#Also I totally was not that kid that was super into dinosaurs and animals & nature too haha
estbela · 2 months
Anyway kid!Serbia was that kind of kid that was really into animals and could talk your ear off about animal facts and such. If people had known about dinosaurs back then, he would have totally been into dinosaurs as well. I think he would have also been into fairytales & stories from folklore.
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diaphragmjellyfish · 3 years
Miguel Diaz fluff alphabet
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Miguel loves your smile. He’s a funny guy and he thinks your smile lights up a room so he makes it his mission to make you laugh as much as possible. If you have some crooked teeth, he thinks it’s adorable. Also, looking at your smile makes him think about your lips which just makes him want to kiss you.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Yes, after he gets a stable job. He would love kids but he doesn’t want to be like his dad and end up abandoning his family so he would make extra sure he could support the child and you and makes a conscious effort to be there for his family no matter what. Asking about their day, being involved in their sports/clubs/hobbies, making snacks when they have friends over. He just wants to be the Cool Dad ™ and would probably try to teach them karate before they could even sit up.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He loves to have you sit between his legs and lean back against his chest so he can wrap his arms around you and make sure you’re always safe and warm. It’s the perfect position for movies, video games, deep conversations, baths. He will also often come up behind you at a party and hold you like this if someone is hitting on you or if you look uncomfortable or bored. He can whisper little jokes in your ear or kiss you on the cheek.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
He loves fun dates. You both have always found fancy dinner dates really awkward. He likes something where you guys can move around, do activities, and just let loose. The go-to’s are usually mini golf, the arcade, the zoo, or just a nice picnic in the park. He often gets you little gifts before dates, though, like flowers, a stuffed animal, or a cool rock he found. His Yaya taught him never to show up for a date empty handed. And he’s a total gentleman, never making you uncomfortable or rushing things. Miguel keeps his hands to himself unless instructed otherwise.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You are my sunshine. As cheesy as it is, Miguel sees you as the shining light in his life. You make everything better, whether that’s an injury, a bad day at school, or losing a fight at training. He knows he can always go to you and be distracted by your beautiful smile.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Miguel first knew he was in love with you when you met his family for the first time. They invited you over for dinner one night and he told you his Yaya didn’t speak much english, so you asked him to teach you some spanish so you could talk with her. It wasn’t perfect, you made lots of grammar mistakes and really only said a couple sentences to her, but the effort you made combined with the smile on Yaya’s face made him fall absolutely head-over-heels.
If you already speak spanish, it would be seeing you talk with his Yaya and joke around with her over dinner.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
The most gentle boy on the face of the Earth. Like I said earlier, Miguel keeps his hands to himself unless you tell him otherwise. The first time you guys kiss, he barely moves a muscle. You had to grab his hands and put them on your waist. Even now, when he’s teaching you karate, he refuses to hit or grab you, so you honestly don’t really learn anything lol and if you’re sick or sleeping, he’s like a feather, so scared to disturb you. It’s like touching a kitten honestly
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
All. The. Time. He’s not too big on PDA, except for hand-holding. This is how he lets everyone know you’re taken without seeming possessive or gross. Miguel will grab your hand at the mall, at school, while y’all are cuddling, at the beach, literally whenever you’re in arm’s reach from him, he’s holding your hand.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Miguel’s first impression of you is that you’re this bright ray of sunshine. He’s drawn to you like a magnet. Your eyes, your smile, your laugh! And when he finally works up the nerve to say hi (Strike first!) he thinks his heart might actually melt. When you actually laugh at the joke he makes and hold out your hand to introduce yourself, he turns bright red and can barely speak omfg this poor boy. But luckily you think it’s sweet and keep talking to him.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He did at first, we’ve all seen how he acts with Sam and Robby, but you lay down the law. You have to tell him that it’s not cool, it makes people uncomfy, and then he finally starts to work on it. Now he’s better. He still feels jealous sometimes, but he trusts you and can control himself a bit more.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
So your first kiss. You were giving him The Look for like 10 minutes straight and he never made a move. He just stared at you. So you had to be the first one to actually lean in, but once you did, he met you halfway. His kisses match his personality. Sweet, gentle, and goofy, but with a more dominant, aggressive side if you know how to bring it out ;)
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He did. After you had dinner with his family and he realized he loved you, he told you almost immediately. This boy just wears his heart on his sleeve. He was walking you home and when you got to your house and turned around to kiss him goodnight, he had a funny look on his face. When you asked him what was wrong he kind of went ILOVEYOU! Really fast and you had to make him say it again slower because you thought he had a stroke or smth lmaooo but once he took a deep breath and said it more clearly, you jumped on him and kissed his whole face and said it back a hundred times.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
When he first introduced you to Sensei Lawrence. He thought Sensei was gonna be super mean and make fun of you, but turns out you guys had a lot in common. You loved 80’s rock music, and responded to his sass with even more sass. Johnny almost couldn’t believe Miguel was able to get such a cool babe. You guys all had lunch after taking a tour of the dojo, and it was a super fun day! You all drove around in Johnny’s car with the windows down listening to Guns ‘n Roses.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Miguel spoils you in his own little way. His family isn’t as fortunate as others, but he still finds ways to make you feel special. Instead of a diamond necklace, he gives you a cool rock he found outside and cleaned up. Instead of taking you to expensive restaurants, he spends all day cooking with Yaya to make a nice picnic for you guys to have on the beach. And he saves up to buy you nice gifts for your birthday or anniversary.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Rose gold. You’re so beautiful to him and have this natural charm that everyone falls for. You’re so radiant and yet soft and unique. He just love love loves you.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Sweety, sweetheart, baby, gorgeous, and Princess during more intimate moments.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
80’s rock music. He learns to love it through Sensei Lawrence. He even saves up to buy a record player so he can feel more connected to the past.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Build blanket forts, cuddle, bake cookies, he might even let you put makeup on him if you ask nice.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Humor. He loves cracking jokes and lightening the mood. If you’re ever feeling down you know you can go to him and he will turn that frown upside down in mere minutes. Honestly even just being in his presence makes you happier. He cheers himself up by working out, taking some alone time to get his feelings out, and then going out with some friends or with you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Umm, karate! Duh lol the boy is obsessed with it. Also superhero movies, video games, his day, he’s honestly kind of a rambler. He can talk about anything and everything if he’s nervous enough. Let’s not forget the gas station scene in season 1…
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
You, dark rooms, white noise, puppies, linen scented candles, his mom’s cooking.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
His new muscles. Ever since joining Cobra Kai, he’s gotten pretty ripped and now it’s a struggle to get him to keep his shirt on. He worked hard for that body, he wants people to see how good he looks!
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
After college, he takes you on a hike up to this ridge overlooking a lake. It’s fall, the leaves are changing colors, and there’s no one around. You guys have been holding hands the whole time, but his hand is super sweaty even though it’s like 50 degrees out. You guys finally get to the top of the ridge and he grabs both your hands and tells you all the things he loves about you. This boy basically recites your whole love story, and as soon as he sticks his hand in his pocket you know what’s going on. He barely even got the box out of his pocket before you were jumping on him screaming Yes! You guys fell to the ground and he stopped you so he could officially get the words out. You were both crying, it was very beautiful.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
More Than Words by Extreme. You guys dance to this at your wedding.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Absolutely. Y’all marry pretty young, like right out of college. He knew you were gonna get married on the first date.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Iguana. He thinks they’re like little dinosaurs! He would name it Wade because we know he loves Deadpool.
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Survey #434
“i hate this town, it’s so washed up, & all my friends don’t give a fuck  /  they’ll tell me that it’s just bad luck, when will i find where i fit in?”
You get a text from your ex. He/she wants to hang out. How do you respond? Admittedly, I would. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you secretly want to be more than friends with? No. Well, there are times where I think I WANT to like-like Girt, but I just don't. And yet he's always been there for me without fail, is super funny and kind and chill... but I think we were just friends for too long; he feels like my brother by this point in time. If your partner smoked, would that be a problem for you? If it was cigarettes, yes. Even weed (UNLESS it was for medicinal purposes and not a constant thing) I'd be iffy about. I just don't want to date a smoker. Lung damage is lung damage and weed actually has more carcinogens, and I don't want to sign myself up for all that. I don't want to watch my partner wither away from nonstop smoking and also have myself suffer from second-hand smoking. When will you next see your best friend? There's no telling. Right now I'm trying to be realistic and responsible with the money I DO ever get and put it towards more important investments, but I really do want to take a plane up there at some point. But that's also waiting until Covid is in the past. Heeeell no would I be stepping into an airport right now, even being vaccinated. How many tattoos would you like to have? Too many to count, ha ha. I want LOADS. Paint me, baby. :') Do you like your first name? I actually do. Have you ever talked to a boyfriend about an ex-boyfriend? Yes. It's kind of inevitable when you go into a new relationship, hoping it'll go well and be seriously invested, that you let your partner know "oh hey, this happened and seriously affected me to where I'm going to have 'my days.'" Greatest birthday gift you ever got? My snake Venus was technically a birthday present, though I obviously picked her out. Worst memory you have? Losing Jason. I can't say enough that the night of the breakup still doesn't feel real. First memory you can remember? My brother going down our slide into the Hurricane Floyd flood in our front yard, ha ha. I was around two, I wanna say? I don't feel like looking up the date of the hurricane. Oldest object you own? When did you get it? I'm sure that would be a stuffed animal we have stored away somewhere. Or my baby blanket, also safely tucked away. Meanest person you know? Why do you feel this way? I don't "know" Colleen anymore, but God knows she fit the bill. She was so fucking rude to people (yes, she was one of those people that bitched out store employees that have no control over things that inconvenienced her), the world revolved around her problems, she started drama with the damn grass... It's funny even picturing how she was my best friend once. My standards were lower for who I could befriend back then, but goddamn. Ever been dumped? By who? Yes, Jason. Technically Sara as well, but "dumped" seems like an unfitting term? Like we just talked it out and sorta mutually agreed that it was wiser that we weren't together at the time. Have you ever dumped someone? Why? Yes, mostly because I didn't like-like them. Juan was more so because I believed a rumor by Rachel, and Tyler, I just wasn't invested in and had NO desire to put up with the "we need to talk every five minutes" crap. Where do you buy most of your food? Wal-Mart. Last house you have been to: whose was it, and why were you there? My sister's, for my nephew's birthday party. Have you ever been a drunk driver? No, and fuck you if you've ever put others (and yourself) at risk like that. One kid you cannot stand? None that I know, and that's very few. Has anyone ever saved your life? Jason and Mom literally have. Last thing you cried about? Ha ha, I finished watching another SOMA playthrough earlier, and I will ALWAYS start to cry at the end. Without fail. Would you sacrifice your life for someone else's baby? I honestly think I would if it was a split-second decision. Tell me about your latest dream: I think my APAP mask wasn't positioned well last night, because I had a SHITLOAD of nightmares. Too many to even remember. Have you ever been in a limo? No. I've always wanted to experience that once, man. Have you ever been the maid of honor in a wedding party? No. Has anyone ever seen you naked? I was born naked, my man. Mom used to give my sister and I baths together, and I took a bath with a best friend once as a kid. Then one other person has. Do you have a calendar? If so, what is the theme of it? Not a current one, no. Nicest thing you have ever done for a complete stranger: I have no idea. Meanest thing you have ever done to a complete stranger: *shrug* Have you ever been sent to the principal's office? If so, why? And how did you feel? Yes, I think because they wanted to ask the reason behind all my morning tardies. I was soooo scared, just being a kid. Person you hope you never run into again: Colleen. Have you ever streaked? Heeeeell no. Why do you hate your ex? I don't hate any of them. What animal did you last pet or hold? Roman, my cat. What color is your hair? It's my natural brunette right now. I want to dye it SO badly. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms? Yeah. Have you ever had to clean a cat box before? Yeah, seeing as I own an indoor cat. Christmas is coming. Who are you buying gifts for? In the hypothetical situation where I had the money, I'd buy things for my parents, my stepmom, my two immediate sisters, Ash's kids, as well as her husband, but only because I'd feel obligated to as he's considered a close member of the family. I'd also totally get something for Sara! When somebody intimidates you, how do you usually act around them? SCARED. I get quiet, stutter if I do talk, and possibly cry. Is your favorite singer in a band or does he or she ride solo? He was originally the singer of Black Sabbath, but he's been solo for forever now. I prefer him solo, honestly. Did your parents ever hang your old artwork up on the walls? Ohhh yes. Mom still does, ha ha. What is the weirdest obsession you’ve ever had? Nothing really "weird," I think... How long can you be in a car before wanting to get out? It depends on if I have my music or not. If I do, I can last hours, but if not, I don't really like being in the car at all. Have any songs ever inspired you to play an instrument? No. Do you ever use Pandora?No. Are you better with creative writing or writing essays? Creative writing, but I'm fine with both. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever seen as a pet? I know OF someone who rescued I want to say a baby bobcat, or something along those lines, but I didn't know that guy personally. I don't think I've ever actually met someone with a truly *strange* pet... The most unique I've seen is probably just a chinchilla. If you had to change one, would you rather change your hair or your eyes? My eyes. I don't like them much, mainly the shape. What was your favorite computer game as a kid? I loved the various Oregon Trail games, as well as one I think was called The Amazon Trail 3. Then there was a few dinosaur games I LOVED, and then there were the classic kids' games like the Putt-Putt and Fred the Fish series. Any shows on TV that you flat out refuse to start watching? 13 Reasons Why. I don't even support that show existing. Pajamas with feet: yay or nay? NOOOOOOOO, that is so uncomfortable. What is your opinion on fruitcake? That's an even BIGGER "no." Who did you last dream about? I don't remember. Do you have trouble remembering important things? Yes. .-. I barely remember anything. Which animal can you imitate the best? I dunno? Have you bought any drugs this month? I don't do drugs, so. Have you ever set foot in a tanning bed? Nope, never will. Do you know the Soulja Boy dance? Ha ha, I did as a kid. My then-best friend, younger sister, and I wanted to learn it. I don't remember it now, that's for sure. What is the best ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry's "Phish Food" is GODLY. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop? Teddy, my late dog. Do you clean when you’re upset? Hell no, I do the opposite: nothing. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? It stays open. My cat would pitch a fit otherwise. Do you know anyone who has actually been in an alcohol or drug related crash? Yes, actually. It was incredibly tragic; the both of them were high (maybe drunk, idr for sure), and my friend was driving with her best friend in the passenger seat. They crashed, and said friend's best friend died. For YEARS she would share pictures of them together on Facebook, "talking" to her, and it was just so heartbreaking. I doubt she's forgiven herself to this day, but she seems to have mostly moved on the best she could, being married with a daughter now. Have you ever gotten a professional massage? No, and I do NOT want one. I don't want some random stranger touching me in ANY way. Do you have a good relationship with your first love? No. We haven't talked in years, so maybe he feels no hatred for me at this point, but I do for myself. I don't hate him at all. Do you feel like you have life figured out? bitch hell no What would you do if you were faced with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy (at your current age)? Was I raped? I'd almost certainly abort because I would be traumatized as FUCK. If it was my own fault, I think I'd go through with the pregnancy, but give the baby up for adoption. There is no way I could raise a kid right now. Or probably ever. Water or Gatorade? I don't like either, really, but I HATE Gatorade. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It's been pierced twice, and I'm thinking of getting it redone again, but this time use a hoop instead of a stud to keep the damn piercing from falling out and closing in my sleep. Have you ever slapped someone? On the arm as a kid. That doesn't excuse it, though. Who are the pictures of in the room? I have a lot of posters, but no real photographs of anyone. Have your parents ever smoked pot? Dad did a lot of drugs before I was born, but Mom's never touched anything. I think. Would you ever consider moving to a different country? I'd love to live in Canada, if that didn't entail leaving my family. What is your favourite food from your culture? Cheeseburgers, alsdf;alwer Do you know any pick-up lines in a foreign language? No. What degree are you or will you pursue while in college? I've dropped out of college three times. I am never going back to major in anything. I changed my major quite a few times while I was there. Favorite arcade game? I don't really have one. One of my life goals is to go to an arcade that has Silent Hill: The Arcade, though. There are very few throughout the world, and it looks fun. Would other people consider your sense of humor inappropriate? I don't see how. Some inappropriate things can make me laugh, but it's definitely not my favorite form of humor, and I myself don't really make jokes of that sort. Who is your biggest celebrity crush right now? Mark Fischbach. :'') What are they famous for? He's a big YouTuber, aND WILL ALSO BE A MAIN ACTOR IN A SHOW NEXT YEAR. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO. Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No, I would NOT stand for that bullshit. Do you have any gay family members? I know my mom's... cousin I want to say is gay. Somebody related to her is. Was your first kiss romantic? I feel like it was. What are you most likely to go to jail for? Pirating shit. Well, can you even be locked up for downloading minor shit? Shows what I know. Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship with someone else? Boy, have I. Would you ever get a boob job? When (or if...) I lose all the weight I want, I can almost guarantee a breast lift will be something I'd want. Certain things happen when you lose a shitload of weight alsdkf;alkwe Have you ever tried to break up anyone because you liked one of them? Not intentionally. What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? If we're talking THE ex, safe to say I'd be shocked. Did you ever think someone didn’t like you, but come to find out they really did? It's weird, I've felt both ways with Girt? Like there were times I was pretty much 100% certain he liked me, but I'd also be like "nah, no way, he sees me as a sister." Turns out he like-liked me. Are you worried about anything right now? I can't possibly recall the last time I WASN'T worried about something. When you are home alone, do you still close the door when you shower? I don't shower when I'm home alone because I'm afraid of ever fainting and busting my ass again. What noise do you hear? I'm currently listening to "All Signs Point To Lauderdale" by A Day to Remember, and I can also hear my fan going. Do you go online everyday? Pretty much without fail. It'll probably be a cold day in Hell before I willingly don't come online, ha ha.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? - If you're talking about aliens or ghosts, yes lol
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? - 3. I can manage but sometimes I get unnerved, especially if I'm alone in the dark outside
3. The person you would never want to meet? - Anyone who could hurt me
4. What is your favorite word? - Wonderstruck. I also like the word 'elegance' bc I like the way it sounds.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? - cherry blossom tree
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? - 'Ew'
7. What shirt are you wearing? - I'm wearing a blue sweater
8. What do you label yourself as? - A few things: a romantic, writer, daydreamer, perfectionist, etc
9. Bright room or dark room? - Bright
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? - Heading to bed
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? - I think I liked being seventeen, but I can't really remember
12. Who told you they loved you last? - My mom probably lol
13. Your worst enemy? - My sister's abusive ex
14. What is your current desktop picture? - A forest
15. Do you like someone? - No one in my real life, but I've developed a sudden crush on Evan Peters in the last 24 hrs lmao
16. The last song you listened to? - The Last Great American Dynasty by Taylor Swift, I think
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? - My sister's ex
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? - My sister's ex
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? - Idk if I'd have a slave tbh lol
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) - My hair, I guess
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? - I'd probably look like myself, but maybe taller and obviously more masculine. I don't know what I'd do. I don't think I'd be a writer, because maybe my experience would be different. So...not sure.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? - This is weird and if anyone asks me, I'll deny it, but I can make stomach grumbling noises without opening my mouth. Honestly not hard to do, but I think I'm really good at it lmao
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? - I don't really have a unique fear. I think what I'm afraid of is normal. I'm super afraid of failure, loss, and getting older bc I feel like growing old comes with loss. Terrified of spiders and most bugs. Deep water bc I can't swim well. So...Pretty basic I think.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. - A standard PB and J.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? - I'd probably just take it to the bank and put it in my bank account, which would most likely end up going towards makeup, books, skincare or clothes.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? - Maybe NYC? Or totally the opposite and going somewhere super quiet and beautiful, like a countryside in England or France lol.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? - I feel like an angel wouldn't offer me that, but maybe a dessert wine. I'm not really a fan of alcohol so Idk what else I'd choose lol.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? - Everyone listens and loves Taylor Swift, if not, you're going to jail
29. What is your favorite expletive? - 'bitch' I think lol
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? - My laptop
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? - Probably an embarrassing moment. I would want to erase traumas but then I feel like that would actually end up messing everything up. i.e., would lead to confusion or misunderstandings about love, etc.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! - Interesting. I'm not sure what the question is, but if I could move anywhere else in the world, I'd probably move to a big city like NYC, Vancouver, or LA OR I'd go the opposite and move to a super cozy cottage in a countryside somewhere.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? - My dad
34. What was your last dream about? - Last night I had this bizarre dream that I was camping with Matthias from YouTube and he was being super mean to me lmao. Then all of a sudden I was in Calgary with my sister and we were just like wandering around.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? - I feel like you're asking if I'm a good person, to which, I think yes.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? - No
37. Have you ever built a snowman? - Yes
38. What is the color of your socks? - I'm not wearing any, but they're usually white or black.
39. What type of music do you like? - Pop, Alternative/alternative pop, folk, country, country-pop, some 80s stuff, acoustic, etc. I span through a few genres, but I think I like something with a catchy melody and good songwriting.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? - Sunrises
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? - Vanilla, bc i'm basic
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) -I don't watch football oops
43. Do you have any scars? - A few. Mostly acne scars rip, but also a big scar on my elbow from when I fell off my bike when I was a kid. I have a few chickenpox scars on my forehead that like to peak out every now and again too.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? - I already graduated High School, but I just applied to college so the plan is to be a Copy Editor and a novelist on the side.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? - That I had a flat stomach
46. Are you reliable? - Tbh no. I think I'm pretty flaky :/
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? - How did it turn out?
48. Do you hold grudges? - Yes, unfortunately
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? - Maybe like a bird and a chinchilla or a fox or something so it would be like this flying fox thing. Idk. I saw a fantasy drawing on pinterest of a bird/something-else and it was super cute.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? - I don't know actually lol
51. Are you a good liar? - No, because I get super nervous and can't make eye contact or I start smiling. Even worse, sometimes it's both.
52. How long could you go without talking? - I'm pretty quiet, so a long time. Maybe a day, but not two days lol.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? - I got a perm when I was in the sixth grade and everyone laughed at me so.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? - Yes
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? - Not well, but sometimes I like to butcher a British and Australian accent. Usually happens when I'm alone which is worse.
56. What do you like on your toast? - Usually I'll just put margarine on it or jam. If I feel like being fancy, I'll put brown sugar and cinnamon on it.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? - I probably doodled some hearts not too long ago
58. What would be you dream car? - Probably a red 1960-70s chevy convertible.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. - I talk to myself in the shower a lot which is weird but i'm just kinda processing my thoughts out loud lmao. Sometimes I'll sing or hum to myself.
60. Do you believe in aliens? - That would be a hard no.
61. Do you often read your horoscope? - No, unless it's in a fun meme like the signs as tv shows or something
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? - I have never thought about this before tbh. Maybe S? or R? or C? Idk
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? - Dragons
64. What do you think about babies? - Cute
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laboratorium2d · 4 years
Children's Animated Series, As Graded by a Parent Who Has Watched Far Too Many of Them
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: The brony thing is legitimately weird, but this is legitimately a great show. The combination of epic-fantasy plots with a deep dive on friendship is a winner (and has also been deeply influential on kids' television). It also makes the obligatory pro-social messages feel earned, rather than an afterthought. The characters are charming, the writing sparkles, and the animation is still distinctive. Endlessly watchable, which is a good thing when your kid wants to watch endlessly. Fake holidays: Nightmare Night, Hearth's Warming Eve, Hearts and Hooves Day. Grade: A+
Avatar: I was fifteen years too old for this when it was on TV, so I didn't understand what the fuss was about. Now I do. It's epic but not grandiose, funny but not dumb, and morally deep without giving into plot gravity. The world-building, the writing, the animation, the voice-acting, the fight scenes, the side characters: everything works, and everything is pulling in the same direction. (The sequel series, The Legend of Korra, is more of the same, with an interestingly updated setting and better music.) If your kids are like mine, they'll want to talk about everything, and so will you. I guess binge-watching is a family thing now. Grade: A+
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: This show is so gay. However gay you expect it to be, it's ten times gayer. It's also pro-diversity along every axis you can imagine, including body-type. It's completely awesome. It captures the uncannily compelling techno-fantasy atmosphere of the original, and it has characters with the same names, but otherwise it's a total gut rehab. The character studies at its core are compelling, even as the overall plot and action hold a young child's interest. It takes lots of anime animation tropes and tones them down to the verge of naturalism, which I wouldn't have thought would work, but totally does. Grade: A-
Wild Kratts: The big kid was learning biology from this show almost from before she could talk. "Giraffe. Long neck. Eat leaves." The premise of the show is genius: animated versions of veteran kids' wildlife-show hosts Chris and Martin Kratt have suits that give them "creature powers," and they travel around the world having adventures with animals. The science is legit and it's presented entertainingly. And the characters are winners, especially the creature-suit inventor Aviva Corcovado and the colorful villains. The only thing consistently annoying about this show is that it can be shouty. Everyone is Just! So! Excited! About! Animals! Grade: A-.
Phineas and Ferb: The Arrested Development of kids' animation, Phineas and Ferb is impossibly dense with overlapping plots, brick jokes, and a large army of recurring minor characters. Every episode features an original song, some of which are genuinely brilliant ("Squirrels in My Pants" is a household favorite). It is also a wholly, completely sweet-hearted show. Even the antagonists -- Candace and Dr. Doofenshmirtz -- are sympathetic, charming, fully-realized, and allowed to grow and be happy in ways that a lesser version of this show would never even have realized was a possibility. The allegretto pacing and intricate writing keep the show consistently fresh. New Disney at its best. Grade: A-
Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom: From the same team who brought you Peppa Pig, but even drier underneath its treacly trappings. The comedic timing is straight out of classic British sketch comedy. The voice actors are clearly in on the joke, which if anything makes the show more fun to listen to than to watch. B+
Dinosaur Train: Sometimes high concepts work. The show 100% owns its message: dinosaur physiology is a diversity metaphor, presented with just the right degree of insistence. The characters are sketched with grace and sympathy, and the science is pitched just right for its target audience. Over the years, the show (like all railfans) has gotten increasingly obsessed with its train equipment: the aquacar, the submarine, the ... zeppelin. The songs are surprisingly catchy, too: our favorite is probably the Dinosaur Train Zeppelin song, which, yes, is a Led Zeppelin pastiche. Grade: B+
Odd Squad: This one really grew on me. If all you've seen is short clips, it just seems like everyone is shouting about math all the time. But the show overall is delightfully goofy, with a real sense of how to string along a running gag, and some genuinely talented child actors. Grade: B+
Creative Galaxy: Despite being a total Daniel Tiger rip-off, down to the animation style, the obligatory song in every episode, and the live-action codas, this one is actually kind of nice. The art projects are well-chosen both to interest kids and also to actually be doable. Fake holidays: Heart Day. Grade: B
Peppa Pig: It took me a long time to appreciate this show's arch sense of humor. Everyone's pretensions and ambitions are punctured; embarrassing mistakes and small indignities await adults at every turn. Once you realize that the show is making fun of most of its characters but loves them anyway, it's much more bearable. Grade: B
Curious George: Entirely forgettable, with two mildly redeeming qualities. George himself is as charming as always, and the jazzy musical score is pleasant. Grade: B-
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir: It took me a while to understand what this show was doing. It's very, very French. Grade: C+
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Even my kids recognize that Daniel Tiger is needy and whiny. The show inadvertently teaches kids what to be afraid of and how to misbehave. There is also something deeply wrong with the economy of the Neighborhood: everyone seems to have multiple jobs and the public transit system runs on magic. On the plus side, the potty song has come in handy as a reminder: when you have to go potty, stop and go right away. Fake holidays: Love Day, Snowflake Day, Dress Up Day. Grade: C+
Ready Jet Go: I suppose there's some science in here somewhere, I guess. Grade: C+
Tumble Leaf: Reviewers might call this one "gentle," by which they mean "boring." The animation is lovely and the music is calming. But what's the point? Grade: C+
PAW Patrol: Unbelievably, incredibly formulaic. For example: have you noticed that they get in their trucks at exactly the same point halfway through each episode? Just Canadian enough to be noticeably off, but also rah-rah in a George W. Bush-administration kind of way. Sometimes I imagine grown-up versions of the pups. Chase regularly engages in police brutality, Rubble has a drinking problem, and Marshall has joined the alt-right. Grade: C
Nature Cat: Nature Cat is annoying and his friends are worse. I'm not clear on what they're supposed to be learning. And the theme song manages to be both unmemorable and an earworm. Make it stop! Grade: C
Super Why: More like Super Why Does This Exist, amirite? The whole show is oddly paced: I find the story-within-a-story structure confusing and can only wonder how much of it kids actually get. Having each character deal with a different aspect of literacy leaves the show's educational content unfocused. And the Super Letters are like the world's lamest game of Wheel of Fortune. Plus the song is an earworm, and not in a good way. Grade: C
Sofia the First: Empty Disney calories, this show is the reductio ad absurdum of Disney's democratization of the idea of "princess." The plotting, the writing, and the music are technically proficient. The cel-shading effects that give 3D animation the luminosity of 2D hand drawn are lovely. The messages are perfectly innocuous. But the heart of the show is a giant gaping void. Fake holidays: Wassailia. Grade: C
Lion Guard: More empty Disney calories, like Sofia the First but with more obnoxious characters. Inexplicably real holiday: Christmas. Grade: C-
Peg + Cat: All I can remember is that the show is inexplicably drawn on graph paper, and they have a BIG BIG PROBLEM every few seconds. When people complain about STEM, and I remember that this show exists, I have to admit that they have a point. Grade: C-
Martha Speaks: The AV Club's term for this kind of show is "least essential." Even by the standards of kids' shows, the premise makes no sense. Nobody here, human or canine, is remotely sympathetic. And the plot comes to a screeching halt every time it's time for a new vocabulary word. Grade: C-
WordWorld: I have so many questions about this show. If everything is made out of words, what about the ground? The sky? Windows? And what are the letters in the words made of? What is going on with the accents? And who greenlit three seasons of this garbage? Grade: D+
The Adventures of Puss in Boots: This is a weird, weird show. And not in a good way. Grade: D+
Trolls: The Beat Goes On: Quite possibly the most misanthropic kids show currently streaming anywhere. The combination of grimdark setting and hackneyed uplifting plot tropes is somewhere between unsettling and child abuse. Poppy is a walking illustration of emotional labor; Branch has severe PTSD. The show treats both of these as laughable quirks. And I am never going to get used to the Auto-Tune. Grade: D+
Kung-Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny: Pretty much your standard DreamWorks animation. This is not a good thing. Grade: D
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie: The animation and voice-acting are innocuous. But building an entire show around the "if X, then Y" formula led to some disastrous choices. The show taught my big kid how to say things like, "If I see a rock, I just have to bring it home with me." It takes a special kind of kids show to affirmatively instill bad habits. Grade: D-
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (2018): An absolute travesty in every possible way. The remake is the direct opposite of everything the original represented: crude instead of clever, manic instead of playful, and mean instead of goofy. Grade: F-
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bunjywunjy · 6 years
if you want to learn about dragons, you’re usually restricted to the Fantasy section of your local library. because dragons are made up, and don’t exist except in the minds of small children and George R. R. Martin. 
apart from the ones that live in Indonesia, of course. they may not breathe fire or threaten hobbits, but these dragons are very real and perfectly willing to rip your face off and ask for seconds.
watch out, because it’s the
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Komodo Dragons are actually a kind of lizard, but one on the scale of life on earth back when the dinosaurs were in charge. they’re fucking huge. these behemoths can reach lengths of ten feet and weights of over 300 pounds. big enough to ride, if there were a human out there brave enough to try it. (DON’T DO THIS, YOU WILL DIE. THIS IS EVEN WORSE THAN THE OSTRICH THING, I’M NOT KIDDING.)
naturally these enormous reptiles scared the everloving shit out of the first Dutch explorers to reach the area, forever earning themselves the name “Dragon”. for once, those old European maps with little doodles of monsters everywhere were pretty accurate!
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don’t go looking for Krakens, though. those are still mostly fake.
Komodo Dragons are the largest lizard on earth, and the largest of the monitor family Varanidae. but this wasn’t always the case! they’re actually the last and least of an ancient line of giant reptiles that once inhabited the south pacific. the largest of these was Australia’s Megalania, an 18-foot titan that died out at the end of the last Ice Age with the rest of its kind. but not the Komodo Dragon! they’re doing just fine, thanks.
like Megalania, the Komodo Dragon seems to have evolved in Australia. (OF COURSE. THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.) and when the seas rose at the end of the Ice Age, it stranded a population of dragons on five remote islands in Indonesia, where they survived whatever the fuck killed off their continental relatives. (probably us, to be honest.) you thought it was just a tagline but it’s not: these guys are truly the Last Dragons.
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go ahead and shed a tear, but don’t expect them to appreciate it.
their isolation and last-dragonism is very sad, yes. but don’t feel too bad about it, because Komodo Dragons are one of nature’s most dangerous predators. there’s a reason locals call them Ora, the Land Crocodile. (actually there’s multiple reasons, and they’re all terrible. stand by!)
their lazy lizard stylings and charming smirk conceal a mouthful of inch-long serrated teeth, razor-sharp claws and a nightmare bullwhip of a tail. Komodo Dragons use all of these weapons, and more! (this is the Super Cool part of the article kids, make sure to read it EXTRA CAREFULLY so you can impress your friends later during recess.)
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and yes, they swim! hurray! there is no escape.
the Komodo Dragon is an apex predator, which is unusual for a lizard. they’re filling an ecological niche that would normally be taken by a large mammal predator like, I dunno, a tiger or a lion or a bear. (OH MY!) this means they have some pretty big shoes to fill (metaphorical, bears don’t wear shoes.) but they do it in spades!
Komodo Dragons will eat anything, and that’s barely an exaggeration. They eat plenty of carrion, and lots of small creatures like squirrels and really unlucky snakes. they also eat medium animals like goats, WHICH THEY SWALLOW WHOLE. (if the prey is too big to fit down their throats, the Komodo Dragon often rams its open mouth into a tree until it fits. sometimes they actually knock down the fucking tree. I wish I was making this up.) Komodo Dragons also eat animals you normally wouldn’t be able to take down without a rocket launcher, like water buffalo and uh, other Komodo Dragons. they’re cannibals, because the food chain just moves backwards sometimes.
and yes, they absolutely eat humans. good thing they’re trapped on five remote islands in Indonesia!
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so how does an overgrown gecko hunt animals that normally require an entire pack of lions to take down? well, there’s some Science Controversy(tm) about that. Komodo Dragons have a pair of MYSTERIOUS GLANDS (which would be a good name for a garage band) in their lower jaw, which scientists used to think were full of venom. they thought that the Komodo Dragon was basically using this venom to cheat its way into a niche that should rightfully belong to a more advanced mammal, but THESE SCIENTISTS WERE WRONG AND DUMB. 
it turns out these MYSTERIOUS GLANDS (I want this on a t-shirt) actually don’t do a whole lot as far as hunting goes! they secrete what MAY be a mild anticoagulant, but it’s not really strong enough to have much effect. yup, turns out that the Komodo Dragon just mauls the shit out of things until they die, like any decent ‘advanced mammal’ predator. they EARNED that apex niche as honestly as any predator can. (not that predators really have a concept of “honest”, or that it matters, since they’re the ones with the inch-long teeth.)
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but maybe it’s not such a surprise that these real-life dragons are still on top of the food chain, because they’re some of the smartest reptiles on earth. and okay, maybe “the smartest reptile in the world” doesn’t sound like an impressive title. but Komodo Dragons and their cousins have elaborate social structures, can count to six, recognize individual humans, and play nice games of tug-the-carcass with their friends. (both humans and other dragons can be friends! friends are not for eating.) that’s a better track record than most human toddlers!
and they’re totally trainable, but don’t get your hopes up about owning one or several. (DANG.) Komodo Dragons are a protected species, so having a loyal army of them trained to lay waste to your enemies and fetch the morning paper is still very much a pipe dream. (this is a joke, they make terrible pets.)
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and speaking of being a protected species, how is the Komodo Dragon doing these days? well, shortly after scaring the absolute pants off the first Dutch explorers to meet one, Europeans became obsessed with them and they were granted immediate protections by the Dutch colonial government. (please note that the Komodo Dragon was also doing just fine before the Dutch came along, thanks.) in fact, the first expedition sent to capture Komodo Dragons for scientific study was the basis for the movie King Kong! (a niche film you may possibly have heard of.)
these protections kept the Komodo Dragon from becoming just another hunting trophy for rich Europeans. (unfortunately this cannot be said of lions, tigers and bears, all of whom decorated the drawing rooms of rich Victorians.) they’re still doing pretty well today, though they are threatened by rising seawater and their limited range.
we hope these gigantic lizard genius cannibals stick around for a long time to come! and remember, if you want to avoid getting munched: BEFRIEND. (very carefully.)
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thanks for reading! you can find the rest of the Weird Biology series on my tumblr here, or check out the official archive at weirdbiology.com!
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img1- elpais.com img2- Time Travel Turtle img3- Smithsonian National Zoo img4- Komodo Tours img5- Michael Pollack img6- Animal Sake img7- ZooChat img8- Calgary Herald
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 288
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So between Episodes 287 and 289, you’ve got this ten year gap, spanning the wish to erase the world’s memories of Buu, to the first appearance of Uub, which marks the epilogue to Dragon Ball Z.     Over the years, there’s been a lot of material created to fill in that “ten year gap.”  The last ten minutes of Episode 287, this episode, Movies 13, 14, and 15, all 131 episodes of Dragon Ball Super and the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie.  Uh, what else?   That Yo! Son Goku and his Friends Return special.   There was some crossover special with One-Piece and another anime I forget the name of.  Also, both of the Xenoverse games, while set in the future, feature Goku pulled from this general time period.
I can’t blame people for trying to fill in this period with new stories.  The question is whether there’s really a story worth telling at this point.  I like Movies 13 and 14. Movie 15 was okay, but hardly worth the trouble, and Dragon Ball Super didn’t get good until the Tournament of Power, which I wouldn’t call essential viewing.    The action was good, but the story doesn’t hold a candle to classic Dragon Ball and DBZ.
In a lot of ways, Episode 288 is sort of a prototype for a lot of what Dragon Ball Super ended up doing: these slice of life, quiet moments in between the big adventures.  This is mainly because Super had a really hard time cooking up an antagonist worthy of the franchise.   Beerus and Golden Frieza were borrowed from movies, Champa, Hit, and Jiren weren’t really bad guys, and Zamasu was absolutely fucking awful.  When I watched Super, it was honestly a relief to see that the next episode would be the gang screwing around at a basebal field or a movie set or whatever.   At the same time, it was always frustrating to me.   They went out of their way to bring these characters back, and they never seemed to have a plan for what they wanted to do with them.  I’ll watch the Tenchi Muyo! gang hang out in a mall or something, that sounds like a good time.   But Goku?   I expect a little more from him.
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In this episode, everyone’s having a party at Bulma’s place, but Goku went off to watch some pterodactyl eggs hatch.   So it’s pretty similar to a number of one-shot DBS episodes, except DBZ hasn’t done this sort of thing very often, so it’s a lot more effective.  
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Here’s the problem: One of the four eggs fell out of the nest and is stuck in this precarious-looking branch.    Goku wants to move it back, but the parents won’t let him, and I guess he’s not eager to force the issue with his powers.   He’s worried that the baby will fall once it hatches, so he sticks around to keep an eye on the situation.
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Anyway, Chi-Chi got all dolled up for this pary, so she’s decided to just go without Goku’s broke-ass and leave him to his nature hike or whatever.    There needs to be more fan-art of Chi-Chi in this getup.  
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If I’m not mistaken, Goten’s outfit in this episode is a callback to the clothes Goku wore in that one episode of the Fortuneteller Baba Saga.   Let me just pull that up...
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Eh... close, but not quite.   Goten’s got the tie and the hat, but he’s wearing suspenders instead of a vest. 
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Anyway, everyone arrives at Capsule Corp.   Yamcha’s got a new car Bulma had made for him at a discount, and Krillin’s thinking of asking for one of his own.    The Son family shows up and Chi-Chi gets miffed when anyone asks about Goku.   Chi-Chi says he’s waiting for his eggs to hatch.
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Anyway, they’ve got a nice spread here.    This looks like the place where all of Dr. Brief’s animals run around, but that seems like a bad place to hold a party, so maybe they have more than one indoor park.  
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Anyway, Tien and Krillin have some pizza, and Master Roshi laughs at a “photo album” (it’s porn).
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Buu wants Vegeta’s hot dog, and he’s in a good mood so he gives it to him.   I always liked that.  It shows that they managed to get along at some point.     This is the sort of thing Dragon Ball Super should have done.   Buu never got a chance to interact with most of these guys in Z, and they killed him off in GT, so they could have gotten some mileage out of him in Super, but they didn’t.
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Chiaotzu drinks exactly half of one soda and leaves.  
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Piccolo’s just chillin’ out in a flower bed.    Character arc, complete.
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Oh, you thought this was the smug Goku macro?   Tell me again how you didn’t know it was from this scene where Goku reminisces about his grandfather.
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I guess the place where his space pod crashed wasn’t too far from this pterodactyl nest.   I’m surrprised the crater grew over so fast.    Also, this is like the third or fourth time they’ve shown this location in Z, and it never looks the same twice.
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Anyway, Grandpa Gohan was strict but also very kind, and I always like how Goku remembers him here, as the series is drawing to a close.  
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Then a DINOSAUR FIGHT happens, because this show rules! Not sure why the two-legged dinosaur has hippo ears, but okay.   It’s like Toei thought the rights holders for actual dinosaurs would sue them or something.   
This scene also features the Ginyu Force song from the early portion of DBZ.   You know the one.
Thirty-two seconds into this video.    They ran this song into the ground in the Namek Saga, and then slowly weaned themselves off of it in the Frieza Saga, until eventually it fell out of rotation.   I think it got used a couple of times in the Androids/Cell arc, and this might be the first time it’s been used since then.   And you know, it’s a great song when it’s used sparingly.   Once I got used to expecting it in every episode, it got really grating, but here, it works perfectly.    I found myself sort of missing it.   
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Anyway, Goku totally in favor of cool dinosaur fights, but he doesn’t want them near this nest, so he carries these rowdy boys to another spot and tells them to fight there.  
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But that sort of kills the whole mood, you know?
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Never mind that, because it’s TIME TO DANCE.
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In the Japanese version, the score uses the rock music Tank Clerk was jamming to in Fusion Reborn.   I guess this is the only rock music in all of Dragon Ball, sort of like how Cold Slither’s music is the only rock music in G.I. Joe or Transformers.
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We’re tired of words!   We’ve heard it before!
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We’re not gonna play the game no more!
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We’re Cold Slither, heavy metal  machine!
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Through the eyes of a lizard in you will dream!
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When the venom stings, a new order brings our control!
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Anyway Chi-Chi rules the disco floor until she throws out her back.   
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Then Dende mentions Goku and it brings down the mood.   This is why no one invites you to these things, Dende.  Even Tien thinks you’re a buzzkill and he just spent the last half hour explaining the Haber-Bosch process.   
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Bulma is worried about Goku, but Chi-Chi playfully suggests that Bulma is sweet on him, but that’s just too bad, because Chi-Chi’s too pretty for her to steal him away.    Is she drunk?   Maybe, but this is still less awkward than the dub version, where she suggested they trade husbands.   “No, I was only kidding about swinging, Bulma.... UNLESS...”
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Back at where Goku is, all these other animals show up to watch the nest, because I guess animals do that in this show.  
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Then it rains, and Goku shores up the nest with a bunch of logs.  Not sure how this improves the situation, but okay.
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He tries to work on the branch the fourth egg is sitting in, but it falls into the river first.
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Goku saves it, but then a fish tries to eat him.
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But the egg is okay, so victory for Goku.
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Kind of an ominous shot of Capsule Corp.   Looks like something out of Revenge of the Sith.
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Everyone’s playing cards, and that looks like a lot of fun.    Well, not if I have to play with Roshi and Oolong.    Take me to the non-sex-offender table, please.
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Krillin and his family prepare to head out, but they walk out the door just as Goku shows up.
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This part here is great.
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Chi-Chi gives him a hard time, but she can’t be too mad, because he does this sort of crap all the time.
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So she takes Goku back to where the food is, and Goku gives Gohan the wink like “Yep, life of Riley.”
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I almost wonder if they tried to do some sort of Last Supper thing with this, except they couldn’t fit everyone into the shot on a 4:3 TV.    Anyway, Goku explains how things turned out with the pterodactyls.
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They all hatched.   Don’t really know what else to add to that.  Weird how some of these animals watching were causing trouble earlier.   That snake tried to eat the eggs until Goku tosses it away.
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Goten asks if he was cuter than the pterodactyls when he was born, and Goku explains that he was dead when Goten was born, so he doesn’t know.   Awkward.
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Then he invites Vegeta to come over and join them, because he’s sulking over by the window.   
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i think Vegeta’s just enjoying this vaporwave sunset outside, but okay,
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Then the narrator observes that everyone just has more fun when Goku’s around, which, true, but this is the sort of lionizing of Goku that made GT really irritating.  
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Then the Looney Tunes thing happens to him and that’s all, folks.  
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
A Dinosaur A Day, Tumblr, and the Future
Things are Changing on ADAD
This blog is coming up on its 5 year anniversary, which naturally means I want to change everything about it. I’m kidding, of course, but we are going to have some big changes in the new year (2019). First, let me go over the purpose of this blog:
ADAD has Four Primary Goals:
To be an encyclopedia that covers every. Single. Dinosaur. In current scientific thought, we classify animals based on their ancestry (so, common descent). Dinosaurs are defined by the first two animals ever dug up as fossils and called dinosaurs - Iguanodon and Megalosaurus. This means that Dinosaurs are the most recent common ancestor of Iguanodon and Megalosaurus (the last ancestor they had in common) (also of Diplodocus but let’s not get into that today), and all that ancestor’s descendants. 
If you want to picture it a different way: your grandparents are the most recent common ancestor of you and your cousin. Now, you both also have your great-grandparents as ancestors, but they aren’t your most recent common ancestor. Furthermore, when you have kids, they’ll still be a part of that family group, even though they’re a new generation. 
This group includes birds, because birds evolved from dinosaurs (the evidence is substantial). This means that birds are dinosaurs, and I have to cover every bird. 
This is actually a novel goal - most dinosaur encyclopedias only cover the dinosaurs as we classically defined them, or all dinosaurs that lived in the Mesozoic (which includes some birdy dinosaurs since birds evolved in the Mesozoic, the “age of reptiles”). And most bird encyclopedias don’t cover extinct ones to any extensive degree. And there certainly isn’t an encyclopedia that covers both (apart from, well, regular encyclopedias). So, one of the main goals of ADAD is to cover birds as well as non-avian (not-bird) dinosaurs (and their closest relatives). 
To be an encyclopedia that is accessible for all readers. So many scientific blogs and other resources use fairly complicated language and bad formatting. I try to make my articles with the simplest language possible, while still making it interesting and fun for all readers of all levels. Still, this is a place where we have to grow, especially since the head author (Meig) and all the other members of the ADAD team have their own accessibility issues to grapple with. This encyclopedia also allows scientific knowledge to reach groups that are typically disenfranchised by traditional education (such as those with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community, women, and people of color). We have actually conducted statistical studies on this and the results are promising! We are making a difference, though we have a lot of room to grow. 
To bring fun to scientific education. Memes, silly posts, silly competitions, jokes, rants, all of these are fair game on ADAD, because meme culture makes learning fun, at least, and it keeps things interesting. Plus, taking things seriously is against my programming. 
FLUFF. Recent discoveries have indicated that many dinosaurs had feathers or almost-feather covering on some or most of their bodies - especially the closer you get to birds on the dinosaur family tree. However, paleoart (art of prehistoric life) is slow on the uptake when it comes to new discovery, and people still tend to lean on the scaly side for dinosaurs - even to the point of being wrong. As such, a major purpose of this blog is to lean on the feathery side instead! Sometimes this means being accurate where others are not, and sometimes this means representing dinosaurs in ways that are implausible. We never, however, represent dinosaurs more fluffy than is possible, so none of these reconstructions are inaccurate. We just fill a void in how dinosaurs are represented, to help bring balance to the images of dinosaurs on the internet. 
Tumblr was the correct platform for this blog to exist on, primarily due to happenstance (how I got the url in the first place was sheer dumb luck), but also due to the ability of the platform to bring dinosaurs to people who don’t usually have access to science, in combination with fun memes and jokes as is typical on the site. It also allowed for some leeway for the earliest days of the blog when it came to images - I credited every piece of art I used, but I didn’t have to ask for permission in most cases, allowing me to have images for articles where otherwise I wouldn’t have had anything to accompany the text.
So, this leaves ADAD with some current problems:
There are about two years’ worth of entries that need updated art, made by the people I pay, that I have permission to use, that are also as fluffy as the blog requires. Unfortunately, the artists do not have time to update these entries, because there is very little being brought in from the Patreon and already scheduled entries every day. 
Leaving New Users Behind. Because I go by order of evolutionary relationship, I have finished non-avian dinosaurs, so anyone new following is literally in the middle of Bird Hell. I could do throwbacks, of course, but it’s not quite the same, and I can’t throw back to those posts that don’t have art (so everything from the first two years of ADAD; I’ve only had the Patreon for three years. Oh my Gd. Three years. What is time.) 
New Discoveries. Because of the complete and utter inflexibility of the current schedule (evolutionary order + weird special weeks = I can’t shift the schedule around easily), we haven’t covered newly discovered dinosaurs in a shameful amount of time. And that sucks! Because they’re super cool! 
Stagnation. Going in taxonomic order means that yeah, we get a bunch of cool dinosaurs that are all related in a row, but also every, single, crappy, dinosaur, from, that, group, that, isn’t, different, from, the, previous, one, at, all. And this is boring - for me to write, for the artists to draw, and for you guys to read. 
The sheer multitude of birds. This kind of ties in to 2 and 4, but for every non-avian dinosaur there are 2.26 times as many birds (in terms of genus. It’s actually even more than that, but, I’m not doing it by species, so). This is insane. This is literally insane. But I’m not backing down on goal one, so… 
Tumblr is Terrible. Over a year ago, it made it so that posts with external links (such as those for my patreon and ko-fi, you know, funds I need to live; as well as my sources for my information) don’t show up in search results. This means that the blog has stagnated in terms of follower growth. This is bad enough, but now the website is probably going to go kaput because of all this NSFW crap going on, so if anything we’ll be losing readers.
So what is our solution?
ADAD is starting over in the new year, and with a different organization system.
This might seem crazy - there are 12 years worth of dinosaurs total - but there are a lot of reasons to do this.
This will allow us to bring variety to the blog
This will allow new users to see non-avian dinosaurs
This will allow us to update old entries in terms of written content and the art
This will allow us to finally do new dinosaurs
I will start over on Tumblr, and start completely on Wordpress, so if Tumblr implodes I still have the blog somewhere else, and I can start to grow the community more elsewhere in addition to Tumblr. I WILL stay on Tumblr as long as it exists, but this gives me an exit strategy if it implodes.
The wordpress blog will be ADAD sans memes, but it will bring in a new audience, more recognition, and hopefully more Patreon money, so the blog can grow further! Also, restarting will allow me to change the format of the posts, which will make them more accessible and hopefully show up in the Tumblr search results.
I’m not bitter, you’re bitter. 
So, on January 1, 2019, we’re starting again!
What’s the new organization system?
Random, with themes for each day of the week.
This gives us flexibility in the schedule - to break up monotony, help us maintain our workload easier, and add in new taxa to the schedule. It also allows for us to regulate it so that there are a healthy mix of birds and not-birds every week.
What are the daily themes?
Mesozoic Monday - Dinosaurs from the Mesozoic
Terrestrial Tuesday - Dinosaurs that mainly make their living on the ground
Water Wednesday - Dinosaurs that mainly make their living in the water or near water
Theropod Thursday - Theropods: meat eating dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor, also birds of prey
Flying Friday - Dinosaurs that can fly!
Songbird Saturday & Sunday - Passerines, which by species make up half of dinosaur diversity
This will give us a very nice mixture of nonavian and avian dinosaurs every week, as well as interesting diversity and differences between each one. This will help us to mix up living and extinct animals, long and short entries, things we can just copy over from ADAD’s first run and things we have to write from scratch. There can even be theme weeks! And requests can come back! Random doesn’t just mean random number generator, it also means we can change things to our fancy if we want or need to.
So, we hope all of these changes will solve many of the problems that ADAD faces. We have read your responses to the survey, and we hear you - we think this solution will solve everyone’s complaints and help us go forward into the future in a better way.
If you have concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us via FanMail (yup, it still exists) or an ask. We recognize this means ADAD will go on for many more years - but let’s be real, because of new discoveries, that was going to happen anyway.
Thank you all for your understanding! We’re really excited about this change, and we hope you all will enjoy it!
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Organization Members at An Amusement Park
Suggested by: 4ddictwithapencil. You can find the original ask here. You mentioned Disney, so let’s just assume that they’re all in Disney world in Florida. The links for the hotels and such lead to either pictures or Youtube Vids that I could find where you can actually tour the room<3  I highly recommend looking up the hotels online if you don’t know what they look like!
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Hotel: The Royal Suite in The Four Seasons Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Wildlife Express Train and Spaceship Earth
People move out of his way when he walks toward wherever he’s going. Lines to rides, lines to food, front seats at different attractions? They always move aside for him.
Purposely moves away from most of the Organization members to find stuff he’s interested in. Spends a lot of time in the regular exhibits instead of the actual rides
Likes a lot of the desserts that you can find across the parks, such as the Macarons aux Framboises at Les Halles Boulangerie & Patisserie in Epcot. All the fancy stuff is what he’s all about
Spends most of his time in the World Showcase in Epcot, examining the various countries. Loves going to the different shops and seeing the merchandise he can buy.  He’s the guy that buys the $1000 merchandise you always dream about getting.
Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios
Favorite Hotel: Park View Suite at the Four Seasons Orlando Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Expedition Everest and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Will hit on one of the Disney princesses and get into a near scuffle with Gaston. Doesn’t like to wait in lines, though, but will somehow sweet talk his way to the front of the line
Excellent at any shooting games, like the Toy Story Mania game.  Will always get the highest score out of all of the Organization members.
Never goes to Disney without stopping by Italy in Epcot to get himself a bunch of cannolis or sushi from Japan.  Could honestly just stay there and eat a little from each country.
That guy that uses the gym at the hotel every morning before anyone else wakes up
Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom - or Typhoon Lagoon!
Favorite Hotel: The Cabins at the Fort Wilderness Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Jungle Cruise and DINOSAUR
Loves the animal attractions!!!  Nearly gasped aloud when he found out that there was a place in Animal Kingdom where you could actually watch the vets take care of and do examinations on the animals.  He thought it was awesome and super interesting!
Will get up early with Lexaeus and get the two of them coffee to start the day as everyone else wakes up.  Is no longer allowed to get coffee for Zexion because Lexaeus says he gets too hyper.
Also likes the Disney Water Park, even though it gets really crowded and there are too many small children there.  He doesn’t care about the children themselves; it’s just that the parents don’t watch them and he gets annoyed.  Loves all of the water slides, though, and can definitely sit and relax with an ice cream cone at one of the lounge chairs.
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Hotel: Any room at Disney’s Contemporary Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: It’s A Small World and Star Tours
Unapologetically likes it’s a small world and will happily - loudly - sing the song for hours.  Also likes Star Tours or anything to do with space because he finds it interesting.
Likes to spend time at Downtown Disney - and hates that they changed the name to Disney Springs.  Definitely bought himself a fake, light-up lightsaber that he annoys the other members with.
Will definitely go to the spa and get a facial, complete with cucumber over the eyes and a mani-pedi to go with it.
Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Copper Creek Cabins at the Wilderness Lodge
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Maharajah Jungle Trek and Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor
Gets up early and stays out at the parks late to stay with the other kiddos after the adults have all gone back to the hotels.  Wants to get his money’s worth and wants to make sure everyone has done what they wanted to do that day.
Usually forgets to do what he wants to do, but always has fun watching other people.
Carries one of those giant reusable cups that you can refill at any Disney restaurant so there’s something for everyone to have when they inevitably forget to refill their own drinks.  Also always has a churro in one hand.  He loves the damn things.
LOVES the giant Turkey legs.  Once ate four in one sitting.  The manager of that particular restaurant was so impressed, there’s a small plaque with his name on it next to a picture of him and Goofy both holding turkey legs.
Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Disney’s Boardwalk Inn
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Mission Space and Mad Tea Party
Will not go on It’s a Small World.  Never again.  Those creepy ass dolls haunted his dreams for months.
When he met Belle for the first time??? Heart eyes.  They talked about books for about twenty minutes until one of the Disney park guys said he had to move on because there were kids who wanted to meet the princess.
Likes to buy souvenirs, particularly if they’re things like puzzles, books, or little Disney science experiments.  Before they implemented the program where they would send your purchases directly to your room, he used to make Lexaeus carry his stuff around for him.
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Disney’s Yacht Club Resort, The Captain’s Deck Suite
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Soarin’ and Muppet Vision 3D
Has a plan okay.  Knows when each ride gets super crowded, knows which to go to first, knows what to save for last, knows which they should use their Fast Passes on, and knows when the lines for food are going to be faster and shorter.  He came prepared and is ready to take on Disney World like a WWII soldier storming the Bay of Normandy.
Cannot go to Disney with the whole group.  They will argue all the time and nothing will get done.  Much prefers for them all to separate and go off into groups of two and three so everyone can have a good time and he can stay organized while he has fun.
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Animal Kingdom Lodge in the Royal Asante Presidential Suite
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Space Mountain and Test Track
Loves action packed roller coasters and anything that makes his adrenaline shoot up.  Could ride space mountain six times in a row and not get bored.
Usually the guy who helps everyone have fun in long lines by telling jokes and playing games.
Can eat whatever he wants and will not get sick after he rides a ride, but put him on the spinning teacups and he’ll get so ill and dizzy that he’ll be out of commission for the rest of the day.
Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios
Favorite Hotel: All-Star Music Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Festival of the Lion King or Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster
The man isn’t really into the whole rides and excitement.  I mean, yeah, he likes it obviously, and he won’t leave the park without going on all of the exciting rides at least once, but he’s more into the music and the atmosphere.  Loves Hollywood Studios because of the various shows and music things, etc.
Most likely to spend his time taking pictures with and dabbing with the princesses, but Tinkerbell is his favorite person to see.
Always up for seeing any concerts in Hollywood Studios under the mickey hat.
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Hotel: The Grand Suite at the Grand Floridian Resort and Spa
Favorite Ride/Attraction: The Great Movie Ride and Carousel of Progress
Kind of like Xemnas in the sense that his favorite place to be is the World of Nations in Epcot.  He really enjoys just sitting outside at one of the restaurants and drinking cappuccino and people watching.
Will somehow end up spending hours at the golf course at Saratoga Springs with Xemnas or, on one memorable occasion, he joined Larxene at the spa for a massage.
Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: The Treehouse Villa at Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Living with the Land and The Oasis Exhibits
His favorite thing is, obviously, the Annual Flower and Garden Festival in Epcot, but he does like looking at the animal habitats in the Animal Kingdom.  Has definitely stolen a few leaves and plant buds to add to his garden at home.
Ends up chatting with someone near one of the nature exhibits and is so informatory that a crowd forms because everyone thinks that he works at the park.
Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios
Favorite Hotel: Bora Bora Bungalows in the Polynesian Village Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (rip this great ride) and Haunted Mansion
Anything that makes her jump and her stomach head up to her throat? She’s totally into.  Will spend most of the time in line at the Haunted Mansion or Tower of Terror trying to make the other Organization members jump.
Buys a lot of Disney merch, particularly T-shirts that she can sleep in.  They’re so soft and comfortable and they always last a long time, so she has a growing stack that’s taken up a permanent spot in her closet.
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Pop Century Hotel
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Kali Water River Rapids and Splash Mountain
THE FOOD.  Oh God, the food.  Dole Pineapple Whip, the Gray Stuff at Belle’s Castle, the giant Turkey Legs, the churros, the mickey ice cream cones.... will want to try everything and will have a huge stomachache by the end of the day.
Loves the Lion King Musical Performance Show.  He thinks it’s one of the coolest things he’s ever seen and he will absolutely be singing along with all of the songs
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: The Art of Animation Hotel
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Kilimanjaro Safari and Illuminations Light Show
A literal princess.  Likes to experience a little bit of everything.  The pretty colors and sights and smells and EVERYTHING are just so wonderful and new to her.
Has to get souvenirs from every single store they pass.  Loves giant stuffed animals and little knick knacks because they are literally too cute for words.
Was extremely disappointed when they told her that she was too old to get a makeover at the princess boutique, but then (surprisingly) Xemnas sent them such a horrific glare for hurting her feelings that they gave her a makeover anyway.  She had sparkles in her hair for the rest of the week.
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
I just love how the Satisfactory video has the vibe of those ~family movies I grew up with?
Single Dad Ryan working for (almost certainly) Evil Company intent on destroying some forest or other wonder of nature.
His two kids Gavin and Matt who discover Nature’s True Wonder or some shit after running into the local wildlife/a tiny dinosaur bby/Bigfoot living in said forest and befriending whatever it is via heartwarming montage. (They try to tell Single Dad Ryan but he’s under pressure to get get the forest cleared to put a ski lodge or mall parking lot or other equally heinous Human Construction there or he’s fired. Because Evil Company.)
There is Ryan’s newy promoted coworker/assistant Jack who is the only other person in the company with morals. (OR he’s a local who’s been fighting Evil Company for the land rights for years, because Conflict.)
Jack raises concerns about what they’re doing here - “It just doesn’t seem right!” - and making Ryan feel super guilty about destroying nature, but Jack and his idiot kids just don’t understand!
(Ryan’s under a lot of stress from his Horrible Ex who and/or their wealthy parents who think he’s an unfit parent. Keeping his idiot kids hinges on his success here for the Evil Company - because plot??? - but alas! He’s falling in love with Jack’s ~fiery personality and integrity and remembering what it means to be a Decent Human Being/Mediocre Parent!)
And then the thing where the idiot kids team up with local kids and plan to save their new animal/cryptid friend’s home?
But someone from Evil Company has come to check on Ryan and Jack’s lack of progress and start up some terrifying Death Machine to speed up the wholesale destruction of nature?
And the kids are trapped right in its path - either via Convenient Circumstances while shenanigating? Or the EC lackey locked ‘em up somewhere when they overheard EC’s diabolical plans and NO ONE MUST KNOW.
...so naturally they plan the murder of kids and their new friend and plan to blame it on their dad, because evil???
The idoit kid’s new friend is magic or has magic parents that saves them at the last minute, the kids expose the EC’s lacky and Ryan has a change of heart because plot?
Also, he and Jack totally do the, “Oh thank God my/your kids didn’t die horribly thanks to a series of unlikely coincidences/plot contrivances.
Then the cut to like. One Year Later where the forest is government protected land and Ryan and Jack are other married or have been Dating. they now work as activists/educators about Nature and it turns out Ryan’s boss was trying to steal the company out from some kindly old dude who had no idea any of this was going down?
It turns out they also know about the whatever the kids befriended (because plot) and everyone has a hearty chuckle as the movie ends on a freeze-frame shot.
...I mean. You know.
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biondinoya · 5 years
Godzilla King of the Monsters – General Review (might contain spoiler)
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Now, this is probably the first time I wrote stuff like this to review a movie. Note that I’m not a professional movie critic, I’m just a casual moviegoer with a specific taste. And I might stick to that specific taste to show you how I review the movie.
My childhood is full of dinosaurs, monsters & dragons. I like dinosaurs so much, so it’s natural for me to grow on Godzilla and dragons. My first experience on the original Showa-Era from TOHO is ‘The Invasion of Astro Monster’. The movie consists of Godzilla, Rodan & King Ghidorah. It’s also the first experience of watching how absurd it is. You can see Godzilla victory dance on the movie, it’s pretty famous for the hardcore fans. Being exposed to such absurdity of Godzilla doesn’t make me hate the franchise somehow. It just made me wanting more. And after all, somehow it’s the monsters that are matter at the end.
Gotta admit that Godzilla movies aren’t that accessible for everyone. It’s not like the average movie you want to watch. There are movies with a very serious tone like the original Godzilla (1954 - Showa), Return of Godzilla (1985 - Heisei), then Shin Godzilla (2016 - Millenium or probably Modern Reboot). These 3 are probably the best movies that focus on Godzilla as a disaster with a good movie plot, with the original 1954 as the best.
Now for the review of the movie, Legendary’s version of Godzilla King of the Monsters. This movie is a blast. I’m serious when saying it. Sure, there are flaws here and there, but it just a great movie.
First, let’s start with the monsters. They’re not called kaiju or monster here in the movie. They’re animals, they are so enormous and categorized as Titan. And they do have animalistic behavior (intimidation display, obedience reaction to alpha) just like, well, animals. This aspect of the movie bring it closer to reality and as an adult, I happened to like it a lot. Like, I knew that Godzilla movies can throw ridiculous non-sense stuff to you (he flew, he danced, he talked) and I’m ready for it. But this animalistic concept just makes me happy.
Godzilla is very well depicted. The facial expression is so good. Michael Dougherty really takes the torch from Garreth Edward’s Godzilla design and makes it to the next level while staying faithful to the original. He’s bulky but in a very good way. And when he becomes Burning Godzilla, it just mind-blowing. Burning Godzilla has a super heat-radiation that can melt-down anything that closes enough to him and that was jaw-dropping. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but when Dr. Serizawa touches him that close with affection, Godzilla was just as adorable as a pet. He was the best Godzilla depiction from a Hollywood movie.
King Ghidorah is absolutely, absolutely terrifying. Personally, he was the actual reason why I love this movie. His design is one of the best among other Gidorah designs. His face is really terrifying. He was a three-headed dragon and each of the heads greatly displays a different personality. Sometimes they’re interacting with one & another and I LOVE IT! Every time he flies, he generates hurricanes and storms to surround him and people mistook it as bad weather. Truly a good representation of the “Living Extinction Event”.
Now as a big DRAGON-FAN; I’ve never felt this satisfied to watch a dragon in a movie. Sure there is ‘How To Train Your Dragon trilogy, but it’s for kid or family. And the dragons aren’t even scary. I even tried to catch up with Game of Thrones all 8 seasons, just for the sake to watch dragons in a movie. I used to think that Drogon was the best depiction of a dragon in this modern-cinema era. But Ghidorah is really, totally, absolutely a dragon depiction that I wanted to see in a movie. You can tell that I’m more into Ghidorah than Godzilla when you’re reading this, and that’s true. Oh, for a true dragon fan, Ghidorah should be considered as Wyvern with 3 heads.
Mothra is stunningly beautiful. To be honest, I never into Mothra before. I watched Godzilla movies and saw her dies so many times. Yet she doesn’t really get me. There are many other versions of Mothra on her solo movies from Toho and none of them really catch me. But in this movie, she was stunningly beautiful. I personally think this is the best Mothra design ever. Her expression in both Larva & Butterfly forms in this movie is also very good.
Rodan is also very cool. He was a giant pterosaur-like with lava-like blood flows through his vein. He was depicted as in my opinion, a wild animal that only obeys the strongest alpha. His signing in the moment is really faithful to the original. Just like Mothra, it’s the best design of the monster ever.
Now for the monster brawl. It’s just sooo good! When I was a kid, I smashed dinosaur & monster toys. And this kind of monster brawl is what I wanted to see as an adult. And they delivered it, in my eyes, perfect. I particularly get goosebumps to the scene where the humans are leading Rodan to meet Ghidorah. And Ghidorah’s intimidation display to Godzilla when they first met in Antarctica. This is definitely ‘the meat’ of the movie. This is why you actually want to see Godzilla movies, for the monster action.
And for the plot and human narrative, this is probably the weak point for casual viewers. The plot is pretty basic, someone wants to set free the titans to restore the balance of the planet and goes horribly wrong. You don’t get exposed to any deep character development here. The human narrative is generic. BUT if you have watched all previous absurdity and silliness of TOHO Godzilla movies, the story in this movie is much more acceptable. After all, it’s true that the monsters are the selling points and they keep this into a tradition.
Garreth Edward’s approach to Godzilla 2014 is actually very fresh, but I really understand why people complained that Godzilla is barely on the movie. And I do agree with that. Like if you want to put Godzilla in such very limited screen-time, you might want to not put Godzilla as the title, even if the movie is about Godzilla. While Michael Dougherty really takes the opportunity to show more Godzilla in Godzilla movie. And he was a true Godzilla fan indeed. Looking forward to seeing Michael Dougherty bring Monsterverse to another level.  This movie, despite its flaws, is indeed felt like a Godzilla movie I’ve known for years and I love it.~
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amusha20ahsgov-blog · 5 years
Political Interest Groups, and P.A.C.s Assessment
I have issued three P.A.C. articles that represent my issue, one being national, one being state, and one being a Super P.A.C. My national article that I’ve decided to do is the American Humane Association. These people advocate for policy and legislation that can help kids and animals be protected from abuse and neglect. This group was established in 1877, and they are guaranteed to ensure animals’ protection, welfare and well-being. The American Humane Association’s Board said that Washington D.C.’s Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (U.P.M.I.F.A.) needs to save the fair values of original gifts when the gifts were given, where they are restricted by donor and money towards endowment not present will restrict donor stipulations to the contrary. Politicians are influenced because they need to help the animals that need a home. Rescue: For more than 100 years, the American Humane Association’s first repliers deployed to the busy parts of Europe, where they saved and wanted 68,000 horses monthly to have a home. Farms: For many people in the United States, they care about the welfare and treatment of the animals on the American Humane Association’s farms and ranches. Humane Hollywood: As early as 1877, the American Humane Association has been at the forefront of a new edition in securing animals from abuse and neglect. Grants & Awards: The American Humane Association is more than happy to allow applications for their grant opportunities, that raise money towards a spectrum of lifesaving work which is an advantage towards both people and animals. Conservation: Humane Conservation is a certification activity of the American Humane Association and the first nationwide humane group in the United States and the biggest certifier of the welfare and humane treatment of working animals and animals in other habitats in the world.* 
400 percent growth of animals under the protection of the Farm Animal Program, increasing the protection from 200 million to 1 billion million. The American Humane Association is located in Washington, D.C. They go wherever there’s a crisis to protect animals, like when there’s a natural disaster. They also have an office in Hollywood, California, to fight cruelty in animals in movies and TV. shows. Volunteers are trained to help animals during the disaster and support communities’ cares for animals in local communities in a variety of ways. Volunteers provide emergency assistance after receiving a written invitation from local authority at the scene of the disaster. Train volunteers are contacted ad deployed within six hours. 
One interest group includes PawPAC which supports animals in California. PawPAC was formed in 1980 as the primary group designed for elections for candidates in California who are committed to animals’ well-beings. PawPAC is respected in the California State Legislature as effective in supporting elected candidates who will pass laws involving humane rights, by endorsements, contributions, and annual voting charts. One of PawPAC’s directors on science, research and advocacy, Catherine Doyle, went to Washington D.C. to enroll in “The Science of Animal Thinking and Emotion: Sentience as a Factor in Policy and Practice.” PawPAC is an organization unlike other organizations by supporting and guaranteeing that the laws secure every animal, no matter if it’s used in farming, entertainment or research, or make a home either in the wild or kept with a family. There isn’t anything more powerful than what words are written, mostly because they will become laws. Many animals’ rights will be affected by new laws at the beginning of each year. Some bills passed describing animal security in 2019 have been good, but others not so much. In 2018, Ben Allen and Richard Bloom have introduced many bills for animal security. One of Allen’s bills was to phase out drift gill nets, mostly when it is extremely valuable. In 2017, Richard Bloom’s legislation showed climate change, wildlife, and declared one state’s dinosaur for the first time. This group is located in Downey, California. Most of their events are on the south side of the state, so it would be hard to get there quickly. There doesn’t seem to be any volunteer opportunities with this organization. In 2016, Ricardo Lara became interested in influencing animal security and banned bullhooks. I think the American Humane Association seems more organized and successful than PawPAC. The audience of the American Humane Association is the entire United States, but the audience of PawPAC is just the state of California. Supporters for the American Humane Society are people from all over the country and volunteers willing to help the organization thrive, but PawPAC didn’t really say anything about places outside of California. PawPAC, on the other hand helps animals throughout all of California, not just parts of California. American Quarter Horse Association does advocacy in public policy, focusing on programs to promote the health and well-being of the American Quarter Horse. Total receipts is $34,804 in 2019. They have spent $17,890. The cash on hand is $104,456. $4,000 was spent on democrats which represents 57% of their contributions and republicans received $3,00 representing 43% of total contributions. Two donors are from Burns Ranch, one donor is Bob Lines from Agricultural Land Services Inc. and another donor is Calvin White from A.D.A. Veterinary Clinic. All of these organizations appear to support Quarter Horses as part of their mission.
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buri-art · 5 years
If you don't mind me asking, how come you're able to live and work in Japan (and China?)? Where did it al begin? I'm just really curious! Thanks!
I don’t mind, thanks for asking! Turns out I’ve been doing some advising on this topic lately. (Scroll to the bottom for specific advice!)It all began with Digimon…
I’ve always had a history of moving from one obsession to another, starting back with Barney the Dinosaur. Then when I was 11-years-old I found myself very curious about that weird Japanese show on Fox Kids, which looked so different from the Western cartoons I was so fond of. What I caught of it kept me surprised–my stereotypes about it were wrong, the characters and their situations were complicated, and plot had depth? What was this and why did it make me care so much??Well, once I decided I was hooked, I was hooked. Obsessed overnight. I needed to know everything there was to know about it, including the country it came from. Guess I better learn Japanese, I thought. 
That thought didn’t go away. I generally got obsessed with anime and Japanese culture, anything I could get my weeby little hands on. Wanting to know everything about Japan led to curiosity about China too, because if you’re going to stretch far back in the origins of Japanese culture, eventually you’re going to get interested in the big collection of nations and time periods known as Ancient China. (Stuff like Fushigi Yuugi and the anime rendition of Condor Hero sure helped drive that interest.)I stayed obsessed with Japan all through my teen years (and started Japanese study in earnest when I was 16) and I chose a college where I could start studying Chinese. It seemed like the natural progression in my studies by that point, but I guess other people thought it was surprising. Or they called me a traitor. (I can tell you now that lots and lots of people wind up studying both.)
Anyway, I went in to college with a pretty wide knowledge of East Asia, but studying it from all sorts of angles, getting good advising in school from nerdy professors, and studying abroad certainly made my understanding more nuanced. Going to a small school where it was easy to stick out also helped me get a good handful of work-study experiences and special attention for my particular passions. (It helps that a couple teachers were enamored with traditional Chinese culture, another loved Heian aesthetics, another wrote a dissertation about the production of shoujo manga, and another loved to give students free food. Now those are my people.)What most people find surprising was that even though I had a heavier course load in Asian studies, my major was Economics. I was concerned about finding work with only nerdy Asian studies, and I felt like I needed to save the world by working at an NGO and sacrificing my personal happiness for the sake of the poor and underprivileged. (I still feel like that, but thankfully there are more ways to support NGOs than only by working in them.) In my research topics I usually had a special focus on developing nations in Asia, and I made sure to get a good understanding of the whole region, not just, like, Edo period gay samurai fanfiction (yeah, that was totally a thing).Well, anyway, I never worked at an NGO. I went to grad school to keep working on my Chinese while keeping up independent Japanese study  (including the JLPT), then I worked for the one international company in my hometown doing stuff for their Asian side of business. It was cool if you had any interest in engineering, but I didn’t. I like culture. The weeb shit, as it’s known. All according to keikaku, I became a Coordinator for International Relations on the JET Program (it’s not all English teachers!), and had the time of my life in Matsue (my love for that place is seeeeerious). That’s when I took my wide knowledge of Japan and started getting deeper knowledge, by doing anything and everything, especially practicing naginata, tea ceremony, and competitive kimono dressing. (I like to say I broke the weeb scale a long time ago.) Even among CIRs, who all speak Japanese fairly fluently, I guess I was noteworthy for my nerdy knowledge of obscure pieces of local culture, and my enthusiasm for sharing it. That’s just me being my obsessive self, folks. But yeah, lots of JET Program participants are obsessive and eager to go out and experience things. Aaaahhh, my people. After that, I felt I needed more experience in China, so I got a teaching job (which is relatively easy to do, if you’re a native English speaker). Due to my work schedule and living in Shanghai as opposed to like, Wuyishan or even Hangzhou, I didn’t devote as much as to cultural classes as I originally planned on, but I did practice tea and martial arts throughout my time there, and I continued to work on my Mandarin and gaining obscure cultural knowledge, but especially gaining experience melding with society there. Although it was more overwhelming, I do feel much more competent with my Chinese skills now, and I still love a lot of the culture and have so much more traveling I want to do there. I can still nerd out so hard for so much there.Moving back to Japan felt like a very natural course of things. I know a lot of people who have been happy to be Japan-nerds from a distance, or do the JET Program for a while and then just go back to visit, but at least for now, I don’t see myself happy with only visiting. I have personality flaws, like being very inflexible, that make me work very well in a rigid society like Japan. I’m too used to good convenience stores to live happily without them. I enjoy speaking Japanese all the time instead of taking occasional opportunities. Also, my niche skill set is kind of useless in my part of the US. I did try to find work here, really. That being said, having niche skills means that when I’m useful, I’m super useful. Job searching from outside of Japan was a lot more challenging than applying for the JET Program (which any JET applicant can tell you is not a simple process, but once you’re in, you really appreciate how much they handle for you in matters of moving abroad). It was really, really nerve-wracking to turn down two very good corporate job offers in favor of a somewhat new hotel chain. I really wanted to enter the tourism industry because this feels like the only place (outside of academia) where I can use all my obsessive studies of mainstream and obscure but especially traditional culture, and where my gushing about how much I love stuff is actually useful. Plus, it’ll make use of all three of my languages, not just one or two at a time. I hope this will work out for at least the next few years, if not forever. I also hope that if I live in the US in the future to be closer to family*, then I’ll have enough industry experience to work in hotels here or start a tour company targeted at Asian clients. (*Family is the primary reason I still consider long-term life in America, and it’s a big one, and worrying about them is the hardest part about living abroad. Excessive humidity in a lot of Asia is another reason I might choose to live in the Western US.)But like, now my hobbies are my job. While it won’t be the bulk of it, wearing kimono and performing tea ceremonies is no longer something that makes me cool and special and unexpectedly useful, it’s going to be what I need to be professionally competent in (eeeeeeep). This is the kind of stuff that obsessive teenage Buri would have swooned to know, but also totally expected. Career-Buri is a little more level-headed about it and also very grateful to have these opportunities. So anyway, advice!!—If you think you want to do anything in China or Japan, START STUDYING THE LANGUAGES NOW. Yes, I know they’re difficult. No, there’s no perfect program. Whatever you’re going to use, just do it consistently. Fluency is not actually required for a lot of jobs, but hot damn, some language skills will help. (For reference, I passed N1 of the JLPT before starting JET, and passed HSK5 while I was in grad school. I studied for HSK6 while I was in China and would have had a 50/50 chance of passing, but chose not to because it’s not actually that useful for the price I’d pay for it.)–To get a work visa in either country, 99 times out of a 100, you’re going to need a Bachelor’s degree. Your major is not usually as important as simple proof of graduation. Many places will care about your grades, though, so try to keep them up. –Teaching is still the easiest way to get there. There’s a wealth of programs to recruit you, but I suggest trying to steer clear of places that only provide a stipend instead of a salary, or small dispatch companies with questionable reputations. The JET Program is probably the best way to teach in Japan because of the level of support you get, but I’ve known people who had good experiences on the larger dispatch companies like Altia or Interac as well. For more direct hires, there are English tutoring companies (like English First (EF) or Coco Juku) where you might have students of all ages, as well as companies that focus on very small children (where you’ll basically be a glorified preschool teacher). On that note, many kindergartens and other for-profit education companies (like what I did in China) will hire directly, but your experience can vary widely. Finally, you can also look into international schools, but your teaching credentials will be much more important. Any background in teaching, or TESOL certification, will be a boon to your application (and at some places, your paycheck). –All of these places will want to see that you are a dependable, flexible person. Getting experience abroad, being able to speak frankly about challenges you’ve dealt with, and showing a willingness to go anywhere and do whatever is needed will look really good on your interviews. I say this a JET Program interviewer; the people who displayed the most patience and maturity were the people we felt best about giving a high score to. Those are the people we like to send out into the communities. –As we like to say in the JET Program, every situation is different (ESID for short). That applies to every teaching situation you might yourself in abroad.–You don’t have to be a teacher (after all, I only did JET because of the CIR position, I loved it!!). But you’re going to have to be really competent in whatever else it is you’re doing. Headhunters, such as at Pasona Global (which has branches in many Asian countries), are really, really good to work with, but they are most likely to hook you up with corporate jobs in big cities. If that’s what you want, awesome. (I wound up finding my hotel through a Japanese job searching site specifically for tourism related work. Other industry-specific fields may have their own job hunting sites, possibly in English, possibly not.) Language competency will be a lot more important if you take this route. –If at all possible, STUDY ABROAD!!! Many people will get the experience they want doing this instead of dealing with the frustrations of working and residing abroad. It’s a good way to see how much you love it and decide if the frustrations are worth it. Plus, it really helps your job applications. –Even if you can’t work abroad due to your personal situation, PLEASE TRY TO TRAVEL THERE!!!! When you’re interested in another culture or a foreign language, it means so, sooooo much to be there, even if it’s temporary. I don’t just say this as someone who has chosen tourism as my calling (though I am more than happy to give travel advice), I say this as a passionate nerd. I feel you. I get you. You need this. –Back to studies and stuff though, if you’re going to major in some form of area studies or foreign language, it is difficult to get jobs with that alone. Consider double-majoring in something that will play into that, or which will open other career options. Money is kind of important, especially if you’re going to have to pay for flights across the Pacific. 
–That being said, study what you care about too. You know how oddly useful my elective class about Non-Western Theater has been!?!? And if something in anime catches your attention, for goodness sake, you’re on THE INTERNET. If you liked Jubei-chan, go study samurai, if you like Fruits Basket, go learn to make onigiri, if you like Mob Psycho 100, then go—well—um—go work out, being physically healthy is also important!!
Well, anyway, that’s long enough. Good luck to all you nerds out there!! KEN TANAKA LOVES YOU and all that good stuff!! 
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himitsusentaiblog · 5 years
Another Untold Tale of my Early Toku Days.
Back in the bad old days of US Tokusatsu fandom (way before I even heard the term) it was REALLY hard to get your hands on anything resembling our beloved medium in the West.  Sure, some TV stations in California aired it and if you were lucky enough to live in Hawaii you were inundated with it and got to grow up with Ultraseven, Battle Fever J and especially Android Kikaida.
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However, growing up in Northern Wisconsin in the early 1980s, I was more or less completely out of luck, with one exception.  Every now and then, a local or cable TV station would air a Godzilla movie.  Godzilla was, at the time, pretty much my sole method of peering into Japanese culture.  It was, admittedly, like peering at it through a funhouse mirror thanks to the dubbing, odd editing and strange changes (looking at you King Kong vs. Godzilla and your musical replacements).
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When we lived in Wisconsin, we had yet to get a VCR, this was about 1982 or 1983 and they were just too expensive to justify when my parents were raising four children with a fifth on the way.  So TV was literally my only way to catch kaiju.  Most of the time, the ones I saw were from the 1970s with the occasional blessed journey back into the 1960s.  Now, I did not know the titles of these movies yet or what order they went in or even how many there were (I don’t mean to brag about my weird knowledge but I can today rattle off the entire series in order and the year of their release off the top of my head) so each new one to come up was exciting.  
When I was in grade school, I had a friend who would even make up or misremember titles of movies he said he saw and tell me about them, making me even more excited.  I still remember a few of the titles he gave me “Godzilla vs. Megamouth” and “Godzilla vs. Robot Godzilla”.  The latter is pretty obviously Godzilla vs. Mechagozilla but the former had me drawing pictures of Godzilla fighting a bipedal, saurian thing with a gigantic mouth.  These films always captured my imagination.
One particular time comes to mind for me.  I was visiting relatives in the town of Barron, Wisconsin.  It was a cold night and my parents and relatives were busy playing cribbage, leaving me with the TV in another room by myself.  I was checking the TV listings when my heart skipped a beat because there it was, a Godzilla movie I had never seen playing late that night!
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(Not the same listing but the same movie)
Godzilla vs the Sea Monster!  I had no idea what monster that was and it conjured images of Godzilla doing battle with everything from the Loch Ness Monster (I was pretty into Cryptids and UFOs in my youth, often stalking the 130 Dewey Decimal shelves at the local and school libraries) to Giant Octupi or weirder things. 
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(Godzilla would eventually fight the Loch Ness Monster but not the version of Godzilla I would have preferred and about 15 years later as seen above.)
I had to beg to stay up late enough to watch it but as my parents were pretty happy with me just curling up in front of the TV and occupying myself for a couple of hours while they played their games, it didn’t take much begging.  Armed with a warm blanket, a mug of hot cocoa and a few stuffed dinosaurs, I was ready!
I remember the movie taking a while to get to Godzilla as they often did.  To me, it was the anticipation of his arrival that kept me going through all the human stuff that came before it.  I think this is one of the reasons the 2014 Godzilla didn’t bother me so much, I was used to waiting for him to show up.  I also remember being really weirded out that the other title monster turned out to be a giant crab (I wouldn’t realize he was actually a jumbo shrimp until years later when I realized EBI-rah’s true nature).
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I ate the movie up with all of the uncritical enthusiasm children have for their favorite things.  Sure, half the plot eluded me but there were cool monster fights, a nice island base rampage and  I got my first exposure to Mothra that night who has since become one of my all-time favorite kaiju.  I was in little kid kaiju heaven for two hours (with commercials) and played Godzilla with my stuffed animals for days after that.
It may have been tough being a Tokusatsu fan back in the TV only days but sometimes, it was totally worth it.  To this day I get excited when I see Godzilla movies listed on TV even if I have seen them all at least a dozen times each.  This may seem weird in a time when almost everything is available on DVD, Blu-Ray or streaming sites but I always think back to those days of being totally psyched for a movie on TV that I had never seen before featuring rubber monsters and Japanese actors. 
 I still feel that way now and then when I get a chance to watch a new one or even just the latest episode of my favorite Kamen Rider or Super Sentai series.  It always makes my inner child want to curl up with a warm blanket, a cup of cocoa and my stuffed friends for another adventure.  I guess that’s what keeps me feeling young despite how old I have gotten.
I have always and always will love tokusatsu.
48 notes · View notes
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Just Another Late Night At The Game Center
And just another massive dose of game culture, as originally shared on the Attract Mode Twitter account, (most of) everything that was shared in the latter half of February. The first half was covered here.
Before I forget: the above is courtesy of erickimphotography.com.
Again, given how short Feb is supposed to be, I figured this post would be too... and it's not. So am wonder if going weekly might best going forward?
Anyhow, where did I leave off last time? Oh yeah; Valentine's Day. And here’s Amy Rose, from the day after, reminding us all that, as great as love can be, it also hurts (via sonicthehedgeblog)...
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Check out this devastating big boot from Mario, one that would make the WWE's Undertaker or Kane proud (via suppermariobroth)...
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You're no doubt familiar with Julie Bell's work, but are you aware of the close resemblance between her art & the artist herself? (via slbtumblng)...
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Some nice, pixelated sukajans we have here (via kauzara)...
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Look at these hipsters...
Look at these hipsters standing around, on a Brooklyn rooftop...
Look at these hipsters standing around, on a Brooklyn rooftop in leggings based upon the interactive menu for the Super Famicom's satellite modem peripheral. (via minusworld.co.uk)...
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Am legit thinking of getting this shirt covered with quotes from people trying to figure out which Metal Gear character is gay (via kotaku.com)...
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Am rather fond of Data Weave, which has more than a passing resemblance to the Eliss scarf that helped put the Attract Mode shop on the map (via prostheticknowledge)...
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When you go to bed, don't forget to never use your Dreamcast as a pillow (nor should you ever place it on a bucket filled with leafy greens either, but you probably already knew that one; via posthumanwanderings)...
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Not sure which SNK 40th Anniversary shirt I like more (via miki800.com)...
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It's just Hidetaka Suehiro, playing... I think The Last Blade? Criminally underrated Neo Geo game btw (via nintendu)...
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And the late, great Robin Williams playing Ground Zero Texas for the Sega CD (via celebgames)...
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Plus the President of Turkey, circa 1990, playing Galaxy Force II for whatever reason (via historium)..
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Pro-tip to any & all custom arcade cabinet sellers: if you're going to photograph someone playing a game on your thing, have said person actually play the thing (in this case, Robotron utilizes dual sticks and no buttons; via arcadephile)...
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Today's recommended reading is a follow-up to another older post, one that's all about Willie Williams, who not only inspired Virtua Fighter's Jeffry McWild but also Tekken's Paul Phoenix (via lordmo)...
After seeing this gif of a young woman punching a dinosaur (or possibly a dragon) in the crotch, I may have to give Capcom Fighting Jam a second look (via kazucrash)...
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Sticking with the subject of crotches for just one bit, everyone out there's familiar with PuLiRuLa, right? (via kazucrash)
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Just a friendly reminder of how wacky commercials for the PlayStation 2 were back in the day (via kurhl)...
Back to the subject of dinosaurs... yet still sticking with fun under the sun (via sidestorygaiden)...
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If I'm gonna share fan art of unofficial PlayStation 1 era mascots, then I have to pass along this rendering of Abe (via it8bit)...
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Seen countless folk play music with a Game Boy or a NES... but a Dreamcast? @slowmagic is the very first, and with a Hello Kitty edition Dreamcast no less...
Does anyone know if these figures of Dorimukyasuko & friends were commercially produced or if they were just made for the Sega no Game wa Sekai Ichi~i~i~I ad that the image comes from? (via vgprintads)...
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We've gotten snowfall here in NYC over the past few weeks, once during during sunset, but alas it wasn't nearly as pretty as this (via kirokazepixel)...
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It's been ages since I've posted any Game Culture Snapshots, despite countless promises that I'd fix that. Well, until that finally happens, here just one, from IndieCade East 2018. Which was an epic bust, but hey, at least I finally got to play that Bill Viola game I first encountered at GDC 2008...
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PLEASE tell me that GBA Video carts are the new hot means of distributing bootleg Hollywood flicks (via @katribou)...
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This part from The Thing always reminded me of Asteroids on the Atari 7800 (via pixpunk)...
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I posted this on Twitter, not realizing that I had shared it on the blog once before. But since I can’t find that original post, and since it's so damn nice, plus totally worth looking at again (via humanoidhistory)...
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I also need to re-share that Tron movie poster cuz it's the first lead up to this Blade Runner-related spread from Joystik Magazine (via mendelpalace)...
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As someone who fetishizes old video game magazines, I'm legit ashamed that I didn't know about Joystik sooner (via here & here)...
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Please enjoy a healthy helping of scans from Lovely Sweet Dream, the dream journal that would become the basis of LSD for the PlayStation 1 (via here & here)...
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Sorry, but I still think the idea of a multi-billionaire sending his sports car into space just cuz he can to be kinda cringey, yet that doesn't mean I'd don't think this pixelated recreation is any less pleasant (via it8bit)...
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I've never been to Beverly Hills, so I have no idea if this portrayal according to Super Chase: Criminal Termination is accurate or not; maybe it was when the game was produced? (via obscurevideogames)...
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Meanwhile, closer to where I am (somewhat; am not all that far from Long Island) is Mario & Yoshi & the Book of Revelation (via greathaircut)...
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Are you playing Mario? Or is Mario playing you? (via suppermariobroth)...
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Game Boys. And Game Girls. Mostly Girls. (via contac)
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Before anyone asks, no, I do not have a bigger/wallpaper appropriate-sized version of this super sexy image of a couple of Wiis (via klaus-laserdisc)...
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I think I kinda need to do this to my PlayStation (via dreamcast.tokyo)...
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... Which reminds of those fancy, souped up by audiophiles PSXs I mentioned a whiles ago...
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I celebrated Cat Day in Japan by posting this fave official King of Fighters illustration (via videogamesdensetsu)....
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... along with this Monster Hunter fan art (via kerriaitken)...
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... plus this highlight of a fave WarioWare: Twisted micro game (via suppermariobroth)...
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So yeah, Flash sucks, I get that, but as the platform fades away, so does the opportunity to play games like Fear Less! (via zombie-chaser)...
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Thankfully, WORLD OF HORROR, "a love letter to the cosmic horror work of Junji Ito", is something that's much more accessible (for now at least)...
I don't know much about Dujanah, which has you assuming the role of a Muslim woman with grievances against a military force that's occupying her Islamic homeland, other than it looks extremely compelling...
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Yet another game I need to check out is CONTINUUM, which is a shmup that combines time manipulation and Tetris? (via alpha-beta-gamer)...
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It's a legit shame that Jetpack Squad has seemingly fallen off the map (via shmups)...
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Another shmup that I really, really want to play (though it's starting to feel increasingly unlikely) is AEROBAT, which looks just as gorgeous (and insane) today as it did the first time I laid eye (via shmups)...
Yet another game that was never meant to be, and the only thing we have here is some incredible looking concept art; if it ended up happening & was any good, I wonder if I'd be a PC-FX owner? (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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If a Tokyo Dark Souls was ever to happen, which artist's take do you prefer; this one (via visor-visual)...
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... or this one? (via mendelpalace)
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You know about celebrity roasts, right? Well, a comedy club in Long Island City had one for Mario, though I have no idea how it went; I had kung fu practice that night...
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Me, when the coffee kicks in (via anthony10000000)...
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I had no idea that Typing of the Space Harrier was even a thing (via posthumanwanderings)...
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It's a bit unsettling how some of Dreamcast Magazine's advice on how to survive Y2K are still useful today, in particular their words of wisdom regarding Seaman (via posthumanwanderings)...
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Megadora Man, a Tokusatsu-esque take on the Mega Drive, for Beep! Mega Drive; am assuming his foes are inspired by the Famicom and PC Engine (though am not totally sure which is which; via obscurevideogames)...
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Question: how hard would it be for someone in the US to get the first three issues of Famitsu from the Japanese Kindle Store? (via miki800.com)
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Been well over a decade since first laying eyes and I FINALLY know the identity of the artist behind a series of Mario illustrations that has long left me stupefied: his name is Ishihara Gōjin (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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I woke up the other day with a sense of purpose, with the knowledge that I finally have a mission in life: to do whatever I can to make this dancing kid from Sega Splash Golf a viral sensation (via sonicthehedgeblog)...
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Though speaking of morning, been feeling run down as of late, though it's my own damn fault for not having breakfast. Which is why I can't wait for my Persona 3 toaster has yet to arrive (via gasp-theenemy)...
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Had no idea that MAME can also emulate those crappy, Tiger handheld games; naturally there's not much to look at, since none of the background is part of the game's code (via lanceboyles)...
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Eggman has a sense of humor (via voidirium)...
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Eggman also has aesthetics (via posthumanwanderings)...
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When you mess with the textures in Wind Waker for the sole purpose of making Vaporwave Link (via pmpkn)...
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Man, I really wish each and every mech in Tech Romancer actually had its own anime (via ultrace)...
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Before Mappy was a video game, it was a physical game involving real deal robots (via namcomuseum)...
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And I swear, one of these days, we'll make available online Zac Gorman's print from Comics Vs Games 2...
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In my time I've encountered lots & lots of BMO fan art, so much that it has become increasingly difficult to take notice and be impressed, yet this one managed to do so regardless (via it8bit)...
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Let's all take a moment to appreciate the instruction manual for Cubivore, shall we (via skincoats)...
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Cubivore's Japanese box art is also very nice (via gaygamer)...
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An important message for all parents out there, concerning Minecraft (via reddit.com)...
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When you can't afford the licensing fees for Miami Vice, Ghostbusters, Barbarella, I think... and maybe Logan's Run? (via mendelpalace)...
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Given how Platoon ended up as a NES game, the idea of the Terminator on a Tiger handheld isn't totally far-fetched (via rewind01)...
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And finally, PUT THAT CONTROLLER DOWN, NOW! (via fuzzyghost)
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7 notes · View notes
13x04 watching notes
TBH that is my exact strategy when I am tired and want to go home.
it's 2am and I just woke up after a lengthy power nap/full REM cycle because going to bed at 9 is for cool kids so uh I'm watching the episode but also it's 2am. I didn't do it deliberately but here I aaaam.
Getting right in there with Dean telling the the truth in the recap - is he really gonna spill it all to a therapist? experts have been awaiting it ever since 1x10 so
"experts" being me, I am an independent judiciary body
*grief grief grief* *Jack angst*
Oh yeah Cas recap because Cas is back
Should I even write expectations for this episode? I'm a bit late since I already started watching :P Blah blah Glynn blah blah probably going to be fine, blah blah swear I saw someone say she's "never written Cas before" but uh we just had recaps from 12x19 so I mean who wrote that?
this guy has a weird reaction to the dead wife coming back
like, oh, okay, that happened. guess we say hello
Is this the "understated" reaction when Cas comes back
Oh we're doing regular old stabbing? Is this a shapeshifter thing or a revenge curse thing? Is it all going to be romantic couples? because lol pls don't
Also the recap did expressly list off 2 dead moms and a dead crowley along with a dead Cas who is also a brother and father to active main characters
Sam like "hey"
Dean like >.> Are you trying to be friends after I yelled at you?
Sam being remarkably cool about Dean's netflix and holy oil suggestion
Dean being extremely less cool about Sam's suggestion
They're sort of recapping the argument from the end of last episode for us, which is good because it wasn't in the recap unless it was but it's 2am and my brain randomly discarded that
oh my god it was
okay these are not meta notes
Sam's trying to play at grief counsellor and it's super not working because he's using it as their fight. You don't get in a snappy comeback about "oh so you want to move on"
Dean looks extremely murderously done with all this because How Dare etc
"For me"
God damn puppy dog eyes.
awww Jack's watching The Clone Wars. Because he is a wee new baby and this is his star wars generation I guess.
mittensmorgul pffft. (I have never seen Clone Wars so I have no idea what that even means)
elizabethrobertajones It's the adventures *drum roll* of Darth Vader when he was still Anakin, before he went evil Ashoka or however you spell it is his Padawan
mittensmorgul aahhh
elizabethrobertajones Jack's identifying with her and not with the pre-evil but still getting the Imperial March music layered over his bad decisions Anakin the entire show is 10000 episodes just an endless "we can't make him go evil because that happens in the movie but we can tease basically everything up to that" stuff
mittensmorgul At least he's iffy about Anakin...
elizabethrobertajones yeah good choice, basically it's also brand new he found the non-dinosaur version of Star Wars of the previous generation :P and it's less political than the prequels I think The Clone Wars is generally well-liked whereas nerd rage dictates the Prequels are the Worst and I guess it's Too Soon to get into the newer Star Wars films since we don't know how the arcs of the new kids pay off
[side note: I haven't watched it per se because there's tons of it but I've been in the same room as my brother watching it, and seen a lot of pop culture general knowledge that I've sponged up so I could be wrong about some little details as I mostly know how it's been described to me]
Also Jack's identifying with the female character, because fuck off toxic masculinity, she seems awesome and he has no idea he isn't “”supposed”” to. She also is one of the aliens with the huge tentacle things on her head so idk if it's a good idea for him to get too into this without  meeting more of the general population - Sam's probably right
Uhoh, Jack kinda does a snarky eyebrow about "you're the good guys" - Did Sam fail to sell it or is Jack really just starting to have trust issues now he's watching TV with black or white morality (literally a dark side and a light side - hrm.) and given his experience of the Winchesters yelling their very shades of grey takes on him at each other
Well he hasn't learned to be cagey about overhearing that
*blink blink blink* *sigh*
"You're *using* me"
Oh no, poor Jack :(
He also implicitly trusts Dean's judgement more than Sam's bonding, despite how Sam has made all the movements towards him. As people have been meta'ing, Dean's being extremely honest and Jack's setting his markers by that, even if it's horrific to the point of deciding he has to be evil because Dean thinks so.
Sam says he, Dean and CAS closed the rift - hey, Cas got knocked out by Lucifer in round 1 of that as a distraction and Crowley helped you close it.
They probably have not explained Crowley to him at all.
At least Sam is being honest now about what happened with the rift, and that it's their mom
and Jack speaks the language of lost moms. Now HE looks at SAM with sympathy.
Probably also explains Dean...
I think Jack is defaulting back to thinking about Dean way more than Sam's opinion of him, although perhaps he may like Sam more now he was upfront and some of why "so uh yeah I was KINDA using you" is on the table
Jack was wearing a darker henley, which tbh with Dean wearing them again all of a sudden makes it blurry to me if this is not about his Dean-alignment more than colour coding his feelings on being evil (like how Amara's nail polish started off black and got right down to light grey by the end of the season). Now he's swapped to being the Cas Intern.
and aww all the fake IDs. There's a lot to take in about these guys :P
Oh no Dean said "loony toons" on the episode which may or may not be an exact use of 8x08 for Cas, for Jack. Jack's a bit more of a trial run about wanting to BE a hunter since he is mostly just curious. Also amused Dean has to rephrase for Jack because he actually knows he's a week old or so, and he's not going to enjoy repeating himself or explaining, while he always found it kind of funny to just say a whole string of incomprehensible pop culture at Cas without slowing for a breath.
Not funny now, is it Dean?
Wait have they never actually fought a revenant aka, idk, it sounds like a naturally occurring zombie? They mention it from time to time but as far as I remember they've never actually called zombies revenants because they're one of the shows where they just embrace the horror movie tradition about zombies completely, so it always seemed like revenants were something slightly different, at least, in the sense that they get named like a different category. And they just lumped them in with ghosts here, as restless spirits but i guess this time *with* the body?
Dean tells Jack to sit, like he was a dog being kept in the car.
Unlike dogs he knows how to work the door handle.
Jack no don't touch the blood
oh good Dean stopped him
Aw no he's still wearing the dark henley under the tan jacket. That's awful :D
Pfft Dean's like immediately "it's a revenant" because they know what those are really well after a billion years hunting and we've never watched them ever name anything on screen a revenant before with that vocab, and they're really sticking with not crossing them over with zombies exactly...
I mean Dean said he wasn't a revenant after he got back from hell and I think they've chattered about them before
if I check this on superwiki it's way too early for there to be a spoilery "so it's not a revenant" line from later in this episode highlighted when I hit the search :P
Oh good, I'm glad I'm right.
A revenant is a visible ghost or animated corpse that returns to terrorize the living, usually people it knew in life. Unlike the zombie, a revenant is not under another person's control, and has returned from the grave on its own for a specific and often personal purpose. In 4.01 Lazarus Rising, Bobby accuses Dean of being a shapeshifter or a revenant. Dean proves he's neither by cutting himself with a silver knife. In 8.06 Southern Comfort Garth takes a call from a hunter asking how to deal with a revenant. Garth tells him to get a casket and some silver spikes, then nail it in and bury it. He also warns that getting bit will hurt like hell, but will not turn you into one.
I wonder if those were revenants in 4x07 and I only ask because it was like almost exactly an anniversary to it in OUR time :P It's still May or maybe June for them in-show
Okay Dean left Jack to dig but Sam chased after Dean rather than it being a synchronised Winchester ditching of Jack :P
Little on the nose about "You're starting to sound like dad!" :P
"Is that a bad thing" Oh Dean, no.
Fortunately the theme of this season is fathers so I suspect you're gonna have to deal with this at some point or another
Sam like "the drill sergent thing won't work on Jack" to the sound of Jack merrily digging in the background because Dean told him to
I really hope that wasn't an on-set hazing that they actually left him to dig :P
I love my smol gravedigger son
I love how Jack did all the digging anyway because Sam's still not actually dirty and Jack's still standing in the hole
Lol not a revenant, well there's a surprise. I'm glad I double-checked the lore anyway because I have the time to so I'm not going to spend the rest of the episode like "wait what IS the difference between them and zombies anyway and why have we never seen one?"
I mean it's not gonna be a ghost either, we're 9 minutes in and they're salting and burning because it makes more sense to Dean to do that than not to - I guess a precaution for accidentally angering her spirit for digging her up...?? :P I mean no he still thinks she's a ghost but I mean maybe it's not a total waste of salt.
OH NO Jack don't ask about if Kelly is a ghost, that's very painful.
OH NO I thought he was going to ask about Cas but instead Dean said "what gets burned, stays dead" and that hurts a lot
FORTUNATELY for me the viewer as opposed to Dean the grieving ball of angst over there, I can go check up on Cas immediately.
He doesn't seem to be doing too good but more in an existential way since he's at least up and walking about.
I like how Jack woke him up but it's probably got to be like a baby bird has to hatch itself.
He's using up all his "hellos" on the void. Save one for Dean.
You know if the MotW is imitating dead loved ones I have to say I am not exactly looking forward to this :P I didn't say earlier but the cold open gave me 11x13 vibes and honestly I don't want a repeat of the stress of waiting for Cas to show up for Dean but it not happening... Okay, belatedly 10 minutes in, there's a baseline expectation for the episode that that doesn’t happen. Then again I forgot to check the names at the bottom of the screen except for being happy to see Misha's there so they could spring anyone on us
Throw a real curveball in just like bring some random dead loved one from the first 3 seasons back :P
Or waste Jim Beaver's season 13 appearance on it and he's never even in the AU with Mary :P
Anyway Jack is waiting patiently in the car.
(or, well, not so patiently.. He's starting to get an idea of how the job works, and that Dean is usually repeatedly wrong about everything as he throws spaghetti at the wall about the case...)
Anyway, dead son, dead wife, so that's quite a neutral combination.
Asking what they had in common probably means the grief counsellor, but Dean says that and then we go back to Cas right when I've been musing on the loved ones coming back for them thing and honestly it's like Dean's words are just summoning Cas right now.
....... 8x08 used flashbacks to summon Amelia for Sam, just saying
I hope Cas finds Billie and hopefully a bar immediately and they can become drinking buddies.
I don't even think she's in this one?
I like those assertive footsteps though. "I have no clue where I am, I am just going to walk in this direction like I mean it"
Lol they're in Madison i was KIDDING about bringing back a dead loved one from like season 2 or something. Oh well, if it's her, it's her. I'm still bitter about Sarah because I only just re-watched it with my mum the other day.
I should probably stop bringing up Sam's dead or lost girlfriends because it's just bumming me out on his behalf.
Teehee "he's not our intern"
"I asked you to keep an eye on him" "I can see him"
It's amazing Dean didn't volunteer just to get away from Jack
Sort of weird existing in a post That Declaration world where I can just canonically know Dean staring at Jack is making him think sad things about Cas without any fear whatsoever
Oh boy killer grief counsellor probably. "Mia is promising to provide the catharsis I've been craving for so long" and then she gets ripped to shreds by her son.
I feel a little bad reading this woman's diary, but the first line is about not "getting over" it and learning to live with it. Blah blah heal and rebuild yourself, blah blah whole again but never the same
"Shrinks... Snake oil for the mind." "Or how healthy people deal" Pfft
Jack being baffled by the issues of customer vs hot dog guy without understanding it's an ancient war fought across the world
Dean equates "catharsis" to "happy ending" - I can't tell if he's innuendo-ing or accidentally revealing too much and being mournful about it.
The house has a great fence - its parts are all misaligned. Very visually uncomfortable :D
Awww someone said "hello" to Jack and Jack was like !!!!! another person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO! :D :D :D
how can you possibly think he's bad
Anyway I was about to type that Dean hates it because of course he feels the most vulnerable talking about his feelings all the time, either for performing Dean reasons about needing to keep up a facade of strength (LET YOURSELF CRY, MAN) or because feelings for Cas being inconvenient to him
UHoh Dean grabbed Jack's shoulder - he did it to Mick to be threatening last year in a Glynn episode, while Mick was wearing a long tan coat. And called Jack "Spock" which is not really accurate characterisation at all. Jack's pretty much nothing but a bundle of emotions, he's just not used to using them around other people. Now CAS on the other hand.....
I do like that Mia decided to see them because Jack is sweet and was upfront about losing his mother and he's just adorable.
They bluff their way in by losing a collective mother, Sam once again lining them up as family and siblings.
Play it cool, man. You’ll scare Jack off.
I'm starting to think we haven't seen Cas between scenes for a while because Dean hasn't said anything angsty enough
But idk if we trust her or not. She has a lot of alcohol stashed on that shelf.
Jack wisely doesn't sit on the sofa with them all.
"Oh well Mom was great and now she's dead so what's the deal with catharsis" Dean, no.
Sam continues with what should be the pre-arranged plan of spill closed truths like well we don't journal but our dad did
also I am so annoyed that confirms they don't keep hunter journals??? grarghgh
Google has ruined this generation
And Dean makes fun of journaling as being for little girls, even though Sam literally just said that about John. Last year in 12x04 he said he was a 13 year old girl when trying to text Mary so he's actually regressed even further backwards at losing her again >.>
"I'm good with death, closure, the whole friggin bottle of Jack"
it's a shame he would never put a bumper sticker on Baby, because that...
Oh boy we're still having this fight. "My brother's delusional..." yeah oh dear.
Is this going to be one of those things where I basically just want to transcribe the whole thing?
Dean calls out Sam for not being able to even admit that Mary's gone so he hasn't even moved past denial - which to be fair, Sam IS right she's not dead and that they DO have a means of getting her back and everything... Was thinking about how last season was a "Dean is right about everything" season and this time is clearly a Sam is right about everything one... but of course both only to a certain degree, and in this case it's much blurrier about approach and how these fights are going because of course Sam's not being a perfect Saint Sammy that Dean is being unfairly awful to in the entirety of what's going on here. Sam IS struggling and resisting confronting things in his own way and adopting Jack as a pet project is definitely a form of avoidance or at least wanting to get concrete closure on Mary's death before he will fully mourn. Which makes Sam and Dean existing in the same place terrible because they're only in the same physical location
anyway Dean's about to yell  about how hard this all is for him too so I better unpause once I'm holding a stuffed toy again
"At least you had a relationship with mom" WAHEY
I mean that was awful but I'm delighted Sam yelled that because there's ALWAYS something else going on underneath Sam, and I've been waiting for more Sam and Mary angst, since I spent so much time on them last season and at least obliquely referred to this... Talked a lot about how hard Sam had it to reconnect with Mary... That Words with Friends scene from 12x07 was basically floating along waiting to come back up at some point or another, but it took Sam a long time to reach out to Mary personally, and really only in 12x14 (hi Berens, I just accept you and Glynn are brain twins these days) did he pick a side in THAT fight and picked Mary. And we said it was to get closer to Mary but he made it all about the BMoL instead of just confronting that he wanted a relationship with her, and the BMoL ended up just keeping them apart ANYWAY and tl;dr am I going to have to write the reverse version of A World Without Monsters from Sam's POV or can we just agree that my subtext in that fic was exactly what just bubbled up here? :P
I just spent the entire length of that paragraph trying to work out when I wrote the meta about how Sam felt about Mary and it took me until that last point to realise it was not a meta, it was a fic where I roundly abused poor Sam for the sake of making that point.
Dean's like hey therapy is great! *eyebrows at Jack* *snarky smile at the doc*
Sam is like *anger-drinks water*
*refuses to cry as well*
That sign was down earlier
is this the poor receptionist?
Or... ew, shifter gunk?
LOL Dean just takes a flask out of his pocket in the middle of their appointment
Mia asks him to look at Jack, which is the last thing he wants to do, but blah blah meta about 12x22 and how he needs to "see" Jack, and she's pointing out that Jack is terrified which is exactly what Dean needs to see about him
She actually points out his anger issues as well so I think Dean's getting homework whether he has to write it in a journal or not :P
*suddenly everyone is pointing guns*
Hey if she's a a shapeshifter why does she live in an all-white house when shifting makes bloody goo stains everywhere?
Or her assistant, I guess. They haven't had eyes on him :P
Ooh that explains why the guy was not surprised to see his wife. Well, kind of surprised, but not nearly horrified enough.
Sadly if she is telling the truth that means someone else is using her method to get their guard down to kill them for kicks...
Also shades of 9x13 because they had that spa where the monster would use their unique skills to help, but then of course another of their kind - a sibling - had to go and ruin it...
Oh hey, it's Cas! I guess the time ran out on a good transition from Dean, so we go over here on "I'm telling you the truth"
Lol it's another Cas... Who ever would have expected it. /Misha being the worst at spoilers
Or something with a very silly voice. "Friendly neighbourhood cosmic entity" that sounds like that and won't show its face is either someone pranking Cas or about to go very bad.
Cas is like "do I look like that" "I'm getting a new coat as soon as I'm alive again"
if this thing is The Empty itself it's probably kinda crazy after eons being nothing
Oh NO Cas's face when he says "every angel that ever died is here?" because oh boy did you put like 90% of them in here yourself. There's about 3 faces you'd be happy to see again of the entire lot. Hey, it's never too late to give Cas that guilt all over again that made him stay in Purgatory out of penance.
I mean among other things but it's probably worth mentioning there are a whole bunch of lil purgatory parallels here in the loosest sense of it being a hostile other realm, and the way Cas is basically Dean in Purgatory in here.
Cas has been back for like 5 minutes of screen time and I want to protect him and wrap him in blankets
there's no need to be mean, The Empty, just because you got woken up... I say... at nearly 4am... because I woke up when I didn't want to...
you know what, The Empty's being mean to Cas probably kind of justifiably, even if it's a dick.
pretty clever to use a shifter as the motw in this episode too
oh, poor Cas is horrified to think Sam and Dean made some sort of deal for him
he says "I don't know" which is ironically what Jack's saying all the time
like father like son
last episode we had James keeping memories of Missouri, who he had cut out of his life, in a box. Now Mia has a box still dedicated to "Buddy" her asshole ex who hurt her, and good on her for leaving him. He's another shifter, we're halfway through the episode, so we probably need to find him now, and also have a good 10 minutes more of whatever's going on with Cas. :P
She also owns up to have done much worse things in her past with Buddy, although presumably not killing people, and probably because they were super toxic together, and she had the sense to get out and try and help people now.
Jack said "I'll come with" which is adorable. He's learning to be like them :D
Wheeeee he's riding shotgun! Guess Dean couldn't make him stay in the back without Sam around.
Sam's plan's don't always work out :< Oh no, Dean, you still don't have much faith in Sam's ability to handle himself.
Fortunately this does seem to be a mostly Sam is right season, and I think of all the overwhelming reasons why you don't trust Jack, not trusting Sam to trust Jack is probably relatively low on the list underneath the Cas stuff or you'd have just yelled that at Sam the other day instead.
Uh, why do I feel like the shifter just phoned Sam and somewhere between here and there something went really wrong?
Oh god I'm going to have to watch the face peeling scene with my own two eyes at 4 in the morning, aren't I?
Meanwhile Mia explains why her catharsis works to Sam - I hope he doesn't sneak back at the end of the episode for a chat with "Mary" because that would be AWFUL.
Oh it was that other guy - wait, also, Sam was already doing this before Dean phoned? Seems like he doesn't trust Dean's methods either :P
I love how Cas is so practical like, "will you pay me $200 to stop annoying you and go away?"
UHOH guess we're getting right into it. "You don't want to go back" "Sam and Dean need me" You don't want to be needed, you want to be wanted!
Wheeee text on that and also wheee over on the other side of the story last week Dean finally made the i/we distinction about Cas. Now we just need to get them alive and well and actually dealing with crap
oh boy I shouldn't have paused there except that i suppose for the sake of meta-ing remotely clearly it was probably a good idea not to watch straight through from that into the empty accusing Cas of having feeeeelings and "I know *what* you hate, I know *who* you love, what you fear." especially since Cas hates being needed but not wanted and uh Dean made the i/we distinction at long last over on the other side of the story so um does Cas fear something related to all that?
I mean to be fair Cas has been through this exact thing before with "he's in love... with humanity" / "all of it for one man" which was an "i/we" distinction of planetary proportions :P Of course he just mutely responded to it there because he was sad Dean was dead, and had no idea Metatron had accused him of being in love in any form, so that was Metatron's private joke to himself.
The Empty telling Cas there's "nothing for him back there" also makes like next to no sense if you take season 12's family read at surface value and has the bonus of being, I'm pretty sure, a line Elrond tells Arwen in the movie when he's trying to make her leave Aragorn and go across the waters to the undying lands.
I know they're just starting with it in a long selection of terrible things that happened to Cas but starting with his grace being stolen really sucks :P
Especially when I am still daily haunted by his season 9 arc.
See above: Metatron and "in love with humanity"
More miscommunication of the "didn't bother to call you" variety (I hope this doesn't blow up in Sam's face, although of course trying to nurture Jack is slow mo doing that, especially if he and Dean are meant to swap stances on the kid >.>)
The intern pulls Mia aside for a chat.
OH NO Jack wants to see his mom. OH NO OH NO
I will be so upset if that happens...
Oh nooooooo
he's crying.
Who can say no?
This is extremely awful.
I guess Glynn didn't want to let Kelly go like that. I'm glad if Mia was going to do this for anyone it would be for Jack and not Sam and Dean's cycles of nonsense.
I REALLY hope the bad shifter doesn't burst in here and try to/actually kill Mia right now. Jack doesn't need that in his life.
In the mean time, Mia better friggin HUG Jack even if it's technically hollow and he would know it.
Also did she do the whole disgusting skin thing or can she transform on the spot?
They look so much alike :')
Oh no Jack you probably don't feel anything because they made you horribly depressed within 2 days. Also you have angel grace. Historically not good for helping you feel things. You're sweet and cry about your mom and feel bad about stuff in other ways so I think you have a heart no matter what, like Cas does.
Mia gets some catharsis from getting to hug Jack and reassure him that even if he's a monster and what makes him in-human isn't letting him emote how he's supposed to, he can still be good. She's got a monster soul, after all. There's a lot of good monsters out there.
I was about to say lol is this now Sam not on the phone because he actually is a shifter now mostly to tease past!Me but then they panned down and Dean's unconscious, which makes sense because they probably still want to show us Dean tearing his own face off at some point and honestly I'd rather just get it over and done with because if it's still to come after this D:
"that was too friggin easy" though - Dean getting overwhelmed in another fight. He's really not had a great rate of success... He only beat the wraith last episode with Patience's warnings, and other than that it's been a terrible track record even if he fights back as hard as he can when he gets jumped
shifter!Dean2 better not go in and try and kill Jack
Not gonna have much luck, I just don't want to watch it :P
Shifters are gross
Oh no don't call Cas a disappointment, The Empty, we're so proud of him!
He just told him to "save yourself" which is probably going to have the direct opposite result to what he wants while I'd hope Cas goes and does exactly that
"I'm already saved" blah blah Cas insults The Empty and I love him, "because somehow I'm awake, and I'll stay awake" - exactly how many times can I use "i love him" as punctuation in one sentence?
Where is that gif of the woman banging the pots and pans about not getting any sleep so they're not getting any sleep
that's something I ought to have saved :P
Someone almost certainly has made a post already.
Cas is the literal embodiment of "fight me"
This Buddy guy is a total douche. He says in this world everyone uses everyone. Which is a theme of the season I guess - Cas feeling used, Jack feeling used... He's the villain with the most negative version of the theme in his mouth right now
Dean's got to pep talk Jack if he wants to save the day or Jack goes and saves the daaay - I'd prefer Jack does it
Look, Mia's getting hurt and she was kind to you and in the most literal use of character mirroring in 1000 miles is an actual stand in for your mom!
Ooh is Jack gonna save Sam instead? Dean just pep-talked him specifically about how Sam believed in him which was having to start to admit that Sam, well, believes in Jack. Which Dean couldn't even accept last episode when he was saying that he was just using Jack
Yay thanks Jack, kinda figured Sam wouldn't get shot :P Jack's powers are fascinating - he's definitely bending time... from Sam and Dean's perspectives last time they were caught in it they were at least sort of aware of things, but Jack pretty much works in bullet time.
I also like how he kind of had a ridiculous "NooooO" because he's been watching Star Wars. I don't know if there's a "Nooooo" in the Clone Wars but I mean have you met a Star Wars
Anyway good riddance douchey ex with extra douchey powers.
I love the shot of them all standing together and Jack has that benign :3 face on again. He's really insufferably cute.
Ewww the Bunker sink is gross. I assume that's from decades of lying in disrepair and that those are stains Dean could not get out.
I guess Jack's getting a glass of water and Dean's midnight snacking. I have no other explanation for this encounter despite the fact it could theoretically happen at literally any point of the clock :P
Oh gosh, is he going to give Jack a beer
Yay, actions helped
Aw, the other beer is for Sam. Guess this doesn't have to be midnight after all. I thought he might have a longer chat with Jack
oops is this the beginning of the slide in the other direction? Sam's been undermined and even though he was proven right to Dean's eyes and Dean's had to grudgingly hand Jack the win in the case and admit it to Sam, Sam's like, "I guess"
And they don't know what Jack asked for from Mia because patient confidentiality! Argh!
Oh no Sam don't start wondering if Dean is right.
AAAH they're actually talking about things really well. Dean's like "don't say that" - even if he can't believe it he doesn't want to HURT Sam and rob him of his hope... Sometimes yelling about things does make them get better in the long run once you get it out there >.>
And Dean deputises to Sam for the feelings. And admits how HE has been feeling, because he believes in nothing, because all his faith has been taken away because there was only one thing he ever ended up believing in no i didn't see the next scene transition before i hit pause what are you talking about
Again, though, if this is Cas back in the mortal plane after annoying his way back to life (worrisome, since he's 2 episodes out of reuniting with them and where's Billie? Oh gosh is Billie back for reals too if he IS back? Whaaaat.) then that's another awfully convenient moment to transition scenes from. Dean finally using "i" instead of "we" about Cas and making it abundantly clear that he and sam didn't feel the same about that, was, whether the direct reason or just narrative karma they chose to bestow on Dean, what made Jack reach out to Cas. Now he admits out loud that he doesn't believe in anything with the implication when you look at Dean vs belief that this is about Cas, and we go over to Cas definitely at least in an improved situation.
Goddammit that's the new coat which means he didn't come back naked but wait! Lizzy's hope wasn't the same as everyone else's at all! Although that was a shallow moment of defeat :P Mwa ha ha, I was hoping Cas would come back and be gifted a whole new Cas get up and lo and behold unless he chose to manifest these clothes onto himself and there's noooo ulterior motive at all going on here (uh... probably not going to get more than 1 per show and we used it up on Mary :P) but he's confused and waking up and the last time we saw him he was in the clothes he died in... So of course if he's being sent back to earth then someone else chose the battle armour he'd be returned in. One Cas, fit for purpose.
Also, realising once he sat up more it was the new coat makes me pretty sure he is back on Earth.
Also he looks happy to be here and I think he can tell :P
Same, Cas. Same.
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