#Aight sorry for the probably kinda weird post??
cupidsandromeda · 1 year
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earth 42! Miles Morales x fem!reader
Summary : Your boyfriend smells reaaaaal good after a trip to the gym
Warnings : slightly weird, fluff, probably grammatically incorrect (im writing this from my phone at 4AM)
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"You smell so good right now"
Your boyfriend looked down at you with a concerned gaze.
"Ma, I'm musty as fuck right now," he laughed awkwardly.
"Okay, yeah, but you smell really good though," you giggled, taking in his scent.
Miles knew he picked a pretty weird girl, but he'd never thought she would be attracted to the smell of his post-workout funk.
He slid out of your grasp, earning a dissatisfied huff from you.
"Ima go take a shower, then you can hold me all you want, okay?" He started walking towards the bathroom.
"Wait, no!" You pleaded ",Please don't think I'm being weird right now."
"Nah, you're being kinda weird baby," he clarified, turning back to you.
"Okay, but like, what if I told you there was a scientific reason for all this?" You asked.
With a look of intrigue, he plopped down onto his bed.
"Aight, humor me." He said quizzically.
"Okay, so I read this article," you started. He rolled his eyes.
Smacking his chest, you hissed "Nigga, don't roll ya eyes at me."
"Ow, okay okay, I'm listening."
"Anyways, I was reading this article about how when you sweat, you excrete pheromones- y'know the love hormone?" You explained.
He leaned in to touch your nose with his.
"Ooh, the love hormone? You looove me?" He teased.
"And if I do?" You stuck your tongue at him, feeling your face warm up.
He slid his arm around your waist, pulling you onto his lap.
"Do you love me?" He asked, looking you dead in your eyes.
You were at a loss for words, never having said those words to anyone but your parents. He was making this hard enough as he rubbed circles into your sides.
You forced your eyes away from his face.
"Iloveyou." You rushed the words out as if they were forbidden.
He cupped your face, turning you to look at him.
"You what, baby? I didn't catch that." He pried.
Well, this conversation had taken an turn. You just wanted to revel in your man's scent peacefully but now you were forced to face your true feelings. Love was definitely a word...a strong one at that. However, looking into his eyes like this, you knew the answer.
"I love you, Miles Morales."
"And I love you, mi corazón."
Your could feel yourself almost shaking, that was a lot to admit for you. You decided to bury your emotions in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms tighter around your waist, rocking you back and forth.
"Are you sniffing me again?" He exclaimed.
"I'm sorry," You sobbed ", but you smell too good right now."
"Okay, that's enough for you, lil freak," He rolled you off of him, and onto the bed.
With a pat to your stomach, he left the room to hop in the shower.
He really did smell good though...
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A/N: Okay y'all this is my first time writing in a bit, also it is 5 AM, im not editing this teehee
This is loosely based off experiences I've personally had with boyfriends, and YES when you love someone enough their sweat smells sooooo good omg
Anyways, you can generally assume in my writing that the reader is black, so take that as you will. I hope this was enjoyable even if it's lowkey crack. Thank you !
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e-adlirez · 1 year
I saw in your post you said that Nicky saves Violet more than Colette, which scenes are those? (Sorry it's been a while since I've read the books haha)
cracks knuckles Let's see :D
I actually dunno if Nicky saves Violet more, but Nicky definitely doesn't get as much credit for them as Colette does, which is weird. Give the Australian dumbass the praise she deserves >:[
Aight, let's do this tally style because I'm a tryhard. I'm definitely gonna do a full version where I discuss every single time Violet's almost died from an unfortunate nat1, sooooo
First time our nat1 holder requires help is when she rolls at nat1 in whatever-the-hell-not-falling-under-a-spell-falls-under-as-a-skill-check, and she's almost pulled in by lake fairies and their lake. Prolly did a nat20 in perception, but a nat1 in the uh the not-falling-under-a-spell stat.
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Colette saves her from this one, so
Colette - 1 Nicky - 0
Second time kinda is when Violet and Nicky are paired together in Secret of the Snow, and Nicky helps Vi climb down a taaalllll ledge. Like reaaaallllllyyyy tall. Vi didn't roll any nat1s here, it's just a cute moment where Nicky is helping Vi through her acrophobia, and we love the two for it.
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Let's consider this a 0.5
Colette - 1 Nicky - 0.5
From Cloud Castle onwards we get a transition in the mood of the series, from "traveling in a weird world full of weird creatures that also has a bit of beauty in them" to "haha fairy go weeeeee". Cloud Castle isn't the most atrocious of this particular instance because it does tie in cloud-related mythology, and it's the first instance of this whole fairy spam thing happening. Anyway, Violet and Nicky are separated for the big parts of this book so we're just gonna skip on over to Treasure of the Sea.
Treasure of the Sea is Violet's first catastrophic nat1. Yes, even worse than almost getting siren-ed. Picture this: there's this cursed Mariana Trench thing that magically pulls down anyone who does the stupid thing and looks into it. A magical wise character is on the other side, so not crossing it is not an option, thus this thing is the magical equivalent of trying to balance on a beam/tightrope without looking down, in the perspective of someone who has no experience in such. Oh yeah and you're swimming across, so it's more like uh... trying to keep your head facing up while swimming. Dem their necks are gonna be sore--
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They make Violet's looking down so dramatic for some reason? I mean I get it, but at the same time I don't? She was like "yeah I feel like I need to look but I know I can't,,,, I CAN'T RESIST I'M LOOKING DOWN" "VIOLET NOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
I dunno? It just feels strangely worded? Written? I dunno, either way, Colette somehow resists the magic force of an abyss that literally no one in all of Aquamarina has been able to resist and pulls Vi up to the surface before she can be cursed and turned into a magic fish or something. Musta been the adrenaline, or Colette herself not being pulled down that made this a smidgeon easier. Dang that arm strength to lift all those shopping bags and violin training has been doing wonders for the both of them, somehow they didn't let go of each other-- /hj
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Colette - 2 Nicky - 1.5
Now we have Land of the Flowers, probably Violet's worst streak in the book series by far. Woman gets not one, not two, but THREE nat1s in it, each one worse than the last. Colette saves her from two out of three of them, that being the temporary amnesia flowers and almost-falling-twenty-feet-off-magical-stairs.
(Pictures' quality might not be as good because I'd been using drive PDFs this whole time and Land of Flowers doesn't have a PDF in the folder I'm using sooooo)
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Unfortunately, despite Nicky being beside Vi in the illustration, it was Colette who saved her.
Colette - 4 Nicky - 1.5
She does have two nat1s in Crystal Fairies, but Will saves her from one while Paulina technically saves her from the other. As you can see this woman is forgetting her RNGesus incense and RNGesus is losing his patience about it more and more.
OKAY Star Fairies! There's only one nat1 Vi has in this one, and Nicky saves her from it. Probably my favorite save because this particular save is goated :D
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Colette - 4 Nicky - 2.5
Finally, Magic of the Mirror. There's technically one where Nicky saves the girls from accidentally walking into lava, but technically she was at the front of the group, and anyone else would've done the same if they were in her shoes
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Colette - 4 Nicky - 3
Then there's the scene where the girls have to listen to siren queen Esmeralda's song without falling under the spell, and Vi doesn't fare well in these particular trials, as we know. The problem is, as you can see here we don't know which among the girls specifically kept her from breaking from the group. It was more of a team effort thing.
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So what is to be done? Should I just give both Nicky and Colette a point here? Orrrrrrr
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Nicky and Paulina are closest to Violet in this scene that happens almost immediately after the trial, so point goes to Nicky :3 Am I grasping? Maaayyybbeeee
Colette - 4 Nicky - 4
And that's it! Turns out they kinda tied! Technically tho if you counted the minor occasions where Nicky helped the violin child as full points instead of half points, she would win 5 - 4. I rest my case :D
Oh yeah these aren't even all the nat1s Vi has had in the series. These are only the ones that either Colette or Nicky saved her from.
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alternateanonymous · 3 months
So.... 06/24/2024
So. This is where I am.
I am in a weird place where i am alone. And i am like kinda ok with it, working on it, but the other part im not ok with because im dwelling and thinking of the past and the future. I need to learn to be more in the present.
I am not happy with the person I am. I am kinda dissapointed in myself for a lot of different reasons and I am not in a place where I can find love at all. I am in a dwelling and reflective place. i've needed to write an entry for a while but haven't because i lack the energy and ambition. Same thing with school and working out and the club which makes me sad.
Relating justin: there are a lot of emotions here. I don't think we'd work out, i just have a gut feeling. But i might be down to try if i was more healed but i am not but i could feel myself getting attatched. I was selfish and a little deluded when it came to you and that was at your expense because I just said i wanted to have fun. which was true but not the full truth. The truth is, i am very much not where i want to be and not in a healthy position to even be pursuing any type of relationship even if it's not even on my end. even if someones says they are waiting for me because i do not need that pressure. so, don't wait for me. i would still love to have you in my life as a friend who witnesses my transformation and i would feel like it would be sad to let you go but i understand if it's to akward and difficult for you.
Relating ryu: fuck dude, i know you really like me. but i fucked up, i had "too much fun" and crossed some boundaries I really shouldn't have and i am sorry for that. You don't deserve that and are probably very confused. I need to be more clear.
so basically, here is a life update. Starting with the break of no contact. Didn't talk with him much. talked with him here and there, went on a late night drive with him. Went to anime con with him. It was weird, could tell bro was feeling weird. everything was chill, i started missing him seriously. went on a whole ass walk, Darius came up, made out in my apartment, he met the roomies. Then he professed his love for me and i told him no and bro went all sad boy. i ended up walking around campus for like 3 hours by myself missing stefan and being sad about the darius situation. I ended up blocking him and kevin in a valient effort to move forward and create boundaries. muhsin helped me through that. That went well for about a month and i worked out, other guys told me they were intrested in me. i started getting clloser with freddy. Hung out with freddys in boston and met all his friends, and others. I dropped a whole ass albumn, one that was supposed to be for stefan but they were all bangers and i still wanted to release it but changed them all and then did. by the way. this is all in the same phase era, i don't remeber exactly which came first or what not. hosted ulaunch.
then i went to a car show after pulling an all nighter and driving around in my car. found a really cool spot and sang into the nature. I met abunch of new people, i was a yes gurl that day in my most authentic self. I ended up hanging out alot with the friends I met that day. we got close. i started hanging out with will alot more, did some real date type shit like photoshoots and getting high. p sure bro caught feelings but ended that p quicjly.went to a party with muhsin, amelia and will. Mushin did some fucked up shit and invited stedan there. really dumb. i invited them to my apartment for a party. One of them got close with me and we hung out during that party alone. He got the wrong impression, told me he liked me and i caved for the plot. I told him, no expectations but he said aight. me and that group went to a fire car show. it was fun. That's when shit really got all fucked up. I started talking with another dude about exploring my sexual side, as a purely platonic thing and because I was curious. I created an account where i posted things and got a lot of responses. then I asked him if he wanted to hookup in light of the situation for comfortability purposes, he took it the wrong way and started treating me romantically which made me feel weird but i just brushed it off when i should've addrresed it. It happened and i was super intoxicated and realy didn't want to but said fuck it imma just let it happen because im intoxicated and had a little bit of a panic attack during it. the next week passed, i didn't say anything about the occurence and he didn't either until he called me at 4 in the morning after work telling me his concerns. He felt used and betrayed because I didn't reciporcate any of those feelings or discuss the matter. He told me he didn't want to be friends. I said, i did all i could and said all i could've said. Then he texted me later saying he revokes that statement and wants to be friends. I didn't respond to him. Then that guy that told me he liked me from the party found out. Oh, by the way during all of this i was still hanging out with him and getting super close, same thing with Will, and i was also distancing myself from my previous best friend because of the breakup. Justin asked me about will and i told him. He doesn't know about the site thing. That became a whole thing as he told me Will was back talking me to his friends Shreesh and dominica. I also went to a party with justin. I didn't make out with a girl but said i did. Ya, that was dumb and shitty and i didn't think it had much weight to it but it did end up having weight. it was a whole thing trying to figure that situation out. We kinda did. Me and will hung out a lot less. Me and justin kept hanging out the same amount. Me and justin hooked up because i was super intoxicated and had it in my mind that this is just the way it;s gonna go basically doing it for the plot in a negative and toxic way. I feel like i put myself in a position to be raped, mentally and physically. Also, i hooked up with this other guy named connor. We got stuck in a field and had to be towed. he is hot but he doesn't have the vibes im looking for. also, me justin shreyas and tony all went to worcester for demo ride. it was fucking awesome. also went to a party with the club, jd was playing drums it wsa cool. went to hang with biker group after. Super fun, met a lot of people was super extroverted. Made dp dough in my party fit was fun.
Then my brithday party happened. hung out iwth freddy, julian and justin and syka. Legit one of the best hangouts ever. Brought the club and the biker gang togetyer. Oh, also throughout this period I had some of the best college expereinces with the biker group that i've ever had, so super complex. but brithday happened, i was late to my own birthday and got to wasted and emotional and then justin and ryan almost fought eachother. Both sides didn't like eachother and i was in the middle confused and sad. Also, ryan's gf pulled out of the lease which was a big fuck you and they both lied to me and saxon saying it was cheaper. I didn't trust or like ryan cuz he wanted to hear all of your woes and sorrows but didn't do shit to be there.. I feel like he has no respect for me and verbally talks down on me. But i'm still chill with him. Also, will says a lot of out of pocket and rude things to me about justin and the biker gang like, don't make out with justin, oh was the person that tried to kts from the biker group. anwys, i digress I was then told to talk with everyone about it and to distance myself from justin. Also, told julian about the site. Ended up doing sexy stuff with him too.
Then, I crashed my motorcycle. Almost died. high sided, landed on the other side of the road face down in a pile of blood. went to the hospital. parent's super mad, justin stayed with me the whole time. i got out. went to six flags a few days later, went to a 21 savage and jid concert. went on a boston trip and hiked up a rock mountain. healed, kept gettnig closer with justin but now more in a friend way. Started realized i only wanted him as a friend. hung out with will, went to boston. Had a lot of fun. Hung out with feddy and justin. They got close we went to the zoo and drove around boston. legit had a fire ass day. had them over to the apartment again, went to a brewery and got pulled over. got a massive ticket for like 300 something. went to boston, to see justin like 2 times. paid 40 for parking and then second time got a parking ticket cuz im retarted. paid 90. went to the aquarium with justin. hung out with ryu, went to fan expo. We fake proposed for fun and i kissed him. bro caught feelings. really i shouldn't have done that.
now we are in this phase, started working. now im super reflecting on the fucked shit that happened in the last... what, 3 months. bro and i broke up right before spring break which was in march. like march 17th is when it started. Holy shit bro. my job is being super insecure rn as fuck police details. Im being super reflective. im loving the cyberpunk astehtic. I'm thinking alot about my ex's, myself, watching shows, feeling super lethartic. i want to get out of this mindset but i don't know how. I can't force myself to because then i won't really do it. im lacking who i used to be. how do i change that. 5 crazy changes in the last 3 months is crazy. but yea. so basically. im also thinking about stefan and realzing how much i really did love him. i loved him a lot. the beginning was perfect until it wasn't and idk how long it's going to take for me to get over that. it's so sad. i failed myself and him, and so did he. did i loose the love of my life? no way, no way because the love of my life wouldn't do those things to me. but i lost a very very very imporant person in my life. All i can do is to keep doing better for me, because the love of my life is going to be stefan and more. much more. But i am scared that he was the love of my life and that i am not going to find someone else, and i am also still very unhealed. and if i don't heal myself and be ok then i won't find my love. so i've tried to do other things like like fictional men and etc. ya man, shits crazyyyy. but yea. im scared he was the love of my life because im super unhealed. because im super unhealed i also can't let anyone in to love me or deal with situations properly. i need to learn boundaries and learn how to truly love myself and heal myself through the peace of mind of being confident in me.
wrote this song today.
We could’ve been so good
Instead you hurt so bad
And now im wondering, if you;re still loving, or  was i the last love that you had 
I think of the memories,
 that we both shared
Filled with exactly what i wanted and all i wished for, but those good time can’t be spared 
Because i think of the torture, the horror, the pain 
I think of the future and the way I couldn't stay 
I think of the failed pursuit of love where I tried so hard, and so did you
We could’ve been so good
Instead you hurt so bad
And now im wondering, if you;re still loving, or  was i the last love that you had 
And i’m sad because now i was just another stepping stone 
For a broken boy to get to his goal
Of working to fix himself for his one true love 
And now i can’t get the sadness out of my mind
Of all the wasted efforts, emotions, and time 
Because now im here, and all i can say is so…..
And I tried to pick myself up from the ground
Found someone who was right and could hold me down
But because of the past, i wasn’t able to allow 
And im screaming inside cuz theres no way out 
We could’ve been so good
Instead you hurt so bad
And now im wondering, if you;re still loving, or  was i the last love that you had.
so yea mags. you got this. take this time of reflection. its ok. after this period of reflection. use it to slowly boost yourself to become the person you want to be. you want to be reia. be her, it's ok. yea, i have 3 sides. reia, vali and mags. lol, it's cringey don't judge. I have made Neo the love of my life right now lol. it's ok to have fun with thinking about love, just don't dwell on it to much. you are also deeply connected with the sun, eternal sunshine baby. you got this. keep reflecting, it's ok. Know that you have the energy in you somewhere. it's just harder to access right now. so accommodate to that and adapt. you got it maggie
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officialtayley · 10 months
Hello! Nobody asked me but I just wanted to muse. Too embarrassed to not be anon but promised I'm not here to be controversial or anything !
I wonder whether H's 180 switch up on the use of her public platform has come from maybe some feelings of embarrassment or guilt, like maybe she's (for whatever probably misguided reason) felt a bit embarrassed about sticking her neck out and has now decided that she'd rather be a bit more Dolly P and make change with quiet actions. Like she's told herself to shut up and just learn, did the Dolly interview, and then Palestine bits the news and she's just like....aight imma sit this one kut. I'm not saying I agree at all and I think we all have a duty to have been sharing and speaking up, no matter how big our reach - I shared stuff to my 500 ig followers and saw one friend go from "I'm not political I'm just a mama who wants the kids to be safe" to regularly sharing "write to your MP!" stuff after I started sharing! So imagine what H could do!
Like I'm still a huge fan but every time I see her/the band post and it's not addressed The News™ in any way, I just feel like "come on, PLEASE! We know you've seen the discourse!" and I don't even expect them to say anything now, it's too awkward and weird to come back from, but it's just like....ugh. but there must be something going on in her head for whatever reason which has made her decide that she really does want to turn off the news and at least not add to it with her voice, which is really shit but I have to remind myself that even if she made a name for herself standing up for things, it doesn't mean she has to do it forever and won't do it again I guess. Besides it's much easier to stand up for palatable things like gay rights and BLM I guess when it doesn't take as much unlearning/won't invite as much vitriol? I dunno I just be talking. I'm not trying to cause more debate and am absolutely not disagreeing with anything you've ever said, I'm just having to tell myself that there must be something that's made her decide to be quiet (not just Palestine related but thinking of her Dolly statement) and hopefully she'll be vocal and brave again one day, or we'll find out she uses her wealth like Dolly does in quiet activism or something.
Sorry this isn't anything new, I just hope she kind of "returns" to us soon and it stops feeling quite so icky. Gonna listen to Idle Worship a few times and just stare at some photos of Taylor or something idk
i get you and that's kinda how i think most have been feeling. it's not like we hate her or anything, it's just confusion because she didn't gradually just stop or something, it was very sudden and i think people expected it to last a long time since she was so passionate about it.
she's still kinda there. before bmld recently she did the usual racism bad homophobia bad speech along with smth about someone running for resident next year is also bad so idk... it's just weird i guess.
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Clemence Father
(ps the screenshots all have that orange recording button bc i want to look at them without having to go through the entire route again. sorry if they’re kinda annoying!)
Aight, so Jonah proposed to MC (well, he kinda just announced that MC is his fiancee from now on but whatever), and he decided to bring her to the Clemence house for this party to meet the family. Luka was there as well, standing in a corner. MC kinda wanted to join him in the corner as well, but Jonah dragged her off to meet his relatives. But they all seemed to dislike MC because she’s not from a good background.
Then, this dude enters the scene:
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A dignified-looking man walked over here, looking at me, who is standing by Jonah, in surprise.]
And then, when Jonah goes to introduce MC as his fiancee, his father cuts him off by saying that he never heard of Jonah having a fiancee before. Like, Jonah was in the middle of a super serious and sincere introduction and his father just interrupted like that in a super cold voice. I was already starting to dislike him at this point, but I didn’t wanna fight him just yet.
Also, here’s something that kinda surprised me:
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(His looks seemed to be similar to Luka’s, but his disposition...
(It seemed to be 50 times scarier than Jonah when I first met him...)]
I found it kinda weird how Luka actually took after him in terms of looks more than Jonah did??? Like, my original headcanon was that Luka didn’t actually look very similar to his father, which could be part of why he was ignored so much, but I guess he was ignored even when he looks like his father. Ouch.
Also, whenever the Clemence father makes an appearance, the thing that MC talks about the most is how scary/stern his disposition is. He must be someone really ruthless to warrant that kind of description.
After that, his father goes on to guess that Jonah had made the decision to bring MC without consulting anyone in his family because he knew that his decision would be opposed. I suppose that Jonah’s father does know him quite well, but it actually unsettles me more, because he seems to have no regard for the effect he has on his sons. Like, Jonah literally had to fight to keep his head up under such pressure.
So Jonah goes on to explain why he chose not to tell anyone about it, but his father interrupts him AGAIN with this huge speech about how the Clemence bloodline cannot be mixed with a bloodline of unknown origins. They have kept his tradition for hundreds of years, and that every single heir has accepted this fact and chose to marry someone of high social standing. 
Jonah, naturally, was pretty angry, and told his father that he has gone too far. But guess what? This dude ignores him YET AGAIN and tries to convince MC to marry Levie instead of Jonah. Seriously. No wonder Jonah never listens to anyone else if this was the role model he had. I’m really starting to grit my teeth at this point.
Also, something concerning is how Jonah’s father knew that Levie is after MC, since that was classified information. Jonah confronts him about him, but he brushes it off by saying that he was the former Queen of Hearts and he has all the information sources he need. I wonder how powerful he was when he was Queen if he was still so influential in his retirement. And yeah, he totally strikes me as the sort of guy who would order Claudius to assassinate people...
But anyways, Jonah’s father tells him that he’ll pretend as if he heard nothing and walks off, even though Jonah tried to tell him that he wasn’t finished yet. What a guy.
Jonah leaves MC with Luka and goes after his father. Luka takes MC to his room and tells her something really sweet. He tells her that to trust “that guy” (Jonah) and to wait for him, which really showed his reliance on his older brother. Like, even though he rejects Jonah a lot and avoids him, deep down inside he still believes in Jonah. 
And after a few parts we get a flashback where Jonah recalls the conversation he had with his father after he goes after him, and this is where my blood starts boiling.
So the Clemence father reminds Jonah, in a pretty harsh way, that when he had rejected marriage alliances in the past, he has always said that he’ll find someone better. He then goes on to call MC “that kind of person” (as in, a person of low birth and social standing), and Jonah gets pretty mad at him for that:
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Jonah: Even if you’re my father, I cannot allow you to call her “that kind of person”...!
Clemence Patriarch: Don’t change the topic!
Hearing his father’s roar of fury, Jonah wasn’t scared in the slightest, and instead glared fierily back at him.]
I find it kinda interesting how the game refers to Jonah and Luka’s father as “the Clemence Patriarch” instead of “Clemence Father” or something. That would probably make more sense, because the term “Patriarch” can refer to a grandfather, an uncle, a cousin, etc., not necessarily a father. But I guess this highlights how his identity as a patriarch is prioritized before his identity as a father.
And then this scene happens:
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Clemence Patriarch: Whatever you say! There is nothing more to say, get out. 
Clemence Patriarch: In order to prevent the failure of the first, we still have a second.
Clemence Patriarch: I will disown you as my son, and make Luka the heir of the family, and then he’ll be the one to marry a high-born noble lady.]
Honestly he makes Jonah and Luka sound so expendable, and that’s really not okay. They’re human beings, his own SONS, not an object to be thrown away when it served its use. Like, if I had any doubts about why Luka left his family before, this scene just explained everything. Who would want this guy as their parent????? 
And of course, as the best nii-sama in the world, Jonah caves.
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Even though he wanted to follow through with his own ideals, he couldn’t let his important brother, Luka, be sacrificed.
Not only would Luka have to bear the burden as the heir, a burden that he has been bearing for many years, 
And he would marry some lady who he has never met before, this absolutely cannot happen!
Jonah: Just this one thing...please don’t do it.
Jonah could only bend to his father’s will.]
He’s literally in an impossible position right now. If he wants to marry the love of his life, he would have a sacrifice his precious brother, and if he wants to protect his brother, he would have to sacrifice his fiancee. If he wants to keep them both safe, then the only real solution would be to leave the Clemence family.
Come on, Cybird. Y’all made him turn against the Red Army in his original route and now you’re making him turn against his family now??? When will the torture for Jonah and his stans ever end??????????
And here’s a few other lines from the Clemence Patriarch to disgust you:
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Clemence Patriach: I am a generous and maganimous person.
Clemence Patriach: As long as the Clemence bloodline is protected, I don’t care if the heir is you or Luka.]
......I literally have nothing else to say.
Istg this dude is the worst parent in the Red Army, and the Red Army is already brimming with awful parenting skills. Lancelot’s father pretty much neglected him and Edgar’s uncle straight-up abused him, but you could still tell that they cared about their sons in their own little twisted ways. Lancelot’s father eqipped him with all the skills he would need to be King, and Claudius took all responsibility for the Bright family business in the end, protecting Edgar. And then we have the Clemence father who’s all like: i MaDE TwO kIDS foR a reASoN anD ThAt iS To HAVE ONE OF THEM REPLACE THE OTHER/USING ONE OF THEM TO THREATEN THE OTHER IF THEY MESS UP. ALSO NEITHER OF THEM MATTERS APPARENTLY BC THEY’RE BOTH JUST TOOLS FOR CARRYING ON THE BLOODLINE.
I get that this is only part 12 and he’s probably going to have a redemption scene or at least some whitewashing at the end, but STILL. I really, really, really, really, really don’t like Jonah and Luka’s father.
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mx-yip-yip-hooary · 3 years
Aight idk if you've answered these questions in previous posts about your OCs, so forgive me the repetition (if there is any). BUT I am incredibly intrigued to learn about your OCs so feel free to infodump beyond just answering the questions. (or don't answer the questions that's chill too <3)
1. Which oc is banned from the kitchen and what are the events that led to this banishment
2. Who walks the fastest and how much does this irritate everyone else
3. Which oc gets startled the easiest and does anyone else take advantage of this for comedic purposes
Anon really sorry for answering late but you do not understand the power you've given me
I'm gonna infodump so much
1. Which oc is banned from the kitchen and what are the events that led to this banishment?
Ok so in general, supernatural ocs are soft blocked in the kitchen since they can
1. Go batshit
2. Set everything on fire
3. Make bad pancakes :(
But these guys are like, BLOCKED BLOCKED
Like if you see one in the kitchen you're going to have to grab a fire station
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So this little bitch isn't actually that bad at cooking nor chaotic. Like, he'll take part in some arson once in a while but other then that they're pretty harmless. However.
They are a fire demon. Which means that her power comes from fire.
And guess what
Stoves will over power them
Cause here's the thing. Fire demons have grown to be used to a little fire since hell is actually room temperature. And a human stove creates enough heat to boil something in like 5 minutes
The event that led up to his banishment was when Damon (OC) asked Feth to help him cook some pancakes for Wyu (OC). It was going pretty good until they turned on the stove. And then woops Feth has suddenly grown 5x larger and is kinda going to burst through the roof
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[No Name] (Leaning towards Myth):
Sorry for the shit photo, I made it in fuckin' 10 seconds
Ok so they're a backrooms OC (or entity) so they've never used a kitchen. After all, how could you do that in the backrooms? You'll just get eaten lmao
But if they ever enter the frontrooms (normal reality) and try to use a kitchen, it is going to end in flames
1. They flicker between being corporeal and incorporeal, meaning that they could be putting meat on the stove or something and then bam incorporeal baby now you get to watch your house burn down
2. As a sort of "child" of the backrooms (It's weird, ask if you want me to explain) they never need to eat so why would they be in the kitchen
3. Just a naturally shit cook/baker
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He just stepped into the kitchen one day and everything lit on fire. The fire burnt out after 5 minutes and the burn marks were gone after a week. After Maxwell (OC) asked him what the fuck was that, he just gave a smile. He is no longer allowed in the kitchen no matter what and it's on sight if he's caught in there.
2. Who walks the fastest and how much does it irritate everyone else?
[No image]
Bitch walks like the speed of light. The only other oc I really care about in this universe is Tay who is always fed up with it
Everytime they take a stroll, Scott ends up like. 10 feet away. why.
Add this with Scott's insane height of 6'5 feet, Tay is very irritated with his dumbass
3. Which oc gets startled the easiest and does anyone take advantage of it?
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So he's too used to the peacefulness of heaven, since he's been on earth for 100 years
This makes it so that whenever people just walk behind him and say something too loud, they jump a little
Everyone probably would have made it a daily joke but Feth will commit murder if needed
[No image]
Willson gets startled easily, mostly because he is very paranoid
He watched his damn world go up in flames and always feels that someone is watching him.
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maybeimamuppet · 2 years
MG, Cadnis and Janis for the same ask (since you said you had fun doing it 😊)
haha thanks nonnie!!! aight here we go again yeeha
favorite character: hnngn no my babies
least favorite character: kevin im sorry but i really just detest his entire being
5 favorite ships: cadnis (duh), poly cady/janis/regina, cadina, poly plastics, jatchen
character i find most attractive: janisssssss
character i would marry: janissssss
character i would be best friends with: janissss lol no probably cady or damian
a random thought: how did tina fey manage to give aaron samuels negative personality
an unpopular opinion: people need to stop arguing about who the villain in the story is bc y’all are never gonna get an answer. you act like the name of the show isn’t mean girls and the whole point of the story isn’t that they’re all morally iffy
my canon otp: no. but y’all can’t tell me that gretchen/karen isn’t canon so i say them
most badass character: TAKE A WILD FCKIN GUESS BUDDY (jannyyyyy)
most epic villain: there isn’t one but also cady
pairing i am not a fan of: cadron or cady/kevin
character i feel the writers screwed up: damian. give him more personality than just musical theatre gay who drinks his loving janis sarkisian juice every morning as part of a balanced breakfast
favorite friendship: mah art freaks <3
character i most identify with: cady! i like to think i’m p upbeat and kinda chaotic but i also definitely have a dark side that’s pretty similar to how she acts in canon
character i wish i could be: cady i wanna be tiny. but also i want to have enough nerve and confidence to dress and act the way janis does like that takes guts
when i started shipping them: almost immediately after i got into the fandom??? so about may of 2020 i think?
my thoughts: tina fey ur a fckin coward
what makes me happy about them: honestly if i’m bein real vain their height difference lol
what makes me sad about them: WHYYY ARENT THEY CANON THERES NO GOOD REASON
things done in fanfic that annoys me: janis is always either an absolute whiny baby or tough as nails takes no shit and she’s way more grey and in between the two than people realize
things i look for in a fanfic: spelling their names correctly ffs
my wishlist: i’ve written most of it!! so. finishing it lol
who i’d be comfortable with them ending up with if not each other: cady: any of the plastics post redemption, and maybe kevin or aaron. janis: any of the plastics post redemption (but i’m still iffy with regina) or just like. anyone that treats her well.
my happily ever after for them: again i’ve written most of it!! they move to new york in college so they can stay with damian and they get a kitty and a puppy and have twins and then when damian retires from broadway they all move back to illinois and grow old as their daughters grow into amazing people
how i feel about this character: hoohooooooo hello
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character: cady heron, regina george, gretchen wieners, karen smith
my favorite non romantic relationship for this character: damiannnnnn and i think she and kevin would be buds they definitely have a weird handshake or smth
my unpopular opinion about this character: i’d rather be me is a good song and is well written for her character
one thing i wish would happen/ had happened with this character in canon: more cadnis moments!!!! especially at spring fling i need more gay panic
favorite friendship for this character: do i even need to say it
my crossover ship: uhhhhhhhhhhh fuckin uh. i think she and heather duke could have somethin interesting ig but i’m just so set on cadnis it’s hard to imagine anything else lol
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AIGHT Y’ALL I wasn’t tagged but I’m doing this anyways because f u c k  i t
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
Deadasss weird as fuck, my dude. Like...out of all the things I could’ve predicted happening in our lord’s year 2021, it definitely was NOT getting hyperfixated on a hammy gay ship with a punk and a nerd from a goddamn karate soap opera. And yet...here we are??? I will never understand hyperfixations, my guy. But I’ve met a lot of really cool people in this fandom, so I can’t really complain.
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
I have never seen a single Karate Kid movie in my entire life. When I was a kid, it looked kinda dumb so I never got into it XD But then I saw my roommate watching Cobra Kai on Youtube Red one day (he has every streaming service known to man) and I was hooked. And...here I am!
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:  
Literally EVERYONE except for Kreese, Yasmine, Kyler, and Tory, sorry stans
Okay but if we gotta pick, Johnny Lawrence is my Problematic Fave. Also I love my boy Daniel, he’s trying his best!!! And Amanda LaRusso, we stan a queen!!!
Among the kids, definitely Miguel, with Demetri as a close second. I also love Sam, Aisha, Moon, and Hawk (pre- and post-Bastardization Arc, anyways XD)!
Favorite ship:  
Take a look at my username and take a WILD FUCKING GUESS lmao Yes it’s Eli/Demetri because DUH, every interaction they have is so fucking gay and Eli fucking saved him!!! And came back to him!!! And betrayed the world’s most terrifying dojo with a WAR CRIMINAL SENSEI all for Demetri!!! And how Demetri was willing to forgive him for everything at the drop of a hat because he always had faith there was still good in his best friend??? That’s TRUE LOVE motherfuckers. Please let them kiss in Season 4. I will sell you all of my limbs. Sam/Miguel is a close second because they’re cute as shit and it’s just so lovely to see two people so unapologetically smitten with each other. They are in LOVE, and I will RIOT if they break up again!!! Keep Sam and Miguel together 2k21!!!
Underrated character:
SAMANTHA LARUSSO!!! The amount of hate my girl gets for acting like a normal teenager and fucking up occasionally JUST like the rest of the cast makes me want to start punching things. She cares SO MUCH about her friends!!! And she loves the shit out of Miguel!!! She hasn’t always been the best friend but you know what??? Neither has Hawk, and we still forgave his ass!!! Also LET HER BE FEMININE but also kick utter ass, my god!!! Femininity should not be synonymous with being weak, y’all! ALSO DEMETRI, like yes, he likes to complain and occasionally run his mouth, but guess what else he likes to do??? Never give up on the love of his life his best friend Eli Moskowitz and refuse to lose faith in him no matter how much of a little shit he’s become, and I for one think that’s very badass of him. Also the way he takes care of Eli pre-Cobra Kai in his own snarky bastard way makes me absolutely Weak and needs more appreciation. Like the dude has charisma and COULD have probably made other friends and left Eli behind if he wanted, but did he??? No, he wants the weepy loser with the lip scar in the polo shirts and dorky sweaters and will protect him as much as his wimpy ass is able!!!
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  
Among the adults, Daniel/Amanda!!! Like maybe I just don’t watch that much tv, but it seems kinda rare to me to see a happily married hetero couple, and it’s just nice to see a married couple who genuinely love each other and where there’s not like...lingering resentment or some shit. I feel like this ship gets overshadowed by Lawrusso a lot (which like--okay, fair!!! Daniel and Johnny do have a ridiculous amount of chemistry, and the gay undertones are undeniable, so I get it), and it makes me kinda sad. I do love Lawrusso, but I don’t like when Amanda has to get her heart broke for it to happen, you feel? Among the kids, honestly YasMoon. Like I really love the idea of Yasmine trying to better herself because of Moon’s influence on her and because Moon like...inspires her to be a better person, I guess? With their pretty strong friendship, it just makes more sense to me for Yasmine to get a redemption arc through Moon than through Demetri. ALSO girls DO often pull the whole “mean girl” shtick to cover up being closeted lesbians, and Moon IS canonically bi, so it could work!!! I just think this one could be a really interesting Friends to Lovers take, and could make a really nice coming-out arc for Yas. And MoonPiper too, honestly!!! Like they only got 5 seconds of screentime so I understand WHY it’s underrated, but I still love what we DID get and loved that there was a canon gay ship (even if only for 1 scene lmao). I’m really excited to potentially see more of them in Season 4!!! Please, I’m begging!!!
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the Leg because it will always be deeply hilarious to me how Demetri took note of the first move Eli ever used on him and spent presumably weeks perfecting it OUT OF SPITE just to get him back with it at the soccer game MONTHS later. Just goes to show how OBSESSED Demetri is with Eli and their little karate rivalry which is just NOT straight, I’m sorry
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
There’s something so funny about this pretentious little fuck walking around in fancy suits once he becomes a #SuccessfulBusinessman, and still occasionally trying to do karate in a full-ass suit (take THAT, Tom Cole’s boba!!!) I’m also a big fan of how he looks in his gi with his little headband. Still killing that look as a 40-50-something!!!
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
Tbh I have still never seen a single Karate Kid movie (they took them off of Netflix, RIP), so...I don’t really care if they bring anyone else back??? I’m invested in the characters we already have in the show, I don’t need some rando from the movies to make a cameo to have a good time XD The only character I really wanted them to bring back was Ali, and they already did, so like...I’m good??? That’s all I really needed, I can die in peace now XD
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Basically any fluffy Elimetri scene, but 5 in particular: ~Miguel first meeting Eli and Demetri at the lunch table, and Eli looking at Demetri like he hung every goddamn star in the sky ~Demetri going off at a terrifying, “unhinged” karate sensei on the first day of Cobra Kai because he made fun of Eli’s lip and Demetri is not about that shit ~ELI STEALING DEMETRI’S NACHO AND SMIRKING AT HIM, LIKE EXCUSE ME SIR PLEASE BE A LITTLE LESS HOMOSEXUAL IN FRONT OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND ~Eli yanking Demetri onstage during Valley Fest to hold a board, and Demetri being visibly like...extremely turned on when Eli breaks said board ~ELI SAVING DEMETRI DURING THE CHRISTMAS FIGHT, ELI APOLOGIZING, DEMETRI AND ELI KICKING COBRA ASS TOGETHER AKSBDCUWYVCBU
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
I hope not! He’s kind of a funny meme character to pop up now and again but I don’t think he deserves a serious plotline when there are so many more interesting characters to follow.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
Miyagi-Do because Cobra Kai would eat me alive. Also I’d probably straight up get stuck and die in that cement mixer, if I even made it that far XD Besides, being salty that your friend who you have a crush on likes martial arts better than you and starting martial arts to impress them but also being too lazy to join anything TOO intense is a Big Mood and I am certainly not speaking from personal experience here, no sirree
What’s your training montage song?
"Shut Up and Drive” by Rihanna for a weight-training and bicep-flexing montage, “Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons for a more intense punching-and-kicking-shit montage. I don’t know why this is, I just feel it in my heart.
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
*Briefly panics because I don’t actually watch that much TV and most of the stuff I do watch is fantasy/sci fi shit that absolutely would not work for a CK crossover*
Hmmmm okay but ACTUALLY
You know what would be fucking funny as hell would be an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia crossover. Allow me to elaborate: ~The Gang goes to LA on vacation during the height of the Karate Dojo Wars. They literally can get barely anything done without all these goddamn karate-fighting teenagers getting in the way. ~They are all very annoyed by this. Even the most obscure of tourist attractions is eventually intercepted by karate fights. ~Mac tries to join Cobra Kai because he sees all this karate fighting on, and wants to unquestionably prove both his badassery and masculinity. Both Johnny and Kreese are like “Wtf are you doing here? Aren’t you like 30?” ~Mac gets a planet-sized crush on Johnny after all of 5 minutes and endlessly gushes to the gang about him. The gang mercilessly roast him about this and about how much of a pathetic loser with his life together in no way whatsoever Johnny sounds like. They proceed to have exactly 0 self awareness about this. ~The Waitress is in town visiting family or something, and Charlie is stalking her, as per usual. However, every time he’s about to go up and talk to her, a pack of battling Miyagi-Dos and Cobra Kais throwing punches and kicks everywhere blocks his path. One times, Mac is among one of these packs and Charlie is like “???? He didn’t get kicked out of that teen karate dojo yet???” ~Seeing how much the Kids These Days seem to like fighting, Charlie drops by a local high school to try and sell Fight Milk to the kids doing karate. Only Kyler and Brucks buy into it, and subsequently get the entire West Valley High wrestling team sick. Charlie is inevitably arrested, as Counselor Blatt thinks he’s selling the kids drugs. ~Dennis makes a plan to have sex with every hot chick he can in Los Angeles. He meets Ali on a dating app post-divorce, and inevitably tries to bang her. It doesn’t work. ~Frank crashes the rental car, and inevitably the gang ends up at one of Daniel’s dealerships. Dee quickly takes a liking to Daniel and is like “Watch, assholes--Imma homewreck this guy’s marriage.” She starts frequenting the dealerships to attempt to flirt with Daniel, until one day she walks in on him having sex with Johnny in a back room and she’s like “Is that the guy from Mac’s goddamn dojo?!?!” ~Dennis, of course, tries to sleep with Amanda. Amanda is not having it, and rebukes him in the most snarky, Amanda-esque way possible. Dennis is just like “Oh not AGAIN--the women in this goddamn diva city have too high of standards!” ~Later on, the gang is at the beach and Dennis spots the blonde lady he went out on an ill-fate date with, and decides to give it another shot--that is, until he sees her go up and kiss another woman and he’s like “IS THAT THE LADY FROM THE CAR DEALERSHIP??? STUPID-KARATE-KICK-COMMERCIAL’S WIFE?!? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.” ~Dee complains to Dennis about her lack of luck getting laid, and Dennis is just like “Oh come ON, is everyone in Los Angeles gay???” Smash cut to Hawk and Demetri having sex, Moon and Piper making out, Bert and Nate holding hands, Chris and Mitch doing oral, and Amanda, Ali, and Carmen having a threesome. ~Frank tries to scam Kreese into buying cheaply-made karate equipment for his dojo. The gang ends up having to leave LA because Kreese is quite literally plotting all of their murders.
For tagging, uuuuhhhhhh @jackonthelongwalk @soe-leo @max-eagle-fang @cc-tinslebee @backawayfromthegay @asphodel-storm do the thing, if y’all haven’t yet!
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sword-and-lance · 3 years
((aight so now I’ve slept on Endwalker a bit and I’m just gonna ramble on about it as a whole, don’t mind me
okay so might as well split this up into sections lmao or this is gonna have even less structure than my rambles usually do
Early Game (up to the moon basically):
sure did good at setting up a bunch of mysteries in a compelling manner
Thavnair was pretty damn fun even if the distinct lack of Aetheryte access in the city was. annoying lol
Vrtra is Best Lizert and Matsya is my new buddy buddy :3
Sharlayan was alright in terms of story and whatnot, it is however a place that Dae would 100% be canonically driven fucking batshit by though
...the entire Garlemald section can fucking miss me though
“omg are we the baddies uwu” I’m sorry since when were we gleefully shoving people into concentration camps and wanking on about our racial superiority to literally everyone else on earth and running around conquering literally everyone because oh you’re just too STUPID to take care of yourselves and we know what’s good for you and--
okay okay you get the point, tl;dr no we’re not on that fucking level even with the “beast tribe” stuff go to hell
also not a fan in the slightest, on a philosophical level, of being made to try and force help on people who clearly do not want it, but that was fairly IC so can’t be too pissy about it I guess
was genuinely hilarious to see even Garleans like oh ffs don’t try to shock collar the WoL she’s probably into that by now
kinda annoying that we’re faced with like, what, not even a dozen guards when we’re routinely headwhacking double that number in one go but oh well plot gotta plot
also not too annoyed with how the Quintus thing sussed out, it sure was a way to point out just how up their own asses a whole number of the Garleans still fucking are
coulda used a TW there though even if it was pretty well-telegraphed as to uh what was about to happen
Good lord I wasn’t expecting that Anima thing to be Varis that was horrifying good job
Do wish they had touched on the imperial cult stuff though, woulda been cool to see FF’s interpretation of the IRL imperial cult of the Roman Empire, which all Garlemald is clearly based on
also that bodysnatching duty was severely annoying and didn’t so much set the mood as sorta wreck it for me, especially given that everyone IC just kinda. brushes past it all “oh okay it’s you again no worries” which was very strange
like are we not gonna be a BIT more concerned that Zenos knows how to bodyjack people now c’mon
Mid Game (up to Elpis):
The moon is so goddamn pretty wtaf
Zodiark being not even a mid-game boss was. a bit odd. but I guess they had already hammered on Zodiark enough in ShB so it would’ve been mildly weird to rehash it too hard here--just feels odd doing this not back to back with ShB pacing-wise, given that I’m doing this on-release and not significantly post-release like I did with, say, HW
that trial was actually kinda fun too ngl, mildly difficult without being headbangingly hard for DF (Titania I’m looking at you)
Actually kinda a fan of killing Zodiark starting the Final Days--we’ve spent so damn long just cutting off the leadership of so many enemies and having that work that having that actually fucking backfire and hardcore was a nice change
the Loporrits were. alright. at first but I will say as time went on that definitely started to be a bit of a pace killer, though not as terrible as later on which I will definitely get to trust me
the Final Days plotlines were suitably fucking horrifying in Thavnair and I appreciate No Vowels Dragon having a good deal of character development there
The visit back to the First was fucking great omg I just wish it had lasted longer and had a little more...substance
also a minor gripe about the 85 dungeon, I do wish the team would make those indicators a bit brighter so I can like. see them. and also I should not have to put my camera practically on the ground to see a major mechanic omg
Late Mid Game (basically Elpis lol):
This entire section was A+ okay leave me alone
I just want to live here 5 ever basically
That was a nice mix of showing how damn great...but also how damn horrifying that the Ancients’ world no I’m not gonna try to spell that right now lol really was, in that they were oddly blithe about dying and weren’t really too appreciative of the whole living thing with only a few exceptions which yeah is kinda fucked up
also very pleased that Nemesis’ entire shtick of “maybe we should treat these living beings as living beings and not things” was kinda validated despite me not knowing thing one about this whole plot they were planning lol
as much as I bitch about Hermes being a shit scientist and an even more shit philosopher...I do kinda like the idea that their own bureaucracy came back to bite them, I mean the man was basically a “manager” and therefore got allowed to dick around a lot more than he should have despite not really doing the right things there
for real you gonna just make beings of pure emotion that have people-like thoughts and are basically small children and just. yeet them all into space. sir that was maybe a bad idea
someone like him being a manager is way too fuckin real though, way too fuckin real -cries in engineering-
that said that was probably the point was that Hermes wasn’t thinking his plans all the way through and maybe wasn’t as great at his job as people thought he was or even he thought he was
the execution of these ideas just kinda gaps out on actually mentioning any of this though so yeah I have some shit to fix in metaphorical post here
is kinda weird that your big memory erasure device doesn’t have a killswitch too lmao
yes yes I get it, time travel makes everything go bang if you don’t go with predestination theory and/or bootstrap theory, but yeah
I’ll get into Meteion being the Big Bad later tl;dr I like the idea just not the execution
also DRK has been right there you’d think this Dynamis stuff woulda come up before dammit, in fact that’s actually what my headcanon has been for literal years is that there’s aether that’s heavily affected by emotion (and I was at least mostly right on that one), that coulda been foreshadowed WAY better than just. suddenly sticking it in the last expac of the major story lol
that entire cutscene after you leave Elpis took me the fuck out by the way, I’m gonna be thinking about that for years
just holy shit man
Late Game:
okay here’s where the pacing screeches to a grinding halt more than once and I do not particularly appreciate that
I get why in a story logic sense but that was certainly. a choice. that someone made on the pacing there
and here’s where the Loporrits kinda start being grating rather than endearing like yes hi we’re currently attempting to stop the world from getting a-slaughtered maybe we can explain shit about it after we do that
especially when it feels very much like just busywork between plot beats which you...generally wanna disguise that at least a bit?
like no, getting hammered relentlessly over the head with EVERYTHING SUCKS BEAVIS LOL is bad for you too because it just gets exhausting at that point, but jesus christ they coulda found something a bit better to do there for a break than be the Literal Bridge Bunnies’ errandboy and encyclopedia
basically the Fae did this whole shtick a lot better IMO
that said: I do actually quite like that we get the ship running because we have a lot of relationships and friendships with people
some people might call that cheesy as hell but like, so is “one lone OP weirdo just overpowers everything to beat the big bad”
they got their strengths and weaknesses but frankly we don’t see enough of “you win because you work together” outside of literal kids’ media so I’ll take this
oh and backtracking a bit, Hydaelyn’s trial and stuff was just -chefkiss- and Soken continues to stick his music in my fucking skull with that final rendition of Answers and the story continues to stick me in my feelings sometimes, good job
the ship launch was also pretty neat to watch and I love the idea of proper godsummoning even if that has to raise a l o t of religious questions given the method they’re using to bring them up? I mean I may be agnostic but c’mon I’d have some questions if some long-dead civilization’s magic could literally make my god appear and that was just Tuesday for those guys. Also might object to literally using them as a battery but again maybe I’m just overthinking that bit
aaaaaand here’s where Meteion starts running into trouble too but let me get to that in the next section
tension in that scene leading up to UT was nice though aside from that, A+
End Game:
okay so Ultima Thule...’s skybox is gorgeous
but damn I wish the ground was a wee bit easier to see lmao me and my astigmatism don’t appreciate the sheer amount of dark there
also that was Certainly A Choice in names that someone uhhhh maybe shoulda googled first before using it, because Yikes bro maybe should not be using that considering how much N-zi shit is getting more and more popular
ngl some of the heavyhandedness with the despair and shit was maybe a bit much for my blood, but I’m also aware I’m not exactly neurotypical and have a multitude of Issues there so eh maybe that was why it was getting just exhausting at that point
certainly got the point across I can’t fault it there though
very nice to actually show us some aliens too aside from the dragons and the Omegabots (TM), even if I wished they’d stop plinking their heads off every five minutes lmaoooo
also wasn’t aware that one could somehow give a robot an existential crisis but damn if they didn’t manage to do it in a somewhat believable way!
also ffs I will repeat we’ve had DRK there this whole time I don’t think that dynamis/feelsaether/etc should be THIS much of a mystery to everyone but okay fine
and here’s where I have to talk about Meteion finally because just
look I absolutely adore this idea. that a collective being that is literally living empathy soars out into space, only to find that everything else is dead, every other civilization has ended itself or been ended
and I love that living empathy accumulating and reflecting the sheer despair of a billion billion souls, all dead from their own hubris or apathy or foolishness, screaming at you that this is all there is, the universe is a horrible uncaring place destined to just die and end and no one will even know life ever existed--
it’s very Lovecraftian of them actually I loved it a lot, especially since it’s kinda tragic for the Meteion we meet in Elpis because she had no choice in doing it either and was just the first victim to have her brain ripped out and replaced with something much, much worse
...in theory I loved it, anyway, in execution it basically made Meteion your typical supervillain which was. boring really and underwhelming
man they coulda made that whole concept truly horrifying but jinked away from actually doing that and that was disappointing because the idea is solid AF
also while Estinien sacrificing himself (seemingly, anyway) actually got me, the complete undercutting of the tension with the story like right after that actively pointing out HEY REMEMBER THE AZEM CRYSTAL? was kinda unneeded I think
I mean yeah I was thinking it but still
Hyth and Emet got me again in the end though even if I was quite disappointed to see them go (yeah I Get It but still)
and I already angerposted about that last dungeon and trial last night but you know what, I stand by those words, that single handful of mechanics actually ruined the experience enough that I couldn’t even really feel much at the end
I just kinda wanted to ‘go home’ at that point okay, I just spent like an hour and a half to two hours getting my ass kicked in deeply aggravating ways--and I do fucking EX trials, mind you, it’s not that it’s hard, hard I can handle, it was that it was unfair and unfair just ruins the experience wholesale
quite a nasty contrast to Amaurot, which was perfectly settled on that line of “hard” and “unfair” except for that single dumbass laser mechanic, so it enhanced the experience rather than detracted from it (though yeah Hades felt a bit undertuned at the time I will give people that)
so yeah those debuffs in the dungeon need to be tuned down a hair, make ‘em a nasty DoT or something not a fucking instakill and make that AoE timing and the indicators a bit less ?????? to fucking look at thanks?
and that damn planet mechanic in the trial just. needs a longer indicator OR a more obvious “it’s going over here” thing, because fuck sake I STILL cannot predict that one even watching videos of the damn fight
it’s so weird because Zodiark and Hydaelyn were pleasantly difficult without being assholish
anyway. yeah by the end I didn’t even really feel much for Meteion which is a bit of a shame given that the idea is so fucking solid, and the expansion’s overarching theme of nihilism’s “sure there’s no intrinsic goodness in the universe so life is what you make of it even in the face of despair” is amazing AF and actually pretty fucking relevant to a lot of shit a lot of us have been going through as of late
or maybe I’m just projecting hardcore but anyway
and yeah then there’s Zenos, just. poor bastard
he just felt so shoehorned in in the latter half of the expac, and I actually LOL’d when he showed up as Shinryu all HEY. WOL. YOU BUSY. ARE YOU BUSY. :( I WANNA FITE :(
and I am also 200% not a fan of how we just...gave him what he wants instead of going LOL BYE FELICIA and just leaving his ass there
that coulda been a real interesting plot thing to do, to have him constantly getting fightcockblocked and having to find something fucking else to do, but anyway that might just be a personal gripe
the little end credits thing with your WoL is a very lovely touch and made me a little wibbly I will say
So yeah overall I still stand by calling it a mixed bag, might put it at HW’s level on some things but definitely below it in others
And ShB still beats ‘em all
but all three, EW and HW and ShB, still beat fucking Stormblood hands down lmao
and are still more engaging than ARR
so y’know what I’m not mad, really, and that’s all I wanted out of the end of this major story was to not be pissed ;-; my standards are in the floor at this point
especially given the sheer amount of STUFF this expac gave me to play with on a writing level, I’m not mad at all about that, holy shit I’m real excited and I haven’t been that excited since I started dicking around in the 00 AU))
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its-toasted · 3 years
Btw listen to Amphetamine by Smino or just Blkswn entirely
One of the bullshit joints about Asian culture is that unless you're deformed or dying you're probably not gonna get diagnosed. At least around here, when you're still in school, living with parents.
I'm half Korean and Chinese and I've seen it plenty. In my family, in other families, in the macro-community sense for sure -- the unmistakable culture of sweeping things under the rug if it's gonna make people uncomfortable. If people think they don’t know how to talk about it. Maybe this isn't even Asian, maybe it's just bougie, or human, but it's definitely amplified in this culture that's so rooted in shame.
It goes beyond the generation gap, or an aversion to tackling tough topics, like it's part of the culture. It's a real-ass phenomenon, just what people do. And that's sooo not me, which was funny, like growing up I wanted to talk about everything with everyone. I was kinda aight. And I got by without going crazy because I have a brother one year older than me who gets everything, you know? Who sees what I see, which is often all you need as a kid. Plus a good internet connection.
I've had ADHD my entire life. It's just wrong to say otherwise. But I wasn't convinced for a long time because when I absolutely need to focus, I'm bulletproof. But if I don't need to, I'm not going to. Like if I can blow this off I probably will. I'm wired weird. It's not crippling, but it's bad, but I've always gotten by. I see it manifest and trip me up every day. And I know it's not weed because this is how I've always been.
My mind just doesn't stay present well. It's always on a walk in the park. I procrastinate mostly everything until there's just enough time to be clutch. There's a clear lack of an ability to remain focused unless I'm about to get clapped. The way I stay digitally and mentally organized is not very organized. No matter what kind of writing I'm doing, I produce it an illogical order. I have a bad memory even for the people and things I care so much about. When I drive or shower and think up a thought I want to keep, it's probably gone in 10 seconds. Gone as in gone. Until hours or months later it comes back like a fucking boomerang I'd already thrown away the box for. Also I fidget. The business of my restless leg syndrome been booming this entire post. This entire morning. Every day.
As I write this out it's kinda crumbling in my hands tbh. Like maybe I have been better off not being hooked on amphetamines my whole life. I was taking it daily in college for some time and only stopped because I was in love for a whole summer. Maybe I should be thanking ma and pops for that, the silver lining of all this sweepage, because I know how easy it is for me to start moving like an addict.
But something like therapy, or counseling, or medication for anxiety has always been out of the question. At least not anymore. The one time I mentioned it growing up ma laughed. My favorite and least favorite laughs are her’s. And that was whack but I get it. Being able to care for mental health is a luxury my parents couldn't afford. And certainly not their parents before them. And it shows. Roasted. Sorry. This post started out as a rant on procrastination I swear
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ice-emperor-zane · 4 years
*inhales* Yellow cyan violet black gray claret penny ash jade pecan wine cherry ginger rust honey frost coconut fulvous mauve erin
Sorry not sorry I’m a curious simp
Oki, wow, this is a lot, aight lets do this lmao :)
Yellow: Name of an artist you think is underappreciated
oh god idk, hmm, @bigeloo? Idk im in a ninjago discord with them and sometimes they send their art there and its really cool
Cyan: Are you Religious? Spiritual?
I was raised Catholic but im now Agnostic (meaning I don’t know if theres a God or any Gods and im not gonna pretend to know)
Violet: Are you a part of the Lgbt+ community?
Yup :) Im nonbinary, im asexual, and i might be panromantic, or demiromamtic, im not sure, still questioning on that part tbh
Black: Would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?
Im currently vegetarian, tho I dont care if yall eat meat or whatever, im lucky to be in a situation where I can be vegetarian and I completely understand that some ppl can’t or just don’t want to, besides, theres way bigger problems on this earth right now than wether people eat meat or not. I doubt i’ll ever go vegan, because cheese and chocolate is very tasty, but maybe someday when the vegan substitutes for those things improve, then maybe I might :)
Gray: How many Languages Do you speak? Do you want to learn more?
Mostly English, and very minimal French and Spanish from school. I’ve tried to learn Japanese before too from like duolingo, so i know a little bit of that, and I made myself memorise how to say ‘sorry, I don’t speak much of [insert language], do you speak English?’ in a few languages for if I ever end up traveling there before learning to speak the language. But im only really like fluent in English lol
Claret: Do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any?
I did piano lessons for about a year until quarantine and I’ve learnt a few songs from those youtube tutorials, but other than that I dont know any. It would be cool to do singing lessons, because unfortunately I am a little bit of a theatre kid and would love to randomly start singing ‘Michael in the bathroom’ from Be More Chill
Penny: Icecream or cake?
Both are poggers, probably icecream, but oh my fsm, my Mom makes the best cakes ever, she could do it professionally, they are so nice, yall have no idea
Ash: Can you do your own makeup?
Yeah, i love doing makeup, i once tried to have a makeup instagram account, it didnt go too well (i quit after about a month) but i still love doing it as a hobby :) (im actually trying to do makeup less at the moment though, it was making me a little bit dysphoric, but as an occasional thing, like being a drag queen, its great!)
Jade: Ever written fanfiction?
Yeah, mostly just one shots and little drabbles though, and I haven’t in a while, might start doing stuff again soon, maybe, idk
Pecan: Shuffle your playlist, what’s the first song that comes up
It was this: https://youtu.be/DGTDcZxs0ww (“Sub Urban- Cradles (slowed)”)
Wine: do you have a ‘type’?
Kinda debatable,, most/all the people I’ve dated have had similar vibes, but wether I actually liked any of them is a different question 😳😳😳
Cherry: youtubers you enjoy watching
Maybe Jessie Paege? Or Pm Seymour? To be honest, most of my youtube recommendations are somehow tiktok compilations, because my tiktok fyp has always been really weird so instead of actually using tiktok on the app i use it via youtube
Ginger: any sideblogs?
yeah and im embarrassed of them, yall will never know 😳
wait theres one yall can know about, i have the url “Wohira” but I’ve never like posted anything there
Rust: form of art you enjoy doing?
As well as makeup which i mentioned before, theres also digital art, which i do the most often :)
Honey: your thoughts on magic? Does it exist?
I think it’d be very cool if it did, and i hope it does? Like ive never seen magic stuff ofc, and i have my doubts that its real, but it sounds fun so like idk, maybe it is? I’d like to believe it is?
Frost: a -core you enjoy
Looking at the aesthetics wiki, i think maybe mostly bloomcore?
Coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about
Psychology, its all really interesting and i wish they taught it at my school, because where I am you have to take it as an option that only starts in 11th grade (currently in 9th grade)
Fulvous: another name you think would suit you?
Buddy im still trying to find one, im currently going by Rae and that seems nice maybe? but oh my god ive used like 20 names before now and not a single one of them seemed right lmao
Mauve: any unpopular oppinions?
I probably have a few, but i can’t think of them off the top of my head, and im not really looking for discourse,, so,,, no?
Erin: What Was/Is your best school subject
Ive already answered this one, i’ll copy/paste it? Oki so
Maybe maths? Or art? Tho honestly, none of my grades are consistent and I can go from an A to an Ungraded and back again in a heartbeat 😎 (and not even an F, an ungraded, like they litterally cant grade it its so bad lmao 🤩✨) I think it depends more on what teacher i have for the lesson and how tired I am on the day of any tests more than subject itself? If that makes sense lol
And its done! Heck yeah! :)
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hufflautia · 4 years
Just wanted to say that the other fic(one-shot or whatever it's called) is soo good(except it was weird reading that Ravenclaw and Slytherin part but the fic is still good) and I want part twoo♡♡
writing the ravenclaw and slytherin part felt SO weird i felt like gagging ugh ok no more smut in the future- or at least no smut for a long long long time. thank you, you’re so kind and im always smiling when i see ur username bc ur so lovely and sweet :) i’ve been seeing a lot of people requesting part 2, but the thing is that im not sure i wanna write it, because there is an open ending and people can visualize what happens next on their own. i was talking to my sister about this and she said, sometimes there is no happy ending at the end of a relationship and that’s completely fine- it doesn’t mean it’s bad; sometimes a break-up is needed and it’s healthy. i feel like the (partial) reason why people want a part 2 is because they rely on the author to find out what happens next; the author’s input is essentially ‘canon’ and they dont wanna visualize what happens next bc they wanna see what the author thinks. that’s how i feel about some books/fanfiction- for instance, in the book thief, i read some fanfiction and they were amazing and very well-written but in the end, i cant change what the author said bc its canon and i just wanna accept it. anyways, back to the main point, i dont know what i wanna write for part 2 because i dont really have any ideas. should they just break up?? should they get back together? i think getting back together would be a little awkward, because its like, hey u kinda cheated on me, then sly says im so sorry that was not my intention or whatever and pls take me back, and huff says aight ok i love u again. that just seems a little off. however, their relationship, which you got a glimpse of in the fluff portion, was very sweet. 
actually, i just had an idea. i already hit 300 followers a few days ago, and i realize that i lowkey didnt even do anything for it. sure, i posted the fic, but that was already planned and it wasnt supposed to be a huge surprise for the 300 mark. here’s an idea: do y’all want an extra scene from the slytherpuff one-shot? I won’t tell you what it is, but it’s gonna be in the middle of the fluff portion and the angst part. it might be an extra fluff scene, it might be the part where gryffindor tells hufflepuff what they saw, etc. i dont think i will write a part two to the slytherpuff one-shot, but i shall write this extra mini-scene if it helps appease those who really do want a part 2. let me know if u want this, and ill write it! besides, writing a part 2 will probably mess up the thinking of readers who already envisioned what happens after the end of part 1. 
anyways im not posting any incorrect quotes today. i finally finished reading my book and now i can start writing my paper for the summer reading assignment. after that, im gonna look at more colleges and revise my college essay, and THEN i will write part 4. BYE! 
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overthelillies · 4 years
fic recs for my friends
yeah okay so most/all of these are davekat im sorry!! arranged in no particular order also some of them are second person I Am Sorry.
Your Interpersonal, Intergalactic Relationship: A Beginner's Guide (8,400-something words)
A beginner's guide to playing hopscotch, overcoming internalized homophobia, and falling in love with your alien best friend.
friends to lovers! p cute
So It Goes (56,845 words)
They managed to win the game somehow. He's not really sure of the details, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. He's stuck in an unfamiliar body with a thirteen year old little brother who's terrified of him.
Somehow, he is sure this is his fault.
// i have not read this one. but strider angst and davekat yes please
Red Converse (26,648 words)
Due to a seizure, Karkat Vantas now has to learn how to live his life with two speech aphasia. He goes to therapy three times a week, suffers from awful headaches, and tries to avoid people as much as possible.
Due to a traumatic experience, Dave Strider refuses to use his words, preferring to relay his snarky comments and witty banter through sign language and typing on his phone.
They meet in a waiting room.
//THIS IS REALLY GOOD Altho they do have sex just skip it dw i promise it’s worth it
how...did you tell your friends (7,906 words)
Unfortunately, you don't fancy your brother's suggestion on how to break the news to John...
There's no other way out of it, you're going to have to just tell him.
//set after homestuck, dave tries to tell the most oblivious person in the world and also his best friend (john) that he and karkat are dating and it’s literally so good
Dave Strider’s Stupid Fucking Jawline (11,607 words)
Generic high school AU. Dave's jawline is really distracting and Karkat does NOT have a crush on him (shut up, Kanaya).
//high school au. lovely. good eating.
Gray and Red (16,084 words)
In which you only see color once you meet your soulmate, and the first color you see is the same as your soulmate's eyes.
//SOULMATE AU SOULMATE AU this is kinda very Angsty (Karkat do be pining doe) it’s p good
We’re All Friends & Family Here (And Frankly, We’re Sick Of Your Shit) (68,000 somethin words)
It's been about a year since the big Fast Forward, and sure, things on Earth C aren't perfect for everyone. But they're fine. Really. It's fine. Everything is super fuckin' swell, and that's that.
It's not like one night is going to change anything.
//post homestuck GOD THIS. IS SO GOOD okay so this fic is mainly dirkjake being fucking stupid with rosemary and davekat and also a lil roxy/calliope in the bg and it’s long but!!!! so very good
Red Ties (10,705 words)
Dave Strider's eyes never turned the color of his soulmates. With his rare eye-color, there's next to no chance they simply share an eye color.
One day he meets Karkat Vantas.
//another cute soulmate au! again. love the soulmate aus what can i say
i’m at the combination dunkin donuts & urgent care (3,920 words)
Karkat Vantas is convinced beyond a doubt that his neighbor is some variety of murderer, until they actually meet in person. Highlights include blood at the laundromat, Dave's weird obsession with candles, and a box of shitty swords.
//this is SO FUNNY short n sweet i promise
the calculation (2,481 words)
the fic in which Dave gets the flu for the first time since before the game and Karkat takes care of him.
//this fic is really funny and also sweet
Start At The Beginning (9,304)
//post-homestuck, Dave and karkat falling in love. the ending to thsi made me cry
I Love Cheap Thrills (4,773 words)
You’ve been trading memes with an international pop sensation, and your drunk ass had no idea.
//this one is verrie funnie
Locked Up (9,272 words)
Dave had always been the one best prepared for the game. He was able to handle the shit it threw at them and push it down a lot better than everyone else could.
It might have fucked up everything else about him, but that didn't matter.
He was fine.
He was always fucking fine.
//angst. very nice
I’d Tap That (oh fuck i didn’t mean to tap that) (17,041 words)
Karkat finds his old school bully on Grindr. Dave doesn't know how to shut up.
// really funny!! sorry if these are getting redundant i don’t remember the details about some of these
Pale as Bone, Pale as Water (5,305 words)
//another davekat sickfic
Apple Juice, Chips, and Bandages (5,335 words)
Every time he comes in he gets the same three things. A bottle of apple juice, a bag of chips, and bandages.
//really cute!! they’re liddol and they’re friends it’s nice
The Land of Blood and Childhood Trauma (8,242 words)
When two dreambubbles collide, two anti-social assholes are forced to help each other through it.
//not quite as Angsty as it sounds! it’s good
ecdysis (6,077 words)
Karkat goes through his adult molt. Dave does his best to take it in stride.
//so i actually haven’t read this thought I did but Uh have it anyway it looks good
Self Sabotage and Other Symptoms of a Damaged Soul (10,698 words)
//basically dave grapples with his internalized homophobia, etc. very good
turntechGodhead is offline (36,999 words)
//I’ve already ranted to you guys enough about this you know what it’s abt it’s SO FREAKING GOOD
A Ten Step Plan For Wooing Karkat Vantas, Featuring A Multitude Of Illustrations By Your Esteemed Authors, As Well As Tips For The Aforementioned Wooing (11,261 words)
Kanaya, because she's a saint, makes you a list.
The list is entitled "A Ten Step Plan For Wooing Karkat Vantas" and features a multitude of illustrations in purple pen.
"So we're doing this," you say. Your mouth threatens to twitch into something dangerously smile-shaped.
"Yes," says Kanaya. "We are making this happen."
"Hell yes."
//dave n karkat! they go on a date. stuff happens. it’s really good
Catching Colds on a Rock in the Middle of Space (15,887)
Rose catches a bad cold and it slowly spreads to the rest of the meteor crew. None of them are particularly good at admitting they're sick, let alone looking after themselves, but at least they're decent at caring for each other.
//rosemary and davekat! VERY sweet
Dave’s Girl (2,527 words)
The thing is no one knew anything more about "Kitty" other than her delicious cooking (Dave obviously doesn't want to share – ever) but the guys are more or less already in love with her. Drew insists she's probably this blond bombshell with big, blue eyes, all curves with legs that go on forever and a great rack... Practically everyone in the team has their own opinion.
//this is so funny and also im a sucker for these kinds of tropes so it’s great
Songs Made on the Meteor (27,762 words)
Dave makes music and they fall in love.
//on my to-read list! it looks good
Looks Just Like The Sun (12,231 words)
“Holy shit,” you whisper. Dave joins you at the window.
There are no stars left in the sky. Nothing but blackness and a faint soap bubble sheen.
“Is that a dream bubble?” Dave says.
And then it swallows you.
//okay. does this have explicit sex? yes. does it have a very explicit image? yes. HOWEVER (hear me out here) I firmly believe that if you whizz pass those parts, this is a very good fic with great characterization and fun banter. send tweet
aight happy reading
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leporellian · 5 years
For the production ask: Eugene Onegin, Rigoletto, Zauberflöte?
aight this is late but I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to do one or all three so I'll do the magic flute because I have so many CONCEPTS and I'll probably do rigoletto in a followup post
first of all, the magic flute. honestly I'd probably throw the libretto out the window for a good portion of it, which I realize is not seen as a Good Look but WHEN has the magic flute EVER been a good look. so anyway. changes I'd make-
1. Sarastro and the Queen are fierce political enemies. Maybe I set it up as it is in my webcomic where Sarastro is the King the Queen dethroned, I don’t know. Basically, they’re two separate political parties- the Queen has a retrofuturisticy zeerust getup (you ever seen the movie Brazil? That) and her whole thing is that she has these grand plans for the world but they’re too grand to ever actually be carried out, and it becomes insidious in its flaws. Sarastro meanwhile is the opposite. Everything with him is ancient looking but also kind of decrepit, like- sure it’s sturdy still, but barely. He’s too much of a hardline traditionalist to ever get things done, and it’s kind of implied that the Speaker, who’s slightly more updated but still a hardline traditionalist, is doing most of the work for him by this point. Sarastro is basically King Filippo from Don Carlo but more conservative. Anyway, the closest these two have ever been is... maybe friends in their youth? But that’s it. The whole idea they were a romantic Thing ever is out the window, Pamina and Sarastro are in no way related
2. Monostatos I’d change entirely. He’s staying, but I’ll probably completely change him around. Maybe make him a shapeshifter like I do in my comic but idk how that would work on a stage? He kinda hates both Sarastro and the Queen because neither actually cares for him. His entire goal is to figure out how to insert himself into the throne that the Queen and Sarastro are fighting for, because he basically just wants to take his revenge out on everyone not caring about him by completely changing everything- which sounds somewhat noble at first, if misguided, but soon it becomes really obvious that it’s more like a “THEN they’ll be sorry!” type of making things miserable for absolutely everyone. His whole thing with Pamina is changed, too- he wants her because she’s the only known heir to the throne (...UNTIL!) and he figures through her, he could much more easily get the power he wants. He’s something like... Beetlejuice-meets-Starscream-meets-Darkstripe. He’s sympathetic? But in a really weird twisted way, and the audience kind of wishes he got a better start in life so he could be a hero- but alas.
3. GIVE PAPAGENA SOMETHING TO DO GOD DAMMIT. I’m thinking maybe she and Papageno were already A Thing prior to the opera but got separated somehow, and Papageno thinks she’s dead. ALSO I'm thinking... give her parallels to Monostatos. Make them the same sort of Being. Papagena is everything Monostatos could have been- in spite of the same sort of backlash Papagena receives, she chooses to be kind, where Monostatos chooses to be vengeful. Also Papagena said trans rights
4. Give Pamina more of a character arc instead of the whole ‘oh no I'm gonna kill myself because Tamino doesn’t love me :(’, we already have a suicide scene in this goddamned opera. Maybe she kills like, one of Sarastro’s council members or something. I dunno. Hitman Pamina WHEN
5. Tamino. First of all, he has a personality, someone please use it. He’s impulsive, stubborn, and very easily manipulated by anyone claiming to be any kind of pseudo-parental figure. He longs to belong and to be loved, but he always overcompensates for it, but often in his stubbornness and overzealous nature he drives them away. (I’m not saying Mozart wrote a bit of himself into Tamino, but does that sounds a little familiar?) Time for my HOTTEST ASS TAKE: Tamino should be Sarastro’s long lost son. Think about it. Imagine when Papageno finds Pamina she offhandedly mentions “Sarastro wants me to be his heir, because I’m the only heir to either throne- apparently his children died years ago”, but not much is made of it. The Speaker instantly recognizes Tamino, which is why she (I’m making the Speaker here a female) talks to him as if she knows him. When Tamino and Sarastro meet it’s a hell of a reunion... And then, just as the Queen tries to use her daughter to kill the other side in a political gambit, Sarastro tries to make his son into his carbon copy by putting him through the trials. It’s a direct parallel- ultimately, the older generation only wants one thing from the newer: To uphold their political machinations. In fact, the reason the Queen chose Tamino in the first place was because she realized he was a missing heir, and realized if she could brainwash him first not only would it solidify her chance of winning over Sarastro by haring both heirs apparent on her side, but also it would twist the knife in Sarastro to see his own son against him. And the scary thing, for a second, is that it works...
6. Tamino and Pamina end up failing Sarastro’s trials. Tamino was always too stubborn to fully carry out his father’s wishes, Pamina ends up being caught for working with the Queen or something. They’re both exiled from Sarastro’s grounds, and then...
7. Sarastro and the Queen mutually kill each other. One can’t exist without the other- like when @lizamezzo said they were the Mystic and Skeksis to each other they absolutely hit it on the head, that’s their whole dynamic except they’re both more morally gray. They lived fighting each other’s every calculation, they die fighting each other’s every calculation. There is no winner.
8. Tamino and Pamina come back to everything to see it all in a wreck, now that both leaders are gone. They realize they have to inherit the mantle. And they decide to do so, both ruling as one, and with them the Sun and Moon finally unite as one and finally peace returns. They balance each other out and work together, and overall things are much better than they were at the beginning.
Anyway, costumes. As previously said, the Queen has a retrofuturism Look while Sarastro looks ancient. Sarastro also has only one eye as a nod to the opera’s Masonic roots. Papageno is decked out in green feathers because god dammit that’s the only way I can imagine him, basically I’m just stealing his costume from the Everding production. Tamino is decked out in golden, sunny hues, hinting at his relation to Sarastro, Pamina is decked out in much the same retrofuturism of her mother but eventually changes into a more neutral plain indigo dress with starlike spots- still a reflection of her mother, but far more functional. The Three Ladies and Sarastro’s Council dress in opposites of each other- antiparallelism as its finest. Papagena... idk I want her to be a different color of Papageno, but she too has feathers. (Also fuck productions that sexualize Papagena, that just has BAD vibes.) Monostatos is spiky and... probably wears many costumes because of his ever shifting alliance, but his main colors are a very garish black and yellow. The Speaker wears a more subdued version of Sarastro’s garb.
Anyway go read @ensemblecomic maayyybe I use some of these ideas over there
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falselyprofound · 5 years
Went to see Spider-Man: Far From Home today! So that naturally means it’s time for another readmore of disjointed spoilery thoughts.
Short version: I enjoyed myself a lot. Much like Homecoming, it’s basically a high school romcom with a superhero backdrop, and handles those aspects pretty goddamn well. (And I say this as a person who usually despises superhero romance plots and the melodrama they bring.)
I have some hangups, though. Mostly matters of personal taste, but also... I think I’d enjoy this movie more if it didn’t have to tie in with the MCU so much.
Aight, let’s not beat around the bush. Yes, Jake Gyllenhaal is the main bad guy. Who could’ve possibly seen that one coming?
If you’ve read the comics, then the first act of the movie quickly starts to feel a lot like The Incredibles 2 — you know who the villain is, you’re just not entirely sure how or why they’re doing what they’re doing. Me n’ my friend were actually placing bets before the movie as to whether Mysterio was always evil, or if this would be a “start of darkness” type deal.
The resolution to that question is... satisfactory, I’d say? But watching the scene where everything is laid out on the table was like pulling teeth. Partly because of the dramatic irony that comes from having read the comics. Partly because of some truly hamfisted writing with lots of flashbacks to movies I never saw. And partly because, well, I just fucking hate plots that revolve around the main character making a single, big mistake. Even if it does totally make sense within the context of his awful life.
(Okay, sure. Peter basically blew up the Staten Island ferry AND the Washington Monument in Homecoming. But that didn’t make the gun dealers more powerful.)
Anyway-- the writers were smart enough to have all that happen like a third of the way through the movie, so there’s more than enough time to take what would’ve been a dull plot twist, make it the core of the movie, and make it interesting. And all things considered, Mysterio makes for a solid villain here.
He and his team are very much just regular dudes, which is in line with the gun dealers from the first movie in terms of tone. His plan to use his fake superhero status to get people to listen to him was interesting, very Syndrome-esque. But unlike Homecoming, things gradually get ramped up. This may or may not be something you’ll like.
I just... I’unno. I really do prefer Spider-Man when he’s just a small-time hero swinging around New York and not going on grand, world-saving adventures. He’s a teenager, that’s not really his gig.
But I guess this is the MCU, and the MCU just killed off or retired all its original main draws... so it kinda needs more Main Characters. If the next movie in the trilogy doesn’t round out with him stepping up to the mantle of Avenger, I’ll be very surprised. Anyway, all this probably meant that Mysterio, as a villain, had to bridge the gap between Peter’s main “regular dude trying to make money” villains and potential future “gonna kill a whole bunch of people for the fuck of it” villains.
It’s a reasonable upping of the stakes for Peter, but not really a choice I like.
Mostly because the movie raises all these questions as to whether or not Peter will fill in Tony Stark’s shoes, and I really don’t like that idea. It just feels... weird. Wrong. He doesn’t deserve that, even post-graduation. And I say this as a person who loves Miles Morales's original comic run.
I keep thinking about Happy’s line. “Tony wouldn’t have left those glasses if he’d known you’d be the only one left to pick them up.” I really hope that’s gonna leave room for Peter to just... y’know. Do his own thing.
But given that mid credits scene -- hahahaaaaa yeah sorry peter you’re definitely locked into this fuckery now aren’t you.
All in all: thoroughly enjoyed the movie. BUT. it’s the rare kind of movie that I feel needs complete context before I can give full judgement on it. Either I’ll love this movie in two years time, when the trilogy wraps up... or I’ll hate it for being a sign of the end times.
Additional misc. and unordered thoughts bc otherwise i’ll be here all night;
Starting the movie off with a crappy comic sans power-point presentation of everyone who died in Endgame, set to I Will Always Love You, was such a fucking power move and I’m not positive anything will ever top that.
As with Homecoming, my personal favorite parts of the movie took place at Peter’s high school. Getting to see how normal people have been coping with the snap was legit interesting, and made for solid comedy and drama.
Especially since they refer to Thanos’s snap as “the blip”, which... kind of implies that the Avengers never explained what happened to civilians? So none of the terminology lines up with ours. Great flavor without being confusing.
“I thought my wife had been killed in the blip. we had a funeral and everything. turns out she just used it as an excuse to run away with a hiker” jesus CHRIST my dude
Also Aunt May was surprisingly chill this movie. As fun as identity reveal drama can be, it was kind of refreshing that we didn’t have to deal with that.
A common criticism with a lot of superhero movies these days is that they’re good, until the plot gets dragged to a halt for a big CGI battle. So having the bad guy literally weaponize CGI? Delicious.
Mysterio’s cover story being that he’s from Earth-616? Also delicious. That’s literally what happens in Miles’s continuity, since 1610 doesn’t have a Mysterio of its own.
A lot of Mysterio’s fight scenes were great -- while the elemental holograms were kind of visually bland (which might’ve been the point?), I loved how disorienting things got when he was actively trying to kill Peter. Particularly during the times when Peter accidentally hit real parts of the construction site.
the fucking train??? kudos to Tom Holland for making that look downright painful. That was miserable in a good way.
ditto for peter freaking out upon seeing Happy again. that was ALSO miserable in the best kind of way.
(I’m really glad Happy’s grown to like him though.)
(and also: treating getting hit by a train and waking up in the netherlands the same way most movies would treat getting blackout drunk? hilarious. i live for these sorts of stupid superhero problems.)
I was fully expecting to hate Betty and Ned’s subplot. I usually hate that shit. But somehow they managed to subvert every single tired romance trope and just made it purely funny. Right down to the world’s most nonchalant breakup at the end. A+.
Brad was an interesting character concept that was ultimately wasted. I like the idea of having a single non-dusted guy in Peter’s school circle. It’d make for an interesting perspective. But instead he’s just a dick, and unlike Flash he’s not even funny. The best thing I can say about him is that at least he doesn’t take up much screen time.
Michelle is still fantastic, and it’s nice getting to see her be genuinely happy yet still kind of awkward. Also she gets a mace from the tower of London. It’s what she deserves.
holy fuck they actually got j.k. simmons back??
While I still have mixed feelings on Peter’s identity being outed to literally everyone, I’m interested to see what this means for him and Flash. Given we know he respects Spider-Man, but not Peter Parker...
(Also I guess this means we’re not getting a cinema adaption of the comics where Jonah and Peter are bros, huh)
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peaches--n-scream · 7 years
😩🌸🕯😳 for Steve (pre and/or post serum idc lol) (and Thor if u want!!!) tbh i'm not really in this fandom but im always here for allergies and chris evans u kno
Holy shit I’m so excited about these lmao. SINCE U ASKED MY FRIEND I’M gonna do literally everything (so, pre-serum Steve, post-serum Steve, and Thor because I LOVE A MAAANNN)
😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze depend on the cause?
So with pre-serum Steve, it’s gotta be at least three, and nothing less will suffice. It depends on the situation though, like if he’s sick, or if it’s chilly out, or if his allergies are acting up, it’s probably gonna be a lot more. His immune system ain’t shit, and he’s allergic to pretty much everything under the sun, so fits aren’t exactly an uncommon occurrence. There’s barely any time in between sneezes either, and it’s literally just one after the other, barreling out of him until he’s a hot mess. They’re kinda uncharacteristically strong too, cause he’s such a little guy, but they’re surprisingly intense, and just rattle his frame, which makes him more susceptible to all that: “You poor thing!” shit that he hates with a burning passion. 
Post-serum-Steve has kept the rule of three’s pattern, and that’s kind of his max. No more, no less. They’re a lot less jarring and a little more cut-and-dry, but damn can they be intense sometimes. He kind of tends to repress them in public, or when he’s around hOT PEOPLE OF THE SAME OR OPPOSITE GENDER (HE LIKES THE FELLAS AND HE LIKES THE LADIES AIGHT?) But he typically loosens up with people he’s comfortable with. Fits are a lot less frequent because of the serum, but every once upon a blue moon, he’ll just go ham, and it’s one after the other just like old times. Consequence of infrequency? Maybe.
Thor’s usually pretty good with just one, and if he does happen to sneeze multiple times, they’re pretty spaced out with like 10 or 15 seconds in between. Fits are super super super rare, and when they do happen, they’re also hella spaced out, like 15 or 20 sneezes in ten minutes, (which usually invokes the: “Holy shit! How many was that again? Like, what... is that eight now? Jesus!” response from most people who are blessed enough to witness that shit)
 I feel like they’re relatively intense, but not as room shaking and thunderous as most people would expect. They’re actually like… kind of normal, despite the fact that the sky darkens a little bit, and thunder rumbles in the distance. It’s weird nonetheless cause it’s such an uncommon occurrence that it kind of catches people off guard. I also like to think that he gives people static cling? Like he sneezes a couple times and thunder rolls and the sky darkens everyone’s hair kind of stands on end? that shit is hella cute
🌸: Are they allergic to any kind of plants? Flowers, weeds, trees? If yes, how bad are their allergies to those plants?
SPRINGTIME IN NEW YORK IS CRUEL TO PRE SERUM STEVE ROGERS. Pollen gets him every. time. Asthma definitely just makes everything worse, and by the time May rolls around, the poor kid is just miserable and wheezy and rattly and coughing up a lung.
🕯: Are they allergic to other things? Dust, animals, perfumes, certain fragrances? Anything that might be considered “out of the ordinary” to be allergic to? How bad are those allergies?
With pre-serum-Steve, it’s always always always smoke. Like cigarette smoke (v/aesthetic for the 1940′s I know), car exhaust, coal dust, and all that good stuff. It just bugs the absolute hell out of him, and wreaks havoc on his sinuses, and Bucky will never ever take him to a bar ever again, because that one time was a gOTDAMN catastrophe 
Muscly, v/hot and also woke america man isn’t exactly allergic to anything post-serum, bUT FEAR NOT, bc he’s photic. Sunshine sneezes, while hella cute, aren’t exactly an allergy, but u know what I’m thirsty as hell so
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