#And I don't know how to make an undercut so if somebody can help me I will be really thankful
one-coming-is-enough · 8 months
how do I not be jealous of someone
it's even harder cause she is legitimately a bitch
how do I deal with ppl like that without being a bitch myself
Alright, well. What are we dealing with?
Romantic jealousy? If it's that, you gotta remember that everyone has a type, and some people like bitches. I can't explain why. Maybe some Taylor Swift "I need pain to feel like I'm in love" thing, I dunno.
Me, I have somewhat of a Save-A-Ho complex, where if I see someone who's cute and seems like they have a lot of problems in their life, I will jump in and try to help them fix it. Or if someone is super lonely, I'm like, "Aww, you deserve love, and I will understand you and give you that love."
That's a bad habit and it leads you to date fucked up people sometimes, because sometimes people who seem like victims are just very good at their own spin. Or they're unable or unwilling to learn how to be a better person, in the end.
If it's professional jealousy, like maybe somebody is getting promoted ahead of you, consider why they're getting there.
Are they actually aggressive and straightforward in the way they interact with people, and that can come off as "bitchy" to people when it's actually just being blunt and honest?
Or are they genuinely undercutting others in order to attempt to showcase their own perceived skills or expertise? Do they talk nice about people to their face and then talk shit behind their back with no intent of ever talking to the person in question? Do they imply or state that others are incompetent or inconsistent when they're not? Do they take credit for things they didn't do?
Do they lie, in other words?
That can figure out whether you're dealing with someone whose manner might just be more abrasive than you prefer but who actually has leadership skills you might want to study...
...or someone who you may want to document and discuss with a superior.
I know I'm a forgiving person, but that's Me, because it is literally My job to forgive. A huge part of My role is to understand where people are coming from, help them heal a hurt, and understand how and why they hurt others. Then I can forgive them. Because I'm Divine and I have special psychic gifts that let Me see into the depths of a human's soul.
You are not. You are... Probably human? Or mostly so? If you're a demon, you wouldn't be asking this question, and if you're an angel then come off anon and I'm happy to help you figure out your specific workplace issue. But I'm assuming you're one of about eight billion other people with the same problem on Earth.
Your job is to make life better for yourself and the people around you. Sometimes that means telling someone off or getting them out of you hair.
If she's a family member or somebody in a general friend or social group, that's a little bit more complicated. I guess the question is, what does she have that you genuinely want? And are there ways of getting what you want that use your own strengths instead of competing with hers?
There's also still the question of how she's affecting other people. If someone is making you feel bad about yourself on purpose, you're probably not the only person she's doing that to.
And the answer is that you can't beat her at her own game. Don't compete. See if other people feel the same way about whatever behavior of hers is making you feel bad about yourself. Call it out. Be open and very, very honest.
A lot of people sit there and stew about feeling bad about feeling bad, like you can fix your problems by just changing your attitude. And sometimes that can work, but you can't just will your way into not feeling bad. You have to do some genuine mental work about your point of view. Sometimes you have to unlearn assumptions about what makes you or anybody else valuable, valid, or right.
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kindofblue28 · 10 months
I found your post recommending Faust the other day when I was looking for recent posts about the Gadget games, then went ahead and watched a playthrough, and I’m glad I did even if I don’t fully understand the story. That GameBoomers forum thread did help to clear some things up, at least. I don’t know where the hell the Wikipedia plot summary describing Marcellus as the Devil got that idea from, that doesn’t seem to be the case at all, somebody should change that.
Man, that final part with Giselle hit pretty hard, though it’s undercut a bit by that sitcomy ending. This game has a tone problem, that’s for sure. Do you think it’s an exaggeration on my part to call Geoffrey Bateman (I think that’s him?)’s performance as Mef one of the best vocal performances for a video game character? The character displays a wide range of emotions and he nails it, when he laughs it sounds like he’s laughing for real. I’m so glad that the voice of Loge/Loki from RLOTN got to be in the spotlight for something somewhat better.
I think Drowned God and - to a lesser extent - Gadget have already filled up too much real estate in my brain for me to want to dive super deep into the lore and stuff, but I’ll be looking forward for your fan website to see the concept art and all that! As one of the very few people on this Earth who has bothered to document Drowned God’s completely absurd story and try to explain it, plus Gadget’s too a little, I get how kinda lonely it feels to want to reach out and tell others about such a weird thing that has interesting ideas despite its faults.
I’ll be busy for the next several days, but maybe in the near future I’ll make a TV Tropes page for Faust, and if I have any questions about characters and story elements. I feel like that site can do quite a bit to spread the word about these types of media and help clarify stuff.
Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for sending me this ask!! I'm very glad that post helped you find that game, and really happy to see another Gadget fan too. I can understand being confused about the story- I was very confused on my first couple of playthroughs too, if you have any questions I'd be glad to answer them about this game. Wasn't even aware of the stuff with the Wikipedia article- I'll try and look and see what I can do about that, because… whew, that's VERY wrong! Also completely agree with you on the part with Giselle. Really hits me hard and like, 9/10 makes me cry whenever I play thru that part- its message really helped me. Though yeah, I agree on the ending too. I feel like this game has such an issue of like, going way faster than it needs to be. I feel like a lot of the messages don't have enough time to really sit and get their point across, like, you just immediately get thrust into the end stuff after that, and doesn't even let the horror element of what happened sit? It stinks, and even if I hold this game in a really high regard, it's VERY flawed and all over the place.
Also, I definitely think Geoffery Bateman did FANTASTIC as Mef. I've listened to his roles in other Arxel games and this definitely feels like one where he got to shine- I feel like his other roles he's stuck in ones where he just sounds monotone and disinterested, where his performance of Mef sounds like, super believable and not forced at all :)
Also, can understand not wanting to dive super deep into the lore, I mean, it's been like that for me with Gadget, Faust took up too much of the braincells for this year and even if I own most of the supporting material for Gadget I just don't think I have the brain energy to dive super deep into it right now, so I totally get ya. Also cool you're a Drowned God fan- I meant to play that sorta soon, it's a game that's been on my list for years, if you took the time to play Faust, I got to at least give you the time with Drowned God too. More of these small games like these really need to be remembered- they have something to say! About the site, I hopefully should have SOMETHING up eventually. I've been kinda conflicted on the stuff in regards to Faust though, as I've debated having it moved to a wiki framework- and that might just be too much effort for one game, and I wouldn't want to be the one to make a wiki on Arxel Tribe games, as I haven't played most of them. I was planning to host the website on Neocities but my website building skills are VERY poor and that's just been stopping me from doing the pages themselves, I have the info, just not the skills :(
Either way, thank you for your ask (and your time!), you've been very kind. If you want to talk about the game at all I'm here on tumblr or on Discord (same username) :) Peace!
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tsikuri · 5 years
HPHM character profile.
I was tagged by the lovely @cptaincarswell like a week ago but I have been soooo busy, I don’t even have time to die x’D Thank you so much, darling! <3
And now I tag @slytherincursebreaker @annevmoreira & @electricslytherindog
Tumblr media
General Information
Name: Raine Ferreira Casterwill.
Age: 16.
Gender: female.
Nicknames: Rai. Just Jacob, Ms Rosmerta & Jae call her like that.
Date of Birth: December 23rd. I don’t want to get confused so I used mine:’)
Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.
Ethnicity: Latin. I guess (?)
Nationality: Mexican/British.
Species: witch.
Blood Type: O+
Blood Status: half-blood
Father- Roberto Ferreira Arellano.
Mexican muggle.
He met Raine’s mom during a holiday in his city.
Finds out about magic a few months after being dating Juniper.
After his divorce, he comes back to México to continue his life over there. Juniper & he had a big fight about if Raine should stay in England or go back to México with him
He does everything he can to be in touch with Raine.
Magic still freak him out a little bit.
He is really affected because of Jacob disappearance that’s one of the reasons why he wanted to bring Raine with him to México.
Mother- Juniper Casterwill.
Comes from a Ravenclaw family.
Her mom was a student in Beuxbautauns
Has two younger brothers
She becomes a historian and her specialty is the investigation of antique buildings
She met Raine’s dad during a trip to México. She was there because she wanted to practice her spanish and do an investigation about the buildings over there.
A year after her divorce, she was attacked by death eaters she was pretty shaken up about it so she came back to her parents’ house to live with them and she takes care of their magical book shop.
Older brother- Jacob Ferreira Casterwill
Half-blood Ravenclaw.
Was a really kind and adorable kid but the search of the Cursed Vaults changed him
Really good in a broom but he does not like quidditch.
Current status: disappeared.
I don’t want to put a lot of headcanons because I don’t want to get disappointed.
The Casterwill Family
Some underground duel arena with a cool name. (This one is after graduating Hogwarts).
Occupation(s) and a little bit about her future:
After graduating from Hogwarts she practically disappears and becomes a bounty hunter. That’s how she discovers the illegal duel arena where she spent almost two years of her life.
When that period of her life is over she cames back to México and starts studying college to become an architect like her dad.
Sometimes she assists some curse-breaker investigations because she is just that good.
Conclusion, she is an architect!
Magical Characteristic.
Form of Boggart:
Before the vaults: Jacob being evil and with the dark mark.
After the vaults: she being a killer because that means that her inner battle with her demons was lost.
Form of Patronus: A hummingbird
Form of Riddikulus:
Before the vaults: Jacob & his bad jokes was everything she needed
After the vaults: She definitely does not know how to handle that.
What do they see in the Mirror of Erised?: she can’t explain what she sees but she has a feeling of interior peace.
Length: 28.5 centimeters.
Wood: Ebony wood
Core: dragon heartstring
Time using it: since the fifth year (I probably will change it but idk when)
Animagus: Crowned wood-nymph hummingbird. Raine does not use her ability really much because she is not registered in the Magisterium. Sometimes she even forgets about it.
What she smells: her mom’s perfume, Jacob’s shampoo & her dad’s house.
What she smells to others: chocolate-mint, fresh air & rain. (Hahaha Raine smells like rain)
Height: 1.53 mts
Weight: 56 kg
Complexion (skin tone/conditions):
Light neutral skin. She is pale for a Mexican but she is tanned for a British.
Skin problems caused by stress and anxiety.
Her hands are normally full of little scratches.
Raine has good cicatrization so normally she does not have any scars after a fight (HAHAHAHAHA…Not for so long).
Hair Color/Style:
Wavy brown hair. Normally combed with a claw hair clip so it looks like a ponytail.
In the fifth year, there was an accident involving Andre practising colovaria and Billingsley trying to cast a Patronus. She wakes up in the infirmary two hours later with blue hair.
Eye Color: light brown eyes. In the sunlight, they look like gold.
Hogwarts Information
Worst Class(es):
Herbology: she likes plants but from the distance.
Potions: she HATES POTIONS. Raine does not like mixing animal parts between other things. She almost fainting in class is really normal.
Flight: Raine wasn’t that bad but she definitely was under the average. Being friends with Charlie & Andre helped her a lot to improve in her flying.
Best Class(es):
Charms & DADA. You can say natural talent or her desperate necessity to not get killed in her search for the vaults.
Transfiguration. She found this class really interesting, some charms are really boring for her but it is a class that she enjoys a lot.
Least Favourite Teacher(s):
Binns. He could definitely do the class more exciting.
Snape. She does not hate him, but he hates his commentaries to her work. That kinda inspires her to be better at potions (even if that means to throw up).
Rackepick. It’s a love-hate relationship. Kinda “I think you are cool but I can’t trust you!”
Favourite Teacher(s):
Flitwick. She loves how she can talk with him not necessarily about the classes but also about how is she feeling in the school and how he supportive he is when Raine ask him about some spells.
McGonagall. Raine loves McGonnagall. That’s all. Is like her hero.
Again, Rackepick. The fact that she betrays her it does not mean that Raine did not enjoy her classes and all she learnt from her.
Raine is not that good in a broom. So she does not play it.
She goes to matches as long Andre or Charlie are playing because she likes to support her Friends.
Even if she is bad at quidditch she knows a lot about the sport, even she is surprised by that.
Favourite spell(s):
Trivia (random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.):
Some songs for her: Friendly Reminder, Come Alive, Sweet Despair & Let Me Know.
Raine is the first Slytherin in a family full of Ravenclaws.
Has three younger cousins but they didn’t go to Hogwarts with her. And after what happened they probably sent them to Beauxbatons Academy.
She also takes the class of Arithmancy. Raine always liked numbers so instead of a class, she sees it as a hobby.
Raine could have been a dragonologist in Rumania just like Charlie. But for that times everything was a mess in her life so she rejected the offer.
Charlie & Dumbledore tried to recruit her to the Order of the Phoenix, but she rejected them. She still had a lot of resentment to Dumbledore and the magical world, she was trying to create a new life in the muggle world.
No less, she fought in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998.
Diego, Talbott & Jae are the reason why she decides to take control of her life again.
BILL DID NOT INVITE HER TO HIS WEDDING. It was Fleur fault, and she found out about the wedding just a day before so she assisted to it, BUT ANYWAYS.
In her dark time, she learnt the three Unforgivable Curses.
After finishing college she spent most of her adulthood working on México. Years later she came back to England.
Raine is a really good singer and enjoys a lot go to karaokes and thing like that.
She does have a muggle friend who finds out about the magical world by accident (Raine & he were drunk).
Two times at year McGonagall ask her to Hogwarts just to check that nobody is messing with the cursed vaults and that everything is in order. And every time she goes there McGonnagall try to convince her to become a DADA professor and the head of Slytherin house but Raine always refuses.
Until that time when she was investigating the vaults and twelve kids appear from nothing saying that they are her sons & daughters.
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esperantoauthor · 2 years
hello esp!
what would you recommend somebody do if a teacher is making rude comments about dyslexia (“it must be really easy for people with dyslexia to read hebrew because they read everything backwards”)
this happened to somebody at my school (they have dyslexia and the teacher has their iep) they don’t really want to make a big deal about it, but they do want to do *something*
Hey Nico!
I'm so sorry to hear that one of your teachers is being disrespectful😥. So many people still think Dyslexia means you have trouble seeing the words (i.e. that you flip letters around, that you read words backwards, that the letters are all jumbled up when you look at the word) that unfortunately I'm not surprised to hear that this teacher has that idea. It is quite aggravating! I'm glad that your friend wants to do something about it. Honestly, I had a shitty teacher in high school whose behavior was absolutely over the line and I don't think it even occurred to me to either speak to him about it or complain to someone higher up but I wish I had.
A few things about teachers, generally. There are absolutely bad teachers out there both in terms of their ability to teach you and in terms of their ability to be empathetic humans. You probably know who they are. But I would say that most teachers want to do well at their job and part of that is you all (their students) learning and feeling safe and comfortable in their classroom. You letting a teacher know when something they do really bothers you is actually doing them a favor because you are showing them how to be a better teacher to you. Even teachers who appear "strict" still care about their students well-being... they just want their classroom to run smoothly with minimal disruptions. Just because a teacher punishes bad behavior does not mean that same teacher wouldn't listen to you about a personal problem with empathy or try to help you out. Teachers are still humans so they may feel embarrassed to hear they misstepped, but that doesn't mean they aren't glad you told them.
Here is my advice:
Either send the teacher an email or ask to speak to them before or after class for a moment (while in-the-moment corrections are often great, I wouldn't recommend it in this case... calling out a teacher publicly in front of their whole class is going to be received about as well as a teacher calling out a student publicly in front of the whole class). Calmly and politely explain the problem. For best results, they should use "I" statements, focus on the impact the behavior had on them (rather than any ill intent on the part of the teacher), and give them something actionable they can do to resolve the matter (if they don't offer it first). Here is a sample script:
Student: "Excuse me, Mx. Teacher, do you have a minute?"
Teacher: "Sure, what's up."
Student: "I just wanted to let you know that I felt uncomfortable when you made a joke about dyslexia the other day. I know you (probably) didn't mean any harm by it but as someone with dyslexia, it hurt my feelings to hear you joking about it and I was really distracted for the rest of class."
Teacher: "I am so sorry! I didn't even think."
Student: "Thank you. I would appreciate it if you didn't make those kinds of jokes in class again."
Teacher: "Of course! Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry, again."
If that feels to formal, try:
Student: "Hey could you maybe not make jokes about dyslexia and other disabilities in our class anymore? I know you didn't mean to make fun of people with disabilities but I felt uncomfortable hearing it."
If you really want to drive it home, they can throw in something about how this type of thing distracts them from learning (the teacher's #1 goal for their students, so you are aligning your goals to theirs). You don't have to include the line about them not meaning it, but giving people that kind of benefit of the doubt can help interactions go more smoothly because it can undercut some of the natural defensiveness that comes up when you point out negative behavior (which can be useful even if you think they absolutely meant it that way, just as a tactic to keep things calm). If it is a teacher they otherwise really like, they can even say something like, "I really love your class" or "I knew you would listen to me."
Pros and Cons of E-mail vs. In-Person:
E-mail allows you to take your time to word your message exactly the way you want. You can even show it to a friend for feedback.
E-mail lets the recipient process your message in private, so that you do not have to deal with any initial emotional reaction they might have (embarrassment, defensiveness etc.).
In-Person allows you to convey your feelings through tone of voice and facial expression (you can get your message across but keep an upbeat tone of voice to convey that you want them to know but like it isn't a huge thing)
In-Person allows you to read how they are responding in the moment and adjust as you go (maybe they look embarrassed so you add in more about how you really know they didn't mean it).
Plan B
If your friend doesn't feel comfortable speaking with the teacher or e-mailing them (or if they try that and they get a bad reaction) then I would recommend your friend reach out to their case manager or whoever on their special education team they feel most comfortable with and ask them to speak to the teacher on their behalf. Part of our job as special education teachers is to advocate on behalf of our students. That can mean explaining their accommodations to general education teachers but it should also cover stuff like this.
I hope this helps! 💞💗💖
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TW // Incoherent venting undercut... Please don't look at me, I am in the worst place mentally at the moment, I'm trying to cope as best as I can, but it is so agonizing, please let me out of this misery.
I just want this week to end.
I'm getting so overwhelmed by everything all of a sudden and feeling like shit on top of it, I want this to go away, I want this to END, I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY AGAIN... I just want to be happy. And feel proud about something...
But all I feel is anger, disappointment and frustration... I just feel awful, I'm destroying my life... yet It feels like it doesn't even matter. There's nothing for me to look for. I have no motivation whatsoever for anything anymore.
I'm just. Lying here. Not reading to my exams. Because I already know I'm going to fail them no matter how hard I try to read or study for them... all the subjects I suck at have to be on one big go, one after the other... The school system is so fucked.
I just... want genuen happiness again. To feel something else rather then all of these agonizing emotions. School is just taking everything away and bringing stress and anger to replace it. It hurts. I want out. I would want to drop out so bad, but then I'd end up God knows where. I don't want to dissapoint my parent's, even my friends. I already feel like a big disappointment as it is, and school isn't making it any better. I have to stay. I want to stay. But for what??? I can't find anything good about school anymore. All it's making me feel is like nothing. I feel so empty and worthless. I don't belong there. But I still stay to at least... Ya know, not let my life fall into pieces. It's making it so hard.
... I can't do this anymore... I can't, I need a break, I know I've gotten so many, but they don't feel enough, I'm complaining over the littles of things, I know, I shouldn't be, this shouldn't be such a big deal to me at all, but it is, I just can't, I don't want to do this anymore, everything only hurts. my mental health is nonexistent, I feel like an empty shell of what I used to be. It hurts.... I just want to find my genuine happiness and self-love again. Please bring it back.
... I think I'm having an emotional breakdown, I've never had one before... I am just so overwhelmed by everything now, I can't... I'm sorry, please don't look at me right now, I am not myself whatsoever, I'm trying to cope, but it's becoming so hard... I feel like I would need to talk to somebody, but I don't want to bother anyone.
I haven't cried like this in so long, actual ugly crying... feels almost good to let it out a bit. but I am also trying so hard not to cry my eyes out rn, I don't want anybody to see me, it's so agonizing.
... I think I need help. But I'm so scared to ask. Where would I even ask??? This is so embarrassing.
I want this to end.
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topicprinter · 4 years
Hey guys,over the last few months, this subreddit gave me a lot of value and now it's my turn to give back to the community, I hope this is useful for someone.Like a lot of other people, I was a wantrepreneur for at least 2 years, constantly thinking about founding companies but never actually doing it because I thought the idea wasn't good enough. 6 months ago I then founded my first company together with a good friend of mine, our main business is privacy filters and screen protectors.Now you will think, this guy brainstormed for 2 years and the best he came up with is selling screen protectors? That is the point, your product doesn't have to be new or super innovative, creating truly new products costs millions and years of time. Always remember that competition validates the market and tells you that there is actually money to earn with the product.So how do we make money if the market is that saturated? How do you compete with the dumping prices of huge corporations that order huge quantities? Well, we don't. I am sure a lot of people here read the 4-Hour-Work-Week by Tim Ferris, I don't think its the best business book there is, he beats around the bush quite a lot and there isn't to much value to get from the book, but one advice Tim gives was actually huge for us:Don't undercut your competition, set a medium-high to high price and make sure your product quality is worth it.There are tons of people selling screen protectors for 5 bucks on Amazon, and most of them are mediocre at best, people that sell high priced screen protectors and guarantee great quality, not so much. Most of them are Chinese sellers, offering no real customer support.So how do you offer high quality?We sampled a shit ton of screen protectors, expensive one's cheap ones, medium-priced ones, the most expensive one we tested was actually the best so we ordered them, I don't know for a fact but I am almost certain we pay 4 x the price per screen protector our competitors pay, but I swear its worth it. We paid a designer to make really nice packaging that looks quality and made sure our printing guy does sturdy and quality looking prints.Customer Support:This is huge! A lot of our competitors are Chinese companies that have no real customer support. If somebody writes us an email during business hours, it will get answered within 15 minutes. If your product is faulty, we send a new one without complaint. If you applied your screen protector wrong or broke it, doesn't matter we send a new one. Your dog chewed on your screen protector before you could apply it, we replace it. We answer every question on Amazon, we answer every negative feedback on amazon and offer refunds. How are we able to do this and still make money? Well, we are more expensive than the competition and make more money per sale, thus a replacement doesn't hurt us much, we can replace 3 times including shipping until a sale ends up a net loss for us.Everybody loves numbers:For the number guys here are some numbersStarting investment: 2,000$Revenue/monthly: 6,500$Profit/monthly: 3,000$Sales-growth/monthly: 12%I hope this was helpful for someone, thanks for all the great posts in this subreddit.
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