kaelio · 8 days
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Beginning of the Vampire Chronicles lore guide I've been making for people interested in the series. This batch covers the topic of Amel, so that we can get on to the topic of Anne Rice vampires generally, how they work, and what they are. Thanks a bunch! [AO3 link]
(The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. Includes images from her journals at Tulane University.)
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whoisnotmyname · 1 month
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More update on Drysten's outfits!
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munzevinur · 22 days
Selamun aleyküm yeni bir hayır vesilesiyle yazıyorm kardeşlerim. 🍂
Bir medresemizin KİRASINI ödemeye niyetlendik.
Az çok demeden ilim talebelerımızın ihtiyacını karşılayalım inşeALLAH cc🤲🤲🤲
Unutmayalım Nice azlar Rabbımız cc katında çoktur Elhamdülillah cc 🌸
Rabbim cc razı olsun Rızasını kazanmaya vesile kılsın inşaAllah cc.
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
I know many people think Lestat woke up when louis geart stopped beating but that wasn’t confirmed right? Cuz how would he know that?
Okay, so...
This is one of those things that is "in-between the lines", where many things between Louis and Lestat are. Lestat tells the reader that they must read between the lines in TVL, so that is something to be kept in mind as intentional.
There are a few things that must be considered here, imho:
In "Blackwood Farm" Lestat tells Quinn that the "angels" took his soul with them:
"They left my body there for my friends to watch over," he explained, and for the first time since I'd seen him, he looked troubled, indecisive, even faintly confused. "But my spirit they took with them," he went on. "And in a realm as palpable as this very room they set me down to do their bidding, always threatening to snatch back this right eye, to take it forever if I didn't do what they bid me to do." [...] "I don't even know which of my bodies was the true one — the body that lay on the floor of the chapel of St. Elizabeth's, or the body that roamed with the so-called angels. I was an unwilling trafficker in knowledge and illusions."
Now... Lestat is at the mercy of these "angels" in spiritual realms for years. Years.
He wakes once from a more dreamlike state (as the unpublished book details) to help Armand and the others hunt down the riff raff in New Orleans.
But that is not the same state he is afterwards, because there he was commenting on what was going on around him... and later in Merrick, David notes that Lestat's soul does not seem to actually be there.
"Once again, I had the distinct impression that his soul was not in his body, not in the way that we believed it to be."
This later state is what Lestat is telling us of in "Blackwood Farm."
Now, David sits down and warns Lestat that Louis will attempt suicide.
Louis sits down to say goodbye to Lestat.
Lestat does not wake from neither plea nor goodbye.
So what does wake him?
It could not have been an outward change, because he was alone at St. Elizabeth's when Louis put himself into his coven in the courtyard of Rue Royale.
It could not have been David, who was also at Rue Royale, nor could it have been Merrick.
The show has picked up on what Louis said about their heartbeats, and elevated it, and I do think it is important.
"[...]the drum was my heart, and the second drum had been his."
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Louis notes in the book that even after the turning he hears Lestat's heart:
"His heart I still heard like the beating of a drum."
(For vampires, their hearts also sync up with the heartbeats of their victims when they feed, but then that victim's heart stops, of course.)
In "Prince Lestat" Lestat makes note that he also recognizes vampires by heartbeat, or at least certain ones.
Now, in "Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis", we get to Louis' account of the Merrick event, which is an important aspect of it all. Because he narrows it down:
"But the etheric body, the Amel body, was still in you,” said Fareed. “It had to be or you couldn’t have been revived.” “That’s true,” Louis said. “It was there inside me and it would have remained there until the ashes were scattered. It would have remained suspended, waiting, waiting for how long we don’t know. Remember the old admonition from Magnus, Lestat? Scatter the ashes? Well, no one scattered my ashes and I was brought back—by your blood, and David’s blood, and Merrick’s blood too." [...] “My heart had stopped,” said Louis. “There was no blood pumping in me. All circulation had stopped when my heart stopped. That is how I was dead.”
I was speechless. Then slowly it dawned on me. It came back to me what Kapetria had said...something about the invisible tentacles—or the cord—being the only part of us that was not filled with blood.
And here it all comes together, imho.
The cord. The heartbeat. The heart that stopped.
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"We are joined by a cord, a cord you cannot see, but it is real."
Louis and Lestat "share a heart", they hear each other's heartbeat. They are also joined by a cord, not just then when the events in PLotRoA are reached, but also because Louis is Lestat's fledgling, and Amel's "tendrils" reached/were given from Lestat in/to Louis.
When Louis' heart stopped that tendril of the spirit Amel snapped.
Lestat, in the spiritual realm at the time, must have been able to feel it.
When Louis' heartbeat stopped the cord snapped.
And Lestat immediately woke up.
(Since they already introduced the cord... I'm quite sure that will be the same in the show if and when they go there.)
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ilmiyyat1453 · 6 months
İbn Receb (rahimehullah) şöyle dedi: "Bilin ki Ramazan ayınız azalıyor. Öyleyse amellerinizi artırın."
Letâiful Mearif
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nevzatboyraz44 · 5 months
Hz. Peygamber (asm) Efendimiz şöyle buyurmuştur:
“Hiçbir kul, kıyamet gününde;
- ömrünü nerede tükettiğinden,
- ilmiyle ne gibi işler yaptığından,
- malını nereden kazanıp
- nerede harcadığından,
- vücudunu nerede yıprattığından
sorulmadıkça bulunduğu yerden kıpırdayamaz.” (Tirmizî, Kıyamet 1)
Kıyamet günü insan, kendi amel defterinde hayatının bütün teferruatını görünce hayret edecek ve Kur`an`in tabiriyle şöyle diyecek “Eyvah bize, bu deftere ne olmuş, küçük büyük bırakmayıp hepsini toplamış kaydetmiş “ (el-Kehf, 18/49).
Rabbim bizi amel defteri sağ tarafından verilenlerden eylesin âmin.
هرتز. قال نبينا (ص):
«لن يكون عبد يوم القيامة؛
- حيث قضى حياته،
- ما نوع الأشياء التي فعلها بعلمه،
- ومن أين كسب ماله؟
- أين تقضيها،
- حيث ترهق جسدك
"لا يستطيع أن يتحرك من مكانه إلا إذا طلب منه ذلك". (الترمذي، يوم القيامة ١)
إن الإنسان ليدهش يوم القيامة عندما يرى تفاصيل حياته كلها في دفتر أعماله، فيقول بكلمات القرآن: "يا إلهي ما حدث لهذا الدفتر" ولم يترك التفاصيل صغيرة ولا كبيرة، بل سجلها كلها» (الكهف 18/ 49).
جعلنا الله من الذين يؤتون الكتاب باليمين، آمين.
Hz. Our Prophet (pbuh) said:
“No servant will be on the Day of Judgment;
- where he spent his life,
- What kind of things he did with his knowledge,
- Where did he earn his money?
- where you spend it,
- where you wear out your body
"He cannot move from where he is unless asked." (Tirmidhi, Doomsday 1)
On the Day of Judgment, a person will be amazed when he sees all the details of his life in his notebook of deeds and, in the words of the Qur'an, he will say: "Oh my God, what happened to this notebook, he did not leave out all the details, small or large, but recorded them all together" (al-Kahf, 18/49).
May God make us among those who are given the book of deeds from the right hand, amen.
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thecactifindahome · 8 months
Some notes on Amel, Lestat, and eggpreg
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Imagine drinking from Akasha and finding out 30 to 4,000 tears later that she got you ghost-pregnant. Sorry Marius, you're a hive now. Also, hm, not getting a great feeling about Amel's essential benevolence here!
Bonus Nicki mention at the end 😔
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cuntyvampires · 4 months
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Amel and Lestat, Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis
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derdiderun · 16 days
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"Hayır işleri, ancak şu üç şeyle kemâle erer: Karar verildiği an ihmâl edilmeyip hemen ifâ edilmesiyle, yapılan ameli küçük görüp benlikten uzak kalmakla, riyâdan sakınmak için gizli olarak ifâ edilmesiyle!"
Cafer-i Sâdık Hazretleri (rah.a)
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kaelio · 29 days
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also making a separate post for these two since the chain is getting long
also amel is maybe a vampire now... perhaps... if you are still trusting things... idk i still don't feel like i trust any part of where we landed on any of all that
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whoisnotmyname · 2 months
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Drysten Amel! He looks like if Jason Todd got therapy lmao
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Tbf, they don't say in the books that Lestat is aggressive because of Akasha's blood, as in that it's "her fault", it's due to Amel the alien bird spirit thing that lives in it (which isn't to say there aren't racist tropes in regards to how she's written). But even then it's never said his abuse towards book Louis and Claudia was due to that, so idk how people came up with and insist on this theory for the show.
sry for anyone who didn't want potential spoilers lol but it's cuz sam reid said this during the autumn brown interview, but whether the show is gonna keep this in later or not idk
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Regarding Lestat, Akasha, Amel & toxic male violence…
I find it hard to imagine revisiting The Drop or explaining any violence Lestat did (especially to Louis) via Amel. There’s a lot of talk of “taking agency away” in areas that really aren’t taking agency away & is just telling characters’ story. However even I worry about The Drop specifically being caused/influenced by Amel in Lestat’s blood, and revealed at a way later time would be taking his agency & responsibility away? It’s the specific nature of this violence with respect to Louis too. And I say this as someone who hates that the drop exists.
I disagree with Sam that Lestat has innate toxic male violence & think it ruins the end of Queen of the Damned if this is how the show presents it, as the whole point is Akasha makes Lestat into something he never was.
Lestat has innate violence in him. He can be violent and is naturally skilled in violence. I would not say there is the “toxic male-ness” at the source of Lestat’s violence as Sam spoke of it & I could only imagine this is what Sam must have discussed with Rolin/Hannah etc. when explaining why The Drop must be in the show?
What Akasha makes Lestat into affects him through many books after. If Akasha just saw a quality in Lestat that truly was him, this may still work but I think it will be very different?
I speculated ages ago that Amel would be involved, and seceral people caught that reference, too, so we’ll see.
I disagree that it would ruin the arc. I do think Amel is drawn to that streak Lestat also possesses - but it doesn’t usually rule him, is not as prevalent as Akasha sees it. For a lot of reasons, not the least Lestat’s own past.
Akasha does not only make him do things, her blood changes him. Body dismorphia, the wrestling with the true immortality, it’s not only the violance that he affects him after.
As such I personally think it clever they combine all this with Amel‘s awakening. But we’ll see. I doubt it will be spelled out in Akasha’s arc. I think there will be clues, but those will only pay off later.
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ilmiyyat1453 · 1 year
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"Bayram, yeni elbiseler giyenlerin değil. Asıl bayram amelini artıranlarındır. Bayram, elbise ve binekleri güzelleştirenlerin değil. Asıl bayram, günahlarını bağışlatanlarındır."
Letâiful Meârif
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biomagitech · 1 year
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Look at this precious creature
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thecactifindahome · 8 months
Anne Rice was playing with some interesting possibilities for the motivations of Amel, Gremt, and the other spirits! Not to mention what would have happened to David if Lestat hadn't Done That.
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