#All this
revenantghost · 1 year
You know, I think one of the coolest things about Trimax and how it ends is how unique the experience is to everyone, and how valid that is. I'm sick as a dog and hella groggy, so forgive me if I'm misremembering or my phrasing is weird, but I remember reading an interview where Nightow was asked whether Knives was alive or dead at the end of the manga. And he did give an answer, but he specified that was just his intention, and that everyone should walk away with their own opinion (something along those lines, I'm paraphrasing and cannot remember the source).
Nightow has also said that his intention with the ending was for it to be hopeful, but he would also later say that he was so incredibly burnt out and exhausted and that he would change some things if he could. I think you can read all of that in his work. So for me, my first (and thus-far only) readthrough left me with a distinct feeling of tragedy, exhaustion, and of cycles repeating. But everyone who walked away feeling hopeful and like the future is bright and infinite is also correct. And it really speaks to the deeply human nature of Trigun, and the way that its story speaks to us and our unique experiences and what life has taught us, I think. The song of humanity sings in all of us in all different ways.
Idk man, I need to sleep but I just think Trigun is neat.
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cringengl · 7 months
hate hate hate that the supposed "best" thing that can happen to an animated show/movie is that it gets a live action adaptation. like no i do not want to watch my favourite show but with bad pacing, dialogue, fight scenes and with random unnecessary plot points that detract from the message of the original story
oh so you need to "update" the story by girlbossifying the female character so that she has a 2D personality and then make sure that all the "good guys" are perfect angels angels and never make mistakes?? thanks i hate it
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michimarytheworld · 2 years
One of my favorite things(and also something I find very hilarious) abt Diluven: The fact that Diluc's surname Ragnvindr more or less translates to 'Wind God' and that is just something so precious(and funny) to me
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guys im so sorry i couldnt finish sns valentines week! i was gonna do it, i promise. but uh i fell off a rope, and got a third degree concussion so that was not fun. because of the concussion i couldn't use my tablet.
so in lieu of sns i present to you: eepy rock lee
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theninjamouse · 3 months
I sometimes really, really question the field I've chosen as my career. I should be used to how awful people are, and how clueless they are about what goes into photography, what is possible and yet.
'There’s not enough pictures'
'Well, now there’s too many pictures'
'Where's my singular kid who doesn't participate in activities and hides from the camera? You're failing at your job, why are you even being paid'
'Why don't you use ai and separate hundreds of kids into separate albums on the website every single day?'
It doesn't. Work. Like. That.
'Why are you so tired, photography is easy'
Yeah, lugging around several pounds of equipment around my neck and on my back all day, every day in the blazing heat or rain and then spending hours sorting and editing, hunched over my laptop on my bed cause I don't get a working space is super easy. Yall should try it sometime. Bonus, you will only have people even bothering to look at you when they want their picture taken that they'll complain about later. Or before you even walk away
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i think he wants the doctor to beat him up in the exact same way that missy wants the doctor to tenderly hold her face and kiss her
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mpsansy · 3 months
I need to change my art direction for Casper. Cause I want something different for them all. Something simple, but still eye catching. Which probably means I gotta break out of my slump and actually do research on what I really want for different characters. Humans and monsters alike
Cause the McFaddens as ghosts are good. As humans though? Still working out the details, but they’re also pretty good too
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imaswellkid · 1 year
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Important addendum to the Garrett pic I sent earlier
This one. THIS one. This one sits at the very top of my Babyface Pedro/PTMY Frankie shrine. I can imagine Gabrielle unearthing it from an old box in the garage one fine Saturday morning and properly melting inside. Or better yet, seeing it on a bookshelf in Izzy's apartment the first time she goes there, and getting all flustered, her eyes rapidly flicking between this boy and Frankie, taking in the fine man he has become, the breadth of him, the warmth of him, the broad plane of his chest, the strong, solid arms and large deft hands, and still the same freckled skin she finds herself constantly reaching for, that time and scars have only made more compelling, and still the same soft eyes, they speak to her in so many ways, letting her know how much she's loved, and care for, and valued, and wanted, and they're her favourite realm, they carry so many worlds, and I can imagine Frankie catching her absent gaze, a soft dimpled smile slowly appearing on his face, and he feels it too, he feels home, he feels he's where he needs to be, and if he could he'd travel back in time to that boy, he'd tell me to hang on, because she's there, and she never stopped waiting.
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kai-sunflower · 1 year
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
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what's your role in the tragic play?
misunderstood villain
prepare for an onslaught of both the most dehumanizing and hateful takes, and flood of thirst comments. you are chronically misunderstood. whether or not you're actually evil is debatable. you may be acting out for revenge, to defend someone you love, or even just to protect yourself. you're a pretty jaded person. you don't trust or even really like most people. maybe you did at one point. but that part of you is gone, and you don't go a single day without grieving it.
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you think a lot about what your life could have been. you're stuck in the past. you're angry and maybe you don't even want to be, but this is the only way you can see to survive. you're open, but less in a trusting way and more like a wound. you don't like to let people see you, but the hurt spills out of you before you can stop it. you're impulsive, even as you try hard to plan and prepare. maybe someday your side of the story will finally be heard. until then, you can convince yourself that being hated is safer anyway.
tagged by: @wolvensden (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) / ty tagging: @hmrtia ,  @flameleads , @galeleads  ,  @areapermostcapricious ,  @numberjack , @killerhubby , @terestris , @hymnblood , @flambace ,@enavant, @fractise
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alynnl · 1 year
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles case 5 could also be called The Adventure of the Great Emotional Damage
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taylorswiftandx · 2 years
Taylor Swift and All Of This/All This
'Taylor Swift'
Mary's Song (Oh My My My): We'll rock our babies on that very front porch, after all this time, you and I
'Fearless (Taylor's Version)'
White Horse: As I paced back and forth all this time 'cause I honestly believed in you
You Belong With Me: All this time, how could you not know, baby?
Breathe: But it's killing me to see you go after all this time
You're Not Sorry: All this time I was wasting, hoping you would come around
That's When: You said, "I know," when I said, "I need some time, need some space to think about all of this"
That's When: I said, "I know," when you said, "I did you wrong, made mistakes, and put you through all of this"
'Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)'
Haunted: You and I walk a fragile line, I have known it all this time
'Red (Taylor's Version)'
Everything Has Changed: Come back and tell me why I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time
Nothing New: How long will it be cute, all this crying in my room?
Forever Winter: All this time, I didn't know you were breaking down
Forever Winter: All this time, I didn't know, at 5 AM, wasted
'1989 (Taylor’s Version)'
(no all of this/all this)
Dress: All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation, my hands are shaking from holding back from you
Dress: All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting, my hands are shaking from all this
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: And here's to my mama, had to listen to all this drama
(no all of this/all this)
Exile: Holding all this love out here in the hall
Exile: All this time, we always walked a very thin line
Exile: All this time, I never learned to read your mind / never learned to read my mind
(no all of this/all this)
Lavender Haze: All this shit is new to me, yeah, oh yeah
Other Songs written by Taylor
(no all of this/all this)
Official Alternate Releases
Lavender Haze (Clean Version): All of this is new to me, yeah, oh yeah
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bugdogg · 1 year
Final destination kinda nightmare
Except my family was there, including my younger cousin. My dream self wasn’t about to leave my family behind even if they’re all acting stupid
I hate saying I fear death but I think the possibility of dying whenever by whatever is a reasonable fear, I have reasonable fears
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Okay, I like episode 36 overall. (Basically everything OTHER than Buffa was written in this episode actually) But there is ONE specific glaring issue
https://www.tumblr.com/ultrariderfiretornado/717436568086986752I know that I said all this like several days ago or whatnot…? And I do think I prove a valid point and reasoning. (It wasn’t how Buffa’s actions were justified, NONONONO! It was how Buffa’s character has been written in a way that for consistent and reasonable for the most part IMO pre-episode 36 and that I believed the structure Takahashi was using could work this time when it was handled differently.)
But when episode 36 came out…? Uh, yeah… I kinda take back a portion on what I just said earlier on my hopes now that the writing for Buffa in this episode had betrayed my expectations. Looks like Mr. Takahashi is using this writing structure for some of his villains the way he always did. You’re right, Ms. Kari, the writing is clearly trying to redeem Azuma, not only when he didn’t deserve to, but when the show DIDN’T need to. I mean yeah… I still stand by my belief on how Azuma eventually also hating the DGP reasonably lines up with his already established hatred for the riders (Unlike George who was still under Fenix in the late 10s-20s and was still a stagnant and didn’t learn shit, Azuma was now working along with the Jyamato and he eventually LEARNED more about the DGP over time. It didn’t change Azuma’s beliefs one bit about the riders, but the DGP naturally became another enemy, being responsible for the competition between riders to begin with and by an extension Toru’s death).I will stand by my belief how the “protagonist and detestable enemy teaming up against a bigger threat” COULD’VE (emphasis on the past tense because episode 36 just happened) worked, if they tweaked it. Like there’s definitely a POSSIBILITY this structure could’ve worked without acting as a “redemption arc” for the asshole villain, like this alliance could’ve worked as long as it was TEMPORARY and they would’ve gotten back to fighting after the bigger threat was gotten rid of. This IS possible, I just don’t get why the writer wouldn’t think of using this structure this way.I will stand by the belief that Azuma’s actions and intents are not justified at all, just like with Gai and Kuroto, two other Kamen Rider villains that Takahashi also wrote. With one of these fuckers actually got some kind of punishment- oh right, I’ll get to that for Azuma much much later.
But the way Azuma was fucking written in episode 36 was just… Yeah, in my opinion, this is where they really start to contradict how this character has been established and built up in all the episodes prior to 36. Like really… REALLY?! Not only did Takahashi went with his usual redemption arc with this structure instead of something different (let alone a complete different take on this structure) for Buffa when he didn’t need nor deserved it, this episode… actually had the gall.. to JUSTIFY Azuma’s actions. Like why? Why Takahashi? Why are you “justifying” Azuma’s prejudice and killing the riders was to save them? That was never established from beforehand, not from the start and not from any build up! I also did not like how Ace is written to speculate that Azuma’s actions was justified and that there was any “remaining good” within him. Come on Takahashi, let Buffa and Geats have their ultimate final battle as true enemies or whatnot! Why are you trying to redeem a character that did not need nor deserved to redeem and why did you think justifying his horrid actions was a good idea?! It feels like a retcon just like with George and his character shift back in Revice! Are all kids that stupid to believe this?
Oh and speaking of kids… Yes, Kamen Rider is more than just a kids show. Both an older audience and younger audience can enjoy it, in a way, it can be perceived as a “family show”. (Although that may sound like an understatement and may not be the accurate term) From the surface level like suits, actions, the toys to dramatic and emotional moments, deeper themes and morals. But besides the point, when it comes to asshole characters…regardless of whether you’re trying to redeem them or not, is it EVER right to try to justify their actions? Or worse… considering what happened with Gai in Zero-One or George from Revice, let these assholes completely get away with their sins scot-free and ignore the despicable fuckery never happened?!Shouldn’t the writer be teaching the fucking kids that if you do something horrible or beyond forgiving such as murder in cold-blood or sacrifice others for your own goals, that they should and could get PUNISHED for this and deserve to be angrily reprimanded and called out for these crimes against humanity?! What is it with the Reiwa Era mostly afraid of teaching the kids that wrongdoers naturally deserve their punishment, their karma, for their actions and that they shouldn’t get away with it scot-free?!Like at least the first time Takahashi used the same structure for Kuroto’s “redemption” (the term is very debatable for his case), Kuroto actually got some form of punishments that I talked about if you read the link on the first paragraph, from being reigned in by Poppy using the bugvisor for his behavior to, by the authority of the health ministry, officially AND legally placed into permanent custody or house arrest in the CPR in his very own digital prison where he can be used to their advantage. But then the second time Takahashi used this structure, it was worse. Given the mostly real world setting Zero-One took place in, Gai SHOULD’VE gotten punished for his various crimes. Like there are so many charges that could’ve legally been pressed against Gai and Gai should’ve been incarcerated for his actions.But now the third time Takahashi used this structure again, in the same (for the most part) way he did for Kuroto and Gai, it feels like it’s going to be even worse than with Kuroto (who got punished and his character didn’t completely change for the “better”) and Gai (who really didn’t punished from what I recall)…Why do I say the third time would somehow be worse (especially how episode 36 handled the character)…it’s due to the SETTING of Kamen Rider Geats. Like I think Azuma deserves comeuppance for his sins, but given how the DGP works, the laws of the real world DON’T apply like with Ex-Aid or Zero-One, the DGP is exempt from all this. What’s worse is that Azuma would just lose his memories and live a memory if he was just retired, effectively getting away from it all undeservingly. The setting is another huge reason why I don’t believe Azuma getting a redemption would work for Kamen Rider Geats, he’ll just blissfully get away with it all scot-free. The setting doesn’t work in Kamen Rider Geat’s favor when it comes to using this same structure (or any structure) as a redemption arc for Buffa.
Oh boy…I think I’ve said enough. I feel like the same way the writer has been using this structure as a redemption has actually, dare I say, worsened over the years. It didn’t quite the second time, it’s clearly not working the third time. But since episode 36 just happened, it’s too late, all we can do is watch the fire spread as Azuma’s character deteriorates for the worse as the show progresses starting from this point.(At least then, we’ll just pay may attention to the other cast members for now that are actually written better.)PS: I hope I actually explained this fine and that anyone gets the point on what I’m saying. It’s not to change anyone’s beliefs, I’m just sharing what makes sense to me.
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peculiary · 2 years
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Captain America & the Falcon #159 March 1, 1973
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eulchu · 1 year
Sigh good ole deflection crazy truly bc most of the ccs people are trying to defend over this have fucking horrendous shit in their closets but whatever I’m done if this is how it’s going to happen they can all go fuck themselves instant block if Q is in ur pfp or Qsmp is in the DN that fanbase is a lost cause
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