#fairy tail Macbeth x reader
On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 10 Sugar Cookies! (Part 2!)
Y'all get pictures again! Yay!
Lacus Welt
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💜✨It was your suggestion. He originally wasn't on board with the idea, you probably had to bribe him.
💜✨He has no idea what he's doing. Absolutely no clue. You're going to have to help him along.
💜✨His favorite part is decorating, but he doesn't take it seriously at all!
Freed Justine
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❤️🎄It was his suggestion. It'll just be you and him, he doesn't trust Bickslow in the kitchen!
❤️🎄Freed is a master chef. He knows what he's doing, and will probably be helping you along. He's an excellent teacher, and he's excited to share his passion for cooking and baking with you!
❤️🎄His favorite part is the actual making of the cookies. Although, he does enjoy eating a few of them!
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🤍🖤It was your idea, and you practically had to beg him to join you.
🤍🖤He's not the greatest baker in the world. Half the time he's not even paying attention to your directions! Also he's going to fall asleep halfway through.
🤍🖤His favorite part is eating the cookies. He'll eat two or three before laying down to take a nap in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Doppo Kunikida
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📔👓It was your idea, and you legitimately had to threaten him to get him to take off work.
📔👓He's probably doing most of the work, let's be honest. Kunikida knows what he's doing. He's cooked and baked before, and he's probably the one giving you instructions!
📔👓His favorite part is when the cookies are done and he can get back to work!
Renzo Shima
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💓🐛It was your idea, and he agreed without hesitation! He's very eager to spend time with you!
💓🐛He's a disaster, honestly. You have to help him with everything! He'll get it eventually, he's not completely hopeless!
💓🐛His favorite part is eating the cookies, of course!
Aleister Chambers
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✨❤️It was your idea. It didn't take much to get Aleister to agree! He always wants to spend time with you, plus he loves good food!
✨❤️He's never done this before, so he's kind of useless. He certainly doesn't lack enthusiasm, though! He finds the whole process fascinating!
✨❤️His favorite part is eating the cookies. Yes, he will moan about it. You know how he is.
Hitoshi Shinso
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💜🐱It was your idea, and Shinso agreed without much of an argument.
💜🐱He's decent. Not fantastic, but certainly not a disaster! At least you don't have to watch his every move!
💜🐱His favorite part is decorating. All his cookies are little cats!
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🖤🐀It was your idea, and it took a bit of begging to get him to give in. He has important plotting to do!
🖤🐀He's a pretty decent help. He's just glad the work isn't too physically taxing! Otherwise, he might faint!
🖤🐀His favorite part is watching you decorate! You just look so cute with how hard you're concentrating!
Kenji Miyazawa
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💛🐄It was your idea, and Kenji enthusiastically agreed! He loves cookies and other baked goods!
💛🐄He's a great help! Despite never baking these specific cookies before, he catches on quickly to the process! His super strength is a big help with rolling out the dough!
💛🐄His favorite part is eating the cookies! He'll eat about half of them in one sitting and then take a nap!
Snow Lily
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💖🦋It was his idea! He thought it would be such a cute couple thing to do!
💖🦋You might have to help him a little bit, but he does catch on quickly. He thinks everything is 'charming'!
💖🦋His favorite part is decorating! He loves to express his creativity! He does go a little overboard with the sprinkles, though!
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moongirlcleo · 1 year
Midnight x Reader
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Summary:Midnight sfw and nsfw relationship headcanons plz CW: NSFW AN:No one has ever requested this bean so I am glad you did. Thank you
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Midnight SFW Headcanons:
I feel like Midnight would be very much shy and awkward in a relationship at first because he's wholly unexperienced in this type of thing, but he'd slowly open up as time goes on.
His love language is showing you he cares in small acts of service. Meaning, he'd show you his love for you way more often than telling you.
He's terrible at communication at first, though. So if there's something wrong, don't expect him to come to you. You'll probably spend a lot of time trying to pick his brain.
His favorite thing ever is when you cook him his favorite meal without him asking. If you want to watch him melt, do that. It's the cutest sight ever.
He prefers to keep all PDA under wraps, so don't expect him to give kisses or hugs in public often. But alone? He's very sweet to the person he loves.
Midnight NSFW Headcanons:
I can see him being a virgin when he meets you, but wanting to change that pretty quickly. He's willing to learn and please his partners, because he wants to make sure they keep coming back to him.
He's really into BDSM and I can see Midnight being a switch, depending on his mood and what the scene is unfolding to be. Either way, his aim is to please.
He has a decently large dick, and once he learns how to use it... good luck.
He also enjoys using his Nightmare power to make illusions for the two of you, to ... enhance experiences for you.
His favorite all time fantasy is tying you up, and having his way with you until you're overstimulated, begging and crying for him.
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- ©2024 moongirlcleo do not repost, copy, translate, or modify
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
Hello my Tumblr Peeps👋😃I decided to write about another character from Fairy Tail and the staring character is non other than, Midnight/Macbeth, considering he will be the 2nd character from Fairy Tail I will be writing about, as the star character🖤And also, I decided to have this fanfic, where he opens up to the reader, just as well so it may take some paragraphs before Midnight/Macbeth, so I don't make the whole fanfic about the reader😅
*Note: This fanfic may contain 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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🖤Why Did You Rescue Someone Like Me?🖤((Adult) Midnight/Macbeth x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Angst (Warning⚠️: Mentions of abuse and death)
You used to feel like you had no purpose. Everyday was a toxic routine to the point you weren't sure, if any of your family members were going to get on your case about anything or get on eachother's case about anything or possibly both. It's also to the point where you considered your good days as the days that no arguments happened, regardless if a family member surprisingly doesn't have an argument with you nor another family member.
You even felt the only way you could even feel like you have any freedom was to go outside, especially going to walk around inside your village. You just felt you could find nowhere else to live in, which was why you felt obligated to deal with a toxic environment that you have been dealing with for as many years as you had. You truly feel there was no hope for this everyday cycle of a routine to end.
One day, you went outside of your house to walk around your village, after you mom had an argument with one of your brothers, because you know if you stayed inside the house, than you did, you wouldn't be able to keep yourself sane and would have an impossible time regulating your emotions. Once you walked inside of your village, something different happened, than all of the other times you went inside of your village. There was a voice that said, "Hey person... Is there anything you need?", as you then turned around to see it turned out to a man who's wearing a brown and white fur coat, which he appeared to have red eyes, black hair on the top, and straight, white hair on the bottom.
When you first saw the man you were frightened of him, at first considering he was the first person who has ever talked to you, besides your family members. The man noticed that you were timid, as he then said, "Don't be frightened... I noticed you're stressed... My name is Macbeth... If you want, you can call me Midnight...", as he tried reaching his hand out to you. You were repulsed by the man trying to be nice to you, as you angrily replied, "My parents told me to not talk to anyone... Especially strangers! They told me to only talk to family!".
Midnight/Macbeth then realized, your parents taught you to try keeping yourself away from people, as much as possible. So, he figured out on a way to approach you, as he said, "I take it your parents taught you to stay in your shell? Am I correct? I may not know you nor have I been in your shoes, however I can sense you lived your life in fear and out of feeling obligated to deal with a stressful environment... I only want to see about helping you with getting freedom, if that's what you want... I can sense you never felt free... However, you didn't seem interested, so I'm walking away now...". As he started to walk away from you, you then shouted, "Wait! Mr. Midnight! You said you wanted to help me get freedom, right?".
Midnight/Macbeth, then turned around as he replied, "Ofcourse, I do... I know what's it like to not have freedom... Maybe I felt the lack of freedom differently, than you are feeling, however I do know what it's like to have no freedom and a stressful environment... So, if you want my help to get freedom, then you better tell me now!". You knew he was right about everything he said, as you said, "It's not just wanting freedom... I need freedom, very desperately, Midnight! I'm dealing with an everyday toxic environment for my everyday routine! My family will argue with eachother or with me and I thought a good day for me was when no arguments happened... I mostly take walks inside this village, whenever I feel the need to get away from everything and to keep myself sane... I just felt so obligated to deal with this toxic cycle, as I have no where else to live in... I just felt trapped... So, if you truly feel you can help me get my freedom, tell me what I must do?". Midnight/Macbeth, then suggested to you, "Well then, later tonight, I suggest you try escaping from the house you're living in then... Pack your stuff right away when you get the chance after you're back home, then when you finish packing quickly, you should hurry up and get out of there... After you leave tonight you better be meeting me at that village again, because when the next morning comes and the sun rises again, I will be leaving this village... This will be your only opportunity you have right now! So, what's it going to be?".
You knew Midnight/Macbeth was right about about his suggestion, as you then replied, "Okay, Midnight! I will do, as you suggested, then... I'm tired of dealing with the life I have been living in, for all those years! I will met you at the village, later tonight, then! By the way... My name is, (Any Gender Reader Name)! Nice to meet you and we will be meeting eachother again later tonight and at the same village we're in right now!". He then smiled, as he then said, "Nice meeting you too, (Any Gender Reader)... And later tonight it is, then...", before you proceeded to leave the village to walk back home.
Hours later, when the sun came down and the moon started rising, once your whole family was asleep, you took everything you packed up with you and left the house, as fast and quietly, as possible. After you left, you then met up with Midnight/Macbeth at the same village that you have met him in earlier that day. He then smiled due to the fact he's impressed that you met up with him, as soon as you did, as he said, "Well you met up with me earlier than I expected... I'm impressed... Now let's get going... While we're on our way to where my guild is, we can talk about anything you want or even when you have any questions you would like for me to answer... We should get going before the sun rises... We wouldn't want to keep my guild waiting much longer...". As he was leaving the village, you then followed him in the direction he was going.
As you were walking with him on your way to his guild, you have been thinking about the conversation you had with him earlier that day, especially when you first met him for the first time ever, so you decided you want to know him better and try to understand him more. You then started the conversation, as you said, "Listen, Midnight... I apologize for being mean to you, when you first started to talk to me, when we met for the the first ever, earlier today... I was frightened earlier today, because I guess I was used to only my own family talking to me and I should have realized you wanted to help me... I shouldn't have reacted horribly to you like I did and I realized what my family trying to teach me to only talk to family, was really toxic... I should have atleast tried to understand you more.. Anyways, thanks for helping me get out of that situation...".
Midnight/Macbeth was surprised you told him everything that you told him, as he replied, "You're welcome, (Any Gender Reader Name)... And you don't have to be sorry about your reaction earlier, so you're fine... I'm sure other people would have reacted the similar way, as you did, if not exactly the same way... I figured I'd help you anyway possible in a patient manner... So, there's no need to apologize...". You then asked him, "Anyways, out of curiosity, if you don't mind me asking, why did you want to help someone like me anyways? Have you been in a similar situation, as I was or do you have other intentions?". He was shocked you asked him this, so he decided to confess his reason, as he then answered, "You see, (Any Gender Reader Name)... It's because I was abused and used... when I was a child I was Jellah's slave... Like many children, I went through alot of hell under his reign of terror... He won't ever let's me sleep without his permission... And when the day came when I thought I was free, the man who was my foster father, Brain selected a select few children to join a guild, including my friend Erik and I... I thought everything was going great and I thought Brain was a great man... I never thought he would betray the guild nor betray me... Once Brain got everything he wanted, he deserted everyone else in the guild, including myself... I eventually realized that he was using me and the rest of the guild, as if we were his puppets... Let's just say, I'm glad he's dead now... Brain deserved the death he got for what he did to me and the rest of the guild... Don't get me wrong, he took myself and few others in the guild, so I don't have to deal with Jellah's reign of terror, any longer, it's just I never thought Brain would the one betray us... Even the thought of it, still stings me... So eversince then, I only trust the other guild members, especially Erik... I just have an impossible time trusting anyone else... So, take note at the fact that you're the first one I had ever truly trusted, aside from Erik and the other guild members, since Brain's betrayal...".
You were shocked that Midnight/Macbeth answered you the way he did. You then asked, "Well, why did you trust me in first sight, even after this "Brain" guy betrayed you and why are you having me meet your guild?". Midnight/Macbeth, then replied, "Well, if I didn't trust you right away, I wouldn't have been, so concerned about you nor offered you to come with me nor have you meet the rest of the guild! Infact I wouldn't have rescued you, if I didn't trust you right away! I don't have all the answers of why I trusted you right away! All I know is my instinct, is a big part of why I trusted you immediately! My instinct tells me to see about understanding you and finding answers of why you were timid... With trust, we're just similar with trusting very few people... Even tough we're not in eachother's shoes, we're still more alike than you think!". After all of the answers he could give you to the best of his knowledge, you began to understand why he wanted to help you and why he put his trust in you right away, despite of what Brain did to him and the rest of his guild. You thought he was pittying you the whole time when he first met you, when really it was trust, instinct, possible (unexpected) bonding, and out of the kindness of his heart, being the reasons on why he rescued you to begin with.
Once you and Midnight/Macbeth made it to the location of where his guild is, he then introduced you to everyone in his guild, including Erik. The rest of his guild were surprisingly happy to met you and knew there must be a reason why he took you into his guild. Infact, Erik was just excited just, as well Midnight/Macbeth was, that you were about to become a new member of the guild.
As time went by, you started getting used to the fact that you're a member of Midnight/Macbeth's guild now. Weeks went by, as you feel like not only you're not only part of his guild, however you also feel like, as if they're like a family to you. The whole guild feels like you're like family to them, as well. Eversince you joined his guild, you knew you will live a life with no regrets and become a happier person with lots of freedom, while Midnight/Macbeth knew that aside from the other members of his guild, you're the most trustworthy person for his guild and actually will treat him (and the rest of his guild) like a family and a group of true friends, eversince then.
The End
I do hope you enjoyed this fanfic with Midnight/Macbeth in it my Tumblr Peeps😃👍I do hope I did write about Midnight/Macbeth well and the angst genre for this fanfic😅I do plan to write a more angsty Midnight/Macbeth fanfic, and I do plan on write differently next time I do write a fanfic with him in it🖤😃👍And @stygianoir I definitely hope you enjoyed this fanfic😁👍Hopefully I did write about him and the angst for this fanfic well😅I promise the next angst fanfic I write about him will be different🖤😃👍
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as-nodt-ghostwriter · 4 months
This blog is dedicated to RWBY and occasionally anime like Naruto or Fairy Tail.
Open to writing all kinds sfw related request. nsfw or taboo works can be written only when characters are adults or young adults (college age/at least 18 etc.)
So here’s a list
Accepted ✅
Male or gender neutral reader only
M/F, M/M, GN/F, GN/M
Character x Reader Only. Polyships w/reader are ok
sfw (fluff head canons, oneshots or drabble) — awkward situations, cute crushes, hijinks, cuddling and hugging, cute dating, kisses, flirting, marriage and domestication
nsfw (headcannons, oneshots, or drabble) — missionary, doggy style, oral sex, boobjobs, creampie, one night stands, bedroom eyes, dirty talk, sexting, wet dreams, porn without plot
dark fantasies — daddy/mommy kink, praise kink, cam girl au, dirty roleplaying
drinking/smoking/drug use
yandere trope™️ (obsessive love, stalking and kidnapping)
Denied ❌
Not familiar with alpha/omega
No character x character shipping requests
No female reader requests.
No gun play
No fetish play (feet, body fluids, blood, bdsm)
No dubcon or rape
No incest or stepcest
Characters I can write —
Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team CYVF, Penny, Ciel Soleli, Cinder Falls, Emerald Sustrai, Neopolitan, Sienna Khan, Winter Schnee, Glynda Goodwitch
Team SSSN, Mercury Black, Roman Torchwick, Adam Taurus, James Ironwood, Qrow Braunwen
Grey Fullbuster, Laxus Dreyar, Sting Eucliffe, Rouge Cheney, Leo, Totomaru, MacBeth
Lucy Heartfila, Erza Scarlet, Juvia Lockster, Lisanna Strauss, Marianna Strauss, Cana Alberona, Yukino Agria, Minerva, Kagura Mikazuchi, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, Sorano Agria, Meredy, Flare Corona
Rock Lee, Kakashi Hatake, Gaara, Kankuro, Hidan, Utakata
Tenten, Konan, Hanabi Hyuga, Fuu, Mei Terumi, Anko
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kaeyankat · 2 years
What I'll write for
Oneshots, headcanons (All x reader, no ocs or canon x canon)
Some au's or themes I'm good with: Yandere, poly, love triangle, celebrity, monster au, etc. Themes I WILL NOT WRITE FOR ANY CHARACTER: Angst (Death of character or reader included), cheating, r^pe, abuse, certain Kinks (Non-con, bathroom kinks, extreme pain, etc)
In mature posts, all underage characters are AGED UP past 18.
Seven Deadly Sins
Meliodas, Ban, King, Gowther, Howser, Gilthunder, Griamore, Slader, Arthur, Helbram, Gloxinia, Zeldris, Estarossa, Monspeet
One Piece
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Ace, Akainu, Smoker, Coby, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Shanks, Benn Beckman, Marco, Kid, Killer, Law, Buggy, Crocodile, Cracker, Katakuri, Bartolomeo
Fairy Tail
Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Loke, Laxus, Bickslow, Freed, Elfman, Lyon, Hibiki, Ren, Eve, Bacchus, Sting, Rogue, Orga, Rufus, Jellal, Midnight/Macbeth, Erik/Cobra, Zancrow, Mard Geer, Jackal, Zeref, Acnologia, Larcade
Vampire Knight
Kaname, Zero, Ichiru, Akatsuki,Hanabusa, Senri, Takuma
My Hero Academia
All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, Vlad King, Aoyama, Iida, Ojiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Monoma, Mirio, Tamaki, Shinso, Enji, Keigo, Fat Gum, Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Kurogiri, Mr. Compress, Overhaul
Hunter x Hunter
Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, Pokkle, Silva, Chrollo, Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Uvogin, Wing
Potentially Others, Ask. But these are the main characters. I do not do Females.
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angel-letters · 4 years
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fariytail · 2 years
❥ Giving them the silent treatment
Includes: Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Gajeel, Sting, Rogue, Laxus, Macbeth, Freed, Erik, and Bickslow
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— Whines, groans, and moans. It literally never stops until you talk to him or even glance at him at least. He can be very childish, but your attention means a lot to him, and he’ll tone it down if that means he can hear you again. His face lights up when you finally give and start talking to him again.
— Gives it right back. He’s stubborn, even when he’s in the wrong. He realizes it later though, but he’s also a person that hates to admit he was wrong. He makes small attempts to get you to talk to him again. Believe it or not, he apologizes to get you to talk to him again and sighs a sigh of relief when you give in.
— Life gets a bit gloomy once again while you’re mad at her. She’s persistent to get you talk to her again though, but she realizes if you need time or space. She can easily admit her wrong doings, but would expect you to do the same. When you start talking to her again, she’s excited to have you back.
— Her smile fades when she realizes that you aren’t talking to her. She’ll constantly think about you during missions or even afternoons by herself. Even though you aren’t talking to her, she continues to talk to you. When you did start talking to her once again, she was so happy to fill you in on her daily activities.
— Another stubborn one, and he won’t give in unless it is for a good reason. His pettiness knows no bounds even when it comes to his lover. But, fortunately, he has that soft side to him. He apologizes and hopes the problem can be resolved. When you start talking to him again, he’s happy to hear your voice again and forgets all about the problem.
— Thinks this is a joke when you stop talking to him, but when he realizes that you are really mad, he begins to backtrack with his recent actions. Once he finds out the problem, he immediately apologizes, hoping this would be over as soon as possible. When you start talking to him again, he’s ecstatic to hear that pretty voice directed at him.
— Gives you space and plenty of time. You might have to confront him on this one. He doesn’t know how to react when you stop talking to him. Though, once you confront him in a head-on conversation, he apologizes for whatever he said or did that has made you upset. Wants to cuddle as a celebration.
— refuses to apologize because he believes he wasn’t in the wrong. He tries to give you the silent treatment before you could do it to him, but you win in that race. Weeks later, he accepts that he was wrong and insists on making up with you. When you start talking to him again, he won’t particularly admit that he missed having you talk to him, but you certainly can tell.
— Gives you a cold shoulder when he notices that you aren’t talking to him anymore. He comes around eventually and is surprisingly more willing to solve it quickly. He can’t handle you not talking to him, so he’ll do anything to get you back. When you start talking to him again, he gives you a kiss on the cheek, letting you know that you two have officially made up.
— Spends time trying to avoid you. Though, he finds himself in the same places as you, all the time. He runs into you everywhere and he sort of just clams up. He begins to miss you, a lot. He eventually reaches out to apologize. When you start talking to him again, he thinks you two deserve a bubble bath to relax in.
— Annoys you to the point where you have to talk. It’s pretty unfair, the way he operates. He even goes as far as following you around, hoping you’d talk to him if he is with you all day. But when none of his actions work, he comes to you with a real apology, hoping you’d speak to him again. When you start talking to him again, he makes you promise to never give him the silent treatment again.
— A bit disappointed that you two have gotten to this point. He doesn’t dwell on it too much until he’s alone with you. He makes many attempts to say something, anything, but what it all boils down to is him apologizing. His apology is sincere and straightforward, wanting to hear your voice has been on his mind all day. When you start talking to him again, he has this big grin on his face.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
Smut promt 18 and fairy tail Macbeth plz
You’ve got it, my love. I’ve never written for Macbeth before so here goes nothing. ❤️
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TW: smut, oral sex (reader receiving), 18+ content, teasing, dirty talk, minors dni
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Your figure laid on the couch, watching him intently as he made his way through the house. He had just returned this morning after being away for a few days and he was still getting himself settled. You had been ecstatic that he had returned, but you hadn’t wanted to push him before he was ready.
As he approached the couch beside you there was a new aura around him, a more intense version of him than you hadn’t seen in a while. Macbeth raised his eyebrows as he stood next to you, taking your hand as you held it up for him. “Are you happy to be home, my love?” You kept your voice small and stable as you felt his gaze lock onto you.
“I’ve been home long enough now, I think I’m finally comfortable.” Macbeth slowly crawled over you, watching for any sign of a “no” just in case. “And I think that now that I’m settled… you’ve been waiting for something.”
You looked around quickly before feeling his bodyweight press onto you. “Macbeth… wait. You don’t have to-” Before you could protest anymore his hands slid down your sides, grabbing the waistband of your shorts. It stopped you in your tracks, you hadn’t expected him to be so worried about this.
“Shhhhh,” Macbeth hushed you as he tugged them down your legs, tossing them to the side as his hand moved between your legs. He rubbed over your clothed sex and licked his lips. “Now isn’t the time for words. Now is the time for me to make up for the few days that I was gone.”
You placed your hands over your face, your cheeks warming intensely as you felt his hot breath against the inside of your thigh. His fingers pushed your panties to the side, leisurely rubbing over your folds with a sly grin. His warm breath now touched your core, his tongue flicking over your clit to send a quiver through your body.
“I want to taste you.” His fingers pushed into your core, steadily at first, but as time rapidly passed they began to piston in and out of you. Every swipe of his tongue over your sensitive bud sent a shockwave of euphoria through you as you gripped onto the couch cushions for dear life.
Writers Block Event Pieces
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©2022 bakubabes-tatakae, please do not repost/modify without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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totallyimagines · 4 years
“How They act when they Get Jealous”(Fairy Tail)
Writing some more Fairy tail and I’m actually writing some more. So excited to post these;)
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When he’s Jealous, he tends to give you the pouty face. Hoping that you’ll pay more attention to him. He also tends to be more touchy freely towards you and would do it in front of whoever he was jealous of. When you poke him and try to make him admit that he was jealous, he outright refuses before blurting it out.
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When he’s jealous, he looks away hoping to get the thought out of his head. But he’ll wear the most annoyed face all day long. Until you get the hint, he’ll look more annoyed by the second. When you poke him saying that he was jealous, he’ll never admit to that.
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When she’s jealous, she’ll grow hotheaded not at you exactly. She probably won’t speak to you for hours or diss every conversation. She doesn’t want to take anything out on you. When you poke her and say that she’s jealous, she’ll deny the truth for a while and admit it later.
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When she’s jealous, she’ll clench her jaw and look away in slight embarrassment. Although, Erza trusts you enough - she doesn’t trust that person. She’ll act like everything is normal though, probably gives the person a look. If you find out, she’s slightly embarrassed. When you poke her about it, she’ll admit it rather quickly.
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When she’s jealous, she tends to be more anxious or rushy with people. Just to talk to you or to get your attention. You can tell from the way that she’s talking or from the way she bounces on the toes of her feet that’s she jealous or anxious. When you poke her about it, she blurts it out and then turns a crimson color.
When she’s jealous, it’s pretty obvious fo her part. It’s pretty cute too because she makes her jealous known for you. And makes it clear that she wants that person to stay away from you. When you poke her about it, she’s pretty open to it but also blushing like crazy.
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When he’s jealous, he tends to be more quiet. Slowly studying the situation, he won’t say anything to you about it though. He wouldn’t want you to find out for that matter. When you do find out though, he won’t answer your question about him being jealous. Nor will he admit to it.
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When he’s jealous, he’s more observing than ever. He folds his arms across his chest and looks the other direction. Or he’ll stare the person down until you recognize him. When you poke him about being jealous, he’s quick to snap back with a remark.
When he’s jealous, he doesn’t seem to care. He’ll just give the person a nightmare so they’ll stay away. Though, he does seem a little more annoyed with people. When you poke him about being jealous, he’ll just ignore you.
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When he’s jealous, he tends to be a little colder towards everyone especially you. No, he doesn’t mean it but he can’t help but come off that way. He’ll end conversations pretty quickly with you until you figure out why he’s acting this way. When you find out and poke him about it, he becomes annoyed, wishing you didn’t find out.
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When he’s jealous, he’s just really calm about it on the outside but in the inside he’s more annoyed than ever. He won’t say anything to you or make himself sound off or weird in any sort of way. No, he does not want you to find out..ever. He’ll give the person though the coldest look before looking away. When you do find out, he won’t deny it but won’t answer.
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When she’s jealous, she’ll typically frown a lot. She’ll try to hide it but it usually doesn’t work because she’s doing it so often around you. So when you do find out, she’s more embarrassed than ever. She’ll try to apologize for feeling that way though but she couldn’t help it.
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mcandynismydream · 4 years
~Cuddles~ GN
Macbeth Midnight headcanons-
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-It will take him a long time to open up to you and trust you but once he does, he will be the most emotional bitch ever and he deserves to be
-It will probably take about a few months for his to fully accept loving you
-Clingiest motherfucker you will ever meet
-When you are dating, good luck tryna escape
-C U D D L E S 24/7
-Best cuddles ever
-You have a nightmare? Well guess what you shall be getting hugs all night long
-Will let you do his hair and will allow you to do makeup on him
-You will be best friends with Cobra or Angel no doubt
-Lowkey jealous of Jellal because y’all are close
-Insecure baby! He needs reassurance
-Give him A T T E N T I O N
-Will murder if anyone hurts you
-Surprisingly very active and energetic on dates and at nights
-Protective and slightly possessive
-Minimum PDA cuz baby shy
-Will always cheer you up
-if you think you can be sad or insecure on his love hahah that’s a joke
-affectionate as fuck
-will say I love you constantly and remind you how much you mean to him
-W I L D
-Rough and passionate but also gentle????
-Totally into somophilia(?)
-This dude is E N E R G E T I C at night
-He sleeps all day practically so he has built up stamina for the night
-Will fuck you till you can walk and you won’t have to he will carry you with him on his flying pillow
-Cobra H A T E S y’all for this cuz he can sleep at night from his dragon hearing and from his sound magic
-He is K I N K Y
-Horny ass bitch I swear
-Can and will fuck you all night long
-Edges you till you beg
-Daddy issues is strong
-Mommy issues are also strong
-Honstly gets turned on at being called Master so like yea
-Huge switch
-Dominate mostly but also likes do be fucked and cared for so he sub at times
-Has a breeding kink
-has a playlist of songs for sex time
-lets just say the other members usually try to be as far away from you both as possible at night
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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Leave An Ask Or Comment If You Want To Be Added To A Specific Characters Tag List.
Edited: 5-25-20
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☪ You met Midnight in the tower of heaven.
☪ You grew up there with him as a slave working for Zeref's work.
☪ You became each other's only friends and confidante.
☪ He was all you had.
☪ Next to his 'father' brain, you were all he had.
☪ After the tower of heaven, you joined the Oracion Seis with him.
☪ Even after Fairy Tail defeated the Seis, you became part of the Reformed Oracion Seis.
☪ Once Fairy Tail, again, defeat the Oracion Seis, the magic council comes to arrest you.
☪ He helps you flee your arrest.
☪ Even though he wanted to keep you with him, he didn't want you to rot in jail.
☪ He made you a Seis, and he would get you out of their messes too.
☪ During the time he was in jail Jellal found you.
☪ Jellal convinced you to join Crime Sorcier with him.
☪ Midnight was all you knew and cared about, but he was gone now so you said yes.
☪ Once the Seis escape from jail he finds you with Jellal.
☪ He was hurt and livid.
☪ Why would you want to be in a guild with the man who forced you both to be slaves in the tower of heaven?
☪ He probably would have killed Jellal then and there had you not been there.
☪ Instead he let's rogue kill Brain and he joins Crime Sorcier with you.
☪ He didn't trust Jellal, but he trusted you.
☪ Even though he knows your powerful he worries about you in battle.
☪ Taking naps together.
☪ Oh the cuddling session you had were glorious.
☪ Your the only one who uses his real name, Macbeth.
☪ He didn't like it when anyone else used it.
☪ He gets jealous of Jellal.
☪ You and Jellal had so much time together while he was locked up.
☪ You formed this friendship and bond.
☪ You reassuring him it's only friendship.
☪ Midnight likes skinship.
☪ Hand holding? Yeah.
☪ Hugging? Yeah.
☪ He likes it when you wear his big feather trimmed coat.
☪ Your the only one who he doesn't feel his powers are superior too.
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On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 9 Family Photos!
Some of these are a little shorter than others... Sorry, I got stressed by the deadline and didn't have a whole lot of inspiration.
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
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🖤‼️Port Mafia family photos? Chaos. This (probably awful) idea was proposed by none other than the head of the PM himself, Mori.
🖤‼️Challenge number one: getting Aku into festive clothing for the picture. He is ridiculously stubborn when it comes to his outfit, and no amount of pleading can get him into anything other than his black coat. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is not a challenge you will win.
🖤‼️Challenge number two: getting everyone in the damn picture. The poor photographer is almost in tears by the end with how uncooperative everyone is, also he can’t say anything cause this is the MAFIA and he could be murdered.
🖤‼️Challenge number three: Aku refuses to smile. You also will not win this one, he’s just gonna look like the grumpy emo teenager that every family has.
🖤‼️It's… an interesting photo. And it's definitely going up on your refrigerator!
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💛🤠He’s definitely the one that suggested family photos. Misono fought him on it for so long before Lily convinced the angry runt it was a great idea to have Christmas pictures with all the servamps and eves.
💛🤠It's chaos. It's just a whole mess. Kruo doesn't want to be there, Licht is kicking Lawless around Mahiru is TRYING and failing to keep the peace. Mikuni himself is trying to set up the camera, which isn't going well.
💛🤠It takes like, 15 tries to finally get a decent picture because Lily keeps trying to strip for the camera.
💛🤠In hindsight, he really should have just settled for a picture with you and Jeje.
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🤍🖤We’re gonna do this with Crime Sorciere because I sincerely doubt that Brain wanted to organize Christmas pictures for the Oracion Seis. Anyway, Jellal wanted Christmas cards to send to Fairy Tail (mostly Erza, let’s be honest). As such, he is slightly obsessive about making this Christmas pictures perfect.
🤍🖤Macbeth is sick and tired of Christmas pictures within five minutes. It’s so boring! He’s gonna fall asleep! Richard and Meredy are honestly the only ones that are ok with this. The others are sick of Jellal’s obsessiveness.
🤍🖤By the time Jellal has gotten everyone where he wants them, Macbeth has indeed fallen asleep on your shoulder. You can gently shake him awake or wait for Jellal to notice and watch the world burn (he won't notice until after the picture is taken).
🤍🖤Jellal ends up with a nice card regardless, and Macbeth gets a nap out of it so it's all good.
Freed Justine
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❤️🎄Thunder Legion Christmas photos are a riot, honestly. We’re gonna say this is during Laxus’s banishment because I don’t want to include him.
❤️🎄Freed organizes the entire procedure, and Bickslow makes it his personal mission to mess it up as much as he can. You probably side with Freed on this issue because it’s Christmas and you don’t want to stress him out too much, the Christmas tree incident was already enough stress.
❤️🎄Bickslow insists that Freed wear Christmas lights and ornaments in his hair. He pesters the poor green bean until he relents. Bickslow himself rocks a full Santa costume! Ever is decked out in a fancy Christmas dress, and she probably got one for you as well!
❤️🎄The photo ends up looking great!
Touta Matsuda
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🖤👮Normal family photos with him! Nothing crazy, just a nice picture of the two of you for his parents.
🖤👮He looks so adorable all dressed up in his nice suit! He says you look great, as well.
🖤👮Nothing really crazy happens, honestly. It's just a cute outing for the two of you.
🖤👮He'll probably let you wander around the mall and get some Christmas shopping done afterwards. Maybe you could also go get some dinner while you're out!
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❤️🏜️Obviously family photos with Kankuro and Temari. Standard family pictures.
❤️🏜️There's a little bit of trouble getting Gaara to smile. He did spend several years of his life with only a sour grimace on his face (which was very justified, actually).
❤️🏜️Kankuro keeps trying to get away with making funny faces. Eventually you guys just decide to take one serious picture and one silly picture.
❤️🏜️Both pictures turn out great!
Rogue Cheney
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🖤🐉It's you, Rogue, and Frosch. It was probably your idea, but Rogue agreed pretty easily.
🖤🐉You have some serious trouble trying to get Frosch to look at the camera. He just keeps getting distracted!
🖤🐉Once you finally get Frosch to look at the camera, it's an adorable picture!
Alphonse Elric
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💛🐱It was Winry and Al's idea to do Christmas photos. Ed was dragged along by his braid.
💛🐱Nothing too exciting happens, other than the usual Winry hitting Ed with a wrench.
💛🐱It's a super cute picture!
Mahiru Shirota
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🤎🙂You two were invited to take Christmas pictures with all the other servamps and eves. Mahiru thought it was a great idea at first…
🤎🙂…Until you actually got there. It was utter chaos. Mahiru tried his best to calm things, but to no avail.
🤎🙂You both are exhausted by the time you finally get a good picture. Next year, you definitely won't try to attempt wrangling all 7 servamps and their eves into a family photo.
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fariytail · 3 years
❥ Comparing hand sizes - part 2
Includes: Gray, Erza, Lucy, Lyon, Freed, and Macbeth
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— Was about to snatch his hand away until he realized how invested you looked while doing this. You’ll catch him staring and he’ll look away quick. He oddly finds himself staring at your hands all day after it. Makes an excuse on why you two should hold hands, just so he can compare yours with his.
— Secretly gushes over how cute you look as you compare how big Ezra’s hands are to your small ones. When she get caught gushing, she doesn’t make any excuse for it. Instead, she admits how small your hands are to everyone else’s and even pointing at Natsu’s hands as an example. She does enjoy this sweet gesture though.
— Started it. It’s somewhat of a ritual between you two and you can’t help but compare your hands out of complete interest. You normally run your fingers over her tattoo and she laughs as you do, “it tickles”. Lucy compares your hands as a sign of comfort. It shows that you two will always stick together in times of need.
— Watches in complete interest most of time when you do it. He usually just thinks that you want to hold his hand but when he sees you putting your hand against his, he certainly wants to know what you’re doing. At first thinks it’s some sort of magic, but when he realizes that you’re comparing. He just can’t take his eyes off your actions from then on.
— Fascination. He even measured how much shorter/taller your hand is than his. He also takes note that you admire his hands for some reason such as when he’s doing magic or just making hand gestures. He does compare your hands from time to time and you’ll find him completely focused on only that and nothing else.
— Somewhat mean about it. He doesn’t really like being touched and he already knows that he is a lot bigger than you. He finds a bit weird but then eventually warms up to it as he can’t help but do it sometimes too. Especially while you are asleep. It’s something that crosses his mind often during late nights. He becomes more open to it and stops swatting your hands away after some time.
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fariytail · 3 years
❥ When you accidentally slap them
Includes: Natsu, Erza, Freed, Macbeth, Sting, Rouge, and Laxus
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— Lets out a dramatic scream of pain. Even though, you know it did not hurt that much. “It was an accident, Sorry, Natsu.” He says he’ll forgive you if you give him cuddles and kisses. Reject him and he’ll pout for a good while, he’ll soon forget about it but remember it later for some unknown reason.
— you were talking to her about something and making hand movements to describe it. Erza is very aware of every movement so she caught your hand as soon as you moved it close to her face. Almost accidentally slapping her, you quickly apologized. Erza kisses you, and says it’s all right. Comment on her good reflexes though.
— you turned around very quickly and ended up slapping your boyfriend in the process. Surprisingly, he’s isn’t stunned. You do quickly apologize which he does accept but Freed doesn’t have much of a reaction. He says he originally came to ask you what your plans were for the day? He wasn’t expecting to get slapped.
— You were moving around in your sleep at night and he was watching you. You turned over and slapped him. Your hand slid down his face as well—making this moment a little more dramatic. Macbeth wakes you up of course with little to no hesitation. You apologize when he explains to you what you have done. After that, he makes you cuddle him in your sleep.
— You slapped him while talking. He was very engaged in the conversation and you just slapped him. Gives you the pouty face because that actually hurt but goes back to normal when you apologize and offer cuddles. It doesn't take much effort to make it up to him.
— You slapped him when you yanked something too hard - he was in the way. He doesn't say anything when you immediately apologize but he does accept it with a nod of his head. He continues with his day like nothing happened.
— BABE! He told you to slap him. Shocker. Despite that he makes you apologize to him and you refuse. He asked for it, he got it.
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fariytail · 3 years
❥ Stealing Kisses
Includes: Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, Macbeth, Freed, Sting and Erik
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— Does it to distract you from something he doesn’t want you to see, making it obvious. Also, does it playfully when he wants to get your attention. He would enjoy stealing kisses from you and running off like an idiot. He would be delighted if you steal a kiss back when you can, even better if you catch him off guard.
— Does it to tease you/catch you off guard. He just swoops in and catches your lips in a kiss before walking away like nothing happened. He takes some pride in making you flustered when he gives you kisses, and then making you melt for him. He’s hard to catch off guard sometimes but when he’s focused on something—it’s very easy. You either make him confused and embarrassed or confused and flustered, but also pretending to not like it.
—Only to tease you. He enjoys teasing his lover endlessly and wouldn’t shut up about how embarrassed you get when he steals some kisses from you. Instead of walking away, he does it again and again. Making each kiss gradually deeper and then pulls away to leave you a blushing mess. Stealing kisses from him aren’t easy, he can feel it. He immediately snaps his head toward you every time you attempt it. But, you did manage to catch him off guard, at least twice. He blushes but looks away from your face just in time.
—Steals kisses to tease you as well, but also a way to tell you that he loves you without having to say it. He doesn’t say it often and feels as if this is a good way to get his point across by just catching you off guard. Kisses you roughly before pulling away to go do something. He just goes back to neutral, knowing that he just rocked your world. He doesn’t react when you steal a kiss, but just know that in the inside he’s fan-girling over a kiss.
—Steals a kiss when you’re still awake for him. He feels as if this is the best time because you are usually in a drowsy state at that time and if not—he still manages to catch you off guard. He smirks when you become flustered and stutter over your words/shyly look away. Just admits how vulnerable you get over kisses for him. It’s a bit hard to steal a kiss from him, he immediately turns his head to your direction when you try to do it, and he gives you what you desire. Try it when he’s distracted and he’ll be surprised that you managed to catch him in that state.
—Freed does it when you’re deep in your thoughts, in order to catch your undivided attention. He finds it cute when you shyly turn away from him and try to continue thinking. Freed knows you can’t after he stole a kiss but he enjoyed it so he doesn’t feel anywhere near bad. He’s focused, and he always attentive to his surroundings… it’s impossible to catch him off guard. He does become relaxed when in your shared bedroom, so it’s easier to steal a kiss from him that way.
—Sting most likely does it for attention, but he also wants to tease you about it. He kisses your cheek and then when you turn your head to him, he steals a kiss. He nuzzles into your cheek after said action as well and asks you how your day went. He does find it adorable how embarrassed you get over a simple kiss and would try to make you even more flustered as he teases you over it. When you try to steal a kiss, it isn’t as difficult as you think. Catching Sting off guard is pretty easy when he’s deep in thought, eating, or just relaxing. He smiles when you steal a kiss though.
—Calls you a cutie after he steals a kiss. He only does it when he knows he’s done something wrong and knows you’re mad at him or to simply bother you. He likes to see you get worked up and then he calms you down with a simple kiss. The way he affects your body is amazing to him. If he catches you in the act of trying to steal a kiss, he makes you beg for it. However, if you do it’s successfully—expect an annoyed-flustered Erik.
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angel-letters · 3 years
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fairy tail
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DESCRIPTION: this letter is for fairy tail members.
INCLUDES: Gildarts Clive, Natsu Dragneel, Laxus Dreyar, Gray Fullbuster, Freed Justine, Gajeel Redfox, Loke, Cana Alberona, Lucy Heartfila, Juvia Lockser, Wendy Marvel, Levy Mcgarden, Erza Scarlet, Mirajane Strauss, Evergreen
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DESCRIPTION: this letter is for crime sorciere members.
INCLUDES: Jellal Fernades, Ultear Milkovich, Erik, Macbeth, Meredy
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DESCRIPTION: this letter is for sabertooth and lamia scale members.
INCLUDES: Rouge Cheney, Sting Eucliffe, Minerva Orland, Sherria Blendy, Lyon Vastia
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