#And knows how MUCH Sonic cares about others and wanting to help them
palskippah · 1 month
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Hi! I give you this Stobotnik fankid I made a while ago :'y
She's Sofia --or Ivania or some other name ending in 'ia'-- Robotnik (coolest last name)
It's a compilation and also there's some Stone for practice bc I have no idea how to draw him pipipi Eggman is easier bc it's just his Sonic Boom design (I love it)
Some stuff about this universe under the cut!
(Btw if there's incongruencies is bc I can't make up my mind about the facts whwhw)
-Robotnik and Stone are married, very much married. Cartoon villains in love, I love that for them.
-["MARTHA I'M COMING HOME SWEETIE-"] Mixing up the movie things and the whatever's going on in the Sonic Boom, so Robotnik was gone for eight months and when he's back she's already born.
>Also the drawing is a reference to Icarly's "Whatcha got there?" "A smoothie" but she was clearly asking about the ostrich Spencer brought with him.
>Alternatively, Eggman's there and they go through the journey together yippiee. Choosing names, making evil parenting plans and whatever, being their idiot selves.
(After celebrating because they're good news actually) "I want a boy or a girl-" (Eggman) "Yeah me too." (Stone) "-and we should name them a single, worth of remembering name! Like... Eggette for a girl and Eggson for a boy." "I'm not letting you name them any of that, doctor..." "Okay, then how about Beyonce for a girl and-"
>They wouldn't have kids (?? maybe? I don't really know, I only know sonic boom and the movie :'U)- but she was probably the 1% the birth control warns you about. Also, Stobotnik got a very active seggsual life, and I'm imagining she came to be from a quickie over the desk, why not.
>Helpful diagram of Eggman + Stone kissing and then = baby. They were in work hours.
-In the one where he comes back and the baby's already there, Eggman does a terrible job as a father the few first months, but then he gets the hang of it and it's not so bad.
>He gets projectile vomited on and he's immediately asking to get an abortion (the baby's already born) (he didn't give birth to her), Stone says no anyways.
>"Surprisingly, I'm a good father" he thinks one day and it's because he's still very much an orphan here with no frame of comparation or example aside from researching the matter.
-In the one where they wait for her together, he does all the research necessary in all those months, absolutely refusing in doing an average job in that matter, he's the great Ivo Robotnik c'mon. He excels at anything and he'll be a great father (jk he's terrified of fucking up).
-The Stobotnik family is an evil but loving family, like the bears in Puss in Boots whwh criminal family✨
-For the funny of it, Sonic and Eggman got a sort of relationship like in Sonic Boom, so sometime maybe our favorite boy, Tails and Knuckles had to look after their child.
-Also since Knuckles broke Stone's and Robotnik's hands with their handshake, let's have him handle the baby with the most careful grip ever, just to demonstrate that he didn't have to grab their hands that hard aksdjask
-She's a big fan of Sonic and friends (Sonic the Hedgehog, not Sonic Wachowski, the second guy hadn't done even half the things she admires him for, but no one has the heart to tell her when she's a kid). Has a bunch of merch and all the comics of Sonic the Hedgehog.
>When she's a teenager she proudly uses her Sonic backpack in the same way Deadpool uses his Hello Kitty backpack.
-BTW Sonic, Knuckles and Tails are all brothers and Maddie and Tom's kids bc that's the best idea ever made.
-ALSO I'm definitely gonna draw that scene where Knuckles was about to put the baby in the blender and Sonic shouts THE CHILI DOG NOT THE BABY. Some day, you'll see pipipi.
-SAGE was created for various reasons, to be her sister (since she wouldn't stop asking for one but neither Stone nor Robotnik were willing in raising another human kid, thanks very much), to protect her, and also to answer the tedious "why?" questions that neither father had the patience for (A+ parenting right there). Maybe she was used for the original purpose too idk (I don't know that sonic game where she debuts).
>The child's delighted about having a sister, then she grows up and SAGE doesn't, so she has a little sister.
>METAL SONIC TOO MAYBE? Perfect lil american family, the two happily married parents and their three kids (one human girl, an IA and a robot clone of their alien enemy).
-On her early months she was called Pebble, because she really was a mini Stone, Robotnik went along with it (bc he also looked at her and only saw his husband whw) until she was a little older and they started calling her by her name.
>Alternatively, since Eggman was gone, Stone waited for him to return in hopes of choosing together a name for their child, and Pebble worked as a placeholder since she was just a bebi.
>Alternatively alternatively, Eggman came up with the nickname. ROCK-ONNAISSANCE 🗣️ also yeah I know he was going crazy from the mushroom stuff, but he's not above making silly puns, he's a dad now and also he's naturally silly.
(NGL I really gotta make up my mind about how it all happened ajsdkad)
-She's a spoiled kid and also a little menace, unintentionally evil, she can't help it.
>Good-hearted too sometimes, she loves Sage and does her best to protect her back (it's not necessary but it's appreciated anyways).
-Robotnik calls himself 'daddy' way too much in the live-action movies to ignore it, so he's daddy and Stone's dad (dada when she was younger).
>"These are my daddies!" (points to what's clearly two villains -but also good fathers-)
-She has Robotnik's eyes but as big as Stone's. They're the lethal-est sad puppy eyes ever (they work wonders on both parents and other people) (both men got beautiful dark brown eyes with visible eyelashes fight me).
>Look at Eggman's silly eyelashes:
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>Also, you know that picture of Lee Majdoub with the beautiful everything? I think he was wearing eyeliner so my Stone wears eyeliner too in contrast to Eggman's dark circles under his eyes JDJS😭
-She's the five-year-old that made Sonic fear them because 'they can be so cruel when they sense weakness' (she was brutally honest as any young kid is).
-Stone and Robotnik got Gomez and Morticia Addams kinda parenting. They see their child beating up someone and they're like:
"What did we do wrong?" (Stone while shaking his head in disappointment) "I know... she lacks resourcefulness." (Eggman) "Exactly, there's her baseball bat right there, why doesn't she use it?"
-Remember that Shadow said in a game that he wouldn't mind taking a candy from a baby? (fandub I think but still) This comes in handy when neither Tails, Sonic or Knuckles want to upset the kid (so Shadow does it instead).
-She plays sports too because she got too much energy. In each of them she loses her patience. She grabs the football and hauls it at the nearest team member, she throws her baseball bat to the ground and starts beating up whoever threw the ball that she missed, she stomps in frustration if she loses, she's great at dodgeball (sends her classmates to the infirmary).
-Throws tantrums and stuff and overall's an annoying kid if she's upset. Eggman's like UGH WHY'S SHE LIKE THIS?? and Stone's like Because of you, doctor (terrible temperament runs in the family and also Robotnik just spoiled her too much).
-I'm kinda dressing her up in the clothes that existed in my mind that supposedly Eggman wore (the weird dress-like jacket with the big zipper in the middle). Under her jacket there's a dress in the same pattern as the original Eggman's clothes, also she wears a baby onesie like that too.
-When she's older she's definitely proud of her fathers, but she doesn't appreciate the rumors that she's prone to go power-crazy like Robotnik did. Especially because it may be true, but what do they know.
-For the irony, she can't stand drinking coffee, but loves the smell of it because it reminds her of home (omg).
-THEY HAVE A PET CAT like I read in some fics and her name is Robot and she's a lil shit and also grumpy like Robotnik.
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>Maybe she brings her alive mice to experiment on all sort of stuff (like Pávlov and his dogs and the guy Skinner with his mice and cats (??))
-She gets to hang out with Sonic and friends under the condition of annoying him as much as possible. So, she complies. (She loves Sonic the Hedgehog, but she loves making her fathers happy more).
-Very smart kid but not to the level of Tails or Robotnik at that age, she's just got very good memory and learning skills and knows a lot of stuff ever since she was a little kid. More like a Matilda-kinda intelligence.
-She's a scientist when she grows up too but the kind that makes evil potions and serums and stuff aksjdk probably (chemistry things? biochem idk). She can make silly little robots for the fun of it but it's not her passion, unlike Robotnik and Stone's. PROBABLY. I'm still deciding.
-BTW LOOK (it says 'carefully crafted ploy to distract space porcupines')
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>While Eggman's there with the baby and Sonic in front of him going AWWW BABY BOO and making her laugh, Stone is sneaking up on him holding a chair above his head to knock him out.
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magicwhiskers29 · 5 months
What's really interesting to me about Prime Shadow is that he reads as actively trying to sympathise with Sonic in s3e1. A lot of people have talked about the constant saves all episode and yes, of course. There's also something to be said about this Shadow's sense of superiority not restricting him to believing he's just physically better (This one is actually willing to run, for one), but I really want to talk about his expressions, in this episode.
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He starts the episode angry. Pretty much of course -- this tends to be Prime Shadow's default. His resting face already looks pretty angry, although I'd say his expressions when he's giving Sonic his "I told you so" are angrier than usual. His motivation is still about saving what of his home can be saved, and Sonic has just messed that up again, in trusting Nine when Shadow specifically said not to.
I don't think Sonic was wrong exactly to trust someone who looks and can act so much like someone who would never betray him -- it's naïve, but understandable. But to Shadow, it's naïve and foolish. Last season already established that Shadow doesn't have anyone he's close to, so it's going to be hard for him to understand, especially when he could sense Nine's betrayal a mile away. So he angers, and talks harshly and sternly to Sonic.
But look:
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SHADOW: We need to leave this world.
SONIC: You don't have to tell me twice.
When Sonic actually listens to him and runs when he says to, he's surprised. He's used to Sonic having his own agenda and not listening, because that's Sonic's biggest flaw in Prime. Sonic quips that he doesn't need the reminder, but yes, yes he usually does, and will still do in this case.
Shadow understands Sonic for his flaws, for better or worse, so he's surprised when they don't act up. (Yet, anyway)
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So he initially attempts to offer compassion, when Sonic sees the Ghost Hill inprints of his friends. He doesn't immediately go back to stern yelling and angry expressions; he offers out a hand and tries to understand more. He's not seeing Sonic's flaws for liabilities against him -- he's attempting to work around them for both of them.
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He angers again when Sonic doesn't listen and continues to insist of saving the Ghost Hill imprints, but look at the way he talks:
SHADOW: No! They can't be saved. Think about your real friends, the ones who still have a chance. If you want to help them, we need to get out of here.
He doesn't sound that angry at first. A little desperate, maybe, but he doesn't sound angry until his last sentence. His frustration's building at Sonic not listening, and he's having to reason against his own motivation. Does Shadow want Sonic's friends back? Maybe! We don't know his relationship with any of them in Prime. But we do know Shadow wants to get home more than he wants to save them.
It seems then to irritate him to have to use this line of reasoning, but he's not necessarily angry at Sonic for having to use it -- remember, he expected something like this. And clearly does understand Sonic's flaws and motivations; it's just that this time, he's not seeing them for why Sonic would be a liability to him, or why he's better suited to save Green Hill than Sonic. This time, he uses his knowledge of them to work around Sonic and keep his help.
He could technically leave Sonic behind at this point. He doesn't know that Sonic himself has actual value until Nine implies what he's found out about Sonic's shard energy later in the episode. If he keeps Sonic with him, he only runs the risk of ending up in the same place as the end of last season, Sonic having made the same mistakes. At least, that's how he could look at it.
But he does clearly care for Sonic. We know their dynamic is odd to others, in Prime. What we hear about their fights at the start of s1 implies that they are frequent, and also that both parties enjoy them. For better or worse (again), Shadow seems to now be aware that Sonic is part of home for him, and he doesn't want to lose Sonic. (a similar attitude Sonic had towards him at the start if s2)
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When talking about Nine's betrayal, Shadow's anger is not directed at Sonic. The easiest way to see that is simply that he's not looking at Sonic whilst talking about it, but I think you can also see it in the way he talks about their revenge. When he says, "And he will pay for it.", he sounds like he's attempting to reassure Sonic.
It's worth noting, of course, that Shadow has never really understood Sonic and Nine's bond. He couldn't understand why Sonic trusted him, and he won't understand why Sonic wants to reason with him in the future, so he does think that assuring Sonic of their success in what he perceives as a big step towards their goal helps.
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We can also see him being not visibly annoyed at Sonic messing around, in both of these scenes. He's not hostile about Sonic's ribbing about saving him, or his silly teasing about the robot version looking like both of them. He's used to it. It seems he maybe even likes it, if not at least tolerates it. He likes, or at least tolerates, being around Sonic. It's just that his default for getting points across, or when faced with something he doesn't fully understand, or when provoked, is anger. He is not without his flaws too.
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He angers again when Sonic insists again on something he sees as futile -- reasoning with Nine. But as established, he doesn't understand quite why Sonic cares for Nine. He seems to make the same mistake Nine himself does in believing that Sonic only cares about him because of Tails, which is not true. He's biased towards Nine because of Tails, but we've seen him be excited about teaching Nine new things that Tails wouldn't need! He does like Nine for Nine, even if there is a flaw in there of him seeing Nine as an extension of Tails.
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And then the reveal scene of Sonic as the final shard. After Nine implies something else has prism energy, we first see Shadow stare slightly surprised at Sonic. I read this a quieter realisation. He knows the connection between the energy and Sonic instantly, and looks at Sonic in concern as he thinks.
Then he makes eye contact with Nine, who only confirms his suspicions with something of a taunting glare. This is when he realises why this is important, and that he is definitely right. And then, and only then, does he anger. Not at Sonic again, but back at Nine.
There's a sort of protectiveness to it, this time. There's no "Sonic, you didn't realise this before!?", only an urgency to get Sonic out of there. Not both of them, just Sonic. He wanted both of them out when he had a choice about it, but now he sees Sonic as something valuable to both him and Nine. He wants to save Sonic because Sonic is home, but as he understands it, Nine wants Sonic for power and to jeopardise what Shadow himself wants. And so now, he sacrifices himself.
He knows that Sonic will keep trying to save everyone, and for better or worse (again again), he's who they'll all need to rely on. Honestly, Shadow sacrificing himself is a pretty big display of trust, for him. He doesn't have many other options, but... We know he believes in Sonic's way of finding another way. Rather than losing time trying that for both of them, he trusts in Sonic to find it himself, like he always does.
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paper-mario-wiki · 2 months
transfems can be women but you are not, you're an agp
(i actually blocked the original person who sent this and then resent it to myself on anon to keep the presentation fitting since i would like to share my perspective on this anyhow. here's what i would have said to this straw-man argument-haver if they weren't already blocked!)
TL;DR: you're wrong with both of the things you asserted in your statement. 1) i am not an AGP which is because 2) AGP's are exactly as much of a woman as i am.
what meaningful categorization could you put on someone to fit the description of "autogynophile" that precludes them from womanhood without inherently being contradictorily transphobic? "it turns them on to think about being vaginally penetrated" yeah i bet a lot of cishet woman fantasize about that too. "they only changed their identity because they like being a lady so much it helps them get off" okay? and? this is not a categorization which is inherently predatory, so who cares? gender is, irrevocably, an invention. it's a farce. it's nothing, we made it up, that's the whole point of agreeing that people can change it if they say they want to.
drawing a social line by the physical distinctions of "do they have penis or the other one" is as arbitrary as separating people by right handedness and left handedness or the eye color they were born with. the social expectations, behaviors, and woes are a consequence of the fact that everyone has been taught "this is just how it is, and it makes you different in every way, and this is how it's always been, and this is how it'll always be", same as the way people keep using fiat currencies (the US dollar for example), despite them being backed up by no singular tangible thing in any way that matters, aside from the word of the person who controls it.
and sometimes going along with that stuff is fine! i mean not the money, but the other one. the gender one. i like to be called a woman, while also knowing that "woman" is an invention. "pretty" is also an invention, and i love to be called that. "sonic the hedgehog" is an invention that people talk about using the same verbiage they use when describing real, tangible, breathing creatures, despite the fact that sonic the hedgehog exists conceptually and not physically (not including physical representations, which are not the same thing).
i think agp's are also women. if i could read someone's mind and they said "hi im a woman" but i knew they were thinking "im actually a man" i would still say "hello woman" because they might as well have given me their name for all the difference it makes in how we interact moving forward. if someone has no intention or probability to harm themselves or anyone else, i couldn't care less.
all that being said, you're wrong with both of the things you asserted in your statement. 1) i am not an AGP because 2) AGP are exactly as much of a woman as i am. it is a meaningless category coined by bigots and only given credibility by people with bigoted views.
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descendant-of-truth · 11 months
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I really love how they handled Shadow's expressions in these scenes; he can tell that Sonic's guilt is genuine, and it visibly takes some of the fight out of him.
Like, I think Shadow WANTS to be angry at Sonic. He wants to blame him and take out all of his pain and frustration on him, but then he starts looking all heartbroken and it's not cathartic anymore. Despite everything, he can't help but care about Sonic's feelings to some degree, so he puts his own grudges aside to let Sonic in on what he knows.
(Both scenes are also followed by a sigh and a "follow me" from Shadow so I do think they're similar on purpose)
Two moments where Shadow lets himself care about Sonic... and one where he decidedly won't let himself trust him.
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He says it's just because Sonic broke the world, but I think it's also being compounded by the fact that he doesn't trust the alternate versions of the others. Sonic is all too willing to put complete faith in people like Nine who are functionally strangers, and he quickly gets frustrated that Sonic doesn't see the issue with that.
Not to mention, Shadow's view of the Shatterspaces are much more pessimistic; he describes the only one he can explore as a "cruel version to make [them] suffer," and applies that to the other ones as well, which says a lot about how deeply he's been affected by everything.
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Of course, the episode ends with him realizing that he has no choice but to trust Sonic, but it's still very begrudging on his part. I'm predicting a moment somewhere down the line where Shadow changes his tune and encourages Sonic that he can do this, that he trusts him for real this time, and it'll be so rewarding okay
I'm also expecting there to be a moment where Shadow has to save Sonic and is like "okay we're even now so can you shut up about saving me already" (because it's very possible that Sonic's going to joke about it a few times, true to his word)
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Anyway this got a bit off track but suffice to say I'm a big fan of where the Sonic and Shadow rivals-to-friends arc is going
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tornado1992 · 4 months
He was freezing on his own boiling sweat. But he didn’t felt like freezing at all.
His body was unmoving, the dormant promise of shattering if it did. His mind was getting so annoying, whispering ideas of just going down, closing his eyes and never open them again.
He’s been in and out. His eyes hurt, his chest makes wheezing noises and he can feel every single bone in his body trembling while burning.
It felt like hell, and he did wanted to sleep.
No. He couldn’t give up. Not to the burning in his chest. Not to the choking hold in his throat. Not to the way his head felt like it was drilling rods into his brain. No, he was Sonic the Hedgehog. He wouldn’t lose to a stupid cold.
Even if he felt tremors going through his body while he felt like melting. Even if his lungs felt like drowning themselves inside him. Even if he never felt slower in his life. He will not lose to a cold.
And a cold that doesn’t even know how to do its job for the matter.
Colds are supposed to make you feel cold, or at least give you the illusion of it. Caves were supposed to be icy freezing, this cave was icy and freezing when they first entered.
He was in a cave. And he had a cold. So why the hell did he felt like burning.
Warmth other than his own body’s surrounds him, he knows that. And even in his hell like feeling, for some reason that warmth comforted him. And that was enough.
He’ll endure. He will fight this. No matter how long does it take or how much it hurts to breathe.
Why? You’ve ran enough
No. It’s never enough. He still has so much to see. He has still has so much to show him.
He will endure. He will fight this.
Something cold touched his cheek. Tiny and moving slightly, like breathing.
So cold.
His neck hurt so much, begging not to move, but that wet cold little spot on his cheek begged him to turn and see.
He was cuddled in a ball right beside Sonic. The little guys nose pressing on his cheek. No.
He wanted to yell. He wanted yell and shout for him not to do that even if he scared the kit because he should not be doing that. He shouldn’t be that close to Sonic when had a cold. His little nose shouldn’t be pressing to Sonic’s face when he felt like dying. This little malnourished kid shouldn’t be anyway near a deathly sick Sonic.
But this was Tails.
Tails was smart, Tails was the smartest. He knows colds are contagious, he knows colds can be deadly for little kids, he knows he shouldn’t be face to face with a contagious sick hedgehog.
And he still is.
Tails listened when they woke up in the morning and Sonic couldn’t move because his body felt like shattering and his chest felt like choking, Sonic told him to pass him the water, and he listened. Tails listened when Sonic first started coughing and told him to not face him so he wouldn’t get sick, he patted his back restlessly though, but he listened. Later in his delirious sickness Sonic told him to go outside the cave so he could cool off, because if Sonic felt like burning in here, little fluffy Tails sure must’ve felt like melting, and even if he didn’t, he just put on a worried face, and listened.
So why didn’t he listened when he came back in and Sonic told him to get away from him.
He covered the speedster with both their blankets, not caring about the apparent icy ground beneath him as he called it. Both his tails were draped over Sonic, securing the blankets in place and keeping him from moving. Keeping him from uncovering and freezing in his own sweaty burning body. Even if Sonic didn’t felt like it was helping, he knew the kid was doing his best. As far as he knows, the kid’s just copying what he saw Sonic doing when he had a cold, lots of blankets and wet rags, lots of water and ear scratches. It wasn’t the kid’s fault that he didn’t want to feel warm. His whole pile of blankets and tails would’ve worked just fine if he hadn’t catch a low budget bootleg cold.
The kid was doing everything in his power to make him feel better, even if he was scared. Even if Sonic’s throat hurt far too much to try and tell him what to do. To try and tell him to get away, because he’ll get infected.
But Tails was just like him, reckless, arrogant, stuborn, and he wouldn’t stop until his brother felt better.
Tails was purring.
So cute and soothing. The greatest lullaby ever composed or interpreted. And it was so loud. Almost like the rumbling the cub’s tummy made on their first days together.
When was the last time he ate? They’d been here for hours. He must get better soon, he has to get Tails some food, he gave him all his water, poor kid must be so hungry and thirsty, How long have they been in here? It was still nighttime when they entered the cave, but he could swear he could see the evening light outside even with the rain. There wasn’t supposed to rain till a few days.
It hadn’t rained since a few days ago. So sudden, so inconvenient, took them by surprise when running down an extensive clearing, no cities, forest or caves in miles. Sonic curled around Tails as much as he could, running for what it felt like hours trying to find some shelter. Tails was almost dry when they finally found the cave, Sonic was soaking wet.
Maybe he should’ve dried himself, maybe he should’ve started a fire before just dropping on the ground. But Tails was fine. Tails was dry, warm and already asleep in his arms, so why do any of that? Why put him down to start a fire when the kit was already so cozy and warm? Why put him on the cold ground when Sonic’s chest was dry enough to function as a makeshift bed? Why wake him up with the loud noise of their backpack opening just so Sonic would get a towel out when his fluffy tails were already doing their best to share their warmth with him?
He’s in the middle of thanking the heavens for not letting his little bro get sick even when he slept practically glued to the hedgehog’s side. Really, he was thanking the heavens, until they sent a painful reminder that even if the keed didn’t, he did got sick.
A burning in his chest, almost chocking. He coughed, he was almost getting used to the feeling, as painful as it was, but not so much to the green looking drool that always followed, its presence letting him know that he wasn’t getting any better, great.
The drool he coughed this time wasn’t green. It was red.
The blood didn’t stopped coming out, the rain didn’t go away, and he could feel the warmth being ripped from his body.
He could feel how the universe was trying to take him away from his little brother.
Who gave it the right?
This kid was abandoned, outcasted, abused, hit, starved. The universe was willing to let that happen but Sonic wasn’t. He wouldn’t. And he didn’t, the moment he saw him he knew he wouldn’t leave him like that, and not long after he knew he wouldn’t leave him ever.
But the universe had other plans, and Sonic felt himself dying.
Why was the universe so focused on making this five year old kid suffer. The universe might not have favorites, but Sonic is starting to feel like it’s biased. Because if the universe takes him away, Tails will be alone again. This kid who can keep up with him and never ask him to stop, this kid who stayed with him to fight deadly world threatening battles, this kid who nuzzled right beside him trying to make him feel better even if he could die. This kid, his kid.
Why did the universe wanted his lil bro back to eating from trash cans, to shelter himself from the rain in some badly dug hole. Why does the universe want to leave him alone again?
He’s survived natural disasters, evil scientists, a few gods of destruction, and the universe wants to take him out like this. He’s fought and bled for this kid, he would do it again. And if the universe has plans on taking him right here, right now, then it better be preparing plan b.
If he’s going, he’ll decide how he goes. He’ll decide the moment, even if it’s sooner than he ever expected, he’ll do whatever he wants till he goes.
The universe wanted his kid to suffer by Taking Sonic away, but the universe didn’t take for account the kid’s strength, not his will, nor his heart.
Sonic did. And he won’t leave him without that, if he’ll leave, he wont leave him without closure.
He could give him that, he’ll give him one last thing. He was burning. But now he knew far too well that the cave they were sheltered in was closer to freezing than anything else.
The kit was already doing so much to keep him warm. His own little blankie draped over the speedster head. His tails so still, so cold over him. His nose felt like an ice cube. He was always the warmest of them, a little ball of fluff, a tiny sun, his own little sunshine. And he was freezing.
He’s kept them both warm so many times. He can keep him warm this one time.
Hugging him must increase the chances of him getting a cold. But at this point, Sonic is sure it’s not a cold what has him like this.
Tails is smart, Tails is the smartest, Tails knows this isn’t a cold.
So he reaches for him with his trembling arms and aching hands, the kit uncurls, and he hugs him. He knows this kid will not go over a stupid “not cold” or whatever this is. He’s survived worse, he’s endured worse. Worse than Eggman, worse than Sonic and worse than anyone in the world could imagine.
Tails was trembling, but he wasn’t coughing or wheezing everytime he breathed. Tails would survive. Tails will live happily, Tails will eat the best foods, have a beautiful house and tons and tons of friends.
Sonic doesn’t think that only because he knows him, he knows that because he loves him.
Love him?
It’s not even a question, but if it was, is not a question about if, its a question about how. Because he does love him. He doesn’t love him like the morning breeze or chilli dogs, not even like his speed.
He loves him… like the sun. He loves him like the sun and the sky and life itself.
He loves him like something he couldn’t live without.
He loves him.
He has his arms wrapped around his tiny body, holding him close, nuzzling him tight, but he needs to see him, he needs to tell him, he needs him to know.
He has to open his eyes, he has to see him one last time. To make sure that he’s not too scared. To try and tell him everything he hasn’t told him. To apologize for everything he couldn’t give him. To promise him that not even the universe can separate them.
It hurts to move. It hurts to breathe. It hurts so much. But he has to. He has to look at him, he has to open his eyes and look at his.
All his might into that little action. Baby blues shyly stare back at him. Chaos. He loves those sky like eyes. All the wonder and innocence that fills them. All the dreams and hopes they hold. All the love. But as shiny and glowey as they are, he wished they wouldn’t be shinning like this, not with tears, not with sorrow.
Still, he couldn’t ever bear not to love those eyes.
Cradling his white fluffy muzzle in his gloves, he feels like he has the whole world in his hands.
Always with you. I love you.
He hopes his words can reach him, if not through his voice, then through his eyes.
He hopes he has taught him enough. Enough to live a joyous amazing life. Enough to go to his friends so he won’t be alone when Sonic goes away. Enough to never stop, to never hive up until he can reach for the stars. Enough to know that he is loved.
He hopes he has shown him enough of the world, but he also hopes he can reach new places on his own, so his eyes will glow and sparkle again, not with tears, no, never with tears.
He looks at him, there’s fear in his sight, but there’s also bravery. He hopes those baby blues never stop shining.
A tiny, so much smaller hand than his own made its way to his own muzzle. Little fingers cleaning the droplets that were falling from dull emerald eyes.
Crying emerald eyes.
Huh, he doesn’t remember the last time that happened. But again, its not really surprising either. Chaos knows this kid makes the impossible possible. If he can give this kid his smile, then he can give him his tears.
They sting, make his sight blurry, and feel hot against his face. But these are happy tears, so it’s alright.
If he will go while seeing the most beautiful sky ever, then he is grateful he opened his eyes one last time.
Tails will survive. He’ll make sure of it. Because the moment he goes off, he’ll find whatever is up there. he’ll fight whatever is up there, he’ll kill whatever is up there to make sure they don’t take him.
But Sonic isn’t gone yet, he was still here. So he’ll make the most of it, the most of the hours, minutes, or seconds he has left to be with his brother.
He wants his brother’s last memory of him being one of love, not fear or sadness, love.
So he smiles.
Sonic held him till there wasn’t any warmth left he could give him.
Tails hugged him even when there wasn’t anything warm to hold on to anymore.
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mayzi33 · 6 months
So. Sonic Dream Team. I just watched the cutscenes and I have SO MUCH to talk about. Let's just dive right into it no intros
First of all, this little moment.
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Cream runs off to fight a boss, and the others can't follow her. Of course, Amy immediatly gets worried, but Sonic calms her down saying that Cream can do this, and that "she's growing up on us fast".
Now, doesn't that sound familiar?
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Of course Sonic is gonna tell Amy something like that, because he knows what it's like first hand with Tails. He knows what it's like to be worried about your younger friend, but you still gotta believe in them and let them fight their own battles. I love this so much.
Now, I'm not sure if Dream Team a part of the Sonic mainline or not, but if is, I want to think it takes place wayyyy after Frontiers, after Tails, Knuckles and Amy came back from their solo journeys perhaps? I don't know how to explain, maybe it's just Ian Flynn doing his magic again, but the characters just feel so much more mature but still the same they've always been you know? Just- better. Whatever the case, let me be delusional and have the reassurance that Team Sonic will reunite after their solo journeys okay thank you very much.
Now, let's talk about Knuckles.
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Something I noticed in the cutscenes, is that Knuckles doesn't mention the Master Emerald, or about coming back to his island at all. He doesn't complain about being "dragged into this" and having more "important stuff to do". I'd like to think that this time, whatever happened to get this group reunited and look for Cream, Knuckles didn't tag along on accident or because he was forced to somehow. He tagged along because he genuely wanted to help look for Cream and save the world from Eggman again. That he genuely wanted to go on this adventure with this friends. And I love how he says "Now we can help protect Ariem too. That's what guardians are for, right?" Again, he doesn't mention the Master Emerald, Knuckles just said himself that as a guardian, his duty can be to protect anyone, not just the big shiny rock. That alone, shows Knuckles' growth a lot to me. He's protective over the E.M, but that's not all his character is about. He's protective over other people. He's protective over his friends. He's protective period. Because that's a part of his personality, of how Knuckles is. He's actually a person, not a machine that cares about nothing other than his duty.
And then, this little moment.
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Again, he doesn't mention the E.M or his duty, but you don't have to be a genius to know that that's what he's thinking about. He understands Ariem more than anyone in the room. He admires her for taking her duty so seriously.
That's another reason why I want to think this takes place after Frontiers. Knuckles still thinks about his duty and takes it seriously, but still cares about other things, like protecting others and helping his friends in adventures, unlike other Sonic contents where he's just stuck on his island all the time. (Cough cough IDW cough cough)
Now, a little on Tails.
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I love this little moment. Sonic checking up on his little bro, asking if he's okay, which he immediatly responds to "you know me!" As if, "Yeah, you know I can take it." Like Amy and Cream, Sonic still worries and cares about Tails, but also believes in him.
And then this little moment, if you choose to go with Tails instead of Cream to the boss fight.
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Eggman uses his usual taunting, and Tails' confident and challenging response made me be on the edge of my seat. Another reason why I want to believe this takes place after Frontiers, is just that Tails sounds way more confident on himself.
And as he says, "Don't underestimate me, Eggman!"
Eggman himself responds with, "Oh, I won't."
He could've easily gone for another taunting, but then he simply decides not to and admits he won't be stupid to underestimate Tails, and tells his machines to go on full power or whatever. Reminds me of a moment when Eggman complimeted Tails in Frontiers Final Horizon saying "You're turning out quite formidable, Tails." I mean like?? You know you're crushing it when the villain himself admits it.
And I love how through the game, the gang keeps turning to Tails for answers. I didn't even screenshot it because there are just SO many moments where the gang goes: "Tails! Is there anything you can do?" "Tails, you're super smart, is there something you can do?" "Tails, what do we do?"
Which Tails also has a response to. Even if he doesn't know for sure, he always comes up with a plan for them to proceed, which the gang follows with no question. "Buy Tails some time!"
And obviously, I won't even get started on how they gave Cream so much importance. I feel like everyone pointed it out already, so I wanted to make this post mainly to point out things I noticed about our classic gang, Amy, Knuckles and Tails.
Hope yall enjoyed this rambling.
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lavaridgecookie · 1 month
Horror Movie Time with Sonic F/Os
General imagines for watching horror films with Sonic characters! What types they're into, what kind of movie watcher they are, etc. I originally wanted them to be able to be read as romantic or platonic, but eventually I just kinda went full romance.
Characters: Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Amy, Rouge, Omega
Spoiler warnings for Poltergeist and Alien, and a very minor spoiler warning for The Thing
Is more a fan of the 'campy' horror movies, although he'll also watch slashers - they get his blood pumping and his heart racing, and he lives for that. He doesn't like seeing you actually afraid, so he'll definitely take your tastes into account when picking a movie- if you say no to a specific thing, he'll tease you a bit but he'll pick something else.
Does NOT like supernatural horror. He will not watch ghost movies. He won't watch movies about doomsday scenarios. Basically, if he doesn't think he could fight it off in real life, it horrifies him and he can't stop thinking about it. What if that stuff happened to him? Happened to you? Haunts him for days or months afterwards. You made the mistake of watching The Thing with him, and for three weeks afterwards you had to talk him out of making you do the blood test every time you were apart for more than 5 hours.
He's fine with werewolf movies, for obvious reasons. Been there, done that, still tries to use his foot to scratch his ear sometimes.
All in all, he just wants to have fun with the movie, and with you. If you say 'tonight, we are watching a bunch of Disney Channel Original Scary Movies and eating our weight in popcorn,' he'll be just as happy as if you wanted to watch every Halloween movie.
Is a more all-around moviegoer, although since meeting you, he's found slashers are harder to watch. He can't help but think about you suffering through those scenarios, and ultimately dying.
Meanwhile, he loves sci-fi and supernatural horror. He's a product of science, he knows what it can do, so he can completely relax when watching movies like Alien.
In fact, and he'd never tell you this, he likes that one a LOT more after meeting you. He can easily see you in Ripley's place- resourceful, smart, trying to keep everyone alive. Going back for Jonesy seems like something you would do. He likes imagining you, triumphant, coming home to him.
Shadow likes it a LOT when you cling tightly to him- you can grab his arm as hard as you want, you can squeeze him like you're a boa constrictor, whatever. It doesn't hurt him, he's the Ultimate Lifeform! He likes the physical contact that he doesn't have to ask for, but he also very much enjoys knowing he makes you feel safe.
You should definitely expect him to start appraising the movie afterwards- he doesn't actually care, but he wants to talk to you and he's not great at conversations without a set topic. Please indulge him.
is kind of a weenie and and doesn't really like actually scary movies all that much. He's been through enough, thank you. He's much more of a children's Halloween movie guy- your Mostly Ghostlys, your Scary Godmothers, your Cry Baby Lanes. Basically, nothing scarier than Tremors.
If you do make him watch a horror film, he's shaking in the first five minutes, and once bodies start piling up he's crying into your shirt.
There is one exception.
He loves Tobe Hooper's Poltergeist. Everything about it speaks to him, and he loves sharing it with you. He'll hold your hand whenever Steve and Diane are supporting each other, and he'll pull you into his chest and hold you during the scary parts. Afterwards, he'll tell you about how he hopes you two can be together like that someday- how he'll never abandon you when things get tough, and how he knows you'll stick by him, too.
He likes it because throughout all the horrible things, everyone is looking out for each other. He loves that everyone lives. And if you like the movie, too? He's the happiest hedgehog that ever lived.
Is a big fan of slashers- the gorier the better! She's the kind to cheer when some idiot gets murdered. But she also much prefers watching them at home, with you. She wants her head in your lap, taking sips of red wine in between mouthfuls of heart-stoppingly buttery popcorn, just having a great time with you.
But, and you won't find this out on the first date, she's also a huge film buff and adores the cult classics. If you so much as mention cult horror, she'll start trying to get you to watch her Criterion Collection DVD of Hausu, and wants to discuss the finer points of horror.
And she is trusting you not to spoil her reputation by telling anybody else about this. Especially you shouldn't tell anybody that she LOVES Them!
She also really likes horror films with a romantic bent, and she keeps saying that she'll tease you during them but honestly when the time comes her eyes are glued to the goddamn screen... it's the perfect time to slip your hands into hers.
Likes two kinds of horror moves. She loves psychological horror- it keeps her guessing, keeps her engaged. When you watch with her, she likes to voice her theories out loud, and loves to hear your thoughts on it!
In the same vein, she also likes cult classics- her favourite is the 1962 film Carnival of Souls. Expect a lengthy discussion every time you guys watch a more 'cerebral' film- she really does like to hear how you felt about it! It helps her feel like she can see into your world a bit better.
But on days where she doesn't have that much brainpower to spare, she really enjoys a good horror/comedy. Her go-to is the Three Flavour Cornetto trilogy, but honestly she's not that picky. You guys watched Werewolves Within together and about died laughing. The genre is basically the mental equivalent of icecream to her.
Whatever you two watch, you are smushed up together in one corner of the couch. Doesn't matter who's in front and who's behind, one of you has your head in the crook of the neck of the other.
He also like slashers, and he's kind of unbearable to watch 'em with. Every time anybody dies, he either says 'That would not have happened to me' or 'I would not let that happen to you.'
It's kind of cute, but once you're an hour and seven deaths deep, it can get a bit annoying. That said, you appreciate him for who he is, so you knew this was a bit inevitable and you love him anyway.
Once you asked him what he would do to protect you from 'unkillable' slashers like Michael Meyers, and after a second of thinking, he picked you up, took you out to the gun range, put you down behind him, and proceeded to absolutely obliterate everything in front of him one long, sustained round of heavy fire. Probably used up at least $6k of artillery. He then turned back to you and stated 'Michael Meyers could not survive being turned into a fine mist'
You were still in your jammies, and you couldn't help but laugh so hard you fell over. God bless your loving sentry turret.
Hope you all enjoyed! These were fun to write for, and I'd definitely be willing to do more for other characters if requested!
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
Why Nine Is Loved So Much Already
Just watched Sonic Prime and it is AMAZING! It has stellar animation, unforgettable characters, and an engaging and exciting plot.
Among all of that, however, one character stood out to me more than all of the others: Nine. The "edgy, emo" Tails from the first Shatterverse. He's already a prevalent character, praised for his design, nature, and fantastic acting by Ashleigh Bell. He's just an excellent character in general, being complex and complicated.
He has a snarky, distant, and almost broken personality, from what I've seen, he IS almost broken. He's nearly broken because of what drives him in the first batch of episodes: Hope.
Hope can be an excellent thing. It can help you overcome obstacles, it can help you move forward, and it can help you win. However, what that hope exactly is and how you achieve it determines your character and morals.
What Nine HOPES for is a better future for himself. That is a good thing, however, the way he tries to achieve it is morally grey. It is a selfish hope that can potentially hurt others. Nine KNOWS it's selfish, he just doesn't care, the world treated him like dirt, and EVERYONE on it treated him like dirt, why should he care about how it affects it?
One more thing to note is how he acts around the others, Sonic specifically. He is curt, snarky, aloof, and strictly business with them, seeing no personal value in them other than using them due to how the world around him is.
Sonic, however, he's softer and opens slightly up. Sonic is open, kind, and patient toward the kit, something Nine never got to experience. He likes Sonic but doesn't know how to feel about it. He doesn't show trust in the blue blur. He likes him, but he isn't sure if he can truly trust him. But despite that, through out the series, the only time he genuinely smiles is with Sonic, no one else.
That's why he wanted Sonic to join him to live in The Grim with him.
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Sonic makes him feel good, he makes him genuinely happy. He never thought about getting Sonic home, he only thought about getting the hedgehog to HIS idea of a true home.
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One where it's just the two, where nobody can ever hurt them again. To him, it'd be the perfect world, a place where it's just him and the person he's close to.
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But then Sonic tells him it's not going to work out. The worst part?
He's right.
Not just because of the problems with the Shatterverse, but also because it really isn't going to work out for them. While it's never outright stated if looked closer you can see that Sonic likes TAILS, not NINE. He cares for Nine BECAUSE he is a version of his brother, not because he cares for the separate person he is.
Nine is NOT Tails. Not just because he is different from Tails, but because he just isn't. Compared to Sonic, Nine isn't much better either. He DOES like Sonic and WHO he IS, but it's because of what Sonic can GIVE him that he does.
To Nine, Sonic can bring him EVERYTHING he ever wanted: A home, love, care, companionship, and family. To Nine, Sonic is his HOPE. If he loses that, he's back to square one, and that is what he desperately DOESN'T want.
It's heartbreakingly tragic and horribly unfair to both of them.
Another thing is his backstory. It wasn't over the top, it was what everyone EXPECTED to happen. Because Sonic wasn't there he was bullied relentlessly and became cold and resentful of the world. It's simple and not over-exaggerated and I appreciate that. It's not annoyingly complicated or trying hard to make you cry, it's just a simple statement of what happened. And that's the part that hurts, that we were RIGHT.
Because we were already close and emotionally invested in Tails, it was easy for us to sympathize with Nine. This was a character we loved, and looked up to, only to become cold and emotionally exhausted towards everything around him.
But the part that is great about him is that we don't know what his arc is going to be. Is he the character that opens up more and makes friends, is he the character that remains neutral, or is he going to be the true villain? We can't figure it out.
He's complicated and confusing but it's BECAUSE of that that we love him so much.
The final reason is the fact that he's just THAT character you WANT to win. He's so heart-wrenchingly tragic you just want him to achieve his goal of being happy, no matter HOW he achieves it. Even if he becomes the true antagonist I KNOW that all of us would root for him anyway because he DESERVES to win because he LOST so MUCH.
And that's why he's quite possibly going to be the greatest character ever written (not that he wasn't already in my opinion) in the Sonic universe.
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vivicanyounot · 9 months
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"I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else! ^-^;" "..."
Amy Rose just did the biggest mistake of her life. She ran and hugged some other hedgehog AGAIN! And this one was not what she was expecting.
The last time was a white hedgehog minding their business drinking apple juice at some park and now THIS? This is just utterly embarrassing!
Here she was, gone and hugged a hedgehog drinking coffee quietly on a corner and she didn't expect them to be so into their writing-- She done bumped on his work with ink spilling everywhere. Before realizing her mistake, she noticed how soft this one's fur is.
"This one's really soft!---------------I, wait a minute..."
'Sonic's more of a fluffy kind rather than a soft one.' she thought.
She let go of this hedgehog and adjusted her eyesight to the bright light cascading on the window. This one's fur is BLACK, not blue at all! How could she have missed this?! She really needs to get her eyes checked.
This figure turned their head behind revealing ruby-colored eyes.
"I-I didn't know you were writing! I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else!" Amy worriedly joked hoping that this hedgehog would sympathize at her. She couldn't help but feel like this hedgehog was someone familiar to her.
"..." Eyes continued to stare. Then to his book. Then back to her again. There was a pause and an incalculable look bared on his face before proceeding to glare this time.
"Now what are you going to do with all of this mess?" he croaks slowly, careful with his words. He points to his book utterly disappointed.
"I-I didn't mean to bump on what you were writing. I hope to make it up to you." Amy said begrudgingly at the last part. She doesn't want to waste time today since she needs to find Sonic as soon as possible. HE has an upcoming tournament and he's seen nowhere at all from the venue! Where could he possible be?---
"Make it up to me, you say?" the stranger asks. He puts his pen down and taps his fingers on the table. Amy gulped, nervously sweating from this hedgehog's threatening aura. Yet still, she wouldn't feel much harm from him at all. She just knows that he wouldn't hurt her weirdly enough.
"It'd be nice if I had a ghost writer. *I* dictate about the contents." He flips his book, almost covered with so much ink stains.
"YOU write on it." He points to Amy then to his book. She has no idea on how to write.
'How on earth am I going to write. Much less have the time to be working with you?!' she thought. She had her hands ravaging her hair. And suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blue figure from the window. And they're ordering from a hotdog stand. Could it be?
"You're probably thinking how this is going to be arranged? Don't worry I've got you covered." He whips out his used napkin on the table and hands Amy his pen. Amy holds his fountain pen but she was distracted. She got other things to worry about like that blue hedgehog from afar already eating his 10 chilidogs. She is determined.
"Just write your number here." He taps on the napkin. Amy didn't think twice about anything she just wanted to get out and give that blue hedgehog an earful of her nagging. She wrote on his napkin quick and easy.
"Yeah yeah, we'll talk about this later. Bye!" She turned around ready to leave until her arm got caught by the stranger. Her emerald-colored eyes focused solely on him. His eyes staring back with a level focus.
"Expect a call from me, Rose." He hoarsed then removes his hand from her arm. Amy saw the blue figure blur past their cafe. She holds her wrist hurt from his handling then consequently left with an irritated look. She still feel his eyes boring into her back.
"What a weirdo." She whispered running out of the cafe.
'And h-he knew my name! Did he also ASK for my number just now?'
How is the world coming into for Amy Rose?
a/n: i just made this story now to support the drawing. should i do a comic of it now too? let me know!!! and maybe you guys wanna continue this story...?
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Hello, could you make a platonic concept for Sonic and Tails (game version) sharing the reader? Since they both see each other as brothers, they could try to make the reader their new sibling.
Aww... Sonic and Tails making you part of a trio 💜 Here you go! Sorry for the long wait as always, I'm really trying :)
Yandere! Platonic! Sonic + Tails Sharing Darling
Pairing: Platonic - Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Jealousy, Paranoia, Tracking, Stalking, Violence, Brief blood mention, Clingy behavior, Implications of murder, Dubious companionship.
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Sonic and Tails have been friends for, what, years?
The two are probably the closest to one another due to all the adventures they've had.
They'd definitely share an obsession between one another as friends.
I can't really see the two fighting over someone... they care for each other too much.
The two would be protective of a shared friend between them.
Like... extremely protective.
The two have been through nearly everything together since they were friends.
Most of the time it's due to them dealing with Eggman.
I imagine the two ended up meeting you on one of their adventures, perhaps even saving you from Eggman.
Sonic is his usual cool and laid-back self, always playful with you and Tails.
Tails is more shy but always wants to help you out, often offering you a gadget to help your daily life.
The two love to give their friend gifts as then you'll think of them.
The two are no doubt incredibly affectionate with you as their friend.
Now, if they view you as a friend or sibling... they could go either way as it doesn't change much.
Tails seems like he'd love hugs, honestly Sonic would too but not admit it often.
There's times when you greet them and the two bombard you in affection.
They are both definitely physical when it comes to affection.
Regardless on how they view you, as platonic yanderes they take such a role seriously.
The two value your safety... especially with all they've been through.
Tails definitely hides at least one tracker on you to know where you are like in his usual concepts.
He'd often alert Sonic where you are, originally he only uses it to keep you out of trouble.
Over time they both just find comfort in knowing where to find you....
I imagine Tails is more tame while Sonic can come off as intense at times.
Sonic can come off as intimidating if his friends are hurt.
In this case that would include both you and Tails.
Because of the universe and personalities of both characters, I don't expect any murder.
Violence on the other hand... that can happen.
Tails seems like the type who would give subtle threats to those who bother you.
While Sonic is similar, I can see Sonic being more up front about threats.
While the two care about you a lot, I want to believe they won't socially isolate you too much.
They'd be more likely to just insert themselves into interactions you have instead.
For example, you'll be talking with someone only to have either Sonic or Tails join the conversation.
Tails is always so sweet about it while Sonic uses his popularity to distract the attention off of you.
I'd say they both can get jealous.
Tails is more quiet about it but Sonic seems to be more vocal about it.
They're probably one of the best duos to have since they are mostly not that intense.
They genuinely just want to care for their friend and most likely won't kidnap you.
Instead there's the whole tracking situation... but with that you at least have your freedoms, right?
They aren't too fond of isolating you too much.
Even Sonic loves his freedom.
Instead they choose to protect you from danger as friends should.
Although... they may make you second guess your choice in friends.
Maybe the two end up giving you trust issues, jealous if you're spending time with others more than them.
They can be lenient... to a point.
The two see themselves as your heroes, always knowing what's best for their dearest friends.
Heroes shouldn't get blood on their hands...
Key word is shouldn't
However... perhaps there's some exceptions.
If the two ever did hurt someone for you, they'd work together to hide it.
The most I can see them doing is beating someone up or threatening someone to be quiet.
The two killing is rare and almost unheard of...which may just give them the perfect cover if I'm being honest.
You have no clue what the extent of their friendship with you really is.
Far as you know, they're harmless heroes who are just protective of you.
In reality they may be threatening and beating up those who may make your life less than perfect.
Perhaps the friendly exterior Sonic and Tails have around you and others isn't fully truthful?
Maybe they really do threaten, lie, beat up... or maybe even kill...
But surely there's nothing to worry about...! They'd never do such a thing... that's what you tell yourself, that is.
In reality, who knows what they do to maintain their friendship with you...
Perhaps the rumors are true... and there really is blood on their hands.
"Hey, has anyone been bothering you lately? You seem a bit worried...."
"You shouldn't have to worry, friend... we'll take care of everything, right?"
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
"The Darkness Within" PART 1 (Sonic X - Dark Sonic)
(Sonic's POV)
The faint sound of his friends' laughter and voices echoed in Sonic's ears even as he stood at the very edge of the Typhoon, a frown twisted across his face as he stared unseeing at the stars.
He hadn't felt such shame in a long time.
Normally, he did whatever he pleased without a care of what anyone thought. He did what he believed was right whether it was perceived that way or not.
So it was safe to say that the events of the attempted rescue of Chris and Cosmo had left him a little . . . shaken.
He couldn't believe the way he'd lost control.
Never before had he felt so intensely angry. Sure, he'd had a right to, his friends were hurt and the Metarex creep was threatening to experiment on them if he refused to let them do the same to him. Sure, he'd felt a little off since he'd discovered the hoards upon hoards of fake chaos emeralds.
And then— what?! He hadn't been able to think straight. His vision had nearly turned red with how furious he'd been. All he could feel was white-hot anger. He remembered hearing himself laugh like some kind of psychopath. He remembered tearing into the Silver and Gold Metarex that were meant to test him, he remembered slicing them to bits at lightspeed and feeling not an ounce of remorse as their armor exploded and they were killed.
And the next thing he'd known, Eggman of all people was scolding him and telling him to calm down.
It had taken him a hot minute to relax. Hearing that Shadow had rescued his friends while he'd been . . . like that, had startled him in the worst way.
Now they were all back, safe and sound. Cosmo and Chris were alright. Everyone on the other side of the ship was celebrating, believing the day was a victory.
In a way, he supposed, they were right.
But Sonic could not relax. He couldn't bring himself to join them, he couldn't even bring himself to smile as he stood alone on the opposite side of the ship, staring at nothing and thinking of everything.
His mind wouldn't shut up, and he didn't have enough space to run on the Typhoon. He was stuck.
What if it happens again?
It won't. I won't let it.
I don't know that, I had no idea this morning that it would happen today.
Now that I know, I'll make sure it never happens again.
Today was just proof that I don't have it as together as I thought I did.
They don't know. No one else here knows. No one knows but Eggman.
Would they be scared if they knew? If they SAW me like that?
Don't worry about it. Just keep going. Don't look back. I never look back.
But usually that doesn't have anything to do with something I did wrong.
Do I apologize somehow? Should I leave? Take some time to myself? How much time? They need me to help them fight the Metarex.
I can't leave, but I sure want to.
I just wish—
"Hey, Sonic! You doing okay?"
He jerked his head around to see Tails slowly approaching his perch, blue eyes wide and curious. Glimmering with just a hint of concern.
Sonic sat down in place and nodded curtly, his voice stuck in his throat. He'd been talking a lot more nowadays than he used to, trying to get better at communicating with people and making friends, but some days it was still hard.
Apparently today was one of those days.
And Tails could see right through him.
His face fell. "Something happened, didn't it?"
Sonic avoided his eyes, choosing instead to stare intensely at the floor in front of him as if it was a work of art.
Slowly, cautiously, Tails moved closer and sat a couple feet away. Sonic could still feel his little brother's eyes on him, but he refused to make eye contact. He wasn't sure he'd be able to handle it.
"Did you get hurt . . . ?" Tails sounded doubtful yet worried.
Sonic shook his head.
"Did the Metarex say something that bothered you?"
Another wordless head shake.
Tails didn't ask anything else for about a minute, choosing instead to let them both sit in thoughtful silence and allow Sonic to try and pull himself together.
I can't tell him. There's no way.
I can't tell him . . . all of it.
Sonic swallowed, lifting his chin and finally daring to meet Tails's questioning eyes. He opened his mouth, but could not bring himself to make a sound.
Tails bit his lip, then lifted his hands and signed, "I'm here."
Sonic nodded with a small, grateful smile, then, after a hesitation, signed back, "Something happened. I did something."
Tails tilted his head slightly, and even though he could've just spoken his response, he continued signing. "What did you do?"
There was no fear or aggression in his hand movements or expression. Just genuine, gentle curiosity.
Sonic closed his eyes for a moment, that awful feeling of shame washing over him all over again. "Something bad. I caused harm. I didn't mean to."
Tails smiled gently. "You didn't mean to. You didn't harm our friends, right?"
Sonic exhaled silently through his nose. "No. I hurt the bad guys." He didn't think there was a sign for "Metarex," but if there was, he didn't know it.
A flicker of confusion appeared in his little brother's eyes. "You stop the bad guys all the time."
He fidgeted uncomfortably, then signed, "It was different. Can't explain. I was wrong."
Tails paused for a long moment after those shaky signs from Sonic, looking thoughtfully at the sky.
"It's okay," he signed back eventually. "I know your heart is in the right place. Whatever you did, you wouldn't be feeling so bad if it wasn't in the right place."
Sonic blinked. He fidgeted a little more, then quickly signed, "Thank you."
The fox kit smiled and nodded. "You're welcome. I'm here for you." Then, without waiting for a response, he stood up and extended a hand out to Sonic.
Sonic initially thought Tails was going to bring him back to the group, but then remembered that his brother knew him better than that. So he accepted the little hand reaching for him and stood as well, then followed the fox kit downstairs inside the ship.
Tails brought him to his bedroom on the ship, gestured for him to wait there, then left. For a few minutes, Sonic sat alone, fingering the cool sheets and looking around the room, anything to avoid thinking too much again.
After those few minutes, Tails returned with a steaming mug of tea, which he carefully handed to Sonic. "Take your time," he signed, smiling sweetly. "This will help you sleep."
Sonic managed a small, regretful smile. "Thank you," he signed again.
Tails nodded, patted his hands in reassurance, and left the room.
Sonic paused for a long moment, then sat back on his bed and sipped his tea. He recognized the flavor as the same kind Tails himself used on bad nights, the ones with nightmares and thunderstorms.
He took a deep breath. Over the course of the next hour, he finished his tea over a good book. He listened to his friends' voices wind down outside on the deck.
And eventually, he slept.
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What was the prime tails polycule first kiss like?
Oooh ooooh I know this one!
Now I can't tell you which exact order all these happen in, but here are some first kiss ideas I have between each individual pairing within the polycule
(But under the cut because this ended up longer than I expected to answer haha)
I definitely don't think this pairing would come first if I were forced to come up with which individual pairings within the polycule shared their first kiss first to be honest 😂. Why? Well, while Nine does have some issues over not being the "only him" so to speak, I personally think canon Nine doesn't have nearly as many issues with Mangey and Sails as he does with Prime!Tails, and that some of his issues with Mangey and Sails really began with Tails. I think before actually meeting him Nine would have this idea of Tails as Sonic's "perfect little buddy". In this case, he would assume that Tails is nice and sweet and always does whatever Sonic wants and is Sonic's perfect little supporter that always helps Sonic but never has opinions of his own or opposes Sonic in any way. Essentially, I think to him Tails is everything he is not, the "perfect" partner in Sonic's eyes, and also a doormat. Tails is both the fox he can never be (jealous) and the fox he can never be (derogatory, "I'm better than you"). Prime!Tails, meanwhile, knows everything he knows initially from Sonic most likely, and after everything...I think Sonic would have a lot to say about Nine. That's all to say that Tails would get that Sonic cares about him a lot, would get that Nine probably liked Sonic a lot, would probably see him in a similar light to Shadow, and may see some of Nine's actions as "over the top" due to only knowing as much as Sonic knows or actually says. So initially I think Nine would be jealous of Tails while holding onto some of that strong dislike, and Tails would be secretly jealous of Nine, but ultimately seeing him as a guy who is rough around the edges, intelligent, and perhaps a bit unstable.
That also being said, I think it would do the two of them good to actually talk about themselves and open up to their insecurities/pasts to each other. I think becoming more open and talking about those things would allow the two to understand each other (and exactly what makes them so different and similar) much better, but I also recognize that something like that's going to take a long time and is probably not going to happen all at once. Realistically, unless he specifically feels like doing it at one point or another, getting Nine to explain himself and his story is going to be like pulling teeth for the most part, and I can see Tails being the type to try to relate to him while straying away from using specific examples (since Tails isn't the type of guy to me that goes around talking about what happened to him either). I think that what's revealed will probably happen over time in bits and pieces, and maybe at some point someone will manage to work one or the other into feeling comfortable enough to vent a bit.
With that in mind, I think that when the two properly meet, it'll surprise them just how far off they were in their characterizations of each other (mostly Nine, but you get it). So I think their first learning curve would be dealing with any jealousy between them + any identity crisis + Nine instinctively not wanting to let go of that version of Tails he made up in his head easily + learning who the other *actually* is.
So...their first kiss. I can't see it being at any other point than a bonding moment between them—something that combines the vulnerability of opening up (which can bring hearts closer) and the ongoing jealousy causing tention to snap. Tails has learned bits and pieces about Nine by now about him being "picked on" as a kid and being tormented until he eventually created a way to fight back (no deep details), or what it was like living in the place he grew up in. Likewise, I think Nine would also know very little about how Tails was also picked on, about how he used to follow Sonic around, etc. Aside from that, I think they'd start to gather more about each other's true personalities by actually hanging around each other or by both happening to be on missions with Sonic at the same time. I think Nine would come to realize that Tails has no problem meeting Sonic sass to sass or telling him that he's being an idiot (mind you, depending on the situation Tails is likely to be softer about it in the way where he explains what he's thinking and asks Sonic what he thinks without specifically saying Sonic's idea is stupid), and that when Sonic isn't rushing in without a plan he's looking to Tails for direction and advice. Likewise, I think Tails would start to realize that Nine is a bit deeper than he assumed and wonder more about what exactly happened to him.
But, of course, the question is how they actually start opening up, and to that I say: Sonic? Sonic. To me, Sonic is both the elephant in the room to them and a shared interest. So...I can see the two hanging alone. Maybe Tails and Nine were both on an adventure with at least them and Sonic going to stop Prime!Eggman's plans, and maybe Sonic is seemingly fast asleep at their camp on the way home. Sitting by the fire with Tails, having just finished eating, Nine can't help but think back to his first meeting with Sonic (when Sonic was explaining how there's nothing like eating a chilli dog with your best pal when everything's said and done). Then, he thinks about Sonic, conked out in the tent and patched up. Sonic's lucky he has such a good natural healing factor, otherwise he wouldn't be able to be as reckless as he is, Nine thinks. Sure, his actions earlier stood the best chance of defeating Prime!Eggman so he didn't have much choice, but still it shouldn't have had to come to it.
And yeah, Sonic being reckless or self sacrificial isn't a foreign concept to Nine. It's just that now...after everything...he can’t help but be afraid of what will happen if something actually does Sonic in one day. So, he asks Tails aloud, "How... How do you deal with him like this?"
"He's always so... He doesn't always listen, he's reckless, he's always pulling those dangerous stunts right at the last second. Even I think it's a miracle he hasn't–" Nine cuts off, and the two sit in silence for a moment.
"Sonic is...like that, you know? Frustrating at times? Yes. Stubborn? Absolutely. Even now that he's...changed a bit, he still pulls off those grand stunts and brushes off my advice sometimes while practically begging me to tell him what to do others. He's much better at the whole teamwork thing than he used to be, but he's still Sonic."
"I know all that. I know all that stuff about how he's stubborn and frustrating but always comes through when it counts and turns things around, but that...that wasn't the question."
"You deal with him, don't you?"
"It doesn't mean I can't be– Doesn't mean I don't...worry sometimes." Then, Nine adds, "And don't tell me you don't."
Then one thing leads to another in the back and forth and Nine is like, "When I met him...I thought I'd found the exception. Everyone else only thought about themselves, about living day to day and taking everything out on those smaller or weaker to feel powerful about themselves. But Sonic... He almost made– makes you believe in hope. And then... Then I found out that he was as stubborn and selfish as anyone else."
Tails chuckles a little at that.
"Not that any of that matters now," Nine adds.
After a few moments, Tails opens his mouth. "You know, I thought the world of him too, once."
Huh, is all Nine thinks.
"Of course, I still think he's cool now. But back then I remember... He used to run away when he noticed me following him, so I had to do whatever I could to catch up. And for a while...nothing mattered. He was my hero. That was all."
"So...he's not now?"
"Well, I suppose he always will be it's just... Well, I only wanted to be around him, so how he acted didn't matter."
"So you thought the world of him, but you were let down, and you decided to stick with him anyways?"
"I mean, well. It's more complicated than that, but... Isn't it the same with you?"
Nine sighs, looking down at his shoes. "I...suppose."
Tails shoots a look at the tent before casting his gaze down at his own shoes.
"The point is...I get it. I don't like worrying about him either, but...I've made peace with it." Then, Tails adds with a chuckle, "As well as I can, anyways."
"...Not as if there's anything else you can do," Nine agrees.
There's a moment of silence, then, before Tails smiles. "Well I'm sure we could try, but nothing stops Sonic the Hedgehog from doing anything—not when he sets his sights on it."
Nine chuckles weakly, remembering bitter and fond bits of memories alike. He can concede that this is true. After all, back then, as the universe was falling apart, Sonic would never give up on the universe's inhabitants just as he never gave up on him.
"One time, there was this hot pepper eating contest in Station Square. It was a promotional thing for a new restaurant or something. And the moment someone mentioned that the prize could involve chili dogs..." Tails shakes his head.
"Like a lifetime supply?"
"No, I think it was... Ah... I don't exactly remember. It was probably a gift card or something. Those people were probably just saying the restaurant had chili dogs—which turned out to be true. But you know Sonic!" He laughs. "Didn't read the terms. Just entered as fast as he could. I tried to tell him that we had to meet up with the Chaotix on business, but..."
"So...let me guess. He made a remark about how it'd be over fast because speed is his thing, implied the contest would be easy as cake, and overestimated his ability."
Tails looks to Nine. "Yeah, heh. You've pretty much got it. The whole time, though, I couldn't convince him to quit."
Nine nods, still facing forward. "The trademark stubbornness. Good at times, not so good other times."
"Heh, yeah. I'm pretty sure he thought it was one of those contests where you try to eat the most, because his impatience was palpable. The contestants would eat a pepper one at a time in rotation, and they all took their time."
"And you were late to your 'meeting'?" There's a bit of an edge to Nine’s words, but it’s a genuine question nonetheless. He doesn't fully understand the point Tails is trying to make by telling this story, but, eh... Talking to Tails so far is...better than sitting in silence. At least, that's how Nine feels about it.
Tails laughs, and Nine turns to him at the sound.
"No, not just late! He was sweating, nearly about to pass out. I had to rush him to the agency, Vector put him on the desk, Charmy pulled a leaf from somewhere to fan him with, and all the while Espio was off getting a 'traditional shinobi remedy' or something. All of that for a prize he didn't even win."
"Pffft. Sounds like him."
And so eventually the two end up trading stories of Sonic and his stubbornness (some funny and others concerning), Nine ends up smiling a little, and the two don't realize how close they are until everything stops. The only light illuminating their faces is from the fire, and neither of the two can see the stars, too focused on the others' face. And, perhaps, one of them decides to take that step on a whim. The kiss is chaste, but reciprocated (much to the surprise of them both).
And that night, as the two lay in the tent, Tails is surprised. When he first met Nine he hadn't thought things would progress like this, and yet...it's something Tails doesn't mind. To him Nine has become fascinating (both in his familiarity and in his alienness), and he's begun to suspect something with the way his heart warms at the prospect of simple things—Nine's happiness, his laughter, his enjoyment. In fact, I think it's possible for Tails to have (in hindsight) been waiting for this to happen. I think it's hard for Tails to balance mild jealousy and his growing interest in both Nine and making sure he (and the other variants) have a chance to coexist in this wide universe without becoming even a bit attached or starting to care more genuinely. So (especially if he's kissed the other variants before now), finding out he likes kissing Nine wouldn't really bother him. If anything, he's likely to be...pleasantly surprised it happened. He'd be a bit pained if Nine rejected him, but he'd be happy if things...continued as they are now (just with some added traditionally romantic stuff).
Meanwhile, I think Tails would be Nine's first kiss out of all his first kisses with the variants. Why? Well, I think if Tails is Nine's first, then it makes everything else a bit easier. Resolving his hangup on Tails (by learning about his true self and having him kiss Tails about those feelings) is something I think that could allow him to feel more comfortable in accepting any feelings for the other two. So I'd like to think that Nine's head races while he lies in the tent. He has to grapple with the fact that he liked that kiss, and it shakes him a bit that it was with someone he'd once held resentment towards. But I'd like to think that he ultimately doesn't reject the kiss or those feelings, not after all the time he's been spending getting to know Tails.
Maybe Nine moves on, thinks about that kiss every once in a while, and their relationship just eventually progresses at a natural pace. One day they're making out in Nine's lab in The Grim or Tails makes him breakfast in the morning (causing Nine's heart to squeeze) and Nine doesn't know how they got here.
So uhhh yeah anyways. Tldr; no matter what I think Nine and Tails have this slow burn relationship, so it takes a while before they kiss. I think they kiss over the usual getting closer to someone/caring for them stuff + their shared Sonic interest. I think their first kiss is on a whim, after they bare their hearts to each other a bit, and I think it's a gateway to future kisses.
Hmmm you know... I think these two shared their first kiss cause they decided they wanted to see what it would be like. Either it's the first kiss out of the entire group because they decided to try it for science (because neither is holding out for anyone else to kiss them (specifically non-tails variants)), or it's not the first, but it’s "for science" (aka, an excuse to kiss each other to see if they like it).
If it's in a situation in which they kiss because they've never been kissed before and aren't holding out for it to ever happen (in what one might consider a traditionally romantic way anyways), then I envision this happening well into the sort of mentorship Tails ends up starting with Sails. By that point I can see them becoming friends after sort of bonding over what makes them similar (and I think Tails would research pirate culture just to understand Sails better).
If it's a situation in which they kiss "for science" as a clear excuse, well. That one's a bit self explanatory. They're kind of grappling with the confusing not exactly clear platonic or romantic nature of their feelings, and they both hope a kiss will clear things up and want to use it as a safe excuse to kiss the other without it necessarily having to be serious if the other doesn't like it (essentially, at least if they enjoy it and the other doesn't, they can pretend it doesn't mean anything).
With that all being said, to me they're the type to be more casual about the affection and the kisses most of the time, but once in a while they get in the mood to participate in...less casual kissing.
I've said once before in a previous Tailscest post that I feel Tails would be the jealous type deep down (the kind of guy who's jealous and possessive, but also has learned to keep it under wraps for the sake of his image and for not tying Sonic down). Specifically, I also mentioned a theoretical happening in which Mangey hides behind Sonic on instinct when scared, Sonic comforts him, and Tails can't help but see himself in Mangey (because that's what Sonic used to do for him when he and Sonic were both younger).
I think, at first, Tails would be...baseline nice to Mangey. He's another version of him, so he has no reason to be mean or anything outright. At first, though, he's not sure what to think of Mangey I think, so I think his gateway to understanding him is relating to him. This means that, early on, I think Tails kind of thinks of Mangey akin to a largely nonverbal, younger version of himself—an opinion that will shift and change as Tails properly gets to know Mangey better.
As for Mangey, he has no reason to dislike Tails. Sonic has only good things to say about him, and Tails being nice off the bat gives Mangey a good impression. So I think Mangey would start to learn more about Tails by following him around, tasting the food he likes to eat (could this mean that he may eat off the guy's plate, lick the plate later, or out of the trash? ...maybe), sitting in while Tails is working in his lab, etc.
I envision their first kiss going...like this more or less. Either Tails is on a solo mission and Mangey decided to follow him, or Mangey is sitting in on one of Tails' late nights. And then...thunder strikes, scaring them both. Before Tails knows it, Mangey is curled around his legs, shaking.
Thunder strikes again, Tails tenses up, and Mangey yelps. Tails is scared, he can't deny that, but he can't help but be conscious of Mangey. So, practically running on instinct, he sinks to the ground slowly, whispering to Mangey about how "it'll all be okay soon" and if he could "please let go for a second" so Tails can kneel down. Tails wraps his arms and tails around Mangey, pulling him closer, just before the two hear thunder again.
Mangey all but throws his arms around Tails, whimpering, as Tails tries his best to keep his cool (this long running fear of his has never failed to make him feel...a bit dumb for it). And then, as Mangey is whimpering and Tails is trying not to tremble or cry, his thoughts drift to where they always do when he's afraid or hopelessly alone.
I wish Sonic was here.
And then...a moment of clarity. Despite the fear, despite how his brain is just barely affording him the braincells to act rationally, he remembers how Sonic has always calmed him down (ever since they were younger). Still holding onto Mangey, Tails slides a hand up Mangey's back and kneck, resting it around the top of his head. He begins to scratch Mangey just begind the ears, ever so gently.
"I-I'm here. It's... It's going to be okay." In an attempt to calm himself down further, Tails takes deep breaths. "You're not alone. Y...You have me, okay?"
It takes a little while of this, but soon Tails is able to tune the sound of the thunder out a bit better, and Mangey stops whimpering. The two are still afraid, but each other's presence (and Tails' attempts at comfort) manage to make them both feel more comfortable.
And then, once the thunderstorm has passed, there's a moment of utter silence. Tails shifts his hands to Mangey's shoulders, and he lifts up just high enough on his knees to press a kiss to his forehead. At that, Mangey makes a sound—a barely audible purr. Tails strains his ears just a little to hear it, but it causes him to smile nonetheless.
Soon enough, Mangey unwinds his arms and tails from Tails. Though he had already grown interested in Tails, this event serves the purpose of allowing him to grow closer to Tails emotionally too. To me, this event in particular takes place after the Mangey/Sails first kiss. So, Mangey sits on his knees, mirroring Tails.
Tails pulls his hands to his sides, only watching as Mangey settles his hands on his (Tails') shoulders. He assumes Mangey is just repeating his actions from earlier, but, to his surprise, Mangey leans forward, pressing his lips to Tails' own instead.
Mangey lingers at Tails' lips for a second or two, but he doesn't pull back before swiping his tongue across Tails' lips.
An act as bold as this causes Tails' face to heat up, and he can't help but cover it in embarrassment (especially once Mangey begins to giggle).
Now, while I don't think Mangey would be as clingy with Tails as he is with Sails, I think the two would be able to hang out more casually than before (whether this means Mangey curled up across Tails' lap, or the two engaging in parallel play in the same room), and I think Tails has an easier time becoming accustomed to Mangey's presence from this point forward. In addition, I think that while Tails still can't help that jealousy, he kind of adopts a more protective stance when it comes to Mangey (which is to say that he can't help but relate to Sonic and the kind of fondness Sonic must have for him as well), where he knows Mangey can take care of himself but perhaps...takes care of him or begins to spoil him a little more than the other variants (if not because Mangey is cute and Tails is both heavily relating to him now and sort of projecting himself in Sonic's role of the "person and their little buddy duo" phenomenon).
Okay so I'll be real with you. My immediate brain thought is telling me that it would be really funny if Sails kept debating Nine over stuff like "Is water wet?" or "Is a sea dog a sandwich?" and they kissed to break the tension or something.
But, for you anon, I will cook up more of a serious answer 😂
Now, aside from culture differences (and of course, uh, after resolving what Nine tried to do to Sails), I think they would come to be like colleagues. To me, they'd have scientific discussions (over different subjects, though, because, despite the shared prowess with technology, the two would be obsessed with different fields of study in my opinion), Sails would share a bunch of riddles with Nine, Nine would show off some of his technology and give Sails some advice for his own contraptions, and Sails would ask questions like "is water wet?" just to argue with Nine about it. I think that Sails would consider Nine as fun to mess with, but also as someone he ultimately likes hanging out with (if not for keeping his mind sharp). Likewise, I think Nine would consider Sails annoying, but hold respect for him deep down and would consider working on inventions *with* Sails once Sails improves a bit. And I'll be real with you, anon. I think that just like how getting closer to Sails and Mangey would assist Nine in getting close and vulnerable enough with Tails to share a kiss, he allows himself to open himself up a little bit more (both emotionally and with uh the idea of kissing other versions of himself) to Sails and Mangey.
With that in mind. If Nine finally kissed Tails as interest and jealousy intertwined, then I think Sails and Nine would kiss...more out of self interest. Sure, Nine deals with the jealousy involving Sonic, same as Tails, but he and Sails are (more or less) friends despite their shared interest in one hedgehog. This means that they do start to spend time together outside of him probably even sooner than Nine does with Tails. So if I had to imagine their first kiss...
I can imagine the two out on an island on a beach in No Place, both chilling under artificial shade. Out of nowhere, Sails decides to start up one of his "discussions" to annoy Nine a bit for fun. So, he makes a blanket statement of something he believes—something he's sure Nine will oppose him on—but Nine doesn't.
Rather, to Sails' surprise, he keeps agreeing. But it's not ingenuine either. If anything, it’s probably a coincidence.
Nonetheless, Sails' repeated attempts to say something annoying taper off as the two enter genuine discussions about the topics (why they each think what they do/agree, their experiences, the history of the thing, etc).
And it's moments like these that they both remember why they enjoy each other's company.
So they talk and info dump and become enamored with the other's knowledge and all of that, until finally, as one is looking at the other (listening intently), the other turns at the right moment.
Actually, perhaps Nine is info dumping before just so happening to look at Sails, and Nine...tapers off. Something pulses in Nine's heart as the two lock eyes, and Sails leans in, sliding a hand up to cup Nine's cheek.
Sails moves slowly, as if giving Nine every chance to refuse this, and Nine...never does. So Sails presses his lips to Nine's, squeezes his eyes shut. Nine allows his own eyes to fall closed, relaxing into the kiss. Most likely, these feelings between them have been building for a little while, so Sails steals a few more before pulling back, opening his eyes to look at Nine as if he's waiting to see his reaction.
But to Sails' surprise, Nine only smiles before leaning back in the chair he brought with him.
There's something about the kiss that makes them both feel a little giddy, and yet...it feels normal. Maybe, as they spend their last moments they can alone (devoid of responsibility), the two interlace their fingers, relaxing.
Quite easily (although Nine perhaps keeps it as secret as he can for a while), I think they'd fall into kissing casually or making out while alone. Depends on the mood.
Now, in terms of relationship, while I think Sails giving Nine a chance (and of course Nine being apologetic) definitely made things easier than they could have been, I don't think Mangey is as initially comfortable with Nine as he was with Sails and Tails. So I think more often than not (in the beginning) Mangey sticks to watching Nine from afar or being cautious around him.
As for Nine, post Sonic Prime canon I think he holds some genuine respect for Mangey and does recognize him as a capable and formidable adversary (even if Nine thinks himself to be better than him). After everything too, he's a bit apologetic (as I said earlier) and can’t really blame Mangey from being cautious (although he probably finds the spying annoying. Nine is the kind of guy who wants to let someone in on their own terms rather than just deal with them staring over his shoulder or intruding in his space). If anything, he's grateful (and surprised) that Mangey and Sails decided to give him a chance and form some kind of relationship with him despite everything he (Nine) did.
In this case, I think Nine and Mangey are able to grow closer (and Mangey grows to trust him more) just by the proximity, how well Nine and Sails' relationship progresses (starting with the friendship aspect of it), and just by the fact that Nine (despite still being "rough around the edges" so to speak) isn't actively betraying anyone.
Now for their first kiss...
I'd like to think that Mangey (when he feels like it) gets in one of those "if I do this will you reward me?" moods sometimes. And sometimes that means he's asking for berries or snacks, and sometimes it means he's asking for something special, and sometimes it means he wants a little kiss as a prize. I also think that Mangey started the "kiss as a prize" thing after his first kiss with Sails.
So while it's not uncommon for Sails and Mangey to be working on a project as partners, it's also not uncommon for Mangey to play assistant on some of Sails' solo projects. Likewise, I think Sails and Nine grow accustomed to working on separate projects in the same lab (or partnering on one) eventually. So, imagine
Imagine Nine, Sails, and Mangey in Nine's lab in The Grim. Sails has grown much more proficient with technology and inventing since being mentored by Tails—enough now that Nine feels comfortable trying to build something with him. Mangey is playing "lab assistant", so Sails plays along, asking for Mangey to fetch things for him, and then giving him a berry when Mangey inevitably holds his hands out for his reward.
Now, Nine generally prefers to fetch things on his own, but he's worked in the same room with Sails and Mangey enough now that he isn't as afraid to trust Mangey when he needs to. So, Nine asks Mangey to fetch something for him.
Of course, to his mild annoyance (since he's used to this now) Mangey points to himself as if to say "What will I get it if I do it?" Then, Mangey pulls his hands behind his back.
It's not the first time Mangey's asked, and it won't be the last. By now Nine's learned that if you don't give Mangey a reward while he's in this mood, he won't do the thing, and trying to make him only makes things worse. So, usually, he just sort of brushes the kiss offer off and figures out some way—any way—to fetch the thing on his own (in which his last resort is calling Alpha Grim Sonic to his location and asking him to help).
This time though (for the record, this would occur both after the Tails/Nine and Nine/Sails first kiss), he decides to just do it. So Nine gives Mangey a forehead kiss.
Mangey (although he does clearly enjoy this, given the fact he's got a smug smile on his face now) shakes his head.
"What?" is the first thing out of Nine's mouth. "I gave you a kiss."
Mangey shakes his head again, and points to himself.
And after a bit of back and forth, Sails shakes his head, and informs Nine that Mangey will only do it with a kiss on the lips.
Nine rolls his eyes, he procrastinates, he sighs, he stares, but eventually...he beckons Mangey closer and slowly (and a bit embarrassed, though he wouldn't admit it) presses a kiss to his lips. Nine turns away after that, face warm, and neglects to turn to look at Mangey when Mangey gives him whatever it is he asked for.
Sails probably teases Nine about it later😂
Nine is largely touch adverse, but he's generally okay with it if he's the one who starts the physical touch or if someone asks first, and if he's used to someone he can handle their sudden touch a bit better. With this in mind, I think out of the three Mangey would be least clingy to Nine, but, as they grow closer and more used to each other, Nine starts to become more comfortable with Mangey snuggling up to him (both if he wakes up and Mangey is suddenly there, or in the case Nine offers for Mangey to chill with him). This, I think, also leads Nine to being a bit more proactive in going on solo journies with Mangey or hanging out with him alone in Boscage Maze.
With that all being said, though, I think for a long while Mangey has to trick/convince Nine into giving him kisses (and has fun doing it) until Nine becomes more used to the casual intimacy and accepting of his own feelings.
For these two (especially after the s3 interactions) I can see their first kiss being a more sweet and casual endeavor. Like...I can imagine Mangey at Sails' side, assisting on one of Sails' projects. They're up fairly late, and Sails has just decided to take a short break and put it all down while Mangey's sitting nearby. After Sails puts it all down and turns around, Mangey runs over and winds his arms around him. On a whim, he brings their faces closer, swipes his tonge across Sails' lips, and buries his face in Sails' chest. Sails, although a bit surprised, wraps his arms around Mangey in turn. He supposes if he thinks about this a bit it could be a little weird, but it feels...normal. Honestly, what's more pressing to him is that that's Mangey's idea of a kiss. So Sails chuckles softly, presses his lips to the top of Mangey's head. And perhaps, next time he gets the chance, Sails shows Mangey what a "real" kiss looks like (even though Sails barely knows better than Mangey does).
With everything they've been through together, I can imagine Mangey as a little clingy when he's with Sails. Likewise, I think Sails comes to enjoy just chilling with Mangey. I can imagine them as a pair that just sort of clicked with ease, so while their first kiss isn't at all planned, it opens them up to more kissing as a form of casual intimacy (and possible participating in "practice kissing"). Compared to the Tails/Mangey relationship, I feel as if Sails and Mangey consider each other more of equals and are a bit equally protective over the other and their well-being.
Thank you so much for the ask, anon! I really love talking about the Tails variants and my Tails/Tails variant ships, so I enjoyed answering this question quite a lot😊💖
If you'd like to know any other thoughts/headcanons I may have on the prime!polycule or its individual members/pairing combinations feel free to shoot me another ask
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son1c · 5 months
Hi, I love your blog!! Your art and ideas are so cool!
I know it took Starline hundreds upon hundreds of tries to worm his way into Sonic's mind, but I was wondering how much time did it actually take Starline to make Sonic stop actually fighting him and believe in the fake memories. Weeks? Months? (kinda curious what was Sonic's thought process during the whole thing, but that feels like another can of worms lol)
Also I had an idea how Starline could make Sonic reluctant to leave Snowpoint even more - what if he made Sonic's "friends" have very emotional reactions to the idea of Sonic leaving? Maybe Cherry could be sad because he feels like Sonic is abandoning him, Sonic's "rival" could be pissed because no one else can keep up with them so snowboarding won't be as fun anymore etc. None of them know WHY they're freaking out so much,, it's irrational, but they can't help it. Above anything else, Sonic cares about his friends. If him leaving makes them so upset, then why WOULD he leave? He's happy here, after all :)
i was thinking that instead of the typical "the more exposed to this thing you are, the more resistant you get to it", the warp topaz would work in the opposite way. so, "the more exposure you get, the weaker you become". i recall starline saying something about giving surge and kit a weakness to the hypnosis, and while that could mean he literally programmed one in via the cyborg fuckery he did to their bodies, it could also mean... this. so!
that being said, i definitely think there was like, a hill (or mountain, heh) or difficulty irt the whole thing for starline. like, just getting sonic to SIT STILL was hard enough. he literally had to bolt his feet to the floor. sonic's anger alone probably would have protected him from whatever starline was trying to tell him, at least for awhile.
but as time wore on and sonic had to weather hundreds and hundreds of exposures to the hypnosis, it would've gotten harder and harder to completely dismiss it. even when starline left to go do whatever the fuck it is he does, sonic would've been left there with nothing but those words he'd heard repeated over and over and over and over.
and that's the real trick. even before putting him in snowpoint, starline had him completely isolated. and he could think to himself, "none of what he's saying is true," but at the end of the day, it's starline's word against... no one's. cuz sonic is on his own this time.
more sessions. starline's lies repeat endlessly in his brain. he can see that damn topaz even when he closes his eyes.
it's not true. none of it. but...
he does love his friends.
and starline KNEW when he crested over the top of that mountain and the uphill battle finally ended for him, because it was when sonic haltingly repeated what he was telling him for the first time, albeit a little bit off. "i'm hhhappy in snowpoint. i d-don't wanna leave my friends."
so, how long did it take to get to that point? days? weeks? no. 2 months. of constant exposure and drilling and pressure. and sonic STILL refused to crack in exactly the way starline wanted him to. such is the will of the hero...
but yeah, i might extend the timeline a little. 4 months instead of 3, so half could've been with starline, and the other half "happy" in the town. :P
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magicwhiskers29 · 5 months
More Prime season 3 thoughts/analysis, because I'm not done!
Time to talk about Shadow again!
He honestly came back after episode one a lot faster than I was expecting, haha. I really thought they would do a season 2 again, and wait until like. The final episode to give him time to do anything much, except for maybe give the odd line here or there, but I was pleasantly surprised to see him from episode five onwards! (I also did keep expecting him to have a snarky one-liner for Nine any time we cut back to Nine exasperated at stuff not working, but... That wouldn't exactly make sense with the explanation for where Shadow was...)
For starters, yeah, him having just been fighting robots the whole time checks out. That... was what he said he was going to do... Makes his uh... bloodlust? For a fight with Nine more understandable too. I'd want a fight with the guy who'd been sending robot clones after me all day, too.
But... His dynamic with Sonic! This was such a good conclusion to it! In episode one, we saw him finally show a bit of trust in Sonic, and here we see him fighting alongside Sonic, that trust paying off best it can. He offers to keep helping. This is a big display for Shadow, who previously in this show wanted to just get things done himself.
I was a bit concerned at first about how they seemed to be not including him as part of the friends Sonic wanted to save, but no, they were just holding back. And I think that divide is deliberate, the same way it is with Nine. Shadow isn't just someone he's found in the Shatterverse and wants to now save; Shaodw is someone he knows from home. The kind of saving Shadow needs is very different.
And... the thing is, defining Sonic and Shadow's relationship in this show is difficult, and also really interesting. (Yes, they're every fruity aghkgkghgjkhhhjjh, but in a more serious sense...)
At first, we get the sense that they don't like. fully hate each other, but that they do not listen to each other, and definitely would be best known as rivals. The implication at the start of season 1 is that they show up weekly to brawl or something. Because they don't agree on things, and tussle over the smallest things.
In season 2, Sonic is thrilled to see someone from home, even if it is his rival, and basically seems to use that to declare Shadow his friend on the spot. (Kinda like how he assumes all the Au versions of his friends are just his friends because the originals are, at first.) Shadow still sees Sonic as his rival at this point though, and more importantly, as someone who caused this mess, and is thus too unreliable to fix it. He attacks Sonic to get him out of the way, and probably also to vent a little bit. They are not prepared to work together in s2e1.
Through out season 2, we see them have to work together, for better and worse, and yeah, they still don't really losten to each other. Sonicnot about Nine, and Shadow in only focusing on the mission -- still assuming Sonic's flaws are faults. They aren't really team players.
But then! S3e1! Shadow starts to plan around Sonic's flaws, and Sonic starts to listen. They actually put trust in one another, and it's quite clear that they do care about each other, even if before they'd both just thought of each other as rivals. I've talked about this before. Shadow starts trying not to get angry at Sonic fo his mistakes, and they both try to understand each other.
And when they reunite? They start fighting together again fairly seemlessly. Shadow has Sonic's back for the big fight scenes, even if he has gone off to do his own thing again. (Sidenote, I really like the implication that maybe Shadow really did want to prove himself better than Grim Sonic, quite possibly just because Sonic said it could be modelled after him too lmao) Shadow doesn't even complain too much when Sonic hugs him and introduces him to everyone! He just gets on with things, becaus ehe knows things are serious, and he does sort of trust Sonic.
And hey! By episode 6, he's not the one saying that they can't trust Sonic's plan! He has no objections to it, and goes along with it!
He goes for Nine still at the end, because of course he does, but he stops when Sonic tells him to. He does trust in Nine for Sonic, and... Well, he lets Sonic make the sacrifice. His facial expressions (Sorry, don't have screenshots this time...) make it clear that he is reluctant to do so, and hates this, but he doesn't complain. He knows it's the only way, even if he has now realised that it will hurt him to lose Sonic.
Shadow standing on the other side to Nine, flanking him too, in the sacrifice scene, alongside him being the first to mourn, really does put into perspective how Shadow here has come to care. How he is more than just another in the crowd of Sonic's friends.
And THE ENDING. AGHHHHHH! Him saving Sonic at the end was adorable, and the line about hugging? He doesn't even deny it! He likes being close to Sonic now!! 🥺
And I really do get the sense that he's learnt something too, in the end. He trusts Sonic and Sonic's growth, so they work together in the retake of the prism fight. That little nod before the chaos control of the prism is everything. (Sonic 06 vibes haha)
Their banter is also on point... When Sonic mocks him saying "Modest, too" after the first Ultimate Life Form line? Love it. Made me laugh a little in shock. Same deal with the hugging line, haha.
They're immaculate. From a sonadow perspective and a character dynamic perspective, I love their dynamics, and I love the feeling of their parallel arcs where they grow around each other and for each other.
Oh, also I forgot about it before, but when Sonic yells out for Shadow and sounds so worried mid-battle?? That's his link back home! That's the guy he's doing this quest with!! They both want the same thing, so it's so fitting that they need each other for it, and in the end, they make it together. Shadow saves Sonic by bringing him through the gate to Green Hill, and that is the big symbol of change.
He couldn't go through gates before. But just like at the start of the season, thanks to Sonic, he finds another way. He makes it through in this new, fixed universe that he helped to make.
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the-last-quest · 1 month
A Nine graffiti fic where Nine makes poor decisions in the name of making art.
(idk I’m bad at summaries)
[2312 words]
Nine rolled over in his bed and glanced at the clock resting on his bedside table.
2:35 AM it read, the red glow of the clock shining down on the young fox.
Normally Nine would curse his poor sleeping habits. Staying up late or waking up at absurd hours in the morning, a byproduct of living in a city where time never seemed to matter. Right now though he was at least a little thankful for it. Even though he couldn’t 100% guarantee that the other two members of the household were asleep, there still was a higher chance he could do what he had planned without getting caught.
Nine tossed off his blanket and hopped out of bed. He flicked on a lamp illuminating the blank wall in his room. During the previous week he had moved around the furniture and posters in his room in order to give himself a blank slate. It's not like he had a lot to move anyways, even though it had been a while since he settled here in Green Hill there wasn’t much of his own decoration in the room. Well that was going to change tonight.
Everything hinged on what was in the bag that was currently sitting in Nine’s closet.
Nine’s attention was first drawn to the bag earlier that week when Tails was giving him a tour of the lab. He didn’t really need the tour, already having snooped around before he and the other fox became at least civil to each other, but having someone who knew all the ins and outs of the lab certainly drew his attention to things that he didn’t notice before, namely a bag full of spray paint.
Which led him to now, pulling said bag out of his closet. He unzipped the bag and dug around in it removing the cans from the folds of clothes that he had shoved in between the cans to quiet them when he smuggled the bag into his room. As much as he wanted to criticize the hedgehog’s poor can packing he couldn’t help the smirk that grew on his face when he noticed a distinct lack of a rattle as he unpacked the cans.
He flipped a can over and his suspicions were confirmed as he found what he was looking for, a magnet at the bottom of the can, holding the mixing ball still within the can of paint. Maybe he should give the hedgehog more credit, if only a bit.
Nine didn’t know how important silence was when spray painting here, but back in New Yoke, as loud as the city was, it was still important to be as silent as possible in order to keep an ear out for any stray eggforcers, so he was quite familiar with these magnets. Maybe after this he should ask Sonic about it.
As Nine pondered about that he picked out a black paint can, and removed the magnet from the bottom. He bit his lip as he glanced towards the wall that he and Tails shared. He made his way over to the wall furthest from them and tried to mix the paint as quietly as he could. Thankfully he picked a fuller can so the mixing ball wasn’t too loud. After mixing the paint Nine sprayed a couple of puffs into the air, checking it, before placing the magnet back onto the can.
Now with the paint mixed up and the wall space cleared and ready Nine was hesitant. Did he really want to do this? He bit his inner cheek as he started to question himself more. Sonic did say he could decorate his room however he wanted but he was sure that this isn’t what he meant. If the hedgehog really did care so much about art would he get mad about him using his paints?
Nine shook those thoughts away. Sonic wasn’t like that. He’d probably make some stupid joke about it or something.
He kept repeating thoughts similar to that as he tried to steady his nerves. With a deep breath Nine brought his hand up and started to paint. He’ll deal with what Sonic thinks when he finds out.
It wasn’t anything at first. Just random lines as Nine got used to spray painting again. It had been a while since he last painted. Paint was hard to come by in New Yoke, the fox often having to resort to digging through the garbage for even the slightest chance of finding something useful. Nine had run out of most of his supplies before Sonic appeared, and of course he didn’t have the time to attempt to do any art during the whole shatterverse event.
A smile grew on his face as the motions of painting came back to him. He still didn’t attempt anything too big but as he grew more and more comfortable he started to paint some loose doodles of whatever came to mind.
Once he felt like he was warmed up, Nine stepped back from the wall to admire his work. A small feeling of pride bubbled up as he looked at the doodles. Sure they weren’t the best things he ever did, but chaos did it feel good to get back into the groove again.
Of course that's when reality had to hit him again, the smell of the paint finally registering in his mind.
Nine stifled a cough as he pulled his shirt over his mouth and nose as he made his way towards the window. He was already pushing the noise with the paint, if he broke out into a coughing fit he was sure he would at least cause some concern.
He threw open the window and leaned out as far as he could in order to get as much fresh air that he could into his lungs.
Maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing to spray paint in a room with no ventilation and no face protection but even as Nine suffered through his poor decisions he could already feel himself itching to start painting again. This time though he would be at least a little bit smarter.
Now that the window was open there was a slight breeze that made its way through the room.
‘Good’ Nine thought to himself as he brought himself back inside, he wouldn’t have to turn on a fan to get air circulation in the room.
Back in his room Nine went to his drawers and rummaged around in the for a second before he found what he was looking for, an old bandana, one of the only things he brought from his home back in New Yoke. The bandana, while not being the most effective face covering, was what he would use whenever he would venture out into the city to make art. He could probably do better with the covering, get a covering that would actually protect him from the chemicals inside the paint, but something about the bandana called to him in this moment, one of the only positive memories that he held from the city.
After the fox tied the bandana over his nose and mouth he returned to the cans that he had set out.
Most of them were near empty, not that it was too surprising, Nine wouldn’t expect anything more from the hedgehog. It was a bit disappointing that there wasn’t as much paint as he had expected, but it was not too much of an issue, he had worked with less before.
Nine picked up a different can and returned to painting. He’d return to the window often as he painted, either to get some fresh air, or to mix up the paint outside. There was no plan to what he painted, just going with the flow of whatever he most felt like painting.
Eventually that led him to painting a self portrait of himself, similar to the one that he had back in his base. The design was something that he painted a lot back in the city so the motions came naturally to him. It was like a calling card to him, similar to the animation that he made for his hacking adventures. Something that let him leave his mark on the world, letting him be seen without running the risks of any physical altercations, if he ignored eggforcers of course.
He got lost in the act of painting, his window breaks becoming less and less until he could feel his chest begin to ache from the chemicals he was inhaling. As much as he wanted to continue it was hard to justify it healthwise.
The fox took a step back and admired his work. He was able to fill up about half the wall, leaving plenty of space if he wanted to continue on a later date. Satisfied for now he turned off the lamp before he made his way back to the window.
With a practiced ease Nine lifted himself up and over the windowsill, landing onto the soft grass below. It wasn’t his first time he left through this window, and it most certainly wouldn’t be the last.
He removed the bandana and shoved it in his pocket, letting the fresh air enter easier. As he stood outside, taking deep breaths to clean his lungs, he took a moment to take in the silence. It was one of the reasons he snuck out so much, the silence completely different from all the sounds from the city, but there was still the soft noise of nature, a small but stark difference from the silence of The Grim.
Nine’s plan was to head to the lab and to possibly start working on a new project. It wasn’t like he could return to his room tonight, even though he might be dumb enough to paint in there he wasn’t dumb enough to sleep in there.
As he made his way around the house something caught his eye, a splash of blue on the house, hidden somewhat behind a shrubbery. Nine made his way towards it, intrigued, but he was quickly able to figure out what it was.
His plan changed, only a bit as he turned back to return to his room. Maybe just a little more painting wouldn’t be that bad.
Sonic was up early.
It wasn’t uncommon for the hedgehog to be up as soon as the sun rose, energy buzzing under his skin practically forcing him to go for a run to burn it off. He didn’t mind it though, it was nice to have some time for himself out in nature.
It was when he had returned from his morning run when he noticed something was off.
He returned to the house, approaching it on the side as that was the quickest way. About to make his way to the front door of the house he noticed that Nine’s bedroom window was open. That caused him to pause. He was aware of Nine’s habit of sneaking out at night, but the kid was always back in his room by morning.
Sonic made his way towards the open window. Normally he would give Nine his privacy, but right now he was concerned.
Whatever he was expecting when he peered into the window it wasn’t this.
The first thing that he noticed was the smell, the scent of chemicals hitting his nose right away, causing him to let out a couple of coughs. Well at least he knew where his spray cans went.
He had to admit that Nine had talent. He had seen the art he did in his lab back in New Yoke, but he never had the time to appreciate it. And even now he had other matters to attend to, specifically the location of said fox. Putting aside his concern about his location, he was grateful that Nine wasn’t in his room, if he could smell the chemicals from just the window then it probably wouldn’t be healthy if he had decided to sleep in his room.
Sonic decided to look in the lab first. It was his best place to find Nine, he reasoned, as he didn't see any sign of the fox in the living room when he left the house for his run. As he made his way towards the lab he almost missed the last piece of art Nine had made last night.
Tucked behind a shrub was a tag that Sonic had made on the house ages ago. It was somewhat of a tradition for him to leave his tag somewhere on his and Tails’ multiple locations scattered around the world.
He smiled as he saw a yellow tag right underneath his blue one. The fresh paint was a stark contrast to the faded paint of his old tag. He was going to have to re-do them eventually. Maybe he could have Nine tag along.
Plans of having Nine and him paint together began to form in his mind as he continued his way to the lab. And just as he expected he did indeed find the fox in it.
Nine was at his desk in the lab, the computer open on some random program that Sonic wasn't even going to try to decipher, fast asleep, a yellow spray sitting on the table next to him.
Sonic shook his head fondly at the scene. He grabbed one of the blankets in the side of the lab, ones that were there for this scenario and draped it over the sleeping kid.
While he tucked nine in he noticed the bandana and assumed that that was what he used in place of a respirator. He sighed at the poor excuse of a mask, knowing full well that there were proper ones in this very lab.
When he wakes up they’re gonna have a long talk about proper ventilation.
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year
General Yandere Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanons
TW: mentions of kidnapping, implied murder
Well, just say goodbye to having any time for yourself whatsoever, because he’ll make sure that he’s the most prominent hedgehog in your life. He’ll be there for you almost 24/7, and If he has other stuff with any other friends that day then he’ll make sure to include you in whatever it is.
He’s 100% a showoff, no I don’t make the rules. If Eggman is causing any trouble, Sonic would basically challenge himself to a speed-run of how fast he he can beat him. Then return to you and wait for you to praise how much of a fast, strong, and reliable hero he is. It doesn’t matter if you actually praise him or not, because either way he’ll just try to beat his last record, even if it means abandoning some of his heroism in favor of being more…brutal and efficient. After all, he has to work hard to earn your affection.
As long as it is with his friends, he would allow to have somewhat of a social life outside of him. However, anyone who he doesn’t know prior is a big no-no. The moment he sees you chatting with someone he considers a stranger, he’s shoehorning himself into the conversation and make up whatever excuse in order to get you away from them. The next day they seem to avoid even looking your way, or in some cases they just disappear. When eventually most of your friends leave you, Sonic will make sure you know that he’ll never, ever leave your side, just make sure to not point out the subtle scent of blood emanating from his body ok?
He’s really touchy, definitely. While with other people he would limit himself to holding your hand (probably a bit too tightly) and just being nearby you all the time. Once you two are alone, you’re his personal pillow that he can hug, sleep, and nuzzle against. He definitely also loves headpats, both giving and receiving. There’s just something so precious about you that he can’t help himself but want to give you as many headpats as he can, and he definitely adores how soft your hand feels when touching his head, even if just for a second.
He may be a hero that fights for the freedom of everyone around him. But he know how dangerous the world can be, whether it’s Eggman or some ancient god that decided to try to destroy the world that day. He would have a breaking point where he would lock you up “somewhere safe”, and while that breaking point is really hard to snap, it’ll always be a matter of when rather than if. 
Maybe you were getting tired of him not letting you have a life outside of him, but the moment you try to tell him that you don’t need him and you can take care of yourself, it’s game over. It would be a bit ominous to see him just stand there and do absolutely nothing to stop you from leaving that awkward scene. But that night will be the last time you get to sleep in your bed, because the next day you’ll wake up somewhere else entirely with a shackle around your ankle attached to the bed you’re laying on.
He would enter the room to greet you as if nothing from the prior day had happened, but the smile plastered in his face doesn’t seem to reach his eyes. As he approaches you, he begins to scold you for your behavior the other day, and that he clearly can’t trust you to be out and about in the world if you think something that foolish.
This hedgehog can run around the entire planet in less than a minute, so unless you can live underwater for all of your life, you can’t escape him. So you should probably make life easier for the two of you and just let him hug you already. PD: Hi guys I finally made some time to write something, yay! I have some other stuff planned, but seeing how Twitter is getting a bit of a fan art push for yandere Sonic, I couldn't help myself but post this one first. we need for yandere content for him! Who's with me?
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