#aleister black imagines
south-of-heaven · 8 months
Hi, i was wondering if i could request a Zelina Vega x Aleister Black x young daughter reader please Maybe about how both her parents are in different companies and maybe she gets tired of going back and forth?
Miss you || Zelina Vega x Daughter!Reader x Malakai Black
Summary: You miss Malakai while you're on the road with Zelina.
A/N: I was having major issues with deciding wether to use Malakai or Aleister but using the name Aleister felt weird since he's in AEW for this so I ended up going with Malakai. Please help me decide wether to pick the name based on the events or the fic or if I should just decide on one and always use it.
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As the car rolls along the highway towards SmackDown, you find yourself lost in a sea of emotions. The absence of your father, Malakai, weighs heavily on your heart, casting a shadow over what should have been an exciting journey with Zelina.
You lean against the window, watching the world pass by in a blur of colors and shapes. Your mind wanders to Malakai, his quiet strength and unwavering love a constant source of comfort in times of uncertainty. You long for the familiar sound of his voice, the warmth of his embrace, and the sense of security that only he can provide.
Zelina glances over at you, her brow furrowed with concern. She can sense the sadness that lingers in the air, the weight of your longing palpable even in the silence of the car. Her heart aches at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks, and she yearns to find a way to ease your pain.
"Hey, sweetheart," she says gently, reaching out to grasp your hand in hers. "I know it's hard being away from your dad. But remember, you'll see him next week. And until then, we can always give him a call to say hi."
Her words offer a glimmer of solace amidst the storm of your emotions. You nod, grateful for her suggestion. Zelina reaches for her phone to dial Malakai's number. The sound of his voice on the other end of the line brings a rush of relief, his soothing words a balm to your wounded spirit.
As you chat with Malakai, the weight of your sadness begins to lift, replaced by a sense of warmth and connection that transcends the distance between you. Zelina watches with a soft smile, her heart swelling with love for her precious daughter.
In moments like these, it's easy to forget the miles that separate you from Malakai. For even in the midst of separation, the bond that binds your family together remains unbreakable, a testament to the power of love to overcome any obstacle.
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sydsaint · 2 years
My fav spooky aesthetic man. ☠️☠️
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Summary: The reader runs into Malakai at a Halloween party.
"I don't know, I still say that this is a little cliche, Allie." You frown in the mirror while she fixes the fake angel wings on your back.
Allie giggles with a mischievous smile and sets her chin on your shoulder. "Come on, Y/N. You look...well.." She tries to find the right descriptor.
"Like an angel?" You let out a small laugh.
"Exactly." Allie grins and hands you a halo headband, the last piece of your Halloween costume. "Now come on! We're going to be late for the party." She grabs your hand and pulls you along.
You and Allie arrive at the annual AEW Halloween party thrown by Tony Khan dressed as an angel and devil, respectively. The place is already ablaze with lights and music so you both head in and jump into the mix of things.
You make a B-line for the bar to grab a drink while Allie gets caught up talking to Ana Jay.
"Hi, can I get a pina colada, please?" You bat your eyelashes at the bartender.
The bartender nods, flashing you a flirty grin. He mixes up your drink and hands it to you across the bar. You smile at him as you take your drink and turn around to face the crowd. You search the crowd for anyone interesting to chat with for a bit. That is until someone leans against the bar next to you.
"An angel, huh?" Malakai Black observes you with a curious glint in his eyes.
"Hmm?" You turn to your side and lock eyes with Black. He's dressed in a pastor costume, rosery wrapped around the hand he's got resting on the bar. "Malakai!? A pastor, huh?" You let out a small laugh. "That's kind of ironic, don't you suppose?"
Your joke earns a small chuckle from Black. One that sends a small shiver down your spine. "Yes, I suppose that one could see the irony in a man such as myself dressed as a holy man." He tilts his head to the side and eyes the glitter rolled onto your skin. "It appears that both of us are liars tonight. Wouldn't you agree?" He asks you.
You furrow your brows at his question not noticing Malakai's hand inching towards you. You don't notice his movements until the back of his knuckles gently slides down your arm and rub off some of the glitter.
"Can I get you another drink?" Malakai asks you suddenly, examining the glitter on his hand.
Your heart skips a beat at the dark look in his eye. "Yeah, sure. Thank you." You thank him with a hard swallow.
Malakai nods and motions for the bartender to top both of your drinks up. The bartender refills both glasses and walks off again in silence.
"Malakai, may I ask you something?" You sip your drink quietly. Black nods and you contemplate if you should ask your question. "Why a pastor? If you don't mind me asking?" You ask him.
A playful smile appears on Black's face and he turns to face you. "An interesting question, Miss L/N." He admits. "I suppose that I was ultimately interested in playing the righteous man for a night. Halloween is all about taking a chance to hide behind a mask and conceal who you truly are, right?"
"I find that if you give people a chance to hide behind a mask, they only end up showing you who they truly are inside." You reply, staring deeply at the half-empty drink in your hand. "Of course, that might just be the alcohol talking." You giggle.
Malakai turns fully to you again, he smiles at the rose of your cheeks from your drinks. "Well if that's true, then maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something, I suppose." He shrugs. "What's a pastor's true purpose in life? To help others? Listen to their problems and pile their sins on so that they may live in peace?"
You turn fully to Black and meet his gaze. "It sounds to me like the pastors you've met were all in need of a guardian angel." You joke with a small giggle.
"Yes, perhaps they were." Malakai agrees. "For what is a man but a martyr to the promised pureness and beauty of an angel?" He stares down at you.
You fumble with your glass, now hyper-aware of Malakai's intense gaze. Part of you wants to flee to the safety of the crowd just feet from you. But the other part is frozen in awe and intrigue at the man in front of you. On his holiday no less.
"Well, what's an angel without the men that worship her?" You counter Black's earlier statement after a moment's thought.
A sly smile plays on Malakai's lips as he reaches out and grabs your hand. You watch as he lifts it up and places a ghost of a kiss on the back of your hand. "Please, allow me to be the lowly martyr of a man that worships your beauty tonight, Miss L/N." He asks you.
"Oh!" You take your hand back with a look of surprise. "And what if I'm not up to the task of saving a man that's been so damned?" You ask him, a surge of confidence running through you.
Malakai chuckles and finishes off the last of his drink. "Never underestimate the lengths of a damned man will go through to drag his peers down with him, my dear." He smiles at you. "I find that it is always the purest of angels that are the easiest to fall."
Black offers you his hand as he nods to the door on the other side of the room. You hesitate for a moment but take his hand. curious about who will prevail in this little tussle of the angel vs the damned soul seeking redemption in dragging everyone down with him.
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yallthemwitches · 29 days
For my work ( I am a book conservationist) my boss and I got called to this guy's house who wanted to sell his collection before moving out of country. Turns out the he was seriously into the occult and now my work is drowning in expensive 1st edition books about sex magick, Aleister Crowley, ancient runes, black mass initiations, etc. etc.
Being the person who has to clean each book up and restore them, I pass the time imagining wtf the hp wizards would have thought about muggles trying to do magic/ claim they were wizards when they weren't.
Like I just imagine Lily owning a copy of Aleister Crowley's sex magick texts because it's a hilarious read and James finding it being like "Lily...explain."
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meadow-selfship · 1 year
Hans Gruber x Minoes (s/i): Temperance
This is a prompt fill for Self-indulgent September, for the prompt 'Magic' :)). I wanted to pair it with the least magical f/o, so here it is for Hans <3. The tarot deck used is the Thoth deck by Aleister Crowley - but not that his version of the card Temperance is named Art. I kept it as Temperance to tie in with the theme of this fic.
Title: Temperance
Summary: Hans searches out the daughter of an old associate of his, and finds her reading tarot cards at a festival. Out of place as he may be at a spiritual festival, he has a good time getting to know her. She reads his cards before he reveals that the game they are playing is all his.
Warnings: gun. deception. kidnapping. sfw.
Wordcount: 2882
Divider by saradika
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Incense smoke hung heavy in the air. Hans looked around at the many small booths at the festival grounds, observant as a predator on the hunt. Who would be his mouse? Soft flute music mixed with the chatter. He stuck out like a sore thumb between the colourful hippies and the casually dressed, but there were some other men like him around. Rich men with heavy golden watches around their wrists. Most of them accompanied younger women with crystal necklaces and a tattoo of their zodiac sign on their bicep. It was an interesting change of pace from the urban locations he usually scoped out.
The booths with jewellery alternated ones with posters of wolves and foxes, or essential oils, or hand sewn velvet drawstring bags for crystals; then a woman who gave belly dancing workshops; a man who advertised his mediumship and promised to get you in touch with your ancestors; another who did reiki massage and crystal healing. So on and so forth. Hans didn't care, but he did care about the exact paths of entry into the grounds, where he parked his car, what he will say once he’s found his prey.
He cringed as he felt a headache form from the conflicting incense smells, but reminded himself of his purpose here. His lip quirked up as he imagined the fruits of his schemes, all coming together. There, he saw the booth, just up ahead. It was a tent of sorts, not that it looked very sturdy, with draping fabrics in deep jewel tones like the wings of beetles. A sign outside read 'tarot readings', and a list of prices underneath. Two people stood outside it, talking softly but animatedly, holding hands tightly. Maybe they just came out, and now had a lot to process. It was too dark to see inside, past the beaded curtain that shimmered like rain droplets on a window.
He entered, the beaded curtain tinkling behind him. Letting his eyes adjust to the dark, first there were only more fabrics, more gleaming beads, crystals, fringed tablecloths... He almost scoffed at the garish decorations. Then he saw her. His mouse. A smile appeared on his face, and he stepped closer with an air of ease. The air of a panther.
She sat at a small table, with several different velvets draped over it. Sitting on a comfortable arm chair, she had her legs crossed in a relaxed posture. He has entered her space, her bubble. In contrast to all of the overly maximalist fabrics, patterns, beads, decorations, mirrors, crystals and colours - she dressed only in black. A waterfall of black wavy hair fell down over her shoulders, half of it pinned up behind her head, long enough that he couldn't tell where it ended, hidden by the table cloth. He didn't recognise much of her father in her, but then again; her father didn't wear kajal nor lipstick.
"Hello, miss..."
"Welcome," she said, and he got the sense that she waited for him to take it all in, waited until he noticed her, to greet him. That she sat there, observing him as he looked around. Despite his less than kind purpose in coming here, it unsettled him for a second. He had to remind himself that he likely wasn't the first sceptic she met.
"It's Minoes, or miss Van der Linden, as the sign says. Come, sit," she said, softly, gesturing to the chair opposite of her. He loved this part of the hunt; seeing her in her element, unsuspecting, so at ease with a man like him.
He sat down on the chair. It wobbled a little on the uneven grass, even though the ground was covered by a Persian tapestry. She smelled of patchouli, and it was refreshing to smell something else than incense. He took her in more closely. The details that her passport photo didn't reveal; soft hairs by her temples, the playful glisten in her eyes, how she was older than in the pictures he saw of her, yet she felt livelier, the roundness of her cheeks, that her double chin showed when she looked down at her deck of cards. The rings she wore, silver with garnet stones (cheap, but the colour suited her), and how they pulled his attention to her hands and the long nails that tapped against the cards’ surface.
"I like your suit," she said, checking him out unashamedly. 
"Thank you," he said, trying another smile. She reached for her cards with an ease of someone having done this so many times before. Perhaps it was the atmosphere, or the copious amounts of smoke, that got to his head, but the way she moved was magnetic. He was sucked in, just watching her move, her fingers dancing to straighten out the layers of tablecloth, then pick up the cards again.
"What brings you here?" she asked. Professional. To the point. She observed him closely as she shuffled the cards slowly, letting them fall from palm to palm.
"I'd like a reading," he said. "That is what you do, yes?"
She clacked her tongue at him, shaking her head softly, the sounds of cards being shuffled coming to a stop. "I doubt you actually want a reading. But that's alright, I can do one anyway, if you're curious, or want to pass the time. It makes no difference to me."
He stiffened. Did she know something? "A reading will be fine."
Minoes extended her hand over the table, palm up, then when he didn't respond, she raised her eyebrows at him, making a 'come here' motion. He gave her his hand, which she then planted, palm open, on the velvet cloth. In it, she put the tarot deck. "Try shuffling it."
They laid heavy and warm in his hand, awkwardly sharp at the corners. He frowned at her. "I thought that was your job."
"We know each other, don't we?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him, leaning her chin on her hand. "You feel familiar."
Hans chuckled, letting himself laugh to distract from his unease. "I feel familiar?"
She smiled back and shrugged. "Like one of my dad's old friends. Same accent too."
He quieted, debating on how far to carry his ruse. Was she truly this perceptive? Or did anyone with a German accent remind her of his old crew?
She waved him to give her the deck back and he did. "Men like you often give me less trouble when I've compared them to my father." And she grinned, eyes twinkling. 
Was that it? A mere tactic? For a second he was stunned. Perhaps there was more to here than he thought; a far more calculating personality underneath the velvet and the fringe. Truly Thomas’ daughter.
Yet, Hans couldn't resist. Lowly, he asked: "What kind of men did your father have as friends?"
She shrugged and shuffled the cards some more, dividing the deck into stacks, then shuffling again. "Business men, mostly. I'm sure you're a lot nicer than you appear, when you keep an open mind."
He almost laughed at the absurd irony of the situation, but held himself back from showing teeth just yet. The gun in his waistband pressed hard against his stomach. Patience, there was time, he bade himself. He'd enjoy it more if he practiced temperance. Done shuffling, she laid out three cards, facing down, on the tablecloth.
"No, that's not right," she mumbled to herself, and placed another two down, underneath the first three. He wondered if she believed in the cards, in their magic, or if it was just a job to her. A means to an end. "Are you a sceptic?"
The question was rather disarming, especially in the tone she used. So honest.
"I can't say I've ever had a reading before," he said. She nodded, and took another moment too long to look at him. Even outside thrill of the hunt, he was starting to enjoy himself. 
"You're very diplomatic, I like that," she mused, and turned over the first card. A man sitting atop a throne, clad in red , holding a sceptre, all in red and yellows, an array of symbols and animals around him. "This represents you." 
He frowned at her words. It looked nothing like him. Then she turned over the second one: a fountain with two fishes, streams of water flowing from a flower at the top of it, into two large cups. "That's your near future. A positive card, the Two of Cups. A card of infatuation. Now the question remains: who is the lucky one?"
The third of the first row: a figure on a surface of water, so still it perfectly mirrored the image above, yet her face was shrouded in ripples of mist. Lotus flowers floated on the water in perfect symmetry. It read: Queen of Cups.
"Ah, that's good. Fitting."
Hans leaned forward, trying to see what she saw. He wondered if she saw the delight of his sweet revenge. Or his deception. She looked up from the cards, long nail tapping at the first card. "The first one represents you. The second one is a situation that is taking shape in your near future. Let's start with there. It's possibly a new meeting, or a new connection that is growing between you and someone else. It could also depict a skill you're picking up that is bringing you a lot of joy. Something on the emotional plane, something you feel strongly about."
Hans didn't hide his grin. Something bringing him a lot of joy? He couldn't wait to see Thomas' face after he knew Hans had his precious daughter in his grasp.
"Continuing on to the Queen here, she represents the energy of the person you'll meet. An emotional, dreamy energy. If it represents a person, it's someone who fascinates you, who seems to bewitch you against all rationality. She touches parts of you deep within. Rest assured, as a partner, she's deeply loving. If it's a skill, it's something that lets you clear your mind and daydream during it, something that makes you wiser in the long run."
Minoes noticed him quirking an eyebrow at her words and held back a sigh. "It'll make sense later. In a month you'll remember this reading and think 'huh, perhaps Minoes was right after all'. When things are unfolding, it’s hard to find clarity, and if you’re not used to the cards and their way of speaking, that clarity will come later."
Unexpectedly touched by her conviction in her skills, Hans let out a soft laugh. Her annoyance withered away quick.
"Moving back to you; the Emperor. A strong card. A man of order, a man who strives for domination of the mind over nature, who wants clarity, who wants his structure to rule over all. Does that sounds like you?"
"What if it doesn't?" he asked, amused.
She raised her eyebrows at him. "If I take just one look at you; the suit and that Swiss watch on your wrist, I know enough."
He chuckled. "Fair enough. What else?"
Minoes reached over to turn over the remaining two cards. The first one depicted a strange double figure pouring different elements - fire and water - into a cup. The second one showed many swords on a blue background. It didn't look like a happy card at all.
"I love how this card, Temperance, marries the colours of the Emperor and the Two of Cups, do you see that?" she tapped the card with her long nail, pointing to the red bird that resembled the red in the Emperor card. "There is balance here, visually, which is very fitting to you."
She could be reading from a dictionary and he'd still listen to her, he thought. No longer with his hunt on his mind, he enjoyed this – she was charismatic in a disarming way, practiced and graceful, and he easily imagined anyone less sceptical than him hanging on to her every word. Even he felt himself drawn in by her, by the sparkle in her eyes, the slightest of smiles pulling at the corner of her mouth as she looked at the cards, explaining it all with such ease, the way she seemed to look right through him.
God, that a man as idiotic as Thomas could have a daughter this darling...
"In the dynamic that is presented here, a fault of yours would be to exert too tight a grip on what or who you love, which ends up lessening the joy you feel in the connection or skill you’re building. And you judge harshly. Not of others, necessarily - of yourself. A perfectionist. If you can’t go along with the flow of water that is in both the two of cups and the queen of cups, that feeling of adoration will wither quick."
She moved on to the blue card, the last one. "The other one... Well, this is not such a joyful card. It represents bad compromises, or someone close to you being dishonest. Innocence is used against one's self and taken advantage of. The colour scheme aligns all too well with the Queen, so unfortunately, it doesn't look as pleasant for that side of the equation. If this applies to the Queen as a person, she has lost her usual calm and no longer sees clearly."
Oh, she saw his deception after all. He delighted in having exercised patience and let her do her thing.
"To tie this together, your side of this reading is very balanced, exactly as you’d prefer." As she was still bent over the cards, Hans unbuttoned his suit jacket and reached inside. "The cards are in your favour, sir." Minoes smiled at him, glad to give him good news, whether he believed her or not.
The moment the gun landed on the table, pointing away from her still, her smile faltered – and his grew. Calmness washed over him. This was his game now.
"Liebling, let's do it the easy way. You're coming with me."
"So I was right," she said, face blank, eyeing the gun, her posture stiff. She sat up straight to face him, holding herself steady with her hands gripping her thighs. "Which one of them are you? Tony? He was always a bit out of control. Or Fritz, or Heinrich?"
She nodded once. "Hans."
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He couldn't hold back his giddiness. Revenge, sweeter than honey, kissed his lips, and he was famished for it. He extended his free hand. "Come, up. Let us keep it civil."
"So this is all because of my dad? The whole ruse? Why even let me finish the reading, then?"
"We have time to chat later, Mausi, now get up."
Minoes flinched at his menacing tone, but still didn't budge. "Where to?"
He gave her an annoyed look, one that made her heart tighten with fear. There was a gun on the table and he didn't look angry, but annoyed. Her lack of cooperation was only a minor nuisance to him. She knew what these men were capable of, that's why her dad got out in the only way he thought possible; one that now bit her in the ass. The unfairness of it was bitter in her mouth.
Hans... He used to be reasonable. A strategist. Not that he didn't get his hands dirty when he had to, but this is better than if it were Tony. Yes, she decided, and briskly stood up. He followed her, gun in hand, but before he could grab her arm, she tidied up her cards and grabbed the pouch from the side and tucked them inside.
He gave an exasperated look. "You're bringing those?"
His hand was tight on her upper arm, guiding her towards the beaded curtain. Even to outsiders this wouldn't look civil, he'd have to keep her in check, once outside the tent.
"Being kidnapped seems like a rather dull affair," she bit. "Now will you put the gun away, you’ve made your point – there’s no need for it."
The corner of his mouth quirked upwards; a bit of her father's feistiness in her after all. "Are you sure you can behave?" And tucked it back in his waistband. The moment he did, was the moment she tried it: elbowing him in the ribs and going for his gun. Instead, she found herself slammed, face first, down on the small table, an arm twisted painfully behind her back.
He clacked his tongue. "I hoped your father raised you better than that." The displeased curl of his voice was too hot by her ear, and it tingled in all the wrong ways.
She bit her tongue not to let out any immature curses, and he let her up. He pulled her to him by her hair, angling her face up to his. "Going to be good now?"
Swallowing thickly, she nodded. He enjoyed the thoughts flashing across her face, the fear, the uncertainty, finally; how she gave in. Allowing himself to let the moment linger for a little longer, savouring it, before letting go.
He directed her out of the venue with a tightly guiding hand and a pleased smile. Had he ever had a revenge sweeter than this?
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manmetaphysical · 10 months
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It is well known that Sagittarians make great teachers, lawyers, performers, comedians, artists, philosophers, leaders and musicians. And even with Mercury in Sagittarius, great writers too. So that runs the gamut. So this is a comprehensive round up just in case you missed how multi faceted this zodiac sign actually is, its range is wide. Top of the list are the giants like William Blake who straddles poetry, art and mysticism, and Ludwig Beethoven whose work is monumental and will still be listened to in hundreds of years. But there was  also Oliver Messiaen who composed music  La Constellation du Sagittaire which was his zodiac sign.
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Sagittarians make great magicians like Franz Bardon.  He was much less known than Aleister Crowley, but nevertheless regarded as one of the most important occultists of the 20th Century, and still we have Dion Fortune, let’s not forget, who was also a Sagittarian and an acute psychologist. for a modern Sagittarian magicians look to  Uri Geller. Needless to say Sagittarians also make great astrologers like Robert Hand Nik Kollerstrom and Karen Hamaker-Zondag and these are only the known charts.
Dec 2nd, is the birthday of Britney Spears, who in spite of her wobbly personality is still much loved and, when on form, delivers the goods as a performer. But so many Sagittarian singers. Note also Christine Aguilera, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, and Nicki Minaj- who all love to perform. But before them some of the greats of old include Frank Sinatra, Dionne Warwick and thunder thighs (Sagittarius is linked to the thighs) herself, Tina Turner who became the ultimate Buddhist fulfilling the yearnings of her spiritual nature.
There are also some oddball singers Little Richard, Frank Zappa, Ted Nugent and Tom Waits, and there are two outstanding opera stars Maria Callas, whose voice no one can match, and Jose Carreras.
Sagittarians can even be great hedonists crazies who go off piste from time to time, but are still entertaining. There’s Jim Morrison of the Doors, Ozzy Osbourne of Black Sabbath, Jay-Z and wild man Billy Idol. Some Sagittarians in this category can come across with a certain edgy swagger like Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones.
Then there are philosopher teachers, leader and gurus like Osho, Bruce Lee and B.K.S. Iyengar also embody many quintessentially Sagittarian traits as ultimate teachers all offering some form of physical practice yoga and martial arts-which marries the higher and lower self. Iyengar said ‘my body is my temple and the asanas are my prayers’ but he also said, as a true Sagittarian, that ‘honesty is essential’ in teaching. With Mercury in Sagittarius he could sometimes be difficult to understand when speaking. But there’s also wiseacre, Noam Chomsky, who functions in dual areas as linguistic philosopher and political activist, and then there's author who popularises 'Life School' philosophy, Alain de Botton.
Then we have the artists and painters from Masaccio, to Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Jan Toroop to Lucien Freud and the ever controversial, Marina Abramovic. But one mention must go to French artist and teacher of painting, William Adolph Bougereau, His name was tarnished as being too traditional, not  being ‘modern’ enough by Picasso and the art gallery owners who ganged up against him and cast him into the margins of art history as an old fuddy duddy, but he was was as skilled and technically accomplished as any of the Renaissance painters, ran his own school and more hard working and prolific than any of the Impressionists or Post-Impressionists or Cubists.
Then we have the visionary Sci Fi writers  Philip K. Dick author of the stories that made it into film: Blade Runner, Minority Report and The Adjustment Bureau. Dick spoke of visions of the future that have if not come true, then are resonating widely. His imagination was as fertile as any and he worked at top speed even bringing downloads of Gnostic wisdom into novels like Valis. Also Arthur C. Clarke and C.S. Lewis were both Sagittarians. These are the big names in the field whose legacy remains strong.
And the film directors can’t be bigger Fritz Lang, Stephen Spielberg and Ridley Scott who directed some of the best known films in past decades and has just directed Napoleon. But working on a smaller, more intimate scale we should not ignore Woody Allen, John Cassavetes, and the lesser known Argentinian film director, Marco Berger.
And who is the most loved actress in the UK?  Yorkshire born, Dame Judi Dench as talented and versatile as any actress can be. But world renowned actors include Liv Ullman, John Malkovich, Christopher Plummer, Brad Pitt, Kim Basinger, Julianne Moore and Jake Gylenhaal, most of them known around the world not just in their home countries.
Finally the athletes. Sagittarius is a fully developed physical sign – the hybrid centaur- so we have runner Florence Griffiths-Joyner, Donovan Bailey, and Oscar Pistorius, and football player Kylian Mbappe, along with Tennis players Boris Becker and Monia Seles.
See who else you can recognise in the collage of famous Sagittarians and in the list.
And now to end with comedian Bill Hicks, a Sagittarian, capturing the essence of a daily thought in the minds of these fiery, idealistic spirits:
“The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it’s real because that’s how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it’s very brightly colored, and it’s very loud, and it’s fun for a while.
Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, “Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?” And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, “Hey, don’t worry; don’t be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.” And we … kill those people. “Shut him up! I’ve got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real.” It’s just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok …
But it doesn’t matter, because it’s just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here’s what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.”
If you think the world is accelerating towards a collective psychosis, you are not alone but it could be a  magnified reflection of our own fears. According to author Paul Levy to recognise that there’s a dream-like quality to reality is the first step to activating your creative higher self, and to use the Daimon- the inner genius or ‘higher’ self- is a way to counter the wetiko mind-blindness that appears to have become virulent in the world. This means taking a ‘quantum’ perspective and Sagittarius is at home with the quantum world and the weird and multiple perspectives and dimensions it brings to bear on the old solidified way of seeing reality.
#Sagittarius #Sagittarian #Jupiter #Zodiac #SagittarianWriters #SagittarianArtists #SagittarianLeaders #SagitarianSingers #SagittarianComedians
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alephskoteinos · 1 year
In my opinion the most cryptic term in the entirety of Thelema is probably "the Day of Be-With-Us". It appears in a few of Aleister Crowley's books, namely Liber A'ash, Liber Cheth, and The Vision and the Voice, and in neither of these does its meaning seem clear. I haven't been able to find any good commentary on the concept of "the Day of Be-With-Us" and not even Thelemapedia has anything on it. In Liber A'ash it is linked to the appearance of a god named F.I.A.T., while in the "Cry of the 4th Aethyr Which is Called PAZ", found in The Vision and the Voice, "the day of Be-With-Us" seems to be synonymous with the end of the world, and Liber Cheth says that those who become "Black Brothers" will be afflicted during "the day of Be-With-Us". What that means is not obvious, but there's a similar term in Theosophy called "Day-Be-With-Us", which Helena Blavatsky believed was the day when all of humanity would come to identify with what she called the "Universal Ego" and consider their own individuality as actually being identical with the individuality of the universe (basically it just means oneness with God). I'm not sure, but without any other possible context it's possible that Crowley simply adapted the term from Blavatsky's work and retained much of its original context. I imagine there's not much changes that need to be made except for the fact that for Thelema it's so much not about unity with universal ego as much as a kind of universal non-ego. Does anyone else have any ideas about this?
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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A self-described transgender graphic designer made national headlines this June when a number of her designs were used in Target’s controversial pride collection. One design found on the London-based designer’s own online apparel shop has the message: “Satan respects pronouns,” encircling a goat head. 
The designer, whose shirts feature phrases like “astrology made me queer” and whose UFO-shaped pin says “no gender no problem,” doesn’t claim on her site to be a Satanist per se. Instead, “Erik” says, “There’s something magical about the unknown, the frightening, and the mystical which is why I so frequently feature these themes in my art.”     
Erik’s work isn’t the only pride-adjacent satanically inspired activity to feature in pop culture recently. The brand Nair, which supports pride as evidenced by its Instagram posts, ran an audacious “worship yourself” ad campaign that harks back to the “father of modern Satanism’s” motto, “Hail Satan! Hail thyself.” 
At the 2023 Grammy award show, self-proclaimed “nonbinary” singer Sam Smith and transgender Kim Petras’ performance of their hit single “Unholy” included blatant satanic imagery.
Smith and Petras don’t publicly identify as Satanists, but many LGBT members and “pride” proponents do. A simple search of “Satanist” among Twitter accounts brings up countless results that include rainbow flags and gender tags such as “nonbinary” and “she-they.” 
Lucien Greaves, cofounder of the Satanic Temple, says most members of the Temple are LGBT folks who consider themselves rejected by orthodox churches and other such religious establishments. Greaves told Out.com, “We will always fight them, we will fight them to the death to ensure that there are equal rights for the gay community.” 
History shows, too, that Satanism has been a fitting spiritual home for the pride “community.” Aleister Crowley, the early 19th-century occultist credited with being the “grandfather” of modern theistic Satanism, was keenly interested in ancient pagan deities, many of whom are seen today as “gender-bending.” Androgyny or hermaphroditism was seen by Crowley and other forebearers of the modern occult as mystical, powerful, and closer to the divine. Crowley’s “Gnostic Mass” includes the phrases:
Male-female, quintessential, one Man-being veiled in woman-form. 
The infamous icon of Satanism, the goat-headed “Baphomet,” represents a fusion of the male and female, with the two halves of the body representing each sex. The “divine androgyne” is “the hieroglyph of arcane perfection,” according to Crowley. While Baphomet has a complicated history of iterations and interpretation, it’s not unreasonable to imagine that gender-confused young people might welcome this binary-breaking symbol of “balance and harmony” and see a satanic sect as a spiritual home for them. 
The two most famous philosophical statements of the 20th century’s most iconic Satanists, Crowley and Anton LaVey, serve to illustrate the strong ties between modern “pride” and their belief systems. The life of Crowley especially finds continuity in the gender-expansive, free-love universe of pride. 
‘Hail Satan! Hail Thyself’
In the 1960’s, LaVey, known as the “Black Pope,” created a Satanism that differed from other, older satanic traditions in that it claimed to be atheistic, considering Satan to be a literary figure. LaVey’s most famous chant is “Hail Satan! Hail Thyself.” His Satanism prescribes self-worship and gratification: staples of LGBT pride culture.
Two of his Nine Satanic Statements are: “Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!” and, “Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!”
While most who wave the rainbow flag no doubt would agree that, for instance, murder is wrong (a “so-called sin” Satan represents), pride nevertheless allies itself with the pro-abortion agenda. The right to murder a preborn baby leads to “mental and emotional gratification” for the abortive mother (and often her sexual partners). And ridding oneself of progeny to care for promotes further indulgence Satan is said to represent. Proponents of sexual libertinism and gender fluidity don’t usually describe themselves as Satanists, but LaVey’s philosophy of carnal hedonism is the bedrock of today’s pride culture.
Writing for the Encyclopedia of Religion, professor of religious studies Eugene V. Gallagher describes LaVey’s Satanic Bible as promoting “ritual and pageantry” and displaying “a flair for mockery.” On a ritualistic and philosophical level, drag queen, queer, and homosexual subcultures would mesh well with LaVeyan Satanism. What is drag but pageantry mocking femininity? And what would foment the mockery of Judeo-Christian sexual norms and family structure better than hailing Satan, the enemy of the God who made humankind into the “restrictive” physiological categories of “male and female”? 
‘Do What Thou Wilt’
One familiar repeated sentiment in Crowley’s 1909 The Book of the Law has echoed through culture for over a century now: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. … Love is the law, love under will.” We may not know it verbatim, but we recognize its other iterations such as “follow your heart” or “do what you want” or “all you need is love.” These popular cultural expressions guide the pride movement; they encourage the unshackling of human expression from heterosexual mores. 
Unlike LaVey who came after, Crowley was an unabashed theistic Satanist. He wrote in his autobiography of his desire to “get hold of [Satan] personally and become his chief of staff” and “get into personal communication with the Devil.” His pride and egotism, modeled in today’s pride movement, would seem prerequisites even to aspire to such a position.
Activities the Bible labels sexual depravity, the kind celebrated in pride parades, were rampant in Crowley’s life. Early on, he rejected Christian morality and saw taboos as things to be deliberately shattered. The occultist was keen on “sex magic” and was bisexual, as evidenced by his more recently discovered homoerotic poetry. The Book of the Law reflects his belief in “free love,” a lifestyle most accepted within pride: “Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where and with whom ye will!” 
Today, we can see the blending with LaVey’s and Crowley’s philosophies under the rainbow flag: While so-called love is esteemed, the only true reverence is for the self, and the only allegiance is to its will. The highest virtue is the expression of one’s true self: to live authentically, or live your truth. “Hail thyself” and “do what thou wilt” are guiding principles of the pride movement. 
In Christian theology, pride is the original sin that prompted God to cast Satan down from heaven. He now leads a rebellion against God’s will. What a wonder is it that pride is the name taken on by the LGBT alliance, which is also leading a rebellion against biblical morality? Those who don’t support pride are routinely shocked by the rhetoric, imagery, and stated desires of the pride movement, such as offering graphic sexual material to young children in school libraries.
But it should come as no surprise that rebellion against God’s design for humanity is satanically inspired. That is, after all, his mission.
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lilacmoon83 · 2 years
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 65: Powerful Magic
Walsh came out of the diner after breakfast that afternoon and checked his phone, seeing a missed call from Aleister. He called him back, unaware that his phone call was being overheard.
"Good morning, Mr. Bolt," he said.
"Good morning, Walsh…I just wanted to tell you that your feature on Pinocchio last night was wildly successful and I have your next feature assignment," Aleister said.
"Of course, Sir…who is the next subject?" he asked.
"Why…your partner in crime, Ms. Lily Paige," Bolt replied.
"Lily?" he asked.
"Yes…her mother is a Dragon, which makes her one and one flick of my wand can initiate her transformation. She'll enact terror near the end of the ball and create a situation that requires Prince Charming to display his skills for the world again to save his precious family," Aleister replied.
"But…what if Lily is hurt or worse?" Walsh asked.
"It is of no consequence. She is but a pawn. You don't have a problem with this, do you?" Aleister question.
"Of course not, Sir…I am in this for the story. If Lily is the next spectacle in line, then I'll be there to cover the details, gore and all," Walsh replied.
"Excellent…" he said, as Walsh hung up and went on with his day, unaware that Lily had overheard everything.
"Wow…" Henry said, as his mother came out of the bathroom. They had been staying at Granny's Inn after Narcissa forced them out of the mansion and admittedly, he missed his home. He hoped everything worked out tonight and they ousted all this trouble from Storybrooke. He wanted the curse broken and never had wanted them exposed to the world.
"Is it too scary?" she asked, as she wore a gown that was typical of the Evil Queen.
"You're not evil anymore…but I think it's appropriate for tonight. Scaring them a little is probably needed," Henry replied. She smiled.
"You look very handsome," she said.
"Thanks Mom…I like that it looks like something Gramps would wear," he replied. She sighed.
"You really love them, don't you?" she asked.
"Yes…and they love me, Mom. They can love you too…" Henry replied.
"I don't know about that, Henry," she said.
"I do…just give it a chance. We can all be a family," he replied.
"I hope you're right," she said.
"We should go," she added, as she watched him grab a wooden sword and secure it to his belt.
"A wooden sword?" she asked.
"Yeah…gramps is teaching me to sword fight, but he says I won't be able to use a real one until I'm closer to being an adult," he replied.
"Well…we agree there," Regina said, as they exited their room and found Neal waiting for them, along with his father and Belle. Gold looked a little uncomfortable in the formal blue coat, rather than his signature black color, but she imagined it had been Belle's idea, as she wore what was considered her iconic gold dress.
"How are you going to get past the feds that will surely be at the door?" Regina asked.
"I'm not…I'm sneaking in the back way. Emma and I did a quick scope earlier and they don't guard the kitchen well," Neal replied.
"Let's just get this whole thing over with and get that wand," Regina said, as they prepared to get in their cars. But they were surprised to see several horse drawn carriages along Main Street.
"I guess Aleister Bolt is going for the authentic look," Red mentioned, as she and Granny prepared to get in one.
"The sooner that wack job is done…the better," Granny said, as she started to get in, but was stopped by one of the guards.
"Sorry ma'am…no weapons are permitted inside the mansion," he said, referring to her signature crossbow.
"Yeah…I suppose that would be bad for your boss, because if I had a shot tonight, I'd take it," she said.
"Granny…" Red chided. It wouldn't do them any good if they couldn't get in.
"Fine…" she said, as she ditched the weapon back inside the diner, before getting in.
"At least they're not doing pat downs," Neal muttered, as they got in the carriage.
"Would they have found something?" Belle asked.
"Maybe," he said with a smirk, as the carriage started moving.
"This is soooo slow…how did you guys stand this?" Emma complained, as the carriage took them across town to Aleister's oversized and bloated mansion. Snow and David smiled at each other, wondering if this was what it would have been like when she was a kid.
"Impatience…definitely not from me," he mentioned.
"Oh…you just love bringing that one up, don't you?" she commented. He pecked her on the lips.
"I do…but I find your impatience adorable and endearing," he replied. She bit her bottom lip and cuddled against him.
"We didn't always use carriages, Em. Most of the time, we preferred to ride horses ourselves. But in formal situations, this was kind of the limo treatment that they have in this world," he explained. She huffed.
"Is this where you tell me about how far you had to walk for water and to the market?" Emma asked in a bored tone. He chuckled.
"No…I won't tell you about all the times I made the three day walk to Longbourne," he teased, as they arrived at the mansion. The cameras were already flashing and they were blinded once they got out of the carriage. They were also hit with a broad spectrum of comments that ranged from inappropriate to snide to mean to intrusive to a stalker type level. They pushed their way through the press and noticed the federal agents there too. That made her wonder how Neal had gotten in and if she knew him like she thought she did, he probably had sneaked in through the kitchen.
"There's Aunt Psychopath," Emma muttered to them, as they entered and saw her conversing with Marina Bolt. She had a healthy glare for them and Snow scoffed.
"Yep…my Aunt that wants to throw acid in my face and make me hideous," Snow said.
"Hey…you could never be hideous, but I'm not going to let her hurt you," David replied. She smiled, knowing he would do everything in his power to protect them both.
"Heads up…he's definitely noticed you," Merryweather warned, as Aleister called attention to them.
"Ah…wonderful, the most Charming family has joined us and I must say, your dressing the part is delightful," he said, as he noticed the sapling that Snow was holding.
"And what is this curious item?" he asked. His eyes were alight with greed already, as the magical glow of the sapling enticed the creepy connoisseur.
"It's a true love sapling…" Snow announced, as he moved closer with guards surrounding him.
"A true love sapling?" he asked.
"Yes…it was created from the first spark of our true love," David replied. His eyes were wide with wonder.
"True love's magic…like your child," he muttered.
"Take it from a fairy…it is just as magical as that wand in your hand. Both are from the same source of magic, after all," Merryweather said, further enticing him.
"Indeed…how intriguing," he said, as stood face to face with them now.
"My, my…you truly are the fairest one of all, aren't you?" he asked, as he gazed adoringly at Snow, while David clenched his fist. The guards seemed to know that this would elicit a reaction from him and they quickly surrounded him.
"I've taken on better trained guards than you and snapped their necks when needed," he warned. The lead guard smirked.
"All your training…and you still can't stop a bullet," he said, motioning to the sidearm holstered at his hip. Aleister smirked.
"So entertaining…don't worry, Charming. As alluring as she is…she's all yours. I'm just an admirer," he said, as he retreated to the center of the room, likely to make more of a spectacle.
"Dammit…" David cursed.
"We need something to distract those guards," Emma said, as she saw Neal peer in from the kitchen.
"Hang on…I have an idea," she said, as she made her way over to him.
"We need a distraction for his guards…you think we can come up with something?" she asked.
"Uh…yeah, it's kind of nuts though," Neal replied.
"Of course it is…what do you have in mind?" she asked. He smirked and stole a quick kiss, surprising her.
"You'll see," he said cryptically, as he slipped back out through the kitchen. She took a moment to think about what he had just done and gingerly touched her lips. She had been in denial for a while about her renewed feelings for him, but maybe if they got out of this in one piece…then it was time to face their feelings.
A bit of shouting roused her from her thoughts and she saw that her Aunt had moved toward her mother.
"Shit…" she cursed, as she hurried back over there.
"You weave such a spell…don't you?" Narcissa hissed, as she approached her niece.
"Excuse me?" Snow questioned curtly.
"You heard me…even Aleister is drooling over you," she hissed.
"Trust me, if you want Aleister and all this attention, you can have it. I never wanted any of it," Snow snapped. Narcissa's lip curled, as she seethed at just the sight of her nemesis.
"Yet you take all of it…you've stolen everything from me your entire life, but that ends today," she said, as she held a small container. Snow gasped, knowing what was inside of it.
"SNOW!" David called, as the guards blocked him, so he drew his sword, cutting them down to get through. This thrilled Aleister, as his crew began filming again and the cameras mobbed him.
"Get out of the way!" he shouted, as he pushed through them.
"I'm taking back my title…and everyone is still going to stare at you, but for a very different reason!" Narcissa growled, as she opened the canister in her hand. Snow gasped, as she tried to get away, but it was too late.
"SNOW!" David cried, as he rushed to her.
"MOM!" Emma cried, as she did too. But it was too late, as the acid splashed toward her. The sapling in her hand glowed brightly and the drops of harmful liquid were stopped by a shield that was suddenly now protecting Snow. The acid hit the impenetrable, magical shield and Narcissa cried out, as her own attack splashed back in her face.
The blonde looked at her hands in horror and cried out in pain, as she felt the acid burning her skin. She saw herself in a nearby mirror and screamed in horror, as David and Emma reached Snow and quickly flanked her.
"My…my beauty…look at what you've done to me!" she screamed, as she turned to them and gasps of horror and disgust reverberated through the room. Narcissa's crazed eyes darted around the room, as she noticed all the attention, including the cameras, were on her. But not in the way she wanted. She looked at herself in the mirror again and cried out in anguish. She was scarred and hideous now.
"You did this to me!" she cried, as her eyes bled rage toward Snow.
"You did this to yourself," David growled, as Emma tossed him a pair of cuffs and he arrested her.
"I daresay I couldn't have created a better spectacle myself," Aleister mused, as he was thoroughly enjoying the show.
"Acid in my Mom's face, huh? Just for that, I'm going to make sure your tiny little jail cell has all kinds of mirrors in it," Emma said.
"I hate you!" Narcissa screamed, as she sobbed.
"I need a Doctor!" she cried, looking toward Sarah.
"I'm a nurse…we can send Whale to help you," the peridot fairy said. Narcissa screamed in rage, as she wrenched herself away from Emma and started to run.
"If you think you've won…you're sadly mistaken!" she cried, as she looked at Aleister.
"Aleister…please, you must use your wand to heal me," she pleaded. He smirked.
"I could…but this is so much more fun and you've become quite unhinged, dear. I think I'll be hiring a new CEO for your company. The board is quite done with your antics and will likely be firing you," Aleister said. She growled and started toward Snow again, but a huge crash startled them all, as the yellow Bug crashed through the mansion and hit Narcissa, throwing her several feet away. She landed hard and Neal winced.
"Oooh…that had to hurt. Glad it was her," he said, as people scattered in the chaos.
"That's our cue!" Emma called, as they pushed their way through the confusion and David tackled Aleister. The man cried out in horror, as the Prince punched him, even as he clutched the wand tightly. He used it and sent David flying back into a wall.
"David!" Snow cried, as she went to make sure he was okay. Neal started toward him too, but Aleister used magic to send him back too. Emma tackled him for that and the wand went flying out of his hand.
"No…my magic!" he cried, as the wand rolled to the floor and rested at someone's feet. Regina bent down and picked up the wand. The entire room stopped, as her lip curled into a smile that was reminiscent of her time as the Evil Queen.
"Regina…" Snow uttered.
"I guess the magic is mine now…" she said, as she looked around and strolled to the center of the room.
"I have power again…and I can do whatever I want to all of you again," she said, as she looked at her stepdaughter.
"With a flick of this wand, I can restore everything to how it was before your daughter came to Storybrooke," she said.
"Mom…please," Henry pleaded. Her smile softened into one they were more familiar with as of late.
"But I won't," she said.
"I can't make up for what I've done in the past…but this should tell you where I stand now and with any luck, cement my path to redemption," she said, as she looked at her son.
"I regret nothing I did…because it got me you, Henry, but now I do this to make you happy," she said, as the guards moved toward her, but they disappeared with the flick of her wand.
"That is mine…" Aleister growled.
"No…it's not. They made the magic in it and if it were in Snow's hands, I'm sure she'd show you mercy and let you return to your normal life without any memory of this place. It's admirable, really…but naïve," Regina said.
"Unfortunately, for you, I'm not her…and I'm going to spare the rest of the world of you and your allies by making sure you remember all of this, but taking your power and money," Regina said, as the wand glowed and she employed the full power of it. The entire room glowed and everyone disappeared…
Emma opened her eyes and sat up in bed, almost in alarm, as she remembered everything that had just happened. She quickly stumbled out of bed and ran downstairs, relieved to find that her parents were waking up in their bed too.
"Emma?" Snow asked, with a bit of trepidation. She remembered everything, but wasn't sure if that was true of everyone.
"Mom…" she uttered.
"Dad…" she added, as she rushed toward them and they enveloped her in a hug with relief. They were all dressed in their regular, everyday clothing and quickly got their coats. They had their memories, so that made them confident that everyone else did too. But the question of what reversals Regina had made still remained and they hurried out with Wilby trotting alongside them. Once they got outside, they saw their baby true love sapling had been planted in the garden just outside the apartment building as the first noticeable change.
"The casino…it's gone," David said, as they smiled at each other.
"Let's find Neal," Emma replied, as they trekked down Main Street and saw that most things seemed to be returned to normal. The press and the federal agents were all gone, giving them a sense of returned security.
"She really did it…she got rid of the dangers," Snow said. He smiled at her.
"Guess you were right to believe in her all along," David replied, as he kissed her tenderly.
"Hey…have you seen the station yet?" Neal asked.
"No…why?" Emma recalled.
"Come see for yourselves," he said, as they followed him. When they got there, they saw Gold, Belle, and Regina already there with Henry. In addition to the Sheriff's station, there was a new brick building behind it.
"Storybrooke Municipal Prison," Emma said, reading the shiny placard on the building.
"I figured it was time for a permanent prison for the worst people and I think you'll all be pleased by the residents here, including our friends from the reservation," Regina said, as Billy and Mathias arrived as well. They all went inside and the first cell held Aleister Bolt and next to him was his sister.
"You have no right to keep us here!" Aleister hissed.
"He's right…we've broken no laws!" Marina added.
"Oh, that's far from true. But we don't want you here and you'll be gone from here momentarily, left with the memory of this place and your handy defeat," Regina said. Aleister smirked.
"Then you are a fool…we will find a way back in," he replied, the Queen matched his smirk.
"No…you won't, because when you return to your lives in the outside world, you'll find no money or mansion to return to," she replied. His face fell.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I mean I've taken the liberty of donating all your money and assets to charity. I have someone going to take care of it all," Regina replied, as Lily approached her mother.
"Lily…you've betrayed me?" he asked.
"I betrayed you? I heard everything that Walsh said. You were planning on using me in another one of your staged productions and I'm tired of being your pawn," Lily replied, as she looked at her mother.
"My mother was right…and now I'm where I belong," she added. Emma smiled and nodded at her.
"And you'll be going back to your world, homeless, penniless, and most importantly, powerless to ever hurt anyone again," Regina said, as she smirked at them.
"Enjoy that," she said, as she waved the wand and they disappeared. They moved to the next cell and saw Greg Mendell glaring at them.
"I guess, unlike Lily, you haven't seen the light yet," Emma deduced.
"And I never will…" he growled.
"Owen…please, we have a chance at a new beginning if you could just let go of your hate," Kurt said, as he arrived.
"Never…" he hissed.
"Then I guess we should do what's best for you both," Snow said, as she looked at her stepmother.
"Are you sure? I can alter his memories, but I can't guarantee they'll never come back," Regina said.
"It's not like they will be able to get back in this time," David reasoned. She nodded and looked at Kurt.
"I'm sorry for everything and this can't make up for it, but it is a second chance," she said. He nodded.
"Thank you," he said, as she used the wand to alter Greg's memories, removing his trauma and the two disappeared back to the Land Without Magic where they belonged.
Mathias and Billy peered into the next cell, where Lucian was now contained.
"You think you have won…but nothing contains me for long," he warned.
"Oh, but this will. We're not banishing you off to another realm this time," Billy said.
"He's right…you'll stay here and rot," Mathias added, as they moved past Walsh's cell.
"Hey…what about me? I was just doing the job Aleister hired me to do," he argued.
"Oh, I know all about you and your exploits, dearie. You should have stayed in Oz…and now you'll stay here in prison," Rumple said, as they arrived at the final cell and it was almost a pitiful sight. If she wasn't an irredeemable psychopath, one might have felt sorry for her.
"Mirror, Mirror…please tell me I'm the fairest," she pleaded. But the mirror in front of her was an ordinary one.
"The mirror won't speak to me…" she cried, as she looked at them and they winced at her scarred face.
"Okay...maybe giving her a mirror is a little cruel?" Emma asked.
"I thought that too, but it actually calmed her down. Watch," Regina replied, as the mirror disappeared and it sent Narcissa into a raging fit.
"You…you did this to me! I'll kill you!" the blonde screamed at Snow and made a grab for her neck. David gently pulled her back into his arms.
"Okay…bring the mirror back," Emma said. The mirror appeared again and the disturbed woman was appeased by it.
"Okay…so the wack job needs to be a padded cell," Emma said.
"I'm sure Dr. Hopper will be interested in evaluating her, but I don't think there is much hope for her, so here she'll stay," Regina replied.
"What about the wand?" Gold questioned.
"It's too much power for one person…" Neal said, giving both Regina and his father a look.
"As long as the prisoners can be contained, then maybe it should belong to the town," Snow suggested.
"For that…all we must do is drop the wand in the well to return what has been lost to the town," Rumple said. Regina gave him a pointed look and then relinquished the wand to him.
"Then you should do the honors," she said. He nodded and took possession of the wand. He and Belle disappeared and moments later, as the rest of them exited the prison, they saw the pink cloud brewing and watched, as it swept over them and the town.
"I'm proud of you, Mom," Henry said, smiling up at her and she hugged him.
"Thanks Henry," she said.
"We're going to have breakfast at Granny's…as a family. Are you coming?" Emma asked, as Snow and David smiled at her. She smiled back.
"Of course," she replied, as they headed off to the diner. Neal joined them and he and Emma noticeably joined hands. It was definitely the beginning of something wonderful for everyone.
After breakfast, they went to the town line with Tony and Tia. The pair of siblings were leaving for Witch Mountain, to travel the realms.
"Are you sure you're set on leaving?" Snow asked. They nodded.
"Yeah…but it won't be forever. Storybrooke will always be home now," Tony said, as they shared hugs.
"Here," Regina said, as she handed a case with twin stars on it.
"My star case…I thought this was lost forever?" she asked.
"Not so lost when you have magic to recover things and it's enchanted now. It will allow you both to pass through the protective barrier we're going to put up around the town to keep the rest of the world out," Regina replied. They nodded.
"Thanks," Tia replied, as the two of them got into the car they had acquired and safely drove over the town line.
"Ready?" Gold asked. Regina nodded, as the two of them used their magic to create a new magical protective barrier at the town line.
"Guess everything's going back to normal, huh?" Henry asked. Emma smiled.
"Guess so kid. Think you'll get bored?" she asked. He scoffed.
"Normal in Storybrooke is not the same as normal out there, Mom," he replied. She chuckled.
"Yeah…it's never gonna be normal, normal around here," she agreed, as she looked back to see her parents trailing behind them toward her dad's truck, hand in hand.
"You okay?" he asked, noticing she was deep in thought. She smiled at him.
"Yeah…I've just been trying to think of creative or fun ways to tell you something and I think I just need to tell you before I burst," she said. He smiled.
"Tell me what?" he asked.
"How would you feel about moving to a bigger house?" she asked. He smiled.
"You want to move?" he asked. She nodded.
"I think we're going to need to…because we have to build another nursery and that's going to be really hard to do in the loft," she replied. His face fell into a look of sheer wonder and he looked at her stomach, before up at her again.
"Really?" he asked. She nodded.
"I still need to ask Sarah to run an official test, but I'm pretty positive," she replied, as he scooped her up into a fierce hug and their lips met in a passionate kiss.
"I love you…" he said.
"I love you too, Charming," she replied, as they shared another kiss, before going home for the day.
"You can't do this…" Blue protested, as she stood defiantly before Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.
"Oh we can…and we did. The rest of the fairies have spoken and you've been ousted," Merryweather replied.
"Flora was always the rightful head fairy and while you'll always be a part of us, you're not fit to lead," Fauna said.
"This won't stand…" Blue insisted, as she stormed out, but by this point, she was mostly harmless. She wasn't the head fairy anymore and few actually trusted her anymore.
"Guess that is that," Merryweather said, as she ventured off.
"Where are you going?" Fauna asked.
"Snow and David have asked me to dinner. They think I don't know about the baby already so I have to act surprised," Merryweather gushed, as she shrank herself and flew off to be with the family she had become a part of.
August walked into his father's shop, fully renewed and human again.
"My boy…" Geppetto uttered. He smiled.
"Blue isn't the head fairy anymore…so Flora made me human again. Without any conditions this time. Guess Blue could have done it all along if she wanted to," August said.
"I'm sorry…I'm so ashamed. I should have never put such responsibility on you or expected perfection from you when none of us can be," Geppetto apologized.
"I've forgiven you, father. It's time for all of us to start fresh, so how about dinner at Granny's?" he asked. Geppetto smiled.
"That sounds wonderful," he agreed.
"I'm so happy for you," Merryweather gushed, as she reacted to Snow's news.
"You know already, don't you?" Snow asked. She winced.
"Sorry, but don't blame Sarah. She just had to tell me," Merryweather replied. Snow smiled.
"I don't…and you're all family, but David and I both want you to be this little one's Godmother since you didn't get to be mine or Emma's," Snow said.
"Oh honey…nothing would give me more pleasure," she replied, as they hugged again.
"So…I guess this means a lot of changes," Merryweather said. David nodded.
"We think we know the house we want. Regina clued us in on a two story farmhouse on the edge of town. I'll be staying on as a part time deputy at the station with Neal and Emma," David said.
"And you?" Merryweather asked.
"Regina said my job is mine again if I want it…so I'll be going back to teaching. David is going to be at home with the baby during the day after early patrol," Snow replied.
"Emma says that I can help out with paperwork from home too as needed," David said.
"I'm so happy for you both…for all of us. All of this could have gone very differently," Merryweather replied.
"We know…and we're so grateful. Looks like everyone is getting their happy ending, after all," David said, as they shared a kiss. Emma and Neal were together again and on board with co-parenting Henry with Regina. Rumple and Belle were together too and though he was still the Dark One, he had found a way to have magic and a family, after all. Families had been restored and friendships mended, for the most part, though Snow and David were unsure if they would ever be close with the dwarves again, but that was okay, because their new friends and family were all around them. Peace had settled over Storybrooke through the powerful magic and clarity that was true love.
The End.
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south-of-heaven · 1 month
A to Z Masterlist
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Miss you (daughter!reader)
10 notes · View notes
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on the late, great Martin Eric Ain (1967-2017) onstage with CELTIC FROST, Los Angeles, California, 7th of October 2006. 📸: Natalie Ardet.
"We wanted to manifest our emotions. The more dreary our outlook on life, the more pronounced our urge to express ourselves. We did not care for show. We simply wanted to be taken seriously. This is also why we informed ourselves and read books about certain topics. Robert E. Howard, H. P. Lovecraft, Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley, Anton Szandor LaVey's The Satanic Bible, or the Necronomicon by Abdul Alhazred; these were our sources. I knew the Necronomicon from Lovecraft's writing, for example, and I asked myself: is it a literary invention or a real grimoire? I found the book to be very good.
Which takes us back to the topic of the occult: it is unimportant if something is real or not. The moment it becomes part of our thinking and inspires our imagination, it is becoming real."
-- MARTIN ERIC AIN (R.I.P.) on the occult
Source: http://fischerisdead.blogspot.com/2020/07/exclusive-martin-eric-ain-interviewed.html.
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years
Slip of Ice (A. Black smut)
It’s that time of year again, folks! Chrismuts for us all in the WWE fandom! I originally had the 21st but due to complications, I switched day! Shout out to @toxiicpop for putting together one of the strongest bands of writers imagined! Without them and my wonderful counterparts in the Discord, I wouldn’t be here! anyway, here’s my contribution to @25daysofchrismuts! 
OC, Highness, just wants to have a normal Christmas time with her best friends but when Charlotte lets it slip that the two are in love with her, she freaks and thankfully, Aleister is there to take her to the hospital. 
WC: 5,651 words 
Warnings: smut, broken ankle, voyeurism (hi discord chat!!!) unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, you lil shits), vaginal sex, riding, fingering, uh, yeah
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I slipped into the Performance Center and glanced around with a small sigh. Baron and Aleister wasn’t here tonight, which meant that I was all alone for the night. Bayley tackled me in a hug and I groaned with the force of it before she chirped, ”Guess what, guess what, guess what!” 
I couldn’t help but smile at the young brunette. She was like a little sister to me and always had so much energy. Some days it felt like I couldn’t keep up with the energetic woman, but she somehow always managed to change my mind in a matter of minutes. Who knew, maybe today wouldn’t be so bad without my two best friends.
“What are we doing today, Bails?” I asked as we made our way to the ring. She grinned and shouted, ”Christmas decorating!” I stopped short. I’m sorry, what? 
I had been working at WWE for a little under a year now and this was the first time that I saw how the Performance Center organized for the holidays. Christmas, for the longest time, was a hit or miss situation in my family; either it went excellent or all hell rained loose at my house. If I was being honest, I didn’t think that the PC decorated for Christmas, considering that most of the people who worked around here were usually frowning or screeching their heads off. Huh. Who knew?
“Stephanie is practically holding us at gunpoint since we didn’t get the decorations up before the first of December.” she informed me as we joined the rest of the Superstars there for the day. My eyes widened then I asked, ”Wait, is that why Baron and Aleister aren’t here?” She stopped momentarily, almost as if she was considering her answer wisely, and answered, ”Something like that.” And with that, she joined the rest of the Four Horsewomen, leaving me alone. 
I groaned and drug a basket labeled,’Ribbons for turnbuckles’ over to the ring. Tossing it onto the apron, I climbed inside and begun thinking of a pattern to do these green and red nightmares in before Stephanie called out my name followed by a color sequence. I nodded in acknowledgment and started to wrap the black turnbuckles in scarlet and emerald. 
Once I reached the top one, I pulled the ends of the two colors together and wrapped them into a tight bow. Finn clapped his hands together at my decoration and praised, ”Not bad, Highness. I think Steph likes them.” We turned to the boss woman who nodded in agreement with what the Irish man offered and I asked, ”You want to help me finish it then?” 
He grabbed two more rolls of the different colors then walked to the opposite side of the ring before starting to wrap the other turnbuckles identical to how I had the first one done. I glanced around quickly then spotted Banks near the radio and yelled, ”Sasha, turn on some Christmas music, man!” She grinned and cracked the volume dial up as high as it was allowed then flipped the switch, Carol of the Bells ringing back to us. 
I hummed along idly and I started my last thing of ribbons when my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out and a smile broke across my face when I saw who was calling. Quickly answering, I held the phone to my ear and chirped, ”Hi!” Baron’s small chuckle greeted me in return then he stated, ”Hey. How’s the PC?” 
I glanced around the building at his words and smiled when I saw the wonderful holiday chaos. Kevin and Sami were wrapped up in garland, Carmella and Truth held an end each for a large pole with numerous sized Christmas bulbs hanging on said object, while Braun and Xavier, who was on Big E’s shoulders, helped each other set up the tree, that was at least ten feet tall. Bayley and Sasha were organizing an evil looking snowman army while Alexa Bliss chased poor Adam Cole around with an Elf on the Shelf, the NXT champion shrieking in protest. 
I laughed and finally answered when Baron called my name, ”It’s going great. I’m sad that you’re not here with us though. I miss you.” Oh no. Why would you say that, stupid? He stopped for a moment and at first, I thought he had hung up on me, only for him to respond, ”I know, baby doll. I miss you too. But I’ll be home soon, okay?” 
Baby doll? Baron had never given me a nickname, an endearment was a big step. But nevertheless, it made me sigh with delight then I murmured, ”I know. See you soon?” He laughed and I could see him nod as he retorted, ”Yeah. See you soon.” And with that, he hung up, leaving me with a stupid smile across my face. Nia settled on the apron as I finished up the ribbons then pointed out, ”Someone is happy. What gives? Who’s the dude?” 
Her series of questions drawled in some of the other girls who began grilling me about my now red cheeks then I held up a hand and insisted,”It was just Baron.”
“Corbin? You do know that he and Black are at odds with each other, right?” Charlotte asked, leaning against the apron as she buffed her nails. I turned with a frown, interested in the new information before Stephanie called me over. I held up a hand then looked down at my blonde friend and asked,”What are you talking about?” 
Sasha snickered and patted me on the arm then she observed,”Highness, you must be blind if you can’t see it.” My eyebrows furrowed together but before I could question them further, Steph called my name again and I groaned then stared at them as I stressed,”This isn’t over yet, alright?” The older woman smiled at me as I approached her then she handed me something that wasn’t unfamiliar to me. Mistletoe.
“Stephanie, do you really think I’m the right person to hang this? I mean…” She waved me off then insisted,”Nonsense. You can do it, champ. Just grab a chair and hang it wherever you want it.” I smiled softly then took the small plant and made my way towards the main entrance, snagging a chair from a table I passed by.
 I climbed on top of the chair then steadied myself before attaching the small plant to the hook. I smiled at my work then turned to come down, only to step on my loose shoelace, beginning to tumble off the chair with a squeak. Someone pulled me into their grasp and I peeked an eye open, breathing a sigh of relief when I noticed who had rescued me. 
“You told me you weren’t in town.” I accused, narrowing my eyes at the person holding me. 
“In my defense, I wanted to surprise you. Did I?” Aleister asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I pursed my lips and muttered, “Yeah, you surprised me. Would you mind letting me down now?” He gave a small laugh then replied, “I suppose so.  You shouldn’t stand on a chair, you never know who’s around to save you.” I nodded in understanding then he placed me on my feet with a brush of fingers to my hair. 
He glanced upwards then murmured, “We’re standing underneath the mistletoe. Do you know what that means?” My fingers tightened into the sides of his shirt then I leaned forward as I asked, “You’re going to kiss me under the mistletoe then?” He gave a small nod and began to lean downwards to meet me halfway, only for Bayley to interrupt us.
“Highness, someone wants you outside.” my friend called out to me and I turned with a confused expression. Why couldn’t that person come inside and see me if it was so important? I glanced over my shoulder to Aleister then rushed out, “I’ll be right back, I just need to go see who it is.” 
“I’d be more than happy to join you outside.”he offered, sliding closer to me. I stretched a hand out to him and he quickly accepted it, leading me outside. I glanced out the door and frowned when I realized that no one was out front. 
“Okay, this isn’t funny. I’m really annoyed right now.” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Baby doll.” I froze at his voice and turned, surprised to see Baron standing there. I stared at him for a moment then rushed to him, jumping into his arms. He jerked me into a tight hug as my legs circled his waist, causing his leather jacket to squeak. 
“You told me that you were in Kansas for a visit with your mom.” I muttered into his neck with a pout. He gave a small laugh then replied, “I just wanted to surprise you, baby doll. I knew you were coming back from the road so, here I am.” I glanced over my shoulder and asked, “It kinda feels like you guys orchestrated this.” Baron looked over my head to see a now scowling Aleister Black, with his fists clenched by his sides. 
“I’m afraid not. When Charlotte told me that you were coming home, I figured that you had been roped into the holiday decorating for the Performance Center, as everyone else is.” Aleister informed me, smoothing down the front and sides of his shirt from where I had crinkled the silk of the material. Baron allowed me to slide to my feet then I gave a sheepish smile before I replied, “Oh… I’m sorry about your shirt, I didn’t mean to crinkle it inside.” 
“That’s alright. I’m just upset that we didn’t get to kiss, Princess.” Aleister said casually, flickering his dark gaze up to Baron.
Out of the corner of my eye, I took notice of Baron tensing and my blood ran cold. Why did I care what he thought? It was just a kiss under the mistletoe but I felt like I needed to emphasize that to my taller best friend. 
“We’ve got a show tomorrow and Tuesday and I need to talk with Hunter to see what he’s thinking for this match.” Baron stated as he walked past me. I reached for the hem of his jacket but he brushed me off, muttering, “I’ll see you later, Highness.” My mouth fell open as he walked inside then Aleister asked, “Are you okay, love?” 
“You know, I think I’m just going to head back to the hotel. I’ve got to deal with a few things, so… yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow, Aleister.” 
Tomorrow rolled around, with us being flown to Michigan for the show and I had a match with Charlotte, of all people. I, unfortunately, hadn’t been able to talk with her about what she meant when she said that Baron and Aleister had been fighting. And boy did she take advantage of that in our match. 
“You know that they’re fighting over you, right? Vying for your attention, desperate for you to date them and not the other. Poor you, I guess.”she informed me as I grappled against her hold. I paused at the admission then I snapped, “You’re lying, quit trying to get in my head.” 
“Highness, I just wanted you to know. I care a lot about you and I know how hard it is to choose between the people you love. Just don’t let it get to you too much. You’re a smart girl.” I struggled in her grasp then she immediately took advantage of my distraction to slam me into the mat before twisting into her Figure Eight. I didn’t even bother fighting it, instead, I tapped out the moment she applied the pressure. 
I rolled out of the ring and limped up the ramp, with my hands pressed tightly to my forehead to sell my disappointment of losing. But the information had my head spinning: was Charlotte telling the truth? I stumbled into the backstage and Bayley reached a hand out to steady me as she asked, “What the hell did Charlotte say to you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
“She said that Aleister and Baron are fighting for my affection like some stupid love triangle movie bullshit.” I muttered as she led me to a chair. My head fell between my knees before I groaned, muttering, “I can’t believe this. What am I going to do now? I can’t just reject them!” 
“Reject who?” My head jerked up and Aleister tilted his head at me for an answer. Of course it would be him to overhear my turmoil. I stumbled to my feet then muttered, “No one, it doesn’t matter.”
“It kind of feels like it matters. Is everything alright?” Aleister asked as I began to make my way towards the exit for a breath of fresh air. I glanced over my shoulder and informed him, “It’s nothing, really. I’m fine, Aleister, please, just go back inside, I want to be alone.” He gave me an unsure glance then urged, “Please, just talk to me, okay? Please, I promise I won’t judge you.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I replied, “Last I checked, I never cared what anyone thought of me so being judged really doesn’t bother me. But what does bother me is the fact that you won’t leave me alone. So please, just go away.” 
“Highness, wait, please!” I jerked away from him when he reached for my arm as I walked out the side door, eager to reach my car. As I pulled away, I slipped on a patch of ice, my ankle twisting at an awkward angle with an awful crack. Aleister tried to grab me by my forearms, only to miss me by mere inches. 
I let out a small, shuddering breath then tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as he crouched beside me. Tender fingers cradled my ankle and I jerked against the touch with a cry, the tears now beginning to trickle down my cheeks, “Don’t touch it, you twat! It hurts!” Aleister nodded in understanding then informed me, “I’m going to pick you up, just hold still, okay?” With a small nod, he scooped me into his arms bridal style then carried me to my car and murmured, “Okay, unlock your car so I can put you in the passenger seat.” 
“Where are you taking me?” I murmured after doing what he asked. He gave a small sigh and slid me inside as he answered, “To the hospital. There’s no point in taking you to the trainer if it is broken because they’ll just send you there. So, we’re skipping over that and just going to the big professionals.” 
I buckled myself up then crossed my arms over my chest. This was not how I wanted my Christmas time to go. But it was Michigan, of course there was going to be ice outside. Aleister slid into the driver’s seat and cranked the engine over before turning the heat on, the Detroit winter air already creeping in on us. I stared at his profile for a bit then jerked my head away when his eyes flickered towards me with an inquisitive look. 
“So, who was the person you were going to reject?”he asked casually and I jerked my head up to look at him. He glanced at me then turned his attention back to the road as he replied, “Of course, you don’t have to tell me, I would just like to know if I’m still in the running for your affections.” 
I paused at his admission then murmured, “Please tell me you’re joking.” Deep down though, I knew that he was serious. Aleister pressed gently on the brakes as we approached a red light and he said, “My love, I don’t joke about the way that I feel. You don’t have to decide on the way you feel now or even a month later. But I will feel the same either way.” 
“Look, it’s not that I don’t feel the same, trust me. It’s just… what about Baron? What do I say to him?” I asked, shifting in my seat to face him. He gave a small sigh then glanced over at me as he answered, “That is something that only you can answer, Highness. Why don’t you find some Christmas music, so we’re not sitting awkwardly in silence?” 
I reached forward and turned up the volume, knowing that I had the newest Pentatonix Christmas album in the CD player. I leaned forward and untied my shoe before gingerly peeling the footwear away from my tender foot. Aleister took another turn, obviously following the road signs that instructed him which area the hospital was located, then he asked, “Is it swollen?” 
“To the size of a grapefruit.” I answered as I lowered my foot once again. He nodded in understanding then pulled into the half-full parking lot. Half of my mind joked that the hospital should have been busier since it was the holidays, while the other half was ecstatic to get in and out of the ER as quickly as possible. 
“Do you want me to carry you inside then put you in a wheelchair or would you rather wait in the car while I go get one for you?” Aleister asked, fingers hovering over the keys as he waited for my reply. I sighed softly then answered, “You might as well carry me inside, there’s no need to leave the car running longer than needed.” He nodded in understanding and killed the car then hurried around to carry me. 
He carried me in silence and the moment that we entered the hospital, the nurse running the front desk glanced up to greet us, only for surprise to overtake her expression as she yelped, “Oh my! Let me help you!” She rushed over and pushed a wheelchair to us, stating, “It seems like you have a bit of an issue.”
“Yeah, the ice apparently had it out for me.” I muttered, annoyed as Aleister rolled me into the waiting room. She nodded in understanding then said, “Yes, well, that does seem to be a common problem around this time of year. I’ll get you some paperwork to fill out then a nurse will come to get you to put you in a room, dear.” I gave a small mumble of thanks before Aleister pushed me towards the corner of the waiting room then he claimed a chair beside me as he stated, “If you wanted to spend time with me during the holidays, all you had to do was ask, Highness.” I narrowed my eyes then turned to glare at him as I replied, “Trust me, this is not my idea of fun, Aleister. And this was definitely not a tactic to get you to spend more time with me.” 
“It’s called a joke, Princess, I do hope you’ll learn what that is one day.” I scoffed at his response and replied, “Oh, I’m the one who needs to learn what a joke is? That’s real rich coming from the guy who has maybe smiled twice in November. I don’t even think I’ve seen you smile at all in December and it’s halfway through the month.” He pursed his lips at me then replied, “I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.” I shrugged and finished my paperwork, eager to get my ankle x rayed so I could go back to my hotel room then sleep until Christmas rolled around in eight days. 
Thankfully the nurse in charge of placing people in specific rooms was quick and diligent, with a time estimate of about fifteen minutes until the nurse practitioner arrived to take me to my assigned room. Aleister helped me out of the wheelchair then set me on the bed before claiming the chair beside me. 
I shifted until I got as comfortable as I could manage then began to zone out, allowing my thoughts to run rampant. I briefly wondered what Aleister was doing then a random thought came to mind and the words fell out, “Are people who watch porn voyeurs?” Aleister lifted his head slowly from where he was staring at his phone then stated, “I’m not sure I follow.” I let out a small sigh then considered my next words carefully before I began to explain what I meant, “Okay voyeurs are people who get off by watching people have sex, right?” 
He nodded once again, urging me to continue, “Well people who watch porn typically get off when watching it. So technically, aren’t all people who watch porn voyeurs?” Aleister stared at me for a moment then set down his phone as he stated, “Sometimes you really make me wonder what is going on inside that mind of yours.” 
I laughed and reached for the remote, eager to find a good Christmas movie to watch while we waited for the doctor to arrive. I quickly landed on Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, which caused me to grin with delight. As I grew up, this was always a family favorite to watch when December finally rolled around and it would always hold a special place in my heart.
Twenty minutes passed, as the nurse predicted, then the doctor who would take me to x-ray arrived, clearly prepared to finish his shift. The tests were run quickly and just as I had feared, I had broken the talus. He gave me a boot to walk in until I got to an orthopedic doctor. Aleister glanced up 
inquisitively as I hobbled back into the room with my discharge papers then asked, “So how’s the ankle, Highness?” 
“Broken, as expected. I’ve gotta say though, I was not expecting my holiday to go like this.” He nodded in understanding then chirped, “Come on, Princess, let’s get you back to your hotel room so you can get home to your family on time.” He wrapped an arm around my waist to help ease the strain that I had against my ankle. 
I nodded in agreement then he helped back to the car, where the Christmas music in my ears lifted my half shattered spirits a bit. We returned to the hotel and somehow managed to avoid the incoming snowstorm that was about to strike over Detroit. He helped me into the elevator and into my room where I hobbled to my bed, eager to get the heavy boot off so I could elevate and ice the now broken talus in my right ankle. 
“Okay, my love, are you settled in?” Aleister asked, sitting at the foot of the bed. I gave a small nod and he began to leave, only for me to catch his hand as he walked past me. He glanced down at me inquisitively then I stated, “Listen… I wanted to thank you. I know you were supposed to go back home for your holidays but instead, you helped my clumsy ass go to the emergency room to prove that I had a broken ankle. Not a lot of people would’ve done that for me, so I really appreciate that. Thank you.” 
He stared down at me for a split second then sat down as he murmured, “Well, there is a way that I’ll accept an apology from you for sticking around instead of going home and leaving you by your lonesome self. But only if you agree.” My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion then he traced his thumb over my bottom lip, his dark eyes following the motion. I lifted my gaze and asked quietly, “You still want to kiss me, even though I’ve made the past few hours of your life an actual nightmare by having you lug me around like a sack of potatoes?” 
“My love, I will always want to kiss you, no matter what I do for you. The only question is, do you want me to kiss you?” Aleister murmured, lifting my chin upwards with two fingers. I licked my lips and whispered, “I’d let you do so much more than kiss me.” He closed the gap between us then I tangled my hand in the front of his shirt before pushing him onto the mattress so I could climb into his lap. He gave a small laugh then chirped, “Oh someone’s eager for it.” 
My gaze narrowed at his comment before I grinded downwards, drawing a gasp from him, and I warned, “Watch it before I kick you out and you’re left with a hard on for Christmas.” Aleister laughed at my threat but let his hands flop to the mattress as he encouraged, “Oh please, don’t, my love. I promise you I’m not making fun of you for being eager. Hell, I think that makes you all the more beautiful. But go on, take what you want, Highness.” I tugged his shirt off then allowed my nails to scrape down his chest, causing his skin to prickle underneath my touch as I reached the button of his jeans. 
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” I asked, waiting for his answer. Aleister flicked his gaze up to mine then murmured, “This is going to be a Christmas gift no one will ever be able to beat, my love. So please, unbuckle my jeans and ride me.” I did as he encouraged then struggled out of my own outfit, thankful that my ring gear wasn’t overly complicated to take off. He clasped one hand over my hip while the other slid between us, clearly seeking the wet thatch of curls between my thighs. 
I sighed at the first brush of his fingers then he murmured, “You’re already so wet for me, love. I told you that you were excited.” I licked my lips and replied, “Actually, you used the word eager.” Aleister raised an eyebrow at my correction before he shook his head and replied, “Why, yes of course, Your Highness, I am sorry that I got my own sentence wrong.” I laughed quietly then rocked against his fingers before wrapping my hand around his cock. He groaned at the first touch and his eyes fluttered closed as he muttered, “You are an evil woman, Highness. Are you going to fuck me now?” 
I wrapped my other hand around his wrist and pulled his hand around, eager to guide the head of his dick to my entrance. Flickering my eyes up to him, I asked quietly, “Are you sure that you want this?” Aleister groaned then hissed, “You stubborn woman, I already told you, I’m ready for the best damn Christmas present you could give a man.” I slid down his member and a growl rumbled through his chest and I damn near purred at the sound. It was undeniable to anyone with ears that Aleister’s voice was like music, just the right sound to make your day unforgettable. 
I raised my hips slowly then sunk back down with a small sigh, eyes fluttering when his hips jerked slightly. I rode him steadily but never fast enough to jostle either of us. Whether it was my brain trying to avoid crushing him with my weight or to prevent jostling my ankle, I wasn’t entirely sure which.
“Come on,Highness,  you can do better than that. Bounce on my cock, lovely.” Aleister encouraged, gripping my hips as I rocked downwards. I gave a small huff then replied, “I’m trying my best, okay? I’ve got a broken ankle and you’re not exactly helping me out.” He laughed in response and chirped, “Oh, I’m sorry, but weren’t you the one who climbed in my lap ? Because I do distinctly remember that.” 
“Ugh, you’re such an evil bastard. You probably couldn’t fuck me right, anyway.” Out of all the stupid things that could have flown out of my mouth at that moment, of fucking course it would be that. Dark eyes narrowed and his tattooed fingers tightened around my hips as he asked, “Is that so? You don’t think I can fuck you until you’re gasping for air and pleading with me to slow down so you can get a cohesive thought through your pretty mind?” 
My teeth sunk into my bottom lip at the imagery that flowed through my head then I traced his clenched jawline with a single digit before I murmured, “Baron would’ve insisted on fucking me instead of me riding him.” His upper lip curled with his distaste for my comment then he cradled the inside of my right knee, careful not to hit my ankle, before slamming me onto my back. He pinned my injured leg to the bed with his own then gathered my hands into his grasp, pressing them above my head. 
“I’m going to make you regret ever mentioning that bastard in this bedroom, lovely.”he warned before snapping his hips up to mine. I arched in his hold with a delighted cry then 
“Oh god, I need it please!” I sobbed, nails digging into his side and shoulder, his tattoos barely hiding the crescents that the scratches had left behind. 
“Yeah? Highness needs my dick harder? Little Princess has made it to the Naughty List but maybe if she’s good enough, I’ll put in a word for her with the Big Man.” Aleister murmured, before clamping his teeth down on my shoulder. My hips jerked against his hold then I pleaded, “I can be good, I promise, please!” 
A knock sounded at the door then someone called inside, “Highness, do you think we can talk for a bit? I really need to talk to you about something.” We froze at the sound of Baron’s voice then I started to push at Aleister’s chest, hissing, “Move, I have to send him away.” 
He stared at me for a moment then a devious look overtook his handsome features before he called out to Baron, “The door is open!” My eyes widened when I realized what he had began to plot in the milliseconds that had just passed then he grinded upwards, drawing a soft cry from me. Baron turned the corner into the bedroom area then froze at the sight that greeted him. 
“What the actual fuck?” Corbin hissed, eyes narrowed at us. I glanced over Aleister’s shoulder and immediately took notice of the way that Baron looked in the light of the Christmas tree that was on the desk beside him. It was almost criminal how good he looked in the reds, greens, and blues that the lights offered up. 
Aleister flicked his gaze to the taller man then admitted, “She’s the prettiest damn Christmas present you could ask for, isn’t that right, Corbin? If you’re good enough and keep that big mouth of yours shut, I’ll let you watch her.” My best friend met my gaze then questioned, “Is that okay with you?” 
“I don’t care, please, I just want to come already!” I snapped, allowing my head to fall onto the pillow behind me. Aleister laughed quietly at my urgency then kissed the underneath of my jawline, sucking a hickey into the skin as I keened in his ear. He cooed softly to me then murmured, “It’s okay, my love, I’m going to make you come for me. Just watch Baron for me, okay? Tell me what you see.” I licked my lips then watched as Baron settled in the chair across the room, the small Christmas tree still shrouding him in the holiday colors. 
“He-he’s just sitting there, watching us… wait no, he’s unbuttoning his pants and he’s- oh God! Fuck please, Aleister, I can’t! Please just make me come.” I begged him, fingernails digging into his skin as the briefest of tremors began to rock through my body in anticipation of my orgasm. He let out a small laugh then replied, “Just a bit more, sweetness, then I’ll let you come around my cock, okay? What’s he doing now?” 
“Oh my fuck, fine! He’s touching himself, watching you fuck me. He looks so good, fuck, he’s got the Christmas light glow and please! Please, please, Aleister, I need to come!” I insisted, my free leg wrapping around his waist to the best of my ability. 
“Fuck, look at that pretty pussy clenching down. Are you trying to get me to fuck you harder, Princess? All you have to do is open that mouth of yours and beg for it.” Black informed me, giving a particularly harsh thrust, causing me to cry out, fingers clenching in the sheets below us. 
“I have begged, you ass! Keep this act up and I swear to God- oh fuck!” He pressed deft fingers to my clit and began to rub tight circles in the hard nub, pushing me into the delightful bliss that my orgasm offered me. He slid out and groaned as he came, the ribbons of come streaked across my torso, then my head hit the pillow and I murmured, “Oh you’re so cleaning that up.” 
“Yes, my love, I know, Just sit there and relax.” Aleister said quietly before kissing me on the cheek. He rolled off the bed and glanced over to Baron then stated, “Good luck on getting her back, King Bitch.” And with that, he disappeared into the bathroom in search for a washcloth to clean the come off of me. Baron came to a stand and tucked himself back in his jeans before he informed me, “Dinner tomorrow? We can talk about… whatever the hell just happened.” 
I nodded and he waved goodbye before leaving my hotel room with a half bowed head. I stared at the chair that he had been sitting in then turned my attention to the glittering Christmas tree. This was a holiday that I would definitely never forget.
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inagetawaycarxo · 6 years
“Right now? Honey, we’re in public” with Aleister Black please ?
❝Fuck you.❞ + ❝Right now? Honey, we’re in public.❞ w/ Aleister Black
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Summary: You’re annoyed at Aleister because he won’t let you go shopping at Victoria Secret
WARNINGS: fluff, are glares warnings?
Word Count: 133
“But, I want to go there.” You whined, for the fifth time, pouting at him, as you stood in front of him, while he sat on the bench.
“Their bras are overly priced.” Aleister responded.
“So, doesn’t mean I can’t look, beside some of their stuff isn’t too overly priced.” You replied, making Aleister rub his forehead with his hand in frustration.
“No.” he grunted, giving you a stern look. Your pout turned into a thin line as you glared at him. if looks could kill Aleister would be dead.
“Fuck you.” You grunted, sitting beside him in a huff, and pouting like a toddler who didn’t get their way.
“Right now? Honey, we’re in public.” Aleister replied, making you roll your eyes, and look away from him, shaking your head in disgust.
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alephskoteinos · 6 months
Something in Don Webb's "Seven Faces of Darkness" alerted me to an aspect of solar myth linked to lust that I probably intuited when reading about Aleister Crowley's portrayal of the Devil as Pan-Pangenetor. It concerns the "total wakefulness of Mendes" via PGM IV. 3255-74.
"Total wakefulness" is linked to the erotic unrest meant to be induced by the spell and many other spells within the PGM, while Mendes links to B3-nb-Dd.t, or rather the Ba of Djedet, Banebdjedet, the Ba of Mendes in the form of a ram. Webb pronounces the name as Bab-Net-Tett and refers to it as a goat who personified lust. Believe it or not that's not totally off the mark. Hans Dieter Betz identified B3-nb-Dd.t as the name of a ram-formed incarnation of Ra, the sun god. Betz notes that this form of Ra was frequently identified with gods such as Pan and Priapus, both of whom were often associated with sexual desire. This is also predictably where we get into Herodotus' legend of the "goat of Mendes", which he identified with Pan.
Banebdjedet though was always traditionally identified with Osiris or as an aspect of Osiris, though he has been linked to other deities such as Ptah, Ra-Atum, Shu, and Geb. The ram was usually a symbol of virility and also the nocturnal form of Ra as Ra-Osiris. That this Ba of Mendes is associated with sexual desire and lust in the magical context makes sense, since rams were already symbolically associated with virility. Greek writers thus identified Banebdjedet, or a sacred goat alleged to have been worshipped at Mendes, with Pan. There is apparently even a legend about a Persian king who sacked the temple of Mendes and then went mad after eating the sacred goat.
I suppose then the link that Webb proposes between Banebdjedet/Bab-Neb-Tett and Baphomet is not a total stretch of the imagination. In fact, Eliphas Levi himself identified the goat-headed image of Baphomet with Banebdjedet based on Herodotus’ description of the “Ram of Mendes”, which in turn became the Goat of Mendes, either way a Greek reference to Banebdjedet as Pan. From an occult standpoint, that link is definitely credible, and speaks to solar lust and virility, and, in the context of PGM IV. 3255-74, its association with the power to overturn the order of nature, despite also affirming that order to some extent through procreation.
But now we have to look at a paradox. On the one hand, Plutarch associated the "goat at Mendes" that Herodotus talked about with Osiris, ironically on the grounds that Osiris is really Reason (Logos), which is pretty ironic for the lust that Herodotus associated with the goat. On the other hand, the association of Banebdjedet with Seth-Typhon in PGM IV. 3255-74 implies an association of the lust of the ram/goat with the power to overturn the natural order, which more closely befits the way Plutarch associatied Typhon with the sun and irrationality. Indeed, the ram as a solar symbol had both associations in ancient Egypt: positive creative divine energy on the one hand, and the power to threaten the cosmic order on the other hand. Such is the dual symbolsim of the Black Ram.
Corvis Nocturnum has an interesting description of Baphomet that points to something valuable: "mindless, only filled with a Dionysian will to grow, feed, mate, survive and die, again and again, and it exists inside every living being." That description is essentially Crowley's description of Baphomet as the figure of The Devil in his Book of Thoth, which he identified with not only Pan but also Satan, Set, and the Sun.
Crowley refers to The Devil as representing creative energy in its "most material" form. The goat on the card is linked to Baphomet, as portrayed by Eliphas Levi, and to Pan. In fact, Crowley refers to the card itself as Pan Pangenetor, or Pan the All-Begetter. The card is also linked with the sign of Capricornus ("horned goat"), which Crowley interprets as a "goat leaping with lust upon the summits of the earth". The sign is ruled by Saturn, selfhood and perpetuity, and is exalted in Mars, the fiery and material energy of creation. The creative force represented by Capricornus is said to be "rough", "harsh", "dark", or even "blind". It is an impulse that does not account for reason, custom, or even foresight, divinely unscrupulous, without care for the result. Essentially, this force is "pure will". The sun, like The Devil, is seen by Crowley as a universe creative force. In fact, Crowley also argued in Magick in Theory and Practice that Satan was believed to be evil because he was associated with the burning rays of the sun, just like Typhon according to Plutarch.
The link between the goat and the sun in Crowley's context certainly had a lot to do with his own solar-phallic persona and solar myth, as Kenneth Anger noted, but it also inevitably lines up with certain Gnostic concepts of the Demiurge, some of which were really Devils. Yaldabaoth goes by another name: Samael. In this Gnostic context, the name Samael denotes the blindness of the creator of the world, a demon who created matter and claimed himself to be God, but was not the true God (remember, this is still by Christian standards). In early Christian writings "the creator of the world" was blind. In context this is meant to mean unaware and ignorant of the presence of Jesus Christ and the "true" God of Christianity. This argument is emphasized by Paul in the First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians, and in this respect Paul and some Gnostic sects are actually on the same page.
At the intersection of it all I think we get closer and closer to the kind of solar creativity and lust that fixates Satanism, "modern" occultism, and ancient pagan magic, perhaps bringing these worlds together in the forma of antinomian, Crowleyan, and satanic solar myth.
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daddyhausen · 3 years
• day six — knife play — malakai black •
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{ warnings } — smut, 18+, { minors do not interact } fem!reader, sub!reader, dom!malakai, malakai black x fem!reader, knife play, mild bondage/restraining, mild injury, blood licking, blood play , mild degredation, m + f orgasms, vaginal sex, penetrative sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, squirting, creampie
{ word count } — 1.2k
{ genre } — smut
he kept your wrist bound to the bed frame with chain, leaving you only in black lace, his breath warm against your ear, soft pants leaving his lips, a small dagger in his right hand, delicately tracing shapes into your skin with the tip, not enough to harm you or pierce the skin at this moment. as torturous and exhilarating as it was for you, it only seemed to fuel his arousal further.
“now sugar, what have i told you about misbehaving?” he spoke darkly, his figure stood dominantly over yours, eyes clouded with lust, he traced the blade up your stomach and the valley of your breasts, resting by your collar bone, right underneath your bra strap.
you whimpered at the feeling, remaining silent. he twirled the blade the slightest, just barely pricking the skin, you gasped, feeling the small droplet of blood trickle down your skin. he merely hummed in delight, leaning down to lick the crimson droplet clean from your flesh. he flicked the blade upwards, slicing one of your bra straps before doing the same to the other mere seconds later, leaving your perky breasts exposed to his sight.
he hummed in delight, tracing the blade back down the valley of your breasts, your whimpers filled his ears as he circles the steel around the underside of your left breast, all the way around until he met your nipple, the cold steel against the sensitive bud made you shiver, the anticipation the he might actually draw blood thrilled you.
“malakai…please…” you begged, as cute as it sounded to him, you could not help but feel pathetic under his gaze, his irises hooded with a dark desire as he pushed the blade ever so slightly against the peak of your breast, dragging it slowly, methodically up your skin. you whined with a breathy moan at the feeling, it was only a small incision, not deep enough to leave any evident scarring. he repeated his movements from moments prior, licking the blood clean from your pristine skin.
he pulled away momentarily, setting the dagger down beside you in the bed, crimson still lightly seeping from the small cut just above your nipple, you liked the sight, how pretty the gmilering red looked against your perfect skin, you could only wonder how many other ways malakai could decorate your blank canvas. he stood before you, slowly peeling off each article of clothing, little by little before he was finally bare, his body held an ever looming dominance, his cock stood tall and proud against his stomach, hot precum seeping from his tip.
“now, sugar…” he spoke darkly. “shall i ruin your pretty little pussy, or shall i tease you a bit more, hmm?”
he grabbed the dagger once more twiddling it between his fingers as he stared down at you. your eyes were desperate, frantically switching between the blade and his cock. unsure of what you loved more. the steel felt wonderful against your flesh, a slight sting would soon become overwhelmed by pleasure, the trickle of liquid ruby dancing across your skin. but his cock, the pleasure he gave you cunt was unmatched, he’d stretch your walls with ease, you’d feel so full only in a matter of seconds, his hot cum painting your walls white until it was left seeping out of your pathetic hole.
“please i need your cock…” you whimpered, although your eyes were still fixated on the blade. your breath became laboured as he crawled over you, once again, tracing the blade down your torso as he positioned himself behind you.
“are you sure about that sugar?” he spoke, hooking the blade into the side of your panties. “i know you’re a little cock whore, but i know you just love the way the blade feels against your skin.”
he began, slicing through the side of your panties, she thin fabric, exposing half of your soaked folds to him. you whimpered again, his large palms cupping your breasts, squeezing the soft flesh with his fingertips.
“the way it marks your pretty skin…” he interrupted himself by kissing your neck. “the blood flowing, your pretty skin now tainted”
his cock pressed against your ass as he sliced the other side of your panties, your cunt fully exposed to him. he trailed the dagger down your stomach, resting in at the mound of your sex.
“so what do you want. the blade or my cock?” he tapped the mound of your sex with the blade, doing the same with the flat end of the blade to your clit. you shuddered at the sensation, gulping thickly
“i- i want b-both sir…” he chuckled darkly, pulling the dagger away from your clit, he lined himself up with your entrance from behind, teasing your pathetic hole with the tip of his cock.
“good choice, sugar” he slammed his cock into your warmth, bringing the blade up to your throat, just holding it infront to simulate the danger of it, slightly pressing it to your skin. you cried out with pleasure, his cock felt so damn good.
“you like this you little whore? you like being ruined like this?” he growled, burying his cock deeper in your soaked pussy, having you arching your back against his chest, your neck craning back into his shoulder so that the blade could get a better view of your skin.
oh how you wished you could touch him, grab his hair, wrestle with him over the blade, god knows that malakai loved the feeling of metal against his skin as much as you did. maybe even more so. you whined breathlessly, the sound heightened in pitch a signal that he took as a yes. the sounds were euphoric, the wet sound of his cock, slipping in and out of your pussy, his groans and your moans, skin slapping against skin, you both were in heaven.
“please sir…cum inside of me…” you stuttered, trying not to move to much just incase the blade were to nip your throat, despite the longing rush of it to do so, the result would be far too dangerous.
“is that what you want, sugar? for me to breed your pathetic little pussy, huh, leave you dripping with my hot seed?” he growled, his teeth nipping at the skin of your neck where the blade once was.
“y-yes…s-sir…” you choked out as he chuckled, thrusting his size deep into your tight pussy. his hot cum spilling into your warmth, letting out low, guttural growls into your ear as he released, he continued to ruin you, disregarding the blade to the side of the bed as he helped you reach your own release, your juices coating his thick cock.
“such a good slut, i have to play with you like this more often”
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south-of-heaven · 6 months
Malakai Black Masterlist
a - angst. s - smut. f - fluff. etl - enemies to lovers.
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Time stands still (f)
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helplessly-nonstop · 6 years
Sucker for Pain(A. Black smut)
I’ve just been on an Aleister kick as of lately so here we go again with my favorite fuckery. It’s a smut where the reader is intentionally being a brat.
WC: 2426 words, no plot really
Warnings(oh boy, so many) smut, MxF sex, wax play, bondage, spanking, use of a riding crop, use of blindfold, D/s relationship (sir/darling in Danish) premeditated brattiness, slight orgasm denial, coming in reader, I think that’s it
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I watched, intrigued, as Aleister entered the house, and I continued putting away the pizza that I ordered as my dinner then greeted,”Hey baby, how was work this week?” His head snapped up and just by the look in his eyes, I knew that the week didn’t go well.
He dug into the small box that I made into sort of a catch all then pulled his wedding band out, slipping it back on as he began recounting what happened during his work week, “Let me count the ways. First, I had a meeting with the McMahons and they told me that I needed to calm down with my heel tendencies.”
“Well you have been being a bit bigger dick to everyone more on-screen lately.” I chimed offhandedly, shutting the fridge door. He raised an eyebrow at me, as if he was insulted at my cutting in, but continued talking nonetheless, “Then Baron cancelled the trip to Boston for the concert that we were supposed to go to because his wife misses him, which is completely understandable-“
“Yes, well, I’m sure you’ll find a concert closer to home to go to. You two always manage to.” I murmured, petting Totty as he passed me by the counter. His lips twitched to the side and said, ”You’re being awfully.. how to put this- ah yes, chatty.” I gave a small, sheepish smile and waved him on to continue as we entered the bedroom, Aleister toeing off his shoes as he moved on to his next problem,”Then, Gargano told me that they were moving the Superstar Shakeup back later in the year, which will-“
“Fuck up the travel schedule and I know you hate when that happens, love.”
“If you interrupt me one more time, I swear to God, I’m going to make you regret it.” Aleister warned, his blue eyes flickering with something familiar in the look. My fingers twitched against the door and I licked my lips at his threat, tempted to bother him once more, then watched as he pulled his loose tie from underneath his collar, snapping it taut. I bit down on my bottom lip and stared intently as he twisted the tie in his hands, warning, “If you keep up with this little.. act, my dear, you will not like the consequences.”
I inched a little closer into the room, shutting the door behind me to prevent Totty from entering, then said,”I’m sorry, Aleister, I’m just not sure as to what you mean.” He draped the tie on the back of the chair that he was standing behind then unbuttoned the first three buttons to his dress shirt, popping the collar upwards. I stared at the tattoos peeking past the somewhat open shirt and I met his gaze, just as he licked his lips and quirked an eyebrow.
“Is that so? You’re telling me that you’re not intentionally being a little brat, in hopes that I might punish you, my love?” I stepped to him, tilting my head up to kiss at his throat, then murmured,”No, of course not, Aleister. You know that I would never be intentionally bratty. Especially when you’ve had such a long and hard week.” He ran his fingers through my hair briefly then grabbed a fistful of the stands, pulling backwards to expose my throat in return.
“You, lovely, are a liar. I know that you’re being a brat on purpose. When you text out your weekend plans to Candice, be sure that you’re sending it to her and not me.” I gasped and yanked out my phone, muttering,”No, no, please tell me that I didn’t- I did.”
There, staring me in the face, was my message that was supposed to go to Candice, aka My Killer Queen in my phone. Instead, I was sent my message,”I’m going to be a brat to Aleister so he will punish me this weekend.”to My King Patient. No wonder my best friend hasn’t texted me back. I flickered my eyes up towards him then he plucked my phone from my half limp hand, turning off the screen, before he set it on the desk.
“I was going to be gentle on you since I figured that you weren’t doing this intentionally. However, since this is premeditated, I think I need to do a… bit harder punishment than we usually do.” I could feel my eyes practically sparkle at his words then he pulled me in by my waist, asking, “Are you sure about this?” I nodded and he cupped my jaw, ordering,”You know better than that. Words, my lieverd.” Darling, possibly my favorite endearment when we played.
“Yes, Mijnheer.” Sir, something that I was instructed to call him almost always in the bedroom. He gave a nod then grabbed his tie, waving his hand towards the bed, and stated,”Go lay down, lieverd, so I can decide on what your punishment will be.” I did as he asked, shedding my clothes, minus my panties.
He gave a satisfied nod and tied my hands above my head with the silk ropes that we keep in the bedside dresser then blindfolded me with his tie, leaving me somewhat relaxed against the mound of pillows at the headboards. Aleister tsked at me and murmured,”I sincerely wished you would have told me that you wanted to play this weekend instead of acting like this.”
“I’m sorry, Mijnheer. I just didn’t know how to bring it up.” He slapped my thigh and bit out,”Don’t lie to me, lieverd. You know exactly how to bring it up but you wanted to push me until I snapped. And now, here we are.” I gave a small, defeated sigh and admitted in a small voice,”I’m so sorry, Mijnheer.” With a quiet chuckle, I heard the hiss of a match striking then he said,”You may be sorry now… but you’re really going to regret your series of choices afterwards.” He blew out the flame of the match then he murmured,”Such pretty skin. Truly, I hate to do this, but I know that you won’t learn if I don’t do it. Breathe, little one. I won’t hurt you… too much.”
With his final words, hot liquid dribbled onto my shoulder and I hissed at the heat, then gasped as the wax began to harden, almost suctioning to my skin. We had only experimented with wax play three times before this and Aleister was always careful where he put the wax. He chuckled as I fidgeted against my restraints then he pressed a hand to the knot holding me to the headboard, before he warned,”Stay still or I’ll bind your legs as well.”
I froze at his threat then relaxed as he murmured, ”That’s my good little lieverd. Just… relax.” He allowed the next few droplets to claim a place on my collarbone, slowly moving in closer. I bit my lip, knowing that I was supposed to make noise, then tilted my head backwards as he slapped my thigh again, followed by a trickle of the wax on the light mark he left.
“You’re being awfully defiant today. Do you want me to bring out the crop and show you why you shouldn’t be a brat to me?” Aleister asked, tone wavering between his calm and the irritation creeping upwards. I licked my lips and he gripped my other thigh in warning, growling out,”Is that what you want, little one? You want me to spank you with the crop until you’re begging for me to stop?”
“Whatever you see fit as my punishment, Mijnheer.” I responded, knowing exactly how to bait him into giving me what I want. He drew in a breath then dribbled wax over both of my nipples, forcing a soft cry from my mouth. He gave a small laugh and asked,”Aww, did that hurt?”
“You know damn well that it did.” I bit out then sunk my teeth into my lip to prevent anything else from slipping out. He paused and set the candle back down on the dresser, blowing out the flame, then he said, “So that is how you want to play? Right then, little one, be careful what you want.” He twisted me onto my front and hissed in my ear, ”You’re really pushing me, my lovely. But I’m about to show you why you shouldn’t test me.”
Aleister pressed his chest to my back and I could tell that he still wore his dress shirt but it was fully unbuttoned, hanging around his shoulders, and his slacks brushed against my thighs. He kissed at my neck, trying to put my mind at ease, then I felt the leather crop slide up my thigh and he pulled away, leaving me trembling with the anticipation and prickle of fear resounding in my body.
“Naughty lieverd. Ah well, time to teach you a lesson.” He flicked his wrist and the crop claimed a spot on the left cheek of my ass,but I didn’t give him the satisfaction of a sound. He traced the shape of my bottom with the crop then asked, “Still not giving in? Don’t worry, I’ll make you submit, brat.” Aleister had infinite patience and that was always something that drew my punishments longer than I was used to.
He used the crop on both my ass and upper thighs until I was sobbing, begging for his acceptance of my apology,”I’m so sorry, Mijnheer, so sorry! I shouldn’t have tested you like this! Please forgive me! So sorry, I’ll never do it again!” He allowed the crop to dance over my skin as he debated on whether my apology was good enough, then he delivered one final hit: right between my thigh, managing to catch my clit. I fell from my knees with a scream, attempting to curl upwards, then he unbound my hands but didn’t take away my blindfold.
“Please, Sir, may I take off the blindfold? I want to see you, please?” I murmured, fingers twitching against his thighs as he pulled me into his lap. He kissed at my throat, occasionally leaving a hickey wherever he pleased, then asked, “Are you going to be good for me, little darling?” I gave a nod then murmured,”Yes, I will be good. Please, Mijnheer, I just want to see you.” I felt him loosen the tie and I blinked a few times after he pulled away, trying to regain my vision.
“There is my beautiful girl. Now are you ready for my cock, lieverd?” I stared down at his dick straining against the material of his slacks then asked in a soft voice,”Would it be alright if I undressed you first?” He gave a small laugh then nodded his approval, watching with intrigued eyes as I pushed the shirt off his shirt, dragging my nails gently through the hair speckled across his chest, and I occasionally traced a tattoo before moving further down. I paused at his waistband and looked up for his approval, receiving a nod in return. I unbuttoned the dress pants and drug the zipper downwards before I inched the slacks down over his thighs then yanked them off.
Aleister smiled down at me then pulled me upwards, causing me to gasp as I settled against his dick, rocking gently. He gripped my hips then stroked his cock, pressing it to my cunt, and questioned,”Are you ready for me, my love?” I gave a quick nod, answering,”Yes, I am, please just fuck me!” With a smirk only Aleister could pull off, he slammed me downwards, my hips rocking immediately for more friction.
He groaned as I did so then I sucked a hickey on his shoulder, knowing that I couldn’t put marks on his neck or anywhere on his chest. He tangled his hand in my hair then used his free hand to guide me back and forth, fucking me even though I was on top. He pulled me closer then I accepted his kiss, mimicking his nibbles and licks, before he asked,”So, did you get what you wanted, little one?”
“Not quite, Mijnheer, I still haven’t been able to come on your cock.” I replied, giving a small smile. He chuckled and he rolled the two of us, landing me on my back before stating,”Well, I suppose that I could remedy that.” He rolled his hips into mine then pressed his thumb to my clit.
“All you had to do was ask politely.” I bit my lip at his statement and murmured,”Please, Aleister, please make me come!” He gave a sharp thrust and rubbed against the spot that made me melt against him. He pressed loosely against my throat then asked,”Is that what you truly want, my lieverd? You want to come on my cock? Am I allowed to come in your cunt in return?” At this point, I had no shame and I knew damn good and well that the only thing that I wanted more than my orgasm was Aleister filling me until he couldn’t anymore.
“Good, little one. That’s very good because I am going to come in you until I can’t anymore.”he informed me, rolling circles into my clit harder. I gasped for air, not because of his hand on my throat- oh no- but the pleasure that was consuming me from the inside out. I rutted against him, skin slapping against skin, then he ordered, ”Come. Come now or you won’t be coming anymore tonight.”
I screamed wordlessly as I began to come and his pace changed when he joined me on cloud nine. He lifted his head from the crook of my neck after we basked in our post orgasms glow then he asked,”Are you alright, my love?” I gave a timid nod and murmured,”So alright. Thank you, Mijnheer.”
“Mm, you’re very welcome, darling. I will go grab something to clean us up with.” I nodded in thanks, cuddling into my pillow when he began to wipe away the combined fluids from both of our thighs.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m on the pill.” He laughed in response and kissed me before he placed the dirty item in the laundry basket then joined me on the bed, wrapping the two of us under the comforter.
“Thank you for playing with me, my love.” I cuddled into his chest and murmured in return, ”Thank you for indulging my ridiculous attitude when you came home.”
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