#Am sleempy
ricksoo · 1 year
So uh
Kinda got carried away with other blogger's m2 template so...
So anyways...
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Which version of template is more intimidating lol
Left mewtwo template by @pokemon-ash-aus (tank you)
Right mewtwo template by @blues-sues (tank you too)
I might've tampered the template by a slight bit... hope you both don't mind. ^^'
And I refuse to explain who this two is 🥲
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Add this in cuz why not
This one belongs to @kantaroth
Out of all 3 of em,
Which template is the most intimidating?
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fishylife · 1 year
less than four weeks left v.v until things are 'back to normal'
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arohuacheng · 11 months
imagining the story from pei ming's perspective is rlly funny i think. this god from all that time ago ascends again (you were there for the first two times) and immediately waltzes into a situation that fucks something up for your descendant (putting both of your reputations on the line, messing up how hard your descendant worked to become a god and how hard you worked to ensure that he would have that chance) and then refuses to let you smooth the situation out and on TOP of that your friend's little sister (who hates you and who you are trying to look out for by request of your friend) is on your case about it too. so you've gotta work all that out and then like. you chill for a little bit (still kind of upset about your descendant) until your friend undergoes a heavenly calamity. and then in the space of like A Day the god from earlier shows up again with a fucking ghost king, your friend dies, the little sister you're supposed to be looking out for disappears, and everything just kinda goes to shit. so you're like. grieving. trying to process everything. until your OTHER close friend goes off the fucking rails with the spirit of that guy she murdered, and then you get called out to the spooky ghost mountain where you're confronted with the girl whose death YOU were essentially responsible for and have never really come to terms with, and then like. you just kind of hang out with these gay people until everything resolves itself. fight some ghosts. fight the heavenly emperor. get your friend to stop being evil for a little while so she can fix the filing systems. and then you just have to keep being the god of love i guess
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mercymaker · 11 months
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“God I want you in some primal, wild way animals want each other. Untamed and full of teeth. God I want you, In some chaste, Victorian way. A glimpse of your ankle just kills me.” ― Clementine von Radics
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jaskierx · 1 year
[bangs gong] come get y’all ed/stede pwp
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 year
Are the italians still fighing?
Sort of- I was gonna wait until I got messages back from both of them, but only Florence sent anything. I can either just throw that one out there and give Lombardy a chance to respond to it, give the win to Florence, or open a poll idk. I'll probably just post what Florence had to say and see what happens
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
Bouncing up and down I found a new rant topic what are your thoughts on scuba diving
mmmmmmmm water fun! but scary when reallly deep under it....
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hardly-an-escape · 2 years
I want to write so badly
but I am
so sleempy
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
a quick cover feature this weekend, mostly because i am very sleempy. BUT please enjoy a couple versions of Usseewa (うっせぇわ) by Ado that i like!
We know this song, it was like number one on the charts for a while in Japan if I remember correctly? Jesus christ 333million views.......... ALSO if i remember correctly it was kind of controversial? Mostly with like, parent groups or something, which just makes the song work more honestly LOL awesome. This song rules, the lyrics rule, its so biting and sarcastic, Ado's vocals rule, her switches between her growls and her operatic tone all the way to a seething breathy sound, Syudou's production rules with the thumping beat and the odd, like, halloween-y synth line in the background?? It all rules. We know this. We know this.
Now I'm a sucker for producer self-covers. I love them forever and always <3 This is kind of mostly a vocal synth music (and vocal synth music adjacent like Ado herself getting her start in uttatemita covers and Syudou being a prolific vsynth producer) phenomenon but I love that vsynth producers will just sing their own songs as a side thing, sometimes they're not the best singers but it's still really charming. Syudou is notably a good singer though, and he has his own solo singing work as well (yacchattawa is a personal favourite) so his self-cover of Usseewa is really fun!
He has a really distinct, high, nasally tone with some great voice breaks and like, squeaks at some of those high notes, really great! And that second verse's near-maniacal and giggly sound rules.
Here's a vocal synth cover I really like, a cover using the Neutrino voicebank Yogatari Tobari by AgentAsteriski!
I fucking adore Tobari. I do wish she had a dedicated singing voicebank on a vocal editing software, or hell, I'd take a frontend for Neutrino itself hjkfjsfdsfds I'm scared of the lack of UI... I'm scared... She has her A.I.VOICE1 text-to-speech bank which can work with like, kotonosync I think? But I really love her voice and her character and I want her on everything LOL
Specifically, as AgentAsteriski points out in their description, she kind of yells in her Neutrino voice which rules, and works especially well for covering a song like this! Really fun, I love it a lot. Tobari Nation Rise Up!!!!!!!!!!!!
And one more cover, this one's really silly as it's a straight parody, but this cover by Hiroko Kachi, a musical actress, playing as the titular character from the musical Elisabeth:
HONESTLY MY memory of Elisabeth is very vague from watching a very crunchy upload of a Takarazuka version years ago so I'm missing half the jokes BUT I do love the jokes I did get and I love how unhinged she got about it LOL awesome parody concept, really fun and fantastically sung~
THAT IS ALL I wasn't lying about being very sleempy,. Goodnight my friends (yells "shut the fuck up" and dies on impact)
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goldlightsaber · 9 months
i never reblogged those “im just a sleempy girl who needs lots of naps mimimimimi 😴” posts but let me tell you. when i was just on a semi-long flight and all i wanted was to get comfortable and sleep but i COULDN’T get comfortable because you can’t be horizontal?? well every single one those tumblr posts came back to me . i AM a sleepy girl who needs to be tucked in and comfy and it IS torture to not be in a bed snort mimimimimimi
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micecakes · 2 years
for someone who consumes as much sugar and garbage as I do I sure am sleempy all the time
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moss-on-a-rock · 2 years
i am so so soo sleempy
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ceyrann · 1 month
i am very very sleempy
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mercymaker · 11 months
bleh, went to the class but can't focus for the life of me
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grayseyebrowscar · 7 months
why am i so sleempy
go eep
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fishylife · 1 year
I am tired........so sleempy
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