#Bitch! Sounds like a you problem! Maybe you shouldn’t fuck up so much! It ain’t financially feasible!
Not my bank being a little bitch again.
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i-need-air · 4 years
I just read your nsfw Hybrid with Bakugou and it's SOOO PERFECT. So, I was thinking, imagine this: Relationships between hybrids and humans are still frowned upon and one of your co-workers begins to disturb you about dating Katsuki. You are annoyed, but you don't tell Bakugou until one day your co-worker tries to harass you (kiss you, pull your clothes off) saying "you shouldn't be with that damn DOG". You run away and come home crying and sobbing over and over. Giiirl, Bakugou will go FERAL. ❤
I'm so glad you liked it 💗💗💗💗💗 Yes, god, Bakugou would indeed be F E R A L indeed; ok, i started writing it and I somehow progressed this story further. MORE LORE TO HYBRID!BAKU. I also went with the flow, got very carried away and gave it a different ending to what you suggested, so I really hope you don't mind. 😅 It just happened, maybe made it darker than it should've been, oop—, BUT everything works out.
Warnings: mentions of attempted sexual assault;
Word count: 1.8k or so, I just keep adding stuff 💀;
[ Masterlist ] [ Part 1 and Part 2 of General Hybrid!Bakugou HCs. ]
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× you weren't really hiding it because it was legal, yet some [ many ] were judgemental about it
× you also weren't publicly proclaiming it but whatever, that didn't stop you from putting a picture of Katsuki playfully biting your cheek as wallpaper on your phone
× one of your co-workers, Albert, was somewhat pushy
× while you got along with everyone and had an okay relationship with them, he wasn't part of your friends group
× yet you always found him near you everywhere, to which you paid no mind
× it was once he looked over your shoulder when you unlocked your phone to see that picture, and Katsuki's sandy ears could be seen
× again, you didn't hide it so when he asked who was that you just said your boyfriend
× "Uhm, your boyfriend is a... hybrid?" he asked making a face; that's when you knew Albert had to stay away for real
× you just smiled and minded your own business
× but throughout the days he kept dropping comments about, his attitude even pushier than before and you realized talking to him about it wouldn't help
× "is he any better than a normal man?"
× "like... I don't get it, [Y/N], he's a dog..." he'd whisper at you while on lunch break, baffled expression on his face
× you gave him a look of disgust, getting up from the table and going somewhere else; why the hell was he following you around?
× "seriously, tell me, is it the sex?" Albert asked hours later, following you to the exit, unaware of your absolutely uncomfortable responses as you quickened your steps, but he grabbed you by the arm, surprising you with his strength
× "if it's just the sex you better know there are some men, real men out there that can take good care of you, [Y/N]."
× you had to raise your voice for him to let go of you since heads started to turn towards both of you
× "Just drop it, Albert, it's none of your business!" you said before turning to leave
× when you walked through your apartment door you were rattled
× Katsuki walked through the door just as you prepared yourself a tea, shaking slightly, frown on your face
× "Hey, what's up?" he eyed you and sniffed the air, feeling you nervous, cup of tea almost spilling everywhere; "Hey, hey, hey, give me that. [Y/N], seriously, are you ok?"
× "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." you lied and he knew, it was obvious even if you pretended everything was dandy
× on the other side you didn't want to make him worry or anything, Albert was just annoying and hopefully he now understood where he was standing
× but Bakugou Katsuki ain't having it, babe, nuh-huh
× he didn't say anything else about it that day though, just acted as normal but prepared your favorite dinner and a warm bath for you
× the next day he decided to pick you up from work by just arriving there half an hour earlier and see if something is really up, to make sure you're fine and the issue is from there
× he'd have to walk there from his job and then you'd both drive home and it wasn't a problem as he'd do overtime some other day;;
× what he did not expect was to hear your scream of help from the wooden area behind the parking lot in your office building
× let's go back in time for context;
× you walked out of work in a rush, finishing earlier than anyone else, car as your destination just ready to bolt home; Albert was eyeing you funny the whole day but stayed behind, so you didn't know if to feel worried or relieved
× as you walked to your car and pulled your keys, someone smashed you against the door
× "ungrateful bitch" you recognized the voice instantly and froze
× before you could open your mouth he put his palm on it and dragged you somewhere
× you dropped everything on the cement, bag, keys, phone...
× of course you were putting a fight but he was strong
× "I tried to be nice, sweeheart—" he mumbled while struggling to drag you into the wooden area
× "I told you, yeah? You shouldn't be with that damned mutt!" he pushed you unto a tree, making his first and last mistake, because he freed your mouth
× "HELP!" you screamed while he started grabbing your clothes, ripping sounds could be heard
× "I'm gonna have to show you what a real man can give you—"
× and as if planets aligned, in a blurr, Bakugou Katsuki appeared, jumping straight on him and knocking him out instantly, a loud crack deafening your ears
× Katsuki was shaking in anger
× he barely could control his body, his eyes were bloodshot and he had the most feral scowl you'd ever seen on him
× you just trembled in place, grabbing your clothes to cover yourself as you could
× Albert groaned on the floor, twisting his body to turn around and see what attacked him and in a broken speech, blood coming out of his mouth, he attempted to swear, but Bakugou's growl made him freeze in realization
× he was about to pounce again, any self-control leaving his mind when you hugged him tight
× in your arms you could feel his ragged breath, a deep continuous growl still coming from within his chest
× at this point some other people heard your cries too and called the police
× meanwhile you tried to calm him down because you felt he wanted to murder that son of a bitch
× intention was clear in his eyes, even Albert stood there terrified, broken jaw forgotten as he tattered on the floor like a weak animal
× "If you ever fucking dare to look in [Y/N]'s direction again I will find you—" he said and you shivered, holding him even more tightly "—I will kill you." he tried to take a step further but you wouldn't let him "And I'll make sure your body is never found."
× sirens could be heard in the distance and after that everything passed fastly
× they took Albert away, who was muttering scrawled stuff, and took both of your statements
× much to everyone's surprise they didn't cuff Bakugou [ 💖because we live in a society💖 ] so that was a good thing;
× although you did have to go to the station; they found security camera footage of the attempted assault, which Katsuki had to watch and almost erupted in rage yet again
× but it all came to an end when you got home, both absolutely silent
× he was huffing and walking around the place, shoulders tense and hands fisted into balls
× just to distract himself he started cleaning around the house and not looking at you, while you still stood there with his jacket on staring at him
× it wasn't until he finally looked at you when he really took in your state
× until now you behaved exemplary, calming him down, giving a statement, just acting strong
× yet once you reached the comfort of your own home you just couldn't take it any longer
× tears were falling on your face, you were shaking in place at the entrance, hugging his jacket close to your body as if it were your salvation and you just watched him
× it dawned on him how his rage took over him so hard that he couldn't focus on anything else, not even your heartbeat, your scent, your breath
× in an instant he was all over you, hugging you tight and lifting you up
× "I got you, baby, you're safe now." He'd whisper in your ear as you'd pull him closer
× he'd prepare you a warm bath and never leave your side while whispering sweet nothings to you
× "I'm never leaving out of my sight again, do you understand?"
× "I'll kill him if he ever comes close to you."
× "You're safe." he'd say as pulled you into him
× you spent the following days at home as you were granted emergency leave from work and found out the bastard was, of course, fired and prosecuted
× it would've been a lengthy process but from there on some things changed between you
× he'd walk to your job from his, even changed his work hours to fit yours, and you'd go home together, for starters
× his behaviour changed and even if he still gave you the Special Bakugou Attitude, he was gentler and sometimes you'd catch him looking at you like you're the most precious thing ever
× he wouldn't really word it at first but seeing you like that and finding out it was basically because of him really fucked him up
× it would take you to remind him that it's not his fault he's a hybrid, you always want to be with him, you don't care what he is really and the only one to blame was Albert
× [ he'd growl whenever his name would be mentioned ]
× anyway, remember, he needs to be held just as much as you do and that guilt will take some time to wash away; you got each other's back and that's what mattered at the end of the day
× but the weirdest thing was, as you went to the police station some more times, Bakugou somehow impressed the Captain, Tsunadu Hakamada:
× "That dude reeks of cocaine." he'd scowl and point with a sharp glare at this cuffed man sitting in a corner, making you look at him in wonder
× "How do you—"
× "Excuse me, did I hear that correctly?" someone said behind you, making you turn towards a tall blond man in uniform watching your boyfriend curiously
× "Hah?"
× low and behold, he's the captain of the precinct and asked Bakugou to come by any other day noting it would be a pretty great opportunity that would benefit both
× [ and after some attitude and snide comments from Katsuki, he agreed ]
× you went through a lot in a few weeks, like the trauma you'd both have to work through together but one good thing that came out of this situation apart from putting a piece of shit in jail was that Bakugou was offered a position as a special officer in the precinct as long as he went through the academy as anyone else would
× people were starting to see the value of hybrids and the Captain wasn't one to let go of such an opportunity
× things were progressing little by little and it gave you hope for a better tomorrow with Katsuki by your side.
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Notes: For those that don't know, Tsunadu Hakamada is Best Jeanist.
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physicalturian · 3 years
[18+] Goodbye Head - Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
[She/Her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] [No spoilers from the anime or the manga]
Words : 5162
Archive of our own
Tags : Cheating / Cunnilingus / Light bondage / NSFW / Power Play / Choking / Hair-Pulling / Vaginal sex
If you think I should add some tags, tell me!
Summary : Gojo is the worst boyfriend, after one too many time he forgets to come at one of your evening together: you've had enough. Nanami is here to help with what Gojo has been lacking your entire relationship : nice sex, maturity and not being a bitch.
Putting my phone away, I rested my elbows on the counter and exhaled, frustrated, “He’s going to be late,” I said. As I took the glass of wine Nanami was handing me, he added, “Again,”. As much as I was disappointed that my boyfriend was missing on our time together, I laughed at Nanami’s remark. He was right, but what else could I do? Cry about it? Not for him, no.
There was no reason to make a big deal out of it, it wasn’t unusual for him to get delayed on our free nights together, a few other times he wouldn’t even come. At this point, I was more surprised to have him there at all, than to receive his messages filled with “sorry’s” and “it won’t happen again”, hours after he was supposed to pick me up or meet me. Even tonight, Nanami had to come pick me up since my boyfriend wasn’t there on time and had borrowed my car.
Raising my glass towards Nanami, he mirrored it a moment before taking a sip and focusing back on the pan in front of him as he cooked, “Well, it’s you and me once again,” I scoffed with a smile, that I tried hard to keep up and not let it get to me. Twirling the glass in my hand, I got lost in the dark red liquid, thinking of what to do next. The efforts I was putting into this relationship were not reciprocated at all, I was giving more than receiving, and I was past the point of getting disappointed.
“Something on your mind?” Nanami’s voice brought me back to earth and I straightened my back with a nervous laugh. I looked at him, then at my drink, then at him again, then chugged the wine down and said, in one breath, “You know what? Yeah, did you know that when he fucks me, he says ‘Get out, get out’? Like- what’s that about? The bitch just got in, it doesn’t make sense,” Nanami quirked a brow, the smallest of smiles on his face. Wiping his hands on his apron, he rolled up his sleeves a bit higher before putting the pastas in the water. “Are you sure that’s what he’s saying?” His tone made it seem like he had a suggestion.
Frowning, I asked him to go on. “Maybe he’s saying Geto, it’s a bit closer and I know they were close… I think they’re still friends,” He trailed off, walking around the kitchen to get some spices and adding them to the pan, all while talking. I had to give it a thought a moment, weighing his words. Could it be? He never really explained why he went out, I always thought it was sorcerer business and did not give it more mind. But now that Nanami mentioned it, it made sense. I waited for him to put the wine bottle on the counter then took it by the neck and chugged a few gulps before chuckling.
“You’re saying he’s cheating on me with the hipster dude?” I scoffed dryly, drinking some more, my grip on the bottle tightening. “We’re not sure though… Right?” I argued, more to myself than to Nanami, trying to convince myself. I don’t know why I was willing to give him a chance, I knew the moment I got together with him he wasn’t the settling type. Twirling the base of the bottle on the counter, I was thinking, should I break it off now or wait until we’re home, and until we’ve talked… “I don’t think he’s worth you getting sad over him, if that’s what’s going on,” I heard Nanami real close to me as he gently took the bottle from my hand and took a sip too. Less desperate than mine.
Smacking my lips together, I sucked in my teeth and turned around, looking at Nanami with a determined expression. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back, “You’re right, he’s shit. He doesn’t even fuck that well,” I huffed, hopping on the counter while Nanami stirred the pastas.
“Is that so? He prides himself in that, if he hears you say that he’ll probably break down,” “There is no pride in being the worst,” I spat. That’s when I felt like ruining this man, or at least his credibility in that department. Giving Nanami a look, I took a deep breath and started listing, raising a finger at each thing, “He only fucks me from behind, I’ve never seen this man’s face during sex. Oh! And he says the condom doesn’t feel good, well sorry you think your raw-fucking feels good?” I paused when Nanami handed me my glass, he had filled it up and was smiling, chuckling slightly too as he nodded for me to follow him so that we could talk on the couch.
Doing so, I got off the counter and followed him, making sure not to spill my drink when I jumped. I had to force myself not to look at the blonde man’s back, finding a sudden appeal to his entire person. Ignoring my train of thought, I slumped on the sofa and felt bad for blurting out those facts about him, so I apologized to Nanami with a short laugh, “It’s just, I was willing to let it slide because I think I loved him, or something? But the more I think of it, the more I realize I let too much shit slide, you know? Sure, I can let him and his weird texting habits, be. He would either text way too much, needy for attention or would completely disappear off the face of earth without a warning,” I huffed.
I couldn’t believe I was telling Nanami all that, it wasn’t his problem and yet he was listening, willingly, not making weird faces or mocking my situation. “You are talking about it in the past already,” He noticed.
Laughing breathlessly, I nodded, “I guess I am… Maybe I’ve already made a decision, but I won’t rush it…” I trailed off, silence setting between the sorcerer and me. I couldn’t keep it like that, so I took a sharp intake of breath and continued, “Can I still rant just a tiny bit more?” The man in front of me nodded, telling me to go on. “I don’t think the man has had sex education classes,” I stated, making Nanami laugh shortly in his drink before having him ask what I meant by that.
“Except for the fact that he didn’t want to wear a condom, ever, he also didn’t seem versed in foreplay… he would just… Fuck and groan loudly, finishing super quickly,” I said, still not believing I was telling him that. Extending my hand in front of me, I gestured for him to pause as I had seen he was going to talk, “No, you know what? I’ll say it, it’s the truth so I’ll say it,” Nanami frowned at first before quirking a brow, intrigued.
“I was his personal fleshlight, that’s it, that’s what it was,” I gestured that I was done, giving him the floor so to speak. The man in front of me had to put his drink down before opening his mouth, a slight frown on his forehead, “It couldn’t be all that bad, he helped you finish, right?” He asked, probably to give Gojo at least some credits. Although from the look in his eyes, he was expecting the answer I gave him, albeit less loudly.
A loud cackle left my mouth, “Him? No, no, I don’t remember him doing that, ever. It’s alright though, I probably took too long for him,” I shrugged, tending to my drink, once again starting to get lost in it. The more I thought of it, the more it made sense. He was probably imagining someone else the entire time, I was played for a fool. “Shouldn’t have sucked him off either, since he never returned the favor,” I grumbled, suddenly feeling bitter as I drank some more.
“So, he’s garbage,” Nanami said, bringing the glass to his lips. I watched his every move, finding the man had some charm, some grace, he was poised and mature. Everything Gojo wasn’t. A strand of hair was falling from his perfectly slicked back hair, but it didn’t make it disheveled, no, it was a controlled mess. When he swallowed, it brought my attention to his throat, free from the tie that minutes ago was restraining it. It was still around the collar of his shirt, only now it was loose, along with two buttons undone.
I was ripped out of my daydream when I heard my name being called. Blinking, I looked up and stared at Nanami, confused. “I asked you a question,” he said.
“Right, uh… Sorry, I got lost in… my thoughts,” I gestured at nothing, “Sadness and all that jazz, you know?” I joked, gulping down more wine and made a rewinding gesture, this time, “Could you repeat?”
The blonde hummed. A sound that sent something coursing through my body, something I didn’t think I would get from him. “I asked what you were going to do about him,”
“Break up. Even if he isn’t cheating, I’ve come to the realization he ain’t the shit, you know?” He nodded, a pensive expression on his face. The man seemed deep in thought, and since he wasn’t talking, it gave me time to enjoy the view a bit more. He leaned forward once more to set his glass down, which gave me the most exquisite view of his back muscles and his ass, but I didn’t comment.
“He never made you cum, then.” Nanami stated, more than asked. I stammered, my cheeks heating up quickly. He wasn’t wrong, and we had been on the topic for a moment… But he said it so crudely, I was caught off guard, yet I found myself nodding at first, before replying, “Which isn’t like, a big deal or anything, he’d leave the room to get cleaned up, shower, I’d finish with anything. Or not, depending on how lazy I would be. I don’t get my hopes up anymore, really,” “And how long have you been together?”
“Don’t know, a few months?” I replied quickly but confused.
Nanami looked me up and down, asking another question, “And before that, how long had you been single?” I don’t know why I laughed timidly, so I brought the glass to my lips to hide it before finishing my drink and putting the glass down next to Nanami’s. It felt like an interview with all the questions he was shooting at me, yet I replied, “A while, I don’t remember- why all the questions?”
“It’s been a while then, since you’ve been properly eaten out,” He ignored my question and continued, making me smile in surprise, my eyes wide. I was silent for a moment, considering my answer, or if I should even answer, it all happened quickly, and my first words were, “Kento!” I exclaimed under my breath in an overdramatic tone. He did not budge, and said in what could have been described for playful, at least for him, “Is that a yes?”
“I mean… yeah, yes it’s been a while, but I don’t see why that’s any of your concern,” I said lightly, suddenly aware of the distance between us that was close to none. His knee was brushing against mine, and slowly as he spoke, his hand brushed over my knee, “I want to get those hopes up again, along with those legs,” There was the faintest hint of a smirk on his lips, but it was mostly a serious suggestion that did not displease me, if anything I was feeling excited. He had a way with words that left me speechless, unlike my boyfriend who I tried to tune out most of the time.
Fuck it says a lot about our relationship, doesn’t it? Coming to that realization, I held Nanami’s gaze with mine, looking down at his lips a few times before locking my eyes on his once more. “If you want to, then yes, I’d definitely take you up on that… offer… But don’t feel like you need to do it-“ I was thrown off balance when Nanami brought my legs on his and made me fall on my back. I was quick to support my weight on my elbows to look at him, flustered. “I don’t feel obligated, I want to do this. I’ve been picturing you naked for so long, forgive me for the eagerness,” He breathed as he moved to position himself properly between my legs.
I matched his eagerness in unbuttoning my pants, letting him pull them down, “Don’t apologize, I like the fervor, it’s flattering,” I told him with a bit of shyness in my voice. The blonde got rid of my pants, throwing them behind him before focusing back on me. He paused a moment, taking a good look, making me slightly self-conscious but I didn’t voice it. It quickly dissipated when his hands gripped my thighs semi-tightly, rubbing them affectionately. “I’ll give you all the flattery you deserve,” He whispered, leaning in for a kiss but stopping just before our lips could meet. “Do you want to make him jealous?”
I was holding my breath in expectation when I said, “I’m not really the type…” he chuckled and kissed me softly, shortly, pulling back after a moment. “Are you sure?” He slowly moved lower, raising my shirt to press a kiss on my stomach, I let out a shaky breath and tried to pull him back up by his tie, “Maybe I do,” It earned me a grunt from the man, but he let me guide him up. He kissed me once more, this time while removing his tie, “Let’s keep those wandering hands off for now,” With a smile he took hold of my hands and wrapped his tie around it, not too tightly but enough to immobilize them for now.
Reaching for my pants, he took my phone and slid it in my hands, making sure I was holding it when he let go and said, “Send him a picture of us whenever you’d like, if he’s not too stupid he’ll understand,” I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips, but quickly my cheeks heat up when Nanami paused and looked at me longer than necessary, a genuine smile on his lips this time. “Alright, get at it now, stop staring at me,” I huffed, unlocking my phone with my thumb which was the best I could do right now.
Nanami pushed my phone down, while I was still holding it, and made me look at him as he crawled up once more, “Ask politely,” he breathed against my lips before kissing them. I returned the kiss with a lot more passion, gasping in the kiss when his fingers slid inside my underwear and pressed between my legs, curling his fingers ever so lightly. He didn’t have to ask twice, I was the one to break the kiss breathlessly, already too impatient from just his promise, “Please, Kento,” I tried to grab the buckle of his belt with the tip of my fingers, he was faster to pull back with a dark laugh.
“And to think Gojo hasn’t been giving you all his attention, what a grave mistake,” He trailed off, I hooked one of my legs on his shoulder while he took my underwear off, throwing it on the ground with my pants. When I was fully open for him, he helped me hook my other leg on his shoulder and leaned in, his mouth closer to my fold, “Kento, stop wasting time, just…” I held back from asking him to fuck me, because he was not going to, not tonight, or at least not right now, “Please…” I pleaded.
“Fuck you look so good like this, legs spread wide, begging for my tongue,” Before he latched his lips on my sex, he said, “Be good and show me how good you’re feeling,” then dragged his tongue slowly, from my entrance where I felt his muscle prod, to my clit, with more pressure he flicked his tongue a few times, making me swear under my breath in surprise. I took the opportunity to take a photo of him from that very angle, his gaze locked on mine and not on the camera. Nanami stopped and pressed a kiss on my inner thigh. “Go ahead, send him, you won’t be able to focus much once I’ve started,” His words made me hurry in my writing.
I was quick to send the picture to my boyfriend, along with a message reading “Slumber party 😊” then I locked the screen and let my phone fall on the pile of clothes on the ground. “Don’t worry, I made you look good with the angle,” I joked. I don’t know why I did that, but I felt the need to lighten the mood. Nanami did not care, “Of course I’d look good, your legs around my neck are quite the accessory,” I could feel my core pulsing simply by his words, he hadn’t said much but the charisma rolling off him turned me on more than I was ready to admit.
Without losing more time, Nanami dived once again between my legs. This time, he wasn’t holding my legs anymore, one hand was grabbing my ass while the other spread my lower lips as he dragged his tongue through my fold. It was slow and delicate at first, I was arching my back at the pleasure it was giving me, but I was not nearly as close as I wanted to be. After a few minutes, the pace increased, his lips around my clit were doing more than licking, they were sucking, blowing, biting, the latter having brought a deep grunt as I moaned “More,” before covering my mouth with my tied hands.
He was playing me like an instrument. Upon hearing my plea, Nanami looked up with a smirk, he was enjoying the way my cheeks burned up from begging, the humiliation, the submission, he was relishing in it. Seeing me writhing under him seemed to make him go wild, and yet he did not seem content yet, he wanted to make me beg more. He returned to his task, his tongue lapping at my sex while groaning in pleasure too, it was a lot more stimulating, and when I felt his hand let go of my leg, I held my breath, letting out a controlled whine when he slid two fingers inside me.
When he started thrusting them in and out, I moaned in my hands, covering the lascivious sounds that were escaping my mouth. I was very much aware of how loud I was being, and I was trying to keep it down as much as possible, I had been told many times to keep it down by my boyfriend and had taken the habits of doing just that. That’s when Nanami surprised me and paused everything, his free hand gripping my thigh with force to keep them from closing on him. “Breathe, move your hand from your mouth and let me hear you,”
When I took too long to obey him, he gently moved my bound hands from my mouth, I let out a shallow breath, “There,” He breathed, smiling down at me for letting him do as he pleased, “A lot better already, let’s see how good you sound now,” My eyes darted to his lips, it made him smile knowingly. He let me grab his shirt with my tied hands, but did not comply when I pulled him closer, instead he curled his fingers inside me, elating a weak gasp, “Oh that does sound better, I think you can do even more,” “Kento…” I whispered, wanting more of his touch, more than just his fingers but also the closeness of his body against mine, his lips…
Humming, he thrusted his fingers deeper all the while looking at me with a satisfied smile, “My name rolls of your tongue so beautifully, but if you want something you have to ask for it, I’m not a mind reader,” I rolled my eyes, knowing full well that he knew what I wanted, but he cut my attitude down to the root when he rubbed his thumb over my clit along with thrusting his fingers inside me. I moaned his name in surprise but didn’t stop as he kept his thrusts at a fast pace. “That’s it, you’re being so loud for me, you’re being so good,” He showered me with praise at each sound that left my throat in pleasure.
Hearing him say those things had an effect on me, it was almost electrifying how good it felt, the feeling went straight to my core. He must have felt my walls clench around his fingers since he leaned closer, his free hand traveling the length of my body to gently settle on my chin, “God, look at you-“ “Please kiss me, please- fuck,” Arching my back, I felt his fingers hit the perfect spot and it made me cry in pleasure, my eyes closing in pure bliss. That cry was muffled when Nanami’s lips crashed hungrily against mine, his fingers thrusting faster and faster inside my aching sex.
I was getting closer to relief when suddenly everything stopped and Nanami leaned back, out of breath and grinning while I let out a humiliating whine. “You’re such a good girl for me, just from my fingers…” He said as he pulled his fingers out of me, and moved down once more, both of his hands holding my thighs with a painful hold… A painfully pleasurable hold. I was fully aware of each of his touch, of his stroke on my body, on my burning skin, and yet, I felt like his touches were hotter than my skin, it sent shivers down my spine at each graze, each grasp.
Giving a tentative lick in the length of my sex, he said smugly, “I’ll have you cum on my face or not at all, now be good and be loud for me, we have a spectator,” He showed me his phone where Gojo’s name was displayed, Nanami mouthed ‘voicemail’ then started fucking me his tongue, I quickly called out his name in despair, making him look up, my slick running down his chin. “Can I?” I motioned my hands to his hair, “Don’t be shy, give it a push,” He cooed me, and I did exactly that.
I pushed his face between my legs and felt the vibration of his groan against my clit, pressure started building inside me once again. My mouth fell open, sounds of pleasure pouring out of my mouth as I gripped the blonde’s hair with more force, our moans were basking the room, definitely giving a show to the asshole who was going to hear it soon enough. Sucking my swollen nub, Nanami made the most sinful sounds, getting me so high on pleasure with his ministrations that I heard a sob escape my lips. Lust was clouding my senses, my head rolled back as a shiver ran through my whole body, my heels digging inside Nanami’s back while I arched my back.
His name escaped my mouth over and over again, at each press of his tongue against my clit, each time he’d drag his tongue along my fold, I was rocking my hips against his mouth for more. It only took his hands around my hips, pulling them towards his mouth for a better access, for me to let out another high-pitched cry of pleasure. The knot inside me snapped, utter bliss flooded my body as I felt the tension leave my body and my muscles relaxed, legs going limp around Nanami’s shoulders. I felt him give one last lick before gently removing my hands from his hair and lifting his head to hang up the phone.
When his eyes set on mine, he frowned, “Are you alright?” with care, he untied my wrists. It wasn’t as tight as it could have been, which meant it did not leave a mark, nor did it leave pain, something I was grateful for. “I’m more than fine, thank you for this…” With a short laugh, I tried to sit up, but Nanami held me down just a bit longer as he used his tie to get me cleaned up. I went to stop him, in vain when the man just looked at me while slithering his hand between my legs once more. “It’s gross, I could have gotten a towel or something…” I trailed off as I finally sat up, my thighs already a bit sore.
“Gross? You gave me the most enjoyable display that led to this, gross wouldn’t be the word I’d use to describe it. A treat, perhaps, a gift even, but not gross.” Flattered by his words I felt bad when I pointed at his dirty tie, “I meant… to use your tie for it,” Looking down at his hand, he did not react as he added, “It was going to go to the washing machine anyway,” He shrugged as he dropped it on the low table while leaning over to hand me my clothes. Thanking him, I saw his chin was still glistening with my cum, I quite enjoyed the sight but pointed at my own chin, for him to mirror, “You got something right there,”
Quirking a brow, he gave me a mischievous smile, “Is that so?” He asked, tilting his head to get closer to me, he looked down at me, the smile never leaving his face, “It’s your mess, clean it,”
Surprised, I stared at him a moment then let my eyes travel down to his chin, my breath hitched. If it had been anyone else, I would have stood up and told him to do it himself, but there was something with Nanami Kento that made my knees weak. So weak I could let them drop to the ground and take care of him in ways he’s never been taken care of. Instead, my mouth opened barely, my hand reached for his chin and placed itself under it. I approached my lips and stuck my tongue out then licked him tentatively, he wrapped his hand around my neck, holding it lightly. “Give me more enthusiasm,”
“Be grateful I’m doing it at all,” I breathed against his skin, tracing my tongue over his jaw. He chuckled in response, the side of his fingers digging in the side of my neck barely. “With how thorough you’re being, I’d say you’re enjoying it a lot more than you’re admitting it,” He grunted against my ear, stopping my actions. I pushed against his hand and pressed kisses down his jaw, when I tried to push him down, he tutted me, “Let’s eat first-“ he got interrupted by his phone’s constant ‘dings’, making him sigh as we both look at it and saw Gojo’s spam.
“Seems like he listened to our little message,” Nanami said, a little too happily. I let out the loudest annoyed groan when the blonde opened the conversation, he tilted the phone for me to see too. It made me laugh how he had left him on read the last message he sent, before the spam.
Satoru Gojo: ???
Satoru Gojo: what??
Satoru Gojo: what’s going on??
Satoru Gojo: Hello????
Satoru Gojo: Nanamin??
Satoru Gojo: Hi? :))
Satoru Gojo: don’t be like that, answer me
He was still typing when Nanami slowly typed back,
You: I gave your girlfriend cunnilingus on my couch.
Satoru Gojo: I GET THAT
Satoru Gojo: but like
Satoru Gojo: can I see??
Satoru Gojo: was she crying?
Satoru Gojo: why was she crying?
You: Because I made her cum. She was very polite about it, the way she asked to grip my hair…
I face Nanami quickly, my face flushed. “Don’t- there is no need to share that? He doesn’t deserve it” I breathed in panic. “Let’s say, it’s a goodbye gift, for him. To see what he lost,” Nanami said calmly.
Satoru Gojo: deadass?
Satoru Gojo: i did too
“He never did, but it’s fun he thinks he did. That means I fake well,” I said mockingly. Nanami placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently, casually going higher and higher as he waited for Gojo’s texts. “What you gave me was not fake, I know what to expect now. You better not fake with me or you’ll pay the price, understood?”
My eyes widened, I scoffed jokingly but felt my arousal was very present from his words. “As long as you’re good, I won’t feel the need to fake,” I shrugged. He laughed genuinely, his hand sliding to my hip then to my lower back, “This is going to be fun,”
Satoru Gojo: she never cried tho
Satoru Gojo: do it again
Satoru Gojo: nanamin?
Satoru Gojo: hey, make her cum again
Satoru Gojo: Nams? Nanamin??
Nanami locked his phone, leaving the sorcerer on read, and turned to look at me, “That’s enough Gojo Satoru for one day, let’s see if the penny drops when he’s alone with his thoughts,”
“Right, I don’t think he realizes I’m breaking up with him, it sounds promising…” I mumbled, looking up at the blond man next to me when I felt him press gently my side, “Let’s eat first, then clear things up with him, but I have a few things to do before we talk to him once more,” the man said as he stood up, extending his hand to help me stand up. Taking his hand in mine, I let him guide me to the kitchen where he turned the stove on once more.
“As I said, first we eat, then…” He let go of my hand and stepped very close to me, leaning in, his lips grazed the shell of my ear, “Then I’ll fuck you senseless. Maybe I’ll start by fucking you in front of that glass over there,” he turned my head delicately, making me look at the bay window behind us, his open mouth trailed down my neck, barely touching my skin, “I want to show everyone how good you look when you take my cock-“ Before he finished his sentence, I hurried my hands to the buttons of his shirt. “I’m not waiting until we eat-“
Laughing, he gripped my hands tight and made me let go, “Oh, you are. You’re going to be a good girl and take it when I give it, understood? Or… you can beg, see if I care,” He trailed off, walking off to the fridge.
Looking at him, I already knew the evening was going to be long. But fuck, it sounded promising. I was not against begging, not if it was him.
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rpf-bat · 4 years
My Cellmate’s A Killer
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader
Genre: Drama, Romance
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 22. Prompt: “Prison”.
Gerard is a convict, currently serving time for murder. When he receives a serious injury, the prison warden brings him to the hospital, where you work. As you nurse him back to health, you form an unexpected bond with him. But, can you really trust a killer? 
Trigger warnings for mentions of past violence, and sexual assault. 
The doctors told you that the patient was a criminal. He “lived” at the maximum security prison on the edge of town. Apparently, he’d gotten injured in his cell, and the guards had no choice but to bring him here, to the hospital, to receive surgery. 
You didn’t care. You were a nurse - that meant you would treat any person that needed medical help. You nervously approached the police officer, who was guarding the front door of the hospital room. 
“It’s time for Mister, uhh….,” you glanced down, checking your chart. “Mister Way’s next dose of medicine.” 
“Alright,” the guard nodded, allowing you past. “Be careful in there, miss. He’s a dangerous man.” 
You peered through the window, before entering the room. The dark haired man lay calmly on his cot. His hands were handcuffed behind his head. 
“Was it really necessary to restrain him like that?” you frowned. 
“We can’t allow him an opportunity to escape,” the guard reasoned. 
“He just got thirty stitches in his leg,” you pointed out. “I don’t think he could walk out of here, even if he wanted to.” 
“Just go give him his pills,” the guard huffed. “And stop asking me questions.” 
“Yeah, alright,” you sighed, and entered the room. 
“Hi, Mr. Way,” you smiled, trying to treat him like any other patient. “It’s time for another dose of hydromorphone, okay?” 
“Call me Gerard,” the man said softly. “What’s your name, Nurse?” 
“I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself. You began puncturing the blister pack that contained his painkillers. 
“Is it a pill you’re giving me?” Gerard asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yes, sir,” you nodded. “A standard eight milligram dose.” 
“I don’t exactly have a free hand to take it from you,” Gerard chuckled, glancing at the cuffs, that held his hands fast. “What are you gonna do? Feed it to me?” 
You blushed at this suggestion, taking a closer look at him. His long, dark hair framed a pale and handsome face. He looked more like a magazine model, than a convicted felon. The idea of bringing your fingers to his lips sounded….both appealing, and wrong, all at once. 
But, if his hands are incapacitated, you considered, stepping closer to his bedside, what other choice do I have?
“Come here,” Gerard chuckled, “I promise, I won’t bite you.”
“The cop at the door says you’re dangerous,” you hesitated. 
“Well, yeah,” Gerard said dryly, “I was convicted of second-degree murder.”
“M-murder?!” you gasped, jumping back. He confessed to it so casually, as if it was nothing. 
“It’s true,” Gerard said, sounding frighteningly unrepentant. “I killed a man. But, I had my reasons.”
“What reason could possibly justify taking a human life?!” you cried, horrified.
Is he some kind of sociopath?, you wondered, shuddering. Should I be scared, being alone in a room with him like this?
“....Do you really want to know?” Gerard asked, gazing up at you, with his cold, hazel eyes. 
The truth was, you’d always had a weird fascination with true crime documentaries. It intrigued you, hearing the motives, that would drive seemingly ordinary people to kill. 
“...Yes,” you decided, setting down the pills, and taking a seat, beside the bed. “Tell me.” 
“I have this little brother,” Gerard explained. “His name is Mikey. He was in his junior year of high school. Some classmate of his, decided that he looked gay.  Whatever that means. And then he decided, that he needed to beat him up, just for, I don’t know, existing too gay-ly.” 
“That’s terrible,” you frowned. You never understood, why kids bullied each other, for such stupid and prejudiced reasons. 
“They beat Mikey so bad, that they put him in the hospital,” Gerard recalled with a pained expression. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said sympathetically. You wondered if little Mikey was okay. 
“It’s okay,” Gerard shrugged. “I paid the bastard back, by putting him in a grave.” 
You gasped, at this chilling admission. 
“You don’t understand, Nurse,” Gerard said insistently. “The son of a bitch hit my brother in the face so hard, that he went blind in his right eye, for the rest of his life!” 
“That poor kid,” you frowned. 
“Well, he’s not a kid anymore,” Gerard clarified. “I got revenge against the worm who hurt my brother, in 1997. I was sentenced to fifteen years in prison….and I’ve already served seven years of that.” 
“So, you have eight more years to go?” you calculated. 
“Yeah,” Gerard said sadly. “Mikey will be thirty-two, by the time I get out.”
“What does he think about your decision to avenge him?” you asked curiously. You imagined how much you would miss your own siblings, if you were separated from them, for over a decade. 
“He visited me in lockup,” Gerard replied. “He said it brings him peace, knowing the bastard can never hurt him again. So, say what you want. But I ain’t sorry, for putting a bullet between his eyes.” 
“This hospital is the first place you’ve been, other than that prison, in such a long time,” you realized. 
“Yeah,” Gerard nodded. “I ain’t sorry for what I did to get sent here, either.” 
“What did you do?” you asked, eyes wide. 
“I got a new cellmate,” Gerard explained. “His name’s Bert. He just started a five-year sentence, last week.” 
“What did he get convicted of?” you asked curiously. 
“Drug trafficking,” Gerard replied. “One of the harder ones. Prison life is gonna force him to get sober, though. By the looks, withdrawal has been a real bitch for him so far.”
You recalled the symptoms of drug withdrawal, from your medical textbook. Shaking. Vomiting. Rapid heartbeat. Seizures. It was nothing you would wish on anyone - even a dealer, who had sold the poison to others.
“I’m sorry he’s going through that,” you said empathetically. 
“Well, he almost went through something way worse,” Gerard grimaced. 
“What could be worse than that?” you wondered anxiously. 
“We were in the showers,” Gerard recalled, paling. “Some big guy, from Cell Block A, tried uh….he tried to…..touch Bert. In a way he didn’t want to be touched.”
“Oh,” you gasped. You heard about these things happening in men’s prisons - but it was still a sickening thought. 
“I clocked the sick fuck,” Gerard snarled. “Knocked him the fuck out.” 
“....Good,” you said, without thinking. Maybe you shouldn’t encourage a confessed killer, to commit more acts of violence. But, if he hadn’t done what he did, his friend would have been sexually assaulted. Preventing such a thing, was a noble motive. 
“Problem was, the guy was in a prison gang,” Gerard sighed, continuing his story. “After I bloodied him up, all over the bathroom floor, his buddies came after me. One of them had a shiv. Shanked me right in my fucking leg.”
“.....That’s why you needed all those stitches?” you realized. 
“Yeah,” Gerard replied, sinking back into his pillows. “That’s how I wound up here.” 
“Let me give you your pain medicine,” you said, standing up. His stab wound must hurt him terribly. 
“You’re not scared of me?” Gerard asked softly. “After everything I just told you I did?” 
“You’re a violent man,” you considered. “But, I don’t think you’re an evil man, Gerard.” 
“....Really?” Gerard’s eyes widened.
“Truly,” you nodded. “You attacked two men, yes. But, they were bad men. Men who hurt innocent people.” 
“I’d never hurt a nice lady like you,” Gerard whispered. 
You took the pain pill, and put it between your fingers. “Open up,” you instructed. 
Gerard, to your surprise, blushed. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“I haven’t had  a woman this close to me in seven, long years, Nurse,” Gerard said shyly. “Let alone such a beautiful one.” 
It was your turn to blush. He thought you were beautiful? 
“C-come on, now,” you stammered. “Say ah.”
Gerard opened his mouth wide. You glanced down at his pale pink lips, as you leaned over him. Your hair brushed his cheek, making his whole face go red. 
You gently placed the pill on his tongue. His lips closed around your fingertips for a moment, almost sucking them. You drew back from his touch, startled. 
“What’s the matter, Nurse?” he asked, a sly look on his face, as he swallowed the tablet. 
“I -I told you,” you mumbled, looking away, “my name’s Y/N.”
“Can you do me one more favor, Y/N?” Gerard asked quietly. 
“What is it?” you asked, heart pounding. 
“....Ya think you could scratch my nose for me?” 
You burst into laughter, at his odd request. It wasn’t what you were expecting. 
“I’m serious! It really itches!” 
Overcoming your giggles, you glanced again, at the handcuffs on his wrists. The guard had, perhaps unwisely, left a key on the bedside table. 
“....I really don’t think you need to be tied up like this,” you confessed. 
“They don’t want me on the loose,” Gerard shrugged. “Told ya, I’m a killer.” 
“If I were to unlock the cuffs for you,” you asked, your voice a whisper, “do you promise to stay in your bed?” 
“I won’t try to escape, Y/N,” Gerard said seriously, staring up into your eyes. “I promise you. If I went on the run now, I’d never see my brother again. It’s not worth it to me.” 
“...Then, I’ll do it,” you decided, grabbing the key. You prayed that you were not going to regret this. 
The key turned in the lock, and the cuffs unclicked, releasing Gerard’s hands. He didn’t lunge at you, or jump up. He simply scratched his nose - exactly as he said he would. 
You breathed a sigh of relief. 
“I know you got other patients to look after, Nurse Y/N,” Gerard said, looking suddenly sleepy, as the medication started to kick in. “So...have a good night, alright?”
“Good night, Mr. Way,” you smiled, and walked out of the room. 
The next day, you came to provide another dose of hydromorphone. The guard glared at you, as you approached the door. 
“What the hell were you thinking last night?” he asked. “You gave the prisoner an opportunity to escape!” 
“.....Did he escape?” you asked, your heart suddenly aching. Had he manipulated you, into feeling sorry for him, so he could go on the lamb?
“....No,” the guard shook his head. “I guess we got lucky. The prisoner is still sittin’ in there, like a good boy. Exactly where you left him.” 
You breathed a sigh of relief. Gerard had kept his promise. 
“...May I give him his medicine, Officer?” you asked, staring the guard down.
“Yeah, lady,” the cop said, with a defeated look. “You go on ahead.” 
You entered the room, shutting the door behind you. “Hi, Mr. Way,” you greeted. 
“I told you, Y/N,” your new favorite patient smiled, “the name’s Gerard.”
“Hi, Gerard,” you corrected yourself. “How are you feeling today?” 
“Not so good,” Gerard confessed. “As you can see, Officer Jackass put the cuffs back on me this morning.” 
It was true - he was, once again, shackled to the bed. 
“I guess I’ll have to feed it to you again,” you mumbled, cheeks aflame. 
“You kinda looked like you were enjoying it, the last time,” Gerard smirked. 
“N-no!” you denied, blushing harder. 
“Oh, really?” Gerard teased. “Well…..I know I sure did.” 
“You shouldn’t say things like that,” you stammered. You were a medical professional. He was a patient in your care - and a convicted murderer, to boot! You shouldn’t let him flirt with you like this. 
But, although you hated to admit…..he was right. Something about your fingers in his mouth, had been strangely attractive to you. 
“What can I say, Nurse Y/N?” Gerard shrugged. “I got nothing to lose. As soon as I’m healed up, they’re gonna take me back to the penitentiary. I won’t see, or touch, a woman again, for the rest of this decade.” 
“That must be...lonely,” you breathed. 
“I knew the price I was gonna pay, when I got Mikey his justice,” Gerard sighed. “It’s far too late, to start having regrets now. But…..if I could have just one wish….”
“What would you wish for?” you asked, your heart hammering. 
“Just one kiss,” Gerard begged. “Before they lock me back up, and throw away the key.” 
“....I’ll grant your wish,” you decided, in a whisper. You felt so hot, all of a sudden. 
“Wh-What?” Gerard stammered. 
“Sssh,” you shushed him. “Hold still, and say ah for me again.” 
You leaned down, beside his bed, and kissed him softly, on the mouth. Despite the sterile scent of disinfectant in the room, the taste of the moment, was incredibly sweet. 
He struggled against his chains, trying desperately to bring his body, closer to yours. You sat on the bed, closing the gap. 
Now practically in his lap, you kissed him harder. 
“Ahhh!” he cried. 
“....Did I hurt you?” you gasped, pulling away. “Did I sit on the leg that was injured?”
“....No,” Gerard panted. “That…..wasn’t a noise of pain.”
“....Oh,” you flushed. 
“I’d be greedy to ask for a second wish,” Gerard said seductively. “But, if I could have one….oh, pretty, please, Nurse, would you do that again?” 
You nodded, pushing him back, into the bed. “You can wish for it, as many times as you like.”
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spnwriter · 4 years
I lied, apparently
Summary: The reader goes on a hunt alone despite the boys protests. She get his with a spell and, the boys help her out. 
Warnings: Language, Foursome, Oral (Female reviving) Unprotected sex, (Wrap it before you tap it) Anal, sexual harassment (Kinda), public masturbation, voyeurism, Dirty talk, 
A/N: as promised, this is the nastiest fic I’ve ever written. I hope you like it :)
Sam was right. He told me not to go on the hunt alone. Even though I had been hunting just as long as he has, he begged me not to go. I was stubborn. I broke the golden rule of hunting, never hunt alone. It was one witch. I hunted alone before I met the brothers. I didn't see a problem with it. Dean even protested the idea. Dean didn't argue with me as long as Sam did. Sam followed me around while I was packing. He felt the need to tell me all that could go wrong if I went alone. Before I left, I promised him that it would be perfectly fine. I promised him that I would come back in one piece and, not cursed.
I lied, apparently. Before I shot her, she threw purple powder at me. Whatever she threw at me hasn't affected me yet. I know it will eventually. I had planned on staying at the motel until whatever this is passes. Sam called. He didn't want to sound worried but, I could tell he was. Cas asked to talk to me. He told me to come home before the spell starts to take effect. He said he could sense my anxiety. I hear Sam cursing in the background. I knew I would get the I told you so. It was only a few hours drive from the motel. On the ride, I started to sweat. Like more than normal. I strip off my flannel as I drive. I suddenly regret the choice of wearing jeans. I blast the AC in attempts to cool off. Dear God, it's sweltering in here. I tied my hair up messily. I did whatever I could to cool off. I'm sweating threw my jeans. Why am I so hot? I groan as I try to crank the AC up. It's on full blast. I pull in front of the bunker. I need a change of clothes. I need a cold shower. I grab my bag before locking my door. I slowly walk down the stairs. Sam is waiting for me at the war room table. As soon as my boots hit the floor, Sam is on his feet. He wraps his arms around me tightly. "I was so worried. What happened?" He asks. "She hit me with something before I shot her. I'm fine, Sammy." I reassure. His hands move to rest on the small of my back. Arousal shoots down my spine. It's not unusual for me to be turned on by Sam. The massive secret (not so secret) crush on him. I push the thought out of my mind. "I knew you shouldn't have gone alone."  Sam utters. His grip tightens on me. The feeling of his hands on me feels better than normal. God, does he always smell this good? He lets go of me but, I don't let go. "Uh...Y/N?" Sam asks. I run my hands down his back. He's so muscular. How can someone have muscles on their back? My hand grazes the top of his ass. He flinches and, jumps away. Suddenly, I realize what I'm doing. "Oh God, Sam. I'm so sorry." I step closer without realizing it. It's like I'm craving his touch.My skin feels less on fire when he touches me. He grabs my hands to keep me from touching him. "Y/N? What's wrong?" Sam questions. "I don't know. I just need you." I whine. "Want to touch you."
Sam calls for Cas while he's fighting to keep me at arms length. Cas and, Dean come running from somewhere. I'm too focused on trying to touch Sam. I want to run my hands all over his body. "What the hell is happening?" Dean asks loudly. "She said she got hit with something." Sam explains while I try to move my hands to his crotch. He catches my hands. "Someone help me." Dean walks over. He picks me up under my thighs. I wrap my legs around his waist. My hands run down his back. I caress as much skin as I can. He sets me on the war table. My legs tighten around him. I run my hands through his short hair. "Hmmm. Have you always been this attractive?" I ask Dean as I nuzzle into his neck. My lips graze his pulse point as he physically unwraps my legs from around his waist. He jumps away from me. "What the fuck is wrong with her?" Dean turns to Cas. Cas steps between my parted legs. I grab him by his tie to pull him closer. Has his lips always looked this good? I bet they'd feel amazing on my skin. I pull him in for a kiss. He freezes at the action. He pulls back as quickly as he can. He takes a step back as he observes me. "She's been hit by sex pollen." Cas informs.
"Fantastic." Sam rolls his eyes. I whine as I reach out for Cas. "Please. I need it." I cry. The three of them exchange a look. "No." Sam exclaims "She can't consent. Her judgment is clouded."
I need someone to touch me. While the trio argues, I slip off my jeans. I have no shame as I begin rubbing myself from outside my panties. I moan as my fingers catch my clit. All three of them turn their heads to look at me. "Fuck." Dean whispers. I look at them as I put my hands into my panties. I whine as I slip in a finger. This is what I need. Dean steps closer but, still out of reach. "Sweetheart, you need to stop. I know you need it but-
I cut him off. "Dean, Please. Touch me." I moan. "I bet your fingers feel better than mine." I hear him groan. Obscene sounds fill the room as I continue to play with myself. It feels good. It's not enough. Dean stays grounded as he watches. I turn to the younger Winchester. "Sam." I moan loudly. "Please. Need you to touch me." His hands clenched into a fist. I can see both their resolve breaking.I look to the angle. He's already looking at me. He visibly swallows. "She does need it." Cas voices. I notice the obvious bulges in the boys pants. They all stay in place staring. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum." I announce. My back arches as I let go. The fire in my stomach didn't die down any. As I'm coming down from my high, I feel warm hands wrap around my waist. I get pulled into a hard body. Lips start nipping at the hollow of my throat. I don't care who it is. I just want someone to touch me. "So pretty when you cum, sweetheart." Deans breathy voice says. "Dean." I moan as his hands reach the edge of my tank top. He pulls back enough to look me in the eyes. He's silently asking for consent. "Please. I whimper. He yanks the tank top off my body. I vaguely hear the sound of ripping fabric but, I don't care.  Dean reached behind me. He clips my bra with one hand. Fuck, if that ain't hot. "Always wanted to see what these beauties look like." Dean groans as my breast bounce free from the bra. He doesn't hesitate to take them in his hands. God, his hands feel amazing. He hasn't touched me yet. I feel sated already. I feel a second set of much larger hands run up my thigh. Dean takes that moment to suck my nipple into his mouth. I look to my right and, see Cas standing there. He slowly lowers his lips to the side of my neck. Dean moves to make room from him. "I want to taste you." Cas says in my ear.
"Yes." I answer quickly. This spell has reduced me to a bitch in heat. I don't care who's touching me. I want to be touched. Dean pulls me from the table. He presses himself behind me. He's holding me still while Cas gets on my knees. Cas runs his hands up my thighs teasingly. Has his eyes always been this beautiful? He nibbles at my hip. He gently slides my panties down my legs. He flings them behind him. I see Sam sitting in a chair where Cas had slung my underwear. Sam leans forward to grab them. He lifts them to his face and, inhales deeply. There's something so incredibly hot about the dirty action. Cas picks up my right thigh. He drapes my leg over his shoulder. "She's so wet." Cas moans. Dean reaches down from behind me. He dips his fingers into me. God, I was right. His fingers feel amazing. Dean brings his finger to his mouth. He sucks my slick off them. "Wet and, sweet." Dean hums in my ear.
Cas buried his head in between my thighs. He's nibbling lightly on my clit. He's using his long tongue to fuck me. He's sucking at my lips. When he pushes a single finger inside me I lose it. "Fuck, Cas." I yell as I cum. Dean's holding my still while I come down. His hands run down my sides. Cas is rubbing my thighs. "You okay, sweetheart?" Dean asks. He's asking if I'm up for more. I push my ass agianst his hard-on. He groans in my ear. "You want something?" Dean questions. He takes my ear lobe between his teeth. "Want you." I moan as he grinds his impressively big hard-on against me. He comes around to face me. He gives me the patented Dean smirk before he presses his lips to mine. His tongue caresses my mouth. Fuck, he's a good kisser. I didn't even notice him moving me back to the map table. He pulls away as I push his flannel off his shoulders. He pulls off his shirt as I unbutton his pants. I press kisses down his throat as he slips off his jeans. His length is resting on my lower stomach. Dean pulls back. He runs his cock through my slick. Who knew he was packing this much? Seven inches and, thick. "Cas," I whine at the angle. "Want you in my ass." The angle appears beside me completely naked. He has a bottle of lube in his hand. I don't even question it. Dean lifts me off the table. "Wrap your legs around me." Dean grunts. "Gonna fuck that pussy while Cas gets you ready for him."
Dean slowly pushes in. "Fuck, sweetheart. Maybe we should have opened you up. You're so fucking tight." Dean moans as he pulls back. The response I had died on my tongue as I feel Cas' fingers circle my tightest hole. I had only done anal once. It wasn't a pleasant experience. Somehow I trust Cas to make this feel good. Dean slowly pressing more of himself in me and, pulling back. I don't know what to focus on. The stretch of Dean's cock or the feeling of Cas' fingering my ass. Finally, Dean gets all the way in. He lets out a grunt at the feeling. "Shit. I'm not going to last long." Dean groans as he pulls back. Cas begins pressing into me from behind. "God, neither am I." I moan loudly. They work in perfect sync. Dean pulls out, Cas pushes in. I lean back against Cas. "Fuck, Dean. Right there." I whimper. He's perfectly hitting my g spot. "Yeah, you like my cock in you baby?" Dean asks. "Fucking love it." I respond. "You feel so good." I hear Cas say from behind me. Cas reaches around to thumb at my clit. "Are you getting close?" Cas asks in my ear. I nod unable to talk. It just feels so good. I moan loudly as my climax hits me. Dean groans into my neck. He bottoms out one last time before he cums. Cas grasps me from under my thighs.   "Where do you want me?" Cas asks with his voice wavering. "In me." I groan as Dean pulls out. I feel his release trickling down my thighs. "In your tight little ass or in you pretty little pussy?" Cas questions as he pull on my ear lobe. I've never heard the angle talk like that. Fuck, that's hot. " I don't care." Cas pulls out of my ass. He presses into my wetness. Shit, he's thicker than Dean. His length is shorter but, thicker. The stretch feels amazing. "Even after Dean fucked you, your still tight."
Cas thrusts three more times before he cums. He shouts my name as he releases. I've never felt so full before. Cas pulls away slowly. "Sam," I whine at the youngest Winchester. "Want you." "Look at that, Sammy. Our little cum slut wants you to." Dean taunts. Sam stands from his chair. His length is already out. Holy shit. He's fucking packing. Nine inches and, thicker than Castiel. He wraps his hand around it. He smirks as he sees me eyeing him. He picks me up effortlessly. He sets me back on the table. "You want this, baby?" Sam runs his tip through my lips. He stops to tease my clit. "Fuck. Please." I whine. "Not satisfied yet, are you?" "No, sir. Want your cock." Sam moans at the tittle. "Hm, you are a little cum slut. Aren't you?" He snickers. "Yes, Sir. Love being so full."
"I'm not going to last long." Sam warns as he slowly presses in. "Shit." I whine. He pauses. "Are you okay?" I nod frantically as I grab his hips to pull him closer. "So fucking big." "I'm not even in all the way yet." He groans as he bottoms out. "Shit. Such a tight little pussy." Sam moans in my ear. "Hm, maybe we need to fuck you lose." My response comes out as a loud gasp. Sam had pulled all the way out and, slammed back in.He pauses. My head thrown back. "You feel so good." He takes that as his cue. He continues his rough pace. The obscene sound of skin slapping skin fills the room. "You like it rough? Huh, baby?" "So good." "Yeah, you like my cock? Like having everyone fuck you like the whore you are?" "Yes. Fuck. Use me." "Yeah, you like being our little fuck toy?" I moan his name loudly as I climax for the final time tonight. Sam isn't far behind. "So fucking tight. So fucking wet. God." Sam groans as he slams into me one last time. I feel his release paint my walls. He rests on my chest while he catches his breath. Suddenly, I'm clear of the mind. The realization of what just happened hit me. Holy shit, I just slept with all of my friends. What does this mean? Will it affect our friendship? Sam slowly pulls out. He places a loving kiss on my lips. "Don't overthink." He whispers. Dean hands me his flannel to cover myself. Sam disappears into the kitchen. The pair get dressed quickly.Dean wraps his arms around me. "Don't worry, Y/N. This doesn't change anything." He whispers as he presses a gentle kiss on my cheek.
Cas takes Dean's place when he steps back. He runs his finger through my matted hair. "Dean's right. This doesn't affect your relationship at all." Cas kisses me on the side of the head. "I won't protest to a repeat performance." Dean smirks. "Keep it in your pants, Winchester." I joke. He laughs loudly. Sam comes back into the room. Dean and, Cas leave. Sam gently spreads my legs. He takes the damp, warm rag in his hands and, wipes away the mess between my legs. He's careful to avoid any sensitive areas. He sets the rag beside us. I reach out to grasp his flannel. I never did get him naked. That's something I would have loved to see. Of course, I like Sam. I think I may have ruined everything by sleeping with his brother while he watched. I don't know how I'm going to be able to look him in the eyes. Sleeping with Dean and, Cas didn't mean anything to me. I happened because I needed it. That stupid fucking spell may have just ruined my chances with the guy I'm in love with. He gently picks me up. He carries me bridal style to the bathroom. He sets me on the cold ground. "I thought you'd like a shower." He says while he rubs the back of his neck. Alright, now or never. Don't be a wimp. This maybe your only shot. I give Sam the most seductive look I can manage. I drop the flannel to the floor. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Why don't you join me?" I ask as I play with the hem of his shirt. "If that's what you want." He utters. "What I want is you." He looks at me with surprise on his face. "What?" "Before all of that...which we'll talk about later. I had feelings for you. I know I may have just messed that up back there but, I had to let you know. I felt like this was my only shot." He's silent. He's just looking down at me. "Sam. Say something, please." I beg. He grabs my hips and, pulls me into his hard chest. He dips down to capture my lips in a passionate kiss. He allows his tongue to roll with mine for a while before he pulls away. "You didn't ruin anything. If I'm honest, it was kinda hot." "Oh, someone likes watching." I tease "I like watching you." "Come watch me some more then."
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soniaxdixon · 4 years
The New World; Series Pt 2
Okay so this is my first time writing a fic and obviously will be my first series but I’ve just rewatched TWD for like the 17th time and my obsession with Daryl has reached new levels. I hope that it isn’t too shit and that you guys actually read/like it. Thank you in advance for baring with my average writing but I mean, how else will I learn? Anyway, enjoy!
Sonia x
Set pre to early season 1, back story for when the world ended.
Part 2 of ??
Summary: Y/N Grimes is Rick’s younger hot headed sister. When Rick gets shot and falls into a coma, Y/N’s world ends. Y/N Finds herself at a quarry near Atlanta with her nephew carl, sister in law Lori and her best friend Glenn where she meets her new family including the equally hot headed redneck Daryl Dixon. Over time Y/N and Daryl begin to form a friendship, finally allowing one another to open up to someone and maybe finding someone they can actually love.
Warnings! Slowish burn but the feels are there from the start, swearing, A little angst. 
Words; 1774
This part focuses more on Season 1 Episode 3 ‘Tell it to the frogs’ We have a little reunion and start to explore Daryl and y/n’s relationship a bit more. - Sorry in advance if there are any errors, I didn’t really edit it properly
Like every morning, you were woken up by the sounds of your friends talking outside and the morning light forcing your eyes open. You rose, got dressed and stepped out of your tent your heart jumping when a big figure grabbed your shoulder suddenly, without warning.
“Jesus fucking christ, Daryl. A little heads up that you’re behind me next time? Shit.”
The ends of his lips curled into a small smile that made your stomach flip with butterflies. The power this man had over you already was immense. “M’ goin’ huntin’, shouldn’t be too long. Let Merle know if he gets back.” And with that, he was gone, not even giving you a chance to respond, his crossbow over his shoulder, hastily making his way into the woods. You couldn’t help but stare until his figure finally disappeared among the trees.
You looked over and saw Carl getting his haircut by Lori. He locked eyes with you and mumbled a plea for help. You shook your head and laughed at his suffering face. Catching on to the end of their conversation, you sat down next to Shane who was cleaning his gun.
“Frogs, plural”
“Why do we need ‘Frogs, plural?’” Carl questioned
You zoned out for a second, looking off in the direction Daryl had headed. Your mind suddenly racing. What happens if he comes across a walker? What happens if he comes across lots of walkers. Did he have a gun or just his crossbow? Why did he go alone?
“What do you think, Y/N?” Shane’s voice broke you from your silent panic.
You just stared at him for a second and he read your confusion, he knew you had a habit of zoning out. “Cajun style kermit legs, what do you think?”
“Oh, gross. No thanks.” Your face contorted with the thought of eating frog legs cooked by Shane. “You can keep your frog legs, I’d rather eat dirt.”
Your conversation was halted by the sudden sound of a car alarm.
“What the fuck?” You questioned, your eyes focusing on Shane.
“Talk to me, Dale?” Shane leapt from his seat and made his way over to the RV
You stood next to Shane, your arms crossed protectively across your chest.
The car sped up the hill suddenly screeching to a halt, Glenn climbing out of the drivers seat instantly being hounded by questions and yelling.
“My sister, is she okay?” Amy asked glenn over and over.
“Yes, she’s fine, everybody is. Merle not so much.”
Your stomach dropped quickly at the thought of Merle not being okay. What would you tell Daryl?
You turned and shuffled quickly towards your tent, climbing inside and finding your water bottle. You sat down for a few minutes, taking steady drinks. Poor Daryl you thought to yourself. You knew what it was like to lose a brother. You were drawn from your thoughts by the sound of a truck pulling up. Exiting your tent again you made your way over to Lori and Carl, placing your hands on the boys shoulders.
Everyone was reuniting and for a second, everyone was happy. You felt Carl’s shoulders begin to shake as he started sobbing. Lori knelt down and comforted him as he cried again for his dad.
“How’d y’all get out of there anyway?” Shane asked
“New guy, he got us out”
“Hey helicopter boy, come say hello. Guy’s a cop, just like you.”
You looked up at Morales’s words and felt your knees turn in. Tears filled your eyes as he stood there in front of you.
“Holy shit” was all that came out of your mouth before you saw carl running past you
You’ve never seen the boy run so fast as Rick pulled him to the ground in a hug. Picking him up and walking to Lori. Your heart swelling with love as he let go of them and his eyes found you.
“Oh my God.” He uttered as he grabbed you and you finally allowed your knees to drop. He held you up as he hugged you, tighter than you have ever hugged before. You had him back. The only thing that could keep you calm. Your big brother was alive.
That night you sat around a fire and listened to Rick talk about his experience. Waking up in the hospital only to find the world had fallen apart. They spoke about Merle, how he was handcuffed to a roof in Atlanta, how T-Dogg had dropped the key, how they would have to tell Daryl.
You couldn’t think about it anymore, you pushed yourself off he ground and leaned down, placing a kiss on Carl’s forehead and hugging your brother one more time for the day.
You walked over to your tent and went to sleep for the night. As usual, the only thing on your mind was Daryl but tonight, it wasn’t the usual thoughts of what it would be like if you were together. Tonight they were thoughts flooded with worry.
You scrambled for your clothes in the morning, pulling on some blue jeans and a black tee, pushing your way out of your tent and over to your group. The sudden sound of screaming had you running before you could even register what it was, pulling your knife from its sheath you sprinted towards the sound.
“Carl?” You yelled, Lori’s voice followed yours with the same question as she and rick ran behind you.
Lori grabbed him, “Nothing bit you, nothing scratched you?”
You ran with rick and the others to the source of the screaming. A lone walker feasting on a big deer. A deer with bolts in its side. The men began to beat the walker, forcing it to the ground before Dale cut its head off.
Sudden rustling drew you from your thoughts as you watched the bush intently.
“Son of a bitch, that’s my deer” the southern drawl all too familiar. “Look at it all gnawed on by this, filthy, disease bearin’, motherless, poxy bastard.”
You followed him back into the camp as he yelled out for his brother, “Merle! Get your ugly ass out here, got us some squirrels”
“Daryl, slow up a bit, I need to talk to you” with the words that Shane said, your stomach began to churn.
“Bout what?”
“Bout Merle, there was a problem in Atlanta.”
“He dead?” Daryl asked, you could see the panic etching his face slowly.
“Not sure.” Shane answered
“He either is or he ain’t” obvious venom dripped from his words as he stared at Shane, waiting for his next answer.
Your eyes turned to Rick as he stepped in suddenly, “no easy way to say this so I’ll just say it.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“Rick Grimes”
“Rick Grimes” Daryl mocked “You got something you wanna tell me?”
“Your brother was a danger to us all so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked to a piece of metal”
Before you knew it, things escalated. Daryl threw the squirrels and pulled out a knife.
Within seconds the knife was on the floor and Shane had daryl in a choke hold. You couldn’t control yourself and you threw yourself at Shane, hitting his back, “Let go of him” You were grabbing at his shirt trying to pull him off when Glenn grabbed your arms as you struggled against him.
“Fucking let him go Shane or I’ll cut your fucking hands off.” At this point Glenn was forcing his hand over your mouth to shut you up and you finally complied when Shane let Daryl out of the choke hold.
You stormed off to your tent so you wouldn’t react again. Thoughts raced through your head. Why the hell did you do that, what on earth possessed you? You and Daryl had hardly spoken and yet you were suddenly threatening one of your closest friends just so he would let him go. Get your head on straight Y/N, Daryl’s gonna think you’re a crazy bitch now.
About 30 minutes later, Rick headed over to your tent to check on you, you had calmed down at this point but you were still pissed at Shane.  “I’m taking, Daryl, Glenn and T-Dogg back into Atlanta to get Merle.”
“Okay, I’ll come.”
“No, I want you to stay here.”
You snapped “What the hell is with everyone thinking they have say in where I go.”
“I want you here in case something happens, You’ve taken care of Lori and Carl since the start and I need to know you will protect them while I’m gone.”
Your eyes softened as you shot him an apologetic look.  “Where’s Daryl?”
“He’s in his tent, packing his bag.”
You squeezed ricks shoulder and found yourself walking to the edge of your camp, to Daryl’s tent.
“Hey, are you okay? I’m sorry about your brother.”
“Why the hell would ya even care? Just leave me be” He was obviously hurt and his tone stung you.
“Geez okay, sorry for checking on you, prick.” You mumbled the last word walking away before his hand grabbed your shoulder, sending chills down your back as he quickly pulled away.
“M’ sorry. Thanks for checking.”
You just looked at him but your face eased out of the scowl you had before hand.
“Why’d ya jump on Shane like that before? I thought that asshole was your friend.”
“Yeah kinda. We grew up together, he Rick and I. He’s just kinda always been a part of my life ya know. When I thought I lost Rick, he became an even bigger part and I think seeing him dismiss your brother like he was nothing riled me up because I know what its like to lose a brother. I was just lucky enough that mine came back somehow.”
Daryl never broke eye contact with you, watching as slight tears stung your eyes when you thought about losing Rick. “You’re gonna find him. He’ll be fine and you’ll bring him back.” He just continued to look at you as his mind raced with thoughts. This was the longest that you two had spoken, you were actually telling him something about yourself and something in his chest felt like it was on fire. You reached out and he flinched slightly, you put your hand carefully on his shoulder. “He’ll be okay Daryl, You’ll be okay.” You gently squeezed as you turned around to head back towards your tent.
You heard him barely whisper “Thanks.”
“Come back in one piece please.” You whispered back, just loud enough that he could hear you and the fire in his chest grew.
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raendown · 3 years
Todays follower milestone gift fic is for @sparklemagpie with the prompt word importune. Can you tell I had fun writing this one?
Pairing: ShikamaruTemariTayuya Word count: 1966 Rated: T+ Summary: For the two women in his life Shikamaru will do whatever it takes. As long as they're happy he's happy. When they're not...well, when they're not you get situations like this one.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Just The Right Cherry On Top
Shikamaru would have told anyone who asked that it didn’t start off as begging. No one was really asking, though, and the shreds of pride still buried in the back of his mind somewhere told him that was a problem. If no one was asking questions that usually meant they thought they already had the answers. But they didn’t. They really didn’t. When it came to his two girls Shikamaru was smugly aware that he was usually the only one with answers. 
Well, answers to questions like ‘are you sure they’re not trying to kill each other’ or usually ‘how can you stand to live between that’. The questions about what might be going on in either woman’s mind were ones he didn’t even try to guess at. He knew when to back away from a problem he would never figure out. 
Right now he didn’t so much have a problem as he did have a disaster. He knew very well that relationships took work, that his work would be doubled when he agreed to marry both of the most important women in his life, and since he had not a day went by when he didn’t consider that work so very worth it. For the most part their days were happy. Blissful, even. Shikamaru was as flawed as any other human being but among his flaws pride wasn’t usually the one that tripped him up. Disaster only really happened when pride snuck up on the other two parts of his soul. 
Tayuya, as usual, was the first to start throwing insults. And of course Temari, when faced with a hot temper, flared her own with the kind of heat usually accomplished only with the most deadly katon. Standing on the other side of the kitchen with a frying pan in one hand and his face in the other, Shikamaru briefly wondered if there were any missions available that would take him far away until these two crazy goddesses sorted their own shit out. 
There weren’t. He checked. Discreetly, of course. 
After the first couple days of cold silence it became obvious that this was one of those fights they needed him to bring them back from, when pride and stubbornness and sheer petty spite held both of their lips shut, eyes refusing to meet, tempers refusing to back down. These were the kind of fights that reminded Shikamaru why the three of them really worked as a full unit, one single whole, any weakness in one covered by another. Knowing that never made it any less annoying trying to be the cover to their weakness. They might need him but in those moments they sure didn’t want to need him. 
“What’ll it take this time?” Shikamaru could hear the exhaustion in his own voice but that’s just what happened when he hadn’t gotten more than three consecutive hours of sleep for the past week. 
“Nothing,” Temari snapped. “Maybe this is just it!”
Drawing a hand down his face spoke louder than words how little he believed that. If he looked really close he could see the lines of aching tiredness in Temari’s expression that told him she didn’t believe it either.
“Right,” he murmured. “I’ll just go talk to her then.
And so he did, though it would be hard to express just how unsurprised he was to get a very similar reaction from Tayuya.
“Fuck that bitch and her high horse!”
“You could if one of you would say sorry,” Shikamaru couldn’t help pointing out. 
“Oh no fucking way! Not with a ten foot god damned pole!” 
“What if I said please?”
So that was how it started. Or got to the middle, really. Much to the contrary of what other people seemed to think, Shikamaru was not so whipped as to just fall on his knees and beg any time he encountered the slightest of resistance in their relationship. He had some self respect. In the face of these two boneheads, however, self respect was a concept he was more than willing to throw out the window in favor of a full night’s rest, something he would not be getting until their home saw peace again. 
One instance of saying please did nothing. Twice did little more than that. Somewhere around the fifteen ‘please’ he switched tactics and added a cherry on top. Tayuya rather harshly reminded him that she hated cherries and described in very colorful detail where he could stick his polite words. Clearly another tactic was needed.
As a smart man Shikamaru very carefully ignored all of Naruto’s well meaning suggestions like sending his wives flowers pretending they were from each other. Maybe that would have worked on someone like Hinata who was determined to look at the world and see the best in everyone but Shikamaru had married two people determined to look at the world through a cold lens of cynicism. Gods but he loved it. Loved the both of them. He just didn’t love the fights. Naruto meant well but the one and only time any of them had seen Hinata truly mad had been the middle of a battle against the reanimated body of a dead man handing Naruto his own ass. It was great for the two of them to finally find happiness. When he thought of their calm and sweet relationship Shikamaru sometimes just couldn’t help but wonder how they didn’t get bored with no one around to throw a plate or two. 
Since being nice about it didn’t do much his next step was to try being firm. This time he went to Tayuya first because if he could crack her then honestly he was pretty sure he could crack the whole world. His efforts in this round were about as successful as the first. 
“Go ahead and try to tell me what to do one more time, Nara.” Right up in his face Tayuya was all fire, in her hair and in her eyes and in every move of the arm currently jamming in to his chest. “I’ve had just about enough of being ordered around for one lifetime, you hear me?” Oh he did. He did hear her. He also heard the undertone of heat and it wasn’t until an hour after he left their home in the daze of post orgasmic bliss that he realized he’d been had. Maybe Choji was right and he did think with his dick a little too much. 
Going to see Temari hadn’t exactly had better results - although he’d known better from the start than to consider either one of them ‘better’ than the other in certain departments. After making it very clear how much she both enjoyed and scorned his attempts to law down some kind of law Temari rode him against the nearest walls and sent him off afterwards with a few choice words about how she really didn’t mind wearing only his marks on her skin from now on. Since he hadn’t been the one to bring that up Shikamaru saw through it right away. They missed each other, a blind man could see that. Getting them to admit it was the hard part. 
So that was a bust on trying to put his foot down but if he were honest Shikamaru hadn’t expected any different. The next thing he tried was bribery. After the harsh years both of his wives had experienced it was entirely understandable that they should enjoy being waited on hand and foot. Usually the offer was an irresistible one to them; hence why he didn’t make it very often, a special treat for special occasions when he needed to remind them just how precious they really were. When not just one but both of them turned him down this time Shikamaru had to take a nice long walk through the woods and feed the deer for a while, wondering if maybe the magic offer had lost its touch at last. Or if maybe he was the one that had lost his touch. It took a good long while and three different deer taking curious nibbles of his ponytail before he shook himself and stood up with a little more steel in his spine. 
Clearly this problem was running out of control and that meant bringing in the biggest weapon he had at his disposal. One didn’t spend a lifetime best friends with the Yamanaka heir without picking up some tricks. 
“Please please?”
“I said no, fuck off Shika.”
“Uhhh, please and please and please?”
Tayuya actually stopped walking to round on him with furrowed brows. “You get hit upside the head or something? This is- you’re acting like a damn child!” 
“Maybe.” Shikamaru clasped his hands together and lifted his eyes to the clouds above them. “How many times I gotta say please? Cause I will. Give me a number, I’ll do it.”
“For real?”
“Please, please, please, please, plea-”
Ignoring the baffled looks of anyone passing them by was a lot easier than ignoring the sharp voice that spoke from the doorway, rough at the edges under the heavy weight of defeat and sadness. 
“He might not look like it, but he’s really just a child in a man’s body.” Temari studiously did not look at her wife when Tayuya whipped around to stare at her, missing the ripple of yearning that went through all those well honed muscles. “You probably shouldn’t test it. He really will just keep going.”
“Sounds annoying as hell,” Tayuya ventured. 
Neither of them seemed to notice when Shikamaru fell silent, still, waiting with baited breath. 
“It’d probably be less painful if we just give in. He already did that to me for two hours this morning and I don’t know if I can listen to it for much longer without violence that I’m pretty sure I would regret.” The proud set of Temari’s jaw was that of a queen making concessions. The dark warmth of her eyes when they finally canted sideways was that of a wife who missed the touch of her beloved.
“Good fucking god, two hours? Yeah, hell no. I ain’t listening to that. Let’s just get this over with or something then.”
“For the best.”
Despite that agreement it still took about five solid minutes of staring wordlessly in to each others’ eyes before either of them made any more toward the other. In the end they moved at the same time, reaching out with the same hand, laughing in a fondly awkward way as their fingers entwined. The moment would have been utterly beautiful if Shikamaru hadn’t breathed in very deeply just to let it all back out in one great rush. 
“Finally,” he muttered. Both of his wives frowned at him. 
“Wait.” Temari narrowed her eyes as though only now realizing what she’d done. “How did you do that?” She didn’t seem to appreciate the sheer exasperation filling him up in place of all the soft pleading he’d been wearing for days now. 
“You don’t just hang around with Ino for this long without learning how to annoy someone in to giving up.”
Before either of his wives could say anything Shikamaru was spinning on one heel and marching out the door, grumbling under his breath while he rummaged around his flack vest for a pack of smokes. Troublesome women and their troublesome tempers. At times he really did wonder why he put up with it. Two sets of footsteps rushing after him was a good reminder, though he thought he would be well within his rights to make them do a little begging after all the trouble he’d gone through just to bridge the gap between their overinflated prides. Worth it, absolutely worth it, but damn if they weren’t trouble sometimes. 
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 4 years
heartbeats and tangled sheets
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Summary: It’s your birthday, and three men you’ve been seeing provide various gifts.
a/n: This is a birthday fic (belated as fuck) for @illneverrecover​ because I LOVE YOU BITCH I AIN’T NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BITCH
Warnings: not as much smut as one would think, oral (both m. and f. receiving), some exhibitionism and video sex, public sex, it got soft I’m SORRY JACKIE
Word Count: 2770
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12:16AM, December 16th
It's late and you're in bed scrolling through your phone, hoping from a text from a certain someone that you shouldn't be waiting for. 
You shouldn't be waiting for anyone, you think, and you lock your phone with a heavy sigh and throw it down on the bed before hearing a ding and scrambling to pick it up again.
You up?
You roll your eyes but you're grinning ear to ear like an idiot. You are an idiot, but only for Kim Taehyung.
Before you can answer, his contact picture pops up on your screen, a picture you'd taken of him making a peace sign, which was basically every picture, the dork.
Your heart speeds up and you huff out a breath, irritated by how much just him calling affects you.
I shouldn't answer right away, you think, but you're already sliding to answer.
"What if I was sleeping?" You snark in greeting.
"Then I would have woken you up," he drawls, and his voice sounds gravelly, like he's tired or maybe been drinking.
It makes your heart flutter again.
"Jerk," you say, but there's no bite to it.
“Happy birthday,” he murmurs, and your heart, surely there's a physical problem. It shouldn't skip so many beats.
“Thanks, but you’re a little late, it’s after midnight.”
“Shit.” He chuckles low in his throat. “Guess I’ll have to make up for it.”
“Oh yeah? How?” Your skin is already tingling. He is able to affect you so quickly and it stresses you out.
You wait for a long moment but then hear the beep of the phone hanging up and your mouth drops open. Did he just fucking hang up on you?
There’s five minutes of you being shocked and wondering if the call dropped and you should call back and then your phone starts buzzing again, a video call instead. It takes you a moment to answer, fumbling with your phone and grateful you hadn’t yet removed your makeup.
It’s dark at first, and you squint a little, until you see his arm, reaching over to turn on the desk light.
Taehyung smiles, big and boxy and open and there goes your heart flipping around again.
“There you are.”
“Here I am,” you quip, and he laughs and then shifts, and the camera takes a moment to catch up but then you can see he’s in bed, under a white sheet. You can see the broadness of his chest, his collarbones, the line of his neck. He must have the phone propped up on a nightstand or something, because you have the most delicious view of his whole body, his face turned towards you as he lies flat on the bed.
“I didn’t exactly get you a present,” he continues, and the sheet shifts down to reveal the softness of his belly, the dusting of hair below his belly button, and then down further to reveal his cock, thick and heavy, slowly starting to plump.
Your mouth goes dry and you tilt the phone sideways to see better, shifting down in your bed. You’re wearing just a thin tanktop and panties to bed, and your nipples are already starting to harden.
You’ve been seeing a few guys in the past six months, and Taehyung is off and on, given his recent breakup. His sweet brown eyes were so soulful when he kissed your knuckles, told you that he wished he could give you more than stolen kisses and late night knocks on your door, and it isn’t as if you hadn’t heard that line before: I’m just not ready.
But Taehyung had looked so earnest, and you want to believe that when he is ready, you’ll be the first to know. For now, you’re content to keep things casual, since the sex is amazing and you enjoy his company.
“Are you really suggesting that your dick is a gift?” 
“Isn’t it?” He drawls, stroking the gift in question with two long fingers and his thumb, slow, showing off.
The words come out of your mouth before you can think differently.
"Fuck. You got me there."
Taehyung gives you that slow smirk, flicks his gaze down to your breasts and raises an eyebrow. 
"Hmm, my birthday but you want a show. Typical." You grin as you tug down your top, revealing your breasts and tugging at your nipples, excitement and pleasure pooling in your lower belly.
"Mmm," he agrees, never one to argue with you, unlike some other guys you've been seeing. You can think of one in particular.
It's always easy with Taehyung, always fun, and if your heart might long for more on occasion, it isn't too much. Not yet, anyway.
“My birthday is soon too, you know. What are you gonna get me?” He teases.
“My tits are a gift,” you murmur, bouncing them at the camera, and he doesn’t crack a smile, just watches them, tongue flicking out to wet his full lips, before his dark eyes flick back up to your face.
“Damn right, they are,” he says, agreeable as always, and groans low in his throat, bucking into his hand.
“Fuck,” you repeat. “Wish you were here.” You tilt backwards on the bed, your fingers itching to slip beneath your panties but you wait, watching his face. You love how he looks like this, eyes dark and half lidded, mouth parted, hair in his face, eyelashes brushing his cheekbones as he closes them only to open them again, pausing his strokes and panting.
He pouts a little. “Wish I was too.” His gaze moves downward to your waistband, where you’ve lit one of your hands, thumb under the elastic. “Show me.”
Your breath catches, that’s what you’d been waiting for, some kind of permission. 
You smile at the screen, holding your phone up and wishing you’d known to do this on your laptop. “Gonna be hard to see in the dark.��
“Turn on the lights,” he commands, just this edge of pleading to it, and God, that’s what you love about him. Well, one of the things.
You do as he says, turning on your desk lamp and moving the phone down to slide the crotch of them aside, his responding moan making your fingers itch to touch yourself, but like always, you wait until he tells you to, asks you to, in that low tone of his that’s commanding yet somehow still agreeable.
A contradiction, your lover, one of your favorites.
After that it’s all a blur of pleasure, his words and deep moans, the slide of your fingers, not long enough to be his, not quite enough but it gets you there, his name on your lips as he tells you how beautiful you look, how much he wishes he could taste you.
You think about if he were there he’d slip your fingers into his mouth, suck while looking into your eyes until you’re panting and wanting him again and you whimper as you finally bring the phone back up to your face.
The way he looks makes you shudder with an aftershock of your orgasm, his mouth parted and panting, come painting his belly.
“When are you back in town?” You gasp.
He smiles. “I’ll call you.”
You roll your eyes but you’re smiling back. He talks to you into the wee hours of the morning, sweet and soft after, face close to the camera.
Sometimes he calls, sometimes he doesn’t, but you’ll be waiting either way.
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10:02PM, Dec 15th
Going out for your birthday is a tradition among you and your friends, and given how hard you’d all worked this past year, it’s a given that you’re all going all out.
There’s preparation in terms of travel, knowing few of you will be sober enough to drive, mini bottles of liquor to pregame on the way there, condoms thrown into purses and your phone chargers in case of overnights.
As a result of those mini bottles and the high energy of your friends, you’re tipsy and loose when you arrive at the club, and the flashing lights and hype music only serve to make you smile more, dirty dancing with your friends and making eyes at all the cute guys at the club.
You're taking a break from dancing, surely sweating off your makeup and sitting at the bar to order a water when you hear a familiar voice.
"Heard it was your birthday."
You don't turn but you feel the corner of your mouth turn up. "That it is."
“What are you doing tonight?”
“Out with the girls. No boys allowed.”
You hear him step closer behind you. “It’s your birthday. You can do whatever you want.”
“Hmm,” you hum noncommittally.
"How old are you now, noona?"
You swear you can hear the smirk in his voice, how he's moved closer behind you. You can smell his cologne, the leather polish he uses on his shoes.
"Shut up, Seonghwa," you mutter, and that does nothing to dissuade him, he puts his hands on your waist, rests his chin on your shoulder to whisper in your ear.
"Wanna sit on my face to shut me up, noona?"
It doesn't come to that, because you're in a club and you somehow hardly ever make it to a bed with Seonghwa, always too riled up, his hands all over you at a bar, a club, the backseat of an Uber.
He's young and eager and mouthy and above all else, hot, so you can't say you complain.
You hate/love the way your name sounds on his lips, the way he always always adds noona in the sweetest croon.
It's infuriating how the sound of it makes you wet, his breath hot on your neck.
"You're so hot, noona, always so wet for me."
"Who says it's for you?" You snark.
He lifts his head, perfectly styled hair falling into his face from the humidity of the club, your ass against the bathroom stall door, his hands under your thighs, near constant smirk on his face.
"It is tonight," he murmurs, and you bite his lip bloody, striking like a snake, wriggling your hips under him.
He laughs into your mouth before he slides down to his knees, hooks your knees around his shoulders and buries his face beneath your skirt.
You were surprised, the first time, surprised because he was handsome and knew it, and usually guys like that weren’t great in bed, used their looks to get laid instead.
Seonghwa, on the other hand, prided himself in being good in bed, the best, he says, making you roll your eyes.
Sometimes he’s even sweet after, kissing along the side of your neck, along your collarbone, but usually it’s just snarky words, hard kisses, his long fingers hooked in your panties or that pretty dick of his in your mouth.
You hadn't even let him inside you yet, after two weeks of hooking up in clubs. It's more fun this way, you think. You love the way he looks when you're on your knees, his sharp jaw as his head tilts back, the way his hips twitch when you drag your manicured nails down his thighs.
He laps at your clit until your thighs are shaking around his head, his hands under your ass, kneading the flesh.
You cry out curses that are mostly drowned out by the music before he lowers you to the ground, licking his lips, that ever present smirk at the corners of that perfect mouth.
He’s got his hands on his belt and his mouth on your throat when you push against his chest, tottering only a little on your heels.
Seonghwa cocks his head, and you can’t help but giggle a little at his expression. Not many women tell him no, you’d imagine, not with that face.
“You’re not gonna leave me like this,” he pouts, gesturing down to the tent in his slacks.
“It’s my birthday,” you parrot. “I can do whatever I want.”
You feel him watching you when you head out of the bathroom and back into the club.
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6:32AM, Dec 16th
There’s a banging on your door and sunlight is streaming through your window and you know if you roommates wake up there will be hell to pay so you grumble and roll out of bed.
You’d slept in your makeup from the night before so you wipe at your eyes before you jerk open the door.
When you see who it is you hiss out his name and jerk him inside.
“I swear to God if you’re drunk at my door at 6am ON MY BIRTHDAY-”
“It’s not your birthday,” he pants, seeming out of breath. “And I’m not drunk, I’m just tired, I flew the redeye but I had a layover and-”
You stare at him while he explains the whole ordeal and finally take his hand and lead him to your room so that your roommates won't wake up yelling.
He’s still babbling when you close your bedroom door.
It isn’t as if he doesn’t always talk a lot of shit, but usually it isn’t all sweet and apologetic like this, it’s usually sharp words from the both of you and sometimes dramatic arguments outside of clubs because to be honest, you drive each other crazy.
To be honest, neither of you seem to want to stop driving each other crazy.
You’ve been seeing Baekhyun off and on for a year now, ever since you’d moved for work, and even with both of you having crazy schedules you manage to see each other more than you see anyone else that you’ve gone out with.
You can’t deny that you’d looked out for him to call or at least text the day before.
“And my phone died and there weren’t any outlets-”
“Baek,” you say softly, and he finally closes his mouth. “I’m not mad.”
“You’re not?” He sits down on the bed in a slump and you bounce.
“No, what, you think I was waiting for you to call?” You nudge his shoulder with yours.
“Yes,” he says, nudging you back, and you scoff.
“I went out with the girls. We had fun.”
“I wanted to spend your birthday with you,” he whines, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re not drunk?”
He’s said things, sometimes, when you were arguing or sometimes pillow talk, panting against your skin, kissing a line down your spine, that made your heart skip, but never like this, never sober and in daylight and without so much as a hungry kiss.
It makes your heart skip, and when you’re sober and in daylight and without so much as a hungry kiss, it makes you a bit scared.
Baekhyun shakes his head against your shoulder. “No, not even a drop,” he mumbles. “Didn’t sleep though, except a little on the plane.”
“You didn’t even bring me anything?” You ask incredulously. “You flew what, 13 hours just to come and be a sap?”
He lifts his head and you turn to look at him.
He does look tired, his clothes rumpled, bags under his eyes, but he looks earnest, too, and your heart does a little flip in your chest.
“Yeah, I did. You know how I-” he stops, closes his mouth, flops down faceup on your bed.
“How you what?” You ask curiously, straddling his lap and looking down at him.
Baekhyun shakes his head, his mouth in this little pout. 
“It’s my birthday,” you murmur, leaning down to kiss that pout. “You have to tell me.”
He huffs out a breath, puts his hands on your hips, skating them up your body. He lands on your waist, flips you over and kisses you hard, like you’re used to, like you expect from him.
You mewl into his mouth but he pulls away, presses his forehead to yours.
“You know how I feel,” he says softly, and oh, your heart.
You’ll think about that later, though, think about why your heart speeds up not just when he tugs your breasts out of your tanktop or when his fingers slide beneath your panties, but when he brushes his nose along your neck, tells you how sorry he is that he missed your birthday. 
You’ll think about it later, for now you’ll enjoy your belated birthday present, which is how warm your chest feels after you’re both spent and he’s spooning behind you, kissing the back of your neck, how hard you laugh at this story he tells you about the airport and how he’d slid down the escalator.
You’ll think about it later, when you have time to be scared you might be in love.
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copias-thrall · 4 years
There’s Something About Mary
A day in the life of our crusty Mr. Goore
Mary POV chapter bc I want to and I can.
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*public masturbation, kinda*
Mary wakes up horny.
He must have been having a pleasant dream, because his cock is hard and throbbing where it rests heavy against his thigh. He shoves a hand down into his undone jeans to give his cock a squeeze—just for a moment of relief—and, as the touch wakes him up fully, he realizes he can hear the distinct sounds of sex from one of the rooms. A thump thump thump and a squeak squeak squeak, all punctuated with blatant moans.
Fuck it, he thinks, and he begins to jack it to the sex orchestra going on, not 10ft from where he lies on the couch. Once a place they sometimes took turns on, the couch has become Mary’s de facto room—a subtle punishment for his supposed defection. So, he has no qualms about masturbating in his room, and if any of the other guys have an issue with it, Mary has no problem making his display more public, just for spite.
He pauses only to spit in his hand when his dry palm begins to chafe. It doesn’t even matter when the noises from the other room cease (and later Mary will have to tease them about their staying power), Mary just scrolls through his mental Rolodex until he brings up the memory of his dick in between Suey’s tits, how they jiggled despite being held together, how shiny they became once covered in his jizz, and how she looked up at him as she contorted one to bring it up to her mouth to lap some off.
“Shit, shit,” he exclaims as the memory of her pink tongue lapping up his cum causes him to release. Some shoots up his bare chest, but most of it lands and pools in his belly button. Eyes still closed, his free hand shoots out and fumbles for the box of tissues on the table, encountering instead a stack of thin takeout napkins.
As he does his best to clean himself up with the napkins—whose integrity is suspect—he can hear the low rumble of male voices and a high, feminine giggle from the sex room. Just to be a jackass, he gets himself up so that he can have first dibs on the bathroom.
Making sure to lock the door behind him, Mary turns on the hot faucet, willing the water to warm up sooner than later. He takes the opportunity, while he waits, to piss in the toilet; it’s already open—toilet seat up—even though it’s supposed to put it down when they have guests. They’re out of TP again, so a roll of paper towels rests on the lid of the tank.
Once the water is warm enough, Mary uses a couple pieces from the roll to clean off the jizz drying and to give himself a brief wipe down. His face is still half crusty with makeup, and he’s tempted to just add to it, but he’s learned from hard experience how that can fuck up your face, so—even though it’s a goddamned pain—Mary washes his face. He even uses the harsh Dial hand soap, even though the acrid smell will get up into his nose for hours.
He thinks of the nice-smelling scrub Suey has and her drugstore face cream he sometimes rubs into his skin.
In the soap- and toothpaste-speckled mirror, he starts to apply his “Day Face” (as Suey calls it) from the communal box of makeup (his better stuff is in his backpack): a light dusting of white powder; some eyeliner all the way around; a dull, red lipstick; and black shadow on his cheekbones.
He’s just starting on his hair when there comes a pounding on the door
“Fucks’ sake. C’mon, Goore.”
Mary turns his head upside down in the sink basin so he can haphazardly splash some water into his hair.
“Fuck off, douchebag.”
He starts to work his fingers into his locks, coaxing the glue already in it to activate.
“She’s gotta pee, man.”
He fluffs his forelock in the mirror as his other hand searches for the blood tube in the box.
“We have a kitchen sink.”
A small voice tells him not to take his annoyance with his friends out on the girl, and he sighs.
“Stop being a di—”
The voice cuts off as Mary swings the door open. Brendan's angry face smooths into one of minor irritation. The girl—Lisa?—stands, thighs crushed together, in an oversized kitten t-shirt. She looks at Mary, wide-eyed; her gaze darts to his bare, wet chest before snapping back up.
“Lis,” he says, winking as he saunters out.
Her face crumples a little.
“Lizzy,” she says, and Mary’s stomach swoops a bit when he realizes he’s probably slept with her before.
He makes himself smile as she moves past him to the bathroom.
“That’s what I said: Liz.” He shoots her a finger gun at her as Brendan scowls at them both. When the door closes and Brendan is still glaring, Mary lets out a “What?”
“You sticking around for breakfast, man?”
Mary rolls his eyes. “I’m here, ain’t I?” He starts to paw through the plastic shelving drawers next to the couch for a shirt.
Brendan shrugs. “Thought your pussy-whipped ass might need to get back to that uptown princess of yours.”
He glares at Brendan. “Stop being dick.”
“She’s fucking slumming it, dude. I’m warning you.”
It’s not a new argument, so Mary just ignores him, instead trying to apply a bit of blood to the tip of his forelock using the heart compact Suey gave him.
Titus emerges from the shared room, yawning, in his terrible leopard print robe that’s way too short.
“Morning, asswipe,” he says to Mary as he walks by. “What’re we bitching about?”
Brendan says “uptown girl” as Mary says “nothing.”
Titus sighs.
“Jesus, Brendan. You gotta get over that. That’s Mary’s mistake to make.”
“You know what? Fuck this shit.” Mary starts getting his backpack in order.
“That’s right! Blow off another band meeting!” says Brendan, and Mary spins on his heel to stomp back.
He jabs a finger into his chest. “I’m here all the goddamned time, more than I am at her place. I come to every meeting you tell me about.”
“I shouldn’t have to tell you about anything. You should just be here. You should be committed,” hisses Brendan.
“I’m going to make some toast,” says Titus as he swishes toward the kitchen.
Mary rifles through his plastic draws and slams a notebook and loose papers onto the table.
“There’s mine, dude. Lyrics. Composition. Where’s yours?”
Donnie and Jamie wander out of their room.
“Not this shit again. It’s too fucking early,” says Donnie.
Brendan vibrates. “What about funds, man? A social media presence? You think all that happens by magic?”
“So I’m supposed to write, and compose, and do the budget?” snarls Mary.
“Guys,” moans Jamie.
“And our Insta is shit, by the way.”
“Fuck. Can we not?” moans Donnie.
Mary again jabs a finger at Brendan. “Then tell him to can it. I’ve already been exiled to the couch. I don’t need him picking fights because he doesn’t like my girlfriend, who—by the way—has never fucking done anything wrong.”
“You haven’t been exil—” Jamie starts.
“We were supposed to fucking share those rooms,” Mary hisses as he gesticulates. “I pay the same amount of rent, and yet I come home one day to find all my stuff in a pile in the living room. I have to wait for you guys to stop playing video games because ‘this is shared space’ to fucking sleep.”
“We all agreed—”
“No. You guys agreed. I didn’t get shit to say about it. So you’ll forgive me if I’m not too fucking keen on being pleasant.”
They all stand there, glowering at each other until Donnie says, “I need to take a goddamned piss,” and finds the bathroom door locked. At his soft The fuck? the lock clicks, and Lizzy opens the door cautiously.
“I’m sorry. It just. Seemed like you guys were getting into it.”
Brendan sighs. “C’mon, babe. Let’s get your stuff.”
The fight isn’t a new one, and—with no resolution in sight—they all drop the subject so they can get on with the breakfast of eggs on toast Titus brings out and the subsequent band meeting. The Brick—a cheap, overworked laptop—is brought out so they can go over band business: the budget; the van maintenance and parking costs; the gig and practice schedule is outlined so that they can align their work shifts; new merch ideas are bandied about; and they talk about how to improve their digital sales.
Mary’s leg jiggles impatiently.
The meeting breaks nearly 5hrs later; Jamie goes back to sleep because he’s got the night shift at the Quik•Mart; Brendan heads out for his afternoon shift at Target; it’s Donnie’s day off, so he cues up Mario Kart; and Titus decides he’s going to go pound on the drums in the practice space they rent, since his dad pays his bills.
Mary has been saddled with stopping by the local record stores to see if any of their physical CDs have sold to prove he’s “committed,” even though he’s got the closing shift at Sixes & Sevens.
As he’s leaving the building, he encounters Brendan, who is leaning against the brick, smoking a cigarette. Mary’s fingers twitch.
“So you’re not coming back tonight, then.”
“We have band business?”
“Then, no.”
Brendan lets out a puff of smoke.
“You think I’m being a dick, but that girl does not care about you. She’s a tourist. Us—the band. That’s what’s real, Mary.”
Mary knows he should keep walking, but even after counting to 10, he’s still pissed, so he spins on his heel.
“You don’t know anything about her or her goddamned life.”
“Neither do you.” He finishes the smoke, then tosses it to the pavement to grind under his combat boot. “We’ll be here when it all explodes in your face, Goore. But you’re going to have to rebuild a lot of bridges.”
And then he’s off down the sidewalk. Mary stands there, seething, waiting until Brendan disappears round the corner since he’s also headed in that direction.
He’s not really in the best of moods when he hits up the first store, but by the 4th, he’s back to his plucky repartee. The owner of his favorite shop intimates that a vinyl version of their LP might sell much better than their DIY CD, and Mary enthusiastically thanks the dude as if it’s the first time such a concept has been considered.
The whole route honestly doesn’t even really take that much time at all—maybe 2 hours—so he chances stopping by Suey’s. Worst case, he’ll take a nap; best case, she’ll be there to bitch at him.
Like everything else today, however, circumstances are just not on his side, and he opens the door to her tiny fucking apartment to find it empty. The mail is bad again, and he rifles through it, plucking out anything that’s obviously junk to toss and anything that looks like a bill to put on her counter. There’s only a bowl in the sink, so he leaves it.
He’s hoping that she comes home before he has to leave—maybe she’ll even give him a blow job—as he wraps himself up in the afghan that smells slightly of her.
She doesn’t.
His alarm wakes him up at 4:15pm for his shift at 6. Groggily, he stumbles to the fridge to see what there is to eat, and finds a pot crammed in haphazardly amongst the other food items. Mary’s not really sure what he’s looking at—Suey tends to just throw shit together when she can’t be bothered, but most of the time it’s edible.
It ends up being some sort of cheesy potato stew and actually isn’t that bad. He eats the whole thing out of the pot before scrubbing it and the lone bowl clean. He waits as long as he dares to watch her come clomping tiredly through her door, but he really does have to leave. He leaves a kiss on her mirror after he reapplies his lipstick. (He should probably redo his face but: eh.)
Work is work. It starts slow—with Mary taking down the chairs and wiping off everything with the disinfectant spray. Sometimes Mary finds this kind of Zen—a time to hum out chords and roll around lyrics in his head—but today he’s just tired. It gets a little better when Mickey and the other bartender show up to do citrus prep. It’s a weekday, so there’s only a moderate crowd, and Mickey leaves them to it so he can do business manager-type things in his office.
And then there are the girls. Most of the girls who come to Sixes & Sevens aren’t the type to be put off by Mary’s whole shtick—and there are obviously the ones who come here expressly to flirt with him—so he has no qualms turning on his charms. Mickey lets him do it because customers are customers, and if girls want to come and spend money on drinks while they purr at Mary, who is Mickey to stop them? Len or Mika don’t give a shit because tips are pooled.
Used to be Mary could have his pick of a warm body for the evening—some girl (or occasionally some guy if Mary deemed him beefy enough) who’d take him to her nice-smelling, clean apartment … who’d let him spend the night on her soft, downy pillows after he pounded her into next year, before kicking him out at dawn. But now he’s got a girlfriend—one who makes sure he eats and yells at him to wash his face—waiting for him in her stale apartment with her flat, polyester pillows, and Mary hopes he’s not fool enough to fuck that up.
Not that his dick has gotten the memo.
No matter how many times Mary tells that fucker that he’s not going to fuck any of these women, his dick still twitches in interest whenever plump lips are wrapped around straws or fingertips trail over his hand. Tonight is especially bad for some reason, and Mary has to stick close to the walls of the bar so that no one can see his semi. A girl in a furry, white shrug seems particularly on his dick, and he does his best to flirt just enough for a good tip, but not enough for a proposition.
When he gets his break, Mary takes it out back in the alley by the dumpster. The air is chill, but it feels good after the humidity of the bar. He was hoping maybe his dick would go down, but it’s like it’s trying to spite him. Leaning his head back on the wall, he can’t help but close his eyes and run his palm lightly over the outline. It’s a fool’s errand—it’s not like he can get off without it showing on his pants—but that doesn’t stop him from touching.
A voice clears, and Mary startles. He’s out here by the rancid garbage so he can be alone, so he wasn’t really expecting to find anyone else.
“I can help you with that,” says the girl with the white fur that may or may not be real. She’s standing across from him, and he can see that she’s in a dress so simple that it must be hella expensive. She’s holding an unlit cigarette.
Mary jerks his hand away from his crotch, shifting so that he can surreptitiously adjust his jeans.
“The fuck are you doing out back here?”
She shrugs. “Needed to get away from my bitches. I love them but: drama city. You got a light?”
He knows it’s a ruse, but he still fumbles out his Zippo because he’s a goddamned gentleman. She, shockingly, takes the opportunity to move in closer to his body as he holds out the flame … close enough to blow the smoke of the first drag in his face.
“So,” she says, eyes darting down to his semi. “You want me suck that?” She gesticulates with her chin, posture nonchalant but eyes hungry.
His dick gives an answering throb, but he shrugs. “Nah. I got a girl.”
She looks at him, assessing, before half crossing her arms and taking another drag. Smoke pours out her nose.
“She’s not here.”
Mary doesn’t respond immediately, not knowing how to get out of this. She hasn’t said anything untrue. He’s horny, Suey’s not here, and she wants to suck his cock.
He reaches his hand up and taps his breast where he thinks his heart is.
“She’s here,” he says, and he’s glad Suey’s not present because hoo boy would she give him shit for that winner.
The girl just tilts her head at him, this time blowing smoke out the side of her mouth after she inhales. It occurs to Mary that he wants her cigarette more than his dick wants to be sucked. If she thinks this is some kind of elaborate game of hard to get, she’s sorely mistaken.
“You got a picture?”
“A … what?”
She gesticulates impatiently. “A picture. Of this girlfriend.”
Mary thinks, then pats around for his wallet, even though he only ever puts it in his back pocket. When she sees the wallet come out, she laughs.
“An actual picture? That’s old school.”
He shrugs as he rifles. “I’m on my break.” He doesn’t tell her that his ancient flip phone doesn’t take pictures. Well, not good ones.
The photo of Suey he has is relatively new—slipped in behind the old, worn one of his mum—but its edges are starting to soften. In the image, Suey stands, hip popped, as she gives him the finger with a snotty look on her face. She’s in one of her weird 90′s outfits—a micro mini and tied up band tee—and the cute pudge of her belly hangs over her waist band a little. Her hair is pushed back from her face because she’s just lifted up her sunglasses—there’s still a little mark on her nose where they were resting.
She hates this picture, but her attitude makes him smile.
“You gonna ogle it all night, Mary?”
Mary’s attention snaps back to the alley. He ignores the intimacy. Carefully, with a stern look on his face that he hopes conveys how much the photo is not to be fucked with, he hands the picture over.
White Fur looks at the picture for a long time. Then she looks up at him. She gives the image one more glance before handing it back to him.
“Yeah, ok,” she says as she crosses her arms again.
Mary tucks the photo back into his wallet.
“The fuck does that mean?” he scowls. He’s just about had it with people insulting Suey today, and some random-ass girl in a back alley is the last person he’d let get away with it, even if she is a fan.
She takes her last drag before flicking the stub in the direction of a dumpster.
“Dunno. You seem like the type to have some scene girl with more legs than brains hanging off your arm.”
Mary thinks that’s a little uncharitable: he’s always been an equal-opportunity lay.
“She seems legit though,” the girl continues. “Makes sense.”
“Uh. Thanks?”
“Yeah, no problem.” She heads for the door, but stops to smirk at him. “Looks like I helped after all.”
As she swings back inside, Mary looks down to realize his hard-on is gone.
Mickey doesn’t cut him early, but he doesn’t make him stay past closing either. Even so, it’s still after 3am when he gets to Suey’s. The bills are gone from the counter, but there are no new dishes in the sink. He opens the fridge to find a pizza box crumpled into the top, balanced precariously on the other items. Mary takes it out and inhales the cold pizza right from the box; he knows they’re all for him because Suey fucking hates pepperoni. (Though it doesn’t escape his notice that she’s put one piece of pineapple in the center to mess with him.)
He leaves the box by the trash (he’ll flatten it tomorrow), and then makes his way to her bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, lest he incur her wrath.
When he finally wiggles into her twin bed in his boxers, he’s bone tired. His dick still kinda wants some action, but Mary thinks he’d probably just fall asleep in the middle, and Suey really would bite his head off if he woke her up for no reason. He wishes she’d just sleep nude, but finding her in one of his well-worn shirts is the next best thing. He doesn’t mean to wake her up, but he can’t help himself from running his hands all over her—this girl who sees him and not his “image.”
“Mare?” she says in a quiet, sleepy voice.
He kisses her head.
“Go back to sleep, baby doll.”
She doesn’t speak again, but she squirms around until she’s sprawled across his chest. He’d prefer to have her caught up in a little spoon, but having her pressed into him—body sleep warm—is nothing to wave a stick at.
This is all he wanted, anyway.
Next ➡️
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xfandomwritingsx · 4 years
A Diamond Tint - Lee Christmas - Part One
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Description: Learning Christmas is engaged was not part of your evening plans.
Warnings/Labels: None really
Approx. Word Count: 1,800
A/N:  So this is something I've kept hidden away for quite a while. I'm throwing this first part out here to see if there's any interest.
You hear his motorcycle from a few streets away, the familiar rev bringing a smile to your face. You finish tying your hair back and shimmy into your jeans, leaving your t-shirt untucked. You’d only arrived a few hours earlier, this being your first chance it change into some relaxing clothes for the evening. You’re looking forward to the night, always happy to be back with the guys, just drinking and shooting the shit. There’s not much else that feels straight-up like home.
You wait until you can hear the garage door opening and his motorcycle pulling in before you make your way back to everyone. You pause at the top of the stairs, looking over the railing for him. He’s already pulled his helmet off and swung his leg over his bike, walking to approach the guys.
“I thought I heard Christmas was coming early this year,” you called to him. He looks around for a moment, surprised by the sound of your voice. When his eyes land on you at the top of your stairs, there’s a smile on his face. You start to descend, letting your hand slide along the rail as you keep your eyes on him.
“Darling, every woman knows I never come early.” The innuendo in his voice is clear and brings a wide smile on your face while the rest of the guys holler or whistle in response. They’re no stranger to your flirting. Hell, you’ve been doing it for years. Barney, however, still cringes.
“Hey now,” he scolds. “Still my daughter, yeah?” You roll your eyes at him, but Lee doesn’t even turn to acknowledge he said anything. Barney just takes another drink from his beer with an annoyed look on his face.
“It’s good to see you, Christmas,” you tell him in a more conversational tone. You come up to him and throw your arms around his neck.
“You too, slugger.” He returns your hug and the woodsy smell of his aftershave fills you senses. Another familiar sensation of home. The leather of his jacket is chilled from the ride over, but you can feel the heat of him seep through when the hug lasts a little longer than it should. “What are you doing here?” he asks when you finally break apart. You motion over to Barney as you step away.
“Pops needs my help,” you explain.
“Hold on a minute,” he chimes in, holding up his hand. “Who came to who?” You cock your hip out and smile playfully at your father.
“I brought you a target and told you that you’d need my help if you went after him. And you are. So you need me.” This time it’s his turn to roll your eyes, knowing better than to try to argue with you. He raised one hell of a smart and stubborn ass woman. It has both its benefits and downsides. You turn your attention back to Lee with a tilt of your head. “Ready for a drink?” He gives a nod.
The first part of the night passes easily just like it has every time you remember. You’ve been around these men since you were a teenager and officially got into the business, popping in and out on jobs in your twenties. These nights are a lot of alcohol and a lot of casual bullshitting. Knives get thrown. Trash talk gets spewed. And occasionally there’s some light to heavy flirting between you and Christmas.
You grew up with a crush on him. Everyone knew it because as a typical young girl, you didn’t exactly hide it well. He was always polite about it, never harshly shooting you down, but also never leading you on. And then you weren’t around for a couple of years. You’d gone out on your own, training and doing some solo jobs to prove yourself to your father, who still tried to push you away from this life. When you came back, you came back a different person; matured with some blood on your hands. And suddenly he wasn’t looking at you the same as he did before.
You bonded easily, quickly. Instead of refusing your requests to teach you to throw knives, now he’d offer without prompting. You stayed up late a lot of nights just talking. You gelled together during jobs. You were friends as much as you were family. The flirting just followed naturally with your personalities.
Everyone believes it’s a harmless habit and doesn’t bat an eye at it, except Barney once in a while, but that’s mostly out of obligation. For the most part, they’re right. Nothing’s ever happened between you and you never suspect it will, but for you, at least, there’s still that deep rooted desire for it to come to fruition. There are some nights where you think that just maybe, he does too. Like when you’re alone and he drops the too-kid-like nickname of Slugger in favor of the slightly-inappropriate Babygirl.
Tonight though, the subtle winks across the room and blatant smiles back and forth are interrupted by the mention of Lacy, whom he’s apparently still seeing. You choke down the beer you’d been swallowing and wave a hand to stop the conversation from moving on as you take your propped up foot off the table you’re perched on.
“Hold on! You’re still with that woman?” you ask in disbelief.
“Yeah.” You can hear the slight defensiveness coming out. “So what?”
“God, Christmas! Why?” It’s hard to keep your disgust from your voice and the little smiles at the ground from the rest of the team don’t escape you. “She’s one of those girls that just thinks it’s cool to have a bad boy boyfriend.” You cringe at just the thought of her and take another swig of your beer.
“Fiancé,” he corrects just a hair quieter than before.
“Shit!” Is he kidding? “You’re really going to marry her?” There’s a pit in your stomach now and your disbelieved smile starts to fade, the humor bleeding away.
“That’s the plan,” he confirms. You chew your bottom lip and look away, unsure what else to say. You’re still trying to process the very idea of him marrying that woman if you’re honest. “What’s with the look?” he asks pointedly. “The hell’s your problem?” You take a second and simply shrug.
“Look, you’re family just like the rest of these upstanding gentlemen.” You wave your hand holding your beer out to room. A couple of them chuckle and raise their own drinks to you. “I don’t like when family’s being stupid and you? You’re acting pretty fucking stupid right now.” You hop off the table and chug the rest of your beer, ignoring the way his face scrunches up. “Anyone else need a refill?” The question works to break the tense silence and move the conversation elsewhere.
His eyes still watch you and there’s an uncomfortable tension that replaces the light, friendly feel you normally have. You try to ignore it, but at the end of the night when the music’s died down and you’re gathering glasses and bottles into the kitchen sink, he comes up behind you.
“What’s wrong with Lacy?” You sigh heavily, but don’t turn around to face him. You think about it for a few moments, trying to find the words you want. Once you’ve gathered your thoughts, you spin on your heels and place your hands on the counter now behind you.
“Does she even know you?” you ask softly. You’re trying really hard not to sound aggressive or accusatory, which is hard to do after consuming alcohol.
“Of course she does!” he scoffs and throws his head back. His defensive reaction irritates you.
“Yeah? Does she know your kill rate?” That seems to stop him and the answer is clear on his face. You continue before he can refute you. “She ever see you after a mission gone wrong? Patch you up?” You suspect the answer to that is also no because he’s been known to show up at the door of your apartment regularly to have you help patch him. “She ever see your face after you got the shit beat out of you in Slovakia or did you hide that from her?” His face is stiffening, his jaw starting to grind, but you’re not done. “She know that your left ankle pops all the damn time because you broke it being a show off and jumping off a waterfall in the jungle in your twenties?” You point down to the offending appendage and he tries to resist the urge to roll it. You pause as he soaks in your words and when he doesn’t come back at you, you try again a little softer. “You want a partner in life but she can’t be that when she doesn’t know you. She seriously believes her badass boyfriend-”
“Fiancé,” he corrects and you roll your eyes.
“Whatever. She thinks you just go on exotic trips and punch bad guys.”
“Sometimes I do that.” It’s hard not to laugh at him being a smartass, but you manage.
“Don’t be an idiot,” you tell him, the words half a plea as much as a demand. You don’t want him to make a mistake and you can feel it in your gut that she would be. “Do you know what she does when you’re gone for months at a time?” His face snaps back to the angry, defensive and points a finger at you.
“She’s not cheating on me.” It sounds harsh, demanding, like he’s telling himself, reminding him as much as he is trying to convince you.
“Bullshit,” you spit. “Pops has said it, now I’m gonna say it. It’s in her blood.” Why can’t he see this? All the signs are there in his face and instead he buries his head in the sand and buys a damn diamond ring. “You ever come home early and she ain’t there?” He looks away from you and the look in his eyes answers the question, just like it always does. “Never wondered where she was?” you press gently.
“Ya know,” he breathes heavily before turning his head back to you. “You shouldn’t be such a bitch just because you got a little crush on me.” There’s not nearly as much bite and malice in his tone as there are his words. You throw your head back and scoff at him anyways.
“Do you really want to stop and examine who checks who out when I’m in town?” He tries to hide a smile, but it cracks through and he tilts his head with a shrug, not really having a defense for that. It allows both of you to slip back into a less prickly atmosphere. “Look,” you start again. “I’m not trying to be a bitch.” You reach forward and grab his arm, curling your fingers around his bicep and squeezing gently. “I just care about you and this girl is nothing but trouble.” He rolls his eyes away from you, but doesn’t move away from your grip. “Everyone knows it, I’m just the one saying it.” You can tell the conversation is over when he doesn’t offer a response and doesn’t turn his eyes back to you. So you give his arm a pat and go to leave.
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The Treatment of Capt. Syverson- Chapter Three: Therapeutic Activity
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: Tensions reach a boiling point during treatment one evening, Shane goes to her own veteran for advice, and takes the first step toward happiness…hoping beyond hope that everything doesn’t blow up in her face.
Masterlist with links to all parts HERE!
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: None, yet… ;) But maybe I should be putting language warnings in here…there are some bad words. And not to spoil but…there might be a bit of kissing in this one…
Author’s Note: Guys, I cannot stress to you enough how much I am enjoying telling this story. My goodness. To sort of combine my passions of writing and Henry with something I know so well like therapy (I’m a secretary like Heather, not a therapist), it really just makes me happy. The next chapter is already done, also, it was initially part of this chapter, but it felt too long, so I’ll be posting it separately later. I know, I’m a tease. Have Henry spank me. Lol.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
"This sounds…kinda dumb…" Sy expressed his thoughts on today's warm up with Shane.
"Oh, trust me, it looks even dumber than it sounds. But it works. And it's easier on your knees than doing it the right way. You ready?" he looked at the treadmill, inclined at 3% grade as if it was Everest itself, and looked back at her. "I'll start slow." she raised her eyebrows at him.
"You know just what to say to a girl." he teased as he stepped up, still gingerly, even after eight weeks of therapy. Crutches mercifully jettisoned two weeks ago. He was on his way to being his fighting fit self. With a foot on either track beside the belt, but facing away from the control panel, he waited for her to press start. He took a breath and nodded.
"Test the belt with your bad foot first, and then when you're ready, step down with it. Remember what I've told you about which foot should lead when ascending and descending stairs or hills?"
"Good go to Heaven, Bad go to Hell. So I go up with the good leg and go down with the bad leg."
"A+ student. Okay, when you're ready…any time…Sy, this is an hour session…I have to kick you out in 55 minutes…chop chop." she cajoled him, but he wasn't budging.
"It feels…weird going this way, Shane." If she had been a less kind person, she would have called it whining…she called it nothing, instead.
"I know. Do you need to walk backwards around the clinic a little more to get you used to that sensation?"
"Hell yeah. If that means you're gonna spot me like you did before…felt kinda like dancin'." it was a perfectly legitimate and above-board treatment strategy. They stood back to back, Shane guiding Sy as he practiced walking backward and pushing off with the extensor muscle group, which had been weak. Sy had suggested holding hands, but Shane had compromised with the idea to link arms. Not that she wasn't dying to hold his hand…she was. But that had not been the time. The time was still weeks away. At least.
"I was thinking I'd have you try it with Jordan. He's got a free hour right now. And I can assess your technique. How does that sound, Twinkle Toed Romeo?" Immediately he placed a tentative foot down onto the slow moving belt trying to adjust to the odd sensation of walking up a hill backward.
"Ah, so I now know that all I have to do to get you to do something silly is threaten you with Jordan. Filing that away for a rainy day."
"Come on, you're breakin' my heart, sunshine."
"Aww, don't be ridiculous. I've seen therapists do way more embarrassing things to their patients in the name of treatment."
"Tell me!"
"Sorry, but it's classified information. Protected under the Health Insurance Privacy and Portability Act. I could literally get fired for telling you, and there are way cooler things to get fired for!" She'd always said it. And she meant it. She didn't fool around when it came to HIPPA, and there was no way she was gonna lose her job over a stupid slip like that.
"Any examples of things you'd rather get fired for?"
She thought for a few minutes. She used to have a list.
"Hmm, telling off my bitch of a boss," he looked shocked at her use of a bad language word, which he'd never heard from her. She nodded. "Telling off an asshole patient," sleeping with a patient…
"What about sleeping with a patient?" It was late in the day, the only person still there was Heather in the office, and a few therapists still documenting. Nobody in the gym to hear him echo the thoughts in her head. As if he could read them as clearly as a page in a book. Large print. She looked at him in shock.
"Sorry. That was over the line."
"It was…but…"
"But…it would not be the least cool reason to get fired."
"It wouldn't?" she shook her head, reluctantly.
"Especially if the patient was…amazing, and kind, and…fucking gorgeous…"
"Young lady, that language today, I have never!" he exclaimed clutching at his broad and beautiful chest.
"I know, but, Sy…this is all hypothetical, and theoretical, and IF I was GOING to get fired how would I CHOOSE for it to happen and WHAT policy I would go against. People don't just CHOOSE to be fired, you know?" she was nervous and rambling.
"You know what people also don't choose? Who they care about, and have feelin's for. Who they--"
"Don't finish that sentence, Sy." She couldn't hear him say the word he was going to say. She couldn't let him start that. Not when there was too much complicating their situation.
She walked off to her treatment room, needing some space.  Some time.
She didn't get that space or time. Sy hobbled in behind her, looking like a man on a mission. And she knew from his war stories that his missions tended to be successful…even the one that got him his walking papers wasn't a total loss.
"Sy, you still had like, five minutes on the tr--"
His big hands found the sweet spot where her neck met her skull. He took a big breath and closed the distance between them, his lips landing light as feathers on hers, her soft skin welcoming the roughness of his beard, though everything else about the kiss was terribly gentle. Almost chaste. Even his beard wasn't so rough that she worried about beard burn…she'd be filing that away for later, as well. Against her willpower and better judgement but in full cooperation with her desires and instincts she began kissing him back, daring to deepen it by opening their mouths a bit, and sliding her hands up the back of his red tee that sported a black skull. All of his shirts were entirely too tight, but you'd never catch her complaining. Even after several months away from active duty and really, most activity at all, his body was still so solid and powerful.
"Ain't that a daisy…Fuck, I've wanted to do that since my first appointment." he chuckled, lightly.
"Don't. Don't try to argue or tell me you don't feel it. This energy between us. I've seen it in your eyes, Shane. I've felt it when you touch me. It ain't nothin, sunshine. It's a whole lotta somethin'."
"I know, but I need this job. And I WANT this job. Being a therapist is the only thing I've ever wanted to do. Helping people. People like you. Getting them better. It's what I was meant to do. And there's no place like this in the area for me to treat such a diverse clientele and build my skill set. It's not without it's problems, but it's where I'm meant to be."
"I get that. And you should do what you were called to do. You're too good at this not to do it. But Shane, isn't it worth pushing back on some policy if it could mean you get to have some personal happiness, too?"
"I'm worried they'll make me choose." Actually, it was more than that. She was worried about which choice she'd make. Giving up a ten-year career with excellent benefits despite its pitfalls, or giving up someone she could hardly stop thinking about, who made her heart pound when he smiled, and who was rapidly shaping up to be someone she could see herself sharing a life with…making either choice terrified her for very different reasons.
"You shouldn't have to choose. Any boss who'd make you deny yourself what we could have just because of some ridiculous policy…well, they ain't worth the gas that brought 'em to work today. Y'understand me?"
She nodded, smirking at his idiom, "You don't know my boss."
"Well, maybe I oughta GET to know her, if it's like that. I have a way of throwin' my weight around, case ya hadn't noticed." he shot her a smug grin.
"Ya don't say?" she retorted, brimming with sarcasm, literally still wrapped in the evidence of said weight in the form of his muscular arms, warm and thick, encircling her. Even though she felt like her life was up in the air, she had never felt more safe. "I'll try to have a chat with her about it this week. Our schedules rarely align, and usually that's how I like it, but I'll try to move some things around if nothing naturally falls into place."
"I'll be happy to lend my voice or even come talk to her, if need be." he offered, ever the gentleman.
"I appreciate that, Sy, truly. But I think it would be best not to involve you unless it becomes absolutely necessary. We have several more treatments to get through today, though. You didn't finish on the tread mill, do you think you're warmed up enough?"
"Oh, darlin', I'm plenty warm." he grinned down at her sliding a hand down her side.
"Shit, am I gonna have to start being extra careful with what I say to you until this gets sorted?"
"I really doubt it'll matter, Shane. Ain't much you can say I can't make dirty." she could tell by the satisfaction on his face that this was a point of pride for him.
"Lay down and shut up."
"Yes, MA'AM!" he complied with a little too much enthusiasm. She didn't know whether to roll her eyes with amusement or grow increasingly feral…apparently there was room for both as long as she didn't act on the latter. Yet.
She dismissed Sy for the day, instructing him to behave himself until she gave him the all clear, and even then, if she got the green light to see him outside of therapy, sessions would still be about getting him stronger, and not flirting. Or at least mostly. They settled on a 90/10 ratio by the end. She was a weak woman.
She went into the office where one of the senior therapists, Anita, was still charting and snacking on some pretzels.
"How was your day, Nita?" she asked affectionately. Anita had been her mentor since she started with the clinic over ten years ago, and was now part time, flexing toward retirement. She'd miss her.
"Oh, long, Miss Shane. As they tend to be more and more these days. What about yours?"
"Ah…just…nothin'." she shouldn't go into it all until she talked to Susan, their boss.
"Mmm, that's no nothing nothin', that's a something nothin'. Come on, kiddo. Spill." she offered Shane one of her pretzels and kicked out the chair next to her. Again, she was a weak woman. She took a pretzel, sat, and chewed it for a moment, collecting her words.
"What do you think about…starting relationships with patients?" she searched her reaction for any snap judgement or emotion, but only a narrowing of her eyes occurred.
"Is this about that Captain Sexypants who just left?"
"I'm going to kill Heather. I'm not the one who came up with that nickname and I'm not the one who started the whole having feelings conversation. I was going to be miserable until he was discharged, at least."
"Why would you need to make yourself miserable, Shane?"
"Because the policy. About dating patients."
"Technically the policy only says you shouldn't treat family/close friends if you feel you wouldn't be able to maintain objectivity or would be uncomfortable yourself. But that you should disclose any relationship to your supervisor for review."
"See, what's Susan gonna say?"
"Who cares? The policy is the law. And the board of directors governs the policy. Not her. Tell her in an email if you can't work out a time to talk to her before you see him next. Hell, I sent my boss a memo back when I started dating Ron. And look at us now! 20 years strong."
"No way!?" Shane was flabbergasted. She had never known that Anita's husband Ron had once been her patient.
"Oh yes. I wasn't long out of PT school, my first husband had passed away and I needed an income, so I got my PT license and about a year into working here, Ron got put on my schedule. I knew from the eval, he was meant for me. So I typed up a memo, sent it to Morton, our boss at the time, and told Ron I was free on Friday after work."
"Sy just…I don't know, we have this…connection…a spark. I've never felt it with anyone else."
"Are you concerned that seeing him socially would affect how you treat him here?"
"I'm more worried keeping my feelings for him bottled up while I treat him will get so distracting I'll become less effective."
"Well, then, if you get any push back, tell Susan that." Anita said. "Just be forthright. Honest. And speak with integrity. She'll have no cause to refute it, then. And send it tonight."
"Okay. Thanks Anita. You're the best."
Shane spent too long, probably an hour, at least, drafting her email to Susan. It read:
To: Susan DeForrest
From: Shane Benton
Subject: Re: Treatment Policy
I wanted to bring to your attention a situation that has presented itself with one of my patients. I have been treating him almost exclusively for several weeks now, apart from my week on PTO, and he has progressed to both of our satisfaction as well as the ordering physician. However, we have come to be quite friendly and he has expressed great interest in seeing me outside of therapy. This is something that I too would like to engage in, and I plan to accept the next time I speak with him.
From my understanding of the policy, the only thing that would prevent me from treating him as a social acquaintance would be my own comfort level and ability to remain objective. I have every confidence that my objectivity regarding his case will remain intact. I am also completely comfortable with it, and if that changes, I will transfer him to another therapist. Furthermore, I have no doubts that I will be able to maintain the highest level of professionalism throughout our treatments.
Thank you, and if you feel we need to discuss any of this further, please let me know.
~Shane Benton, DPT
And send…whew. She needed a big glass of wine tonight.
Up Next: Chapter Four- E-Stim
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Erik watches his landlords child and afterwards wants to practice making a little bundle of joy himrself with Reader
Warnings: FLUFF. Mentions of Smut.
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There was so many things on the agenda for Erik on this windy Thursday....
Gym at 6 AM
Shower, eat breakfast
Head to work at the Outreach for an 8 hour shift
Come home, cook dinner, shower
See his baby girl, fuck, pillow talk
Come home and sleep for six hours.
He didn’t realize how much he was putting his body through hell until he passed out asleep during an Outreach meeting. No one woke him up but he was angry with himself for sleeping through it and having to ask what happened. Currently, Erik was stuck in traffic on his way home. He was off for about an hour now and he wouldn’t be home for another hour. Pissed and hungry, Erik resulted to listening to the Joe Budden podcast.
“What where you’re going, BITCH!”
Some reckless driver was about to side sweep his car; new car. She was on her phone talking away, clearly not paying attention to the road. He angry talked to himself in the drivers seat, praying that no one else pisses him off. The podcast pauses as an incoming call comes through
“What now, Justine,” Erik answers it anyway via Bluetooth, “Sup, Justine?”
“Hey Erik!”
Justine was Erik’s landlord at the luxury apartment complex he lived in.
“Is everything okay?” Erik’s asks while making a right turn.
“Everything is fine! You know I don’t have any problems with you.”
“Glad to know. I would hate to take some bad news right now especially with how frustrated I already am.”
“Oh, shit, well, maybe I shouldn’t ask this then.”
Erik raised a brow, “Ask what?”
“Uhm,” Justine could be heard rustling around in the background, “You rememebr my daughter, Bianca?”
“Yeah, fat mama, right?” Erik remembered her nickname when his landlord stopped by with her on her hip, “How is she?”
“She’s good. Sleeping right now.”
“Awww, you sound like she wore you out, girl.”
“She did,” Justine spike with an exhausting tone.
“So what’s going on with her?” He was almost home free.
“Well...I don’t want to be a burden...but could you watch her for me tonight?”
“What?” Erik didn’t mean to actually say that out loud.
“Watch Bianca? I have to take care of something important tonight involving my family and I can’t watch over fat mama and do that at the same time. If you can’t, it’s fine, I’ll see if my bestfriend can do it if she picks up.”
Erik was quiet for a fraction to mule this over. Watching a baby? The last time he even held a baby was when he was 18 years old. It was his best friends older sisters baby. The baby threw up on his shirt and he quickly handed him back to his mother. He was smart, he could figure out changing diapers and feeding a child but taking care of a baby that isn’t his made him nervous.
“Erik?” Justine called his name.
“Y-yeah, I’m still here,” He licks his lips, “How long do you need me to watch her?”
“For about a few hours?”
“...Okay, I can do it.” He couldn’t believe he was agreeing to this.
“Really?! Oh, thank God, you’re the best, Erik.”
He shook his head with a smirk, “I try. Plus, you’re a great fucking landlord, I’ve had shitty landlords so,” Erik laughs.
“Thanks so much! I would ask her father but...never mind-“
“Aye, it’s cool, I got you. Me and fat mama can watch ummm, Vamperina? You said she likes that, right?”
“Yes,” Justine giggles in the phone.
“What does fat mama like to eat?” Erik had nothing but meal prepped food that Bianca would definitely spit out.
“She likes nuggets, hot sticks- I mean, those Jimmy Dean pancake sausages, she calls them hot sticks, she likes French fries, you can give her a little bit of cooked kale, grilled cheese-“
“Why don’t you bring her some chicken nuggets and hot sticks over just in case. I have fries, kale, and I can whip up a grilled cheese depending on what she chooses. Apple juice cool?”
“Yeah, but not after 8. After 8 I prefer to give her water.”
“I agree. Aight, I’m almost home you can come through, Justine.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“No problem, girl.”
The call ended and Joe Budden came back on.
“Baby...I’m not gonna be able to come over tonight.”
“I have to babysit my landlords daughter.”
“Seriously? You? Babysitting? You’re kidding, right?”
“Nah, I’m dead ass. She needs help, I got her. She’s cool.”
“Sounds like you have a huge task on your hands, Daddy.”
“Nothing I can’t handle. I got this, Aight? Don’t clown me.”
“Don’t call me for help when you gotta change her diaper.”
“It’s just a shitty or pissy diaper, Y/N, ain’t nothing hard about that.”
“Yeah, okay, we’ll see.”
Knock knock.
“That’s them, I’ll talk to your cute ass later. Love you irky.”
“Love you too dumb ass.”
Erik lets out a sigh, walking out of his bedroom and towards his door. He unlocks it, opening the door, coming face to face with Justine holding a babbling Bianca. Just was dressed in a nice black turtle neck dress, some thigh high black suede boots, and her long dreads pulled up into a bun. Fat mama wore a pink onsie that read spoil me in gold glitter letters, feet bare and a gold anklet around her left ankle that patched the little gold heart earrings in her ears. She has big light brown eyes and messy curly hair with the barettes all over the place from her messing with her hair.
“Hey Erik! Say hi, fat mama!”
Bianca nervously looks at Erik with a finger in her mouth. Erik smiles at her.
“Weren’t you in the car asking about Mr. Ewik?”
Erik laughs at that. It sounded so cute.
“Now say hi,” Justine persists.
“Hi Erwik,” Bianca waves with her chubby hand.
“Hi, fat mama,” He grabs one of her chubby feet, swinging it, “You came to spend time with me?”
Bianca nods her head, one of her barrettes falling out of her hair and to the floor. Erik bends down to pick it up, Bianca putting her foot on top of his head.
“Stop that!” Justine pulls her foot away.
“It’s cool, she’s just having fun,” Erik acts like he was about to bite Bianca’s foot, making her giggle.
“Hey Erik, do you mind holding Bianca while I go get her play pin? She won’t play with her toys unless she’s in there.”
“I can get it for you,” Erik opened her door further, letting Justine and Bianca inside, “Just give me your keys.”
Justine hands Erik her keys, “It’s in the back seat folded up since I have too much junk in my trunk.
Erik slips on his Adidas slides that he had by the front door, walking out of the apartment to retrieve that play pin.
Justine brought over nuggets and Mac and cheese. She told him Bianca was screaming about Velveeta Mac and cheese with nuggets. Erik made a little bit of kale, put the nuggets in the oven, and boiled the water on the stove for the Mac and cheese. Currently, fat mama was sitting in her play pin tossing around her LOL dolls that has tangled hair and missing outfits. She asked Erik to comb the hair for her but he couldn’t even do it. Erik stepped back into the living room, walking over to Bianca’s baby bag that Justine left on the couch. She had a change of clothes, some undies, a first aid kit just in case, and a blanket.
“Vamp-rina! Vamp-rina! Turn up! Turn up!”
“Hold on, fat mama,” Erik placed the baby bag on the floor next to the couch, laying her blanket down just in case she fell asleep.
“Turn up, EWIK!”
“Fat mama, stop bossing me around like a little diva.”
Erik looked up to see one of fat mama’s LOL dolls on the floor in front of the TV. He looked from the doll to Bianca’s smiling face.
“Did you just throw that, fat mama?”
“Yesssss!” She spoke joyfully.
“I told you I was coming, don’t do that, you’re gonna break your doll.”
“Ewik,” she pointed a spit covered finger to the TV again.
Erik shakes his head, picking up his remote to turn the TV up.
“Shit!” He runs to the kitchen, thankful that the food was still good. Erik added the noodles to the boiling water, stirring it in before placing it on low heat. While he was flipping the nuggets over in the oven, he heard small footsteps behind him. Startled, Erik looks up to see Bianca crawling on one of his barstools to get to the counter.
“Aye, get down, girl,” Erik grabs her, fat mama wiggling in his arms, “chill out, girl.”
She starts crying.
“Shit,” Erik began to panic. He was dealing with a fussy toddler.
“Calm down fat mama, calm down? Girl,” Erik soothes her by rubbing her back, “The food is almost done and then you can eat and watch Vamperina.”
“I want my mommy,” she rubbed her teary eyes.
“I know, I know. She’ll be back soon, okay? But you have to be a good girl. You don’t want to hang out with Mr. Ewik?”
“You don’t comb the hair for me.”
“I tried, it’s too tangled,” Erik walks over to the stove with Bianca in his arms, turning off the flame, “I’ll try again after you eat, okay?”
“Okay,” She calmed down, “I wanna get down.”
“Okay, fat mama,” Erik lets her down, “go watch TV.”
Erik watched fat mama walk away with her chubby legs back to the living room. Erik quickly drains the noodles before adding the cheese. He takes the nuggets out of the stove, and grabs the kale from the microwave. Erik plates fat mama’s food in a bowl before walking out to her. She was standing at the TV stand, pulling out Erik’s DVDs that he still enjoyed collecting. That didn’t include his books from his book shelf on the bottom row on the floor. Fat mama was so invested in opening his DVDs to get the CDs out. Erik rushed over to her, picking her up, and placing her back in her play pin.
“You need a play pin with bars because you keep getting into everything, girl.”
“I’m hungry,” She spoke while looking up at Erik with her big light brown eyes that reminded Erik of maple syrup.
“I got you food coming right now. Stay put,” Erik pointed a finger at her, “Don’t get out.”
Bianca didn’t respond, she simply looked at the cartoon on TV while aggressively moving her toys around. Erik heaved a sigh, walking back to the TV stand to get her food. Erik handed fat mama her food before sitting down on the couch to relax a little he grabs his phone, calling Y/N back.
“Hey, Baby Sitter,” she spoke with a teasing tone of voice.
“I wish you were here to help me. She is wild. Gets into everything.”
“How old is she?”
“Two in a half. She’ll be three in like a few months I think,” Erik peeks over to see fat mama eating her Mac and cheese with the baby spoon that Justine had in her food bag, “She’s giving me a run for my money.”
“Told you so, babe. You want me to come over...don’t you?”
“Please?” Erik heard a noise, looking over to see fat mama trying to feed her dolls some kale, “Shit, she’s trying to feed her damn dolls, I gotta go, are you coming?”
“Yes, I’ll be to the rescue. I’ll even bring chocolate chip cookies for her.”
“Thanks baby, you’re the best,” Erik gets up from the couch, kissing Y/N through the phone before hanging up to stop fat mama from making a mess.
Erik wanted to rip his dreads out of his head. Y/N texted that she was stuck in traffic and Erik was currently chasing fat mama around his apartment because she wanted to play tag. She said her mama always plays tag with her. She was a quick one too, besting Erik every chance she got, her giggles so heart warming.
“Come on, girl, that’s enough, I’m tired,” Erik was sleepy and he didn’t have the energy anymore to keep up with a toddler, “aren’t you tired? All this running you’re doing.”
“NO!” She shouts, hiding behind one of Erik’s house plants, she almost made it fall over from how fast she bolted away before Erik could grab her. Fat mama was streaking and laughing.
“That’s enough now, come on!” Erik was growing frustrated. Y/N needed to hurry her ass up. He texted Justine back letting her know that everything was fine but what he really wanted to do was tell her to come get fat mama because she wouldn’t stay in one place. This was a challenge, but Erik didn’t want to give up.
“Fat mama, don’t you wanna watch Aladdin together?” He yelled out to her, “We can watch Aladdin and sing A Whole New World!”
“Really?!!!” She finally stops, coming from behind the kitchen island, running up to Erik. He smiled, inwardly cheering himself on for finally gaining her attention.
“Yeah, I have Disney+, we can watch it and sing together.”
“YAY!!!!” She reached out for him to pick her up, Erik grabbing her and bringing her to the living room. Fat mama insisted that Erik lay in the play pin with her and watch it. He didn’t think he would fit but he did, grabbing fat mama to sit in his lap while he turned in the movie. He told her that the cartoon version was better. Fat mama drank her apple juice while her and Erik watched the move. She was finally calm, singing along to the music. Erik remembered the songs from his own childhood. He yawns, blinking his eyes rapidly to try and stay awake. Erik looks down at fat mama, noticing that she was asleep with her little mouth hanging open.
“Success,” Erik carefully holds her in his arms while he laid down with her resting on his chest. Her soft snores were soothing to him while he continued to watch Aladdin.
“Baby?” Y/N opened the door with her own key that Erik gave her. She had a bag filled with fresh baked cookies since she owned a bakery. Y/N kicked off her sneakers, taking off her denim jacket to hang on a coat rack near Erik’s door before walking through the foyer and into his living room. There, in a play pin was Erik and Bianca sleeping. Bianca was asleep on his chest. Y/N looked up at the TV seeing that they were watching Aladdin. The image before her was so adorable. She couldn’t help the big smile on her face. Erik looked good with a baby. Calming her ovaries down, Y/N walks past, heading to the kitchen to put the cookies away. When she got into the kitchen, she placed the cookies in the counter, looking around at all the mess from Erik cooking Bianca food. Y/N decides to clean up since Erik was asleep with Bianca.
Back in the living room, Erik’s phone began to ring, waking him up out of his sleep suddenly. His hand came up to settle on fat mama’s back before using his other hand to feel around for his phone.
“Hello?” Erik clears his throat since he still had sleep in his voice.
“It’s Justine. Everything okay? I’m on my way to get Bianca.”
Erik looked down at the top of fat mama’s curly hair, “she’s good, we goofed around a little bit, fell asleep while watching Aladdin.”
“Awww, you remembered she loves Aladdin!”
“Yes, we sang A Whole New World together too,” Erik takes his hand to play in her hair.
“So sweet! I bet you two sounded nice.”
Movements could be heard coming from the kitchen. Erik looked up to find Y/N waving at him with a dish towel in her hand. Fat mama began to stir on him, moving her head to look up at him. She blinked, one side of her face imprinted from sleeping on Erik’s shirt and her hair even more wild.
“She’s looking up at me with her pretty eyes right now.”
“Can I speak to her?”
Erik put the phone to fat mama’s ear, “It’s mommy!”
“MOMMY!” She yelled into the phone, reaching to grab it. Erik gave it to her.
“Mommy! Where are you?”
Erik places Bianca down while he got out of the play pin. He walks over to Y/N pulling her close and cuffing both of her ass cheeks. Erik kisses her neck, using some tongue. Y/N looked over to see Bianca looking at them.
“Erik, she’s watching us,” Y/N whispered.
Erik looks over his shoulder at fat mama.
“Hey, mommy gone?”
She nodded her head while her eyes watched Y/N.
“This is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
Y/N smiled, waving at Bianca, “Hi, pretty girl!
Bianca only smiles.
“She’s so freaking cute, Erik! Let me stop! Now, I’m having baby fever!”
“You want some cookies?” Erik asks.
Bianca was up and out of her play pin without a word.
Knock knock
Erik walks to the door while Y/N and fat mama combed the dolls hair. Justine was there with a tired smile on her face.
“I’m here! Thanks again Erik,” Justine reaches out to hug Erik, Erik wrapping his arm around her.
“Like I said, no problem, girl.”
“Where is she? Did she fall asleep?”
“Yeah, her and I. She had some cookies too.”
“Oooooo you really spoiled her,” Justine looks Erik up and down, “I hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”
“Well...I did run into a few bumps but I came out on top,” He smirked at Justin, showing off his dimples. Justine bashfully looked down at her shoes before looking back up into his eyes through her lashes. Erik noticed that look in any women’s eyes. He cleared his throat, stepping aside so Justine could walk in. When Erik moved out of the way, Justine spotted Y/N and Bianca in the play pin.
“Oh,” Justine looked from Erik to them, “Is that your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, she came over to help out. Thank God too because fat mama kept asking me to comb her dolls hair for her. I couldn’t do that shit at all.”
“How cute,” Justine spoke in a flat tone while giving Erik a small smile, “Bianca seems to like her.”
“This is the calmest she’s been all night.”
Justine walks inside, making her way over to the play pin to get Bianca’s attention.
“Fat mama!!”
Bianca looked up, beaming at her mother, before rushing towards her. Y/N watched the interaction, before grabbing Bianca’s dolls.
“You miss me?!”
“Yeah!!” Fat mama squeezed Justine’s neck.
“Awww! Have fun with Mr. Ewik?!”
“Uh-huh! And Miss Y/N too!”
Y/N walked over to Justine, holding out her hand to greet her, “That’s me, how are you?”
“Hi,” Justine shakes her hand, “Thanks for the dolls even though it will be tangled again.”
“No worries, It was fun.”
Justine gave Y/N a smile before accepting Bianca’s bag from Erik.
“I put everything away. I’ll bring the play pin out for you.”
“You’re so helpful,” Justine gently touches Erik’s arm.
“I told you, I got you.”
“Say good bye to Y/N?” Justine whispered to Bianca.
“See you soon, beautiful!” Y/N waved.
Justine walks out of the house, Bianca looking at Y/N and Erik with sad eyes. Erik pouts, following them out the door with the folded up play pin.
It was 10 PM and Erik knew he had to be asleep for work in the morning but he couldn’t keep his hands off of Y/N. He missed his baby.
“Daddy, shouldn’t you be sleeping? Tomorrow is Friday we can have more fun then,” Y/N spoke between gasps while Erik sucked on her nipples.
“I ain’t have you all day, girl,” He licks her nipples, “You didn’t miss Daddy’s tongue on you?”
“I missed all of Daddy...not just his tongue.”
“Damn,” Erik’s hand descends her body to slip inside of her jeans, “what’s this?”
“My wet little pussy,” Y/N whispered.
“Daddy’s wet little pussy,” Erik corrected her.
“Mhm,” Y/N ran a hand through his dreads.
“Thank you for coming to the rescue again.” Erik whispers in her ear.
“Baby...you had it under control. And you looked so damn adorable sleeping with Bianca in your chest. My ovaries were screaming,” Y/N giggles.
“Oh, yeah?” Erik’s fingers rubbed Y/N’s clit, “You like seeing me with a baby?”
“Yes,” Y/N sighs with pleasure, “Fuck, it was so cute.”
“What if I put a baby in you then?”
Y/N gawked at him, “what?!”
“Did I say something wrong?” Erik spoke with an elevated brow.
“N-no, just surprised me, that’s all.” Y/N got wetter when he said that. She would love to get pregnant by Erik. Become his baby mama. Be the reason why she’s pregnant because his cum filled her womb. It all sounded so...good.
“You’re serious?” She asks timidly.
“...what do you think?”
“I don’t know...are you?”
Erik looked from her lips to her eyes, “I am. I already made you my one and only.”
Her heart fluttered in her chest. She felt like everything around her stood still.
“Only if you want to though,” Erik still rubbed her clit, making Y/N squirm, “because we can do this right now.”
“Yeah, yeah, I want to,” Y/N murmurs. She felt so excited saying those words. All of this because she saw Bianca and Erik sleeping.
“Shit, bet,” Erik got onto his knees, snatching her jeans off, “You don’t know what you just started girl.”
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x16 - What happens in Vegas... (part 1 of part 1) Enjoy!
Cut to - The Salvatore mansion family room, present day. Damon is watching Bonnie sleep. She wakes up slowly…
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DAMON: Ian? Who the heck is Ian? And tell me where he is, so I can kick his ass!
BONNIE: (Smiles) Sorry, had the craziest dream… And your name was Ian, for some screwed up reason…
DAMON: Oh, okay… then Ian is cool in my book! (Smirks and gives her a kiss).
BONNIE: What time is it?
DAMON: Almost 3pm…
BONNIE: What! Oh my god! I had to be at the airport an hour ago to meet Elena! Shit! Shit!
DAMON: Uhm… Bon… don’t you remember?
BONNIE: Remember what?
DAMON: About Elena…
BONNIE: What about Elena?
DAMON: Her flight got canceled; she got another one straight to Vegas. You don’t remember?
BONNIE: I do, I do… Told you, strange dream… I’m still a bit drowsy.
DAMON: Well, she won’t be able to help you bring all that “bachelorette” stuff. But the bachelor boys are heading the same way; I’m sure we can fit some of it; just promise me there’s nothing illegal in those bags.
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BONNIE: (Mischievous smile) I can’t promise you that…
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Cut to – Two days later, somewhere in the middle of the Mojave desert. Damon, who looks like hell, is dialing on his cell. Behind him, a crashed police car with Alaric, Iker, and Kai inside; also looking like crap. They are wearing nothing but their underwear.
 DAMON: Care, it’s Damon… Listen ...The bachelor party got a little crazy and, well...we lost Stefan.
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BONNIE: Uhm…think we might have a problem of our own…
BONNIE: It’s me, I think… Anyway; the bachelorette got a little crazy too, and, well… we lost Caroline.
Cut to – A couple of hours earlier. A Sky Villa at the Palms Casino Resort. 
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Damon wakes up confused, he is lying on the bathroom floor, drool coming out of his mouth, brain drilling headache. His vision is blurry, but he manages to recognize a familiar face, lying inside an empty bathtub, completely passed out. The familiar face is Kai, dressed in what seems to be a ballerina tutu. 
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He stares at him for a minute, wondering why he is there… not in the bathtub, but in Vegas; he hadn’t been invited. Oh well, he’ll figure it out later. For now, he needs to do an overall casualty assessment. He gets up slowly, holding on to whatever is at hand. He eventually gains the balance to find his way out of the bathroom, and into the living room. The place is a war zone, the hotel bill won’t be cheap! Amongst the debris of the previous night, he searches for other survivors… 
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Soon enough he finds Alaric, also passed out, half of his body hanging over the piano, which, to Damon’s surprise, a monkey seems to be playing.
DAMON: What the…  (shushes the monkey away from the piano, shakes Alaric to wake him up, no response… He hears a sound coming from a mount of sofa cushions and clothes; someone is under there… it’s Iker, who slowly fights his way out).
IKER: (Looking messed up and disoriented) Hey, man… (looks around, grabs his head) What the hell happened last night?
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DAMON: Beats me… I can barely remember my own name… 
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(Alaric wakes up suddenly, holding his hands up in a cheer).
ALARIC: Jackpot, bitches!!!!!!!!!!! (He realizes he has no idea where he is, or making any sense). Hey, guys… where am I? What are we doing here?  
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DAMON: (Sarcastic) Oh, boy… I have a feeling this is gonna be fun!
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(Kai walks out of the bathroom, passes them by, but apparently doesn’t notice they are there, and goes into the master bedroom, throws himself on the bed. Just as he gets comfy, he realizes something is very wrong… 
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There is an elephant in the room; literally. Jumps up, screams like a little girl, runs out of the room and shuts the door).
KAI: Holy shit! There’s an elephant in the room!
DAMON: I’d say you’re right, stalker boy. What the hell are you doing here?
KAI: … I have no idea, but I swear, there is an elephant in that room!
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DAMON: Are you sure it isn’t Stefan? He can look pretty scary in the morning…
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(Goes to check it out, vamps back about a second later) Nop, that ain’t Stefan… and there is definitely an elephant in the room... (takes a drink).
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ALARIC: So, where is Stefan? And, why the hell is he (referring to Kai) here!
DAMON: Ric, I think we have more important things to focus on right now… Like, for example, there is a freakin elephant in the room! It’s a baby elephant, yes, but still, a freaking elephant! Those things are dangerous! Oh, and I’m pretty sure there’s also a loose monkey somewhere around here! What the hell did we do last night? Rob a zoo?!
IKER: The only thing I have a vague memory of, is a steakhouse, a casino… a strip joint?
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KAI: That pretty much describes all of Las Vegas, so, not a lot to go on.
DAMON: Okay, okay, I’m sure we can figure this out.
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ALARIC: Let’s just find Stefan and get the hell out of here, before they put us in jail.
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DAMON: Fine. Shouldn’t take too long. Ric and I will check every corner of the villa. Iker, you and psycho boy check around the hotel… restaurant, pool area, casino, etc.
IKER: (To Kai) Think you can keep up, princess?
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KAI: (He hadn’t noticed he was wearing a tutu until this moment; he looks at Damon) This was definitely your doing! (Takes the tutu off).
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DAMON: (Sarcastic smirk) Probably… Okay, let’s move.
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 (They search everywhere, Stefan is nowhere to be found. They teamback at the villa).
 ALARIC: Well, we’ve searched everywhere, he’s not here. (Sarcastic) This is great! The wedding is tomorrow, our plane leaves in a couple of hours, and we are missing the groom... 
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We should call Caroline, maybe he ditched us and joined the girl’s party.
DAMON: And if he didn’t?
ALARIC: They can help us find him.
DAMON: Did you get brain damage last night?! 
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No way we are calling Caroline! I’d like to live a long and happy life with my Bon-Bon, so, not an option!  Just chill, we’ll find him. He couldn’t have gone that far… it’s Stefan, he’s probably hunting bunnies. All we have to do is retrace our steps from last night, and we’ll find him.
ALARIC: The main issue being… none of us seem to remember anything about last night!
KAI: (Coming from another part of the room) Okay, I just called reception, they assure there is no Stefan Salvatore at any of the area hospitals, morgues, or police stations…
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DAMON: No shit, Sherlock, he is a vampire! Of course he wouldn’t be in any of those places…
IKER: Wait… a police car… I remember we were in a police car!
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DAMON: Ooh, that can’t be good…
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KAI: Oh, oh, oh, no, no, no… (looks at his hand) This can’t be good either (shows them a very tacky ring).
DAMON: Come on, that’s just your daylight ring.
KAI: No, no… I don’t need a ring for that… which means this is … (takes the ring off, sees it’s engraved) most definitely a wedding ring!  
ALARIC: Who the hell would be crazy enough to marry you?!!
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IKER: (Cracking up) Shit, this too funny…
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DAMON: (Takes the ring from Kai, reads the inscription) “To my knight in shining armour, from your damsel in distress” - Cupid’s Wedding Chapel. Well, boys, I believe we have a lead… 
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We need to go to this chapel, ask them if they remember us; and if Stefan was with us.
KAI: And who the hell I married!
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DAMON: (Sarcastically) Oh, I’m sure she’s a lovely gal.
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ALARIC: I’ll get us an uber…
Cut to – Cupid’s Wedding Chapel. 
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As soon as they walk in, the receptionist recognizes them.
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, shit! You guys are back!? Please, just no stealing the “King’s” costume this time!
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DAMON: You remember us?
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RECEPTIONIST: Of course I remember you! You guys are crazy! Specially you, damsel (winks at Kai). Where are the other three?
ALARIC: What other three? We are only missing one…
RECEPTIONIST: Uhm, no you aren’t; there were seven of you. You four… the wolf man, the cop, and the handsome hero hair guy.
DAMON: So Stefan was here with us, that’s a start!
ALARIC: And, apparently, Matt and Tyler too… So, not only did we lose the groom, we managed to loose two members of the wedding party. (Sarcastic) Fantastic!
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KAI: Listen, I really need you to tell me who I married last night...
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RECEPTIONIST: Sure, you married Whitney Houston; you lucky bastard!
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KAI: What!? I mean, I love me some Whitney, but, really? She married me?
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RECEPTIONIST: (Looking confused, and a bit sorry for him) 
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Well, an impersonator, obviously. The real Whitney has been dead for a while. Boy, your hang-over must really be screwing with you.
IKER: Don’t these places usually offer packages? Like photo albums and stuff…
IKER: Did we, or he (referring to Kai), buy any?
RECEPTIONIST: The whole nine yards. I thought that’s why you guys came back. (Takes out a box of wedding souvenirs and a photo album) Look… mugs, crystal balls, pins, key chains…
DAMON: Let’s go straight for the album… (They go through the photos. Some are “somewhat” normal...
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Others, go along these lines…  Kai, dressed as a ballerina, and the bride dressed as a noble knight. Stefan, wearing an Elvis outfit, mastering every single one of his iconic poses. Iker and Damon playing catch with the bride’s bouquet. Alaric, sneaking about, in full Indiana Jones mission. Matt, riding an inflatable unicorn, role-playing to be the Lone Ranger. Tyler, on all fours, howling).
DAMON: (Terrified at the pics they just saw) Oh god… I don’t even want to know...
ALARIC: (Sharing the sentiment) Oh, fuck no... apparently, I was the one to walk Kai down the aisle… Those pictures really need to be destroyed….
RECEPTIONIST: I’m telling you… you guys are totally insane!
ALARIC: You don’t happen to know where we were heading when we left here, do you?
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RECEPTIONIST: No. But you did mention something about settling a debt; getting Britney Spears back for something…
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ALARIC: Britney Spears?
RECEPTIONIST: Yep; the hero hair guy kept going on and on, about her owing him big time; and that he was going to collect… And you (referring to Damon) kept saying “It’s Britney, bitch!” That’s all I got, hope it helps. (Alaric looks at Damon to see if he remembers anything from hearing that …)
DAMON: Sorry, man, I’m at a blank…
IKER: Wait… I think I’m getting a flashback… of you (referring to Damon), strip dancing to “Gimme More”?
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DAMON: No… I’d never strip dance to that! Britney Spears? Nice try, but nop.
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KAI: Oh, come on, everyone loves Britney!  
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ALARIC: I think I remember that… God, please, take that image out of my head! Of all things, that’s what you chose for me to remember?! Have some mercy!  
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DAMON: If I did… I probably rocked it (winks and smirks).
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IKER: Okay, I’m definitely gonna need therapy after this trip.
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ALARIC: Well, we got all the information we are going to get from this place; and I don’t think I want to find out more. So, what’s next?
DAMON: I say we pay Miss Spears a visit…
ALARIC: First, no one would ever let us be less than 300 feet from her. Second, that’s ridiculous; she is obviously not involved, aside from you stripping to her songs. What we need to find is that strip joint we apparently went to after, or before, this place.
IKER: (Who has stumbled upon a box of matches in his pocket) Maybe this can help… (shows them a very tacky match box, which reads: Mystic Divas.
Cut to – Mystic Divas strip joint. The place, given the hour, is obviously closed. Just as they are about to leave, a woman, wearing Whitney’s “Queen of the Night” outfit, spots them as they are about to leave.
 LADY: My princess! (Runs to hug Kai and kisses him) Why you bail on me last night?! Thought we were having fun!
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KAI: Uhm… I’m guessing you are, my knight in shining armour?  
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LADY: Sure am! Till death do us part… (Sees Kai’s terrified face and laughs) Don’t worry, it was only pretend, honey, nothing permanent. We were both really drunk and thought it would be fun.
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DAMON: (Sarcastic) Aw…what a love story! (To the lady) Sweetheart, you think you can help us put some dots together?
LADY: I can, but there is no way I’m letting you on my stage again. And, don’t call me sweetheart.
ALARIC: So, we were here last night?
LADY: Physically, yes. But I’m not sure any other part came along. Y’all were completely wasted.
IKER: All, meaning us four; or were there more?
LADY: Shit! You really don’t remember anything?
DAMON: (Trying to avoid the whole Britney strip thing) Nop!
LADY: Well… you were all here; plus the other three dudes.
ALARIC: I’m assuming that was before “the wedding”?
LADY: Yes. This is where (looks at Kai) we fell in love. But we came back here after the reception. Well, only me, my hubby; you fine looking thang (referring to Iker), and you, the ultimate party pooper (referring to Alaric). Don’t know where the rest of you went. All I know, is that my princess here, pulled a runaway bride after he got a call, and you two (referring to Iker and Alaric), left along with him.
ALARIC: Do you know around what time that was?
LADY: I’d say three-ish? Anyway, I have to go (kisses Kai on the cheek) It was lovely being your wife for the night. Good luck boys! (Leaves).
IKER: Not bad, psycho boy, she’s hot!
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KAI: (Proud smirk) Totally hot!
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ALARIC: Kinda reminded me of…
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DAMON: (Before Ric says the name, he knows he’s going to say, he changes the conversation) Kai, check your phone…
KAI: (Rubbing it in his face) What... she remind oyu of someone, Damon?
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DAMON: Please, you wish! 
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Now, check your freaking phone!
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KAI: Fine, fine… (looks at his received calls; sure enough he has an inbound call, from an unknown number, at 3:13 am) Well… Yep; I received a call, clueless about the caller, but seems like we had a lot to talk about, call lasted 20 minutes…
DAMON: (Sarcastic) Gee, I wonder how we can find out who the mystery caller is?
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KAI: We could try to hack into the local police system, they have a huge database. Except, we’ll need a computer, preferably a stolen one so it’s untraceable…
IKER: (Also sarcastic) Or, maybe just call the number?
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KAI: Of course I was gonna do that first! I was just thinking ahead, in case we get no answer. Amateurs! 
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(Calls the number…) What a surprise… no answer! Oh, wait… (someone answers: Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital, how can I help you? Hangs-up immediately).
DAMON: So, who was it?! Why did you hang up!!
KAI: Ooh, I’m getting a bad feeling…
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ALARIC: Give me that (takes the phone from his hand, calls the number… Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital, how can I help you? Hangs-up immediately) Shit…
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DAMON: So, who the hell was it?!
ALARIC: Not who, but what…
DAMON: Ric, I’m too hung-over to be playing guessing games.
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ALARIC: Does anyone remember anything about a psychiatric hospital?
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DAMON: Now, that’s definitely a place Stefan could be at…
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KAI: Specially if he was found hunting bunnies…
DAMON: Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go one flew over the cuckoo’s nest…
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ALARIC: I’ll get us another uber…
IKER: Wait… 
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Uber! Of course! I can’t believe we didn’t think of that! Everyone, check your phones for any trips we took last night.
DAMON: Duh! Man, we are really out of it!  (They check their phones…) Well, I have one at 5:30, from the hotel to the Andiamo Italian Steakhouse, downtown. And another one at 7:40, from the steakhouse to the Bellagio… That’s it.
IKER: I have one, from the Bellagio to Mystic Divas at 1:06am.
KAI: As for me, one, at 3:33am, from Mystic Divas to the Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital…
ALARIC: I don’t have any from last night.
DAMON: Okay, so far, our best bet at finding Stefan is at that psych hospital. Let’s move.
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 TVD 9x16 (part 2 of part 1) coming very soon! Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
P.S Had to split it into more parts otherwise it would be too long for one post per part. 
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99 Problems (Favored Ones, Part 8.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Part Summary: Waking up after a perfect night always seems to be so rough. What should you think? What should tell? And how the fuck were you supposed to behave in front of the man... And the others?
A/N: Oh no, we’re in the part when we’re finally starting the countdown until Abby arrives in town. And the song is about the aftermath of the nasty fucking things you and Joel were doing. 99 Problems inspired the first half of the chapter and a song named Hell and You (by Amigo the Devil) had inspired the rest.
Warnings: None other than half of the characters being confused as usual and smut at the end.
Word count: 5.6 K
Tagging:  @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme​ @peakymarvels​ @davnwillcome​ @pickleriiick​ @jodiereedus22​ @gladiosamicitias​ @tamkashi​ @eternallyvenus​ @avengerssstuff​ @fangirl-inthe-us
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
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Fall of 2037, five months before the incident:
In the morning, it was barely morning, your eyes just shot open. The night was still behind the windows, the light was slowly lurking in. Jesus, you couldn't tell what is hurting more - if it was your goddamn head or your fucking thighs. Just when you were about to climb from the bed you realized, that it isn't your house and that someone has their hand over your waist.
Oh, Lord. Slowly, the things which happened last night... All the words which were said and all the things that were done... Were coming to your head and suddenly, you could see each moment vividly. You've done it. You've fucked with Joel Miller. Joel was still sleeping pretty deeply, which made you act fact - withing few minutes, you were all dressed up and sneaking out of the house to run to your home.
Sure, you've fantasized about having him exactly as you had him, yet the realization was making you dizzy and ashamed, to be honest. He still was Ellie's dad, for fuck's sake. If she would get to know... Fuck you then, you were a dead man for her. The funniest part was yet to come. Sure, lessons with Joel were far gone because of the fucking weather, just like the classes, but the patrol you were about to have with Ellie was about to be interesting. The things you were doing with Joel felt completely right, you wouldn't have it any other way, but in the perspective of the situation around it? Jesus.
You were asking yourself questions the whole time you were packing your things for the patrol - how you and Joel were planning to make this fuckery work anyway? You'd always come late in the night, leaving when everything's done or early in the morning so no-one would see you? How would you know that you can come to him that day? You'll just knock on his door, asking 'Joel, wassup? Wanna hook up today?'. Yeah, sure, you could see yourself asking him. And most importantly, what if it was just the result of all these emotions brewing and going boom inside of you? What if he wouldn't want to do that emotionally sober? There was this one question going through your head quite a lot: what the fuck have you done?
On the other hand, when the man woke up just minutes after you left, he shouldn't be surprised to find the house empty - but it still caught him off-guard. So, were you trying to tell him something with disappearing into the thin air without a word, a note, anything, weren't you? Well, it was an experiment which went exactly as he assumed - you weren't into someone like him. You were too young and you thought that you were sure about wanting him, just to realize that it was a mistake. So much for not being alone, at least in some way, right?  
But it made him think about some things Joel already thought are buried deep inside of him. Those demons which he hadn't heard of in years. He didn't hear these inside his head ever since he and Ellie moved into Jackson. These thoughts were concerning Tess. And a lot about her. It was no mystery that he and she had something together. It was just because of the physical release, sure, but it was something. It started one night, it came out of nowhere. They were already partners at the time, this was just a friendly help as Tess would say. But truth be told, Joel never believed anyone enough after Tess to end up in bed with them.
You were the first one in five years. The first one to even show some interest in him. And the first one who didn't seem to be enough of a bitch to stab him in the back. Well, these things happen and it didn't exactly go according to the plan.
It was strange to meet you in the city almost every other day. Sometimes, you were there with Ellie, sometimes with other friends. And you never spared him a look, you never stopped for a few words just like he always did before. When meetings were happening, you made sure that you sit somewhere where he couldn't see you, so it wouldn't be possible to make any kind od eye-contact with you. You felt scared just because of the though Joel speaking to you. The whole of September went like that. And when November had started, the tension felt so strong that even others had noticed.
"I thought that you and Joel are on the good note now." - Ellie asked one night when you stopped by to play some video games and to have a sleepover after a busy week when you were shifted to help with the animals. Both of you were dressed in old, comfy sweats and drank some beer while playing Ellie was winning since she had the damn console at home, but you had a ton of fun nonetheless. Well, until this question.
"What?" - You asked with a chuckle, opening a package of sweets you got from Seth. It was something called donuts or so and it was fucking delicious.
"Nothing. He just looks so fucking butthurt when you're around, I just noticed yesterday. Tommy was trying to talk to him when you were sitting ar the next table - I wouldn't think it's you, but then he looked over to you and he got even more heated up. As if he was angry with you or some shit. What's that about?" - Okay, it wasn't the time to panic now, it was time for you to make something up. You were good at that, your small lies saved you and Ellie quite a few times. So now it was your time to lie to Ellie directly.
"Oh, oh yeah, that." - You nodded when you pretended that you suddenly realized. You had to pretend it wasn't even that important to you - and you were one of a good actor when it came to that. - "Yeah, we had some disagreements about my hunting lessons, so I told him some nasty things." - You rolled your eyes at the memory, secretly thinking about all of the nasty things you've done to him for real. For a moment, Ellie was laying there and looking at you, as if she was not really convinced that's the case - but suddenly, she started laughing. The sound of her laughter made you finally breathe out. She believed you.
"He can be an asshole when people ain't doing the things he wants them to do. I know... But still. I think I'm slowly getting behind the anger I felt for him. You know what I mean?" - She asked, suddenly being all vulnerable again. No-one in Jackson was able to see her the ways you did - she was blushing quite a lot around you. She never wore hair down in public - she always wore it down around you.
Maybe you've done the right thing with running away? He was right - it could damage and maybe even destroy a lot of relationships for you to only have occasional fun. Jesus, why was too hard to tell if you acted right even when you were just looking back on the situation? You were still into him, no matter how hard you tried to be into someone else. You spent a shit ton of time with Diego in the last month and as you expected, he was probably having something for you.
But every time he smiled at you, held your door, or told you a joke, you asked yourself - holy shit, why isn't Joel standing in front of me? Every time the man walked around you, your breath hitched when you remembered the pleasure time with him could bring. Every time Joel spoke at any kind of meeting, which happened rarely, you got lost in his voice and that Texas accent. What a slut you were. But what was done was done - and you couldn't just walk up to the man and kiss him after ignoring him for a month. In theory, you perfectly could, but what good would that bring?
"That's awesome. How you plan on doing that?" - You asked a bit uncomfortably, gulping one piece of the donut as you lounged back next to her. She leaned the back of her head on your thigh, opening her lips so you could feed her. At that, you smiled.
"I don't know yet." - She hummed thought the food, gulping it down. - "I think I'll just take some more time and... I will do the only thing I can. Go there, ask him to listen and talk." - Ellie closed her eyes for a moment. - "Man, do you know how fucking nervous I am about this? You're the only one who knows. If you'll going to tell it this information someone, you're waking up in the snow on one winter day."
"Really? I thought you're telling me and Dina the same amount of information?" - An answer came out of you as your eyes followed the girl who was turning off the console to play you both some movie to fall asleep during. When the first sigh came out of her, you knew something has gone bad. - "When did you two had the time to argue?"
"Well." - Ellie started, letting the opening of the movie roll. You didn't care about the fucking movie, you were staring at Ellie. - "The things are kinda on thin ice now. You remember when I told you I like someone?" - Ellie chuckled uncomfortably. You put five and five together immediately. She was looking down and suddenly, her face was red as a strawberry. No way in fucking hell. You remembered her relationship with Kat going to hell suddenly, but Dina? Holy fuck, that was a new level for you. It was still less scary than what you were doing with Joel, but it rose your eyebrows with surprise.
"You weren't talking about me?" - You tried to joke, but it wasn't appreciated at all at the moment.
"And I think she knows and something is happening between her and Jesse now, and we talked about some stuff, and now we're not talking." - Ellie told you in as few words as she could. Quietly, you sighed and laid down next to her, snuggling to her to watch the movie. You probably missed all of that because your head was all wrapped up around Joel all the time when you tried to figure out how to cross him out and forget that one night at his house. Great. You missed your best friends arguing because of the relationships. What a fucking friend you indeed were. You had to do something about that.
So the following morning, you did just that. As usual, you found Dina and Jesse together. They were just having breakfast - so you told Jesse to get up from the fucking table and leave because you and Dina were about to talk about girly stuff. Which wasn't weird at all, since you and Jesse never went easy at each other. That was why you loved the boy just as much as you did. - "What was that for? You're really off the rails today. Is it supposed to make me attracted to you?" - Dina asked playfully, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Come the fuck on, you're already into me so much you don't know what to do with it." - You answered and watched her moving her plate of veggies in front of you.
"True dat. You're angry and food always helps you when you're angry." - Dina leaned her cheek into her palm, smiling at you carefully. Yeah. Since you've spent most of the time in your workshop, gone on patrols, and with trying to take your mind off of Joel, you hadn't time to have breakfast with Dina and Ellie. And you missed it pretty bad.
"I'm not angry." - You pointed out, but stopped Dina from taking the damn plate back nonetheless, having the girl chuckle again. - "But I'm just concerned about you and Ellie. She told me a bit yesterday..." - You rose your eyebrows. Dina sighed at that, leaning her back into the chair below her. Watching you stuffing your cheeks with the food, she smiled again but didn't comment on it, since she was aware you'd tell her to fuck off as well.
"I don't know what's going on inside her now. She hasn't spoken to me in a week, she didn't even say a damned hi or acknowledged me. I told her that Jesse and I are having some... Problems now and she went all coo-coo, I haven't ever seen her like that before. She told you what was that about?" - Dina leaned her head closer to her shoulder, looking at you innocently.
Well, you had your theories, but Ellie hadn't told you officially what was happening, so all you could do was to shake your head. Dina scoffed at that, mumbling something very similar to an unbelievable 'of course she didn't'. Other than this small bit, once you allowed Jesse to join the breakfast again, it was a fun morning. As usual, you and the boy didn't hold a single comment back, making Dina laugh throughout the whole time.
It was your time to help Tommy with some things around Jackson and the patrols around it, but it was quite fun if you had to say. Tommy was a lovely guy - and ever since he stuck with you after Eve had passed away, you were looking up to him even more. And you're also screwing his brother, you slut, you told to yourself. This particular piece of information made your eyes widen. Jesus, where did that come from? Ever since this thing popping inside your head, you really couldn't think about anything else - not even Tommy's jokes made you laugh.
To have everything fucked by the evening, there was another meeting about the patrols - which was exactly what you needed, right? Another evening to strategize about sitting somewhere where Joel couldn't see. But what needed to be done, that needed to be done - especially when this meeting was supposed to assign groups for the coming up winter and spring.
It came off as expected - Tommy paired himself with Joel mostly, you had Ellie by your side, Dina and Jesse were together and Diego was assigned to Maria. There were occasions where you and Ellie would pick a kid from the patrol group. showing them what to do, but so far so good - this winter seemed to be cool. In the middle of the meeting, just when Tommy was talking about some shit that wasn't concerning you, again, you kinda turned your brain off and let your eyes just wander around the fucking room. Which you obviously shouldn't do.
Joel was just listening to his baby brother talking about stuff, leaning his ass to one of the tables as he drank his coffee. He wasn't listening from the moment Tommy grouped himself with Joel again. It didn't seem that you're hiding so far in the back that evening. You were sitting there, obviously, you weren't paying attention to Tommy for a long time. Your eyes were wandering around the room until the point they fell on him. For a moment, you were just staring at him and you probably didn't even realize you were. But it was bloody funny once you realized who you were looking at - immediately, you shifted your attention to Tommy. Nervously biting your lip this time. Wait a minute...
Joel did expect a lot from you - a look of disgust, aversion maybe, some confusion or anger... But you were just visibly nervous. Joel was purposely searching for some negative emotion in your face, for any red flag showing him you don't wanna even see him again, yet he didn't find any. That was the breaking point - he caught up with you as soon as the meeting ended, taking you aside to ask you some stuff which you two hadn't quite solved. And to solve it properly this time - already knowing how will he mess all of it up from the moment you agreed to talk to him.
You were one hella nervous-looking girl. Maybe it was that you were sobber, but your eyes were all over the place and you were playing with the hem of your shirt. - "Why we ain't talkin', girl? Did I mess somethin' up?" - The man whispered as you both stood on the other side of the street, talking rather quietly. It would be embarrassing if someone would hear even the slightest bit of your conversation.
This whole thing was confusing the shit out of you. With him being distant, possibly even cold to you, the whole month you didn't come to ask him if he liked it, it was hard to believe that he liked it. And that Joel maybe wanted to repeat it. And not once. This solution didn't come across as an answer for you, which was why you were looking at him as if you couldn't even speak proper English.
"No? How... Why... Why do you even think you've done something wrong?" - You whispered back, stepping more into the shadows. Jesus, you didn't remember missing his smell until the very moment you sniffed it again. You didn't remember how easy was to get aroused around him. You didn't know you missed these darkened eyes watching you, or the confident smirk on his face.
"Well, I woke up and you were nowhere to be seen. Quite easy to make somethin' outta that." - Joel sighed, looking around. There was one group standing a bit away from you, probably thinking about sneaking out of the city that night again.
"It... It wasn't like that." - A mumble left your lips as you watched the tips of your boots. - "I panicked, okay? I sobered up and I just thought that you might not like it as much as I did, and all the things you've told me before it happened... It was a lot." - You apologized, at least sorta apologized, Joel for your behavior. The man nodded and licked his lips - you almost missed the smug that appeared on his face. - "I couldn't even imagine how would it work, how..."
"And if I tell you to come today so I can show you how much of a torture it was for me?" - Joel asked you out of the blue, looking somewhere away from you. That made your breath hitch and eyes widen. You'd love that. You would. Yet it made you so nervous that you almost ignored a newcomer completely. It was Diego, who was visibly confused by seeing you and Joel talk in the shadows.
"Am I interrupting something?" - The black-haired boy looked at Joel, pointing at you with a wide smile. It could be seen that you're distant - it was because you had the imagination of you and Joel on your mind, both naked, inside his bedroom. Which was exciting. - "Not at all, son. What do you need?" - Joel grinned at him, trying how much fucked up he can get you before getting you into his bed.
"Um, it's kinda weird to talk about it in front of you, sir." - Diego chuckled, clearly respecting everything about that man. That poor boy was just about to ask you out, after the damned month he was building up the courage to do that. And just a moment after the man haunting your head asked you to come later that day.
"I won't tell a livin' soul, I swear." - Joel grinned at the boy. You were just standing there, already aroused from the damned question Joel asked you teasingly and now, he was pretty much enjoying seeing you in such a state. What a motherfucker.
"We're... I mean, me and a few other kids, are about to go for the last swim of the summer... And I was wondering if you'd like to go with me... I mean, us, of course." - The boy got out so silently that you could barely catch what he was asking about. When you realized, your eyes popped up.
The pressure was building inside you fast enough for you breath hitching for a second, while you had your cheeks on fire. You shot a look to Joel, who already knew your answer, and that motherfucker was just grinning. Then you turned your head back to Diego, making a sad face.
"I'm really tired to do that. I have to help in the kitchen tomorrow, so I'll be busy... I want to catch some sleep." - Your palm smoothed Diego's shoulder gently so he'd know you mean it. You were helping in the kitchen the following morning, so that wasn't a complete lie. But you were more than awake at that moment.
The boy seemed to be surprised you turned him down. He thought that you and he were building something since fall had started. You were together a lot, almost all the time, he was making you relaxed and laughing, he thought about kissing you many times as well. Maybe, he should've gone for it instead of just thinking about it. He was sure you'll come with them. But you told him no.
"Oh, sure. No problem. See you around then, I gotta go." - The boy gave you an honest smile and nodded to Joel as he was leaving slowly. His face was still saddened tho. - "Have fun, tho!" - You called out at the boy, feeling a palm creeping up your thigh even though Diego still had a clear view of you, and then a palm holding your ass pretty firmly. It was done in such a manner that Diego couldn't see a thing, yet you could feel Joel perfectly.
"What is this supposed to," - "Meet me at my place in twenty, 'kay?" - The man breathed out, already feeling himself hardening due to that small contact. After that, the palm slowly slapped you as he left you just standing there.
Confusion took hold on you once again. At least, it was a euphoric confusion this time. He liked it. He liked the night he spent with you. Joel Miller wanted to see you again, more like demanded it. His back were slowly disappearing out of your sight as you stood there with your panic mode turned on.
20 minutes was all he gave you. It was merely enough to take some seductive underwear on unless you'd make a run for it. So you ran for that shit to your home. And you almost hit Ellie with your shoulder when you just started sprinting.
She caught your shoulders to prevent you from falling, looking you in the eyes. She hasn't seen you in such a rush - never. You seemed like you can't keep your mind straight. - "What is wrong with you, baby?" - Ellie started to laugh, having Dina chuckle at you as well.
A good sign was that they both been talking before you almost killed Ellie singlehandedly. Their friendship seemed to be saved, which was great. But it wasn't concerning you in the slightest bit at the moment.
"I left my iron on. I need to turn it on right now!" - You yelled chaotically, already running off. Jesse was confusedly watching both Dina and Ellie starting to laugh. - "Why is that so funny?" - The boy asked when he circled his hand around Dina's shoulder and kissing her forehead right after.
Ellie wiped the tears away, shaking her head at the sight of you disappearing in the night. - "This girl had never ironed clothes in her life." - "Never before." - Dina finished, laughing with Ellie.
"She's probably going with Diego and other kids, they're sneaking out of the town." - Jesse assumed. That made sense. You've been always ready to do random bullshit, so going out of a midnight swim? That was you.
Well... Only if the things weren't completely different...
In record fifteen minutes, you found yourself creeping through Joel's neighborhood to see if anyone's out before knocking on the door.
He had enough time to prepare you at least a beer like a gift or something, but he chuckled at the things your behavior was saying about the things you had on your mind was enough.
"Come in, suit yourself." - Joel stepped aside, smiling at the sight of you. You were so damn cute with that small grin. You were also wearing a different t-shirt - this one wasn't yours since it was too tight and showed a good portion of your cleavage. He had never seen you wearing this one.
"Are you trying to support my alcoholism? A gentleman at his best, huh?" - You grinned upon seeing the beer served on the countertop.
"That wouldn't be too responsible, would it?" - Joel answered you, but took the second beer and toasted you before taking a good long swing. You did so too, gently meeting his bottle halfway. - "Is anything of this responsible, Joel?"
You were there again, doing exactly what you wished for and what you've told you're not ever doing again. It was strangely exciting. Honestly, you were wet beyond your wildest dreams and you could already feel the blood inside you boiling. It was quite exciting to stand there for a moment, watching each other. You almost felt as if Joel was too far away from you. With that, you put the bottle down, coming that one step closer to him. Gently, you tiptoed and put your palm on the nape of his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. This man's palms were exploring the entirety of your back thighs and ass.
How comes you haven't noticed how long his fingers were before? And how firmly he could squeeze things with them? You thought that you're maybe about to fuck on the countertop, but a hiss came directly to your ear. - "Come on, girl, take off these shoes for me."
Directly after that, he gave your ass one good slap, making you chuckle. But soon, as you saw that smile, you did what he had told you. The whole way to stairs up, you both leaned away for a while to take off another article clothes before leaning in for another heated kiss. By the time you were walking into the bedroom, you were only in your panties, while Joel stopped you before taking off his t-shirt, so you took the briefs instead. And lemme say, he was prepared to take you right there and then, but he didn't do that.
You were very confused once he laid down on his back. You smiled when you figured out that most probably, he wants you to ride him one more time, so you climbed to sit on his lap, biting your lip.
"I figured out you like it on the top, girl. You up?" - He chuckled when you palmed the shaft down there while Joel closed his eyes, smoothing both your thighs gently. It was quite fun to watch him react to the things you were doing - you hadn't seen a boy doing any soft pants under your touch. Joel even went to far to let out gentle groans sometimes. - "Jesus, get these off for me and climb 'ere." - The man looked at you, patting his stomach. You grinned as you pushed the panties away, wondering about why wants you on his belly. But you did as you were told.
"Good try, try it a bit higher." - The man chuckled at seeing you clueless. With even weirder expression, you climbed higher, now hugging his shoulders with your inner thighs. What the fuck was that for? You could feel his forearms circling your thighs, suddenly pushing you forward so aggressively that you had to put your elbows under you so you wouldn't fall on the mattress. Sure, you've been eaten out before, but it wasn't such a miracle everyone was talking about. On top of that, you were always laying on your side while the guys were usually kneeling in front of the bed.
You looked down on Joel to see him staring at you being completely wet - so much you could start dripping at any second. And suddenly, you heard him chuckling under you. Which honestly got you confused. - "What's so funny, cowboy?" - You whispered before you felt the beard kissing your right inner thigh.
"Nothin'. I'm just impressed by the view." - The man answered just seconds before his tongue and lips disappeared between your legs. At that feeling, you closed your eyes and moaned. You weren't even caring about your volume at that moment, you were just moaning louder and louder so the man would know how much you're enjoying what he's doing. It took you by a surprise when he slapped you to get you lean into his face, but you rocked against him just as he expected as he thought you'd.
"Girl, be so kind and pick yourself on your knees for me, will you?" - You didn't even realize he had stopped until the moment he spoke to you. You were just too lost in the feeling. Was it the attraction that made it all so much more enjoyable? Or maybe the fact he knew what he was doing? You didn't know, but you kneeled on top of him, watching half of the handsome face being covered by your own body. - "Now, put your hand in my hair, come on." - The man encouraged you while smoothing small circles on your thighs. Jesus, you must've looked so dumb and unskilled. With a gentle sigh, you did as you were told.
"Show me how you want it." - The man whispered, kissing your inner thighs gently. To try it out, you pulled on his hair gently, making these eyes shot directly to your face at that moment. He was listening to what you were about to show or tell, it didn't matter. Carefully, you entwined your fingers inside that maybe-a-bit-too-long hair, picking his head up to put it back where it belonged. Suddenly, when you closed your eyes because of all the nice things he was doing, you realized that he wasn't talking to you in such a matter. He didn't like to make fun of you because he knew these things and you didn't.
You had the upper hand at the moment. You were the one in charge. You deliberately chose to do this with him, again, and this was his way of paying him back without talking. And he also wanted you to learn you these things one by one, one step at a time. When that clicked inside your brain, you carefully put your other hand into his hair, massaging his scalp in the process to show him how much you were into it.
"Just don't stop, Texas." - You whispered town to him and when he hummed back as an answer, you thought you're coming for a moment there. It sent vibrations through your whole body, making you moan once again. When you, again, though things can't get any better, you felt two fingers slipping inside of you. You thought it might hurt at first, but your eyes rolled as soon as he moved them inside of you. Not like the last time when he was just making sure you're ready. Joel was taking his fucking time that night.
Watching you was the most erotic thing he had ever seen - and Joel had seen some stuff before you, alrite? Through the time, you learned that you can ride his face, which made you mutter out his name here and there, then you bent your head and let out another erotic sound. His jaws were on fucking fire... But how could he stop? That was until you tugged his hair again, making him lay down again. Only his fingers pumping in and out remained inside of you.
"Just take me already, will you be so kind?" - You asked silently, climbing off of him. He couldn't quite even climb on his elbows properly and there you were, already tugging on his t-shirt to bring closer. But you weren't going to kiss his mouth, no. Which made the man surprised. Instead of that, you hissed a small trail on his neck while your palm slipped under his t-shirt, gently scratching his back. - "Look at her, she's a natural."  - Joel chuckled light-heartedly, pinning you down finally.
It was safe to say that neither of you lasted long, but there was nothing to wonder about. Letting the things gather inside for a month? Geez, nobody would go for hours after that. When Joel was trying to catch his breath, you pulled him close, letting him rest his head on your chest while unknowingly smoothing his hair. Which was probably his most favorite thing ever - the moments of vulnerability just moments after the act itself.
You were warm and fragile, something he had to protect. At least that what his head was thinking. In reality, he knew how good you were with a fucking bow since he learned you on his own, he had seen you survive some things... You weren't a small, fragile doll. - "I'm going for a shower, okay?" - You ended the small moment by kissing his forehead, leaving the bed. - "Will it be weird to borrow something? I kinda don't wanna go for the clothes, I'm too done for that." - You mumbled, trying to at least stand up. This man was capable of having your legs behaving like jello with the orgasms he could bring. He grunted, already throwing a t-shirt on you. - "Take your time, I’ll fetch somethin' to drink and the clothes, yea?" - He told you, already leaving the room, searching for his briefs in the process.
When you were done with the shower, the bedroom was prepared for you, your clothes folded on a small pile on the table, both beers standing on the nightstand. But Joel was sitting on the edge with Ellie's guitar, playing something. He was lost in the moment until you laid behind him, snuggling under the blanket. He almost put the guitar away, but your palm stopped him. - "Play something for me, Texas. Please?"
And he did. He remained playing until he noticed you're already asleep. And for the first time in a long time, Joel wasn't feeling alone.
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japiform · 4 years
Helmsman: Wake up somewhere new
Grand: You are doing more paperwork, fuckin kill you with a culling fork. More and more and more and you satisfy yourself by reading one, telling the sleeping psion the joke that is these assholes requesting aid, and write 'Fuck Off' in big spiky letters across the whole thing. That goes in the Done pile. Next paper, type a moment to research what the fuck they're even talking about, because you stopped hiring motherfuckers to know more details than you when they kept fucking dying or leaving. Getting exiled. Whatever.
Your typing hand leaves the husktop to run over the fuzz of the psion's warm fragile skull while you read some more shit, strike out some more shit, and sigh. "Motherfuck, I need a vacation," you mutter, and it's a joke because this is about as close as you GET to a damn vacation, but not a joke funny enough for you to laugh. You look up round the room, all the medicullers absent save the one you successfully disarmed (okay, that one you'll laugh at), and he's dead the fuck asleep. Everything's in white, save the floor which is a multihued stain down to the drain in the center of the room, though it is mostly subtle variations of purple. Not a lot of offcolor fucks that you consider WORTHY of gettin tended to, after all.
This helm don't know how lucky he has it.
Helmsman: Stirring, your hornbeds crackle with power as the sedatives start wearing off. The dull, fullbody pain makes you groan under your breath and squinch your eyes tight, before it fades and you can settle again. 
It occurs to you that you're being touched, but you don't sense any animosity from it, which is strange and new. Along with this feeling of not-bad is the voice you recognize. The one that makes you feel. Not-bad. 
Your blue eye creaks open to survey your surroundings, and you grimace at the white, zapping the troll next to you to get their attention. 
"Hey. Can'ya turn off th'lights? Ssbright." Grumble.
Grand: The crackling of his horns takes a moment to register, the groan less so. You finish writing Fuck Off on this next illustrious waste of tree pulp, running your off hand down his nug til you get to the base of it before you withdraw--Just in time to get zapped. You let out a curse that's actually just a verse of your most holy of texts (elixirs 5:18; pour one out for you, your blood is paint yet to be spilled), and bare your teeth at him, eyes flashing with menace. 
Oh. He's just waking up. 
“Poor motherfucker," you croon, and it's a mocking tone that you speak in. But what the fuck ever, you can stand for a break. You turn off the lamp closest to him, shut your husktop with a finite click, and captchalogue the stack of important papers that you've filled out. ... Oh, and the not done ones too, if for no other reason than state secrets or whatever the fuck.
Helmsman: "Thenks." Your voice is rough from both overuse and underuse, and you clear your throat a few times before swallowing a little bit of blood. Gross.
Blinking your eyes open, you take a better look at the room around you, and then up at the troll looming over you.
"Oh sshit." Oh shit is right, because if you aren't mistaken, that's the fucking Grand Highblood. In the flesh.
"Sso. Are you the personification of the Angel of Death, or am I hallucinating?"
Grand: "You fuckin flatter me," you say, batting your lashes a bit. "Either that, or you're hallucinatin, cuz I ain't been called angelic in a while." Your hands are to yourself, but you know the sound of a fucked up voice when you hear one. You wonder if you'll have to shove a tube in his mouth to get him to take somethin from you, or if he'll take it just to make you stop botherin him.
... But you also take the chance to look him over. Mostly just his face, which has the capacity for expression now, and is therefore finally actually interesting. "So surprised to see me? I told you I'd help."
Helmsman: You look confused, and a bit upset, like you'd had a present ripped away from you. "Then... I'm not dead." Thin eyebrows furrow and you attempt to sit up, which is hard when your arms feel invisible. After a bit of struggle, you flop back down heavily, hissing at the pain. The light in your eyes seems to pulse, like you're trying to focus. "The- the data..?"
Grand: "Not a fuckin clue." This is definitely about to get spicy, and you don't grin. But you want to. You want to rub your 'i told you so' in his moronic fucking face. "You ain't dead. You're limbless and on my ship, after you tried to fire up a single fuckin cannon and immediately fainted. Whether you managed ta finish transmittin your entire self into the space between helms, i ain't got an iota of an idea. But I told you that you didn't have to shoot me, that i would wait for you to get your business done. So I don't know that I feel like that's my problem."
Helmsman: "Limbless." Yeah, that explains why your arms feel invisible. You failed. After everything you did.
After all that pain and hard work just for it to fail. You're silent as you process this, before your eyes grow damp. You can't even wipe the frustrated tears away, so you curl away from the clown so you can cry with a little bit of fucking dignity.
God your life goddamn SUCKS. The sobs hurt as they rip out of you but you can't make them stop, thin frame heaving. He should have let you die. You shouldn't have told him anything. God you're so stupid!
Grand: ... Oh.
You expected this motherfucker to fight. To flare up bright, like you saw he could do in the ship, like you know he could do as a ship. The fight wouldn't do much good, him limbless and you your powerful, merciless self, but you woulda had fun trying to take him out without takin him all the way out.
You look over him, crying, weeping and just barely able to turn away from you, and you feel
Fuck knows what.
"For fucks sake, we doin this shit?" you snap, and you think it should have come out a little harsher, a little louder. Or maybe you should be laughing, perhaps. No motherfucker would be surprised to hear you laugh.
"Like I ain't the most powerful motherfucker this side of the damned universe. Where the shit are your files or what the fuck ever."
Helmsman: Shaking your head, you laugh through the tears, a mirthless, harsh noise. "Where the fuck do you think they are?"
Crying is such a relief, though. Like you finally can expell all the horrid feelings you've been holding close to your chest for so long. You've been ripped from your ship, sanitized, bundled up all careful in a medical cot, what more do you need to hide? What would it possibly change?
"I was always doomed. What difference does it make now."
Grand: You grit your teeth at that unrighteous sound, but what the fuck is it you can do? Where the fuck indeed. You keep your helms and your files separate, at the rate you burn through them, and why the fuck wouldn't you? But you've never thought about the logistics of how the fuck one would store themselves, never thought about how it wouldn't be in ship storage unless it was some place the fish bitch could see.
For a second, from the way you have trouble breathing, and from the way your pump aches, you think you're finally kicking it. It's only a breath, only a beat, but still enough to get your fronds all wound the fuck up in the soft silk of the hospital bed. Still enough to have you reeling.
"Well. Guess you're gonna have to stay lively long enough ta write your fuckin memoirs, ain't ya?" you say, and it's quiet, and not all that funny, and you don't know what the hell is going on. "So, let's see to that."
Helmsman: You half feel vindicated from seeing that conflicted look on GHB's features, but the other half of you feels really bad. The guy went out of his way to save your useless life, used his resources, time, and energy to pluck you specifically from death's door and sit next to you.
Memoirs he says, like that isn't a ridiculous statement to make this late in the game. How are you gonna write them without arms, you wonder. It makes you laugh again, and this time it feels better to laugh. Once the giggles have settled down, you look at the troll next to you, really look at him, yellow streaks run down your cheeks and staining the white pillow under you.
"You've been here the whole time, right?"
Grand: There you all in all your glory, thousands of sweeps old and not quite so young looking as you were when you first caught this motherfucker, wearing what amounts to your casual clothes and the tie you wear when you're feeling like you should get yourself in the head for business. Your hair has grey, your paint has a fine line or two in it, but you're still an unholy terror when you want to be, which is still fucking most of the time. 
Your hands unfist in the covers, and you roll your eyes at him, recline in the chair you stole from your office because fuck if you're gonna use a visitor's chair, you're the fucking king. "Nah, motherfucker, I got shit to do other than tend to your pathetic ass." Your ankles cross and you look up at the ceiling, casual as you fucking please. "But I been here often enough. When I ain't preachin or doin other holy shit. Medicullers just ain't made like they used to be, and some don't know how to ask first instead of puttin their knives where they ain't wanted. Can't have them makin that mistake when I went through all the trouble to nab your scrawny ass, can I?"
Helmsman: "Well. Thanks, I guess. You've got your reasons I don't doubt, but." You avert your eyes, not that he can tell. "It was better than being alone."
Okay you need to sit up Now. Cracking your neck, you test your reach with your psionics, the energy roving over the whole room as you manually adjust the power. Ugh, that feels weird. It takes a negligible amount of thought to arrange yourself a bit more upright against the pillow, and it does wonders making you feel less like you're at the mercy of circumstance. 
"... You haven't changed a bit, huh you shitty old man."
Grand: You roll that thought around your head, feel it shifting shit behind your eyes. It was better than being alone, he said. Ain't that a terrible weakness of his, that dislike of being alone? Feels like the fucking point of a wriggler's afternoon special, soft and sweet and weak as it is. Pathetic, is what it is. 
You watch him out of the corner of your eye, watch him sit himself up with power that you still don't trust not to be pressed into the flesh of you, though the thrill keeps you from locking it away tight with something or another, and you are a little impressed that he even knows how to use those when he's spent so long being sucked dry of em.
"Course I've changed. I think I've gotten taller. Definitely gotten older. I think I've killed a few more thousands of fuckers, though I might be off by a decimal point or some shit. You gotta be more specific, motherfucker, if you want to get a particular answer."
Helmsman; Scoff. "It was rhetorical, fuckhead." The residual psionics definitely is filling the air with static, and now that you've tapped into them it's increasingly hard to tamp down on them. Guess you're going to be fizzing like a carbonated beverage for the next little while. 
"I do have some questions for you though."
Grand: You bark out a laugh, as your head fills with static and your hair puffs up faintly like an angry cat. You're going to have to rub him down with fuckin drier sheets or some shit, just to get some peace and not have your papers stickin to you. 
"What the fuck else have we got to do, bitch? Go on, ask."
Helmsman: You chew on your lower lip as you think of the right way to word it. "Does Survivor know I'm alive?"
Grand: "Yep," you pop the word sharp, rocking back on your heels and two legs of the chair. More throne than chair, really.
Helmsman: Would be a shame if he were to fall backwards and hurt himself... Someone's gotta teach this guy not to lean on the back feet of chairs. He could hurt himself. What a shame. 
The front two legs slam back onto the floor, and you sneer at him. "The last thing I need is for you to suffer some kind of concussion right now."
Grand: You yelp, an unseemly noise, as your chair is forced groundways, making you a six legged shape once more. "My skull is thicker than that, for messiahs motherfuckin sake, ask your damn questions instead of fussin over my old ass, you motherfuckin limbless horror."
Helmsman: “It'd just be inconvenient, is what I'm saying. Like I'd bother fussing over you, nightmare fuel." 
This fucking guy. You shut your eyes, exhaustion hitting you like a truck all of a sudden. "Will I see her anytime soon or am I just gonna be stuck in this glass bottle forever so you can keep prodding me with sticks?"
Grand: Nightmare fuel. You like that, and it makes you chuckle different, a low bass rumble in your chest. 
"You'll see her when she comes up with a plan that her and blue think will keep me from wreckin their shit, and as soon as you can get jostled without openin up every scab you got from nose to nook, which believe me, are plentiful.. And maybe a little longer than that, dependin on your amusement ta annoyance ratios. Don't go tryinna manipulate em to your wantin, cuz I ain't gonna tell you which keeps you here longer."
Helmsman: "I'm going to be honest with you: I'm a doer not a schemer. I'd pinky promise you, but, well..." 
"As long as I get to see her again." You forgot what it was like to yearn for someone, but right now it's all you can take to be away from Bastet. You were being honest earlier when you admitted you don't know how to be alone anymore.
Grand: You hear that, and you tip back in your chair again, arms crossed behind your head, and you smile. Fuck yes. "Ain't that sweet," you chirr, and it could be nice if it was anyone other than you. But you are, as he said, nightmare fuel, and you ain't particularly inclined to be anything else. 
"Give it a week or two. A perigee, tops. You'll get where you wanna be. Think you can wait that long, motherfucker?"
Helmsman: "Only been waiting the majority of my life." Sinking back into the thin blanket. "If you're going to stick around, do it goddamn quietly, for fucks' sake." 
You're starting to feel lightheaded, and want to sleep now.
Grand: A snort. "And here I thought you liked my company. You'll tolerate it or you won't, and it ain't my problem either way." 
Still, when he nestles himself down, you draw the blanket up past his damaged shoulders so he don't catch chill and kill himself on something nothin much at all. And you go ahead and take off your business garb (the polkadot tie you wear when you're deep in the shit creek that is your backed up paperwork), twirling it around your finger before you captchalogue it. "Just fuckin sleep, you're gonna need it."
Helmsman: “Don't need your permission." You bite back, already fading off into dreamland. Geez, being a sassy sourpuss takes a lot of energy.
Grand: He falls asleep to the low rumble of your laugh at his expense, amusement in the face of his fucking spite. Once he's out, you realize you forgot to make him drink, and decide you'll get on with it when he's a little more conscious. No point forcing him if he's not around to make you work for it, is there? 
You don't turn on the light for a good hour or so. You just sit back in your throne, the back legs of it worn away from just such play, and you think. And you speak a few more times, half thoughts that you don't bother to explain cuz he ain't around to ask. But mostly, you just think.
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bitch-i-migth-be · 4 years
Crash Course | Chapter 05: Priorities
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman,  
Relationships: Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton,  Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton & Vlad Masters, Ember Mclain & Kitty, Danny Fenton & Cujo
Characters: Danny Fenton, Jazz Fenton,Cujo, Ember Mclain, Kitty, Lunch Lady, Younblood, Skulker, Johnny 13, Random ghosties mentions *boo*, Vlad Fucking Masters Everyone
Words: 6′582
Tags: BAMF Danny, Ghost zone shenanigans, Sibling bonding, Shenanigans, Swearing, Family dinners, Heteronormativity?? The fuck is that, Danny in Cosplay, Ghost King Danny, 
Summary: He swore his sister was trying to make him go into cardiac arrest - considering his halfa status that was quite the accomplishment-
But there was no other explanation to his sister’s stubbornness, and if he knew her at all there was just no talking her down from interning at goddam Arkham.
Some of you *coming here for the fights, angst and The Drama™ that a DP & DC crossover inevitably involves*: “Hey-”
Me *Trying to write fluffy shit to liberate and soothe my deranged soul from this mortal prison*: “S'up?”
This is so long compared to the other chapters. Whhy is this so loooong. UGH- It’s almost double the length of the first four chapters together? I thought it was less?  This would have been bigger if I hadn’t posted chapter 4 first? What is happening
THIS IS ON AO3, IF ANYONE WOULD PREFER TO READ THERE. LOVE COMmENTs  so if u have anything to say IwillBeReallyHappyYesThankU
CHAPTERS: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Phantom was currently drifting on the Ghost zone trying to hunt down his next unsuspecting victim among the ghosts.
‘Oh, how the turn tables.’ the halfa chuckled.
Jazz had kept her word and after pulling an all-nighter they had come up with some interesting options. 
Now he just needed to pull them off. 
The sound of growling at his back made him freeze on his tracks. He turned around to look at the source of the sound. 
“Oh,” Well, this certainly had not been on the plans. To stumble upon such a mighty beast this early on. He smiled. “Hi, Cujo!”
The happy barking that followed the greeting was rather endearing, normally whenever he crossed paths with the pup he would spare some time to play with him and teach him some tricks. After some months of the pup following him around and of the halfa trying to deny to anyone who would listen, especially Val, that the dog was not really his, Danny finally gave up and got him a new collar. 
The little guy was quite spoiled nowadays.
Sadly, right now he was on a timeline.
“Sorry, bud. No playtime today, I’m on a rather tight schedule.” Phantom cooed softly, reaching down to briefly scratch behind the pup’s ears. 
Cujo sat on his hind legs, paws in the air and tail wagging, effectively cutting off his path.
Not like he couldn’t try to fly around, mind you, but with a dog that could go gigamax on your ass, it was better to just talk your way out. 
Just when Danny was about to open his mouth the pup upgraded to excited wiggling on the non-existent floor of the zone.
The halfa sighed to himself. Fond smile growing without his explicit permission. 
“Cujo-” he tried, just to be interrupted again. “And there goes the whining, Oh. My. God.”
The boy covered his face with his hands, not daring to look until the sounds stopped completely. After a moment, he finally took a peek from between his fingers. 
Sad, puppy dog eyes were looking up at him, small little whine making a comeback.
Fucking shit.
He was going soft. 
“Match head.” 
The sound of the nickname momentarily dragged Ember’s full attention from the tuning of her guitar to the new arrival. 
“Baby Pop.” She took notice of the green puppy posing as a hat on the white-haired boy’s head and snorted, eyes going back to the guitar. “Blessed the eyes. You going Cruella on us now or what?” 
“Please,” The boy jested. “Like we need a remasterized skulker around here.”
“At least the woman did it for fashion.” She hummed. “You would make a horrid carpet, you are too fucking skinny.” 
“Excuse you, bitch.” Phantom shot back, irritation clear on his voice. Ember rejoiced on it. 
She faked a gasp,“ Are you saying you want Skulky to make you into a rug, baby pop? Scandalous!”
“T-that’s not-!” the halfa spluttered before Ember cut him off. 
“What do you want, cupcake? It’s not like you to venture so far into the Zone willingly unless you are looking for blood.” She questioned, carefully putting her guitar back in the case. 
The boy huffed.
“Whatever, Ashley,” he grumbled under his breath. “I think it’s time we revisited the terms of our agreement ” The boy sat by her side nonchalantly, not noticing — or outright ignoring — the sudden rise in temperature as the girl’s blue hair flared violently, a deep frown marring her face. 
Cujo did notice. But the little doggo was more distracted with the movement of the pretty light-emitting hair, and the fluffiness of the hair on his current method of transportation to register the imminent danger to his fur. 
“Revisit? You want to fucking revisit?” She growled. “I will tell you what you can fucking revisit-!”
The halfa just laughed at her reaction. Ember’s hair doubled in length. The laughter died off.
Her hand was getting dangerously close to her guitar.
Danny swallowed hard, deciding to just get on with it before Ember tried to use the instrument as a wanna-be war hammer again.
“It’s quite the contrary, my dear flaming hot,” he rushed to appease her “I want to expand on it,” he said, throwing in a sickeningly sweet smile for good measure.
He hoped it was enough to regain her attention in a more positive light. He didn’t want to explain to Jazz why his ghost form’s eyebrows were singed off. Again. He didn’t have time for more lectures. Thank you.
Luckily, If the hair-inferno reducing to a cheerfully blazing bonfire and the growing smirk taking over ember’s face was any indication he had succeeded. Cujo whined for the loss. Danny wanted to squeal for the win.
He did not. But it was a very close thing.
“Oh ho, now we are talking, baby pop.”
The window of opportunity to pull this off was very small. He had to take into account the amount of time that had passed since the last fight, the reason for the aforementioned fight, and how much of an emotional investment the objective really held for it to be a proper detonator. 
This operation required surgical precision, which meant a lot of preparation. And research.      
It was a good thing it happened so often. 
“I will be direct with you, sister,” Phantom spilled, sprawling himself on the free seat on Kitty’s right side. “your bitch boyfriend doesn’t know the jackpot he hit with you and that just ain’t gonna fly.”  
knowing where Kitty would end up after a fight with Johnny was not a problem. tracking down which bar she was going to be crashing for the aftermath was the real problem. 
Danny hadn’t even known there were bars in this place.
In the last months of his treaty with one Ember Mclain, he had learned plenty of- interesting facts about the Zone that he would prefer to forget. Not that he really had an option, Jazz had taught him early on that information on the enemy — and sometimes on friends —was a valuable asset to ensure victory. 
So he would play dumb about knowing these things. But he would not forget about them.
Couldn’t afford to forget them.
If the Ghost Writer pulled another surprise quiz on him and the answers were less than perfect the man would riot. 
The halfa stretched out a hand to take a menu and leaned his elbows against the bar-top. Cujo chose that moment to leave his position on the teen’s head to sit next to his forearm so he could peer at the menu too.   
He skipped the drinks section and went straight to the food. There was no way he was getting any alcohol. 
Don’t get him wrong. They would serve him whatever the fuck he wanted if he asked for it on the zone, but the teen had tasted it before and hated it with a passion. Fuck the peer pressure. Never again. Good for when you are sad? Bitch, just get ice cream. Maybe he should have asked Ember for Kitty’s favorite flavor and save himself the hassle. Oh well.
Too late now.
Danny chose his order but decided to risk a look at the drinks for non-alcoholic options while he waited for Cujo to paw at whatever he wanted.
Kitty, who had been spluttering and getting progressively redder since he made his entrance, was about to smack him upside the head because even if it was true the brat shouldn’t just go saying it like it was any of his goddamn business. They were in the middle of a crowded bar, these people didn’t need any more confirmation for her relationship problems. Couldn’t she keep some dignity?  
Before her hand could connect though, a pair of arms surrounded her, bringing her firmly into a backward hug against a warm chest. 
A very familiar warm chest. 
Startled, she looked up to stare into fiery green eyes.
“Cool it kitten,” Ember purred, clad in a leather jacket that was, most likely, scammed off some unfortunate soul. Still. She looked damn good. Kitty got so tongue-tied she couldn’t manage to even begin to stutter a response, let alone a protest. Danny took advantage of Ember’s intervention to finally place his first order. “Babycakes is right.” Ember continued, effectively cutting off all the air from kitty’s sails once and for all, because really, Ember was her best friend and if there was anyone who knew exactly how many times Johnny and Kitty had fought it was the blue-haired girl.
Kitty let out a defeated sigh and wiggled a little on the embrace to settle into it properly. Might as well get the best out of this- 
“Oh, they have frappes!” Phantom trilled in awe. Kitty twitched. 
If only Phantom would go away. Ugh. She couldn’t deal with males right now.
“Can’t you leave that thing alone?” Hissed Ember, who had seen the teen open the conversation with her kitty kat just to completely ignore her right after in favor of the menu. The bitch boy needed to focus, they were supposed to be on a mission here. 
“Hey! You were the one calling me skinny earlier!” Remarked the teen, only to get a raised eyebrow back from the rockstar.
“As if a single frappe is going to fix that. Give me that!” She sneered at him and snatched the laminated paper from his hands. Phantom tried to snatch it back and failed. So he resorted to pouting and tried to give her the sad puppy dog eyes. 
It wasn’t going to work with the matchstick, he knew, but it was good practice.
To pull this shit with Ember you had to be either Kitty, Youngblood, or an honest-to-god puppy. He was not risking ticking off Kitty more than he already had. Youngblood was not here — for obvious reasons—. Cujo was here and didn’t hate him, but sadly the dog wouldn’t be any help right now. 
The pup was already accepting belly rubs from the waiters and completely ignoring the world around him. 
Again: Priorities.      
So really, Danny was just doing this for the sake of being extra. 
While Ember and Danny continued with their dramatic standoff, the other girl blinked rapidly and turned her head towards Phantom.
“Oh” Kitty’s bad mood banished almost magically in favor of curiously peering at the teen’s figure. Danny fidgeted on his seat apprehensively.“I hadn’t noticed. You are really lean.” Ember snickered. Cujo — coming back from the belly rub induced coma — barked. Phantom sighed and just accepted defeat. 
“I suppose that’s somewhat better-” He grumbled under his breath.
Kitty allowed a tiny smile to escape from her lips but shook herself slightly to get back on track. “What are you two even doing here anyway?” She asked, alternating glances between them. 
“Pretty sure you already know,” Ember answered, rubbing her cheek against kitty’s green hair and sending A Look at Phantom. “Because someone is not subtle. at. all.” She ended with a hiss and a flare of her hair. Kitty winced lightly at the confirmation. Phantom rolled his eyes.
“Oh, Cry me a table, matchstick.”
Kitty knew alright. Ember made it her personal business to get involved in whatever petty fight Kitty got into, more so if it was about Johnny.  Phantom getting involved in the aftermath — and not the fight itself — was new though.“It was just another stupid fight. And- You know, his obsession-”
“Nope. That’s no excuse, Kath.” Ember cut her off. “If you can work around yours for him, then so can he.”
“You can do better.” The teenage boy agreed while Ember continued squeezing her. 
“What do you suggest then?”
Phantom and Ember exchanged a look, mirth flashing in their glowing green eyes and matching smirks growing bold, they turned to look back at Kitty. The green-haired girl gulped down her growing unease. In her experience, these two banding together was never a good thing for anyone.  
“We are here to talk to you about the Remember Initiative.”
“Such a skinny boy!”
“Hey! I’m just lean-!” Phantom let out a yelp as he ducked under yet another juice box “What’s with you people and your obsession with my weight-! Ugh! If you would just listen-! Wait. Is that apple grape?” He said the last part in a hushed rush, looking in silent awe at one of the little juice boxes she was about to throw his way.
The Lunch Lady preened.
“Boxy got them for me! 100% Juice Fruit guaranteed!” She was radiating smugness about these facts.
“Oh my gosh- Wait! NO. That’s not what I came here for!” Danny managed to shake himself out of his stupor just in time to keep evading the Lady’s attempts to shove a spoon full of food down his throat while he was distracted with the juice.  
The last time she had gotten a hold of him he had ended up feeling like one of his mom’s thanksgiving turkeys. Danny gulped. Best to just go for it and hope for the best. 
“Did you know that there are 37.2 million people living in food-insecure households?!”
The screamed question froze the lunch lady on her tracks. At the look of horror his words achieved, he decided to keep going.   
“1 in 6 American children don’t even know where their next meal is coming from.”
The lunch lady let out a horrified gasp, “Those poor children-!”
And with that, the woman exchanged her attempts at stuffing him for furious-but-mournful whisperings. She looked really constipated about this new information. Danny almost felt sad. Almost. 
“There is a way to help, you know?”
The lunch lady’s head snapped back towards the half-ghost, eyes narrowed in a glare. Not the usual I’m-going-to-choke-your-skinny-ass-in-food glare, but an I’m-paying-attention-to-your-skinny-ass glare. 
Danny refrained from openly cheering after sensing his upcoming victory. Better not chance it.  
“Have you ever heard about old San Nicolas?”
“You know,” Danny murmured, slurping noisily from one of his juice boxes as he watched from a safe distance how Johnny and Skulker got wrecked by a pair of cute-murderous-girls, “I wasn’t expecting that to work so well.”
His only response was a pair of little barks from the green puppy that was happily squirming on his lap.
The boy paused on his watch to look down at Cujo. Danny extended one of his hands towards the puppy to carefully try to swat at him. The cub rolled onto his back and trapped Danny’s upcoming fingers between his paws with a playful growl, giving little nibbles to the appendage.   
He couldn’t help the giddy giggles that escaped him. 
Those little paws were precious.
At the sound of high pitched screams Danny’s head snapped back up to continue watching the ongoing smackdown, surrendering complete possession of his hand to Cujo to do as he pleased. 
If the Initiative didn’t work out, both girls would do awesome on the wrestling circuit. Not like Ember lacked in the costume department.
Speaking of costumes, he wondered if the match stick would let him borrow her feathered hat. That thing was awesome. 
Better just ask. 
Once she was done throwing down with skulker, of course.  
He was not about to become cannon fodder. 
“Ahoy! me fellow comrades!! Your future Cap'n ’s talking!! I’m here on a recruiting mission to embark on the most perilous dangers of the Realms!! May ye, dear comrades, embark under your own risk! Arrrgh!! ”
Thanks to Youngblood’s presence the main residential area of Phantom’s keep was starting to become complete disarray. The adult ghosts were frantic for the possible kidnapping of the tiniest ghosts that was most likely going to happen. The children amongst them were cheering for the possible playtime in their future.   
The guards were starting to panic. No one had seen the kid enter, much less bring along that enormous ship of his. The little brat was not supposed to be here!
“Who the freaking hell let Young Blood get in?!” One of the guards hollered.
“It’s fine, I invited him.” Came the cheerful reply from behind the guard. “I’m expanding the lair so the kids have more space to mess around. Just don’t tell them.”
The ghost was startled at the voice but didn’t panic anymore. Instead, they started to relax. They knew that voice, but they needed to confirm-
Phantom, in full cosplay and sporting the biggest feathered pirate hat on this side of the realms, landed lightly beside the startled ghost with a little chuckle, “Just play along, man.”
“Also, pretty sure there should be a ‘Lord’ in there somewhere.”
“I-I thought you preferred to not be called that, my lord?”
Phantom winced.
“Ah- No. It’s- You know what? Never mind, I keep forgetting you guys don’t really get updates of pop culture on this side of the coin” Phantom frowned. “I really should see about getting some wifi for this place”
He continued to murmur about the updates he would need to do to the tech to make that possible. But the guard was not paying attention to his words anymore. 
They were staring speechless at the whole pirate get-up the halfa had managed to assemble. It had been mostly borrowed last minute — not that the guard knew that—. It looked really good. Especially the gold hoop earrings that kept swaying slightly alongside the fluffy white hair with every motion of Phantom’s head. 
The guard let out a dreamy sigh. 
Their Lord was so cute. 
“How is everything going?”
“Wha-?” Getting suddenly pulled out of their daydreaming 
“The preparations?” Danny hummed distractedly, diligently searching for his journal and pen among the numerous layers of clothing he had donned for the occasion. Why the fuck did this thing have so many pockets? 
“Oh,” Came the ghost’s soft exclamation, suddenly remembering the requests the owner of the keep had left the last time he had come around. Finally emerging victorious from his search, Phantom turned to look at them, raising an eyebrow at the lack of proper explanation “Oh, yes! Everything is going smoothly, and we received the last confirmations this morning, sir.”
Danny smiled at the answer, completely unaware of the effect his playful smile had on the guard and the other ghosts that had started to converge there upon seeing their ‘landlord’. “Awesome.”
That was the last one. 
Well, almost the last one.
He must admit that the shell shocked expressions on Sam and Tucker were funny the first few minutes. 
But after having to repeat himself over and over again it had gotten increasingly less funny.
“Y-you are leaving?” Tucker stuttered.
Danny sighed, “Yes, we are leaving. As in, Jazz and me.”
After gaping at him for another few seconds, Sam finally gathered herself enough to start talking again.
“what about the ghost?”
“I- um- already took care of that,“ Danny mumbled, nervously avoiding eye contact while playing with his milkshake straw. “I also cashed in some debts and asked some favors from my allies, so most will be taken care of until we come back. Either way, I will leave enough Fenton Tech for the both of you and Val. Just in case.”
“Enough tech?” Sam repeated incredulously. “That’s it? Just leave some tech and jump boat just like that?” Danny frowned but refrained from answering her until he thought it through. Sam wouldn’t accept less. 
Jump boat? That was not really the case. Jazz and he had really put some thought into this, heck even before the Internship on Loony Capital had come up — specifically, since Jazz’s breakthrough — the siblings had already been toying with ways to get some of the most persistent ghosts to back the fuck off, distract them with better and useful targets or entice them into submission. 
At first, it had been a tentative thing, something fragile that they didn’t let themselves hope for. But with Jazz’s change of course of action, it had become something more urgent. 
They had to pull it off. There were no other options.   
Danny pursed his lips, then took a deep breath to strengthen himself for what was coming. “That’s not it-”
“You are just going to dump us.” She announced like it was final in a harsh whisper. 
At least she was keeping her tone quiet.  
“No one is getting dumped, Sam,” Danny tried to reassure her in the same tone of finality, sans the harshness. “I told you. We already thought this through. I already put some plans in motion and rigged some backups and- ok. Meaby they are not good enough to be permanent but-”
“You are going to put everyone at risk just because Jazz somehow got the ridiculous idea that ‘talking it out’ is the answer” She scoffed.  
“Maybe it is. Maybe not. We won’t know until we try.”
“They are ghosts-”
“So am I.” Danny Interjected. Sam seemed to choke on her next words. 
“You are not a ghost Danny.” She had, somehow, gained a tone even more quiet and harsh than her previous one. 
“Aren’t I?” He was looking directly into her amethyst eyes. Daring her to fight him on this.
He already knew she wouldn’t. 
She had opened her mouth to rebut but closed it immediately after. She took a long breath; most likely to prepare for her next rant than to calm herself. Weighing her options. She didn’t seem willing to have that particular conversation. Not yet. Danny had counted on that. “It’s still a goddamn risk.” She finally countered, a slight sliver of defeat coloring her words.
Maybe he had been a little harsh, but he needed her to understand. “There is risk in every choice I could make. This is not different-”
“What about us?”
Ok, so she was just getting her second wind. Fucking amazing. “Sam, please-”
“We are your friends!”
“And she is my sister!” He finally snapped. 
She startled. Gazing at him speechless for a moment before standing up and storming out of her seat without a backward glance, making the people on her way part like the red sea. Leaving in her wake a bunch of curious persons staring after her and throwing shameless glances to their table. 
So much for not causing a scene in the middle of the Nasty Burger.     
The boys ignored the stares. They were already accustomed to being the focus of attention. Almost never positive, mind you. But that was what cleansings were for. 
Tucker, who had been silent for most of the back and forth, finally spoke.  
“She just needs time to cool off.”  
The Fenton boy would be lying if he said he hadn’t seen this coming. Sam had always been very opinionated and believed herself to be right most of the time. In her defense, she usually was right and knew how to go about expressing it to her friends without resorting to this kind of standoff. This just appeared to have struck a nerve.
Living with her parents and having to fight for every single choice she wanted to make had left her on a constant defense mode that the boys had learned to navigate in their years of friendship. It hadn’t been easy for anyone. But neither Danny nor Tucker were perfect. They had their quirky shit to deal with. 
The three of them stuck together and hadn’t bothered to try and expand their friend group that much over the years. Not like they had many options. But that was ok.    
Until now. 
With Danny leaving them the relative feeling of a support system was trembling at its foundation. 
She was probably scared. So was Tucker if the wobbly but sincere smile he was giving him was any indication.
Danny had to admit that when he let himself think about it he got scared too. 
They had been in the same boat for a while and parting ways was not something they had accounted for, not for the near future, at least.  
In a weird way, they still would be in the same boat even after they were apart. Struggling to learn how to function without the other there.  Sam and Tuck would have each other, they were resilient, he was sure they could cope. He would have Jazz like he always had, enough said. And they would keep going like they always did.
Tucker was right. She would come around. But-
Danny slumped on his seat, running a hand through his hair releasing a big sigh.
“Yeah, I know” He murmured looking pensively in the direction their friend had stormed off. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“So, you are not mad?” Danny asked when he finally turned around towards Tucker.
“Nah, man. Just a little squeezy about dealing with this without you. But if your sister is really going to do this she is going to need you there.” Tucker shuddered a little bit. “I have never been there personally but if the social media and forums are not lying Gotham is a goddamn beast dude.”
The halfa hummed in agreement. Not like Amity Park didn’t have its own reputation on their corner of the internet, but still.
Danny took a sip from his milkshake before doing a mental check-list and frowning, “I’m starting to feel like I’m forgetting something” he whispered.  
“Oh god, please don’t say that.”
“It’s okay,” Danny had made his best at planning, so his friends wouldn’t have to deal with the ghost in his absence. But with things like this, you never knew for sure. Not until it slapped you right across the face.“Probably just the paranoia.” ‘I hope’ he finished mentally with a weak laugh.
“Dude,” Tucker started before taking hold of his friend’s hand and squeezing it. “If you need help with anything I’m your man. just say the word.”
Tucker may not understand the full extent of the situation, but he was trying, and that meant a lot to the Fenton. He squeezed back and shot his friend a small but grateful smile. 
“It’s ok. Thanks, Tuck-” He cut himself off, being interrupted by the sudden ding of one of Tucker’s devices. 
The afro American boy ignored the sound though, in favor of putting his full attention on his friend, an action that demonstrated how serious he was with his words, but Danny was already lost in thought, staring intently at the briefly, but brightly, illuminated screen.
“Actually-” The halfa suddenly chirped, turning his full attention back to the boy across the table. Tucker just blinked back, waiting. Danny leaned forward dragging the other boy towards him so he could continue with a whisper. “You could help me with a pair of things.”
The mischievous smile Tucker was witnessing had come out of nowhere and couldn’t presage anything good, but as it was not aimed at him — necessarily — he couldn’t help but join in. 
Several cities over, some of Gotham’s more infamous residents couldn’t find an explanation to the sudden shiver that ran up their spines.
When Danny made it back home he didn’t waste time tracking his sister down. She was down in the lab, typing away on the main computer and using one of her shoulders to keep her mobile pressed against her ear.
She was in the middle of a conversation and still managing to rewrite part of the ghost portal code like a pro.
His sister sure loved multitasking. 
At the sound of the door closing behind the younger Fenton, Jazz looked up from the screen to shoot a brief smile to her brother before carrying on with her conversation. 
“Yes. That’s perfect, I will be sending the three files then-”
The boy froze on his step and blinked a pair of times. She was already talking with one of the G. A. proctors? When he left this morning he had just dumped his proposals on Jazz for a second revision. He wasn’t expecting to have them sent already.
Hmm. Well, to be fair, he had rambled at Jazz about his projects relentlessly whenever he had a chance and didn’t feel like death warmed over. 
Which weren’t many times. But once he got into a ramble it was an Olympic endeavor to shut him up. He was a Fenton. It was in their blood. Jazz did it too, even if she tried to chalk it up to healthy-and-completely-natural excitement.
So. Jazz already knew the contents pretty well, it was just a question of pulling off the presentation, which was the thing that Jazz was supposed to check over. 
His sister had given him some tips, and even if his parents were not as invested in the writing process as in the practical, the fruit loop had more than enough experience doing it and didn’t give two flying fucks over whether or not Danny wanted his knowledge.
Danny knew monologing was an essential part of a villainous experience but he had spent way too much time listening to Vlad bitch about most of his employees to last him a lifetime.
Even little Madeline couldn’t stop the loneliness that had brought the madness. Danny had put so many hopes in the fluffy thing.
Letting out a resigned sigh the boy decided to just let it go and be grateful that his sister - who had more than five Universities fighting over her-  deemed it acceptable already. 
He liked writing his ideas down, but using formal language and fudging APA was fucking exhausting.
Good fucking riddance. He thought, shaking his head slightly and sending a light sneer in the computer’s direction. As if the files on it could feel his disdain from his position on the other side of the room. 
Danny spotted some of her sister’s nail polish bottles by her side on the table and made a beeline for them and took most of the little bottles before retreating to a chair on the other side of the desk. 
He had heard some of the cheerleaders saying that the nail polish helped to keep the nails from getting all fucked up quite as easily, and it had caught his attention.
Danny had looked down at his hands and winced. Normally he didn’t pay much attention to his nails, but ever since getting on a constant string of fights he was more aware of how easily the goddamn things could break on you if you didn’t trim them properly, and it hurt like a bitch every time. It always seemed to be the tiniest things that told you to ‘fuck off’ to your face like nothing else.  
Danny guessed that it was worth the try. And if anything, putting some color on them would help hide some of the blood — and ectoplasm — that got under his fingernails. 
So he tried it out.
By this point, he was not sure if it really helped or he was just fooling himself into thinking it did work. The only sure thing was that he didn’t feel comfortable going without it anymore.
Danny liked to borrow the clear nail protector from Jazz, but most of the polish he had in his possession had been previously Sam’s. All pastels and cheery colors that her mom kept insisting on buying her because they kept being used.
“Thank you, Miss Gordon!”
If she had bothered to pay more attention to her daughter’s friends for more than sneering at them she may have noticed Danny’s pastel pink nails. But she hadn’t. And that had just ensured Danny a constant supply of pastels to cover his bloodied nails with-
“So, how did it go?”
“Uh.” The boy startled at the sudden proximity of the voice. He looked up from his nails and to his sister, who was now seated beside him. 
“The execution.” Jazz prodded, smiling at him in anticipation. It looked downright creepy, considering the words she used.
“Seriously Jazz?” He snorted. “You make it sound like I went there to dispatch murder at random.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” His sister scoffed, watching how her brother resumed painting his nails.  “They are already dead. You couldn’t kill them any more than they already are.”
“I could certainly try.”
“Let’s just say the all-nighter paid off, and leave it at that.”
“So you had fun.” She teased. Stealing back one of the bottles of polish to finish her own nails with a second coat.  
“For the most part, but-” He stopped, struggling to find words to describe the sheer mayhem that went down in the zone-  
Jazz just hummed and gave him a little nod, still focusing on her nails. Danny relaxed. He could tell her later. When he had cooled off some more from the attack-protect mode he got into whenever he visited the zone. Remembering it all right now would just set him off again.  
“So, what do you want for dinner?” The redhead asked suddenly.
Danny blinked a pair of times, perplexed, and stole a look at the clock.“It’s a little late to be asking that, don’t you think?”
“I suppose, but I decided to wait for you and then got sidetracked with the files.” She really needed to work on her awareness of time. “Didn’t even notice the hour.”
“I don’t even remember what we have in the cupboards.”
“Maybe we could-” She didn’t manage to suggest something before she got interrupted by their mother’s voice.
“Dinner is ready!”
“They made dinner?” Danny whispered to Jazz in dread. 
“So it seems,” she responded, sharing his dread.
“Why did they make dinner? They never make dinner!”
“I mean, they do for special occasions, like-” She shuddered. “Like thanksgiving.”
This was ridiculous. Jazz and he were normally the ones cooking. Their parents spent most of their time in the lab or trying to hunt down ghosts. Today was not a holiday. They hadn’t invented anything new worth the ‘celebration’. There wasn’t a reason for them to-
“Oh! and Vlad is here~!”
Danny slammed his face against the desk with a groan.
Jazz winced at the sound. 
“Time to face the music, little bro” She closed the polish bottles and patted him carefully on the back a few times before standing up and going to the kitchen. 
“I still feel like I’m forgetting something…” Danny grumbled under his breath before following his sister upstairs.
It was the last Friday of the month and this could perfectly be one of Jazz’s many attempts to make them a functional family unit. 
Except that the Fenton girl had let said efforts slip in favor of pursuing her little brother’s scholarship. 
Oh, And the fruitloop was here. 
Vlad had weaseled into the family’s — unplanned — plans because of course, he did.
“Everything looks absolutely lovely Madeline.”
Jazz would have believed his words. If she hadn’t seen the man poke at the food on the table with the wariness of a man on the death warrant whenever mom was not looking.
The siblings had spent way too many family dinners doing the same thing whenever they couldn’t quite manage to keep the older Fentons off the kitchen. And even when they did, they didn’t lower their guard. The chance of contamination was always a latent threat to the house. 
Jazz turned her head slightly to look at her brother. The boy was, very pointedly, not poking at his food and just watched it with all the scorn he could gather. He refused to do the same things as Vlad, which didn’t mean he was crazy enough to try and eat the food on his plate.
The dinner proceeded with making some catching up, abundant science talk, teasing, scathing remarks, sighing, and finally dissolved in a three-way match between the Fenton children and one Vlad Masters to see who could dispose of the food in the most sneaky way.  
She had always wondered how the man survived with her parents for as long as he did back in their college years. She knew now.  
“Oh! And Jazzrinces finally decided on a college! The G.S.A. is backing up her research on ghosts! Isn’t that incredible?!”
Vlad smiled blandly at Jack. Skillfully suppressing the sneer the man’s cheeriness was trying to invoke to his face. He had lots of practice.
“And Danny decided to tag along to help his sister! Isn’t he such a sweet boy?” Maddie added with a cheer a little more forced than her husband’s. But still, cheer.
Now, that. That got Vlad’s attention. And he decided to take advantage of the children’s distraction to get more information and decide a proper plan of action. 
Dany was making it a point to completely ignore the three adult’s conversation. Jazz stuck to taking small sips from her glass of water. That was, until-
“Surely you’re not planning on sending them without some proper equipment, are you?” Vlad tutted. “Don’t get me started on weapons. I mean you never know for certain what will be indispensable, right?”
“That’s a wonderful idea!”
The heads of both children snapped up. 
“I mean, most of my research isn’t-” Jazz tried hastily to stop this on its tracks. 
Sadly, it was not to be.  
“Nonsense Jazz,” Her mom interrupted her, “It’s better to be prepared!”
Vlad hummed in agreement, “They won’t, after all, have anyone else to protect them from those trashy ghosts.”
Just like that, the Fenton parents started to list out loud all the things the kids would surely need for the research.  
Vlad smirked.
Danny narrowed his eyes at the pompous fucker.
Jazz resigned herself to keep sighing until the end of times.
“How are we supposed to take this with us..?” Danny whispered looking horrified at all the equipment his parents had just thrown their way
“Can’t you just put it in the thermos?”
“The ectoplasmic energies of each Item would clash horribly” Danny winced 
“You tried to…?” Jazz side-eyed him
“Yes.” He said curtly, “Wouldn’t really recommend” he continued with the air of someone haunted by the consequences of their life choices. death choices. Both were accurate, she supposed.
Jazz swallowed.
Cue in more silent horrified staring at the equipment.
“Maybe if we start with some boxes-”
“Oh my god-!”  
“I Fucking knew it!!”
A little while after, once the ghost box was gone, and the siblings had retreated to Jazz’s room for safety and the opportunity of proper evening gossip. The fruitloop came barging into the room. 
“Ok. I raided the kitchen. There is nothing edible in this house. How do you even survive.” He stated, not asked, in a deeply judgemental tone.
“Magic. Pokemon Magic.” Danny deadpanned from his place on the bed. Jazz, who was cuddled beside him, was still chewing on the dry crackers that managed to survive the onslaught of their parents, for the simple reason that the things had been in her room. 
Vlad sighed and started to massage his temples. 
“Fine. Truce. Grab your things, we are going out.” 
Jazz slightly choked on her crackers. Danny just choked on air. “What? Where-?”
“To get some proper food, of course.” The man sneered like it was completely obvious and tagging a smirk on for good riddance.
“Why would-” 
“You have directions. I have the money. Chop chop. Before your parents catch us.” With that, the millionaire turned around and left, leaving the door wide open fully expecting them to follow along. 
The siblings stared at each other for a moment before scrambling after Vlad. 
Food was more important than playing the archnemesis-game. 
For the hundred time that day:
I couldn’t help the fucking references. Danny is a dork and I am ashamed.
I headcanon Danny as someone who really likes pet names, be it because he really likes the person or because it pisses them off. Two stones a deader bird.
What do you mean The Avengers aren’t a boyband?
The siblings are firm believers of the borrowing culture. There is no shame in asking to borrow some things.
Are those Ember’s hat & earrings? Yes. Yes, they are.
Why does Danny have his ears pierced, you ask? BECAUse there is no absolute heteronormative bullshit in this household AND I MUST ADD THAT-!
-Danny & Jazz watched ‘The parent trap’ when they were small little beans and were really interested in whether or not piercing your sibling’s ears was the ultimate bonding moment.    
Jazz insisted on researching a lot more about proper sterilizing, mind you- but like the tiny feral unsupervised cupcakes they were, they decided to try it.
Jazz already had her ears pierced, SO, yeah.
It hurt like a bitch for Danny, and Jazz panicked for a week afterward about infections, but it was indeed a good bonding moment.  
If I ship Jason with some fucking therapy does that mean I can ship him with Jazz?
Ship’s name is JJ for you.
… I just gave myself YOI flashbacks.
You might want to say: ‘but author-san, those are not all the ghosts Danny deals with?’, and you are damn right they aren’t, but you must trust in Danny thousand-back-ups Fenton, my children.
(Also, where would be the fun if everyone was accounted for since now? You will see what went down later on. :p)
Don’t know if you noticed, but Jazz is not the only one that thinks Danny is a cutie patootie :v
Danny has long ago resigned himself to the being called “Lord” thing. Is better than the ‘K’ word.
The thing about the nails is something I do. I started because they looked pretty, I kept painting them because I felt they broke up more easily if I didn’t put like three coats of polish on them.
At least I don’t bite them as much anymore. :p
If there is someone on this green earth that knows about the struggles of living with Jack and Maddie Fenton, that someone is Vlad Masters.
Change my mind.
You can’t.
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