#Aldi roses in a bag
artbyisabelh · 7 months
Ooops, I did it again!
Yes, you already know my obsession with these roses that you can buy for a fraction of the price at Walmart, Tractor Supply store, and Aldi’s. Okay, let me go back to the store listings. I had previously posted about bare-root bagged roses that I purchased from Walmart. Today, I will be posting about two more roses from Walmart, two roses from Tractor Supply Store, and two roses that I bought…
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Sticky Buns
            There were several things about mini-me that were embarrassing. First of all, I was held back in kindergarten for being “too small.” My teachers were worried that me, a tiny brown girl with curly hair bigger than her head, would get bullied if I wasn’t the same size as the other kids. I waited the extra year in hopes of catching up, but I got bullied anyways. Secondly, I was a nerd. Not a cute quiet nerd, mind you, but an obnoxious, always-carrying-a-book-and-reading-aloud-to-herself type of nerd. Finally, and probably most insufferably, I was known as the teacher’s pet. If all of that wasn’t enough, I was that kid. I was the kid in school who peed her pants.
            After the first few accidents, Mom found that I was simply unable to ‘hold it’. She chuckled as she wrote the note to my teachers that made it official: I had to go when I said. Because my hand was annoyingly stuck in the air anyways, it made notifying teachers easy. Once I hit middle school, my reputation preceded me. When I wiggled around in my seat like I had ants in my pants, and waved more fervently that normal, the teachers would sigh and point to the door. My wiggly dance down the hall was a sight to see.
Tiny me thought this worked pretty well. I was getting out of class as much as I could want, no questions asked. Since I was a ‘good kid’, I never took this for granted (Of course I did, how could you believe a child?!). Mom and the doctor had other plans for me. Something about getting a diagnosis for what made my bladder weak, but I think the word they were looking for was ‘Loser’. I peed in a cup seven times before starting treatment. Most people never have had to pee in a cup once. I’m jealous.
            Homework was not foreign to me. In fact, homework was my favorite pastime (I told you I was insufferable), until the doctor gave me bladder homework. Did you know you could educate your bladder? After weeks of this at-home ball-squeezing and hip-flexing homework, I went back in for testing. My new routine was: get to the pee doctor’s, drink as much water as I could hold, get the cup from my mom, and send my pee away for Science. That day held other plans, for which my mom promised me McDonald’s. Before I even processed how these new plans would help me exactly, five extremely sticky nodes were attached to my butt.
            If you’re wondering how terrible it is to be hooked up to the Butt-o-Matic, I couldn’t tell you because I promptly zoned out for the rest of the visit. All I knew was that I was being rewarded for this discomfort with salty fries and a thick shake. I pictured bringing my meal in when I was dropped back off at school, flexing on my classmates with the greasy bag. For once, I would lord over my class.
  After a half an hour of doing the exercises with nodes hanging off my butt, I was finished. On my way out, I was offered a Princess Jasmine sticker. Letting my face show my sadness and, blinking at the doctor, I asked if I could also have the Princess Ariel one. The doctor’s face shifted into one of pity. She gave me both stickers.
Mom fulfilled her promise, swinging by the Drive Thru while pulling her Aldi’s employee sweater on. The water I’d had from the water fountain was starting to make its appearance and, since I hadn’t peed in the cup, I had critically miscalculated. As she pulled to the first window to pay, I leapt out of the car, slamming the door shut on my mom’s surprise. I barely made it in time. She was laughing when she swung the car around the front of the building and I came out. “Welcome back, Sticky Buns,” is all she said before driving me the rest of the way to school.
I sauntered into the building with the aromatic McDonald’s bag swinging from my grasp, my tattered Percy Jackson book in the other, and my buns still slightly sticky.
Forever Writing,
quill rose
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cubeswhump · 4 years
Defy Fate; Reanimate, part 3: The Quietest Sound
I felt really uncomfortable and lonely while writing this.
Tagging @brutal-nemesis @more-miserables
Warning for blood, brief surgery, narration that reminds me a lot of depression moods.
"Good morning, Deary," Lorelai whispered, petting along his coarse dreadlocks. No movement, no change in his steady breathing.
"Can you hear me, Dearil?"
Empty bedpan. Administer vitamins.
"When you wake up, I'll be here. We're gonna be okay."
She returned when she was dressed in her scrubs, hair tied back. She stroked the back of right his hand with her thumb, the other in a sling. She carefully avoided the row of staples to kiss his forehead. She switched on the baby monitor before she left.
Do ICU nurses get this lonely when they tend to comatose patients? Brushing his teeth, washing him with a sponge, doing anything -- he was completely unresponsive.
Everybody talked and they never stopped. Viktor's replacement was unbearably chatty. Her supervisor complained about his absense. Classmates wanted to compare notes.
Class went terribly. She hardly paid attention to the lecture and kept going over the pathetic answer she'd written down: Patient has sciatic neuritis.
That was so obvious, surely the instructor wanted her to elaborate. Causes. Treatments. Lifestyle changes.
She was such a fucking failure. She wanted to just sit on her car with her head in her hands, but she had to check her messages.
Her nextdoor neighbor was holding onto a package. Perfect, the G-tube. Now Dearil could eat properly. Did she have time to pick it up. Go home, and insert it? No way, she had work in an hour and a half, and to drive to the beach house and back was two hours.
Baby monitor was silent as ever, just the beeping that told her he was alive.
A private message from Magickal_Shells asking aboyt her progress. Ugh, why did she make that post in the first place? She was considering deleting her account, but paused.
She sent aessage back: Prove you're not a fed.
She picked up the package and thanked Mrs. Jeffreys. "I've been staying wuth my boyfriend, he's going on and on about getting a house together."
The old woman rolled her eyes, laughing. "Men always want to go too fast. You be careful with that one."
Lorelai checked her phone as she got back in the car. Another message from Magickal_Shells. A picture of a driver's license with a tiny UK flag, no information blurred. Was this girl serious?
Lorelai was momentarily intrigued by how subtle and plain the card was compared to her flashy United States one, but she turned her attention to the details. Why was the information numbered?
Morgan, Shelley Patricia.
18.1.20XX. January 18, or 18 of January. Nineteen years old.
Lincolnshire, England.
Organ donor.
Lorelai plugged the name into a background check website. She didn't check the cost before entering her bank account details to pay.
Sparkly clean record. Popular in green witch communities. Student at some low-ranking university. Currently worked as a cashier at Aldi's and volunteered at a homeless shelter.
Lorelai never trusted a goodie-two-shoes.
She sent a quick message: Skype call on Saturday?
The response was a happy emoji. Lorelai sighed.
What time works for you? she asked, already regretting this.
I can chat after work. 2PM?
Lorelai checked the time conversion and cringed. She was not talking to some overly enthusiastic stranger first thing in the morning.
They worked out a better time, 12 PM Eastern standard, 5PM British standard.
Another message from Shelley: I can't wait XX
Lorelai cringed and exited the forum.
Work came at last. She was almost relieved to work among the bodies with Chatty Cathy (or was her name Amy?), but she stopped at the entrance to the morgue, her breath catching.
On the door was the biggest black moth she had ever seen. Or was that a butterfly? She took out her phone but before she could pull the camera up, it flew at her face. She swallowed a scre as she batted at the stupid insect.
A black butterfly means death, change, or misfortune. Rarely has positive connotations. A black moth is said to be the soul of a loved one saying goodbye.
She checked the baby monitor right there in the hallway, and the steady beeping allowed her to breathe.
She didn't have time to stand there any longer abd look up visual differences between butterflies and moths. Either way, right now she really hated lepidoptera.
A couple hours with Chatty Whatever. An hour drive home lengthened by traffic.
It was so cold by the water as Lorelai got out of her car. She was glad she'd bundled Dearil up nice and warm before she left.
"Deary, I'm hone," she called, shutting the door softly behind her. No response, never a response.
She pureed fruits, vegetables, and protein powder with the food processor under the counter. Dearil would hate if she put any meat in there. She set the sludge aside and went to tend to Dearil. Change bedpan, change into clean gloves, ice and benzocaine a few inches left of the sutured Y-incision.
It felt so wrong slicing into him now that his skin was warm and his chest rose and fell, but he needed to eat. Blood poured around the newest incision. Dearil took a sharp breath and Lorelai gasped.
She wanted to be gentle, but she alsp wanted this over with as soon as possible. It was harder to dorce the bulbous end of the G-tube into the incision than she expected, and she stood for a full minute after watching him for signs of shock.
She was being ridiculous. It would take more than an inch-long incision and a bit of plastic in his stomach to kill him after everything.
She filled the feeding bag eith the vegetable puree and hung it from the hook she'd installed on the wall.
"There," she murmured after what felt like the longest silence. "You must be hungry."
She paused, looking him over. The bandaging holding his jaw shut, the discolored pstches of skin held with threading and staples, the eyes taped shut, a white arm in a sling, the IV in one hand, and now a G-tube.
But he was still Dearil, and one day he'd thank her. Just not today.
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Possible Snippet from Had Enough: The Dreamsight Remix
Summary, the tag to follow
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. Their nephew would tell you otherwise. Normal people didn’t wake up in a just-big-enough space that he could barely turn around in as he got older. Lately, it felt like he couldn’t even fit in the cupboard. Perhaps it only worked because he was so skinny.
He knew for a fact that Dudley would never fit in this small space. Not only would the bigger boy struggle to get himself in, but he’d also be claustrophobic in under a minute! According to the librarian, it meant that someone was scared of small spaces. Harry couldn’t quite afford to be scared of small spaces since he spent most of his time in a cupboard, but he could imagine that Dudley, Aunt Petunia, and Uncle Vernon wouldn’t last here.
It was early in the morning after a day of cleaning to get ready for Dudley’s birth-week. Two weeks in advance. Aunt Petunia had never really done this before, so it was safe to say that Harry was stunned by the turn of events. Cleaning was never doled out as a punishment, it was just something he had to do because the Dursleys sure wouldn’t.
Now cooking was definitely a punishment. Especially since he often wasn’t allowed to eat what he made for the Dursleys. If he wanted food, he would have to stand at the stove hours before the main meal was to be prepared and it was nowhere near as good as anything he made for the Dursleys. They insisted on that.
It was early in the morning after a day of cleaning and Harry. Could. Not. Sleep. He was sore and his head hurt and the fumes from the cleaning products had followed him into the cupboard, making him feel extremely nauseous. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but he hadn’t been able to sleep that well before tonight either. You see, he’d been having strange dreams over the past month now about people who could do amazing things. Fly, make things move, make things appear out of thin air, or bring something to them… in one set of dreams, he could talk to snakes. In another, an adult crumbled to dust at his mere touch.
The whole thing was right out of a fairytale and it happened at a place called named after a pig with acne! So between the strange dreams and being sore after cleaning, it was safe to say he wouldn’t be doing much sleeping. He tossed and turned but couldn’t find any position to lessen the aches or his headache or the smell. So he quietly pushed open the door to the cupboard. Thankfully, Aunt Petunia only locked it when he was in trouble. So he was able to creep out forward and head for the door.
He passed the kitchen, still sparkling clean because no one had been in it since he left a few hours ago. The wooden table and chairs tucked in the corner had been a struggle to move. Thankfully, he didn’t have to sweep behind the refrigerator on the opposite wall. Harry opened the front door, thankful that the Dursleys had no dog like Aunt Marge did that would wake everyone up at the slightest movement. He locked the bottom lock and walked out of the house.
It was summer, hot in a way that was average for Little Whinging and muggy at that. Harry stood in the center of the sidewalk for a few moments, taking in the surreality of being out this late. Alone with only the calm night to prove that he wasn’t supposed to be outside.
Eventually, he figured he should find somewhere else to be. No one was really out at this time of night but the Dursleys could have heard the door open and come to investigate. Harry chose to turn left and started jogging. There was a crosswalk not long after that and he chose to go straight. It was better than turning since it gave him less of a chance to circle the block.
Going straight turned out to be the better option, so Harry kept going until houses turned into buildings. The library was a few blocks away from the Dursleys. Closed, of course, for this time of night.
Something told him that standing out in the open wasn’t the best idea, even if no one was around. He listened to his instincts and jogged past the library.
He kept going until he found an all-hours store. Aldi’s was nearby, though the Dursleys preferred more upscale places. There had to be a bench or something around here… when he had no luck, he went into the store. Maybe if he looked pitiful enough, someone would get him something.
Or he could find some work to do. Everyone needed someone to clean and he was pretty good at that. Some words were painted on the wall to his right when he walked in. No one was bagging their groceries but the entrance and the exit were the same doors, so it made sense for the counter and the sign to be there:
The sign proclaimed in navy blue block letters.
Harry looked around for a bit but no one was really there. He figured the staff must have their own place and wouldn’t really notice of he sat by the chips for a maybe a minute or two.
“Hey!” Someone called, immediately proving him wrong. “I know you, you’re the Dursley boy.”
Harry turned, confused, to find one of the neighbors with a trolley full of groceries.
“What are you doing out at this time of night?” The older man asked.
“Hello, Mr. Jacobs. Couldn’t sleep.”
“And I bet your aunt and uncle don’t know you’re out here… or care, really. Feel like doing Melanie’s gardening tomorrow?”
Melanie Baker lived across the street from the Jacobs family. Mr. Jacobs’ son was the one to stop all games of Harry Hunting that Dudley and his gang tried to play.
“I’ll have to see, sir. I did some cleaning earlier so I might not be in the best shape for gardening tomorrow.” Harry admitted, hoping it wouldn’t backfire.
“Yeah, I saw your limping when you came in here. Go pick out a few things you like and add them to the trolley, you must be half-starved.”
“The clothes are pretty big, Mr. Jacobs.” Harry offered defensively. He wasn’t that small.
“I’m sure they are, and that’s not exactly a point in Vernon’s favor.” Mr. Jacobs scoffed. “Go on, then. Two snacks and a drink, maybe.”
Harry nodded his thanks and bolted through the aisles. He had to choose carefully because the longer he was outside the more he realized that he wouldn’t be able to go back in. He settled for a large bag of crisps, a cola the size of his hand, and a chewy the length of his forearm. Mr. Jacobs took them with a knowing smile and rang them up with no problem.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Anytime, kid… I’d take you home, but I’ve got to head into work. Bill is going to get the groceries if you want to stay with him.”
Harry wasn’t sure he could stay in a house. Especially not one still on Privet Drive, where Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would know he’d gone.
“Maybe later, if that’s still alright with you.”
“Sure, sure,” Mr. Jacobs offered easily. Tell you what, if you take all this from the trolley to my boot, I’ll give you ten pounds.”
Harry jumped at the chance. He might be able to come back to the store later and get something for himself! Besides, loading the groceries was no hard task and the smell of cleaner was gone from his clothes. He had less of s headache now and it was easier to lift things into the boot and make sure nothing got squished. Like eggs or bread.
Mr. Jacobs commented on a job well done and gave Harry the money, which Harry immediately slipped into his shoe. Mr. Jacobs was off with one last meaningful look at Harry. He scampered through the cark park with his new fare. Someone’s radio was loud enough to hear the news:
“Good morning, Surrey! It’s a beautiful morning in Little Whinging and despite the hour, it is hot hot hot!”
The man went on to say that it was almost seven so Harry figured he better start looking for someplace to sit. Maybe the park nearby, at least until he could figure some things out when places started opening.
He found the park he was looking for and scarfed down his food. The crisps were half full by the time he was full and the chewy half gone. The cola was untouched so far. Even as the sun rose, nobody passed him. He stretched briefly and kicked out his legs, glad to feel warmth returning to them. The only way out of Privet Drive, let alone Little Whinging, would be to follow a car and hope for the best. People were starting to pull from their driveways, so while it seemed like Mr. Jacobs had an early start, he could just be trying to beat traffic.
Someone called out to Harry and he froze. He’d gotten lucky with Mr. Jacobs leaving him to his own devices, but not everyone would. He knew for a fact that going back to the Dursleys meant never seeing the outside of his cupboard for the rest of his life.
“Morning, kiddo, it’s Mrs. Alfers from Number Ten. I haven’t seen you out this early in a while,” A woman with brown hair and blue eyes wore a sympathetic smile. She leaned out of a powder blue mom-car. It was a small two-door, four-seater with very little trunk space.
“... then again, it is Dudley's birthday so I guess the Dursleys would want you out early… do you want to come with him to work today?”
He jumped at the chance. There was no reason not to.
“Every other time I've offered to take you off their hands for a day they've always got some excuse, but my son has seen how Dudley treats you. It's not right.” Mrs. Alfers insisted as he opened the door.
“Buckle in.” She reminded him before taking off down the road. This he could handle.
“What do you do?” Harry asked quietly. It had been a few minutes since they left the rows of houses so he figured it was safe to talk.
“I'm a secretary in London.” Mrs. Alfers informed him. “I take notes and answer phone calls. My husband is a salesman at Grunnings.”
Uncle Vernon works there, Harry recalled.
London could work. If Mrs. Alfers didn't take him back then he could just stay there. Find some way to get a job.
It’s not like Harry could stay at Privet Drive forever. Not if he wanted to get to the bottom of the strange dreams he’d been having.
The guard at the door was cheerful enough and saw no problem when Mrs. Alfers declared that Harry was her nephew. He could only assume that her brother or sister was alright with this. There was no point in protesting. He was given a visitor's badge after walking through the metal detector. He didn’t have much contact with Mrs. Alfers, so why would he know where she worked?
He spent a fair amount of time listening to Mrs. Alfers clack away at a keyboard. The motion of her fingers and the resulting taps were foreign to him. It was annoying when Dudley smashed away at his games with big meaty fists but this was… gentler somehow.
They broke for lunch after hours of writing on both their parts. Harry didn't ask and Mrs. Alfers didn't say what she was working on. Likely couldn't. London was foreign to Harry, so he stuck close to Mrs. Alfers, tracking her every move as best he could. Things got awkward when they hurried out the door to a McDonald's not too far from where she worked.
She ordered two fish and chips and bottled waters. It felt off to be at a McDonald's when it was a place Dudley always bragged about. Like he didn’t belong there. They munched on their fare in-store and went back to the office.
“Alright, Harry?” Mrs. Alfers asked, peering at him with concerned blue eyes.
“Fine, thank you.” He murmured quietly.
The rest of the day passed in a similar flurry of clacking, and by the time Mrs. Alfers was ready to leave, Harry had filled an abandoned notebook with musings of what his dreams could mean. There was a green light and people were flying and waving sticks… He didn't know what to do from there. If he went back to Privet Drive the Dursleys would lock him in the cupboard and forget about him. If they even noticed he was gone. But he didn't know anything about London. He wouldn’t last long here either..
“I can't go back with you.” Harry found himself saying. “I didn't think this through. I couldn’t sleep so I figured I could go for a walk but… if I go back they won't let me see the outside of the cupboard under the stairs.”
“Well, now, that's a rather harsh punishment. But I definitely can't leave you here on your own. Are you sure they won't take you back without harm?”
“Then you'll be coming home with me.”
“But they'll know-.”
“Who will tell them?” Mrs. Alfers prompted cheerfully. “Certainly not me. With a bit more meat on your bones, some new clothes, perhaps a switch to contact lenses or maybe just a different pair of glasses, you'd be a whole new person. Jamie always wanted a little brother.”
“And if they try taking me back?”
“Well, Harry… I'm not sure they would. They're obviously not taking very good care of you. You deserve far better than what they're offering. If they truly do want you back then Jamie will have some excuse to come and see you every day.”
“I… okay. I'll go back with you.”
“Perhaps if you sit in the back this time you'll get some rest, take your mind off things.”
Harry did so, and the drive passed by in a blur.
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loiswolf · 5 years
Day 25 June 24 Joigny - Nemours 75kms
Day 25 June 24 Joigny - Nemours 75kms
My start this morning was early, but not too early. I wanted to leave in time to beat the heat but I didn’t want to arrive too early for check in.
I was glad I had written down a list of towns and roads. Just writing it down helps when you see a choice of directions and you can recognise a name or number and go with that. Although the only paper I could find last night was  the receipt and logon information for the SIM card I bought in Rome. That was a waste of time and money! The credit ran out after about 3 phone calls ( I was told they were unlimited) then when I tried to logon with the info on the slip, it wouldn’t work. Even my sister and niece couldn’t get me logged in. Might as well use the piece of paper for something useful!
So I cycled back through Joigny this morning, along the river for a while, then turned left. I found my way through Saint-Julien-du-Sault then climbed over today’s hill. It was only a few kilometres and not very steep. At the top was all this farmland.
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The scenery here is very pleasant but not spectacular so I thought today I would post pictures of buildings. Here is a very pretty chateau I cycled by after the huge fields of whatever it was.
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From there I rode gently rolling hills through one village after another. I was hoping to see somewhere to stop at Piffonds but all I saw was this rather pretty house.
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The owner was out on the nature strip pulling up weeds and came over to see what I was doing. She didn’t speak English but we had a conversation anyway.
Another 10kms and I was at Domats. I’d done 35kms and covered half my route for today. Determined to find somewhere for morning tea I scoped out the bar then rolled down the road a little to find the Boulanger. It was closed but there was a sign pointing back to the post office on the other side of the road. A very unusual combination......bread shop and post office in one! Unfortunately all they had was a few baguettes so it was back over to the bar. The lady there couldn’t offer me any food so while she was making my coffee I popped into the little grocery store and bought a bag of chocolate chip brioche. Better than nothing! There was no courtyard and my mobile data wouldn’t work there so it wasn’t a very satisfactory break.
Onto Chéroy where I had to take a left turn near this church.
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On the outskirts of Chéroy I saw an Aldi. I pulled in mainly to walk around in the air conditioning for a while. It was starting to get very hot outside.
Here is some official building in Chéroy.
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I took this photo because I liked the hay bales. The building was pretty ordinary.
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Only 24kms to go from there and it was barely midday. There was no river around but I knew there was one at my destination so I pushed on. More gentle rolling hills and cute houses.
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Nemours is bigger than I expected and it took a while to find my way in. It was too early to try my accommodation so I thought I’d try the river idea. Hmmm, it looked a bit slimy and not really swim able. It’s probably just as well. I don’t mind stripping down to my underwear in front of other people but the fact that I’m wearing a sanitary pad ( I’ve upgraded from a panty liner) taped to my upper thigh might look a bit strange. People might think my placement needs work.
I just settled on a shady patch of horse manure free grass and ate the cheese pretzel I had bought in Chéroy. My mobile data had decided to work so I was able to find somewhere to go tomorrow. You probably think I’m headed for Paris. I’m not! There is no way I want to cycle through Paris.
I did manage to get into my accommodation early. It’s called la Maison rose. I was expecting something prettier than just a blank wall with a door and the number 32 on it. There is nothing on it about being a hotel or anything different to the homes around it. There’s not even any roses! It’s not surprising that I missed it twice before locating the ‘hotel’.
It’s actually pretty inside and I had a shower and unpacked before taking Shirley back out for a ride through town and a supermarket visit.
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The heat has just increased all day. It was sooo hot out there. They hid the supermarket again so I did extra kms just trying to find it. It was one of those French supermarkets that has drug dealers hanging around the car park. They have a spot marked outside for bicycles and absolutely nowhere there to chain them up. I chained Shirley up to a fence at the side and hoped for the best.
Eventually I got out of there and back to my ‘hotel’.
Sitting inside reading I realised I was wallowing in a pool of sweat so now I am out in the courtyard. It doesn’t get dark until almost 10pm. The water here has been turned off because they are renovating. It’s going to be a long evening!
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allgoodmarks · 6 years
The energy inside of the Sears Centre on September 1, 2018 was unlike anything I have ever experienced. The excitement was palpable. The halls echoed with anxious chatter and the occasional bellow of "SCU!". The merchandise table line stretched halfway around the arena. The door opened at 3:00ct and most everyone was bouncing in their seats by 4. We were ready to witness history that night.
 When the lights dimmed, the crowd ignited. We were on our feet, we were screaming, cheering, chanting "All In, All In, All In!". Our expectations were high. They never fell an inch, and yet, they were surpassed magnificently.
 Zero Hour
 The audience was thrilled to see Cody and the Young Bucks at the start of the show. The three of them only had a spare 90 seconds, but they used the time to greet their fans, make some jokes, and give out free merchandise. A surprise appearance by Road Warrior Animal on his motorcycle hyped the crowd even more.
 SoCal Uncensored vs. The Briscoes
The crowd was ready. No, we were more than ready. The enthusiastic chants of "SCU!" rocked the building as Scorpio Sky stood out in his red, white, and blue spangled robe and hat, and Frankie Kazarian showed his enthusiasm in black and gold Rocky trunks. The Briscoes stalked to the ring amongst a chorus of low boos. The audience was fantastic. They had their own part to play in this show, and they performed marvelously. They might have sold additional PPV subscriptions just by their enthusiasm. SCU and the Briscoes matched the crowd's energy with a great opening performance that was hard-hitting and entertaining.
Winners: SCU
 Over Budget Battle Royal
This event featured a spectacular array of talent from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We were treated to a variety of great storylines all throughout the match. From Cheeseburger to Tommy Dreamer to Ethan Page to Jimmy Jacobs to Billy and Austin Gunn, there really was something for everyone in this match. Jordynne Grace stood out among the competitors, not only as the only female participant, but for a stellar performance. Her strength and skill were on full display, and the crowd erupted when we saw her face off against the Swolverine, Brian Cage. The crowd quickly got behind Marko Stunt and cheered him on against his much larger competition. Bully Ray was great playing the spoiler for so many participants and the climax between him and Chicago's favorite, Colt Cabana, was intense. The end of the match succeeded in being both expected and unexpected, as we all knew Flip Gordon would be a part of the show in some form or another. Still, his reveal brought the crowd to its feet with a deafening roar of celebration.
Winner: Flip Gordon
 All In
 MJF vs. Matt Cross
All In's first official match began with great heel action from MJF and clear audience support for Matt Cross. I had never had the privilege of seeing Cross perform live before, and everyone assured me I would be in for a spectacle. They were right! Cross is an athletic marvel. Watching him and MJF play off of one another was truly a delight.
Winner: Matt Cross
 Christopher Daniels vs. Stephen Amell
Jerry Lynn entered the arena to cheers and a chant of "Jer-ry! Jer-ry!" This was a highly anticipated match with a great deal of uncertainty over how Stephen Amell would perform in only his third pro-wrestling match ever. He quieted his critics immediately with an impressive display of new skills. The audience responded with awe and respect for Amell's performance, but they were also solidly behind the veteran, Daniels. The longer the match stretched, the more tired Amell seemed to become, but he executed a wonderful Coast to Coast to an explosive cheer. To the audience's shock, Amell flew through the air and through a table at ringside. Of course, Jerry Lynn interfered in the match, much to the crowd's delight. Even with a loss, Stephen Amell impressed the audience with a great showing of potential.
Winner: Christopher Daniels
 Tessa Blanchard vs. Chelsea Green vs. Madison Rayne vs. Britt Baker
A highly anticipated women's match that did not fail to impress. These four powerful and skilled women gave a performance that excelled on all fronts. Every woman had a solid fan base present. Green quickly became the crowd's favorite, having fun with a unique character. Blanchard dominated with her incredible strength,  Rayne impressed with her athleticism, and Baker shone bright with great skill and passion. There was no slow or dull moment in this match. The audience cheered, clapped, and chanted throughout the duration, completely enthralled with these women's incredible performances. The first "This is awesome!" of the night rang throughout the building. The end came swiftly and unexpected, but the audience was ecstatic. A match that many people consider the show stealer ended in a wonderful show of respect between these incredibly skilled athletes.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard
 Cody vs. Nick Aldis for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship
A great, historic match that began with the traditional walk to the ring surrounded by mentors and friends. Cody was accompanied by his family, Tommy Dreamer, Diamond Dallas Page, and even his dog, Pharaoh. As usual, Brandi Rhodes stood out with a gorgeous outfit, this one made of sheer fabric and sparkling like diamonds. The chant of "Cody! Cody! Cody!" pierced my ears and shook the arena. Nick Aldis surprised much of the audience with his entourage including Jeff Jarrett, Samuel Shaw, and Shawn Daivari. The crowd trembled with excitement. Even Earl Hebner as the referee was at a loss for words. Everyone was on their feet even before the match began. This promised to be a show-stealer and it did not disappoint.
 The story of the match began early. Cody was the fan-favorite, the sentimental pick for the win. Aldis was the cold and calculated champion, ready to play spoiler to this fairy tale. The audience was shocked to see Hebner throw up the "X" to indicate injury to Cody early in the match. Everyone rose to their feet again, a concerned hush falling over the entire arena. When DDP ran to the ring, shortly followed by Daivari, the crowd perked up again, relieved that it was all part of the storyline. The sight of his own blood seemed to rejuvenate Cody and the match continued at a fast, exciting pace. Brandi took a huge bump when Aldis landed an elbow right in her back while she covered her husband with her own body. The match had several false finishes, but the pin came suddenly, and the audience leapt to its feet, as it had done so many times in this match.
 The celebration began immediately, Cody and Brandi overcome with emotion, their fans shouting and screaming in elation. It was an amazing moment, seeing Cody hold the NWA Championship in the middle of the ring. Emotions ran high, tears flowed. It was a great moment for everyone, for Cody and his family and the fans watching around the world.
Winner: Cody, New NWW Worlds Heavyweight Champion
 Joey Janela vs. Hangman Page in a Chicago Street Fight
No one envied Janela and Page with their task of following the incredible moment before them. Their match would have to be imaginative, exciting, and over the top. How would they, too, exceed expectations?
 Penelope Ford, in a cute black and flower top, accompanied Janela that night. It did not take long for the Chicago Street Fight to explode to the outside of the ring, where Page introduced the first of many weapons in the match. The audience, still high from the previous combat, took a moment to settle in for this one, but the threat of violence from steel chairs, tables, ladders, and a literal cracker barrel from Cracker Barrel brought them back to their feet. Ford involved herself as well, displaying her incredible athleticism with Matrix-like dodge moves and a Stunner to Page. The audience erupted to see her dive off the top rope and hit him with a Cross-Body. The crowd responded with a "This is awesome!" chant. Excitement built as Janela set up two tables in the entranceway and Page Powerbombed him through them to chants of "Joey-killer". The crowd's anticipation grew with the introduction of two plastic garbage bags, one containing Page's cowboy boots. The sight of them threw Page into a panic and he Super-Kicked Ford. Page set up the climax of the match, revealing the phone he used to kill Joey Ryan, and then nearly killed Joey Janela with a Rite of Passage from the top of the ladder through a table.
Winner: Adam Page
 But they weren't finished. The lights dimmed. The TV screen horrified the audience with a shot of Joey Ryan's corpse. And then he rose.
 Adam Page stood, shocked, in the ring, as a parade of penises walked somberly to the stage. The audience watched in awe, some responding with a chant of "Holy dicks!". And then, in an eruption of color and cheers, Joey Ryan came. The audience responded gleefully at Adam Page's shocked expression as the man he thought was dead sauntered to the ring and then attacked him. Page's prone body was cradled and carried out in the soft arms of the phalluses, all while the audience chanted "Rest in penis". RIP.
 Flip Gordon vs. Jay Lethal for the ROH World Championship
The audience was thrilled to welcome back Black Machismo, decked out in "Macho Man" Randy Savage's red and yellow gear. Lanny Poffo accompanied him, while Brandi Rhodes, changed from her earlier outfit to a army-esque body suit, stood by Flip Gordon. This match promised everything: nostalgia from Poffo, prestige from Jay Lethal as the ROH Champion, comedy from Black Machismo's antics, and a taste of the future of pro-wrestling from the young Flip Gordon. Chants for both Flip and Black Machismo rang through the arena, but much of the crowd was behind the underdog, Gordon. They had already seen one new champion crowned and they were hoping to see another. Poffo invoked the spirit of his brother by sending Lethal up to the top rope to deliver 3 Hail to the Kings. Gordon played along by "hulking up" and hitting his opponent with a Big Boot. The audience loved every moment of the story being told in the ring, believing that Gordon could upset the champion, but in the end, Lethal was victorious.
Winner: Jay Lethal, still ROH World Champion
 The wonderful embrace of respect between Lethal and Gordon was interrupted by Bully Ray, who ran to the ring to attack them both. He even took Lanny Poffo down, further raising the ire of the crowd. Finally, Bully was stopped by Colt Cabana, who, with Lethal and Gordon, sent him through a table with a Shield-like Power Bomb, even accompanied by an "ooo-rah!" from the audience.
 Penta El Zero vs. Kenny Omega
One of the most anticipated matches of the night did not disappoint. It was brutal and powerful, bringing the audience to its feet many times. A "holy shit" chant began even before the match. This was one of those rare encounters where many people didn't much care who won. They were here to see the performances of the athletes in the ring. If this match lasted the rest of the night, not many people would have complained. Penta brought his hard-hitting, impactful style to the quick and limber Omega. One of the loudest pops of the night came from Penta's package Power Bomb on the ring apron. People had to look away from the replay. The agility of both men were on full display, with flawless and graceful counters throughout the match keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The false finishes kept the intense tempo of the match and the hearts of the audience leaping in their chests. This was no one's least-favorite match of the night.
Winner: Kenny Omega
 Another complete blackout indicated that the emotional ride was not yet complete. When the lights came back up, Kenny Omega was attacked by Penta, now with a Fozzy tattoo on his left arm. The audience jumped to their feet again, knowing that the masked man before them was actually Chris Jericho. He pulled off his Penta mask and gave Omega an ominous threat- that he would see him on the Jericho Cruise. The shocked audience was ecstatic, most having no idea that Y2J was even in the building. The entire arena was left buzzing.
 Marty Scurll vs. Kazuchika Okada
Part of the double/triple main event, this match was anticipated excitedly for months. Could Scurll stand with the heavyweights, especially against the agile powerhouse Okada, the longest-reigning NWGP Champion of all time? The buzz around this match palpitated for weeks and when the time finally came... the crowd was absolutely exhausted. We were 4 hours into the most emotionally draining (in a good way!) show we had attended in a long time, with no intermission, no "low card" match to sneak out of for a moment. The crowd had stayed in their seats from the first bell because we couldn't bear to miss a moment. So when Scurll and Okada sauntered down the ramp, it was to an audience that was struggling to focus, despite the excitement.
 Even though the chants may have been slightly subdued than previously in the night, they were forceful. The 11,000+ people in the building were split, half chanting for Scurll, half for Okada, some, like me, chanting for both. And the performers gave everything they had. Their effort rallied the crowd's attention back to the ring. It didn't matter how tired they were, the incredible action was too good to miss. Scurll moved with intelligence. He used mind games and fake-outs to lure Okada off guard. Meanwhile, the Rainmaker plowed forward with his strength and took advantage of his size and weight. Every false finish brought the crowd to its feet again. They wondered if Scurll would somehow manage to defeat his much larger opponent and prove he belongs with the heavyweights. Unfortunately for him, Okada's power was too much to overcome. Despite the Villain's loss, the crowd applauded and cheered for him in a well-deserved show of respect.
Winner: Kazuchika Okada
 Rey Fenix, Bandido, and Rey Mysterio vs. Young Bucks and Kota Ibushi
All In's main event delivered a great deal in a small amount of time. We knew it would be a brief affair, seeing how quickly Marty Scurll and Kazuchika Okada cleared the ring after their match. This promised to be one of the fastest-paced, high-flying matches of the night. People couldn't blink for fear of missing a single moment. The anticipated match-up between Mysterio and Ibushi drew a chant of "Holy shit" even before they began. This spectacle did not disappoint. The match broke down only after a few minutes and the athletes' pure agility and skill were on full display. They executed so many innovative maneuvers that I couldn't even begin to describe them all, except for "amazing". How we wished the match could have gone on much longer.
Winner: Young Bucks and Kota Ibushi
 The Pay Per View feed cut off in mid-sentence, but the show in the Sears Centre went on. The Young Bucks and Ibushi remained in the ring and called down their friends and family. Cody, Brandi, and Kenny Omega joined them, along with Papa and Mama Buck, Mrs. Matt, and the Buck children. The ring was full of beaming, ecstatic people. They stood before the 11,000+ people in the arena and showed great humility, thanking the audience for their support and contribution. Whenever one performer thanked another, that person in turn thanked everyone else. Emotions were the highest they had been all night. The crowd was assured that none of their favorite wrestlers were going anywhere, and they responded with a resounding chant of "All In 2! All In 2!"
 No one can argue the success of All In. 11,263 people were in attendance that night, and many more watched the spectacle on TV. This was an experience unlike any other in recent memory. All In was a show produced by wrestlers who deeply love professional wrestling and who sincerely wanted to give their fans a new product to enjoy. Words cannot express how much the wrestling fans around the world appreciate their efforts. From the moment the idea was born, we watched for updates with bated breath, leaping on the chance to secure tickets to witness history. All In was everything we had hoped for and more. As a wrestling fan, the future is looking bright.
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akeskinocak · 6 years
6.5 seneden sonra biraz önce Viyana’da ilk defa tam anlamiyla gunesin dogusunu izledim. Bu beni biraz heyecanlandirdi birazda huzunlendirdi. Viyana ile aramda ruhsal bir bag olduguna artik yuzde yuz emin olmami sagladi bir yandanda. Ben normalde sabahlari bira icmezdim saat su an 7.32 bir corona ictim sikayetci degilim guzel oldu. Birazcik hayatimi dusundum daha dogrusu dusunmeye karar verecektim ki vazgectim. Hayatim beni dusunsun.
Hayatimdaki hic birseye karsi hic birsey hissetmedigimi farkettim bu cok aci bir sey bilmem nasil anlatayim? Neyse anlatmama gerek yok cunku hic kimsenin umrunda degil bende dahil olmak uzere. Sonra gun dogumunu izlerken bir sigara yaktim,bu aralar gercekten cok sigara ictigimi dusundum. Sonra dedim ki zaten sonunda hepimiz ölecegiz?
Kopegini gezdiren yasli teyzeler gordum o kadar mutlulardiki insan kopek gezdirirken nasil bu kadar mutlu olabilir ki? Diye dusundum sonra dedim ki belkide kopekle alakali bir sey degildir?
Yapraklar ucuyordu. Ah benim birtanecik sevgili kasim ayim sen o kadar guzelsinki ben seni kelimelerle anlatamasamda Axl Rose November Rain parcasinda “suclayacak kimse kalmadiginda karanligi kafana takma! Hala bir yol bulabiliriz? Cunku hic bir sey sonsuza dek surmez. Soguk kasim yagmuru bile” diyerek seni mukemmel bir sekilde özetlemis.
Sonra gunes tepede tam anlamiyla yerini aldi. Muzigim guzel onumde coronam aksam 5te iste olmam disinda hersey mukemmel gorunuyordu. Bisikletle gezen dedeler,kopeklerini gezdiren yasli teyzeler,ucusan sari yapraklar,agaclar,banklar,catilar,pencereden disariyi seyreden cocuklar,gokyuzu,cop kutulari,bulutlar ve elektrik direkleri hersey cok guzel gorunuyordu. Belki de dedim belki de viyana cok guzeldir?
Hayat kötü diyemeyecegim hayat cok ama cok guzel. Ancak guzel oldugu kadar anlamsiz.
Tipki bazi vucutlar gibi.
Ispanyolca cok guzel bir dil.
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dollsahoy · 6 years
(so now I’ve witnessed Discourse in the rose growing community regarding inexpensive roses sold with bare roots wrapped in plastic bags from big box stores and Aldi.  Given my overwhelming success with my enormous rose--and also the Aldi Else Poulsen rose that’s been doing well for a year longer, with a much more polite growth habit--I know which side I’m on...)
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artbyisabelh · 7 months
Super Sunday
Today was an absolutely fantastic day! I conquered so many tasks in my garden. To begin with, I completed planting four more Aldi bagged roses that I impulsively bought a few days ago. I was uncertain about where to position them, not because I lack garden space, but because I must be meticulous in choosing their spots to prevent them from becoming deer snacks. First up are the two plants that I…
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violetsystems · 3 years
As much as I try to joke about emotional labor, it is hard work to do so at six in the morning. It can be particularly harder to muster the tone on a holiday in America dedicated to just that. I took a few weeks off from the heavy lifting of encapsulating my feelings about everything to live in the world. You know instead of talking about it. The world hasn't been much different for me lately. I do a lot of cooking. I do a lot of cleaning. I organize things relentlessly. My outlets and lightbulbs are part of some IoT maze that I click on and off randomly on my phone. I spent a good portion of the last month trying to be more efficient with the electricity I use. Most of my current business model revolves around mining the ethereal. You could confuse that with Ethereum just like you could call me legally grey. It's all fuzzy how any of my life works out other than paying the bills and balancing the books. If I had a quarter for every time I had to break out my people skills at the Aldi, I'd get it back eventually. One such incident happened just the other day. A woman had put a quarter in the slot of the wrong cart locking it up in an impossible chain of karma. Aldi is particularly German in the fact that it likes interaction by design. I guess it requires mindfulness to give a quarter and get it back. So much so that there were times in the past I have just forgone going to that store on account of how interactive it is. These days I'm less shy. I've been followed around for what seems years. I use to expend more energy dealing with people. I find talking to people very easy and I do so sparingly. Patience is a labor in and of itself when dealing with human beings. It's also a pretty decent Guns N Roses song I like to sing all by myself. In a very non Fleetwood Mac sort of way, I did try to break the chain. I gave the woman my quarter so she could just grab another cart. I said I would use my bag. She ended up locking another cart together. Suddenly a security guard stopped by and asked if we were having trouble. There were nervous looks all around. I explained the situation mutely. Just the facts. He unhooked both carts for us. I smiled at both of them and simply said "Teamwork." They smiled back thoughtfully and we went about our shopping experiences. It took some energy and some interaction. But through compromise we solved a problem in five seconds flat. I understand that people try to create problems to show people's true mettle. But I've been living through problem after problem proving absolutely nothing other than my own genuine care and attention. Emotional labor is something we all do when we take the time to use empathy. There are times when it's valued. And there are times when it's abused. It's even harder to understand when it's not worth expending the energy. And there is always guilt that maybe you aren't doing enough.
Labor can be manipulated. This is most evident in what I see happening at my old job. I haven't been unemployed this entire time. I own my own business legally. It has been a full year of half assed attempts from people reaching out. Even more half assed attempts at maintaining the linkedin connections. People are people. So why should it be that I talk about any of them awfully? I seem to be doing just fine paying the bills a year later. I wouldn't say it hasn't been a laborious experience. Nobody really has held my hand in any of this other than my friends online. I was middle management. It was a tough job being the intermediary between the worker and the boss man. My position was dissolved, my office contents thrown in the trash, and I was issued a large sum of money in the form of a pension benefit. Most of the labor of the last year has been figuring out how to put this money back to work. And thus the comparisons to American Psycho have circulated as I have fallen out of the cradle of institutional revolutionary thought. There are a lot of things I miss about the environment. But I always thought the care and attention was somewhat forced. I could never pin my finger on it. Until I was let go. I just realized that the things people talk about are more for show. And getting into a discussion with people who don't value conviction let alone the labor it takes to live by your word isn't very lucrative. The collectives that people build sound really nice. This utopian vision of everyone getting along starts smaller in my eyes. Like unlocking the cart at Aldi. I didn't have to mention the fact that the racial and gender makeup was across the board. Just like I don't have to mention I care about women and trans lives enough to protect them silently with little fanfare. I know I write enough about it to show who I am inside. But trust is something harder to develop when actions don't meet the words. Sure it would be great to have this parade like revolution corralled in the square with song and fire. We could show off my girly guns and four pack abs as the weapons of America's cultural revolution. This happens every time I wear a statement shirt that is too loud. Somebody always tries to rain on the parade. To test their strength against the Antifa prince of Pilsen. I don't really identify with anything other than blogging about things I like on the internet. I live in a country that is free enough to tell people to fuck off to their face and walk away. I do this by my lonesome and I encourage people to decentralize and do the same. Freedom isn't something you can pigeonhole. It also has a lot of moving parts when you walk off your property into public. There's a grey zone on the porch and sandy brown hair. The emotional labor expended on that creates a culture all of its own. One that is like the blockchain in some ways. Encrypted in culture.
The biggest labor of love I have with America is that I both hate it and know it's mine to own. I've learned that fighting it is something that can wear you out. And even the same people and places can do the same. I always find something new to explore in Chicago and just outside of it. When I feel like everyone is on my dick too much around here, I can take the train to Cicero and watch a movie. People out there seem less inclined to start fights and more interested in why I prefer being low key out of the limelight. There's a lot of labor involved in keeping a secret. There's also a lot of labor involved in not asking too many questions. But the result is something that we own that everyone else in the world idolizes. It's that freedom we have that we stand to lose. And yet we still have enough freedom to think outside the box. The empathy we expend trying to get people to understand our point of view is often used to neutralize us. Think tanks whether how artistically well intentioned they are attempt to galvanize the individual for the collective middling out. America is the biggest think tank there is. And yet, we're all supposed to figure out how to get along without imploding. Financial literacy is one tool. But I've used my heart more than I've spent my money. Peace is a hard thing to labor for. You sometimes feel like you deserve more than you get. It's been somewhat peaceful here in my home a year later. There's drama still. People who silently expect you to understand how they want to be treated without ever asking your name. Sometimes I think it's best nobody asks too many questions. You almost set the precedent with me these days. I'm not going to tell you anything. I love what I love. I love who I love. And I want people to have the same kind of contentment. The emotional labor I expend in that direction is my vision that guides me through all these little altercations. I've listened to arguments. I've been cornered in every way imaginable to prove my worth and value. And these little skirmishes are inefficient at best. The small problems out there are problems that get solved not just debated for hours on end with no resolution. We all want peace. We all know we have to work together to achieve it no matter how small. Let's start small and quit all the heavy lifting for a change. Sometimes just letting someone know you are there is enough. That you care enough to think about how they would feel if you didn't take their feelings into account. A simple genuine gesture means more than a pile of nice words, thoughts, feelings and prayers. I care enough to know when it's not worth anyone's time to get involved in muddying up the signal to noise. I also get some pretty good deals on chicken breasts these days. It all works out in the end. <3 Tim
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
FEMAIL blind test the best Valentine’s Day roses to send to your loved ones
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Flowers are a great gift for Valentine’s Day but do you need to break the bank to impress the one you love?
British supermarkets such as Aldi are offering bouquets of red roses for as little as £3.99, while some online retailers suggest customers should splash the cash, with Flowerbx roses costing £80 for 20 stems.
But are expensive bouquets really worth the price? And can you really tell the difference between cheap blooms and high end ones?
FEMAIL has blind tested out budget-friendly buys against luxurious flowers to see which are the best Valentine’s Day roses to send to your loved ones.
The bouquets were sent without the price so our reviewers could reveal how much they really think the blooms are worth.
Coming out on top was UK online-retailer Bloom, which offers 10 stems for £60, while at the bottom of the rankings was Lidl, with their deal of £10 for a bunch.
The Red Naomi Roses (pictured) are part of Bloom’s Market Flowers collection, meaning they are freshly cut on the farm to order and delivered directly to your doorstep 
This means zero flower waste as the products don’t spend days sitting around waiting to be purchased and the customer receives the highest quality fresh flowers, says Bloom. Pictured is their flowers
WHAT YOU GET:  The Red Naomi Roses are part of Bloom’s Market Flowers collection, meaning they are freshly cut on the farm to order and delivered directly to your doorstep. This means zero flower waste as the products don’t spend days sitting around waiting to be purchased and the customer receives the highest quality fresh flowers, says Bloom.
Hayley said: ‘The bouquet arrived beautifully presented in simple brown paper packaging – not unlike the sort of flowers you’d buy from a market stall, which I really liked. Perhaps this was purely down to our “blind” test requirements, but either way, it was a classier approach than the usual transparent plastic wrapping. 
‘The 10 roses themselves were huge and luxurious; thick, long-stem blooms and rich scarlet in colour – they definitely looked expensive. I’d guess they’re priced around the £30-£40 bracket, if not more.
‘I was interested to see how long they lasted, as some of the outer petals were a little weather-beaten and a few of the leaves looked a bit limp, but I removed some lower ones and trimmed an inch off the stems before putting them in water (a tip my mum gave me – there weren’t any care guidelines included in the box, again perhaps down to our blind test requirements) after adding one of the sachets of food. One or two were a bit squashed, but I’m confident they’ll perk up now they’re out of the confines of the box.
‘After three days: The roses still look beautiful; they’ve barely changed which is impressive, if anything they’ve bloomed more since being put into water.
‘I changed the water and added the second sachet of food to give them an extra boost. I’d be very chuffed if my other half sent me these for Valentine’s Day (hint hint).
‘After a week: Most of the roses are still looking great, a couple of them are starting to droop slightly (I binned one this morning as it had dried up) and some of the petals have taken on a dark tinge at the edges.
‘Mark out of 5: 4.5. Nearly five, but some of the petals were a little damaged on the edges.’
Estimated price by Hayley: £30 to £40
Actual price: £60 for 10 stems 
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For those looking for that alternative to red, these memory lane roses look stunning in a hand tied bouquet (pictured), according to Floward
WHAT YOU GET: For those looking for that alternative to red, these memory lane roses look stunning in a hand tied bouquet, according to Floward.
Siofra said: ‘These elegant flowers arrived wrapped in cellophane – although it’s a shame to see so much plastic wrapping – in a carrier bag, so I could tell straight away that they’re from a more upmarket brand.
‘I love the delicate pink colour, they look really classy and it’s something different if red roses aren’t your thing.
‘With thick, long stems they stand up proudly in a vase without much need to arrange them, and they seem to already be in full bloom, so they look picture perfect.
At first I wondered how long they would last because they seemed to be at their peak, but after two days they seem to be opening even further and look really impressive. 
‘They don’t particularly smell of anything, which doesn’t bother me, but might put others off if the scent of roses is a big draw with their bouquet.
‘Overall they look really simple and elegant and they’d be perfect for someone who doesn’t like Valentine’s clichés.’
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Estimated price by Siofra: £30 – 340
Actual price: £36 FOR 20 STEMS 
On their website, Pinks + Roses said: ‘Introducing our stunning red rose bouquet’ (pictured)
WHAT YOU GET: On their website, Pinks + Roses said: ‘Introducing our stunning red rose bouquet. The perfect gift this Valentines Day. Beautiful Naomi red roses combined with a variety of seasonal foliage including sweet rosemary and helleborus.’
Jessica said: ‘These looked truly majestic, in a “top hat” type of container that instantly gave my dining room table soom added glamour.
‘While looking unique with the vase design, the flowers themselves were equally divine, boasting various vibrant colours and foliage.
‘The roses were a beautiful dark red and arrived already open so could be appreciated straight away and there was plenty of them to admire.
‘The whole arrangement screamed luxury and this bunch would’ve received a five out of five if only they lasted a little longer. 
‘The flowers started to wilt after just a couple of days – but perhaps that says more about my gardening skills then the bouquet!’
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Estimated price by Jessica: £60 
Actual price: £70 FOR 12 STEMS 
‘Try something long-lasting with this medley of red and white (pictured). The red roses are the centre of this bouquet, supported by pavri and white gypsophila,’ said Moonpig
WHAT YOU GET: ‘Try something long-lasting with this medley of red and white. The red roses are the centre of this bouquet, supported by pavri and white gypsophila,’ said Moonpig.
Harriet said: ‘I’m not a huge fan of roses – far from it – but this bouquet is really pretty.
‘The bunches of the smaller white flowers, alongside the large red blooms, and tons of greenery has made the bunch a lovely addition to my working from home set-up. 
‘The flowers came beautifully arranged, and have remained vibrant and colourful over the past week since their delivery. 
‘Some of the petals have withered a little at the edges, but it could just be time to change the water and give the stems a snip to give them a new lease of life. Here’s hoping they last till the 14th!’
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Estimated price by Harriet: £25 
Actual price: £32 FOR 12 STEMS 
‘Two dozen stems of luxurious red roses (pictured) are tied together with white gypsophila to create the ultimate expression of love’, a statement on the Funky Pigeon website read
WHAT YOU GET: ‘Two dozen stems of luxurious red roses are tied together with white gypsophila to create the ultimate expression of love’, a statement on the Funky Pigeon website read.
Georgia said: ‘The roses arrived in an upright box, already arranged in a bouquet, with a smaller box shaped around the flowers to protect them in transit. A moist bag was secured around the bottom of the flowers with an elastic band to prevent them from drying out.
‘The two dozen red roses were adorned with white baby’s-breath, making the bouquet look full and stunning. However, in the bouquet when they arrived, there was a lot of baby’s-breath and it seemed to take over and drown out a couple of the roses. With some rearranging, the roses popped more, with the white flowers complementing and not overwhelming them.
‘The flowers came with instructions on how to care for them and with a small bag of flower food attached to the bottom of the bouquet with a plastic band, making it very easy. I trimmed the stems and removed the outer guard petals before filling the vase with warm water.
‘After two days, two of the flowers opened up at the front, while the others stayed more closed. I noticed more of them starting to open up after four days, by which time only one of the first roses to open had wilted.
‘The roses had a very pretty, interesting shape, with crimping along the edges of the petals, which is very different to other roses I have seen. It makes them very interesting to look at when their petals open out more.’
Estimated price by Georgia: £30
Actual price: £44.99 FOR 24 STEMS 
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This deal includes 12x Red Rose Short Stem (pictured above) wrapped in clear cellophane
WHAT YOU GET: This deal includes 12x Red Rose Short Stem wrapped in clear cellophane.
Chloe said: ‘Blooming lovely…for convenience and a budget! The dozen roses arrived in a flat-packed cardboard box – perfect for easy delivery amid a pandemic, but the packaging failed to offer any sort of wow factor. The flowers came wrapped up in brown paper with instructions on how to assemble and care for them, along with a card which could be filled out to a loved one – a nice added touch!
‘The roses are yet to open up, but each stem appears to be good quality and they are a stunning deep red colour – a delivery sure to put a smile on the face of that special person in your life.
‘If I were to guess, I reckon these are mid-priced roses costing around £30. Overall, a respectable bunch which would be ideal for creating a pretty floral arrangement on a budget or to gift as a thoughtful token, but a far cry away from a luxury bouquet for those who like the finer things in life!’
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Estimated price by Chloe: £30 
Actual price: £34.99 FOR 12 STEMS
The bunch (pictured), which is available from 11th February, is the cheapest bouquet of a dozen red roses to be found at any supermarket
Estimated price by Amelia: £10
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WHAT YOU GET:  The bunch, which is available from 11th February, is the cheapest bouquet of a dozen red roses to be found at any supermarket. The bouquet features 12 single stems, each rose with delicately ruffled petals and a beautiful scent to captivate the room.
Amelia said: ‘Overall I was really pleased with the roses. There was a decent amount and they really brightened up the room. 
‘A few of them had gone over slightly and I would have wanted some flower food with them as it helps them last longer. 
‘However they were a beautiful colour and were a good size. They arrived in water which was nice but the packaging seemed a bit flimsy and I don’t think the black crate was recyclable. Of course, this wouldn’t be an issue if you’re grabbing these flowers with your shopping.’
Estimated price by Amelia: £10
Actual price: £3.99 FOR 12 STEMS
Flowerbx said: ‘A true romantic, the Red Naomi rose is sure to stir emotions of love with its deep red colour and soft, velvety petals. Roses (pictured) are in season year-round, and are undeniably one of the most popular flowers.’
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WHAT YOU GET: Flowerbx said: ‘A true romantic, the Red Naomi rose is sure to stir emotions of love with its deep red colour and soft, velvety petals. Roses are in season year-round, and are undeniably one of the most popular flowers.’
Jessica said: ‘These arrived beautifully packaged in the brand’s signature complimentary gift wrapping, which boasted an elegant and lavish feel.
‘Handing these over to any loved one would make for a great treat at the start, as they are tightly held together and appear fresh and lovely.
‘Even when in a vase, they still hold their shape perfectly and are a great addition to any room for a while and didn’t appear to be damaged by the journey.
‘However, they don’t seem to last the longest, with the red roses getting dark in colour very quickly – but they still keep their shape, so removing a few unwanted petals wasn’t too much trouble and is what the company suggests you do.
‘But saying that, I suspected that these were a very pricey bunch and I would’ve wanted more of a wow factor, and to not have to take off several layer of petals within the first couple of days to pay the price I feared they cost.’ 
Estimated price by Jessica: £40 
Actual price: £80 FOR 20 STEMS 
A dozen roses with red petals and pretty crinkled edges is what Waitrose offers (pictured)
WHAT YOU GET: A dozen roses with red petals and pretty crinkled edges is what Waitrose offers. 
Bridie said: ‘There was nothing special about these roses. They were well packaged and delivered well – but I’d be surprised if they cost more than £5, I definitely would guess they’re at the cheap/budget end of the floral market.
‘I imagine they’re from a supermarket not a florist – and feel like something you’d grab last minute on Valentine’s after forgetting to pick up a bunch for a loved one.
‘While a dozen roses is always nice, the blooms were pretty small and after five days didn’t really get big and the outer petals were starting to darken.
‘In terms of packaging, they were well looked after – and came in a bucket of water that was cleverly packed not to leak, and came with a floral food.
‘Overall I’d say these were pretty and a decent budget bunch, but certainly not a grand bouquet to blow a special someone away on V day.’ 
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Estimated price by Bridie: £5
Actual price: £5 FOR 12 STEMS 
The budget-friendly bouquets (pictured above) are made up of roses and gypsophila
WHAT YOU GET: The budget-friendly bouquets are made up of roses and gypsophila.
Latoya said: ‘The roses arrived standing in a bucket of water in a cardboard box, which wouldn’t have been practical to carry if they were a surprise delivered to the office or somewhere else. 
‘When I opened the box I was surprised to see the blooms were wrapped in red plastic without a flower food sachet or instructions for how best to care for them. 
‘The roses were a deep red wine colour and had smaller white flowers to compliment the arrangement. 
‘Based on the size of the bunch I would assume the flowers were from a supermarket and I would need to have at least two bundles to properly fill my vase. 
‘Some of the roses looked like they’re beginning to wilt and may not not last until Valentine’s Day. If I had to guess the price it would be less than £10 and reasonable for those who are purchasing flowers on a budget.’
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Estimated price by Latoya: Less than £10
Actual price: £10 FOR 12 STEMS  
A bouquet of large headed red roses with long thornless stems from Marks and Spencer. Grown slowly which is thought to give the blooms more intensely red, velvety petals
WHAT YOU GET: A bouquet of 12 large headed red roses with long thornless stems. Grown slowly which is thought to give the blooms more intensely red, velvety petals.
Claire said: ‘These roses won’t earn you any steamy kisses, let me tell you that.
‘First, the delivery, which was quite thorny: The roses, of which I received three bunches, looked like they had been in transit for a while and about to give up on life.
‘From the way they were presented, I assumed they were more bunches of roses you’d bulk buy to make your own arrangement rather than a ‘buy and gift’ type of ready-made bouquet.
‘It took a little bit of TLC to spruce them up, cutting a lot of leafs and fighting off the occasional thorn that was still on there.
‘Bottom line is, it’s the intention that matters, but these just didn’t offer the wow factor I was looking for.’
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Estimated price by Claire: £10
Actual price: £15 FOR 12 STEMS 
source https://bbcbreakingnews.com/2021/02/11/femail-blind-test-the-best-valentines-day-roses-to-send-to-your-loved-ones/
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kentonramsey · 4 years
The Best-Looking Shoppers For Carrying All Your Essentials
We may not be using handbags nearly as much as we did before lockdown (what did we even keep in them before all this?) but there's one accessory we've been pretty reliant on over the past few months: the shopper. You may have been supporting local businesses and buying your groceries from pubs and restaurants that have pivoted to become takeaway farmers' markets, or maybe you're just hitting big Sainsbury's every other weekend to minimise queuing and maximise personal space. Either way, if you're anything like us, every time you reach for your grotty, holey and discoloured tote (most likely stamped with a cringeworthy slogan from the random event where you picked it up) you think, I must replace this. But life moves fast and despite being at home almost 24/7, who has the time to research nice tote bags? Fear not, friends, for we've done the legwork and found the most aesthetically pleasing bags that will hold all your essentials and won't leave you feeling embarrassed in the queue at Aldi. Maybe, just maybe, you'll be using them to pack a beach towel, beer and a book sometime in the not-too-distant future. For now, happy shopping, folks!
Herd Tote Bag The Eye, $, available at Trouva
Rue De Verneuil Tool S3 Canvas Tote Bag, $, available at Matches Fashion
Turtle Bags String Bag, $, available at Arket
Found Bath Epice / Lido Stripe Shape Mesh Bag, $, available at Found Bath
Baggu Rose Checkerboard Bag, $, available at Found Bath
Kassl Editions Padded Canvas Tote, $, available at Net-A-Porter
The Goodhood Store Psychonaught Tote Bag Pink, $, available at The GoodHood Store
YGN Collective Pink and Orange Diamond Design Basket, $, available at YGN Collective
Trouva Marcel Tote Bag in Recycled Cotton, $, available at Trouva
LOQI Pleated Orange Tote Bag, $, available at Trouva
Topshop Natural Slouchy Tote Bag, $, available at Topshop
Sophie Pittom Carrie Cotton Tote Bag Green, $, available at Trouva
Accessorize Woven Stripe Tote Bag - Navy, $, available at Very
Palorosa Tote Bag Basket Pistachio, $, available at Couverture & The Garbstore
Zara Rustic Tote Bag, $, available at Zara
Goodhood Have A Good Time Frame Tote Bag Black, $, available at Goodhood
Opening Ceremony Dual Colour Medium Check Tote, $, available at ASOS
Beija London Tote Bag In Black, $, available at Trouva
AllSaints Clarendon East West Tote Bag, $, available at AllSaints
Baggu Black Daisy Bag, $, available at Found Bath
Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
The Best-Looking Shoppers For Carrying All Your Essentials published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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adambstingus · 5 years
How long can gin stay in high spirits?
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Image copyright Getty Images
Gin has gone from a drink for posh parents and old buffers to the hippest spirit in the UK – but is it on the wane again?
Friday night at the House of Hortus bar in London’s Soho is shaping up nicely.
There is a choice of themed rooms with lighting, furniture and even scents matched to the colour and flavour of the drinks being served, and there’s groovy music, too.
There’s a good choice of cocktails, different ones in each room: rhubarb and ginger, plum and cinnamon, pomegranate and rose, all mixed with sparkling wine and garnished with mint or rose petals. But there’s one thing they have in common: the alcohol in all of them is gin.
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Image caption The Lidl House of Hortus pop-up bar in Soho
The night is in fact to promote discounter Lidl’s Christmas gin range.
The chain is banking on it contributing to a bumper Christmas – its sales of the spirit are already 40% higher this year than last.
This isn’t just the fashion at Lidl, of course. Aldi’s gin won joint silver (with Lidl’s) at this year’s International Wine and Spirits awards and Asda reports a mind-blowing rise of 76% in gin sales this year.
Lidl says 1.5 million more adults drink gin today than four years ago.
And this week saw the launch of a £4,000 bottle of gin. Available only at chic department store Harvey Nichols.
Gin’s popularity isn’t just found in a glass these days.
Essence of gin runs through a startling list of products: body butter, scented candles and lip balms, tea bags, advent calendars, popcorn and gin-flavoured cheese and chocolates.
Have we reached ‘peak’ advent calendar?
Botanical library to aid Scottish gin makers
Gin’s journey from grain to grass
How gin could help the night time economy
All this would have bemused the late Queen Mother’s generation, for whom gin aperitifs marked the spirit’s last high popularity mark sometime around 1970.
Juniper, the defining aromatic that gives the drink its name, may not now even be discernible among the flavours featured. Roasted white sesame seeds, seaweed, hibiscus and sansho (Japanese pepper) have all been pressed into service for flavouring gin.
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Image caption Is there anything you can’t put a gin theme on?
How has it come to this? And can it continue?
The answer to the first question is a simple policy tweak by the government. Before 2009, the law meant no distillery under a 1,800-litre (400 gallons) capacity would be granted a licence. It did this to try to stop small-scale hooch makers.
But then the government’s tax collector, HMRC, at the urging of Sipsmith Gin, changed its policy to allow small, craft distillers “as long as they had good business reasons and strong security could be evidenced to protect excised duty revenues”.
The number of stills rocketed. HMRC says there are currently 419 licensed distilleries in the UK; in 2009 there were only 113.
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Image copyright Nick Cook
Image caption Nicholas Cook of the Gin Guild hasn’t (quite) called peak gin
Two brands in particular stand out for whetting the trendsetters’ appetite, says Nicholas Cook, director general of industry body the Gin Guild.
“Bombay Sapphire was a revolution at the time with its lighter, more botanical style and the other one was Hendrick’s, which marked itself out with what were then novel botanicals, in the form of cucumber and rose.”
Another trailblazing feature of the two brands were their “inspirational, individual and stylish bottles”.
But with 500 gins in the UK alone, uniqueness on these two fronts is no longer enough.
Peak gin, it seems, is nearing.
A major report on the UK white spirits market, by market research firm Mintel, will be published in December. Its author, analyst Alice Baker, says gin is by far and away the fastest-growing of the white spirits with sales across the board up by around 25%.
“Gin could have another few years of growth – but then it could plateau. As with any trend, it has its limits.”
Even the Gin Guild comes close to acknowledging this although it’s hardly going to call time on its own product. It prefers to say it is at “peak brand”.
“It would be hard to enter the market now,” admits Nicholas Cook. “You’d be hard pushed to find room on a retailer or bartender’s shelves.”
And although the Guild may not want to acknowledge it too strongly, its parent body the Worshipful Company of Distillers’ annual debate, will in fact be: “This house believes that the gin boom has reached its peak.”
But it holds this in May, so we won’t know what they think about that until then.
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Image copyright Scott Garfitt
Image caption Pink gin is reborn
It is hard to see where next the gin market could go but Mintel suggests manufacturers distinguish themselves by using “colour outside the bottle”.
In Lidl’s House of Hortus pop-up a whole room was glowing pink, with those pinkish-type gins of pomegranate and rose on offer. Other rooms were also colour-themed.
And Mintel says this could go even further. “Pink rules now, but there are even ones that change colour. Social media users are a key target – vibrantly coloured gins lend themselves well to photos and videos and that sort of thing does help reach those precious under-40-year-old consumers.”
A short history of gin
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Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Hogarth’s Gin Lane: idleness, squalor and oblivion
Gin was invented in Holland in the 16th Century as a medicine, the English caught on to the “Dutch courage” habit when fighting with the Dutch in the Thirty Years’ War
King Charles I gives the Worshipful Company of Distillers the sole right to distil spirits in London, partly to help English farmers by using surplus corn and barley
More royal help from King William III (a Dutchman), he actively encourages spirit production to raise money for wars. Gin becomes cheaper and more popular than beer
Overuse of gin in the 1730s becomes a scandal as portrayed in Hogarth’s Gin Lane – idleness, vice and misery, madness and death
The “gin palaces” of the Victorian era are built, bright and glamorous giving the new industrial working class a place to spend their money
Gin falls from fashion, becoming the province of the posh and elderly until in 2009 a change in the law makes it easier to open a distillery and the new boom is unleashed
Meanwhile, all those who have joined in the gin party may like to consider what they can turn their hand to if the party is indeed winding down.
All those gin stills could be turned in a trice to another spirit.
Paul Jackson, the founder and editor of the Gin Guide, expects it to be rum.
At least he won’t be out of a job. He is currently laying out the pages for the first edition of the all new Rum Guide.
Mintel’s Alice Baker agrees that rum could be a contender. “It has the provenance potential – the story of which Caribbean island it originates from, and it doesn’t dominate the drink, if you had the right sort of marketing campaign that could start to improve again.”
Either way, HMRC won’t mind as it will still get its cut.
It takes a hefty payment from any spirit sold. For a litre bottle of 40% alcohol by volume that is currently £11.50.
Related Topics
Alcohol industry
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/how-long-can-gin-stay-in-high-spirits/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/184281289482
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ohsoethical · 7 years
The Shy Activist- Palm Oil Palm Oil Palm Oil
Palm is the most commonly used vegetable oil, it is in most food products and mixed with motor vehicle products. I have found that it’s really difficult to find any food products that don’t have palm oil in them. As an ethical eater I try to avoid food that uses palm oil because of the impact it has on the environment and animals.
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Air Pollution
Palm Oil is cultivated in tropical places such as Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa. Vast areas of forest are destroyed to make room for more palm oil plantations everyday. 
When forests are bulldozed and torched large amounts of harmful gasses are released into the atmosphere.
The fires also affect the health of workers and people who live in the surrounding areas.
Tigers, elephants, rhinos and orangutans are threatened by Palm Oil production. Endangered species habitat’s are destroyed for the purpose of Palm Oil and they “are squeezed into increasingly isolated fragments of natural habitat.”
Pail Oil forests have the least amount of biodiversity at 11 species compared with 80 species in a primary forest.
All animals are affected when poison is used to eliminate rats.
Deforestation for the purpose of Palm Oil displaces communities who aren’t recognised by the government when the land is handed over to companies. People are pushed out of their land which often creates friction within communities and against companies. 
Farmers who are pushed out of their land then have to clear forests to set up a new farm. New farm land is often very far from towns which restricts access to markets and health and well being services.
Labour rights- taken from SPOTT
Workers often live in poor conditions without access to basic facilities such as clean water and lighting, and are isolated by a lack of social support and cultural barriers.
Some oil palm plantations are dependent on imported labour or undocumented immigrants.
Trafficking cases have been identified in Malaysian and Indonesian oil palm plantations. Workers often have their passports and other official documents confiscated and are not given proper contracts. They can face abusive conditions and can be threatened with deportation or confiscation of wages.
Child labour is a common problem in Malaysian and Indonesian oil palm plantations. Children receive little or no pay and may be forced to endure harsh working conditions including long hours and exposure to toxic chemicals. This can be driven by poor education, a lack of school facilities and a generally low regard for education in rural areas.
In Malaysia, it is estimated that between 72,000 and 200,000 stateless children work on palm oil plantations.
“Reports of displaced communities and illegal land grabs are not uncommon. The resulting conflicts, loss of income and dependence on large plantations have had a significant impact of the social welfare of many.”
Can things improve?
Greenpeace supporters campaigned for many years and put pressure on big brands to stop using Palm Oil company until it changed it’s practices. IOI, the worlds third largest Palm Oil company, has now put together an action plan agreed to independent third-party verification of its progress in one year’s time. This came after a suspension from “Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) following a complaint by environmental organisation Aidenvironment, which meant it could no longer call any of its palm oil 'sustainable'”
Unilever and Nestle have stopped buying from IOI and refuse to buy from IOI after the suspension from RSPO has been lifted.
“One of the most important points is that IOI will be actively monitoring its suppliers to ensure they too are safeguarding forests and people. Any company selling palm oil to IOI will need to prove it is protecting forests, so the impacts should spread far beyond IOI's own operations.”
Here is a list of things you can do taken from rainforest rescue:
Enjoy a home-cooked meal using fresh ingredients and oils such as sunflower, olive, rapeseed or flaxseed are ideal for cooking and baking.
Read labels: As of December 2014, labeling regulations in the EU require food products to clearly indicate that they contain palm oil. However, in the case of non-food items such as cosmetics and cleaning products, a wide range of chemical names may still be used to hide the use of palm oil. A quick check of your favorite search engine will turn up palm oil-free alternatives, however.
Ask your retailers for palm oil-free products. Write product manufacturers and ask them why they aren’t using domestic oils. 
Sign petitions and write your elected representatives: Online campaigns put pressure on policymakers responsible for biofuels and palm oil imports. Have you already signed all of Rainforest Rescue’s petitions?
Leave your car at home: Whenever you can, walk, ride a bicycle or use public transport.
Ethical Consumer have put together a list of products that contain no palm oil or sustainably produced palm oil. I’m going to focus on the chocolate list because that’s my vice!!! But have a look at the rest of the list for more products.
Other Palm oil-free boxes of chocolates:
Vivani (organic): all gift chocolate (mini bars gift tins)
Co-op: 24 Assorted Chocolate Truffles, Chocolate Coins, Truly Irresistible Milk Chocolate Truffles gift cube, Truly Irresistible Mint Selection, Loved By Us Belgian Chocolate Pralines,  Loved By Us Irish Cream Liqueurs
Mondelez: Terry's Chocolate Orange Plain, Toblerone (all varieties)
Guylian: Seashells, Dark Chocolate Sea Horses, Pearles d'Ocean tin
Lindt: HELLO Milk chocolate heart tin
Best company rating for palm oil:
Booja Booja (organic, palm oil free company),
Divine (Fairtrade, palm oil free company),
Cocoa Loco (organic),
Montezuma (organic),
Vivani (organic),
Ferrero Rocher, Raffaello,
Mondelez brands (Green & Black's Organic Collection, Milk Tray, Roses, Heroes, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Terry's All Gold, Toblerone),
Mars brands (Celebrations),
Lindt: Lindor, Lindt
Worst company rating for palm oil:
Elizabeth Shaw,
FAIR FAVOURITES- Ethical Collection 
OK these guys have such a beautiful collection. I want everything!
“Giovanna Eastwood founded Ethical Collection in 2015, encouraged by the work of her mother's charity in Brazil. The charity taught young women to craft and sell bags made of recycled material and Giovanna witnessed the impact that the work had on these women and their communities. The pride they took in their art and the environmental benefits of recycled material gave her inspiration and incentive to dedicate her skills to ethical fashion.”
Pitusa Pom pom Top Pink
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Uzma Bozai Cotton Sagittarius Sweatshirt Grey
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Armor Lux Organic Cotton Red Breton Top
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Beaumont Organic Sophia Maxi Dress Navy & Red
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Sources and further reading
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cosmicballads · 4 years
"I got your stuff. You ok?"
Fleabag Starters | Accepting
Isla turned her head slowly to look at Aldis, almost afraid to look him in the eyes. Her eyes didn’t meet his until he crouched down to her level, one hand tentatively placed on her knee. She moved her gaze elsewhere, anywhere but the look of concern and sympathy that he was radiating. 
“Isla,” Aldis’ voice was soft, grabbing her attention from the painting she had been staring at. “Are you okay?” She remained silent, doing her best to keep her face from crumpling under the look she was being given. 
“That purse costs more than my car payment, you can’t just let it sit on the carpet like that.” She mumbled, reaching for the bag to put it in her lap for safe keeping. “I’m fine. Humiliated, among other things, but I’m fine. It’s fine.” Aldis chuckled, passing the bag into Isla’s hands. 
“You’re a terrible liar but if you say you’re fine, you’re fine. Let’s get out of here, get you some low-fat frozen yogurt or whatever it is you eat and you can tell me how fine you are from there.” A hint of a smile flickered across her face as Aldis rose, offering his hand out to help her up. Isla took it, allowing him to easily pull her up to her feet. “I’ll even treat.” 
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williamneillson · 6 years
Aldi sales exceed £10bn for first time in UK and Ireland
Opening of 70 more stores brings in 1m new customers and boosts profits by 30%
Aldi bagged more than 1 million new customers last year, helping push sales at the discount grocer through £10bn for the first time.
Profits at the UK and Irish arm of the German chain jumped by almost 30% to £265m in 2017 as sales rose by 16.4% to £10.2bn, driven by the opening of 70 more stores.
Continue reading… Aldi sales exceed £10bn for first time in UK and Ireland syndicated from https://instarify.wordpress.com/
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