They say violence is not the answer.
They’re right. Murder is.
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
Valentine’s Affections (Kageyama, Oikawa, Kuroo)
I adore Valentine’s day! Love is in the air and chocolate is in my stomach. But for you and these boys? Well... it’s a lil more complicated than that. 
A/N: We are going to completely ignore the fact that valentine’s day was a full 3 months ago. Love is always in the air on this blog !
Warnings: Light swearing? Maybe? Lotsa fluffy stuff beware cavities. 
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Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama stares hard at the vending machine in front of him. Now, this was far from a new situation he found himself in- he found himself in front of this very vending machine every single day. But the stakes were much higher this time.
Strawberry, or chocolate? Which would be a better gift? 
Early on he decided against chocolates, cuz it felt too obvious. He opted out of a note, cuz he wasn’t articulate enough for that. And for the same reasons a verbal confession was completely out of the picture. So here he was, in front of the vending machine, hoping you would accept his love, or at the very least, the milk carton as a token of it. 
He decides on the strawberry milk, because the pink carton color reminded him of hearts, so he was hoping his love message would be real clear!! 
As he approaches you in the gym, he feels the nerves stir in his stomach. You’re surrounded by the other first years, excitedly chirping at Tsukki and Yamaguchi while Yachi and Hinata jump up and down around you (for what reasons, who knows) now that clean up is over. The second and third years weren’t that far away either. But he knew he’d have to do this sooner than later. 
Kageyama stands pensively behind you at a slight distance, awkwardly shifting weight back and forth between his feet. Finally, he finds the guts to call out to you. “Y/N...san.” Alright, maybe it was more like a mutter. No one had heard him, but Hinata had noticed his presence. 
“Kageyama! There you are.” 
All eyes shift to him, including yours. The heat rushes to his face as he hides the milk behind his back. “Boke! What do you want!” He only gets redder as his eyes meet yours. 
“Y/N-san!” He yells a bit too harshly. But you don’t flinch, you just smile. “Yes, Tobio-kun?” Gah, your voice is sweet as always, and he doesn’t even know what to say. 
Stepping towards you, he essentially shoves the milk into your hands before turning around and marching out the door. 
You stare at the carton quizzically, while the boys in the gym collectively let out a heavy sigh. 
“Was that… supposed to be a confession?” Daichi’s disbelief was evident.
“He does that every day though,” Hinata comments, clueless. 
“But today’s Valentine’s day, there’s probably more to it, right?” Ennoshita curious.  
“Of course that’s the way that idiot would do it.” Tsukki is snarky as ever. 
But you don’t hesitate to run back into the club room, a determined look glued to your face. 
“Y/N san! Where are you going?” Hinata calls. 
“Let them be, Hinata. They have something to take care of.” Suga has a glint of amusement in his eyes. 
Kageyama tries to calm down as he aggressively drinks his chocolate milk. But he’s jittery all over when you pop up next him. 
“Tobio-kun, did ya really think you could just throw me a box of milk and then split? On Valentine's day? Tsk Tsk.” You smile as you move to stand in front of him. Words are far from his physical capacity at the moment, so he opts to just stare at you instead.
“But by the way,” you pull the carton from behind your back in your left hand, and shake it in front of him, “Accepted.” He feels his heart melt in relief. You understood what he meant. At least he thinks you do. You always understood him somehow, even though he wasn’t great at communicating. 
“And also…” Your right hand appears now, a small box of cutely wrapped chocolates snuggly fit into your palm, “this is for you. Please, accept it.”
His eyes go wide in shock. For some reason, this was not what he had expected (though everyone else knew it was coming). His heart now swells with an indescribable feeling that he never wants to stop experiencing. 
“And this too... unless you want me to stop...” He doesn’t know how else you could potentially make him fall apart more than he already had- but he got his answer when your hand grabbed onto his collar and tugged him down to your height. You placed a slow and gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth. “Tobio-kun, I like you.” Yeah, his heart wasn’t ready for that one. 
Oikawa Tooru
“Thank you, Suki-chan!” “So sweet, Maki-chan!” “These are delicious, Haru-chan!” First period hadn’t even begun and Oikawa had already been swarmed with gifts. But despite the time he spent basking in the affections of his little fans, his eyes were trained on you, watching as you happily handed Iwaizumi a cute little box of chocolates. Oikawa saw how his best friend smiled, and he saw the way you buried your face into Iwa’s chest when he hugs you. He decides to ask you about it at practice. 
“Y/N-chan!! You know what day it is today!” 
“How could I forget when I see my favorite setter drowning in more chocolates than usual?” He ignores the unidentifiable tone in your voice and presses on. 
 “I saw you give Iwa-chan some~” 
“Yes I did.” 
 “....so what?” 
“Where are mine?” 
 Iwaizumi steps in, his hand protectively grabbing your shoulder. “What’re you harassing Y/N for, Shittykawa. You got enough chocolates already didn’t you? No need to be greedy.” Your eyes are glued to the floor, but Oikawa just sighs and waves it off. 
“Sorry, sorry, Y/N-chan! I just figured your chocolates would be so tasty I was jealous Iwa got some~ but I’ll be waiting for them next time!” If only you knew, I would rather eat a single one of your sweets than all the other sweets combined.
He tries to forget the incident until he hears his doorbell ring at 9 pm. “Tooru! You have a friend who’s come to see you!” He’s surprised to see you waiting at his gate, face flushed, breath ragged, and hair ruffled.
 “Oikawa-san!” You say with determination. “Y/N...chan?” He walks towards you, confusion and concern clear on his face.
“Oikawa-san…” the confidence fading as he comes near. You look away from his face as you outstretched your hands, a cute, small pink box with a tiny bow on it in hand. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t give you chocolates earlier today….I just....” your hands retreat to your body, box still grasped. You look down at your feet once again, so you can’t see his eyes go wide. “I thought about making you some sweets yesterday but, I always knew you had so many fangirls and I didn’t wanna get in their way, or worse, make you see me as one of them… so I didn’t. I’m sorry. I, I didn’t consider you would feel left out. So I made these for you after school! Will you please accept them!” 
You look up at him finally, only to see tears streaming down his face. “Oikawa san? Are you okay? I’m sorry if I said something that-” 
“I’m sorry Y/N-san, I don’t know what’s gotten into me. But are they really for me?”
 “Mhm!” You hand them over, in anticipation of what he would do next. He opens the box, pops a chocolate into his mouth, and then smiles. 
“Just as I expected- it’s perfect.” He steps towards you once again, and wraps his arms around you, tightly. “You’re nothing like the rest of them, yanno. You’re very special to me.” 
Kuroo Tetsurou
“Happy Single’s Awareness day!” You sing-song at the boys standing in front of your gate, the sun peeking out over the horizon. 
“Just jumping over Valentines, then?” Kenma asks you, his face hidden in his switch. 
“Yep! Nope! Not for me~ don’t need a valentine!” You’re carefree as you stroll ahead of the two of them, hands thrown behind your head. “Giving Valentine’s are dumb. Right, Kuroo!”
Kenma takes his time to pull his nose away from his switch to let his cat like gaze fall on his best friend, who’s been awfully quiet this morning. He knows why. 
“Do you agree, Kuroo?” He asks, probing. 
“...Yep. What type of headass buys into Valentines-” He criticizes. 
Kenma knocks Kuroo’s bag with his elbow, his gaze transforming into a glare. You do, Kuroo. No chickening out. 
Kuroo’s grasp on the bag resting on his shoulder tightens, well aware of what he has to do. 
After school was over and practice was done, Kenma got dropped off at home because he wanted to go home early, for some reason. So now it’s just you and Kuroo, laying on the hill by the bridge, bathing in the hues of orange and pink as the sun sets slowly. 
You stretch out on your back, relaxing onto the grass underneath you. “Man, did ya see all those idiots handing out valentine’s? So cheesy.” You close your eyes and pull your hands up to cushion your head, turning your chin up. Kuroo rests on his elbow, angled so that he can watch you as you talk, his hand scratching his head soothingly.
“ Who wants dumb chocolates anyways? You think these chicks would get sick of all the chocolates they get. Hmph.” He watches as your mouth twitches down, eyes squeezed tight. 
To be fair, both of you were acting...different today. Kuroo can read you like a book, and even how he can still pick out the unease you’ve been tryna hide all day. But his own nervousness and jitters keeps him quiet. 
As you both sit in silence, stewing in your feelings, Kuroo lets out a deep sigh. Now or never. You hear him rustle in his bag as he pushes something over to you. You open your eyes to see a small box by your shoulder with a cute lil cat sticky note pressed onto it- reading, “be Mine, Valentine? :3” 
You freeze for a second, processing what he pushed over to you. You look up at Kuroo, who’s now turned his back to you, sleeping on his side. 
You open the box and find a cute cat bracelet inside. “Kuroo?” 
“You’ve been trashing valentine’s chocolates for a while now- so I figured I’d get you something better. It’s cheesy, I know. Don’t “at” me.” He stays, turned away from you. 
You take your time to pull the bracelet out the box, letting heat rise to your face. 
“Did you do this just because…? To make me feel better, or-”
“Still a headass huh.” He finally turns around, and you’re glad to see that his own face is as red as yours feels. 
“Kuroo… do you, like me?”
“Damn, you’re gonna make me say it huh?”
“Yeah I like you. Now hurry up and reject me so we can go back to being normal and I can get over my damn nerves. I hate not being myself.” He mutters as his lips twitch into a pout as he rests his bedhead into the grass, hands caressing his neck. 
You take a second before crawling over to him, watching him in silence. 
“You’re an idiot, too, ya know.” He peaks one eye open, to give you a questioning look. “Now help me put this bracelet on.”
“You like it?”
“I love it. I’m never taking it off.”
“You serious?!”
“Of course I’m serious.”
His Cheshire grin breaks out onto his face as he sits up, closing the gap between you two.
“Oh? Does someone like me back?”
“Yeah someone does. Now are you gonna help me or not.”
In that moment, you don’t think anything can compare to the sheer joy in Kuroo’s eyes as he carefully clasps the bracelet onto your wrist, wrapping his strong fingers around yours.
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Copyright © 2021 Colorseeingchick. All rights reserved. Do not repost or copy.
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justsomefluff · 4 years
OMG, I love all your works, it's so fluffy xD, can you do a ateez reaction where their SO walks down the aisle??
sorry I kept you waiting so long!!! thank you sm for being patient, I hope you like it!
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While he’s waiting for you, he’s so nervous and wringing his hands and everything
Kinda sweaty but whatever he’ll blame the tux
When the doors open he isn’t even smiling bc he low-key feels nauseous
And it’s not that he isn’t excited
Its that he’s TOO excited
Like those dogs that pee whenever they’re happy
But anyway, I digress
He’s gulping after every member of the procession passes him
And when he finally sees you?
Straight up almost passes out
But now he’s smiling
It’s almost creepy that his mouth can stretch that wide
His eyes might water a little bit, but he’s not gonna let any tears fall
And when you get to him he wants to hug you so bad but he knows that he should probably just…
Let the officiant do their thing so you can finally be married
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Now, he will cry okay
Big, fat tears that obscure his vision
He’s so cute like he’ll even get hiccups
And he’ll rub his eyes to make sure he can see every bit of you
Wants to internalize this moment and just keep it forever
You have to grab his hands to stop him from rubbing his skin raw
And he’ll kinda smile sheepishly at you
You two literally don’t even notice that the ceremony has officially begun
Too lost in each other
The officiant will deadass have to tap you guys on the shoulder like “…hello?”
And all the witnesses will laugh good-naturedly at the two absolute love-struck idiots in front of them
You guys have the kind of ceremony that all the little kids in attendance will remember and want for themselves
And the way Seonghwa looks at you totally brings comments from your friends afterwards like
“If my fiance doesn’t look at me like that, we’re divorcing”
Overall the sweetest wedding you could’ve imagined
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Tall boy that totally bangs his head on the gazebo lmao sorry
Happy puppy that bounces on his toes so much that he puts a crease in his perfect shoes
He will smile and wave to each of the couples that come before you in the bridal procession 
Will even stoop to give the flower girl a kiss on the cheek which draws a chorus of drawn out “aws” from the audience
When you finally enter and step gingerly up the steps to the gazebo he’s almost clapping
He’s like “this. is. Art!!”
Staring at you with the biggest eyes
Whispers “hi” when you’re comfortably in front of him
When I say his eyes are sparkling? I’m being literal
His energy is so contagious 
Stealing glances at your shared friends as if to ask if this was real
They giggle at him and wave their hands to redirect his attention to you
So adorable though and he will definitely ask you to pinch him at some point because he’s cheesy
Also rubs your hands gently as he’s holding them to reassure you throughout the entire ceremony (but also to calm himself down a little)
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So serious and stony faced at first
Like people are almost worried about him
But when those doors open, he’s grinning ear-to-ear
Doesn’t even see you yet, but the anticipation is killing him
He’s been waiting for this so long and it’s finally happening? He can hardly contain himself
He doesn’t even watch the entire procession because he’s too busy trying to weave his head around the other people to see if he can catch a glimpse of you
Has zero patience 
You finally appear and that nearly takes him to his knees, I swear
He’s getting a lil wobbly
Highkey wants to run and meet you mid-aisle and just drag you the rest of the way
Wants the actual ceremony to be over with so you can be officially married
He’s been saying you're married this whole time but he wants it in writing
When you reach him, he takes your hands and you can tell he’s nervous because his hands are sweating
He recoils really quick to wipe his hands on the pants of his suit before grabbing you again
This prompts laughter from the entire audience
It amazed everyone that you two could still fluster each other, even on your wedding day
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Ever since he woke up he’s been on and off crying
Happy tears, of course
He’s just so thrilled that it’s finally happening and he barely slept
Doesn’t even care about the ceremony anymore
Just wants to be married to you
Ready to live as a family and everything
Even if its just you two and Shiber for a while
When he first sees you, he chokes on his tears and starts coughing and he’s waving and making the “okay” symbol to the audience
You get to him and rub his arm to soothe him
Halfway through, its time for vows
Remember how I said he didn’t sleep?
He yawns right in the middle of his vows and you almost fall over you’re laughing so hard
Even the officiant, who has tried so hard to be serious up until this point, is trying to hold back a giggle or two
And San is totally worried that he’s made a mess of everything but when he sees your smile?
He knows that this wedding couldn’t have possibly gone any better
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He’s gonna trip going up the stairs to meet the officiant
He’s so nervous about messing things up he almost seriously injures himself like fifty times getting ready
Like almost impales himself with the boutonniere, trips, almost slips in the shower, gets shampoo in his eyes, etc.
But everything is okay once he sees you
Couldn’t care less about anything else that had happened or gone wrong that day
Honestly wouldnt even care if the venue burned down, as long as he got to marry you
The boys are totally gonna tell you every detail and mishap from the morning later though
But for now? Peace
He’s smiling that crooked grin of his and his eyes are all twinkly with love
Gives you a big hug when you get close enough and holds you for a solid 20 seconds before the officiant is like “…can we get this going now?”
Awkwardly and reluctantly pulls away from you, kind of pouting but whatever lol
Just happy to be doing this with you and so excited for the future
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Giggly and loud
Damn near screams when he first sees you
But it comes out as a quiet “oh wow”
Makes the officiant smile because they were the only one who could hear him say it
When you’re standing in front of him he’ll just kind of gasp
And then a single tear rolls down his cheek before he even knows he’s crying
When you wipe it away the witnesses are all cooing at you two
And he chuckles awkwardly and he’ll whisper that he’s not crying his eyes are just sweating
Whatever you say, kiddo
Once the ceremony starts, he never takes his eyes off of you
He doesn’t even know what the officiant looks like lmao
So laser focused on you and he just cant break away
You’re so hypnotizing
And he gets choked up reading his vows, but takes a few breaths and finishes with ease
And when the ceremony is finally over he’s practically racing you down the aisle, excited to get the party on with his new spouse
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Strong boy not feeling so strong
He feels small while he’s alone and just waiting for you in front of all these people
The boys are whispering encouraging words next to him 
But that doesn’t stop the violent shaking of his hands
When he sees you though? That’s when he stops shaking
He feels strong again
He draws all his strength from you, and that sounds cheesy until you remember you are literally the person he is dedicating his entire life to
Smiling that beautiful gummy smile of his
Holds your hands so gently throughout the entire ceremony and winks at you a couple times to make you blush
Basically, all his nerves dissipated when he saw you walking towards him
Mouths “I love you” to you a million times during the ceremony
When you ask him how many times he thinks he must have said it, he just tells you he lost track
“The officiant was boring me, I just wanted to be married to you. Finally!!”
Scoops you up at the end and carries you out that door
Maintains the strong image until you’re alone when he can bask in the softness of your long awaited marriage
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Bakugo and Shinso w a pregnant black s/o
Bakugo x black!pregnant!reader x Shinso
TW: Swearing
Note: I need to stop writing for them I swear ima write for all the other fandoms after this 🤡🤡
That was his motto throughout your entire pregnancy, from you telling him to your child's birth
He treated you like you were priceless porcelain
Got extremely upset if the was so much as a scratch on your skin
Paparazzi better watch themselves when coming up to you and asking you shit
"Y/n, when is the baby's due date?"
"Y/n, when will you reveal the baby's gender?"
"Y/n, will you show you baby to the public once its born?"
"Y/n there were cheating rumors before your pregnancy, is Ground Zero really the father-"
Hes your personal body guard
If someone even walks a lil too close for him, you might have to hold him back before he ruins his reputation
He's gonna back out of a good portion of his work (if it's not important) just to devote himself to taking care of you
Your feet dont even have to touch the ground if you say so
He most definitely read up on pregnancy in secret
He even knows what foods aren't good for the baby but are a common craving
If youre craving something that is bad for you, the baby, or both, he'll make you something healthy that tastes the same
Gives you foot and back rubs
He won't admit it but he is absolutely terrified of you slipping in the shower
So he either showers with you or runs you a bath
Buys you those skin tight maxi dresses
He just loves how they look on you especially with your belly
Gives you pep talks if you feel bad about gaining baby weight
Makes sure that you're eating, drinking water, and feeling good
When Katsuki leaves the house, he kisses you, and your stomach
And he says:
"Ill see the two of you later, I love you guys."
He was doing it since you got pregnant
When you pointed it out, he denied it
"What the hell are talkin about, is your pregnancy makin you crazy or somethin???"
You thought it was him being too prideful to admit it, but he literally just did it subconsciously
Because the day after he did it again and usually he'd stop after you say something
He whispers to the baby when he thinks you're asleep 🥺🥺
"I can't wait to meet you, it'll be a scary place out here, but I swear on my life I'll protect you and your mother. I love you both so fucking much."
You cried a lil bit ngl
Dadsuki gets the dub
Hes sooo happy
But also so scared
He became all too aware of how black women get treated once you started dating
And hes also aware that it only gets worse when pregnant, and when theyre a mother
He does absolutely everything in his power to keep you safe
Both physically and emotionally
Hes gonna post so many pictures of you
He saw one hate comment about how your baby is gonna come out ugly just because its mixed with black and he disabled all his comments and story replies
Cooks for you every now and then and hires a chef when he gets busy
Lets you eat what ever youre craving unless its too unhealthy
Makes sure you get the right amount of sleep
When you wake up because of contractions or anything, he makes sure that you and the baby are safe before using his quirk on you to make you go back to sleep
When you guys go out, he always wanders into the baby isle
And its purely subconscious
Like you'll be getting food one minute then you're looking at baby clothes
Its actually really cute
Gives the best foot rubs and back massages
Bubble baths at least once a week
Also buys you a lot of tight maxi dresses
But at the same time he loves seeing you in nothing but a bra and panties with one of his button ups on top
Talks to the baby a lot
"I have no clue who or what youre going to be, but I swear I'll love you no matter what, and I'll protect you even if it means I get hurt. I can't wait to meet you, and even though I haven't, I already love you so much."
He might just fuck around and start carrying around his scarf when yall go out
Because people were trying him
Didn't care much about paparazzi
"Y/n, how do you feel about what people are saying about you and Shinso having a child together?"
"Y/n, will you be showing your baby to the public?"
He just let them ask questions knowing they wouldn't get an answer
But when his toxic ass fans start doing shit?? He might pull an Aizawa and have them hanging upside down like they in a damn cocoon
"That baby is gonna come out ugly as shit considering Y/n is the mother, itd be gorgeous if it were our child."
Shit like that^ got on his nerves, his fans were jealous of you since day one, but he was proud of you regardless of anyone's opinions
And youre a bad bitch so you let them talk their shit
"A baby mixed with black??? You've made some mistakes but thats by far the biggest..."
Racist ass comments like this^ though..
Pissed him off to no end
Tried not to say anything at first, just giving disgusted looks to people that would say things like this and then walking faster
But they really started to piss him off when it happened everywhere
Social media, out in public, and at events
Snapped on one of his fans one day
"Could be a cute baby if it had something in its genes other than black... specifically mine."
"If you deadass think I'd ever wanna have a baby with you, fuck you, or let alone KISS YOU, when you're saying small minded, idiotic, and conceited ass shit like that, you might wanna check yourself before I check you."
Shit happend on live TV too😬
He was getting interviewed with you by his side and the producer asked to get shots of you and him with fans
Camera was pointing right at him and the girl
Yall already know her whole life got ended... (not literally smh)
Her school and work were contacted, they found her family, all of that
Said he'd protect you from absolutely everything and he meant that shit because shinso a real rod😌💞
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hopesong7 · 5 years
Summary: Sometimes, the universe aligns, and you make friends with a stranger. Sometimes, that stranger is actually multiple people and life just got a bit more interesting.
Genre(s): Fluff, Comedy, lil bit of Angst (Maybe)
Contains: Things that make me feel fuzzy, photography, social media, things I know nothing about but have googled extensively, and the power of friendship.
Word Count: 1271
Note: Hello, yes, the other boys are (sort of) introduced. Yoongi is a mood, and Twitter is a thing. (For like 5 seconds, and it’s all Tae’s fault)
In hindsight, dubbing someone - a stranger no less - the God of Destruction was maybe a mistake.
On the bright side, Tae had absolutely lost it beside you, wheezing with laughter.
“Tae?” The confusion on the other end was palpable, and doing absolutely nothing for your nerves. The regret you felt made your face glow pink. You gave the laughing boy beside you a glance full of desperation.
“What do I say,” you hissed. Taehyung halted his laughter to stare at you in disbelief. “I didn’t think this far,” you defended. You hadn’t thought much past answering the phone if you were honest. Greeting the person on the other end with Taehyung’s name for them was as far as you’d gotten. He shrugged, motioning for you to give him the phone.
“Hey, Hyung,” he greeted. His ability to act as though he hadn’t been gasping for air only a second ago made you jealous. “No, that was-“ he rubbed his neck sheepishly. “A search party, really?” Your jaw dropped. “Jiminie and Kookie?” You watched as his face twisted, unbridled excitement fighting utter fear. You felt your stomach twist. Jiminie and Kookie weren’t the most threatening names, but Haru’s bodyguard was referred to as Muffin, and you’d seen the man in action. 
Names meant nothing. 
“I’ll let them know?” He glanced at you, a reassuring grin on his face, “It’s okay, Noona!” You both froze, Tae’s smile freezing on his face as your eyes drifted to the phone. You watched as he slowly lowered it, giving you an apologetic look as he put it on speaker.
“Noona?” Chaos announced itself.
“Yah! Who is Tae with?” There was the sound of shuffling, and then a chorus of things being knocked over.
“Settle down, you savages,” a voice ordered. You took the brief moment of silence to make yourself known.
“Uh, hi?”
Various voices returned the greeting, but the voice from earlier was the clearest, calling out, “Hello!”
“Hyungs, this is _____-noona. Noona, these are my Hyungs,” Tae introduced. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that the only thing you’d learned from that introduction was that he had multiple hyungs. Which was kind of a given, honestly. 
His hyungs did not have this problem.
“Taehyung, what kind of introduction was that,” a voice chastised. “Hello, my name is Kim Seokjin, I am Worldwide Handsome, thank you.” 
“My name is Min Yoongi and I’m surrounded by idiots.” You stifled a laugh. His announcement was accompanied by various cries of injustice.
“Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you.” 
“He’s also known as RapMonster and God of Destruction,” Tae added, rather helpfully. Namjoon didn’t agree, if the sputtering defense was anything to go by, but it was ignored rather successfully. Although you made a note to ask Tae about the sunglasses incident?
“Okay, okay, okay. You all are lame! Here is a proper introduction.” You heard a throat clear and the rest of the boys settled. “I’m your Hope, You’r—“
“Yah, that’s cheating!”
“That’s your stage name, not your real name, Hobi.”
“Fine, fine. Hello, my name is Jung Hoseok! It is nice to meet you, thank you for taking care of Taehyung. He is young and gets lost easily–“ Tae refuted this with a vigorous shake of his head. “And he is terrible at keeping in contact with his worried Hyungs.” You couldn’t argue that.
“In summary,” Namjoon spoke up, “thank you for keeping an eye on Tae.”
“It’s really no problem. I was thankful for the company, and once I learned he liked photography, well,” you shrugged. “Also his puppy dog eyes are lethal.” The boys chimed in agreement, though Taehyung seemed delighted by the sudden revelation. His poor Hyungs wouldn’t know what hit them.
Oh well, not your problem.
“Anyway, I’m guessing he should probably head back to you all?”
“Yeah,” Suga agreed, “I would like to go to sleep. Tae, hurry up.” 
Namjoon let out a huff, “Yes, you’re correct.”
“Ah, shouldn’t I walk you to your room,” Taehyung asked.
 You waved him off, grabbing the rest of your gear, “No, my room isn’t far from here. If you want, I can walk you?” He shook his head. “Then I guess this is goodbye, my friend.” You gave a dramatic wave, watching as Tae clutched his chest.
“Noona,” he cried, “Don’t go!” He stretched out an arm to your retreating figure, trying to look heartbroken even as his eyes twinkled with mirth. You choked back a laugh.
“Remember me,” you called back, voice trembling. “We shall reunite one day, I swear!” With that, the two of you dramatically separated, fake sobs making your shoulders shake. You thanked the heavens that you both had to go different directions. If Taehyung had to turn and catch up with you, suddenly having to go the same way after such a dramatic departure- You giggled, the scene too funny to ignore. 
The trip back to your hotel was filled with random laughter, especially when you saw two boys race by, one with cotton candy hair. Thankfully, your outbursts had receded by the time you reached your hotel, allowing you to fall into slumber with nothing more than a smile. Unfortunately, your phone went off way too early that morning.
“Wuh,” You answered, yawning. Your reflection gazed back at you as you blearily stared ahead. How you managed to mess your hair up so badly when unconscious was one of the world’s greatest mysteries.
“Oh man, did I wake you up,” Eun-ha asked. You heard her mutter under her breath, letting out a muffled curse. “Dang, I’m sorry ____.”
“Is cool,” you mumbled. “What's up?” 
“Bangtan tweeted about the post you made last night!” 
“Um, which post?” There were various, you remembered. The pleasant streets mid-day. The few you’d taken at the cafe. About three nightlife photos-
“The one with the guy, the silhouette against the city lights.” The one you’d snuck of Tae’s figure as he fiddled with the camera, aiming it at the sky. The one you’d commented, “Training my new protegee <3” and not told him about.  
You hummed, “Gimmie sec.” You checked twitter and, sure enough, there it was.
bts_twt Teach me your ways~ 
Below it, they’d posted the photo and attached a link to your Insta. As a side effect, your twitter feed was filled with fans. They seemed pretty cool though. Shaking your head, you settled for liking their tweet and logging off.
“In my defense,” You explained to Eun-ha, “ I didn’t know he was an idol when I took that photo. You can’t even see his features because of the lighting in that one.”
“You met an idol and didn’t tell me?”
“Girl, you are a model. You hit on Jackson for heaven’s-”
“We don’t talk about that!”
“No, your Mandarin was awful and I will never let you live it down. He speaks Korean, Eun-ha.”
“I wanted to impress him,” she whined. She had impressed him, sort of. He’d been very nice about her utterly butchering her Manadarin, but at least she’d tried.
“Wait, doesn’t he have a friend named Namjoon or something?”
“Yeah, he’s in that Bangtan group that tweeted you and ohmyGod. ____, no.” You stared at your phone. On one hand, you’d already embarrassed yourself, calling him the God of Destruction with absolutely no hesitation. On the other, he’d probably heard about Eun-ha’s mess up and you could laugh about it. Giving up, you logged back onto Twitter, and ignoring the persistent dinging, you made a quick post.
_____Byeol Throwback to when my girl Eun-ha tried to hit on Jackson (GOT7) in the worst Mandarin ever. #whyareyoulikethis
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theoddcatlady · 7 years
Family Reunion
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“Is that it?”
Garrett craned his neck forward to get a better view and I suppressed a giggle. “Yes, babe, that’s my parents’ house. What did you expect?”
“When you said you lived in a wooded area, I dunno, pictured creepy cabin, bloody axe on the doorstep...”
I kissed his cheek before gently elbowing his side. “Come on, park the car, I can’t wait to see my mom!”
There was already over a dozen cars parked on the lawn, it was a wonder Garrett could find a spot. I could hear the nieces and nephews already playing in the backyard, probably climbing up and down from my old treehouse or chasing the cats in the pole barn. “Probably Uncle Reese and his family arrived yesterday,” I said as I climbed out of the car.
Garrett was already attempting to lift both our bags, making a big show of grunting and heaving. “Man, you weren’t kidding when you said your family goes all out for reunions. Did you pack the whole bathroom?” He groaned.
“Oh, stop it!”
I suppose his shock was justified, I hadn’t really told him much other than that I have a big family and my house isn’t exactly small either.
The ruckus only grew louder as we hurried up to the front door, I was practically dancing in place. “We’re home!” I announced as I walked in the front door, Garret poking his head in nervously behind me.
My mom ran in from the kitchen, her eyes lighting up as she wiped her flour covered hands on her apron. “Emma! Oh my baby girl, you’re home! I missed you so much!” I swear she was crying a little as she wrapped me in an uncomfortably tight hug. I could smell cinnamon in her hair.
“Mom, you’re crushing me. And you saw me just last month!” I managed to untangle myself from her before gesturing to the guy trying to hide behind me. “Mom. This is Garrett.”
Mom wiped her eyes, getting a swathe of flour on her face. “Oh, I’m sorry, Garrett. Emma’s told me all about you, I hope she’s not forgotten to tell you about me?”
Garrett laughed in an attempt to hide his nerves. “Of course, Mrs. Silver! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” He held out his hand all formal like. Mom took this as an invitation to yank him into a hug. My mom’s short but she is a strong little lady.
“None of that Mrs. Silver stuff, call me Diane! My, you’re a tall fellow, aren’t you?” She pulled apart to look him up and down. “Nice muscles! You have great taste, Emma!”
“Mom! Please!” I hid my face in embarrassment.
I heard the wood creak as a familiar set of boots walked up. I lowered my hands to see a tall man with graying hair and a thick beard.
I smiled. “Hi, dad… this is Garrett. He’ll be having dinner with us tomorrow.”
My dad eyed Garrett up and down, Garrett looked more tense than a stretched rubber band as he smiled nervously. “Mr. Silver, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand again, I swear I saw it shake. Dad’s an intimidating man to people who know him, I can’t imagine how he looks to the person dating his little girl.
Dad stared solemnly for a few seconds, his face cold, before his eyes finally twinkled and he pulled Garrett in for a half handshake, half hug. Another thing to know about my dad- he’s a teddy bear.
“Garrett, finally, we meet! Emma’s said nothing but good things about you!” He boomed.
“Oh, really?” Garrett almost immediately relaxed. “I hope I meet your expectations!”
“Enough of that formal talk, boy!” My dad slapped Garrett on the back, nearly knocking him over. “You’re a part of the family now! I’ll take up your bags to your room, Garrett can sleep with the boys...” He trailed off as he saw me make a sour expression. “Only joking! He’s sleeping in your room too! It’s already all made up, your mom’s had it ready for a few days now.” He hoisted up both bags and headed up for the second floor.
I giggled and looped my arm in with Garrett’s. “Come on! Let’s go see my cousins! I’m sure they’re going crazy waiting to meet you!”
We found them where I expected, in the downstairs game room, the younger ones playing video games while the older ones were busy chatting it up. Roger looked up and beamed. “Hey, Emma, you made it!” He jumped up and quickly wrapped me in a hug.
“I see you’re a hugging family,” Garrett noted as he looked around.
Roger snickered and looked around the room. “Kay, the kiddos playing Super Mario are Jane, Chris, and Leon, they’re like twelve,” Chris turned around and stuck out his tongue, “Okay, Chris is thirteen, sorry, geez, the idiot who isn’t nearly as good looking as me is my twin brother Ryan, the girl wearing the red t-shirt is my little sister Bonnie, the really, really pregnant one is Mia, and the dude who totally isn’t high out of his mind is Jason.”
Jason tried to glare before he caved. “Okay, I’m a little high. But I’m not as high as I was at Christmas!” He complained. Ryan raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment.
Garrett nodded as he looked around the room. “Great, I, uh… yeah, I’m probably going to need to be reminded of your names a few more times while I’m here,” He said.
Roger gently punched his shoulder. “No worries, we’ll just beat the shit out of you if you get it wrong. Scooch over, Jason, make room for Emma and her boyfriend.” The way he said that almost made me want to punch him. Almost. I’m used to idiot cousins.
I stole one of the beanbags and made myself comfortable. “Where’s Greg, he’s usually here by now,” I said.
Ryan shrugged. “I think he’s with Uncle Keith? Rose went too.”
“Awww, I was looking forward to seeing her,” I complained.
“You’ll see her tomorrow at dinner,” Bonnie said, looking up from her phone, “But she’s trying to avoid her mom right now. She ah, brought her fiancee.”
Ooooh. I looked to Garrett. “Rose is gay, she met a girl while at college. I didn’t know they got engaged though!”
“Oh yeah!” Bonnie snickered. “You really need to get on Facebook more often. Auntie Octavia had a freaking meltdown when she saw she had changed her Facebook status to ‘Engaged to Marie Schultz.’ First it was about how she wasn’t going to have any ‘real’ grandchildren, whatever that means, and then it was about that how she didn’t tell her before announcing it to Facebook, gee, wonder why, and then it was about how it was sinful, and oh my god, it was just a dramatic shitshow!”
Jason giggled. “It was hilarious! She was crying about it with my dad on the phone, my dad was just ‘uh huh’ and ‘of course’ until he hung up, and then he went to the fridge and got like, three beers.”
Garrett nodded slowly. “Ah, the gay cousin drama. Think everyone’s been through that. Where’s the fiancee then?”
“Marie is currently in the kitchen, driving Octavia nuts.” Bonnie’s smile was downright sinister. “She was raised in a family of cooks and is wooing the crap out of the rest of the aunts. They all love her. Even Great Aunt Denise!”
My jaw dropped. “Aunt Denise? She’s the biggest Bible thumper in the family! She got shifty when my mom and dad moved in together two months before they were married!
“I know!” Bonnie threw up her arms. “Octavia is practically about to explode! Didn’t help that the stress had her screw up her stupid fruit cake, ended up adding a tablespoon of baking soda instead of like an eighth of a teaspoon. Completely ruined it, she had a meltdown and sobbed but no one really cared, frikken drama queen. I think she’s just drinking wine in the corner and pouting while Marie has everyone else eating out of her hand.”
I looked over at Mia, who seemed content as always to be quiet. “How you feeling, Mia? Aren’t you supposed to have had that baby yet?”
Mia blinked owlishly a few times. “Oh, no, not for another month… I feel ready though. I’m huge.” She groaned and squirmed a bit. “I still can’t believe there’s only one in there too.”
I giggled and reached forward, taking her hand. “I can’t wait to meet this lil guy! Or girl, you’re still keeping the gender quiet?”
“It’s gonna be a surprise! A really great surprise. I think I’ve settled on William for a boy… or maybe Leroy...” Mia sighed and threw her arms up in the air. “Nevermind, I still don’t know!”
“You should name him after meeee...” Jason teasingly flopped himself onto her shoulder, which got him shoved to the floor for his trouble. “Owwww!”
Mia smiled bashfully. “Oops?”
The rest of us laughed before Roger jumped to his feet. “Come on, let’s go raid the wine cabinet!”
Chris perked up. “Can I-”
“Absolutely not!” The cousins chimed together while Chris’ shoulders sagged.
“Come on! Jason said you guys snuck wine all the time when you were my age!”
“Yeah, and we got our butts beat so bad we couldn’t sit down for Easter lunch,” I said, ruffling his hair. “Few more years bud, we’ll turn a blind eye when you’re eighteen.”
That night I laid in my old bed, staring up at the ceiling where there used to be some sort of fanart of a TV show I used to watch. I’d long taken it down, but I could still see bits of the blue tacky stuck to the plaster.
“Your family is fucking amazing.”
Ah, wondered when that was coming. I looked up, Garrett was getting dressed for bed but had sat down at the foot of the bed to ponder the day’s events. I laughed and sat up. “I mean, they’re family, I guess they’re okay…”
“I mean it though.” Garrett turned to me, I think I saw a tear in his eye. “I’ve been hugged by people who think I’m the greatest thing since sliced bread. Your cousins, your aunts and uncles, even your dad...” His voice choked up a bit and he turned away.
I sat up and crawled to him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. I know your family… well, they weren’t as… good as some.” That was an understatement. He’d opened up about what hell he’d been through. “But my family? We stick together. We never, ever hurt each other. The bad apples, well, Grandpa Oliver disowns you. And if the patriarch of the family disowns you, you’re no longer family. That’s how we do things here. And… and I love you, Garrett. That means they love you too.”
Garrett blinked a few times, probably to clear out the tears. “… I love you too, Emma.” He kissed me and I giggled, running my hands through his hair. We parted and that roguish grin of his that I’d gotten attached to returned.
“So, have you ever screwed anyone in your childhood bed?”
Answer is no, I hadn’t, and although I was paranoid about the creaking, it was a pretty great screw.
Next morning I woke up, rolled over to get some great cuddling in, and found that Garrett’s side of the bed was empty. Confused, I sat up and glanced around the room. His phone was still here, although he’d changed out of his pajamas.
Where the hell was my boyfriend?
I rolled out of bed, managing to get dressed quickly enough before heading down to the kitchen. I’d slept in, no idea why I’d not been woken up, but I headed for the kitchen first.
My mom was just sliding something into the oven when I tapped her shoulder. She spun around, setting her hand on her chest. “Christ Almighty, Emma! You could scare a person half to death!” She said.
“Mom, have you seen Garrett?” I felt my stomach growl as I smelled the soup cooking on the stove. God, I couldn’t wait for dinner. “I woke up and he was gone. Left his phone behind so I don’t think he left.”
“I don’t know, dear.” Mom frowned. “He might’ve and just forgotten, Roger and the boys had to make an emergency run into town, your grandfather was worried there wasn’t going to be enough food to go around.”
I snorted. “Mom, there’s always enough to go around… but I guess it wouldn’t be a reunion without leftovers. I’ll check the pole barn, maybe dad needed some help carving up dinner.”
The late morning sun was already warming to the typical summer heat, the littlest of the kids were playing hide and go seek, I dodged toy balls and dollies before reaching the pole barn door. I knocked a few times and reached for the handle before the door opened.
Dad stepped out, his leather apron flecked with blood. “It’s a mess, Em, it’s probably best you stay outside,” He said.
Fair enough. “Dad, have you seen Garrett? I’ve been looking for him all morning.”
“He’s with me, helping out.”
Oh thank god. I smiled. “Well, tell the idiot he left his phone inside, all right? I was worried about him.”
Dad grunted before closing the door. Men. I rolled my eyes and headed back indoors. Dad never liked to be interrupted while carving up whatever he and the guys caught. Oh, well, and Rose this time. So not just the guys.
I went to make myself busy in the kitchen. Aunt Octavia was already there being dramatic as can be while peeling potatoes, apparently that’s all my mom and the other girls trusted her with. I settled with making the bread, kneading it and letting the loaves rise while getting another ready. Never enough food, according to mom, never enough. Marie was super great though, she had a soft voice that was never loud and she had a way with chopping vegetables.
I never caught sight of Garrett, although I knew he was probably just busy with Dad. Wrapped up meat would get shifted into the kitchen thanks to Ryan and Roger, although that wasn’t my job to deal with, that was always mom’s. This year she had Marie to help, much to Aunt Octavia’s horror, although I doubt not even Marie knew the secrets to all the spices mom would throw in.
I was about five minutes from losing my mind and just grabbing a handful of the steamed broccoli and going nuts at it when my mom said it was time to bring it all to the table.
We had to always set up tables in the basement, there just wasn’t enough room anywhere else. I sat with my dad. And since he was the oldest, he got to sit near the head of the table with Grandpa Oliver.
I really am lucky to have a grandpa still around when I’m twenty three, let alone a grandpa who’s in truly great health. The man is wiry but strong, with a full head of silver hair and a cold, steely stare. But he was my grandpa, and he loved all of us grandchildren.
There were so many this year, I scanned the table for any sight of Garrett but was disappointed to see he hadn’t made it down. Where the hell was he?
Marie and Rose were holding hands across the table and giggling, I was mildly jealous of how cute they were. Aunt Octavia had quite the tongue lashing from my mother and Aunt Denise earlier, so she was holding her peace for the moment. The table was lined with bowls of mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables, various soups and stews, breads, and covered silver plated trays. My stomach was almost hurting by all good it looked, but I wasn’t a kid anymore, I couldn’t get away with snitching a bite. Especially with Grandpa watching me like a hawk. It was like he knew. I settled with chewing on my lip and staring longingly at the covered tray in front of me.
Grandpa stood and cleared his throat. “Everyone, quiet, quiet...” It didn’t take much to make everyone shut up, even the little kids knew to be quiet when Grandpa talked. “Shall I speak a prayer over the food now, before one of us snaps and starts filling their plate before the blessing?”
I almost asked about Garrett but I kept my mouth shut. The quiet murmurs of agreement circled the table and bowed their heads. I held onto my father’s and grandfather’s hand, bowing my head as well. Grandpa cleared his throat and began his prayer.
“Our creator, who gifted us with the bounty of nature, we thank you for this food, but also we thank the men who slaughtered it, the women who prepared it, and now we shall partake in what we’ve been given. In the name of the Wild’s God, amen.”
Everyone murmured amen as well and reached for the tray lids. They were lifted off and I was greeted with a cloud of steam to the face. I had to take off my glasses and wipe them off before putting them back on.
In front of me was a man’s head, steaming hot and surrounded by a garnish of greens. Its eyes had been carefully scooped out, the top of its head removable so that one could enjoy the brains. The mouth was stuffed with minced up pork by the looks of it, and the smell, oh the smell was divine. Cuts of the best parts of man and woman were scattered up and down the table.
If only Garrett could have seen it.
Garrett walked in right at this moment, wiping off his still bloody hands. He looked up and down at the array. Grandpa turned around, his face stern.
“Boy, you’re off to a bad impression. You missed the blessing!” He scolded.
Garrett’s face went light pink as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, Roger and Ryan went on ahead, I told them I could handle cleaning the workshop.”
Grandpa blinked owlishly. “… You did it on your own?”
“Well, yeah! I mean, Emma’s dad said it had to be done before we sat down to eat and… wow.” Garrett slowly approached the table, I could hear his stomach growl. “I honestly thought Emma was screwing with me, but you guys really go all out when you get together.”
Grandpa nodded. “Well then.” He looked down at where Ryan and Roger were grinning sheepishly. “Boys, you left the newcomer to do it on his own?”
“He volunteered!” Ryan complained while Roger facepalmed.
Grandpa scowled. “Just for that, you’re cleaning up after dinner,” He said. The twins groaned while I laughed and motioned for Garrett to sit the hell down.
“I was worried about you, idiot.” I lightly elbowed him.
Garrett laughed, spooning a mound of the pork from the head onto his plate. “What, did you think your dad got pissed at me and decided I was going to be dinner too?” He shook his head. “Nah, Roger and Ryan needed help, and well, I delivered. It was really nerve wracking to go hunting, but once it was done, it was… wow.”
“I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time that happened to my boyfriends.” I let Garrett stew in his horror for a few seconds before I laughed. “Kidding! The only time dad made my significant other prey was when he was caught peeping through other girl’s windows. Oh, and he cheated on me. Jack ass.”
“Oh, totally a jack ass.” Garrett gasped as a cut of the thigh was passed down. “Oh my god, that looks amazing.”
“Take a bite.” I leaned in, my breath coming to a stop. What was he going to think? Would it live up to his high expectations, the fantasies he revealed to me when he knew he could trust me?
The meat was so tender it practically fell apart with his fork. Garrett swallowed, clearly nervous before sticking it in his mouth. He chewed, swallowed… and grinned.
“Wow! It’s amazing!”
I did a little dance in my chair. “All right! Now pass me the mashed potatoes, babe, oh, and a slice of the breast meat! Love me some breasts- don’t you take that the wrong way!”
Garrett laughed, and it was then I knew he was a keeper.
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