#And a proud dad smile
sulfies · 5 months
So Ezio teached himself how to speak French fluently enough just to get some pussy back in Firenze??!
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I like to think Catnap was one of the few people who was there for Dogday when it was his turn to need support and comfort…
Anon you're so correct! Catnap was never much the type of person/toy to make their friends talk about their feelings, but he was always there for Dogday when he wasn't feeling well. Catnap wanting to free Dogday from both the hands of PlayCo. and his role as the obligatory leader of the group was another motivator for him to agree with the Hour of Joy. He genuinely thought this would help his friend, only to end up making Dogday even more emotionally closed off than before.
And yet, post Chapter 3, Catnap is still there to support Dogday. Not that our dear sunny puppy likes, agrees or accepts said support, although deep down he's a bit desperate for any sort of comfort.
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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pretty smile you got there you greased up sewer rat~🎃
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andalus88 · 1 year
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Proud Papa right here
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autisticrosewilson · 13 days
Trans fem Jaybin asking Bruce if she can visit Willis in prison because she wants to know what he would have named her if she was born a girl and that's how she finds out that Willis was murdered and despite knowing from day one Bruce just... didn't tell her.
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endrimer · 4 months
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crossover of the century
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
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baeshijima · 7 months
anyway ive now finished the lantern rite quest with just under an hour before it goes and
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Ok but how do you think that alicole would react to getting a phone call from the school that says “yeah your kid got in a fight”?
Likeeeee it’s rotting my dumb little alicole brain
first they're worried. there kids wellbeing comes before any anger or strife or worry/thought of consequences. they just want to know they're safe and ok. they're also quite worried cause their kids are mostly bark and/or well behaved (Aegon is a bit of a class clown, but not all that of s fighter unless provoked. Aemond is easier to sway into a fight, but again, he's not one to throw the first fist. Helaena is a sweetheart and rather's her tongue over a fight. Daeron is a sweet boy and the most behaved of the brothers, even if young and rowdy) so they're worried someone has poked fun at either them or their families many oddities.
Both of them are at the school in an instant, rushing to their child, checking them over. Alicent's definitely not keeping her worry checked, to the point her kid is trying to shove her off (gently) and complaining that they're fine. then it's Cole's turn to check them over, he's just as worried, but he's putting on a strong face.
while they do want to just plead their kids innocence and go home, they do want the full story so they sit as calmly as they can, their kiddo cuddled between them (overprotective parents who? not them, no, no not at all). since Alicent and Cole got married (it was a civil union) later in their lives (I don't think they would have gone for it till Aegon was almost out of highschool and daeron was in middle school) Cole would typically have to argue his position as their father before they could even start their meeting with staff/the principal.
they do let their kids take blame where it's due, but they don't let their I'll treatment from others go unchecked either. they'll make sure their kid wasn't at all provoked and that they're ok mentally/emotionally cause kids can be assholes.
they have a "protect your own" and "don't start a fight but finish it" rules in their household so typically their kids can get off with a scolding from them so long as they had reason. typically their parents praise them once they get in the car, Cole advising them on how they could have done better for next time.
a few scenario's:
Aegon picking a fight with someone picking on his younger siblings, willing to let it remain words until someone tried to touch Hel, and he just wasn't fucking having it. he really only scared the other kid, but it got his point across, don't fuck with his siblings. Cole was proud of him, checking over his injuries with one of those proud dad laughs. Alicent was worried, but conceded when he promised he was fine. they didn't leave that office till the other kid apologized for messing with their kids and forcing their big brother to handle it. they did settle and made Aegon apologize for hitting him instead of getting a teacher.
Hel getting overwhelmed because a group of kids weren't leaving her alone when she was having a sensory overload and hitting anyone who tried to touch her including her teacher (her brothers and dad taught her well and her little punches hurt). Criston nearly blows a fuse when they call it 'fight' when it was nothing close, he'll defend his baby girl with his life on this front. Alicent's threatening to report the school board for the lack of accommodation and understanding. they don't even sit down for the meeting, Criston with Hel on his hip, flanking a very pissed off Alicent, making it clear they won't be staying long. they don't.
Criston had to go to Daeron's daycare to listen to a conflict resolution conversation between the staff and two sniffly 4 year olds. they'd been fighting over a toy. he doesn't know what else he's supposed to do, so he struggles through a "sharing is caring" conversation, trying not to laugh, until they're out the door and in the car. he does tell Daeron he needs to be nice, but knows it won't do much considering how little he is.
Aemond's been in a few situations cause of his eye, and every time he's got his parents support. they worry cause they know his self esteem is a bit shot, but also cause he's disadvantaged in a fight, so they do talk it out more with him, just to be safe. they don't want to be too hard on him, but they don't want to feed the habit of fighting being an outlet, so they double down on him continuing fencing (he was a fencing kid in my mind) to help with it all.
there have been more verbal incidents where the kids were picked on because of their messy family. all 4 kids are very protective over how people view Criston. he's their dad and anyone who says any different is wrong. Daeron's gotten into the most fights about this, especially cause little kids are brutally honest and say things about how daeron looks nothing like him, which makes him upset. older kids may know who the Targaryen family is (who they are and their equivalence of being a royal family in my modern AU I don't know, I just know they're important and wealthy that's just sorta there, a place for alicent and come to run from.) and taunt them for their mom leaving a life of wealth and power or having a dad like Viserys. those fights the kids get complete slack on, cause neither Alicent nor Criston can blame them for protecting their family.
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amelmajrii · 1 year
equipedefranceF : 🔊 (Montez le son) 😍💙
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the-catalysts-end · 1 year
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guys u dont understand im so happy for her !!!!!!!
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lavendersartistry · 6 months
Bane of my Existence
Space Riders AU - @onyxonline Eve Ewe, Bolt - @lavendersartistry
This fic is more of a planned fic for onyxonline's Space Riders AU! This is mainly centered as the slowburn end between Eve Ewe and Bolt! Please check Onyx out, their work is super cool!
Also we get creator cameos! Hope you can spot your character Astra, Onyx!
Want more context? Here!
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Koi rolled her eyes for the nth time. Her and Bobby were at their wits end at this point, trying to help out Bolt with confessing to Eve.
Bolt wasn't doing well for himself if he kept his feelings out of reach for Eve to hold. If he wasn't fast enough, he could miss his chance entirely.
And both Koi and Bobby weren't going to let it happen. But unlike Bobby, who was trying to ease it down, Koi was going to flat out say what he needed to hear.
"You love her, don't you?"
Bolt nodded.
"But doing it like this won't do anything."
Koi scoffed and rolled her eyes again.
"Neither is sitting around, pretending to wait for the right time. This is the right time! Wake up your head for once, boy."
Koi got closer to Bolt, her face inches away from his. Hoppy, in the background, put her hand to her mouth and 'oooh'ed.
"Tell her now or you can say goodbye to being her lover."
That felt like a threat. CatNap took the initiative to hold Bolt back with his tail before he could jump Koi. Bobby immediately went to Koi's side, her soft eyes looking only at Bolt.
"Even if Koi is right, do what makes you feel comfortable to tell her. You know she will only say yes to you."
Eve solemnly looked at the lily pond within her chambers. She was beautifully dressed in velvet dark blue, a dress fit perfectly for a queen. But she wasn't happy.
Every birthday started with her and Bolt spending the morning together. Every sunrise was spent with laughter and joy between the two.
So why wasn't he there this birthday?
"You're upset, princess."
Eve frowned, biting her lip to not cry.
"He didn't come this morning, Astra. He always comes by the mornings."
The creature felt sadness in the princess. Yes, it was unlikely of Bolt to miss something so important, but there must have been a reason why.
Astra carefully placed Eve's diadem to her then gave her a hug.
"Don't be too sad, princess. I'm sure he'll be here for your birthday party. Not even him can miss that."
Eve nodded, starting to smile a little.
"You're right, thank you Astra. I'm glad Mother chose you to watch over me."
"I'm just doing my job!"
11:55. It was gift time. And still no show of Bolt. It was starting to get irritating for Eve.
DogDay could see how upset she was and was a little upset himself. He knew how close Bolt and Eve were, how desperate they wanted to be with each other.
He quietly placed a hand on Eve's shoulder.
"He's going to come, I know it."
Eve didn't look at DogDay, too caught up in her sorrows.
"You said that hours before. He missed our morning, he missed the party. He's not coming, he doesn't love me anymore."
DogDay pulled Eve into a tight hug, letting her soon cry into his chest. She was heartbroken, felt played. It hurt.
"He does love you, Evie. He just... I don't know at this point, but don't give up on him."
As if on cue, Bolt emerged from the shadows of the gardens. All eyes turned to him. He quietly walked over to Eve and DogDay, internally saddened by Eve's cries. Cries he caused.
"DogDay, if I could?"
DogDay was hesitant but handed Eve over to him, a light glare on the captain's face.
"You better make it up to her."
Bolt nodded and led Eve back to the gardens, where her present awaited her. Eve turned her head up, her eyes starting to sparkle as she saw his gift.
A candle lit path guided her to a river that glowed under the moonlight. A gazebo, unfamiliar to her, was next to it as owls were perched at the top and softly 'hoo' at the sight of her.
"Bolt.. I.."
As the two walked to the gazebo, Bolt kept his hand above hers.
"I know you're mad at me, and you have every right to be. I missed so many things between us, and I'm so sorry. I never wanted to make you cry like this, especially because of me."
Bolt sighed heavily, turning his head away.
"I care for you so much, Evie. You light up my world and my heart. If not a princess, you are a goddess that fell to bless me your presence. And I am always honored to be your guard."
The two entered the gazebo, little wolves and lambs approaching them like innocent children. Bolt turned his head back to Eve, a great smile to his face.
"You're all I ever wanted, princesa. I don't want anyone else."
Then Bolt got down on one knee, making Eve lightly gasp. He wasn't trying to propose already, was he? Eve started getting teary at the thought of it.
"I know this seems like a proposal, but it is in a way. Please listen when I say.. you are the bane of my existence and... and the object of all my desires. I wish to the heavens every night for you and I to be together in every reality this world will give, no matter the form we take. I love you with all my heart, Everiene."
Bolt pulled out a red velvet box and opened it. A promise ring.
"Forever and always, mi amor?"
Eve was stunned yet let her heart control her actions. She threw herself at Bolt, hugging him tightly. She quickly kissed his lips and caressed the scars on his face.
"Yes. Yes, Bolt. Forever and always."
The two embraced as fireworks began flying into the sky, signaling it was now 12:00. Bolt picked up Eve and spun her around as she was tight in his hold.
They laughed and later danced. Forever grateful for their true love.
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univemma · 2 years
Finally watched 'Not Lout' the other day,,, Spitelout Jorgenson count your days
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(Context i adored httyd years ago and watched rtte but recently im hyperfixating on it and rewatching it, and i literally remember nothing from the show its so fun being able to first watch again after years)
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cats-obsessions · 6 months
🌧️🥞🎭 for nox :D
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for your OC to do on a rainy day?
He loves days in- curling up by a fireplace with a good book and a hot drink is ideal, or a nap day. He enjoys walks in the rain from time to time too.
🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
Hm, he doesn't sleep right, that's for sure. He goes between not enough sleep and rotting days when it all catches up with him, plus working nights complicates it. In other aspects, though, he does take care of himself pretty well. Food and exercise are important to him, so it doesn't feel like a chore.
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
Ough this is such a tough question! I think of most of the things he hates that he has done are things that aren't his fault or in his control exactly. I'm going to resist lore dumping too much and say his entire life from ages 13 to 18- he was angry and violent and hurt a lot of people because he thought that's what he was supposed to do and who he was supposed to be. In adulthood, I think he has really complex feelings around violence- like, he still finds himself in fights sometimes, but he normally thinks the other person deserves it, so there's a clash of feeling a little ashamed he likes punching someone in the face but also the moral greyness of but they should be punched in the face LOL
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stewyonmolly · 9 months
my high school sophomore brother just got a recruiting call from a college track coach. he has run ONE season of track and thought his coach didn’t even know his name but the coach is telling recruiters about him… my baby fratellino mio my little man i raised like from my womb…..
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