spiritualsoull1969 · 9 months
The Spiritual Tapestry of Relationships: Navigating the Thorns to Find Fragrance
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सभी रिश्ते...
              गुलाबों की तरह खुशबू नहीं देते
               कुछ ऐसे भी तो होते हैं जो .....
                    कांटे छोड़ जाते हैं
English Translation
"All relationships...
do not give the fragrance of roses.
There are some that...
leave behind thorns."
The poetic expression "सभी रिश्ते, गुलाबों की तरह खुशबू नहीं देते, कुछ ऐसे भी तो होते हैं जो कांटे छोड़ जाते हैं" (Not all relationships give fragrance like roses; some leave thorns behind) encapsulates the intricate nature of human connections. Unlike the idealized notion of relationships akin to fragrant roses, it acknowledges that some relationships are akin to thorns, leaving behind challenges and difficulties. In the vast landscape of spirituality, this profound concept unravels the deeper meanings embedded in relationships that traverse both joyous and challenging terrain.
The Metaphor of Roses and Thorns in Relationships:
The metaphor of roses and thorns is a timeless representation of the dual nature of relationships. While roses symbolize beauty, love, and joy, thorns represent challenges, pain, and difficulties. Spirituality embraces the idea that relationships, like the intertwining vines of a rose bush, encompass both elements.
Spiritual Perspective on Relationships:
Spirituality views relationships as mirrors reflecting the soul's journey towards self-realization. Each interaction, whether harmonious or challenging, becomes an opportunity for growth and spiritual evolution. By embracing the duality inherent in relationships, individuals embark on a transformative path.
The Illusion of Perfection in Relationships:
The expectation that all relationships should resemble fragrant roses creates an illusion of perfection. Spirituality dismantles this illusion, urging individuals to see the inherent beauty in both joy and adversity. The imperfections of relationships become the very soil in which spiritual seeds of understanding and compassion are sown.
The Fragrance of Positive Relationships:
Positive relationships, akin to fragrant roses, exude love, joy, and a sense of fulfillment. In the context of spirituality, these connections become a source of inspiration and support on the spiritual journey. They serve as reminders of the divine love that permeates all aspects of existence.
Challenges as Spiritual Catalysts:
Relationships that leave behind thorns, challenges, and difficulties are viewed through the lens of spirituality as catalysts for spiritual growth. The friction and discomfort encountered in such relationships become opportunities for self-reflection, resilience, and the development of virtues like patience and forgiveness.
Spiritual Alchemy of Transformative Relationships:
Spirituality introduces the concept of alchemy in relationships — the transformation of base elements into spiritual gold. Relationships that initially seem challenging and thorny have the potential to undergo profound transformation, transmuting adversity into spiritual wisdom and understanding.
The Karmic Tapestry of Relationships:
The concept of karma in spirituality suggests that relationships are intricately woven into the fabric of one's destiny. Every encounter, whether sweet or challenging, is considered a result of past actions. Viewing relationships through this karmic lens fosters acceptance and a deeper understanding of life's intricate design.
The Necessity of Boundaries:
Thorns in relationships often arise from the lack of boundaries. Spirituality teaches the importance of setting healthy boundaries to protect one's spiritual well-being while fostering genuine connections. Recognizing and addressing toxic dynamics becomes an integral part of the spiritual journey.
Forgiveness as a Spiritual Practice:
Thorns in relationships may embed themselves in the form of grievances and conflicts. Spirituality places a significant emphasis on forgiveness as a transformative spiritual practice. Letting go of resentment and embracing forgiveness becomes a means to release the grip of thorns and cultivate a garden of spiritual harmony.
The Role of Detachment:
Detachment is a cornerstone of spiritual teachings. It does not imply emotional disengagement but rather a healthy understanding that the essence of relationships is not bound by external circumstances. Detachment from the outcomes of relationships allows individuals to navigate the thorny paths with grace and resilience.
Cultivating Compassion for Ourselves and Others:
The awareness that not all relationships are fragrant roses invites individuals to cultivate compassion, both for themselves and others. Spirituality teaches that everyone is on their unique journey, and understanding the diverse challenges each person faces fosters empathy and compassion.
The Symbolism of the Lotus in Muddy Waters:
Spirituality often uses the symbolism of the lotus, which emerges pristine and beautiful from muddy waters, to illustrate the potential for spiritual awakening amid life's challenges. Relationships, even those with thorns, provide the fertile ground for the lotus of spiritual insight to blossom.
Learning from Nature:
Nature itself offers profound spiritual lessons. In the wilderness of relationships, individuals can draw inspiration from resilient plants that thrive in challenging environments. Just as a cactus blooms in the desert, relationships can yield beauty and wisdom even in arduous conditions.
Transcending Dualities:
The concept of roses and thorns embodies duality, a fundamental aspect of the material world. Spirituality encourages individuals to transcend dualities, recognizing that both joy and sorrow, love and pain, are interconnected facets of the human experience. This transcendence leads to a more profound understanding of relationships.
The Essence of Unconditional Love:
At the heart of spiritual teachings is the concept of unconditional love. While fragrant roses represent the joyous aspects of love, relationships with thorns challenge individuals to love unconditionally — to love despite imperfections and difficulties. Unconditional love becomes a transformative force that transcends the limitations of the human ego.
In the intricate dance of relationships, the metaphor of roses and thorns becomes a symbolic guide on the spiritual journey. Spirituality invites individuals to embrace both fragrant and thorny aspects of connections, recognizing that each relationship contributes to the soul's evolution. By navigating the garden of relationships with mindfulness, compassion, and spiritual wisdom, individuals can find the fragrance even in the midst of thorns. The spiritual alchemy within relationships transforms challenges into opportunities, inviting individuals to unfold the petals of understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Ultimately, the journey through both roses and thorns becomes a sacred pilgrimage towards the essence of the human spirit.
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positivefreeenergy · 2 years
Water in the river
Like water in the river
Souls come and go
creating turbulence on top
Give me softness
So I remember I am alive,
I am weak and we are one
Let me die so I can cry
Back to compassion
and caring heart
Let me die so I can change
To universal love,
the untouched and undisturbed
The one that is inside
And always remains
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
ShaRa or Sinai mountain was always considered particularly sacred JaBaL Ideid, dates back to 2350 – 2000 BC. was a Goddess Moon worshiping center...
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nourishinglovebites · 8 years
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Feeling #Inspired as I often am in my #Kitchen I let the #AlchemyOfLove #Create this simple #Raw #Vegan #IceCréme of these simple ingredients #Frozen #Banana 🍌 #Lucuma #Matcha #GreenTea 🍵 #Gynostemma 🌿 #CannabisInfusedCoconutOil #Vanilla #NourishTheSkinYoureIn #NourishingLoveBites #RealFood #LoveThisLife 💗 #LoveBites (at Clearwater, Florida)
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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The village Gamzigrad, 200 AC, is at the banks of the Crni Timok River in Serbia. In 1984 the fragment made of limestone, with an inscription FELIX ROMULIANA, confirmed that Romula’s villa was the memorial of Galerius, co-ruler of Diocletian and Constantine, whose mother was Romulina. Above the village at Magura hill around one kilometer from the main east gate of Romuliana, archaeologists have discovered an ancient grave yard from 300 AC, built on a sacred mound where burial and apotheosis of Galerius’ mother Romula and Galerius himself took place. So the palace, the temples, and the sacred complex was dedicated to Ancient Greek Gods, the emperor and his mother, the post mortal Goddess Romula, who themselves became gods by the consecration act at the mount Magura.
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
Ancient Worlds Article Links on Tumblr.
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
Sounds have Shapes that are Numbers“Sounds have shape,” explains Professor John Aston, from Cambridge’s Statistical Laboratory. “As a word is uttered it vibrates air, and the shape of this soundwave can be measured and turned into a series of numbers. Once we have these stats, and the stats of another spoken word, we can start asking how similar they are and what it would take to shift from one to another.”
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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Article, Research by Nataša Pantović
Snake as Symbols of the Worshiper of the Moon Goddess 2400 BC. Sumerian
Kesh Temple hymn; Old Babylonian British Museum 2400 BC, first ever published book  
30 as the number of the Goddess.  Sīn or Suen (Akkadian: 𒂗𒍪 EN.ZU or lord-ess of wisdom) or Nanna was the number 30, in cuneiform: 𒀭𒌍 (10 x 3)
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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Sumerian Temple Hymns
The First Ever Published Book by High Priestess 2400 BC
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
#sumerian #Temple #Hymns & High Priestess Enheduanna, Kesh Liturgy to #Goddess SiN from UR (Syria). Following Humanity's fight 4 #enlightenment "Holy water & sacred word that is all you need said a gypsy witch with a snake around her neck" #sound #research
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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natasa-pantovic · 5 years
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