#Aiden Steiner x male reader
supercap2319 · 2 days
Elias: "There's two hot twin alpha brothers going to our school. You know what this means, right?" *Looks at his older brother*
Stiles: "Let me guess. You're gonna wear really tight booty shorts and a tiny g-string to get their attention?"
Elias: "Actually, I was just gonna go up to them and ask them out like a normal person, but I like your idea better."
Stiles: "Dammit! I shouldn't have opened my big mouth."
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zaceouiswriting · 5 months
The new guy
Characters: Sean Walcott x male reader, Liam Dunbar x Ethan, and Aiden Steiner, mentioned Theo Raeken
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
You leaned against your locker, not hearing a word Liam said to you. All your attention was on someone behind him. You could only see Liam gesticulating wildly out of the corner of your eye. Until he lightly hit your arm. It snapped you out of your daydream.
“What’s wrong with you?” Liam asked you, irate. The only thing you could remember was him complaining about his boyfriends treating him like a child. In your opinion, if he didn't want to be treated like a child, he shouldn't act like one. “Is it the new guy?” he suddenly asked you.
You gave him a dismissive look and averted your gaze, but your flushed cheeks told Liam enough. Even without it, he was never one to give in easily.
“His name is Theo. He is 173 cm tall. He has dark brown hair and sapphire blue eyes. He is bisexual and has dated a girl named Amanda and two guys, Josh and Eric.”
You stared at your friend in amazement as he casually listed everything there was to know about that stranger.
“Do you also know what underwear he wears?”
“Calvin Klein, black with white edges.”
As you move your head to look at the guy again, you can see that there is no way to see his underwear like that.
Only a second after you asked that question, Liam looks up from his phone with a raised eyebrow. It answers all your questions. Although he can't sit still for long and has massive anger issues, Liam can also be obsessive. If he wants to know something, he will find out. Even if only so he can put it aside and switch between dozens of different activities again.
Before you can say anything else, he hands you his phone. There are dozens of pictures of the new guy: Shirtless, some even in just his underwear, and two where he is fully naked. You wanted to look away, but you couldn’t. His chiseled body, broad shoulders, thick pecs, and thighs captivate you.
"He's literally the hottest guy I've ever-"
“What are you two talking about?” a voice suddenly asked you from behind.
The voice startled you so much that you threw the phone. You didn't even have to turn around to know who was behind you.
Turning around, you wanted to lie, but when you saw the phone in your boyfriend's hand as he smiled dangerously at you, all that came out was a loud gulp.
Behind your boyfriend Sean were Ethan and Aiden, Liam's boyfriends. At first, Liam didn't see them. But when he realized what was going on, his face turned pale because he knew he was in deep shit. You could see him trying to escape, but his boyfriends were faster. When they caught him, they brought Liam to your side.
Liam and you stood on one side, while your boyfriend and his two stood on the other side looking at the pictures of the new guy on Liam's phone.
"So this is your new "history" obsession?" Ethan asked mockingly, looking down at Liam's phone in Sean's hands.
“Yes, but-“
"Liam," an annoyed voice similar to Ethan's said warningly. It was Aiden's voice, and he was clearly fed up. "Why? You already have the two of us." He pointed aggressively towards his brother and himself.
"Nobody knew anything about him, and he never wanted to tell anyone. I just couldn't. It was getting on my nerves," Liam confessed quietly.
Aiden's annoyed expression softened, obviously knowing how his boyfriend could take it. Even his brother mockingly nudged him for being too soft, but Aiden didn't go down to his brother's level, at least not where everyone could see them.
Just as relief washed over you, a strange feeling came with it. When you looked around, you saw your boyfriend glaring at you. Without a word that needed to be said, you knew it was your moment to be questioned.
“So you think he’s hotter than me?” Sean asked you, clearly unhappy with the words you’d used.
After taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes briefly and composed yourself. When you opened them again, your resolve was strong again. “We both know you're hot, a nine and a half out of ten, but this new guy? He is a ten out of ten, literally, the perfect picture of the American boy.”
Sean just shook his head, smiling softly. He knows your likes and dislikes in bed and normal life. When he saw the guy's pictures, especially the naked ones, he knew he was more your type than him.
“His last name is Raeken,” he said, his voice monotone. “He moved here with his parents after his sister died a month ago. He doesn't want to make friends here because he is still plagued by grief. He’s on our lacrosse and football teams while maintaining good grades.”
You were freaked out because he knew more about him than even Liam, and he's a master stalker. Sean was easily approachable because of his boyish face and charm. Theo probably spoke to him on the first day. Your boyfriend has this aura of peace and wisdom around him, perhaps because he's been through a lot. After all, he narrowly escaped death the night a burglar silently killed his entire family. That's why it didn't even surprise you that someone with Theo's past told Sean and no one else. After all, to you, he was the perfect boyfriend, a gentleman.
“If you’d like, I could ask him to meet with us.”
“Theo has already shown interest in you. He asked me about you after training last week. When I told him you are with me, he looked sad and apologized profusely. He wanted to ask you out.”
For a moment, you thought you were in a dream. You looked between all of your friends and then at Theo, who tried to look at you discreetly, but after your eyes met for a second, he quickly averted his nervous gaze.
“No,” you said unconvincingly, “I am with you and would never give into desire.”
With a strange smile you've never seen on your boyfriend's face, Sean comes up to you and pulls you into a warm hug.
“It’s okay,” he told you ominously. He gently intertwined his hand with yours, leading you away from your friends. But somehow, you had a strange feeling that something was about to happen that could destroy something you hold dear.
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Luke Alvez
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Lee Everett
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock/Venom
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Scott Summers
Hank McCoy
Bobby Drake
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Scott Lang
Pietro Maximoff
Mobius M. Mobius
Matt Murdock
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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I love your work I want to know if you can do a Aiden Steiner x male reader where the reader take care of his little brother (5-year-old little brother) because of his stop being parents in the reader was the one that took him to school pick him up and feed him. One day the reader didn't go to school because his brother was sick and had to stay home and watch him who Aiden finds out and went to his house after school to find the reader taken care of his little brother knowing how tired the reader Aiden help his boyfriend out on taking care of his brother.
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Sick Love - Aiden Steiner x Male Reader (Hope you enjoy!!!)
Y/n had been taking care of his younger brother, Kayden, for about a year now since his parents had passed away in an accident. They didn’t have other family to take care of them so instead of being separated in foster care or adoption, Y/n decided to emancipate himself making him eligible for custody over his brother and inheritance left behind. Granted it wasn’t easy having to sustain a living for him and his brother, while going to school and picking a job at the veterinary for extra money.
Having all this responsibility made it difficult for Y/n to have a social life. He had one or two friends from his classes but no serious relationships, that is until Aiden and Ethan Steiner enrolled at Beacon Hills High School. Y/n met Aiden when they bumped into each other in the library, where Y/n was searching for books to use for his research project, they apologised to each other and continued to talk with a flirt from Aiden thrown in here and there.
From that day onward Aiden would hang out with Y/n whenever he could which is how he became friends with Ethan as well until Aiden finally got enough courage to ask Y/n on a date which he accepted and they continued to go on dates, which lead to Aiden asking Y/n to be his boyfriend. Y/n never thought with the life he had he would be able to get a boyfriend but Aiden was understanding of Y/n’s situation, he was kind and compassionate towards him and that was something Y/n loved about Aiden.
Aiden walked into school on Friday with his twin his eyes scanned the crowd of students looking for his boyfriend, when he couldn’t find Y/n by his locker he decided to hone his other senses either trying to pick up on Y/n’s sweet voice or his distinct smell neither of which he could pick up on. “What’s wrong?” Ethan's voice sounded breaking Aiden of his search. “I can’t find Y/n anywhere and I’m worried, he’s never absent.” Aiden responded, still searching for his boyfriend. “Relax, he’s probably just running late. I’m sure you’ll see him in class, now let’s go.” Ethan comforted, which didn’t do much to ease Aiden’s worries.
Aiden had gone through the entire school day without seeing Y/n and he tried calling him only to get to his voicemail. Aiden got on his bike and rode to Y/n’s house and walked up to knock on the door, he heard footsteps moving towards the door. Y/n opened the door looking dishevelled and tired, “Hey, Aiden.” Y/n spoke, his voice was sore. Aiden’s eyes softened at Y/n’s appearance; he moved inside, closing the door and took Y/n’s hands in his own, meeting his eyes. “Hey, you weren’t at school and you didn’t answer your phone. What’s wrong?” Aiden questioned, moving his hand to place on Y/n’s forehead feeling the extreme heat.
“Kayden and I came down with a flu, I had to stay back to take care of him.” Y/n expressed, nasally as brought a tissue to his nose. Aiden brought Y/n into a hug and tried to give him a kiss but Y/n moved away. “No, I don’t want to get you sick.” Y/n whined, “I can’t get sick remember, perks of being a werewolf” Aiden said, busy moving Y/n upstairs to his room. They walked past Kayden’s room to find him fast asleep under blankets. “That medicine really did knock him out, huh?” Y/n noted as they got to his room.
Aiden moved the blankets and positioned Y/n into the bed and he watched him adjust himself comfortably. “Did you already eat? Did you have some medicine?” Aiden insistently questioned worried for the state of his boyfriend, Y/n merely nodding as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Aiden was about to leave but he felt a tug on his arm and looked back to see his boyfriend pulling him to the bed “Stay. Please.” Y/n mumbled, using the little strength he had to pull Aiden closer to him.
Aiden got on the bed and wrapped his arm around Y/n pulling him close to his chest. Y/n felt himself being embraced by Aiden and enjoyed the warmth, closing his eyes. Y/n woke up to find his side empty, his eyes were blinded by the rise of the sun, as he wondered where Aiden was and as if on cue he walked in with a tray of breakfast and a cup of tea. “Good Morning, sleepyhead.” Aiden teased, presenting Y/n with the tray. “You slept throughout the entire day yesterday. I made you some breakfast and I gave Kayden his too, with his medicine.” Aiden continued.
“What did I do to deserve you?” Y/n asked, looking at Aiden lovingly. “You don’t have to do anything, this is just something I wanted to do for you.” Aiden confessed. “I love you.” Y/n spoke, he started to eat a bit before he realised what he said. They had never said those words to each other before, his eyes widened as he looked up to see Aiden smiling back at him “I love you too.” They shared a kiss before Kayden ran into the room, “When are we gonna watch a movie?” he asked, directly looking at Aiden which caused Y/n to look at his boyfriend too. “I may have promised him that we would watch a movie.” Aiden shrugged with a smirk as he felt the five-year-old boy tug at his arm trying to pull him. “Go on, I’ll meet you both downstairs.” Y/n waved them off and as they left the room, he couldn’t help but smile at himself at what happened.
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writerofthewinds · 2 years
Upcoming projects :
Last update 22/03/2023
-Jason grace with a Muslim boyfriend -Jason grace with Arabic bf pt 2 -Jason grace with Pakistani reader
-Ray palmer x reader
-NSFW and Fluff alphabet for Percy Jackson, Ben Florian, Dick Grayson, and ray palmer.
- First time with Jason grace
-cockwarming with Jason grace
-Jason grace being flirty
-Jason grace x male reader SMUT with bondage and electro stimulation
-Alec lightwood x male reader SMUT
-Brett Talbot x male reader SMUT
-Aiden and Ethan Steiner x Male reader SMUT
-Aiden Flynn x male reader SMUT
-Nikolai lantsov fluff alphabet
-Nikolai lantsov NSFW alphabet
- If you have requests, dont hesitate to send them ( as I said before, I'm really busy with exams, so it might take a while).
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
Warmth of two bodies
Characters: Aiden Steiner x male reader, Ethan Steiner x male reader
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: Smut, absolute complete filth. 18+ reading on your own risk
The warmth of a body was harder to take than most people would think. Not only the heat that radiated from that body but also the sweat that formed on it.
It gets particularly merciless when such a warm body is pressed against another. Even if this one were cooler, on many occasions, it wouldn't be something anyone would want.
But what if two exceedingly warm bodies press against a cooler one? This could only be more horrific, right?
A question you asked yourself on lonely nights. When sleep didn't come, you could only lay awake like you didn't have to do anything the following morning.
Surprisingly, that day after school, many hours before you went to sleep but couldn't find any peace, it was because of that exact thing, the experience of the warmth of not just one, but two bodies. In a way, you didn't expect.
It was a normal Wednesday. You and your friends haven't done anything out of the ordinary. The last supernatural threat was dormant the moment one of them died. But the twins still roamed the school grounds.
As if they wanted to intimidate you. Ethan, the cool and level-headed of the two, is mostly rational thinking but has not only a father complex but also a slight god complex. While Aiden wasn't very different from his brother, his god complex was intensified by about a million.
They seemed to think they weren't built by gods, as their looks would suggest, no. Most likely, they believed that gods were beneath them.
Strangely, on this particular day, they seemed different. More beautiful, almost human again. They talked a lot, made jokes, and even flirted. And everything was tied to just one problem, their target – you.
The moment they started their little play, you knew something was going to happen that day. You were on guard every second until the last bell rang.
A heavy, relaxed sigh left your slightly pink lips as your body finally began to relax from its tension. Whatever the twins must have been planning didn't seem to happen that day, or you weren't their target... after all.
Your mind was so relaxed that you didn't even realize you were the last person in the classroom. Even the teacher had left by the time you became aware of it.
"Oh, finally." The voice froze your veins, almost as if pure ice was running through them instead of blood. It left you freezing.
It wasn't long before you could feel a body behind you in no time, arms surrounding you. But you did nothing. You just stood there frozen, almost as cold as your veins.
Lips ghost across the skin of your neck. Fingers snuck under your shirt that is hiding your toned body.
„Mmm, even better than I thought," the same voice from before whispered in your ear. Hot breath flows around the already-raised hairs on the back of your neck.
It only got worse when another person appeared out of nowhere, standing right in front of you, putting two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look that person in the eyes.
His dark brown mesmerizing eyes cast a spell over you in no time, „You're going to be good for us, aren't you?" he asked, almost as if you didn't have a chance to say no, „You're going to be my brothers, first boy and I want him, to enjoy it."
Instead of giving you a chance to answer, he kissed you. His lustful lips met yours, and you were hooked just like that. So much so that I parted my lips on my own so he could plunge right in with his dexterous tongue, which got you thinking about what else he could do with it.
While you were in that dazed state of mind, you did nothing to stop the boy behind you, believed to be the straight brother Aiden, from unzipping your pants.
His strong long fingers almost ripped the pants apart after he couldn't easily open them. But his brother came to the rescue, opening them with his fingers as deftly as his tongue seemed to be.
It wasn't hard to see which of them was more experienced. Aiden might be a womanizer and make them faint for him, but he didn't seem to get much action. On the other hand, there was Ethan.
You know of at least forty guys at this school alone he's shagged up with everywhere, in their mattresses, in trees or anything in between. He seemed nice and sweet, almost innocent, but he was the greatest player anyone could ask for.
„He likes that," Aiden stated after his hand finally grabbed your cock.
On the other hand, you could feel one slowly feel a cock pressing against your ass and another under your left hand as you roamed the body in front of you.
His hands almost instantly left your own aching, begging cock to travel to your now-exposed ass. A finger that slides between the cracks and bumps against your hole. It was already pulsing under his gentle touch.
With a little force, he tried to get in. But a hiss from your side made Ethan pull me further into his chest. "Aiden, you can't do this. We don't want to hurt him," Ethan reprimanded his twin for his careless actions.
He turned you around so that he was behind you now, and you were looking the other boy in the eyes. For a moment, he seemed stunned. However, he got over it relatively quickly.
Before you knew it, he had grabbed your neck and kissed you hard. Not nearly as skilled as his brother. But he had his own taste: Peppermint and apple, but you weren't quite sure.
For some reason, he hooked you even more than Ethan could, maybe because you felt superior. A straight guy kissing you? How could you not feel like the king of the world? Usually, they just used one and walked away. But this guy seemed interested.
Soon after these thoughts, he showed his true colors. As he separated you two, he slowly pushed your head down. Firstly to his exposed chest, which you licked and played with his nipples until you came to the brim of his pants.
A big tent showed you how much this guy really wanted it. But you didn't say anything, just grinned at him before you opened your big gift.
You looked stunned when his pants fell off. This stud of a guy wasn't wearing any underwear! He was completely naked underneath!
Before you could say anything, however, he pressed your head down onto his massive cock. In this hard state, he was at least nine inches big. What's left, you think, if his brother was just as well endowed?
„Of course! They're identical twins, you idiot!" You thought to yourself in silence.
After the first thrust from him, his head flew back, and his hand grabbed onto a nearby table, allowing you to do whatever you wanted with the thing in your mouth. And you used that to your advantage. You suck it, playing with his tip using your tongue. You didn't even need a hand because your throat could take it all at once.
Needlessly to say, this guy has gone insane over what your throat did to him. It took you exactly five minutes to get him to cum down your throat. But to be sure nothing spills, he grabbed your head to hold it in place.
„Fuck!" he yelled while shooting load after load down your throat.
Happiness came over you that you could make him feel so good. He didn't seem to have gotten any release for a long time. It usually took almost ten minutes for the guy to come. But you didn't complain. You already knew that werewolves; can fuck for hours without getting tired.
"Okay, he's ready," Ethan stated out of nowhere. When you turned your head towards him after Aiden finally let go of it, you saw saliva running down his chin. A dirty grin on his perfect, sharp face.
He prepared you with his tongue. And you didn't feel any of it. How unfair! You were too busy handling Aiden's massive cock.
Before you knew it, Ethan was pulling you back up and propping you up on the teacher's desk, upper body on it. Aiden didn't let a second pass. He sinks his still-hard cock deep into your hole.
A long, loud moan came out of both of your mouths as he did it. Almost immediately, he started penetrating you like a wild animal. All the while, Ethan had started playing with your lips. His thumb caresses them. With his darkened eyes, which almost dangerously began to glow in a deep red, he stared at them in a predatory show of lust.
He kissed you again. Only to taste his own brother on your lips. Even going as far as to take some of his cum out of your mouth with his tongue. You then the lightbulb finally got off in your head. He wanted his twin for himself. But to get there, he needed him to get a taste for men through another.
You already thought they were both narcissistic, but that was a whole new level.
After the kiss with his brother pounding you into oblivion, you two exchanged a quick look. He seemed to know you were already aware of his plan, or so you thought. But he just winked at you before pushing your head down to do to him what you did to his brother.
To your surprise, he was even bigger than Aiden. Not much, but still. „If you're so good to me as you were to my brother, we'll fuck you at the same time," he promised you. But by the looks of it, you wouldn't survive if they fucked you together.
For some reason, you still felt compelled to do your best. With his cock deep in your throat and his brother pounding you hard enough to take it even deeper. Ethan didn't last very long either, even though he fucks all the time. He even stumbled back a bit after cumming far down your throat.
It went like this for hours. One of them fucked you while the other used your throat. Eventually, all the clothes were gone. You finally felt their naked muscular bodies. Ones that were unnatural for teenagers. But you didn't care. Feeling their hard chest and six-pack in your back while one of them fuck you. Or on your own toned body while your legs resting on their strong shoulders, and they folded me until our upper bodies collided. It was all you ever wanted to feel.
The last part was actually what Ethan promised you. One of their cocks alone was enough to destroy you. But when the second one started intruding. Ethan's cock, because his brother didn't know anything about double-penetration, became the end of you.
You saw stars for the first time in your life. The moans you gave were animalistic. Not a single illegible word came out of your mouth, even though you tried to tell them to stop.
You didn't know how long the two used you after that. But at some point, one of the twins lay on either side. As you slowly come back to your own sanity. The outsides were already dark. So they really fucked you for hours.
You got back on your feet with shaky legs. Both twins follow you with their eyes as you start collecting your clothes, even the ones they tore apart.
A victorious grin was widely over your face as you looked at them after getting dressed again. Your body hurt, was sore, and aching for their touches. You could feel them all over you, especially their cum happily leaking out of your hole. But also all over your back and upper body.
„Thank guys. I needed that," was all you said before leaving the room and then the school.
Both will know what they did, especially when they finally made out. Ethan actually desires to get intimate with his brother, just like you thought he would. Aiden didn't. But he wants to team up with his brother more often. If that meant fucking other guys, he was all for it. More than that would never happen between them.
Neither brother will ever know how this exchange of lust really came about. They shouldn't have walked the earth thinking they were above gods. If they were kinder and less narcissistic, you would have held back.
But you showed them, though they'll never know, that gods, even lesser gods, still stood over these mortal idiots. At least their lust strengthens you again. Maybe you could fight your own superior at some point. But to get there, you needed more of these guys, galling deeply and undeniably in love with you, particularly those straight guys who believe so strongly that they only want women. As long as they were gay for you, your power would only increase.
Lust from one guy was good, but two? One a player and the other a completely straight guy, a womanizer? You've never felt so strong before. Maybe you could even use them to harvest it until you're strong enough.
But those were just thoughts, and the night was young. You might get even more. With your strength, it wouldn't even be difficult. Maybe Jackson, the biggest narcissist of them all, if he was still awake.
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Teen Wolf Masterlist
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Scott McCall:
-The New Kid in Town
- First Time (Smut)
Stiles Stilinski:
-The Power of Heartbreak - Bad Liar
Derek Hale:
- Secrets and Cuddles
- Tension
Peter Hale:
Isaac Lahey:
Jackson Whittemore:
Danny Mahealani:
Liam Dunbar:
Theo Raeken:
- Nervous
Jordan Parrish:
Vernon Boyd:
Ethan/Aidan Steiner:
- Sick Love (Aiden)
McCall Pack:
- The Power of Heartbreak (PT 2)
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