#And I feel I should clarify
revenantghost · 1 year
You know, I think one of the coolest things about Trimax and how it ends is how unique the experience is to everyone, and how valid that is. I'm sick as a dog and hella groggy, so forgive me if I'm misremembering or my phrasing is weird, but I remember reading an interview where Nightow was asked whether Knives was alive or dead at the end of the manga. And he did give an answer, but he specified that was just his intention, and that everyone should walk away with their own opinion (something along those lines, I'm paraphrasing and cannot remember the source).
Nightow has also said that his intention with the ending was for it to be hopeful, but he would also later say that he was so incredibly burnt out and exhausted and that he would change some things if he could. I think you can read all of that in his work. So for me, my first (and thus-far only) readthrough left me with a distinct feeling of tragedy, exhaustion, and of cycles repeating. But everyone who walked away feeling hopeful and like the future is bright and infinite is also correct. And it really speaks to the deeply human nature of Trigun, and the way that its story speaks to us and our unique experiences and what life has taught us, I think. The song of humanity sings in all of us in all different ways.
Idk man, I need to sleep but I just think Trigun is neat.
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heraxic · 9 months
medic girl dinner 2
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Ngl, I do love me a feral/enraged Dick Grayson <3
Credit to @honeysgalaxy for providing photos of the new panels
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xulips · 1 year
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clearly, they have the same opinion on being "casual"
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dmbakura · 10 months
OK so I want to stress that this is NOT a slight against OP of this post or how they feel about the way the game presents certain options, but I've seen sentiments like this before and I feel like people still aren't quite grasping WHY the game doesn't allow the option to do a "slow burn romance where you can show him you truly care about him beyond sex" if you ascend him. So I wanted to take the opportunity to talk about Astarion's route and objectification, and the very intentional limitations of player choice regarding the ascension path.
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Objectification is the act of degrading someone to the status of a mere object. It often involves a sexual component, but not necessarily. It's reducing someone to being a tool or toy, as if they have no feelings/opinions/autonomy of their own. In Astarion's case, his objectification is very much tied to his sexuality, but also his own views on power and control, and how that reflects on both him and his romantic partner.
I think people get too fixated on Welch's quote "it's reducing your relationship with him back to being a kink/form of gratification... it's very much admitting you failed to think of him beyond a sex object" and take this as commentary or judgment on the players choices, when it isn't actually that. It's quite literally the story that is baked into the route and Astarion's character as a whole. There are obviously reasons to ascend him that have nothing to do with how you personally feel about him as a character, ie you want stats, you think it's just more fun, or interesting, or you like the tragedy, etc but in regards to the story itself? It's actually more commentary on how Astarion views himself more than anything else. He is an intentional subversion of the seductive vampire trope. You cannot engage with his story without interacting with this aspect of his character.
Even if you had a dialogue option to try and initiate a romance with him without that first night of sex, Astarion wouldn't take it. If you had a dialogue option to "show him you cared and want to protect him" he would either scoff at it or get angry, as he does if you try and express similar sentiments about protecting him from Cazador. He doesn't want to be coddled. He doesn't trust mindless heroism or altruism. He initiates sex because he uses it as a tool for manipulation and insurance of his own safety. You can either play into that manipulation or don't (and he seems to respect you more if you don't, which says a lot about his self worth). You can't initiate a slow burn romance because Astarion is so distrustful of EVERYONE and has no ability to conceptualize genuine care at this point in the game due to his mistreatment as a vampire spawn. This is an incredibly important aspect to his character and to change the foundation of this is to rewrite his character entirely.
(There is ONE exception to this: Karlach. Karlach is the only character that can initiate more of a slowburn with Astarion and won't sleep with him the first night because she quite literally, physically can't. And Astarion doesn't immediately accept this either. He belittles Karlach, to the point of calling her frigid and basically defective, wondering if he's wasting his time, before she chews him out for being an asshole. Again, he has no idea how to approach a relationship without using sex as a transaction and it shows. He only goes along with it because he quite literally cannot do his normal routine. This is the only reason he won't start a relationship with Karlach using sex.)
So anyways, that choice at the start? The way Astarion's romance initiates on the first night? It intentionally parallels the way ascended!Astarion will offer you an ultimatum: become his spawn or leave him. At the start of the game, Astarion intentionally plays into the sexy vampire trope to get what he wants, is highly paranoid, afraid and distrustful of everyone. At the end of the game in the ascended route... he's intentionally playing into the sexy vampire trope, is highly paranoid, afraid and distrustful of everyone, only this time he has power to back him up. Nothing about his views has been fundamentally challenged if you ascend him; he's completely validated in his beliefs about power and control and entirely in the mindset that he has no value without becoming the ascendant.
It's not about whether you personally find him sexy or not. It's not about having sex at this point. It's not about you or your character. Astarion objectifies himself, fully playing the only hand he knows (as he himself puts it) because that is all he knows how to do. In the ascended path, he has been shown no other option. Your character, good intentions or not, has not given him the tools to see himself as anything else. There is no way too make himself see himself as anything else, except by not ascending him! Either you let this man degrade you as he degrades himself, or don't. That is the option provided, and anything otherwise wouldn't make sense without rewriting his character completely.
Do you value what he actually wants (freedom) or do you value what he says he wants (power, because he views it as the only way to get that freedom)? To me the game makes it obvious (ESPECIALLY with the newly added epilogue) that walking in the sun again or gaining the power of the vampire ascendant aren't the keys to Astarion's happiness. Stuff like that, while nice, doesn't magically grant him peace and it's not a substitute for character growth and self reflection. It honestly just feels like people want the personality and development of spawn Astarion but in the ascended Astarion path, which doesn't make any sense with the way the story unfolds.
Anyways, I just wanted to say that objectification can be more than just seeing someone as a sex object, and doesn't necessarily have to do with sex itself. It can tie into views about power and degradation and a lack of self respect. Furthermore, it's not the game telling you you're a bad person or some sex addled freak if you ascend him, it's asking you to engage with what Astarion's personal story can say about sexuality, cycles of abuse, trauma and recovery - for better or worse.
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ninyard · 3 days
my toxic trait is not posting anything for weeks and then proceeding to post a million posts at once anyways does anyone want some Exy fan tweets
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myfairkatiecat · 27 days
Everyone is entitled to love or hate a character, but if you’re loving or hating a character for the wrong reasons I’m gonna side eye you. They are the person they are, love or hate them for it but at least get them right smh
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toxi-works-at-culvers · 3 months
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don't be shy, pick up your boyfriend ex husband best friend business partner today!!
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v2 with the bunny/bear ears :3
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tazmiilly · 1 year
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feel my fingers as they touch your arms. im spinning around and I feel alright
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eromrevencrow · 1 year
in the midst of lestat slander on twitter just saw someone call lestat a "just a s1 romantic interest, get over it" and got reminded people who haven't consumed a single thing about tvc in their life are watching this show omg
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tin-cant · 5 months
I know this sounds cruel, but Fcg was a great choice for a PC death. I dont say that because I'm not sad. They were a favorite of mine! It's just that he was at a good place in his story for it. If Imogen or Fearne, who have really important plot/personal connections that still need to be explored died, it would feel like we lost too much of the story. While Chetney nearly dying felt more somber than tragic because he'd already lived such a full life. Fcg was at a good middle ground where it feels like we could have had more while still being a satisfying end for them. His story feels both complete and incomplete, and that's what makes it such a great tragedy.
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mangosundae · 1 day
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Ford meets his new brother in law.
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lilianade-comics · 2 years
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My Vlad, Jack, and Maddie go on the run from the government episode post was extremely well received, so here's some more because i love them!!!
-Vlad is not operating on all cylinders (you try being coherent after being handcuffed to Jack Fenton for hours!) but he's still actively trying to get Jack out of the picture. It's not working.
-Vlad also becomes increasingly bad at hiding his powers as things get more ridiculous and out of hand.
-Jack won't shut up about college, and every event he references is more insane than the last.
-There is room for genuine emotional reconciliation in this situation. I like to think that Vlad finally explodes about the lab accident and hm maybe Jack and Maddie actually apologize for how that was handled?? Vlad of course does not accept whatever apology is offered.
-But........he might save Jack's life at the end. Not on accident (if you squint). And no, Vlad will not be taking questions about that.
-Maddie has a body count.
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lycantropy14 · 2 months
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frobby · 5 months
Ive been thinking a lot about kim namwoon but not like in philosophical way more in the "what if you were created to aid one person and like thats the reason for your existence and then you find out... that guy hates you so much he would get into internet fights about it..." kind of way
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livingasaghost · 1 month
obsessed with the not subtle at all gay undertones in dark rise like okay sure stab him with a unicorn horn, i know what you are
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