#Alyssa my most beloved
frankcastleonlyfans · 3 months
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader au
summary: your son maegon visits his sick old uncle, viserys, and end up learning the story of how you met your husband.
author's note: look who's back... this story was based off two asks, this one, and another one asking how daemon and mom!reader met. and now mom!reader is officially dornish!!!! i will not be making descriptions of her features in the future, but just know that mom!reader is poc. i hope you guys enjoy this story. it feels good to write again.
warnings: none ig
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon x mom!reader au masterlist
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gif by @gameofthronesdaily
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It is sad when a family member gets sick and you know there's nothing you can do about it. So when your brother-in-law fell ill, it came the time you had to explain to your children that King Viserys wouldn't be the same he once was. The hard part was trying not to scare them with the thought of losing their uncle.
The news brought sadness to Alyssa's and Rhaegon's hearts, but Maegon was the most affected one. He felt the necessity of doing something for his beloved uncle so that even though the King now lay indisposed, he could still feel loved. Your son was old enough to realize that besides Helaena, Viserys' kids did not care for him. That made him sad. Rhaenyra lived in Dragonstone, and for so she couldn't give the attention her father deserved.
The boy had the idea of asking Queen Alicent to let him pay some company for King, during the evenings where he would like someone to talk to. As she needed a break from the sick man herself, she would let Maegon take over her place wherever she felt like it. Which was, almost every evening.
During one of those evenings, Prince Daemon thought it would be nice to see what his brother and son talked about. Mostly, he just wanted to see his brother interacting with anyone, to have the certainty that Viserys would still be alive for a while. The King had little to no hair on his scalp. His body couldn't stand up without the supported of a cane. Daemon didn't know how much time his older brother had left.
When Daemon made entrance to the monarch's solar, he found his son and his brother giggling softly. It felt good to hear the laughing. It meant Viserys was in fact, still alive.
"May I know what is so funny?" The Rogue Prince asked, making his presence known.
Maegon was startled by his father's voice. He has been visiting his uncle for weeks now, but not once his father wanted to come with him.
"Oh, hello Daemon" Viserys grinned at the sight of his sibling, "what a coincidence to see you right now. I was just telling Maegon about that time when we were kids... Do you remember when we tried to find The Cannibal?"
Daemon chuckled, "I do. We searched around all Dragonstone until Father found us before we got inside a Volcano's cave."
"And we never found him!" Viserys laughed.
"Well, thank Gods! You two would probably be eaten or burned alive and I wouldn't be here today to hear the story if you did find him." Maegon reasoned, watching his father pacing around the King's solar.
Daemon's fingers danced around the huge model of Valyria that his brother had exposed in the middle of his room.
"I miss the good old days when I was brave. Once I was sword fighting, I was riding Balerion, I took my little brother to look for a cannibal wild dragon..." Viserys sighed softly.
"You are brave still, uncle" Maegon assures, "It takes bravery to rule. And it takes bravery to be kind. You are a good King."
Viserys nodded to his nephew's words, taking his hands across the table. Daemon felt warmth in his heart. He couldn't quite understand that sensation, but he sees that part of him feels glad that his son expressed words and emotions he could never say or show, because he didn't know how to.
"Did you know that I was the one who introduced your mother to Daemon?" Viserys asked, with fun in his tone, "Have I ever told you the story?"
"Oh, you haven't!" Maegon engaged, grinning excitedly, "Do tell me, uncle, please."
We were all at Driftmark to prestige Corlys and Rhaenys' wedding. Nobles from all across the Seven Kingdoms were there, and your mother was one of them. I remember she was wearing her house colors in her dress. She was a bit older than your sister is now, I think.
My late wife, Aemma, introduced me to her, I didn't know they were friends. I discovered that the lady whom I had just met, was not only a Princess but also played part as a knight at her father's guard. She wore that dress with such grace, that I thought my ears deceived me when I imagined her wearing armor and ringmail.
My thoughts were disturbed by Caraxes' whistling noises, when Daemon, who was very late for the ceremony, came flying upon our heads, rounding Corlys' castle. Everyone was watching the little show your father was giving, mouth-opened, shocked, scared. Y/N wasn't any of those things. She wasn't impressed at all. I remember asking her;
"Have you ever seen a dragon?"
and smirking, she replied, "Where I come from, we have scarier animals."
"Scarier?" Aemma questioned.
"More dangerous." Y/N reasoned.
"I suppose you're right, Princess Y/N," I said, "There are beings more lethal than a dragon, like the very man who rides it can be far more dangerous for his ideals, than the dragon under his command."
It felt like I summoned my brother once I said those words.
"Prince Daemon" Y/N made a short reverence to greet his presence.
"Brother, let me introduce you to Princess Y/N of Sunspear, she is a good friend of Aemma's."
Daemon kept his smugly signature grin on his lips, and took Y/N's hand in his, kissing the soft skin of her knuckles.
"I am deeply sorry for being late for the ceremony. I hope dear cousin Rhaenys can forgive my missing presence." Daemon changed the subject without paying any interest to the lady who made us company.
His rudeness made me uncomfortable, but it was so like my brother to behave like that.
"Y/N, you should come visit us. Viserys and I would love to welcome your family to Dragonstone." Aemma smiled and looked at me for reassurance.
I nodded, "Feel free to visit whenever you want. It is a very lonely place, and unfortunately, the only family we have there is my brother, as Aemma and I are still trying for a child."
Before Y/N could give us an answer, Daemon retorted, "My apologies if living with your younger brother is not what you expected of marriage."
"It certainly is not what I was expecting." Aemma playfully hit Daemon with her elbow.
Y/N giggled softly and the noise took Daemon's attention. He was quite curious why she was still there, in his presence. Most people who didn't know him are likely to feel uncomfortable with his intimidating presence, but not that girl.
"Are you here with your family?" He questioned. That was the first time he spoke directly to her.
Y/N shook her head, "My father sent me here in his name to prestige Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys, and give them our wedding gift."
"Oh. I see Dorne's economy must be great if its ruler has enough gold to spend on such superficial events." Like always, Daemon felt the need to say something directly rude.
Y/N frowned, "I thank the Gods our economy is doing well. It certainly is not because of your King." she replied. Her head remained raised, and her eyes stared at Daemon's on the same height.
Daemon felt strange. That woman wasn't offended by what he said, and even tried to get under his skin. One had to have such courage to talk to him like that.
"Uhm... Viserys, why don't you take Daemon to get that wine Corlys was talking to you about?" Aemma spoke trying to break the tension.
"When I took him away, he couldn't shut his mouth about Y/N. He was amazed a woman had the guts to talk to him like that, and even so about the King." Viserys finished the story, as Maegon quietly listened to every word he said.
"She never really had much filter, your mother." Daemon said, "Still doesn't."
Maegon frowned, "But... that's it? That's how you met mother? But, when did you start courting her, father?"
"She came to Viserys' coronation ceremony. Aemma was pregnant and couldn't make her company, so I offered myself for my sister-in-law to be the one hosting her friend in King's Landing." Daemon shrugged, "The rest... well, maybe you should ask your mother how it happened. I don't remember very well, but I know she quickly fell in love with me."
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novaursa · 12 days
You are an absolutely amazing writer and I adore all your stories.
If your requests for short stories are still open, I would like to request one with Cregan Stark and Targaryen reader where she is pregnant with their first child and gets jealous because Cregan is being secretive and she catches him few times talking to some of his closest men and mentioning an unknown female name. One day she can't take it anymore and confronts him. It turns out he found injured pregnant female direwolf and was taking care of her and her pups which he wants to gift to their child. (It would be fun if reader has already dragon but bonds with direwolf mom as well).
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Requests are closed!
- Summary: Heavy with your and Cregan’s first child, you get suspicious when your husband starts to sneak out to see Daisy. 
- Paring: targ!reader/Cregan Stark
- Note: The reader is bonded with Silverwing. For more of my works, visit my blog. The first list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @daeryna @melsunshine @21-princess
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You pace back and forth, hands resting on the swell of your belly, anxiety bubbling like a cauldron on a fire. Your gaze drifts to the furs on the floor of your chambers, the large bed that feels far too empty most nights as of late, and the flickering light of the hearth that does little to soothe the unease gnawing at your mind. Cregan has been… distracted. He leaves early in the morning, returns late, his excuses as thin as the northern air.
And Daisy.
You’ve overheard him whispering that name, hushed and guarded, always to his most trusted men. Every time you approach, the conversation stops abruptly, like the snap of a trap. It's enough to make any woman suspicious—especially a woman heavy with child, swollen with not only your firstborn but a mix of anticipation, anxiety, and perhaps a bit of jealousy.
"Silverwing," you murmur, glancing toward the small window. Though your beloved dragon isn't visible from the Keep, you know she’s nearby, perched on the cliffs, her silver scales glinting in the pale sun. "Do you know what he’s up to?" But if she does, she offers no response.
You frown. Even your dragon seems to be in on this secret. Traitor.
Another morning arrives, and Cregan departs before dawn breaks. The soft murmur of his voice filters through the stone walls as he speaks to his men again, and you catch it—Daisy.
That’s it. You’ve had enough. It’s time for answers.
You pull a thick cloak around your shoulders and storm down the stone corridors of Winterfell. The biting northern wind whips at your face as you march toward the stables, where Cregan is often found before heading into the woods. Your feet, swollen and heavy, protest with every step, but nothing can stop you now.
There he is, standing with a few of his men, his tall figure unmistakable even through the morning mist. You watch as they exchange low words, but the moment he spots you, they scatter like children caught stealing sweets. You fix Cregan with a glare that could burn the snow around you.
"What is going on, Cregan Stark?" you demand, hands on your hips, the weight of your belly only adding to the intensity of your stance. "And who is Daisy?"
He blinks at you, clearly caught off guard by your sudden confrontation. "Daisy?"
"Yes, Daisy," you repeat, not giving him a chance to deflect. "I’ve heard you speaking about her. And don’t lie to me, Cregan, I’m pregnant, not deaf."
He opens his mouth, closes it, and then rubs the back of his neck, a nervous habit you’ve come to recognize. "Y/N," he begins slowly, "it’s not what you think."
"Oh, it never is," you snap, your voice rising. "You're sneaking around, speaking in hushed tones, all while I’m here, waddling about, wondering if my husband has taken to… to some northern woman!"
"Some—" Cregan’s eyes widen, and for a moment, his usually serious expression cracks into a brief smile. He quickly wipes it away, knowing well enough that your temper is not to be tested right now. "No, no, love. You’ve got it all wrong."
"I do, do I?" you huff. "Then explain. Who is Daisy?"
There’s a pause, then he sighs, realizing there’s no more avoiding this. "Follow me."
Still seething, you follow him into the woods just beyond the walls of Winterfell. The snow crunches under your boots, and the cold air stings your cheeks. You consider demanding answers again, but before you can open your mouth, Cregan stops beside a small thicket, gestures for you to come closer.
He kneels, parting the branches, revealing a small, hidden hollow where something stirs. Your breath catches as you peer inside.
Lying there, curled up with her pups, is a massive female direwolf. Her fur is thick and silver, speckled with dirt and a few patches of blood—recent wounds from a hunt gone wrong, it seems. But even in her injured state, she exudes strength, a fierce protectiveness as she shields her young.
"This is Daisy," Cregan says softly. "I found her a few weeks ago, injured and alone. Her pack must’ve been killed, but she survived with her pups. I’ve been taking care of them, bringing them food, tending to her wounds."
You blink, feeling the confusion melt into something else. "...You’ve been sneaking out to care for wolves?"
"Aye." Cregan chuckles lightly, glancing up at you. "Not just any wolves, love. I wanted to surprise you. I thought… a direwolf pup would be a fitting gift for you and our child. A symbol of the North, something to protect the little one, like Silverwing does for you."
Your heart softens as you watch the direwolf, her eyes meeting yours for a moment. "So… you weren’t keeping secrets from me about another woman?"
Cregan grins, a lopsided, boyish smile that makes your irritation melt away. "No. Only Daisy here."
You cross your arms, feeling more than a little foolish now, though your pride won’t let you admit it outright. "And why didn’t you tell me sooner?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he says, rising to his feet and wrapping an arm around you. "But you caught on quicker than I expected."
You narrow your eyes at him playfully. "You know what’s worse? Silverwing knew, too. She didn’t say a word."
Cregan laughs, pressing a kiss to your temple. "Ah, dragons and direwolves—more loyal to each other than to us, it seems.
You huff, but you can't help the smile that creeps onto your face as you lean into him, the warmth of his embrace chasing away the chill. “Next time, Cregan Stark, no more secrets. Wolves, dragons, or otherwise.”
“Agreed,” he murmurs, his hand resting on your belly. “I’ll share everything with you from now on, Y/N.”
As you both stand there, watching the direwolf and her pups, you feel a sense of peace settle over you. The North, with its biting winds and endless snow, feels a little warmer now—filled with the promise of new life, both yours and the wild creatures that will grow beside your family.
"Perhaps we'll name our child Daisy," you tease, elbowing him gently.
Cregan groans. "Gods, no. One Daisy in this family is enough."
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 months
I Will Never Leave You (Daemon x Reader)
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I think this more a love letter to Rhaenyra than anything but I’m really proud of this one cause I adore writing characters like this, I hope you guys enjoy it
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Rhaenyra adored her mother since she drew her first breath, yet the woman she admired the most and desperately seemed her nod of approval was her beloved aunt (y/n) Targaryen, the middle child of prince Baelon and princess Alyssa, the seat between the brothers suited her, (y/n) had the good heart and the bright mind of her older brother that went hand in hand with the wild spirit and the constant need to protect the ones she called her own that she passed down to Daemon.
(Y/n) had been by Rhaenyras side when she needed her the most, wrapping her arms around the shaking frame of the young princess burying her face at the crook of (y/n)s neck.
Even though the dragon was not (y/n)s, beautiful Syrax complied whilst Rhaenyra broke down at the arms of her aunt, (y/n) ran her fingers through Rhaenyras long hair to offer her comfort as she whispered the lullaby she would sing to her when she was little.
She had also been the one to almost harass her beloved brother and king to name Rhaenyra his heir.
“As much as I love my lord husband, he is not fit to lead, the weight of the realm will crush him until he bursts into flames, we can prevent this, you can prevent this”
“And name Rhaenyra my heir? A queen has not sat the iron throne”
“Why not name the princess your heir? She is the second born”
Otto had questioned, (y/n) side eyed the man before she looked down to collect her thoughts, the wound of her brothers digging their claws on that piece of metal had brought such mental combat between them, turning blood against one another, if she had taken a go at them then all efforts for a harmonious family would have gone to war ages ago.
“I am afraid it is too late for me to claim what could have been or some could argue “should have been” but the time is just right for my niece, Rhaenyra is the result of the love you shared with the late queen Aemma, you have already wronged her, do not turn your back on the only thing you have left of her”
(Y/n) and Daemon had wed a fortnight after Viserys and Aemma, their wedlock’s were as similar as the sun with the moon, Daemon and (y/n) mirrored one another, their fire burned bright and their thick skulls could cause the the strongest storm to lash, still at the end of the day they ended up in each others arms, holding each other tight and whispering words of love and admiration.
(Y/n) was the only one that could keep Daemon on a leash, staying by his side as he raged for the “disrespect” their brother had shown, in a delicate manner (y/n) would always grab his hand and bring it up to her cheek to ground him.
“I love you and your bravery, however I do despise when you let your rage overtake everything that’s good in you, let me fix this for you”
Daemon would always take her in his arms and kiss her lips with all the might he could master. (Y/n) was his life line, her eyes were like a much needed breath after a deep dive, her smile resembled the feeling of the brisk air on the early hours of a summer day, her hair was as soft as a birds feather as it brushed on his skin, and her touch, oh that touch of hers…like a soothing balm on Daemons wounded heart.
“What is the matter, my love?”
“We must fly to kings landing by the morrow”
“Has something happened?”
“Lucerys’s claim is at question by Vaemond, Lord Corlys has not even passed and they are already circling around Rhaenyra like crows”
(Y/n) half mumbled half explained whilst her fingers rubbed circles on her temples, (y/n) had never voiced it still a pang of guilt ate her soul as slow as the carnivores ate their dead prey whenever she exchanged letters with Rhaenyra, she gave up on her, she left her alone to fight against those Hightowers, withering away as the bastards started to tighten the rope around the heiress’s neck.
Daemon puffed out a breath, the conversation had always been the same, (y/n) would often bring up her concerns over Rhaenyras well being, asking Daemon if mayhaps they made a mistake by leaving her, fabricating elaborate scenarios of how things could have been different.
With caution Daemon approached his lady wife and once he reached her he placed his hands on her shoulders, his thumbs rubbing circles on her aching shoulders as she slouched back and a grunt of pleasure left her, the flames from the fireplace licking her face in such a complimenting light, had he not touched her he could assume she was just an extremely accurate portrait from the hands of an exceptionally gifted artist.
“Rhaenyra is strong, she will overcome this”
“Rhaenyra is alone, our brother is barely able to make a sentence, she cannot stand alone at court”
“And what do you think our presence will do? We have been cast away for far too long, no one will pay attention to what we have to say on the matter, besides, driftmark is none of our responsibility”
After the birth of their first born daughter Enora Daemon and (y/n) decided to leave kings landing and reside in Pentos, granting protection with their dragons they were gifted with land and lived like the Targaryens only knew how to live.
“It is under the Targaryen rule, our closests bond to old Valyria”
“Dragons are our bond, which we have our own”
(Y/n) stood up from her chair to face her lord husband, fury that intertwined with confusion painted across her face as her eyebrows furrowed and her lips half open from the shock that his dismiss had caused.
Daemon resented when they fought, he did not enjoy his love being cross with him, though he loved a battle he would hang on dear life on anything and say whatever to make her curl up in his arms with content.
“You do not want to come with me” (y/n) stated
“I do not believe we will change anything”
“You believe that? Out of all I thought you would be the one to get on your dragon the fastest”
“You are with child, our other children are happy here, must we indulge in that mess?”
“That mess? Our brother has been crippled, our niece tortured by the Hightower and now she asks for our aid and you think I will just ignore it”
“You are emotional”
“I am, and proud of it, I will fly to kings landing with my children, you can choose to stay and hide behind our thick and tall walls of this castle. I will not leave our legacy, our blood, to slowly perish. It is your decision at the end of the day”
Daemon puffed out of breath before he reached for (y/n)s arms to which (y/n) stepped back to avoid, her eyes that spewed fire starring right into his soul.
(Y/n) was the diplomat out of the pair, one can imagine the surprise of her stubbornness when it came to this, which also revealed how important this was for (y/n).
“You mustn’t get upset in your condition”
“That is something you should remember, I was fine until I saw that the years turned you into a coward”
(Y/n) spat inches away from his face, with hurried and swift motions she intentionally bumped his shoulder as she made her exit of their chamber, Daemon did not catch a wink of sleep, (y/n) had never slept at another chamber separately since they had wed.
As the sun started to shyly make its descent (y/n) was assisting her three children on their dragons for their journey to kings landing.
“Hold on”
(Y/n) looked over her shoulder to find her husband with his dragon walking towards them, she had to admit that leaving without him would have costed her a great deal, she wanted him by her side, to help her, to hold her, to have her.
“What made you change your mind?”
“My astonishing devotion to you and your stubbornness, I won’t leave you alone with the wolves”
Daemon reassured her before he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, a smile making its way to (y/n)s lips as she gazed at him with love, that sparkle of joy was what kept Daemon alive, he would risk anything to see her well.
A giggle that came from their youngest children interrupted their sweet moment, Daemon and (y/n) looked up as the twins sat on their dragons, admiring the deep affection that oozed out of their parents, Daemon only winked at his children in response and turned back to his lady wife.
“Allow me dearest”
A shriek was heard when Daemon swiped the princess off her feet and lifted her up at her green dragon Zephyr. The family landed unexpectedly since they had not given any information to their visit, Otto and Alicent were fuming upon their arrival, the pair would stir the pot and cause chaos all in the princesses name, Otto was certain of it.
However no one could expect the ever defiant (y/n) holding Viserys by his right arm and the stoic prince Daemon holding the king by the left.
“King Viserys of house Targaryen, first of his name, king of the andals, and the rhoynar and the first men, Lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm, with princess (y/n) Targaryen and Prince Daemon Targaryen”
Time stood still as they entered the throne room, (y/n) had persisted on visiting her brother, encouraging him to stand and back Rhaenyras claim, begging him to find his strength and sit on the iron throne.
“I will sit the throne today”
Viserys was able to say to Otto who only bowed his head and stepped aside. When (y/n) gently assisted her brother to sit comfortably his crown managed to move and fall, Daemon was the one that caught it and placed it back on Viserys head. As the pair took a step back (y/n) was the first to curtsy in front of him.
“My king”
She whispered before she smiled, Viserys managed to get a hold of her hand and bring it up to his deformed lips, as cold and slimy the weird texture of his lips left on her hand (y/n) looked back on that memory until the end of her days, as many times as they fought (y/n) held a spot for Viserys, one of loyalty and respect.
Daemon snaked his arm around her waist as they went down the steps and took their place next to a baffled and ecstatic Rhaenyra, (y/n) subtly nodded and side eyed Rhaenyra letting her know she is her for her.
As Viserys reaffirmed Lucerys claim and Rhaenys announced the betrothal of Baela and Rhaena (y/n) was ready to turn and hug her dear niece when Vaemond stepped in front of the king, interrupting the glorious moment.
“You break law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir, don’t you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon, No, I will not allow it”
“Allow it? I do not think anyone hear asked for your opinion Ser…. Apologies I haven’t been at court in so long, what is your name?”
(Y/n)s words sliced through Vaemond like Valyrian steel and Rhaenyra struggled to hide her chuckle, Daemon stood proudly by her side though his grip tightened around her waist when Vaemonds eyes fell on her for a brief moment before he pointed to Lucerys.
“THAT! is no true Velaryon and certainly not a nephew of mine”
Rhaenyra as the mother that she is took a step forward to stand closer to Vaemond and in front of Lucerys, what no one had seen was an important question that (y/n) had whispered at her husband.
“Which side is your sword on today?”
“Go to your chambers, you’ve said enough”
“Lucerys is my true born grandson and you are no more than the second son of drift mark”
“You may run your house as you see fit, but you will not decide the future of mine, my house survived the doom”
“To which you owe it to much greater men than you Vaemond, men that knew their place and played their part in history, something that you refuse to do”
“And you think that you can tell me what my place is? Your brother skipped over you and gave the name of heir to your niece, the gods know what you have done to make him skip over you and your… husband, my name survived and gods be damned I will not see it ended on the account of this”
“Say it, say it”
Daemon antagonised the man, (y/n) assumed her position and slipped away from Daemons grip, her hand gliding from his back all the way down to his sword, dark sister, and pulled it out the sound of metal brushing against its scabbard was enough to make (y/n) grind her teeth in annoyance, thankfully no one seemed to pay attention to what she was up to.
Except Daemon whom had already a mischievous grin tugging at his lips as he internally thanked whoever blessed him to change his mind and was now going to be a witness on this wonderful event and as he viewed it “important milestone” in his lady wife’s life.
Vaemond was caught in his own fury and sense of entitlement to see his end coming, even if he had seen (y/n) with a sword he would pay her no mind, a man of such ignorance wouldn’t feel threaten by a woman with a swollen belly or any woman for that matter.
“Her children are BASTARDS and she.is.a.whore”
“I will have your tongue for that”
Daemon watched with pride as his wife lifted the sword and with one clean slice Vaemonds head was cut right above his tongue. Enora was taken aback by her mothers acts while her two siblings Alastor and Aelia hid behind their fathers legs to avoid witnessing the gruesome sight of the corpse at such a young age.
(Y/n) stood still as the sword touched the ground to support her, glaring down at the man that had so much to say, a man that thought himself as indestructible and yet he laid on the cold floor as his blood gushed out of him and pooled on the ground.
“He can keep his tongue, to explain his treachery to the gods”
“Disarm her”
Otto commanded as his voice boomed through the throne room like a proper king that would command his kings guards to obviously attack (y/n), though the real king -Viserys- had just opened his mouth to stop this when Daemon took only a step forward.
“Don’t you dare”
Daemon warned them, in a rather surprisingly composed way for the situation Daemon approached her and took the sword from her, wiping it away at his clothes lazily before he placed it back on its original spot, his hand brushed a few strands of hair that had moved and let it glide behind her shoulder, he preferred it when her hair was out of her face, so he can fully take in her beauty.
(Y/n) was seen smiling brightly, basking in her accomplishment that was so grotesque that some reported that a numerous ladies that had been witnesses had fainted or vomited at the sight.
“You must rest, my love”
“Before that”
(Y/n) proclaimed, she left her husbands side momentarily only to stand before Rhaenyra, her hands going up to cup her nieces cheeks and place a kiss on top of the heiress head, a gesture that held such affection and compassion, (y/n) had Rhaenyra in her heart and her mind as her own daughter, images of the princess running careless on the grass and finding refuge in (y/n)s hug flashed before (y/n)s eyes.
“My dear niece”
“(Y/n)” Rhaenyra breathed out
“I will never leave you, ever”
Requests are open!
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, Imagine: The Targaryens as yanderes
Thank @missglaskin for this, i've been reading too much of their headcannons and i need to get this off my chest, so bear with me
T.W: The Targaryens(yes, considering how problematic and delusional they can be, they are a warning) Kidnapping, Pregnancy and Death by birth (Maybe even miscarriages, remember this is the medieval era x-x) probably mentions of SH/SA (Not gonna go into details about this) and maybe more (BE AWARE, THESE ARE MY 8AM THOUGHTS BEFORE COFFEE)
So imagine that the reader from the HOTD is not a kidnapped child from a unfortunate family. They are descendants from an kidnapped person (It's not any better, i know-)
1. Aegon I!Reader:
Now, Aegon the Conqueror, conquering all of Westeros until suddenly, he meets a person that he can't understand why at first, but he feels infatuated with this person, even more than with Rhaenys.
You could be a mere commoner or a lady from a small house. Either way, you are taken from your home never to be seen again. Maybe he convinced your family to give you away, maybe he burned them to ashes, we will never know.
And although they were completely against this at first, Visenya and Rhaenys grew to adore you and now they spend time with you a lot, wanting to protect you(mostly Visenya) and gain your affection(especially Rhaenys). Not that it bothers Aegon, he feels great to know that both of his wifes are on board, and you are terrified. The people who kidnapped you and took your life away, want to play "Happy Family" like they don't keep you locked 24/7 while they terrorize all of Westeros.
Maybe Aegon did married you, but i like to think that he didn't considering he has two wifes already. But he did got you pregnant (cuz of plot and stuff).
All the 3 adore your daughter (Yes, it's a girl, again, plot and stuff), she is the apple of their eyes, their little princess, and no one is gonna touch her.
Both Aenys and Maegor see you as their fourth parent, doing anything to gain your praise and affection, especially Aenys since Rhaenys passed when he was 3 years old, which causes you to be more motherly to him(Also because he is a sick baby boy-), consequently making Maegor jealous.
Speaking of Rhaenys' death, that made your and your daughter's incarceration worse, since Aegon's paranoia grew a lot more, wanting nothing but to protect his beloved and his sweet princess, Visenya was no help, she just indulged her brother's tendencies.
And may the Gods bless Dorne, cuz the attacks will be tripled now X-X.
Unfortunately, life sucks and you die due to a disease, leaving your daughter in the hands of insane Targaryens who become even more possessive over her.
2. Aenys/Maegor!Reader:
After your mother's death, your family turn their eyes to you, now as the only remark of their beloved, since you took most of her characteristics, in appearance and personality.
And don't come thinking that once you reach adulthood that you will be free, Aegon admitted that he was not gonna marry you off anytime soon, he just lost his beloved, he is not gonna lose his daughter too, and the entire family agrees. Although Visenya did offer to marry you to Maegor, your father didn't seen to believe that Maegor was a proper suitor for you(+ The Faith of the Seven was gonna go crazy on them, considering that you are half-siblings-) and Aenys was already married to Alyssa Velaryon at this point.
You enjoyed spending time with Alyssa and your nephews, it was a way to distract you from the rollercoaster that was your life. Because of that and the obsession being a part of their blood at this point, Aenys' kids tended to find confort in you even if you were not too far from eachother in age.
As for Maegor, well, unlike Aenys and his family who only felt platonic feelings, Maegor's feelings grew into a romantic and sexual obsession that at the time he could not fulfill and Visenya was not much of help either, she told him that one day, you two would be married. So imagine his anger when he was forced to marry Ceryse Hightower.
For a couple of years, your life started to finally take course, sure, you were still trapped and with no way of getting out of your family's view, but it was better than when your mother passed, at least you walk around...with at least 4 trusted guards taking care of your every move...
And then Aegon died.
After taking the Iron Throne, Aenys became even more needy of your affection and support due to the huge stress he was dealing thanks to the rebellions against him. You would stay by his side most of the time trying to give him the emotional support he needs. And boy, that infuriated Maegor a lot. Everyone is competition to him at this point, doesn't matter what feelings they have for you.
Maegor's relationship to you was another rollercoaster. As children, you were pretty clingy onto him since he is your older brother and Aenys was always sick or busy. As teens, he became more touchy with you, but had to cross limits after some time and stopped almost completely after marrying Ceryse. However that did not stopped him from making something clear, he wanted you, you would be his, and that frightened you.
Now, isn't suprising that he was married to Alys Harroway. To you, it was, Maegor was always adamant about you and him, so what changed? Maybe he needed to suppress his feelings and saw something in Alys that resembled you? Maybe you would never know, since he was exiled right after everyone discovered, and Aenys didn't even let him say goodbye to you. But the reason was obvious, only the Gods would know what Maegor would do to you if had the chance to see you one last time before going to Pentos.
The last years of Aenys reign was stressful and agonizing, not just because of the rebellions. Because of Aenys' disease that made you stay and take care of him, you tried to stay around his children to find confort on each other. Visenya would also try to confort you as your stepmother, and help you take care of Aenys. But at end, when you thought that he was getting better, Aenys passed away.
And you barely had any time to mourn the loss of you half-brother, cuz after the funeral, Visenya leaves on Vaghar to return with Maegor. You could only watch as your stepmother was crowning your half-brother in your nephew's place and the decapitation of Grand Maester Gawen. Not too long after, Maegor marries you in a Valyrian Ceremony.
And you spend the rest of the night in your shared chambers with Maegor reminding you who you belonged to, with his words haunting your every thought.
Then everything went downhill, you were locked away from the world, Maegor was the only one you saw, sometimes maybe Visenya. No one could get in your chambers except the servants when you needed something, but they wouldn't say much out of fear.
You had no chances of escaping, even when Maegor went into coma, you had to watch over him, take care of him. Since that was your duty as his wife and Queen.
You never met Alys Harroway or Tyanna, you only saw them once: When Maegor executed them both, his way of teaching you what could happen if you disobeyed him.
Since you couldn't leave, you never discovered what Maegor actually did or how many did he killed, but you knew that he was no good king. You only worried for you sister in law and your nephews, that Maegor forbidden you from meeting.
Only when he married Rhaena, is when you had a brief chance to know what happened to the rest of the family, how he killed Aegon and Viserys, how Alyssa had to run away with Jaehaerys and Alyssane, and also 'met' her daughters with Aegon, Aerea and Rhaella. Rhaena did spared you the details of the atrocities that your husband did, you had heard and seen enough.
For years, Maegor tried to have an heir, specially with you, mostly with you, but you never got pregnant, had many miscarriages and you never understood why. Until you did.
That pregnancy was hell, in shorts, but you tried to go through with it. But nothing works out for you and unfortunately, you didn't make it.
When Maegor heard the news that you didn't survive, his only question was about the child, not gonna lie, he was devastated over your death, but he needed to know what killed you...and it was a girl.
You had a daughter, which made easier for Maegor to simply want her dead, after all, he needed a son for a heir. But when he demanded the child to be brought to him, the baby was no where to be found. Since Rhaena had took her away.
Your daughter would live without knowing who her father nor her mother was, but surely, she would have a life better than yours.
And that's all that matters, right?
A/N: I guess this is it, i don't have the mentality to continue now, so if you want more, let me know...ok bye
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months
Okay, so I just found out that apparently Alysanne was going to be Maegor's child in the original draft and I'm like what?! We were robbed! Like can you imagine the total irony of the most beloved queen being the daughter of the cruelest king? Why the hell would GRRM change this?
I haven't been getting notifications for my messages and i'm livid because I ALSO FEEL SO ROBBED OF THIS. It makes jaehaerys and alysanne infinitely more interesting to me - running off to incest marry the king that deposed your own murderous father, winning over the smallfolk by being really good at politics and making changes that actively affect their livelihood like abolishing prima noctus, the reaction to her at maidenpool being that she and her baby are "abominations", needing Jonquil Darke to protect her, building this huge family with this great king only for him to start forcing dangerous pregnancy after dangerous pregnancy on her, when he knows that's a sore spot because aly watched maegor rape half his wives to death and jaehaerys' own mother died in childbirth, Alysanne's deranged issues with projecting her childhood onto her daughters, until the daughter of the abomination is known as Good Queen Aly and the once beloved heir to Aenys is only ever known as the Old King Jaehaerys because ALY is the one that has always been good while Jaehaerys spent years showing everyone he may be kind to the smallfolk but he's just as tyrannical and monstrous to his family as Maegor ever was like IT'S DELICIOUS.
It also adds this insane level to the Alyssa-Rhaena-Alysanne relationship, like Alyssa attempting to protect young Alysanne without usurping her own daughter's claim, Rhaena growing resentful because Alysanne can escape Maegor's shadow by marrying the brother that should have been RHAENA'S to become Queen while Rhaena just drifts from home to home unable to cast off the taint that Maegor and Aenys and Aegon the Uncrowned have put on her, Alysanne watching in horrified silence as Rhaena chews Rogar out for putting Alyssa through a risky pregnancy while Jaehaerys is suspiciously silent, it's all just so delightfully fucked up.
I think he changed that aspect because he wanted to go deeper into the blood magic babies, the weird dragon babies, and Targaryen infertility issues, which is fair, but damn we really lost the superior story line because of that!
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midlandslady · 2 months
So ok, let me rant.
I don't think I can keep watching HOTD. I love the story in itself, yes, but it is just too painful. First, the dragon scenes are excruciating and second I am not loving what they are doing to the story. Rhaenyra is just a goody two shoes, I love her, I get her not wanting to plunge the realm into chaos, that's all fine and admirable but she has been boring. It's not Emma's fault at all but I would love to see Milly's Rhaenyra with her fierce personality that was so captivating. Younger Rhaenyra was not mean, I don't believe she would have wanted war for the sake of it, but she was so compelling that I would still love her plot. And Daemon, I cannot. They are destroying Daemon to me. He is my most beloved character, more than in the book. I know he's not good and I don't want him to be, but still I was in love with their romance in season up to ep10 as I don't remember being in love with a tv show romance in a decade, as gothic and twisted as it was. And episode 10 destroyed it for me, I can't stand abusive relationships and that chocking scene was so OOC that I felt betrayed. What had I been watching for the other 9 episodes, was it all a lie? Because I am sure I saw a man very deeply in love with a woman, a man that became a shadow of himself without her in his life. And all because he had done the right thing. Leaving her in the brothel was not abandoning her, it was the right thing to do, that's where I fell in love with their romance honestly. He was overwhelmed by what he was feeling but she was still so young so he spared her, from himself, from his darkness. Still he went to her wedding to make sure that she was happy with her marriage and you can just see his face when he sees her so radiant, dancing with Laenor, that he wants her to be happy. So he gives her up. Yet, he wanted to hear from her lips that this marriage was what she wanted and so he goes to her and she confirms that she wants it, then she challenges him, taunts him and he almost loses his mind, which was just another reason to let her live her life without him. I was so proud of him. But after episode 10, I read producers saying that Daemon should not be loved by the public because he was evil and the chocking scene was him being what he always was. Bullshit! I realized they were going to do him dirty in season 2 so I almost did not watch it. And I only did because Matt Smith and the producers were saying that Daemon loves Rhaenyra deeply and they are connected, kindred spirits and that Daemon would do anything for her, and that's what I wanted to hear for the past 2 years, so I relented. His crying when he saw young Rhaenyra with Jaehaerys gave me hope. But then him beheading the version of her he loved the most/ loved him the most? Because he was jealous of his brother? And now him sleeping with Aemma or Alyssa? Like it doesn't matter who the woman is as long as she is a Targaryen queen? His "curiosity" for Alys? Challenging Rhaenyra's claim to become king and then she is "welcomed to join him as his (submissive) queen"? What is this? I want to believe Matt's words, I love the Daemon that he describes but that's not what I am watching right now.
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belovedviolence · 11 months
introduction post
hello writeblr and welcome to my blog! i'm honestly new to this side of tumblr but i would love some mutuals and friends <3
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about me
genres i write in: psychosexual horror, contemporary, gothic romance, romance, and sometimes (very rarely) fantasy themes i enjoy + write: religious guilt, codependency, grief, loneliness, love as violence, love as consumption, oranges as a symbol of love, the obsessed artist, coming of age, tragedy, right person wrong time/not enough time, power dynamics in relationships, obsessive + toxic romances (especially sapphic) and several others but these are my most beloved favourite books: the descent of the drowned by ana lal din, the wolf's den anthology by @therottengirl, little rabbit by alyssa songsiridej, hell followed with us by andrew joseph white, letters to a young poet by rainer maria rilke + so many more
i also love films! some of my favourites are phantom thread, stoker, us and them, dead ringers, and the piano teacher.
i'll also be ranting about my works in progress from time to time, and might make a separate, proper post about them.
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quick links
wip i: little deaths intro | little deaths updates + musings | little deaths inspo | selene | wip ii inspo
@chargoeson (the first person in my taglist!! thank you for your support omg ♡)
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sunnysideaeggs · 3 months
hi babes this is my ep 3 review. this is a lil monday tradition i love to yap
lmao rhaenys subtly gagging rhaenyra and calling her out. i’m liking her more and more compared to the first season, she seems more rounded and actually a figure of peace instead of coping
now rhaenyra is coping lol. ‘a little boy murdered in his bed’ ‘but my throonee :((((‘
rhaenyra parentifying rhaena and making her go to her mother’s place of death to safeguard her sons 🙄 not even recognizing the burden she is putting in her. a white woman giving her children to raise to a black girl smh
i like a lot what they’re making with rhaena, giving her actual thoughts that often contradict her ‘side’. go get your hightower husband girl
why no one remembered that larys, yk, the greens’ master of whispers, is lord of harrenhal? like of course it is a green location? where is he? isn’t he a memeber of the council? why does he never attends council meetings?
lmao not daemon wishing to be called king when the proper title is king consort. let me just get a meme:
i just realized that alicent now dresses less ‘richly’ maybe to indicate frugality during war to the people. ‘look, we’re not having feasts while you starve’ kind of vibe. the green queen beloved of the smallfolk
and she is also less structured because she doesn’t need to cover herself for viserys. i enjoy her having the freedom to dress as she likes
as a sansa lover, i must say i love rhaena. go gentle princess with a good who feels everything too much and wears courtesy as a weapon. i love u
if they’re diminishing helaena’s grief and they’re not going to give me helaena taking revenge in dreamfyre istg 🤨🤨🤨
I KNEW THE ARMOR WAS VALYRIAN STEEEEELL 🔥🔥🔥 that’s why it doesn’t fit him it literally isn’t made for him. i hope it’s fireproof
egg promoting his lads 😭 medieval networking
lol larys is the kind of guy that suddenly comes to you with the weirdest true crime facts that leave you feeling icky. i love him
aegon did the alicent disappointed face to his kingsguard. neat party trick
not making baelon cheat on alyssa 🙄 our one successful sibling marriage and they take it from us
tbh if i was dyana you wouldn’t catch a glimpse of me after the meeting with alicent. fuck king’s landing, that stinky city. i would have alicent get me a little house in oldtown. a job as a cook. no chance of any dirty man getting his hands on me. why keep victimizing a character for no reason condal?
any dragonseed should zip it for good, unless you get something for your heritage. my mom was a lyseni whore, that’s what i would say. nobody asks you questions when you say your mom was a lyseni whore
aegon 🙄 i thought we were getting past this. i hope he apologizes, i’m tired of this aemond slander.
i dislike the full frontal scene with aemond. literally gratuitous, no one asked for it. and we know there’s awful people saying shit about ewan’s body, they now get another chance of making fun of his most intimate parts and aemond’s intimate moments. why.
finally some class conscience exploration with criston? are my prayers being answered?
lmao not rhaenyra getting another girl daemon. i dislike baela’s hot head since ever but if it gives me comedic relief i’ll take it
rhaenyra is his father’s daughter. not a compliment
i love how daemon barricades his door just to… open it when he thinks someone wants to get in. and gets out. big forehead not big brain.
MILLY APPEARS YAYYYY 🥰🥰🥰 jaehaerys noooooo 😭😭😭
i could see jae’s actor kinda winking, his little lashes twitching. he’s a baby and he’s doing his best omg 😭💕 it could be the candles tho
yes daemon cry i hate you
imagine you’re a kid and they tell you your job is to be still and have a pretty lady hum at you and touch your cheek. so comforting tbh
ALYS APPARITION YAYYYY 🥰🥰🔥 she’s as stunning and disturbing as i imagined her. devoured. ate him alive. as she should.
lmao of course alicent would think war is to be averted after seeing her grandson without a head 🙄 and if she does she’s dead to me istg
yes rhaenyra threaten a queen 🙄 of course she will react well and think of making peace with you. at gunpoint. classical targaryen.
also she literally smuggled a weapon into a church. threatened to spill blood in a holy place. then ask why people don’t believe you have any morals or respect for anything.
alicent asking her if she’s surrending it’s so funny loool
once again, alicent talks about a child’s murder. rhaenyra brings up the throne. i’m done with her tantrums.
did you betray him at your very last, alicent? don’t you know you owe loyalty to your rapist and jailer, alicent? don’t you know you’re not allowed to want, alicent?
that’s how rhaenyra sounds.
i love how rhaenyra doesn’t spare a thought to surrender yet wants to pretend bloodshed concerns her. lmao.
alicent, i’m back. go green queen.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
Cursed Targaryen Names
Hello everyone! I think by this point we've all heard the theory that the name Visenya is cursed in ASoIaF, and I recently received this ask here that drew my attention to the fact that the name Aegon doesn't have the greatest track record, either. One realization later, and I arrived at my new theory: All three names from the Conquering trio have been cursed. Maybe by Visenya (I hope by Visenya). So let's go through what happens to all the poor kids that get saddled with these names, shall we?
Visenya, who Rhaenyra wanted as a sister when Aemma was pregnant, but who was actually a boy named Baelon. Still, at one point Rhaenyra had declared the baby's name would be Visenya. As we all know, the baby died, and took its mother with it.
Visenya, the stillborn daughter of Rhaenyra. Born with birth defects, with scales on her skin, and with a tail.
Aegon the Uncrowned, who was usurped by his uncle Maegor despite being the trueborn and eldest son of the late king, and who was later killed by Maegor at just seventeen.
Aegon, son of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, who died three days after he was born
Aegon, son of Baelon and Alyssa, whose birth killed his mother and who died days before his first birthday, also managing to ruin Viserys and Daemon's childhood
Aegon II, who watched all of his siblings and most of his children die before him in a war they were forced into, who spent his final years disfigured and in agony, and who died in his twenties
Aegon III, who traumatically lost his dragon and thought he'd abandoned his brother to die, whose older half-brothers all died, who watched his mother be eaten alive as a child, and who spent the rest of his life depressed as a result
Aegon IV, who was probably actually insane
Aegon V, who killed not only himself but also his own children and heir in his desperation to uncover the magic of the dragons in the Tragedy at Summerhall
And finally, poor baby Aegon, whose head was bashed in against a wall in front of his mother, Elia
Rhaenys, daughter of Aemon and Jocelyn, who outlived her two beloved children and was burned alive after being sent on a suicide mission by the same woman she thought killed her son
Rhaenys, the three-year-old daughter of Elia and Rhaegar, who was ripped from beneath her bed and stabbed to death so viciously that Tywin Lannister had to cover her body with a cloak before presenting her to the King.
Also, as a note, there's one instance of one of these three names popping up pre-Conquest: Aegon Targaryen, son of Gaemon and Daenys, who happily married his sister, ruled Dragonstone, and passed it down to his son with no problems. Whose children all survived to adulthood, whose wife did not die in childbirth, and who is not noted to have a particularly gruesome death. This just adds to my theory that this name was not cursed pre-Conquest hehe.
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brandnulife · 2 months
RIP, Shannen Doherty (1971-2024)
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"Shocked and saddened to hear about the passing of my friend Shannen. She was a force of nature and I will miss her. Sending love and light to her family in this dark time." - Jason Priestley
"I am still processing my tremendous grief over the loss of my long-time friend Shannen, the woman I have often described as one of the strongest people I have ever known. Our connection was real and honest. We were so often pitted against each other but none of that reflected the truth of our real relationship which was one built on mutual respect and admiration. She was courageous, passionate, determined, and very loving and generous. I will miss her and will always honor her deeply in my heart and in my memories. My heart breaks for her family and Bowie." - Jennie Garth
"Shan. My sister… You loved me through everything. You were a big part of my understanding of love. I’ll miss you more than I know how to process right now. Thank you for the gift of you." - Brian Austin Green
"Fuck them… is what Shan would say if I told her I felt pressure to have to summarize via social media a 36-year relationship and the grief I feel for a fire who’s flame went out too soon.
I was 15 when Shan and I met. I was the boss’s daughter with no voice and she was the star with a big voice. She took me under her wing. She gave me the belief I had a voice and was worthy. We became fast best friends. We were each others wing women, true confidantes, support systems navigating bad relationships, roommates of sorts at times, travel buddies, and so much more. She always stuck up for me. Always had my back. Always believed in me when I didn’t or couldn’t believe in myself. We were young. We let a lot of outside and inside influences influence our friendship. In a world where we often don’t get to make up with the childhood friendships that formed so much of the adult you become, we got that chance. I’m grateful @theshando and I got to go back in time as adult friends and remember why we truly loved each other to begin with. To reminisce. And, to iconically laugh again like we used to. No one could make me laugh like that. Core laughs!
She was a rebel in an era when most women didn’t feel comfortable being strong. She never tried she just was. She empowered sexiness, strength, 2 fucks given, empathy, and all topped off with wicked humor! Her sardonic humor was one of my faves. And, no one made a frito pie like Shan!
Shan… I’ll carry the torch on. Take on my power! And, I’ll stay rebellious for you. Love you with all my heart. Always. 🖤💔" - Tori Spelling
"Shannon was so young and so courageous. By sharing her journey she has helped so many. My heart goes out to her family and I know that Luke is welcoming her with open arms." - Gabrielle Carteris
"Shocked and saddened by news of Shannon Doherty’s death. What a journey she has been on! Gone too soon. Throughout, she stayed true to herself and gave us an example of courage and perseverance in facing her own death. May she rest in peace." - Carol Potter
"It’s no secret that Shannen and I had a complicated relationship, but at its core was someone I deeply respected and was in awe of. She was a talented actress, beloved by many, and the world is less without her. My condolences to all who loved her." - Alyssa Milano
"Shannen Doherty had the heart of a lion. Passion for craft is often mislabeled as trouble. Shannen was passion. I met her in the ’90s and was awed. Getting to really know her later in life, a beautiful gift. This woman fought to live. Shannen knew how to be a star because she was one since childhood. Her work ethic inspiring to the end. Shannen’s great love for directing, for acting, Holly, her friends, her parents, dog and her beloved fans was legendary. Our lives had been intertwined in a unique way. We laughed at dark forces who wanted us to hate each other, instead we chose love and respect. A soft-hearted badass as there ever was. A force of energy that will live forever in hearts. May angels and God carry her to the holy kingdom where she is healthy, young, and wild forever. Rest now warrior, we will never forget you, dear sister." - Rose McGowan
"Beautiful Shannen. What a warrior. Fierce talent, passionate actor, friend, advocate. She fought. My heart goes out to her family, her beloved mama, her doggy, her friends who loved her equally fiercely as she loved them. God, I’m sorry for this loss…. Rest in peace, Shannen. - Finola Hughes
"We created a special television couple for the ages. My heart goes out to your family. Rest in peace, Shannen, rest in peace." - Ted King
Very sad to hear about the passing of #ShannenDoherty. I watched and was a huge fan of 90210. And, of course, I’ll always love #Charmed, @cw_charmed both the original and reboot. My thoughts are with her family…." - Rupert Evans
"RIP, Shannen Doherty. I met her during the Full House days. She was lovely and had a beautiful smile. Today, I’ll also think about the women in my life who all succumbed to cancer - my mom, my sister, Sharon, and my niece, Shannon, who all were so strong and so beautiful. #RIPShannenDoherty #RIP" - Dave Coulier
"You showed me what strength is. You taught me to be fearless and live with purpose. To know your value and stick to your determinations. Forever loved! Truly heartbroken." - Brian Krause
"Crushed💔 I will miss you, Shannen. I got you, Sis. We just got each other. I am so glad we were cast together for a pilot back in 2004. We hit it off right away and friends since then…I was supposed to do your podcast… I was so looking forward to that… You fought so hard babe, and now it’s time for you to rest. I know you’re dancing in the sky." - Holly Robinson Peete
"RIP, Shannen Doherty. Grew up watching you in so many iconic, meaningful movies and shows. Was beyond honored and humbled and grateful that you were a part of our most special episode of #Riverdale ever. Thank you forever.💔😰💔😰🚀" - Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
"@theshando 💔🙏" - Antonio Sabato Jr.
"My better half of 31 years. There is a hollow in my chest and I can’t seem to catch my breath. A part of me is missing even though I know exactly what you would say to me right now. I know exactly what you would tell me to do right now. I know your undying spirit will live in me and my kids who you loved as your own. They will walk with your sense of purpose and pride. They will be truthful and stand up for what is right. No matter what and zero fucks given. Your fire will live on in them and the many other Charmed ones you helped raise. A fierce fighter till the end. My most ardent champion. My loyal protector. My best friend. You taught me the meaning of family. You were and will be forevermore my sister. I love you." - Holly Marie Combs
"How do you possibly find the right words to sum up 30 years of friendship? I keep reminding myself it only hurts this much because there was so much love. Thank you, for all your kind words and support. I love all the messages about how @theshando was important to you. So let’s honor her. More than anything, Shan loves animals, especially dogs. In her memory let’s support our favorite animal charities. Whether that’s donating money , stopping by your local shelter and just offering cuddles and walks to animals housed there or even just tagging them in the comments so other people can learn about their work. I know that would make our girl happy (and illicit that deep-throaty laugh we all loved) 💔 💔💔" - Sarah Michelle Gellar
"This is the first photo I ever took of Shannen and the last photo she sent to me of us. I’ll never be able to fully articulate our relationship or what she meant to me in a social media post so I’m not going to bother trying... I can say I will miss her laugh, her wicked sense of humor and fiery spirit most of all. I’m truly heartbroken but will continue to honor her by living as she lived - with passion beyond measure, with unwavering loyalty to family and friends and most importantly, with bravery, no matter how insurmountable the challenge or obstacle appears to be.
"Dear brave beautiful friend, may you rest in the peace of God 🕊️ We are heartbroken by the news of your passing … My deepest condolences to your beloved Mom and to Chris . All of us who were fortunate enough to know you and love you and call you friend will miss you terribly . You were a bright light in all our lives. Rest in Peace, dear Shannen 🕊️ 🙏#shannendoherty" - Roma Downey
"I worked with Shannon a few years ago on a film called The Fortress directed by my friend @jamescullenb I didn’t know her well. She was humble, funny, and professional. My sincere condolences to her family and friends. She was a talent and a fighter. May she rest in peace." - Sean Kanan
"FOX mourns the loss of our friend Shannen Doherty. We're grateful for the talent and light she brought to FOX, especially through her role in Beverly Hills, 90210, which cemented her place among television royalty. Shannen's legacy will be remembered and celebrated forever." - FOX Television Network
"Deeply saddened to hear of Shannen’s passing. I treasure my time working with her on 90210. She always brought her huge talent, her wicked sense of humor, and her big heart to every moment. My heart goes out to her wonderful family and friends. She will be sorely missed." - Jim Eckhouse
"I am absolutely heartbroken over the passing of Shannen Doherty. When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer I remembered how she bravely let the world into her journey and I reached out to her. We became instant friends- which I honestly couldn’t comprehend at times because watching her on ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’ was everything to me when I was 10. (Shannen Doherty as Brenda Walsh is and was and will always be an icon.)
We bonded through a shared battle and a desire to help other women. Looking back on the last text she sent me just a couple months ago, she asked how I was doing and if she could do anything for me…. True to form, Shannen was offering her support even though she was in the final stage of fighting this horrific disease.
Cancer is really fucking scary and Shannen faced it with such dignity, strength and grace.
I’m sending all of my love to her mother who was her best friend, hero and champion every step of the way.
Fly so high, my friend. 💔💔💔💔" - Olivia Munn
"I grew up watching Shannen Doherty, and years later I got the amazing chance to work with her in Mallrats and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Loved her in Charmed, a favorite of mine. Truly sad that she is now gone, may you rest in peace 💔" - Jason Mewes
"Long before any other pop culture figure “broke the internet” @theshando singlehandedly shattered it in the early 90’s. This is an incredible accomplishment considering the internet as we know it didn’t even exist yet. I (and the rest of the known universe) used to watch “the girl from #heathers” every week on @beverlyhills90210. I usually did so while jockeying the register at @quickstopgroceries - so it was ironic that the film I’d eventually make there would lead to #shannendoherty. @malcolm.ingram is most responsible for Shannen being in #mallrats. When I told him my next flick was essentially “Clerks in a Mall”, Malcolm insisted “Then you gotta cast Doherty! She’s an American icon!” That she was, and so much more. Shannen was a true talent and she became a good friend, but lest anyone forget, she was the only reason Mallrats got green-lit in 1995. That’s because Shannen was one of the most famous people on the planet - and the fact that she picked Mallrats as her first follow-up to 90210 *made* that movie happen. I cherish the memories of Shannen walking her German Shepherd around the @edenprairiecenter every morning, or whenever she’d gossip and giggle between takes. At the junket for Rats, we established a ritual we kept up for years, where she wrote “dick” over my half of our @filmthreat cover while I wrote “bitch” over her pic. But while Shannen was no shrinking violet and she gave as good as she got (particularly to the paparazzi), she was never anything but sweet to me. I told her back in December when I was on her podcast that I felt like the girl I used to watch on TV at Quick Stop was there to welcome me when I got into show business. Fuck… She’s died way too soon. I already miss you, Do-Do. Thank you for going to the Mall with me - and for thirty years of friendship. My Canadian pal was right: you are (and always will be) an American icon. #KevinSmith - Kevin Smith
"Gone too soon! I didn't know Shannen, but I knew a lot of her friends and I was a huge fan growing up. From Heathers to 90210, she had my respect for her talent and choices. She will be missed but her influence will carry on. Rest well!" - Melissa Joan Hart
"I had the great pleasure of working with Shannen Doherty a few years ago in Canada- she was smart and funny, and super talented. Then later I happened to run into her on a night I received some of the worst news of my life and she was there for me like a rock. I also consulted her on dog rescue issues. She was a strong, beautiful human being and I am thankful for the times we shared on this earth. Rest in Peace." - Mira Sorvino
"RIP @theshando 🕊️💔
When I first booked 90210, I remember walking on set on the first day and feeling a bit nervous, especially during the drug scenes. But Shannen was always so supportive and encouraging, instantly putting me at ease. She made the experience truly special. ❤️ Working with her was such a gift." - Jessica Lowndes
"We lost a beautiful soul and member of the Lifetime family today. Shannen Doherty’s legacy of strength and resilience will forever inspire us. Rest in peace." - Lifetime Television Network
"Shannen, I was a huge fan of yours before we worked together, and an even bigger fan of yours after. I’m so happy to have had that time with you and still have this sweet note you wrote me. Now you rest. Condolences to your friends and family. This ICON will be truly missed🙏🏽🕊️ #ShannenDoherty" - Reagan Gomez
"She was a warrior and inspired us all. She taught us how to be brave in the face of fear, and how to start a new life, even when the end was in sight.
I was inspired by #shannendoherty when we met while I was still hosting @thetalkcbs. She had a peace in her eyes that I admired. She never gave up living or fighting for her life, even though you could see she had come to terms with her own mortality. The courage it takes to be able to see your own ending while living your life with passion and your warrior spirit front and center is not easy… I wish her eternal peace, that she rests easy now, knowing she inspired so many of us.
Rest in Peace. #ripshannendoherty Thank you for your courage and for sharing that strength with us all. @theshando" - Carrie Ann Inaba
"Very sad about the passing of Shannen Doherty. She was an extremely cool gal and a force. Really enjoyed getting to work together. She was a total pro. And, in our conversations, I always felt the fighter she was and showed herself to be in the years after. Very admirably so.
I hadn’t seen her in a handful of years, but, when we ran into each other last, we reflected on the unique adventure we had filming in New Zealand. We shot there for over a month on a film called Kiss Me Deadly. It was the first gay spy film, and we had a great time doing it. (I also remember, as a big Indiana Jones fan, geeking out that we were working with John Rhys Davies. I can’t recall now whether it was as impactful for Shannen. :))
There were plenty of fun facts and moments, but my one of my favorites was discovering her secret passion for World of Warcraft. (It’s been mentioned out there in the world at this point.) It was a hugely popular online interactive role-play game at the time. I remember being impressed that she brought her separate gaming computer all the way to NZ to play it. She was leading a mission with a team of folks from around the world who had no idea that it was actually @theshando leading them because she was using her online handle. Although she said she suspected that some might be cluing in. Among her many other qualities, it was a unique, fun, and little known aspect that I found really endearing. (Especially as a fellow fantasy fiction and role play gaming aficionado.)
Rest in peace, Shannen. And thank you for sharing your journey so openly with the world. You made it better for doing so." - Robert Gant
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butterflyintochains · 2 months
Jace and Baela's Babies
Just a little thought experiment for what I think Jace and Baela's royal family would've looked like, and Rhaena's family too.
Princess Visenya Targaryen
Their firstborn child and eldest daughter, born six moons after the royal wedding. Princess Baela being three moons along when she wed Prince Jacaerys. A sweet and intelligent young girl, the apple of her fathers' eye and pride of her mother's life. Named for the sister they so tragically lost. Comes to inherit Syrax from her grandmother.
Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen
Two years younger than Visenya, their second child and eldest son. Born on Dragonstone to the prince and princess. An active and energetic boy, but an angel who adores his family. Especially beloved of his aunt Rhaena, who calls him 'my little shadow'. Named for the conciliator his father desires to emulate. Comes to ride Caraxes upon Daemon's death.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
Born three years after her older brother, their third child and second daughter. Born on Driftmark while the couple were on a visit. Her mother in miniature, an impulsive and curious princess. A lover of adventure and of dragons, her grandsire's favourite grandchild. Named for her lady great-grandmother who meant so much to her parents. Comes to ride Meleys as a teenager.
Prince Lucerys Targaryen & Princess Laena Targaryen
The surprises of the family, born after a tragic miscarriage a year before they came, born three years after Rhaenys. Luke and Laena are the family's mischief makers. Born to a king and queen. Baela was expecting just the one child, and along came two. Lucerys is named for his late uncle, Laena for her grandmother. Lucerys comes into Tessarion, and Laena takes Seasmoke.
Prince Baelon Targaryen
Born two years later, in King's Landing, the royal couple's sixth child and third son. Baelon is the traveler of the family, hating to be at home for too long. He always looks forward to family progresses to the different parts of the realm. The last of the children born in summer. Named for his great-great grandsire and great-uncle. Baelon claims Sunfyre as a young man.
Princess Alyssa Targaryen
Born one year later, also a surprise pregnancy for the young queen. Alyssa takes most after her grandmother, an introverted and bookish princess, but with a hot streak. Born in the beginnings of autumn, Alyssa's birth was seen as a beacon of hope for the coming season. The favoured sibling of her younger sister. Alyssa eventually inherits Dreamfyre.
Princess Daenerys Targaryen
Born three years later, Daenerys is the sweetheart of her family. Daenerys' birth was a difficult one for the queen, who had to give birth on Dragonstone without her husband's help. But, little Daenerys came into the world perfectly healthy. Not named after anyone in particular, just a name they liked. Daenerys inherits Moondancer.
Prince Corlys Targaryen
Born two years later, the final son of the king and queen. Corlys is the best swordsman of his brothers, training under his father and mother from a young age. Born in King's Landing with only his parents and a few maids in attendance. Jace and Baela were relieved at the smoother birth. Corlys is named for his great-grandsire. He comes to ride Vermax as an adult.
Princess Aemma Targaryen
The second rainbow baby, born five years after Corlys, and two after the stillbirth of her brother: Daeron. Baela was convinced she'd never birth a living child again, but Aemma happily proved her wrong. A creative girl, with an eye for fashion, often making her own dresses. Named for her late grandmother, who never got to meet her parents. Aemma inherits Morning from her aunt.
Dragons during their reign:
Vermax, King's Dragon: King Jacaerys I
Moondancer, Queen's Dragon: Queen Baela I
Morning, Princess' Dragon: Princess Rhaena, Lady of Driftmark and Highgarden
Syrax: Princess Visenya
Caraxes: Prince Jaehaerys
Meleys: Princess Rhaenys
Tessarion: Prince Lucerys
Seasmoke: Princess Laena
Sunfyre: Prince Baelon
Dreamfyre: Princess Alyssa
Wild Dragons: Vermithor and Silverwing.
Rhaena and William Tyrell's Children
Lady Alysanne
A surprise for Rhaena and Will, born seven moons after their wedding. But, no less beloved of her parents, aunt, and uncle. Born the same year as her cousins Luke and Laena. Alysanne is a studious and intelligent young lady, with a love for horses. Her mama's girl through and through, often called 'Rhaena's Shadow', shy as a child, but grows into a confident young lady.
Lady Jocelyn and Lord Joffrey
Blessed with her own set of twins, three years after Alysanne's birth. Rhaena was overjoyed to welcome her little ones with her husband. Born in a rather sad year for the Targaryen-Tyrell family as William lost his beloved older brother, becoming Lord of Highgarden. But, Joss and Joff represented a new chapter and beacon of hope for the couple.
Lady Elinor
Born just two years after the twins, Elinor is the only one of the Targaryen-Tyrell children born on Driftmark. Her eldest sister being born in King's Landing, and the twins at Highgarden. Elinor is her papa's girl, and loves spending time with him in his offices. She also loves her uncle Jace to bits, the most Targaryen of the family, loving flying with her mother.
Lord Duncan
One year after Elinor, came her little brother. Born at Highgarden like the twins. Duncan is the adventurer of the family as he gets older, traveling with his father around The Reach while his mother stays home to work on running the region. Named for his late uncle, who he deeply resembles but never gets to meet. An avid horse racer as well, helping to popularise the sport.
Lord Garlan
Three years later, came Garlan. Named for his late lord grandfather, Garlan is a complete mama's boy, who Rhaena adores. Closes to his cousins Baelon and Alyssa, he loves visiting his relatives in King's Landing. The wild child of the family, who often needs to be brought in line by his parents and eldest sister. But, eventually, Garlan finds his calling as a kingsguard knight.
Lady Bethany
Born two years later, is the sunshine baby of the family. Rhaena struggled to bring little Bethany into the world, labouring for a whole day to give birth to her. But, after much stress and worry, Bethany came into the world with no problems. Her eldest sister's favourite sibling. A lover of animals of all kinds, starting a little shelter in Highgarden City.
Lady Cassandra
Born four years later, the youngest of Daemon, Laena, Laenor, and Rhaenyra's grandchildren. Born three years after the stillbirth of her sister: Melissa. The rainbow baby, Cassie - as she's lovingly called by her family - is the family musician. Taking up violin and harp from a young age, and being trained as a singer. She goes on to be a highly demanded musician across the realm and in Dorne.
Aegon & Daenaera's Family: Daeron, Aegon, Daena, Rhaena, and Elaena.
Viserys & Alayne Arryn's family: Aemon and Naerys
Jacaerys and Baela's Council
Hand of The King: Lord Cregan Stark
Hand of The Queen: Princess Rhaena Targaryen
Mistress of Coin: Lady Alysanne Blackwood-Stark
Master of Laws: Lord William Tyrell
Master of Ships: Ser Alyn Velaryon
Mistress of Whisperers: Lady Sabitha Frey
Grand Maester: Maester Gerardys
Lord Commander of The Kingsguard: Ser Addam Velaryon
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: aemond targaryen x daemon's daughter!oc (dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader au)
summary: aemond and alyssa's engagement comes to an end.
warnings: some swearing but most of it is just really funny
author's note: I AM BACK!!!! still trying to hurry my writing but i'm taking slow steps. i enjoyed every moment of writing this, even tho it took me days to finish it and is not even that long. anyway, here's more alymond for y'all but we're so close to the end
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon x mom!reader au masterlist
gif by @merlinaddams
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Princess Alyssa rejoiced the little times where she took her beloved Starblaze to fly upon King's Landing. She thought the skies were the best place to think, as they were silent, peaceful, and had a beautiful view. Certainly, the perfect place to clear and unwind her thoughts, out of everyone's sight.
There, she had a safe space to think about what her time with Aemond actually meant. Their first kiss, the late meetings at the library, the slight touches, and the not so slight way he touched her at the whorehouse... During the dawn, she purred his name with her body and voice. Now it seems that's the only word slipping out of her mouth; Aemond... A murmur, soft and warm, that her vocal chords vibrate like the finest harp ready to play the melody of his name.
Alyssa knew love. She had the most loving family someone could ask for. She loved her parents and her siblings, in a way she would do anything for them. Die for them, kill for them. And then she asked herself: "Would I do that for Aemond?" . The answer was scary, but it helped her to understand why she felt the way she did.
Tired enough from the wind in her hair and the view from above, she flew back to the dragonpit and landed on the ground, where her youngest brother, Maegon, waited for her. He carried his signature serious face, but a little smirk lied in his lips.
"Good morrow, brother. Kinda early to start bothering me, don't you think?" The princess teased.
He scoffed at her pestering, "If you don't want to hear what I have to say, I might as well return to the Keep."
"What brings you to my encounter, Maegon?" Alyssa cocked a curious eyebrow, walking by his side towards the horses.
"If you hadn't skipped breakfast with your family today, you would know that mother and father were notified that a certain princess was seen at the Street of Silk during the late hours, in the company of a certain one-eyed prince." Maegon acknowledged.
Alyssa turned slowly to her brother, and tried not to show any trait of emotion. He may know some of the story, but she wouldn't give everything away so easily.
"What is to happen now?" She thought being rational is the best way to deal with the situation.
"The small council will reunite this morning, if not already, and they called our parents to be part of it too. Father demanded Aemond to be brought to the meeting." Maegon hopped on his own horse, watching his sister do the same to hers "If you want to know my logical opinion, I think Alicent will marry Aemond off to some lady, probably one of the Baratheon girls. And father will send you away so this gossip won't ruin you."
She knew he was right. This was probably going to happen and she needed to act fast and do something about it until it was too late.
The doors to the small council chambers opened, and the One Eye Prince was tossed into it. Criston tossed his eyepatch beside him, and Aemond took it to cover his sapphire-eye, before standing up in his glorious form to stare at the people in the room. The whole small council, along with his mother and grandsire, uncle and aunt were there. But unfortunately, the only person not opposed to his marriage with Alyssa was his father, the King, who now rested in his chambers as a sick man. And without Viserys, Aemond relied only on Daemon's will to not see his daughter dishonored. His plan on making his uncle give him Alyssa's hand had flaws, but the chances to fail were almost the same amount as the chances of turning it just right.
"Must I be awakened in such an outrageous way!? I'm not a dog who can be mistreated without doing anything about it!" Aemond sneared.
"You're fucking lucky I wasn't the one who woke you up with my sword in your throat, boy!" Daemon growled, as you placed a calming hand in his chest.
Daemon was there to defend his daughter's honor, and you were there to do the same as well, but also to keep your husband from murdering his nephew in front of everyone and condemning himself to death. Luckily, taming Daemon was your speciality, so you did manipulate him into leaving Dark Sister in your shared chambers, so he could be a lesser threat to one's life.
"You are all here so we can discuss the matter of Prince Aemond and Princess Alyssa's engagement. Prince Daemon is representing his daughter, who after her getaway during the hour of the owl, left early this morning to ride on dragonback." Otto acknowledged with disdain.
"There is nothing to discuss, really." Aemond shrugged, paying no attention to the gasps coming from the council.
"There's nothing to discuss? My daughter was seen in a pleasure house! This could ruin her reputation!" You said indignantly.
"And whose fault is it? Your daughter seduced my son to flee her out of the Keep during the middle of the night! Do not try to blame Aemond for the princess' promiscuity!" Queen Alicent replied with ferocity.
Daemon gave one menacing step towards the council table, "Are you calling my daughter a whore?" he hissed in a slight threat.
"She never seduced me, or asked me to sneak her out of the Keep, mother," Aemond confessed.
"So you forced her!?" Daemon roared.
The One-eye Prince smirked, "She, however, did ask me how does a woman come to be with child. I made sure to show her every bit of it. And... I do remember my sweet cousin pleading me for more."
"You bastard!" Daemon yelled, advancing towards his nephew, but not fast enough for you not to put yourself in front of him.
"Stop! This is not the time, pull yourself together." You hissed for his ears only, watching his dilated nostrils huffling in anger up to you.
"I think it is important to remember that the engagement was of King Viserys' will. He forbade Princess Alyssa from marrying someone other than Prince Aemond. It is to his liking for this marriage to happen." Tyland Lannister was the first one from the council table to share his opinion.
"The King is not here. I'm the one representing his grace's will, and Queen Alicent will have her voice heard as well." Otto declared
"This meeting shouldn't be happening without Alyssa. Her voice is the one to be heard, not my mother's nor her parents'. She wouldn't be opposed to our marriage." Aemond groaned, pacing restlessly around the room.
"I think it is proven that our daughter can't make good decisions, so we will be doing that for her." You mumbled, still stuck to Daemon's arm like a leech.
But the doors suddenly opened, and the members of the small council got up from their chairs to bow. King Viserys entered the room, leaning on one of Princess Alyssa's arms, while his other hand held on a cane. The Queen did nothing to hide her furious face, while you and Daemon stared quite impressed that your daughter had the courage to bother her sick uncle. Aemond, amazed and impressed, stared at the princess with his mouth partly opened, as the girl leered to everyone's reaction.
Alicent got up from the middle seat, giving the Targaryen King his rightful place. Viserys let go of Alyssa, leaning on his cane and sitting on his chair, as the council followed his move and everyone sat down again.
"I would like to start this by asking, why in the Seven Hells did Daemon Junior invade my chambers and demanded my presence at this meeting?" Viserys spoke, hoarsely but clear.
"Did the Princess not tell you the reason of the council meeting, my King?" Sitting at the left side of the table, Grand Maester Orwyle questioned.
Viserys snickered humorless, "Oh, she did. What I don't understand is what there is to discuss. Aemond and Alyssa have been betrothed for years, and now that they finally agreed on getting on with their engagement, you are all trying to stop them? Did you forget the betrothal was my wish in the first place?"
"Do not make yourself a fool, brother. It was never my wish for the marriage to happen. I told you a million times, my daughter will not marry that unhinged son of yours." Daemon retorted.
"It is up to her to decide that, Daemon. She did not come for me for nothing." Viserys grinned gently, glancing at his niece.
Every stare in the room turned to the princess, including Aemond's, who admired her figure as one single braid of her long silver hair leaned down her shoulder, and how the tight ringmail suited her body and showed off her curves. That girl was anything but a lady.
“Recently, I have discovered a friend in Aemond. We have shared moments and secrets during late nights at our favorite spot. Memories that I do not want to pretend didn't happen. I do not wish to refuse a marriage where knowledge won't be denied of me.” Alyssa confessed, sighing as the weight of the truth left her shoulders. “I am very sorry to bother you, uncle, but without you I know the Queen would marry Aemond to someone else, while father would certainly ship me off to Dragonstone to avoid my ruin.”
The room went silent. Daemon tried to deal with his own internalized anger, while you stared at your daughter with pride. Alicent sighed, defeated, and Aemond chuckled, finding humor in the princess' words.
"Was I that good?" He smirked.
"I'm going to kill him!" Daemon advanced two steps towards his nephew, and you once more stood in front of him.
"Daemon, no!" You, Viserys and Otto yelled at the same time.
"Stop this madness otherwise I'll ask Ser Criston to take you out of here!" Queen Alicent spoke.
Daemon squinted at the Queen, "I would like to see him try."
"This matter is finished! You should start discussing the marriage arrangements. I do not know if I'll live enough to see another child of mine having a marriage ceremony. This calls for a huge celebration, that’s what they deserve." Viserys spoke, looking at his council and then at his son, "The only thing I ever wanted was to see you happy, Aemond."
Aemond nodded. Feeling a little nauseous, to Alicent’s orders The King left the room being carried away in his chair. After his presence was gone, so was the brief moment of peace between the council.
"They will have a valyrian wedding!" Daemon declared, knowing very well his sister-in-law would be opposed to his idea.
The Queen groaned, "My son was baptized by the Faith! They will have a wedding blessed by the High Septon and the Gods!"
"It is our wedding, shouldn't Aemond and I-" Alyssa tried to speak, but was easily cut out by her father.
"Your son is a valyrian and so is my daughter. They will wed in our traditions." Daemon insisted.
"We could have two weddings, I don't care! A huge celebration, expansive feasts... It doesn't matter. All I want is her." Aemond smugly smiled to his cousin, who he took in his arms and accepted her passionate kiss.
Alyssa caressed the skin of his face with her thumb, while her lips tasted the warmth of Aemond's. Daemon and Alicent groaned loudly asking themselves where they got wrong with their children.
"We shall have a small valyrian ceremony at Dragonstone, and one ceremony blessed by the High Septon here. It is decided." Sounding just like he remembered, Alyssa purred to Aemond’s ears, finishing the second matter of the marriage discussions.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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While most of The Evil Dead's 40th anniversary festivities took place two years ago, as it premiered on October 15, 1981 at at Detroit's Redford Theatre, the film didn't officially open theatrically until April 15, 1983.
A surprise success thanks in part to a rave review from Stephen King ("The most ferociously original horror film of the year" was plastered all over the marketing), the cult classic spawned a franchise: Evil Dead II in 1987, Army of Darkness in 1992, the Evil Dead reboot in 2013, and the Ash vs. Evil Dead series from 2015 to 2018, along with video games, comic books, a musical, and a myriad of merchandise.
As a serendipitous treat for fans, the latest installment in the beloved series is releasing almost exactly 40 years after the original. Following a much-buzzed-about premiere at South by Southwest last month, get your chainsaws ready for Evil Dead Rise to hit theaters on April 21 via Warner Bros.
Lee Cronin, who made an impressive feature debut with 2019's The Hole in the Ground, writes and directs. Lily Sullivan, Alyssa Sutherland, Morgan Davies, Gabrielle Echols, and Nell Fisher star. The Evil Dead creator Sam Raimi, star Bruce Campbell, and producer Rob Tapert serve as producers.
The Evil Dead franchise is unique in that each entry is tonally different, and fans' ranking of the installments are all over the place as a result. I'm eager to see where Evil Dead Rise lands on my personal list following the advance screening Broke Horror Fan is sponsoring in Boston next week.
Although I enjoy each installment for different reasons, my current ranking is as follows:
The Evil Dead
Evil Dead II
Ash vs. Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2003
Army of Darkness
Moving the action out of the woods and into the city, Evil Dead Rise tells a twisted tale of two estranged sisters, played by Sutherland and Sullivan, whose reunion is cut short by the rise of flesh-possessing demons, thrusting them into a primal battle for survival as they face the most nightmarish version of family imaginable.
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I’m going to make you share Ianto audio opinions now :D Sorry I know there’s like 9 million of those
Dhhdhdhd you’re all good, everyone needs to know my hot takes on their favorite blorbo that is just A Guy
Fall to Earth: Very good! The beginning of a long saga of Ianto having audios with women who are cooler than him, also he’s a dumbass and Myfanwy has insurance now
Broken: honestly, this one is overhyped in my opinion. It’s still very good, but people scream so much about it and I’m like “…poodle goo”. That said, it is a classic, content warnings for depression and suicide attempt, but it’s really doing its best to establish the janto dynamic behind s1
The Office of Never Was: this one features a darker side of Ianto which is very interesting, but also I barely remember any of the details due to me listening ages ago, but like yeah I think it’s good
The Last Beacon: PEAK GO LISTEN IMMEDIATELY, beloved romp and Ianto-Owen character dynamics
Serenity: definitely my preferred Janto audio, dumbasses in the suburbs, violence and swinging attempts and Ianto just slowly losing his mind (affectionate)
Expectant: okay so this isn’t good. I wouldn’t even necessarily say it’s fun. There’s not even that much Ianto in it. But goddamn there’s something about it, so many things that are mentioned and not explored and there are slippers and whale songs okay (also gross birth noises so be warned)
Dinner and a Show: yes very good! just a good fun romp at the opera with aliens and cheap knock-off Welsh Prosecco
Ex Machina: genuinely such an interesting concept, unreality warning heavy, but I really enjoyed it
Rhys and Ianto’s Execllent Barbecue: oh my god this is literally a masterpiece on grief and masculinity and also there’s a cool time bubble and a guinea pig, mandatory listening
Coffee: fun and painful and just like, a lot of it is kinda basic but when it hits it HITS
The Great Sontaran War: okay genuinely a pretty solid one, goss needs to stop trying to write marginalized people, but there’s a sontaran in a trailer park with a cat named Group Marshal Cat and Ianto is just trying his best, so
The Grey Mare: okay it’s not bad, but it is a pretty basic spooky tale, I heard someone describe it once as a plot that it didn’t have to be Ianto, and that’s pretty fair
Restricted Items Archive Entries 031-049: this is my personal favorite honestly, both for the almost anthology type vibe of all the entries, and because this author Gets Ianto and it’s just so fun and also a bit ouchy as it should be
SUV and The Lincolnshire Poacher: okay, haven’t heard these, but based on vibes poached from my friends, SUV is good, and Lincolnshire Poacher is slowburn Ianto whump and I mean slowburn because he doesn’t show up for a while, so don’t expect him right away, but I’m not gonna write it off
The Torchwood Archive: very good, domestic janto in the most weirdest and in character way honestly, lmao
Outbreak: YES SO GOOD, be warned for a virus plot and scratching noises, but like worth it for all of the vibes, who doesn’t want to have your boyfriend try to murder you because he loves you and your best friend mock you for your shit tie, so good
Believe: okay so his plot is probably the most interesting/best one, but overall it’s really just not that good, not really worth it
Torchwood One: god fuck you Alyssa I forgot about these, okay okay
Before the Fall: technically individual stories, but it’s really more like one big one, Rachel be girlbossing
Machines: Blind Summit is the one for Iantotent, man sorta gets supersoldiered and everyone forgets about it, I personally really like 9 to 5, the premise Bangs. Also the law machines is here, it’s okay I guess
Latter Days: Retirement Plan lets Ianto James Bond it up, Locker 15 is solid, the Rockery isn’t a Ianto story but it is my favorite from the set so 😤
Nightmares: honestly, the best set, both My Guest Tonight (not a Ianto story), and Lola are very solid, LESS MAJESTY IS FARCE AND FUCKING HILARIOUS
TLDR: honestly he doesn’t really have a Bad one, but some are better than others :3
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lunarmoonanons · 2 years
Saera’s most Beloved
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
As YN mourns her dear sister Daella, Saera finds her beloved sister and tris her hand at comfort. For when YN was dreary, Saera was distraught. 
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
YN sat alone in the gardens. Writing a poem for her dear departed sister, Daella, she mused upon how sad the life at court had become. Her mother had become a shut in and wouldn’t speak to anyone but her or Gael who was only a child at the time. As her pen danced across paper, YN thought of lovely words to say to a sister who could no longer hear them. It had been a year since Daella’s death, yet the wound was still fresh for her family. Even Saera, who never got along with Daella, mourned the loss of her sibling though not as deeply as YN mourned. 
“One so frail… One so kind…” YN mumbled to herself and tried to find the right words. She was accomplished in poetry and the 14 year old was well recognised amongst many for her talent. “She could not live in a world that was blind… a victim to her fears will not be present to our tears… Goodbye my sweet sister. May you be loved and safe in the life that follows this.”
“That was quite beautiful, YN.” Her older brother Baelon came through the foliage. He always knew how to cheer her up, providing a comforting hand to her shoulder. “I’m sure mother would love it.” Baelon sat next to YN, his presence and comforting aura could not stop the tears that began to sting in YN’s eyes. 
“I miss her so much…” YN whispered, letting a tear fall onto the paper. 
“I know love. I know.” Baelon brought her close to hug her. “Daella was sweet, and kind, and gentle. She was so much like you in that regard. This must be hard, but you must continue living YN. Daella wouldn’t want you to waste away in tears.”
YN did not reply, merely leaning closer to her brother. He was one of her self proclaimed protectors, Alyssa being her foremost protector and no one would dare deny her. The two were quite close, almost as close as Alyssa and YN, but not as close as Saera and YN. Baelon would admit to himself that he was jealous of how close Saera was to YN. Finding her to be a sweet and charming girl that he coveted like the rest of his family. Sometimes almost possessively. The sweet moment between YN and Baelon was cut short when Saera made her way over to them. 
“YN. My darling. I was so worried as to where you were.” Saera purred out, fiddling slightly with the black dress their mother made them wear. 
“She was trying to finish a poem for Daella.” Baelon responded, slightly tightening his hold on the solemn girl he held. 
“Yes, thank you Baelon. I’m sure YN is too sad to speak much nowadays.” Saera was short with her brother, hoping to pry YN away for some fun. “You can go now. I need some time alone with my sister.”
“She’s my sister too. Unless you presume to claim her only for yourself.”
“Please don’t fight. Not now.” YN whispered and stood up from her brother, grabbing her poem. 
“Oh YN, I’m sorry. I know how deeply you are hurting now. I do not mean to upset you.” Saera said smoothly, reaching her hand forward to bring YN close. 
“Yes. We are sorry. If you need anything my YN, let me know. I must make my way back to Alyssa.” Baelon kissed YN’s delicate fingers and made his way back to the Keep. 
Saera wrapped her arms around YN, and rested her head ontop of YN’s. Humming slightly as they swayed. “My love. My love. I ache when we are apart. I am sorry I was separated from you for so long.”
“If you didn’t sneak and steal wine away, and show up drunk to the sept father would not punish me by sending you away.” YN smiled slightly at her dear Saera and wrapped her arms around Saera’s body. “But I have missed you as well. What have you been up to during your punishment?”
“OH? You think I got up to trouble as I was punished?” Saera teased and played with YN’s hair. “Well of course I did. I found a couple of soldiers that wanted a night of… entertainment. So I decided to entertain myself.”
“You didn’t.” YN gasped and looked at her sister. “Saera if Father finds out, he’ll send you away and we’ll never see each other again.”
“I do not wish to be a maiden forever. Why should I wait for a disappointing man to pleasure me when I can find one who’ll meet my standards?” Saera teased and started to lead YN away from her sitting place. “Life is too short not to enjoy all the pleasures of life. But enough about me, even though I am fantastic, what about you? What have you written in your new poem?”
“It’s just a tribute to Daella. I’m writing it for mother.” YN hummed and looked at her poem, mentally making adjustments and revisions. 
“You write so beautifully, you sing just as beautifully. Will you recite a verse for me?” Saera asked and entwined her arm with YN’s. 
“For all that beauty doth cover thee, Is but the seemly raiment of my heart,
Which in thy breast doth live, as thine in me.” YN immediately said. Smiling at the thought of loving her sweet Saera. 
The two giggled, but the joy could not fully reach YN’s eyes. She thought of how sweetly Daella would smile at her poems, about how she adored singing with YN. Now she was no longer here to sing so sweetly. Saera peeked at the sadness that remained in YN’s eyes, and decided to stop their stroll to give YN a deep hug to comfort her. 
“You must let yourself live. You can mourn, and I know how deep you mourn. But you cannot be sad your whole life. Please YN, please don’t let yourself die from this sadness.” Saera pleaded and held her tight. 
“I am not dying. But it does feel like death, this blanket of mourning that shrouds over our family.”
“You are the light of so many lives. My most of all.” Saera held her sister’s face in her hands. “I do not wish to see you remain in perpetual mourning. You must live, my love, live.”
The two held each other for a long moment, swaying back and forth. Saera hated seeing her dear YN in black and mourning. YN looked so lively and beautiful in the beautiful garments of their royal house. YN was so beautiful in the spring colors that embroidered the dresses that decorated her clothing. Now that she was garbed in black mourning clothes, YN looked so defeated and dreary. Saera hated the color black, especially on YN. When they finally separated from each Saera placed a sweet kiss on her beloved’s forehead. 
“You are very dear to me, my love. I will cut my heart out before I will be separated from you.” Saera whispered and grabbed YN’s hand. “Come. Let’s go present your poem to mother. Then we can present it to the court.”
“Oh dear. I don’t think I have the courage to present my work to the entire court. Perhaps we give it to a performer instead.” YN suggested and kissed her sister’s hand. 
Saera laughed and led her sister to the Keep, already planning another night’s escapades with some of her friends and their beaus. Life was short and Saera would enjoy each minute of it. But her life would be dreadfully unfulfilled without her most precious YN.
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daenerysstormreborn · 2 months
Was the show implying that Sunfyre is dead? I honestly couldn’t tell. If Sunfyre is dead already then The Future Implications………. Also have lost hope that my beloved Morning will be in the show. That’s my emotional support minor dragon with an unknown fate. And not to even mention the lack of Nettles. But we all known how I feel about that. Nonetheless I’m grateful that Rhaena and Baela are getting dialogue and I really liked the scene Baela shared with Rhaenyra. Hated the casting for Alyssa. That is not how she looked. But I guess Daemon wouldn’t know that lol. Loved the scene with Meleys’s head that was perfectly executed. I’m frustrated that Daemon gets so much more spotlight than Rhaenyra. Why are we dwelling in his subconscious and not Rhaenyra’s? Idk we could do something really cool with Rhaenyra having her own nightmares to delve into her feelings and subconscious fears and wants. I did like to see her reading the histories and I did like the scene where she hatches the plan with Jace and how she looked genuinely excited and proud. I’m overall just not impressed by Harry’s performance though and maybe it’s poor directing but he has never wowed me the way most of the rest of the cast had. Alys is fun though I do like the way they’ve done her. Her dialogue is entertaining and I’m curious and hopeful
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