#All I'm saying is if DE finds this and thinks one of the screenshots are worth showing people feel free I certainly won't stop anyone XD
flamingphoenixfox · 1 year
Hello again, Tenno! Let's talk Easter Eggs! Specifically, Warframe DE Logo Easter Eggs! I just recently found the DE logo hidden in Duviri (quite by accident as I've done with all but the one hidden in the Zariman), and wanted to share screenshots of my findings!
But then it occurred to me, "gosh wouldn't it be cool and helpful if I compiled images to help people find all of the hidden DE logos?"
Just to warn you: this is a long post since it's essentially a step-by-step for finding all the logos in all five areas!
Welcome to Cetus! You're Landing Craft has just dropped you off onto the platform by the shore! See that cliff face off to your right? If you want to find the DE logo you need to go climb on top of that!
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Yeah, in fact you need to go this far inland (to the rock I'm standing on)!
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It's right here on the edge of this rock!
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Next area!
Welcome to Fortuna (my favorite hub ♥)! Bask in the wonderful bisexual lighting!
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When you are done basking jump on up here to this little balcony! It's the second balcony up (the third floor if you count the ground floor as the first one)!
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The DE logo is hidden on side facing inward!
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And onward we go!
Welcome to the Necralisk! It's a bit pustule-y and gooey but there is still some old Orokin architecture sticking out of the infested flesh-scape here and there! Like this pillar! Here - I'll throw my Xoris for you so you can see what I'm looking at!
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Climb on up and - TADA! There it is! A nice and simple find! That can't really be said about the next one though.
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Oh boy here we are...
The DE logo hidden in the Zariman - the one I struggled the most to find, I thought I had rubbed by face against every wall and structure, but apparently I had missed a spot. This is the only one I needed to look up to find. This is the elevator that leads out to the rest of the Zariman - where we do the Zariman missions.
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I thought I had checked this area thoroughly enough but I think that disconnected wall panel always caused my angle coming out from the elevator to just miss it. See where I'm standing? Notice how it seems a little darker there? I certainly didn't.
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There's an opening to - what would you call this - a maintenance port? Regardless, let's head in past the overgrown vines.
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It leads into an elbow passage and into a little room.
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Looks like another area one or more of the Zariman children used to hide. Of course, no area in the Zariman is complete without the ominous graffiti!
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And right on the side of the box here is the logo! Even though I couldn't find this one without help I really enjoy the concept of them being a bit more hidden.
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Like the last one!
I stumbled across this one by accident when I was in Captura gathering references of the mirror and portal frames for a Duviri-inspired piece I'm working on.
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I happened to notice what looks like a window in the Kaithe's stable and totally expected the overgrowth to be a solid object when I jumped at it.
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It wasn't. Queue shock and confusion. At first, I thought it was just a hole leading over to the plant area - a silly short cut. I walked in a little further.
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No, this is an enclosed cave. A secret! A nice little den to hide in!
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Wait that's-! WOAH I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE A HIDDEN LOGO FOR THIS AREA! That's so cool and fun! I love this hiding spot for it! The perfect amount of context clues to make you suspicious and intrigued by the area if you are looking! This one was by far my favorite to find!
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That's all of the DE logos (that I'm aware of)! I'm looking forward to the interesting places they will think to hide the next ones! Hope you enjoyed my guide (and the silly retelling of how I found the one in Teshin's Cave)!
Thanks for reading!
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singingcicadas · 6 months
Megatron's Opposite Day
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"I free slaves"
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This is Soundwave binding Ratbat but seeing as Megatron did the same thing to Pentius by putting his spark into Trypticon and reformatted Rumble and Frenzy into cassettes against their will I think he approves a lot of this practice
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Megatron on Optimus and humans, after his defeat in All Hail Megatron ⬇️
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he really salty
"I implant ideology" aka brainwashing
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Decepticon cause = Megatron. nuff said.
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"I liberate cities" says the person who let Nyon burn to make a point
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Cities are too small, think bigger
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Holding New York hostage.
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"Like Autobots, they believe in the sanctity of life" which he doesn't. Kudos for being honest.
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Allowing troops to do free-rein massacre is a reward for conquest. Nothing like some easy murder for de-stressing.
The Simanzi massacre which halved the Cybertronian population is off-screen so it doesn't deserve its own pic
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"The revolution"
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"We only feel good when we stand with a blade in one hand and a throat in another" "Let's make the entire face of the planet into our new gladiator arena"
What nice, confidence-inspiring revolutionaries. I'm sure they'll rule the population with benevolence after they've killed all the Necessary People with Necessary Violence. Final interpretation of what constitutes as Necessary is reserved for the sole discretion of Megatron, ofc.
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Good goals.
Sentinel might be an absolute asshole but at least he's got one thing right: they're literally a gang of thugs who gets high off murder.
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"The people are my utmost concern"
'The people': ................
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"Battling for freedom"
Freedom of what? Function? Autonomy?
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the ability to choose whether to fight? on which side to fight?
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Idk why they used the word "pogrom" for this, it's way too specific
Anyways it doesn't matter, they won't be missed.
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Good for Bumblebee for calling him out. Screenshotted this just to appreciate Megatron's bitchy face ⬇️
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Other urban legends:
"Megatron loves Cybertron" let's just burrrrn it
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He did fight to save Cybertron in Chaos Theory but also made it pretty clear why he did it. It's not out of the goodness of his heart or any sentimental reasons like that. It's an ego/dominance thing.
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Plus his wording when he's trying to convince Optimus to let him go with the Lost Light: "I broke the planet. And that, Optimus, is why I owe it to you - to everyone - to find a replacement."
In other words: I made a mess and can't be bothered to clean it up, so I want to get away from it and find somewhere new to start clean.
I don't think Optimus appreciates the favour.
"Megatron tore down a corrupt government" which is true, just too bad that he's worse
He's also, um, a closeted Zeta admirer?
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"Megatron advocates equality" ???
Megatron x dictatorship is literally his OTP. They were inseparable for four million years. A lot of people died trying.
"Megatron cares about the Decepticons" no he doesn't. Not his troops nor its cause.
Like for one thing he treats them with complete scorn
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Admits that the most useful thing about keeping Starscream around is that he can bully underlings into line
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Wants to use the humans' nuke to get rid of his troops and reformat them into peaceful drones after they outlive their use because they were "too ruthless" for his perfect peaceful society
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Has zero scruples about fighting Deceptigod, just affronted that his own soldiers are being used against him
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And basically just drops the Decepticons like a bag of vermin after he surrenders. He never once mentions them of his own accord, other than to insist he has nothing to do with them. Even his surrender speech is something Optimus makes him do as exchange b/c he wants to go on parole. He wasn't planning on making a public address otherwise, he was just going to leave them hanging.
Looking at the publication timeline, Megatron started out as an established Evil McEvilson-type villain similar to how he is in G1 and it's not until Chaos Theory in 2011 that JRo really gave him a sympathetic backstory that drew his characterization away from the bloodthirsty pugno ergo sum warlord into someone who once held ideals about societal reform and remains convinced of his own moral supremacy throughout the 4 mill years of death and war, adding worldbuilding such as Functionism/oppression/government corruption as justification for the beginning of the Decepticon movement. But because the start of the Decepticons was already written in Megatron Origins and every evil thing he'd done up till Chaos Theory can't be retracted and they had to keep Megatron as a villain until his story was no longer central to the Autobot-Decepticon war line, and JRo didn't try to downplay the atrocities he'd committed (some of the most sadistically disturbing things Megatron did were exclusively in MTMTE flashbacks), but rather tried to distance him from them and placed the focus on the juxtapositions to emphasize change, this as a whole just resulted in Evil McEvilson getting turned into Hyper McHypocrite.
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barcalover86 · 9 months
End of beginning
A never-ending friendship
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Chapter four
Your body suddenly can't move.
What the hell did you do last night?
Bia is still sleeping in bed with your new friends besides her, and you are the only one awake. You were trying to remember what happened after the game, but nothing was coming out of your mind.
You weren't that stupid to send him a n*de.. or were you?
But if that happened, someone would have stopped you. But on the other side, all of you were drunk and immature.
And if you really sent him a n*de of yourself , then it will be all over Internet. Just like the other photos of you two together.
You screwed up bad..
Finding the courage to open up his messages alone, not wanting to wake anyone up this early in the morning, you are even more shocked when you see his text.
Before you click on the photo he sent you, you read what he wrote you.
I am happy that you looked at the match, and I'm also sorry for the gossip that it's going around right now. I hope I didn't cause damage to your relationship.
Relationship? What relationship?
You were the one who thought that you made Gavi and his girlfriend break up. But he was thinking something completely untrue. You don't have a boyfriend and you never did.
Right now, you were trying to think who could be that boy he saw you with. But as you were trying to remember who he was, you suddenly realised that he also sent you a photo.
You opened your phone again, tapping to his account.
When you counted to three, you clicked on his photo, and your heart melted at his sight.
It was a selfie of him and Lewandowski, smiling at you. He also wrote on it that brought us good luck .
That? What that?
Now you begin to think again what picture could you have sent him to.
And if somehow it was a n*ude.. did he really show it to everyone else around him?
But you weren't the type of person to do that. Even when drunk. It just wasn't your personality.
So.. your photo brought him luck? You smiled a bit.
Oh, and then you realised that Gavi actually texted you. Well, you texted him first, but he replied.
And he was also having you at his following list. That's.. Nice. You smile once again.
"Bia, wake up!"
"Gavi texted me!"
When everyone heard that, they all got up immediately.
"He did what?" asked Lucas.
"He texted me, look."
"Screenshot his photo," Bia said, and before you could stop her, Lucas already did a screenshot on your phone.
"What! No, now he's going to see it!!!!"
"And? It's better than not having the photo? I bet he made it by himself just for you."
You think about it. Maybe..
"Uhhh" you groaned, sitting on your bed. "Do I have to reply to him?"
"What's even with that question? Of course you have to!?"
"But what do I say?"
"Just, I don't know. Congrats on your win?" Liam says.
"But then he'll let her on seen." Laura interrupts. "It has to be something like, congrats to your win, you did amazing. How are you feeling after the game?"
"Of course he feels happy, they won?"
"Bia, I mean if he is tired or in good shape. Maybe he got injured, which I don't think so. He'll get the question, right, Lucas?"
He looks at her while thinking what to answer.
"Boys often misinterpret questions like that."
You nodded. "Then what do I say?"
"In my opinion, you should really add the congratulations part. It's important." Lucas says. "Boys like to feel important and appreciated.
"Ok, so first I'm saying congrats. After?"
Silence. Everyone is thinking.
"Should I go with something like I hope your training goes good today?"
"Ah, I don't know-"
"I got it!!!" Laura says. "Just reply to his photo with a photo and you can add there the text you want to say. He'll sure be curious on your photo."
"Yesss! That's it! But I have to be pretty. Everyone, help me!!"
They all helped you with a pretty outfit, your hair and makeup, and after about 1 hour, you were ready to take the picture.
Smiling widely, you sent a photo of you saying congratulations on your win, guys. you did amazing. visca barça.
Perfect. Now you wait.
Today, waiting for his reply, you walked around Barcelona, chatting and laughing. You stopped near your friends' restaurant and started singing and dancing traditional Spanish songs until the L family was ready to close.
All the time you were looking at your phone, hoping for a text from Gavi who seemed like wouldn't come.
When you said your goodbyes, you and Bia went to drink something near your hotel. When you were talking about your future college, your phone buzzed, and you freezed.
You look at her with a big smile.
"I wanna see, I wanna see!"
Bia was whining just like a little kid, but you were also so excited to read his text.
Well, he sent you another photo.
He seemed like he was in a bedroom, assuming it was his, smiling into the camera and having his thumb up. He was adorable.
If you want more photos of me, tell me. You don't have to screenshot. Also, you didn't tell me about your boyfriend. Is he mad?
"He is definitely flirting with you!"
"I don't know.."
"Well he totally is. Reply to him."
You took a quick photo of you, with your orange juice on your hands, smiling sweetly.
I'm sorry about that. A friend of mine screenshoted it accidentally. And about my relationship, I don't know where that came from. I'm single.
After 5 minutes, he replied.
"Wow, y/n. He is quick. I told you he is into you!"
Now, it was a photo with half of his face saying my bad, sorry. so are you still asking for pictures?
You did a similar picture as he did last time, and wrote first of all, I didn't ask for any pictures, second of all wouldn't your girlfriend be upset that you are talking with me?
"Are you sure you want to send that?" Bia asked you.
"Well even if he is Pablo Gavi, if he has a girl at home, he has to right not talk to other girls."
After about 20 minutes, he replied.
The photo was again with half of his face saying that are u jealous, y/n?
You blushed hard.
"Ooooo, he is flirting with youu."
"Shut up, he is typing.:
"Let's get home. We can't stay here for another hour. We also have to look for colleges."
You nodded and while you were walking back to your hotel, you were looking intensely at your phone.
Right when he was about to send his text, your mom was calling you.
You groaned hard while Bia was laughing.
"Hi, sweetheart. How are you?"
"Mama, I'm kinda busy. I'll call you later, ok?"
"Did something happen? Are you ok?"
"Yes, don't worry. We are heading to our hotel. I'll call you there, ok? Bye."
"Bye, don't forget to!"
After ending the call, you go to see what Gavi said.
You blushed even harder.
"Whatt???? I wanna see too."
Yes, I am a footballer, but I don't cheat. I don't have a girlfriend and I didn't have one recently either. I think you know a lot about me, but I just know your name. Wanna meet me tomorrow at 13 after my training to show you the museum from Camp Nou? I promise I won't steal you. Bring a friend if you want. I'll bring Fermin too.
"Say yes, say yes, say yes!"
"I don't know, Bia. I feel like it's happening too fast."
"It's the right time, trust me. When fo you want him to ask you out. A day before we return home? Say yes!"
You slowly nodded, accepting his offer." You'll come with me."
"You didn't have to ask." she says super excited.
See you then.
You replied.
He liked your message.
"Today we have to go shopping. We need new chlotes."
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
Hi! So much has happened. Picking through different details to make sure this message is not repetitive because I know you have many many spies by now.
Firstly: the fake article. I cannot find who originally posted it. Only a screenshot from a BT mad about it. But apparently a Buddie made a fake post about a fake article about Lou quitting acting. They are very upset about it. It is ‘harassment’ apparently. People are offended that it cites mental health scare as the reason Lou would allegedly quit acting. As if BTs were not saying that Eddie should kill himself to mirror Ryan’s history of suicidality? Throwing stones from glass houses.
Here is the fake article screenshot. https://x.com/xfirepilot/status/1822790104525500839?s=46&t=i5gFcB_0q-6E5MZXiGtU_w
Secondly: Mark decided to lie about having ‘sources’ saying Lou is back on set this week. If he is not spotted… prepare for a full meltdown. They are CONVINCED this is the week. Especially because of the hangar. The longer they go without a sighting the more they lose it. They keep saying ‘quiet’ in hopes that it will make things happen (ie make Lou show up) which is kind of lame tbh. Taking all the fun out of the q word bit.
Thirdly: Happy birthday Peter! 9-1-1’s Instagram account posted a video of JLH + Oliver + Tracie + Ryan + Aisha + Kenny wishing him a happy birthday. Declan (Denny) also posted a photo of him and Peter. BTs are pretending that this is fine but are secretly losing it. Lou should be on set because of the hangar photo! Why is he not in that video! Why has he not posted about Peter’s birthday! But at the same time they are falling back once again on the ‘Lou is purposefully being hidden’ theory. Which is incompatible with their beliefs they will get a sighting this week.
Fourthly: one of them is saying a promo video will be released this week and promo photos the week after. I was not in the fandom in previous years but afaik this does not line up with past promo timelines? But correct me if I am wrong.
Fifthly: someone created a tumblr account called @killkinard and they are saying it is a death threat against Lou? Not Tommy? Very dramatic.
Sixthly: the subreddit drama… oh the subreddit drama. Okay. So. A BT shipper decided to make a new 9-1-1 subreddit because the main subreddit is way too Buddie focused. Complaining about anything to do with Tommy being downvoted on the main subreddit. So far the new subreddit has 35 members (as opposed to the 34170 members on the main reddit). So far half the posts on the new subreddit are transplanted from the main subreddit or the BT subreddit. Literally cross-posted. Makes sense that they do not like the main subreddit though. There was recently a post saying ‘why does Tommy get so much hate for being a bigot when half the main cast are cheaters’ uhhh because he is RACIST? And SEXIST? Honestly maybe it is a good thing they have that space now. Keep them contained away from the rest of us.
Seventhly and finally: someone said ‘I hope Lou posts a black and white picture Oliver takes of him on set’. They want Oliver and Lou to be Oliver and Ryan so bad oh my god. Not beating the Tommy/Eddie conflation allegations. Really all they ever do is steal from us. They have started calling Buddies ‘BDs’ now like we call them BTs. They are claiming Oliver’s new happy social media presence is a sign that he is filming with Lou. Everything we have or we say gets twisted and made about that man.
Anyways. I think it will be very funny if Lou does not show up this week. Especially because the hangar seems to be related to a Ryan and Kenny scene: https://x.com/buckleysbf/status/1823000264183271494?s=46&t=i5gFcB_0q-6E5MZXiGtU_w
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Hi love 🩵
I don't even know what to say. I'm just staring at my phone. They really can't tell actors apart from characters huh? And this is a lot. I did the see part of the fake article drama but didn't fully get it. They definitely just want Tommy to be Eddie. I can't believe they dropped the BoB thing, come on guys, you don't have to copy everything we do. I do expect them to continue to detach themselves from reality more if Lou doesn't show up soon, even with the whole "they're hiding him" fantasy they have going.
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snapscube · 1 year
hey big fan of your channel and art!! was wondering if for the midnight snap series what kind of sound design you were doing it rlly sounds nice!! (also smth that could be nice with it is maybe a little bit of like tape saturation or something might be able to make the audio sound "warmer" if youre like not already doing something like that already, but you probably know better than me!!) feel free to ignore that, but wanted to say in general its so well done and sounds so good!!! its really cozy and nice!!
hey thank you!!! yeah i'd.... genuinely LOVE to talk about my thinking and approach behind the sound design, i'm actually so happy you asked me this LOL this is the kind of shit i live for.
you might assume that it's just me recording the game audio and talking quietly with my normal stream settings, and that is kinda how it STARTS, but there's actually a bit more i've been doing behind the scenes :) nothing too crazy just yet but a little goes a long way when it comes to sound! i'm hoping to really nail down the soundscape and increase the quality over time and specifically up the soothing vibes by a lot. as well as get a little better about mic etiquette and my style of speech. BUT in terms of what i'm doing in post:
the first piece of the puzzle and definitely one of the most important sauces in the whole mix is the Hard Limiter. it does what you might imagine it does, basically just places a hard barrier and says "any sounds that exceed this volume.... no you don't", sort of like a much more intense compressor. currently i have a Hard Limiter on both my commentary AND the game audio, commentary i have set to peak at around -15 to -12 db, whereas game audio is more around the -23 to -20 range. in my more polished audio from later in the AC episode it's enough difference that one doesn't drown the other out in most cases, but not a wide enough gulf that people are struggling to pay attention to one in particular or have to frequently change volume (preferably they don't have to change it at all!). i took this screenshot of the episode's complete waveform when rendering out the audio-only version of AC part 1 and it was super satisfying cause like.... yeah. this is exactly the kind of waveform read i was going for. just super even and smooth across the board, save for a couple anomalies i'll buff out over time.
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the next thing i do to both my own commentary and the game audio is actually just cutting down on harsher, higher frequencies with an EQ and just upping the bassier, warmer tones. i started with something super small in the first couple of episodes, i'm probably gonna go a bit harder on it for future stuff though. i wanna find a balance that doesn't make the game sound unrecognizable or anything but is noticeably easier on the ears and sounds more like a nice rolling wave rather than beep boop pac-man time.
past this i have a couple more things added to the commentary track:
to intensify the previous effect mentioned and cut down on harsh frequencies in my speech, i actually have a dedicated de-esser on my voice as well as my usual warmer EQ. i have the de-esser going pretty hard too, you might hear the difference from my usual stream commentary if you were to listen closely. really just taking those harsh t's and s's in my speech and making them sound more like a nice "shhhh", this one is super important i think
last thing i have to speak on otherwise is actually a plugin i found and bought specifically for this show and ends up being subtle but i think SUUUPER helpful in the long run, and that's this plugin called "spiff". spiff is a plugin by oeksound and i guess it's referred to as like, a transient editor? i'm actually not sure how it works at all on the nitty gritty level BUT the important thing is that they have a very important preset in the software, and that is a preset specifically designed to lessen and/or remove like... mouth sounds. yknow like lip smacks and the like. just kinda the gross smacks and clicks you don't hear as much in normal speech but can come through really intensely on a recording and kinda make ya uncomfortable. it obviously doesn't remove a lot of the more intense stuff, it's not a magic wand in my experience. but listening to the output of what it's removing on its own makes it REALLY clear there's a lot of little things it picks up and just kinda makes speech more soothing to listen to. not something i'm racing to apply to my normal streams, BUT for a sleep aid series where good audio is key????? 100% worth it, i like it a lot.
anyway yeah that's about it for now! a lot of it is pretty simple in and of itself but it's stuff i've been working at and experimenting with since i first started doing tests for the show and it's gonna be real nice to keep honing this stuff in. also cool suggestion with the tape saturation idea, i might look into something like that! once i nail stuff like leveling and frequency tuning for this show, i wanna look into some fancier ways of making the soundscape unique to this show compared to my normal streams so ideas like that are super helpful!
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ecogirl2759 · 11 months
I'm glad people liked my 4コマ KINGS post so much lol. I love spreading the word about obscure lore :)
Under the cut I've responded to some of my favorite tags, given a little more backstory into the source of these pictures, as well as posted a few new ones :D
There's also a question at the very bottom that I'd love to hear opinions on, but no pressure if y'all don't feel comfortable answering ^w^
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You're welcome >:D
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Same, bro. I was basically thinking that the entire time I was reading these books lol
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I feel like I should give a little context to these comics and where they come from lol. I wasn't very clear about the backstory in my original post. I do agree, when I found these, I thought they were super important, too, particularly because I don't think a lot of the fandom knows about these books lol.
The Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS anthology series was published in the early 2010's featuring a bunch of different artists. The series is 4 volumes long and published by Spike Chunsoft, meaning, while these aren't necessarily canon, they ARE official :)
There is another series of anthologies in relation to both the first and second games, but I don't have those.
The first two volumes of this series is relatively well documented. There are sites where English translations have already been added to all of the comics in them (I'm pretty sure), as well as some screenshots popping up on places like Pinterest.
The third and fourth installments, however, are really poorly archived. The third has some content from it floating around, but it's hard to come by. The fourth had almost no information on it no matter where I searched.
I say this because a while ago I found the ONLY pictures of the Mastermind!Taka comic on this really old Tumblr blog from 2014 and REALLY wanted to figure out what it was about. (Didn't help that I couldn't read some of the bubbles in those photos.) First I searched for an English translation (there wasn't (so I'm working on one hehe)), then I tried to find which book it was even from, and NOTHING!
These books, since they were in circulation around 2014-ish, have stopped being printed, so copies of them are very hard to come by. Luckily, I was able to get my copies from a kind stranger on Ebay :)
Here are a few more pictures that I thought were funny/interesting that I couldn't add in my first post because of the picture limit lol.
Sorry for the really long post, I just thought it'd be interesting to share :)
Here's the page of artists that contributed to this anthology! Please go check them out (or see if they have any socials since it's been so long). Some credits change per volume, hence how many photos there are. (And sorry for my hand, it's hard to hold these open lol.)
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You've probably all seen the covers, but have you seen what's behind the covers? (Also including the opening illustrations. These have probably been posted online already as well, but they're worth including imo.) (Again, please excuse the fingers, I'm trying my best ;-;)
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^ Sayaka came with a smudge :( she still pretty tho
So, uh, remember when I said Hifumi made ship fodder? ......Here it is. Eat your heart out lol
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Also remember when I said that Mondo's hair was fluffy and bouncy? Here's the proof:
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Sakura has been de-buff-ified twice LMAO
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ALSO remember when I said Syo was a fan of BL? ...... :)
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ALSO remember when I said Kyoko was kinda socially awkward?
(Context: Kyoko sees Kiyotaka and Mondo calling each other bro and, thinking it'll strengthen their bond as well, calls Makoto "Makoto-oniichan," or "big brother Makoto" lol. Also, second picture says "I have come to save you, Makoto")
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Chihiro Shinji chair meme
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I'm at my picture cap, but there's a lot I haven't brought up lol
For a different thread, would people like me to find pictures of certain characters? (i.e. just photos of the characters looking cool/hot/stupid without a lot of the text.) Because I am totally willing to do that :)
I've already got a lot on Byakuya, Sakura, Aoi and Mondo for all you simps out there, and it's not hard to find even more lol.
So lmk :D
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icarusbetide · 7 months
some of my group chat's obscure and inaccurate amrev (hamilton centric) fancasts part 1
the result of five students procrastinating and commenting "hey this guy could play hamilton". not very accurate and based on vibes. we are not scouting agents for good reason.
Alexander Hamilton
We know from people's descriptions and portraits that he most likely: had very red hair, was 5 ft 7-ish, and was slender with a "fine figure". Fun fact, some historians say that people calling him 'small' was more in regards to his slimness than his height, which was more or less average at that time period. Need to find a source for that.
From paintings we do see that he had a prominent nose...and perhaps more of a pointed chin with a slim face, as a young man? It seemed to have broadened out with age. Portraits of him seem wildly inconsistent, and the one Betsey said was very like him was later in life. Damn you Charles Wilson Peale, you never got his face right! tbh I didn't see much of Hamilton's face (especially young Hamilton) in amc Turn's Sean Haggerty who had too much of a round face, and I think he was casted based off of the peale painting lmao.
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And of course, who can forget his beautiful beautiful anime blue-violet eyes. Abigail Adams saw the devil in them, Fisher Ames seems to have spent way too much time staring into them. Both accounts can be seen as complimentary.
I've yet to find an actor that really captures an older Hamilton well, so I'm not even going to go there. Honestly, i've yet to find a really spot-on young Hamilton either, so I have no fan-cast. But my friend has one she advocates for a lot:
Tom Blyth based on these specific paintings (and a de-aged one with dark hair). Her words: "he has really piercing blue eyes and we know he can pull off lighter hair from the hunger games movie! he's also very slender which would work well, even though he's pretty tall. we can do perspective work with height it's okay."
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And apparently Hamilton's son (William? it's not Philip right) looked quite a bit like him. And in the sketch below I think we can see Blyth's face there!
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Not too bad, I think. Especially since his face seems to have filled out more. Main concern is if the hypothetical project would characterize Hamilton well, and if he'd deliver that complicated energy lol. He is charismatic so a point in his favor?
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Valentijn Dijkman is another one of my friend's fancasts so I don't know much about him besides the screenshots they shared. Apparently he is a model and tiktoker, and he certainly checks the ginger + blue eyes requirements! A bit of a yassified Hamilton, I think, but some contemporaries called him almost feminine and some descriptions of him are wild so that might be okay.
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Elizabeth Hamilton
Now, we know that Betsey was very petite and had lovely dark curls and eyes that Hamilton and even Tilghman, I believe, commented on. It seems like she had a slim face and a strong T-zone. Even in the portraits we see her dark eyes. Portraits of her when she was younger:
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My personal fav fan cast is actually Meg Tilly, specifically Meg Tilly in Valmont 1983. She has the dark hair and dark eyes and her facial structure itself is also similar enough to me.
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There's also something in her performance here that would serve well for Elizabeth - a sweetness and patient quality plus a hidden playful streak.
John Laurens
We are all stumped for him lmao. We don't have a lot of paintings of him and the main one is a Charles Peale and I don't trust him 100%. We do know he was most likely blonde, taller than Hamilton, and was very handsome.
Coward's way out. Seth Numrich is a popular one and I wouldn't be angry about it!
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George Washington
It ain't accurate but I loved Ian Kahn's Washington so much that I don't care. He's way too hot to be Washington but let's just pretend it's that hero-worship coming through.
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And to round it all out, Turn Lafayette was also suprisingly accurate in face shape I think. You can see we ran out of steam at the end.
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cadmusfly · 8 months
Analysing the Quality of Napoleon's Marshals With Silly Data Science
Let's talk numbers and laugh at funny graphs with missing data!
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Other people in this fandom do really lovely detailed information posts, I do weird fanfic, dragon shitposting, body pillow design shitposting and run a stupid Lannes ask rp blog. But! I'm also a programmer with an interest in Numbers, and today we're going to Analyse These Dead Frenchmen with a bunch of screenshots of graphs.
Ethan Arsht published a really interesting article called Napoleon was the Best General Ever, and the Math Proves it., where using data scraped off Wikipedia articles, he creates a statistical model drawing from multiple variables per battle to calculate How Good A General Is At Winning.
Give the article a read, it's great stuff, but if you don't feel like it, he basically applies WAR - "Wins Above Replacement" - which is a value from baseball that measures how many wins a player is worth when compared to a replacement.
So the general's WAR would be how well they compare to a completely average general who replaced them. Yes, as Arsht says, "in other words, I would find the generals’ WAR, in war."
But as he says, this is not a stringent historical analysis and is more of a fun thought experiment. Wikipedia is probably the most comprehensive dataset on this topic that he had access to, but it is Wikipedia the crowdsourced online encyclopedia, so it is going to have holes and inaccuracies. And this was written seven years ago, and the data was collected then, so any updates to these articles since then wouldn't be reflected.
And it's not a perfect model that takes into account everything - it's an approximation, a whole bunch of number crunching. I haven't looked too deeply into how the numbers work exactly, even though I could.
I think that 0 would be "completely and utterly average"? A positive WAR is good, a negative WAR is not. Napoleon is the best general ever at 16.679 WAR, the next highest is Caesar at 7.445 WAR.
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(Link, you can hover over each battle and look at each datapoint!)
But I'm interested in Napoleon's marshals. The 26 men he raised up to military nobility! The dramatic assholes who kept arguing with each other. I'll post links for all of them at the end of this, but I won't be screenshotting each of their WAR graphs, just a few.
I'm not entirely sure how the scraper collected the information about what battles a commander is considered in "charge" of - I tried looking at the provided code repository but I am reminded that data science people bless them are not really good at structuring or publishing code and why are all the html pages just straight up saved in the root folder why are the jupyter notebook outputs just uncleared aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh yeah this was scraped from seven years ago so current wikipedia pages won't be reflective of what's on the graphs - so we can assume that this is just grabbing stuff from the "Commanders and leaders" part from each individual battle page and collating them into numbers
Anyway let's look at the iron man himself, Davout, considered to be the best of Napoleon's marshals.
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Heh, here we see the first hole in the dataset - Jena-Auerstedt is considered to be one battle, and Napoleon would like you to think that's the case.
Anyway, pretty good! Let's look at Jean Lannes, the lively Gascon
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Oooooh, even better than Davout! Helps he didn't go to Russia. Wait, why is Aspern-Essling dated to before Ratisbon, especially when Lannes died in the former?
Let's look at André Masséna, also known as being pretty cool:
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Damn, neat, though I think there's a lot of omissions here.
Here's Murat:
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Lol Tolentino, I do like how Murat Peaked there a little bit
But we're forgetting a certain redhead, aren't we?
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Ouch. But also Waterloo not appearing there, hmmm.
Anyway let's finish off the screenshots with Napoleon's greatest strategist, Jean-de-Dieu Soult, the man that Wellington called a master of the defensive!
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honestly this is the entire reason why i wanted to write this post
in soult's defense - as a soult defender - he had a pretty shitty army full of conscripts, was isolated, was occasionally pretty bad at adapting tactically to new surprises and had to deal with the english being stubborn fuckers, but he was brilliant in setting things up strategically and forcing the english to catch up through a fighting retreat with a demoralised army, stopping them from closing in on france too
but also the way this graph bullies soult so hard makes me laugh a lot
Anyway, yeah, these graphs are definitely inaccurate and I'm also posting these to see the Napoleonic community on tumblr's reaction to them, but they are a fun way to engage with history!
Just don't take them seriously, and feel free to argue in the tags/comments/reblogs
I could theoretically use this guy's code to rerun this just for the Marshals now - I know my way around some data science code - but I do have a lot on my plate, but it would be a fun experiment!
Marshal WAR Graph Links
Note: So these are under the Wikipedia article names at the time that the web scraper was run seven years ago so some of these names turned out to be different from what they are now and I had to do a bit of digging to fix some
you can definitely tell that the information is incomplete on a lot of these, again i repeat the information was scraped off wikipedia seven years ago
Louis-Nicolas Davout
Jean Lannes
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
André Masséna
Jean-de-Dieu Soult
Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey (one battle lol)
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Charles-Pierre Augereau
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte aka Charles XIV John of Sweden (Two battles and only Swedish ones I think)
Guillaume Brune
Édouard Mortier (two battles)
Jean-Baptiste Bessières (two battles)
François Christophe de Kellermann (one battle, Valmy)
François Joseph Lefebvre (two battles)
Charles-Victor Perrin (ouch)
Étienne Macdonald
Nicolas Oudinot (lol)
Auguste de Marmont (loll)
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr
Józef Poniatowski (three battles but hmm. pretty bad but feel like there's too much missing info here)
Emmanuel de Grouchy (two battles, can't make a Where's Grouchy joke)
Marshals Without Graphs Not because they didn't command anything but I couldn't find their graphs on the website or in the code repo
Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon
Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier
Louis-Gabriel Suchet (wtf? maybe seven years ago the documentation on him was sad)
EDIT: wait i was looking at the notebook (the uh place where the code was being run, to see if i could run the code myself)
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soult is one of the lowest ranked generals overall on this initial list pfftHAHAHhahahahahahahaha
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caputgeratlupinum · 5 months
In which I (re) watch Robin of Sherwood
In the dim and distant past (of a few years ago) I started watching Robin of Sherwood. I dropped out after the end of season 2, when *events* happened (if you know, you know).
Anyway, this to say that I started watching it again, and I thought it would be fun to record my reactions to it. I remember it as being a good if slightly silly show, so... we'll see how it holds up.
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We are starting off strong with the Ominous Bad Guy theme that sent me back to the last time I watched this with the force of a hammer (this show has about five soundtracks and they all come up like once an episode).
Our introduction to adult Robin is him running to the top of a... something, I'm not sure if it's a hill or a ledge or what. Anyway he runs there, stops, and screams 'MUCH!'. Which must be wildly confusing if you're not familiar with Robin Hood.
ITVX doesn't let me take screenshots (tragically) but I need you all to know that Guy of Gisborne looks about twelve and speaks like he went to fancy boarding school.
Hi Will Scarlet I have fond memories of you from last time! And I think this might be the first time he's 'scarlet' as in 'bloody' rather than named for his hair or clothes. Also the second Will tells them his name another man steps out of the shadows to introduce himself like he's desperate to get in on the action.
ROBERT! ROBERT! BY CHRIST ROBERT I WILL NOT LOSE MY FISHPOND! 10/10 introduction no notes. Genius move to give the Sheriff an annoying brother in the form of Abbot (??) Hugo.
Sheriff duties: keep on top of the poachers in the forest, and meet with the evil sorcerer baron and his... possessed slave? I'm vague on what position Little John holds here.
Sorry, Sir Evil Baron (yes I know his name is Simon de Bellame. I'm ignoring that), but I don't believe for a second that your wife taking her own life was nothing to do with you.
Did I mention Marian and Tuck are here? They are! I love them both very much.
I can't believe they that they just leave Rat Man and Arthur behind. I demand a spin-off about what happened to them.
'You're like a May morning.' *climbs out the window without another word* I mean to be fair to Robin if I tried that line I'd probably also flee immediately afterwards.
I really wish I could do screenshots because Herne the Hunter's vision of various events with Evil Baron's face over it all, slowly getter bigger and bigger, is truly a sight to behold. Robin honestly took that pretty well.
The classic bridge fight is very enjoyable but I am haunted by the knowledge of the blooper reel where Michael Praed gets hit in the balls. And Robin's dramatic scream as he falls off the bridge is sending me.
Last time I wasn't really sure how to feel about the Herne the Hunter stuff, and right now I'm in the same place. uhh... stag-man. With vague prophecies. I dunno... 'when the horned one possesses me' ok but who are you when he's not possessing you? How does one become possessed by the horned one in the first place (I know none of this is the point. I just have questions!)
If I were one of the merry men, I would find it easier to agree with Robin's Heroic Inspiring SpeechTM if it hadn't started with him explaining how he's been 'awakened' by a deer-headed man.
I feel like Will saying, 'You should have killed him. You'll have to someday.' is setting up for a conflict down the line where Robin has to make a Choice about Gisborne some day, but I don't remember any such plot.
aaand that's it! I didn't mention every single thing that happened, there's a lot happening in this episode. Genuinely had a good time though! Despite my poking fun at stuff, I do actually like this show.
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
Funny how you go and do a few edits backpedalling. You literally set Abrogail up as the pure maiden. Everything is geared towards that. So shoot me for mentioning it. Yeah, we know the Valyrians are horny and the whole virginal maid is a front not with Rhaenyra running about with Daemon and Criston, then poor Alicent being pimped out by Otto. But the general theme is women are chaperoned and expected to be pure. I'm not into purity culture. I just find it amazing people have no concept of thematic cohesion or coherency. Abrogail is a highborn maiden whom Alicent or her family would be guarding her virtue. Obviously it's not foolproof. That is the chauvinistic tenets of their society what Viserys tells Daemon. It's fine for them to go to a brothel but not a young girl. When Rhaenyra did that plot was aligned with character agency. Abrogail suddenly gives a blowjob, it's like... The realism is taken away. What's the point beyond your vicarious enjoyment. Reality is Abrogail would probably not have the opportunity. Also when did Cassandra Baratheon go around giving BJ's when she is like far away???? There is no mention beforehand either it's just random dropped in. I could get behind Cassandra giving BJ's in the name of advancing herself. it makes sense and she's in no danger of pregnancy. Also you don't take into consideration is Aegon clean? Is he going to infect Abrogail with an STI? These details are overlooked all the time.
Also don't use 'lass' in your writing that always throws me . It's very Outlander
Tell me you don't actually read my story without telling me you haven't read the story. I'm flattered that you think I move fast enough not only to edit these parts on both tumblr AND AO3, but would do it so quickly and have comments addressing them. You're so silly.
Aegon getting examined by the Maester in Chapter Five (AO3) Tumblr Link
Cassandra Arrives at the Red Keep With Floris in Chapter Seven (AO3) Tumblr Link
Cassandra Blowing Aegon in Chapter Ten (AO3) Tumblr Link (man she is so pissed he's not engaged to her)
But we already know you haven't read the story because all the complaints you're bringing up are... literally addressed in the story. You're just here to argue with me and try make me feel bad. On Anon no less.
just say you don't understand the themes of the story. It's fine. No one is gonna judge you. always throws me. Please.
Also this is a great read in terms of de... victorian-izing our impressions of women in the medieval era.
Anyways! Three strikes on the bad faith argument so I'm done engaging with you. I've got groceries to pick up and more unrealistic blow jobs and table sex to dive into.
STILL laughing at the idea of me editing things specifically to take screenshots. So silly.
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lunatic-fandom-space · 3 months
Hey! I've been obsessed with Elisabeth: das Musical for a good while and one of the things I really like about it is the way it comments on Sissi-media. However, Im saying that as someone who really only knows about that media through cultural osmosis and hasnt really seen any of it. And since I'm gonna have a bunch of free time the next few weeks, I thought it would be interesting to watch all* the media about Elisabeth I can get my hands on and review it and just talk about my thoughts on it. I'm also gonna watch all* the Rudolf media I can find as part of this little project because, I might as well
*by 'all media' I mostly mean stuff like movies, series and stageplays, obviously I know there's books but I'm not really in a place where I can focus on reading a bunch of stuff, but I know that the trilogy is based on books, and if I can find free audiobooks online I'll listen to those
I also want to give a quick disclaimer that I'm not a history person, I know very little about all this, so I'm not gonna get too much into the historical accuracy of any of these pieces. I mean, maybe this whole thing will get me to do research into the actual history, I actually have been wanting to do that more since Ive started engaging with the Elisabeth das Musical fandom and seen all these people talk about how much reasearch they do for fanfics and stuff, and its making me feel a little left out ngl, but I struggle with actually doing that for reasons I dont really want to get into. Long story short, if I dont approach historical topics very carefully Im gonna end up with horrible intrusive thoughts that last for days, and I'd like to avoid that but I need to figure out how to do that first.
Anyway, that's pretty much it for now. I'll put everything I want to watch in order under the readmore. I'm pretty sure I got everything (that i can access atleast), but if you feel like Im missing anything please tell me, I want to be thorough and I would really appreciate it ^^
• Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich (1921)
• Elisabeth von Österreich (1931)
• The King Steps Out (1936)
• Mayerling (1936) (with english subtitles)
• L'Aigle à deux Têtes (1948) (with english subtitles)
• Le Secret de Mayerling (1949) (with german subtitles)
• Ludwig II. — Glanz und Ende eines Königs (1955)
• Sissi (1955)
• Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe (1956)
• Sissi, die junge Kaiserin (1956)
• Mayerling (1957)
• Sissi — Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin (1957)
• Mayerling (1968)
• Elisabeth Kaiserin von Österreich (1972)
• Ludwig (1973) (with german subtitles)
• Viza Privati, Pubbliche Virtú (1976) (with german subtitles)
• Der Kronprinz (1989)
• Sisi und der Kaiserkuß (1991)
• Elisabeth: das Musical (1992 Austrian proshot)
• Elisabeth: Ai to shi no Rondo (1996 Snow Troupe Proshot) (with english subs)
• Elisabeth: das Musical (2004 Hungarian proshot) (with english subs)
• Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe (longer original version split into two parts: Kronprinz Rudolf — der Rebell (Part 1) und Kronprinz Rudolf — Mayerling (Part 2), same as 'Kronprinz Rudolf — Sissi's einziger Sohn) (2006)
• Lissi und der wilde Kaiser (2007)
• Sisi (2009)
• Rudolf: Affaire Mayerling (2009)
• Sisi... und ich erzähle euch die Wahrheit (2012)
• Sisi (2021)
• The Empress (2021)
• Sisi & Ich (2023)
Media I am aware of but could not access:
• Leibfiaker Bratfisch/Day Geheimnis von Mayerling/Die Tragödie eines Prinzen (1919/1924-1925)
• Tragödie im Hause Habsburg/Der Prinz der Legende (1924) (<- I was very surprised that I wasnt able to find these two anywhere since theyre old silent films and would think they would be archived somewhere, and I couldve sworn Ive seen gifs or screenshots of Tragödie im Hause Habsburg on tumblr, so idk, if anyone could point me to where I could watch these, I would really appreciate it)
• The Last Half Hour: The Mayerling Story (1951)
• Sissi — Beuteljahre einer Kaiserin (1989)
• all the various Mayerling-shows by the Takarazuka revue
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wisteriasymphony · 6 months
"...oh crap."
"Father-Daughter bonding my ass!" Claudia shouted, brandishing a spatula like it was a deadly weapon. "To think all these times I was hoping you two went to see a movie, only for you to be reliving your teenage superhero days!"
"Cariña, it's not what you—"
"Then tell me what I just saw on the news, ah?" She took her phone out of her pocket to show a recent screenshot—An article showing a picture of Adrien in full costume, likely taken barely the night before. "I see this Loup-Garou out and about and I'm supposed to ignore it? Think it's one of your old super-friends?"
Adrien didn't bother to mention it, but he'd been planning on the name Papa Wolf, actually. Loup-Garou wasn't all that bad either.
Frustrated that he wasn't answering, Claudia continued to gesticulate at her husband until León walked in to see what the fuss was about.
"You're really putting yourself and your daughter in danger again just for—" Claudia balled her fists up, turning back to her father. "Papa, tell him he's going to get himself killed out there!"
León, woken up much too early to do more than prepare himself coffee, simply shrugged. "Sabe de los reisgos, mija."
Her father was already too busy watching the coffee machine chug along to input any further on the matter. Claudia pinched her nose, muttering to herself.
"I swear you turn thirty and suddenly none of the choices anybody else makes make sense anymore."
"Hey, Claudia, I promise I can explain it to you," Adrien replied, taking her hand. "We've been safe, I promise. And Xoquito needs the enrichment."
"—You know what? Good point," she muttered, holding up Adrien's hand and yelling into his miraculous. "Xocoh, you can't hide in there forever. I know that's what you're doing."
Karra immediately popped out of the rings, only to hide behind her father's shoulder.
"It was his idea first!" the kwami squeaked.
"Oh, you liar!"
"I don't care whose idea it was!" Claudia exclaimed, her tone sharp and venomous. "I'm just mad you guys didn't tell me. It's not as if I'm too stupid to understand the concept."
"You're right, mi cariña. I'm sorry." He sealed his apology with a kiss to her hand, actively ignoring Karra's muttering that they'd only been doing this 'for three days tops anyways'.
Claudia sighed, finally setting the spatula down on the kitchen counter. "You promise to tell me whenever you're going out like that? Even if you have to wake me up in the middle of the night to do it?"
Adrien wrapped an arm around his wife's waist. "Even if saying it would kill me."
Claudia reached back behind her to knock on the wooden cabinet—A habit she'd recently picked up from her father. Apparently not the same as 'toucher du bois', he'd found, as León did it to avoid the unlucky rather than prolong the lucky.
"If you ever find another one lying around, you know," she added. "I'm not exactly going to turn the offer down."
"Aww, of course. I'll find some for the whole family, even. We can make it a weekly thing."
And then, with a quick peck on the lips, the matter was resolved. Turning back around, Adrien found Karra had taken form again, now holding onto the back of Adrien's jacket.
"You're still going to have to be the one who tells her about you eating pigeons again, chiqui.. I'm not doing that for you too."
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rex-spam · 2 years
Alright!!! i didn't like the way my last post on McPig was phrased and wrote it at like 3AM before bed. Now that I've taken my time to comb through some other stances and look at some other people's viewpoints I think I've settled on a better stance to take.
I still don't support McPig as a dev. Keep in mind I've only seen what was released on the Tumblr post containing screenshots like the ones I've attached here.
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As I'm not a member of any discords that McPig is in, I don't have any proof that he's continued to act like the way he did 5 years ago in the current day. I do recognise the screenshot going around that shows he regrets this kind of behaviour.
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But even still, he DID still release PT with native American caricatures in it, and Mr. Stick and Mr. Pinch may/are both anti-semitic caricatures as well. This statement was never released publicly either, so I'm taking it as a small comfort at best and I still think there's plenty of valid reason to want to steer clear of the game.
Rumours have been circulating of sprite and mechanic reworks to remove these caricatures from the game, but I've found no solid proof of it. However I do HEAVILY endorse this as a way of apologising and redressing these complaints. Direct action to remedy things people are uncomfortable with and to keep PT accessible to all is the best apology in my eyes, and I really do hope that this is true, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.
So all in all, I'm not going to be giving Pizza Tower any monetary support unless direct action is taken and changes are made. I don't condone or endorse any of the behaviour I've seen and I find it absolutely abhorrent.
However, I recognise that McPig isn't the only face behind Pizza Tower. Tons of beta testers, Sertif's work in programming, Mr. Sauceman and ClascyJitto's ost to name a few have all put incredible amounts of passion and love into this game and I don't want to rob them of that due credit. Nor do I want to say that anybody who supported, or continues to support Pizza Tower, is a bad person! I love the game too. A fantastic community has grown around this game and I'm proud to be part of it; and this isn't the first time a good fanbase has grown around media made by fairly shitty people (see Scott Cawthon, Sr. Pelo, Erin Hunter).
So chances are I'll probably still be drawing Pizza Tower stuff from time to time! I'll be tagging it accordingly, so all those who don't want to associate with the game can blacklist the tag and not associate with it. And I'm not qualified to judge anyone else outside of myself.
I heavily encourage McPig to work with the rest of Tour De Pizza to patch out caricature material in the game itself and to further moderate the Pizza Tower discord against discriminatory material. Until that happens (if it happens at all), I'll be enjoying the game and fanbase from a critical standpoint and without putting money towards the Devs.
Thanks for your understanding guys!
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Hey Chai, I know the Hazbin leaks are the main talk right now and I'm sorry to bring it up again but I am so conflicted about Jane's document you mentioned a bit ago.
I read it all, and at first I was believing every word, felt so bad for Jane, all these horrible endless turmoils that happened to her. Then when I went back through and started reading the screenshots I started seeing contradictions. They'd be like:
Jane is just saying the claim to someone else on Discord (which provides a likely timestamp but not necessarily definitive proof)
There's not much present that actually backs up Jane's claim
Context appears to be missing
The proof occasionally contradicts itself
Jane says one thing in one screenshot while saying something different in another. (One Example: In one she lies/downplays what she told people about Avery and tells Karli she just "saw him giving people massages" and "never said he got me drunk .. only that I wondered if he wanted to try to" then in her conversation with Avery's ex she literally tells her "he was awfully touchy with women at the party" and "he tried to get me drunk.")
(Another example was she claimed Steven was abusive, but you read all the screenshots she provided and it's just her talking at Steven and occasionally trauma-dumping, with him responding in either supportive or neutral/blunt ways or requesting reasonable boundaries considering that she's living there rent-free and with free groceries. She titles a few screenshots "Steven being weird about my d*ck" then the screenshots just show HER bringing up her d*ck and him asking Jane to avoid making a mess when she pees and offers she could try sitting down because he does that to avoid making a mess too.)
I'm not trying to defend Ang, or anyone else in the doc, and I'm not trying to say Jane's a liar that shouldn't be trusted, but maybe to caution people to go back and re-read it with ALL the screenshots and make more careful judgement when not just Jane but anyone comes out with a long list of extreme claims.
I also think Jane might've misread some situations considering how young she was at the time + her trauma + C-PTSD + her DID. That is not me trying to say she didn't suffer, or that some of her claims aren't true, or that some people mentioned in the doc didn't make poor decisions, and it's possible for some of them Jane just made poor choices in the screenshots she included or something.
( And outside of the doc Jane recently claimed on Twitter that Ang faked their su*c*de and went on about how that affected her but... we all know Ang was publicly open about their declining health and that they were ready to leave socials to succumb to it because they had no medical care and no money to get it and were getting worse. And then people assumed that meant A. Instant Su*c*de, B. Ang is now dead, and spread that around like wildfire until people involved had to be like "Ang isn't fucking dead they're approaching EOL what are y'all talking about." Idk if Jane misunderstood that, or if Ang truly did additionally fake their suicide behind closed doors, I find the latter less likely, but food for thought I guess. )
If you're open to it I can send you a few more main points in the screenshots that felt contradictory to me, if not I'll just leave this ask as it is, and thanks for reading it, it's okay if you don't post it.
It's...a tangle, for sure. I honestly don't know what to make of it myself.
I will say that if Ang isn't dead or dying I would like more solid proof of that, because when I talked to them years ago, they were in frighteningly poor health. Their spinal fluid was leaking to the point where they could taste it in their mouth, and when people had said they'd died, I wasn't surprised. Not even the slightest bit.
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tomwambsmilk · 2 years
Not to get all conspiracy theory, but that reddit screenshot you reblogged got me thinking... It is really weird that a show as big as Succession had its final season announced so late and with almost no promotion. Alan Ruck said everyone knew it was the last season in June, but Sarah said she didn't know until January. HBO has been pretty chaotic recently, a lot of shows were axed, I don't think it's that crazy to suggest internal conflict might have something to do with it. Especially if future plans could alienate a large chunk of the viewership, like that post mentioned the idea of killing Kendall off, or I bet businessbros would be turned off if Tom and Greg actually kissed, people would probably be mad about it being 'bad representation' too. Maybe I'm just in denial, idk :(
lots to unpack here lmao.......
First of all. I have to say that I DO agree that there is something weird about how season 4 has rolled out and been promoted, and there's absolutely something weird about Alan Ruck saying everyone knew in June, and then Sarah Snook doubling down a couple of days later to say she found out at the table read. Best case scenario, I think HBO let Jesse Armstrong make the call, and he made the call very, very late, and then HBO had to try and do damage control because the late announcement botched some of the promo, and not everyone internally ended up finding out about it at the same time.
Worst case scenario? ...... I don't know. I really don't want to turn into a conspiracy theorist. But. I've seen discourse about hbo max. I've seen people talk about the writers strike. And I know that studio-creator conflict is pretty common in the industry. so do I think it's possible that there was internal conflict involved? Yes, absolutely. Do I think it's likely?..... I'm genuinely unsure. I don't know. I wouldn't place bets in either direction tbh.
And..... yeah, if internal conflict was at play, I would say it's pretty likely that there was some discussion of future plotlines and story beats. If hbo is scrambling for money, they might be more invested than usual in pumping out things that are commercially successful to increase their subscriber numbers. (It would also bias them in favour of creating new shows instead of renewing old ones). What does that mean for succession? Again, I'm not sure. I don't have HBO's market research, and I don't actually know what the widest cross-section of its viewership is interested in. I think killing Kendall off would definitely alienate a massive chunk of it.
And tomgreg going canon? .......Honestly, I'm not sure I want to comment too much for fear of accidentally starting the johnlock conspiracy II: succession edition. I don't think HBO is the Big Evil Homophobic Studio punching down on Little Gay Rights Creator Jesse Armstrong. I also think that if season 5 pitches were being discussed, a disagreement on just one plotline wouldn't be enough to get Jesse to call it quits. But I'm also aware of the Discourse around "woke HBO" in the wake of ofmd and tlou, and of the businessbro portion of the viewership (which is sizeable) vs the marketing to the tg fans. I don't know if I'd go as far as "HBO axed succession bc tomgreg canon", but yeah I could definitely see there being Discussion about tomgreg.
(That being said. I did write that post about the editing/soundtrack de-homoeroticifying (?) tomgreg scenes and it would be really REALLY funny to me if that turned out to be HBO interference lmao)
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averygayservice · 2 years
more details about "a very secret service" yay !
so, me and @thequeenofspies got bored and spend an unholy time founding what cigarettes they are all smoking; here you go :
moulinier - "Royale Rouge"
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(it was actually the easiest to find bro is always smoking i have so many screenshot of his pack of cigarettes)
jacquard - "Algeria"
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(possibly the hardest, there's only one scene when you can kinda see it and it's so blury)
moïse - "Celtiques"
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(i think we can see them in other shots but i'm lazy)
merlaux - "Gauloises"
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(it's funny bc it's the light version of the Celtiques also this one was very easy too)
for calot, we can't tell bc he uses a little box where you put your cigarettes in so eh
and for mercaillon well fuck him i don't want to know
and i find those little details so cool bc it weirdly actually tells a lot about them ? like merlaux smokes des gauloises and they're the classic french cigarettes, very basic, almost a french symbol. moises smokes des celtiques, very french but older than the gauloises, more nicotines, i think we could say it link him to merlaux like an older him (and since he's his father figures it's rlly cute). jacquard smokes des algeria which is very obvious, he probably buy them when he's in alger and they are (according to my mom) cheaper so it goes with his money oriented mindset (+ it also goes with his love for his work zone and you can't tell me jacquard doesn't actually deeply love algeria bc i will not believe u this man is in his element there i will not elaborate). moulinier smokes des royales, kinda expensive cigarettes, very classy, goes with his lifestyle (champagne, fancy bars like the darling club, fancy clothes as we can see him wearing a lot of different suits). and as for calot, the fact that he uses a metal box for his cigarettes also tells a lot, he is a mysterious and paranoid character, probably doesn't want anyone to know anything about him (and we actually don't know a lot about him compared to other characters).
i rlly love all the little details in this tv show, i could spend hours looking for them and talking about them tbh, it is just so smart and well done.
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