#Alistair Grout
blighted-elf · 1 year
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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2023 replay - Dr. Alistair Grout’s Mansion
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The Voice
I’ve always found the voice in Teletubbies to be quite iconic
Dr Alistair Grout
Dr Grout is Malkavian Primogen of Los Angeles, that is, he's leader of the vampires of clan Malkavian in the city. When he goes missing, the vampire prince of LA sends you to his mansion to find out what happened. The place is full of tape recorders where he records his musings on the nature of vampirism, the state of psychiatry, and his growing paranoia about some mysterious figure he fears is coming to kill him.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
I mean you know me, but Dr.Karbunkle from Biker Mice, Loboto from Psychonauts,skekSil from, TDC, Alistair Grout from Bloodlines... I think only Cole from Dragon Age and Blue Diamond are attractive-ish of my faves XD
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This guy unironically needs to be made sweet and tender love to all night.
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igorlevchenko-blog · 3 months
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An excerpt from the diary of Dr. Alistair Grout
It is quite peculiar the happenings I've been made to witness from my supernatural longevity. I'm thinking of one unfortunate phenomenon in particular of unique interest to my station... both as a professional and as a sufferer of this vampiric condition. It seems the stream of time has begun to erode the moorings of my chosen course of study... for the methodologies that gave birth to psychology are slowly disappearing. I find myself in an era that overlooks the physical component of psychological pathology time... and again in favour of the sophistic practices of Freud. Phrenology, dactopindalism, and the rest of the old guard is fallen by the wayside... its champions all silenced in death with my unique exception. Would that I could make my voice heard again although it may be suspicious... should I return to popular medical discourse fifty years after my apparent death. No, better that I continue my studies into the psychosis in secret. One day may I hold up my own cure as validation of the methods. I am confident no cure for my conditon or that of my beloved wife lies within our figurative minds... waiting to be unlocked by the correct combination of memories recovered from our childhoods. And I'm most certain that it has nothing to do with the relationship between myself, my parents, and my genitals. Sorry, Sigmund, but I choose to stay my course. In time, too, may your star fade and disappear.
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julietjardin · 1 year
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Dr. Alistair Grout's mansion
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lunasuccor · 1 month
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Join us as we continue Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, looking for the Malkavian Primogen - Alistair Grout, while also being(or trying to be) an informant for the Brujah Clan! Stream beginning at 4pm!
Check it out and follow for more here! 💙💙💙
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malevolententity · 5 months
no but im thinking once again about charlies world state for the suckening. because i havent made my personal decisions yet on how much Canon Cities actually matter. because charlie did something really interesting to me personally with using a canon city and then just ignoring absolutely everything established about said city. and that puts me in a very fun play position of jigsawing what i think from WoD canon could still be dubious canon to charlie and what just doesn’t matter at all. and some of that is going to also be influenced by my personal canon state of LA because my LA deviates from official canon because that’s just what happens in world states that are the real world and then white wolf or modiphius or renegade put out something official that just blows up your shit. 
so heres a deranged history lesson on LA canon and where i might pen charlie as diverging from that canon
all cities are contentious on whos sect they belong too but LA is such a special case because it’s constantly flipping like on a literal 10 year cycle since the 90s and its kinda funny. v1 (1991) doesn’t talk about LA to my recollection there isnt an official stance on who controls it at this point. but in v2 (1994) we get our sourcebook in LA that talks about how from like ~1800-1944 LA was a cam city but then from 1944-1994 it has joined the anarch free state and we get a chronicle to explore a crumbling anarch city thats trying to not blow itself up while also trying to establish some sort of barebones government so it doesn’t just turn into a sabbat territory. at this point its kinda up to you what happened!
we then jump to v3 and 2004 with the videogame vampire the masquerade bloodlines! LA is back to being under the camarillas thumb this happened at some point between 1994 and 2003 we are never really told when prince lacroix came in and stomped on everyones shit. just that he did and everyones really mad about it. we then learn about 4 of the anarch barons isaac abrams of hollywood, nines rodriguez of downtown, and the voerman twins of santa monica. there are also 3 named primogen of the city gary golden of the nosferatu, max strauss of the tremere, and alistair grout of the malkavian. there is a shown ventrue and toreador primo but we don’t actually get to learn anything about them theyre ultimately not important. but we learn a lot of guys names! 11 days of insanity happen and the camarilla fall once again and LA turns back to being an anarch free state on october 31st/november 1st of 2004!
it is now v20 january of 2018 LA is once again in a contentious spot for the anarchs. san diego players are invading and looking to instate themselves as prince. there’s a set of hooks and various endings for chronicles mostly surrounding the idea of LA bending to a new prince (vannevar or tara) or being completely taken over by the kuei-jin(1) who have been in the city since 2004. there is an anarch rubble ending proposed but it is the least likely outcome. these plot hooks are part of the source book becketts jyhad diary to help bridge the gap from v20 to v5 which came out in august of 2018.
v5! september of 2018! the source book came out in august and the actual condition of LA is not mentioned. there is the officially produced actual play LA by Night and all of its events are canon to the official world state. LA is in limbo. vannevar thomas won the v20 san diego conflict and has claimed himself as prince of LA. and everyone really hated that and tried really hard to ignore him but his foothold grew. all of the barons and primogen from 2004 are still barons and primogen of their respective territories. and we learn some new ones! but by 2021 vannevar is removed as prince, denounced by the camarilla at large, and presumed to have met his final death. no one whos prince in LA ever has it good. or lasts long. 
now that the canon history lesson is out of the way. i dont know if charlie actually knows any of that lore LMAO. i dont think any of it actually played a part in how he wrote the LA camarilla 
BUT there are a few ways to split hairs on official LA canon still being somewhat real in his world regardless.
first can be that san diego vs LA instead ended with The Queen getting involved and instating herself as prince of LA. rather than vannevar. and the previous barons and primos meeting their ends at some point in this conflict. this ones just because i truly do not see charlie as an actual big long term vtm dweeb. who’d make another teams actual play canon to his actual play even if it is actual official world canon. i don’t think he’d want someone elses actual play world to effect his. 
another is The Queen watching different princes claim LA and then in a few short years routinely getting final death’ed by the anarchs of the city, where she just in 2021 goes “okay. lacroix sucked. vannevar sucked. my city now. this won’t happen to me” and then she gets blown up by the grimslayers in 2023. its a cycle that no prince can ever have a true hold on LA. LA is inherently cursed to consume its princes. it doesn’t explain the primos changing if vannevar is canon but it could easily be twisted that during the riots against vannevar during the second inquisition raiding the city that the primos got caught in the crossfire. because i don’t know how else to make sense of them changing between reigns. because for me at least its hard to imagine the primos getting voted out with the loyalty they command. theyd have to die to change.
i think its also very likely that charlies world state could have The Queen taking charge between 1994 and 2005. this is the most neutral one as it ignores anything stated in v3 to v5 about LA. theres no messy wonderings on barons and primos that exist through those versions, because its just the v2 lore of anarchs are struggling, what nameless person will claim power next? and i think The Queen slots in very nicely here.
to have a definitive answer on what i ultimately believe is dubiously true id have to rewatch the first 5 episodes just to see if during shilo time theres ever a concrete mention of how long The Queen has explicitly ruled over LA because that Does effect all the possible outcomes of dubious canon. and charlie loves to play it fast and loose when it comes to timelines.
i think the most interesting and compelling for me personally would be taking over after vannevar even though i personally don’t enjoy or have vannevars reign being canon in my own world state. but her taking over after vannevar is so fascinating to have the hubris of princes thinking time and time again they wont fall to the curse of LA princes being short lived and then it keeps happening. especially with edward vying for prince and the boys immediately trying to take him down after the queens death. and then killing A Version of him on tv. the themes. the motifs if this timeline is real are just so juicy to me as someone who interacts with official canon. that i think id like to think its this one. 
but most likely she took over by 2004. thats the cleanest diverging point regardless of if you do or dont know the history of LA and the only one that i think can be semi supported within suck canon at this time. with the single line mention that The Queen put emizel into his dads care pretty immediately after birth. and the twins are 18 or 19 so thats gonna be 2004 or 2005. because i dont think she’d put emizel in a city that she doesnt have any control over yet, and theres no mention of emizel moving cities as a kid (to my memory). despite the fun implications of the other two main broad options with her control being newer. 
ultimately none of it is true canon at the time he wrote and recorded suckening last year. i do not think charlie in his marathon week of researching v20 and v5 rules and helping the boys workshop characters. that he looked into canon cities and really paid attention to what happened there and would in theory be happening in 2023 when this was recorded. i think he just picked LA as a city at random and went “imma make some weird guys that fit the archetypes of their clans, yeah okay heres the government” and that was it. maybe with the time since then and season 2 he might do some retroactive stuff with LA official canon but who knows! it seems s2 might be more global focused so digging into LA lore probably won’t happen.
this was just an excuse to think about the various possible histories of LA in charlies world state if somehow official canon is at play. it 99% likely isnt but, i think its fun to try and slot his takes on the world into the preexisting World of Darkness. instead of just only being, idk i might start calling it World of Charlie, i love WoC and trying to make it make sense with my like decade long beliefs on LA because he just HAD to choose a city that has an established official canon. instead of doing like houston, or san francisco, or portland or any other city. literally theres like 4 cities in the entire world that are officially extensively fleshed out and thats LA, New York, Chicago, and London. the rest of the world will Maybe have 3 official line mentions like Prague and Berlin. but no. he picked one of the 4 cities id go crazy about and it wasnt even on purpose. and m so glad he did this to me because its making me think too much. but also. how could he do this to me? its making me think too much.
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amygdalae · 2 years
fuck marry kill among the LA primogens: Gary Golden, Alistair Grout, and Maximillian Strauss
Fuck Gary Kill Grout marry Strauss. Tbh....
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faneth · 1 year
*Steeples fingers* Care to explain why Alistair Grout is in the Would tier?
i get the feeling that i did something wrong here
i dont remember much of what he was saying i just remember that he had cool voice and loved his wife very much and that his location was cool idk
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kadkadduwa · 2 years
i think even though vandals just a ghoul he mourns the death of alistair grout
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vaulttecvevo · 2 years
tom scott im here in alistair grouts mansion [object under glass bell emoji i just imagined vividly]
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opium-cat · 3 years
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badass-at-fandoming · 5 years
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This game has been out for 15 years and I’m only meme-ing it now
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yourhelenwolf · 4 years
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Alistair Grout (2020)
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loxanchives · 3 years
today on the ‘lets stretch canon lore as far as it will go’ [feel free to ignore it its babble] but its about Pattys domiter and Isaac Abrams. and why that might mean something with Grout.
Kent Alan Ryan [best name in the game hands down] is all poofed to dust in grouts mansion right. instead of thinking something interesting im gonna back track though.
Kent Alan Ryan is a proven toreador. more importantly his ghoul Patty is being a right brat about where he ran off to. no matter what you do with her that quest starts and ends with Skelter. dude cant do anything about it. wont do anything cause he knew her sire. ooh okay but thats just flavor.
Skelters got a crew in the Anarchs and according to Patty. Kent Alan Ryan didn’t seem to be part of that. but you know whos also an Anarch? and a Toreador?? Isaac Abrams! a politically powerful baron with mentions of strong relations with Nines OR Damsel. uncomfirmed beyond that but.. what if that connection. a messenger perhaps. was Kent Alan Ryan. bouncing messages between Isaac and the Anarchs ala Skelter.
now thats all well in good but whys he dead as dust in a primogens mansion. hes just a messenger right no one so important or unimportant enough to be there for no reason. Because he’s Isaacs messenger.
Grout knew stuff was going down an the Cam wasn’t gonna be able to do a damn thing about it. cue sending a message to another powerful kindred to help him warn everyone.
however well intended he is though his process of time. and people. is skewed. at some point if Kent Alan Ryan did attempt to answer his summons he could have easily been mistaken as one of Grouts old ghouls. Ghouls he would lock up in his rooms. rooms not fitted with dark out curtains because ghouls are fine in the light.
but poor Kent Alan Ryan was no ghoul and puff he went. his missing status doesnt amount to much [maybe the game didn’t have time for the extra flavor or its just coincidence] but all those tiny little dialogues. the fact he even had a driver license you could see. he might have been important in one way or another.
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You outside Ming Xiao’s temple, still singed from Grout’s mansion
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