#Aleister Black x reader
south-of-heaven · 8 months
Hi, i was wondering if i could request a Zelina Vega x Aleister Black x young daughter reader please Maybe about how both her parents are in different companies and maybe she gets tired of going back and forth?
Miss you || Zelina Vega x Daughter!Reader x Malakai Black
Summary: You miss Malakai while you're on the road with Zelina.
A/N: I was having major issues with deciding wether to use Malakai or Aleister but using the name Aleister felt weird since he's in AEW for this so I ended up going with Malakai. Please help me decide wether to pick the name based on the events or the fic or if I should just decide on one and always use it.
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As the car rolls along the highway towards SmackDown, you find yourself lost in a sea of emotions. The absence of your father, Malakai, weighs heavily on your heart, casting a shadow over what should have been an exciting journey with Zelina.
You lean against the window, watching the world pass by in a blur of colors and shapes. Your mind wanders to Malakai, his quiet strength and unwavering love a constant source of comfort in times of uncertainty. You long for the familiar sound of his voice, the warmth of his embrace, and the sense of security that only he can provide.
Zelina glances over at you, her brow furrowed with concern. She can sense the sadness that lingers in the air, the weight of your longing palpable even in the silence of the car. Her heart aches at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks, and she yearns to find a way to ease your pain.
"Hey, sweetheart," she says gently, reaching out to grasp your hand in hers. "I know it's hard being away from your dad. But remember, you'll see him next week. And until then, we can always give him a call to say hi."
Her words offer a glimmer of solace amidst the storm of your emotions. You nod, grateful for her suggestion. Zelina reaches for her phone to dial Malakai's number. The sound of his voice on the other end of the line brings a rush of relief, his soothing words a balm to your wounded spirit.
As you chat with Malakai, the weight of your sadness begins to lift, replaced by a sense of warmth and connection that transcends the distance between you. Zelina watches with a soft smile, her heart swelling with love for her precious daughter.
In moments like these, it's easy to forget the miles that separate you from Malakai. For even in the midst of separation, the bond that binds your family together remains unbreakable, a testament to the power of love to overcome any obstacle.
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judgementdaysunshine · 5 months
Four twenty
Pairing: Aleister Black x Fem reader
Description: You smoke a little and have an edible before having a match leading Aleister to take care of you
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Aleister knew when he saw you in the ring during your match that you definitely smoked a little bit but what he didn't know was that you had a thirty five milligram edible right after. Rhea knew by the way you were lightly swaying even standing still that you weren't normal but she thought that you were sick or exhausted not high out of your mind due to it being National Weed Day, despite your very inebriated state you get the win against rhea leading to you giggling as you laid in the ring "You okay? You're flushed" you giggle more as aleister comes and helps you backstage where he immediately realizes that you were more high than he realized as you sway on the couch of his locker room after splashing water on your face, he grabs you water and food from catering only to find you sitting next to Bianca who is unable to control her laughter at your current condition of being very high off your ass thanks to the extra kick from the edible. He stands outside the bathroom while you shower after drinking all of the water and ate some of the food he brought you, surprisingly no one had come by to ask you about why aleister came out to help you backstage until Shawn Michaels stopped by as you laid on the couch watching Pete Dunne's match against Raul Mendoza "How much weed did you smoke?" you look up at shawn and show him half the joint you smoked but aleister knew you must have had something until he finds the empty baggie "Did you have an edible?" you nod as shawn and aleister look at each other before mumbling how much it was which left the two men stunned as you fell asleep "Take care of her and we'll edit a few things, she's just gonna have a week without matches" you wake up two hours later in your hotel room with aleister "Hey you're awake, how did you sleep? I know you said edibles help you sleep better" he kisses your forehead before you eat room service and watch movies together as aleister realizes what the date for the day was "IT WAS FOUR TWENTY AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!?" you laugh before smoking a joint outside in his car and falling asleep spending the next week ringside before getting back in the ring and starting your feud with Tegan Nox.
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
Hello how are you ? can i request an headcannon ? An Headcannon for Ciel and Sebastian where aleister flirt with their girlfriend because she's so cute, beautiful and lovely ?
Sure! And sorry this took so long to get out, also these will be short head canons!
𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞
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Ciel doesn't like this one bit
He never liked Aleister
That Pervy human trafficer
Ever since that night he's always been on edge around him
He's worried that he'll try and take you from him
But let's be honest with Sebastian around it would be impossible
𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:
It seemed that every party we went to 𝐡𝐞 was always there. That poor excuse of a man.
Normal POV:
You and Ciel were dancing and talking about a new case you were both assigned to, when Ciel pulled you to the edge of the dance floor close to the food and drink table.
𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥 excused himself to get you both some drinks, when all of a sudden a tall blond man in a pure white suit stood in front of you grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on top.
"Hello my little dove~ how are you this fine evening?" He greeted
You chuckled nervously but talked to him because it would be rude if you didn't.
𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥 saw everything and heard everything
He knew you were uncomfortable
And he couldn't have that so he strolled up with both hands filled with two glasses of what ever beverages they had been serving
𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥 politely excused both of you and went to another part of the ballroom in hopes of Aleister leaving both of you alone.
𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐬
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𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 wouldn't even let you close to him
He would always stear you away from where ever he was and would block him from seeing you from a distance
But let's say he did some how approach you
𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 would be quick to interfere and bring you somewhere else
Aleister wouldn't get a chance to touch or talk to you (not properly at least)
{Thank you @lucie-hearts for requesting!! And as always hearts and reblogs are always welcomed along with questions, requests, and comments!!}
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Black Butler x reader headcanons, but it’s only the characters I think deserve more attention.
Ash Landers
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🤍💜 If you managed to get Ash to fall for you, good job. This angel is SO PICKY when it comes to a s/o. I doubt anyone but the purest of heart could turn his pretty head. Seriously. He’s like a unicorn or something.
🤍💜 Absolutely devoted to his s/o. If you’re looking for a loyal doormat, Ash is your angel. He will cook, clean, and do basically whatever you need him to. Seriously, all you have to do is ask.
🤍💜 Definitely takes everything way too seriously, so avoid joking requests like, oh, i dunno, “could you light London on fire for me?” He will. Don’t test him.
🤍💜 I feel like his favorite dates would be either sitting at home and chatting over a cup of tea, or someplace high up. He’s an Angel, after all. He likes to be near the sky.
🤍💜 Yes, he will fly you around. Unless you’re scared of heights.
🤍💜 Can and will fight anyone who even looks at you wrong. You might want to keep hold of his arm so he doesn’t get himself charged with arson and murder.
🤍💜 Very gentle, and shy with physical affection. He doesn’t want to taint such a pure being! You are going to have to just tackle him. He will NEVER admit it, but he loves physical affection more than anything. He also loves complements and praise. 
🤍💜 Overall, a wonderful catch of a man- well, angel. He will definitely treat you right :)
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🤍💛 Oh he’s such a cute little shy bean! All you’d have to do was give him a singular complement and he’d be head over heels for you. If you like snakes, even better! His friends will love you too :)
🤍💛 rarely speaks for himself. You might have to try behavior training to get him to tell you what HE says, instead of what his snakes are saying. Not that he ever really disagrees with his snakes, but still.
🤍💛 Yeah his snakes do a lot of the flirting for him, and they all have WILDLY different ways of going about it. Wordsworth, as the refined gentleman he is, gives very good complements. Emily likes to be in charge of planning dates. Goethe is very friendly and will ask how your day’s been (even if he just asked the same question five minutes ago!). Oscar is the problem snake. He’s a lil naughty noodle. More often than not, his comments are not translated (”Oscar! He can’t say THAT! Says emily”).
🤍💛 Very very shy about physical affection, but if you give it to him he will be addicted. Like, very addicted. He’s particularly fond of cuddling. He likes to be warm :)
🤍💛 Oh gosh if you complement his scales he will melt. He’s so self conscious and probably always worried that people with judge you harshly if he’s seen with you. 
🤍💛 Defend him from bullies and you’ll have his loyalty forever. He will. Not. Leave. Your. Side. (Is that really such a bad thing? He’s so cute-)
🤍💛 Oh gosh please be gentle with him he’s such a fragile little noodle- Always speak with a gentle tone. He’s very sensitive to criticism.
🤍💛 Yes, you can hold his snakes. Yes, you can boop their little snoots. Just be gentle.
Charles Grey
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🤍💙 Just don’t be a boring, beige colored, saltine cracker of a person and he’ll love you. By that I mean, actually have a personality. Be funny! Challenge him! Keep things interesting!
🤍💙 This man is a five year old trapped in a grown man’s body. Just look at that smug face. Does he look like a mature adult to you? He’d probably go to a carnival with you if you asked him. AND he’d win you all the prizes. He’s just that good.
🤍💙 Buys you lots of expensive gifts. He’s filthy stinking rich, after all. Will also take you on the most extravagant dates. I hope you like fancy food (and lots of it!) :)
🤍💙 He already knows how awesome he is, but tell him anyway. Are you just feeding his already over-large ego? Yes. Should you stop? Absolutely not. The way he puffs out his chest and shows off is just the cutest thing!  Like one of those funny birds of paradise.
🤍💙 Being best friends with Phipps is a requirement. They’re a packaged deal. Which is funny, considering they’re polar opposites. Phipps has been dealing with Charlie’s shit for years now, he’s happy to have you around to lighten the load.
🤍💙 Boundaries? What are those? This little shit is all up in your business 24/7 and hates when you don’t pay attention to him. Absolutely loves physical affection. Not even the slightest bit shy about it. Prepare to be absolutely smothered with affection.
🤍💙 Would you like to learn fencing? He’d be delighted to teach you! Even more so if you happen to be good at it. This bastard loves a challenge!
🤍💙 He’s scared of ghosts and snakes, and you can DEFINITELY use that to your advantage. He will deny his fears till the day he dies, but it’s pretty obvious how terrified he is. You can get some pretty funny reactions out of him with a well-placed rubber snake! He’ll pout about it for a while, but after a bit he’ll come right back. Be warned: if you give him a particularly good scare he might end up in your bed that night. (He’s TOTALLY not scared, he just wants to make sure you’re ok!)
Aleister Chambers
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✨❤️ Buckle up, buttercup. If you’re actually here for this man, i applaud your unique tastes. Not everyone can handle this bastard.
✨❤️ If you have a female body, congrats! You’re his type! Hope you didn’t want to get rid of him any time soon, because you will be stuck with his dramatic ass from the first time he lays eyes on you. And he has plot armor. 
✨❤️ Yes. He is very, very, very dramatic. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely seen the show and you know EXACTLY how he acts. If you say even ONE insulting thing to him, he will act like you’ve stabbed him with a sword and flop onto the nearest piece of furniture, moaning about how you’ve wounded his feelings. It’s really funny, actually.
✨❤️ Will spoil you with extravagant gifts. He’s rich, what did you expect? He has SCARY good tastes, and will pick the best outfits for you. Don’t ask how he found out your size for… well, anything.
✨❤️ Oh he’s so clingy. Constantly wants your attention. I really don’t know what else to say, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he is NOT shy with physical affection. If physical affection is your love language, you’ll be in heaven with this man.
✨❤️ Get ready for some WEIRD pet names. Hands up, who’s surprised? Nobody? Thought so. Sure, he COULD use normal pet names, but it’s much more fun to come up with his own. If you give him a weird pet name, he’ll be absolutely delighted. Go ahead, see who can come up with the strangest nickname. It’ll be fun.
✨❤️ Honestly it’s worth it to endure him just for the free entertainment. His natural personality is so over-the-top extravagant that even just sitting at home with him is like watching a comedy skit. He gets way too excited about absolutely everything, and will randomly start spinning like he’s a glitched video game character.
✨❤️ He loves to dance! And throw extravagant parties where he can show you off to everyone. 
✨❤️ Over all, is he a creep? Yes. But he’s also funny, pretty, and rich. So in all actuality, he’s a pretty decent catch.
Drossel Keinz
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🧡💙 If you’re here for this man- er- puppet, congratulations, you are one of the only groups with more unique tastes than the Aleister simps. I’m honestly just writing him because he’s funny and i like his funky, jerky movements.
🧡💙 Achievement get! Acquire stalker (provoke any kind of positive feelings from the creepy puppet man)
🧡💙 Yeah he’s gonna stalk you for a while. He might not even approach you at all. He’s just curious about these ‘feelings’.
🧡💙 If he does approach you, it’s gonna be awkward as fuck. Seriously. He has no idea how to properly socialize, much less flirt. (Haha relatable)
🧡💙 every time he’s confused he does his little 90 degree head tilt. He’s confused a lot. He’s trying his best, ok? He quite literally has straw for brains.
🧡💙 If you’re artistic, he’d love to do art things with you. He’d also really love to show you his puppet collection. Hope you didn’t like sleeping :)
🧡💙 He’s not great at affection in general, but he tries. Sometimes his complements come off as creepy. Awkward head pats. So many awkward head pats. His skin feels like wood, and he smells like sawdust.
🧡💙 Be patient and explain things to him. He’s not great at feelings yet. Also very bad at even recognizing his feelings. Talking through feelings stuff with him is a great way to bond.
Gregory Violet
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🖤💜 Anime onlys buckle up because some of the characters you only see in the manga are the best. Case in point, this art goth. 
🖤💜 I feel like he would go for a more introverted s/o. Especially someone who’s artistic, like him. Not certain how two introverts get together, but whatever.
🖤💜 He’s a little eccentric, but that’s just part of his charm. Where else are you gonna find a cutie that likes to blow bubbles in his tea? 
🖤💜 Unlike with other people, if he says he’s gonna draw you, he’ll actually draw you. He won’t make you stay posed for five hours while he draws everything BUT you (rip Greenhill).
🖤💜 You want to draw him? He’s a little shy, but i’m sure you can convince him to pose for you. He wants you to be happy, after all.
🖤💜 Café dates!! And art museum dates!! You should definitely attend his concerts as well. Make sure to complement his dancing afterwards! He’s a little embarrassed about having to dance in front of crowds. Remember, he doesn’t like dancing to begin with.
🖤💜 You might have to pester him for a bit, but he will give you private performances. Will it be the whole P4? Probably not. He wouldn’t want to bother his friends with something so silly. Besides, you’re his, not theirs. 
🖤💜 He sings wonderfully. I imagine him having a low baritone kind of voice. The songs he sings for concerts often get stuck in his head (much to his annoyance), so sometimes you can hear him singing in the shower. 
🖤💜 Unlike literally everybody else on this list, Violet is not clingly. He’ll give you your space when you need it. He needs his space too.
🖤💜 Not very physically affectionate. He’s pretty strictly traditional and what not, so you might have to beg him for kisses. Unfortunately, his lipstick doesn’t really taste like anything.
🖤💜 He’s actually really low maintenance and pretty self sufficient. Probably one of the best picks on this list, if i’m being completely honest.
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deepdisireslonging · 3 years
You’re Hot When You’re Angry
Prompt: “Also, if you're still accepting these- could I request #24 [“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad”] with Aleister Black? Whenever you get time, ofc :)” @apprendreamaimer
Pairing: Aleister Black x Reader (gender never specified)
Warnings/Promises: Angst, implied smut (you could say written in “fade to black” form, lol)
Word Count: 731
Note: Since I’m using my laptop again for Uni, I rediscovered the list of requests sitting in my WIP file. This isn’t a promise I’ll be able to do much more, if any, but I read this prompt again and came up with something. Unfortunatly, I think the person who requested it has either deacvitated or has moved. If you know who they are now, would you mind passing this along? Also, I’m writing with pre-AEW, but nearing post-WWE Aleister and the potential mindset he was in at the time. But this is still kayfabe! (Because I love Tommy and Thea; they are an OTP.)
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It was obvious how frustrated he was. From the knife and fork scraping hard enough the plate at dinner to make your ears tingle. To the solid, terse way he prepared for bed. For over a week the signs had been building. You almost panicked to find him not laying next to you in the middle of the night, but you knew where he was.
Warm as it was, the air was still cooler against your bare legs than the former warmth of the bed. Your sleep shirt, the only bit of clothing you cared to wear at night, did nothing to help.
Down the hall. Down the stairs. Into the room built off the garage.
Before you reached the door, you could hear him. It creaked open to give you the sight you knew you’d see: Aleister furiously punching and kicking the bag hanging from the ceiling. The wide windows into your back yard let in plenty of the scant moonlight. He was drenched in sweat. Shoulders tensed. Hitting the punching bag as if there was a face there. As he circled it, he saw you. Then kept going.
“Go back to bed.”
“No.” You leaned against the door frame.
He grunted with another series of punches. “I’m going to be here a while. Go back to sleep.” Then he continued with his midnight work-out. After five minutes, he worked himself up to a frantic pace, which ended with collapsing on the floor. You rushed to his side.
“I’m fine,” he panted. “It’s just…” Trying to catch his breath and his racing thoughts, he paused. His eyes flickered back and forth as if speed-reading a text, looking for answers. “What was the point? I came back. I did what they said. I built a new character. It was cleared. Given the green-light. I was in the middle of the feud they built. Why-“
You placed a calming hand on his arm.
“Why was I released?”
“Because what’s-his-face has more power than he should.” You took a deep breath, calming the rage in your own veins. “One day Vince will see that he’s letting go of too much talent. I kind of hope that he realizes that before everything goes under. But things to change internally too.” When Aleister wasn’t forthcoming with a comment, you slid into a more comfortable seat next to him. “There was nothing you did wrong, nothing more you could have done. I think this whole release season has been random so that guy could test the limit of his power. You were just-“ you cringed, hating the choice of words you couldn’t change, “swept away.”
It wasn’t the most encouraging speech you’d ever made. But Aleister noted his appreciation with a nod and a tired grunt.
“Get up.”
You stood, planting your feet. “Get up. You know just as much as I do that this is not where your career ends. The wrestling world is vast. If Vince thinks he regrets this decision now, just wait until you find your next step.”
From the ground, Aleister smirked. There was no way you looked imposing, scantily clad in your short sleep shirt. But he got the gist.
“Tonight,” you continued, “be angry. Use that energy to train. You’ve been doing already but let me help you. Tomorrow… we look for that next step.”
Together, you led Aleister through his paces. Moonlight moved across the room as the night wanned. Still, he kept going. Shouting with frustration just as intense as before… now with a purpose. As you steadied the bag for his punches, you watched his muscles clench. His sweat glisten. You listened to his haggard breath quicken and release as he released the pressure from his body. It set your blood aflame. He noticed.
With a smirk, you said, “you’re hot when you’re angry.”
Quick as a punch, he reached out and snagged your wrist. The wall collided with your shoulder blades, and his mouth collided with yours. The air burned with passion. He marked you. Tasted you. Felt the rage in your veins and channeled it to meet his. From the wall, to the weights bench, to the floor, Aleister made ravenous love with you till dawn.
After a quick shower, you both fell back into bed. There you stayed, sleeping deeply until you were woken up by, of all things, a phone call.
Wrestling Masterlist
More Aleister Fics:
  Bite Me (AR, Ficlet, S)
  That’s Not My Name (AR, S)
  Into the Darkness (Challenge, Highlander Immortals AU)
Forever Tags: @blondekel77​ @brianaraydean​ @chwehansol98​ @fireflyfunhousetrash @laochbaineann @ramblingsofabourbondrinker​ @savmontreal @shieldgirl18 @tinyelfperson​  @writtingrose​ @xladyxfatex​ @gold--gucciempress​
WWE Tags: @1dluver13xx @a-home-for-stray-stories​ @flightofthefantasies​ @livelifewondering​ @mother-forker @neversatisfiedgirlfics​ @racheo91​ @roman-reigns-princess​ @scuzmunkie​ @secretagentfangirl​ @wrestlersownmyheart @wrasslin-kpop-and-bullshit​ @top-1-percent
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south-of-heaven · 1 month
A to Z Masterlist
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Miss you (daughter!reader)
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judgementdaysunshine · 7 months
Malakai Black Masterlist
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Our sweet one 🥹
Staples 🥹
Four twenty 🪻/☘️
High school reunion ☄️/🪻
Halls of agony 💔/🥹
Bad girl🪻
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salted-barbed-wire · 5 years
The Devil May Care
Chapter Eleven
Summary: The door is locked and the Demon's come You cannot but learn his song and sing-along Word Count: 1679
Prelude       Chapter One.      Chapter Two.      Chapter Three.       Chapter Four. Chapter Five.     Chapter Six.      Chapter Seven   Chapter Eight.   Chapter Nine. Chapter Ten
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“I thought you said there was a lot to the incantation?” I looked over the words in Aleister’s family’s grimoire. There were only a few lines written, it seemed easy enough.
“How great is your Latin, Jackie?” Finn was sitting cross-legged in front of me.
“As good as anyone’s would be in the twenty-first century. I mean, besides Catholics and stuff.”
Finn rolled his eyes, “That’s what I thought. Now, it’s crucial you pronounce everything appropriately. Otherwise, you kill everyone in the room, including yourself… or worse.”
“There’s worse?”
The demon spun the book around to face him. “Aye, princess. We could all get trapped in hell together. Although, if we were to share a cell in the pit together, I might not mind it.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
“Okay, let’s focus.” I stopped him before his dirty mind could continue to wander. I had no desire to get all hot and bothered like I was at work today. “Let’s just take it line by line. Halloween in in a week, I can learn a line a night and then practice the sigils while reciting.”
There was a moment where he looked impressed, but it vanished as he turned the book around to face me again. “Repeat. Hic vigor invocabo.”
“Ic vigger encada.”
Balor stared at me, “This may take longer than one night.”
“It was bad, huh?”
“It didn’t sound anything like what I said.” He sighed. “Word by word, then.”
We practiced that line forever it seemed. It was a lot of me forcing myself to watch Balor’s lips and tongue move as he shaped the dead language. I mimicked his announciation to the best of my abilities. At one point he grabbed my facing, gently elongating my jaw to form the ‘o’ sound we needed for ‘invocabo’. I caught him more than once with a glimmer in his eye as he watched my own mouth.
“Okay, now, like we practiced. Hic vigor invocabo.”
“Hic vigor invocabo.”
Finn smiled brightly, placing a hand on my knee. “Look at you go! You’re a natural.”
I scoffed. “A natural wouldn’t be sore from learning that.”
“Latin isn’t easy for this generation. But now that you know a lot of the basics for the first line, the second shouldn’t be too hard.”
“I hope not.” I sighed, before laying back against a small heap of pillows I had conjured earlier when creating the practice space. “I wonder if Aleister texted me back yet.”
“I told him you had called and set a time for the second date. He had said earlier he wanted to discuss Halloween the night before our date.”
“Hmm.” Balor lounged next to me. “You’ll know the location and I can scope it out before we decide on our Halloween swaray.”
“What’s the plan for our ‘swaray’?” I asked.
Finn’s mouth twitched as his blue eyes met mine, “A masquerade ball.”
“Whoa! Are you serious?”
“Like the plague.”
“Oh god! I don’t have a dress or shoes or anything!”
“I’m sure your boyfriend will take care of everything for you like he did our first date.” Finn took a small pillow the size of a ball and began tossing it gently in the air.
“He’s not my boyfriend, you know.”
“No, but you two have a weird thing going on… not that I trust it.” He rolled over and looked at me, “Are you saying you’re a single pringle, princess?”
My eyes rolled and I tossed a pillow back at him. “Technically, yes. And just because you don’t trust him, doesn’t mean I don’t.”
“So when you betray him for me, do you think he’ll still reciprocate any feelings?”
I swallowed, “Hadn’t thought about it yet.” I shook my head. “What are you proposing I do then?”
“Well there is another eligible bachelor looking for a queen to his future throne that is very much interested in you.”
“Not going to happen.”
Balor pulled me close to him. “Princess, kings and gods have bowed to me, what makes you think you can refuse for long?”
My body was stiff in his arms. “I’m not really the bowing type.”
He leaned close to my ear. “It’ll make it that much sweeter when you do.” I could feel his breath on my ear. His voice rumbled against my skin in the most sensational way. “I would take very good care of you, my queen. You’d be worshiped and adored not only by our subjects, but by me as well. You’d forget about the devil you know. You’d have me at your every beckon call. You’d but merely have to speak the words, and I’d give you anything your heart desires.”
My pulse raced. “I thought you wanted me to bow to you?”
Balor placed gentle kisses along my neck. “It would only need to be once. Then I would bow to you for all eternity.” One hand was slow making its way down my back, past my hips and butt, gripping my thigh lightly. His other hand was entangled in my hair, keeping my head up to allow his caresses along the exposed flesh on my neck. “Your heart is pounding, Jaqueline. I can hear it. I can smell your desire.” His words came out as a low growl. “You want me to keep this up, don’t you?”
I gasped when his teeth grazed against my throat. “I- I don’t know what I want.”
“Yes, you do, princess. You want me. Aleister can’t summon these responses from you. I bet he wouldn’t even treat you like a queen. All he wants are servants. You’d be there to bow before him, you’d be his plaything. Whereas I would whisper your praises and adoration between your legs every night.”
Suddenly the world around us shook. “I need to go.” I sat up as quickly as I could manage to get some distance between us.
Balor sighed, “You can’t run forever, princess.”
“Promise me this,” I gestured between us, mostly to him, “doesn’t affect me learning that incantation. And it doesn’t become something we do every night?”
“I promise nothing.” He had a cocky smile plastered on his face. “I doubt you’ll be able to keep your hands off me now.”
I crossed my arms in front of my chest, “Challenge accepted.”
With that I awoke to Felix sniffing my face. “God, is it morning already?”
I sighed and gave him a nice pet. “I feel like I just closed my eyes.”
“Something troubling you at night, snojepe?”
I turned and saw Aleister leaning against my door frame. He wasn’t wearing his suit jacket and had the sleeves on his shirt rolled up. It was tight against his abdomen, showing a well-toned body underneath. My mouth felt dry.
“I can’t wait for this to be over, so you quit inviting yourself over to my apartment whenever you feel bored. What if I had been naked or what if Finn had been here?”
He arched his eyebrow. “I would’ve sensed if that low some demon was here. And if you were not dressed for company…“ his tongue darted out along his lower lip as his eyes wandered where I was lying in bed, “it would have been a fabulous start to my day.”
I threw my pillow in his direction, but it missed and hit the wall next to his head. Of course, he didn’t even flinch. “Are you always so violent in the mornings?”
“Only when the devil keeps snapping his way inside my apartment to wake me up.”
“Someone has to make you breakfast.”
I pushed the covers aside and headed towards my closet to find something for work. “You have got to get over the fact that I actually like pop-tarts. I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with making me breakfast.”
“I made eggs benedict.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll eat. Let me shower and have some human time first.” I pulled an over-sized sweater down off a clothes hanger and grabbed a pair of leggings too. I pushed past him, making my way to the bathroom.
Aleister cocked an eyebrow, “’Human time’?”
I turned at the bathroom door. “Yes, I’m not like you who can snap myself clean like that.” I mocked his snap and shut the door behind me.
“You make it sound like I don’t actually shower.” His voice echoed from behind the door.
“Do you?”
“Let me in, I’ll show you.”
Panic fought to rise in my chest. “I think it would be best if I passed on that offer.” I pulled my shirt over my head and started the water.
“You’re right,” he mused. “You probably would end up late to work.”
I thought I was going to turn permantly red.
There was a beeping nose from the outside of the bathroom door. “I have a meeting I have to be to, snojepe. I’ll be by tonight to walk you to the location I need Balor to meet us at. We won’t have much time to prepare.” He was quite for a beat. I could almost hear the sound of his fingers tapping out a text message over the sound of the water heating up. “How’s your latin?”
My thoughts spun to Finn’s lessons. “It’s not too bad.”
“Oh? That’s surprising.”
“I just know a few phrases from when I went to church.” I shuffled out of my shorts, hoping he didn’t notice the lie.
Aleister didn’t say anything right away. I leaned against the door, listening for a sign that he was still there. Nothing came. Did he snap himself away and I didn’t hear?
“Sorry, I was lost in thought. As much as I’ve enjoyed this little chat on opposite sides of this door, I can’t stop picturing your naked body just out of reach and it’s not really allowing me to focus.”
My knees went weak at the thought of him coming in to help me shower.
“Another time perhaps. Food’s on the table, enjoy your shower, snojepe.”
There was a snap and I knew he was gone.
Chapter Twelve-> Coming Soon
Tag List: @fangirls-gotta-fangirl @xladyxfatex @xbreezymeadowsx @rndm-fngrl-blg @nicolewoo @itsicantbelievethis666
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On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 10 Sugar Cookies! (Part 2!)
Y'all get pictures again! Yay!
Lacus Welt
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💜✨It was your suggestion. He originally wasn't on board with the idea, you probably had to bribe him.
💜✨He has no idea what he's doing. Absolutely no clue. You're going to have to help him along.
💜✨His favorite part is decorating, but he doesn't take it seriously at all!
Freed Justine
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❤️🎄It was his suggestion. It'll just be you and him, he doesn't trust Bickslow in the kitchen!
❤️🎄Freed is a master chef. He knows what he's doing, and will probably be helping you along. He's an excellent teacher, and he's excited to share his passion for cooking and baking with you!
❤️🎄His favorite part is the actual making of the cookies. Although, he does enjoy eating a few of them!
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🤍🖤It was your idea, and you practically had to beg him to join you.
🤍🖤He's not the greatest baker in the world. Half the time he's not even paying attention to your directions! Also he's going to fall asleep halfway through.
🤍🖤His favorite part is eating the cookies. He'll eat two or three before laying down to take a nap in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Doppo Kunikida
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📔👓It was your idea, and you legitimately had to threaten him to get him to take off work.
📔👓He's probably doing most of the work, let's be honest. Kunikida knows what he's doing. He's cooked and baked before, and he's probably the one giving you instructions!
📔👓His favorite part is when the cookies are done and he can get back to work!
Renzo Shima
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💓🐛It was your idea, and he agreed without hesitation! He's very eager to spend time with you!
💓🐛He's a disaster, honestly. You have to help him with everything! He'll get it eventually, he's not completely hopeless!
💓🐛His favorite part is eating the cookies, of course!
Aleister Chambers
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✨❤️It was your idea. It didn't take much to get Aleister to agree! He always wants to spend time with you, plus he loves good food!
✨❤️He's never done this before, so he's kind of useless. He certainly doesn't lack enthusiasm, though! He finds the whole process fascinating!
✨❤️His favorite part is eating the cookies. Yes, he will moan about it. You know how he is.
Hitoshi Shinso
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💜🐱It was your idea, and Shinso agreed without much of an argument.
💜🐱He's decent. Not fantastic, but certainly not a disaster! At least you don't have to watch his every move!
💜🐱His favorite part is decorating. All his cookies are little cats!
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🖤🐀It was your idea, and it took a bit of begging to get him to give in. He has important plotting to do!
🖤🐀He's a pretty decent help. He's just glad the work isn't too physically taxing! Otherwise, he might faint!
🖤🐀His favorite part is watching you decorate! You just look so cute with how hard you're concentrating!
Kenji Miyazawa
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💛🐄It was your idea, and Kenji enthusiastically agreed! He loves cookies and other baked goods!
💛🐄He's a great help! Despite never baking these specific cookies before, he catches on quickly to the process! His super strength is a big help with rolling out the dough!
💛🐄His favorite part is eating the cookies! He'll eat about half of them in one sitting and then take a nap!
Snow Lily
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💖🦋It was his idea! He thought it would be such a cute couple thing to do!
💖🦋You might have to help him a little bit, but he does catch on quickly. He thinks everything is 'charming'!
💖🦋His favorite part is decorating! He loves to express his creativity! He does go a little overboard with the sprinkles, though!
101 notes · View notes
wwereaderinserts · 5 years
Dating Aleister Black would include...
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Being his biggest fan
And him being yours
Watching every single one of his matches
Whether it’s at ringside or backstage
You’re always cheering him on and hyping him up
In fact, you don’t shut up about him
Admiring his tattoos
Forehead kisses
And kisses in general
Plenty of them
Aleister being the big spoon whenever you two cuddle
Teaming with him for Mixed Match Challenge
Even winning Mixed Match Challenge together
Going against him in an UUDD video
He’s ‘offended’ when you kick his ass at video games
But you always quite literally kiss and make up in the end
Stealing his shirts and hoodies
Sometimes you’ll even sleep in them, too
Aleister is the designated driver when you two travel together
He’s always in charge of the aux cord
But Aleister lets you put a few songs of your choice on sometimes
Introducing each other to new bands and songs
Moving in with him when your relationship gets serious
Getting cats together
Aleister being the one to say ‘I love you’ first
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Idk if you watched that video that Tommy End posted earlier today but if you did, would it be possible to get any nsfw headcanons for psychopath Malakai Black? 🤤
OMG, Yes I did! My friend has instagram so she showed me the video and fuck me 💦 And that little singing at the end? (Plus that man’s voice 🤤) I can already tell I’m gonna be addicted to this man like a crazy bitch 🤣
@theworldofotps , @aerynscrichton , @sophiewolfheart-blog
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Gif credit: @angeleyeskenny
As a psychiatrist you were already used to dangerous patients
Patients who claimed to hear voices
See things
Even those who displayed aggressive behavior
So you were expecting the worst
But at first glance he seemed different
Incredibly intelligent
After weeks of observing his behavior
You finally made the first contact
He was handcuffed to the table
Dressed in white asylum clothes
He stared directly at you
As you entered the room and sat on the chair in front of him
“Good morning, Malakai” You greeted
As a psychiatrist you know that playing along with the patients “personas” were the safest way to obtain response
“Morning...And who are you?” He asked amused
“I’m Doctor Y/L/N, and I’ll be your new psychiatrist” You smiled “Please uncuff him” You looked at the security guard
“Doc-“ He began
“I know what I’m doing” You tell him “Please, uncuff him and leave us alone”
He reluctantly obliged
You turned around and found Malakai smiling widely at you
“I like you already...you call me by the right name, set me free” He toyed with the handcuffs “want us to be alone”
“In order to help you, I need us to be friends, Malakai” You sat down on the table
“Oh Doc” He quickly stood up and placed his hands on the table next to your hips, trapping you on it
“We’ll be more than friends, sugar plum” He lifted his hand up and caressed your breast through your low cut blouse
“I have a feeling we’ll get a long a little too well” He whispered in your ear
“Malakai” You murmured
“Don’t worry, Doc” He chuckled “Yes, these hands have hurt a lot of people before” He quickly wrapped them around your throat “But if you’re a good girl, they’ll give you a lot of pleasure” He smirked and licked a stripe from your neck to your lips
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inagetawaycarxo · 6 years
“Right now? Honey, we’re in public” with Aleister Black please ?
❝Fuck you.❞ + ❝Right now? Honey, we’re in public.❞ w/ Aleister Black
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Summary: You’re annoyed at Aleister because he won’t let you go shopping at Victoria Secret
WARNINGS: fluff, are glares warnings?
Word Count: 133
“But, I want to go there.” You whined, for the fifth time, pouting at him, as you stood in front of him, while he sat on the bench.
“Their bras are overly priced.” Aleister responded.
“So, doesn’t mean I can’t look, beside some of their stuff isn’t too overly priced.” You replied, making Aleister rub his forehead with his hand in frustration.
“No.” he grunted, giving you a stern look. Your pout turned into a thin line as you glared at him. if looks could kill Aleister would be dead.
“Fuck you.” You grunted, sitting beside him in a huff, and pouting like a toddler who didn’t get their way.
“Right now? Honey, we’re in public.” Aleister replied, making you roll your eyes, and look away from him, shaking your head in disgust.
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south-of-heaven · 6 months
Malakai Black Masterlist
a - angst. s - smut. f - fluff. etl - enemies to lovers.
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Time stands still (f)
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judgementdaysunshine · 2 months
Bad girl
Pairing: Aleister Black x Fem reader
Description: Aleister finds out the legacy of your family and why you're known as the bad girl of your family
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Aleister wouldn't lie but say he was nervous to meet your family mostly your parents as the two of you walked in your mom's house since your parents were no longer together after divorcing when you were nineteen and not too long after your uncle passed away. Your mom immediately liked him and could tell how much he loved and how you meant to each other over the two hours you spent with your mom before leaving and heading to your dad who was waiting and making dinner running into his arms on the front steps as aleister watches the tender moment until he sees your dad's face in the light and hears a voice all too familiar to his child self, "Hey yo, heard all about you" he shakes your dad's hand before all of you walked inside smelling roast in the air making your stomach rumble before the three of you were talking in between bites of beef roast and sips of tea or water unable to wipe the smile off your face seeing the two talking noticing your dad smiling and actually talking in a full conversation with him rather than standing quietly and watching him closely like he usually did with your previous boyfriends over the years and your dad even mentioned watching some of aleister's matches on NXT. Your dad tells stories of the early days of his career along with stories of you growing up which made your heart melt and heat flood on your face as aleister laughs, the two of you leave with laughter and smiles while hand in hand noticing the smile grow on his face as the two of you slowly wind down for the night and did your nightly routines but it wasn't until the two of you sat on bed watching tv that you found out why he was still smiling, "I thought you were called bad girl because you don't take shit, but your a bad girl cause the real bad guy is your dad" you laugh with a shake of your head before the two of you shared a sweet kiss while watching episodes of WCW before falling asleep.
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glorious-numbness · 5 years
Wrestling Masterlists
I'm a lazy mf and was just going to do this myself to easily find and enjoy wrestling writings here on Tumblr, but decided to post this too.
Message me if you want me to remove your masterlist for one reason or another. And if I have not added yours an want me to do so, message me.
6 notes · View notes
salted-barbed-wire · 5 years
The Devil May Care
Chapter Eight
Summary: “Nothing touched the trigger but the Devil’s right hand...” Word Count: 2803
Prelude       Chapter One.      Chapter Two.      Chapter Three.       Chapter Four. Chapter Five.     Chapter Six.      Chapter Seven
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The lock on my door clicked open and I pushed my way into my apartment. I had been silent the whole ride home with Balor. He hadn’t said much either since we came out of whatever apparition he had conjured. Probably to keep Aleister from hearing, in case he was too close by. We only touched a little bit on making plans for a second date, finally deciding I would get back to him when I wasn’t so “tired”. My head played back the scene of him walking me to the complex’s door.
“I had a really good time,” he stood, leaning against the door frame.
I refused meet his eyes, “Me too. Thank you for dinner and the park was lovely.”
Finn stepped close to me, tipping my chin up gently. “Not as lovely as you, Princess.”
He’s putting on an act.
“I am,” he said pointedly, a storm brewing in his eyes, “looking forward to calling you tomorrow.”
I nodded, “Same, I can’t wait. Unless you’d like to come up for a nightcap?”
Balor tilted his head, “So bold of you, Jackie, my little siren. Unfortunately, I am a gentleman and couldn’t possibly take advantage of such an offer.”
“Oh…” I tried to feign disappointment. I was hoping Aleister had been in my apartment, waiting for me to come in, and would be able to help me bind him.
“Believe me, lass, the offer is very tempting,” Finn growled pushing closer to me. “But I want this to work between us. I think we have something special, ya’ know?” I nodded and he continued. “So, let’s take this one step at a time, and you can revisit this urge to lure me upstairs later.”
I forced a fake laugh, he knows. “You’re right. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Finn. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Princess. Sweet dreams.”
I shivered at the way his voice sounded almost menacing as he watched me close the door to my apartment. Now, I was in my safe space, but I was terrified of what was to come tonight.
“I didn’t expect you so late, snojepe.”
I jumped and swore, “Jesus, Aleister, what the hell?”
“Why so jumpy? Did you have too much fun sneaking off with the demon after I explicitly told you not to?” Aleister stood behind my counter, pouring a glass of wine. “Did he get you all hot and bothered? Did you try to invite him up so he could ravish you?” He placed the glass in front of me and poured one for himself.
I crossed my arms and glared at him, “I did, in fact.”
He stopped pouring and set the bottle down in silence, scanning my face.
“I would have thought you went through all my bottles of wine yesterday with as much as I see you drinking.” I picked the glass up and sipped. It sure didn’t taste like my fifteen-dollar cheap-o bottles I usually grab on the way home from a long day of work.
“I haven’t touched your plonk, snojepe. However, I’d like to come back to the fact that you asked Balor to come upstairs with you.” He stood close to me and I refused to meet his gaze. “Why?”
I sipped on the crimson liquid. This was definitely not mine. It was potent, but so tasty. I walked over and poured another glass, still not making eye contact, “’Why did I invite him up?’ or ‘Why did he not come up to the apartment?’”
The frown in his voice was apparent, “Both!”
“He didn’t bite because he’s a gentleman,” I quickly drank half the glass at least then turned and smirked at him. “And I invited him up because I wanted to see if we could have little three some.”
He snatched my wine glass out of my hand, “That’s it, you’re cut off.”
“Hey!” I shouted at him, reaching for it as he used his long arms to keep it perfectly out of my gasp. “The devil can’t take a joke now?”
“It’s not a joke, pet.” Aleister snorted, “Judging from your inability to listen to my commands and have good judgement, you’ve had too much. You’ve been drinking all night,” He grabbed my hand that was reaching for my glass and leaned down too close to my face. “And with your lowered inhibitions, it would be very tempting to take advantage of your… lack of sensibility.”
Maybe I want you to.
Aleister’s eyes went wide as he released my wrist, “What was that?”
I swallowed down any fear, meeting his eyes with the same intensity he always gave me. “I- I think you heard me.”
He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me tightly to him, “Keep looking at me that way, see what happens.” Aleister’s free hand gentle grazed his knuckle along my jaw line, bringing my lips closer to his. I felt light headed as he ghosted a soft kiss against my pout. “Your date left you in need. Your lips are looking lonely.”
“They are,” I gasped.
“I could devour you, my little dropje. I have been craving the taste of you since the day you called upon me.” The kiss we shared was soft, we were both holding back, but it was passionate as it could be.
“Is that why you chose me?” I asked breathing heavily.
Aleister pulled back from me, desire in his gaze. “Well, when you put it like that it makes me sound selfish.” The corner of his mouth pulled upward in spite of himself. “The mainreason is the way you acted when you first saw me.”
“Oh?” I didn’t want to move away from him. Despite his normal chilly aura, it was a relief to the warmth of the wine.
“Do you remember?”
“You told me you were no ordinary demon.”
“I asked you if were scared and what did you tell me?”
“I don’t remember.” I admitted; I had been trying to forget that day for the past three years.
Aleister released me and grabbed my glass of wine, “You weren’t afraid before I revealed myself to you, or after.” He set it down in front of me. “You weren’t scared to be in my presence. You were brave, comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. Plus, if the deal hadn’t been for someone you loved, this wouldn’t have worked.”
“No?” I didn’t want to let on that I already knew.
“It’s a clause I’m forced to put in my contracts.” He stared at his own glass, swirling its contents in slow circles.
“What was the contract you signed with Lugh?” I asked.
Aleister just stared at me. He looked like he was trying to decide how much he should tell me.
“Just tell me the truth, Aleister.” I put my hand on his arm. “You know half of a partnership is trust and if you want me to believe that you won’t just betray me in the end…” My voice trailed off. I hadn’t said the thought out loud. I hadn’t even let him hear the thought in my head that there was a possibility he’d betray me. Balor hinted that he couldn’t be trusted, but I really didn’t want to believe it.
“Snojepe, I am the Devil. Betrayal in in my nature.”  He lifted his glass up to his mouth. “But you don’t have much of a choice, do you?”
I glared at him; a nagging ache struck me in my chest. Balor is the other option. “I don’t. But perhaps it would help me sleep at night.”
A sigh escaped Aleister’s mouth, “You aren’t going to let this go, are you?”
“I’m just curious.” I shrugged, walking over to the couch. I sat then tapped the cushion next to me, inviting him to sit down with me.
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
Felix’s head popped up, “Mrow?”
“Apologies, friend,” Aleister scratched his ear before sitting next to me on the couch. “Just an expression.” His ankle crossed over his knee and he spread his arm behind me on the head rest. “What I am about to tell you, must never be repeated to any other soul. I don’t need any other demons figuring out ways past my spells.”
I pulled an invisible zipper across my mouth and threw away the key.
“I think a gag would work better.”
“Don’t get distracted!” I smacked his thigh, trying to hide the flush in my face.
Aleister chuckled, then cleared his throat. “I suppose you want the whole story?” I nodded excitedly. He sighed, “Long ago, I sold my soul to a demon. I’m not sure for what, I’m not sure who he was, but I remember being in hell. I was burning and succumbing to torture when Lucifer himself approached me.”
“How long were you down there?”
“Time passes differently in hell, especially for the tortured souls. For me, I may have only been dead from the earth for a decade, but it felt like centuries.”
My teeth drug across my lower lip, “You don’t remember being human?”
“Not really, I remember my mother. She was a witch. She had taught my siblings and I some of her spells. We lived like gypsies, moving from town to town and never settling down. I don’t remember what she looked like, or her name, or my previous name. When I was in hell, I would have visions of them, but their faces were always blank. He always said that was for the best.”
Aleister nodded, “Yes. He came to me one day because I wasn’t screaming or reacting to any form of pain. He told me my soul was strong and he wanted me to become part of his legion.”
“And you accepted?”
“After a while, yes. It took some conviencing on his part. But I agreed and was given my assignments and powers.”
“So,” I started, “You began as a demon, then moved your way up?”
“Sort of. I challenged him for his throne. This was after I locked Balor away.”
“And how did you do that?”
“I helped his daughter, gave her Lugh. You know the legends, right?”
I nodded, “Balor had been told by a prophecy that he would be killed by his grandson. So, he locked his daughter, Ethniu away in a tower. Cian devised a plan to get to her, only to be caught after he had gotten Ethniu pregnant.”
“Balor had no idea,” Aleister continued. “He put Cian to death before his grandson was born. It was too bad. Cian wasn’t a bad guy; he sure wouldn’t sell his soul to me to get what he needed. Instead, he just came to me for advice when his love was locked away. I ended helping him, to an extent.”
“I helped him find the cow, spread the legend, lured Balor to it, and then waited.”
“You didn’t help him when he was captured though?”
Aleister sipped his wine, “I did him as much of a favor as I could. I could get what I needed without his existence.” He set his glass down and continued. “After Lugh was born, Balor tried to drown him in the sea. I pushed him towards safety, letting him be raised by Mananna. Human’s know him I think as a sea god, but the legends aren’t always accurate. Anyway, I petitioned with the King Mananna to keep the child from Balor, knowing he would, after he learned of my plans to seal away the demon for good. He raised Lugh, taught him to fight and the ways of his people. Until I was ready to call on him.”
“What about Ethniu?” I asked, “You said you stole her away too.”
Aleister’s eyes looked sad, “I did. She begged me to. She promised me her powers in return for a favor.”
“The favor wasn’t just stealing her away from her father was it.”
He shook his head. “After she found out that Cian was dead, she wanted me to end her life before her father could do it himself.”
My stomach churned. “You killed her? And Balor hasn’t forgiven you.”
“No. Not to mention, when it was time to call on Lugh, we struck a deal and after Lugh defeated Balor and his armies, I drug him to the pit where Lucifer destroyed the half breed as a warning to all demonic entities; don’t procreate with humans. He wasn’t too fond of God’s favorite creation.”
“The contract with Lugh, was it his powers to defeat his father?”
“Yes, he was very brave. He didn’t really slay his father, though. He weakened him enough for me to seal him away, trapping him in the lake of the eye. I used a simple spell to draw power from the lake when I challenged Lucifer for the throne in Hell. I was already overloaded on Ethniu and Lugh’s essences. They all gave me the power to win my title and once I sat on the throne for the first time, I was unstoppable.”
My head was beginning to throb, “Okay, hold on. So how does Balor pose any threat if you have been drawing power from him for so long?”
“He regenerates. It’s part of the spell on the lake. It kept him alive and let me draw from him. Now he’s bonded with that boy, he’s drawing from the fae energies in Finn, rebuilding himself.”
“How did he get a hold of Finn do you think?”
Aleister shrugged, “I can’t say. I hadn’t been watching the lake for a millennium. I didn’t think anyone was foolish enough to release a demon powerful enough to bring about the apocalypse.”
I sat quietly, trying to process everything. “How did you find out you could even challenge Lucifer for the throne? And what happened to him? Is he still alive or did you kill him? How did Balor figure it all out?”
“I learned the secret from Lucifer himself. He was ready to give up his throne for a worthy opponent that would be strong and cunning enough to keep his kingdom running efficiently. He had also told Balor the secret. But Balor had no interest in Hell, he wanted to rule this realm.” Aleister looked away from me, “As for dear ol’ Lucy. He isn’t dead.”
“No, happily retired.” He chuckled. “Enjoying his freedom from the life of running his ‘business’.”
“You’re not ready to give it up yet, then?”
“Definitely not.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, “This is a lot.”
“I told you, snojepe. These secrets are not for the faint hearted.” He scooted closer to me, “Have I given you a headache yet? I could relieve some of that pressure for you?”
I giggled, “Stop, I don’t know what it would cost me.”
“It’s free.”
I looked at him. “With you, Aleister, nothing is free. That is what I’ve learned from this story.”
He blinked at me. “That’s the second time you’ve done that.”
I downed the last of my wine, “Hmm?”
“Said my name.”
My head whirled to look at him. “Yeah…”
“I like the way you say it.” He whispered, leaning into me. “It does something to my imagination.”
“What exactly?” I asked, realizing my breathing had changed.
“I imagine you moaning it, whispering it into my skin as I press you into a mattress with those pretty eyes rolling back into your head.”
The air around us became thick. My heart pounded in my chest, but I couldn’t catch my breath.
He pulled away and stood. “I think I better go.”
I tore my gaze away from him and took a breath, “oh?”
“You, Jaqueline, are feeling tipsy from the date and the wine from my private collection. Even though I would absolutely kill to have my way with you, I’d prefer you to be sober and more consenting.” He folded his hands behind his back, looking down at me. “It makes for a less regretful morning.”
“Okay,” I nodded, still not looking directly at him. “I’ll let you know when Balor calls on me then.”
“Good girl,” he hummed. I squirmed in my seat before looking back up at him. “Sweet dreams, snojepe. May they be what tonight could’ve been.”
Aleister raised his hand. “Wait!” I shouted, standing and approaching him. “Thank you. Thank you for finally telling me the truth, for being honest with me.” I reached up and kissed him lightly, making sure to leave him wanting more.
“Jackie, at this moment, you are the most dangerous thing in the room.” He snapped his fingers and disappeared into thin air.
I looked back at Felix who had been sitting on the arm of the couch watching us.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, scratching his little head.
He winked at me before stalking off to my bedroom.
Chapter 9->
@fangirls-gotta-fangirl @xladyxfatex @xbreezymeadowsx @rndm-fngrl-blg @nicolewoo @itsicantbelievethis666
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