#And also can’t drink water or flush toilets because I’m on tank water :
i-may-be-an-emu · 6 months
blackout timeeee
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Good evening😬or morning or whateva :D I'm going to spoil you with a Endeavor request: Endeavor having sex with his affair and she gets pregnant but is too scared to tell him because of his past and when Endeavor finds out on accident he promises to be a good father and it turns out right :) like he plays with the baby all the time and cuddles it, super fluffy 😌
Good!.....night? It’s like 1:34 in the morning.... sooooo Good! morning! (8-24-2020) To you, you lovely person, spoiling me with such a great Endeavor Request 😌
I hope your day goes well as soon as I post this! Stay hydrated! 💦💙
I couldn’t fight the tears as they started to sting along my water lines, I forced my eyes closed and tried to kick my lips, they tasted like poison and rubbed. I reached out for the countertop in-front of me. Finger shaking, just slightly as I grabbed the plastic in my hand. Three of four, say positive, the fourth didn’t give me an answer. How did this happen?!
“I know how this happen, in a very pleasurable way.....because I was being an idiot four months ago!” I scolded myself after asking my self the questions.
I swallowed and looked at my phone, it was new, Enji, bought it for me when I’d lost my old one off the roof of his car. I shuffled on my seat that were the steps to my tub. I took a deep breath, “I can’t tell him, I’ll have to leave him. I don’t want my child to go through the same things his children did.”
I stood up and started pacing the bathroom, “good plan good plan.” I lied to myself.
“Maybe I should tell him? I won’t be able to do it alone....” I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror, “No! What if.”
I felt the hot streaks running down the curves of my cheeks and jaw, but it didn’t register. I clenched my jaw and forced my eyes shut, I felt queasy, and the puking began. I stood up after kneeling for like ten minutes and rushed over to my legs mirror. I rose my hoodie, and it all made sense why I’d gained weight, if you looked hard enough, you could the bulge slowly not really, but just becoming visible, I looked bloated... maybe that’s why he never realized it.... also since it’s winter I’ve been using sweaters and hoodies much to Enji’s distaste. I laughed to myself before pouting, and placing both my hands on either side of my stomach, “I’m scared....” I swallowed the taste of fear, maybe puke, “I’ve never done this... I can’t call my parents... there not in Japan....” I fidgeted and pulled my shirt down, I heard the door bell and perked up, “Oh! My Noodles are here!”
I rushed to the door wallet in hand and ready to get my dood only to come face with Enji.
“Heeeeyyyyyy,” I poked my head out the door and looked around then poured and looked up at him, “You’re not the delivery guy.”
He gave me a look that clearly stated “Are you SERIOUS?”
“Right! You should come in before my pesky neighbor sees!” I pulled him in and looked around once more, my closest neighbor was actually about a quarter mile away, but that doesn’t matter.
“Soooooo,” I turned around and licked the door, “I didn’t expect you at all.” I smiled and fidgeted with my hands feeling sick.
“I’ve come to discuss this relationship.” His words were straight, I felt a fill run through my blood and bones, if he leaves.... what am I gonna do?
“Oh,” I nodded looked down, my voice was a whisper, “I guess say what you need.”
“I can’t keep having an affair, there are rumors rising already. My image can’t be ruined like this.”
I felt my heart pick up, my breathing felt struggled.
“I see,” I didn’t look up as I made myself take a breath feeling my heartbeat in my throat, “well, if this is it, I guess I should give back the jewelry, and other expensive gifts huh?”
“No, keep them, that’s not what I’m here for.” He shook his head eyes closed.
“Alright, is there anything else you need to say? Before you go?”
“I’m getting a divorce,” the words were like a punch to the stomach, I wasn’t the one being divorced but it definitely hit, I felt it rushing up. I rushed or my bathroom and stuffed the pregnancy tests into my hoodie pocket so Enji wouldn’t see them, I clung to the toilet shoving up the seat puked letting it all out. I was met with a tug at my hair, Enji was holding it back and fumbling with a black scrunches I’d left on my sink. He sighed as he rubbed my back, he kneeled beside me rubbing my back and handing me toilet tissue to wipe my mouth a bit that burned its wya through my nose. I took it and wiped my mouth away, I dry heaved a bit, and felt myself shaking, cold, so cold. Enji kept flushing the toilet until it was all gone, he helped me to sit on the toilet, “You’re sick.”
He sighed and closed his eyes, “Don’t move from here until I get back.”
I nodded and looked down, I let out a sigh and groaned, a divorce? He’s leaving Rei? Officially? I mean, it’s good cause this won’t be so scandalous anymore, but... it’s sudden.
I tried to stand by my thighs were shaky and weak. I paced my hands into hem and felt tears, I closed my eyes and let them fall, a new heat on my cheeks wiped them away, I looked to see Enji there, hands on my face, he could definitely crush my skull, his eyes looked sad, but his face was not showing that.
“I brought you water and some medicine to help with nausea. I don’t know what this is, but let’s get you to bed, you look tired, your cheeks and eyes are red and you look weak.” He didn’t let me answer as he gave me the medicine and stood up making his way to my room outside the bathroom and I could hear him moving the blankets.
Getting it my bed Enji told my to put my hand up, I did, he pulled my hoodie off leaving me in the tank top I wore underneath. Something fell but I don’t pay attention to what, but mostly because Enji was helping me sit, even if I didn’t want to. “You’ve already order food, I’ll wait here with you until gets here.”
He took my hand squeezed and I just nodded, the tears in my eyes, I didn’t even feel them, “So sweet.”
For a minute I forgot I was pregnant, until my phone gave a buzz, I looked ya it on the nightstand. I know the chime, it was for my period tracker, I’d neglected completely four times now. Enji didn’t read my phone simply handing it to me. I thanked him and swiped away the notification, “sleep.” He said and brought his free hand to brush my hair back, I craved his warm hand in this cold moment, “If you leave wake me up.” He nodded, and I sighed and started to shuffle in the blanket.
“(Y/n),” I was shook awake, I blinked a few times feeling hot in the blanket I sat and pushed it back, I stood up and just as I was about to answer, back in the bathroom.
“We should take you to a doctor.” I hugged and nodded, “yeeaaahhhh.”
“Do you have one?” He asked and looked at his phone.
“No sir.” I was honest.
I heard him sigh, “Take off that shirt,” I hear him walk away followed by some clattering. I pulled off my shirt and he brought back my hoodie, “Wear this, I’m taking you to a doctor.”
He left again and started to talk on the phone, I pouted and pulled on my hoodie after taking off my shirt, “bully, I didn’t even get my lunch.”
I walked spurns my house in the socks I just pulled on looking for my shoes, “where?” I dropped to my knees looking under the sofa, “are you?” I reached aliens and felt something.
“Shoes?” I asked and pulled out some old low sneakers that I used to wear.... once, when I tried to work out.
“It’ll work.” I shrugged and started to pull them on.
“Ready?” I answered back with “YES DADDY SIR IM READY!” I heard a heavy sigh and smiled pushing myself off the floor as he walked into the room, he held up a bag, my food.
“Get in the car.” He tossed me my keys, “No driving.” I nodded and rushed to my car and got in the passenger side and turned it on. I pulled on my seat belt and sat waiting, I huffed after literally two minutes passed.
I honked then smiled seeing Enji come into the garage, I got happy, I like car rides with Enji...kinda like a dog I guess.... he handed me the plastic bag and placed a lime soda in the cup holder, “Do NOT, open it until were on the road.” I nodded and waited, until we pulled out and took the turn.
I opened my bag and found the stir fry noddles is been craving all day, “Don’t way to much, if you puke again well have to stop and clean the car.” “Okay, got it.”
I started of eat and look out the window and indulge in the noodles. I stopped a quarter way in when I felt a shuffle in my abdomen. My food was hitting on an empty stomach, and it’s showing. I covered the food up and placed it back in the bag and tried to didn’t some soda. I finished the drink by the time we pulled up to a clinc.... a women’s clinic. I cringed at the sight. “Why here?” I asked.
“I thought you’d be more comfortable with a woman for your doctor.
“Okaaaayyyy.” I prepped myself to get out, I watched Enji get out with no hesitation, I still hesitated, until he came and opened my door offering a hand. I took it and was pulled back by my seatbelt. I laughed sheepishly and I clicked it before getting help again. We walked in and surprisingly empty, I guess the parking lot gave that away though. We walked in, Enji made me sit, he went and got the paper work from the secretary, and brought it back and I started to fill it out. I smiled as I gave back to him, and he got up and took it back. He told the nurse something and she nodded with a big smile. He nodded and came back to sit by my side. I felt nervous, and didn’t fight the bouncing of my leg, I shimmied closer to his side and leaned my head on his shoulder. A few minutes passed until they called. They took blood for vitamin checks, and muscle and bone stuff, urine for some tests, something about protein and I didn’t catch the rest. They told me to sit on the bed my doctor would be here soon. Then asked if I’d like Enji in the room or not, I nodded and said yes let him stay, I kNOW WHAT THIS IS.... maybe it won’t be so bad with someone else. A few more minutes and here she came, a short plump woman with bright eyes.
“I’m here, so tell me whats happening.” She said and didn’t even look at me, just read some papers.
“Well, I’ve been queasy, and I’ve been puking most of the day-“ I was wished by a hand on my back, “This will help you.” I watched Enji reach into his pocket and pull out a ziplock I cringed at the sight, the four tests I’d stuffed in my jacket.
The doctor took it and looked at them and laughed, “Well,” she smiled and clipped them to her board, “I’ll tell them to run the urine for a test.”
“Thank you.” Enji answered and she nodded then left.
“.......sooooooo, hows the weather up there?” I said not looking up at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He didn’t look at me, just ahead at the wall. I looked around, “I was scared, that maybe, you wouldn’t want it or you know....your past... that you might... you know.....” The sigh he let out was depressing, I tried to look at him. I was hurt, out of every fight I’ve ever seen him in, I felt like maybe, just maybe, this would be the lowest I’d ever see him. “I-“ “No, don’t say your sorry,” his stare still on the floor, “I don’t blame you.... for thinking those things, if you want to leave with this child then you can do so. I just want you to know these few things before you make a choice.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, it’s weird because I’m not the one who just got emotionally wounded.
“I don’t deserve to be a father again, I know it, I understand the things I’ve done are not right. It can’t easily be forgiven. The things I’ve done can last over a life time, I’m working to fix all these things, I don’t want to hurt the one I love anymore, but I can’t stand the thought of hurting innocent people. I wanted to spend what’s left of my life with you, this is sudden, and you have the decision and freedom to decide what you think is best, but I promise you, this time, I will be the best man I can for you, and for this child. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I want to be the best I can and prove that I know what it’s like to be real father, to show I know what love really is. I won’t force you to make any decisions, and I won’t force my way into its life, I only want to do this, if you do this with me.”
I nodded and swallowed, great now IM crying. I tired to reach for his hand, “Enji.” His hand squeezed mine once I held his, “I’d love to share my life and first child with you,” I sniffled, “I don’t want my first child to not know it’s dad, so please, do everything you can to be there for us.”
“ILL,” I grunted and squeezed the hand burning my flesh, “I promise,” I let out a deep breath, “I’ll show you pain when this is over.” I took a few labored breaths, squeezing his hand, I pulled my hand out of his and took of my new wedding ring, “hold this it’s about to hurt us both once this head starts coming out.” I hissed feeling a sharp pain and then I felt it, it felt like a poop you can’t hold it, it dropped lower and “Alright Mrs.Todoroki, it’s crowning, so just give us a nice push-“
I flexed my lower abdomen and stopped when he said, I took breath, and clenched to Enji’s hand making sure to not squeezed my lower muscles in pain to avoid excessive bruising, “1...2...3... and push.”
I pushed again feeling pressure leaving my inside and pouring out of me, “Breathe,” the Doctor said and she looked up at me, “Someone has definitely been doing their workouts, this is going very quick and smooth.” She disappeared behind my legs and said “Last one,” a paused that felt like an hour, “Push-“ crying filled the room, “It’s a boy! Congratulations! Would you like to cut the umbilical cord Mr.Todoroki?” I let go of his hand but he hesitated, I nodded at him with a smile, the blood drained from him when he saw what everything looked like down there, he took the scissors and quickly cut before coming back to my side, “Placenta is coming.” She sis do felt another wave of pressure leaving me stomach, and I heard a wet plop, and a metallic sound. I shivered but quickly recovered when my necked son was placed on my now bear chest, I held him close and cried, he was a bit bloody still but I was so happy. The tears started falling as I hugged his gently and kissed his head of already bright red hair. “Precious, boy.” I said and gen’s got tried to rub some stuff off his face, he quickly attached to my breast and started to suckle,t tears didn’t stop as I looked up at Enji, he was wiping his own eyes.
“Have you thought of any names? Or should we wait a while?” The doctors said replacing her gloves and smock. “Well,” I looked up at Enji, “Things worked out, so? How about it?”
The doctor looked between us and Enji took the pen and notepad a nurse was holding, he wrote down the name and they nodded and took it, “Well then, I’ll leave you two with him a while longer until your pain has subsided and then we’ll take him to be weighed, and a few other things.”
We nodded and she smiled, “Congratulations, to the both of you.” Once more, after he stopped suckling I handed him to Enji and pulled my gown up, Enji seemed so scared, the baby WASNT small, he had rolls already, and they’re beautiful, but in Enji’s hands, he’s so small. “Hello,” he whispered and tried to cradle it ashore his chest on his forearm, it’s head resting against his bicep and pec. He brought his free hand to cover its torso and side, “I’m your father, I won’t ever leave you, I won’t ever hurt you, I never want to lose you, I’ll be with you always.” Call the hormone imbalance and recent loss of my child, but I was crying, I covered my face with my hands wiping the tears away, so cute.
“Enji?” I peeked into my room, nothing, “Enji?” Nothing was in the babies room, “Enji-“ there he was ok his back, on the floor, baby held up in the air, in his hands. The baby was laughing and flailing his arms and kicking. It was cute, I’d bought him an endeavor themed baby onesie, and Enji was wearing his hero costume without the armor. I stayed quiet watching as he stood up, and held the baby up to his shoulder, the baby placing a fist and his cheek on his shoulder, his eyes closed as Enji held him close. “I promise, I’ll never leave you.”
“where is he?!” I panicked and looked for my son, who just disappeared. I ran around the house and panic rose through the round when I heard gurgling don’t DROWN PELASE DONT DROWN BABY! Bursting into the master room fight or flight on high I felt stupid seeing Enji sleeping on his back arm circled around and pulling into his side the bundle of fire and Todoroki I was panicking for. The baby cooed moving closer to Enji, I sighed, my adrenaline wearing down, it was cute, especially when Enji turned to his side to hug our son to his chest, and mumbled out, “I’ll become someone you’ll be proud of, someone you can count on always.”
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elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T. Shelby Imagine Ch. 12
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC) 
Fandom: Peaky Blinders 
Word Count: 10,468 
WARNINGS: Angst, Alcohol Consumption (borders abuse), Cursing, FIGHT SCENE (Detailed), Existential Crisis, Mentions of Blood & Bones Breaking
Summary: Aliena’s 18th birthday has arrived, but her mental health isn’t doing so well. She’s feeling more distant from the Shelby’s and in her role in their universe. Aliena has been partying a lot, drinking a lot of alcohol. How is that affecting her? 
A/N: This chapter has a fight scene. It’s mildly detailed, but be warned. Thomas does interact with Aliena in this chapter, however; it’s not a huge part of this chapter. Along with the previous chapter, this chapter centers on Aliena. Also, she’s still very depressed. BLACK LINE BREAK INDICATED START AND END OF FIGHT SCENE!!
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Me nose was runny and tears slipped out of me eyes. Cassie was holding back me hair and rubbing me back as I vomited me guts out. I sniffed as I fell to me side. I got a hold of the handle and flushed the toilet.
“Tank you.” I said.
Cassie nodded with her squinted eyes and her lips pursed. “I got you, honey. I got you, Ali.” She was rubbing me arm now and didn’t let go of me hair. 
Slowly and not steadily, I stood up. Cassie followed me and didn’t let go of me hair. I turned on the faucet and rinsed me mouth of the taste. As I bent down to spit out the water, I felt a familiar tug on me hair. I raised me hand and tried to whack her grip away. She finally fuckin’ let go.
I gasped for air, looked to me side, and reached for me toothbrush.
Cassie cackled while walking over to the toilet. She put the lid down ‘n sat on it. “Not regretting leaving that here now, are you?”
I rolled me eyes as I brushed me teeth. “Nevah did, ya divvy.” I spat out the excess before going in and brushing me tongue as well. 
Anyway after all that, Cassie and I walked out. There was people asleep across the floor, on couches, on chair, ‘n even tables. Me hand flew to me mouth and I felt nauseous again.
“Cassie, we’re not fucking home!” I turned ‘round and clutched her forearm with a fury.
Cassie had the same flabbergasted look on her face.
“We fuckin’ fell asleep in the loo!” 
Cassie started gagging and I tsked as I stomped me foot.
“You brushed your teeth with somebody’s else’s toothbrush!” Cassie whispered-shouted.
I whimpered while stomping me feet. “I know I did.” I marched over to Angie and smacked her shoulder. “Angie, wake up! Wake up, we have to go!” I began shaking her.
She protested in her sleep, but eventually she couldn’t take it anymore and shot up.
“All right!” She yelled. “All right, I’m awake.” 
“Thank you.” I said with some snap in me tone. I looked over to Tina and luckily, Cassie saved me the trouble of waking her arse up. 
“Thank ya Jesus! Let’s fuckin’ go!” I shouted. Some people fucking whined in their sleep while others glared at me. I fucking glared back. The four of us stumbled our way ‘til the front of the house. 
“Wait!” Cassie shouted. 
I looked back at her and contorted me face in confusion.
She trailed off to the phone while saying, “I have to call Simmons .”
Collectively, we all groaned. 
I cradled me head and then let it drop limply. I must have stood there for .5 seconds before I huffed. “I’m waiting outside. Join me if you want!” So, I walked outside and sat down on the steps. 
It was fucking freezing! I really hafta to start bringing coats.
“Fuck, Ali! Aren’t you fucking freezing?” Angie asked me as she sat beside me.
I scoffed while rubbing me arms up and down furiously. “Yes, of course, I am.” 
Angie opened up her fur coat and ushered me to get in. I did so without hesitation. She shivered as I stole her warmth. Then, we started giggling. 
“Fucking London winters!” I shouted. This caused Angie to chuckle.
I could hear the doors open and close at the same time as a car engine did. I looked back to see Cassie and Tina walking out, heels in hand. 
“He’s here.” Cassie announced while walking past us.
Angie and I got up and followed suit. I don’t remember the drive because I fell back to sleep. Once we got to her place, we all decided to take a shower. I was made to go last since I had just flopped on the bed and closed me eyes.
I wasn’t asleep, but I didn’t want to be awake either. Tina came and shook me awake when it was me turn. I rolled up, grabbed some towels, and walked into the bathroom. 
I turned on the water ‘n made sure it was scalding hot before I stepped in. I sighed in pleasure as I was enveloped in its heat. I ran me hands over me hair and down me neck. 
Tommy’s been busy as was the whole family. Finn’s abar to turn twelve, but he’s growing fast. His baby fat is going away and he’s stretching out. 
God, was I teased when I came back bladdered the first night I went out! They all had a laugh. Arthur’s booming laugh made me wince which made more snickers go ‘round. Tommy even teased me abar calling him pretty.
“Me eyes still pretty, Aliena?” He asked me.
I tried smacking him, but he swerved and ran off. As much as me head was pounding, we- I was still happy. 
I sighed as I lathered me body with soap.
I still feel lost. I’m stuck cleaning and collecting payments from families. I only did that gig every two week, though. So, I took up another job and started helping Polly with the finances. I just double checked her math and did some of me own. The latter was only if we were swamped, though.
I wasn’t getting paid for that either. Two pound was enough, Polly warned me. I didn’t fight it. I saved up a lot of money. I just wasn’t out enough to spend it on much, but now that I am— it’s slowly decreasing. 
I huffed as I washed out the shampoo from me hair.
Finn is ‘aving trouble reading, finally. That coupled along with his growing desire to be apart of the family business, he’s getting even more discouraged abar school. Been hanging ‘round with Isaiah Jesus, who was five or six years older than him. Isaiah is a nice enough boy. Honestly, I don’t care what they do. They’re not me own children, after all.
I looked down at the water spiraling into the drain.
That’s a blag. I care deeply with what happens to that kid. Poor thing.
I sighed while turning off the shower. I wrang me hair multiple times to get out as much excess water as I could before bunching it up in a towel.
I didn’t like feeling like a freeloader in that house. It was just wrong. But I couldn’t deny that I loved the days like this where I knew I had no responsibilities because I already took care of them.
I would just sleep in bed. Or, like last night— party ‘til I blacked out. I also started writing again. Some original fantasy story. It was more for the 2000s, so I didn’t dare let anyone read it. After all, they wouldn’t understand some of the jargon I used nor the types of technologies. 
Once I was done drying off me body, I began to lather me legs in lotion. 
I was partying a lot! Like a lot. I can’t tell you how many times between December 16th and now, that Tommy had carried me off to bed. 
I kept telling him that he didn’t have to do that, but he insisted that he was doing it so I wouldn’t get sick. I’ve never not slept with blankets before, so I couldn’t disagree. I mean I did it when I was a child, I’m sure. But, I don’t remember if I got sick over it. I was sick a lot as a child.
I tucked in me towel and walked out. “I’m still alive.” I announced while walking over to me backpack. 
“Good. I was afraid you died in there.” Cassie chuckled at her own joke, which made me smile. 
I just yanked whatever I could out of it since it was holding everything I needed. New undergarments and clothes. Once I put on me panties, I dropped me towel so I could put on me bra. 
I finally looked up and watched as they talked amongst themselves. I tugged me hair towel off and patted me hair dry. 
“Hey, Ali. Your birthday is coming up. How do you feel about a party?”
With me back bent as I was drying me hair, I asked. “Where at?”
They collectively began to hum as I began me fight with jeans. I always had to jump once they got to me thighs. 
“Well, I wanted to throw you a party at my house.” Angie said as her hands joined in on the conversation.
I froze, instantly. I literally stopped putting on me shirt. “You mean at your mansion?”
She nodded with a sheepish smile on her face. 
I let me shirt stay stuck above me bust as I rushed to Angie. I hugged her as she giggled.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I chanted.
“Um, you’re welcome. I guess. I mean, I’m not doing this for a thank you. I want to throw a big party, that’s all. You’re one of my best friends.” 
I squeezed her tighter before letting her go. “Still, thank you. ‘Cause you don’t have to throw me a party at all.”
I gave her a big-toothy smile before I launched to kiss her cheek.
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I went home the next day, fully sober. Don’t worry, yesterday was a rest day for me liver. Didn’t exactly want to die of a failed liver so soon. What am I talking abar? It’ll catch up to me later in life like with the boys.
Knowing me own luck, its gonna catch up with me sooner. Just watch.
I walked through the door and locked it behind me. It was seven, so I knew that Polly had to be up.
“Polly, I’m home!”
“In the kitchen, love!”
I walked in the room and there she was sitting with Ada and Karl. I cooed at the sight of him. I made grabby hands which made Ada chuckle. She passed him into me arms and I sighed.
“Hello, little one. How are you? Oh, you’re getting heavier. Mummy’s been feeding you right!”
I began to pepper his face in kisses which made him smile. 
“So, Ali. Polly’s been telling me that you’ve been to the big city with your friends. How are you liking it?”
I slowly took a seat before answering her. “Um, it’s not bad. I mean, during the day it’s beautiful. Perfect for people visiting, but at night-!” I scoffed while laughing. “It’s like everybody’s morals are gone with the light.”
Polly chortled. “So, like here except you get the same during the day too.”
 I rolled me eyes before blowing a raspberry. Karl giggled so I did it again. I looked at Ada and asked, “So, you and Freddie have any luck finding a flat?” 
She looked down, picking at her nails. So, that’s a no.
Ada scoffed. “It’s just so much harder than we thought. Things are really heating up within the group and Freddie’s friends can’t take us in because money is tight right now.”
I furrowed me eyebrows. “It is?”
It seems that I stepped on a landmine ‘cause there was a sparkle in Ada’s eyes. And so, she went on a rant abar communism. I only half paid attention, to be polite. Though Polly and I shared multiple judgemental glances at each other.
Karl, eventually, started to get fussy and I gave him back to Ada. Said he was probably hungry.
Polly cleared her throat when Ada stopped talking. “So, Ali, your birthday is coming up. What do you want to do?”
I hummed in thought. “Well, um, one of me friends offered to throw me a party at her place. So, I’m not sure. Plus, everyone is so busy. I don’t want to impose on anything.”
“Well, then. Guess a little celebration at the Garrison the day before wouldn’t be so bad, right?” 
I whipped ‘round to see Tommy leaning against the entrance of the kitchen, taking a drag from his ciggie.
I stopped getting after him abar them a while back. Didn’t see the point anymore. Especially now since I smoke too from time to time.
“No, it wouldn’t.”
He nodded. “We can see you drink in action. Wonder how many glasses of whiskey ‘till you feel a buzz?”
I felt me cheeks heat up as Polly and Ada snickered. I went to strike him ‘n he just lifted his arm.
I sighed and leaned on me head with the support of me hand. 
“Where am I needed today?” I asked, slightly already exhausted.
Polly hummed as she quickly swallowed her sip of tea. “I’ll be needing your help in the shop. Come on.”
I bit me lip, in order to stop the sigh that wanted to escape me mouth. I looked over at Tommy one last time, who was still looking at me. 
I spent the whole day running ‘round for Polly. Counting up money, retrieving money from the boys, and putting it away in the safe. I didn’t know the combination. I was just tossing it in. 
When she didn’t need me help, I was to go and make dinner. I did, in fact, make lunch as well. 
As I was doing that I went and called Cassie.
“Hello!” Cassie answered with a sing-song tone.
“Hello, Cassie.”
“Oh! Ali, what’s going on?”
I shook me head, even though, she couldn’t see it. “Is nothing. So, the Shelby’s are throwing me a little gatherin’ at the Garrison. You know the bar that Arthur owns now. And I was wondering if you and the girls can make it?”
I heard Cassie hum. “Well, I don’t see why we couldn’t. I know I’ll be there, but let me ask them and I’ll call you back.”
We hung up and I refocused on finishing dinner. She called me back a little later saying that they agreed to come. Now, all that was left was for the day to come.
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Today we were celebratin’ me 18th birthday. I’ve been with the Shelby’s for a year and 11 months. On me first 18th birthday, I was given a car. I wonder what I’m getting this year. Prior to the whole Kimber operation, I had been drawing a lot— but since, I stopped. I still have loads of paint and a single canvas left. 
I just hoped that they don’t give me the same thing. 
I wasn’t woken up the same way like last year either. It was the sun that woke me. I opened me eyes and laid in bed. I looked at the door in silence then turned away.
I could feel it in the air. Today was not going to be a good day.
I huffed while shutting me eyes close tightly. I slowly got up and turned ‘round so me feet where almost touchin’ the floor. I took a deep breath and let me feet touch the ground. 
I figured since we weren’t gonna be at the bar ‘til late at night. I was expected to still do me regular duties. I mean, after all, tomorrow was me birthday. I threw on a simple dress and boots then headed downstairs. 
I started working on breakfast. For who? I don’t know. Maybe just for me. I could hear the bustling of the shop. Men shouting. 
This empty room. This empty, vacant room with only me filling it. 
I closed me eyes and clenched me fists. The stinging pain of me nails diggin’ into me palm distracted me from crying. I shook me head and quickly plated me omelet. The chair scraped against the floor as I pulled it out and then I sat down.
I stared at it and stared. 
I’m not that hungry.
“Ali, what’re doing?” 
Me head snapped up and I locked eyes with Tommy. I blinked furiously before shaking me head a little, ‘n it really was just a little. 
I gulped before taking me fork, cutting a piece, and placed it in me mouth. “I was thinking.” I said with a little scoff, a goofy smile on me face. “Didn’t realize I was thinking that hard.”
He tipped his cap at me with furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes before he walked off. 
I watched him and then dropped me fork. It didn’t taste of anything. 
To avoid causing up a stir, I scarfed down the rest of that omelet and then went abar me way. 
I went outside and pulled down the laundry. I tried keeping me head clear of everything and anything. But it was impossible. I kept making up plots in me head. I was just so bored without anyone to talk to.
‘I miss the kids.’ I caught meself thinking. I sighed while I clutched the basket closer to me body. I looked away before looking back ‘n walked back into the house. I had to start folding. 
Once I folded the clothes, I placed them in the room of their respective owners and then went back downstairs to clean up the place. I was in the middle of sweeping when lunch came ‘round. 
I did the usual and brought the boys and Polly their meals. Esme was at home today. However, there was one odd man out, Tommy. He was probably overseeing the designs of his office. They were going to start building soon. He said it would take anywhere from four to seven months. 
So with me basket like little red riding hood, I had to go on an adventure to take Tommy his lunch. When I got there, he dismissively thanked me. He literally didn’t even pick up his head, just took the bloody sandwich.
I didn’t even roll me eyes as usual. Didn’t see the point. I just went on me way. 
There was this pit in me stomach. It was making itself known more and more by the second.
I gasped in pain and leaned on a wall for support. I started smoothing me stomach by rubbing it harshly. But then I could feel the stares, so I stood up and began on me way again. 
By the time I got back, it was already late afternoon. I had to hurry up with the sweeping, dusting, and then beginning to polish the silver. I was not going to be able to finish that today!
I bought meself a type of curling iron and was dying to try it out. It was Tina who suggested it to me. Well, it was curling tongs but I was willing to burn meself to curl me hair. 
I picked out a pale-blue, dyed Burberry lace dress for tonight. I’ve been dying to wear it! I had a pale blue undergarment set to match. I put on said undergarments and dress, then worked on me hair. 
I got burned a couple of times, but it was worth it. The waves I’d get from having a bun just weren’t the same. I decided against makeup today. I just put on some chapstick and waited for night to roll ‘round. 
I kept meself busy by writing. I was on a sex scene for me story. It just kept me mind busy and away from negative thoughts. I didn’t stop writing ‘til there was a knock at me door.
“Ali, dear, are you ready?”
I slammed me journal shut and shoved it in its drawer. “Yeah!” I called out. “I’ll be right out!”
I got up from me seat and rushed out. I guess from the way I opened me door, Polly flinched. I gave her a sheepish smile.
“Shall we head out?” I asked.
She nodded while giving me a smile back. “Let’s go, love. I suspect the boys are already there. Starting without us.”
I scoffed. “Oh, Pol. I wouldn’t doubt it.” We shared another smile before we headed down the stairs arm in arm. 
“Aliena, have you met a boy in London?” Polly asked.
I shook me head. “Nah.” I took me coat off the hook, put it on, and managed to tug out me hair.
“Why not? I’m sure there’s hundreds of men out there that want to talk to ya!” She asked as we walked out the door, locking it behind us.
I tucked a piece of hair away from me face. “I mean, yeah. I have talked to men at the clubs.”
“But none of them worked out.”
I shook me head. “They all seemed to want one thing, you know. The ones that did seem sweet, fuckin’ turned ballistic on me at some point in the night. Then the real gentlemen just-!” I sighed. “There was just something missing.”
Polly sighed while patting me forearm that she was holding. “Yep, that’s men for you. Dogs that think with their cocks.” She sighed. “Well, there’s no rush. Take your time. Find someone you’ll want to spend the rest of your life with. But not too long, I want to be around to see that little one.”
A genuine smile and giggled let me lips. “I promise, Polly.” 
She pinched me cheek as we walked. 
“Is Ada and Freddie coming?” I asked.
She shrugged. “No idea. Last time we talked Ada said she wanted to come. But, with the new baby and the fact they’re practically still newlyweds because of all that’s happened— they probably would rather stay in.”
I half rolled me eyes. “You mean Freddie suggested that Ada stayed home.”
“Most likely.” 
We both grumbled at that. 
“Is that how married life is, Pol?”
She looked at me then looked away. “It’s not everything. It’s a part of it. Compromise. Ada can’t very well expect to go out whenever she wants. She doesn’t have a babysitter to take care of Karl, and you can’t bloody well expect the father to help.” She scoffed again.
Sounded like she was reminiscing.
I hummed and said. “True.”
We arrived at the Garrison, soon enough, and I opened the doors for her. It was just polite. Right?
We immediately went into the snug where the whole family was excluding John’s kids and Ada. So, really. It was just Arthur, Tommy, John, Finn, and Esme. Yes, Esme was here.
While it did irk me that she was here instead of taking care of the kids, it was not me decision to make. They had their own parenting style. And, Esme was not a bad person.
They cheered as we walked.
“There’s the birthday girl!”
“Happy Birthday, Ali!”
I smiled while taking of me coat. Arthur came ‘round and helped me. I quickly thanked him and then found a spot to sit in.
Tommy stood up from his seat and reached over to me. “No, come on.” He said while pulling me up. “Up you get. Finn, go and get the cake.”
Finn was actually smiling rather than grumbling abar being made to get the cake. I covered me mouth with me hand in embarrassment. But went along with it, nonetheless.
Finn came back in balancing the cake in one hand as he had to close the door behind him. Polly took it from his hands and set it down on the table. Arthur and John were working on lighting all the candles.
The air was somewhat awkward yet filled with excitement at the same time. It was weird. 
As Arthur lit the last candle, they started singing. It was happenin’ all over again. I was covering me mouth with me hands and doubling over. 
“Happy Birthday, dear Aliena. Happy Birthday to you!” 
“Blow out the/your candles.”
I leaned down and thought abar it. ‘I wish I find happiness here soon.’ Then, I blew them out. They cheered and Polly was the first to hug me.
She whispered me a happy birthday in me ear before pecking me cheek and moving out of the way. Finn was next to wish me a happy birthday. I squeezed him tight while swaying us side to side. John stole me from Finn’s grasp, as always.
“Happy birthday, Ali. Is that a wrinkle I see?”
I gasped horrified and smacked his arm just as fast. He fucking cackled as he flinched. 
“Don’t listen to ‘em, Aliena. Happy birthday, Songbird!” Arthur roared as he brought me in for a hug. He shook us with made me make the sounds to match. I wasn’t expecting him to shake me.
Esme squeezed her way over to me and she wished me as well. We exchanged a quick peck on the cheek before I was left with the last one. 
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” I teased while leaning back, me hands on me hips.
Tommy rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. “Happy Birthday, Ali.” He hugged me and as I went to part from him, he kept me there. I felt him lean into me ear and I bit me lip harshly so I didn’t flinch. “For your present, I-!” He sighed into me ear, and I couldn’t help but flinch. “I, for lack of better words, added a headstone for your father. Happy Birthday, Aliena and I’m sorry.”
This imaginary romantic atmosphere was instantly shattered by the mention of me father. Great job, Thomas!
I smiled and thanked him as we parted. I made me way back to me seat. 
“Right!” Arthur shouted. “I say we get to opening these bloody presents. Get it out the way and drink Aliena till she drops!” He raised his mug to me while taking a drink of his bevvy.
I squinted at him while titling me head. “Fine, let’s get them out of the way!” I slid a box over from the middle of the table and began ripping it open. I shimmed the lid off of the box to reveal shoes.
“You’re gonna need a good pair of dancing shoes, if ya expect to be dancing ‘round clubs all the time, Ali.” John said with a cigar between his lips. 
I plastered on a smile and thanked him. I set in under the table and dealt with the rest of them. Arthur bought me more canvases. Something abar that made me laugh. I should expect canvases for all of me birthdays.
Once I sobered up, I opened up the last big box on the table. It was a coat from Polly. I faked a squeal, hugged her, and thanked her incessantly. It’s not that I didn’t like the coat. It’s just I never asked for one, either.
Then, there was this little box. I tugged on the ribbon and shimmed the lid off of it to reveal a rather expensive looking necklace. The snug quieted down and we collectively tried to find the culprit. Our eyes locked on the boy who was smiling the brightest.
Without a care in the world, Finn wished me a happy birthday. Cue Polly smacking him upside the head. 
“Finn, where’d you pinch that from?” Tommy asked while rubbing his bottom lip.
Finn, who was shielding himself from the last of Polly’s blows, answered. “Some jewelry store in London. Think it was called Madison. It’s not a big deal.”
All us shouted that it was indeed a big deal. I covered the box and pinched the bridge of me nose. 
Polly sighed. “No point in worrying now. I’ll be reading the papers in case people are looking for it. For now, give it to me. I’ll hide it away. It’s no good to be wearing that around here or right now.” She held out her hand for me.
I instantly gave it to her. I looked over at Finn who was looking rather ashamed. “You better beaut, you.” I shoved his face away, playfully. 
A small smile graced his face.
After that debacle, I ate a piece of me own cake while drinking gin. It’s been the first time in a long while that I’ve managed to get the chance to talk to everybody like this.
Made me really think abar how much I matter and how much I don’t. How much doing over Kimber changed this family. They were all busier. I wasn’t. They wouldn’t have done this if it hadn’t been me birthday. Well, they wouldn’t have invited me and Polly. It’s a fucking boys club in this family. Well, they did invite me in the past— but that’s all it is now, the past.
I downed a glass of whiskey and felt it burn me throat. I was getting used to it. I mean I started to drink at least twice a week. I could only limit me vices so much. It’s torture enough as is that I’m holding down the urge to smoke a ciggie right now. But, I am exposed to all the second hand in the air. 
“So, Ali. How are you feeling?” Arthur asked me as he was leaning close to Tommy. As if they had a secret bet or something. I knew what he meant by the question.
I shrugged me shoulders as I smiled. “I feel fine. Warm and fine.”
He scoffed and nodded before turning his head toward Tommy’s ear.
I rolled me eyes and went back to me conversation with Polly. We were talking abar how we were gonna get a grip on Finn. It’s sad that it took that child to do an actual robbery before anyone decided to listen to me. But, at least it’s happenin’ now.
After that I went on a conversation with John, who also asked abar me love life. It was getting so annoying to repeat the same damn things! Then, Esme had to add her two cents in and I couldn’t “snap” back in fear of getting on the wrong foot.
“I think you should experience life as is. Settling down is something you do later.”
I widened me eyes and put on a polite smile, but still had to bite me lip. Didn’t she have an arranged marriage ‘cause she was too wild. I nodded and then moved back to where me seat originally was.
One minute turned into five which turned into ten. 
Were these bitches really not going to show up? 
I looked ‘round to see everyone engaged in some kind of conversation. The boys were playing a card game while Polly and Esme talked. I was the odd man out. Just nursing me fucking bevvy. 
I don’t want to admit it, but this set up right here was hurting me feelings. Never liked feeling excluded. 
I took another glance at them again as I trailed me finger ‘round the rim of the glass.
I didn’t mean to do it, but I began thinking abar how it would be if I wasn’t here. Would they still have met up today? Under the circumstance of a nice day to relax after work. Did me presence actually affect anything? Why was I here? What was me purpose here? Am I supposed to help someone in the Shelby family? 
Am I supposed to prevent the second war from happening? Was this a blessing or a curse? Was this a curse?
“Ailena! Aliena, hun, we’re here!” Cassie shouted from outside the snug. 
I shot up from me chair, whipped back the door, and threw me arms ‘round her. We both laughed and swayed a little.
“You came. You fuckin’ slags. I thought youse weren’t gonna show.” 
Cassie laughed while petting me hair. “We thought you were home then we had to ask around where this bar was. We’re not from here idiot.” She knocked on me head as if she were knocking on a door. “We weren’t going to find this place if no one showed us it before.”
I pursed me lips. As I dropped me hip to the left while knocking me own head. “Oops, my bad.” I took Cassie’s hand in mine and ushered her into the snug. Angie and Tina followed suit. “Shelbys, meet my friends. This is Cassie Johnson, Lady Angelica Sallow, and The Honorable Christiana King. Friends meet the Shelbys. That is Arthur, Thomas, John, Finn, Esme, and Polly Gray.” 
Cassie uttered a “hi,” while waving with a smile. Tina just waved and smiled. 
Angie pushed her way through and greeted Polly. “Good evening, it’s so nice to meet you all, finally. Aliena has said all good things.”
Polly shook her hand, but I knew that face. She was studying her. I cleared me throat and clapped me hands. 
“Well, I wouldn’t want us to be all cramped up in the snug. So, we’ll be out there! Okay? Okay.” I grasped Angie’s hand and dragged her out of the snug.
“It really was nice meeting you all!” She shouted before I slammed the door shut. “What the ‘ell, Ali? She didn’t even get to say anything.”
I rolled me eyes. “Believe me, that was probably a good thing.” ‘She was sizing you up,’ was left unsaid. I flicked her forehead before leading them to the bar top. 
I waved Harry over who looked like he was stammering for words. He leaned down to the men sitting and said something to them that made them leave. I smiled and took a seat there.
“Anything I can get for you ladies? On the house. I know it’s our special Aliena’s birthday.” Harry said as he leaned against the top.
I smiled and said. “Can we get four gin and tonics, Harry? Thanks.”
“Coming right up.”
I turned ‘round so me back was against the top. “Thank God, youse came when ya did. I was dying of boredom in there.”
Cassie scoffed. “Maybe you should just-!”
I held up me finger, effectively shutting her up. “I literally just said that I was bored. I didn’t say I was being abused.” 
Cassie tsked while rolling her eyes which made me smirk. Tina cleared her throat before she spoke.
“So, that was the Tommy, you’re always talking about?” 
Me eyes widened to the size of saucers as I shushed her while me head did a full 180. “Don’t go announcing it to the whole fucking bar, Tina!” I looked ‘round a bit more before I leaned over Cassie and whispered. “But yes, that’s him.”
“He looks really intense. Is that your type?” Tina asked, unfazed.
I looked away before answering her. “Yes and no. He’s my type, obviously, since I have a crush on ‘em. But, the only thing he and the other men that I’ve been enamored with is high cheekbones.”
She oh-ed and nodded.
“Here you ladies are!” Harry said as the glasses clinked against the bar top. 
All four of us grabbed our drinks.
“Toast!” Angie shouted. We held our drinks in the air. “Today, we celebrate our little Aliena turning 18 a day early. Let’s try not to not drink too much ‘cause we are gonna party like it’s the end of the world tomorrow! To Aliena.”
“To Aliena! To me!”
Then, we drank as much as we could before having some sort of reaction. After that we paired off, I was talking to Angie.
“So, what happened to that guy you left with some nights ago?” I asked Angie as I took a sip of me bevvy.
She sighed as she used the straw to stir her drink. “It was a complete waste of time. In all honesty, I’m beginning to lose hope. I might as well just give up and let my father match me off.”
I shook me head furiously. “No! No, Ange. Don’t give up. What are you? 19, 20, you still have time to look. If you were 30, I’d be saying otherwise— but you’re not. You’ll find a guy when the time is right.”
Okay, I’m not bashing 30-year-old single people. Angie is expected to marry off at an early age in order to comply with the societal norms of the 1920s. Besides, she and her father have this arrangement that if she doesn’t have anyone she wants to marry for love by that age— then he has the right to marry her off.
She groaned while supporting her head with her hand, her elbow on the bar top. I rubbed her back up and down.
“You’ll find your Mister Right, Ange. I just know it. Hey, maybe, you have already met him.” I attempted to lighten her mood. “Either way. I think it’s too early to call it quits. Maybe we stop trying to find the love of our lives in clubs, eh? Try a cafe or a country club, instead?”
Angie turned her gaze to me and we shared a giggle.
“Eh?” I tried again.
“Yeah.” She whispered. “Yeah. You’re right.”
I smirked as I put me hand down and used it to bring me drink to me lips. “I know I am.”
I had two more gin and tonics before I felt that I was out of it. I was shoutin’, for sure. I was borderline slurring yet me sentences were still understandable. I had, technically, pre-gamed ‘cause the boys were trying to drink me under the table. 
I had stumbled out of the loo when I was attacked by me friends.
“Aliena! Ali!” They shouted.
I shook me head as I gripped their arms as they did mine. “What?” I shouted, confused.
Tina shoved Cassie forward who was cradling her cheek, but her lip was bleeding too. Me eyes widened and I immediately started inspecting it.
“What the fuck happened?”
Cassie looked away before looking back into me eyes. “I was talking to some guy. He came up to me at the bar. Then, this girl came up to me and just slapped me. She said that I should go to hell for being a homewrecker. That she bets that I’m nothing but a prostitute.” Cassie choked on a sob while rubbing her eyes. She smeared her eyeshadow ‘n mascara, making her look like a raccoon. Just like how I first met her. “Seems like they’re together or something. But I didn’t know. He came up to me. I swear. He came up to me. I would never flirt with a taken man, Ali.” She hiccup and whimpered.
I looked back to see Angie arguing with the girl. I could feel me blood boiling. I was filled with rage. That bitch made me Cassie cry. 
“Ali, she was wearing rings.” Tina pointed out, her voice strained. She motioned toward Cassie’s busted lip.
I titled her head down to get a good look at it. Then, I began to shake me head softly before I muttered, “I’ll take care of it.” She should’ve known who she was hitting before she’d done it. Should’ve hit her unfaithful man instead of slapping me best friend.
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I grabbed a drink that was idle at the bar top. Angie and the girl’s arguing got louder. I saw as the woman began to raise her arm, her fist clenched.
“Oi!” I yelled. The girl twirled ‘round and I threw the drink in her face before punching her straight on the nose. She gasped in pain as she went to cradle her nose. I gave her a moment to recuperate.
Let’s have a fair fight now.
She looked up at me, her nose bloody. “You crazy fucking bitch.”
“A fucking bitch who’s friend you messed with, dumb cunt.” 
She growled before she launched herself at me, rather pathetically. I grabbed the hand that tried to slap me and gave her one instead. I managed to get both of her arms in me hold, I titled me head back, and head butted her.
Fuck did that bring tears to me eyes.
She fell to her knees as I let go of her arms. Instead of cradling her head, she wrapped her arms ‘round me legs and forced me down. 
I groaned on impact, but quickly shot up and punched her. She yelped and went to clutch her face.
The fact that she managed to make me fall pissed me off even more.
I grabbed a wooden chair that nearby, raised it in the air, and started beating her with it. She whimpered with each hit and started wailing. 
I didn’t care. This felt good. This felt cathartic. Why was me heart beating so loud? Why was I fighting off a smile? There was this cracking sound and before I knew it, the blood from her nose splattered across the floor. 
Her arms finally came up to protect her head, but that didn’t deter me. She turned over on her side, but I still didn’t stop. I gave one good strong swing and she left out a blood-curdling scream just as there was an audible crack in the room. Did I manage to break her arm?
“Ali! Aliena!” 
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Me head shot up and I didn’t raise up the chair again. Thomas stood there with his hand out, signaling for me to stop. 
“Enough.” He breathily pleaded. “Enough now.” He took a hesitant step toward me, as if I were a fucking animal.
How fucking insulting! 
I couldn’t help it. I was just so mad. I raised the chair and slammed it against the wall of the bar top. I could hear people gasp. All that was left in me hand was one of the chair’s legs. 
I panted for breath. “There. Now that’s enough.” I ran a hand through me hair, effectively getting all me hair out of me face. The girl was whimperin' incessantly. It was so annoying. I kicked her softly as I  stepped over her body and told her to shut up.  
“Come on. Let’s go.” I called out to me friends. I could hear their shuffling behind me as I continued walking on.
Just as I was abar to pass Tommy, he caught me arm. 
“We’re gonna talk about this at home.” He whispered. His tone stern and chastising. 
I tsked and yanked me arm away from him. I marched on and caught the eyes of me employers. The look in their eyes were mixed with astonishment and disapproval. 
I rolled me eyes, hard before I opened the doors with bang.
“All right! Show’s over. Go back to what you were doing.” I heard Tommy yell.
I started walking faster. When I realized me friends’ heels were clacking behind me, I turned ‘round and waited for them. I rushed to Cassie and hovered me hands over her inflamed cheek.
She caught me wrists and held them tightly.
“We need to get some ice on it. We can’t have it bruising.” I muttered while inspecting her face again.
Angie scoffed. “What the fuck was that, Aliena?” Her face was contorted in some weird mixture of anger and disbelief.
“She got what she deserved. The dumb-arse raised a hand to Cassie expecting no repercussions. I decided to give her some.” I said with a booming voice. 
Cassie shook her head. “What about your hands?” She asked as she gently took me hands in hers and started to inspect them. “You punched her good. Are your knuckles swollen?” 
I shrugged me shoulders. “Don’t know. I feel quite a bit of pain, though.”
Angie groaned loudly. “Of course you would feel pain. You broke her nose, Ali! You headbutted her and then beat her with a chair.”
Me head snapped toward Angie. “Thank you for the play-by-play! What’s your deal?” I asked.
She scoffed again as her hands began to join the conversation. “What’s my deal? Aliena, YOU BEAT THAT GIRL WITH A CHAIR!”
“IT WAS AN OLD WOODEN CHAIR! Look at the end of the day, I would have done that for any one of youse. She fucking busted Cassie’s lip over a man. A man, Angie! So, I busted hers.”
Cassie sniffled loudly. “Thank you.” She whispered. “Thank you.” Cassie hugged me tightly and hid her face in me neck.
It has something to do with her past. But, I wasn’t going to out her to the rest of the girls— just because they couldn’t understand.
Tina waved her hands between Angie and I. “Angelica, I’m sorry but I’m with Ali.”
Angie scoffed as her eyes bugged out of her head.
Tina continued. “Maybe the chair was excessive, but we’re all drunk. We’re drunk! That fucking bitch just straight up slapped Cassie while she had her rings on, and...and-! Belittled her! That’s not right!”
“Tina just because we are all a little drunk does not excuse violence. I was handling it!”
I scoffed and ran me hand through me hair again. “Sure, you were handling it alright! Then, why did I have to stop her from hitting you?”
Angie averted her eyes. “She wasn’t-!”
“Yes, she was and you know it. You must have seen her cock her arm and/or at least see that her fists were clenched.”
Angie looked down at the cobblestone. “It just felt a little excessive.” She whispered as she hugged herself.
So, the leader of this pack has a little bite.
I sighed while pinching the bridge of me nose. “I admit the chair was a little over the top. I just got so angry and…” Me voice trailed off. “I’m sorry for, I don’t know, upsetting you. But what I’m not sorry for is defending you and Cassie.”
We left it at that and regrouped at the house. We talked abar it a little more before I poured everyone some water and distributed the bread. Cassie insisted on icing me knuckles, so I let her. When it was ‘round two in the morning, Cassie called Simmons.
I was hugging me arms as I watched them pile into the car. 
Angie’s head popped out as she said. “Remember I’m picking you up at four tomorrow, all right!”
I nodded. “Yeah, I got it.” I laughed as her head disappeared back into the car. I faced Cassie. I couldn’t help the pitiful gaze on me face. 
“Thanks again for, ya know, fucking her up for me.” Cassie whispered as she picked under her nails.
I winked at her. “We’re crazy together, remember.” We shared a laugh and then a hug. But after, she climbed into the car and I waved them off. I looked ‘round and then ran back into the house.
I already had a plan. I was just going to go to sleep to avoid a very uncomfortable conversation that I did not want to go through again. It was too unpredictable. 
Was I going to be confronted by just Tommy or is Polly going to be there too? Would it be a fucking family meeting? Might as well be, they’ll probably just harass me individually.
Oh fucking well!
I raced up the steps and slammed me door behind me. Me chest heaved up and down as I tried to catch me breath. I realized that I didn’t put makeup on tonight. 
I’m a fucking genius!
I ran to me bed, jumped in, got comfy, then closed me eyes. 
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“Oi! Wake up! There’s no avoiding this, Ali.”
I jumped awake. Me heart was in me fucking throat and I threw a glare at Tommy. 
“Leave me alone!” I sluggishly demanded as I went to turn ‘round in me bed.
“Aliena, there’s no avoiding this so let’s get it over with, yeah.”
I shut me eyes tightly before letting out a big sigh. I rubbed me forehead before I yanked me blankets off me body. I heard Tommy walk out rather than see it. I got to me feet and walked after ‘em. 
As I extended me right hand fingers’, they throbbed in pain. I’m sure if Cassie hadn’t hounded me to ice them, they would be in much worse condition. 
We walked all the way into the family meeting room that was in the betting shop. Lights were lit, people in their usual spots. Esme wasn’t here, though.
That’s nice.
Polly with hands on her hips walked ‘til she was at Tommy’s side.
“You wanna tell us what that was all about?” She pointedly asked me.
I sighed while I rubbed me forehead again. “The woman hit Cassie. This man came up to her and started chattin’ her up. Turns out the fella was taken. The woman directly confronted Cassie as the problem. Called her names. Called her a homewrecker and said she was a prostitute. That’s when she slapped Cassie with rings on her hand.”
They all just stared at me blankly.
Well, fucking say something! Say it wasn’t me own fight! Say that they could’ve started this and not the woman. Say that I did a good job, or I had no right doing what I did! Say that I was out of control. ASK ME WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME!
I looked down at the floorboard. “I knew it wasn’t me own fight, but Cassie is me best friend. And I wasn’t thinking clearly. I had tossed back like three gin and tonics after drinking all that whiskey in the snug. It won’t happen again.”
Tommy sniffed, flicked his nose, then spoke. “Right, guess that’s it then. Don’t let it happen again, Ali.”
Me head shot up and I blinked a lot. 
That was it?
I just nodded and headed up the stairs. As I gently closed me bedroom door behind me, I slid down it with me hands hiding me face. Me body shook violently as I inaudibly sobbed.
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I woke up with a headache. Not a hangover, but a headache. Luckily, I had a day off today. Afterall, today was me actual birthday. So, I turned ‘round and shut me eyes. I wasn’t going back to sleep, I knew that wasn’t happening— but I just didn’t want to get up yet.
Me hand was throbbing. I tried clenching and unclenching me hand as a way to soothe it. Just like the day before, I took me time getting up. But, I didn’t start getting ready.
I took off the dress I fell asleep in and picked out me fuzzy black sweater and grey joggers to match. I ran a hand over me face before sighing and dropping me hip to the side. I racked me hand in me hair, pushing it away from me face, and then walked over to me desk. I opened the drawer and pulled out me art book. 
I tossed it on me desk and flipped it open to a blank page. I just sat there and pondered abar what I should try drawing. I blew a raspberry before I snapped me fingers as the thought came to me. 
I was gonna try and draw Tommy using watercolours. 
I spent the whole morning working on it ‘til I couldn’t stand the ache in me stomach anymore. I sighed while racking me hair back again. I got up and walked downstairs. 
I was fairly greeted by the shouts of men coming from the betting shop. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the bread nonchalantly. I cut meself two slices, kept the knife in me hand, then grabbed the jam with the other. 
I sat down with one leg tucked into me thigh on the chair while the other was bent. Grabbed the knife ‘n began to spread the jelly ‘round as I yawned. I took two bites before I decided I desperately needed water to wash it down.
I strolled over to the cabinet and pulled out a glass. We drank from the tap, so that’s what I did. As I was drinking me water, the front door opened. 
For fuck’s sake. 
I silently prayed to God that it wasn’t who I thought it was. And sure enough, Tommy Shelby came into view. I mouthed, “Fuck,” before sitting back on me chair. I could feel his eyes on me. I kept me gaze locked on the table. 
Tommy cleared his throat ‘n I instinctively raised me head. Tommy grabbed his cap off of his head ‘n held it in one hand as he pulled out a chair. He groaned softly as he sat down. 
He tsked. “So, Ali. You wanna tell me what yesterday was really about?”
I blinked. “I already told you what it was abar.”
He titled his head and his lips pursed a little. His eyes flickered to mine. 
Was he trying to say something with his eyes? ‘Cause it felt like it. It was like he was begging me to tell him me troubles. But, I didn’t want to.
“Are you sure, Ali? You’re tellin’ me you did all that because she roughed up your friend.”
I rolled me eyes as me tongue prodded the inside of me cheek. I kept quiet before scoffing. “She just caught me on a bad day. I was already drunk ‘n agaited. Angie said something that ticked me off earlier. And I think me Aunt Flo is abar to make a visit, so yeah.” I smiled at him mockingly before I took a big bite of me scran. 
He studied me face for a little more before he tapped his finger on the table and rose up suddenly. “Right.” He muttered before he left the room. 
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 After that interaction, I scarfed me scran down and went back upstairs. I worked on me painting ‘til it was four. I heard that familiar honk and cursed in surprise. I was lost in painting. I scrambled ‘round to collect me things. I was going to stay over the weekend. 
Her incessant honking was raising me blood pressure and I fought back the urge to shout at her. I was zipping ‘round me room gathering everything. I slug me backpack on and flew out the door.
Just as I was grabbing me coat, a voice caught me. “Aliena, love. Are you sure this is a good idea?”
I stilled and looked at Polly. “How do you mean?”
She looked at me with a concerned face. “Should you be partying with what happened yesterday?”
I averted me eyes. “It’s me birthday, Pol.” I whispered.
She didn’t say anything in response.
I looked up at her before taking me coat hurriedly off the hook and running backwards. “Love you, Pol! Bye!”
As always, Cassie was waiting for me outside the car. We hugged and then climbed inside of the car. We brought up what happened again ‘n really cleared the air. 
I just wanted it to go away, ya know. Be forgotten. It literally happened yesterday night. It wasn’t going away anytime soon.
When we got to the flat, the girls wasted no time pushing me into a chair. 
“What are youse doing?” I asked through me laughter. I noticed there were other women in the room as well.
“I hired these women to do our hair and makeup. I want you to look your best! I even hired a photographer. But first, the dress you will be wearing!” Angie divulged as she walked over to the closet. She reached inside and pulled out a silk green dress.
It looked exactly like the one Kiera Knightly wore in Atonement. Me own gasps were not the only ones heard throughout the room.
Tina came into me view and took the dress out of Angie’s hand slowly. “I showed my family’s dressmaker the drawing you drew of me in this dress. I asked them to make one just like it. I wanted you to have the real thing.” She walked over to me and I took the dress into me hands as she held onto the hanger.
I stroked the fabric, silk. “Oh, Tina. It’s so beautiful. Just how I-!” Just how I remembered it. I hummed with a painful smile on me face. I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.” I whispered in her ear. 
Cassie clapped her hands. “Alright. Let’s get dressed before we get our hair and makeup done.”
We did as she suggested. Once we were all done changing, we sat down on the chairs where the cosmetologists were standing patiently. In a very movie-esque fashion, the cosmetologists flapped open their smocks and draped it over us, simultaneously. 
Angie was sitting in the chair beside me.
I looked over at her. “Angie, you didn’t have-!”
She held up her hand, effectively shuttin’ me up. “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. So, let’s all just enjoy this.”
The cosmetologist began by curling me hair in loose waves and then proceeded to give me a faux bob. Something I could never achieve if I did this by meself. I struck up a conversation with her and she was happy to give me some tips. 
I looked at meself in the mirror. I couldn’t believe how me hair looked. I looked like I finally belonged in this era. I couldn’t stop the Cheshire-cat grin on me face. But I had to relax it as ordered by the cosmetologist. 
When it was all said ‘n done, they women left and I opened Cassie’s present. She got me an amethyst earrings and necklace set this time for me ma’. When I started to tear up, the girls rushed to me and begged me to stop before it could even begin. That got a laugh out of me.
The earrings were Long Cluster Gemstone Earrings and the necklace was silver with an amethyst teardrop. I rushed to put them on and then it was time to go. 
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God was Angie’s mansion intimidating. Even more so that it was filled with people from high society that were unfamiliar to me. I knew I was going to meet with a lot of people tonight. 
The party was in a light swing when we arrived. I stuck to Cassie like gum on a shoe. While I desperately wanted to find a table and stand ground there or find some secluded place so that I could relax, I was stuck with Cassie— greeting her other friends and acquaintances. 
It was so embarrassing when they asked abar me family. Only to tell them that I’m an orphan and I met Cassie when I was giving her directions. I didn’t miss the faces. The faces of people who sneered at me. Teased me for me status behind me back. Made stories up abar why they were keeping me ‘round. Maybe even for the dress. It was a 1940s style dress, I think.
I didn’t expect to feel this way. I thought I could move past it, bury it all down. But, I was finding it harder to do than expected. Still, I kept a polite smile and dug me nails into me palm. 
When the mansion was packed, Angie ushered me to the stage where the band was playing. She made a big spectacle of it.
“Everyone, I gathered you all here to celebrate my good friend, Aliena Welsh’s 18th birthday.” She clapped which was mimicked by everyone in the crowd.
For pride, I suppressed the need to cover me face and spazz out. I kept that tight, polite smile on me face.
“Bring out the cake.” Angie shouted. On her orders, men in tuxes— the stewards or butlers or manservants— rolled out a cake and left it in front of us. Angie guided me where to stand. “We’ll sing Happy Birthday on three, everyone. One, two, three!”
A whole crowd was singing happy birthday to me. It was absolutely mortifying. I kept me gaze as Cassie, who was singing with a thumbs up. She knew I was freaking out. 
When the whole singing was over with, I made the same wish I did yesterday. I walked off the stage with Angie. I rushed over to Cassie and hide me face in her neck.
“They were all looking at me.” I whimpered.
She rubbed me back. “I know. I know, honey. How about we get a piece of cake, eat, then get fucking drunk. Huh? Sound alright?”
I looked up at her and nodded. So, that’s what we did. We ate a piece of cake and marched over to the bar. 
“Oooh!” I exclaimed. “Let’s play a drinking game!”
Cassie furrowed her eyebrows. “What game?”
“I think it’s called blowjob.”
She gasped while slapping her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god! Ailena!”
“Look we order three shots each and whoever drinks it the fastest without using their hands wins. You game?”
Cassie looked hesitantly. Her hand covering her mouth to hide her smile. “Fine! What the hell, right? You’re the birthday girl, after all.”
I cheered and called over the bartender.
We could only play one round of that game. I got buzzed fairly quickly since it was vodka. But we settled for beer. 
We danced, sat down, drank, smoked, and eventually I got so drunk that I started dancing modernly. I was swaying me hips while holding a bottle of whatever, dancing to the music in me head.
I felt hands wrap ‘round me arms. I turned ‘round to see Angie. 
“Angie!” I squealed before going in to hug her. She giggled before titling me head back.
“Aliena, you need to slow it down.” 
I blew raspberries. “I’m ‘aving fun. ‘Ave fun with me.” I kept her hand in mine as I leaned away and started dancing again.
Angie sighed while clutching her forehead. “Fine, I’ll have fun with you. Just! Stop dancing like that!”
I shrugged me shoulder and stilled instantly while a piece of hair fell into me eyes. “Okay.” Then, I pulled her to the bar where we chatted and drank.
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I don’t know where I was. I was just extremely nauseous. I used the walls to support me as I stumbled along. The entrance doors were in me sight. I walked faster and felt me mouth water. I immediately doubled over into a plant and vomited.
When I was done, I stood straight while wiping me mouth. I gathered what was left in me mouth and spat it out. I whimpered as I clutched me tummy. 
I stumbled down the steps. Me legs were shaking like leaves. I groaned and plopped down on them. I bent over and started taking them off.
“Fucking devil shoes.” I grumbled. When I was done, I wobbled me way back up to me feet and walked further out in the backyard garden area, place, thingy.
I chortled at me thoughts.
When I got tired of walking, I sat down on some undistinguishable patch of grass. I was surrounded by acres of sophisticatedly cut grass.
I used me arms to support me as I leaned forward. I picked at the grass for a while ‘til it hit me.
I just threw up in one of Angie’s plants... 
Stutteringly, me arms gave up on me and I was laying down. I raised me arms to cover me face as it started to contort. A sob escaped me lips. Me shoulders shook violently.
I’m turning into an alcoholic. I drank ‘til I threw up in me mate’s flowers.
What’s wrong with me! 
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston @nemesis729​ @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @tlfshelby1 @halepea @lilymurphy03 @marsfireeyes @masumiyetimziyanoldu @i-love-superhero​
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whump-town · 4 years
Route 66
(done right-- welcome to my version of Route 66 with angst and whump because I like to beat Hotch around... cause I love him. Buckle in, fasten your seat belts, and, for the love of God people, remember to keep your hands and feet inside vehicle at all times...)
Aaron Hotchner sits bolt upright in his bed. For a moment, all he knows is the cold sweat drying on his skin and the scent of musky settled dust. Noticeably, this isn’t his house or even his bed. The sheets across his bare legs are scratchy, irritating his skin. He can’t focus on the sensation eating his legs up, too busy trying to keep his measly dinner down. 
His racing heart and nausea tightening his throat are making it a difficult feat.
The bed lamp on the nightstand beside the other bed clicks on and slowly, his brain strings together the course of the last few days. Tennessee, three dead kids, and another missing. No cooling-off period. All dead within the first 24 hours. The hotel. 
“Hotch, are you okay?” The other figure-- not Dave, which is weird because he remembers talking to Dave before he fell asleep. The older man had asked something similar to the voice now but inquiring if he needed anything before they went to sleep. “Hotch?”
He snaps out of his thoughts, grounded by the hand placed on his shoulder. 
It’s Prentiss.  
He throws the blankets off of his legs and appreciates when she stumbles out of his way. His knees buckle underneath his feet but he throws a hand out and catches himself on the nightstand. For a moment, Emily reaches out for him. Wanting to allow him to lean into her but she hesitates. He manages to stand on his own even if his knees bow from his weight. 
She gives him space and he manages to get to the bathroom by himself. Sparing her the sight of him falling limply to his knees as he expels the contents of his stomach into the inside of a hotel toilet. She can still hear his weak gags from the other room.
As much as she would like to invade his personal space and smother him with remedies, she has to fight that. Hotch cares about his personal space and while it will make her feel momentarily better that she’s helped him, he’ll carry around the guilt of being weak for a month or better. So, instead, she slips a cardigan over her tank top and waits for him to either stop vomiting or for the knock on their door that signals someone else has heard the noise.
Whichever comes first. 
He falls silent. Too silent. 
Whatever part of her brain that screams for his personal space is overpowered by the intense fear that births itself in the form of panic and a tight uncomfortable feeling in her throat. “Are you okay?” She knocks her fist against the door before peeking her head around. Relief flooding her body as she finds him propped up between the toilet and the bathtub, his head leaning against the cold off-white walls. 
“Do you need anything? Water?” 
At just the mention of putting something near his mouth, his stomach twists bitterly. He shakes his head. 
She leans against the doorframe, “is there anything I can do?”
He shakes his head, unable to trust his voice.
That was Wednesday.
Emily tells Dave, her hands shaking a little as she explains the whole situation. It feels like a betrayal of his trust. People get sick and it’s not like they’re an exception to that. If anything, they sick more often that normal people. Stress suppresses the immune system.
“It’s probably nothing,” she admits, head ducked from his peering eyes. She picks insistently at her nails, which tells Dave all he really needs to know on the matter. It isn’t nothing. Whatever Emily saw, and whatever she hasn’t told him in full, bothered her. Given Emily and Hotch’s strange relationships-- at one another throats and then the best of friends-- he reckon, it is bad. 
“I’ll talk to him,” Dave says with a sigh. His head already hurts just thinking about the loops that boy is going to make him jump through. He chuckles to himself. Boy. Aaron Hotchner isn’t much of a boy anymore. Although, it’s not hard to see that knuckle-headed recruit from twenty some years ago. 
Unfortunately, Dave, also, knows exactly what she’s talking about. Just yesterday he’d followed a nose-diving, clearly distraught Aaron Hotchner into the men’s bathroom.
“Aaron?” Dave gives him a moment. Waits until the gagging stops and he hears the sound of lazily, uncoordinated movement as Hotch tries and fails to pull himself back to his feet. Calling the younger man’s name out again, he pushes the stall open so that he can see in better. “You okay, son?”
Hotch is curled into himself, head tilted back against the cool plastic of the stall wall. His dark hair is haloed out around his head, sticking up in every direction. Slowly his eyes drag up to Dave, surrounded by the dark bags and the light brown of his iris’ accented by the aggravated vessels of his eye. That answers one question: he sure as hell isn’t sleeping.
“Fine,” Hotch rasps, voice cracking around the soreness lodged in his throat. “I’m fine.” He pulls himself upright. With an audience, standing is mandatory. He’s not going to be on his knees in front of anyone. With a muffled cough, he throws out a fumbling hand to connect with the commode handle. Flushing the meager ex-contents of his stomach.
On his feet once again, he leans into the door for a moment. The world attempting to give out from beneath his feet.
Dave reaches out and touches his elbow, wrapping his hand around his arm. He’s a little too worried to leave just yet. “You sure about that,” Dave asks. “You don’t seem alright. “The glare that comes his way is concentrated and while it doesn’t scare Dave into leaving Hotch alone, it does assure him that Hotch is already doing better.
As it turns out, “doing better” was temporary. 
“I told you,” Hotch states calmly, his voice the picture of calm and steady. Controlled. “I’m fine.” He keeps his gaze on the whiskey he’s gently spinning around his glass. 
“You’re getting old,” Dave brushes it off. He pours Hotch another two fingers of the whiskey, not really asking just leaning over and pouring. Hotch doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t validate the statement. “We’re not as young as we once were,” Dave sighs. There’s a melancholy that settles over the room. Dave thinks about that lanky kid he picked up in Seattle. He had no way of knowing that kid would turn into the man in front of him today. A trusted friend. A son.
Dave lets the heavy taste of the whiskey settle on his tongue, shaking his head as he fails to think of anything but the last few years. Of the trouble brought into their lives.
Hotch cups the tumbler in his hands, looking down into the amber liquid. He’s not sure how to say it, really. The thing is, he knows something is wrong. But… he glances at Dave, the older man smirking as he raises his glass to his lips, maybe it’s just in his head. 
He’s having nightmares. Not the usual ones, although, those aren’t all that normal either. The thing is, he’s dreaming of Haley. He hasn’t dreamt of Haley in years. He never dealt with those emotions and that trauma the right way but that typically reflects itself more around the anniversaries of the attacks. Not now. Not without reason.
He’s right. He just doesn’t know that yet.
“You okay, man?” 
Hotch sticks to a very predictable routine. When he deviates from it, it’s still not that crazy. It’s 11:30, and like always, he comes down from his office for his third cup of coffee. Today, his fingers are digging into the pale flesh of his temple. More alarming than the pallor of his skin is the blatant pain etched across his forehead. Completely out of character.
It’s like he doesn’t even hear Morgan the first time. Now he startles slightly, flinching as Emily and Morgan both step into the breakroom beside him. Absently, he watches as Emily pulls the mug of coffee from his hands. Nothing more than a grunt of annoyance gracing his lips when she pours it down the sink. 
“You’re going to give yourself an ulcer,” she states, filling it, instead, with cold water from the tap. “Besides, you look like you need a nap.”
Morgan envies the relationships she has with their boss. Dying Hotch wouldn’t let Morgan anywhere near his coffee. “When was the last time you slept anyways,” Morgan asks, tucking his arms against his chest. He’s preparing for a pushback. For shields and that steely look in his friends eyes. 
Because that’s what’s normal.
“Last night,” Hotch says instead, taking his mug of water from Emily with a frown. 
There are no shields. 
“For more than a few hours, man,” Morgan amends. “Seven or eight hours not four.” 
The water still taste like coffee-- so like shit. However, it’s probably better on his empty stomach. Besides, water isn’t as cruel coming back up. As far as Morgan’s question goes, he can’t remember. Not recently, that’s for sure. “Don’t you have work to do,” he grunts, raising an eyebrow.
That’s Hotch. 
Morgan looks him up and down one last time before nodding. 
Emily eyes him a moment to long and Morgan shakes his head, his suspensions confirmed. 
“Drink the water,” Emily states, following Morgan out. 
Wednesday he spaces out during a meeting. 
It’s not pressing even though it’s at the round table. They’re just bored and looking for something interesting to do-- so Dave drags him out of his office. He’s been hiding out there, only coming out when he has to. Secluded to the dark cool space.  
His eyes seemed glassy and if he were anyone else, they might jokingly inquire about his sobriety. It’s insensitive now, wrong. By now, it’s impossible to deny that something’s wrong.
Palm pressed into his eye-socket, he’s trying to swallow down the nausea creeping up his throat. “Hmm,” he grunts, clenching his teeth tightly to refrain from wincing.
“Are you alright?” Reid. He’s sitting beside Hotch, leaning close to the larger man. Nearly pressed into his side, his sore side. Reid watches a vein in his forehead jump so he puts some more space between them. Shying away for a moment. “I can…” he clears his throat nervously. “I have, uhm, I have Tylenol.” He stutters, eyes catching the other’s now that the low hum of their voices has cut through the mostly silent room. “If you--If--If you want that.”
Hotch gently reaches down and knocks a knuckle against his thigh. They meet eyes and Reid feels himself calm immediately. “That would--” Hotch has to stop and clear his throat. “Please.” 
Reid nods his head, standing ducking his gaze from the other’s. He’s got a mission, a way he can help, and he’s content for the moment.
Hotch knows the Tylenol isn’t going to help, nothing has, but it’ll make Reid feel good to have something to do. That, within itself, is good enough.
Until it isn’t.
He wakes with a startle. The breath in his lungs effectively knocked out. A whimper leaves his lips, twisting in agony at the pain down his sternum into his abdomen. Slowly, the black of his vision patters out but he’s left covered in a cold sweat and shaking. 
Panting, he sits up, holding his side with his hand as he does so. Shit… and it’s ten o’clock. “J-Jessica?” he’s shaking so bad that he has to lean back against the couch. “Hey,” he rasps. “Is, ugh, is Jack up?”
He’s not but that just leaves more time for Jessica to fret. She’s noticed things are off too and after Hotch promised to be home last night… he’d worried her. He’s still worrying her. 
“I’m okay,” he rasps. “Just…” his lip twitches as he just stares into the carpet of his office. It’s getting so hard to keep up this ruse. To keep lying. He wants to cave. For someone to just take care of him so this madness can end but… he doesn’t want to burden anyone. Not when Jessica already does so much. “I just lost track of time, Jess. I’m sorry. I, ugh, fell asleep on the couch in my office.”
He closes his eyes, head tilted back. He’s still exhausted which is too exhausted to say anything when Jessica lays into him about spending too much time at the office. “It’s gonna be the death of you Aaron,” she whispers, the fear in her voice thick. “You can’t do that to this boy,” she adds. “Not to any of us.”
He… He hadn’t considered that.
“I--” he squints at his phone, frowning at the Amber Alert he sees. “I gotta go, Jess.” At least he feels guilty about it. “I’ll talk to you later…”
Thin ice but when isn’t he?
Standing is… it’s really hard. He keeps one hand pressed to the wall as he walks, each step a little too unsteady. Pulling in a deep breath he straightens his back out and walks into the conference room. The other’s glance up but no better than to look for too long.
He starts to struggle to breath, his body shaking against his will. The room is freezing, leaving his skin tight and pained with the goosebumps raised across his arms. He needs to sit down but if he sits down he won’t be able to get back up. He can’t know for certain, his breathing is labored and his vision is swimming-- he’s got to get out of this room. “E--Excuse me.”
His shoulders slump and his roll back into his head.
part 2 is in progress but you can still yell at me about the cliff hanger down below if you’d like :)... I mean, a comment is a comment
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thirstbxtch · 5 years
Kiss and Make Up
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Rated: M for language
For @bumblebet-20 who requested:
“Hi! If you're still taking requests can I request a Billy Hargrove fic where him and the reader get into a fight, so she goes to a party with Nancy to get her mind off the fight. She gets crazy drunk and someone calls Billy who quickly shows up and they make up (maybe she's super angry when he shows up but that quickly ends???) Hopefully this makes sense! Thank you!!!!”
Hope you like! 
“Hey, what’s this?” You ask, thumbing over a nasty bruise just above Billy’s wrist as he shifts gears, whipping out of the school parking lot.
“Its nothing,” he dismisses, keeping his eyes straight ahead.
You draw your hand away with an “Oh.”
“What?” He asks, annoyance edging into voice.
“What?” You return somewhat confused.
“Why’d you say it like that?”
“Like what?” 
“Like you’re trying to be a nosy bitch that’s what,” he says sharply.
“I’m sorry, what?” You reply, starting to get heated yourself.
“You heard me, its none of your fucking business, just because we’re fucking doesn’t mean its any of your business.”
“Just because we’re fucking?” You repeat. Like you weren’t expecting flowers from Hawkin’s newest bad boy, but you had thought maybe after that night on the hood of his Camaro under the stars it was at least more than fucking. 
Billy doesn’t answer. Just clenches his jaw; tightens his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Just pull over Billy. I’ll walk home. Don’t want you to feel obligated to drive me home, just because we’re fucking,” you say dryly.
He sighs.
“Come on, don’t get all dramatic, you knew what you were getting yourself into.”
He cuts you a look. You’re looking out the window.
“And now I’m getting out; I said pull the fuck over.”
Another huff. But the Camaro slows to a stop, almost reluctantly, but he doesn’t say anything to change your mind.
You each look each other over before you grab your books and get out, letting the door slam. 
You call Nancy as soon as you get in.
“Hey Nance, you still going to Tommy’s party tonight?”
“Umm, I’m not sure, we got like a ton of chemistry homework today.”
“Oh,” you say lamely. Right. The chemistry homework.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, its just, Billy and I got in a fight. Kind of wanted the distraction,” you explain hopefully, “we can work on the chemistry homework together tomorrow if you go tonight,” you add casually.
“Ugh fine we can go,” she relents, “but also I told you he was no good. I’ll pick you up at 9.”
There’s already a decent crowd when you and Nancy arrive. Nancy drifts off to find one of her other friends and you quickly locate the alcohol. You just want to be numb; the sting of anger still fresh within you. And this really isn’t the best idea because oh god, what if he shows up, which he probably will, so you just decide it’ll be better to be drunk either way. You skip the beers sitting in a cooler, and opt for the open bottle of Jack Daniels, mixing a Jack and Coke that’s mostly Jack. And do a shot first before drinking that, just to, you know, take the edge off.
You find Nancy. She’s watching Tommy and Carol and company play Truth or Dare. Billy is strangely absent. He must really be in a mood then.
“What happened? Do you wanna talk about it?” Nancy offers.
“No, I just want to forget about it,” you reply, taking a healthy sip of your drink.
“Are you guys still--?” She trails off uncertainly.
You bite your lip.
“Umm, I’m not really sure,” you say. You had said you were getting out; you weren’t sure if you meant getting out of the car or getting out of the relationship. Was it a relationship? Everyone knows Billy Hargrove’s got a reputation. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was already thinking about moving on.
“Hey,” Nancy places her hand on your shoulder, “he’s a jerk. You could do so much better.” 
You know she’s just saying that to try to lift your spirits.
“Yeah, you’re right,” you concede, not really sure if you believe her. Billy Hargrove is and will be the hottest thing to ever blow into this nowhere town Indiana. You drink, draining the rest of your glass, hoping the bottom will convince you otherwise.
Nancy is leaving. She’s not feeling well. She wants to go home early. You’ve had four Jack and Cokes so far. You feel good; got a nice buzz going. The fight with Billy is nagging at the edges. You want to stay. If you just drink a little more, it’ll be fine. You’ll forget.
“Are you going to be okay? How are you going to get home?” She asks, glancing between you and the drink in your hand.
“Yeah, I’m good, I’ll be fine,” you smile easily, too easily, “I’ll figure something out.”
She doesn’t believe you, not entirely.
“Okay well, just try not to have too much more.”
“I’ll be fine,” you shrug.
You join Tommy, Carol, and company, who are now well on their way to be being trashed playing Never Have I Ever. Seems like the perfect place to be.
And then everything starts blurring together, one drink into the next. Finally reached that Billy who? state of mind you’ve been looking for all night.
You stumble to your feet, deciding to get up.
"Where are you going?" Tina asks, giggling.
"The pool."
"The pool? Its too cold, you don't have anything to swim in anyways."
"I'll swim in my clothes," you reason drunkenly.
"You can't get in the pool." She's laughing now.
"Yes, yes I can. Come here, I'll show you," you take her hand, pulling her unsteadily to Tommy's back door.
Its locked. And the lock is all weird, there's like a dead bolt, and one of those twisty, barrel bolt ones.
You reach for the little knob on the barrel, trying to twist it to pull the lock through, but its old and it keeps getting stuck.
"Tina, Tina, I can't do it," you laugh, continuing to struggle with the lock. "I can't, I can't do it," you're borderline hystical now, pressing your back against the door as you sink to the floor, still laughing.
"Oh god, okay, why don't we take you somewhere quiet," Tina muses, helping you up off the floor where you've now decided to lay.
Tommy just can't resist going to the phone because this is just too good really. 
“What?” Billy answers, annoyance evident over the line.
"Need to come get your girl Hargrove, she's real out of line, falling down drunk and everything," Tommy says excitedly into the receiver.
“Can’t be fucking calling my place this time of night Tommy, you’re lucky my parents are out of town this weekend.” 
He hangs up the phone with a sharp click and bites the inside of his cheek.
You’re laying in the empty bedroom Tina left you in, trying to get it together, making a list of people most likely to give you a ride home.
The door opens and clicks shut.
“What the fuck is going on here? Can't handle your liqour?" Billy asks, clearly displeased, sitting on the edge of the bed.
You draw your gaze away from the ceiling to look at him. Tight jeans, white tank, black leather jacket; a scowl to match.
“Fuck off Billy," you reply, feigning disinterest, returning your gaze to the ceiling, "And considering how much I’ve had to drink, I would say I'm handling it rather well." Honestly, you’re surprised you’re not laying on the cool tile of the bathroom floor in between sessions of throwing up into the toilet.
"Come on, sit up, drink this water," he orders, pulling you up easily to rest against the pillows, shoving a glass of water in your direction.
And yeah, you're still in that state of wasted where impulse control is non existent.
You grab the water, only to throw it in his face. 
"I said, fuck off Billy," you repeat harshly, setting the now empty glass on the nightstand with a thud.
He sits there stunned for all of half a second before slowly raising a hand to wipe the water and his now wet bangs away from his face.
You flash him a smile.
"This funny to you?" He asks.
"Hilarious, actually."
"Alright, come here," he lunges toward you, grabbing you tightly by the shoulders, face inches from yours. The adrenaline of uncertainty flushes through you. 
 "If we were just fucking, I wouldn't be here right now," he pauses, gaze flicking anxiously over your face, "do you understand what I'm telling you?"
It takes a few moments for everything to really penetrate your alcohol soaked brain. You look down at your lap. Is this real? Really real? Or? Maybe you’re even more wasted than you  thought. Maybe you passed out.  But the closeness of him, the scent of cigarettes and leather, his fingers gripping your shoulders; all have too much gravity to be otherwise.
You raise your gaze back up to his.
“Yeah.” You let out a breath. “Yeah.” You say again with more finality.
Billy closes the small amount of space between you, capturing your mouth in his. He’s still wet from  the water you threw on him and his lips slide easily against yours. His grip on your shoulders relaxing as he slides a hand up to the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair and you pull him close by the leather of his jacket, kissing him back all need and want, but the night is catching up with you and you’re suddenly exhausted. You break away when his tongue swipes sweetly along your bottom lip.
“‘M tired,” you murmur, eyelids growing heavy.
He gives you a knowing grin.
“Bet you are,” he stands, “come on then.” He lifts you off the bed bridal style, and you tug at his jacket.
“No, I can walk,” you plead, suddenly shy, not wanting to face the embarrassment of being carried out, like you haven’t embarrassed yourself enough already tonight.
“Like hell you can.” 
Billy’s right because that’s the last thing you remember; passed out before he even gets to the bottom of the steps, vaguely waking up when he puts you in the passenger seat of the Camaro.
He gently shakes you awake when he gets to your house, and you groan in annoyance as he pulls you out of the car, helping you to the door. 
“Drink some water, okay,” He says, kissing you chastely, and you hum and nod before going inside.
You drink two glasses out of water, and pass the fuck out.
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zoey-wades · 5 years
Honeymoon (King Liam x MC)
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Rating: M (Drug Use, Substance Abuse, Violence)
Characters: Dark!Liam Rys x Dark!Lyra Frasier (MC) 
Summary: Fresh out of school and trying to figure things out, Lyra Frasier spends her weekdays going to a job she hates and her weekends in a drug fueled haze. And then she meets golden boy Liam. Lyra soon realizes that the violent underbelly of New York City’s elite may be more than she can handle.  
Word Count: 2,155
Author’s Notes: This is sometimes a bit hard to write for, because you have to be in the right headspace for it. I'm finally getting around to it. This is the most I’ve written in a while, and I’m finishing at almost 1 am. 
O1. Bad Habits
Lyra couldn't, for the life of her, figure out how she ended up vomiting in the bathroom of some East Village hole-in-the-wall.
Actually, she understood the vomit. She tested her luck with the Jolly Rancher shots, and she paid the price. Her cell phone --which was covered in some unknown sticky substance-- told her that it was close to 4am. Which meant that there was a whole two or three hours that she couldn't account for. The last she could remember, she was going shot for shot with her dealer at a dive bar near Tribeca. She was feeling pretty good until...Oh.
The sound of the heavy bass beyond the stall door made her head throb, and she realized that she was laying in a heap on the dirty bathroom floor. She managed to mostly throw up in the toilet, and she still had her purse and cash to get home.
Lyra: 1. Life: 0.
The thudding of the bass quickened, and someone was shouting something about peeing. As the fogginess of the drugs cleared a little, she realized that the bass was someone knocking on the door.
Wiping the tiredness from her eyes, she winced when she realized that she smudged her makeup into her eye. Along with whatever was on the bathroom floor. At this point, she couldn't bring herself to care. She'd already pressed her face to it when she passed out. No use in being anal now. Pulling herself to her feet, she used toilet paper to wipe her mouth and eyes, and flushed every biohazard down the toilet.
New Message:
“Lyra...it’s me. I saw you at the bar with Maxwell. ... how you deal with shit, why can’t you just...? Call me back.”
New Message:
“...I swear to fucking God, if you don’t...in an hour I’m going to come get you. I can figure out where you are...”
New Message:
“...this is why I cheated. You just don’t know how to let shit go. I’m done.”
Lyra wanted to cry. In fact, she could feel herself trying to =will the tears forward. But, ultimately, she just felt tired and dehydrated, and very very confused. Sitting atop an overturned crate in the alleyway behind the bar, she listened to the last of the messages, which sounded weirdly distorted and slow to her ears. She dropped her heavy, clouded head in her hands. Seeing Justin that night was bad enough. Having him call to remind her of all the ways she was a fuckup was just the shit icing on the shit cake that was her life.
She knew that she wasn’t the greatest girlfriend. She had really terrible bouts of depression that took a while to get out of. And, sure, she could’ve been more attentive to his needs. But she was trying her best. Up until he broke up with her, she thought she was getting better. She was going to therapy, and taking her medication. She hadn’t gone out partying in months, and she came straight home after work.
Maybe she wasn’t making as much progress as she thought. That was obvious, based on where she was and how she ended up there. She chuckled humorlessly.
It was now 5 A.M.
The sky was a deep shade of purple, and every blink seemed to make the colors more vibrant. Her vision doubled, and she squeezed her eyes shut. She realized that her shift was in three hours, and she had to sober up to the best of her ability before heading in. The scattered conversations of the exiting bar goers drifted away, and she considered calling an Uber when she heard harsh whispers further down the alleyway, away from the street. Suddenly, there was a loud crash as if someone was pushed into something, followed by the sickening sound of someone being punched. Drug-fueled curiosity crept into Lyra, and she considered looking to see what was going on and calling the police.
Then she remembered that she was Black and decided to mind her business. Steeling herself, she took a few deep breaths and rose to her feet... then fell on her ass on top of the crate again. She felt like she could feel the Earth spinning on its axis. She wondered if, maybe, she could run fast enough to match the speed of the spinning. Since, clearly, it was moving so fast that she was losing her balance.
Kind of like those spinning carnival rides. 
 Clumsily rising up from the crate she attempted to run in her heeled boots, then stumbled a few feet to the curb of the street  before being overcome with the severe dizziness she felt earlier in the night. Leaning up against the opposite brick wall, she vomited on the sidewalk, and collapsed on the ground in a puddle of dirty rain water.
This wasn’t at all how he wanted to start his weekend. He got a call about a mole among his father’s ranks. And once again, he had to be the one to handle it. He could understand that his father was older now, and therefore less inclined to pay attention. But, Jesus Christ if Liam wasn’t tired of constantly picking up after him.
Drake found him first, pissing drunkenly in the alley outside the bar. Neither Liam nor his best friend were into the idea of fucking up someone in such a public place. It left a lot of questions, and it left the potential for witnesses. But both men were already annoyed with the fact that they had to follow this guy for hours, in the dead of night, before getting him alone. Earlier, they watched as he approached a young, dark skinned woman, clad in ripped denim jeans, a tank top, and a leather jacket. Her messy, dark hair tumbled around her shoulders, and she cocked her head to the side, curiously. She was clearly already far gone by the time Sebastian Clark approached her, but even she could sense the leery nature of dad’s associate. He was about twice her age, with a steely gaze and abrasive nature. He smiled strangely at her, rubbing her arm, and she swayed slowly, scrunching up her nose before walking away. 
Liam noticed him put something in her drink before she left. Which made him feel a little less badly about what he was about to do to him. 
Now, it was just the three of them facing each other in the alleyway, with Clark looking as if he’d just seen a ghost. 
“Damn, Seb,” Drake tutted, shaking his head and smirking, “What are you doing man? Stealing money, tipping the feds, and drugging girls? It doesn’t stop with you, huh?” 
The older man raised his hands in defense, and took a step back, tripping over his own feet, “I don’t know what you’re talking about man. I ain’t no snitch.”
Liam shoved his hands in his pockets and took three slow strides towards the man, “So you admit that you’ve been stealing and drugging girls. Or did I just imagine your account transfers, and you dropping a pill in that girl’s drink?”
“I-I didn’t...”
“Ah, so I’m delusional now, is that it?” Liam raised his brows, glancing at Drake, who kept his eyes trained on the bumbling man before them, “You hear that, Walker? Apparently, I imagined all of this shit.”  
“Interesting...” Drake shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, and produced a pair of brass knuckles, “Maybe he forgot. I think I needa jog his memory.” 
At this, Clark turned and tried to make a run for it. To where, Liam wasn’t altogether sure. The alley stopped at a dead end, and he knew Clark wasn’t a fighter. He was just making Liam even more frustrated with his cowardice. Pulling the knife from his sheath, he threw it, taking aim at his back. It pierced Clark’s skin with expert precision, and he fell into a couple of metal trash bins, toppling them over. 
As the two younger men approached, Clark groaned and began begging for his life, mumbling something about his loyalty and how long he’d been with the family. At this, Drake laughed and landed a lazy kick to the man’s side. 
“Shut the fuck up and take this beating like a man. You shoulda thought about that shit before you stole from us and tried to get us killed.”
Drake approached him, and he raised his hands again, “Wait, wait, what about Constantine?  I’m his oldest friend!”  
Liam felt the anger swell in his chest. He had the audacity to mention him after betraying his trust and stealing millions? Liam landed the first punch, squarely in the side of Clark’s head. 
“You’re dead to him,” Liam coolly replied. 
And with that, Drake took over, landing punch after punch until nothing was left but pulp and matter smeared on the concrete. 
“We can’t just leave her here, Man...Look at her. She’s shivering, ” Liam looked down at the passed out woman, drenched in dirty water, “Also, someone might ask questions, and the cleanup crew is on its way.”
Drake groaned and ran his bruised hands through his dark hair, “You’re such a fucking softie, I swear.” 
Removing his leather jacket, Liam placed it over her and lifted her up into his arms, carefully. It was the same woman that Clark drugged at the bar, and he felt a pang of remorse. Sure, he wasn’t directly involved. But Clark was a part of his circle, and he felt a sense of responsibility. Drake tapped away at his phone, then glanced over at the girl before raising his brows and shaking his head. 
“What?” Liam asked, leaning up against the wall for support. He didn’t realize how tired he was. 
“That’s Justin’s girl,” Drake casually remarked, “Or was. I think he ditched her for some Upper East Side chick.” 
“No shit?” Liam looked down at the girl in his arms, feeling a deep sense of sadness for her. She’d clearly had a rough couple of years, based on what he heard about Justin’s relationships with women. A sleek, black Lincoln van pulled up to the curb, and Liam placed the unconscious woman in the third row of the car, making sure to watch her head. He slid into the second row, and Drake followed. 
It was on the ride back to the suburbs that she woke up with a deep groan and a sharp wince. Liam watched as she took note of her surroundings, and she jumped when her wide brown eyes landed on him. 
“W-what?” Her hoarse voice croaked as she pressed her hand to the tinted window, “What the fuck is going on? Where am I? Who the fuck are you?” She squinted, “Did you fucking kidnap me?”
Liam raised his hands in defense, “Whoa! No! Jesus--!”
But she was on a rampage.
“I swear to God, I will jump right out of this fucking car. I’ve seen enough movies to know how to tuck and roll! Let me out, right now!” 
“We’re on the highway...”
“I don’t care if we’re on the fucking moon, let me out of this car! Now!” 
“I told you we shoulda left her there,” Drake mumbled, resting his chin on his fist.
Liam ignored his friend, choosing instead to try and calm the anxious young woman down, “Look, no one is kidnapping you. I’m Liam, this is Drake. You passed out on the street, and we found you. We wanted to make sure you were safe...that’s all. No harm done.” 
He hoped that she could read the sincerity in his voice. Because, from her perspective, this probably looked really bad. He didn’t take into consideration how this would appear, and that was a huge mistake on his part. 
“I’m sorry if we scared you,” he continued, calmly, “It’s just...it wouldn’t have been right to leave you there.” 
She eyed him warily and frowned, raising a shaking hand to her forehead, “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.”
“That’s because a cockroach named Sebastian drugged you at the bar before you left,” Drake stated matter-of-factly. For the first time, he turned to face her, and Liam noticed something flash behind his eyes before he trained his disposition again, “Instead of waking up in a dirty puddle, you woke up in a luxury car with a bottle of water and two handsome guys. So, you’re welcome for that.” 
She blinked slowly as if registering everything he said. Then she lay back down across the seat, pulling her knees to her chest,  “For you, handsome is a bit of a stretch, but thanks for the water, I guess. And also for not being terrible and leaving me in the street. ” 
She paused. 
“So where’s this Sebastian guy, anyway? Did the cops take him?”
Liam and Drake exchanged a look, and Drake turned away again.
“Sure,” he said. 
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writersblock2point0 · 6 years
Twilight, Alec Love Story. Seeing Nightmares, Chapters 2 and 3
Emberly wakes to her new captivity, and meets Alec. Alec introduces her to the Masters. I put two chapters together because other wise, the chapter 2 would have been super small by itself. 
Tags: @katrodriguez99
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Chapter 2
The bed was warm, and the sheets were silky as I shifted onto my side. The air wasn’t cool, like it was before, as if the room was closed off and didn’t have any ventilation. I frowned, my eyes still closed as I took a deep breath. It smelled, of...stale soap? I sat up, opening my eyes and looking around.
The room was dark but from what I could see, the room was bare and had no windows, hence the lack of light. I sat up, and looked down. From what I could see, the bed was smaller than the one in the hotel, and the sheets were dark. I slowly crawled off the bed, my bare feet hitting something hard and cold. I shivered at the cold floor, stone. It was made of stone. How peculiar. I ran my hand along the wall, again, stone. I furrowed my brown when I hit wood. Patting it with my hand I started to bang on it.
“Hey!” I yelled, my throat dry from not drinking anything. “Hello?”
My hands started to hurt from my constant banging, and I didn’t know how long I was doing it for, but when I stopped, my throat hurt and my hands would probably be bruised by how much it hurts to bend my fingers. I sat on the bed, after having to find it again, and I waited. I got in here somehow, so someone should be in here.
I looked around in the darkness, feeling like I was being watched. I bit my lip, feeling goosebumps rise to my arms, and let my eyes scan the room. I sat there for a while, thinking. My eyes widened when I thought of Ashley and Tessa. Where are they? Are they looking for me? How long have I been here? I felt tears sting my eyes, wincing when I tried to use my hands to lay down. I curled in on myself, willing myself to not break down and sob. I didn’t want to look weak, I didn’t want to give them the pleasure of seeing me like this.
I looked up when the door unlocked, a thick metal on metal sound breaking the silence. The wooden door creaked as it was pushed open, light invading my room and making me squint. A tall, slender figure walked in. I could tell it was the strange boy with red eyes, and I sat up when he closed the door, darkness taking over again. I lost him in the darkness, his black clothes blending in perfectly.
Suddenly, light illuminated from a medium sized oil lamp, draping an orange light over the room. I saw the side of his face, my eyes instantly taking note of how furrowed his brow was. He seemed angry. I slowly brought my knees to my chest, my back against the wall as he turned towards me, the oil lamp in his hand as he closed the distance between us. He stopped and set the oil lamp down on a small night stand. The lamp was on my left, creating shadows on our right sides as he slowly sat across from me, turning his body to face me.
I stared at him, unable to move or do anything as his eyes bore into mine. I felt like he was looking into my soul, like he was trying to read me. He raised his hand, and I barely flinched but he seemed to catch it, giving me a look before reaching for my hands. I hissed as he grabbed at them, pressing into what I saw as purple and yellow skin, swollen as well.
“You could have broken your hands.” He muttered and I felt my face heat up at his voice. It was smooth, like he had rehearsed this before coming in. He looked up at me, and I closed my mouth, looking at my hands, noting how cold his were. But they were so soft. I pulled away from him, bringing my hands to my chest and looking at him.
“Where am I?”
He smirked, “In a safe place.”
I frowned, “I want to leave.”
“Well, I’m afraid it’s too late for that.” I felt tears come to my eyes, threatening to poor. I blinked and looked away, my breathing getting heavy.
“You’re going to kill me,” I met his stare, “aren't you?”
“No,” He shook his head, looking at his hands before placing one cold one on my knee. “I won’t let that happen.” I felt the need to believe him, this voice and the comforting hand on my knee. But his eyes, I can’t trust them.
I shook my head, “You aren’t human.”
He stood up, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at me. “Are you hungry?” I shook my head, and he nodded. “Good.” With that, he walked out and left me in here with an oil lamp, slamming the door behind him.
I was alone in there, just sitting or sleeping to pass the time. It wasn’t until my oil lamp stopped working that I was once again thrown into the darkness. I hated the darkness. My lungs felt heavy and I remember laying on my side, back against the wall as I tried to not open my eyes, to not let those shadows creep and scare me. My mind was playing tricks, I know it. It does this all the time.
I heard the familiar sound of the door unlocking, and I instantly sat up, watching as the boy came through the door and shut it. His steps were quiet before the oil lamp on the nightstand was on again.
“It wouldn’t work before.” I muttered, looking at the light before turning to him. He was standing over me with a plate in his hand. I furrowed my brow, looking into his eyes.
“Food. Eat.” He set it down, before standing still. I looked at it, then him. He quirked a brow, “If you are not going to eat, then I’ll take it and leave.” I hesitantly reached over and pulled it into my lap. It was grilled chicken with mash potatoes. I picked up the fork and knife, starting to eat my fill. I ate it all, even tempted to lick the plate, but I refrained.
He took the plate and was about to leave, but I stood and he turned to look over his shoulder. I stopped in my tracks, not even finishing my second step before I backed up and crawled onto the bed. The door slammed, the lock sounding and I looked down into my lap.
Chapter 3
I’ve been in here for days, weeks probably. I can’t do this. I need out. I need sun. I need my friends. Where the hell am I? I paced the room, my feet tapping the floor lightly and I could only walk six steps before I hit the wall and had to turn around. It was small and I could’ve sworn the room was bigger.
“What are you doing?” I jumped and turned to see the door was open, the boy standing there with a confused expression on his face. I don’t answer as he steps all the way in and holds out his hand. “Come,” I look at his open palm before giving him my hand. But instead of taking it, he drops a red silk...tie? I glance up at him, wondering what I’m supposed to do with this. “Blindfold yourself.” He states, giving me an impatient look.
I tie it securely around my head, and flinch as his cold grip is suddenly around my arm, nails digging into my skin.
“You're hurting me.” I whisper, stumbling as I try to keep up with his brisk pace.
“Hush.” He replied sternly, and we suddenly turn to the left. I let out a small ‘oomph’ as I run into his side, not realizing he’d stopped. “You will bathe yourself here.” He rips the blindfold off and I blink, looking around to see a very large bathroom with a walk in shower and a large tub built into the floor. There was also a toilet and sink with a mirror to the left.
I look at him, and he stood there in front of the closed door, hands behind his back.
“Well?” He nodded to the shower, and I flushed.
“Not while you're in here!” I gasped when a cold hand was around my neck, my back pressed hard against the wall. His eyes were a dark red, not as bright as they had been before. His lip curled up in an ugly way, a low growl escaped his throat.
“Undress, or I will do it for you.” I nodded and he stepped back. I turned away from him, my heart beating rapidly as I pulled off my grey sweater, along with my tank top. My lace bra was on but I unclasped it and let it fall to the floor. I dropped my shorts and underwear too, shielding what little I could of my body with my arms.
I turned on the water in the shower and adjusted it to the right temperature before stepping in and closing the glass door. The warm water engulfed me, making me sigh in bliss. It was so nice to be clean after not bathing for however long I’ve been here. I washed my hair, rinsing it out and then picked up the soap, rubbing and scrubbing everywhere as I tried to get the dirt and sweat off of me.
I was rinsing my body when the glass door opened, I screamed and covered myself, turning away from the man whose name I still didn’t know.
“Hurry up.” He said after a moment of looking at me. I blushed and rinsed the rest of the soap bubbles off, getting out and grabbing a towel. He was there with a folded pile of red clothes. I watched as he set them on the sink, turning away from me and standing with his back to the door. I quickly dried myself, then picked up whatever he had for me. It was a simple robe. Oh no. I pulled it on, the red silk nice and cool, making my nipples hard and seeable through the fabric. I blushed and pulled it closed, hiding my chest from him. The robe stopped at my lower thighs, making me feel like if a breese were to fly through, everyone’s getting a show.
“I’m dressed.” I muttered, and he turned to look me over.
He nodded, handing me the tie and I put it back on. “Don’t worry about your old clothes.”
I ignored that and let him lead me through the halls of his home. It seemed to be forever, until we stopped. I heard the sound of double doors opening, heavy ones, like it those old movies with kings and stuff. His hand fell to the small of my back, and I tried to not trip over my feet.
“Ahh, Benvenuto Alec.” A gasp was heard, and I swear someone was suddenly walking. “e chi è questo?”
“Emberly, un americano in vacanza.” The stoic but somewhat smug voice of my capture rang through my right ear but he was speaking Italian, so his name’s Alec?
“Emberly, what a beautiful name.” The voice sighed dreamily. “May I?” I flinched as a cold hand made contact with me, then an unsettling feeling overwhelmed me. As soon as the feeling arrived it was gone, along with the hands.
“Hm, quite a life this one has lived.” The voice mused lowly, I could hear the smile in his voice. “I suppose you have made your choice then?” Silence, “Very good, now I’ll leave you to it then.”
“Master, if I may…” It suddenly went quiet, and I couldn’t hear a thing.
-Third Person POV-
“Master, if I may…” Alec paused, letting black smoke billow from his hands and surround the young girl beside him. He looked to his master’s when he knew her sense of hearing was lost. “I wish to request some time until the...deed needs to be done.” Alec tilted his head, trying to to figure out how to put the words together.
“Why?” Caius inquired, setting a stern stare upon Alec, “You have her, just do it and then you’ll have your child.”
“Master Caius, with all do respect,” Alec began turning to look at his other Masters. Jane, his sister was watching from the side, her eyes trained on him. Demetri and Felix were in there as well. “I have no qualms of having a child, and I don't mind forcing the act if I am to be frank.” Alec glanced at the young girl beside him, she was swaying, probably getting dizzy. He fixed his grip on her arm, knowing she could feel it. “But it would be wise to have her not hurt herself in trying to kill the baby...don't you think?”
“You want her to willingly consent to having intercourse with you?”
“I won’t need to ask her,” Alec smirked, a dark look passing over his face. Aro’s eyes twitched when he saw it, the same look Jane gives when she’s using her power to terrorise others, it made Aro giddy inside. “If I’m allowed time, I can make her do anything.”
“You want a pet.” Caius snickered, looking pleased and utterly amused as he watched Alec brush some hair off of Emberly’s shoulder.
“Don’t break her too much Alec,” Aro smiles, and the mist retreated to his sleep and the girl started to sink. Alec swiftly caught her and picked her up into his arms. “We need that baby.”
“Of course Master.” Alec bowed in thanks, smirking to himself as he stalked out of the room, careful not to let the girl’s head or feet hit the doors before the closed.
Marcus reached over and took Aro’s hand, then suddenly Aro was laughing.
What the internet told me these meant. I don’t know italian, I swear, so if they are wrong please tell me:)
e chi è questo - And who is this?
un americano in vacanza - An american on vacation (or vacationing)
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builder051 · 7 years
Mel and Todd part 2 (OC fic)
Tonight’s bonus episode is brought to you by... insomnia in its finest form.
This is part 2 of the introduction to my first set of OCs (see part 1 here, but know that it’s a gen fic with no illness).  This installment is emeto-heavy.
I have one more story planned for these guys to finish sort of building them up and cementing a backstory, then they’ll be open for reqs.  I’ll also have a description/personality rundown for Mel and Todd up soon.  Please ask questions about them; it will help me keep developing them into deeper characters (plus it seems like fun).  I also have 2 more sets of OCs in the works.
If you happen to read and like this, please talk to me!  I’d love to get some feedback and make some friends. :)
Todd knows the room is spinning before he opens his eyes.  He also knows he’s going to be sick, and he prays for at least a moment to get his bearings before it becomes necessary to dash across the pitching floor and barricade himself in the bathroom.  The prayer goes unanswered, and the second Todd shifts so he’s more on his side than his stomach, something he doesn’t remember tasting the first time starts crawling up his throat.
What’s the saying again?  Beer and wine and you’re fine, but beer and liquor never sicker?  Beer before liquor?  After liquor?  Was he even drinking liquor?
The liquid splashing into the toilet has notes of battery acid and the fumes from Mel’s hairspray. Todd shudders and wraps his arms around his head so his long hair doesn’t dip into the porcelain bowl.
Ok.  This is punishment.  For…?  He can’t remember.  For being a grown-ass man who went and got blackout drunk?  That seems…plausible.
Everything smells bad.  Under the overpowering stench of vomit, there’s something like stale cigarettes and marijuana.  Smoke on its own doesn’t bother Todd, but once it’s settled into clothing and layered onto skin both from the top and out through the pores to mix with old sweat and body odor, it’s disgusting.  Part frat boy and part tramp.
Todd spits into the toilet.  He pulls a square of toilet paper from the roll and wipes his mouth, then scrubs at his sparse mustache and beard.  The flimsy material shreds against the coarse hair.  The resulting roughness against Todd’s fingertips burns.  He wonders if he’s feverish.
He reaches up to flush the toilet, but ends up retching into it again.  “Fuck,” Todd whispers. Something like a combination of snot and bile is clinging to his lip, threatening to attach to his chin.
He should get up, wash his face.  Take something.  Like maybe a shower.  But he’s not sure he can so much as stand up because he’s so fucking lightheaded.
A final dry heave forces its way out, and there’s definitely a rope of mucous embedded in his beard.  Todd swears again and succeeds in flushing away the mess.  He uses the back of the toilet to haul himself to his feet, and he sends the box of Kleenex sliding off the tank and into the small garbage can beside it.  He doesn’t make an effort to right the error because bending over seems like a very bad idea.
The two steps to the sink feel like a vast distance, and the faucet won’t stay put as Todd’s vision doubles and singles and doubles again.  It takes a couple tries to flick it on.  Damn sink, he thinks belligerently.
However, as soon as he sloppily cups a handful of chilly tap water onto his face, Todd’s feelings change.  Wonderful, glorious sink.  Freshness and clarity start to break through the surface of the misery.  Just the fact that it’s possible to stand upright and breathe without puking seems glorious.
Todd rinses out his mouth and squints at his slightly blurry reflection.  His tan looks a little washed out.  His green eyes are rimmed in red, and his light brown hair is greasy and tangled in a mess around his shoulders.  He definitely needs to clean up before…
What is he supposed to do today?  What day of the week is it?  He assumes Saturday or Sunday, but…god, he’s confused.  Where the fuck is Mel?  She’s the better one at keeping him on track.
Todd’s wife definitely hadn’t been in bed with him earlier.  They both prefer to sleep in any day of the week, and on hungover mornings…it’d be normal to cuddle till noon.  Or until someone had the sudden urge to vomit or make a sandwich on a glazed donut.
The thought of food is both mouth-watering and nausea-inducing, and Todd leans his shoulder into the wall (and the light switch) while he waits for his body to decide.  The pitching feeling of seasickness eventually evens out into a headachy throb that reverberates through his whole body.
He needs coffee.  Or a Gatorade.  Todd ascertains that he’s wearing clothes, or at least what’s probably yesterday’s t-shirt paired with boxers, and pads clumsily into the kitchen.
Mel’s standing at the kitchen island, typing away on her iPad.
“Hey,” Todd mumbles, his voice rough.  The coffeemaker’s whirring, dripping rich dark liquid into the glass carafe.
He grabs his unwashed mug from beside the sink and makes to intercept the flow of coffee, but Mel stops him.  “That’s mine,” she says.
“Ok, geez.”  Todd doesn’t like how much he’s slurring.  “I’m sorry.”  He abandons the mug and opens the fridge.  He finds pulls out a Gatorade, beyond caring that it’s his least favorite flavor.
“Those are mine too,” Mel grumps.  She looks her husband up and down.  “But I’ll take pity on you and let you have one.  Because you’re sick.”  She continues under her breath.  “Serves you right.”
Todd uncaps the sports drink.  Serves him right for what?  He honestly can’t remember anything specific from the last however-many-odd hours.  He glances at the clock, and is surprised to see it’s only 7:30.  Early for both of them.
“Mel, I…”  Todd’s about to admit his confusion, ask for a little clarification.  But he loses his unformed train of thought when he finally gives Mel’s attractive back a look that’s not fogged with leftover drunkenness.  “Why are you wet?”  She smells weird too, but so does he, so Todd decides not to mention it.
“You’re one to ask,” Mel snaps.  “Why’d you come home high last night?”
Todd blinks at the back of her head.  Well, that would make sense if he’d come home high.  Plus drunk.  But why…he can’t come up with anything.  “I, um.  I…Mel, I don’t really remember anything.  From last night.”
“Well, that’s convenient.”  She turns around, and Todd gets a glimpse of the marine rescue website up on her iPad before Mel steps in front of it to fully face him.
“Really, babe,” Todd says.  “I mean, my first thought when I was getting sick was about if you were ok.”  It’s a boldfaced lie, but he keeps going.  “When I’m that trashed, you’re usually worse off…”
“Yeah, well, I’m fine because I didn’t get invited to go smoke and drink and sleep around last night.”  Mel’s voice is getting louder.
“What…huh?”  Todd’s lost the thread of the conversation.  
“That jacket you threw in the laundry as soon as you came in the door,” Mel points out angrily. “Smelled a lot more like Victoria’s Secret than you usually do.  And you forgot to throw out your condom wrappers.”
“What?  I don’t…I don’t carry condoms.  Maybe I was picking up trash?  I sometimes do that…” Tod guesses.  He takes another sip of Gatorade and rubs his aching temple.  Mel’s too upset to be messing with him.  But he doesn’t recognize himself in her accusation.
“Nobody picks up condom wrappers,” Mel says.
“Babe, what day of the week is it?”  Todd searches for a piece of information to ground himself in the present before poking again into the void of the recent past.  “And why were you snooping in my laundry?”
“Because my fucking husband comes home and doesn’t know what day of the week it is!  And while you’ve been all fucked up and sleeping it off, I’ve been trying to keep a turtle from dying on our beach!”  Tears light up behind her glasses, and Mel takes a step toward Todd.
Whether it’s a movement of aggression or a request for comfort, Todd isn’t sure.  As she moves closer, he gets a strong whiff of the odd dead fish smell clinging to his wife, and he’s suddenly too busy heaving into the kitchen sink to find out.
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Being Sustainable in the Bathroom
No, I’m not asking you to compost your poop. 
The razors you use for your face and body are made of plastics, yet when was the last time you recycled it? Oh, never, because they can’t really be recycled. Try out a safety razor. They seem a little intimidating, I know, but definitely less intimidating than plastics that have reached the deepest parts of our oceans, right? (1) When shaving, use a cup of warm water to rinse your razor rather than using the tap to save water. (3)
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Menstrual Products
A menstrual cup can be described as a way better version of a tampon. First off, tampons are obviously extremely wasteful. They are also often made of cotton, a crop that accounts for 25% of pesticides used in the United States. (3) Here are some of the benefits of using a menstrual cup: no risk of toxic shock syndrome, can be worn for up to 12 hours, WAY more cost effective than tampons, and they’re reusable! (4)
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We all love a little exfoliating action in our face washes, but there are some negative consequences you may not be aware of. Microbeads are very small manufactured plastic particles that can be found in many products, including face and body wash and toothpaste. Once these products are down your drain, the contaminated water goes to wastewater treatment facilities. The majority of these facilities do no have the capability to separate these microbeads from the water, meaning that these tiny plastic pieces go straight back into waterways or even your own drinking water. (5) Yikes. There are so many problems associated with microbeads, so do your part as a citizen of this Earth and avoid products that contain these. Check to see if your fav products contain microbeads here. 
Bamboo is an incredible alternative to plastic. Your traditional toothbrush is made of plastic, however it cannot be recycled. Bamboo toothbrushes are biodegradable/compostable, meaning they won’t stay on this Earth forever.
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Water Waste
Installing a low flow toilet will significantly reduce water waste in your bathroom. A toilet uses about 27% of the water in your home, more than your washing machine, dishwasher and shower. A dual-flusher is another way, it gives you two flushing options, one for liquid waste and the other for solid. Basically you don’t need as much water to flush down liquid waste. If you can’t afford these toilet options, a temporary quick fix is filling a 2-liter bottle with sand or pebbles and placing it in your toilet tank to displace some of the water. (9)
Low flow shower heads are a product you can easily implement in your bathroom. They reduce the amount of water used for maximum water efficiency in your shower, and can come as cheap as $7. 
Take showers instead of baths, it saves a lot of water and is more hygienic. Make sure you are keeping your showers short, a 5 minute shower takes about 1/3 of the amount of water that fills a bath. (7)
Here’s an obvious one that many people tend to forget, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth! This trick works with anything else, like washing your face.
If you take a look in your bathroom, you’ll notice that the majority, if not all, of your products come in plastic packaging. Take a closer look, and you’ll realize not all that plastic is recyclable. Toothpaste is a great example of this. There are toothpaste tablets that have been coming up, normally in a glass bottle, another option being a powder. Just make sure you talk to your dentist to assure the product you’re using is right for your teeth. 
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As a consumer with routines and habits, it can be hard to seek a plastic free lifestyle. Scouting reputable environmentally friendly brands such as Lush is a great effort. If that’s not always possible, try choosing products that have less plastic packaging. For example, buying bigger bottles of shampoo so the plastic to product ratio is smaller, and avoiding travel size products. Of course, I will always go back to the point that there are plastic-free alternatives out there, such as shampoo bars. 
Rinse and recycle any plastic used!
Bath Products
Basically anything you see in your bathroom has a more sustainable replacement, yay! Recycled toilet paper, less harmful cleaning products, etc. One trick I like using in regards to hand soap is purchasing a large, bulk quantity, then using it to refill the dispenser. 
This post is just a snapshot of what you can do to be greener in your bathroom. Never settle for your wasteful consumer habits, and challenge yourself to always be looking for greener alternatives!
1. Gibbens, Sarah. Plastic Bag Found at the Bottom of the Ocean’s Deepest Trench. [Online] May 11, 2018. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/05/plastic-bag-mariana-trench-pollution-science-spd/ (accessed March 2, 2019).
2. Unknown. Going Zero Waste. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj9j8CP8OTgAhVlzIMKHQAmDhgQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.goingzerowaste.com%2Fblog%2F2015%2F12%2F3%2Fzero-waste-shaving&psig=AOvVaw1_fgot_L9HN9LmVMcdw7GQ&ust=1551664830768813 (accessed March 2, 2019).
3. Cumberbatch Anderson, Jessica. 50 Cost-Efficient Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-friendly. [Online] Dec 6, 2017. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/eco-friendly-home-50-ways-to-do-it_n_5916442 (accessed March 2, 2019).
4. Diva Cup. [Online] https://divacup.com/ (accessed March 2, 2019).
5. Barrett, Tom. Microbeads: Bad for You, Bad for the Environment. [Online] Oct 3, 2016. https://www.insurancejournal.com/magazines/mag-features/2016/10/03/427839.htm (accessed March 2, 2019).
6. Unknown. Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/668151294687233791/ (accessed March 3, 2019).
7. Callard, Sarah. Is it Worth it? Taking a Shower Instead of a Bath. [Online] June 9, 2007. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/3665710/Is-it-worth-it-Taking-a-shower-instead-of-a-bath.html (accessed March 3, 2019).
8. Unknown. Lush. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1425&bih=674&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=RMB-XOGFEev-jwTnprCgCg&q=toothpaste+tablets+lush&oq=toothpaste+tablets+lush&gs_l=img.3..0i8i30.50229.51064..51611...0.0..0.70.314.5......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i30j0i5i30j0i24.Uqa4fj9Xxgw#imgdii=dE7IWZGy3QXxoM:&imgrc=TuJGMtyydOKhgM: (accessed March 5, 2019).
9. Pham, Diane. How to Green Your Bathroom. [Online] Sept 29, 2012. https://inhabitat.com/7-eco-friendly-tips-to-green-your-bathroom/ (accessed March 5, 2019).
March 5, 2019
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HM] Blackout
Craig woke up, shitfaced. The couch cushion had spread his drool up the side of his face. Capillary action, that’s called. “Fuck you, Jeremy,” Craig said in a drunken stupor. Craig’s friend Jeremy had spoken at length about capillary action when they were drinking earlier, he was always talking about his science shit. But Jeremy was nowhere to be seen. Craig was alone in his apartment, butt ass naked. He peeled himself off the leather couch like wet bologna. He was having trouble finding his balance and kicked the shit out of his coffee table by accident. Like thirteen beer bottles toppled over in a clinky symphony.
Must escape, Craig thought. Must escape living room. Must navigate to bathroom. Must piss. The bathroom was right next to the living room which was super handy. Craig contemplated the mess he was about to make and wondered if he should just piss in the shower. He decided to lift the seat on the toilet and try it the civilized way. Piss flew everywhere as expected. Craig didn’t know what to do with his hands because he didn’t have to use them to hold his pants. He just kind of let them hang there. He did his best to aim but he also didn’t want to fall over. Craig’s nuts were stuck to his leg so he tried to kind of squat to get them unstuck. While half squatting and being super relaxed from the pee, something landed on the floor behind him with a soft plop.
“Oh poop,” Craig said, fearing the worst. He turned to see his dog, Smart laying behind him instead of his own poop, so that’s good. “Oh poop,” Craig said, remembering the pee he was getting everywhere and thinking he would get pee dog.
“Warglabemaheh!” Craig exclaimed to make the dog flee. Smart didn’t look too good. He was panting and he smelled bad. Craig finished peeing and immediately forgot to flush. He turned and kneeled down and pushed Smart out of the bathroom like heavy groceries. Smart was clammy and clearly messed up. Craig worried about what he’d have to do if his dog died right there. Would he have to call the cops? It was at this moment that Craig’s phone started ringing. He knew he wouldn’t be able to find it in time, much less answer it. He certainly couldn’t talk to them while he was naked.
The kitchen was dark and had no goddamn food in it. Craig made his way to the freezer to get a thingy for Smart. In the middle of the floor were what might have been Craig’s pants. Also in the middle of the floor was Craig. He fell. On the pants. The phone started ringing again.
“Fuck you, Jeremy,” Craig said again because it was probably Jeremy. The floor was cool and felt nice when Craig scrooched on it. The freezer didn’t have anything in it to make Smart feel better but there were a bunch of gross Snapples in the fridge so he grabbed those. Back in a pile on the floor was Smart, looking bad. Craig just kind of looked at his dog, wanting to help but also not sure how to do anything. Craig cursed himself for getting so drunk. He wondered if he could be like, angry at beer. Using his boy scout skills, Craig used the Snapple bottles to build a teepee fire log setup around the dog to keep him cool. Smart didn’t seem to notice and all the bottles rolled off because he was breathing.
Craig looked around the apartment, trying to see what Smart’s dumb ass could have gotten into. A lot of stuff actually. Craig was starting to feel itchy because he had no clothes on. There was a blanket on the couch so he accidentally kicked the shit out of the damn coffee table again trying to get over to it. There was a weird noise as he slung the blanket around his shoulders. It was like Smart let out a huge fart.
“Not on the Snapple you little basta-” Craig began to say but then- BOOM! Smart exploded. Fucking everywhere. Craig did not have the reflexes in his current drunken state to avoid the doggie soup that came flying at him from across the room. He took a piece full in the face, making his face hurt.
“God whathufuck?” said Craig, on the floor again. The dog-splosion didn’t make a lot of noise which was weird. It was more like if you like, smooshed an egg but like one that wasn’t hard? Like it’d still be squishy on the inside but not crispy outside. Also it wouldn’t be too hard to squish. Not like a balloon, that’d be too loud and fast. Like a slow egg but still strong.
There was a GLURP noise from the wall with the fish tank. Then there was a little splash on Craig’s head. Craig could see the fish tank and the water was all wobbly. Aww fuck. The Stupid Blue Fish just exploded. It was true. The Stupid Blue Fish just exploded. Its little fish parts were sinking to the bottom of the tank and The Stupid Yellow Fish and The Only Goldfish that Survived from the Fair were floating belly up on the surface. Then they both exploded and Craig got showered with fish water again.
Craig had to pee so bad again and he was kind of like “fuck it, I’ll just go right here,” but at this point he was getting a little scared because his pets exploded. That’s when the phone rang again. From the floor in front of the couch, wrapped up in blankets with his dick out, Craig reached into the spitty couch cushion and found his phone.
“Goddammit Jeremy what do you want I need new fish now!” Craig tried to say. It is unclear whether he actually said that or if he just mumbled.
“Craig? I need you to pick me up and take me to the hospital. I don’t feel so good.” Jeremy sounded like shit.
“I can’t you’re drunk,” Craig reminded him.
“Is Charlotte still there? She went back to your place, can she give me a ride?”
This revelation was scary to Craig. His dick was out. Charlotte was a girl. So there might be a girl there while he had his dick out.
“I don’t know. Where is she?” asked Craig.
“Just please man, I need a doctor.”
“Mmmmmmm,” went Craig, making it sound like he was thinking but he really just wanted Jeremy to figure something else out, making it sound like Jeremy was asking way too much and that, ya know, he wanted to help him out but it was gonna be a whole thing and-
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Someone was banging on the window. Craig covered his dick. Charlotte was standing outside the window and she exploded. Now that Craig got a good look at the explosion, he could describe it a little better. Think of like a watermelon that just got smacked with a sledgehammer. There used to be a standup comedian called Gallagher who did his show and he’d be always smashing watermelons. Anyway, the watermelon Charlotte just kind of schmeared its way up the window, didn’t even break it or anything. And it had this kind of upward motion like the watermelon got hit with a golf club. All this time Craig was screaming and crying, but he somehow managed to not piss himself.
“Did Charlotte just explode?” asked Jeremy over the phone.
Craig replied with a crying “uh huh.”
“Aww fuck man. That means-”
BOOM. Jeremy just exploded over the phone. Craig was lying there on his back, dick out again, in front of the couch but scrunched in between the coffee table, crying. “Aww man, why’s this happening? I’m gonna go boom.”
Craig put his arm over his eyes to block the light. It was weirdly silent in his apartment now that all his friends weren’t blowing up. How was he gonna live now? How was he supposed to go outside? How was he gonna eat? Eat?
That’s when Craig remembered. They had eaten something. Craig tried to remember what had happened when they were all drinking. He might have been kind of stupid regardless of the drunkenness so it could be kind of hard to burritos. The goddamn burritos! I blew my people up cuz burritos! Must piss! Craig knocked pretty much everything off the coffee table trying to get up from in front of the couch but he did it. He decided in advance he was going to piss in the shower so he came into the bathroom firing on all cylinders. Absolutely none of his pee made it in the shower because the curtain but it didn’t matter, Craig was gonna fix this.
Back in the kitchen, Craig plowed face first into the wall in the general vicinity of the lightswitch. It had the desired effect, that being the lights turned on. The kitchen table was there, covered in mail and burrito scraps. Craig’s pants were on the floor. The fever. You’ll have to stop the fever. Things were starting to make more pants now. I’m naked because of the fever. The phone started ringing again in the living room.
Looking at the number, Craig didn’t know it. He also didn’t know anyone’s numbers anymore. He remembered Tom’s from like fifth grade but that was his Tom’s mom’s house. But he still knew it. All this time, Craig was staring at his phone, kind of drooling. It stopped ringing. There was an annoying siren sound getting louder outside. A text message came through to Craig’s phone. “Is it done?” it said.
Craig was worried. It? What it? Done? What done? What am I done? At that moment Craig’s front door kicked itself in. He screamed. Men in scary clothes started pouring into his apartment with shovels.
“There’s the mark. His dick’s out boys!” One of the shovel-bearers was directing the others around to the various piles of buddies around Craig’s apartment. There were two more outside squeegee-ing Charlotte’s ass off the front window. Craig put up karate hands but they couldn’t stop the shovel-man from tackling the Christ out of him. The rug burn brought them to a stop on the floor, staring into each other’s eyes.
“Ya did good kid,” said the Shovel Man from behind a respirator. He pulled out an adorable little flashlight and shined it in Craig’s eyes. “Poopy response looks good guys!”
“Darryl get off him!” yelled another Shovel Guy whilst shoveling Smart into a Home Depot bucket.
“Yea Darryl. Leave him for the doctor.” A different Shovel Man was using a tiny net to get fish bits out of the tank. At that moment, a Shovel Man without a shovel walked in the door. He was wearing a lab coat backwards like a Snuggie.
“Darryl how many times do I have to tell you?” said the Snuggie Shovel Man. Darryl kind of giggled and rolled off Craig.
“Poopy response looks good, boss,” said Darryl, patting Snuggie Man on the shoulder as he passed. Craig was confused at why Darryl was saying poopy response. A little shit did come out but not like a whole poopy or anything.
“Sounds great son, thank you.” Snuggie Man was standing over Craig. “Ya did good kid.”
“Darryl said that too,” said Craig.
“Did good kid.”
“Did good kid.”
Everyone started saying it affirmatively, looking up from their shovels for a second before going back to shoveling. Why are they congratulating me? Craig was afraid to move. Snuggie Man crouched down next to him and made a side glance toward Craig’s wang before looking back to his eyes.
“The fever will subside soon. Good job with the clothes. We’re gonna take you back while we clean this all up.” Snuggie Man gave Craig little positive reinforcement slaps on the face. “You’re gonna forget all about this if you haven’t already.” He looked over to the window. “I’m sorry about the girl too.”
Oh my god. Oh my god. How do I have to pee AGAIN. Snuggie Man reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe. Craig’s mind was starting to clear. Something was starting to come back to him. I was supposed to feed them. But why did I-
There was a pressure in Craig’s neck and the walls started floating up for a second. It got hot all the sudden and Craig reached upward. Snuggie Man put his hand on Craig’s chest and pushed him to the floor. It was getting darker. Craig’s head rolled around to see more Shovel Men coming in with a stretcher. He was lifting off the ground but Snuggie still had his hand on him. How… how… why… what did they make me do? And then it all went black.
submitted by /u/AirHamyes [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/32GHt0m
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manuelclapid · 6 years
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line
The gaps in this laminate floor come and go. The installer failed to read and follow the installation instructions. (C) Copyright 2019 Tim Carter
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor
QUESTION #1: Oh, Tim I need your help! A laminate floor in a friend’s house seems to be possessed. Overnight, gaps appear in the floor where one piece butts up against another. With some effort, you can slide them back tight again. When you walk across the floor in places it snaps and makes cracking sounds. What’s going on and can the floor be made to look and sound normal? What’s causing the issues in the first place? Roberta G., Eureka, UT
Does your laminate floor have a mind of its own like Roberta’s friend’s floor? Lately, I’m getting more and more emails from homeowners who suffer from the same problem. In all cases, the root cause of the problems is a failure to follow the written installation instructions provided by the laminate flooring manufacturer. Keep in mind that most laminate floors are floating floors that are meant to expand and contract to changes in humidity and temperature.
I clearly remember when laminate flooring was introduced to the marketplace. As with most products, the first generation products had a few bugs to squash. The laminate products have matured and my own office floor is covered with a stunning rustic oak v-grooved laminate floor that almost all visitors think is real wood.
My office floor looks as good as the day it was installed and it’s installed over an electric radiant floor heating mat. Radiant heating can cause gaps to appear as Roberta’s friend is experiencing. It’s imperative that you look at the instructions to see the maximum recommended temperature of the subfloor. One major manufacturer says to never exceed a temperature of 85 F. It’s not uncommon for the temperature of the water circulating through radiant floor tubing to be 120 F!
Heat causes laminate flooring to expand. This expansion is responsible for the gapping as the individual pieces of flooring start to expand at slightly different rates. When the radiant heat turns off because the room is warm enough, the flooring starts to contract as it cools. This back and forth movement can wreak havoc on a floating floor if it’s not installed correctly.
The snapping sounds are almost always traced to an uneven subfloor. Laminate flooring materials don’t tolerate humpy and bumpy subfloors. Subfloors need to be quite flat. Flat doesn’t necessarily mean level. You can have a nice flat subfloor that’s not level. The installation instructions call out how flat a subfloor must be. If a floor has too many humps or depressions, a filling compound needs to be used to get the floor flat.
Laminate flooring will snap and pop as you walk on it if it’s bridging across hollow spots under the flooring. Your weight stresses the interlocking tongues and grooves in the flooring causing the noise. It’s nearly impossible to stop this noise after a laminate floor is installed. You may have to start over to cure this defect.
Clogged Drain Line
QUESTION #2: Tim, I almost had a real mess on my hands yesterday. I couldn’t get a basement toilet to flush correctly and then heard bubbling and gurgling sounds in a shower stall next to the toilet. When I opened the shower door the basin was filled with disgusting colored water! A neighbor had a metal drain-cleaning flexible wire and was able to help me clear the line. I want to know what might have caused this wretched clog and how to prevent them in the future. Margaret T., Dublin, OH
I can feel Margaret’s pain and frustration! A year ago the exact same thing happened at my own home. A year before I had remodeled a basement bathroom and installed a very expensive brand-name toilet.
It turns out this toilet has two flushing settings depending on how long you hold down the flush handle. If there’s just liquid waste in the toilet you don’t need as much water for the flush. My son who was using this bathroom wasn’t holding down the handle long enough for the times when solid waste was in the toilet bowl.
I’ve been a master plumber since the age of 29. I have a personal beef with modern toilets as in many cases that small amount of water being released can’t always carry the waste and toilet paper all the way to the septic tank or city sewer connection.
Millions of people, including me, don’t have a water shortage. I have unlimited water from my private well and each time I use a gallon of water at my home a gallon of water is put right back into my aquifer as it flows out of my septic tank. The same happens in just about every major city as drinking water is extracted from rivers and the water homeowners use is dumped back into the same river downstream at the sewage treatment plant.
Cooking grease is also a common source of building drain clogs. It’s best to save lightly soiled paper towels and use those to sop up liquid grease in cooking pots and pans. Throw those grease-soaked towels in the garbage.
I now prevent unwanted clogs at my home by rapidly pouring two five-gallon buckets of water down a second-floor toilet once a week. I have a helper and we pour the water into the toilet at the same time making sure it doesn’t overflow the bowl. This massive amount of water creates a huge slug of energy and water in the building drain forcing solids out into my septic tank. You should do this same thing once a week to avoid clogs.
Column 1292
The post Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/creeping-and-snapping-laminate-floor-and-clogged-drain-line/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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williamccreynolds · 6 years
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line
The gaps in this laminate floor come and go. The installer failed to read and follow the installation instructions. (C) Copyright 2019 Tim Carter
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor
QUESTION #1: Oh, Tim I need your help! A laminate floor in a friend’s house seems to be possessed. Overnight, gaps appear in the floor where one piece butts up against another. With some effort, you can slide them back tight again. When you walk across the floor in places it snaps and makes cracking sounds. What’s going on and can the floor be made to look and sound normal? What’s causing the issues in the first place? Roberta G., Eureka, UT
Does your laminate floor have a mind of its own like Roberta’s friend’s floor? Lately, I’m getting more and more emails from homeowners who suffer from the same problem. In all cases, the root cause of the problems is a failure to follow the written installation instructions provided by the laminate flooring manufacturer. Keep in mind that most laminate floors are floating floors that are meant to expand and contract to changes in humidity and temperature.
I clearly remember when laminate flooring was introduced to the marketplace. As with most products, the first generation products had a few bugs to squash. The laminate products have matured and my own office floor is covered with a stunning rustic oak v-grooved laminate floor that almost all visitors think is real wood.
My office floor looks as good as the day it was installed and it’s installed over an electric radiant floor heating mat. Radiant heating can cause gaps to appear as Roberta’s friend is experiencing. It’s imperative that you look at the instructions to see the maximum recommended temperature of the subfloor. One major manufacturer says to never exceed a temperature of 85 F. It’s not uncommon for the temperature of the water circulating through radiant floor tubing to be 120 F!
Heat causes laminate flooring to expand. This expansion is responsible for the gapping as the individual pieces of flooring start to expand at slightly different rates. When the radiant heat turns off because the room is warm enough, the flooring starts to contract as it cools. This back and forth movement can wreak havoc on a floating floor if it’s not installed correctly.
The snapping sounds are almost always traced to an uneven subfloor. Laminate flooring materials don’t tolerate humpy and bumpy subfloors. Subfloors need to be quite flat. Flat doesn’t necessarily mean level. You can have a nice flat subfloor that’s not level. The installation instructions call out how flat a subfloor must be. If a floor has too many humps or depressions, a filling compound needs to be used to get the floor flat.
Laminate flooring will snap and pop as you walk on it if it’s bridging across hollow spots under the flooring. Your weight stresses the interlocking tongues and grooves in the flooring causing the noise. It’s nearly impossible to stop this noise after a laminate floor is installed. You may have to start over to cure this defect.
Clogged Drain Line
QUESTION #2: Tim, I almost had a real mess on my hands yesterday. I couldn’t get a basement toilet to flush correctly and then heard bubbling and gurgling sounds in a shower stall next to the toilet. When I opened the shower door the basin was filled with disgusting colored water! A neighbor had a metal drain-cleaning flexible wire and was able to help me clear the line. I want to know what might have caused this wretched clog and how to prevent them in the future. Margaret T., Dublin, OH
I can feel Margaret’s pain and frustration! A year ago the exact same thing happened at my own home. A year before I had remodeled a basement bathroom and installed a very expensive brand-name toilet.
It turns out this toilet has two flushing settings depending on how long you hold down the flush handle. If there’s just liquid waste in the toilet you don’t need as much water for the flush. My son who was using this bathroom wasn’t holding down the handle long enough for the times when solid waste was in the toilet bowl.
I’ve been a master plumber since the age of 29. I have a personal beef with modern toilets as in many cases that small amount of water being released can’t always carry the waste and toilet paper all the way to the septic tank or city sewer connection.
Millions of people, including me, don’t have a water shortage. I have unlimited water from my private well and each time I use a gallon of water at my home a gallon of water is put right back into my aquifer as it flows out of my septic tank. The same happens in just about every major city as drinking water is extracted from rivers and the water homeowners use is dumped back into the same river downstream at the sewage treatment plant.
Cooking grease is also a common source of building drain clogs. It’s best to save lightly soiled paper towels and use those to sop up liquid grease in cooking pots and pans. Throw those grease-soaked towels in the garbage.
I now prevent unwanted clogs at my home by rapidly pouring two five-gallon buckets of water down a second-floor toilet once a week. I have a helper and we pour the water into the toilet at the same time making sure it doesn’t overflow the bowl. This massive amount of water creates a huge slug of energy and water in the building drain forcing solids out into my septic tank. You should do this same thing once a week to avoid clogs.
Column 1292
The post Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Real Estate https://www.askthebuilder.com/creeping-and-snapping-laminate-floor-and-clogged-drain-line/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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thegregorybruce · 6 years
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line
The gaps in this laminate floor come and go. The installer failed to read and follow the installation instructions. (C) Copyright 2019 Tim Carter
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor
QUESTION #1: Oh, Tim I need your help! A laminate floor in a friend’s house seems to be possessed. Overnight, gaps appear in the floor where one piece butts up against another. With some effort, you can slide them back tight again. When you walk across the floor in places it snaps and makes cracking sounds. What’s going on and can the floor be made to look and sound normal? What’s causing the issues in the first place? Roberta G., Eureka, UT
Does your laminate floor have a mind of its own like Roberta’s friend’s floor? Lately, I’m getting more and more emails from homeowners who suffer from the same problem. In all cases, the root cause of the problems is a failure to follow the written installation instructions provided by the laminate flooring manufacturer. Keep in mind that most laminate floors are floating floors that are meant to expand and contract to changes in humidity and temperature.
I clearly remember when laminate flooring was introduced to the marketplace. As with most products, the first generation products had a few bugs to squash. The laminate products have matured and my own office floor is covered with a stunning rustic oak v-grooved laminate floor that almost all visitors think is real wood.
My office floor looks as good as the day it was installed and it’s installed over an electric radiant floor heating mat. Radiant heating can cause gaps to appear as Roberta’s friend is experiencing. It’s imperative that you look at the instructions to see the maximum recommended temperature of the subfloor. One major manufacturer says to never exceed a temperature of 85 F. It’s not uncommon for the temperature of the water circulating through radiant floor tubing to be 120 F!
Heat causes laminate flooring to expand. This expansion is responsible for the gapping as the individual pieces of flooring start to expand at slightly different rates. When the radiant heat turns off because the room is warm enough, the flooring starts to contract as it cools. This back and forth movement can wreak havoc on a floating floor if it’s not installed correctly.
The snapping sounds are almost always traced to an uneven subfloor. Laminate flooring materials don’t tolerate humpy and bumpy subfloors. Subfloors need to be quite flat. Flat doesn’t necessarily mean level. You can have a nice flat subfloor that’s not level. The installation instructions call out how flat a subfloor must be. If a floor has too many humps or depressions, a filling compound needs to be used to get the floor flat.
Laminate flooring will snap and pop as you walk on it if it’s bridging across hollow spots under the flooring. Your weight stresses the interlocking tongues and grooves in the flooring causing the noise. It’s nearly impossible to stop this noise after a laminate floor is installed. You may have to start over to cure this defect.
Clogged Drain Line
QUESTION #2: Tim, I almost had a real mess on my hands yesterday. I couldn’t get a basement toilet to flush correctly and then heard bubbling and gurgling sounds in a shower stall next to the toilet. When I opened the shower door the basin was filled with disgusting colored water! A neighbor had a metal drain-cleaning flexible wire and was able to help me clear the line. I want to know what might have caused this wretched clog and how to prevent them in the future. Margaret T., Dublin, OH
I can feel Margaret’s pain and frustration! A year ago the exact same thing happened at my own home. A year before I had remodeled a basement bathroom and installed a very expensive brand-name toilet.
It turns out this toilet has two flushing settings depending on how long you hold down the flush handle. If there’s just liquid waste in the toilet you don’t need as much water for the flush. My son who was using this bathroom wasn’t holding down the handle long enough for the times when solid waste was in the toilet bowl.
I’ve been a master plumber since the age of 29. I have a personal beef with modern toilets as in many cases that small amount of water being released can’t always carry the waste and toilet paper all the way to the septic tank or city sewer connection.
Millions of people, including me, don’t have a water shortage. I have unlimited water from my private well and each time I use a gallon of water at my home a gallon of water is put right back into my aquifer as it flows out of my septic tank. The same happens in just about every major city as drinking water is extracted from rivers and the water homeowners use is dumped back into the same river downstream at the sewage treatment plant.
Cooking grease is also a common source of building drain clogs. It’s best to save lightly soiled paper towels and use those to sop up liquid grease in cooking pots and pans. Throw those grease-soaked towels in the garbage.
I now prevent unwanted clogs at my home by rapidly pouring two five-gallon buckets of water down a second-floor toilet once a week. I have a helper and we pour the water into the toilet at the same time making sure it doesn’t overflow the bowl. This massive amount of water creates a huge slug of energy and water in the building drain forcing solids out into my septic tank. You should do this same thing once a week to avoid clogs.
Column 1292
The post Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/creeping-and-snapping-laminate-floor-and-clogged-drain-line/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrewmawby · 6 years
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line
The gaps in this laminate floor come and go. The installer failed to read and follow the installation instructions. (C) Copyright 2019 Tim Carter
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor
QUESTION #1: Oh, Tim I need your help! A laminate floor in a friend’s house seems to be possessed. Overnight, gaps appear in the floor where one piece butts up against another. With some effort, you can slide them back tight again. When you walk across the floor in places it snaps and makes cracking sounds. What’s going on and can the floor be made to look and sound normal? What’s causing the issues in the first place? Roberta G., Eureka, UT
Does your laminate floor have a mind of its own like Roberta’s friend’s floor? Lately, I’m getting more and more emails from homeowners who suffer from the same problem. In all cases, the root cause of the problems is a failure to follow the written installation instructions provided by the laminate flooring manufacturer. Keep in mind that most laminate floors are floating floors that are meant to expand and contract to changes in humidity and temperature.
I clearly remember when laminate flooring was introduced to the marketplace. As with most products, the first generation products had a few bugs to squash. The laminate products have matured and my own office floor is covered with a stunning rustic oak v-grooved laminate floor that almost all visitors think is real wood.
My office floor looks as good as the day it was installed and it’s installed over an electric radiant floor heating mat. Radiant heating can cause gaps to appear as Roberta’s friend is experiencing. It’s imperative that you look at the instructions to see the maximum recommended temperature of the subfloor. One major manufacturer says to never exceed a temperature of 85 F. It’s not uncommon for the temperature of the water circulating through radiant floor tubing to be 120 F!
Heat causes laminate flooring to expand. This expansion is responsible for the gapping as the individual pieces of flooring start to expand at slightly different rates. When the radiant heat turns off because the room is warm enough, the flooring starts to contract as it cools. This back and forth movement can wreak havoc on a floating floor if it’s not installed correctly.
The snapping sounds are almost always traced to an uneven subfloor. Laminate flooring materials don’t tolerate humpy and bumpy subfloors. Subfloors need to be quite flat. Flat doesn’t necessarily mean level. You can have a nice flat subfloor that’s not level. The installation instructions call out how flat a subfloor must be. If a floor has too many humps or depressions, a filling compound needs to be used to get the floor flat.
Laminate flooring will snap and pop as you walk on it if it’s bridging across hollow spots under the flooring. Your weight stresses the interlocking tongues and grooves in the flooring causing the noise. It’s nearly impossible to stop this noise after a laminate floor is installed. You may have to start over to cure this defect.
Clogged Drain Line
QUESTION #2: Tim, I almost had a real mess on my hands yesterday. I couldn’t get a basement toilet to flush correctly and then heard bubbling and gurgling sounds in a shower stall next to the toilet. When I opened the shower door the basin was filled with disgusting colored water! A neighbor had a metal drain-cleaning flexible wire and was able to help me clear the line. I want to know what might have caused this wretched clog and how to prevent them in the future. Margaret T., Dublin, OH
I can feel Margaret’s pain and frustration! A year ago the exact same thing happened at my own home. A year before I had remodeled a basement bathroom and installed a very expensive brand-name toilet.
It turns out this toilet has two flushing settings depending on how long you hold down the flush handle. If there’s just liquid waste in the toilet you don’t need as much water for the flush. My son who was using this bathroom wasn’t holding down the handle long enough for the times when solid waste was in the toilet bowl.
I’ve been a master plumber since the age of 29. I have a personal beef with modern toilets as in many cases that small amount of water being released can’t always carry the waste and toilet paper all the way to the septic tank or city sewer connection.
Millions of people, including me, don’t have a water shortage. I have unlimited water from my private well and each time I use a gallon of water at my home a gallon of water is put right back into my aquifer as it flows out of my septic tank. The same happens in just about every major city as drinking water is extracted from rivers and the water homeowners use is dumped back into the same river downstream at the sewage treatment plant.
Cooking grease is also a common source of building drain clogs. It’s best to save lightly soiled paper towels and use those to sop up liquid grease in cooking pots and pans. Throw those grease-soaked towels in the garbage.
I now prevent unwanted clogs at my home by rapidly pouring two five-gallon buckets of water down a second-floor toilet once a week. I have a helper and we pour the water into the toilet at the same time making sure it doesn’t overflow the bowl. This massive amount of water creates a huge slug of energy and water in the building drain forcing solids out into my septic tank. You should do this same thing once a week to avoid clogs.
Column 1292
The post Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/creeping-and-snapping-laminate-floor-and-clogged-drain-line/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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allardjeremyballard · 6 years
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line
The gaps in this laminate floor come and go. The installer failed to read and follow the installation instructions. (C) Copyright 2019 Tim Carter
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor
QUESTION #1: Oh, Tim I need your help! A laminate floor in a friend’s house seems to be possessed. Overnight, gaps appear in the floor where one piece butts up against another. With some effort, you can slide them back tight again. When you walk across the floor in places it snaps and makes cracking sounds. What’s going on and can the floor be made to look and sound normal? What’s causing the issues in the first place? Roberta G., Eureka, UT
Does your laminate floor have a mind of its own like Roberta’s friend’s floor? Lately, I’m getting more and more emails from homeowners who suffer from the same problem. In all cases, the root cause of the problems is a failure to follow the written installation instructions provided by the laminate flooring manufacturer. Keep in mind that most laminate floors are floating floors that are meant to expand and contract to changes in humidity and temperature.
I clearly remember when laminate flooring was introduced to the marketplace. As with most products, the first generation products had a few bugs to squash. The laminate products have matured and my own office floor is covered with a stunning rustic oak v-grooved laminate floor that almost all visitors think is real wood.
My office floor looks as good as the day it was installed and it’s installed over an electric radiant floor heating mat. Radiant heating can cause gaps to appear as Roberta’s friend is experiencing. It’s imperative that you look at the instructions to see the maximum recommended temperature of the subfloor. One major manufacturer says to never exceed a temperature of 85 F. It’s not uncommon for the temperature of the water circulating through radiant floor tubing to be 120 F!
Heat causes laminate flooring to expand. This expansion is responsible for the gapping as the individual pieces of flooring start to expand at slightly different rates. When the radiant heat turns off because the room is warm enough, the flooring starts to contract as it cools. This back and forth movement can wreak havoc on a floating floor if it’s not installed correctly.
The snapping sounds are almost always traced to an uneven subfloor. Laminate flooring materials don’t tolerate humpy and bumpy subfloors. Subfloors need to be quite flat. Flat doesn’t necessarily mean level. You can have a nice flat subfloor that’s not level. The installation instructions call out how flat a subfloor must be. If a floor has too many humps or depressions, a filling compound needs to be used to get the floor flat.
Laminate flooring will snap and pop as you walk on it if it’s bridging across hollow spots under the flooring. Your weight stresses the interlocking tongues and grooves in the flooring causing the noise. It’s nearly impossible to stop this noise after a laminate floor is installed. You may have to start over to cure this defect.
Clogged Drain Line
QUESTION #2: Tim, I almost had a real mess on my hands yesterday. I couldn’t get a basement toilet to flush correctly and then heard bubbling and gurgling sounds in a shower stall next to the toilet. When I opened the shower door the basin was filled with disgusting colored water! A neighbor had a metal drain-cleaning flexible wire and was able to help me clear the line. I want to know what might have caused this wretched clog and how to prevent them in the future. Margaret T., Dublin, OH
I can feel Margaret’s pain and frustration! A year ago the exact same thing happened at my own home. A year before I had remodeled a basement bathroom and installed a very expensive brand-name toilet.
It turns out this toilet has two flushing settings depending on how long you hold down the flush handle. If there’s just liquid waste in the toilet you don’t need as much water for the flush. My son who was using this bathroom wasn’t holding down the handle long enough for the times when solid waste was in the toilet bowl.
I’ve been a master plumber since the age of 29. I have a personal beef with modern toilets as in many cases that small amount of water being released can’t always carry the waste and toilet paper all the way to the septic tank or city sewer connection.
Millions of people, including me, don’t have a water shortage. I have unlimited water from my private well and each time I use a gallon of water at my home a gallon of water is put right back into my aquifer as it flows out of my septic tank. The same happens in just about every major city as drinking water is extracted from rivers and the water homeowners use is dumped back into the same river downstream at the sewage treatment plant.
Cooking grease is also a common source of building drain clogs. It’s best to save lightly soiled paper towels and use those to sop up liquid grease in cooking pots and pans. Throw those grease-soaked towels in the garbage.
I now prevent unwanted clogs at my home by rapidly pouring two five-gallon buckets of water down a second-floor toilet once a week. I have a helper and we pour the water into the toilet at the same time making sure it doesn’t overflow the bowl. This massive amount of water creates a huge slug of energy and water in the building drain forcing solids out into my septic tank. You should do this same thing once a week to avoid clogs.
Column 1292
The post Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247360 https://www.askthebuilder.com/creeping-and-snapping-laminate-floor-and-clogged-drain-line/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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emoryjrice71 · 6 years
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line
The gaps in this laminate floor come and go. The installer failed to read and follow the installation instructions. (C) Copyright 2019 Tim Carter
Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor
QUESTION #1: Oh, Tim I need your help! A laminate floor in a friend’s house seems to be possessed. Overnight, gaps appear in the floor where one piece butts up against another. With some effort, you can slide them back tight again. When you walk across the floor in places it snaps and makes cracking sounds. What’s going on and can the floor be made to look and sound normal? What’s causing the issues in the first place? Roberta G., Eureka, UT
Does your laminate floor have a mind of its own like Roberta’s friend’s floor? Lately, I’m getting more and more emails from homeowners who suffer from the same problem. In all cases, the root cause of the problems is a failure to follow the written installation instructions provided by the laminate flooring manufacturer. Keep in mind that most laminate floors are floating floors that are meant to expand and contract to changes in humidity and temperature.
I clearly remember when laminate flooring was introduced to the marketplace. As with most products, the first generation products had a few bugs to squash. The laminate products have matured and my own office floor is covered with a stunning rustic oak v-grooved laminate floor that almost all visitors think is real wood.
My office floor looks as good as the day it was installed and it’s installed over an electric radiant floor heating mat. Radiant heating can cause gaps to appear as Roberta’s friend is experiencing. It’s imperative that you look at the instructions to see the maximum recommended temperature of the subfloor. One major manufacturer says to never exceed a temperature of 85 F. It’s not uncommon for the temperature of the water circulating through radiant floor tubing to be 120 F!
Heat causes laminate flooring to expand. This expansion is responsible for the gapping as the individual pieces of flooring start to expand at slightly different rates. When the radiant heat turns off because the room is warm enough, the flooring starts to contract as it cools. This back and forth movement can wreak havoc on a floating floor if it’s not installed correctly.
The snapping sounds are almost always traced to an uneven subfloor. Laminate flooring materials don’t tolerate humpy and bumpy subfloors. Subfloors need to be quite flat. Flat doesn’t necessarily mean level. You can have a nice flat subfloor that’s not level. The installation instructions call out how flat a subfloor must be. If a floor has too many humps or depressions, a filling compound needs to be used to get the floor flat.
Laminate flooring will snap and pop as you walk on it if it’s bridging across hollow spots under the flooring. Your weight stresses the interlocking tongues and grooves in the flooring causing the noise. It’s nearly impossible to stop this noise after a laminate floor is installed. You may have to start over to cure this defect.
Clogged Drain Line
QUESTION #2: Tim, I almost had a real mess on my hands yesterday. I couldn’t get a basement toilet to flush correctly and then heard bubbling and gurgling sounds in a shower stall next to the toilet. When I opened the shower door the basin was filled with disgusting colored water! A neighbor had a metal drain-cleaning flexible wire and was able to help me clear the line. I want to know what might have caused this wretched clog and how to prevent them in the future. Margaret T., Dublin, OH
I can feel Margaret’s pain and frustration! A year ago the exact same thing happened at my own home. A year before I had remodeled a basement bathroom and installed a very expensive brand-name toilet.
It turns out this toilet has two flushing settings depending on how long you hold down the flush handle. If there’s just liquid waste in the toilet you don’t need as much water for the flush. My son who was using this bathroom wasn’t holding down the handle long enough for the times when solid waste was in the toilet bowl.
I’ve been a master plumber since the age of 29. I have a personal beef with modern toilets as in many cases that small amount of water being released can’t always carry the waste and toilet paper all the way to the septic tank or city sewer connection.
Millions of people, including me, don’t have a water shortage. I have unlimited water from my private well and each time I use a gallon of water at my home a gallon of water is put right back into my aquifer as it flows out of my septic tank. The same happens in just about every major city as drinking water is extracted from rivers and the water homeowners use is dumped back into the same river downstream at the sewage treatment plant.
Cooking grease is also a common source of building drain clogs. It’s best to save lightly soiled paper towels and use those to sop up liquid grease in cooking pots and pans. Throw those grease-soaked towels in the garbage.
I now prevent unwanted clogs at my home by rapidly pouring two five-gallon buckets of water down a second-floor toilet once a week. I have a helper and we pour the water into the toilet at the same time making sure it doesn’t overflow the bowl. This massive amount of water creates a huge slug of energy and water in the building drain forcing solids out into my septic tank. You should do this same thing once a week to avoid clogs.
Column 1292
The post Creeping and Snapping Laminate Floor and Clogged Drain Line appeared first on Ask the Builder.
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