#Also why do kudos mean nothing to you the whole point is someone saying they liked your fic w a button
katzenklavierr · 2 months
Feeling spicy but the post is going around again so Im going to say this on main. Installing an extension to autogenerate fic comments is so stupid. Just leaving kudos is fine if you don't have anything to say. Why would I want to read a comment you put absolutely no thought into. At least type "cool fic I liked it" with your own hands or something.
Like not like anyone would know, necessarily, but the idea of it is so dumb to me. I genuinely don't understand the culture around AO3 comments being seen as a social expection of reading a fic and not like... something you do when you actually have something to say and want to interact with the author about it.
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arabidfangirl · 2 years
Thoughts on Mile and Apo after the KinnPorsche World Tour Manila show:
First, let's talk about their looks...
Apo is the human personification of this meme:
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He's so pretty in real life. Like, I know he's already so good-looking in photos and videos but nothing compares to him in person. I literally gasped when I saw him. His beauty is unreal.
Excuse my shitty mobile's camera (I also had to zoom in for this) but I just had to share this man's face.
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Mile's physique is so... He's broad. He might not be as broad as he was pre-KP but I finally understood why he looks bigger than Apo even though they're practically the same height. His waist is tiny, too. Kudos to whoever's styling him because his pants do his ass and legs so much justice.
Also, he's really pale. It's funny because he looks like Edward Cullen in my videos because the spotlight on him just created a glare for my camera.
Trust me when I say I made so many attempts at trying to get him to look less glare-y in this video.
Second, let's talk about their stage presence...
Apo was truly born to be a star. The charisma just oozes out of him. I can't pinpoint how exactly, but I just know there was a point during the show where I just had to stop recording to stare at him in awe. I've met celebrities up close and personal before but this was one of the few times I was truly starstruck.
It makes KinnPorsche the Series even more special because the world would've lost this presence from its screens.
Mile, on the other hand, reminds me of that quote about Marilyn Monroe being able to switch her persona on and off. By that I mean, Mile knows when to turn on the charm so all eyes are on him and he knows when to dim it so he doesn't steal the spotlight from others. Like, I don't know how else to say it. I mean, obviously you'd still see him on the stage but it's like he's giving you permission to look away from him for a bit.
I don't know, man... But it does make me curious how'd things would have gone if he decided to pursue his rockstar dreams.
Lastly, let's talk about MileApo...
I'm gonna be real. When I went into this (the concert), I didn't expect to feel the same level of kilig (or giddiness) I experienced watching the show. I figured a lot of those feelings came from the post-prod additions, like background music and romantic editing. Yes, Mile and Apo have chemistry. But that can translate differently when you see them in real life.
(Lemme just give a quick example. I have been a TayNew fan for years. I think they have great chemistry, specifically romantic chemistry. But when I saw them earlier this year, I realized that their "real life" chemistry was very bro-coded. Like, they're really good friends who are very comfortable with each other.)
So imagine my surprise when I realized that Mile and Apo's chemistry off-screen is just as striking. There's a fondness in their interactions with each other that I would posit as something akin to domesticity. There's something so wholesome about it, something so safe and secure... It's hard to put into words but it was like looking at a warm hug shared between two people who've found comfort in each other.
Again, I don't know... This was just my observation. I mean, I'm also a firm believer in the concept of a soulmate doesn't have to be a romantic partner, just someone who makes you whole. It looked like that to me. But hey, you don't have to take my word for it.
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lord-squiggletits · 4 months
Okay another instance of "fuck canon" that's not just Pharma-related, but Ambulon related. I keep thinking of Luna-1 where Ambulon called Pharma "Doctor DJD" and I feel like that's such a total "he would not fucking say that" moment. Obv JRO controls the characterization so what's in the comics is canon/right, I just think that it doesn't make sense for someone in Ambulon's position with his backstory to be that petty towards Pharma?
Ambulon's a Decepticon traitor, he's on the DJD's List. Moreover, he's stationed on Messatine which is the DJD's home planet and is (was?) still an active battle front until very recently.
Proof that Messatine being the DJD's territory is common knowledge: not only First Aid, who's stationed at Delphi, but also at least three Autobots on the Lost Light, know that the DJD make Messatine their home. And this is long before Pharma does his monologue to Ratchet about his t-cog blackmail with Tarn.
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Proof that Delphi/the nucleon mines were in an active warzone at least until Pharma started his plague: Pharma wouldn't have had any t-cogs to harvest if there wasn't a continuous stream of soldiers/war-dead coming in to use as his supply.
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So then, Ambulon knew fully well that he and all of the rest of them were right next to the DJD's home base, and as an ex-Decepticon he knows he would be on the list. Probably not very high on the list, since Ambulon was a mere MTO who got turned into a failed combiner experiment, but he IS on the list; just because the DJD only proceed through the list in order of importance, doesn't mean that Ambulon wouldn't know that they'd come for him eventually.
And this is a really fucking neat idea to play around with! We don't ever get a canon/explicit explanation for why Prowl decided to station those three medics on Delphi, especially one who's an ex-Con on an execution list. Did Ambulon have a choice? Or was he told to go there with no argument? Either way, I think Ambulon deserves some major kudos, because he must have ball (bearings) of steel to be an ex-Con in DJD territory without constantly being on the verge of a mental breakdown or panic attack. I could honestly write a whole post on the question of "why were these three stationed on Messatine" in itself, but that's for another time.
The point I'm trying to make here is basically that Ambulon of all people should've been sympathetic to the circumstances that drove Pharma to do what he did: they were ALL stationed in the DJD's territory and they knew it, they ALL knew that the DJD's playbook is horrific torturous murder, they ALL knew that Ambulon was a former Decepticon. It wouldn't take a genius for everyone at Delphi to piece together the fact that the DJD would come for Ambulon eventually if either he wasn't evacuated or Delphi as a whole wasn't evacuated. But I mean, this is wartime, right? Every soldier is risking their life, everyone could die at any moment. They can't close down Delphi or evacuate all of the personnel in an active war front battling over a mine just because a medic or three might feel unsafe. Nowhere in war is safe. If High Command let everyone abandon their posts who was afraid of being killed, nothing would ever get done because war comes with inherent risk of death that all soldiers accept by participating, as well as accepting the obligation to follow orders on threat of punishment. (Almost as if Pharma couldn't have just evacuated or run away like Ratchet suggested, but JRO clearly isn't a military expert so I'll digress/chalk it up to "wasn't plot relevant to bring up".)
We got all of like, two pages that showed Pharma and Ambulon's working relationship, and the best we have besides that is JRO's word of god that Pharma and Ambulon had 'mutual reluctant respect' for each other. It's highly unlikely that the two were best buddies regardless, but I don't think you need to be friends with someone like Pharma, while sharing the same situation as him, to be a little more sympathetic to him? Like I get that Ambulon would be offended by the idea of his boss trying to frame him for murder to cover up his own murders, but the "Doctor DJD" line always seemed weirdly callous and petty to me. "Doctor DJD" implies that Pharma was some sort of willing collaborator or servant to the DJD which clearly wasn't the case. And I find it hard to believe that Ambulon, who knows exactly what kind of people the DJD are, would have an opinion of Pharma that was just "oh he should've tried harder/been less of a coward and resisted." Hell, Ambulon's reaction to Sonic and Boom showing up at Delphi asking for refuge was to instantly take pity on them and offer them shelter immediately; if he feels protective/sympathetic towards literal random nobody Decepticon soldiers, shouldn't he have at least as much feeling (if not more) for another Autobot who he worked with and supposedly had respect for?
Assuming that Ambulon got the full details of Pharma's blackmail deal. I mean, there's no reason to assume that Ratchet would've lied to First Aid and Ambulon about what Pharma told him (unless??? conspiracy theory!!!!) , so Ambulon should've heard about the t-cog deal and how it was the only reason the DJD didn't raze Delphi to the ground so long ago. Then again, maybe Pharma's story got explained to him and First Aid via Ratchet's extremely judgemental take on events, so who knows how much of Pharma's side of the story Ambulon would've actually known.
But wouldn't it be so much more interesting if, instead of sneering at Pharma as "Doctor DJD", Ambulon had a more conflicted perspective of Pharma's face-heel turn? Would he wonder how it is that someone who he had such respect for could've been so despicable? Or, more sympathetically, would Ambulon ever wonder if Tarn threatening Delphi was his fault for being there? Would Ambulon wonder what he would've done in Pharma's position, being forced to bargain to postpone his own horrific execution? Would he be angry at Prowl or the higher-ups for stationing them all in such a dangerous post to begin with?
I mean, the answer is that Ambulon was a tertiary cast member at best, to the point that half of his appearances on the Lost Light literally are shown in retrospect after he died, so there would've been no room to explore this in the plot, and Ambulon and Pharma were way lower priority compared to other, more important protagonists. I just think it would be interesting to explore these questions in other metas and fan works.
And yes, I do think Ambulon would not fucking say that ("Doctor DJD") regardless of what canon actually says lmao.
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cutestkilla · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you for the tags @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @prettygoododds @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @hushed-chorus (and @orange-peony for the tag on the fic writer self rec post which I’m rolling in here because…I only have 4 fics). I have never answered one of these before because I’m always like, am I a fic writer? I don’t even have enough works of my own to do a top 5… But anyway, here goes.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9! But only 4 are my own fics + 1 collab (Birthday Man). Of the rest, 2 are collabs where I did the art, 1 is a fansong (also a collab), and 1 is a podfic.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
233,419, but adjusting for the works that aren’t mine and the words of Birthday Man that I did not write, it’s more like 190K.  
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Carry On!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This Is Your Place
Slamming and Smashing
What’s Left
Hiding Out In The Open
(see, only 4… And so @orange-peony this is my answer to the self rec post. I rec them all!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Oh yes! Commenting on other people’s fic was my door into participating in fandom. I spent months and months just lurking, and a whole new world opened up to me when I started commenting, and then the authors responded to me and suddenly I was interacting with people. I really love and appreciate the comment culture in our fandom, and I really like talking about my writing with people, so I always respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t have a fic with an angsty ending. YET. Realistically, will I ever? Probably not. Like @artsyunderstudy said, I love writing angst in every other possible part of a story EXCEPT the ending. I guess I could say This Is Your Place because the ending is open. The plot of 8th year has not been resolved at all (and god when I say it was hard for me to do that!), shit could still hit the fan, Baz doesn’t even know yet why his mother visited.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That would have to be What’s Left, I think. The story itself was pretty angst-laden (MCD is angsty, you don't say?). I wrote the fluffiest, bow-tying epilogue for the ending to the point where I even warned people that it may have no artistic merit relative to the rest of the story and they should feel free to skip it because it was 100% self indulgence on my part. But I have had a few folks tell me they were grateful for it as a palate cleanser after reading 120K of intense emotional stuff.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. Not to my face anyway!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes… All of my fics are rated M or E for sexual content. What kind? I mean, 3 of my 4 fics have the tag “Rated M Like AWTWB Is Rated M” if that gives you a hint of my smut vibe. Emotional for sure, is what I am for. Even the smut in Slamming and Smashing, which is very much E, is pretty rooted in the emotion of the story. I do love reading every kind of smut, but the thing I really connect with in it is the emotion, so that’s what I write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Doubt it, except by a web scraper.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only Birthday Man, which was written as a round robin and was a totally fun and freeing experience. Especially since I didn’t have to think about plot, just moving things forward a few inches. (Of course my part still ended up being longer than the average one-shot someone else would write…) I’ve collaborated with my writers on COBB and CORB projects in ways that influenced the story, which is SO FUN, but nothing I would ever elevate to the status of co-writing.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well, I have about 17K of a canon divergence fic about Simon and Baz both being at a wedding the week before 8th year starts. (The wedding mentioned in canon as being the one where one of the Grimm cousins got into it with Premal’s friend Sam, and ended up being on trial for using banned words.) I really do want to finish it, but it was one of those projects I never had a deadline for, so it has languished. It’s fully outlined, though, so maybe one day…
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m good at characterization, making the characters’ actions internally consistent, bringing them from point A to point B in a believable way. Probably also plot, I do love a slow burn twisty turny plot reveal. And writing a solid Baz rant/meltdown!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The one thing I get anxious about sometimes is my inability to write short. (Hi @aristocratic-otter, my sister in long-form storytelling!) I always think I can do it, but then I’m not satisfied with the emotional journey unless I add more beats. Telling a concise story is a skill I envy in others for sure.
Currently, this is happening with my wip Hiding Out In The Open, which I originally (delusionally) though would be a one-shot and is now probably going to be 60K by the time I’m done. In fact, This Is Your Place and Slamming and Smashing were supposed to be one shots too, but they all went multi-chap on me in the end.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve never done this, except to help @artsyunderstudy with a French translation for some cute dialogue in Someone Wicked. I think it can work, but I tend toward always wanting to explain something like that on page, unless the point is for it to not be understood. But I've definitely read some really great takes on "lost in translation"!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
This is it! What’s Left was the first piece of creative writing I did of any kind since the year 2000 (which funnily enough was first-person Jean-Paul Sartre RPF for my philosophy seminar).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Definitely What’s Left. Never would have expected to fall so in love with writing the Humdrum, but he owns my soul, still. I think what I did there is probably the most interesting idea I will ever have (in this fandom at least), and that’s probably why it was so much easier to write than anything else I’ve attempted since.
So, who to tag in… How about @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @shrekgogurt @ivelovedhimthroughworse @iamamythologicalcreature @whatevertheweather @fatalfangirl? And anyone else who wants to share, please say I tagged you if you haven’t been tagged already.
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13docwriting · 6 months
Hello! It's me again, giving my minute by minute review of The Giggle. I have not seen any spoilers or watched any trailers, so I know nothing. Well... I know that Neil Patrick Harris is someone lol. As a summary, I enjoyed Chibnall's era, loved the thirteenth Doctor with all of my heart, and know little about the classic series but am obsessed with nuwho. I am also weary of RTD's writing but I loved the first special and enjoyed the second. LET'S GO!
Again, last time I'll complain, I MISS LIVE REBLOGGING WITH FANS. 1. Oh my horror movie vibes again. Okay.
2. Uh. What's up with the accent for Neil Patrick Harris (NPH to make my life easier). That feels a bit... Not good. Especially with the "messed up" words to accentuate it. It just doesn't sound right. I know it's supposed to be a STUPID amount of fake, but it's boarding on offensive.
3. "I'll need a moving image" right to the jump scare lol. I don't MIND horror movies, but I don't necessarily want it for every single Doctor Who episode. A bit disappointed.
4. NPH dancing with David Tennant for those point two seconds did something to me. Also, LOVE NPH's makeup there.
5. I'm already so tired of UNIT having all this money. I don't know, it doesn't feel right. They were supposed to stay hidden so that people didn't know about them. Are we officially saying that humans know about aliens? That's the only acceptable answer I'll take as to why we got helicopters and military vehicles just out and about.
6. Awesome, AWESOME music. Always. Just, again, a thousand kudos to everyone doing this beautiful arrangement.
7. I LOVE Shirley. I love her. Representation done right, in my opinion. It's ironic that RTD can do something EXACTLY as it's supposed to be and the fumble the ball on something else in the very same episode i.e. the first special with Shirley right to "male presenting" Time Lord (see my first live blogging to hear the speech I did already lol).
8. KATE - KATE - KATE. My h e r o. My LOVE! We JUST saw her with 13 and I loved every single part she was in. Her finally seeing the inside of the TARDIS made me so happy.
9. KATE HUGGING THE DOCTOR. Awww! That is so gosh darn cute. I don't know how long it's been exactly since Kate saw 13 after the whole Master thing in Power of the Doctor, but it's so nice to see her hugging him. I was scared for a moment it was going to be a slap lol.
10. "How do we fight the human race." Uh... That's quite a plot, isn't it? I... The Doctor, thirteen especially, always made a point of saying how good "you humans" can be. Saying that humans are inherently bad just doesn't sit right with me. There's a speech roaring up with me about how RTD sees people in general and how that effects the optimistic and hopeful attitude of Doctor Who in gneral, but that'll have to come later.
11. OH HEY Melanie! I know that companion! Kind of! I've never see any of her episodes but that's awesome. SIDE NOTE... Just like with Power of the Doctor, I feel a little disoriented when I know I'm supposed to know something / really appreciate the moment and I can't. I'm so happy that Chibnall AND RTD are so very willing to let classic who people come back, I'm just always a little lost with things like this. (I wonder if other people my age feel that way? Any else 25?)
12. "Is park rude?" "Borderline". I... What? Why would you even turn to Shirley with a question like that? See what I mean about dropping the ball.
13. "Why should I care?" Prime Minister. "No change there then." Donna. hehe I love those little moments where DW shows current political distain.
14. We're... We're not gonna ask a million questions about what Vlinx is? What they're doing there? How they got there? The Doctor's not doing the usual excited dance and asking how hot their cortex runs, the amount of brain power they have, etc. Idk, seemed like a wasted moment. (Unless I'm missing some classic who stuff again?)
15. Listen, I'm a very simple lesbian... I see an "evil" Kate and I get a little excited, okay? Woman power and all that, am I right? 16. "As for you [Shirley], with that chair - I've seen you walk!" What the actual fuck. Listen, I know, I KNOW people are idiots about wheelchairs. I know some people don't know that some people who use a wheelchair aren't completely paralyzed, but to point it out in this way just feels... It feels like a misstep...? I have no right to comment, I'm not a wheelchair user, but the way RTD handles things like this always makes me nervous.
17. "The old archangel network" ahhh hello there preteen headcannons! Ahhhh the Master, how lovely a reminder of those days! God, what a plotline that was back in the day. I am not surprised at all that RTD fit that line in, let me tell you. The man seems to like to brag about his old stories (inconspicuously points to David Tennant and Catherine Tate.)
18. Why would Donna ever, ever guess that those brain waves were music? Where in god's name would ANYONE come up with that without ANY sort of hint? What kind of mary sue writing is that? I'm just supposed to take that? Talk about a convenient plot device. I don't like lazy writing.
19. "The very first image has been hiding in every screen ever since." See, THAT'S cool! I like that kind of story, where another god-like entity has that sort of power. Someone PLANNED that. As always, things like this are why I love when the Master comes back. His convoluted plots creates such great writing and stories.
20. "What, because you're so clever [at Shirley asking why they never found the Stooky Bill laugh before]." Hey 14, your 10 is showing - the parts of 10 that adult me has problems with.
21. "[The human race] is also savage, venal, and relentless." Alright, maybe I'm thinking too much about 12 and 13, mostly 13, but the distain that 14 (cough ten cough) displays for humans has ALWAYS been icky to me. The Doctor TRAVELS with humans, has worked with them, has LOVED them. You can't call an entire species monsters and then claim to love them. People CAN be monsters, but ten - sorry, 14 - has a habit of not taking the time to make that distinction between species vs person. 13, meanwhile, has never insulted a single human. She has encouraged people, genuinely wants them to be better, and only alienates herself not by pointing humans down, but by feeling so different than everyone around her.
22. "Using your intelligence to be stupid... And hating each other. You never needed any help with that". Well, congrats, this may be my least favorite episode of Doctor Who ever. I don't like getting insulted, I don't like the Doctor being mean, I don't like the tone of this episode... Doctor Who is a hopeful, lighthearted show that brings a smile to my face. Yes, it has moments that make me sob, but it's not some police drama. DW is a sci-fi show about traveling a beautiful universe. THIS is not what the show should be.
23. "Can we take out that satellite?" So Kate's waiting for permission... But, question... THE TARDIS IS RIGHT THERE. You're telling me the Doctor can't go up there, sonic the thing off to make it look like it's a technical error, and then eff of? I know writers OFTEN give the good old "the TARDIS is unavailable" to avoid thoughts like this, but RTD left the TARDIS RIGHT THERE. We have a time and space machine!
24. Side note, very side note, but are we ever gonna fix the gravity to "mavity" thing? Is that gonna come back?
25. The Doctor: "you have my permission" [to blow up the satellite]. But... But that's... What can UNIT say to that? "Oh yeah hey, our alien from outer space that we trust that you don't know gave us the go-ahead to blow your satellite up. Please don't fire missiles at us, we got the "OK." What? Just... What?
25. Oh hey, was Melanie at the therapy session for past companions in the Power of the Doctor? That would honest to god fit so well and I would love that. I'll have to look later.
26. Again, I almost have to laugh at the budget. All this money and we're using it to fire off a gun... In Doctor Who... Where the Doctor hates guns. Figures.
27. 120[k] plus five weeks' holiday." OH FUCK YEAH DONNA. Girl boss right there! You deserve that money! Freaking LOVE IT. And I'd love Donna working at UNIT. Maybe Martha and her could be best friends? Oh hey, where the hell is Martha and Mickey, btw?
28. Ha, Crowley, COUGH, I mean the Doctor on SoHo's streets once again. Hehe.
29. "Donna, I'm a billion years old". WOAH, WHAT? He can't be serious, right? No way 13 lived that long after 12's 2,000 ish years, right? Is 14 counting the confession dial? He has to be, right? I almost wish 13 mentioned her age now.
30. "But you are busy every second of every day" uh, yes. That was 13's coping mechanism. If she never stopped, she never had to think. Granted, that was every single Doctor's coping mechanism, but 13 had a lot of crap to get through and the fact that she got sent to prison with all that MUST have destroyed them.
31. Donna trying to give the Doctor mental health advice will forever be a favorite moment between the two of them for me. I'm so glad to see how much Donna cares about him.
32. NPH is just fabulous. He really just takes over the scene, even against actors like David Tennant and Catherine Tate. I was mesmerized by the ball scene. Granted, the accent makes me squint my eyes, but still... Him playing the villain will always be exciting.
33. Oh the Doctor knows him! An old enemy, that can't be good. OH and with the first Doctor as well, talk about a VERY old enemy. It's only been a billion years, eh? Hm, and the Doctor seems terrified of him. I'm getting the Master vibes. Is the Toymaker a Time Lord?
34. I sincerely wish that the Doctor mentioned being the Timeless Child to Donna when the Doctor said "what am I without my toys". I just... Donna can't understand why this speech even exists without knowing that the Doctor's entire history was erased - was taken from him. People may hate the Timeless Child plotline, but it's THERE. If RTD is going to build the emotional trauma off of that, it should be mentioned by name. I'm glad we mentioned the Flux, but the Timeless Child is what drove the Doctor nearly insane. It's what drove the Master even more insane. It should be mentioned properly.
35. Why the fuck, after that emotion speech, would these two idiots even separate AN INCH? Donna just saw how terrified the Doctor was, the Doctor IS terrified, why would they not hold hands? Why would they not stick to each other like glue. Again, lazy writing.
36. I can not explain how much this doesn't feel like Doctor Who. I can not even being to rant about how much this doesn't feel like my goofy little sci-fi show that makes me smile. I feel cheated. RTD, you got your Midnight / stupid scary episode last time and I complimented it. I cannot believe I have to sit through another one of your horror episodes. Again, the spirit of Doctor Who is the relationship and connections to how amazing humans can be. It's about hope, and optimism, and learning. Of course there's scary episodes, of course there's a step to the left in terms of how the usual episodes go, but what the heck is this?
Is it good writing? Perhaps. The dialogue, tone, and plot is convincing, I'll give RTD that. But is this MY show, my Doctor Who? No. I've said before that RTD relies on nostalgia and this episode only ferments that. If it wasn't David Tennant and characters that weren't already introduced literal years ago, how'd we even know this wasn't the same show?
37. Why the FUCK is Donna so violent? We know she's a badass, we know she's sassy, we know she's fearless... But banging that doll into the wall, a furious look on her face? Where the fuck did she learn that one?
38. How fucking dare RTD mention the Flux but bypass the fam, Yaz, and Dan. How fucking dare he. How dare he pick and chose what he liked from Chibnall's era. And you know what, let's have a laugh, shall we? Maybe he can't mention them because all of them had a GOOD ending. All of them left of their own accord. They left feeling stronger, feeling good about themselves, feeling like they've see the universe and want to make their home, earth, better. What has RTD done but killed the Doctor's happiness? And don't come at me with my own words - the Doctor could have mentioned Yaz and the fam as a defense against himself. "But I've learned - I've learned that humans are strong, that my friends are stronger than I ever could be! Yasmin Khan, Ryan Sinclair, Graham O'Brian, Dan Lewis - all them are safe. All of them are loved. They have always been the best parts of me. Now, Toymaker... I challenge you to a game." TADA. I even think I got David Tennant's correct cadence, and I never even wrote him!
If you are a showrunner for DW, you have a responsibility to the past writers to show some respect. The way RTD is handling the Flux is fine, but you can't erase the Timeless Child because it doesn't fit with your own version of Doctor Who. It has been done, get over it. USE it.
39. *Splutters* "I made a jigsaw out of your history". You will NOT be taking responsibility for the Timeless Child like this. You will not have a villain create the Timeless Child just to erase it. AND YOU TOOK THE MASTER FROM ME? MY FAVORITE MASTER? YOU TOOK SPYDOC FROM ME? Holy shit I need a drink. My rage is unfathomable.
40. To be fair, seriously, it's good writing if it WASN'T Doctor Who. I am being fair. It's heart pounding, it's exciting, but it's not the same show or the reason I love the show.
41. ... Okay, NPH... Yeah. That scene. I'm not even going to hint about what scene I'm talking about. Everyone knows. It was a 10/10 performance. It was fantastic. There's no criticism, I'll be watching that ten million times. (Damn shame they didn't let him sing it though).
42. The speech the Doctor is making to the Toymaker sounds AWFULLY familiar, doesn't it? Perhaps, the Master, once again? The Doctor just picks these god-like entities and goes "I will love you" and clings on for dear life. I assure you, somewhere in that tooth the Master is screaming "YOU ASKED ME FIRST".
44. "We can be celestial." Someone tell me if DT played Crowley season 2 before or after this. I could HEAR Crowley on that last word, come on now.
ALL BECAUSE HE WANTS TO KEEP DT. Someone sedate me, I'm going to be the one being on walls and screaming soon. Fuck me. Let the Doctor go! That's the whole bloody point. I can't with this. If you haters out there accept this one I don't want anyone ever coming at me about the Timeless Child again. I'll just throw pictures of up this regeneration scene with a bunch of arrows. And not to mention, I hate this idea? I hate it. I hate it. Regeneration was about change and rebirth, now it's about adding a little hint of something new. It was about letting go, getting ready for a new future, handing someone else the torch of this beautiful show. Oh my god, I hate it here. I'm STAYING for Nucti. I'm honoring his first performance, but I am pissed. I might not even be able to write more.
46. "Do you come in a range of colors." What. What kind of line is that? What... Why did we even have to mention that? He also comes with a different gender, Donna, I don't think his "color" matters. That was the point of the first special, if you could remember that.
I'm taking an effing walk... Off a bridge at this point.
47. Why didn't we give the 15th Doctor trousers? We didn't give 14 13's clothes now did we? But we can have the 15 Doctor running around half naked... On a family show? Come on now.
48. We... We really... We really wasted the Toymaker with a game of catch. Really. I was just complimenting the writing and then we did that?
49. I'm loving 15's care and love. His openness. Is this the Doctor forgiving himself?
50. Oh hey, what lovely person took the Master from that gold tooth, eh? Maybe... Missy, perhaps?
51. MENTION THE TIMELESS CHILD YOU FUCKING COWARD OH MY GOD. Not you, 15, you're great sweetie. RTD MENTION THE PROPER PAST YOU ASS. You can mention all the past adventures but not the latest one? Seriously?
52. Something, something, so glad 14 got a happy ending, something something, wish 13 had that, something something, too bad Chibnall followed the rules of regeneration just as all the writers did beforehand SOMETHING SOMETHING.
53. I'm getting the mildest hint of karma because I never understood why people said the couldn't understand Jodie... I'm actually having a bit of a hard time with Nucti lmao. I always use subtitles so it doesn't matter to me, but just thought I'd mention that.
54. Nucti better kiss a man full of the mouth. He is... Quite something. Jack Harkness would faint.
55. I have a question. How is 15 older? Isn't it like 2.2 seconds only, if anything?
56. I really am glad that 14 got a family. It is beautiful.
I usually do like a summary or whatever but I'm just so bitter and pissed. Here, 3/10, two of those points are for 15 and one is for the Toymaker... Even if the Toymaker character was wasted.
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pinkomcranger · 4 months
Previous anon, thank you so much for your voice about Saga and her space in the fandom. Your reply was amazing. I honestly can't even add to it, you said so much and hit it right on the head in every regard. I think you made a valid point too, there are fans who don't create but want to see her represented in the fandom space too. I didn't think of it like that. I'll focus on that and for the future share Saga and Andercase content not just because of that but love em so much too. I say this as someone who loves all the chararcters and multiple ships outside of her but I treasure her and the ship so much so makes little sense not to show that. My stuff isn't quality but still can share lol I should back up my words and show it with content. Also, thank you for inviting me to talk in your inbox about anything with Saga/Andercase. I'll be sure to when ideas strike and hope it can encourage others too! Would love to see the fan base show her love like every other chararcter gets. Not completely unrelated but would love if people cared about Mr. Door too. There was a ship fic with him and Alan but it's lost now and like Saga he's often on the back burner despite how interesting he is too (insanely interesting tbh). Besides, I'm sure the actors and would be just as appreciative as thr others have been to already loved chararcters.
You're very welcome! I still have many thoughts regarding Saga and her place in fandom, I might create a part 2 at some point. When I finally entered this fandom, I fully thought there would be so much dedicated to Saga, because here we had such a beautifully written and portrayed character, that it felt like a no-brainer. To see that wasn't true, to see her glossed over for characters like Casey and Zane bothered me on every level.
It's one of the reasons I came out of my near-decade hiatus, if I didn't see what I wanted, and I could create at least a little, then I was going to do that. I was extremely hesitant, mostly because I was late to the game (hah, Saga would like that pun), I didn't dip my toes in until last December. I wanted the fandom to see that Saga was still appreciated, she was still seen, it wasn't just Casey/Alan/Zane.
To see you're willing to throw your hat back in the ring pleases me beyond words, but I'll try to find them regardless. First and foremost, please don't think whatever you create is less than when that couldn't be further from the truth. I know a lot of us content creators tend to hold ourselves up to others, if we don't get as many likes/reblogs/kudos/comments as other's ships or favored characters, that MUST mean we're not good enough, right? It's hard to believe, and something I still struggle with, but it's not true.
There's various reasons why it seems our content might seem to be skipped over. Maybe the idea doesn't hit right for some people, maybe they can't connect, maybe they don't relate, or maybe it's just not their fav character/ship. That's certainly their right as fans.
Secondly, at the end of the day, sometimes you just have to create what you want to see. It can be annoying, to wonder why you have to create something that should be so obvious to everyone else. But that's the thing about fandom, sometimes you just have to show you're here to stay.
I guarantee you there will be others who love your content, even if you don't think it's that great. I had to be reminded of that myself, by two great friends and basically pioneers of writing for Saga and Andercase (@wondrouswendy and @hearts-are-connected ). I know they're some of the great ones, and they'll always cheer me on, and I know they'll extend the same courtesy to you.
Man, Warlin Door is a whole different topic for me! He's EXTREMELY interesting, well-written, and portrayed. To see him ignored even more than Saga sucks, another character I thought would get love. I would love for the actors to see that they're seen and heard as much as Ilkka and Sam are. They deserve nothing less.
I very much look forward to seeing your content! You have a very eager fan here.
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thescrumptiousstuffs · 10 months
Only Friends Episode 3 - Who am I to you?
Of which Boston essentially ruins everything 😮‍💨🙅🏾‍♀️
Nick & Boston
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We start with a montage of Nick and Boston having countless highly charged encounters. And while Boston is happy to maintain the status quo, we see Nick starting to question things, unsatisfied with the FWB/f*#k buddy label.
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He asked the internet (and good on P’Jojo and P’Ninew to make a cameo!!!) and did not like the answers he was given. He also found TopBoston photos in their hook up room.
Not surprisingly, he starts becoming suspicious of Boston even while still being in love with Boston (urgh, I guess we cannot choose who we have feelings for, even if it’s someone as narcissistic and selfish as Boston 😮‍💨)
Boston/Nick relationship is on the verge of imploding (well more to do with Nick side, as Boston is currently unaware of it, and even if he does - I don’t think he cares, cause he has always treated Nick as hookup friend and nothing more).
Not to say Nick is an altogether innocent individual - remember he masturbated on Boston's selffie (while looking through a client phone plus putting his own topless picture in said phone), followed by snooping on Boston/Top social media and putting a spyware device in Boston's car (Nick, dearest - we call this stalking 🙅🏾‍♀️ And you can get into big trouble with the authority with this!!)
However, Boston definitely takes the award for being a shitty friend, his ego and pride is bruised when Top decline him, and just to get an up over Top - he used Ray's crush on Mew, putting doubt on both Ray and Top's feelings, trailing havoc and carnage to basically Ray, Mew, Top AND Nick's emotions.
I have the gut feeling the photo/video of Ray/Mew (of course I may be proven wrong with episode 4!) do not tell the whole picture - but the suggestive way he framed it to Top, well...we all know what happened next.
Again, I will reiterate, how creepy Boston is - taking pictures and videos without consent (I bet RayMew did not know their pictures/videos were taken on that day!).
Top & Mew
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These 2 were adorable together when they went on the silent DJ date - I thought listening to your own kind of music with headphones and just jamming together is a fun idea!
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But we start seeing cracks - Top had been so patient with Mew (acting all gentlemanly, playing nice with Mew's friends etc). And we can see he had refrained from going out on his usual hunts (I think the scene of him running in his old hook up buddy (with Mew!), where the ex basically insinuating Top has been missing from the scene and ignoring his msg/calls means to highlight this) - You can see Top appears uncomfortable with that scene, and while Mew is all smiley (and acting all oblivious), I suspect he clocks on this (but whether he chose to act on it, well, it's a different matter altogether).
And so, when Boston showed the RayMew picture, it hits on his vulnerability. Boston knows this - and he has always been good at exploiting on people's weakness. Do I think Top should have given in? Of course not (I mean, why can't he called Mew and asked for an explanation???, urgh...). But, this is a man who up until a few months ago, was having regular sex, using this as a substitute for insomnia and loneliness. Paired with the thought he may be the only one holding the end of his bargain, thinking Mew lied to him - well, in a moment of weakness, Boston pounced (and aptly the reason why he is call The Hunter on the first episode).
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I'm sure this moment will bring regret to Top almost immediately after he has done the deed, and knowing Boston he will used this to further emotionally blackmail Top.
Sand & Ray
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Look, these 2 are my babes. Not gonna lie. Every time they come on screen, I smile. Their banters are a joy to watch. Ray is a charming flirt (also I love his wardrobe, and so kudos to whoever styled Khaotung in those jackets, jeans, tops), and Sand sarcastic responses are always on point.
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We already established Ray is lonely, even within his close circle of friends (who I don't think know him very well at all). And so, to find someone with the same taste of music, don't seem to be faze by his money and as a bonus, attractive and someone he finds sexually compatible, well, that's like a jackpot for him.
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The way their friendship/relationship blossoms is great to watch - Sand is clearly struggling to keep his boundary with Ray, who is persistent and keeps pushing the right buttons on him. I don't think he ever stood a chance, especially after Sand told him in episode 2 "I can be you friend, you don't have to pay me." I think Ray basically took it as green light to do well, everything and anything - oh, both of them may want to keep it as "friends who had sex once" - but well, it doesn't seem to go very well from both end.
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I have no doubt we are heading towards painville with this as well. Especially with Ray's alcoholism still on the horizon and Mew being in the picture - do I think Ray still love Mew? Yes - but I think he is slowly moving from looking at Mew as an unattainable bf/lover to just close friend. Mew has made it clear to Ray many times in episode 2/3 he sees Ray as a friend. And Ray (no matter how dysfunctional he is), has always respected Mew's decision. However, if Ray keeps dropping Sand for Mew each time, that's going to get old very fast for Sand.
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(Also, I need to know what’s the beef between TopSand asap!! The middle finger 🖕 by Sand???? Classic 😂)
Namchuem and April
I wish we get more of this side couple. We barely heard April talk in the last 2 episodes. They seem so sweet together. But also Namchuem, we need to talk how oblivious you are with the other 3 boys in your circle of friends. I don't know whether she knows and just choose to ignore what's happening or she genuinely is oblivious.
Alright, now that I finished ranting, I am ready for episode 4 - is it Saturday yet?
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kingkatsuki · 9 months
why did you make that post ragging on that person’s reblogs here but you were so nice to them on main? that’s pretty rude… saying “no offense” doesn’t make it less mean. honestly you’re kind of a mean girl and a bully. and always so obsessed with other peoples blog posts, what social sites is it ok to dictate what your followers have to have on their own blogs? i’ve followed you for a while but it’s time to unfollow.
your whole “it takes nothing to reblog” attitude is interesting, considering it also takes nothing to be kind. or bare minimum, not a jerk. i have no idea why when there are so many content creators on this site that anyone chooses to support someone with such a poor attitude like yourself.
I’ll copy and paste this here since you thought you’d send me two separate asks about the same topic for some reason and I’ve already replied to you?
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Tumblr was made to be a social app, for people to interact with each other and reblog posts in order to do so. That’s why there’s so many options to add responses to posts, to add tags and even send asks.
I have an ao3 and anyone is more than welcome to read my fics over there without leaving a comment, kudos or bookmark— like the huge majority do.
But on here it makes me uncomfortable to have so many blank/empty/plain blogs following me with absolutely no fandom content reblogged whatsoever or only generic posts/responses. Especially since two of the times I’ve been plagiarised it was by either a blank blog following me on here, it a k-pop blog who didn’t reblog anime content stealing my shit. So I’m sorry I don’t want them following me.
And the post you’re talking about in question, I was nice because I know that a lot of people still don’t understand the importance of reblogging your faves. Even though artists and writers go on and on and on about it, what’s the point of being mean? I only posted that response AFTER she replied to me saying that she didn’t understand the point of reblogging fanart or fanfic… even though she reblogs literal nonsense posts. That’s the part that really got me.
If you don’t like how I run my blog, or what I block people for why are you here? There’s literally thousands of people on tumblr you could follow, or like you said use ao3?
It’s the fact that I know you have never left an artist or a writer a comment this long on any of their content before, but you chose to be brave and click that anon button to send me a long essay about me being a horrible person.
The response is always “you’re so weird” and never, “let me go and tell my favourite author thank you for making my day better”.
I’m sorry that I blocked you for not supporting artists/writers, but I don’t regret it. It’s a pretty pathetic mindset to have that an artists work isn’t worth a free reblog that could actually make their day.
“I have no idea why when there are so many content creators on this site that anyone chooses to support someone with such a poor attitude like yourself”
That’s the point though, they’re not supporting anyone. I’m not telling people to reblog my fics or leave comments, I’m just telling them to support someone, anyone. Literally doesn’t even have to be fic either, support your favourite artists? But so many people continue to just blindly like fics when they’re done without so much as a thought for the writer, because they can just scroll down to the next one.
And you might think I’m a horrible person or whatever, but at least I’ve never left anyone a mean anon!
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adhd-merlin · 4 months
I really don't write much but it's the second time @eeverlark tags me in a writing meme (I think) soooo alright lys I'll do it. for you 🫶🏻
1. number of stories posted to ao3: 4, and yes I'm counting the fic I updated in early January because 7 out of 8 chapters were written in 2023
2. number of words posted last year: 49k
3. fandoms i wrote for: only Merlin I'm monogamous 💛
4. pairings: Merwenthur; Merwaine; background Arwen in an Arthur & Merlin fic if that counts
5. stories with the most:
KUDOS || BOOKMARKS: Call It Anything We Want (281 | 48)
COMMENT THREADS: my merwenthur vignettes have 31 threads (excluding the chapter posted in January 2024). makes sense given every chapter is basically a self-contained ficlet
6. work i'm most proud of (and why): every fic I write is simultaneously the best and the worst I've ever written and it remains so until I post a new one.
Honestly though every fic(let) has some things I like and some I think I could've done better.
Having said that, Call It Anything We Want is the first fic I posted on ao3 after a long writing hiatus so. I'm proud of that and of the amount of time I've put into this story as a whole.
7. work i'm least proud of (and why): hmmm see previous answer.
there's a ficlet called The Hunting Trip that I think I could have done better – mainly the conversation Arthur and Merlin have about Uther – but I just wanted to get it done tbh. I do like how it starts though. And Cavall the dog :)
8. share or describe a favorite review you received: I absolutely love any time someone says they liked my characterisation. for example:
your characterization is insane i am so obsessed. its so so good. like. idk how to describe it you just write relationships meshing so well together and not in like. an unrealistically flawless way but in a warm and familiar way. im in awe.
I love this story, your writing, this relationship, this dynamic, your details, your characterization, your everything and I’ve been meaning to tell you for a very long time. I’m sorry for not expressing this earlier. Your continuation of the original story was incredibly, believably, wondrously fantastic.
Comments like these give me life 🥺
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: 99% of the time if I'm being honest
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: I wrote a ficlet that was supposed to be magically genderbent!Merlin x Arthur smut but it ended up being fem!Merlin x Gwen instead because Arthur wasn't cooperating
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing:
“Ah, the court sorcerer himself!” Gwaine exclaims, spreading his arms wide, and some wine sloshes out of his goblet and spills on the floor. He claps one hand on Merlin's shoulder. “Congratulations, Master Merlin.” “I told you to stop calling me that.” Gwaine just looks at him. Head to toe, with a grin that does nothing to hide what he's thinking, and must therefore come across as incredibly lewd. “You look good in green,” is all he says. Merlin raises an eyebrow. “You think I look good in anything.” Gwaine leans closer; close enough to purr in Merlin’s ear: “And even better in nothing at all.” Mainly for the pleasure of watching the tips of Merlin’s ears flush pink. — UNWAVERING
12. how did you grow as a writer last year: well I actually wrote something which is a good starting point
13. how do you hope to grow this year: I'd love to write a multi-chapter fic with an actual plot someday. also get better at titling things
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer, beta, cheerleader, etc.): I think all the lovely people that left me some feedback made me push myself a tiny bit harder to keep writing and posting. a special shout-out to @castelled-away for writing whole essays about my merwenthur ficlets, I've loved every single comment 💛
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing last year: nothing apart from my desire to kiss Colin Morgan on the mouth
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers: sometimes done is better than perfect. just get it done and move on it's fine if it's not a masterpiece. at least that's what I often have to tell myself but also I suspect I have adhd
17. any projects you're looking to starting (or finishing) this year: I would like to finish my Sefa-centric WIP, I wrote like 8k words but I'm not sure where it's going
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catsandgoodbooks · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @bleue-flora (I am sorry it took so long it's been like a month I was procrastinating)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22, because my brain hates to stay focused on one idea at a time and I just have to make everything worse. I've got a lot more half-formed ideas and three-paragraph beginnings of fanfiction too <3
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
124,920 - that's...a lot. And it's only been about a year, so yay!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dream SMP. I'm lurking in a couple other fandoms (mostly the Locked Tomb and Dragon Age), but I haven't written anything for those yet.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Off the Planned Course
Not that surprising because it's one of the fics I've been writing the longest, is the longest of my actual stories (so not counting Whumptober stuff), and it also has the most people reading it (I blame including the Syndicate for that). It's probably my favorite too, so the validation is really nice (even if I keep getting writer-blocked by it).
2. Unfortunate Circumstances
Also one of the long ones, so it makes sense that it's on this list. Also, literally the second Dream SMP fic idea I ever had, so it's great that it's still going.
3. Easier Said Than Done
This one I kind of feel bad about - I decided to change a few details a while ago and I'm still not done with editing the old stuff so I can start on new chapters, so I really haven't been writing much for it recently (i.e in the past six months). Maybe this will get me to work on it again but I wouldn't hold out hope. It's not abandoned, but it's still basically on hiatus.
4. Shared Scars
I really like this one, but I didn't really expect anyone would read it because it was just a random AU with no basis in canon about two side characters, y'know? It's just really fun to write.
5. Dive Deep Into The Dark
This one is the one that surprised me, because it's just a collection of Whumptober oneshots that I wrote in like an hour each. But, hey, apparently people liked that, so yay?
5. Do you reply to comments? Why or why not?
Whenever I can, because they're taking the time out of their day to read my stuff and going the extra step of leaving a comment, and because I just like talking about my stories and stuff <3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Okay, this and the next question are kind of difficult because I am allergic to finishing anything, ever, and that means I have to stick to oneshots, but I'd say either everything I've ever written for a Whumptober prompt (because those are all terrible, basically) or Old Habits Die Hard (Old Reliances Die Harder) because it's an angsty canon-compliant (ish) oneshot where nothing is resolved and everything is just terrible. In my longer fics, I don't really plan for tragic endings, because the ending should be happy even if the journey there wasn't, or else the whole things sad and there's not really any point.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, only oneshots count for this, so I'd probably say burn the scorecards, balance out the scales, because the ending is hopeful and probably the best possible outcome via rivals duo.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not really, which is great. The most I ever get is a confused comment or someone making assumptions, and that's all fine.
9. Do you write smut?
No, and I don't plan to.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, but I have some ideas I might write that involve crossovers and I might write them eventually.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I have not <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but I would like to in the future.
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
Drunz, for sure. It's the ship that really got me into the fandom and I've always liked that sort of toxic codependence even though they're terrible for each other.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them? Well, besides that, I'd probably have to say Off the Planned Course, because, although I really love it, I have no idea how to end that thing or when.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Absolutely no idea, maybe internal monologues? It's hard to evaluate your own writing.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. 100% dialogue. I get in my head about if it sounds natural or if anyone would ever say that or if I'm writing a character right and then it turns about clunky because I'm too busy worrying about it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't have a problem with it, but you should provide translations in that situation so the readers have context and know what's going on.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dream SMP
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Probably Off the Planned Course, there are some chapters were I was just having the time of my life writing that thing even if they were immediately followed by two months of struggle.
Not tagging anyone because it's been ages and I'm bad at doing anything quickly so yeah. Also, it's my birthday today and time is really fucking weird <3
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television-bodies · 7 months
fic writer tag game
thank you for the tag @palmviolet ! love things like this. blessings upon you and all your sheep
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
five! my ao3 account is but a baby
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
63k. in approximately ten days this is going to jump by ~15k so perhaps i should have waited to do this tag but alas. impatience
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only les mis. so many themes to explore... so many characters to sink my teeth into... so many dynamics to look at and so many situations into which i can drop people...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i mean. this is going to be all of my fics but here's the ranking
visiting hours
restoring the balance
tech week
the two sides of monsieur valentine (the perils of rarepairs)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!! i love comments. fuel. life blood
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
well. there's a major character death marinating in my drafts, yet to be unleashed
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
currently all of them have pretty happy endings, which is something i'm sort of trying to change because i'm starting to get a little bored of writing that all the time. sorry. scared of getting myself into a funk! all things considered though, it's probably tech week. those final lines were in my head from the very start of the fic, and with the whole christmas vibe... yeah. that one, i think
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not so far! hoping that will not change!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not as of yet and i can't see myself doing so if i'm honest but i'm also a big believer in never saying never because i don't know who i am (or more importantly, who i will be). so. not at the moment. but in ten years maybe i'll look back at this and laugh. you know
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
again, not as of yet! not a full crossover, with characters from each thing intersecting, anyway. i've got some AUs for les mis that are specific to other interests, but nothing closer than that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't see many fics in the les mis fandom getting translated at all anymore! the fandom is so lovely but it's definitely quieter than it has been in the past, so it doesn't surprise me. i'd love for it to happen, but no, not yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nooo. i like the idea of it, if there was someone i think i worked well enough with -- but i don't know anybody over here well enough for that yet, i don't think. i am currently bad at messaging people/interacting on any level deeper than reblogging posts or commenting on their fics, which is really something i should work on. open to the possibility though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
enjolras and grantaire, oh my god. living in my brain for goddamn YEARS now. years upon years. with that said, i do have certain Feelings about them -- maybe i'll go more into detail with this someday on some other post but really i think that the way they're done in canon is kind of perfect, which is why i don't write canon era fic for them. there's nothing i can do to that that would make it worthwhile, to me. but putting them in different time periods or situations? ohhh yeah
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i've got bits and pieces of a les mis AU for the BBC series race across the world which i am still sort of attached to but can't see myself doing anymore, purely because writing the logistical parts of how the race etc functions in that show was boring me, and i don't want to be bored by something that i'm doing for my enjoyment. but maybe i'll do a post at some point laying out the main plot points if anybody's interested because i do still like the concept
16. What are your writing strengths?
probably still nailing this down, if i'm honest. i like descriptions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i always think i'm not great at dialogue, but i've been told the opposite, so who knows! i think my issue with it comes more from wondering where the conversation should go/what should go in the middle of two points i want the characters to make, rather than making it sound realistic. i think i'm fairly good on the realism front.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
occasionally i'll make characters say the odd phrase in another language, but nothing more than that. i'm not fluent in any language other than english, so unless it's something i'm sure of in spanish i think i'd just be worrying if the translation is correct, which isn't worth it to me (and there isn't much use for spanish in what i'm currently writing lmao)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
fanfiction dot net days are ones we do not talk about... a haze in my mind... banished to the darkness... but i actually do know the answer to this -- it was dracula, for some fucking reason. (i know the reason. but i'm not sharing)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i'm quite fond of suckerpunch, just because i think it's sort of speedrunning my personal exr manifesto, but i don't know! seriously no answer to this! taking that as a good sign: maybe my favourite is yet to come.
no pressure tags go to @pumpkinspice-prouvaire @sereendy @shamedumpster and anybody else who wishes to do it!
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jaskiersbard · 1 year
lmfao you’re a fucking hypocrite, bitching about jkr and acting like you’re so high and mighty whilst claiming she’s a transphobe/bad person (which she isn’t you stupid cuck she’s just standing up for women’s rights and you’re siding with misogynists), yet you’re using her characters to write your stupid shitty titanic newtina fic that no one is bothering to read. she will always be ten times the writer you are and your lack of readers proves it
Hello. Yes actually, I suppose you’re right - maybe I am a bit of a hypocrite for continuing to use characters under her ownership and that she continues to make a profit off of whilst also making a point of sharing how I’m not supporting her work anymore. I can fully admit that it’s a little hypocritical of me.
Having said that, all I can argue in my defence is that I’m not giving her any money, I’m just borrowing her characters for a story I’m writing. Again, does she benefit from people writing her fics as it’s still engaging with her property and technically promoting it/increasing popularity? Probably. I’m making no profit from this fic I’m writing, and I make no profit from any of my Newtina fics, just as I make no profit from ANY fics I write for any other fandom. I’m doing it for my own enjoyment, and hopefully other people will enjoy it too.
My Newtina-Titanic AU is literally a passion project - no one prompted it, no one expressed any interest in it, the only reason it exists is because the Titanic sinking is one of my special interests, James Cameron’s movie is my number one film of all time, and I wanted to write something to appreciate the film after watching it repeatedly on the big screen in 3D for its 25th anniversary release. I started the prologue for this in mid-February - nothing was published until mid-April. Whilst it worked out in a way to do this, because I ended up posting it on the 111th anniversary of the sinking in April, the reason nothing was published for two whole months was because I honestly was never going to publish it. It was going to remain on my Google docs as a full story for me and my enjoyment only because I didn’t think there would be an audience for it, and I also didn’t want to be seen as actively engaging with a universe written by someone with such horrendous views as JKR. In the end, I posted it just on the off chance that someone out there - even if it was only one - might have an interest and enjoy reading as much as I have writing it.
Why did I choose Newtina? Mostly because out of all the couples I’ve shipped enough to write or make content for, Newtina was the one I felt this AU would be well suited for whilst also not being a direct copy. My increasing interest of the Titanic and the film last year happened to coincide with when SoD came out and when I met Eddie again - meaning that at the time, as well as obsessing over Titanic I was also feeling very appreciative of Eddie’s portrayal of Newt as autistic AND seeing Newtina on screen briefly. I still love the couple of Newt and Tina despite a) JKR and b) the state the series is in now (with SoD probably possibly being the last film) - I spent two years of my life writing so much about them, and a part of me does still love the ship as well as the individual characters. I absolutely adore Eddie and Katherine, and for me when I think of Newt and Tina, and why I love them so much, I don’t think of JKR or Yates or anything else - I think of Eddie and Katherine, of their love for the fans as well as for their characters, of Eddie being vocal about Newt’s autism and Katherine turning up to a premiere of a film she is hardly in, a film she refused to promote, just to say hello to the fans who love her. They are what make Newtina special to me, NOT JKR.
At the end of the day, yes, I appreciate getting comments and kudos and love for the fic, however few they are. Anyone who’s taking the time to read what is currently 75 pages (roughly 40k+, if we’re including the chapter currently being written) of something I’ve written is amazing and I’m deeply grateful for them even if they don’t comment or whatever. But I’m primarily writing this because I want to - because I love the story of Titanic so much and I love the Newtina pairing, and this is bringing me some much needed joy in my life right now.
Anyway, it’s nearly 3am here and I’ve got work to suffer through in a few hours, so I’m going to go to bed thinking of Titanic and Newtina, and then tomorrow after work I’m going to enjoy myself as I carry on writing. Stay safe!
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tabbi-mysteries · 9 months
Detective Conan Rewatch 471-486
Oops I forgot to write my thoughts down for a few days again
The uncontrollable rental car was actually top tier tho. I'm used to the single ep anime originals being fairly straightforward but this was unique and the characterization was great. We see Kogoro's best side and action hero dad Tagaki and a really smart trick pulled by Conan to save them all. I really liked this one.
Shinichi Kudo's childhood adventures is super cute! It's really nice to see babby Ran and of course Shiinichi. I almost wish we had more of their past and how they fell in love and the development part of all that but I get why we don't and the snippets we do get are cute. We get to see dad KID too which is fun (and babby Kaito too!) However as my friend pointed out this ep does feel like it confuses the nebulous timeline somewhat? Yukiko's been retired from acting for some time now so her still actively studying from Toichi is odd? Maybe? Maybe it's just her hobby now I dunno.
The love of lawyer Eri Kisaki is funny. It's super simple, especially for anyone who owns a cat but it manages to be great regardless. Ran really nearly assaulted a man 😅 well I'm sure Eri could have gotten her off the charges but still
Bad luck grand Prix is well it's an average episode, i certainly didn't think it was bad but it felt like a regular old episode with nothing super standout. I do like the occasional cases that are Kogoro and Conan hanging out all family like though it's sweet.
Genta's certain kill shot was fun! Mostly because my friend saw the title in advance and we've been choking about Genta's upcoming murder plan for a while XD the actual case is still pretty neat tho, although as usual the English is a little rough. I wouldn't say its common but you probably want imp or pixie to describe a mischievous kid not elf. I also kinda agree with Kogoro that it was mean to point at Genta and call him a murderer poor kid.
Real 30 minutes is an odd case. The time... didn't feel super relevant? The character designs were neat though and Conan and Haibara teaming up is always good.
Three days with Heiji Hattori! My boy was back for some more cases and they're fun ones. The first is neat because it feels like they reiterated Conan's trauma regarding cornering a culprit, almost feel like they could have focused on the impact of that ending and what that means to Conan and Heiji more but eh, it was neat to have it still. As for the detective Koushin I really enjoyed it! I've been looking forward to it a lot since reading that manga chapter and having a gathering of detectives is fun, the culprit is great too, I can see why she's so well liked. It's also great to have Hakuba here too although I gotta admit that yeah he seems pretty Sus of Conan, or perhaps just nice about it who knows. I liked the whole sequence at the beginning regarding the backstory too. And finally Heiji did really great! I like how they show how he differs from most other detectives we see who stand back and observe with methodical coldness by being emotionally invested, always having hope for possible best outcomes and willing to come across as wrong and act to gather the evidence he needs. I love him and this episode did a great job of showing why <3
Yellow Alibi is a sad case with a dumbass for a culprit. Who on earth murders someone on a beach and then tries to hide the fact the murder happened on a beach? Has this man never been to a beach before? You never get all the sand off my god.
Mountain Witch's cutlery is a simple little case but well presented, the weapon was neat and the kids were cute.
The vanished policeman was also a cute little simple case. Not much to say about it other than that tho.
Whereabouts of the dark photograph is fun because the crime differs which is neat every so often. Also those two guys will probably never commit a crime in their lives after that experience XD
Beckoning cat from left to right is simple but hey it has cats and Conan and Haibara teaming up which is nice.
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vesperewrites · 8 months
Ik you probably want to bury this subject so it's ok if you don't respond, but seeing so many people talk about how new writers for lcmd aren't as good, or how old ones were "seasoned" writers is really disheartening. One, because I feel like this goes so far against fandom etiquette where everyone is appreciated and everyone understands that this is literally free content that people share for fun. I've been in fandom since 13y.o. and it was always a huge no-no to even imply someone's writing isn't good - I swear fandom has become much more unwelcoming in recent years.
Two, I'm also kind of discouraged to do anything for the fandom myself, because I stopped being creative around 4 years ago and reentering creative spaces like the lcmd fandom makes me want to draw and write again, especially because there are so many people here that I want to interact with more, but I feel like nothing will be appreciated. Especially with how much people accuse others of jealousy, or of being "talentless" or "contributing nothing to the fandom"... so now I really want to interact with others and be creative but am too scared to.
On a positive note, seeing you saying that you only really started writing a year ago and having read one of your works I am amazed at how incredible your writing is! I read Sovereign Deadly Perfect and I remember thinking "this person has been writing for YEARS they should be writing BOOKS" your prose, vocabulary and character study is all so amazing and to find out you've only cultivated that talent for a year is very inspiring. Sorry to add more to whatever that shitstorm of anons was, but thank you for writing for this fandom and defending authors!
Hi Anon (you can choose an emoji if you want me to specifically address you, if you like!), 
Oh, I don’t mind discourse at all, provided that it is done in good faith! Disagreements are healthy and I respect people's opinions/experiences. See here.
To your first point: Yeah, I agree with you. It does go against basic fandom etiquette. I’m not disheartened at all, but I find it discouraging for other people. I think it’s important to note that the sample size is so small. Even if a few people (let’s say, twenty people on TL as an example) all say, “lol new stuff sucks”, that’s their opinion, and isn’t indicative of the entire fandom as a whole. :] There’s a lot of folks without twt/tumblr that comment. Or people that silently kudos.
Fanfic and fanart is free! It’s for the fandom. It’s not done to “elevate the quality” /mustache twirl lol.
Personally, I think 1-3(?) anons saying whatever they want as a means to instigate something is childish (calling people delulu isn’t discourse btw. See here.) Don’t let a few ppl ruin or dictate your fun. Even if it were 10 neg anon asks in your inbox, chances are, it’s the same person trying to bully you out or to seek a reaction. It's important to understand the motivations of those people is meant to scare and harass you. Which isn't okay, but I refuse to let anyone do that to me. The block button is there if I need it. Curating your online space is super important.
To your second point, I totally understand that fear and anxiety completely! I was in the same boat in my other fandom. If you want to create, I say, do it! I only joined fandom about a year ago in July 2022. Never did I think I would do fanart either. And it's all because one author that I was inspired to start creating.
It is scary to put your work out there. It is scary being judged no matter what. If you think you’d be too affected by it, it’s okay to engage from the sidelines, but I would love to see you create. Trust me, if cute Worm!Luke art and Hamster!Luke can be welcomed, I think you will be too <3 Engaging in a new fandom is really scary and I was actually put off at first.
The hugest thing to examine is why you create. Is it for validation? Is it to share your work? Is it for social engagement? How much? Personally, it’s not healthy to expect too much validation or social engagement from strangers on the internet. I write primarily for myself, to get the demons out. Regardless if I get kudos or comments or not, it’s for myself. That deserves its own post of course. The reason I post something up, is to share it. And if one person likes it, that’s enough for me. I’m very happy :]
There are going to be a few people that would love to have you here, me included. I can't promise that everyone is going to be nice, but I've met and engaged with a lot of nice people through honesty and compassion, and they've been nothing but welcoming.
Ad hominem attacks like “talentless” does not affect me at all because these are strangers looking to control/hurt others. Often, it stems out of jealousy. As for copying: as long as you’re not plagiarizing or directly tracing another artist’s work (Van Gogh or other massively well-known historical artists or reference book artists are OK lol), it’s fine. 
And ahhhh, thank you!! I sincerely appreciate your kindness. I met random strangers, now fandom friends, hyping up my work. And oh god, my first fic, VG, is almost unreadable now lmao and I say that with fondness and love. I am extremely self-critical of my own writing and that has pushed me to become a better writer. Even if a person insults my writing (hasn’t happened), it doesn’t affect me because I’d be straight up, “fuck yeah, I agree lmao”. If I ever seem neg my own writing, it doesn’t mean I’m upset at all, it means that I’m striving to do better for myself. Of course, there’s a difference between real criticism and insults (insults are just funny).
I have supportive friends and fandom friends (especially within the DNF fandom). Being surrounded by some incredible writers really motivates me. And I want to support others too.
If you ever want to send me something like art or a fic piece but don't want me to publish the ask, I'd love to take a look at it! And I'll respond with my thoughts in a separate post <3
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lipstickstainz · 3 years
true lies - s. r. (11/15)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Series Summary: Spencer is furious, when you rejoin the team after a year and after you left him, when he got arrested. Little does he know, that you leaving him was the only option to ever get him out of prison.
Chapter Summary: you know what's coming - the truth.
Warnings: angst, minor violence
Word Count: 2k
A/N: i listened to my favorite saddest songs while writing. be prepared. thanks for your kind feedback! gif not mine.
Series Masterlist
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previous part
JJ snaps you out of your thoughts. There's an expression on her face that you can't find the words for. "Y/N? What does she mean?"
You have to swallow. Your throat is tight and you can barely breathe, so you cling to her to keep from sinking to the floor. You can't take your eyes off the two in the interrogation room.
"What deal?" Spencer sits up straighter than he already does. His whole body is tense.
Cat shakes her head. "I thought you weren't here to talk about her or you."
When Spencer slaps the table with his palm, she doesn't even flinch. You do, the harder, and JJ's hands clench into fists. But you only notice this out of the corner of your eye. "What deal, Cat?" His tone is harsh, leaving no room for Cat's games.
She sighs. "Maybe you should ask her yourself. After all, she did come here with you, didn't she? I don't think she'd skip this dance." Cat looks past Spencer to the one-way mirror, straight through it, as if she knows you'd be standing right there. Her grin is crooked and ugly. "Come on, Y/N. You should know I don't bite. Not without notice, anyway."
You feel JJ's gaze on you as you enter the interrogation room without a word. You close the door behind you and out of the corner of your eye you notice Spencer looking at you. But your gaze is fixed straight on Cat. You stop right at the door.
"It's good to see you again, Y/N."
You don't have to be a mind reader to know what's going on in Spencer's head. It's practically written all over his face. Again?
"Hi, Cat," you reply curtly. You feel like shooting her.
"I always knew you lived dangerously. But I didn't think you were stupid. Yet you were the smartest one on your team. No offense, Spencie." She says it like she's bored out of her mind, not like the whole situation could completely escalate in the next second. Spencer tries not to let on, but you can read the confusion on his face. "I guess I was wrong about that."
"What are you talking about?" you ask, involuntarily taking a step forward. Cat takes it as a sign to keep talking.
"I know you killed my partner in crime. Must have been quite a mess, I'm told. Shot right through the head. Kudos, Y/N. I knew you were smart, but you're also badass. Who would have thought." She raises her hand and inspects her filthy and chewed fingernails. Her gaze drifts to you without her moving her head. She looks at you through her eyelashes, which makes her look crazy. "Quite a pity about him. But he was really just my accomplice's boyfriend. So, not worth mentioning."
Accomplice? Boyfriend?
It only takes a brief moment for everything to come together in your head. Apparently, all emotion falls from your face, because Cat looks extremely pleased. "You didn't play by the rules, Y/N. And now someone else has to pay for it."
In three steps, you've crossed the room and pulled Cat from her chair. Before Spencer can stop you, you push her full force against the nearest wall, causing a gasp to escape her mouth. You press your forearm against her throat and she lets out a hoarse laugh. Her gaze mirrors yours. Fierce and unyielding. The pressure on her throat intensifies and she has to cough.
You feel big hands on your shoulders, yanking you back so that you stagger and bump into the table. For a brief moment, you want to fight back as you leap forward again to put a stop to Cat once and for all, but Spencer extends his arm to allow some distance between you. You don't look at him. Out of anger and out of shame, because this isn't you.
"What's going on here?", he finally asks when you've pulled yourself together a bit and he's sure you won't kill her the next chance you get. "What's she talking about, Y/N?"
Cat's look is challenging and you know full well she's not going to say anything. She's dropped the bomb and now it's up to you to make sure the explosion isn't too devastating. You look at Spencer and tears form in the corners of your eyes. There's no way to get around it. And he better hear it from you than from some crazy psychopath. You owe him that much.
"When you were arrested", you begin, hoping your voice doesn't sound as brittle as it does, "it was clear to me from the start that Scratch couldn't be responsible. When you were taken to Millburn Correctional Facility instead of protective custody, it should have been obvious to the others. It was no accident that they sent you there. It was too personal." You can barely look at him, which is why you stare at the floor. "It couldn't have been Scratch, but there was no one else who had a score to settle with you." Your gaze shifts to Cat, "Except for her.
I had no proof, nothing. But I was one hundred percent sure she had something to do with it. So I talked to Emily. She gave me the day off, and I came here." You suppress the urge to knead your hands, so you shove them into your pants pockets. Your gaze wanders back to the floor, though you'd like to look at Spencer. You want to know what's going on inside him, but you don't dare. "Cat denied having anything to do with it at first, but I didn't believe her. And then she made a deal."
"And that included?" asks Spencer. You have to swallow.
"She would get you out of jail, after all, she put you in there too. I knew you wouldn't make it through jail. And not because you were too weak, but because I knew there were some people there who wouldn't bat an eye to hurt a FBI agent like you. And I couldn't stand that, so I went for it." With each word, your voice grows quieter, though you try to sound as determined as possible. But the pain weighs you down and takes away your breath. You remember the visit then, and what it had cost you.
"And what did she want in return?" Spencer's eyes glisten as if tears have formed in them. He blinks once, and the shine disappears. "What the hell did she want, Y/N?"
You can't stop the tears streaming down your cheeks Your heart is beating fast, like it's about to jump out of your chest. You take a deep breath and brace yourself for what follows. "She - she wanted me to leave you. Cat knew that prison could never hurt you the way I would if I abandoned you. If I left, with no explanation and no goodbye."
Spencer's shoulders sink and his muscles are no longer stretched to breaking point. You don't dare look at him, so you stare at Cat, whose grin has actually widened. Psychopathic sadist.
"Actually, Y/N was never supposed to come back either", she continues the explanation, but Spencer continues to look at you. "That was the deal. You weren't supposed to tell anyone about this and never come back, but you didn't stick to that. You thought if you killed the guy and I continued to be in here, you could go back home and get on with your life." Her grin disappears and suddenly she looks incredibly bitter. "Very reckless, if you ask me. My birdie knows you're back home, and as a warning, she left you a trail of dead married men. Apparently you got the message, after all, you're here. That they are dead is all your fault, Y/N. Because you couldn't stay away from your beloved Spencer." She looks from you to Spencer. "It's tragic, isn't it? She loves you so much that she took on all that pain just so you could get out of jail. How incredibly selfless of her. And I'm pretty sure you weren't exactly kind to her when she returned, were you, Spencie?"
Spencer and you can't look at each other, so heavy is the pain on your shoulders. All the anger, despair, and confusion that had spread through you since you saw each other again gives way to an all-consuming feeling of pressure that you can't shake. The only thing that can give you both some comfort is the clarity that has been created. Spencer now knows what really went on, and you no longer have to keep secrets from him. But the matter is far from over.
You look to Cat, but can't find the words. She's won.
You leave the interrogation room without looking at Spencer or saying another word. What could you have possibly said? JJ looks at you with widened eyes as you rush past her. She has her cell phone to her ear, probably talking to Emily, but calls after you, but you don't stop. The air in the building is stuffy and you feel like you're choking on it. Your heart is racing and you feel sick. You just want to get out.
"Y/N." Spencer's voice forces you to stop. You stop so jerkily that you almost fall. When you turn to face him, he's standing right in front of you. His gaze is hard. He opens his mouth, but he doesn't know exactly what to say either.
"I can't, Spencer", you beat him to it. You want to turn and keep walking, but his hand curls around your arm. At the touch, you're struck by lightning.
"Don't you think we should talk about this?"
You should. Definitely. "She had the men killed because I returned", you whisper. "She killed them because I couldn't take it anymore. Because I wanted to be with you. It's all my fault, Spencer. And I'll take the consequences for that."
"So you're just going to leave? Without explanation and without goodbye?"
You don't want to leave, quite the opposite. You would love to throw yourself into his arms, kiss him and never let go. You want to tell him you love him, but you can't. "I can't stay, Spencer. If I did, she would kill more people. I can't be responsible for that. I'm sorry."
You turn away from him, but as you take a step forward, Spencer pulls you back, making you slam against his chest. Your hands settle on the soft fabric of his shirt as his settle on your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. His expression has changed. There is deep sadness in his eyes and he tries to blink away the tears that have formed in the corners of his eyes, but they fall down his cheekbones. All at once, he looks so young. "Promise me you'll come back? Back to me?" One of his hands clasps both of yours, still resting on his chest. He holds them tightly, afraid of losing you again.
You smile weakly at him and tears come to your eyes too. Your smile is honest, but sad. "I will always come back to you."
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niks-minion · 3 years
Bnha 319
It’s been years since I wrote a chapter analysis but this chapter came to my door with “sup bro, the time has come, we’re having some good stuff here” so here we go!
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Well, hello, I missed your faces so much, my precious boys!!! Welcome and pls stick around from now on.
Yeah, Baku tear this stupid letter. Bc letters are for losers, we all wait for bkdk 3 face to face!
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So the whole class is having a 5 o’clock tea in a calm atmosphere and then boom the top 3 interns team is “well hello fellas, quit this sorry pity party we’re gonna go kick on nerd’s ass”
Iida, the serious guys he is goes “yeah ok, but we kinda need a plan or, you know, at least his location. If you’re saying Deku is with top three, maybe you can provide a bit more data here?” Good point Iida, keep it up.
“So guys how’s you mentors doing? Catching villains, kicking asses?” “Well fuck if we know, but Deku is probably with them” “well maybe you could you know, call them? Message in Line?”
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Yeah boy, you’ve seen enough to comprehend the level of selfless recklessness. Was a main star of an action once.
I like how Bakugou is stepping up, ready to be the leader, taking responsibility. And how everyone in class a is ok with that. That guy’ vocabulary didn’t have “a team work” on its pages, and look at him now!
Shouto: my old man hasn’t been spamming my phone. Suspicious!
Ojirou: So the security system was upgraded and oh hey, have you seen AM around? No? Suspicious! ��
Anyhow, Uraraka is just like “you know when someone is ghosting you, you just pick someone else phone,duh?”
So they’re asking the principal to summon Todoroki-kun. Nezu is ofc on board.
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BAKUGOU WEARING A TIE, omg!!!!!!!! That’s the content!💥
Seriously boy, who forced you? Who tied it for you? Who died for this to happen? I have so many questions 👀
My tdbk heart is screaming for this arm touching, thank Hori, I like seeing them being cozy and stuff.
Honestly I don’t get why Enji being an alumni means that he can’t not to show up. What, is it like “we were dealing with your sorry ass you owe this school till the end of times?”
Shouto: sorry guys, I’m gonna go first here, ok? Class 1A: be our guest, buddy.
Shouto “thanks. khm khm. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, OLD MAN?!!!AM I A JOKE TO YOU?”
You go boy!!
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I’m so damn hyped that Shouto let his frustrations out, I missed pissed off Shouto. Because even after having heart to heart he was still left behind for the greater good. Not cool.
Bakugou, the bff he is, patting Todo on the shoulder “ok chill bro, I’ll take it from here, go get a strawberry milk or smth”
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There is something really catching in this panel. Bakugou seems more mature, shoulders broader, figure more imposing.
So Kats tells Enji “ok, old man, you wanted to help but as always you screwed shit up. Nothing new here. Now as I have a “Deku 101” manual in my room, I’m telling you, AM plus that nerdy ass is the worst team ever.
Enji is listening, bc ofc why not. He can be a good listener when it’s not his son talking.
Todoroki kun gives his phone with GPS, he’s rich, he can afford it. If Sero didn’t catch it, he’d just throw one more.
Next let’s enjoy some profound friendship stuff. The whole class is ready to go and save their classmate now. Quite an upgrade since Baku kidnapping.
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I like Iida. That’s it.
Also I’ve been hoping to see Shouto being disappointed about Mido lying to his face since that moment after jta arc. Pls give my boy a hug. While bkdk 3 is in the air, I want tddk talk to happen too.
Nezu: ok you can take Deku. Nezu a while later: ok actually after giving it some thought bring him back. Slipped from my mind that out security system is actually a thing now.
Permission granted, class 1 a is ready to drag one nerdy ass back.
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I like the parallel with AM monument. The class is standing right in front of it, declaring “WE ARE HERE”
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And now, the fight of the year, Broccoli boy vs Feral gremlin and co. !!!
Bakugou is mocking Deku, calling him out on his bullshit. Nothing new here.
Can I quickly say, how beautiful Kacchan is? Sorry not sorry.
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Kudos to the boy, he’s ready to go all the way to bring his frenemy back.
Kudos to Iida for that supporting hand on the back. I anticipate a badass combo attack.
Honestly I was bitter Shouto is not on the last frame but then I gave it some thought and it’s ok. They have a plan and act accordingly. Precious friendo time will come in a bit.
Anyhow, I really enjoyed this chapter. And I’m looking forward to the next one. I have speculations on what’s gonna happen, but I already rumbled about it in my yesterday shit posting. Basically I’m just happy to see class 1A faces. Iida plus some tdbk warmed my heart for the next 7 days. And gifted me tons of new hcs. Thanks sensei.
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