#Also everyone come laugh at how tiny the Sonic and Shadow are
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Or in other words, me taking up the task to inform everyone that 1. Silver’s ears are smaller than those of the other hedgehogs, 2. it makes him adorable, and 3. for Espilver, Espio would love it too. Word count: 717 words.
“Espio, how come you’re looking at Sonic’s ears so much?”
Blinking up from the pondering thoughts he’d found himself in Espio looks down, towards his slightly-pouting beloved laying belly-down and half sprawled out on his lap. “Because you’ve been staring at Sonic for ages,” follows, Silver’s nose prodding Espio’s stomach accusingly and golden eyes leering up to meet Espio’s own.
“Apologies.” With an amused twitch of his lips Espio rubs Silver behind his ears- his tiny ears, to be precise. A detail Espio had hardly paid attention to or even noticed, until today, where he’s contently sitting against a tree with his beloved snuggled close and both of them getting some alone time by the few friends that had gathered in a secluded open spot in a forest for a picnic from Amy’s. The speedster had been in an animated recollection of an epic battle, his whole body moving along and his ears angling all over to add some oomph to the story, and especially that latter detail had caught Espio’s attention. Naturally a scrutiny of the appendages on Silver’s head had followed, and some interesting characteristics that refuse to leave the chameleon’s mind had surfaced shortly after. “Have you ever noticed that your ears are much smaller than Sonic’s, perchance?” Espio adds... and Silver blinks, slowly.
“They are, tenshi.” Fingers deftly rolling the thin-skinned appendage between them Espio drifts his gaze over to Sonic again, the speedster chatting in the distance with Tails and Vector now. And indeed, the blue-furred ears stand much more prominently on Sonic’s head that the smaller grey ones do on Silver’s. The same goes for Amy’s pink ones, and if memory serves him correctly, Espio is certain Shadow’s are much larger than his beloved’s as well. “That is what I was looking at. I found it rather intriguing.”
“Oh,” follows in a hum from his lap, Silver’s fingers drifting up to stroke over his ears also. “Well, I guess they have to be, because otherwise they wouldn’t fit behind my quills? It would look dumb.”
That makes sense, Espio figures; imagining Silver with larger ears is funny, if a tad silly. As it stands they peek out past the other’s quills just perfectly like this, in his opinion. “It’s not bad, is it?” his beloved continues in a mumble somewhere against Espio’s stomach, the chameleon laughing softly at that.
“Why would it be bad? Your ears are perfect just the way they are.” Adorable, but he is not going to say that out loud with all their friends capable of coming within earshot at any moment. The mortification would be his demise, and Silver’s too for certain. The hedgehog’s cheeks – and ears – flush an interesting shade of red despite the lack of reaction towards their conversation from their companions anyway.
“You’re silly, Espio.”
“Not as silly as you and your tiny ears, love,” the chameleon counters easily, laughing at the mad nuzzle the peach patch on his stomach suffers for his transgressions. “Alright, alright, we’re both silly. You for having tiny ears, and me for liking them.”
Huffing out a final breath Silver turns himself onto his back, head pressing right into Espio’s hand all the same. With the unspoken request easily picked up on Espio returns to his rubs, giving the other’s twitching little appendages a strong caress as the hedgehog swiftly takes to oozing all over his legs once more. “I’m glad you do. If you like them, I like them also, even if they’re smaller than the others’,” his beloved hums more contently.
“Naturally. They’re what make you you, and I would not have them any other way.” And with a quick glance sent to their friends to see if everyone is preoccupied still Espio leans down, lips pressing a kiss against the back of one ear first and then the other. It is enough to elicit the cutest flustered noise from his beloved, which in a way makes his ears only more lovely as well. But Espio knows better than to tease; instead he wraps his one arm around Silver and holds him close, the other’s hand keeping up its gentle massaging and his eyes drifting to Sonic’s ears no more.
Tiny as they might be, Silver’s are infinitely more adorable to look at, after all.
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w0lp3rtinger · 2 years
Making Mischief Ch 1
I fell in love with the new official Amy merch coming from Numskill. It's a halloween pin of her in a new little witch outfit and I LOVE IT!
I also couldn't help but notice it matches the cape that Shadow (Sonic, and Silver) all wear- the tattered black and red one.
So...once again... a oneshot ended up a multi-chapter thing.
@shadowsfascination and @shadamyheadcanons were a huge help when it came to editing this. I greatly appreciate their patience in dealing with my scattered little brain <3
I'm going to try to get this all done by the 31st of October though, for obvious reasons. No more than 2,000 words-ish a chapter. I'm trying ;_;
Anyway, ye, Happy All Hallow's Eve!
(This, and other stories, are available on my Deviantart!)
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“What do you think?” 
Amy gave an experimental twirl, only to stumble as she felt the broad brim of her witch’s hat lift from her head. She grabbed it, and, attempting to save the moment, gave a little jump and ended with a flourish, causing the hat to smash into an arrangement of wooden mixing spoons which clattered across Vanilla’s kitchen countertop. 
Amy withered a little under Vanilla's patient smile. Cream and Cheese, thankfully, laughed.
“You look great!” Cream said as she moved closer to inspect the dress. "It's very you!"
Amy jammed the hat back onto her head with a grin as she fixed the mess she had made. "Thanks! It's- it's nothing fancy. Kinda a last-minute idea. I just took my favorite dress and sort of used it as a blueprint for this one. Kept the same shade of red, swapped out the white trim for black…"
"I really like this part.” Cream held the jagged hem of the dress in her hands, running her thumb over the stitching. “Very spooky." 
“Aw really? Thanks! I like yours too," Amy said as she flicked the spiked pom-pom at the end of Cream's own hat. "You look like a cross between a witch and a chao. Plus, the matching bow tie for Cheese is super cute. Did you do that yourself?"
Cream beamed. "It was a team effort," she said as Cheese puffed out their tiny chest. 
"I'm glad everyone is happy with their costumes," Vanilla said as she pointed to the clock above the stove, "but if you don't get a move on, you're going to be late."
Amy slapped a hand to her cheek. "Oh Chaos, the time! You got everything you need?"
Cream held up a paper bag full of veggies and fruit, "Yup! All packed!"
"Vanilla, you sure you don't want to come with?"
Vanilla waved a hand, "No, I'll be content here. You girls go have fun."
"Oh, no worries about that!" Amy said with a grin before turning to Cream and Cheese.  "Let's put that in the trunk with the rest and we'll be good to go!"
In a flurry of goodbyes and promises to be back at a reasonable hour, the girls waved to Vanilla as they walked towards Amy's car. Each carried a handle of Cream's bag, laughing while it jostled between them. As Amy went to unlock the trunk, Cream took both handles in hand and hoisted the bag up.
"Hey, uh," Amy held out a hand, gesturing for Cream to hand it over, "How about you leave that to me, okay? It's heavy, and the trunk is kinda packed anyway."
Cream pouted, "I'm strong. I can hold it while you move stuff around."
Amy opened her mouth to retort, then closed it. Casting a quick glance towards Vanilla, still in the doorway watching them, she swiftly unlocked the trunk. 
Amy watched as Cream's eyes went wide, ogling all of the stuff packed into such a small space. Amy shuffled things about, trying to stuff the bag as best as possible in between the decorations and baked goods she had finished making last night.
"You can get in the car if you want," Amy said with a grunt, shoving a bag of bristling black garland out of the way, "the door is open."
"What's this for though?"
Amy turned, sucking a breath through her teeth as she saw Cream trying to grab a silver mirror from a thoroughly stuffed bag at the far back. 
"No!" Amy gasped as she snatched the mirror back, then laughed, trying to salvage some calm as she patted Cream's head gently. "No, no, please, that's my stuff."
Cream's eyes narrowed, looking between Amy and the mirror and the bag.
Amy sighed, holding the mirror close, "Listen, anything else in this car? You can absolutely touch it. This bag, though, is off limits unless I say otherwise." 
Cream pursed her lips, brow furrowing. 
"Everything alright?" Vanilla called out.
"Yeah! We're good!" Amy said with a smile before hunkering down behind the trunk where Vanilla wouldn't see as she turned her attention back to Cream. "Fine, okay, I'll tell you if you promise not to tell your mom."
Cream and Cheese shared a look, then Cream nodded, "Okay."
Amy sighed, tucking the mirror back into its hiding space as Cream and Cheese skipped to their open door. She ran a hand down her face and took a deep breath, two, before shutting the trunk and waving to Vanilla with a tacked-on smile. 
It didn't last for very long. 
"Okay, tell me."
Amy rolled her eyes, watching the rear-view mirror as she backed out of the driveway. "Can we at least get on the road first?"
"But you said when we got in the car."
"We're in the car."
Cream pouted, "So I get to know now."
Amy couldn't help but laugh a little at Cream and Cheese's scrunched little faces. Switching gears, she set the car in drive and nestled back into her seat. "Okay, fine. Let's start with this. What do you think is in the bag?"
"No fair!" Cream hugged Cheese to her chest  who chirped in agreement, "Whatever I tell you, you'll just say it's that!"
Amy cast her a sideways look. "Since when have I ever done that?"
"Well… well you haven't, but mom does it sometimes."
"And am I your mom?"
"Exactly," Amy nodded, "I get the honor of being your big sister. Totally different set of rules. I don't have to not tell you things. So when I say ‘what do you think is in the bag’, I mean it, and I'll let you know if you're right or wrong. Okay?"
Cream bit her lip, nodding as she pet Cheese and looked to the road ahead. For a moment, the car lulled into a thrumming silence, the road harmonics wrapping around them like a blanket. 
Then, from the corner of her eye, Amy saw Cream turn to face her again. 
"You're bringing your magic stuff to the Hallows Eve festival, aren't you?"
Amy grinned, her grip on the steering wheel tightening, "Yes, yes I am."
"But Amy," Cream gasped, "why?"
"Well, I wanna try some things and I can't do that without my stuff."
"But you said- you said you didn't want everyone to know you-!"
"I know that and they're not going to know." Amy swallowed against the fluttering in her stomach as she smiled at Cream. "Listen, I've got some small spells, just little ones, tiny little ones, that people won't think twice about. Half of them are folklore superstitions anyway. If anyone does ask about it, I'll lie."
"Lying is bad."
"Not when it's for the sake of privacy it's not."
"Ah ah ah! I said I'd tell you what was in the bag. I didn't say I was willing to argue over it!"
Amy drummed her fingers against the steering wheel as she focused on the road ahead, humming a tune to herself. It was hard to dispel the growing jitters though as Cream and Cheese's combined stares bore holes into her head. 
"...This wouldn't have anything to do with Mr. Sonic, would it?"
"What?" Amy's voice came out as a squeak, and she covered a cough with a laugh as she waved a hand. "What in Chaos’ name would make you say that?"
Cream sighed, sinking low in her seat. Cheese curled into the spot between her neck and shoulder as she crossed her arms. "You told me you decided to go as a witch so that we matched… but I bet that has to do with Mr. Sonic, too."
"Not true!"
"Then why? Why aren't you wearing your normal costume? The white and black one? You could have just made a different hat!"
"Can a girl not want a change of pace?" Amy huffed as she threw her turn signal on.
"I don't believe you."
"Oh come on, Cream," Amy cast her a look, "Listen, I really did want to match you. I wanted us to both go as witches this year because I thought it would be cute!"
Amy opened her mouth, shut it, then sighed, "It-… okay, so you know that cape Sonic wears every year?"
"I knew it!" Cream threw her hands into the air, startling Cheese. "I knew it!"
"Oh, hush!"
"I knew it!"
"Look, I wanted to match the colors, okay!" 
"Are the spells for Mr.Sonic too?"
"No!" Amy pouted. "...Maybe."
"I knew it!"
"They're not really for him!"
"Then why do you sound so guilty?"
"Well, there's a bunch of fortune-telling spells you can do on All Hallow's Eve to find out if maybe, like… maybeee who you're destined to be with."
Cream groaned, rolling her eyes. "And you want it to be Mr. Sonic."
"Oh, would you just shush! So what if I do?!"
"My cards keep being difficult, so I thought maybe I'd try something different!"
"Difficult how?" Cream shot her a look.
Amy bit her lip, taking a deep breath. 
"Difficult like not giving you the answer you want?"
"You keep this up," Amy hissed, holding up a finger, "and I swear I'm gonna send that little gray turtle straight towards you every time he asks where you are."
Cream yanked at her ears. "Quincy? Nooo!" She whined, "No, don't do that! They’re so weird!"
"Then I suggest you keep your lip buttoned about this." Amy gently bopped Cream on the nose with a smirk, “Capisce?" 
Cream gave Amy a withering stare before eventually turning towards the window. Amy took a deep breath, then another, flexing her grip on the steering wheel as she tried to take steadying breaths. She could smell the bonfire smoke, even from here, carried on the wind like an omen through the dappled trees. 
“This is gonna be great,” Amy said, almost in a whisper. “This is gonna turn out so great.” 
She didn’t have to look to know that Cream rolled her eyes. 
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soft-glitch · 4 years
Where the breeze leads us
Chapter 3: Bartender
Word count: about 1000 words
Author’s notes: this is a series of tiny one-shots taking place in the Sonic future AU described in my fic How You Look In The Wind.  You might want to read a bit of it first! There might not be a strict chronology to these events, so some of them are up to interpretation.  Enjoy the read!
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Amy gave a quick glance to her pocket mirror before crossing the parking lot. Sure, she gave much less importance to her looks than she used to when she was younger, but looking good for a friends night always felt nice.
It was her last working day that week. Thanks Chaos there were no chores waiting for her besides a bit of dishes: all she wanted was to unwind before a good night’s sleep.
The unassuming front of the bar had its charm. An ancient wooden facade painted viridian, a large double door with simple brass handles and a small neon sign featuring the name of the establishment.
The Old Yarn.
From what Amy knew, it used to be a place dedicated to knitting and yarn selling back in distant times. Nowadays the humble lounge served drinks to loyal patrons, who knew the place was uniquely warm and calm.
“Hey Amy! Over here!” Rouge’s voice gave the hedgehog a smile. Perfect, they were already there. She grinned seeing Shadow sitting next to her bat friend.
“I wasn’t sure you would come. Glad to see you made the right choice!” Amy chirped as she took place. “Well Rouge can be very persuasive, as you already know. And to be honest,” the dark hedgehog took a look around as if to mark his sentence, “she was right. This place is nice.”
The bat huffed and rolled her eyes. “Nice. It’s not just nice, it’s one of the best spots in the city! Especially for you, babe.” she added as she put a gentle hand on Shadow’s arm. “It’s calm, they play old tunes and they have a great selection of fine spirits. – You make me feel like a grandpa.” the striped mobian replied with a smirk.
Amy chuckled and eyed the clock on the opposite wall. It was 8pm, which meant…
Right on time, a door on the side opened to reveal a familiar face. Wearing an elegant button-up shirt with a flowery waistcoat was Metal, taking place behind the bar with a slight smile.
“Dear clients, what can I serve you?” the robotic mobian asked. Shadow glanced incredulously at his two friends who didn’t seem surprised in the slightest.
“Come on Mets, don’t play the fancy lady just because Shadow is there!” Rouge laughed. “You look absolutely fantastic, by the way. – The same can be said of you three!” Metal replied, grabbing a menu and sliding it in front of the guests. “May I suggest this month’s special as a starter? It has fresh mango juice, sparkling water, raspberry liquor and a hint of vodka.”
Amy snapped her fingers and looked at her friends with a large smile. “It’s really good, give it a try! First round is my treat.”
As Metal turned around and started gathering glasses and preparing the drinks, Shadow got closer to Amy. “I didn’t know she worked as a bartender...” he whispered carefully. “How long has it been?”
The pink mobian hummed as she tried to remember all the job-searching adventures Metal had to go through. “Barely one week, but she’s great at it and enjoys the work so far!”
Three tall glasses hit the counter in front of them and Metal smiled knowingly. “If you have questions, I will happily oblige. But please have a taste before, to honour Shadow’s first night here!”
Everyone cheered at this.
- - - - -
“We’re in the middle of exams period, right?” Shadow asked. He definitely seemed more talkative than usual. Maybe because of the glasses of whisky he had, or because of the comfortable atmosphere offered by the bar.
“It’s almost finished!” Amy answered him with a sigh. “Can’t wait for it to end, marking papers all day long is the worst.” She dropped her head on the counter to insist on her tiredness. Rouge chuckled between two salted peanuts.
“Sweetie, you’re the strongest woman I know but sometimes I get worried about you.” she remarked with a gentle voice. “Don’t worry, Blaze and I keep an eye on her.” Metal assured while preparing a drink for another customer. “We’re not letting her have a burnout.”
The pink hedgehog gave the robot a finger without moving her head from the bar. Metal huffed and moved to serve the lion waiting a bit further.
“So, what do you think?” Rouge asked Shadow as she eyed the bartender with a smile. “About the place, I mean. – It’s very comfy.” the hedgehog said.
His best friend was right, the bar was perfect for him. And he could recognise a fair bit of the music they played, adding a hint of nostalgia to the homey feel of the establishment.
“Do you...” he paused for a second before looking away from the other two, already embarrassed. “Do you think Sonic would like it?”
Amy snickered lightly while Rouge gave an amused sigh. “It’s more your style than his,” the pink mobian said, “but it’s a nice place for dates. It’s cosy, calm, you can talk without being troubled… – And if you like it here, he’ll appreciate coming.” Rouge added. “Dating isn’t just about having a good time, it’s also about sharing who you are and what you enjoy.”
Shadow nodded, hiding his slight blush by downing his glass of water. Conversations followed each other, Metal chiming in whenever she could. Finally, time came for the group to leave and get back to their respective homes.
“I’ll see you tomorrow!” Amy exclaimed cheerfully to the robotic bartender, who winked in return. “See you soon!” Shadow added. “Goodbye Mets, was great seeing you again!” Rouge waved as she walked towards the exit.
“Again...?” the dark hedgehog wondered once they were outside. “I helped her choose the waistcoat.” the bat shrugged as if it was obvious. “Heh. Can’t say I’m surprised.” Shadow smirked. “It really suits her.”
Amy was silent, staring back at the facade. The warm lights from inside were giving a peaceful glow to the old windows.
“I’m glad she’s finding her place.”
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
Stages: Shadow’s Day
Stages: Intimate Friends Pt.3: Shadow’s Day (Chapter 16)
Previous: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/190748251455/stages-secret-dance
"Your report on Amy Rose?"
"I'll have it done by this week."
The Commander nodded in approval as he pulled out a black file from his desk's cabinet.
"There have been some last minutes changes to the Star Festival mission."
Shadow sighed, annoyed but still rolled with it. "Now what is it?"
And that's how Shadow ended up with Omega and a new agent called Mia. Rouge, being the smartass that she is, decided to ask for a week off just before the Star Festival.
The Star Festival was an annual festival to celebrate the union between the United Republic and the Acorn Kingdom. The mission was simple, keep an eye on the president and the royals.
He was fine with the president, but taking care of the royal family could be a real hassle.
"If you don't pick up the pace, we will leave you." Shadow looked back at the girl who was walking behind him.
"Yes, Mr. Shadow!" The girl ran in order to keep up. Shadow noticed that she was still keeping her distance, acting shyly.
"Don't call me 'Mr. Shadow." He asked.
"Yes, Mr. Shadow!"
Shadow growled lowly, a bit annoyed. Since Rouge wasn't with them, someone needed to fill in her spot. Therefore, the Commander assigned a temporary member, Mia. She had just graduated from G.U.N's academy at the top of her class. Shadow remembered her name from the lover letter he received a few days ago. Hence her shyness towards him.
"Shadow, I have spotted Princess Sally."
Shadow looked towards the Mobian Omega was pointing with his metallic hand. Indeed, Princess Sally was already on top of her parade cart. An enormous parade cart just like her kingdom. It was beautifully decorated with tulip flowers, which was the kingdom's official flower.
"Good, the parade is about to start. Omega, you lookout for the right. I'll keep a look on the left." Shadow directed his attention to Mia and it took only one look to make her skin shiver. "You look out for the back."
Shadow was actually starting to worry about her. She was becoming too red. The brown-furred female hedgehog nodded, almost making her round glasses fall from her round nose. She pushed them back and bowed quickly at Omega and Shadow, making her two braided tails move back and forth by the moment.
Mia walked all the way back to the parade cart. Omega and Shadow shared a look.
"She likes you," Omega said.
Shadow simply responded, "I know."
With that, they parted ways. The parade cart was so big that Shadow wasn't able to look at his teammates.
He heard the trumps play and the parade began.
It was the usual thing, they were going to walk slowly for a kilometer. Princess Sally, on top of her cart waving to the people of the United Republic. The President was on his black limousine and followed at the very end of the parade line.
Shadow kept looking to his left, giving looks to the girls who waved at him and were screaming for him.
He kept looking at them but in the hopes that Amy was there as well.
Suddenly, he felt the need to look good. He straightened his back and walked with a strong posture, gaining the many sighs of girls in love. However, he wasn't thinking about them. He wanted to look good just in case Amy was looking at him.  
He had moved out of the Resistance simply because he didn't want to bother Amy any longer. Shadow would see her less and less now. He missed her but if he was honest ...
He was avoiding her.
Shadow knew he was getting too close to her and although he didn't mind at the beginning ... He was starting to get scared.
The night he danced with Amy was everything to him and he wished he could do it more often but ... what if one day ... she leaves him too?
He knew it was selfish of him but the thought still haunted his mind.
It wasn't only that, but G.U.N. also had its eyes on Amy. It was better to keep his distance for now until that issue is done.
Ever since the Commander told him the news about what happened in Twinkle Star Village in regards to Amy Rose, he just plainly avoided her.
He believed in her, but he just needed more proof.
However, he still felt bad. He came up with the stupidest excuse not to see her. That he wasn't available, too busy, ignore her texts and even ignore her in public.
She did it for two weeks. For the third week, she stopped trying.
A small pain in his chest became apparent the moment he remembered her face.
The people passing by in the streets. A disappointed face as she slowly stopped waving at him.
He turned around and walked away.
He really wished he could see her. Even if it was just for a few minutes.
It was a beautiful day, a blue sky. Children were laughing and waved at people participating in the parade. Shadow wasn't too fond of loud music but seeing most people enjoyed it. Vibrant colors and Shadow looked over at the Princess's parade cart. The tulips were different colors, soft pinks, yellows, and blues. The smell coming off them unique, Shadow had never smelled something like that before. Maybe a smell compared to it could be Amy's natural scent.
People began to scream and run around. Chaos overtook the parade. Shadow looked around, trying to spot where the shots were coming from.
Then he remembered the mission at hand.
He went to the back of Princess Sally's parade cart. He found Mia, looking lost. Nothing new.
"Agent Mia! Look over the Princess! I will check on the President and Omega will keep an eye on the other royals!" Shadow said as he prepared to run to get to the President.
"But-" she tried to say something but Shadow with his powerful eyes, made her stay quiet.
"No, buts! Do your job!"
Shadow arrived at the President's limousine were more than 20 G.U.N. agents were already protecting it.
"Agent Shadow, asking for a report."
The leader agent of the group broke his position in the circle and walked towards Shadow.
"Intelligence Department hasn't been able to locate the Mobian who started the shooting."
"The President?"
"He is alright."
"Agent Shadow, here agent Mia. There's an issue."
Shadow walked away as he paid attention to his wrist communicator.
"Whatever it is, fix it yourself," said Shadow. "I am going to go help civilians now."
Shadow turned off his communicator. He began to run again. This time, he kept looking left and right, trying to get any clues he could.
But nothing.
He helped civilians evacuate and children find their mothers.
Three bombs detonated and buildings were falling apart. Shadow was quick to run to the falling buildings and helped whoever needed it.
He picked up a large number of boulders, helping the people who were under them. A cafe, an apartment, and a clothing shop.
"Agent Shadow, this is Agent Omega reporting."
Shadow kept running through the streets just to see if there was anyone else who needed help.
"Shadow here." He responded.
"Mia Reported: Princess Sally was kidnapped."
"I hope we don't make it," said Shadow.
"Don't say that, please."
"Believe me, being dead will be better than the punishment we are going to get once we get back to headquarters."
Shadow and Mia were currently in the underground drainage tunnel of the city. They were following Princess Sally's GPS locator which was hidden in her wrist rings.
This could be two things. A trap for them or the one behind all of this was stupid.
Shadow perfectly knew that this was more likely a trap. This person was smart if they were able to trick G.U.N.'s Intelligence department.
"I think anything is better than this place," said Mia.
Shadow came to a sudden stop and he gave the girl an annoying look. "Rookies."
They kept walking. Oh, how he wished he could be with Amy right now. Talking about anything or just hanging out.
His mind wanders off again. He remembers the dance with Amy. Her tiny body in his arms, her intoxicating smell, and her green emerald eyes on him.
And all of a sudden, all of that was gone.
Shadow looked over to the girl. Mia was falling behind again. She walked slowly as she played with her fingers in a front and back motion. She had freckles in her face and even with them, Shadow could tell that she was blushing. Her pale complexion made the pink tint on her cheeks stand out and if Shadow didn't know better, she looked extremely anxious.
"Look, if we want this mission to be successful, I need you at your best," Shadow said he took a moment to fully turn to look at the girl. He knew that right now it wasn't the best moment to talk about the love letter but the girl was acting like a high school girl with a crush. He just couldn't have that in such an important mission. "I read your letter and I accept your feelings."
Shadow saw Mia's eyes light up and he decided to make it clear.
"But that doesn't mean I return them."
Shadow wasn't good at these kinds of things. He wasn't even one to read the letters but at the moment his curiosity had gotten the best of him. Especially because it was the first one he had seen with a name on it.
Now here he was, in a dark drainage tunnel with a brown hedgehog girl, saving a princess and denying the feelings of love.
The girl didn't look anxious anymore, she had stopped playing with her fingers and she looked relaxed even but her face became sadder as she finally dared to look at his face.
"I apologize," Shadow said, hoping that the girl didn't start to cry. "I am just not into dating right now."
Mia took a few moments to respond. "Is it because of the pink girl?"
"Pink ... girl?"
"Yes," Mia doubted for a bit but seeing that Shadow looked calm, she continued. "Everyone at G.U.N says you like her."
Shadow knew only one pink girl and that was Amy, he sighed. Could G.U.N's agents damn their own business?
"We are friends. That's it."
"I don't blame you if you do. I mean she is so pretty. A pink hedgehog! So unique! Not to mention that she was Captain of the Resistance." Mia took a pause.
She thought she was nothing compared to Amy. Mia didn't even know where she got the courage to write her name on that love letter for Shadow. She was just accepted as a G.U.N. agent a few weeks ago and had no ranking. She was very average and compare to the pink one or to anyone she was no one.
Or so she thought.
"You must think ... why is even someone like her confessing to me? She is so ugly and useless and-"
"I didn't say that. I said I accept your feelings. Isn't that enough for you?"
The girl felt a bit intimidated by Shadow's confident response, but once again she admired that about him.
She felt Shadow getting closer and Mia asked, "What do you mean?"
"It means that you can keep showing me your feelings. I don't mind," said Shadow.
"Wait ..." Mia added, "That means I can send you love letters and keep trying to make you ... fall in love with me?"
"Yes. Honestly, I don't want anything right now but if doing that makes you happy, then feel free to do it."
Shadow focused on the girl once again. Her face lightens up and she gives him a warm smile. Mia was content and Shadow was relaxed because finally, they could continue with their mission with that thought interrupting them.
"Now, " Shadow added, "Let's do this mission-"
"Ok, but why? Asked Mia.
"Why are you letting me do this? I thought you weren't the type to like those things."
Shadow gave it a thought. He knew the truth but he just didn't want to admit it nor say it. At the back of his mind, he could see it. Mia slightly reminds him of Amy. Well, the old Amy who would chase after Sonic every day.
Even when they weren't friends back then, he hated seeing Amy cry for the blue one when Sonic would run away or deny her love.
Shadow just didn't want to be anything that causes or caused Amy's pain.
He just didn't want to be like the blue faker. Shadow wanted to be clear but also gentle towards the brown-fur girl.
"Honestly," said Shadow, "I don't even know myself."
It was very dark now and the two could hear the drip-drop of water droplets dripping from above.
Shadow tried really hard not to breathe. Mostly because his nose was very sensitive but a mission was a mission.
Finally, they found the place. Shadow's wrist communicator had many functions and one of them was serving as a locator. He looked at the small screen of the communicator where it showed a green and red dot. The green one was the princess and he was the red one.
She was above them.
Too easy.
Shadow looked around and nearby was a metallic door.
Alright, this definitely was a trap. No guards? No percussion? No fight?
"Alright, change of plans," Shadow said as he turned to look at Mia. "I am going alone. You go back to the surface and be prepared to call for back up in case I need it."
"But, this was my fault. If I had taken better care of the Princess, this wouldn't have happened."
"No, look, this is different ... All of this is strange. It's better if I go by myself."
"That's an order. Go back, now."
Shadow raised his voice and the girl was shaken a little by his change of attitude. She nodded, turned around and ran away.
Shadow made sure she was out of his sight to focus back on the metallic door.
He walked towards it, a green light above it. Shadow closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Inhale and exhale.
Shadow kicked open the door. The door flew across the room and landed next to Princess Sally's cell.
"About damn time." Princess Sally said.
It was a security room, TV's covered the room except for Sally's cell.
"You have such a nice vocabulary princess. I'll take you out in a moment," Shadow said as he approached her cell. It was made out of iron, easy to break for him.
"But first," Shadow placed his face in front of the bars, looking at the tired-looking princess. "Did you see anyone?"
"Everyone was wearing masks."
"Of course." Shadow was fast to bend the cell's bars, creating a big opening for Sally to come out. "How many of them?"
"I don't know, no one was here when I woke up." Sally came out of the cell and added, "But, it was around three when they kidnaped me at my parade cart."
"Three uh?"
"Voice fully recognized: Start-Process Now."
Shadow and Sally looked around the room as the TV screens began to show a particular image. Some TV's had a count down of 3:00 minutes.
And the others ...
Shadow knew perfectly what was going on.
"Princess, get out of here now! Exit the room and keep going straight, don't turn back!"
Sally doubted for a second but trusted Shadow's abilities and judgment. It was a bit hard to run with her dress but she managed.
Shadow, on the other hand, was looking like crazy for the bomb. He didn't know if it was a bomb or a detonator.
Or something else.
He looked everywhere. In Sally's cell, on the walls, and he even broke some TVs he thought had a bomb inside.
"Where can it be?"
His thoughts were interrupted as he paid attention to the images that were presented on the TV. Usually, Shadow will be really calm.
But the tape on the TV made him shiver on the inside.
"I'll do you a favor. Carry me back to Tails and after this mission is done, you will never have to see me again. I promise."
It was a videotape of him and Amy on the day that they were at the cliff in Twinkle Star village. Right after they got the flowers that saved Tails' life.
Someone was watching them, all along.
Without noticing, Shadow had one minute left.
He began to think of the worst. Was Amy ok? Where was she? What was she doing?
What was going on?
30 seconds left.
"Mr. Shadow! Are you here?"
It was Mia. Damn it, Shadow had no time now.
15 seconds left.
Shadow picked up Mia and carried her in his shoulder. He ran as fast as he could. The tunnel was dark but Shadow had a good vision. He exited the tunnel with Mia in his shoulders. Other G.U.N. agents were already on the outside. Trucks, guns, G.U.N agents from side to side. Shadow looked to his side and he found Princess Sally being protected by her royal guards.  
Shadow was quick to throw Mia on the ground. An angry look on his face. Mia, as she stood up was quick to ask.
"Are you ... angry at me?"
Shadow didn't want to pay attention. If there was a bomb, it should have detonated by now.
But nothing happened.
"Please ... tell me! I know I went against your order but-"
"Who is this person? No, detonations ... nothing. That video of me and Amy ... is she in danger? Did something happen to her? I will never forgive myself if-"
"Please, Shadow talk to me!" Mia then was fast to grab Shadow by his arm.
Shadow turned around as her touch triggered something on him.
"Didn't I tell you to stay?" Shadow began to raise his voice, "Didn't I fucking tell you to stay?!"
All eyes were on them now. Shadow wasn't thinking clearly. He didn't understand anything. He didn't know what was going on and the things he thought he could control turns out he couldn't.
The air became heavy and a few seconds passed, the agents went back to their work.
   Mia was still holding back the tears. She was afraid that the small chance she had with Shadow was gone. The last thing she wanted was to disappoint him, but it seemed like she had done so already.
Mia stood quiet and she whispered, "I am sorry ... I was just worried about you-"
"An 'I am sorry' won't cut it! What if there was a bomb? I could have made it but you?" Shadow added, "You could have died! Do you think I can live without you, Amy?!"
Shadow was still way more than worried. His mind could only envision Amy. He wanted to leave and check on her, just to make sure she was fine. Even so, he couldn't.
Because as far as he knew, Amy was G.U.N's number one suspect at the moment.
Shadow still blinded with his feelings, looked at Mia in the eyes and said,
"Because I can't"
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Soon we will be seeing Amy's day. Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Also I recommend, reading me on wattpad. I publish there more often and there are stories there I don’t publish here: https://www.wattpad.com/user/H19990103
Next: Soon
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aenslem · 5 years
Doctor Who Tag Game
Tagged by: @thirteenstardisfam thank youu and i am so sorry it is so super long lmao i did not mean too, but somehow ended up with it, and also i think i will make fandom hate me for some stuff about 11, but i love him! don’t you dare to think otherwise :’D
im tagging: @tennant @luke-skywalker @panlyra @stupidape @buffyrosenbergs @expelliarmus idk who of you whovians wanna do it out there feel free to say i tagged you and go on ;)
Favourite Doctor:  still Ten, i love 12 and 13 almost as much, even if not harder atm, but if it comes to choosing 1 fav doctor then it’s always Ten, so far no one stepped higher for me :’D I loved his era, i loved so many episodes with him, his season arcs, his companions, his relationships with everyone, and this is the only Doctor whose regeneration was smooth for me, he was continuation of Ninth Doctor and it felt like that. I was not like ‘but he is so different in so many ways’ nope, never. Maybe it’s because companions were the same, everyone was still around which was great btw, and I fell in love with the show with Tenth Doctor, dare I say that I stopped watching back then when Matt Smitt became doctor? lmao, must be shock for some but yes, I dropped this show because of THAT lmao??now i laugh at my own self but yeah, i did. where’s everyone, why it feels so different? that was huge nope. Only years later I got back into it, thanks to amazing Michelle Gomez. Actually I was not even going to watch other doctors at that moment, but I watched episodes only with Missy, then i said well it’s not bad I like it and Missy and Twelve were?? OOOF LOVES OF MY LIFE FOR SURE because their relationship were so cool and of course i loved it, so i started a huge rewatch, the first since i dropped the show. Fell in love with Doctor/Master all over again, Ten was as amazing as I remembered, Nine was perfect and I love him too!!! and then... i got to s5... oh god, i was like, let’s give him a chance, what do i lose? but it still felt so weird, and the show was so different, and suddenly everyone else is so important but where are old characters? but i got into it because i have already seen some of 12′s episodes and i got used to the style?? i guess. and then River appeared, not because of her but around episode 5 or 6 i was into it already, not as much as i was before but anyway, maybe weeping angels helped because i loved them and it reminded me of Ten, i felt some kind of a connection to old doctor. I liked River with 10, i thought i will like her with 11 too... but alas, still felt like you know those boys who have never had sex but try to act like they know everything about it and hit on every moving thing and think they do it cool? :D i am sorry if i hurt someone’s feelings with it, but that’s how 11 was for me back then, and while I do understand river/11 it’s the least of all river ships for me, 11 is still the least fav doctor because of those feelings i had back then when i stopped watching, they are not rational i know that now but still feel them, but i love him now, and will protect that kid at all costs! i love ponds, i will kill if anyone says anything bad about Rory Williams! and Amy and Rory? quoting my favorite star trek couple? DUDE WE GO TOGETHER OR NOT AT ALL!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! and even if i was not into all river/11 relationship i loved the story, and of course i liked 12, but s8 still feels like what the hell for me, not because of the doctor but because they tried so hard to show clara as bossy, i mean, i liked her with 11 and then suddenly they turn her into some control freak, it was not so MUCH with 11... but i know now why they did it, so Missy’s words have an effect and all. but still, i love clara before and after s8 :’D s9 clara? i will kill for her too. it’s too long but idk  :’D and actually, this shows that if you give it a chance even if you don’t like actor/actress at first - you might love the show ;) so stop acting like jodie is miscast honestly, i am ready to fight anyone for saying that :D say whatever you want about plot choices, but do not fucking act like it’s Jodie’s fault! actors are not responsible for show runner choices. She acts amazing with the material she has. anyway, 10 is my fav idiot!
Favourite Master: Missy, always was and always shall be. My favorite character in general in the show, no one tops my girl!
Favourite Sonic: honestly? i don’t really remember any sonic but 12′s glasses :D so... glasses. I mean, i don’t really care how it looks like, it does its job... most of the time lmao, but i liked those glasses and the thing with browser history was my fav :D
Favourite Companion: oh it’s soooo hard!!! either Donna or Bill. I can’t choose. but yeah, those are both with whom there were no ‘romantic’ relationship implied, i love friends more than couples. and I just loved 10 and Donna as a team and Bill and 12, i still wish they had more time. also Martha, the smartest companion lol she was amazing.
Favourite Story: anything involving The Master :D all episodes with them are my favs, but i can’t just pick one story, i still remember the first episode i watched back when it was airing and are you my mummy stuck in my head for the rest of my life giving me brrrr feeling, like it was not scary but somehow made me super uncomfortable? also vashta nerada?? duuuuude, you can’t just look at the shadow the same way. and ten/river together were really great, i mean, he did not know who is she, the mystery, i love shit like that?? yeesss!!!!! there are so many great ones. I don’t want to choose.
Favourite Soundtrack: that unreleased tiny melody when the master dies in the last of the time lords T--T and this is gallifrey and clara’s theme! those are my favs. and I also really like 11′s theme, kinda ready for adventures and doing some weird but funny shit :D
Dream Actor for next Doctor: ooooof OOOOF dude! you know what, usually it is one actor for 3 seasons, that’s how it was for the last 3 doctors, i want Jodie to break that rule and stay with us for 4th season as well, i just want to see how pissed off those haters will be lmao i really really think the entire timeless child thing will not feel the same with someone else yet, and i don’t think they will reveal much in 13th season, that’s HUGE thing, or they should make it so good and the next doctor... aaah i don’t want to feel that change again, like i did with 10 to 11, and felt with the every next doctor, but i overcome that shit and just give them a chance, it’s the doctor after all and im sure loving all of them now. not sure it can disappoint me even if most of plot choices in the season are ... weak. idk who, there are so many great actors but whoever i choose will not be as great as someone they choose, because they always somehow cast amazing people, but i agree with emily it’s time for a doctor of color! tho, they can’t go back to white male actor right now, i just can imagine how it will look like, with all the hate Jodie received and how people still whine about female doctor, it will look like they tried and decided to go back to white male doctors, one half will be happy but the other one will eat them alive! so yeah, i am pretty sure it’s not gonna be white man again yet lol
Dream Composer: idk
Dream Story: well, considering 13 is in jail now, i would love to see someone “we know” rescuing her, because honestly if they just showed me jack and left it like that, i will not accept it!!! but also since yaz will be the only one left with the doctor, since bradley and tosin leave the show, i hope we will have some yaz and doctor relationship development without anyone else, maybe jack could stay because i love him, but jack’s presence did not hurt doctor and rose relationship development back then, so it should not hurt now also. but if they bring someone new, at least don’t make it right away, let yaz and 13 have an adventure at least 1 episode, some talk and stuff. so when yaz leaves also... (and i kind of had that stupid feeling that yaz will die in the end, because somehow everything hints on that for me? idk maybe it’s because i rewatched and giffed orphan 55 today and vilma (?) telling yaz to run and stay alive kinda felt like something that hints on yaz’s future... and yaz is always going somewhere without thinking, to random alien ship, to save the doctor, she steps into trouble like a doctor hoping everything will somehow be ok, but im not even sure she hopes, it’s more like i am as good as her so i can do it, not in clara’s way when everything hinted she is like the doctor, because let’s be honest she was and even got her own tardis, but she thinks she is, but she is not, i think some day that might end bad for her... so when she also leaves i don’t want it be like well yeah, what’s next? i mean, i still miss Bill, that was like NOOOOOO with tears and screams for me, i loved Bill! and we had 2 seasons with yaz and i still don’t feel the same connection to any of the current companions atm, so i would like the show to make me love them more, i do love them, just not as much as those i still miss, but im sure defending any of them lmao i love them anyway. you know what i mean...
A Companion You’d like to see back: oh OH. we cant bring them back for entire season right? but doctor can meet Donna at some point, which will have no point lmao cos she doesn’t remember and it will only hurt doctor and i don’t see how her appearance will help any plot, it will be just fanservice cameo. But Bill is out there with Heather, they are powerful creatures now, i think it could somehow fit into the story, I want Bill back. But also, Clara is still one heartbeat away from death, she can be out there, and she has tardis. tiny cameos will be fine for me :D and Martha, but also Madam Vastra and Jenny, Kate and Osgood, where they are??? bring them back and it can make sense, their appearances. I mean, imagine someone from UNIT in s11, not unit itself but osgood??? it would feel so much different. 
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: weeping angels!!!! OOOF they were creepy, and i love them, like, DON’T BLINK!!! how can you not blink for so long? that is cool, i want them back. and also the most beautiful shots are always with angels so... :’D
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: oooh, while 10 is my fav, and I totally would hit on 13 :D i will choose 12, 12 from season 10, because he was such a grandpa, no lovey dovey stuff, he would lecture me on thing i do, give me new info about something, we would explore shit together and he would be like a grandpa i never had. We would definitely have long discussions about stuff and have good laugh together and i would make references to movies and then we would watch those movies :D i would act like Bill lmao yess i want to travel with 12!!!
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crusherthedoctor · 6 years
Sonic Villains: Sweet or Shite? - Part 11: THE MONSTERS OF THE WEEK
There are some villains I like. And there are some villains I don’t like. But why do I feel about them the way I do? That’s where this comes in.
This is a series of mine in which I go into slightly more detail about my thoughts on the villains in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and why I think they either work well, or fall flat (or somewhere in-between). I’ll be giving my stance on their designs, their personalities, and what they had to show for themselves in the game(s) they featured in. Keep in mind that these are just my own personal thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions! I don’t bite. :>
Anyhow, for today’s installment, we’ll be cancelling our flight to Tokyo as we look up at the impressive size of a particular recurring brand of foe in Sonic's universe: the Monsters of the Week. (Excluding Chaos, who we've already covered.)
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So for reasons that should be obvious, this edition of Sweet or Shite is going to be a little different. Seeing how we’re covering more than one villain - and since you can only say so much about characters who aren’t really characters - this will instead be a series of mini-reviews, one after another, for each monster. I figured this was the best course of action since the alternative would be to go back and forth constantly between the monsters, and that would just be messy.
Also, none of these guys have much in the way of personality aside from “DESTROY FUCKING EVERYTHING GRRRRRRR”, so I’m not even going to bother analysing their “personalities”. Everything else will be the same as usual, of course.
And yes, I’m treating Iblis and Solaris as individual monsters. Because they barely have anything in common despite being the same beast.
Right then, we’ve got a lot of these king-size bastards to cover. Let’s go.
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The Gist: In the endgame for Sonic Adventure 2, the late Professor Gerald Robotnik was revealed to have programmed his Space Colony A.R.K. to crash down to the planet and destroy it should the Eclipse Cannon be equipped with all seven Chaos Emeralds. The heroes and villains teamed up to combat this threat (thus completely negating the game's Hero VS Dark selling point), and together, they made their way to the cannon's core.
What they didn't expect however was for their target to be guarded. In order to stop the A.R.K. from falling, they were forced to deal with the Biolizard, Gerald's original attempt at creating the Ultimate Lifeform before he decided to take a page from the Sonic OC booklet with his second attempt, Shadow. Thanks to seeing the error of his ways courtesy of one Amy Rose, Shadow himself confronted his older sibling, and Knuckles used the Master Emerald to cancel out the power of the Chaos Emeralds, thus preventing the A.R.K's collision...
Just kidding. As if to laugh at the very idea of Knuckles actually having a useful role in this game beyond treasure hunting fodder, the Biolizard immediately used Chaos Control to assume direct control of the A.R.K. in order to continue its collision course. Sonic and Shadow had no choice but to go Super, and with their powers combined, the Biolizard was beaten for good, the A.R.K. was stopped once and for all, and Shadow died but not really.
Sonic and Shadow were hailed as heroes. Even though everyone else contributed too. But apparently, only the heroes with super forms are allowed to be on the President's desk.
The Design: The Biolizard is a failed prototype, and it shows.
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He's gonna sweep them bitches off their feet with a face like that.
Surprisingly, I actually dig his design. It's a bit messy, sure, but that works to his benefit in this case, since as a failed creation who demands a life support system just to function, it's justified within the context. It's a cool mesh of organic and technology, and it perfectly demonstrates the horrors that can come with trying to play God and creating life.
Unfortunately, his final form is underwhelming. He "fuses" with the A.R.K, but don't get your hopes up. It's the same design as before, only... well...
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Yeah. It's just... right up there. All the way through.
The Execution: The Biolizard technically doesn't come out of nowhere, since there's a Dark Story cutscene that foreshadows his existence. But he still feels very WTF in spite of that. This adventure involving G.U.N, Dr. Eggman, and a feud between two hedgehogs, and this thing is the final challenge? It doesn't help that despite the relation, he feels very disconnected to Shadow's story when compared to Gerald, Maria, etc. (And yet ironically, he's the most interesting part IMO.)
So in regards to proper build up for a final boss, he's a bit shit. But since I like his design, and since his theme music is kickass, I'll give him a little step up. Just a little one.
Crusher Gives the Biolizard a: Thumbs Sideways!
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The Gist: In the future, everything was a shitehole. This was due to a terrible beast known as Fire Chaos Iblis, who spread his penchant for destruction everywhere he went, leaving behind nothing but ruins in the process. A young hedgehog named Silver, and his friend named Blaze, have fought him for a very long time at the expense of Blaze's actual backstory, but nothing they could do kept Iblis down for long. Desperate to save their world, they followed the advice of comic relief character Mephiles the Dark, which was to find the so-called Iblis Trigger of the past via time travel, and destroy him. That Iblis Trigger was none other than Sonic the Hedgehog himself.
Except not. Turns out the guy with no mouth and snake eyes named after Mephistopheles wasn't all that trustworthy, and was using Silver for his own purposes. Undaunted, Silver continued to do a bunch of things that meant little-to-nothing, before finally defeating Iblis for definite because... he was stronger this time, I guess?
But Zoinks, Scoob! He couldn't seal Iblis away! Luckily and unluckily for him, Blaze was able to do so, and with a few emotional parting words, she vanished from Silver's time to get ready for a better game stop the threat of Iblis. That's not the end of Iblis' story however, because as it turns out, he's only part of something even more destructive... Also, Silver and Blaze didn't achieve anything anyway since Mephiles unleashed Iblis in the present time after killing Sonic.
The Design: Get ready for a trilogy of fatigue.
You have Phase 1, which is just a clump of lava with some arms:
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Good at mix tapes though.
Phase 2 is a replica of his Iblis Worm minions, but bigger. That's it.
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Even he looks tired.
And for Phase 3, he finally realises he should probably try to look more worthy of a main baddie, but it still falls flat due to his ridiculous anchor feet:
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"~Lava bone's connected to the fire bone~"
On the whole? Wank.
The Execution: He's from Sonic '06. What do you think?
Outside of being a lame version of Chaos, what else is there to say?
Crusher Gives Iblis a: Thumbs Down!
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The Gist: Remember Iblis? The guy I just talked about? Well he wasn't brought into existence as Iblis, but rather Solaris, the flame of hope. A time-dwelling entity of sorts, the kingdom of Soleanna had worshipped him for as long as they've lived, for reasons that can best be described as "fuck knows". In particular, Soleanna's ruler, the Duke, was devoted to harnessing the power of Solaris for the sake of being able to control time itself, and thus bring his wife back from the dead.
Sure enough, he joined her once more... by ironically getting himself killed in an accident during one of his experiments on Solaris, which also happened to split the entity into two different beings: the raw power named Iblis, and the subconscious named Mephiles the Dark. Before he died however, the Duke made the brave and heroic sacrifice of sealing Iblis - the fiery demon of death - within his own daughter, with the added deal of her never being able to cry unless that demon gets free, because who cares, she was adopted anyway.
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She's guaranteed to be a strong queen if she can withstand a lifetime's worth of severe heartburn.
Anyway, the Duke got a Game Over, Silver the Hedgehog left a Chaos Emerald in his daughter's presence at the expense of the overall Sonic the Hedgehog continuity, and that was that. Ten years later, Sonic and Eggman had a tussle in Soleanna that I'm not even going to bother talking about because it's that unimportant, and eventually the aforementioned Mephiles gives Sonic a Game Over, causing Princess Elise to cry and thus release Iblis. Mephiles, the shadowy hedgehog, then uses the Chaos Emeralds to rejoin with Iblis, the fire lizard, to become Solaris, the bird made of light... Okay then.
Solaris threatens to consume all of time and space, but before he can do that, his decision to throw the Chaos Emeralds away like disused wrappers comes back to bite him in the ass, because through his friends' wise decision to collect them all, Sonic is brought back to life, and in his super form at that. Together, with Super Shadow and Super Silver, they kick Solaris' shit in, until it reverts to its original form of a tiny flame, and after some hesitance born from the sorrow of losing her biggest friendship, Elise ultimately makes the right decision and blows out the flame, thus creating a new future where Solaris - and the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 in general - never happened.
Does that mean the Duke is alive? What does Soleanna worship now that Solaris never existed? Who knows, who cares, I'm already getting bored talking about these guys.
The Design: Unlike with Iblis, I actually like Solaris' forms, since there's an attempt to give them some elegance rather than just making them generically ugly. Even if Phase 1 looks as though he's got a steering wheel on his back...
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Literally at the helm.
And Phase 2 looks like it could be desecrated by the Dark Lord Ganondorf at any moment...
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"Who wants a hug?"
But overall? I like them.
The Execution: It's still '06, so his chances aren't looking good. I WOULD give Solaris some leeway since like with the Biolizard, I like his designs and his music (though I'm that weird guy who prefers Phase 1's music)...
Buuuuuut he's still the endgame of an absolutely shitty and plothole-infested narrative. And he's technically Mephiles, so...
Crusher Gives Solaris a: Thumbs Down!
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The Gist: Iblis got its own ripoff.
That ripoff's name was Ifrit.
It was in Sonic Rivals 2.
Eggman Nega sought to unleash it.
And it liked to feed on Chao, allegedly.
So anyway, how's your sex life?
The Design: Despite being the younger sibling, it's design is arguably better than that of Iblis. It's still nothing amazing mind you, but it's got a Firebird thing going on, so that alone makes it more pleasing to look at than any of Iblis' forms. And if it were in a fully 3D game rather than on the PSP, it would probably look a lot better with its visuals too.
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Ifrit wants a belly rub!
The Execution: He shows up at the end to get killed.
Crusher Gives Ifrit a: Thumbs Down!
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The Gist: One day, Dr. Eggman decided to have yet another go at controlling a giant monster. This resulted in the events of Sonic Unleashed, which started off with a bang when after a spectacle of action and destruction in the far reaches of space, Sonic was lured into a devilish trap by the wicked scientist. Using the negative energies of the Chaos Emeralds, Eggman fired a laser that literally broke the planet apart, in an attempt to unleash (HA!) the being sleeping within the planet's core: Dark Gaia.
Those negative energies also turned Sonic into a bizarre werewolf-hedgehog hybrid, which wasn't intentional on Eggman's part, but he dealt with him easily by letting him fall all the way down to the planet... along with the sapped Chaos Emeralds. Oops.
With the help of a strange little guy with amnesia named Chip, Sonic and his new alter-ego - the Werehog - went on a grand day out to find the Gaia Temples around the world, with the idea being to restore the Emeralds' energy one by one. All the while, Dark Gaia kept... existing, and Eggman tried to stop them. Eventually, it's revealed that Chip, bog standard comic relief that he is, was in fact Light Gaia all along, the fated nemesis of Dark Gaia. After all, you can't have dark without light, just as you can't have light without dark.
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"I wish I knew how to quit you... and this boss fight."
Same song and dance from then on. Dark Gaia pops up, Sonic and Chip beat it, Gaia gets angry and transforms, then they beat it again with Super Sonic. Chip says goodbye as he prepares to sleep for nearly an eternity to keep Dark Gaia at bay, which could be seen as a metaphor for how I'm close to falling asleep for eternity due to how genuinely exhausting it is to talk about these non-characters.
The Design: I really do not like Dark Gaia's design. Outside of the purple tentacles, which are admittedly pretty cool, he's just a stick with eyes and teeth. That's all he is.
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Nice nail polish, prick.
And when he becomes Perfect Ultra Mega Dark Gaia 2: The Return of Jafar, what does he transform into? ...A stick with MORE eyes and teeth.
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"I'm never drinking Chaos Cola again, Chip."
So yeah. His design is boring. And he could do with eating more.
The Execution: Dark Gaia is at least set up from the beginning rather than showing up haphazardly towards the end, but that's about all the praise I can give it. Despite everything to do with Chip, the Gaia Temples, and the Gaia Manuscripts, there's still not nearly enough to make Dark Gaia truly stand out. It's the personification of the world's darkness, and it's involved in a cycle with Light Gaia... what else? What else is there for me to care about?
Also, its boss fight was the worst, and coming after the Egg Dragoon, it was like a slap in the face. Say what you will about the guy below, at least you can deal with him quickly.
Crusher Gives Dark Gaia a: Thumbs Down!
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The Gist: Young Sonic was on his merry way, then a time monster showed up to cause trouble... in time. Young Sonic was thus forced to team up with Older Sonic to combat this threat.
So they did.
At least Eggman was in control this time. Or Eggmen, rather.
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"Did I ever tell you the time I wrote about how Sonic the Hedgehog had it pretty rough lately...?"
The Design: Not too bad, actually. Sure, it looks like a stereotypical ghost at first...
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...But once it's revealed to be mechanized by the Eggmen, we see its true, clockwork-esque form:
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Might want to get those boils checked, buddy.
As a robotic Frankenstein abomination, I really like its time aesthetic, and its twitching and whirring, as if it's trying in vain to fight back against the Eggmen's control. Like the Biolizard, the context allows it to be a bit hideous, and it still looks cool despite that.
The Execution: Am I going to give the Time Eater a complete free pass just because it's the one that Eggman successfully controlled? No. I will freely admit that there was not enough to establish it in a way that felt satisfying, and some would say to a worse extent than Solaris or Dark Gaia.
But here's the thing: I'm more willing to let these things slide if the game isn't forcing me to try and care about it. Or to put it in another way, the plot of Sonic Generations may very much be an excuse plot in its purest form, and that will always be a shame, but that's actually why I don't mind this as much. Generations isn't pretending that the Time Eater is anything more than what it is. It's not hyping it up without being able to back its "lore" up. It's nothing more than the justification for why we're having this adventure. And since Eggman is the real baddie pulling the strings anyway, I look at Time Eater as a plot device used by Eggman, than as an actual entity of its own.
Note that I'm not saying this is ideal. I'd have loved it if Generations had more of a story, and I'd have loved it if Time Eater had more lore behind it to back it up. But I'm explaining why I'm not so harsh on it as I am with Dark Gaia or Iblis, who their respective plots tried so hard to make me care about as big bad threats, only for it to fail miserably due to how mind-numbingly boring they are. It's a lesser of two evils situation, and I'm just giving my stance on it.
Plus, again, I actually like Time Eater's design. And Eggman did succeed with it...
Crusher Gives Time Eater a: Thumbs Sideways!
So that’s it then. That’s your lot for today. Some of them are okay, most of them are crap, none of them are as good as Chaos. I apologise if this edition of Sweet or Shite felt a bit rushed or shoddy, but in my defense, it's hard to say much for these guys, and I try not to be too repetitive.
Here’s a Shadow for you.
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bellsybuilds · 7 years
[Overwatch] Hold your tongue 3/? (T, Akande/Lucio, 3.6k)
Hold your tongue, Chapter 3/? (Can also be read on AO3)
Doomfist | Akande Ogundimu / Lúcio Correia dos Santos (M)
Chapters 1 / 2 / 3 | Ceasefire Masterlist
To move forward, you must first look back.
-3 months ago-
“You know what this is?”
Hana squints at the tiny, circular container Lúcio holds up to her eye. Fitting small and neat in her palm, she pokes at the smooth, clear glass. Her voice is bright with conspiracy and triumph. “Omnic DNA.”
Lúcio arches an eyebrow. “Wha? Uh… maybe. I don’t… hmm… well.” He studies it closely, rubbing his chin in thought. He doesn’t think it’s based on omnic designs, but his homegrown knowledge of electrical engineering is passable, at best. He shakes the device in its case. “It’s a homing beacon. Tracker. I didn’t notice it ‘til we got back to base, and Athena’s alarms went off.”
Hana’s eyebrows rise in surprise. “It’s not one of yours?” At Lúcio’s shake of his head, she leans in for a closer look, mouth pensive. “Where did you get it?”
“You remember that friend we met today?”
Hana blinks at him. “Mister Mask? Or Mister Fist?”
Lúcio gives her a significant look, mouth tugging into a small smirk.
His new friend stares at him blankly. “I don’t know what that means.”
Lúcio flexes his arm, hand balling into a fist. Hana giggles at his exaggerated smirk, hiding her mouth behind her hand. It’s a good likeness. “I think someone just left me an invitation,” Lúcio explains, without explaining much of anything. Especially how the prospect makes his blood thrum at the challenge.
When Doomfist and Reaper made their stunt-worthy exit from Unity Plaza that afternoon, Lúcio thought that could be the last he would see of them, unless 76 decided to extend an olive branch while the DJ was still in town. That was unlikely, from what Lúcio gauged of the stern, proud soldier.
Lúcio wasn’t supposed to be there.
“Girl, we talked about this when I last saw you in London – Vishkar, the amplifier.” Lúcio had waved over his shoulder when the call came in, as though to gesture at all the things he’d resigned to leave with Rio when he went on tour. “That’s all done. I’m helping people another way now.”
Lena steamrolled on with her encouraging, sunny smile. Shrugging, like she was asking him to ‘pop down to the shops for some milk, luv’. “You’d be in our backlines as support,” she had said, “If anyone catches this on video, you’d be well out of range.”
Out of range? “You expecting a fight? I thought you said this was just an escort. And why can’t you hire private security for this?”
She hummed in consideration. “No, it’s sensitive, we are the security. And I meant… more if you were worried about a media storm. You have some big names backing you. But fire fights, too, right!”
Okay, he hadn’t specifically mentioned guns, but it was good to know where Lena’s head was at.
Lúcio snorted under his breath and smiled, calm and confident. “I’m not worried about any media. After Rio, people know what I stand for.”
Lena’s shifty look was slightly bashful while she bit her lip. Was she embarrassed? “Well… perception is reality, is what they say. And we’re still sort of… persona non grata. People infer a lot by the company you keep.”
“Hey. Hey. I could never be ashamed of being seen with you. Ace pilot. Fighter for the people. Doesn’t even cheat on races. I don’t shun my friends like that.”
Lena had brightened, leaning into the camera with an excited smile. “So, you’ll come? Just this once, I promise. We could really use your help, if it doesn’t disrupt your schedule. And you can wear a disguise… all mysterious-like if it’s easier. Talk to your agent.”
“Oh I will definitely not be telling them about this.”
But three months later, Lúcio was still riding with Overwatch and his agent was still wondering why Lucio had such a large allotment of free time that was originally slated for charity work and promotions. Volunteering is how he thought of it, as Lena had apologised they couldn’t pay him for his time. Lúcio wasn’t in need of the money, and he thought of all their strange security details as work to help a friend short-handed.
His agent would have had his head if they knew how he was ‘wasting’ his time.
And sometimes, Lúcio did wonder what was really going on – why specialists and scientists as overqualified as former Overwatch personnel were protecting a film director from fears of anti-omnic violence through a Hollywood set. But it was no grief to volunteer his time and abilities to heal their minor hurts and speed up their ventures (“I knew you brought that thing with you!” Lena had crowed when Lúcio had turned up with his sonic amplifier slung over his shoulder). He genuinely enjoyed their company: Jesse had a dry, wicked sense of humour; Lena always made him smile; Winston was patient and pleased that someone was interested in his inventions; and when Hana showed up, Lúcio was starstruck. It was also the first real sign that he wasn’t the only favour Overwatch was calling in: they were recruiting fresh blood.
He’d tried playing ignorant before, and it hadn’t ended well for Rio.
Then Soldier 76 turned up with Ana at his side. Old soldiers. Lúcio could see it in the way they carried themselves, their direct and confronting manner, accustomed to authority and sharp, considered answers. A heavy, weary quiet preceded each room they entered like an augur of grief. The hysterical reaction to their appearance had been enough to humble Lúcio into a quiet corner to observe, until those two elders had turned to Overwatch’s newest recruits and asked, “And who is this?”
They had returned to lay Numbani on the table and ask for help: a supposed ceasefire to a war Lúcio didn’t even realise was raging. A chill ran down his spine when he heard the name ‘Doomfist’, and he had said ‘yes’.  
It was fair time he learned what was really going on.
And of all Overwatch’s roster, Lúcio didn’t expect to be the one receiving a personal follow-up invitation. Or was it a challenge?
Hana takes the tiny container again and holds it up to the light, frowning. "So, you gonna call them?”
Lúcio shrugs, tracking the arcing glints of light off the clear glass as Hana turns it over under the pale bulbs of their hideaway. “Might drop in.”
“You can do that?”
“Who’s gonna stop me?”
It’s Hana’s turn to look skeptical, amusingly so. She thrusts both arms out to enframe the command room of agents before them, new and unfamiliar, and none the wiser for their scheming. Hana and Lúcio are both new to this strange organisation. It’s easy to bond over their youth and mutual celebrity when it’s earned them skepticism from these seasoned soldiers, scientists and… whatever McCree is.
Overwatch has co-opted this stationery re-supply store as their command centre in Numbani’s office precinct. For children who grew up hearing the legend of Overwatch and its agents, it’s sobering when they meet the shadows of its remains within abandoned buildings, reclaimed bases and crowded hotel rooms. The whole experience has been insightful: for all their humour and abilities, these people scramble to organise, and argue like every other group Lúcio has ever worked with. They’re just ordinary people.
They have more resources than Lúcio ever did when he and his crew led Rio against Vishkar, but his crew was tight. They were truly unified in common purpose.
Lena and her friends feel like they’re working from contract to contract – scattered, directionless, and united on hope for a mission nobody will speak aloud. Unstable grounds for trust or unity.
He swipes the container back from Hana, flipping it like a coin. “They’d just slow me down.”
Anyway, Lúcio is finding it hard to keep a low profile with his face plastered on banners through the whole city. At least he’d have an explanation for being seen in the streets. He reminds himself he’s only here as a favour to Lena, with his next concert not for another two days.
Hana leans in, crowding close against his shoulder. Sharing a desk in the back corner of the largely empty space, they are only half-listening with everyone else to Winston’s explanation of the storeroom of peanut butter unearthed that morning.
“Want back up?” Hana offers quietly, hopeful, angling for a cure to her boredom, but Lúcio smiles, shaking his head.
“I got this.”
Once he’s back in his hotel room, it’s a simple process to contact the world’s most accomplished hacker: a scrambled email to one of three watched inboxes, and then sitting back to wait. The only challenge is in earning their acknowledgement.
The video call comes less than ten minutes after Lúcio hits ‘send’.
Sombra’s face lights the heads-up display of Lúcio’s phone with her mischievous smile. Lúcio counts himself extremely lucky he gets a response each time he has reached out, that he is one of the few people in the world who knows the face behind the name. He has used her trust sparingly.
Sombra’s sing-song greeting makes him smile. “Ay, Lucito-oo-oo! La lucecita de mi noche!”
“Hola, Sombrita.” Lúcio winks, bringing up the high resolution scan and analysis of the tracker he had found tacked to his boot.
“Vishkar? Atlas? Who are we stealing from to–” Sombra’s gaze turns to the incoming image on her side. “Ooh.”
Lúcio watches her face carefully. “You lose something?”
Expression morphing to one of cooing appreciation, Sombra’s mouth purses in pleasure. “Mm, the detail on this: ‘exquisite’ as my friend would say.”
She laughs like it’s a shared private joke. Lúcio can’t help returning the smile, shaking his head. Sombra could never refrain from praising her own work, and he enjoys that about her. She is accomplished and deservedly proud of it.
On again, off again acquaintances, Lúcio hopes today that Sombra is on his side.
“A big guy from a bad place stuck this on me earlier today. What do you know about that?”
Sombra’s mouth pulls in a shrug, head tilted in consideration. “He’s not that bad.”
He frowns. Not that bad? Doomfist? The Scourge’s successor?  “What makes you say that?”
“He pays me.”
Lúcio blinks, mouth falling open. Sombra… and Doomfist? His brain feels like it has split down the middle. He leans in to his monitor. “You’re working with Talon? ¿Lula, en qué pensabas? ¿No sabes quién es? ¿Sabes las cosas que hizo?”
That went against everything she was supposed to stand for! She was supposed to be independent like him! Sombra was supposed to fight for the people, not… work with the people who would destroy them!
Sombra’s playful smile sharpens like the glint of a blade, a reminder that him she will cut him loose and scour all evidence of their bond without a second thought. He clenches his jaw under the intensity of her warning gaze that bores into him through the display.
“Name me 'squid’ again, Lucero,” she dares, cool and tempered. “You called me. You want answers, you mind your mouth.”
He rankles at the butcher of his name, biting down on the aggravation lest Sombra feed on his reaction.
She points off-screen presumably where Lúcio’s tracker displays on her side. “His name is ‘Doomfist’, you already know. He ordered a set of these; a lot of interesting people passing through Numbani these days.” She straightened in her chair, turning idly on its axle to provide her full attention. “I heard your talks were interrupted.”
“Yeah.” Lúcio deflates with a scowl, still stung with disappointment. He thought there were good odds Sombra would have intel on his mark, but not that she would be working with him, consciously and voluntarily.
“Well, if you’re interested, I think it’s worth hearing what he had to say. If I turn it back on, that tracker works both ways, you know.”
He didn’t even have to ask. Sombra may be one of the greatest founts of knowledge on the planet, but Lúcio wonders if she realises her own weaknesses? She could never resist a chance to close the social gap, bring the mighty low. If she was not stepping to protect Doomfist, then the man had not earned her complete loyalty yet.
Lúcio tries not to smile, cringing instead and affecting self-doubt.
“You mean– me? Talk to… him?”
Sombra shrugs. “Why not you?”
He can’t help showing her offer for what it was. “Sounds like a trap.”
“If you’re part of Overwatch, maybe. Or you could use your independent status to do something useful.” She raises her hand and, in a few blips of lavender, the heads up display blinks. A new window pops up with a street map of Numbani. In the heart of the residential district across the city, a red icon blinks, strong and steady.
Using his independent status.
“Like you?”
Sombra shakes her head, dismissing it immediately. “I don’t make house calls.”
Lúcio studies the red blink of the icon, considering his options.
“Is he alone?” he finally asks.
“He is.” Sombra leans in, the glint in her eye turning coy. “Don’t overstay your welcome.”
Lúcio smiles at the overt suggestion in her tone. “Still looking out for me? Watch your own back, Hermanita.”
She clicks her tongue, giving him a sharp wink. “Still older than you.”
The call disconnects.
-Present day-
Lúcio’s arrival is heralded by the strange sound of his skates, an electro-mechanical whir that always made Akande wonder how the DJ could achieve stealth if he even tried.
Today, stealth is not the priority.
“Coming in over the wing, open the doors.”
Lúcio maneuvers through the narrow gap of the rear cargo bay doors without breaking his stride, swinging down from the roof and and inside through one fluid motion. Akande’s palm slams the controls, and the door begins to seal behind him.
Before the door is entirely shut, Lúcio is already descending the ship’s stair, not sparing Akande a second glance. It stings, but there are greater concerns on Akande’s mind, too.
“Where is she?” Lúcio demands, catching sight of Sombra’s prone form in the same breath. He bolts across the short bay and drops to his knees, swinging the pack off his back. “Ay, Sombra! ¿Soy yo, Lúcio, puedes escucharme?” The caricature of Muiraquitã on his pack immediately begins to soothe with a familiar healing song as the audio medic digs in his bag for supplies, and glances back to Akande hovering uncertainly by the stairs. “Get over here, I need your help.”
“What should I do?” Akande kneels beside him, reaching again to apply pressure on Sombra’s wound.
Sweat beads on Lúcio’s hairline, he must have pushed hard to get here so quickly. His eyes are intent on Sombra’s wound while he lifts Akande’s hand to take in the damage. “Shut up and follow my lead.”
Sombra does not respond to the motion of Akande nor Lúcio crowding around her, to the pressure of Lúcio pressing Akande’s hands back with fresh bandages, or the jerk of her body when Lúcio cuts her jacket open to check for further wounds.
“¿Sombrita?” Lúcio calls sharply, firmly patting her cheek when she still doesn’t stir. Sombra’s head lolls to the side and Lúcio curses, pulling from his bag what Akande recognises as a scanner and one of the battery packs for his sonic amplifier. It sloshes with a rich gold liquid. “Okay, wound’s clear but her color is bad,” Lúcio says, drawing Akande’s attention back to his stern expression searching Sombra’s face, so keenly focused in his work. “We’re going to close this up, and then I need your help administering a transfusion; she needs blood.”
Akande nods without hesitation. “I am a universal donor.”
“I know,” Lúcio mutters, attention focused on calibrating another tool Akande does not recognise, something that looks like a thick, elaborate pen ending in a round, tapered point. Plugging its cabled extension into his battery pack of golden liquid, it lights up with an ethereal humm. Lúcio pulls Akande’s hand away and holds the edges of Sombra’s wound apart. Golden mist threads from the hand-held device into the red cavity of her flesh, and Akande watches the wound knit back together before his eyes.
He has seen many miracles in his lifetime: from his own augmentations to the jewel of Numbani rising against the African sun, but witnessing the technology of the world-renowned Doctor Ziegler never ceases to inspire awe in him. It has a finesse that his own scientists haven’t yet achieved. Those patents, those raw tools… are worth a lot of money.
The battery back is barely tapped when the pen eclipses with a soft, high note, signaling its work complete, and Lúcio turns up the volume on the song from his pack, diving back inside. Akande offers his arm, holding the bag open with his free hand as Lúcio searches, pulling out the administration set and a pack of alcohol swabs.
“When this is done, you’re gonna explain what the hell happened here,” Lúcio growls, powering up the equipment and watching its readings before reaching for Sombra’s bared inner arm. The administration set includes a scanner that reveals the line of her veins in glowing blue tracks beneath the skin. Sombra doesn’t react when the needle sinks in and Lúcio reaches for Akande’s arm next. “I need you to stand as I give her fluids. Let gravity do its work, yeah?”
Lúcio’s assertive beside manner is reassuring and directs his focus. Akande obeys without a second thought, without even questioning if kneeling from his angle with his height provides enough downward flow or if maybe Lúcio just wants Akande to step back and give him some space.
“Hold this.”
Akande dutifully takes the clear bag of fluids and watches the intravenous line sink into his agent’s other arm. It occurs to him this is the first time he’s seen Lúcio perform his role of an audio medic. Lúcio is focused, methodical and gratefully calm under pressure.
That he was on the verge of tears not half an hour ago, feels like some other world’s reality.
“You’re good at this,” Akande murmurs.
“Had a lot of practice because of people like you,” Lúcio says, taping down the IV line to keep it steady and from falling out. Again, he doesn’t bother glancing Akande’s way.
“Don’t pity Sombra. She’s capable and proud of who she is.”
Finally Lúcio looks at him. His glare is venomous and tempers the warmth spreading in Akande’s chest. “She’s bleeding out on your floor, is what she is, Akande.”
Why is it that it only feels like Lúcio says his name when he’s unhappy? Akande scowls and nods back to Sombra. He needs to redirect their focus.
“How do you know her?”
“We have similar interests.” Lúcio snorts a laugh under his breath, studying the readings from another scanner he runs the length of Sombra’s body. “Or, I thought we did. Then she started working with you.”
Akande refrains from pointing out Lúcio’s own hypocrisy. Working together. Sleeping together. Which was worse?
“Thank you for coming,” Akande says.
Lúcio’s retort is instant. “I didn’t do it for you.”
Akande bites the inside of his cheek, stifling a sigh. What else can he do? “Will she be all right?”
Lúcio shrugs with a shake of his head, setting the scanner down by Sombra’s side, now monitoring her vital signs. It beeps with the slow rhythm of her heart rate. “Now we wait.” From his kneeling position, he cranes his neck to meet Akande’s eye far, far above him. “Good thing you’re so big. She might need a large transfusion.”
“Take what you need.”
“Count on it.” Lúcio’s jaw clenches, eyes returning to his patient while he cushions her head with his folded up jacket. And Akande believes in the moment that his former lover would gladly take the excuse to bleed him dry.
‘Former’… so soon, so soon. So bitter, Lúcio.
Akande’s eyes leap to the ceiling of the airship. “What was that?” He lowers on his haunches, instinctively sinking into a battle ready stance.
It sounded like something hit them. Or landed.
Lúcio is already climbing to his feet, watching Sombra as though she will flatline without his attention for a bare moment. His eyes raise to Akande as he backs up towards the main ramp and his bloodied hands lift in appeal. “It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay, don’t move.”
Akande’s hackles raise at the sense of imminent threat prickling the hairs on his neck. A low growl escapes his throat at the attempt to mollify him, and the arm infusing Sombra with life-giving blood clenches to a fist, his other hand holding the clear bag of fluids against the needle firm in his arm. “What have you done?”
He watches Lúcio reach back and slap the control releasing the main ramp. The warm sea breeze rushes in, thick and humid.
“Not everything’s up to me, okay?”
He hears the easing whine of jetpacks before the figure drops from the sky like a comet of azure, wings arched, shoulders broad and proud. The surrounding pillars tremble with the force of their landing, one knee planted in the ground. They are gilded head to toe in thick armour that gleams, piercing in its polish under the early morning sun.
Akande scowls at the sharp, dark eyes that find him under the helm of their golden beak. He shifts minutely to place himself between this new threat and his fallen agent.
“Helix International,” he grinds his jaw, shaking his head. He would recognise that flight suit anywhere. “Lúcio. You do have friends in all places, don’t you?”
Lúcio does not reply and Akande does not look his way as the newcomer rises to their feet and climbs the ramp, slinging a short cannon in their arms.
“Akande Ogundimu,” the woman declares in that same tone Akande has heard from countless authorities who failed to pen him in over the years. But her scowl is fierce, her eyes hard as diamonds, and if Akande was not hooked up to a needle, he would relish the challenge of that cannon being leveled at his chest. “I am Captain Amari of Helix International Security. By the authority of the United Nations, you are under arrest for violating the terms of your sentence. You’re coming with me.”
My eternal thanks to the Doomcio discord server for the following Spanish translations, specifically @millie-on-a-leaf and @cryptidbae: 1) Ay, Lucito-oo-oo! La lucecita de mi noche! / Ay, lil Lucio, the little light of my night! 2) ¿Lula, en qué pensabas? ¿No sabes quién es? ¿Sabes las cosas que hizo? / Squid, what are you thinking, you know who he is? You know what he’s done? ('Lula’ in Portuguese is 'squid’) 3) Hermanita / Sweet little sister (Lucio says this in a fond, patronising way, knowing full well Sombra is his elder) 4) ¿Sombra, soy yo, Lucio, puedes escucharme? / Sombra, it’s Lucio, can you hear me?
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webcricket · 7 years
Catch a Falling Star
Characters: CastielXReader
Word Count: 1832 (Part I)
A/N: Part I of a Soulmate AU mini-series, or as I have come to fondly refer to it, the 1K Follower Celebration request by @trexrambling with prompts for hurt/comfort, protectiveness, and reunion inspired by TKG poem #4 that outlined better for me as a series than a stand-alone drabble.
Summary: What if angels didn’t end up just anywhere when they are banished by sigils…what if sometimes they end up exactly where they need to be? Turns out you are Castiel’s grounding stone, and it’s more complicated than either of you realizes. Sparks fly when you meet a mysterious blue-eyed stranger in the most unexpected of places.
Completed series Masterlist:
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Few sensations exist in creation more unpleasant than the vision blurring stomach churning skin chaffing whirlwind spin of an angel’s vessel hurtling uncontrollably through physical space upon being banished by means of blood sigil. Few sensations, that is, save for the fireball crash landing which invariably follows such expulsions. There are archived plans for a Coney Island roller coaster gradually disintegrating in a drawer at the New York City Public Library which, if the project reached fruition, might have come close to replicating the experience. However, engineers could never work out adequate safety measures to protect the rocketing passengers from being jettisoned into oblivion at the kinetic peaks.
Castiel, like most vessel-bound wavelengths of celestial intent in his current predicament, hadn’t expected to find himself the equivalent of an angelic slingshot just now. Unfortunately, and also fortunately for him, the sensation was not entirely unfamiliar and he knew panicking would accomplish nothing. Practice taught him that accepting fate and relaxing usually made for a slightly softer landing.
Flung on an unknown trajectory, he spent the arduous milliseconds until the inevitable fiery finale pondering where he’d end up this time, in what depleted state he would find his grace from the strain of maintaining the posterity of his burning vessel, and how he would go about getting back to the Winchesters.
Dropping out of the sky near a bus stop was always a welcome convenience, albeit an unsettling occurrence for waiting passengers to witness. For starters, it made for extremely awkward conversation for an angel who already found small-talk especially burdensome. He spared one tenth of a nanosecond to roll his remarkable blue eyes cynically at the thought that at one time, before his wings were clipped, the sluggish prospect of taking a bus as a means of transport would have brought a disdainful snarl to his lips rather than a hopeful curl. He’d fallen far from Heaven indeed.
The ground rose up to greet him all at once and with unmitigated muddy enthusiasm. He lay there, vessel smoldering and hissing in the damp mossy slick of earth beside a nondescript lake, gathering his bearings and gazing up at the star spattered sky. A single bold cricket tentatively emerged from hiding after the holy shockwave and broke into song; others quickly joined to form a chorus.
Brashly throwing open the front door of the dilapidated clapboard-sided house outside Portland, Oregon a mere moment ago as Sam and Dean circled around to the rear, daylight still reigned overhead in the grey moisture-sodden clouds. He had time to observe little else except for the peeling faded one-time yellow scalloped wallpaper when the curse screeching raven-haired demon inside slammed her bloodied palm to a sigil painted thereupon, unceremoniously and frankly quite rudely cancelling the seraph out of the equation of her manifest demise.
It occurred to him from the dusky pitch of night hanging overhead and the position of the constellation humanity fondly dubbed Cassiopeia relative to the northern horizon that he presently reclined somewhere in upstate New York and would not be returning with any speed whatsoever to assist the Winchesters in this particular hunt.
The incessant buzz of his mud-caked inner trench coat pocket prompted him to sit up after several minutes to go fishing for his phone. The same pocket happened to also be mud-filled. He unsuccessfully smeared the screen with the back of his mud-soaked sleeve. Grunting in vexation, he located a pristine white expanse of shirt tucked below his left armpit and wiped the screen clean there.
Several texts from Dean lit up, in order:
Where are you? Demon is toast. Didn’t have the info we needed.
Saw the sigil. Not awesome.
If you’re somewhere sunny, send us a postcard. It’s raining here, again. Freaking Portland man. Heading home.
Hey, if you happen to be near a supermarket, I forgot the TP situation in the bunker reached critical levels before we left for this hunt. You’d be saving our actual asses if you get back there before us. Sam likes Charmin.
Seriously, where are you?
“You okay?” your question simultaneously carried aloft on the evening breeze as the angel scanned the message from Dean.
“What?” Cas turned over his phone, perplexed at never having noticed this particular feature, and still somewhat disoriented by his involuntary voyage.
“I said, are you okay?”
The angel scrambled to stand on the slippery slope of the embankment to confront your seemingly disembodied voice emanating from the periphery of a nearby stand of cottonwood trees. He managed, with some effort and a lot of displaced gravel, to rise to one knee with the other leg splayed sideways, foot jutting out into the cool clear water, creating an ever-expanding series of ripples across the otherwise glassy surface of the lake. “I’m fine,” he sounded less pathetic than he appeared, but his husky inflection suggested he was not wholly convinced of his fineness.
“That’s great,” you laughed, gesturing in his general direction as you approached from the edge of trees, “because you look terrible.”
Chin collapsing to chest, he glanced contemplatively down at himself, the faintest glimmer of shared amusement at fathoming the full extent of his filthy state twinkling in his eyes and tickling at his throat to materialize as a light chuckle, “Yes, I suppose I do.”
“I didn’t think anyone was staying at the Holmes’ place this weekend.”
He followed your flitting gaze to the tiny cottage perched near the lake’s edge several hundred feet down the shore.
“So, how long you renting?” you prattled, nervous about the stranger and your isolation and not wanting your nerves to show.
Cas heard the apprehension in the rapid sing-song cadence of your words. He didn’t have a good answer. It didn’t occur to him to lie, so he didn’t. “I’m not,” he offered with the accompaniment of an apologetic shrug.
“What’d you do, drop out of the sky or something?” you joked, daring another step closer, deciding he didn’t look anything like the insane axe-wielding clown serial killers everyone talks about around late night campfires. He didn’t appear to be a threat to anything but the established conventions of cleanliness.
“Something like that,” he grunted, pressing a palm flat into the sticky mud and stumbling upright. Toes flexing within the sopping sock in his flooded right boot, he squinted at you in the dim light, endeavoring to place the familiarity of the warm radiance emanating from your soul. “Could you point me toward the nearest bus stop?” he inquired, choosing to suppress the nagging feeling of recognition in favor of a concrete concept he understood – getting home.
“Um,” mumbling, taken aback by the stunning shade of blue intensely aimed your way, you waved between the trees and the cottage behind you, “it’s a short hike up to the main road, and then a little over 16 miles north to town. There’s a depot by the post office.”
“Thank you,” he nodded politely, marching past you, every other footfall a sloshing wet squish.
“They won’t, uh, they won’t be open ‘til morning,” you stammered, ambling after him, all at once hit with an overwhelming desire for him to remain.
“I’m tremendously patient,” he murmured over his shoulder, abruptly stopping mid-stride to spin around, remembering Dean’s request. “By any chance, is there a supermarket in town? Or a drugstore?”
“You could stay the night with me,” you spat out, catching up with him, the proposition stunning both the angel and yourself to taciturn silence. The shadow of night concealed the glowing pink blush of your cheeks as you dug the point of your sneaker into the dirt, “I mean, you know, to get cleaned up and have somewhere dry to sleep. It’s my uncle’s place, I’m sure there’s something in the closet that will fit you.”
He nodded assent, feet magnetically following your lead before he was consciously aware he’d decided to accept your invitation.
After much convincing and promises not to misplace his trench coat as he’d lost one in a laundry incident in the past, he agreed to part with his soiled clothing for you to wash, donning a flannel shirt even a Winchester would consider too garish to wear in public and too snug-in-the-thighs dark brown corduroy pants after he showered.
Perched on the edge of the couch as though he was afraid to get comfortable, neatly stacked pile of sheets, blanket, and pillow beside him, he scrutinized the untouched cup of tea balanced in his fingertips.
“Did you see that meteor? I’ve never seen one like it!” you inquired from your vantage point on the chair opposite. “Lit up the whole horizon with this sonic sounding boom. I swear it fell right in the lake! I was out looking for it when I came across you.”
“I imagine it was quite a sight,” Cas brought the cup to his lips, swallowing his guilt with a sip of the tepid liquid, deflecting your indirect attempt to kindle conversation revolving around his reasons for being out at night on private property dressed in a suit and tie partaking of a mud bath. Regard shifting furtively to your stymied glare, he proceeded to empty the cup.
“Yes, quite,” you muttered. Huffing defeat at the run-around, you hopped up and reached for the cup. Your fingers caressed his, a spark igniting between you. You flinched at the electric surge rushing up your arm, eyes flashing wide to meet his startled blues.
The cup careened to the floor, bouncing without breaking on the thick pile of the carpet.
“Heh, static,” you laughed uneasily, bending to retrieve the errant cup, brushing the giddy stampeding of your heart and fluttering of your stomach off as the result of simple surprise, “must be a storm brewing outside.”
Curiously flexing his tingling fingers, Cas watched in rapt awe as you retreated to the kitchen.
“I can drive you to town in the morning,” you shouted from the sink, setting to work washing the dishes you’d deserted after dinner in favor of stargazing, “I have a few errands to run there myself.”
The sound of an engine turning over and revving in the driveway prompted your hasty return to the living room. The couch was vacant – your car keys notably missing from the whimsical key-shaped plaque mounted beside the open front door. By the time you ran out the door, the red glow of brake lights vanished into the dense woods over the top of the drive.
The next morning, when the police arrived to file a report for your stolen vehicle, you would discover the mysterious stranger with the captivating blue eyes had not fled so fast as to forget his precious half-dried trench coat. Luckily, he’d abandoned your car in town, parked in accordance with the strict odd-even parking laws directly across from the post office.
You decided not to press charges, explaining to the police it was all a silly misunderstanding – and after all, you didn’t even know his name.
Part 2:
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isakthedragon · 8 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 27
Chapter 27: Raiding the Freezer
*Crash and the gang chase Dingodile into the Ice Age Terrarium, but lose him among the ice walls that are around. Most of the floor is covered in snow, with trees and ruins here and there sticking out from the snow.*
While they were walking to the next terrarium, Sonic asks a question that has been on everyone's minds. "Crash? We did hear what Knuckles told us about the mutants, but I still don't feel like we got the full picture."
Crash: "Like I said, I am a mutant too, and so is Crunch."
Crunch: "Yeah, and we won't lie, we were evolved and worked on by Cortex too."
Sonic: "Then who do we know you aren't aiding the enem-D'OH!!" Sonic was hit again by Amy's hammer.
Amy: "Must you always think that just because they were with evil means that they are evil?! Shadow and Silver should be enough proof that you can't use that."
Sonic: "Sorry, Amy, but I do it because you can't always trust someone's intentions. I can't let Eggman get the upper hand like that. I'm not like you or Cream, or the others."
Amy sighs. "Sorry for hitting you, Sonic, you're right."
Crunch: "Sonic is kind of right. Cortex tried using us to lead his mutant army, like all those Magmadons and others you saw, so he could take over the world.
Shadow: "How did you guys escape from that?"
Crash: "I was too much of a goofball to be brainwashed to evil."
Crunch: "Coco was most likely too smart, and Crash helped awaken me from their mind control."
Sonic: "Well, know that I hear that, I trust you guys."
Crunch: "We do kind of feel bad for those other mutants though."
Crash: "We try to help save them from their mind control too!"
Cream: "Does Mr. Crash and Mr. Crunch want us to save any we see?"
Crunch: "If you guys could, that would be nice. Those mutants are quite helpful anyway."
Sonic: "Can do!"
*The others agree to do so as the door opens for the next terrarium.*
Crash and most of the others shiver as a chilly blast hits them.
Sonic notices that Spyro and Cynder are the few not shivering (Blaze is the other). "How come you guys are not feeling the cold like most of us are? Aren't you guys cold-blooded or something?"
Cynder: "Not necessarily, dragons are pretty special compared to other reptiles."
Spyro: "Yeah. We're more warm-blooded. We can produce our own heat. In fact, our blood is so hot (Almost to boiling), it makes us quite warm. Why not grab us?"
Amy is the first to put a hand. "Mmm, they're right! I can feel it. So warm."
*Anyone who was feeling cold, especially Team Chaotix, warm up with Spyro and Cynder.*
Spyro: "Let's go then, and just stay close to us. The faster we collect these crystals, the sooner we can leave."
Sonic: "Heh, now you're speaking my language!"
Level 6: Snowy Depths
Crates: 81
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:30.00
Gold: 1:25.00
Platinum: 1:20.00
Ratcicles to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Omega
Badniks: Penguinator: Slip-sliding penguins Star Pointer: Sharp ice flying though the air, ouch!
Beasts: Penguins: *Wenk!* Seals: *Bark!* Echidna (It may not be, also called hedgehog and porcupine): *Mumbles about no chuckling.*
Mutants: Ratcicles: Rat + Icicle hybrid who have a deposition to freeze things. Note, it can't stop time. :P
W-w-w-welcome to the Ice Ages-s-s-s-s... *Shakes off the cold*. There's plenty of ice, snow, and more ice, and more snow. The first ice level takes place in an ice canyon with those high cliffs around you. Beside some minor pits here and there, the only worrying things are the beasts, but ever they go down in one hit.
Achievement Unlocked: FREEZE!
Level 7: Icy Fields
Crates: 110
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:00.00
Gold: 1:55.00
Platinum: 1:50.00
Ratcicles to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Shadow
We've left the ice canyon of the last level and have entered an open ice field. Thankfully, everyone knows how to ice skate so no face-planting on the ice here. Why not enjoy all the sliding you'll be doing. WHEE!
Achievement Unlocked: An Icy Ballet
Level 8: Ratcicle Cubes
Crates: 75
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Ratcicles to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Rouge
Those icy fields from before have changed into some melted oceans. But it's too cold to swim in. Thankfully, we have Ratcicles here to get you across the ice floes. Ratcicles move across the water by freezing what's below them and riding the surf they make. There are some icy walkways here and there to break up the monotony of crossing the water.
Achievement Unlocked: Snow Rats Walking
Level 9: Snow Drifting
Crates: 65 (All the crates lay on top of the snow drifts.)
Time Trial
Sapphire: 3:00.00
Gold: 2:50.00
Platinum: 2:40.00
Ratcicles to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Sgt Byrd
New Badnik: Snow Pawn: It throws fast snowballs at you, and it can hurt if you don't smack them away. Luckily, Crash's spin can easily return the snowballs to sender.
Past those ice floes are heavy clouds filled with snow. Snow-covered fields are abundant here and Crash can easily fall into the drifts. Sgt Byrd is willing to help though; Crash can hitch a ride on his feet and be lifted by him. Or you could keep jumping out of the snow, treating it like quicksand, but it's a bit slower. It's quite different to your normal level, but it's pretty easy to cross the snow.
Achievement Unlocked: Adrift in a Snowy Bank
Level 10: Crystal Cave
Crates: 88
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:45.00
Gold: 1:40.00
Platinum: 1:35.00
Ratcicles to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Bentley
Now we have entered a cave, and look at all of those pretty crystals. Watch out for the ice and the icicles falling from the ceiling. Around the halfway point, the cave splits in 2, the right being the normal path and the left being the death route. The death route has more ice and icicles and also has logs and pillars crashing from the ceiling that you have to time to pass. If you can survive the ceiling onslaught, the blue gem in the end is yours. The end of the death route meets with the normal route near the end, but I bet you want to return to the checkpoint near the start of the route and take the normal path. Just watch the badniks and beasts, and you'll make it though.
Achievement Unlocked: Snowy Spelunking
*Our heroes go to the center of the Terrarium where they hear Dingodile laughing.*
Dingodile: "Break out the butter! We're gonna make toast! I'm gonna start with that pink cat, heh."
Blaze: "You don't want to do that."
Dingodile: "Don't tell me what to do!" *He flames her, but nothing happens.* "Uh-oh. Why didn't that work?"
Sonic, in the background: "You shouldn't have done that! Now you're about to experience her fiery wrath."
*Blaze gains her flame aura.* "Flames are a fickle thing, Dingodile."
Dingodile: "The flames love the way I control them! I doubt you can even burn me!" *He stomps his feet, making ice crystals fall from the ceiling, spinning around him as the fight begins.*
Boss: Dingodile
No need for running from Dingodile this time, he's going to stay behind those crystals. There aren't many rings around, so you can't really go super, but if you let Blaze take over, you're practically invincible to Dingodile's attacks. She'll absorb his flame meteors and flame blasts. Those flame blasts will also break the crystals so you can get up to Dingodile and flame him, making his tank overload and explode, knocking out a chunk of his health and pushing you out so more crystals can drop down safely. Do this 3 times to win.
Achievement Unlocked: Singed Dingo and Fried Crocodile
Singed and beaten, laying on the ground, Dingodile says: "You thrashed me, mates. No worries, but you're about to go up against much worse!" *He suddenly turns into a mass of photons as he is teleported from the Terrarium.*
Sonic: "From what I saw, I doubt it. Heh."
*They decide to go to the force field ahead of them, which drops since they have 10 crystals. They move on to the next terrarium...*
*Dingodile is transported in front of Cortex and the others, still covered in his black soot.*
Cortex groans. "I hate that bandicoot!"
Eggman: "Perhaps you should discipline Dingodile for his failure."
Cortex: "Yes! Of course! Dingodile, to your room! No food today��for your horrible performance."
Dingodile: "Yes, sir..." *He sulks out the elevator at the back of the bridge as Tiny and Koala Kong rush in, running over him.*
Koala Kong speaks first. "Yo, Cortex! Let me and Tiny here go and smush that orange bandicoot to paste!"
Tiny: "YES! Let Tiny and Koala Kong wish to pwn Crash and others!"
Cortex: "A good idea! Transport! Send them to the Roman Terrarium."
Transport (Who sounds like Cubot, cause it is.): "Yes, sir!" *Tiny and Koala Kong are transported away.*
Eggman mutters: "I give them 2 minutes with Crash and Sonic."
Cortex: "What?"
Eggman: "Nothing! Just that I hope we succeed!"
Cortex: "We will..." *In a whisper* "I hope."
Next Time: Be nice to the lions in the Roman Terrarium
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
Some Silvamy? I dont see much of it :p
It was very unusual for the Resistance to have gatherings such as a ‘party’. However, this was the last time they were probably going to see each other.  Eggman was defeated, Sonic the Hedgehog had embarked on a new adventure and the Restauration had just begun. It was the first time Silver had ever been invited to a party less been to one. He was really excited to greet and give thanks to everyone on the resistance. As he entered the ballroom he saw old and new faces. Everyone greeted him and he awkwardly smiled. He really wasn’t used to be called a ‘hero’ nor being compared to the legends he would hear as a kid, like Sonic or Shadow the Hedgehog. He was extremely honored and happy to be able to call them ‘friends’. Or at least Sonic. She walked some more until he noticed Amy Rose standing next to Knuckles as he grabbed Rouge by her waist. He went in closer to make his presence noticeable. The trio looked at him and smiled.
“Hey Silver, glad you decided to come,” Amy said as she smiled to him. Silver had to admit that Amy was looking more pleasant to his eyes than usual. He had to admit that he was also way more clumsy around her than usual. It was weird for him and he was still trying to figure out the reason why.  So far, he had come to the theory that he indeed might have a small, tiny, crush on-
“Oh, Amy, have you seen Shadow?”, Knuckles asked the pink hedgehog as he noticed that the white one wasn’t responding to Amy’s comment.
“Oh, you know he ain’t one for parties. He is probably out there maintaining his motorcycle or something.” Amy took a sip of her soda, she wasn’t angry at the black blur. At the end of the end, she was used to this kind of situation and she didn’t want Shadow to feel uncomfortable either.
“Seems like good old Shadow to me.” Silver responded and then everyone let out a small laugh.
“A game?”, Rouge said questioning the red fox who stood in the middle.
“Yes, basically we pick two people and they have to say a number between one and three. If they both say the same number at the same time they have to kiss!” Nobody wanted to admit it but they all were lowkey excited about the outcome of the game. Possibly some ships could come out of tonight.
“What’s the name of this game?” Rouge said as she sat down on the chair next to Knuckles who followed her.
“I don’t remember, I was too drunk the first time I played it.”
Silver then felt a pair of hands move him to the chair next to Knuckles. Amy was standing right behind him, still not wanting to participate in the ‘123 Game’ as she mentally called it. She was just a viewer, happy to see that maybe Silver would be the one to find some type of love tonight. And so that happened, the guest would choose random people or people who low key wanted to pair with. Some kiss some didn’t, and then it was Silver’s turn. Everyone was ready to see who would be the lucky one to kiss the White Prince.
“Well, well, Silver…who would be the lucky one?… Oh, what about miss Amy?”
The entire room went with an ‘OooooOoooOO’ as Silver blushed and Amy denied with her head.
“Oh, come on Amy. Have some fun!” Rouge said she tapped on her shoulder teasing her.
“But what if we do end up kissing?” Amy said still denying it. Rouge slowly got closer to her ear and whispered. “Don’t worry Knuckles and I have it all planned. He is telling Silver to say number 1 and you will say number 3…just don’t look like a coward in front of everyone.”
Amy sighed in relief and smiled at her. “All right! Silver, let’s do this!”
“Yeah!”, He said confidently as well after hearing Knuckles’ smart plan. “OK, READY, SET, GO!”
They both turned around to face their blushing faces and then once again their two friends who betrayed them. Or at least it looked like it because Knuckles had received a punch on his head from Rouge. The room once again was filled with people screaming but this time the word 'Kiss! Kiss!’ was more prominent. Making the two feel completely under pressure.
“Hahaha no, I can’t do it…I mean its Amy! She’s not it!” Silver said nervously as he heard the crows said 'Kiss’ louder and louder.
“What do you mean by like that?” Amy said a bit offended and SIlver noticed this.
“No, what I mean its that- uh-its its wrong cause you are you!”
“What? are you saying you won’t kiss me because it’s me?”
“Well, I am sorry I am not a model-looking hedgehog!” Amy turned her back on him and Silver panicked even more.
“No! That’s not what I meant! Like Shadow would kill me if-”
But Amy wasn’t listening at this point. Her feelings were hurt and once she was like this there was no point on making her go back to logic. Silver sighed and rushed towards her, still not believing he actually had the guts to do what he was about to do. He grabbed her by her shoulder and made her face him. And on an instant, their lips were touching. Amy had her eyes opened and Silver’s were closed. Trying his best to hide the fact that he had never kissed before. It was simple. No tongue, and no intentions of going further. Just lips touching. After a few seconds, Silver parted ways and instead of expecting, clapping or the typical 'Oooo’, he found silence.
And he sounds found out the reason why as well.
Shadow the Hedgehog had entered the room, looking at the two with uninterested eyes. He was leaning on the edge of the entrance door, one leg touching the wall and the other touching the ground. Hands folded and he was just looking, and suddenly the room was empty.
Everyone knew that Shadow had his range moments. And nobody dare to imagine how would he react if anyone dares to even think of touching Amy Rose.
“Seems like the party is over.” Shadow then just walked away. Everything happened so fast that Amy didn’t process still the fact that that happened. When she realized, however, she walked towards the door but Silver stopped her midway.
“I’ll talk to him.”
Silver found Shadow training.  Well, more like just kicking a tree. His faced looked calm. He wasn’t completely kicking the tree either. He would kick and punch just right next to it. As if the tree was a person he didn’t want to hurt.
“Hey, Shadow”, Silver said shyly and Shadow just bothered to give him three seconds of his attention to go back to training.
“So, what happened earlier. Please don’t be angry at Amy, it was me who did it and-”
“I am not angry at her, nor at you,” Shadow said as he stopped to finally take a rest. “Well, maybe at you…just a little.”
“If you want to kill me. Do it fast please.” Silver closed his eyes ready for Shadow to lay a punch on his face.
But that never happened.
“To be honest with you…I am angry that you never told Amy how you felt about her.”
“What?” Silver said as he popped opened his eyes. Shadow took a sighed and continued.
“You stopped yourself from telling her about your feelings when I told you I loved her…and I knew you would.”
Shadow had a disappointed look. Nonetheless, he didn’t seem to regret anything at all. “Sometimes I wonder if Amy could be better off with you. Once, I wanted to let her go and see if she would go to you but…I found myself incapable to do so. And so I wonder…If you had confessed, would she be happier?”
“So right now, when you saw us…you were regretting your decision?” Silver said as he walked closer to the black hedgehog.
“I don’t regret dating Amy…I regret not giving you the chance to confess…I would have saved myself a lot of self-doubts…” Shadow looked at the white hedgehog as he took a sit on the grass next to him. Shadow turned his head and whispered as low as he could. “And of course…I hate feeling like I betrayed a friend.”
Silver looked at him surprised and although he couldn’t see Shadow’s face, he knew that at the moment he was blushing at his own comment. The comment that was heard loud and clear by Silver.
“You know…I don’t think you are a bad person for expressing your feelings to Amy even if you knew how I felt. It takes a lot of courage to do that, especially for someone like you. I think you did the right thing because I had never seen Amy as happy as when she’s with you.”
Shadow was baffle by Silver. He could see now why a lot of people liked him. He was a pure-hearted boy who put others before himself. Who cared deeply for people and for all life. Shadow didn’t want to admit it, but this young boy had gotten all of his respect now and always.
“But what about you? Don’t you ever think about the possibilities? That may be Amy could be with you if you had confessed before me?”
“For me, Amy is someone who I admired deeply. She’s probably the nicest person I have ever met and to me, she’s…like a hero. I do have a crush on her…like a big crush. I don’t think it has developed more than that.” Silver said convincingly enough.
“…You are going back to the future soon, aren’t you? I think she should know about it before you leave.” Shadow advised him.
“No, hehe, I don’t think I can, haha.”
“Well, there’s no need. I think she already knows.”
They seriously need to stop doing that. Maybe it was a couple thing, to appeared in the wrong time and at the last minute.
But there she was, Amy Rose, standing behind Silver.
At first, everything was blushing and awkward moment between the three. But soon, it was small laughs and jokes between each other. And the day continued just like that.
Between laughs, Silver took a moment to appreciate the two lovers in front of him. There was no doubt that they were made for each other. Their contrasting personalities mixed perfectly, the way Shadow would look out for Amy’s hands unconsciously in order to feel her warmness. Amy’s subtle flirting that made Shadow crazy.
And Silver too. It wasn’t just a crush. It wasn’t just him being a fanboy for her.
He was in love with her. He knew it deep down that he was jealous of Shadow. He was the one regretting never having the guts to tell her how he truly feels like Shadow did. That’s how he knew that he shouldn’t get involved. Shadow was the best one for Amy because Shadow was able to do the things Silver never would.
And so that’s how the story ended. With a bittersweet ending, with two star-crossed lovers and one that just happy watching them dance in the dark sky.
A/N: I hope this satisfies your taste. Some SilvAmy for the masses never hurt   I also posted this as ShadAmy because well, it has a lot of it!
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