#Akihito sudo
Hi,hope you're having a good day! 😊
I just wanted to know your opinions on Akihito Sudo as a character, from Chihayafuru. He's my third favourite character after taichi and suo but I'm sad that I don't find anyone talking about him very much. Plus I was trying to find some fanfics and hc's of him and didn't find any either. >⁠.⁠< So if you know any,can you pls recommend..
Thank you🤗
Ahh you’re my first ever anon so I’m so very excited that it’s a nice message considering how contentious the fandom can be at times haha.
Anyways my thoughts on Akihito Sudo!! I actually love his character though I feel like at times I wish he was involved more in the plot because he was so funnyyyy. Not gonna lie I hated him at first cause he /the audacity/ while playing Chihaya but then I was like oh there’s more to it! Suetsugu did that to me with several characters 💀 Suou being one of them.
Upon rereading some chapters I find his relationship between Suou to be so interesting. Like he was clearly Suou’s friend before Taichi and yet the minute Taichi started to idk I guess we can say “cling” to Suou and they developpee a kind of mentor/student relationship friendship Sudo gets kind of jealous 😭 and when I say “kind of” I’m actually partly convinced he was out there being like WELL THEN IMMA STEAL YO GIRL TACIHI and that’s why he went behind Suou’s back and gave Chihaya the recordings (though I should say now I 100% HC Sudo as being gay lmao).
Also another actual favourite moment of mine is when he plays Taichi in the qualifier matches. That was peak Taichi vs. Sudo mind games 😭 Sudo trying to make Taichi sweat by mentioning Chihaya but then the second Taichi mentions a secret that Suou revealed to him (how for Suou the cards disappear before they are read) Sudo gets so flustered he makes a fault 😭 Fbdjfbdjdb
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Taichi knew exactly what he was doing.
I’m not sure if you’re up to speed with the Chihayafuru news but in a recent Twitter live with Suetsugu for the Karuta fund calendar we western fans ofc were there and none of us speaking any Japanese so we were trying to translate the CC with google translate. However there was something v juicy BUT please take the following with a grain of salt but this is what we think was said:
Someone: Does Suout have a girlfriend ?
Suetsugu: no. But he has Sudo.
SO ANYWAYS SUDOXSUOU CANON?? DJBDDHDB. Again we have no idea who the voices belong to or even if that was really was what said so take it with a grain of salt.
Speaking of other dellusions:
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I am waiting for my romantic spin off with Sudo and Suou with them being bad boys with sex appeal 😤
As for external content I don’t know of any but since there is so few fan content for Chihayafuru in general I haven’t consumed a lot because I’m spacing it out to keep the hole in my heart filled for as long as I can 😭
However sometimes you gotta be the change you want to see in the world! I’m writing the worst fanfic you have ever read for my own pleasure 😖 it’s rough cause I’m realizing very quickly that I am not a writer like at all djdhdjdj. My prose is so bad it’s not cute. But I’m having fun!
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nakamurareia · 6 months
hokuo babes all love sudo so much it’s so sweet honestly
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lesbian-kyoru · 2 years
What do you think of Akihito Sudou as a character? His relationship with other characters? He's my second fav character in chihayafuru but i don't see anyone talking about him that much anywhere🤧 plus I wanted to read some fanfics about him but couldn't find any good one,so if you don't mind,any recs?👀 Thank you,have a nice day😊
oh i am a big sudo fan! he was a character that i initially didn't focus on a ton, but rather the more i read of the manga, the more i really came to appreciate his character, to the point where i'd probably list him in my top 5-6 chihayafuru characters….. he started out as more of a background rival character (i think i didn't like him at first because he was mean to chihaya amshd;falkhsd), but with sudo, suetsugu did one of the things she's best at as a character writer: taking characters that fit neatly into archetypes at first, and over time fleshing them out beyond that point. all of her characters, even supporting or background ones, end up feeling like fully realized people; she accomplishes something similar with characters like suo, shinobu, and even taichi.
building upon this idea of archetypes, what makes sudo so compelling to me is the fact that at first he seems like a sadistic karuta player who will bring adversarial tension to karuta tournaments, nothing more—but there's a lot more to him than that. over time, we as readers and the characters around him start to see that sudo is a sadist, but he's not a cold-hearted or uncaring person. he truly loves karuta, and his sadistic, intense nature as a player is how he displays that passion and love for karuta. (in a way this acts as a precursor to arata’s internal struggle, where even though he doesn’t want to, playing karuta ruthlessly turns out to be the truest way to show respect to his opponents as his equal—with sudo, he has already reached the point where he’s comfortable going to that place in karuta, because he has internalized that that’s how his passion for it comes through.) he shows an unwavering passion for not just becoming the meijin or the top player, but a desire to stay involved in karuta his entire life because he loves it that much. even among a cast of characters who are literally all obsessed with karuta, sudo is special to me in that way because our perceptions of him as a player shift so greatly over time.
sudo also cares deeply about the people around him—his team, suo, even his rivals like taichi and chihaya. i think this second point is something very striking about him. there's actually a quote in the manga fruits basket about how every person's kindness looks a little different, how it takes a different shape, and for a lot of people you have to look harder to recognize that innate kindness—because it doesn't look the same as what we imagine “kindness” will look like. for some reason, sudo is always the chihayafuru character that makes me think of that quote! i found it really impactful to see a character like sudo, who at first glance appears mean and malicious, turn out to be one of the kindest characters in the series, one who loves karuta in a truly uncomplicated way. the way he shows affection for other people is more complicated by his hard exterior, but he genuinely has a very big heart. obviously his relationship with suo is a standout and probably what made sudo a favorite for a lot of readers, including myself. there’s something really special about watching sudo do everything he can to keep suo in the karuta world—and when he cried for suo, mountains were simply moved! it’s just clear to me that sudo is in love with him loves him a lot even if he doesn’t say it directly, and their bond is quite meaningful to me.
aside from this obvious one, i also love sudo’s friendship with chihaya so much!! i never really expected to, but i was obsessed with their little challenger/qualifier training arc together! the way they play off of each other is very fun to read. i think their dynamic is also interesting because chihaya typically hates people who play karuta in a “nasty” or mean-spirited way, but i feel like she’s able to reach a common ground with sudo because his sadism is so deeply rooted in a love for karuta, which chihaya can understand. i also really love sudo’s scenes with taichi and desperately wish they had more scenes together. the way sudo teases and simultaneously pushes and motivates taichi….. it’s good. specifically, i think the interplay of suo-sudo-taichi is fascinating and no one talks about it enough. it isn’t lingered on a ton in the text, but sudo must have been feeling immense jealousy when suo started focusing all of his attention on taichi; i love fanworks that dive into that aspect of his character and his relationships with suo and taichi. (there’s a lot that can be said about how those three characters intersect and are juxtaposed to each other—suo and taichi drawn together by their common “apathy” towards karuta while sudo is “left out” as someone who truly loves it; taichi who appears to love karuta but secretly thinks he hates it vs. sudo who loves karuta in such a warmhearted way that’s obscured by his harsh exterior….. however, that’s a far more complicated post; i genuinely feel like i could talk about those three forever, so i will rein myself in!)
i haven’t read a ton of fics with sudo featured, unfortunately! most of the ones i’ve seen are chihaya/sudo, which i don’t ship, but if you’re looking for something to read there are several on ao3 that you could check out! my favorite fic portrayal of sudo, however, is definitely how he's characterized in perfectly still in the dark by bloodletters. while suo and taichi's relationship is the main focus of the fic, sudo has the most striking scene with taichi—even if you are not a gay sudo truther like myself, it's so worthwhile to read just because of how expertly and subtley he is characterized. now that i think about it, i think that fic might've actually been what jumpstarted my love for sudo, but i digress LMAO. tl;dr out of all the chihayafuru characters, sudo for me is the closest to being canonically gay, and he should be celebrated more for that reason alone 🤍
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huapaiqingyuan · 2 years
this is sudo actually
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jaybirdsketchbook · 2 years
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This one goes out to all ten Sudo enjoyers in the world
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yugiohz · 11 months
I'm also a little bit in love with Sudo Akihito. Who is your favorite?
SAMEEEE he falls under an animanga archetype that I’m particularly fond <3 i also loved Shinobu, i expected her to be more of a serious/edgy rival but she’s so sillyyyy
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lettieriletti · 8 months
Finder Series 8 – Promessa Segreta nel Mirino
Il fotografo Akihito Takaba è ormai più che coinvolto negli affari privati e lavorativi del boss Ryuichi Asami, il quale ha scelto il giovane come suo amante. Akihito scopre che Sudo, uno degli scagnozzi di Asami, ha tradito il boss e decide di documentarne le malefatte, rischiando la vita. Asami correrà nuovamente in soccorso di Akihito? Anche questo ottavo volume della serie uscirà in doppia…
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animepoint · 5 years
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watayaaratamblr · 2 years
what's even there to enjoy in the latest volumes they are all boring and SIMPLY VERY PREDICTABLE we all know that Chihaya & Arata will win so what? such real boring shit lately...
Really? I'd love then to talk to you more I have tons of questions I want to ask, you seem to know:
Will Chihaya and/or Arata send Tachi or SE? This is huge and I wonder if sensei will not draw an interesting inner debate on which to send, it's really not easy and very important!
What are the remaining dead cards? I wonder if another TA card is still unread? so TACHI is a 2 syllables card, will sensei use this? how will Arata defeat Suo's good hearing if it gets read? Suo can hear a sound 0.5 tone before anyone else, Chihaya might take it but what about Arata?
No wait, it's even a bigger problem if it's not 2 syllables card!!
Also why TACHI vs SE despite all the importance placed on SE all this time, how is TACHI qualified to be used in a meaningful comparison with SE? Could it be that TACHI was given to Taichi by both Arata & Chihaya the same way Arata gave CHIHA to Chihaya and Taichi gave WATA-YA to Arata that's why they'll take it both and Taichi will feel some kind of inclusion and be reminded of team Chihayafuru? how emotional would that be!!
You seem to know, you can predict, can you tell me? because It's not good to send a card you want to take in the luck-of-the-draw, you are always to keep it instead because you'll have a bigger chance to get it by defending but Chihaya is an offensive player a real one, to the core too! what will she do? both cards are important and she said that she lets go of what she wants to take the most to go on the offensive and take it, will she do something like that? So it's TACHI in this case right? because Chihaya can also hear it 0.5 tone before Shinobu and Shinobu was always better when it comes to SE, oh wait! but what about Suo still SENDING SE to Arata despite knowing that Arata is cooking something? Some strategy? Wait, Arata! Arata saying the 99th card!! could it be that he predicted all the cards that will be read? I feel amusingly curious i did some math and I could only guess that HOTOTOGISU is one of the dead cards (and I could be totally wrong lol), what does Arata know? also the fate of the luck-of-the-draw is practically in his hands because he has to send the card that won't be read and keep the one that'll be read with him, if he is qualified to become a meijin he should be able to tell this right? like Harada sensei and Suo, Suo can't do anything but receive a card and try to find a way to take the one on Arata's side first.
but wait no, Arata could also use his acceleration? he can accelerate even on his own side but attacking?! how could I forget this possibility? but wait, his injured hand, won't it be in the way?
Everything is predictable you say? then pray tell me, how are we gonna arrive to that result (Chihaya & Arata winning)?
What will Taichi learn during this? Sudo has been drawn as a very loyal friend to Suo and Sudo wants to become a chairman of the all-karuta association and this needs him to become a meijin at least once so how will Suo's involvement with him be drawn from now on and will Taichi be replaced then? or will sensei make Suo maybe tell us something about the TACHI card that Suo might get or attack for? And Chitose? you can predict you say, will Chitose -come back for her pillow- then arrive to Omi Jingu again to see Chihaya accomplish what she stopped worshiping her for? and how will Chihaya start telling us about PASSION and how six years ago, she was rather fully consumed by her sister's success?
I also think that Chihaya & Arata will win, but this is the last thing i'm concerned about, I want to know the process of winning and everyone's role is what i'm reading in every new chapter and I'm surprised with every choice sensei makes be it one of the so many "what ifs" I thought of or a totally different one which she pulled quite a lot throughout the manga.
I don't know about you but I personally enjoy every chapter VERY MUCH!
So sorry anon, I can't tell you what's there to enjoy, YOU SEEM TO ALREADY KNOW.
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formashimataichi · 2 years
hello, sorry if this is a bother, but if you'd like to share, I'm curious on your feelings about Sudo as a character. I really like his character in what we've seen in the manga but I feel like there's more to why I like him than what I can share (IE I feel like my reasoning is a bit shallow and I feel bad about it and maybe hearing someone else's take might help dots click in my head more).
Personally, what I have really come to adore about him is that his love for people is incredibly apparent. That's a strange thing to say considering the kind of character he is on the surface, but I'm absolutely enthralled by the way he engages with people to bring out the best in themselves. It makes the revelation that he wants to chair the national association make so much sense because you can tell his investment is not just in karuta as a sport but also as a medium that brings out certain qualities in people. He is a sadist allegedly, but he cares to see people grow when he recognizes their passion and desire for doing so, regardless of wherever they're at personally in terms of skill. That tendency and brand of leadership is what builds the foundation for the veneration he receives from his teammates at Hokuo. It's what allows him to be one of the first people outside of Taichi and Arata to recognize that there is something latent but genuine that rests inside of Suou, and it's what makes him the perfect person to succeed leadership in the association because unlike so many of the old-time players who have embroiled themselves in genuine condescension, Sudo's brand of condescension is nothing but a façade. He teases, he pushes, he manipulates (and I hate to use this word, the connotation is way too negative for what I'm implying), but with the best of intentions and with a desire to see the people he's challenging grow and succeed. That deal he makes with Taichi, for example, is an enormous gamble to take on, but in the grand scheme of things it's a move made by someone who wants to see his rivals grow and continue to challenge themselves rather than giving into easy outs and excuses—the mark of a good leader.
Ironically, however, Sudo is also someone whose heart lays itself bare when no level of teasing and pushing and manipulating can allow him to pull people back up from the recesses of their own despair. I've always enjoyed him as a character, but that flashback scene where he begs Suou not to leave the world of karuta instantly propelled him to new heights in my heart because he was so heartfelt and genuine. It revealed so much about who Sudo is at his core—a person who adores karuta, who adores the people who play it, and who would do anything to bring the people playing it out of despair and doubt that would otherwise paralyze them. He possesses so much latent compassion and allows it to guide his decisions, and it's utterly poetic that he's presented as the character to eventually inherit the reins of the association from a leadership that has utterly blinded itself to the needs of its players.
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beldaroot · 3 years
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sudou :(
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leviackereman · 3 years
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Sudou-kun, you want to become the Meijin, right? And then you want to become the chairman of a Karuta society, right? You will be able to do it. -Why..? Dammit! It's not fair.. why? Please don’t quit, even if one day you won’t be able to see anymore. Please stay here. Don’t leave the Karuta world.
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sabishi-tomo · 3 years
Chihayafuru fic: AS is for Artful Sadist
I meant to write a Sudo x Chihaya one-shot, but it ended up being a two-shot instead xD. The second (and final!) chapter is now up.
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Summary: Chihaya is baffled by Sudo’s recent wager with her at a tournament. He said, “Ayase, if you lose this match, you have to treat me at your most hated restaurant in Tokyo.”
Chihaya tries to figure out how dating works. Mishaps and misunderstandings ensue.
Read here: Ao3 | FF
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joysstar · 3 years
Sorry to bug ya! But do happen to know where I can see the raw of the new Viewfinder chapter?
Hello! I’m sorry, but I don’t know where to find the raw chapter. But I can suggest you this website to find the latest chapters. ^^
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jaybirdsketchbook · 3 years
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Happy White Day, fellow Sudo enjoyers
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zabossu · 3 years
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From left to right :
Sudo Akihito, safety driver for Nambu School, in Gunma. And (VERY OFTEN) secretary of Tofu Fujiwara's boss, the most serious of this trio
Fujiwara Tenshi, young boss of his family business and rally driver in Nambu School too. Wants to enter the competition for saving his store from being destroyed by bigger competitor in his town
Von Reinherz "The boss" Evelynn, ex instructor for Metsudo Katahara, endurance & time-attack driver in the same school, fighter of Fujiwara (i mean because why not). Not particularly interest in fighting but she enjoys that in the fight
Et voilààà ! I hope you will take care of them and kiss kiss ! ~
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