#And if it does
a-method-in-it · 2 months
The number of people who seem to think we'll be able to somehow stop a fascist regime from seizing dictatorial power after the wannabe fascist dictator is placed in charge of the military --- and therefore we don't need to vote --- is disturbing.
Baby doll, you won't even vote against fascism. You're not taking up arms against it.
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gothixm00nz · 11 months
One killer I would LOVE to see in DBD is Art The Clown. He could completely change how the game plays. Since he doesn't talk or make any noise, he'd be like a really interesting stealth type killer who isn't actually a stealth killer. He wouldn't grunt when he gets stunned by a flashlight or pallet, but instead he'd probably just throw a silent lil hissy fit. Plus with his untapped supernatural potential, he'd be super OP (within reason ofc)
I would just love to see what he could do. He'd have the most insane mori out of all the killers, especially since it seems like he can keep his victims alive longer than possible to make the survivors feel the most pain without dying quickly. I'd just love to see how he'd play in the game.
Though I'm pretty sure it'll likely never happen, since the movies are relatively controversial and BHVR does have a tendency to keep their image clean... at least they try to. I'd just love to have another clown in the game who's actually absolutely horrifying. I feel like Art would be another example of The Entity not being able to control him since he absolutely fucking THRIVES off of other's suffering and terror.
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bathmob · 1 year
i wonder if there’s any fics abt peters complex relationship with yondu… “yeah yondus my dad yeah he broke a plate over my head it’s cool” “ITS NOT COOL PETER”
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saintyx-111 · 1 year
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deku and kacchan wip
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ahollowgrave · 10 months
Spotify wrapped top 100: #56
Send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist!
Elliot Lee - Weird This is so embarrassing, this song is ALSO on Odette's playlist. I say Odette crushes on everyone she meets, and this is true! Crushes are surface level infatuations and it never takes much for infatuation to rise. But she is very demi and true romantic feelings are still a little foreign to her. She's only had 'serious' feelings for one person, thus far, and it is very much unrequited which leaves Odette feeling even more Weird.
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the-art-cave · 1 year
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cattyanon · 2 years
It's finally here.
I might not have drawn a few parts for the sake of saving time, it may not be the exact colors I want, and I may or may not have noticed a small error of which was too late to fix, but assuming you guys want it sooner rather later...
The design of the Sonic of whom will be subjected to The Horrors is here, along with the fic.
(If you wanna read the fic first as to not spoil the transformation, here's the link)
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For reference's sake, the color changes I would make to the colors are 1. Making all the colors a little lighter 2. Making the scales and fins a slightly different blue from each other. I'm think leaning towards the scales being darker.
Anyways the design mostly took inspiration from a lionfish, something called a freshwater butterfly fish (whose first image on google is a LIE), and sharks.
Technically the only shark design choice is the back quills being fins but the shark aspect is also so I could give him a bit of colorblindness, since upon doing research I learned that apparently most fish arent colorblind but sharks are. Anyways the specific kind of colorblindess he has is one called tritanology.
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touched my drawing tablet for the first time in like a month today and felt the tingles you get when you touch an artifact that's important to the storyline but then the villain also showed up with not so much as any ominous bgm to tip me off and then the screen blacked out so like- we have a cliffhanger on our hands fellas
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hadegismatur · 2 years
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nururu · 2 years
say what you want about dudebros but they're the only ones actually discussing anime in canon, that you can have an actual debate with and they're not on twitter the next day making a call out post about you bc you argued over a disagreement
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i’m scared what josh leaving will mean for tauri talk
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chexie · 2 years
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Hey, it’s me, the Interdimensional Gateway girl.
I wanted to post some Darkside content, but Chapter 9 of Gateway is (Unsurprisingly) Not Done, so I did some drawing instead
And instead of drawing actual canon characters, I finally decided to give a visual on our two favourite non-canon family members,
I’m so sorry if you haven’t read Gateway, But you totally should if you haven’t.
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dremieblur · 1 year
Love that my brand is Barbie, it is literally the funniest thing about me currently!
I love that the most documented thing that people can pinpoint is me liking Barbie, I love this brand and I am so FUCKING committed to it!
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forjongseong · 1 year
I shall release my Heeseung fic from the dungeons to prove that anon's theory right
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gracien-system · 1 year
We are extremely far from being able to create a truly sentient AI.
The most optimistic estimates of the amount of processing power the human brain possesses are orders of magnitude off from the amount of processing power every computer on earth has, combined.
And that's not even including the tax that you incur from emulation.
The ML shit that is currently happening is nothing like a true AI. It is a collection of linear programming and statistical models which create the illusion of intelligence by recombining data in statistical fashions which make it seem like there is intent when there really isn't.
All they're doing is looking at the last thing they did and predicting the most likely next step, then doing that and repeating the process until the task is complete.
All of this is to preface an entirely different conversation/argument we've been seeing way more than we'd like, recently. That being "we will never achieve sentient AI, it's impossible".
And I would like to counter this in a few different ways, and then leave it alone, because frankly, we hate the discussions about what is/isn't possible via technology, and hate discussions about machine learning with a particular passion.
So, why do we believe sentient AI is possible at all.
Well, when we talk about AI, we aren't limiting our discussion to binary computation. Using a classical or quantum computer and trying to create a consciousness with it is a bad idea. It's theoretically not impossible -- the universe is built on a foundation of information, of bits, of yes/no questions, but frankly, you're not just trying to simulate a consciousness at that point, you're trying to simulate the things that make a consciousness, and doing that makes the computational requirements just absolutely fucking outrageous.
Even if we're talking about a quantum computer, the advantage that it has over regular computing is that you can find every possible solution to an equation in the same time it takes to get one solution, because it does them all simultaneously, and then collapses the computation into the solution you were (hopefully) looking for.
That technology isn't the technology that you're going to want to use if your goal is to create a sentient AI. Not anywhere near it. And I think that's what people get stuck on when they talk about how we will never create sentient AI -- limiting themselves to traditional and quantum computing.
There are other forms of computation which are much closer to the human brain, though -- and much closer to what you would want to use if your goal was to create an artificial intelligence.
Analogue computing comes to mind -- using physical electrical currents to do imprecise, but nearly instant calculation. However, the main thing about analogue computing is that it's... analogue. It's specific. You have a device which can do one thing, and to make it do something else, you need to take it apart and reassemble it in another configuration.
Analogue computing is not what will create AI, not on its own. I think it will be part of that solution, but it won't be the soul component.
So, you might ask what will be that soul component, what computational technology will let us create a sentient AI -- what will allow us to play god in that way?
Frankly, I'm not an oracle. I can't predict which one of the dozen different technologies being worked on as we speak will be the main component of a future AI, if any of them end up being that technology.
But I do know this:
Nature created us. Humanity. It gave us consciousness, it gave us sapience -- and it likely gave some other animals that trait, too.
And frankly? I believe that if nature did it with no guiding hand or intention, humanity can do it with intent in an order of magnitude less time.
If we were forced to make a bet on which technology creates AI first, we would bet on lab-grown neurons interfacing with electrodes. Does that count as artificial intelligence? In the strictest sense, I think it would. It's certainly artificial, and it would certainly be an intelligence. And I think that it would have the best chance of making a sentient AI in our lifetime, or shortly thereafter.
And now it's tangent time.
I know where the arguments about this kind of thing come from, and I know that if this post breaks containment we're going to have people from a dozen different communities all throwing different points at us as to why we're wrong. I'm going to address at least one or two of them here.
One of the things we've seen thrown around about this is that under capitalism, there is no profit incentive to create a sentient AI, and that if people claimed they had created one, they would likely be lying, or have some ulterior motive for why they claimed so.
That is correct! You're fucking right! There is no reason for sentient AI to be made under capitalism! That does not mean it isn't possible for it to be made under capitalism! Or in a post capitalist world!
Just because capitalism doesn't create optimal or semi-optimal conditions for something to be created doesn't mean that it won't be created anyway. Humans are curious and motivated and even in a system which actively hates technological progress which can't be monetized, it can still happen. That doesn't mean it will happen, but that also doesn't mean it can't happen.
Yes, machines and people are fundamentally different things. Creating a sentient AI is playing god. Creating a sentient AI is creating a living thing.
The morals of this are questionable. I can see the argument behind why we shouldn't try to create sentient AI. I can see the argument why we shouldn't create artificial life.
But I really hate the narrative that doing it is impossible. That it is beyond technology, or beyond human reach.
There are some science fiction concepts which are likely impossible. FTL travel and time travel, for example.
But this absolutely isn't one of them. The universe created life without intent and without a guidebook. The universe created sentience without intent, and without a guidebook.
Humanity has a blueprint, and humanity has intent.
Nature did it first. We can do it too. Should we? I don't know. But the fact that we can is important to recognize.
Alright, that's about all we've got. I hope the rant was coherent enough to be understood, and that we were persuasive. Good luck and good tidings, even if you disagree with us.
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you know i believe in neteyam having a tiny little waist too but more importantly i believe in making sure it doesn't look like RCDart drew it
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