#And I was like okay am I entitled to compensation since I am suddenly alone in a country unable to spend money for the next 4-6 business da
Not my bank being a little bitch again.
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Heartbeats on the Airwaves chapter 5
As always, for @acealex-blueiguana
Cecil had to stay in the hospital for a week and a half, to make sure the wound healed properly and wasn’t infected. He slept a lot because the exhaustion of his job is finally catching up with his over worked body. Carlos spends a good chunk of his free time in Cecil’s room, making small talk, cuddling and exchanging small kisses.
They shared dinner most nights, unless Carlos got called away. Carlos managed to sneak away and picked up Chinese.  Now, Carlos sat cross legged and barefoot at the foot of Cecil’s bed, listening to Cecil go on about how much he hates his brother-in-law. Carlos smiles a little. This man was an absolute dork, but Carlos was completely smitten. He sets his chopsticks down in the container and then sets it aside, pulling Cecil’s feet into his lap, rubbing small counter-clockwise circles around the ankles. Which were quite boney.
“What are we going to do for our first date?” He asked randomly.
Cecil gives noise that was basically a purr and opens his eyes.
“Nothing to fancy. Because a good time isn’t based on how much money you spend.”
“I could cook for you.” Carlos suggests. “Since your birthday is next week.”
“How did you-oh god. Right there!” Cecil groans as Carlos presses his thumb into the arc of Cecil’s foot.
Carlos chuckles. “I read your chart. I also know you have a wheat allergy. And that your middle name is Gershwin.”
“Now hold on- “Cecil keens again, arching his back a little as Carlos begins to rub the lower part of Cecil’s left leg before switching to the right.
“You know so much about me and I hardly know anything about you.”
“Well, my middle name is Fernando, my birthday May 20th and I’m allergic to cats. Which I assume you have because the first time we met you ran into me and then I was sneezing like crazy all day.”
Carlos smiles at the memory but Cecil’s face fell.
“Hey. Don’t worry about it. I take Claritin. Because I can handle it and I would hate to stop seeing you, as we are now dating and all.”
“You’ll have to meet him sometime.”
“What if he hates me?”
“Then it’s not going to work out. I can’t date anyone my cat doesn’t trust.”
Carlos nods. “I can respect that. I hope I’ll make a good impression.”
“I’m sure he’ll love you as much as I do.” Cecil muses before his eyes go wide and one hand clapped over his mouth. “Shit. Sorry. I know it’s still way early and- “He kind of shrinks back a little.
Carlos reaches out, a tad concerned. “Cecil? Are you okay?” He asked softly.
Cecil nods quickly. “I’m alright. Just lost control of my mouth for a moment is all.”
Carlos reaches out and takes his hand, giving a careful and gentle squeeze.
“You meant it?”
Cecil looks up at him. “I do.”
“That’s good. Because I love you too.”
Cecil's mouth dropped open and he was stunned silent. Carlos chuckles again and shifts to his knees, leaning up to kiss Cecil’s lips. Cecil was speechless. Cecil “I talk for a living, so I don’t do shut up” Palmer was silent. It was a bit jarring.
“You’re adorable.” Carlos grins before sitting back down.
“You broke me.”
“I do apologize. But I am a doctor so I’m sure I can fix what I broke.”
“I do believe I’m entitled to compensation.” Cecil gives a small smile.
Carlos raises an eyebrow. “I’m sure we can work something out.”
Before Cecil could answer, Carlos kissed him once more and then kisses his forehead. “Are you wanting to do that interview?”
“I had completely forgotten about it.” Cecil admits. “But sure. Not like I have anything better to do at the moment.”
Carlos opens his mouth to retort but Cecil gives him a look and he shuts his mouth with a laugh.
“You need to behave Dr. Mendez.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about Mr. Palmer.”
“Mhm. Hand me my bag please?”
Carlos gets up and picks up the satchel that Dana had dropped off earlier. Its bag was covered in pins and patches ranging from pride to Star Trek. It was very Cecil. He hands it over and watches as Cecil opens it and digs through files and papers before pulling out a recorder.
“Here we are.” Cecil holds up the silver recorder triumphally.
“Anything else?” Carlos asked as he settles back down at the foot of the bed.
“Nope. Let’s begin.”
Cecil slipped into a professional personality easily, despite being in a hospital gown and hooked to multiple machines.
“I’m here with Mercy Eastern’s Chief of Surgery, Dr. Carlos Mendez. I’ve been told you have big news for the viewers?”
“I do.” Carlos smiles, seeming a bit nervous for some reason.
Cecil reaches over and takes his hand, giving a gentle squeeze.
“What is your news?”
“Originally the Crystal Storm Foundation was for teenage and single mothers to get help so they can get back on their feet, but as of February 13th, this Wednesday, we will be extending our reach to women who cannot conceive and working with surrogates to provide them with the family they cannot produce themselves. We believe everyone deserves a chance to be a family.”  The words seemed to be pouring out now.
Cecil couldn’t help the smile that spreads across his lips. He loved how passionate Carlos seemed when talking about helping others. His eyes light up and hold a love for people.
“We also will be helping children in the system to find forever homes. Everyone should have someone to love them.”
Cecil nods a little, his eyes starting to sting a little. Carlos stopped talking and reaches out for his hand.
“Cecil? Is something wrong?”
“No. No. Nothing is wrong. It’s just…. you are so amazing. I’m so lucky to have met you. I- “He pauses, reaching over to turn off the recorder before continuing. “Carlos, words usually come easily to me. That’s why I do what I do.” He pauses and looks away, only to have Carlos reach over and take his hand.
Cecil looks back over. “But you make me speechless. I’m at a loss for words. I don’t know why. I’ve dated before. But this is different. You are different.”
Carlos gazes at him for a moment. “I’m…. I’m amazing because you make me want to be amazing. You have this way of making people want to be better. You inspire me with your raw passion and loyalty to your work.”
Cecil was openly crying now, and Carlos panicked.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry! I’m sorry!”
Cecil gives a watery laugh. “You.”
“Yes, you.”
“What about me?”
Cecil tugs on his hand. “Hold me. I’m tired.”
“Yes sir.” Carlos smiles a little and cleans off the bed before getting up.
The next week went by in a blur and before Carlos knew it, it was Cecil’s birthday.  He wasn’t sure what to get as a gift but suddenly, he just knew. He ran out and bought the supplies before hurrying home and getting to work.
The day passed by fairly quickly and soon it was six o’clock. He slides the lasagna into the oven and moved to answer the door. Cecil stands on the other side, wearing what he wore on the news that night, with his hair pulled back into an elegant braid. His glasses slipped down his narrow nose a little and Carlos smiles fondly.
“Hey beautiful. Happy Birthday.” Carlos steps back after pressing a chaste kiss to Cecil’s lips. Cecil follows him to the kitchen.
“I wasn’t sure if you drank red or white, so I brought both.” Cecil says as he sits down the paper bag he was carrying.
“I’m not to picky. Which do you prefer?”
“My favorite is Arbor Mist, the raspberry one but where I went didn’t have any, so I got Pinot Grigio and Rosé.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. I’m sure we can make do.” Carlos leans against the counter with an easy smile.
“I have been told I’m pretty easy to satisfy.” Cecil comments.
Carlos raises an eyebrow. “Is that so?”
Cecil’s eyes go wide, and his face, ears and neck flush a bright red as he struggles to answer. Carlos laughs.
“Yknow, you made that exact same face when we first met.”
“Please don’t bring that up. I have to deal with both Dana and Earl teasing me about it.” Cecil wines a little and buries his face in his hands.
Carlos crosses the kitchen pulls him close. “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. You have a cute blush.”
“You are annoying. You know that?” Cecil says, his voice muffled where he tucked his head into the crook of Carlos’ neck.
“You love it.”
“Yeah.” Cecil presses a kiss to Carlos’ neck. “I do.”
Before Carlos could answer, his pager went off in the living room. He tightens his hold on Cecil with a groan. He wasn’t on call tonight!
“Do you need to go?” Cecil asked, pulling away a little.
“I can have someone else get it.”
“What if they need you?”
Carlos rubs a hand over his face. He knew Cecil was right, but he didn’t want to leave. Cecil takes his hand.
“Hey. It’s okay. Go.”
“But- “
“I’m used to spending my birthday alone. We can reschedule.”
The words made Carlos’ heart hurt.
“You have lives to save.”
Carlos nods. “I know.” He kisses the center of Cecil’s palm. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Be safe.”
“I will.” Carlos promises, turning the oven off and taking the pan out. “You can eat if you want. It’s wheat free.” He says, kissing him once more before moving into the bedroom to put his shoes on.
 Carlos finally gets home around eleven to find Cecil asleep on the couch with Stark Trek: The Next Generation playing quietly in the background. Half a glass of Rosé sits on the coffee table but both the lasagna and the cake are untouched. Cecil’s purple glasses sat crooked on his face and his clothes were rumpled enough for Carlos to assume that he’d been asleep for at least an hour. Carlos quietly sits down the bottle of Arbor Mist-raspberry of course- on the coffee table and kneels down beside the couch. He had to go to three different stores to find it, but he didn’t mind. He brushes back Cecil’s bangs and kisses his forehead. Cecil stirs a little before snapping awake and jerking upright.
“No!” He gasped, making Carlos fall back.
“Cecil?” He asked.
Cecil looked around before his eyes landed on Carlos and him visibly relaxed. “Oh. Carlos. You’re back.” He smiles.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just a bad dream is all.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not tonight.” Cecil shudders. “What time is it?”
“Eleven ten.” Carlos picks himself up off of the floor. “I know it hasn’t been the best birthday, but we still have fifty minutes we can salvage.”
“Sorry I fell asleep. I wanted to wait up for you.”
“I don’t mind. It was a cute sight to come home to. I got you something.” Carlos says, handing over the bottle.
“Where did you find this?!? Everyone is sold out!”
“I just got lucky I guess.”
The truth was that he drove two towns over to find it, but Cecil didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you.”
“There’s one more thing.”
“Wait here.” Carlos instructs, going to his room and getting the box and returning to the couch.
Cecil takes it with a curious expression and opens the box. Nestled in silver tissue paper is the vest that Carlos had ripped when Cecil had gotten shot. It was cleaned and repaired, with a red flannel heart sewn onto the left side, over his heart.
“One of the holes was to big to fix so I improvised with one of my own shirts.” Carlos admits, rubbing the back of his head.
Cecil looks at him, a gentle expression on his face. “I love it.”
Carlos kissed him once. “Happy Birthday Dearheart.”
Okay so I’m from the south and the best damn cake ever is called a hummingbird cake. It’s been in my family for literally forever. And now y’all have the recipe.
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 large eggs, beaten
11/2 cups vegetable oil
vanilla extract(as much as you feel is right)
1 (8-ounce) can crushed pineapple, undrained
2 cups chopped bananas
1 cup chopped pecans
Cream cheese frosting
1/2 cup chopped pecans
How to Make It
Step 1
Preheat oven to 350°. Whisk together flour and next 4 ingredients in a large bowl; add eggs and oil, stirring just until dry ingredients are moistened. Stir in vanilla, pineapple, bananas, and 1 cup chopped toasted pecans. Spoon batter into 3 well-greased (with shortening) and floured 9-inch round cake pans.
Step 2
Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes our clean. Cool cake layers in pans on wire racks 10 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks, and cool completely (about 1 hour).
Step 3
Place 1 cake layer on a serving platter. Spread 1 cup Cream Cheese Frosting over cake layer. Top with second layer, and spread 1 cup frosting over cake layer. Top with third cake layer, and spread top and sides of cake with remaining frosting and pecans.
I also like to mix coconut into the frosting
frosting is optional and the pineapple can be substituted with cherries
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