fould its home under Agni's skin was Jamie's main goal, well that and finding out whoever it was who hurt Agni and the prince. Then enacting revenge. "Who did this to you, my love?"
"I can honestly say I don't know. The person had a hood over their face. So I didn't see them." He said through gritted teeth and harsh breaths. Despite the faintness of Jamie's touch, nothing could dull the sharp pain of water and salt in cuts.
"I mean ... I guess it could have been ... nevermind." He said. Gaze flitting frantically around the room as though searching for something that was seemingly never to be found. "It was a silly idea. I never should have brought that thought up. how stupid am I." His words only getting more rushed and more frantic as each moment passed.
Jamie moved around the tub. Firmly taking Agni's face in their hands and tipping his jaw down so their eyes met. And for once Agni could see something in his partner's eyes that he couldn't say he had seen before. "Agni, my love, do not question your own mind. It has never done you wrong before. And that will not start now, I swear it." They then pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head. An action Agni often used to soothe them during stressful situations.
"Tell me what you think it to have been if you so wish, but feel no obligation to do so. Your comfort is of the utmost importance and I will respect any decision you come to."
Jamie positioned themselves once more behind their partner. "I'm going to start washing your hair now my love." They said and took a large wooden basin of fresh water that had likely gained a chill around the edges and moved it to behind the bathtub, the wooden edges scraped against the floor. Making Jamie wince.
Without complaints, Agni leaned back. The ends of his hair soaked quickly. And Jamie grabbed handfuls of the lukewarm water and soaked the top of his hair.
"I think it might have been the Earl Phantomhive that attacked myself and Soma... or at least someone who looked like the Earl." Agni hesitated a little before sighing heavily. "It sounds ridiculous, doesn't it." he mumbled.
Jamie used the tips of their fingers to begin to work the soap into his hair. "No, of course it isn't silly. As you know,your mind has never done you wrong so I believe you. I trust your judgement." They said firmly and pressed a kiss to his forehead after tipping his head further back.
They helped him back up and began to rinse the soap away.
Once Agni was done, Jamie held out an arm for him to help him up. There was a towel quickly wrapped around his waist and he was guided to the head servant's quarters.
There, Jamie took Agni's arm into their hands as they began to bandage him up. They moved on to Agni's other arm, his legs and his torso until every injury was dressed.
Agni pulled Jamie through the house to the bed and pressed a kiss to their forehead before Jamie grabbed some clothes for him then passed them over.
He got dressed as quickly as his injuries would allow then lay back on the bed. Jamie lay there with him. Not daring to lean against him for fear of tearing the skin.
But Agni wasn't having that and pulled them into himself and smiled as he drifted into sleep.
The next morning his eyes snapped open as a realisation hit him.
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cat3ch1sm · 9 months
Hi! Can I please request a Prince Soma and Agni head canon on what would they do if their S/o is on her period and then she’s starting to become moody or having bad cramps or what would they do if she accidently stained herself like are they gonna help her, make her feel comfortable or something like that? I know this sounds weird and kinda gross when you think about it but it would be sweet and adorable if these two boys take care their S/o when she is really moody and crampy on that time of her month.
If this request weird you out or you don’t feel comfortable answering it, it’s alright you don’t have to ask that.
P.S I really love your Headcanons especially about Prince Soma and Agni, please keep up the good work!😊👍
🌲~ hello!! im glad you like my black butler headcanons <33 thanks for your request! this is such a cute idea, and it’s not weird or gross at all. periods r totally natural n i stain my shit ALL the time 😭😭 i hope u like it 💚
♡ ̆̈ಇ.-`💚´-ಇ afab!reader
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𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝- 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚
when you’re moody
at first, he won’t understand that you’re moody because you’re on your period. soma will be super confused and panicked when you burst into tears because you accidentally stepped on an ant or when you tell him off for breathing too loudly. it’s Agni who tips him off, and soma is totally embarrassed that he didn’t realize. wanting to make up for his blunder, he will be as understanding and patient as possible with you on your period. he will still lose his patience every so often, but it’s brief because whenever soma starts to get impatient with you he remembers that it’s not you talking, it’s the hormones and stress.
the first time you have your period when you’re dating soma, agni’s basically taking him through the whole thing of making sure you’re happy and healthy. but after a few more periods soma will get it down. not without a mistake or two, of course, but soma just wants to keep you happy. despite agni’s orders, he often strays from the healthy diet agni has him on because he’s a seventeen-year-old kid, so soma has no issue at all bringing you whatever cravings you have. admittedly, it’s a little hard for him to take care of you on your period- not because of you, but because he’s spoiled and used to being the one taken care of. more than once he asks Agni to simply take over for him, but agni flatly refuses. soma is going to learn to take care of you on your period if it kills him
when you stain your clothes
soma sees blood on your pants and literally just goes into panic mode. it does not instantly register that it’s because of your period and he just automatically thinks that you’ve hurt yourself or you’ve got some illness. so he may or may not make a scene and embarrass you greatly, in which case agni will have no choice but to step in and then reprimand him severely about it later. but once he gets the hang of it, soma will simply stand awkwardly behind you, or if you’re at home, sheepishly bring you clothes to change into. agni has to help him wash the clothes or anything else you might have stained because, let’s be honest, soma probably will think it’s a little gross (although it definitely isn’t and staining things happens to everyone with a period).
“Agni, I know it’s natural, but I can’t help it! What if I get sick if I accidentally touch it?!”
“…Prince Soma.”
when you’re sore
soma thought he had this part of periods down pat. he’s had plenty of massages and stuff from Agni, so therefore he should be an expert at giving them, too, right? wrong. when soma sees that you’re cramping and decides that he’ll try and massage you to relieve your pain, he literally just makes it worse by getting all the wrong muscles and the whole thing is just very awkward. soma will get it, though… eventually. but for the time being, it’s agni to the rescue again…😭
when you’re moody
agni would instantly know when you aren’t feeling well. he just subconsciously knows all your behaviors and is naturally good at detecting when someone’s energy is off. so when you snap at him for literally nothing or when you get really emotional over something small, agni already saw it coming, and just wants to know what’s wrong so that he can help you. he knows you don’t act like this in general, so he knows something has to be bothering you enough for you to get emotional or lash out.
when you’re feeling like this, you normally aren’t in the mood to hang out with other people a lot, so if you had plans or he had plans with you agni will absolutely reschedule them for you. he’ll do whatever chores you have (even though he doesn’t let you do a whole lot of work anyway) to let you have some time to relax. agni will also do your best to accommodate any cravings you might have- usually he likes for you to eat healthy, which you’re fine with, but when you want sweet or salty stuff on your period agni doesn’t make any comments on it and just brings you what you want to ease your discomfort. he’ll still try and offer you natural foods, just for your sake, but whatever food you want he’ll bring to you regardless.
“Perhaps you will feel a bit better if you have some homemade vegetable curry- it is nutritious and also flavorful. I-“
“Ah, right. My apologies. I will get you a dark chocolate bar from the kitchen. Dark chocolate has health benefits as well!”
“…thank you, Agni.”
on your period your hormones are more in control of your mood than you are a lot of the time, and you get a lot of mood swings- one second you’re happy, the next you’re crying, and picking fights over insignificant stuff. i think agni would probably keep track of your cycle without you knowing so that he’s prepared to be more patient with you. he just doesn’t engage when you pick an argument, usually simply agreeing with you for the moment. however, agni doesn’t let you just yell and push him around. if you get too rough with him he’ll gently put you in your place.
“My love, I know that you are feeling unwell- but please refrain from using language with me.”
when you stain your clothes
if you’re standing and out in public when this happens, agni will quickly come up behind you and wrap a garment from his own outfit around your waist. you’ll be a little confused, but he won’t want to embarrass you by telling you that you have a stain when you’re with other people. until he can get you alone he remains directly behind you, usually with his hands wrapped around your waist.
if you’ve been laying down and stained your clothes, agni will escort you to the bathroom and bring you clothes and underwear to change into. he won’t make a big thing of it; he’ll just hand you your clothes and wait until you come out the bathroom to bring you back to your bed. if you’ve stained anything else, like sheets or cushions, he’ll change and wash them himself when you’re not there on his own volition. agni doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed at all. he’s a man that understands periods are periods and they’re not going to be neat or pretty. the last thing he would want is for you to be ashamed of a natural process.
when you’re sore
agni is the perfect guy to have around when you’re cramping or dealing with soreness during your period. prince soma has complained of pain plenty of times, and agni has always managed to simply massage the pain away. he does the same with you. he asks you where it hurts and then goes from there. agni will also make you tea or light a few scented candles to soothe you. when you really feel sick and are in need of comfort, he lets you curl up against him and lay on his lap. he makes sure you have a nice, heavy blanket and runs you hot baths when your cramps are especially bad. agni hates to see you in pain. his whole job as a butler is to make sure his master is happy and healthy, and as his partner, that’s his job with you too.
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everybody moved on... 🎶
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todoroki-waifu · 1 year
Headcanons about Sebastian, Agni, and Rei with short gender neutral s/o?
Note: Sorry it’s so late! Was away on vacation and then I lost some motivation to write. 😩
Warning: Gender neutral reader. 
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 522
~Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler)~
He'll definitely tease you about it. 
Sebastian will still help you reach for things you can't, but not without making a joke.
Kinda likes watching you struggle. He finds it cute how you're standing on your toes, extending your arm to grab that cup from the top shelf. 
Hides anything that you can use to step on. 
Doesn't move anything to your level.
Because what kind of butler would he be if he wasn't ready to tend to your every need? (Yeah, right lol he just wants a laugh at your lack of height..but really wants to feel needed by you.)
Takes advantage of how tall he is especially if you get a little sassy.
Like holding up something above your head or taking big steps ahead of you. 
Or put a hand above your head and lean down, challenging you to continue with your attitude.
Will also tower over you and place a hand under your chin, lifting it up to press your lips against his. 
~Agni (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler)~
The first few times Agni saw you have a difficult time with your height, he made sure to adjust everything to your convenience.
The items you used frequently were placed at a more easier spot. 
Sturdy step stools were always available (but tries to make himself more available). 
Agni never teases you about how much shorter you were compared to him. 
If anything, he finds it adorable. 
He likes that he can lean down and kiss the top of your head whenever you two embrace. 
Agni doesn't prefer this (because of the possibility of you getting hurt), but likes that he can catch you if you fall.
Will also defend you from anyone who dares make fun of your height.
He loves you just as you are and wouldn't change it!
Notices that other people tend to bump into you a lot because they don't see you.
So Agni will either gently maneuver you out of their way or he'll move others from your path. 
~Rei (Buddy Daddies)~
He doesn't notice you struggling to reach for things in the beginning. 
The time Rei became aware of your height, was when you almost fell while trying to climb on the counter.
You were reaching for a mug that ended up being on a high shelf. You wanted to make him some coffee.
You used a step stool, but it wasn't tall enough to help boost your height. 
Dropped his game immediately as soon as he heard something break. 
Thankfully, you weren't hurt, but he made sure to be more mindful of what you're trying to do. 
Whenever the two of you are together and he knows there's something you want that's out of reach, he'll grab it for you without you asking. 
Bought a taller and safer step stool for you to use.
Loves that he could rest his chin on top of your head while you're sitting in front of him as he or both of you play video games.
Rei finds that you make a good cuddle 'pillow'. 
Likes being the big spoon because he feels that you fit perfectly against him.
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Snake, madam red, lau, agni, and Soma
With Ceil cousin ( the mom of his cousin, we need better name it's gets confusing), like how are they liked with a hard working mother who care for her only son ( care enough that they still trying to get out of the Phantomhive name liked that previous ask )
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Cousin Mother Reader | Yandere Blackbutler
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Madame Red
When she hears about you through the grapevine she’s interested
Further impressed with your literate ability and pride in your single-motherhood
She does have a nasty habit for killing people who don’t
“What confidence…I admire that about you dearest cousin.”
She’s plenty pleased that Ciel’s decided to keep you with him
Not only to have a valid excuse to bug you but to be the perfect one to help you ‘run’
“Society’s hard on us women, it’s best if we stick together. Right~?”
She enjoys the attention and needy face+ you give her when trying to scheme 
She doesn’t care all that much that Ciel is well aware of this
After all, he isn’t exactly privileged enough to be a shoulder you lean on 
“Sorry but I’m not going to stop! Us two are just two peas in a pod! We belong together!”
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“Ah~so Ciel has added another to the pack? How interesting!”
He really is intrigued especially when you outright scold him and Ran Mao 
“Have some dignity you two. There are children present!”
“Oh do we upset you mother dearest?”
“Don’t mock me. And if you’re going to smoke do it outside, scum.”
“Oh? Your twittering is so violent, why don’t you sing instead? It’d surely make you an even prettier prize.”
“Hey! Miss (Y/n) please don’t throw that at ‘m! Please don’t!”
He loves provoking you 
He thinks its hot
Most women he’s met are a lot more docile 
And with a child no less 
Oh what’d he give to have you straddle him like Ran Mao 
To have you beg him for his help 
But it seems your pride excludes him from your ventures
Too bad you don’t want to work with him an opium manufacturer
He’d love to take care of you both
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He admires your diligence 
And the way you smile when you talk to your baby boy
He wonders why you don’t treat Ciel the same way
“It must be nice to be able to travel as freely as you two do.”
“...I’m sure the prince wouldn’t mind, having you travel with us.”
“While I wish I could, the government won’t allow me to go so freely. Currently, the acting ‘man’ isn’t willing to let me go.”
“...What’s his name? Surely he wouldn’t refuse an honest marriage proposal.”
He’d wish you weren’t silenced from telling him
Otherwise, he might be tempted to go behind his prince’s back again
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“Marry me (Y/n)! Ciel can take care of your child and we can go back to–”
“Can’t and won’t. My child goes with me, no matter what.”
Because he acts like a child its a given you treat him like one
And man does it feed his mommy issues
When he decides he wants you he’ll have you 
He just has to keep asking nicely right?
If not he’ll just have Agni relocate you
That way he’d be the only baby that you have
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“Well that’s a strong mate if I ever sees one–says Wormsworth. And I agree.”
He’s used to being feared
not anyone with genuine knowledge of his reptilian compatriots
So already he holds a strong attraction to you 
He can’t believe Ciel intends to hurt you 
He doubted from the start
So he can’t be tricked to think he’s not protecting you and your kid
So he might sabotage your schemes or send a snake when its going too well
He wants you to love him he really does 
But if all he can do is protect you he’ll do just that
Besides if you left how else would he show you how good of a mate he is
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blue-sterling0357 · 1 year
Can I get a thing where Agni spends the holidays with his fem s/o? Maybe they meet her family?
(does the fact that it's feb stop me from writing this...No, it does not, because I was basically absent and into a horrible situation!!!!)
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Agni and S/O spend the holidays!
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✧ If there is one thing I wish to say as an Indian like him, is that we don't popularly used to celebrate Christmas as it isn't of our main religions' or Hindus' or Muslims'.
✧ Agni also being an Indian, probably didn't celebrate Christmas because many Indians don't follow Christianity, but they follow Hinduism or Islam, and since Christmas isn't a thing for Hindus or Muslims, but other than that there are other festivals too! Like the Diwali if it occurs in December, Ekadashi where Gods wake up and most marriages are recommended to be celebrated and karwachauth where the bond of a husband and wife is celebrated!
✧ Although, he doesn't celebrate Christmas, he will be willing to celebrate it with you, if you'd explain the Christmas traditions to him otherwise he'll ask Sebastian about it...
✧ He would love to bake cookies with you! He may not know, but he secretly has been practicing with Sebastian on how to make perfect Christmas flavoring cookies!!! He made a cranberry flavored one too!!!
✧ India has a huge variety of clothing material, so getting some good high quality material for Christmas sweaters is quite nice, though they won't have any designs though....But it's okay, cause he's happy!!!!
✧ He would love to play in snow, spending hours to create beautiful letters, messages, drawings and make things with it like castles and just try to make you smile!!!
✧ He will probably make you Indian sweets and if you ask him hard enough, he will put his cooking insecurities behind and make you some Victorian desserts as well!
✧ He would help you pick a Christmas tree and help you decorate it, and then you both end up buying two tiny ones and have a competition to see how will decorate their tree the best and as always Agni won, even Sebastian lost in front of him.....
✧ He will probably take you around the Indian city, bringing you chai and different treats to eat as you both walk around and spend time with each-other and later on you both end up dancing in a newly wedded couples dance show-room....He looked handsome in the lighting.....
✧ Soma would also love to spend Christmas with you and you both being menaces, with you teaching him Christmas rituals and all that and you both making a mess which is gonna give Agni a headache while he tries to clean the shit up....
✧ You teaching Soma how to sing Christmas carols and he tries his best, but he barely know how to pronounce the words correctly and when he does, he forgets the words, but it's okay cause it gets a laugh out of you and it makes Agni smile seeing you happy and laughing!
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roseyrays · 2 months
seeing prince soma in the new ep made me so happy
im expected to see some fanfics now
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he looks so pretty oh my
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