#And he also ignored me for like a week/two weeks before we actually broke up both times
littlebluespoon · 11 months
Stranded - Octo!König (Part 4)
Hello! Here's Part 4, as promised even though it's the next morning for me :)
1.5Kwords, 18+ non-humanoid sex toys and obsessive behaviour in this chapter
AO3 link
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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(stole pic from google sorry)
Once again, you were going weeks without properly seeing König. You’d catch his shoulder disappearing around a corner or the sound of suckers echoing in an empty hallway but no actual sightings of a giant man or bright octopus. For you, life was mostly normal. Patching up soldiers, bandaging up Soap after he gave himself happy tail again and hanging out with the rest of the taskforce while on downtime,
“Soap, you cannot rocket jump in real life. You. Would. Die.” If this had been the first time you’d had to explain this to the canine hybrid you might have had a little more patience but seeing as it was not, you were ready to throw something at him,
“But whit if we weren’ human?” Soap’s enthusiasm at least was endearing. So giving him an exasperated smile you just shook your head and moved on while noting to refill your supply of painkillers and burn salves. 
It was currently just you and Soap in the small kitchenette in the taskforce’s assigned rooms, you had no patients to see and Soap had the day off given his ‘extensive injuries’ so the two of you had taken over the games console and were having a competitive tournament in Mario Kart, loser has to steal a piece of clothing from Ghost. Currently it was 2-2 and you were on the last match so now it was getting dirty,
“So was the LT around when you broke your tail?” you teased, hoping for him to take his eyes off the screen,
“Oi! At least I wasn’ the one wi’ hickeys all o’er their neck,” he fired back, smugly like he’d been expecting your teasing.
“They weren’t hickeys! …They were bruises…” you refused to look at him, knowing exactly the expression on his face having seen it far too much for your liking,
“Isnt that what hickeys are?” you decide that driving off the edge of Rainbow Road was the better option, take the loss and deal with the consequences later. 
Seeing as you have 24 hours to steal from Ghost you left Soap to his gloating and went off to find out where Ghost was before breaking into his room. After finding out from a passing corporal that Ghost was in a meeting with Price, and double checking the hall was clear so no one else would catch you breaking into your superiors quarters, you picked the lock on his door before quickly running in and grabbing the first item from the laundry basket, a shirt with his name on it. Perfect for your bet, not so great if anyone else sees however. Ignoring all of that you run back to Soap, completely missing the seething bright orange octopus attached to the ceiling above you. 
Retreating to you room after dinner without having to take a mountain of paperwork with you was a luxury but seeing as the 141 hadn’t been called out in several weeks, you’d had plenty of time to catch up on it. Which means your plans for the night were finishing your current read and maybe starting a new one if there was time. Of course those plans depended on you getting to your room, it seemed like every four or five steps you were stopped by a Kortac soldier,
“Do you know where the colonel is?” “Do you think you could look at something for me?” “I want a second opinion on this rash,” “Could you..?” “Would you..?”
By the time you escaped them your plans of finishing your book were out the window. However as you approached your door, all your plans went out the window. There was a box outside your door, plain brown, not small but also not massive. It looked like it held a water bottle or something. The hallway was empty and there wasn’t anything to tell who had left it but given that you were on base you were pretty sure it wasn’t anything dangerous so as you closed your door you decided it could wait until after you’d gotten changed into comfier clothes and out of your uniform.
The nondescript box didn’t have much weight to it so you were expecting it was maybe mislabelled bandages or some other medical dressing so when you scored open the box you were surprised by the nice stationary. High quality textured paper, a subtle peach colour with typed lettering;
Think of me My Heart
An odd note but what was even odder was the other object in the box. A bright orange tentacle. About as big as your fist, with a marbled look of orange and teal, and made of silicon. Someone had left you a tentacle shaped sex toy. Upon recognition a yelp leaves your mouth and you’ve thrown the box across your room before you had even realised you’d moved. You know exactly who sent it, you just couldn’t understand why. You barely know each other, you don’t even think he’s said more than 10 words to you outside of missions or commands. You’re the medic on base with the most aquatic hybrid training, that’s the only reason you see him so often so why would he do this? Or maybe he didn’t, maybe it’s a prank? It could be Soap getting back at you for teasing or even Ghost for stealing his shirt or maybe even a Kortac soldier trying to rile up their colonel or something. It could have been anything, it was probably just a prank because you didn’t want to even entertain the thought that König had sent you this. He was a friend, it was a tentative relationship but you called it friendship as after everything you’d been through with him it was a little hard to just call each other acquaintances. It’s a prank, so you boxed it back up and shoved it to the back of your wardrobe to be never seen again.
Trying to get to sleep was difficult. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and every time you turned around it felt like the blankets were suffocating you. After an hour of this you decided to check your room, turning on all the lights, opening all the doors and doing a well-known routine to you. Unlock, open and check, relock. You did that with all the cupboards, you pulled your bed apart and reorganised your desk, kit bag and wardrobe. Nothing, there wasn’t a thing for you to be paranoid about and you’d made sure of it. Climbing back into bed exhausted, you settled into the blankets and closed your eyes. The blankets no longer heavy on you, the hairs on the back of your neck were soft and yet, you still felt watched.
In the bright light of the morning the box looked no different and thankfully your paranoia had waned, so there was no interruption to your morning schedule. Not until you had you leave your room, which is where you found another sheet of peach coloured paper, folded next to an envelope. The fear stopped you in your tracks. Once again there was no one in sight, no noises to indicate a person either and you hadn’t heard anything while getting dressed. Deciding to deal with it before breakfast seemed like a smart decision at the time because if you’d known what was in the envelope after breakfast you were sure you’d never have kept it down;
My Dearest Heart, 
You must think me a cowardly man for this but I felt this was the best way to approach you. I could not hear you last night, were you holding in your heavenly sounds so that no one else might hear? You need not worry Heart, I would never let anyone else near you. Not even the feral Lieutenant you seem so fascinated by. I do hope you liked my present and that you enjoy this one too, although I admit these were more for my pleasure.
With all My Love,
Your Soul
You could feel your heart escaping from its cage with every word you read. You were a soldier, you’d been in battle, you’d nearly died. There had been scarier moments in your life than this. So how was it this is the only time you’ve ever wanted to curl up in the back of a cupboard and never face the world again? You didn’t want to open the envelope. You never meant to open the envelop but your hands were shaking as you moved to stuff the letter with your first unwanted gift. It slipped and that’s when you discovered it wasn’t sealed and its contents had spilt all across your floor. Pictures of you were scattered across your floor. You; eating, working, training, in the gym, in the shower and even in your bed. You had been watched. Someone had been watching you for months.
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catsteeth · 3 months
Sugar & Violence
Podrick Payne x reader 
+:✿ Chapter 6 ✿:+ : Dreamer
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Summary: You’re a Mormont being held hostage by House Lannister.  You are acting now as the Handmaiden for Margery Tyrell, whom you’ve grown quite close with. But it seems that a squire has caught your attention as you have caught his. 
CW: MDNI, afab reader, pining, NSFW themes, Threats of non-con, misogyny, Violence, mention of violence, mention of arranged marriages, mention of alcohol consumption, mention of NSFW themes.
A/N: I am dedicating this chapter to all the Podrick girls who have stuck with me through this incredibly long hiatus, and even supported some of my other works. I truly love you all so much, you know who you are. 
Word Count: 4.7K
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꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
You had been traveling north with the rest of the Knights watch for a few weeks now. Yoren was serving you well, keeping the men far from you and in line. Although not many of them were ignorant enough to say anything disrespectful to their Lord Commander's daughter. 
That was until some man on a horse began to take offense that you weren’t working like the rest of the men.
As you practiced your aim with an arrow, your brain felt clouded, you kept having a thought of Lannister horses trotting in the night, coming closer and closer. 
You tried to push it out of your head as you exhaled and shot the arrow hitting a tree, right on the mark you aimed for.
As you walked over to the tree to retrieve it you overheard two men, one in the river fetching water, and the other who sat on a horse.
“Why doesn’t she work like the rest of us?” The man on the horse said, louder than necessary. You ignored it as you pulled the arrow out from the tree bark, walking back to your mark to try again.
“She aint a Knights Watchman.” The man in the river said, 
“Ain’t it a girl's duty to cook and fetch water?” The man on the horse paid no attention to the man in the river's remark, he stared at you as he said it.
The man in the river stood to his feet, “She’s a Mormont, you’d better mind your tongue.” He warned. Maybe out of actual respect for your name, or maybe out of fear of your father.
“A Mormont is she?” The man on the horse said, He smirked. You began to aim with your bow and arrow, you exhaled about to let your arrow fly when the man shouted, “Bear girl! How would you like to warm my tent tonight?” It was loud enough to get the attention of all the other men in the camp. It fell silent. 
You dropped your bow and arrow. Finally looking over and acknowledging the man who had been bothering you.
You walked over, with a huff, and stood in front of the man on the horse. You petted the horse's snout with a smile as you ran your hand along the horse's neck, and along its body, until you were facing the side of the beast. You looked up as the man looked down upon you. 
“Is that a yes?” The man smirked, you smirked back as you grabbed hold of the man's saddle and with haste pulled the horse off its balance, making it fall on its side and the man with it.
The horse's weight on the man's leg broke it. As the horse got back up the man stayed on the ground, holding his leg and wailed, “She broke my fucking leg!”
As you walked away, you said back much more calmly, “I didn't, your horse did.” 
As you went to grab your bow and arrow that were on the ground, Yoren walked up to you, “We need men for the night's watch, not cripples.” Somewhat disapproving but also amused by your display.
“He’s got a clean break in the lower bit of his leg.” You said, aiming your bow and arrow, “A split and a crutch and he’ll be fine before we get there.” You said as you released the arrow, hitting in the exact spot you did before.
“How do you know that?” Yoren asked, his eyes were narrowed and his brows furrowed. He was suspicious at the same time he was curious. 
“Mmm.” You shrugged, “The way he fell?” You said dismissively. 
Yoren huffed, turning his attention back to the man wailing on the ground, “Get him up.” He said to the men surrounding him “And quit your whining!” He shouted to the man on the ground.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
Podrick was staying in an Inn just a few miles outside of Winterfell. 
Neither of you were aware of just how close you both were to one another. However Podrick grew more and more on edge as time passed. He was thinking of you constantly. When he was training with a sword he thought of you, when he was eating he thought of you, when he was bathing he thought of you, when he lay down for the night he especially thought of you. He often stared at the scar on his palm, a constant reminder of you. 
As he looked at the scar, he looked up to see Brienne staring at Winterfell. She knew Sansa was there, and in danger. She tormented herself with the thought. 
“She’s far away from the Lannisters. This is her home. Maybe Lady Sansa is better off here.” He said, partially wanting to comfort Brienne while partially wanting to be done with this mission and get on with finding you. 
Brienne turned to Podrick, “Safe with the Boltons? Who murdered her mother and brother? She is dangerous even if she doesn’t realize it.” She said with annoyance. As she did an old man came into their room, he placed new firewood beside their door. “Thank you. You live here a long time?” Brienne asked just before the man was about to leave.
“Aye.” The man nodded,
“Did you know about Lord Eddard?” Brienne questioned, Podrick looked at her with concern. He knew it was dangerous to discuss such things now. 
The old man narrowed his eyes at Brienne, “I knew him. And his father before him. Starks are gone now-” 
Brienne interrupted, “Not all of them. I know who's inside that caste.” she said with confidence. 
The man scoffed, “Everyone knows. The Boltons.” 
She shook her head, “I’m not talking about the Boltons.” Brienne walked closer to the man, “I need to get a message to her. Sansa Stark.” She was fearless, it reminded him of you, it was his only comfort now that you were gone.
“Who are you?” The man questioned, 
“Someone who swore to keep her safe.” Brienne said with the same cold tone as the man had with her.
“Swore to who?” He practically spat at her, 
“Her mother.” She said, again matching the hostility of the man, showing she was not afraid of him.
The man smirked, “Her mothers dead.”
“That doesn’t release me from an oath. I served Lady Catelyn. I still serve her. Who do you serve?” That took the air out of the room.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
That night, you and the rest of the night's watch slept in an old abandoned barn.
Your dreams as of late were stranger than normal. More real, but vague at the same time. And tonight it was worse. You felt the heat of fire, you could smell the smoke of the fire ripping through dry grass. You heard the horns of battle, heard the sounds of men grunting, the sounds of fighting. You saw fire, and two arrows released. You felt the pain of a knight cutting into your side. That's when you woke up.
You sat up with a loud gasp, your eyes were wild and wide. Yoren who slept beside you always was awake and immediately took you in his arms. 
“Calm yourself, Lass!” He said as you panted, 
“Fire, a sword, and arrows!” You said breathlessly clinging onto his coat,
“What?” He asked with narrowed eyes. Though before you could speak you and Yoren heard horns of battle ringing outside the barn you were all staying in, Yoren released you and stood “GET UP, YOU LAZY SONS OF WHORES!” He shouted waking the men up, “ARM YOURSELVES!” He continued to shout and wake up more of the men, He turned to you grabbing you by the shoulders, “You need to leave. You need to go far North.”
You shook your head, “You said my father would kill you if you didn’t take me with you. He’d kill me if I left you.” He looked at you as if you both knew that wasn’t true, you shrugged, “Well maybe not kill but he’d be ashamed and that's worse.” you conceded, “I can fight you know that.” 
He huffed and shook his head, “I’m not fighting you. You’re staying out of sight and going North.” He said as he turned his attention back to the men “THOSE MEN OUT THERE WANT TO FUCK YOUR CORPSES– OUTSIDE NOW!”
As he and the rest of the knights watched, one of the men holding a torch accidentally set the dry grass aflame. You smelt the fire and knew it was the same smell from your dream. 
“Where's the bastard?” A Lannister guard shouted, 
“More than a few here. Who's asking.” Yoren asked gruffly.
You paid little attention to what they said. You were too busy attempting to stay out of sight of the Lannisters. If you were found the consequences would be worse for both you and the Knights Watch. 
“Last chance. In the name of King Tommen. Bring us your bastards.” He said threateningly. 
“No I don’t think I will.” Yoren said, confidently. 
“So be it.” You finally looked over at that exact moment, to see Yoren shot with an arrow through the chest. You wanted to scream but you held it in. 
Even with an arrow in him, he was just as brave, “I always hated crossbows. It Takes too long to load.” Yoren said as he cut through the man with the crossbow. But he was no match against the rest of the Lannister guards. He was slaughtered before your own eyes. 
You knew there was nothing more for you to do, so you ran, ran as fast as you could. Though a man intercepted your path. A balding man wearing Lannister colors. He smirked at you as you tried to run past him. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” The man said as he grabbed hold of you, his hand covering your mouth. You saw him pull out a dagger and shove it deep in your side. You cried out, and he laughed. But then you bit down as hard as you could. The man screamed as you bit his finger off, finally letting you go. The horrid taste in your mouth lingered as you ran. 
Ran until your legs stung. The pain from your side only worsened as you ran. Becoming more and more intense and less and less easy to ignore. 
You stopped for a moment beside a river. You kneeled down to take a drink from it. You knew it wouldn’t help, but your mind and body were slipping out of consciousness rapidly as the pain grew. Soon, it was all fuzzy. You had no balance, and no feeling, your hearing was leaving you as well but you heard one last thing before it did. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
You awoke in a warm bed beside a fire. You looked around at the room, it looked like an Inn though you’d no money. 
You saw a woman in the corner of the room ringing out a wet cloth into a bowl, as she began to walk towards you, she smiled.
“Who are you?” You questioned, your eyes were hardly opened. You were so weak and clearly slightly frightened. 
“Baelise.” She said sweetly as she dabbed your forehead with the damp cloth.
“Where am I?” You asked, trying to sit up, but the pain in your side was too horrid. 
“A brothel. I found you in the river.” She said as she pushed you back into the bed,
“A brothel?” You asked with wide eyes, 
She held a laugh, “Don’t worry, I own it.” You looked around the room, looking for any sign of a man who might have come in, “No one has touched you.” Baelise assured you, knowing what you were afraid of. 
“I need to leave.” You said panting from the pain. 
“You need to rest, and eat. Lay down.” She said as she put the damp cloth back onto your head, “What happened to you, sweetling? Did men do this to you?” 
“Lannister guards attacked the knights watch.” You said pained.
“You were with them?” She questioned, it was odd for a woman to be accompanying the Knights watchmen.
“My father is their commander.” You said with a husky voice,  “I dreamt of it,” You said, you weren’t sure why you said it but you did. 
“Of what?” She stopped dabbing the cloth on your head, almost stunned by what you said. 
“Death. An arrow, a sword, and fire.” You said, your eyes closed now, trying to block out the pain. 
“Do you do that a lot?” She questioned, 
You realized you’d said too much, “How long til I can leave.” 
“Whenever that nasty cut heals.” She said with a huff, continuing to dab your forehead. You pulled down your covers, revealing your naked form. You saw the stitching she had done on your side. It was well done for a Brothel Madam, well done for anyone in fact. “I cleaned it, and sewed you up.” She said sweetly as she pulled the cover back over you.
You grabbed her wrist, “Milk of the poppy, please I need it.” You pleaded, 
“I’ll give you what I can. One of my girls is expecting a child soon, we’ll need it.” She said soothingly as she stood to get it. 
“She should give her essence of nightshade for that, not the milk.” You said with expertise, 
Baelise looked back at you with a smile as she rummaged through her various remedies and elixirs. “You have dreams don’t you?” 
“We all do.” You said almost frustrated that she remembered what you said before. 
“You have dreams that come to fruition.” You looked back to her, as she approached with a spoon full of the milk, “You lose yourself in thought, when you do, your mind goes to the future. You hear them speaking, you see visions of what is to come. Only brief moments, but enough.” 
“How do you know this?” You asked as you drank the milk in, 
“I saw you coming, (Y/N).” She said removing the spoon from your mouth. “I saw you fall in that river. Saw your lifeless body drift up the stream towards my brothel. I stood outside waiting for you.” 
You laid there, debating whether or not you could trust her. Whether or not you should tell her any more. Though you felt you could trust her. She knew your name, maybe her talent was much more powerful than your own, maybe you could learn from her, “It only started a few moons ago.” You said softly, 
“It comes to us when we are ready. Like our moonblood.” Her tone was soft and gentle like a mother.
“I saw the attack before it happened. I think at least. How do I stop it before it happens?” You said pained although this time it wasn’t from the cut in your side.
“It is sometimes beyond us to stop such outcomes. You can try, but no one will listen. They’ll think you are mad.” She said as she continued to dab the damp cloth on your forehead.
“This is a curse.” You scoffed,
“Gifts are not good nor bad. They are given.” She smiled at you softly, “You’re a healer yourself aren’t you?” 
“Yes.” You said, your voice soft and gentled from the milk.
“You always know how to treat a person's wounds do you not?” 
“I studied for-”
She interrupted you, “The most knowledgeable masters make mistakes. Outlook symptoms. Prefer to take shortcuts. You do not. You can place someone's hand in yours, examine a cut with your eyes alone, even hear the way a bone breaks and just know exactly what needs to be done.” She said, and you nodded. “It’s part of your gift.” You felt your eyes grow heavy, from the poppy no doubt. As you felt yourself drift into sleep, Baelise, tucked your hair beside your ear and whispered, “Sleep.” Before leaving you.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
That night Podrick dreamt of you. Not unusual but this time it felt as if it were real. 
He saw you in his chambers back in king's landing, wearing the dress you wore when you first laid together. “Podrick?” You asked softly, though Podrick tried, he couldn’t speak.
He tried to reach out to you, but each time he tried he felt further and further away from you.
“Podrick!” Brienne shouted, waking Podrick up from his deep sleep. He sat up disorientated, he held onto his head as he tried to come back to reality. “You sleep heavier now that we are sleeping in an inn. Perhaps we should return to the ditches.” Brienne said sneeringly. 
“Just… Having strange dreams.” He grunted, 
“As long as they do not affect our mission.” She said looking back to Winterfell.
He shook his head, ��They won’t, My Lady.” 
Brienne looked over to him. She felt badly for always being so short with him.
“What are they?” She asked reluctantly. Podrick looked at her confused, not knowing why she would want to know. Brienne sighed, “We have been cooped up in this inn waiting for a sign from Lady Sansa, with little to discuss. This might be something of interest.” She conceded, 
“A woman.” He said, the longing very apparent in his tone.
“Never mind, I do not need to hear that.” Brienne said with disgust.
“Not like that.” Podrick shook his head, “I knew her from Kings Landing. She was Handmaiden to Margaery Tyrell. A Mormont who was held captive in the south.” She smiled as he recalled the memory of you, “She was a brave woman.” He nodded.
Brienne hesitated to add to what he said, “I remember her.” she said, thinking it might offer him some comfort.
“You do?” He asked, perking up like a starved dog who smelt food.
“Yes, she was practically connected to Margaery Tyrell’s hip.” Podrick sat closer as if he were a child listening to a story before bed, Brienne looked at him with furrowed brows but continued.  “She did not speak much. Handmaidens rarely do. But she complimented my sword. Unusual for a Lady I thought.” She said looking out the window, thinking that was the end of it.
“She’s an unusual woman.” He said as a compliment with a smile on his face, he looked back up to her, “She told me about you.” Brienne looked down at Podrick with curiosity,  “Said you were exactly what she wanted to be as a girl.” 
“A very unusual woman indeed.” Brienne scoffed. “Do you think she poisoned Joffrey?” She asked, her curiosity taking over her, “Mormonts despise southern houses. Despise the Crown. She had the opportunity to do it-“
“No. My Lady.” He said in haste, “She would spit in Lord's drinks. Never poisoned them.” He shook his head.
“The armored girl the boy from the inn talked of. You think that was her?” She asked softer than normal.
“He said she was a Mormont. No other Mormonts are that far south.” His tone was slightly deeper
“I gave you chance after chance to leave. Why didn’t you go find her?” Brienne asked as she turned her attention back to him.
Podrick looked down, slightly disappointed in himself, “I don’t know where she is. Don’t even know how to try and look.” 
“Once Lady Sansa is safe, I’ll help you.” Podrick smiled as was about to thank her before he noticed something behind her,
“My Lady!” Podrick shouted as he pointed towards the broken tower, where a candle was lit.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
Back in the brothel, Baelise continued to teach you more of your gift, as you tried to get your body out of bed. 
“Did you dream of anything tonight?” Baelise asked as she watched you attempt to get out of bed. 
“Just a brown horse, with a-” You grunted as you finally stood. “A white spot on its head.”
You finally were able to stand without assistance. Baelise knew that your time with her was coming to an end. She smiled at your progress but knew that she’d one last thing to teach you.
“Have you heard of the Lord of Light?” She asked softly, 
“Ramblings of it, here and there.” You grunted as you got accustomed to limping around the room. 
Baelise lit the fire, “The Lord might offer you further clarity.” She said as she fed the fire another log. 
“My family served the old gods.” You said dismissively, trying to pay closer attention to your unsteady steps.
“And yet the Lord of Light might allow you vision through fire.” She said as she stood, dusting her hands clean from the wood, “Peer into it. Deeply.” She said as she took you by your shoulders and turned you towards the fire.
You huffed, “I see nothing.” You shook your head, “Perhaps the Lord of Light does not like me.” You said as a jest.
Baelise rolled her eyes, pushed you closer to it, “It does not happen in an instant. Keep looking.” 
You did, as you did you could swear the fire morphed before your eyes. 
“Wildlings cross the wall. Welcomed in by some man… pretty as a girl.” You blinked hard as you looked away. You struggled to stand on your own, Baelise helped you up.  “My father is dead, or is going to be. I must leave here now.” You said as you hurriedly began to put your armor on. 
“Are you certain?” Baelise asked as she helped you, 
“You don’t know my father.” You said, finally finishing putting on your armor. As you rushed to the door you looked back to Baelise, “Thank you.” You said earnestly, she smiled and nodded as you made your way out.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
In Winterfell Podrick and Brienne were determined to find Lady Sansa. 
They heard the sounds of men and hounds in the distance and followed. As they approached the men shouted “It’s a bloody woman!” As Brienne pulled her sword out, so did Podrick. Brienne kills most of the soldiers on horseback, then knocks one off his horse before slitting his throat. 
Podrick, his fighting skills having improved under Brienne's teaching, fights and kills a Bolton soldier, but falls off his horse in the process. He then challenges another Bolton soldier, killing him as well. He thought you’d be proud of him for that.
Once all the soldiers are dead, Brienne steps towards Sansa. She laid her blade on the ground before her, kneeling, “Lady Sansa, I offer my services once again. I will shield your back and keep your counsel, and give my life for yours if need be. I swear by the old gods and the new.” She vowed,
Sansa began “And I vow… that you shall always have a place by my hearth- and…” 
“Meat and mead at my table.” Podrick said, helping her along with her vows. 
“Meat and mead at my table.” She stumbled, “And I pledge to ask for no service that might bring you dishonor. I swear by the old gods and the new. Arise.” Sansa vowed in return. 
Podrick smiled, as what was Brienne’s only wish finally came true. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
You however, were in Winterfell's woods at the same time. Limping your way North, the pain in your side, still greatly disabling you. 
“Who is this?” A Bolton Soldier said, “Not the redhead we're looking for.” Another Soldier said. 
You paid them no mind, not even looking at them. You had your bow and arrow, and your sword. If anyone dared try and fight you, you were confident even now you would win. 
“No, but she is a pretty thing-” The first soldier said, “Oi little girl!” He shouted, 
“Fuck off.” You rasped, 
The man scoffed, “You don't look like you're in much of a position to be a cunt.”
“I said fuck off.” You rasped even louder, 
“Come on, birdy. We’ve been out here a while. Give us a little fun and we’ll get you a ride wherever you like!” The second solider said. 
You finally looked over, and saw one of them was on a brown horse with a white spot. Just as you dreamed. You smirked, 
“Yes you will.” You mumbled, “Alright then.” You said louder, voice still raspy from the pain.  
The men laughed as they got off their horses, “That's a good lass.” The first solider said taking a step towards you,
The second solider however grabbed the first one, “You ain’t going first, I’m the one who convinced her-” 
“I don’t want used cunt-” The first solider argued back, 
You interrupted, “No need, I’ll take you both at once.” You said with a smirk.
They both chuckled as they undid their trousers, “You are a whore sent from the Gods aren’t you?” The first solider said, you stepped towards them. 
“Perhaps.” You said before pulling your sword out and stabbing through the second soldier’s chest. Before the other could pull up his pants to get his own sword, you pull your blade out of the solider and cut through the other with just as much ease as the first. 
You huffed, over exerting yourself in an already fragile state. Though you were more upset by the blood that had gotten on yourself. 
You looked up at the horse with the brown coat and white spot, and smiled at it. “Come on,” You said it to as you mounted the horse, “We’re going North.” 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
As Podrick and Brienne made their way into the Castle Black gates. He looked around for any sign of you. He knew that this was the place you would go if you had gotten away. And when he didn't see you, it worried him terribly.
As he watched Jon and Sansa reunite, he looked over to Brienne hoping this would comfort her in some way. And hoping she still meant what she said about helping him find you.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱ The pain had gotten considerably worse over the next day as you rode, never stopping once. You rode hunched over in pain grasping at your side. 
Both you and your new horse which you’d given no name, were exhausted, and starved. But it would be worth it, as you approached the gates of Castle Black, two men stood above the gates wall, looking at you with confusion.
“Open the gate.” You rasped, your voice was weak and breaking. 
“You a Bolton?” The man shouted back down at you.
You huffed, looking up at him though still hunched in pain, “Do I look like a fucking Bolton?” You said your voice husky, “I’m a Mormont! Open the fucking gate!” You shouted though your voice was still unable to carry very far. 
“Open the gates!” The men shouted. 
As they did you rode in on your horse, everyone starred at you. Three men rushed to your aid as soon as they saw the blood that coated your side.
The men helped you off of your horse, you almost cried out from the pain of it all. 
“The horse needs to eat.” you said to some man who then dragged the horse off to the stables. 
You looked around for a moment, hopping your father was still there, somewhere. But when you looked around you saw Wildlings, and you knew your father was dead. You didn’t hate them, you didn’t know them. But your father would rather die then see them beyond the wall. That much you knew. As you kept looking, you saw Jon Snow, and Sansa Stark, looking at you with confusion and surprise, you looked at them with the same look. 
A sharp pain ripped through your side once more, you hunched over gripping at your side, wincing in pain. 
As you did you felt familiar hands on you, as you looked you saw the same brown eyes you loved for so long. 
“(Y/N)...” Podrick said softly, his eyes were wide and worried. He wanted to smile and embrace you but your state concerned him far greater. 
Before you could say anything the pain overtook your senses. Your hearing and vision left you just as they did in the river and you fainted. Thankfully this time, in the arms of your lover.
“You’ve a way with women.” A tall wildling man with red hair who was standing near by said. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
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@ryn-away @boojaynaqueen @holierthancunt @symonedoesart
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berryhobii · 11 months
OMG HI😭😭i love your writing so much like im obsessed you’re so talented!!! i see your request are open and i just wanted to see if you do something where it’s after Yoongi and Y/N get into petty argument and Y/N is like “you know what? whatever” and gives Yoongi the silent treatment however, Yoongi hates being ignored (especially by his girl) so after giving her some space for a few hours and trying to get her to talk to him, he’s had enough oh the silence and decides to take matters into his own hands 🫣 I HOPE THIS MADE SENSE😭😭😭this thought has been running rampant in my mind for a week and i would love to see how you would write this ! there’s no rush, take your time if you don’t feel like it that’s TOTALLY okay i just want you to know that you’re writing is IMMACULATE, chefs mf kiss 🤌🏾 and that’s you are so freaking talented!! thank you for sharing your writing with us🥰🥰💕
Ahhhhhh! I love you so much! Your requests have given me such good ideas! I hope I fulfilled this one well. It turned into kind of brat tamer Yoongi who loves reader to pieces because I love everything about that trope. I really hope you love it bb!🩵🩵🩵
“Turn left up here!”
“I know where I’m going!”
“Obviously not! The parking lot will be full by the time we get there.”
Currently, you and your husband were on the way to your favorite store to spend some more of the gift cards you got at your wedding. You received so many and Yoongi made you agree that you’d only use them for important things.
New stuff for Holly counted as important, right? Of course it did.
A few months ago, you two moved to a new neighborhood which meant you didn’t really know where everything was.
As designated passenger princess, it was your responsibility to look hot, control the music and also manage the GPS to get you places but Yoongi wanted to trust his car’s GPS more than you. Ridiculous right?
He sighed. “I know where I’m going, okay? I don’t need your help.”
Your mouth dropped, a scandalized and dramatic gasp passing your glossed lips. How dare he?!
Crossing your arms over your chest, you slumped in the passenger seat. “You know what? Whatever, Yoongi.” You mumbled.
Silence enveloped the car, only the low sound of J.Cole’s melodic voice filling the space.
Yoongi glanced over at you, a smile threatening his lips at your pouty face. Ugh, you were such a spoiled little brat but he loved you so much. He actually took pleasure in riling you up and watching you get all huffy. Everytime he saw that princess personality, it awakened something in him—a need to both smother you with kisses and spank your ass until you were crying.
He reached over to place a large hand on your thigh. “Come on baby. Don’t be upset.”
You ignored him, fully turning your body towards the window. Uh oh, your full super bratty mode was activated.
“Are you really gonna ignore me?” He pondered.
No answer.
“Baby please. I’m sorry.”
He guessed he’d have to roll with this.
When Yoongi pulled into the parking lot of your favorite store, he tried to talk to you again but you were already out of the car.
Unfortunately, whenever you were upset with Yoongi, you got a sudden stroke of independence. He normally opened your door for you so he knew you were really upset when you did it yourself.
You didn’t talk to him the entire time through the store but you almost broke when you passed the pillows.
“Look baby. They have those pillows you were looking at.”
You picked one up before turning to Yoongi, opening your mouth to say, “yeah they…..” but you cut yourself off, remembering your vow of silence. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to speak but you held it. Tossing the pillows into the cart, you continued through the store, hands hurting from how hard you gripped the handles.
You couldn’t fight that skip in your heart. He remembered the pillows…..you told him about those weeks ago…..fuck.
You didn’t even notice Yoongi’s sly smirk as he walked behind you. He knew this silent treatment wouldn’t last long and he was honestly kind of amused. He knew you wanted to talk to him but your pride wouldn’t allow you to break first, not until you felt like it. He guessed he’d have to put up with your silent treatment a little longer.
Besides, with you walking ahead of him, he could stare at your perfect ass in those stretch pants all he wanted. His hand itched to grab it but he resisted. He didn’t want to make you more upset…..on purpose.
Yoongi ended up having to practically fight you with the bags, insisting he’ll put them back in the cart and push them to the car. You weren’t happy but you also didn’t argue, huffing and puffing your way back to the car.
Yoongi didn’t unlock the doors until he was finished putting the bags in the trunk which was getting you even more riled up. He knew you wanted to open your own door but doing it for you was just more amusing.
You squinted your eyes at him in frustration, throat burning with the desire to tell him off but you got in the car anyway, still completely silent.
The drive home was silent, as was the short journey up to your apartment. Holly greeted you both at the door, the wiggly dog jumping all over you. You didn’t even try to go through the bags, just heading straight for your bedroom where you could ignore Yoongi better. And of course, Holly followed you, not sparing Yoongi a passing glance.
Traitor, Yoongi thought.
He sighed but left you alone. He knew you weren’t that upset about what he said in the car. You were just being stubborn. He spoiled you too much. He could also be kind of passive(he’s working on it) as well so perhaps this was proving to be a little test for him.
After putting away the few grocery items and leaving the rest of your choices for you to sort through, he flopped down on the couch.
It was quiet.
Too quiet.
He liked his peace and quiet as much as the next person but the noise you brought was different. He had grown used to hearing you singing under your breath or talking to yourself as you thought about dinner or the crash of all of your hair products falling because you had so many and they didn’t fit right in the hallway closet.
You had ingrained yourself into his life—you and your own perfect little storm of gentle chaos.
He missed you. Even though you were in the next room. He missed you.
Standing from the couch, he walked down the hall to the bedroom. He couldn’t hear anything on the other side.
His knuckles rapped gently against the wood before he opened he door. “Baby?”
He found you laid on your back on the bed, phone held over your face as you scrolled through social media. Holly was resting on his dog bed in the corner, little head lifting as Yoongi entered.
“Go.” He motioned to the door. Holly tilted his head in a way that solidified Yoongi’s suspicion that his dog was secretly a human. Human or not, Holly knew better than to stick around.
Yoongi closed the door before focusing his attention back on you.
He approached the bed, leaning a knee on it. You could feel the dip but made no move to acknowledge him.
“Baby please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. Of course I need you. I love when you tell me where to go but then you get distracted so we miss the turn. Remember we were late to our rehearsal dinner?”
Your lip twitched at the memory. Of course you do. The excitement of your wedding being the next day had you so caught up in your then fiancé that you couldn’t even focus on giving directions. And thanks to Yoongi being equally distracted by how stunning you were, he didn’t even think to make sure you stayed focused enough to give directions. He missed the exit twice before finally getting on track. Nevertheless, it was still a memorable evening with his family and close friends.
And the precursor to the rest of a wonderful life with you.
You still continued to ignore him. You could hear the sincerity in his apology but you wanted to make him sweat just a little bit longer.
But even Yoongi had a breaking point and you were crossing it.
No answer.
Alright. Breaking point crossed.
“Why do you have to make everything so difficult? Ignoring me, “he scoffed with a shake of his head and landing a sharp smack to your ass. “You’re crazy.”
Your head was buried in the blankets, shoulders pressed against the bed and wrists held tightly in Yoongi’s grip.
His hips were slamming into your ass hard enough to hurt, his thick cock stretching your walls to their limit. He was thick enough to give you that slightly searing stretch and long enough to make you feel it all the way to your deepest parts.
“Mm, Yoongi!” You cry out as his strokes became longer, pulling himself all the way out to the tip remained before slamming back inside. He grits his teeth at your walls sucking him in as if they didn’t want him to go. Thank goodness for his stamina. After meeting you, he’s had to learn how restrain himself longer than ever. He never used to cum quick before meeting you. And yes, that was one of the many reasons he pursued you. “F-fuck….you feel so good.”
You arched your back more, lifting your ass so that he could reach even deeper.
“Don’t ignore me again. Do you understand?” He landed another slap on your bouncing ass, loving the recoil.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, face feeling hot from your breath that kept blowing back from how your face was pressed into the mattress.
Everything felt too tight, too hot, too sweaty, too good.
“Yes! I’m sorry!” You cried.
Releasing your wrists, he grabbed at your braids, twisting them around his wrist a few times. Waist length were definitely a smart investment.
He pulled you up until you were “balanced” on your hands because let’s face it, those things were numb as hell. His hold on your hair was really the only thing keeping you upright.
“Sorry for what? Apologize properly.”
He wanted you to form full sentences? That was like asking Jada to stop talking about Tupac. Impossible.
Another stroke knocked your speech centers loose, third orgasm since you started bubbling in your lower belly.
Yoongi could feel your walls clenching up, your moans growing louder at each thrust. Oh no you don’t.
He stopped his hips, still buried deep in your cunt. You whined as your orgasm ebbed away, wiggling your hips in an attempt to throw yourself back on his cock but a hand on your hip made you still.
“You’re not cumming until you apologize properly. Now, what aren’t you gonna do again?”
You swallowed, lip quivering and tears welling up. “I…I won’t ignore you again.”
He grinned. “Apology accepted.”
His hips set a punishing pace, your ass ricocheting off his hips. It had you moaning in ecstasy, nearly slipping from his grasp but he wrapped an arm under your breasts to keep you steady.
“Shit, I love this pussy. So. Fucking. Good.” Each word was punctuated with a thrust.
Your hand reached back to claw at his side, the slight sting making him groan and thus pushing him faster.
He yanked your hair until your back was pressed flush against his chest, his hips never slowing down. Almost instantly, you turned your head, seeking his lips as you always did when you were close. His heart fluttered, loving how affectionate you were.
You almost miss his lips from how absolutely feral he was going in your poor cunt. Fortunately, he tilts your head better with his grip on your hair, kissing your wet pout. The tenderness has your heart swooning despite all the chaos. He sucks at your tongue, leaving a light bite on your bottom lip as well.
“Gonna cum, my sweet girl?” He whispers in your ear, nipping at the skin.
You didn’t need to answer him, you’re growing moans enough to confirm. The hand that wasn’t scratching at his skin raises up to bury in his hair, yanking his strands similar to how he was doing you causing him to grunt in delight.
The arm around your body moved down to rub circles into your clit and you swore you saw the upper room. He buried his face in the side of your neck, inhaling your sweaty skin, lips leaving kisses and bites along the side of your throat.
His hips move even faster than before, desperate to carry you to your orgasm before he lost his shit. Pent up from that brief denial and riddled from your previous orgasms, you’re quick to crumble against him. Twisting in his hold, you cry out his name that’s like music to his ears.
“Yoongiiiiiiiiii! Cum in me, baby. Want you so bad….”
Your walls grip him tighter than a vice, his hips stuttering with careless abandon as he gives you exactly what you want. The sensitivity between your thighs burns in the best ways, little gasps coming from you another tiny orgasm washes over you.
“Ugh, fuck.” The last few sluggish ruts of his hips make both of you whine and gasp, his grip on you tightening and then loosening as his body shudders.
Your body falls forward on the mattress, muscles and bones weary and your eyes drooping as exhaustion weighs on them. You feel Yoongi flop down next to you, only the sound of his slightly hurried breaths filling the room.
“Not falling asleep on me, are ya?” He asks after a few seconds. He turns his head to find you are, in fact, beginning to doze off.
“No.” You fib, rolling your achy body over and holding up one arm. “Come kiss me.”
His smile is as sweet as him. He scoots over to bury himself in your warmth. Your arm wraps around him as his head lifts to give you your requested kisses.
“I love you.” You confess against his lips.
He hums. “Love you too. Even though you’re bad at giving directions.”
You roll your eyes but continued to peck at his lips. “Marry your GPS then.”
“I already have.” He hugs you closer. “And I wouldn’t give her up for anything.”
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ceriisetheflower · 4 months
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Self Care (M)
wc: 4.8k
synopsis: renjun decides to take on his first heat the best way he knows how, as luxuriously as possible.
cw: smut...a lot of it. in immense detail. sex toys, pornography, multiple orgasms, unrealistic amounts of cum, stomach bulge, male squirting/watersports (depending on what you consider squirt to be lmao), overstimulation, cum eating, dildo sucking, mentions of fictional heat related illnesses, america-centric world building, a bitch with no friends attempting friendly dialogue.
a/n: well here it is! first full fic. believe it or not this was meant to be no longer than 1k, then i realized i get kinda pissed when fics don't include enough context for elements in the fic so i'd be a hypocrite if i didn't paint a likely unnecessarily vivid picture. feedback is much appreciated!
we love u very dearly junnie B💛
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The sound of the dryer finishing its freshly washed load of delicates interrupted his fifth run through of his checklist. “Ok, let’s see….lube? Check. Waterproof blankets? Check. Three hour long Alpha on Alpha porn playlist? Check.” Renjun finally sighed with relief. It’s not everyday he obsesses over the amount of lube he has in his arsenal (he restocks his eight oz bottle of sliquid sassy every eight weeks on the dot), but it’s a special occasion. The special occasion.
He rebukes the term “late-bloomer”, despite the average age for an omega’s first heat occurring around eighteen. Renjun has always justified his lack of mating cycles with his ever present practicality. “You were absolutely ridiculous for a week straight until your heat broke.” He recalls to Donghyuck during their semi-regularly scheduled facetime catch-up they’ve adopted post grad school.
“I had so much going on freshman year, it would’ve made no sense for me to have to deal with a heat. Twenty-four is a way better age anyways, my prefrontal cortex is like eighty-five percent done, I can actually handle my brain being scrambled eggs for five days”. He says passively, ignoring the unimpressed look coming from the boy on the other side of the phone.
He unfortunately remembers the horrors of hearing Donghyuck’s first heat through their paper mache dorm room walls when they were eighteen, and the next heat three months later, and the next eighteen heats he endured as Donghyuck’s roommate. He’s convinced the boy has had enough heats for the both of them, especially considering Renjun was held solely responsible for ensuring his dear friend didn’t die of hunger or dehydration through them. It's a thankless job, but someone had to do it.
“Right, so I guess twenty-four is also the age where you’re finally gonna finish growing huh? Prime time to finally reach big boy height.” Donghyuck quips back, taking a break from grading assignments to goad the blonde boy giving him a deadpan stare through the phone.
“Bitch you’re literally 5’6 1/2 what are you talking about?” Renjun retorts, “it’s no way you’re calling me short when you just complained about how you cant find shoe lifts in canada.” Donghyuck widens his eyes in shock. “Talking about shoe lifts when you just begged me to ask Doyoung if he could hem those jeans 6 inches shorter is crazy work Renjun.” 
They continue their childlike bickering over their similarly petite frames for an unreasonable amount of time, before Donghyuck remembers the real reason for today’s meeting. “Ok but seriously, how are you feeling about this whole thing? I know it’s kinda a lot at once, be honest with me?” Donghyuck starts. He woke up two days ago to Renjun’s frenzied calls, knowing his friend was well aware that waking hours for him in Atlanta were still Donghyuck’s “dead to the world” hours in Vancouver, he was for certain there was an actual emergency.
Renjun had woken up with a pounding headache, abdominal cramps, and the unsettlingly wet mouth feel that comes right before vomiting. He knew what that meant, but refused to actually confront what was happening until Donghyuck got a look at him and convinced him to go to the omega urgent care. Donghyuck sat on the phone with him while he waited for the doctor, cheered as Renjun got the confirmation he was in pre-heat (much to Renjun’s dismay), and helped him pick the best painkillers to aid his cramps and headache. It was the best he could do from another country, fighting the urge to book a flight to go support his best friend in what’s easily the most important event in an omega's life. His husband only barely managed to convince him it was unnecessary and that they could just send him a nice care package in the mail on expedited shipping, Mark was always the level headed one in the relationship.
Renjun sighed before he could answer. “To keep it one-hundred percent real with you, I’m terrified. Like am I gonna be okay? What if I fuck up somehow and I end up never being able to have kids or something insane? Anything could happen?” Renjun said, ever the worrywort and full of trepidation about new experiences. Donghyuck scoffed, rolling his eyes at the catastrophization of the world’s most natural activity. “Friend, how could you possibly fuck up jerking off? You’ve had a solid twelve years of experience for this, relax!” Renjun shut his eyes and huffed in annoyance, “Obviously that’s not what I’m worried about idiot. I’m worried that I won’t be able to actually satisfy myself through the whole thing, and you know what happens if I can’t be fully satisfied.” Donghyuck sighs in acknowledgement.
Continuous Heating Syndrome, colloquially known as a heat frenzy, is a rare but unfortunate side effect of a heat that goes unsatiated. Nonstop migraines, vomiting, loss of motor function, seizures, or shit...even worse. Donghyuck has heard horror stories of omegas having perfectly normal heats that turn into three week stints at the hospital after they couldn’t break. Scary shit. Rare for all omegas, but increasingly likely for an unmated omega without consistent access to a knot, a category which Renjun unfortunately falls into. “Look at it this way” Donghyuck starts, “It’s not like you have no options at all. You don’t necessarily have to do this alone.” Renjun grimaces. He knows exactly where Donghyuck is going with this, and he’s not even remotely here for it.
 “I’m not calling the heat hotline.” Renjun was scared, not desperate. He had no reason to hire a random Alpha who needed extra money to come fuck him for five days straight, he could figure something else out for sure. “Oh girl please!” Donghyuck exclaims, “That’s literally exactly what you need right now! They’re super strict about testing so you won’t have to worry about that, plus it’s covered by your insurance? What is the issue?” Renjun rolls his eyes, ‘The issue is that you think i’m supposed to just randomly fuck the first alpha who doesn’t look like he snuck on the planet just to stop myself from going into a coma, I have options bitch!” 
Donghyuck scoffs, “Sure you do. Is now the time when Jen and Jae finally jump through the screen of their newest edging scene to keep you company through your heat? Porn only takes you so far, friend.” Renjun hates that Donghyuck knows him well enough to know he’s been anxiously scouring his favorite alpha pornstars’ onlyfans to find some semblance of relief through his rapidly approaching week of agony. “I have toys! So many toys! I don’t need an alpha at all, I have like six different vibrating cocks to choose from” Renjun grumbled. He was a fully self sufficient twenty-four year old omega who doesn’t need an alpha! Or so he continues to force himself to believe.
“If you’re gonna be stubborn about it, the least you can do is be safe.” Donghyuck says, his worried expression softening the defensive stance Renjun has adopted. “You do have someone nearby right? Just in case you need someone to check in on you in person?” “Of course, Yangyang and Chenle are in the building down the street, if I need a restock on anything or if I start overheating and dying I can call them.” Renjun replies, in an attempt to calm his friend from his concerns. “You’re not gonna die girl. Especially since I found the perfect thing to help you out!” Donghyuck beams, giving Renjun his signature “I’ve done something I know you won’t like but I’m smart enough to know it’s what you need" look.
“Is it a dick? Don’t buy me a dick Hyuck I swear to god.” Renjun says, “Is that what you’ve been doing this whole time? Dick shopping instead of feeling sorry for me? I can't believe this.” “If it makes you feel better it’s not a dick, you have so many other ones another would be excessive, even for me. You’re gonna love it though! All those fears of heat frenzy are gonna go right out the window!” Renjun eyes the brunette through the screen suspiciously, Donghyuck’s odd enthusiasm has been the catalyst to multiple cautionary tales Renjun is saving for his grandkids. Now might be the worst time to let his guard down. “I swear to god, if it’s something weird i’m sending it back and getting a restraining order.” Donghyuck giggles in nefarious delight, “It’ll be at your doorstep in two days!” Renjun groans in horror.
Renjun is shaken from his daydream riddled with Donghyuck’s alarming cackles by the sound of the doorbell being rang for the fourth time. “Oh! Coming, coming, so sorry!” He yells out, rushing to the front door to see his instacart delivery driver struggling to hold Renjun’s last minute groceries. The poor guy takes a deep breath and tries not to look nearly as phased as he is by Renjun’s sweet bergamot scent. “I-I wasn’t able to find the caramel pecan cookies, so I got you an extra box of kitchen sink cookies, I hope that’s ok?” The man stutters, clearly fighting the urge to comment on what smells like the sweetest omega he’d ever met. “Oh no worries! Thank you so much, they always go out of stock pretty quick.” Renjun replies, now increasingly aware of the alpha’s growing nervousness and intensified teakwood scent.
He hurries to grab the groceries from the boy and set them on his kitchen counter. “Here you go!” Renjun says, handing over his nice ten percent tip for the guy’s troubles. “T-T-Thank you!” he replies, after making a horribly obvious attempt at trying to inhale as much of Renjun’s residual scent on the ten dollar bill. Renjun awkwardly waves him goodbye, and closes the door of his apartment asking whichever deity that watches over him why he couldn’t have already been mated to avoid having to endure that. The plights of a single omega, he thinks to himself, now rapidly moving towards his kitchen to take final inventory. 
His heat is scheduled to begin sometime tonight, made clear by his overwhelming scent and his unbearable body temperature. He’s already considered turning his air conditioner up higher, but realizing that his poor plants would hate to live in a house that’s fifty-five degrees for a week straight, he suffers in a scantily clad haze. He’s stocked up with seven cases of water, four boxes of cookies, six frozen pizzas, and three family sized bags of chicken nuggets. His poor air-fryer will be working overtime this week, Renjun is fully prepared to only have twenty minutes of energy between heat spikes to keep himself semi-sufficiently nourished. He grabs an armful of waters and sports drinks he’d picked up earlier that week to carry them to his room. He placed them next to the other small snacks he’d put in his mini fridge conveniently sitting next to his nest, there was no way he’d be able to make it to the kitchen after the first few rounds and immediate hydration was a non-negotiable.
Renjun took a moment to be proud of himself. He was a single omega preparing for the most intense and important event of his life. All those incredibly awkward sex-ed lessons he endured in middle school, and the trauma-inducing nights spent handing Donghyuck and Mark bottles of gatorade and fruit snacks while trying to avoid  seeing any genitals had finally led up to this moment. Renjun was fully prepared. Renjun was gonna be okay. 
His doorbell rings again. This time unexpectedly. He opens the door to find another delivery man, this time an omega, Renjun can tell by the soft lavender scent. “Order for Renjun Huang?’ The man asks. Renjun grimaces at the horrifically American butchering of his name, giving a pleasant but unsure smile. “Yes! That’s me” Renjun replies, taking a look at the ominously large box the man is holding. "Great, sign here please” He grumbles, trying to make quick work of what Renjun can only presume is his last delivery of the day. Renjun makes quick work of scribbling his signature on the dotted line, before mumbling a quick thank you and grabbing the box. It’s oddly heavy, which wouldn’t be too concerning, until he took a closer look at the label and read ‘From: Mark and Donghyuck ♡,” in Donghyuck’s messy half cursive half print handwriting.
“Oh dear god” Renjun thinks, now the weight of the box is a genuine cause for concern. He heaves the box to his counter and takes a deep breath before cutting it open. Much to his surprise, it’s all normal nice things. He pulls out a box of the maple cookies Renjun became obsessed with when Mark brought them back a box after returning to campus from his thanksgiving break in Vancouver, the ones Renjun was pissed to find out aren’t available in Atlanta. He sees a stuffed bear and stuffed cheetah wrapped in plastic, Renjun pulls them out to admire the resemblance to his dear friends before he realizes they were both scented like Hyuck and Mark. Renjun could just cry. He felt so loved and cherished by his best friend, how loving and thoughtful Donghyuck always was despite being a smug piece of shit ninety percent of the time. He’s been wanting nothing more than to experience one of their “cuddle puddles”, that while Renjun would always protest, he secretly loved. He pulls out a lovely soft yellow blanket with pretty little ruffles on the ends, perfect to go in his nest for added comfort. Wrapped in the blanket is a little note: 
 “You’re gonna have a great time Junnie! Don’t overthink things, just relax and enjoy the ride! We love you so very much! - Hyuckie and Markie”
Renjun is tearing up, his friends love him so much, he’s gonna be okay! Then he sees another box at the bottom, hidden by the blanket and other gifts before it. He shimmies the black box out of the larger brown one and places it on the counter, now able to get a full look at what the picture on the box is displaying. The tears instantly dry. The feelings of love and admiration are replaced with immediate annoyance.
In a scary showcase of friendship telepathy, his phone rings, lighting up with the picture Donghyuck took of his flared nostrils freshman year. Renjun sighs, then answers the phone. “Why would you buy me a fuck machine?” Renjun stares into the phone, hoping to look as menacing as he can in a hello kitty headband holding his blonde strands from his face. “I see you got our present.” Donghyuck replies, shit eating grin so intense his lips were threatening to split apart. “I told you I had just the thing in mind for your heat girlie!” Renjun huffs with the full intent to call Donghyuck everything but a child of god, but he’s getting hotter and the throbbing between his legs is getting more intense. Tonight he chooses peace. “In seven days you’ll begin to cough” he says, and hangs up the phone to let out a loud exasperated grunt. 
Now the real preparation begins. Renjun walks over to his dryer and pulls out his satin robe he’d freshly washed for the occasion. He makes his way over to his bathroom to begin the most intense shower he’s had since his last failed date with an alpha he met on Wolfr. “Nice dick, horrendous vibes.” Renjun shudders at the memory. “Maybe that’s just how guys from Connecticut are? Connecticut is barely a real place, who cares.” He pauses his internal monologue for a moment to place a vanilla scented shower steamer in the corner of the tub. He lights himself a few overpriced indie candles he got from a small business bazaar in the city, and starts easing himself out of his tiny shorts.
He takes his time pulling the silky fabric of his briefs, gently coaxing his dick out of the fabric. He shudders at the cold air hitting his half-hard cock, sending shivers up his spine and another light stream of slick out of his tip. “Fuck,” He moans softly, entirely too aroused for his own good. He pulls his shirt over his head, shuddering again when the air hits his puffy swollen nipples. He takes the time to get a full look at himself in the full size mirror. “Fuck I’m hot. No wonder that Alpha almost popped his knot earlier,” Renjun smiles to himself confidently.
He makes his way into the shower, taking a deep breath of the warm vanilla scent circling him, meshing wonderfly with his own light citrusy aroma. The hot water of the shower electrifies Renjun’s body, he takes a moment to soak in the amazing feeling of the heat comforting his aching limbs. He starts with his favorite lemon and honey scented body wash to begin carefully massaging his arms and chest with the warm and fruity bubbles.
The sensation of the lather was already driving him crazy, absolutely loving the way his hands gilded seamlessly over his hips and ass. Renjun wasn’t normally the type to be so turned on by his own body, he guesses it’s just the excess hormones making any sight of bare skin immensely arousing. He snaps out of his hormone induced stupor to remember that he has a whole shower routine to get through, so he gives his soft chest a final squeeze, then moves back under the welcoming stream of the water to rinse himself clean. He grabs his body scrub and locks in for the remainder of his shower. 
Renjun emerges in a cloud of sugary citrus air, intoxicating even to himself. He wraps himself in his gold satin robe, and makes his way to his vanity for his finishing touches. Renjun digs through his copious amounts of products to find the expensive body oil he’s been saving for this very occasion. He strips off his robe, and starts massaging the oil into his skin, starting at his legs. Every dip his fingers make into his skin brings him closer to ecstasy. Closer to what he knows is gonna be the most intense feeling of his life. He’s just barely finished rubbing himself down when he starts leaking a new stream of slick from his puckered asshole.
“Oh shit, that must mean it’s about to be time huh?” He figures, moving to wrap his robe around him yet again to avoid his neighbors getting a free show through his open blinds. He draws the curtains, dims the lights, and connects his television to his laptop for an optimized viewing experience. He already has his nightly entertainment pulled up, three hours of Jen and Jae’s best material. Nothing that riles Renjun up more than seeing an alpha take a eleven inch dick like he was made for it.
He settles into the spot he carefully carved into his nest, when he lays his eyes on the pretty yellow blanket Donghyuck sent him in his care package. Then he thinks about what else was present in the care package. He pauses for a second, thinking about how he actually hadn’t even taken the fuck machine out of the box. “Well obviously I didn’t take it out the box, I’m not giving Hyuck the satisfaction of knowing I used a toy he gave me,” Renjun thinks to himself. Then again, it’s not as if Hyuck has to know Renjun used it. Then again, it’s not as if using it could be a bad idea, Renjun considers.
He drags himself out of bed to collect the box from the kitchen counter, setting it down on his bed as he begins to actually open the machine. He definitely recognizes the machine, it’s pretty famous among omega content creators due to its lightweight build and convenient suction cup base to accommodate any dildo the user pleases. He looks over at the extended assortment of toys he’s curated for tonight’s events:  a vibrating fleshlight for his cock and three different dildos in ascending length and thickness for his differing stages of need. Renjun felt his hole flutter with excitement as another gush of slick slid down his thighs.
He thinks about it for a moment, considering how much nicer it'd be if he didn’t have to be responsible for thrusting his toys in and out of his slicked hole. He decides to use the suction cup base of the fuck machine to attach it to the headboard of his bed, checking the height of his placement to ensure it would be the perfect height for him to comfortably get backshots from the toy. If he’s desperate enough for it he, reasons, first choosing to hold off from letting Donghyuck be right about something for as long as possible. With the machine firmly secured, Renjun settles back into his comfy spot in the nest. He takes off his robe, presses play on his laptop, and reaches for his fresh bottle of lube to start massaging his warm cock. 
He’s 10 minutes into watching Jae eat Jen’s ass when Renjun finally has his first orgasm. His little heaves and moans fill the room as he milks himself of his well deserved release. “Ooh…ahh…ahh...fuck!” He shouts, pulling himself further into overstimulation as his vision starts to haze over. He’s laying in a puddle of hot slick, constantly pumping out more and more as he keeps toying with his cock. He’s using his other hand to pump his fingers furiously in his asshole, loving the searing sensation of his hole stretching over his digits. “Mmm fuck...fuck, ooh make him cum Jae” he moans, picturing himself as the pornstars’ third wheel in their bedroom.
He realizes his hands aren’t gonna cut it though, he releases his cock from his vice grip and winces as he pulls his fingers from his ass to grab his fleshlight and the smallest dildo from the pile. “Oh shit,” he hisses, feeling that same intoxicating stretch to the next degree as he tries to slip the seven inch toy deep inside. He needs another large squirt of lube to get the job done, a sign he hasn’t completely gone into heat quite yet, letting his semi-delirious brain know he still has some semblance of self-control.
He pours another squirt of lube directly into the fleshlight, giving it a few pumps with his fingers, and then using those same fingers to pump his cock, before squeezing his drained but solid dick into the tight slippery hole.  He’s fully entranced in the sensations of his body now, leaking so much slick his toy keeps slipping out of his hole. The throbbing between his legs is reaching an ungodly peak, rushing his second orgasm into him like a train. “Ahhhh FUCK,” he screams, feeling the pulse of his prostate send him into overdrive. His cum and slick is pooling at the base of his dick, overflowing the fleshlight and adding to the lewd sounds deafening his ears.
He makes a move to turn up the vibrations on the toy, barely getting a chance to move his hand from the button before the pulse of his third release shakes him to the core. Renjun is completely lost at this point, barely aware of anything around him other than his seemingly never ending fountain of cum and the hypnotic sights and sounds of his favorite muscle bottom getting dicked within an inch of his life. God he wishes that was him taking alpha meat. Then he remembers it totally can be him. He grabs the biggest dick he owns, neglecting any more prep that the fifteen minutes of intense pounding hasn’t provided, and sticks the heavy dildo to the waiting base of the fuck machine.
He positions himself comfortably in front of the plastic cock, taking a moment to admire his mess on his satin sheets. “S-Shit…ohhh fuck,” he hisses as he shoves the toy into his ass. He barely gives himself a moment to adjust before he reaches for the remote to start the lowest thrusting pattern, desperate for the feeling of his hole getting stretched to its limits. Renjun lets out a low groan while the toy picks up speed. He clicks it up to the second level and jolts as the tip of the cock starts hitting his prostate. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,” he groans, spilling more slick onto his sheets and sliding into his fourth orgasm, leaving his mind completely broken. He sets his fleshlight to its highest vibration and suction level, and shakes himself into another release.
If he had any ability to think critically he would be concerned for the amount of fluid leaking into his mattress, considering he’d completely forgotten to lay down the waterproof blankets he was so intent would save him a massive cleaning bill, especially since the cock in his ass causes another surge of slick to shoot from his hole. Nearing delirium, Renjun decides the dual stimulation still isn’t enough. He wants even more, he needs even more.
The smell of his slick and cum is intoxicating, leaving his brain just as fried as the underpaid alpha that nearly sprung a leak at his door earlier. He grabs the smaller dildo that he used to work his ass open at the start of his playtime, and gave it a slow lick from the balls to the tip. Tasting himself on the toy made his next orgasm even harder, sucking the head of the dildo like it was an actual alpha. Throating the cock to it’s hilt like Jae himself was fucking his throat. Renjun was officially in heat, too spent to think, and too horny to care. 
With the last bit of his reflexes he has left, he manages to switch the fuck machine to it’s highest setting, and prepares himself for the ride of his life. “Ohhhhh Shit! Oh Shit! Fuckkkkkk,” he stutters, forming the last coherent phrases he’ll be saying for a while. His head is absolutely pounding, reality is bending, and all he knows is fact are the loud moans he and Jen are churning out along with the surge of energy rushing through his ass and cock. “Ahh oh my god, oh my god,” he screams, ushering himself into otherworldly realms of pleasure.
His cock is being milked to extremes he didn’t know were possible, the pumping motions of the fleshlight sending streams of cum all over his balls and thighs from where the toy could no longer hold his load. He groans as the cock in his ass pounds into his prostate, sending him further into the orgasmic spiral he has no intention of leaving. He’s coming down from his tenth orgasm when he finally decided to give his dick a break, pulling the toy milking him for the last two hours off his cock and throwing it to the side, in the interest of laying face down ass up, fully submitting to the plastic cock he’s worshiping with every fiber of his being.
He can barely make any sounds other than small gurgles when he starts craving his own musk again, grabbing the fleshlight and sticking his tongue as deep as he can into the sopping wet hole, basking in the scent of his pleasure. He slurps up his essence as he feels his ass getting tighter, the dildo seemingly rutting rougher and rougher to break through his grip. He slides himself back even further on the toy, taking all eleven inches impossibly deep, crying out at the feeling of his stomach bulging from the cock mixing up his guts. Renjun is lost in the vortex of his heat, unable to do anything but scream in pleasure in between licking his fleshlight like it’s a real asshole, when he feels it.
His eyes go wide, his ass locks up around the plastic knot completely, the overwhelming pleasure forcing his body to mate with the cock rearranging him. The toy stops moving in and out, too suffocated by Renjuns slick walls to complete a full cycle of motion, instead sending deep thuds of pressure directly on his prostate. His eyes start rolling back as his body starts convulsing, unable to control his movements. His loud moans turn to deafening screams when a long stream of clear liquid shoots from his cock. He cries out in pleasure as he lets out endless gushes of liquid, soaking through whatever parts of his mattress weren’t already sticky with slick. His voice starts to taper off into quieter whines, soon after, Renjun’s vision goes black. 
Renjun wakes up thirty minutes later, slightly less attached to the toy. Its batteries must’ve died sometime between him squirting and passing out, but Renjun has little recollection of anything that occurred once his first heat spike hit. He hears the faint sound of his pornstars giving each other aftercare from what must’ve been a similarly intense scene in the background, figuring he should follow in Jen’s footsteps and have a bottle of water.
He rolls over in his nest, taking in the absolutely ruined state of his bed, along with the extremely satisfied feeling in his body. “Woah,” he thinks, “I gotta get Hyuck a Waffle House gift card or something.”
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a-complex-joke · 5 months
The Farmer, The writer, and the Parrot
Farmer x Elliott (x Leo!platonic)
Farmer is nervous to ask Elliott if he would be up to adopting Leo, or any kids in the future. Farmer is also worried about how Leo might react to the offer.
The farmer had been frantic all morning, they had done all their chores for the day.
Yet they had been avoiding even looking at their partner, Elliott the whole time.
For the past week since Leo had moved to town, The Farmer seemed deep in thought and even a bit skittish. 
Elliott had indeed taken notice of their behavior, noting the fact that they hadn’t even come home that night, opting to stick by the mines.
Was he worried? Sure. but the farmer often lost track of time and would return later than reasonable, while still waking before himself.
Elliot found it admirable, but Ignoring him was a step too far.
“So where are you going?” Elliott said standing between them and the door.
“I was going to the mines, Clint requested way more Iron than I already had” they smiled not meeting the redhead’s eyes.
“Farmer tell me the truth, have I done something to cause you to grow so distant… is there someone else?”
It broke his heart to admit the insecurities he had been feeling, and on the flip side, it saddened The farmer that they had made him feel so.
“No! There is no one else who could ever compare to you” They put a hand to his cheek.
“Then why have you been ignoring me”
The farmer looked to their feet, mumbling something.
“Darling, you know I can’t hear you when you do that” He lifted their chin.
The farmer took a deep breath before letting it out.
“I know he never really discussed the whole if we wanted kids or not and I know it all of a sudden, but seeing Leo living all alone with no one to take care of him, it just feels like a pin is stabbing my heart. So I've been bringing him meals every day, and last night he was already asleep when I got there but I could tell he was having a nightmare so I just stayed there to comfort him. And what I'm trying to say is I want to adopt Leo, but I was scared of how you’d react” 
There was a loud silence in the room as The farmer caught their breath.
“Oh thank Yoba, I thought you were going crazy and acutely doing an order for Clint there for a second, Harvey was on speed dial,” Elliott said releasing a breath himself.
“That’s what you're focusing on, I just spilled that I want us to raise a child together.”
“Hun, I'd love to raise a little army of children if you wanted, honestly the fact that you want to bring Leo into our lives just makes me love you more,” He said embracing his partner.
“But what if that is not what he wants, Linus is perfectly content with being somewhat homeless, and they are close as can be. What if he takes it as an insult” The farmer vented, tears threatening to fall.
“The worst that could happen is that he chooses not to come live with us. Even if we don’t adopt him, he’ll still be in our lives as will we in his. And we’ll care for him no matter what” Elliott said kissing their forehead.
“How did I get so lucky to marry such a caring man”
“It came with the job I guess” He joked.
The two decided to wait till they could commission Robin to build another room, even If Leo rejected the offer they weren’t gonna give up on the prospect of being parents.
To say Robin was ecstatic at the news would have been the biggest understatement since the town ‘learned’ of Mayor Lewis and Manires Affair.
A month had passed before the pair decided they were finally ready to ask Leo. A room decorated with a large window looking out towards the farm, what more could he want?
“Hi Leo, how are you today” Farmer asked sitting down next to him.
“Oh hi, Farmer, I'm good, are you and Mr. Elliott all right, miss Robin said you guys were doing something life-changing, that's why your house was under construction right?”
Oh, Robin and her loud mouth.
“Well, yes we are planning on doing something very different, and it actually why where here. We needed to ask you something really important” Elliot said now getting down to his level.
“Now before we do we want you to know that you can say no, and we won’t hold it against you” 
The child nodded.
“We wanted to know if you’d like to come live with us, we want to adopt you. You’d be our child and we’d be your new parents” The farmer was starting to struggle a bit.
“You’d still have the tree house of course but, maybe this could be more of a clubhouse for Jas, Vincnt, and you.”
Leo stayed silent before speaking in a hushed voice
“What if I lose you like I lost my real parents” tears poked out of his eyes.
“Oh hun come here” The farmer pulled Leo onto their lap, ushering Elliott to come closer.
“We don’t plan on going anywhere, and even if we did that won’t be for a long while”
“Will I still be able to visit with the parrots?” Leo questioned.
“As long as they don’t eat all the crop” Elliott tried lightening the mood.
The three sat cuddled in the tree house till Leo had become tired, falling asleep in the arms of the farmer.
“You know I can carry him” Elliott offered as they walked back home.
“no I've got him, he’s really light, we’ve got to fatten him up,” the farmer said a little concerned.
“I'm sure Gus would love to have a taste tester with an exotic pallet”
“Don’t you think we spend enough money there?” “Crab cakes are good, not my fault
They had finally made it home and placed Leo down in his new bed.
“Good night, my little Parrot,” The farmer said kissing him on the forehead
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lola-bunn1 · 2 years
❥ a/n: saw a lot of people going around tumblr with this idea so i thought i'd give it a try! hopefully this doesn't suck ok bye
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Toruk Makto is a mighty warrior, he was known across the entirety of Pandora. A lot of women saw him as a fine young man, so why out of all of them, you were the one eywa picked.
He had come over with Tsu'tey to see you, Tsu'tey told him about you and how the olo'eyktan needed a woman with him and spoke highly of you.
You sat with them quietly until your mother finally broke the news right in front of them
"No! I do not like him! I cannot just-"
"Y/n! Have some respect, he is olo'eyktan. You should be grateful."
You looked to him and he just looked away, you shook your head and left, ignoring your mother's calling.
You didn't want any of this. You wanted to fall in love, choose a mate that also wanted you. You wanted to find a mate in your own time, what did you do so eywa can do this to you?
You heard footsteps behind you, you quickly turned, pulling your knife out in defense
"Whoa there" It was none other than Jake, raising his hands up, "Relax, it's just me"
"I do not want to talk to you" You sighed and sat back down
He sat next to you, "Look, I know this isn't exactly ideal to you. It isn't to me either, I didn't even know I needed a mate. Thought I would just be...whatever, you know?"
"What does be whatever mean?" You questioned, reminding him of the fact that you don't share the same lingo
"I mean...like I would just be there, without having to find a mate or something, just live my life" He explained and you sighed
A moment of silence filled your ears
"I thought that too..." You spoke, "I wanted to find a mate...but on my own terms."
"Alright, listen" He said and looked into his eyes, "I know you don't like me and no offense but I share the same feeling, so we can just...live. We don't actually have to like each other, you get it?"
You nodded
A few days later, you got married. The two of you haven't mated, just got married.
It was hard. When he first talked to you that day, when he was being understanding of your feelings, you thought something could work. But after the second you got married, it felt you were a box he checked off his list.
He was never home, he barely talked to you, you were at Tsahik training most of the time. But whenever you were both true, he would still avoid you.
You were in a loveless marriage and it sucked, it sucked and it hurts.
Not just that, but there were rumors, rumors of him and Neytiri. That he loved her, and he was chasing after a mated woman.
So to sum it up, not only were you in a loveless marriage. But you were also in a loveless marriage with an unfaithful husband, you hated the moment you agreed to marry him.
The hope you had for this marriage to work was gone. He acted as if you didn't exist, so you do the same. You focused on your Tsahik training, you hung out with your friends more often, you did your own thing.
One day, you came home late to see him sitting there, waiting for you. You ignored him and put your stuff away
"Where were you" He said, not even bothering to look at you
You didn't answer and began making dinner
"I'm talking to you"
You ignored him again and went to get the food but he grabbed your wrist and turned you to him
"Answer me" He said sternly
"I was out in the forest with my friends" You said, pushing his arm away and going back to doing your thing
"That's it? You're not gonna say anything? I've been waiting here for hours"
"Oh you've been waiting for hours?!" You yelled, turning back to him, "I've been waiting for weeks! Weeks, Jake! You're never home, you don't talk to me, you act as if I am not there but the second I do something wrong you act like the victim?!"
He went quiet
You sighed and wrapped the food before you felt arms around your waist, you pushed them away and turned to him, seeing the look in his eyes
"I'm sorry" He said in a sincere tone, "I'll do better, I promise, baby."
You blinked at the nickname, and slowly put his arms around you again, and went back to making the food
You two had dinner together, talking about what you did that day, you updated him on your training, and he updated you on his. As you two talked, light touches were shared, and went you went to sleep, you fell asleep in each others arms
You began letting your guard down, something you've never done. You saw each other more often, you actually acted like yourself around him and he enjoyed it, you would go out at night in the forest, watching the stars together, joking together, laughs echoing through the forest
You had never felt this sort of connection with anyone, he made you feel comfortable, safe, you liked being around him, you were no longer married to a stranger
That was until you were at Tsahik training, on your way there, you heard mutters and mumbles, one of your friends suddenly stopped you.
"What's going on?" You asked
How could you be so stupid.
Later that day, you were at home, making some beads for your hair in silence, you felt lips to your cheeks before you moved away, Jake looked at you in confusion, leaning down to kiss your cheek again before you moved once again
"How was your day?" He asked you, dismissing what you did, you didn't answer
He was about to speak again before he heard a sniffle, his eyes widened
"Hey..." He said, touching your shoulder before you pushed him away and got up, turning to him
"Do not touch me, Jake Sully!" You yelled, his eyes softened at your sight, he had never seen you cry, you were a very tough person
"What's wrong?" He asked
"I do not know how I was so foolish to fall for your tricks"
"What's going on?" He asked again
"I should've known better than to marry a man who was after another woman."
"Wait...what?" He asked
"Why did you marry me, Jake Sully?" You asked
"You married me to make Neytiri jealous, didn't you?!"
"I should've known" You fell on your knees, sobbing, he rushed to comfort you but you tried pushing him away
He grabbed your face, you put your hands on his wrists
"Listen to me, please" He spoke, wiping your tears, "I...I did like her, alright? But that was in the past! I don't like her anymore"
"Just leave me alone..." You sighed
"You were right, Jake Sully. We do not have to like each other, we can be married without having that-"
"But I don't want that!" He yelled, "I lied, okay? I like you I...what's that thing, oh yes- I see you. I see you, y/n please listen to me"
"You do?" You said
"I don't want Neytiri, I don't want anyone else, I just want you, y/n." He spoke, "Please tell me you see me too, please." He said, noticing your quiet state
"I see you too...Jake Sully" You said
He kissed you, feeling your soft lips against his, the two of you grabbed your braids, and looked to each other before finally bonding them
You felt each other, his heartbeat, your breath, everything
You touched foreheads, "I am with you now, ma Jake"
Good, because he never wants to let you go.
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fonulyn · 2 months
Chreon week Day 2: Friends to Lovers / Confessions
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” Leon said the first thing as he slammed the door behind himself shut, leaning back against it. Whatever had been chasing him was hot on his heels as the door budged inwards, but Leon threw himself back against it with his full bodyweight and it clicked shut properly. “What are you doing here, anyway?” he went on as he clicked the lock on, and he didn’t need to tell Chris to help before they were already both moving the big table against the door for added security.
“You first,” Chris said, leaning back and trying not to look too pleased to see Leon. He scanned Leon from head to toe, trying to look for injuries, and he probably wasn’t being as subtle as he thought he was as all he got for his trouble was an eyeroll.
“I’m fine, Chris,” Leon said, arching an eyebrow. “Or do you want me to lift my shirt again?”
Chris absolutely one hundred percent did want that, but he also knew better than to admit to it. He decided to trust Leon, in the recent years he had actually been forthcoming about his injuries and there was no reason to think that had changed. “So,” he drawled, ignoring the question and going back to the original topic. “What are you doing here?”
“That’s classified,” Leon immediately answered, giving Chris a wink. He was already moving to the other side of the room, rifling through the shelves for anything usable he could pick up. Chris could’ve sworn there was nothing, he’d been pretty thorough, but apparently Leon didn’t agree as he made a little “ha!” sound and grabbed something to put in his pocket.
Resigning himself to not getting an answer to that question, Chris moved on. He broke the lock on the door leading further up to the facility, motioning for Leon to follow. “We’re going the same way, right?” he said, motioning towards the next room that had two levels, both of which they’d need to clear. “Top or bottom?”
Leon snorted. “That sounds like you’re propositioning me.”
Maybe they’d done this dance one too many times, but instead of joking back or deflecting it, Chris decided this was it. He looked Leon dead in the eye, not even blinking as he answered. “I am.”
Leon’s eyebrows shot up and he stared at Chris for a long, long moment. Then he lowered his gun, stepping closer, almost tentatively. As if he didn’t quite believe that he had heard right, and that this was actually happening. “You know,” he said as he was so close their chests were almost touching. “We could start with coffee.”
Chris let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. He grinned. “I’ll raise you dinner.”
“Fine,” Leon said. “You’re paying, and I’m picking the restaurant.” He still looked a little disbelieving, but at the same time Chris could see the same relief he felt mirrored back at him. Maybe this would be the start of something good. They sure had danced around it for long enough, they should at least find out.
So Chris leaned down and planted a wet kiss on Leon’s mouth. “It’s a deal.” He didn’t dare to wait for Leon’s reaction so he marched forward, but within seconds he already regretted that and glanced over his shoulder.
Leon hadn’t moved a single step, just standing there, looking at him. He was smiling.
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randomsillyfangirl · 1 year
Actress - Pablo Gavi x Reader
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If alot of people like this- I'll write a part two with the exs reaction <3
Background: You, Y/N L/N, had broken up with your controlling and manipulative boyfriend, (ex boyfriend) who was one of the most successful male singers of Spain. While you were the youngest most successful actress of Spain. You were never seen in public without your boyfriend before you two split up. Why? He didn't like people seeing you, he accepted it in film buy couldn't when the paparazzi was involved.
When you broke up with (ex boyfriend), you decided to go out with your friends. Multiple different friends, each time multiple photos were taken of you. It actually wasn't bad, even when there was s crowed around you- you always felt as if you missed this experience of being famous plus you liked the attention.
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Images were posted all over social media, on every news company, every tiktok and Instagram post from Spain seemed to be about you. Multiple of your friends reposted the pictures with you onto their accounts. ( sorry if you don't like the celebrities I'm using, you can use your imagination lol. And ik all these celebrities aren't Spanish or in Spain, but it's a fan fiction so 🤷‍♀️ ignore the like numbers, I literally just smashed my keyboard lol)
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And a certain football player, you had a secret crush on saw all the posts, and smiled when he heard you might be single. Who's that football player? Pablo Gavi of Barça <3
" y/n l/n!! What's your relationship status? " one reporter asked while you were out with (your favorite celebrity). You smiled and faced the reporter, " single. Me and (ex boyfriend) broke up last week, now I'm just hanging out with friends." you said and then walked away with your friends, smiling and giggling.
Meanwhile, the Barça players were finishing training and Pablo heard the interview and smiled. Pedri noticed and said, " is it about y/n? We all know you have a crush on her. " and the rest of Barça laughed. Gavi scoffed, " she's single. What do you think I should do? " . His teammates all explained how he should shoot his shot- the worse that'll happen id simple rejection. But how..?
You kept on going out. Breakfast with (celeb), lunch with (celeb), dinner with (celeb), drinks with (celeb). You were finally having fun with friends. One of your friends, (celeb), told you about the young famous people of Spain party and you obviously wanted to go.
Pablo, also got invited to this party and was getting ready for the party. And you were also getting dressed. This wasn't a fancy party, a club type party. You were wearing a red dress with some accessories and Pablo was wearing a white shirt with black cover and pants (see pictures below).
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You came in with one of your friends and you immediately saw Pablo. Secretly, he'd always been your celebrity crush- even when you were with (ex boyfriend). You went up to him and sat next to him by the bar. He was stunned to see you, and honestly you were stunned with your actions.
" So, what's it like being a footballer? " you asked him. Pablo coughed, clearing his throat, " tiring sometimes, but overall fun." he said chuckling. You smiled and nodded, " you here alone? " you asked him and he noded, " lost my friend." he answered and you smiled, " I don't know where (your friend) is.. " you said laughing abit.
The two of you chatted, completely forgetting about your ex. You and Pablo even exchanged numbers. " wanna go get something to eat? This party is boring." Pablo suggested and you nodded. The pair of you went to the door and went to find a restaurant. The two of you were talking, about anything. Football , acting, aliens, music; anything.
The two of you ended up in some random pizza restaurant and shared a pizza together. Pablo and you were really getting along and Pablo tried to hold your hand, you let him smiling. You were brushing, for being such a confident actor, you were really shy naturally.
Pablo noticed and smiling, " this ok? "He asked and you nodded smiling. " it's ok, yeah." you responded, making him smile more.
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Idk if the emoji thing works but 🐺
AITA for ignoring my friend's relationship and waiting for it to end?
Background: I (20F) have known my best friend (19X) since we were 14. We've gone through a few different friend groups (nothing dramatic, just fading relationships) but have always stuck with each other, partially because we are both autistic. I know them very well and they have said that I am their main support system. They have BPD which causes them to get obsessed with someone, which normally I would not think is my business, but they have a history of getting obsessed with people who hurt them, and I've always tried to warn them if I felt someone had bad intentions.
They've recently escaped their abusive household which is really exciting but I worry might make them feel lonelier because they've been getting into more of these situations recently. There were a couple minor relationships where someone broke a boundary causing them to have a breakdown, but neither affected their safety. And a few months ago they were talking to an older man online who I got weird vibes from but only mildly hinted to them he was creepy, which made me feel guilty when it ended up being way worse than I thought and became a disaster.
About three weeks ago, they started roleplaying with some guy on twitter, which I didn't think much of since they mainly just talked about what a good writer he is and he seemed fine. But then they asked what I would think if they started dating him even though he's in his 30s and I kinda thought they were just looking for a reason not to do it, so I said no he's too old for you. But then they started trying to convince me it was a good idea which only made me more hesitant. Their evidence in favor included that he used to be in the military (they know i hate the military so I do not know why they admitted this) and pictures of him (I am gay so this would not convince me regardless). They seemed surprised by my negative reaction, I said sorry but you asked for my honest opinion, they understood and I thought this was the end of it.
But now they're legitimately online dating and they talk about him all the time, they don't seem to understand that I am not a fan of this relationship and expect me to react positively to everything he does. I don't react negatively or completely ignore them I just go "ok" or "cool." They might not notice this because I often have times where I can't speak much so it's unfortunately normal for me.
I haven't noticed any other red flags from this guy other than the age gap and the military thing, but those seem a lot worse to me because of my friend's history and penchant for ignoring red flags, so I feel like if something worse was going on I wouldn't even know. Apparently he's going to come visit them in August (it's January as I send this) and I feel like that's enough time that the relationship will either die out or end horribly before he actually has the chance to physically be around them.
I feel torn in two different ways. On the one hand, I know that I'm paranoid and overprotective, not to mention scared of men, so I could just be overreacting to the situation. I don't think he's going to murder them or anything, but they're sensitive and I don't want them to add someone to the long list of people who traumatized them. They ARE a legal adult so it technically shouldn't be a big deal but they're the first person to be creeped out by legal age gaps, they just don't seem to apply this logic to themselves. I'm also not super experienced in relationships, I've only had a few short casual ones so I am not at all an expert.
On the other hand, I felt like shit when the situation with the other guy blew up even though they never blamed me for it. I feel like I should be doing more to dissuade them but they didn't seem to care when I warned them before so I feel like it's a lost cause and I don't wanna be pushy, I want them to genuinely understand why it's not a good idea.
I feel like I'm damned if I do damned if I don't, so I've kinda just settled on passively not really giving them feedback on the relationship in the hopes they'll figure it out themselves? As always I check in on them, try to give them positive attention so they're not desperate for it, and if the relationship actually lasts til August I'll make sure I know their location so they can tell me if they feel unsafe.
I feel like an asshole no matter what I do, so what I'm asking specifically is AITA for basically just ignoring the situation hoping it solves itself? Either because I should be supporting it or because I should bring up my concerns with them again.
What are these acronyms?
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ayelbee · 2 years
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previous chapter | next chapter
Summary: Sometimes even love is not enough for relationships. But it's fine because you are over it. But getting again in a contact with his younger brother wasn't smart.
TW: some curse words, Kylian being a dick
Notes: I just wanna thank you for you reactions on this ff<3 love you all..
“So you are really going?” Kylian looked at you in disbelief as you were placing clothes into your luggage. You thought that it was obvious that you would not change your opinion about visiting your family.
“Yes Kylian, as I said earlier it’s the only week when I can see all of them.” you stayed calm. The last thing you would want was to fight with him.
“You know that we could visit them together when Y/b/n will come back from the camp, as I have no games that week.” he came closer to you. You stopped packing, you turned his way as you fixed your gaze on him.
“No, we could not Kylian. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm going to New York that week.” as much as you were trying to be calm, you started to get annoyed by the fact that Kylian was ignoring your work trip.
“But if you told your boss that you can’t go, she would respect that.” he was still calm, which made you just more annoyed.
“But I want to go to Kylian! Why wouldn’t I? What's your problem with that? It is the same as you going to Galtier saying that you don't want to play against Nantes this week.”
“Y/n you know that it is not the same!” He was pissed now. Why were so blind he thought. You weren’t clearly seeing things as he did, and he was also 100% sure that he saw them the right way.
“Do you think it is not? Because it is. Go to Galtier, say it to him and you can leave tomorrow with me!” you throw your hand up in the air. You didn’t understand where this possessive Kylian came from. He was always supportive of you, and your work. So why did he change? What changed him? Where was your Kylian?
“Y/n don’t be fucking delusional. You know that things don’t work this way in football. You know it from the start.”
"Kylian, you're using a double standard on us. So please open your eyes and think about what you want from me and what you are actually giving me. Because where did angry Kylian come from? What happened to you?” you weren’t feeling angry for a moment. You were just sad about what was happening with the two of you.
“Because our work isn't the same Y/n! That’s why I am using double standards for us. You can leave your job because I’m able to give you the whole world with my job. We won’t struggle to live just with my money. But if I stopped playing football would you be able to pay for everything for us? No, you wouldn’t. And if you are trying to find out what happened to me, look at yourself first. Because I’m not the one who all of a sudden put our relationship on the back burner.” Kylian raised his voice, he let his emotions do the talking.
You were silent as you were searching for words but before you were able to answer him he was gone. You didn’t even notice until the slamming of the door confirmed to you that he had left. You sat on the floor next to your luggage slowly breaking into a cry. He had hurt you, hurt you with his words so strongly that you weren’t even sure if you will be able to go back to your guy's normal.
You hugged your knees as close to your body as possible. You were sobbing so loudly, feeling like he just broke a piece of your heart. You started to replay the whole situation in your head, trying to find out where it broke into this argument. Because when he came to you, you thought that in the end, you will explain everything to each other. You thought that Kylian will apologize, that he will understand your actions, and that you erase all the arguments from the last few weeks.
But it didn’t end that way. Everything quickly turned into something more difficult.
It was midnight, and you were trying to fall asleep in your shared bed, but your head was replaying Kylian's words again and again. You knew that with your job you will never have as big a salary as Kylian, but it was still more than you ever thought about. The lifestyle Kylian was living was too expensive, but you didn’t care, because Kylian didn’t care. You were way more cautious with your money than him, but that didn’t change the fact that you were able to secure yourself. You could buy yourself what you wanted unless it was a plane or something like that. The last thing you would want from Kylian was his money, and he knew that.
The opening of the bedroom door interrupted your thoughts. Kylian got home. You didn’t know where he went and to be completely honest, you didn’t even wanna know.
“Are you awake Mon amour?” he lay down on the bed next to you. You hummed in response. “I’m sorry about the argument earlier, but I’m not changing my opinion.” you felt his hands around your waist as he pulled you closer to him.
“I don’t wanna leave angry” you turned to him. “because I love you.” a small tear escaped your eye, and he whipped it off.
“You know I love you too.” he slowly placed his lips on your forehead. You pressed your body more into him hugging him back. And that’s how you fell asleep. Kylian was trying his hardest to not fall asleep. He wanted to remember your hands around him. He knew how much he would need you this week. But you won’t be there. Tears started to escape his eyes as the whole situation from earlier and your hurt eyes were the only thing he could think about.
The world cup broke Kylian, like he wasn’t broken enough. He was shit since ever then, and he knew it. He also tried to fix himself, but he didn’t know how. And Hakimi wasn’t really helping.
“I’m gonna die alone.” Kylian sat on the kitchen island of Hakimi’s kitchen.
“You are acting like a drama queen Kylian,” Hiba spoke as she was cooking something, Achraf on the other hand laughed. Kylian ended up spending his afternoon there after his brother rejected his plan of spending their time together.
“I’m not, it is just a pure fact. Look at him, he just turned 16 and now he doesn’t have time for his brother. Because of a girl? He always wanted to spend time with me, so that's what actually happened to him.” Kylian wasn’t really proud of himself for crushing at Hakimi's place on their free day. The pair definitely wanted to spend that day as a family with their kids, but Kylian was after all also their family, right? Plus what was he supposed to do? He was desperate.
He had slept over at his parent's house yesterday, so he definitely couldn’t crush at their place. They would start thinking that there is something wrong with him. Which probably was, but he didn’t want them to know. Then he wanted to spend the day with Ethan, but Ethan has been out with this mystery girl, so he was also not an option. Kylian could stay at home, playing Fifa all day long but he didn’t want to. For the past six months, he had spent a lot of time there alone, every day feeling more miserable than the day before so he ultimately rejected that option. So in the end this couple was his salvation.
“You should calm down brother” Achraf sipped his coffee. “You were the same at his age.” Kylian knew that they were right, but he still needed them.
“But I am annoyed because he didn’t tell me about this girl ever before. I had breakfast with him this morning and he didn’t say a word.” Kylian stole a cookie from a plate next to him.
“Because he was nervous.” Achraf rolled his eyes. “Anyway you didn’t tell me that you went for breakfast to your parent's house today.” he raised his eyebrows
“Well, I was sleeping over.” Kylian didn’t really want them to know about this.
“Again?” Hiba once again moved her attention to the men. Kylian just shrugged his shoulders, looking down at his hands as if he was guilty. “Is that because of Y/n again?” Hiba really cared about Kylian as he was her’s husbands best friend. But she also really liked you.
“Yeah,” he admitted, still looking at his hands. “I wasn’t ready for seeing her again, I just couldn’t go home.” now he looked at Hakimi, who got closer to him as he placed his hand on Kylian’s should.
“Maybe you should talk to her Kyky, it is six months and you are still not over her yet.”
“Who would I help? Definitely not to myself. She’s probably over it for a long time, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was actually leaving from a date yesterday” Kylian knew that you were over it, you were the one who broke up with him.
“Kylian, you still stalk her instagram so you know that she wasn’t leaving from a date yesterday.” that was enough for Kylian. He came for reassurance, now he was getting nothing but misery. The misery that he may have deserved, but didn't want to admit it.
“I’m gonna go home, thank you for those kind words people. See you Hakimi tomorrow.”
The moment Kylian entered his apartment he felt sick. Ever since you left it was empty. Empty with stuff and empty with emotions. The warmth of home left even when heathers were on.
Kylian crashed on the couch, too tired to go to the bedroom. Today he did nothing physically demanding but he was still tired. More mentally than physically but still tired. The apartment didn't look like that day when you left. Kylian wouldn’t be able to live in that. He changed quite a lot of things. He couldn't sleep in the same bed, he couldn’t have the same couch. So he bought these things new, but it didn’t help him sleep better. Kylian even replaced the painting on the walls with some random stuff to make him feel better. But he won’t feel better if he won’t speak to you.
So now he was looking down at his phone trying to decide if he was going to do the right thing or if he’s gonna make things just worse. But in the end, he pressed the green button hoping that he was making the right decision.
His whole body tingled at the thought of hearing your voice again. He patiently waited.
How will you react to his call?
Will he hear your sleepy voice?
Maybe not everything is lost. Maybe that’s what you are waiting for, his actions.
No, he didn’t feel miserable. He felt hopeful.
But he waited in vain, after a few seconds of silence came a wave of hard realization.
You have blocked him.
It suddenly dawned on him how naive he had been for a moment. All the shreds of hope he had gathered during that quick moment were lost again. You were lost, and he knew he would never find you on his own. Now he felt like the night you broke up again. His little house of hope was destroyed in a matter of seconds. The first tear escaped his eye, and then hundreds of others escaped too.
He was fucked and he knew it.
Tag list: @nightlockcornucopia, @she-lives-in-her-dreams, @sorceresski @m4k444 @mrs-dasilvasantoss
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poughkeepsies · 7 months
okay I promised my full deranged buddie s7 spec so walk with me here
imagine we start the season, its a couple weeks/months after the bridge collapse, and bobby and athena have just left for their cruise. cut to buck and eddie and buck seems kind of sad/dejected for some reason but no one knows why and eddie is riding the high of starting dating again and taking his shot with marisol. then chris drops the bombshell that he's dating on eddie and asking him for advice and eddie starts panicking because what the hell does he know about women he very spectacularly ran off the last two and the night's still young with marisol. so he goes to buck, because its chris and buck always has the answers with chris and anyway buck may suck at keeping a girlfriend but he's good at the dating part and he has natalia now and he seems so sure about her so clearly he's doing something right. and buck says yes, of course he's gonna say yes, it's chris, but while chris is asking all these questions about love, and dating, and how do you know when you really like someone and what do you do when you like someone like that, buck is answering them but the weird kicked puppy air keeps clinging to him and he sounds wistful if nothing else. and toward the end of the episode, he admits to eddie that him and natalia broke up. he dodges the question of why no matter how anyone asks throughout the rest of the season.
the rest of the cruise ship arc goes by and then its ep 100 and HOWEVER it happens (maybe its tommy, maybe its anything else I actually have no spec for this part) buck starts questioning his sexuality or just plain going "why the fuck not clearly I'm doing something wrong with the way I've been going about dating maybe its the fact that they've all been women" and starts thinking about dating men. he talks to eddie about it and eddie starts feeling some type of way but tries to be supportive anyways (and then immediately goes to bobby and begs for a transfer which is why bobby tells him he can't tell him how to feel about the job. jk but i actually have no idea where that line fits into any of this or what its about so we're ignoring it). eddie and marisol are still doing perfectly fine and going on casual dates atp.
then ep 5 rolls around, which looks like a pretty shenanigans filled episode, so it could mostly have nothing to do with the rest of the plot or it could have some of that underlying tension festering between buck and eddie, especially with a name like "you don't know me"
now starting with episode 6 I'm not totally decided where this spec plot would go but it can go a couple different ways. if episode 6 is the bachelor party episode only and there's no actual wedding the tension could just keep building OR there's actually gonna be a Moment. maybe nothing happens or maybe they get drunk and wake up in the same bed but even if they do they immediately start freaking out or avoiding each other and not acknowledging it. either way, the wedding will happen. it will be chaotic and insane and beautiful and by the end of the night buck is standing in his sad little corner watching everyone when hen or maddie comes up to him and he will finally admit that the reason why natalia broke up with him was because she knew he's in love with eddie. maybe eddie's also looking back at him or maybe he's glowing, twirling marisol around on the dance floor.
nothing actually happens between buck and eddie after buck comes out. eddie and marisol break up sometime before the wedding/bachelor party for seemingly unrelated reasons. the bachelor party and wedding go off with several hitches but none involving buck and eddie's relationship. and then the next morning they wake up in bed together à la chandler and monica getting together in Friends.
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lupiningwolves · 2 years
summer school pt. II | sirius black x reader
summary: after he ignored you, you confront sirius at a party
warnings: smut, sir kink, daddy kink, rough sex, degrading, praise, finger sucking, possessive behaviour, not proofread
part 1
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your heart broke every time you opened the snap he sent you back. you told sirius everything that happened in your day, the exciting and rather boring things. and most of the time you got a pictures back where you could only see half of his face.
it went on like that for days, even weeks, after summer school ended. you had even asked him if he wanted to come over to yours - even if it had just been as friends. all you wanted was to see him after what you two had done.
that was until you had actually seen him, at a party with everyone from summer school. there he stood, in his stupid jeans and his stupid t-shirt with his stupid leather jacket. god, how wet you already got thinking about him.
you turned away from him to try and process everything at first before talking to him. „y/n“ that’s all it took for your legs to get weak. he gently grabbed your arm and made you turn around again to look at him. „thought it was you“, he said with a smirk.
„hey“, you mumbled.
„everything okay?“
„i don’t know, you tell me.“ you didn’t know where the sudden confidence came from. „we didn’t talk properly after-“ -you fucked me
he grinned when you were too shy to end the sentence. „c‘mon, i live nearby, we should talk.“
five minutes later you were pressed against the door of his apartment. „you ignored me“, you whispered. „you confused me. it hurt.“
„fuck, baby, you had no idea what you were doing to me. sending pictures of you at school, when you were working in that stupid office or after you came out of the shower. i wanted nothing more than to take you in the bathroom of you school and fuck you in front of the mirror. or bend you over the desk you were working on so good. but - fuck - the way i dreamt about fucking you in the shower.“
you released a gasp at his words, especially when you felt his breath tickle your neck and his hand grasp you ass. „sirius-“
„wrong. c‘mon, baby, we discussed this already, haven’t we? i’m in charge here“
you moaned as he kissed and sucked on your neck. „sir“
„that’s right, angel, gonna make you feel so good. gonna make it up to you, okay?“
you only nodded, already too dumb to think. next thing you know was you laying on his bed, naked, beneath him. you tucked at his shirt and seconds later it was laying on the floor next to your clothes.
„sir“, you whispered. „need you, now.“
„i know, baby, so needy. haven’t felt good since i left, huh? couldn’t make you feel so good the way i did?“ you shook your head. „gonna prep you.“
„noo“, you whined and began taking his trousers off. „need you now. wanna feel you in me.“
„no“ and without a warning you turned both of you around so that you were straddling him, sinking down on his cock. a whimper escaped your lips at the stretch.
„fuck, baby, you feel that?“ he put his hand on the bulge in your stomach. „that’s me, baby.“
„daddy in my tummy“, you whispered and started rocking back and forth, moaning loudly at the feeling.
sirius groaned at the new name, but also at the feeling of you around him. „up and down now, angel.“
„i can’t-“
sirius‘ chuckle made you whine. „such a cockdrunk little slut, aren’t you.“
you fell forward and gripped his shoulders. „so good“, you mumbled.
„yours, sir, just yours.“
„that’s right, mine. and mine only“, he said before lifting you up and pounding roughly into you from beneath.
„yeah, that’s my girl“, sirius said when he felt you clenching around him. „missed you, sweetheart. my hand didn’t feel nearly as good as you.“
„cum“, you blabbered.
„already? go on then, cum for me, baby.“ with that you clenched around him with a loud moan. but that didn’t mean he stopped. oh no…
he pushed two fingers inside your mouth after turning you two back around and pounding into you even harder than before. „cum in me, daddy. make me yours.“ your words were muffled by his digits, but he still understood you.
„always been mine. since you first were in my room.“ he let out a loud groan. „fuck, gonna cum. mark you as mine.“ and with the innocent look you gave him he couldn’t help but release inside of you. „gonna clean you up and then i’m gonna fuck you in the shower. never gonna let you go again“
taglist: @princess-jules47 @regulusblackswhorecrux @sunarinsonigiri @pinkcloxds @pottahishotasf
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itsdannysworld · 5 months
One Last Kiss
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Hiii! Im back with some angst with a lil bit of fluff and then more angst Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Reader Warning: angst, breakups, sad shit lmao (also I listened to xxxtentacion while writing this so I feel like the song remedy for a broken heart fits this)
“So this is it? Really y/n?” Sam and you had been arguing for over an hour, both of you sitting on opposite sides of the couch. “Yes Sam, it really fucking is. I’m done not feeling cared for! I know you're busy but Jesus Christ Sam! I just ask for the occasional text back and maybe for you to actually be home but no, I never get that.”  You knew his schedule was packed, leading him to spending many nights sleeping on the uncomfortable couches of the studio. But also nine times out of ten he was crashing on one of the guys couches after drinking away his liver. “Fine then, I guess this is it.” You lowkey wished he would’ve fought for y’all more.  “Sam, did you ever even love me?” You were starting to cry at this point. You hated that he was seeing you cry over y’alls breakup, but your tears were hard to contain. “Oh y/n baby, of course I loved you. It’s just, shit man.” His eyes welled with tears.
“I guess, I mean I love you. I’m just no longer in love with you.” You don’t know what snapped but suddenly you were filled with an overwhelming amount of anger. “So you’ve just been leading me on Sam? Seriously? Fuck you.” Your voice broke at the end. Saying “Fuck you” to him was so foreign.  You rose to your feet and went to grab your keys and purse, barely being able to see through the tears streaming down your face. “I’m so sorry y/n.” He had stood up and started walking towards you. “This is going to sound so pathetic.” You whispered. “No love, what's up?” He replied with the same tone you had. “Can I have one last kiss before I go? Please.” He nodded before pulling you in. You ignored the mixture of snot and tears as you leaned in for a final kiss, wishing everything was normal.
Three months later, give or take
It took awhile, but you sorted life out and had adjusted to being single. You started working for a record label as an assistant, which kind of sucked, but interacting and working with music had always been your dream. That’s probably what made you and Sam connect so well, the shared love of music.
Fuck why am I still thinking about him?
You had gone a week after the fight to pick up your things, there were many more tears, and a surprising amount of kisses for two people who had just broken up. Y’all hadn’t spoken since, and as much as you hated to admit it, you missed him.
That's why it caught you seriously off guard when you walked into a meeting to find the entirety of Greta Van Fleet sitting across from you.You wanted to turn around and run to your car, and you could probably get away with it considering how much your boss loved you. You felt bad though, not wanting to ditch her and your job. 
“Hey y’all!” You plastered on a fake smile. Sam looked normal, which oddly stung. You didn’t want him to look or feel awful, but you wished maybe he would give off the appearance that the breakup hurt him as much as it hurt you. “Y/n! I didn’t know you worked here?” Josh stood up from his chair and gave you a massive hug. His bear hugs were something you had always loved, and it immediately put you at ease with the situation. “Yeah! It’s pretty new.” You smiled and took your seat.
After the longest meeting ever, you said your goodbyes and hurried out of the room. You stayed quiet for most of it, but caught Sam’s eye more than you’d like to admit. “Hey, y/n.” You heard from behind you. You spun around to meet Sam’s eye. “Hey.” You replied monotonously. “Can we uh, maybe go get coffee or something? I think we should catch up.” He offered. “Um, sure. I get off in an hour.” It took everything in you not to give him a hug or tell him you miss him. “Cool cool, well I gotta run to the smoke shop and I’ll be back to pick you up?” You nodded. “Yeah Sam, that’d be great.”
The hour passed by a lot quicker than you wanted it to. You said goodbye to your boss and headed out the door. You quickly found Sam’s car and knocked on the window before hopping in. You had always done that so you didn’t catch someone off guard before hopping into their car, and Sam always bullied you for it. “So you still do that?” He said as he backed out of the parking space. Mhm.” You absentmindedly reached into the cup holder where he always kept his vape, picking it up and taking a large hit. You exhaled and immediately realized your fuck up. “Shit, I’m so sorry I should’ve asked first.” You said. “No hun, don’t worry about it. In all honesty, I got green apple because I know it’s your favorite.” He admitted sheepishly. “You’re sweet.” You smiled. So maybe he did miss you.
After riding in silence you finally arrived at your usual coffee spot. He parked, but spoke up before you had left the car. “Look y/n, I’m so fucking sorry. Leaving you and treating you like I didn’t care was the worst decision I think I’ve ever made” “Sam, you said you didn’t love me.” You muttered. “Well I guess my dumbass does, because you are all I ever think about. I miss you more than I can even explain. I guess I was just in such a weird rut I convinced myself I didn’t  love you anymore? Fuck I don’t know how to explain it.” He looked frustrated, mainly with himself. “Sam, I miss you more than anything. And I love you beyond words, but I just can’t do us again. I was and still am so so fucking hurt. I’m sorry.” At this point you were both crying. “No, I get it. And this is going to sound so pathetic.” He mumbled the last part. “Mhm?” “Can I have one last kiss? Please.” “Of course Sam, I could never deny you that.”
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theladyofshalott1989 · 8 months
Ch. 1: "Journeys End in Lovers' Meeting" // Hogwarts: Legacy AU OC x OC
So, I may or may not have written this at 5 AM... LMAO. Thank you to @heyitszev (unreliablenarrator on AO3) for letting me borrow his OC, Charlie Cagney, from his series To be Loved is to be Changed (which you should check out right now!).
Note: Charlie is pre-transition in this chapter.
Damien is my OC from the Like Moths to a Flame series.
Without further ado... ENJOY!
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Chapter 1: "Journeys End in Lovers' Meeting"
Early December 1889
Damien never expected that by the end of an unusually warm winter day in December, he’d be engaged to be wed. And to a young lady, at that. Brilliant.
Well, to be fair, who else would he be engaged to? A young gentleman? No, that would never do. Not now, not ever. But it was one thing to know that he’d one day have to get married to a woman, and another thing entirely to be shackled to an actual one. It certainly wasn’t ideal. 
Speaking of the aforementioned girl…
“I’d rather not be in this scenario either, you know,” she said. Charlene said. Damien should probably start getting used to referring to her by her name.
“Hmmm?” Damien replied, still deep in thought. He fiddled with his wristwatch. Charlene… something felt off about that name, but Damien couldn’t quite place his finger on it. He supposed the young woman standing before him didn’t look like a Charlene. On second thought, who did she look like?
“This engagement,” she spat out the last word like it made a particularly bad taste in her mouth, then flushed. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me.”
“No, no need to apologize,” Damien said with a smirk. “We’re on the same page.” He could appreciate Charlene’s bluntness, at the very least.
She breathed a sigh of relief. After an awkward pause in which a maid alighted at their table carrying a tea tray and setting all the various accouterments before them, Charlene changed the subject: “When did your father tell you about me?”
Damien took a sip of tea before replying. “Mere moments before we stepped out of the carriage.”
“Really?” Charlene asked, her eyes wide. Damien noticed for the first time that they were a rich brown, nearly his shade too, if not for the gold specks in his own eyes. She was also ignoring her tea entirely, which struck Damien as odd.
He nodded in response to her question. 
“That is… deeply unfortunate.” 
Damien held back a laugh. “How long have you known about me?”
“A few weeks. It seems as if our engagement is all my aunt can talk about.” Charlene tugged at her long, dark braid nervously. Damien could hear her feet shuffling under the table, even through the voluminous folds of her dress. She seemed uncomfortable. That made two of them.
“Oh?” He took another sip of his tea.
She coughed. “The size of your estate speaks for itself.” 
Damien couldn’t help himself; he released a hearty laugh. “At least I can bring something to our eventual union.” Oh, he really shouldn’t have said that. Damien just barely managed to hold back a grimace.
“Whatever do you mean?” 
“Nothing, nothing,” Damien responded, setting down his tea cup. He squinted out the window to his immediate left. The rays of sunlight coming through the partially open curtains were blinding. “Nice day we’re having, hmmm?”
Charlene narrowed her eyes. “You can’t just change the subject like that.” Oh, she was a perceptive one…
“I can and I will,” he said with as straight of a face as he could muster. 
“Charming,” was all Charlene said in reply. She seemed decidedly unimpressed, but at least she didn’t pry further.
Their conversation stayed light and superficial for the remainder of tea. As the conversation plodded along in the dullest of manners, Damien stole a surreptitious glance at his father at the table across the room. He seemed to be enjoying his conversation with Charlene’s aunt. Lucky him.
“Am I boring you?” Charlene broke through his rumination. 
Damien glanced up, caught off guard by the interruption. "Oh, no, not at all," he replied quickly, trying to regain his composure. "Just lost in thought, I suppose."
Charlene's expression softened slightly. She hummed, presumably in contemplation. Who knew though? Damien found her very difficult to read, which was unusual for him. 
He offered her a sheepish smile. "My sincerest apologies. It’s been… a day.” He snuck a glance at his watch. “And it’s barely past two o’ clock.”
Charlene shook her head in mock dismay. "The trials and tribulations of the aristocracy."
Despite his better judgment, Damien found himself laughing. Again. Something about Charlene amused him. It was… pleasantly surprising?
Did he find her attractive? It seemed impossible - he had never found a girl pretty before - but there was something in her manner, the way she held herself, that he found captivating. He shook his head and was about to resume the conversation when his father cleared his throat from across the room. 
“It is quite refreshing to see you two getting along so well,” Mr. Evans said as he stood up. “And so quickly too,” he added, amidst the sound of his chair scraping against the wood floor. 
Charlene’s aunt followed his father’s lead, clapping her hands in an annoyingly gleeful manner. Out of the corner of his eye, Damien observed Charlene tilting her head ever so slightly to hide a grimace. 
He tried to lock eyes with her in an unspoken moment of solidarity, but her gaze remained fixed on her lap. Her composure was, frankly, admirable. Not that Damien would ever say it to her face. 
As the adults, presumably, prepared to say their farewells, Damien seized the opportunity to have one final conversation with Charlene, alone. "Speaking of getting along," he interjected, "I believe Charlene and I have some details to discuss regarding future arrangements. Privately,” he made sure to tack on at the end.
Charlene’s head shot back up, a curious glint in her eye. 
Mr. Evans nodded in approval, completely oblivious to Damien’s deception. Nothing new there. "Excellent, excellent," he exclaimed. "It's wonderful to see such enthusiasm for the wedding."
Damien offered a tight smile. If only everyone in the room knew the truth behind the facade he had built around himself. As intrigued as he was by Charlene, as confused by what entranced him so, he knew that he could never love her. Not in the way that a normal man loved a woman. Would she mind? Would he ever deign to tell her? 
Charlene’s eyes were still fixed on his face, searching. Something about the way she was looking at him was worrisome. Damien gulped. This girl was going to be a proverbial thorn in his side, wasn’t she?
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hetalia-club · 9 months
I’m going to vent some more about my ex because it’s good therapy lol
Feel free to keep scrolling.
Lol so remember my terrible abusive ex I broke up with last month that I vented on here about? Two years ago I made a reddit post on AITH because we got into this argument about eating thanksgiving at each others families houses and how he would get mad at me when I wouldn't eat a huge meal at his family's house but then he didn't eat at my families house (Which is honestly such a shame because my family's food is gas) and I also make some of the food at our thanksgiving so by the time I would get there to eat I wouldn't be hungry because I had just been guilted into eating a full plate an hour before.
I deleted the post because it blew up like crazy and everyone was calling him controlling and abusive and I was thinking "that seems a little much for a thanksgiving argument" I was getting a bunch of DMs of people telling me I needed to dump him and that if I needed help I could go to a clinic and I was just like "Tf are these people talking about!? This was just an argument about thanksgiving food…" I just think it's funny the answers were right there in front of me of thousands of strangers telling me I was in an abusive relationship and I ignored it. You truly don't know what it's like to be in a relationship like that until you're in one. You will convince yourself everything is fine and that everyone else is crazy for thinking that he's crazy. Just look at some of these comments lol
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this is just a few of them. I remembered this post and decided to go back and re-read the comments after recognizing that he was abusive. I remember defending him so hard in my DMs being like “no you don’t understand you got him all wrong” turns out they had him all right lol and I was the delusional one. I’ve been doing along of self reflection and what not lately I’ve been trying to ever who I was before we got together because I feel like I was a different person. Less of a people pleaser, less emotional, less worried about what others think of me. I’m having to re-write my brain chemistry I feel. I still have to stop myself because I will ask myself “does ‘ex’ like when I do this?” And I have to remind myself it doesn’t matter what he likes anymore.
When we lived together he would insist i did all the cooking which is fine because I’m good at cooking. But the thing is I can actually only cook Italian American food, the reason for that is because it’s my favorite food and it’s all I ever want to eat. So it’s the only thing I make that’s any good. Because you know… it’s what i like so it’s what I make. Well about 2 years into our relationship he decides he’s going on a no carb diet. Which was an issue because I am on an all carb diet lol… I made food as normal for awhile and then one day he just went absolutely ballistic because he said I was abusing him because I wasn’t respecting his diet because I kept making pasta, which I wasn’t making pasta every day obviously… I didn’t make Italian every day but at least 2 times a week. but on this particular day I had made some kind of pasta but I had made him zucchini noodles, I even went out and bought a little thing to shred them with that day. It was probaly chicken parm because I eat that at least once a week. I once went three weeks with eating chicken parm every day and it was heaven . But apparently he didn’t like them and instead of being rational and just saying he didn’t like them he decided to have a toddler level fit because he didn’t what what I made. I was just like “okay then don’t eat it l…” he proceeded to not speak to me for three days and he even shoulder checked me in the hall way when he walked past me and it had me seeing red. So ever since then when I would make pasta I would make him a separate dinner which was so annoying. Because like he’s a grown fucking man… I shouldn’t have to make him a separate dinner it’s not my fault he decided to go on a no carb diet for no reason probably just to try and get me to stop making pasta which he never really liked (this was huge red flag and I should have known it would never work) he should have to deal with that himself I’m not his mom or his wife so i shouldn’t have just been like “okay learn how to cook then man child” but I’m too nice of a person and the guilt would have made me lose sleep. Because he would have just eaten cheese and lunch meat like a dumb ass because if I didn’t cook for him that’s what he would eat because he was an ACTUAL man child and couldn’t cook anything but scrambled eggs even then he wouldn’t use grease or butter so they would just fuse with the pan and I had to scrub it off because he would just put it in the dishwasher as if that was going to do anything.
One time I had made like a vegan butternut squash soup because he likes butternut squash, I don’t I think it’s gnarly. I even whipped out an emulsion blender for it, real fancy like. Well he decided he wanted chicken with it for some unknown reason even though HE requested it for dinner so he knew no meat was involved. so he decided to throw a frozen chicken tender into a pan and he cooked it until it was trawled and that shit was like not even close to cooked and he was going to eat it so I had to stop eating, get up and recook his chicken because he would have given himself food poisoning. I didn’t even get so much of a thank you for possible saving his stupid life and he just ate it and left the pan with burnt bits for me to scrub because he again didn’t oil the pan so the chicken stuck to it and burnt onto the pan.
You may read this and think “omg how do you not realize this is abuse” well that’s because that was just how I lived for 5 years. It had gotten normal I understood how he was and he always told me “this is just how I am” so I figured “who would I be to change him if that’s his personality?” Now I do truly believe that is his real personality and he’ll never change. Mostly because when we broke up he straight told me “this is how I am I’m not changing for you or anyone” like it was something to be proud of. He truly believes the break up is something that can be reversed. I’m not sure if he even thinks we’re still broken up if that makes sense. He texted me as asked me if I wanted to go out to diner and I was like “lol no?” And he was like “I miss you though don’t you miss me?” And I was like “lol…no?” Like what is there to miss my guy? Like of course you miss me I did everything for you. I knew the second he realized “oh shit now I have to clean and cook?” he would want me back. I called it. I knew it was coming. It was a lot sooner than I expected tbh though…
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
If I let you go - Cillian Murphy x reader
One shot
Master list
A/N: So, I finally got this out of my soul ☺️ this is something like a parallel to The Photoshoot (but with a twist) you’ll find another note in the end from me 😉 because I don’t want to ruin the fun for you! Also if you don’t follow that story don’t worry it’s nothing related
✨ The beginning of the story it’s like “present time” then you will find a flashback to their story -don’t worry I marked where it starts and where it ends everything in italics- and the last part is back to present time following right before where the flashback started.
I used the If I let you go song by Westlife for inspiration (this live version is amazing!)
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On that Sunday morning you couldn’t believe the pregnancy test over the counter came back as positive.
This couldn’t be happening!
Rushing to the clinic that a friend of yours owned, you asked her to run the ultrasound as soon as possible to confirm it.
Eleven weeks and a half, she had announced.
You had only been with Cillian officially for a month, met him the previous one, Mar made you go date after date for two weeks before that.
But now something bigger than you was growing inside your belly.
You heard the heartbeat!
Your plans, your dreams, everything became less important now, you were carrying a new life inside of you regardless of the situation and circumstances.
It took you some time to process the news, staying in complete silence, your friend offered a comforting hand when you needed it the most. You even had a some wine during the dates! Not knowing you were pregnant, how irresponsible! Even though your friend and now gynecologist too assured you the baby was healthy and perfect, you had a million questions, you never skipped your period, how would you tell your parents?
She scheduled another appointment in a couple of days to run more tests and give you important indications given the unplanned pregnancy.
But you drove back home with only one thing in mind.
How would you tell Cillian?
First you ignored his call as you arrived, then his messages asking if you wanted to have lunch at his place, then Marissa’s messages started clogging your phone asking if you were alright and that Cillian called her to see if she knew anything, it was almost noon now.
Ignoring both, you went to take a warm bath, trying to let the news sink in, checking yourself in the mirror your hands moved down to your still flat stomach. You were carrying a baby in there!
George and you broke up in bad terms, hurting each other so much, love was no longer a priority, but you always knew you wanted to be a mother, at some point you visited a fertility clinic to ask information about sperm donors, but as Marissa heard that, she started setting you up in several dates to help you change your mind, she was convinced you would actually find someone good to have everything you wanted.
That’s when Cillian came along and changed everything you believed in.
But your relationship was only starting, you just began sleeping together, you didn’t even know his family, he had met yours once… nevertheless, you wouldn’t lie to him about the baby.
The silence of your mind and flat was interrupted by his voice calling for you from the door, knocking several times.
“I was deadly worried about you, Y/N. Thought something bad happened.”
“Well, that depends of the point of view.”
“You’re scaring me, why didn’t you answer the phone?” He looked at your pale skin, there were worried lines all over your face.
You asked him to sit down without looking into his eyes.
“I’m pregnant, Cillian.” You finally blurted out, terrified of his reaction. “And it’s obviously not yours because we just started sleeping together this weekend.”
There, you said it after he asked you why you weren’t answering his calls or messages, thinking he did something wrong or disrespected you over the first night you spent together.
It was your ex-boyfriend’s baby, after being together for six years, that relationship could only end up in a breakup, and it was better late than ever.
But just as you decided to start officially a relationship with Cillian after weeks of dating, you bought a pregnancy test at the pharmacy that morning. And the result of it would probably change everything between you.
“You didn’t have to go into all this trouble just to get me another date.”
“No trouble at all, it’s a shame you felt bad in the middle of my birthday celebration last week, you would’ve met him there, he arrived just after you left.” Mar stormed into your walk in closet as if it was hers.
“In case you didn’t notice, there was a hit of sarcasm.”
She ignored you completely on purpose, focused on helping you get ready for the date in which she set you up.
“Just meet him, smile a little bit, have a chat… it’s not so hard Y/N.” Marissa, your best friend pleaded while walking back with a couple of options for you to wear.
“That’s what you said in the last eight times you set me up with someone, you’ve a terrible taste in men.” In the men she introduced you to at least, because Ian, her boyfriend was the perfect match for her.
“This one is different, I promise you.”
Checking over your shoes, she picked some nude stilettos.
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“A little cheering would make you seem more attractive you know?”
Sighting, you decided to do your own make up, if you let your friend do it, she would hang a for sale sign around your neck. And besides, your tastes were so different.
“I could write a book of all the terrible and ridiculous stories I’ve heard from all your candidates, you know what, Mar?” You started to change your clothes into the ones she picked. “I could actually make a lot of money if I ever decide to write a book with advice for women going out on set up dates by their best friends with the most pathetic men out there.”
“It was only one mistake, you’re exaggerating things.”
“Hugh called his mother to ask what he should have for dinner!” You stated. “Should I also remind you that Paul was a complete knob and rude to the poor waitress?”
“Paul was going through a rough day.”
The list could go on. “And what about-”
Marissa interrupted you. “Alright, I get it you don’t have to rub it in my face. I was just trying to help you see the fishes in the sea.”
“What if I’m allergic to sea food?”
“Stop! Just go to this freaking date.” She was losing her patience.
“Jesus, calm down…” You looked at her through the mirror.
“I promise you this is the perfect match for you.”
“You shouldn’t try so hard, I probably have a bad-luck spell on love.” Or very high expectations for the matter.
Marissa preferred to call you picky. Nevertheless, she drove you to the pub you chose and left chirping excitedly wishing you to have fun. Telling your name, you were guided to a booth close to the wall, not a lot of people around.
Trying to not create high expectations about this date, you decided to ask the only question that really mattered.
“Is he a good man?”
The smile she gave you, sent shivers down your spine.
“Y/N?” The man asked getting up to greet you.
The first thing you noticed was his smile, the corners of his lips lifting up.
It was inviting and warm, making you feel at home instantly.
“Yes.” You nodded smiling back.
“Marissa has been talking a lot about you, I’m Cillian.”
Mentally, you thanked your best friend for encouraging you to use your favorite perfume, because you noticed the little instant when he took a deep breath while kissing your cheek.
“She’s been talking about you as well.”
“Only the good things, I hope.” The smile reached his eyes and he asked what you wanted to drink.
The night went surprisingly smooth, you had an incredible endless chat, never stopping because of weird moments of silence, all the contrary, you easily engaged over one topic and another, he was such an interesting man and listened to you intensely, he was really engaged in conversation.
You both agreed on even asking for some appetizers to share.
You learned he had divorced a couple of years ago, no unnecessary drama, no kids, no hard feelings and he listened to you when you told him about your recent breakup after a very long relationship.
“Before the night ends, would it be okay if I want to see you again, Y/N?”
You played with your hair a little in a nervous reaction.
“I’d like that.” You couldn’t stop the words, you were captivated by him, the rest of the world disappeared.
He was equally into you, grateful that you had a light character, he was lost in your eyes and smile.
“Where have you been all this time?” He asked while his thumb toyed around his glass.
“Making bad decisions.” You chuckled a little.
He gave you again that smile. “I hope this isn’t cataloged as a bad one.”
“No, I’ll actually thank Mar for this.”
“I’m curious, why did you choose this pub?” He leaned forward as if waiting for you to share a secret.
“Well, Mar has been setting me up in several da-thons, you know for date and marath-”
He laughed and clapped at your made-up word. “I got it.” Slowly, he ran his fingers through his locks.
“And I don’t feel comfortable when I try to split the bill for the food and the guy doesn’t want to, also the waitress just keeps coming in to interrupt the conversation, if the date goes wrong you just have a drink and go home or you stay until they turn on the lights…”
“That’s fascinating, which is actually what’s about to happen by the way.” Cillian pointed at the tables around them, the chairs were already up. “So can I call this a successful date if you didn’t ran after the first drink?”
“This is actually danger at its finest.” You had a feeling that Marissa’s matchmaker skills would no longer be necessary. “I made a lot of mistakes in the past, I’d like to take things slow this time though.”
Your legs brushed under the table. When did he place his arm on the top your chair? Behind your back.
“I’ll be a gentleman.” He gave you a small wink and looked intensely into your eyes, he was talking from the heart, you not only had caught his eye, you had his undivided attention, he wanted to know more about you.
All about you actually. “But I’m not splitting the bill for the record.” He added then.
“But-” You started to protest.
“No buts, this is not negotiable, but we can discuss it over dinner whenever you can.”
“Cillian.” You tried to reason with him once you walked out of the pub.
Lifting his hand to interrupt you again, he added: “The only thing I’m splitting with you is dessert.”
You then negotiated to buy him a coffee at least. Which he accepted as an excuse to see you in the next couple of days before you two reached the door of the pub, realizing that time went by in a blink, it was dark now, everything was so quiet. Cillian wanted to make sure you made it safe back to your place, that’s why he insisted on sharing an uber, he’d take you home first, then he would go to his.
“Marissa drove me, she wanted to make sure I wouldn’t run away.” You chuckled.
“How did you meet her?”
“In high school, we became best friends instantly, what about you?”
Even in the dark of the car, you could see him smirking. “So… she knows all the juicy secrets, I might give her call later.”
“You can’t do that!”
When he laughed, you loved the sound of it, it was a deep loud hearty laughter. “Don’t worry I won’t,” he winked again. “We met while I was filming a voice commercial, like around five years ago and we’ve made a couple of collaborations since then.”
That night he behaved like a true gentleman, he wanted to respect your own time and pace and you felt incredibly grateful for that.
But also you were feeling a bit flirty so you placed our hands on his shoulders and kissed him goodbye right in the corner of his lips.
No on his cheek, not fully on the mouth, just a little tease.
“You better go inside if you want me to take this slow.” He warned you in a whisper.
The following day you went out with him for the coffee you promised and again, the two of you shared the most fascinating talk; you learning more about his career, he about yours. It felt like catching up with a long-time friend, but you keep noticing the way his eyes moved down to your lips every now and then.
Your friend called at least ten times already, she wanted to know everything about your date and she even called Cillian as well, both of you decided to ignore the messages and calls, but you could picture Mar stomping her foot and pacing around the room going crazy to hear everything about the date. She was probably outside your place now.
Walking with you to your car, Cillian smiled pleased with himself, you already said yes to join him to the Radiohead concert next weekend.
“What? Is Mar bombarding you with messages again?”
“Nothing.” But he kept smiling.
In response you arched your eyebrow, you needed to leave or you would be late.
“Well… see you on Saturday.” As you moved to kiss him goodbye, he surprised you by turning his head to his right and instead of kissing his cheek, your lips ended up pressing together for an instant.
It was just a peck, but you when you saw him smiling the way he did, you knew he moved his head on purpose!
“It was my turn to leave you wanting for more.” And with that, he walked away.
Texting back and forth, long calls once you arrived home and between breaks from work quickly became a regular in the course of the following days.
You could still feel Cillian’s lips against yours.
After the concert, there was another date and another one, a walk around the park with his dog, a quick trip to get your computer to the repair store because you dropped water over it, the two of you spend a lot of time together, teasing each other, Marissa demanded a detailed summary of each date and even suggested a double date to celebrate, which you politely delayed for some weeks. Sometimes she seemed more excited about it than you, but you knew that was her personality.
Cillian had taken seriously your request to take things slowly, he didn’t demand anything, never tried to push you to do something, but there was a point when in the middle of a random conversation you noticed he wasn’t paying attention at all.
“So it’s okay if I do that?” You tried him.
“Hmm.” He nodded and you didn’t even say anything specific.
“Am I boring you?”
He snapped out immediately from dreamland, he had been fantasying about your lips for a while.
“What? No! Sorry I was just miles away.” He suddenly looked away from you.
“Is everything alright?”
Cillian pouted. “I was just thinking how it’s been great getting to know you like this, Y/N… but truth is I need more, I want to make this official.” He pointed at the space between the two of you. “And we can take this as slow as you want, but I want to know that we’re both willing to do anything to give this a try.” He took the glass of wine from your hand and went back to look into your eyes. “I don’t want to you to feel any pressure, but-”
“I want the same thing, Cillian.” You confirmed him, taking his hand. “And I also want to thank you for following my pace and-”
But he stopped your words as he held your head and brought his lips to yours in a proper kiss, then dropping feather-like kisses all over your face you felt happier than ever.
Pulling away after a while you couldn’t stop the smile decorating your face, both were unable to find the right words so you let your lips do the talking and pulled him close for another one.
For some weeks he kept his promise to respect your time, until one night you finally gave in into the desire that had been building since the beginning.
After having diner in his place, he suggested you choose a movie, but it wasn’t really interesting and your bodies were already close, one side look turned into a smile, and the smile became a kiss, then hands started to move around, everywhere, until clothes hindered you and he ended guiding you to his bedroom. Soon you were under his body, moaning his name, feeling like you could explode from the pleasure any minute.
Enjoying every move, every touch until you couldn’t take it anymore. After reaching his own release and barely after a couple of minutes from pulling out from your body, you went again for another round.
It was a dream, finding him at the right time, at the best moment of your life.
He made you feel happy, safe, always in a cheerful mood, he made your life easier and you also loved that he was a good listener, you loved every time he showed you the new book he bought or a film that no one else would watch.
Cillian made you believe in love again.
(End of flashback)
There was a heavy silence after you told him the news of your pregnancy and that the father was George, your ex boyfriend. Oh, and why not? That you were keeping the baby.
“I know everything seems so confusing right now, but I didn’t cheat on you, I got pregnant, we broke up and then I met you, that’s the short version of the story.”
He remained in silence, his elbows resting over his knees, his face between his hands.
“I’m sorry this is happening, the last thing I want is to hurt you, but I hope you understand my priorities are different now, damn everything is different now! I’m really sorry.”
You didn’t want to let go of the best of your life, but you couldn’t ask him to stay with you either. You were pregnant with someone else’s baby after all.
“Hopefully one day, you’ll forgive me… either way I want to thank you for giving me back all the things I didn’t know I was missing.” You swallowed hard.
Cillian felt like throwing up. The blood running down his body. This wasn’t what he was expecting when he knocked on your door.
Looking at you, he only found that the words wouldn’t come out.
He needed fresh air, needed a fucking drink.
Taking his keys, he walked out without another word and you knew that was it, that was the end of your love story.
The heartache was nothing you felt before, the man of your life just slipped from you. Walking towards the couch where he previously was sitting, your wrapped your body in the blue jacket he left, it smelled like him and it was still warm. This was the hardest you had ever done in your life and you weren’t sure you could even try to forget him, because even though you had met him for a short period of time, it felt like a lifetime.
The following morning Scout brought him the stick he was playing with but Cillian didn’t even pay attention.
Your words had been playing in the back of his mind like a song you can’t get rid of.
But this wasn’t a song, this was life fucking up his plans. He remembered the first time he said I love you, exactly on this spot of the beach after you decided to make your relationship official, it took you a couple of days to say it back, he knew you had your own times and he had promised to not rush you into anything.
But a baby with your ex boyfriend? That was major words.
He knew he loved you, you were funny and he loved he was able to be himself around you, but raising a baby was a completely different thing.
You could have easily fool him if you wanted to, just needed to lie about the timing, but you weren’t like that, that’s why you tried to avoid him most part of the day, he could only imagine how hard it must’ve been for you to open up to him.
Should he just move on and leave you behind? A million possibilities crossed his mind.
Closing his eyes, he allowed the waves crashing down to help him free his mind from all the questions he had, but as he did it, he could only see you smiling back at him.
Was he ready to go on with his life without you in it?
Did he really want to let you go?
Day after day Time pass away And I just can't get you off my mind Nobody knows I hide it inside I keep on searching, but I can't find The courage to show to letting you know I've never felt so much love before And once again I'm thinking about Taking the easy way out But if I let you go, I will never know What my life would be holding you close to me Will I ever see you smiling back at me? (Oh yeah) how will I know if I let you go? Night after night I hear my self say Why can't this feeling just fade away? There's no one like you, you speak to my heart
Knocking desperately on your door, he was growing impatient as there was no answer. Maybe you were at work, he tried calling to your cellphone but it was turned off. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Perhaps you went to Mar’s house, he would drive there, turning around he was about to go when you opened the door.
His heart stopped beating at the sight of you; your hair was a mess, there were bags under your eyes and your forehead and cheeks were red as if you had been crying. But he didn’t care, to him you were the most beautiful person in the world.
“I’m sorry I walked out like that.” He kissed you softly on the lips. “I didn’t know what to say.” Another kiss. “Didn’t mean to upset you, I love you.” He kissed you one more time.
“But-” You were confused, your mind was foggy from your sleep after getting up early to throw up.
“Let me tell you this… I got scared at first, but I want us to fight for this, baby included.”
Your eyes went wide open. “Cillian.”
“Listen to me, from the moment I saw you, I knew we would be together and we’ll do everything the way you want to, but I want to be involved, I want to be part of this baby’s life, part of yours, if you want to, we can raise him or her together, and it’ll be alright.”
Now you were the one unable to speak, he was giving you things you didn’t even ask for.
“Are you going to raise someone else’s baby?” You voice broke a little.
“No, I’m raising my baby with you, because I love you and I will love that little one as my own.” You could see that he had been crying too. “It seems like we aren’t taking things slow after all, but that’s just part of life, no matter what, but you’re not alone Y/N.”
“Did you tell Mar yet?” He started calling her that recently after listening to you. You shook your head. “Good, then you can either tell the truth or that the baby is mine, that’s your call.”
His thumbs wiped away the tears that had been falling on your cheeks.
“Are you sure of what you’re saying?” You asked.
“Yes.” He answered in a heartbeat. “And I’m also sure that I can’t let you go.”
A/N2: Finally I was able to put a little ghost to rest with this one shot 😅 if you remember a while ago I gave you 3 choices for “The Photoshoot” asking if Sean was Cillian’s son or not that option included a happy blended family, but you like the drama, so I decided to not leave that beautiful idea go to waste right? So I came up with this little baby. I hope the present time and flashback wasn’t confusing for you, nevertheless if you have any questions you know where to find me!
♥️Please remember your comments and feedback feeds my soul ♥️
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @datewithgianni @gretelshelby @cloudofdisney @onlydeadcells @lespendy @alex-in-the-wilderness @peaky-cillian @shelbydelrey @cutecurly-hair @the-forest-witchh @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @alessioayla @peakypoet @esposadomd @winchestergirl22 @ange-thoughts @gypsy-girl-08 @heidimoreton @queenshelby @stevie75 @babaohhhriley @hyperfixationsonshuffle @yrli8 @shaddixlife @itsilvermorny @moral-terpitude @paprikabadger @already-broken144
Ps. I tagged all of you because you’re reading the Photoshoot and this is a little glimpse of what could have happened if we took a different route with Sean…
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