#Alma 32
heathersdesk · 4 months
My grandfather was killed in a hit and run accident in 1978.
His mother and sister struggled with life after that. They decided to go on a trip across the United States together to get away from things for a while.
I discovered this trip when I was going through photo albums and suddenly saw a place I recognized.
The Salt Lake Temple.
They went to many places during that trip. But there was something truly special to me that, in one of the worst seasons of their lives, they ended up at the temple.
I served part of my mission at Temple Square. I was waiting for a visa to Brazil that I began to think was never coming. I had a truly horrendous time in the MTC babysitting a district of Elders who spent weeks on end bullying me and tearing down my self-esteem. I was told directly by someone, I forget who now, that I was being sent there to recover. And when I realized that the mission had no young Elders in it at all, that it was only Sisters and senior couples, I came to appreciate what that meant.
I had so many wild interactions there with so many people. Some of them were strange, like the guy who viewed the Book of Mormon as proof of alien interactions with humans. There were moments of heartbreak, like the woman who was in tears at the Christus statue who attacked us when we checked in on her. There were moments of pure delight, like when an LDS family with two young daughters came to that same Christus statue. The oldest girl, no older than 4 or 5, squealed "JESUS" and ran to the Savior's feet, little sister in tow. Whenever I hear someone mention the teaching to become as a little child, she is exactly who I think of.
There were also moments that were meant solely for me, like when I met the first Sister to ever be called to the Boston mission I had hoped to go to to wait for my visa. Boston has a large Brazilian population, many of whom are members of the Church. I had begged in prayer to be sent there and was told by other people it wouldn't happen because "Sisters don't go there." I had an entire conversation with the woman who was going to be that change. It seemed cruel to me at the time, dangling the carrot of something I wanted right in front of my face. In time, I've realized it was so I would remember that God does miracles and is aware of the desires of my heart, even if it means I don't get what I want. Someone needed to exercise enough faith to push that door open for women. I put my full weight behind it, and I can be just as proud that it opened for someone else.
But some of my favorite people I met there were people who just made me laugh. I met a Jewish convert from New York who told us his conversion story, how what drew him in was the Plan of Salvation. He summarized it in a New York accent in a voice I can still hear in my mind: "So you're a god, eventually. But can you pay RENT?!"
One of my favorite people I met was a Scottish convert named Agnes who was doing the Mormon trail across the US, beginning in New England and ending in Utah. She was a much older woman and told us all about her pilgrimage, and how she had cuddled with the oxen at the baptismal font in the Manhattan New York Temple. (I've been there. You enter into the baptistry on face level with them, or did the last time I was there.) She shared her testimony with us, and I'll never forget what she said.
She explained that the story of Joseph Smith was really hard to get her mind around. It truly is an insane set of asks: angels, gold plates, polygamy, and all the rest. She talked about how she came to accept it—not through any kind of empirical evidence or proof, but through faith and what that looked like.
For her, it was the recognition that being LDS was the best way she had ever encountered to live an excellent life. She said that the worst case scenario she could imagine is one where God would say to her, "You know that whole business with Joseph Smith was a load of crock, right? But you lived such a good life, I have to let you in anyway."
That has always stayed with me. Agnes was one of many people who came to the Square looking for something. I saw people come there looking for faith, or a fight, and truly everything in between. And it's only now that I'm older and wiser that I see something clearly now that I couldn't see then.
Agnes didn't need to come to Temple Square to find faith. She already had a tremendous amount of faith. She, and many others, were looking for conviction. I was at Temple Square long enough to learn you don't get that from a place. While a place like Temple Square can illuminate the possibilities for conviction through the lens of history, it doesn't bestow that conviction through contact or proximity alone. Conviction is made from the materials of your own life and your own choices. Your will, how firmly you place yourself into an immovable and unyielding position, is the measure of your convictions. It comes from within.
Faith is the decision to believe in what you cannot see, and what cannot be proven objectively. That never goes away. Nothing we experience in life, no place we ever visit, will create a shortcut under, over, or around that decision to believe, to trust in God. Faith, at its core, is a decision. The ability to continue making that decision over and over again, under all species of hardship and opposition, is conviction.
Where Jesus walked is nowhere near as important as how Jesus walked, and with whom. The same is true for all of us. Our walk with God might never take us anywhere near a temple because of where God has called us to go. But we are the holiest dwelling places of God on earth—not any of the buildings we've made.
Be a holy place of living faith wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be. Worship God, no matter what places you can or cannot enter. There is more than one way to access a temple. One way is to enter a place that people invite God to dwell. The other is to become that place. There can be no separation from God where communion never ceases. It is the refuge that is unassailable by others for as long as the person wills it so. The torch within will not go out.
The temple is not special because it has some holy essence that springs forth out of nothing, to passively be absorbed by others. The temple is special because it directs people to Jesus Christ, who is the giver of healing and peace. The temple is just a building. It's Jesus Christ that is the true power behind it all, whose objective is to make you, me, and every person you know the holiest creature you've ever beheld. You are the end goal.
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mindfulldsliving · 2 months
Faith in God's Word: Insights from Alma 32 and Hebrews 11
Faith in the word of God is a key principle taught in both Alma 32 and Hebrews 11. These scriptures illustrate the importance of believing in God's promises, even when we cannot see them.
Alma Preaching and Ministering to the Zoramites. Image generated – Timothy R. Berman © 2024 Exploring Faith in God’s Word: Insights from Alma 32 and Hebrews 11 Faith in God’s Word is a cornerstone of Latter-day Saint theology, beautifully explored in Alma 32 and Hebrews 11. These foundational texts highlight the significance of faith, especially in times of trial and uncertainty. Alma and his…
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roadimusprime · 1 month
Hi all, this is Andrea, the organizer for @noorabd1992's campaign. On the behalf of Nour, his wife Dina, and their two children, I just want to thank you all for supporting their campaign. It is thanks to all of your generous donations and the sharing of Nour's post that we were recently able to raise over $5,000. This is enough money to evacuate the couples daughter, Alma and their son, Loai.
We still need to raise $39,751 in order to evacuate the whole family and ensure that they can rebuild their lives in Egypt.
Please donate if you can, and spread this post.
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8/31/2024 Edit:
Nour's campaign has now been shared by 90-ghost!!
9/12/24 Edit:
Nour had his blog terminated by staff and had all of his posts wiped from the platform.
You can find his new blog at @noorabd-1992
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roosterforme · 9 months
The Intern Prologue | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You barely have a minute to yourself after graduating at the top of your Ivy League class before your father insists you find an internship. Your days of lounging by the pool and partying are numbered as he has an endless parade of his colleagues visiting the house. But one of them is familiar to you in a way that warms your skin just like the San Diego sun.
Warnings: Language (eventually 18+)
Length: 1800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
The Intern masterlist. Check out my masterlist for more. Banner by @mak-32
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"We need to start talking about your summer internship."
You had been home for less than one full day, and your father was already on his favorite topic of conversation: your future as a business mogul poised to take over his empire.
"Can we talk about it tomorrow, Daddy?" you asked, flashing him your sweetest smile as you yanked your sunglasses down lower on your nose. It was the end of May. You'd just graduated with top grades and a master's degree in business analytics and finance from his Ivy League alma mater. You were doing everything you could to uphold the family name as his only child, but you just wanted one day off before you got fully immersed in his world.
He sighed and glanced between you and the enormous pool behind the house you grew up in just outside San Diego. "Tomorrow morning. We will talk about it at breakfast," he said sternly. But then you watched his features crack into that soft smile he only ever shared with you. "I'm really proud of you, Sweetheart. You'll do big things."
Your annoyance with him melted away. "Thanks, Daddy." Most of your motivation to succeed came from him and his own personal success, but he worked nearly all the time. You would find a way to balance out a summer internship along with hanging by the pool and partying with your friends. You'd spent years perfecting this routine in college so that you graduated first in your class while still devoting your weekends to your sorority sisters and fraternizing with the fraternity boys.
Your father kissed the top of your head, and once he was gone, you rolled onto your belly. You wanted to feel the glorious heat from the California sun on every bit of your skin. While you enjoyed the different seasons on the east coast and the beautiful Ivy League campus, you certainly missed this weather. You were half tempted to untie your bikini top now that you were alone, but your father always had a parade of his colleagues and employees coming through the house to talk shop. And a lot of them were older and ex-military, and your dad would have a fit. You smiled, because that made you want to do it even more.
You spent all morning and most of the afternoon laying out by the pool with a book that wasn't holding your interest and your enormous water cup. You only ventured inside to get lunch where you waved off your father's chef when she tried to make something for you. It was her job, but you were twenty four and far less helpless than your father when it came to most things around the house. You made a sandwich and took it back out to the pool where the groundskeeper was testing the water. 
Everyone here was calling you 'Miss' which was already getting on your nerves. Nobody cared who you were when you were strolling through campus at the University of Pennsylvania, because their mommys and daddys were even wealthier and more famous than your dad. They just called you by your first name and let you blend in. 
"Miss, the pool chemicals look good," the groundskeeper told you. "Enjoy your swim."
Before he wandered off to work on his next chore, you called out, "Thank you." The funny thing was, your dad never used the pool. All he did was work. He probably only kept it open for the past six years while you were away in Philadelphia just in case you wanted to use it when you were home on breaks. 
And that's what had you walking over to the edge and dipping your toes in the water. There was a bit of a chill to it, probably because the sun had warmed you to your bones. Goosebumps ripped along your skin, and your nipples furled softly in your bikini top. You were suddenly very aware of your body as you heard your dad's booming laughter coming from inside the house along with dress shoes on the Calacatta marble floor. 
You swirled your toes around again as you turned to look through the open French doors at the group of men and women all in black suits. Most of them were as old as your dad with graying hair and scowling faces that conveyed how little they appreciated having their time wasted. All except for one. He was younger and taller than the rest, and he was the only person you knew by name. You hadn't seen him since you were home in December, but Bradley Bradshaw looked just as good now in his navy blue suit as he had with a glass of champagne and pink cheeks in his silk Fair Isle sweater at your father's holiday party. Maybe even better.
Now that he was a mere fifty feet away from you, it surprised you a bit that you hadn't really thought about him in months. His brown eyes met yours and he took a few steps to separate himself from the group. He shot a crooked little grin your way, and you smiled back before your eyes shifted to the pristine pool water. 
That night had been fun, even though your dad insisted you wear a modest forest green dress instead of the black one you brought home from Philadelphia. The champagne and mulled wine made it almost entertaining for you to drift from one of his geriatric colleagues to the next, intentionally asking them almost bizarre questions just to see how they would react. But Bradley had been there, and when you asked him if he'd ever had wine from Domaine Tropez in the south of France, he responded in a deep rumble of a voice saying, "I have a box of wine in my refrigerator that just says White Wine on the side of it. Does that answer your question?" 
You couldn't remember the last time someone made you laugh so hard, and he didn't look at you like the spoiled brat you almost enjoyed playing the part of.
"The vineyard sent me a bottle of rouge for my birthday. Want to try it?" you had asked him, feeling a little drunk and silly as he set his empty champagne flute on a passing tray. 
"You want to waste it on a guy who drinks boxed wine?" he asked, his voice impossibly deep and his mustache twitching with amusement. "I thought you were supposed to be smart. Your father talks about you all the time."
You had been about to take him by the hand and lead him to the kitchen where you'd stashed the wine so your dad wouldn't drink it, but then Bradley got pulled into a conversation with someone else. But you felt his eyes on you frequently throughout the night. And he did make it a point to say goodbye to you, letting you see those rosy cheeks up close one more time.
Just then you were jolted back to the present as you nearly toppled into the pool. Your father's voice carried outside, inflection full of pride as you heard him say, "My daughter flew back last night. Graduated top of her class with the same degree I earned. Following right in my footsteps, if you can believe it. Higher marks than I ever had."
There was some soft laughter and words of congratulations aimed at him, even though you were the one who had worked so hard. You rolled your eyes and planted both feet on the edge before diving as gracefully as you could into the pool. You swam nearly all the way across underwater, grateful for the bit of silence as you collected your thoughts. The water cooled you without being cold enough that you wanted to get out, and when you surfaced, you took a deep breath. 
Everyone seemed to have moved along from the open French doors, probably heading deeper into the house toward your dad's study or his conference room. You swam off toward the pool float that was drifting along in the shallow end, and you pulled yourself gracelessly up onto it. Just as you were fixing your bathing suit, about to settle in for another hour of sunbathing, a shadow crossed your face, and you nearly landed back in the water as you jumped.
It was Bradley Bradshaw standing over you with his hands on his narrow hips and his tie loosened in a way that you couldn't stop looking at. You desperately wished you had your sunglasses to help shield your eyes from the bright light as well as the fact that you were on the verge of checking him out. 
"Heard you graduated with a splash," he added, smiling as you dipped your foot in the water.
You rolled your eyes and settled back against the raft. "Crazy, isn't it? There's almost nothing you can't accomplish when you set your mind to it and have a billion dollar bankroll behind you, just helping you along the way."
His laughter made you feel warmer than the sunshine. "Are you daring to call yourself privileged?" He kept his eyes on yours, and you were impressed that they weren't straying south.
"Are you daring to say you aren't, Mr. Bradshaw?" you asked him with a smirk. "I didn't know you could buy Armani suits at JCPenney. I guess even an Ivy League valedictorian can learn something new every day."
He rubbed his hand over his lips and mustache to try to hide his amusement, and you wiggled back against the raft with a smile of your own. You weren't sure what possessed you to talk to him like this; he was your father's colleague after all. But you felt validated as he squatted down in his three thousand dollar suit to test the water temperature with his hand, because he shook his head slowly at you and said, "I'm impressed you even know what a JCPenney is. You're a bit of a brat, aren't you?"
Now you were the one trying to hide your smile behind your hand. "Don't get it twisted. I've never actually been to one. But all the prep school kids used to talk about shopping for suits off the rack along with knockoff handbags just to rile up our parents."
You thought you heard him mutter the word brat again as he stood. "Well, as much fun as this has been, I'm not dressed for swimming, so I guess I'll go find the other Armani suits and get back to work instead."
"Shame, that," you replied, clicking your tongue. "Bring your Armani swim trunks next time and stay a while."
Now that he was standing at his full height, his gaze slowly drifted down your body, and his cheeks turned ruddy just like they had after an evening of indulging in champagne last December.
"Maybe I will."
Stay tuned for chapter one. We're about to go on an adventure. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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bluegiragi · 2 years
CONTENT WARNING: This blog contains 18+ content! If you are a minor, please do not follow or interact!
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Patreon (NSFW and early access)
Frequently Asked Questions:
(read through the #askbox tag before asking to see if I’ve already answered! repeat questions and spam will be deleted.)
1. What program and brush do you use?
Clip Studio Paint, and I alternate between two brushes: fat sketcher 2 from stealthnacho’s brushset, and short vertical bar (dual brush) from sparth’s art pack 1
2. What tablet do you use?
I use a Surface Pro 8, which is a laptop where you can draw directly onto the screen. However, this is a really pricey purchase and before I had it, I used an Intuous Tablet for 6 years and loved it.
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3.Can I repost your art on other platforms?
You can, but please credit me every time!
4.Can I write a fic/make fanart/ make an OC based on your AU?
Yeah sure!
5.Have you thought of what monster [insert character] would be? / Will you be adding [insert character] to the monster AU?
If I haven’t talked about certain characters already, I probably won’t at all. And I don’t have anything against these characters, but it’s more like I’m largely indifferent and have 0 thoughts. Do what you will, I made my AU as a sandbox for others to play in too, so you decide what to do with these characters!
6.Will you ever draw Konig/Soapbox again?
If I feel like it, probably! But the brainrot where it was the main focus has definitely passed <3
7. Can I use your art for c.ai/ character bots?
I'd really prefer it if you didn't, sorry! I take a largely anti-AI stance on most things now.
extra | team 141 character introductions
extra | konig + horangi character introductions
extra | las almas crew + graves character introduction
part ? | price/gaz rooftop talks
part 1 | bag of tricks
part 2 | ghost/soap muzzle
part 3 | price+ghost check in
part 4 | ghost + soap + gaz in action (part 1)
part 5 | ghost + soap + gaz in action (part 2)
part 6 | ghost + soap + gaz in action (part 3) 
part 7 | sketchdump 1
part 8 | ghost/soap chasing tail
part 9 | soap/fantasy!ghost (full vers on patreon)
part 10 | ghost/soap docile
part 11 | ghost/price due diligence
part 11.5 | ghost/soap due diligence (nsfw - only available on patreon)
part 12 | ghost/price holding back pt 1
part 13 | ghost/price holding back pt 2
part 14 | soap/gaz doing things blind (only available on patreon)
part 15 | konig/horangi clear
part 16 | sketchdump 2
part 17 | debrief
part 18 | ghost/soap work it out (part 1)
part 19 | ghost/soap work it out (part 2)
part 20 | cockatrice (part 1)
part 21 | cockatrice (part 2)
part 22 | sketchdump 3/puppy playtime
part 23 | new moon (part 1)
part 24 | new moon (part 2)
part 25 | new moon (part 3) 
part 26 | open book
part 27 | face to a name
part 28 | before
part 29 | that’s an order
part 30 | diplomacy
part 31 | mr riley
part 32 | human
part 33 | wraith part 34 | sitting ducks part 35 | negotiations part 36 | monster part 37 | bloodsucker part 38 | the lieutenant's arrived part 39 | he keeps his promises part 40 | i'm sorry john. part 41 | mutt part 42 | limitations part 1 part 43 | limitations part 2 part 44 | limitations part 3 part 45 | hoard (full comic on patreon) part 46 | hoard part 2 (full comic on patreon) part 47 | mask off part 48 | aware part 1 part 49 | aware part 2 part 50 | reward (part 1) (suggestive) part 51 | reward (part 2) (nsfw - full comic only available on patreon) part 52 | reward (part 3) (nsfw - full comic only available on patreon) part 53 | catchup part 54 | brief part 55 | group huddle
part 1 | konig/soap first meeting
part 2 | ghost/soap kid and a cookie jar (full vers on patreon)
part 3 | ghost/konig spar pt 1
part 4 | ghost/konig spar pt 2
extra | ghost + konig facecanons
part 5 | ghost/soap heart to heart
part 6 | ghost/konig grow a pair
part 7 | konig/soap do something
part 8 | konig/soap/ghost rough part 1 (full vers on patreon)
part 9 | konig/soap/ghost rough part 2 (full vers on patreon)
part 10 | trio feat. price mission start
part 11 | trio feat!unmasked konig
part 12 | trio feat! unmasked konig pull yourself together
part 13 | konig fantasises (full vers on patreon)
part 14 | ghost/konig feat. soap private lesson
part 15 | ghost/konig/soap lieutenant’s room
part 16 | ghost/konig/soap good for us (full vers on patreon)
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Karımla Karavan Anılarımız! (1) (Gökhan 48 Y., İzmir)
Merhabalar. Adım Gökhan. Bundan 4 sene önce başlayan ve evliliğimi fırtınalı bir şekilde alevlendiren olaylar silsilesini anlatmak istiyordum. O dönemler devletin yurt dışında çalışarak önemli bir mevkiinden müdür olarak 48 yaşında erkenden emekli olmaya hak kazanmış birisiydim. Karım Handan ise 32 yaşında, bembeyaz tenli, sarı saçları olan, düzgün ve şişmana kaçmadan hafif balık etli, dolgun vücutlu, göğüsleri 90C, kalçaları ise yuvarlak, hatlı ve kendini belli edecek şekilde olan bir kadındı.
Takdir edersiniz ki eşimle aramda 16 yaş gibi ciddi bir yaş farkı vardı ve bu yaş farkını her ne kadar kendime kompleks yapmasam da, bazı anlarda ciddi bir rakip gibi görebiliyordum. Bu sebepten ötürü yatakta olsun, aşk hayatında ol sun, romantizmde olsun ve maceraperest şeylerde olsun (Benden daha geçmedi!) havası verebilmek için sürekli kendimi kanıtlama gayreti içerisindeydim. Karım da bazen kavga ettiğimizde, bazen de takılmak ve beni sinir etmek için, "İstesem senden daha gencini bulurdum, ayağını denk al!"� derdi ve beni kızdırırdı.
Her ne kadar bunu sorun etmiyormuş gibi gözüksem de, içten içe bu ihtimalin doğruluğunu bilerek sinir olurdum. Neticede ben artık 50'li yaşlarına yaklaşmış, saçlarında ufak tefek beyazlar çıkan, sırf karısının yanında daha da yaşlı durmamak için düzenli olarak diyet yapan, cilt bakımı yaptıran, spora giden bir erkektim; karım Handan ise 30'lu yaşlarının başında, gayet alımlı, kendini her türlü erkeğe beğendirebilecek bir kadındı. Hatta son birkaç yıldır eşim ile aramızdaki yaş farkının iyice belirginleşmesiyle birlikte dışarıdan gelen delici bakışların bile farkına varmaya başlamıştım.
Bu ufak girizgahtan sonra, seks hayatımızı ve belki de evliliğimizi canlandıran, beni de ilişkimiz hakkındaki tüm endişe ve kaygıdan kurtaran o malum güne geçmek istiyorum. Lakin daha öncesine yine ufak birkaç şey anlatmak isterim. Ben emekli olduktan sonra, karımla birlikte en büyük hayalimiz olan karavan alma işine iyiden iyiye tutulmuştuk. Söylediğim gibi hem yurt dışı görevi, hem de iyi bir makamdan emekli olduğum için güzel de bir tazminat almıştım ve elimize geçen tazminat ile birlikte, yaptığımız birkaç aylık araştırmanın sonucunda Mayıs ayında güzel bir karavan almıştık.
Karım özel okulda bir öğretmenlik yaptığı için yaz aylarına kadar beklememiz gerekiyordu gezi yapabilmek için, ancak bu benim açımdan bir problem değildi. Ben de o sırada bu yeni karavana alışmaya çalışıyor ve onun ufak tefek eksiklerini gideriyordum. Zaten para konusunda da pek sıkıntımız olmadığı için karımın esasında çalışmasına bile gerek yoktu; ancak o prensipler gereği çalışmak istiyordu.
Haziran ayının ilk haftasından sonra okullar da kapanınca önümüzde 3 aylık muazzam bir boşluk oluştu. Ben zaten emekliydim ve beni eve bağlayan bir şey yoktu; karımın da 3 ay boyunca tatilde olması sebebiyle kendimize bir rota çizdik. İlk rotamız (daha önce hiç karavanla seyahat etmediğimiz için) daha bildiğimiz yerler olacaktı. O yüzden de İzmir'den başlayarak Akdeniz'e inecek ve Mersin'e kadar gidecektik. Sonraki seyahat durağımıza (eğer vakit kalırsa) oradan sonra karar verecektik. Biraz da yol bizi nereye götürürse mantığındaydık.
Haziran ayının 16'sında, sabahın ilk saatlerinde yola koyulduk. Gayet güzel geçiyordu ve istediğimiz yerde durup, istediğimiz yerde devam ederek birkaç gün boyunca seyahat etmiştik. Her gittiğimiz yerde denize girmeye ve bol bol gezmeye de çalışıyorduk. Eşim vücudunu sergilemeyi seven ve bundan çekinmeyen bir kadındı. Ben de asla baskıcı bir erkek olmadım. O zamanlar gerçekten böyle bir hissim yoktu ve karıma bakılması veya bakılmaması pek dikkatimi çekmiyordu. Bundan hoşnut durumda olup olmama gibi bir hissiyatım yoktu. Karım ne isterse giyebilir diye düşünen bir erkektim sadece.
Ancak her şeyi değiştiren şey, yolculuğa çıkışımızın 3. günü olan 19 Haziran'da meydana geldi. Karımla o gün bir şey yüzünden tartışmış ve sinirlerimizin de gergin olmasından dolayı daha önce etmediğimiz şekilde ciddi ve ağır bir kavga etmiştik. İkimiz de birbirimizle konuşmuyor, sadece yola bakıyorduk. Tam hatırlamasam da Muğla civarlarında bir yerde devam ederken bir otostopçu genç gördük. En fazla 19-20 yaşlarında olan bu genç muhtemelen üniversite öğrencisiydi ve yaz tatilini değerlendirmek için otostop çekerek geziyordu. İkimiz de otostop konusunda pek bilgili insanlar değildik, çünkü geldiğimiz ailelerin maddi durumları, yaşadığımız yerler gereğince bugüne kadar otostop çekmemiş veya otostopçu almamıştık.
O an o çocuğu almamı sağlayan etken neydi bilmiyorum, ama bir anda arabayı yavaşlatmaya başladım. Karım, uzun süren sessizliği bozarak, "Alma o çocuğu!" dedi; lakin onun dediğinin tersini yapacağım ya, "Alacağım!" diyerek arabayı durdurdum. Tabii daha o bir şey söyleyemeden çocuk hemen karavanın kapısını açarak içeriye geçti. Karım bana öyle ters ve hırçınca baktı ki (Demek sen benim dediğimi yapmazsın, görürsün o zaman!) der gibi bir ifade vardı yüzünde. Çocuk teşekkür ederek karavanın içindeki koltuğa oturdu.
Ben de ortamdaki gergin havayı ve sessizliği dağıtmak amacıyla çocuğa birkaç soru yönelttim. Adı Akın'mış, tahmin ettiğim gibi 19 yaşında ve üniversite öğrencisiymiş. Tüm sene boyunca biriktirdiği parayla birlikte o da bizim gibi gezgin olarak tatil yapmak istiyormuş. Ben o çocukla sohbet ederken, eşimin sinsi planlar yaparak beni yenmeye çalışacağını tahmin edemiyordum tabii. Aşağı yukarı çocuğu 40 kilometre kadar götürecek, sonra onu ayrılması için bir anayolun ayrımında bırakacaktım.
Birkaç kilometre gittikten sonra karım ayağa kalktı ve yanımdaki koltuktan, arkaya geçti. Üstünde, kalçalarının altına kadar gelen bir mini kot şort ile hafif dekolteli bir askılı bluz vardı. Göremiyordum ama karım ayağa kalkıp tüm endamını sergilediğinde, eminim bu 19 yaşındaki genç, karımı baştan aşağı süzmüştü. Karım, işveli bir sesle, "Bir şey içer misin Akıncığım?" dedi. Akın biraz tutukça bekledikten sonra, "Zahmet olmazsa soğuk bir şeyler alırım." dedi. Karım ona bir şeyler ikram ettikten sonra yanımdaki koltuğa oturmak yerine arkada, çocuğun oturduğu koltuğa oturdu. Ben de dikiz aynasından yola bakıyormuş gibi yaparak onları seyrediyordum.
Sohbet bir yerden sonra ben odaklı olmaktan çıktı ve karım ile Akın arasındaki bir diyaloğa döndü. Ben de bir şey demeden yolu takip ediyor ve ara ara da onları izliyordum. Karım bacak bacak üstüne atmış, saçıyla oynayıp ara ara da şuh gülüşler atıyordu. Amacını anlamıştım; beni kıskandırmak ve biraz da kızdırmak istiyordu. Onun oyununa gelmeyeceğim diye hiç sallamıyormuş gibi yapıyordum. Hatta güneşi bahane ederek güneş gözlüğümü takmıştım ki, onları izliyor olduğum belli olmasın diye; ama maalesef hayatımın hatalarından (veya önemli davranışların dan) birisini yapıyordum.
Ona müdahale etmeyip, tepkisiz kaldığımı gören karım biraz daha işi abartarak, konuşurken çocuğa dokunmaya başladı. Davranışları beni bile dimdik eden karım, bu 19 yaşındaki gencecik çocuğun eminim aklını almıştı. Zaten çocuk da oturuş pozisyonunu sürekli değiştirerek, erekte olmuş sikini saklamaya çalışıyordu. Ben ise halen olanları önemsemiyormuş gibi yaparak güneş gözlüğümün altından karımı ve çocuğu izliyordum. Karım o kadar şuh hareketler yapıyor, o kadar tutkulu ve istekli davranıyordu ki, beni bile dimdik etmişti. Karımın en iyi becerdiği şeylerden birisi de, istediği an istediği yerde bir hareketiyle erkeği tahrik edecek kadar becerikli olmasıydı. En yorgun olduğum ve seks istemediğim anlarda bile defalarca kez beni azdırıp benimle sevişmişliği vardı. Tabii benim yaşlarımda bir adam bile dayanamıyorken, 19 yaşında bir çocuğun buna dayanmasını beklemek mümkün değildi.
Bir ara artık ses gelmemeye ve konuşmalar kesilmeye başladı. Dikiz aynasından bir kere daha baktığımda ise karım ile Akın'ın öpüşmeye başladığını gördüm. Akın tamamen gözlerini kapatmış ve olan bitenden habersiz bir şekilde (belki de, Adam arabayı sürüyor, ben arkada karısını götürüyorum!) diye düşünerek öpüşüyordu; ancak karımın gözleri açıktı ve çocuğu öperken bir yandan da beni kesiyordu. O da aptal birisi değildi, elbette onları izlediğimi biliyordu, ama ses çıkartmadığım için onları görmediğimi (!) düşünerek elini çocuğun sikine attı pantolon üzerinden. Karmaşık duygular içerisindeydim; bir yanım çocuğu hemen arabadan atmak istiyordu, ama bir yanım da bu anın keyfi içinde olanların seyrinin doğal bir biçimde sonlanana kadar ne olacağını görmek istiyordu. Müdahale etmedim ve ben müdahale etmedikçe de karım biraz daha işi uçlara sürüklemeye başladı.
Yaklaşık 5 dakika sonra bir fermuar sesi duydum. Karım oturduğu yerden kalkmadan çocuğun önüne doğru eğilerek sakso çekmeye başlamıştı. Akın ise kasıntı ve tedirgin bir şekilde (Acaba fark eder mi?) endişesiyle birlikte mükemmel bir zevk alarak koltukta oturuyordu. Karım, dudaklarını iyice aralamış ve Akın'ın sikini yavaş yavaş, tadını çıkartırcasına emiyordu. Akın'ın dimdik, taze ve kalın siki, karımın dudaklarının arasında iyice ıslanmıştı. Karımın o güzel saksosundan sonra artık geriye kalan tek şey seks olmuştu.
Benden herhangi bir tepki gelmeyince karım yavaşça ayağa kalktı. Hemen üstünkörü, sanki bir bar tuvaletinde yaparmış gibi çabucak bitirmek istercesine şortunu ve külotunu aynı anda indirip, Akın'ın kucağına oturdu. Sırtı Akın'a dönük bir şekilde, Akın'ın sikini yavaşça am dudaklarına dayadı ve bir anda içine aldı. Karım zevkle zıplıyor ve sözde sesini duyurmamak ister gibi de dudaklarını sıkarak inlemesini azaltmaya (!) çalışıyordu. O an aniden direksiyonu sağ ve sola çevirerek şeritlerde zigzag çizmeye başladım ve karımın dengesini bozarak tamamen o çocuğun kucağında oturmasını sağladım. O da anlamış olacak ki, "Hayatım bir sorun mu var?" diye seslendi. Onları sözde göremeyeceğim bir yerde oldukları için bir yandan benimle konuşuyor, bir yandan da Akın'ın kucağında zıplamaya devam ediyordu. "Hayır canım, misafirimizle ilgileniyor musun? Çok trafik var ilgilenemiyorum pek!" dedim.
Karım gülerek, "İlgileniyorum canım, merak etme!" dedi. Birkaç dakika kadar sonra Akın ile eşimin fısıldaşarak konuştuklarını duydum. Fısıltıları duyuyordum, ama ne konuştuklarını anlayamıyordum; fakat karımın hareketlerinden, Akın'ın boşalmaya yakın olduğunu anladım. Herhalde üstünden kalkar ve başka bir yere boşaltır diye düşünmeme rağmen, karım yine aynı hızla hoplamaya başladı ve en sonunda Akın'ın, ne kadar zorlasa da tutamadığı, ufak bir iniltisini duydum. Karımın amına boşalmıştı. Çocuk ne kadar panik olduysa, karım üstünden kalkar kalkmaz hemen toparlandı ve ineceği yere daha 24 kilometre varken, "İzninizle ben burada ineyim." diyerek karavandan indi. Karım ve ben baş başa kalmıştık...
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wingfril · 4 months
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One of the many doodles I made for @dgm20thproject !
I might end up printing them as stickers for fun. If anyone’s in nyc or Chicago, I’ll give them to you for free (you’ll have to come to me). I’ll probably wait on printing them until we get an official color though.
I had no idea what the color of either characters could be, but given sensei said green is for Lucia, I pictured her having very green dresses. Then I looked at the Chinese fandom’s summary of the live, and they’re implying that Hoshino sensei is implying that the hair is green (yeahhh idk about this one). For bookman jr, they hair has to either be reddish or silver given Lucia’s comment in the latest chapter. The eyes should be green since lavi and bookman both seem to have green eyes. Anyways, given the unknowns, I just did both for both people.
I’ve never done a chibi drawing before (literally in my life). It’s so fast to do them! This is by far the shortest out of all the drawing I’ve done for this project. Procreate saids it’s about 8 hours (yes I’m very very slow). Page 112 (the purple early playing piano) took 32 hours, the iconic moment took 45 hours, and the pointalisim page (185) took 16.5 hours. Katerina doodle took 16.5 (for what ended up posting on tumblr) and 15 (for what’s in the zine). Another alma and kanda doodle took 11.5 hours.
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afinidade082323 · 4 months
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Direitos Humanos no Islam A Segurança da Vida e da Propriedade. O Alcorão afirma muito claramente:
O sangue humano é sagrado e não pode ser derramado sem justificativa. E se alguém viola essa santidade do sangue humano matando uma alma sem justificativa, o Alcorão o iguala à matança de toda a humanidade.
“…quem mata uma pessoa, sem que esta haja matado outra ou semeado corrupção na terra…” [Sagrado Alcorão 5:32]
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wibixthecowboy · 2 years
Play the Song: Part 1: Meet the Flash
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Task Force 141 needs a new sniper and despite their complaints, they're assigned Flash, a joke-making, ABBA-listening, 20-year-old sharpshooter with better aim than the whole team combined. In other words, Ghost is practically handed the love of his life but he needs time to adjust because she's a firecracker.
Warnings/Tags: Age gap (20/30-32), gore, descriptions of injury/blood/wounds, swearing, weapons, literally only fluff and banter, minimal angst, soft baby girl Ghost, asshole Soap, lighthearted, I can fix him he just needs a hug, warning for an excessively bad taste in music, slow burn, protective ghost, family dynamic, big brother soap has an attitude problem, father figure Price, Gaz is just there because he’s on the wiki I have no idea who he is, eventual smut, praise, thigh riding, unprotected (wrap it up people), idk I’m sure it will get dirtier as I go, shifting POV
Side note: All of these characters are fictional! Please don’t be weird about their real life actors, leave them out of this and be respectful! 
A/N: I have been resurrected from the tumblr tombs once again to write about a man that I’ll never have. I have no idea how cod or war in general works and I don’t care enough to learn so enjoy my bullshitting.
Words: 1.5k
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4  Part 5
  ★ Ghost
  It was a hot day in Las Almas, with the temperature pushing almost 100 degrees, Ghost’s single shirt has stuck to the sheen of sweat on his chest beneath the annoyingly thick Kevlar bodyguard and left him second-guessing his faceless persona in desperation to rip the damp mask off. 
   Their sniper was down, and much to Ghost’s displeasure they were on their way to pick up a new team member fresh off the academy grill. The manila folder in his hands was thin, but the few sheets inside were enough to sell her to the coordinator, he had to admit that she seemed impressive but the minimal amount of field experience would have immediately disqualified her as a candidate if it was his choice.  
“Sniper specialist” 
“98% accuracy rate”
“trained in 6 fighting styles” 
“Distinguished Graduate Award and Clements Award winner” 
“Works under special requirements” 
He squints down at the last line, fighting the bouncing of the truck over the rough terrain to read clearly, special requirements. Ghost huffs a frustrated breath at the lack of further explanation and hands the papers to Soap next to him. 
“Do you know what the special requirements are?” He grumbles, eyeing Soap’s hunched shoulders. They had just gotten the call to clear a residency that would hopefully contain the information on the next run and they would be heading straight in with a newbie. No one was happy. 
Soap shuffles through the papers, barely taking the time to skim the words before he’s shoving them behind him to Price in the back seat. 
“Why the fuck would I know? Do I look like the coordinator?” Ghost raises an eyebrow at the attitude but decides to let it go. He knows from experience that poking would get him nowhere. 
Ghost turns his head to Price in hopes of a clearer answer but he just shakes his head and hands the papers back. 
“You’re missing a few pages there Ghost.” Price says closing his eyes and resting against the seat. Soap, suddenly done with the conversation rolls his eyes and turns to watch the sparse rolling landscape out the window.
“This is the entire file, I opened it on the way here.” Ghost retorts, looking down to flip through the paperwork. It takes him a moment to see it but when he does his hands freeze. Signaled by the sudden stop, Price sits up and looks over the seat to read the page in Ghost’s hand. 
“Oh shit”  
 Somehow both of them had missed the single line at the bottom of the first page,
“Missions completed: 0″
 Realization slowly dawns on him, this recruit has absolutely no field experience. When the coordinator said fresh off the grill he meant it. Ghost turns to relay his newfound information to Soap but snaps his mouth shut at the sight of his pissy expression. 
This new realization leaves a pit in Ghost’s stomach. He hadn’t signed up for training, the recruit couldn't be over 25, a vast difference compared to their already existing team. He’d asked for their best sniper, not a child.   
   The van’s wheels grind to a halt in front of the small outpost building and Soap slams the door open, eager to get the process over with. As if on cue the doors open wide to reveal the coordinator and their new recruit. Ghost balks, through the shimmering heat he can make out two shapes, one being the coordinator and the other he assumes is the recruit. The top of her helmet is level with his shoulder pad and with the rifle being half her height, she looks more like a child than a soldier.
“You’ve got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me. Jesus Fuckin’ Christ that's a child!” Although he wasn’t quick enough to stop him, Price still gives Soap a hard shove to the shoulder. Soap turns around in his seat ready to hit back but Ghost grabs his fist and levels him with a glare. Even with Soap’s strong accent muddying his tone, the words ring clear past the approaching pair. The recruit stands tall though, power-walking through the sand and stopping in front of the open sliding door. 
If it wasn’t for the giant rifle and other military paraphernalia strapped to her chest Ghost would assume he was back at a countryside bar in Kentucky. Her golden blonde hair has been weaved into a thick braid hanging halfway down her chest, framing her freckled face in soft layers and shining in the mid-day sun. The recruit’s blue eyes shone with a wild flare that left Ghost shifting in his seat. Upon noticing a slight gap between her front teeth he feels the corner of his mouth twitch upwards, only to frown at the lack of southern drawl when she finally speaks. 
“I go by Flash, and for your information, my 20th birthday was this summer and I’m probably a better shot than all of you. Now that’s out of the way, are we ready to go gentleman?” 
The entire team freezes in shock at the new and unexpected information. Ghost chokes on his next breath of air and his dignity is saved by Soap’s sudden yell.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN 20?” Flash’s façade falters for just a second at the brute yell before Price is shoving past Soap to get out of the car and stand in front of the pair, blocking them from view. 
Price and the coordinator exchange a few short words before Ghost clears his throat and interrupts.
★ Flash
   Flash had been warned about joining Task Force 141, as soon as the news was announced whispers floated around the academy, leaving Flash the center of attention. She was stopped nearly every day to be questioned about the lone wolf Lieutenant Ghost and despite her constant pressing that she had not met any of them, let alone the one known most for his evasiveness, the pestering continued. Flash was tired of being a show pony. She had an itch that needed to be scratched and it wouldn’t happen through obstacle courses and teaching. She needed to be out on the field and she was prepared to do whatever she needed to do to prove herself. What she hadn't prepared for was outright denial.
Everyone’s attention shifts to Lieutenant Ghost, and the man in front of her winces before speaking.
“Ghost it is not up for debate she’s already signed on.”
“Well, fuckin’ take her off then Price!” The loud Scottish man yells again. 
 After an awkward pause, the coordinator shifts on his feet and directs his attention to Captain Price, 
“Captain this decision is final, paperwork has already been filed, and the academy has handed her off.” He clears his throat before speaking “And if I may, Flash has the highest scores of all time on nearly every leaderboard back at the academy, she’s no beginner.” Flash feels a swell of pride and makes a note to thank him later. 
“It’s not happening” Lieutenant Ghost’s voice is cold and has Flash’s newfound pride deflating. So much for making new friends. 
Captain Price sighs before turning to speak directly to Lieutenant Ghost,
“Ghost it seems like we don’t have much choice. Soap move to the back, Flash can take your spot.” He heaves a sigh and Flash can see him bracing himself for a backlash but its not from who she expected. 
“This is utter dog shit, I’m not working with a child!” Soap drops his head into his hands before heaving himself out of his seat and into the back. Flash’s smirk falters when she realizes who she’ll be placed next to but she takes a breath and steps into the van, ignoring Captain Price’s outstretched hand. 
Captain Price shoves himself next to Soap and the coordinator gives them one last salute before pulling the door shut.
   It’s a tight squeeze in the van, the third seat of the second row has been ripped out and replaced with a few precariously balanced boxes, leaving her pressed up against the side of the Lieutenant. Although the sweltering day had given her a rosy complexion the heat of his body made her face flush an even deeper shade of pink. 
They bump along the road for a bit before it dawns on Flash that she’s on the way to her first mission. She can’t help the grin that slowly makes its way across her face.
“What’s that shit eating grin for?” Soap grumbles from the back seat obviously still sore from being forced into the back. Flash cant help the giggles that force their way up when she spots him glaring at her through the rearview mirror.
“Nothing.” She replies with a simple shrug and drops her gaze down to her lap, still smiling. Ghost’s rigid posture doesn’t relax but when he looks down at her she can almost see a glint of humor in his blue eyes. She stares back, “What?”
“Nothing.” He mimics. 
Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. 
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mirzablogg · 7 months
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SORDULAR :İmam ı Ali'yi bu kadar sevmenizin nedeni nedir ?
Söyleyeyim :
Peygamberimiz buyurdu :
1. ( Kıyamette müminlerin amel defterinin ilk cümlesi ALİ sevgisidir )
2. ( Aliden başka yiğit , zülfikardan başka kılıç yoktur.)
3. ( Dünya ve ahirette bayrağımı taşıyan Ali'dir)
4. ( Rabbim bana emretti ; Alinin kapısı dışında bütün kapıları kapat)
5. ( Hakiki doğrular üç kişidir : Yâsin ailesinin mümini, Firavun ailesinin mümini , ve Ali. Ali bunların en üstün olanıdır.)
6. ( Benim gibi yaşayıp benim gibi ölmek isteyenler ,benden sonra Ali'ye bağlansın.)
7. ( Cebrail kıyamet günü nida edecek : ya Muhammed baban İbrahim ne güzel baba, kardeşin Ali ne güzel bir kardeştir.)
8. ( Bütün peygamberlerin bir vasisi vardır. Benim vasim ise Ali’dir.)
9. ( Allahım Alinin yüzünü son kez görmeden canımı alma.)
10. ( Ben ve Ali aynı ağaçtan yaratıldık)
11. ( Benden sonra ümmetin en alimi Ali’dir.)
12. ( Meclislerinizi Alinin zikri ile süsleyin.)
13. ( Ümmetimin en iyi hüküm vereni Ali’dir.)
14. ( Ateşten kurtulmanın mühürü Ali’dedir.)
15. ( Ben kimin mevlası isem Ali de onun mevlasıdır.)
16. ( Allah eğer Ali’yi yaratmasaydı , fatimaya denk bir eş bulınmazdı)
17. Bana iman edip beni kabul edenlere vasiyetim Ali’ye bağlanmalarıdır.)
18. ( Kıyamet günü yanıma ilk gelecek olan , bana ilk iman eden Alidir)
19. ( Sırat köprüsünden geçiş , ancak Ali’den berat mührü ile gerçekleşir)
20. ( Ezelden ebede en taş kalpli insan , Alinin katilidir.)
21. ( Ben uyarıcıyım. Benden sonra hidayet eden Ali’dir)
22. ( En büyük sıddık ( Doğru sözlü ) Alidir)
23. ( Hak ile bâtılı birbirinden ayıran faruk ,Alidir.)
24. ( Benim elim ve Ali’nin eli , adalette eşittir)
25. ( Ali dünya ve ahirette kardeşimdir)
26. ( Ali insanların en hayırlısıdır, bunu inkar eden dinden çıkar)
27. ( Ali kurtuluş kapısıdır, her kim o kağıdan girerse mümindir)
28. ( Ali iyilerin imamıdır, fâcirlerin katilidir, ona yardım edene yardım edilir ,onu yalnız bırakan yalnız kalır)
29. ( Ali takvalıların imamıdır,müminlerin emiridir,alnı nurlu olanların imamıdır.)
30. ( Ali benim yanımda tıpkı Musanın yanındaki Harun gibidir,yalnız benden sonra peygamber yoktur)
31. ( Alinin bu ümmet üzerindeki hakkı , babanın evlat üzerindeki hakkı gibidir)
32. ( Ali Kur’an iledir, Kur’an da Ali ile )
33. ( Ali ve şiileri kurtulanlardır )
34. ( Ali ilmimin kapısıdır , ümmetime benim mesajımı açıklayandır,)
35. ( Alinin sevgisi iman , ona buğz etmek ise küfürdür)
36. ( Ali cennet ile cehennemi bölendir)
37 . ( Alinin bu ümmet içindeki yeri Kuranda ihlas suresi gibidir)
38. ( Ali iki halil arasındaki habiptir. Ben ve İbrahim arasında)
39. ( Aliden ayrılan benden ayrılır , benden ayrılan Allah’tan ayrılmıştır )
40. ( Ali benden ben de Ali’denim , o benden sonra bütün müminlerin velisidir)
41. ( Allah ve resulünün en çok sevdiği şahıs Ali’dir)
42. ( Aliyi sevmek sevaptır , günahlar ona zarar veremez.)
43. ( Aliyi zikretmek ibadettir. Onun yüzüne bakmak ibadettir)
44. ( Ali Kâbe gibidir)
45. ( Ali benim yanımda bedenimdeki başım gibidir)
46. ( Ben ilmin şehriyim Ali de onun kapısıdır )
Allahın selamı sana olsun ey müminlerin emiri ey yetimler babası.
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azurefishnets · 3 months
Day 3 of @fyeahghosttrick's Ghost Swap and I'm filling prompt A-32 from @ihavenohotcocoa, which also, neatly, fills B-24, which was anonymously submitted! This one's just a short ficlet, but I enjoyed the thought of it very much.
Prompt(s): Alma, Jowd, and Kamila going to an amusement park / Jowd family day out, just pure fluff
“Papa!” Kamila bolted toward him, scrambling on her short legs to his side and throwing her arms around his waist. “You’re finally here! How was work? Did you solve any cases? Are you going to take me on the Ferris wheel?”
Jowd picked her up and swung her around, a little gingerly to avoid jostling his twinging knee. “Fine, yes, and I think I can manage that,” he said, matching as much of her energy as he could muster, and put her back down so he could give his beaming wife a kiss.
“Oh! You solved a case, did you?” Alma said, and tweaked his beard with saucy irreverence. “I’m almost certain Cabanela called me earlier to tell me that he solved the case and don’t let you get away with saying otherwise…”
“Ha! Sorry about that,” he said with the big, insincere grin he’d long since mastered. “I just…loosened it up for him, then.”
“Ah! I see,” Alma said, and smiled her gentle smile at him. She always did see, too. It was one of the reasons he’d married her, so just because he could, he kissed her again until her eyes fluttered closed.
“Mama!!” Kamila said after a moment, tugging on Alma’s shorts until they both looked down at her. “I want to ride the roller coaster. That new really tall one! Let’s go already!”
“Oh, no, I suppose she is tall enough this year,” Alma said with some dismay, and looked at Jowd’s leg with misgiving. “And you probably can’t…?”
“Probably not. Sorry,” he said, and laughed again at her resigned face. “Don’t worry, I’ll hold the bags and take pictures.”
“Oh, that’s so kind of you,” she returned, rolling her eyes, but with a smile. “Let’s get to it then, before I lose my nerve… but then you’re winning me whatever I want on the fairway.”
“As long as it’s not a shooting game,” he said with a wink and a wince when she elbowed him. “It would be an unfair advantage.”
That wasn’t really the reason. She knew it and so did he, but they both chose to let it go. Alma grabbed his hand instead and tugged him gently along.
“Sorry Cabanela couldn’t make it today?” she asked him after a moment, and he realized he’d been far away in another time, yet again.
“Sorry I left him with all the post-case paperwork? Of course I am,” he returned, sarcasm thick in his voice. “He’ll find his way to wherever we end up for dinner, anyway.”
She giggled and wound her arm through his. “Fair enough. Then let’s have all the fun we can so we can tease him later.”
He winked at her, and they followed Kamila into the tumultuous crowd, chasing the peaceful day they’d planned without letting any more time pass them by.
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gamerbearmira · 5 months
I know it took me a while but I finally did it❗ Six chapters, and two finished stories. I'm actually really proud of these, and I'm kinda sad to see them ending already, but I'm so grateful for everyone who stuck around! It really means a lot when you guys leave comments or kudos. I'm glad so many people read my stuff <33
Thanks for reading Gen 32 and JLMJLY 🙏🙏 here are the updates:
Werewolf Alma and Mirabel:
Mama Isa:
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mindfulldsliving · 27 days
Cultivating Faith, Hope, and Humility: Lessons from Alma 32:21-37
Alma 32:21-37 provides deep insights into faith and hope from a Latter-day Saint perspective. This scripture highlights their essential role in salvation, connecting it to everyday spiritual growth. In this section, we'll explore what faith and hope mean
Expository Study of Alma 32:21-37: Faith, Hope, and Humility Explained Faith and hope aren’t just abstract concepts in Alma 32:21-37; they’re pivotal in our spiritual journey, rooting us in the gospel’s transformative power. In these verses, Alma teaches that faith is “a hope for things which are not seen, which are true.” He offers the metaphor of planting a seed to represent nurturing faith.…
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littlfrcak · 4 months
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𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒: 𝔖𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔞 𝔗𝔰𝔞𝔨𝔞𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔰
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status: morta †
sophie tinha apenas 32 anos quando morreu vítima de um incêndio criminoso na pequena cabana que morava com sasha. a mulher tinha o dom de ver através da névoa e as peculiaridades do mundo dos deuses sempre foi algo que a intrigou. talvez por sempre achar que tinha vislumbre de criaturas mitológicas foi o que lhe fez casar-se com alessandros. era o mais próximo de um legado grego que chegaria. isso é, até que conhecesse hades. apenas três anos após o nascimento de sasha foi que a mulher descobriu que a aventura que viveu com o ex-marido e o homem misterioso na grécia tinha uma ligação maior e mais profunda com a criança. sasha era filho de um deus grego.
tentar manter o filho seguro quando tudo o que queria fazer era se livrar dele fez com que desse uma infância turbulenta ao pequeno. não havia toques gentis, não havia abraços antes de dormir ou beijos em sua testa. ela sempre lhe culpou pelo sumiço de alessandros, por ter que morar no bosque, pela solidão. de conhecido para sasha enquanto crescia havia apenas gritos, tapas, broncas e avisos: fique longe da vila. guarde essas asas horrendas. não fale com ninguém. pare de ser estranho e falar sozinho.
a mente de sophie não parecia ter conseguido sustentar a percepção de que as coisas que via eram reais. as criaturas que às vezes assombravam seus sonhos por ter visto relances em alguma parte da cidade… eram reais e estariam atrás dela e de sasha se sentissem o cheiro do garoto. a mulher enlouqueceu e tanto ela como o filho eram vistos como malucos que moravam em uma cabana no bosque. com sasha falando sozinho — embora para o garoto fossem fantasmas com quem conversava — foi a sentença de morte para sophie. queimada viva. a cabana pegou fogo após alguns homens da vila próxima ao bosque se juntarem para atear fogo no local, desejando matar os dois. conseguiram apenas tirar a vida de sophie mas deixaram sasha com marcas físicas e mentais pelo resto da vida.
hades é uma incógnita para sasha. nunca soube que ele apareceu em seu quarto no dia que as asas surgiram, nunca soube que lhe livrou da morte naquela noite pois sua mãe tomaria uma atitude irreversível se o deus não tivesse visitado. então para ele, encontrou o pai apenas duas vezes. a primeira que se lembra um pouco foi no dia da morte de sua mãe. sophie não conseguiu escapar do fogo mas ele conseguiu. a explosão deveria ter lhe matado mas apenas lhe lançou para longe, o zumbindo em seus ouvidos lhe deixando tonto e só dias depois lembrou-se do homem de cabelos vermelhos lhe tomando nos braços e mudando o cenário em sua volta. hades lhe salvou de novo. na segunda vez foi após a última missão antes do chamado, seis meses atrás.
após vingar a morte da mãe, as almas condenadas ao fogo foram o suficiente para que hades aparecesse novamente. sasha estava nos destroços antigos da cabana que viveu na infância, a benção de nemêsis impediria qualquer pessoa de se aproximar mas não o deus. não seu pai.
foi a primeira vez que conversou com hades e ali não entendeu o peso da visita do deus, mas sentiu-se seguro. a voz de hades era suave e lhe confortava, tirava de sua mente as memórias traumáticas das mortes que causou naquele fim de tarde. garantia que as almas dos assassinos de sua mãe iriam para os campos de asfódelos onde seriam aprisionados no chão pelas lembranças do crime que cometeram. desde então nunca mais o viu.
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pahorans-letter · 4 months
“We grow in two ways—removing negative weeds and cultivating positive flowers. The Savior’s grace blesses both parts—if we do our part. First and repeatedly we must uproot the weeds of sin and bad choices. It isn’t enough just to mow the weeds. Yank them out by the roots, repenting fully to satisfy the conditions of mercy. But being forgiven is only part of our growth. We are not just paying a debt. Our purpose is to become celestial beings. So once we’ve cleared our heartland, we must continually plant, weed, and nourish the seeds of divine qualities. And then as our sweat and discipline stretch us to meet His gifts, ‘the flow’rs of grace appear’ [“There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today,” Hymns, no. 227], like hope and meekness. Even a tree of life can take root in this heart-garden, bearing fruit so sweet that it lightens all our burdens ‘through the joy of his Son’ [Alma 33:23]. And when the flower of charity blooms here, we will love others with the power of Christ’s own love [see Moroni 7:48]"
-Bruce C. Hafen
Quote from my personal study today that I liked. It is when we put in practice Alma 32 (nourishing the seed with faith etc) that we become better, more Christlike people :)
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sae-mian · 8 months
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XIV sideblog gone rogue
pan || she/they || pushing 30 || character (bunny) obsessed writer/artist/dweeb || currently attempting to novelize my idiot WoL's journey through ffxiv
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miqo'te turned viera || 29 y/o || 5'7'' || they/them NB || brd/whm/dnc || WoL, adventurer || taken (g'raha tia, minasha taan) || demi (but mostly just confused)
Relevant posts and info: 
character carrd / tumblr tag / reference picture / azem 
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viera || 32 y/o || 5'7'' || he/him || rdm(/viper maybe??) || retainer, bountyhunter || taken (nira'sae mian) || pan (ish)
Relevant posts and info:
character carrd / tumblr tag / reference picture
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viera || [age unknown] || 5'5'' (and a HALF) || he/they || dnc || dancer, escort || gay
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Hana Winter
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miqo'te || 32 y/o || 5'7'' || he/him || nin || ex resistance fighter (ala mhigan), ex garlean conscript, war criminal ? || bi
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M'alik Tia
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ADDITIONAL/SIDE ROSTER (↓ beneath the cut ↓)
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viera || 39 y/o || 6'1'' || he/they || mnk || former wood warder, adventurer...? || ace
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viis || 59 y/o || 6'3'' || he/him || pld || wood warder (ish) || ? ? ? we just don't know
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viera || 56 y/o || 6'3'' || she/her || rdm/pld || bounty hunter, corpse (ish. dont ask its complicated--) || straight
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Alma Taan
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viera || 300+ y/o (stopped counting) || he/him || gnb || wandering (vaguely immortal) vagabond || pan
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