#And of course I still have naley
beyourownanchor6 · 7 months
Hey I saw you’re a dual Buddie/Naley fan! What are some parallels you’ve observed?
*cracks knuckles*
the way i’ve been obsessing over these two pairings lately is inane 😂 i have a whole au planned for when i finish my rewatch with @wikiangela 😂🥰
i just think they parallel each other so well?? like they both have that instant connection with each other and they're just kind of in their own world when they're together. no one else exists to those pairings when the other is around, except for their kids of course 🤗 not just naley/buddie paralleling each other, but chris and jamie too?? like they're both just so sassy and hilarious for no reason, roasting their parents like its their day job 😂
i also love how no matter what's happening (i.e. the almost divorce times for both pairings) you can still see how much they care about the other and how much it just kills them not to be around or talking to the other 🥺
buddie has that soulmate type of love like naley; they just fit and compliment the other so well. i also think they just parallel the characters so well? like nathans dad being awful is just like the buckleys, but then also karen/lucas relationship reminds me of buck/maddie. and also eddies parents being like dan in the way they just constantly pressure him to be his best all the time without taking into consideration what makes him happy.
oh oh and we can't forget about all the life threatning almost dying injuries!! it's amazing naley or buddie are alive tbh 😂 but again, they're both just always at each other's sides, through thick and thin. they take care of the other and they always fight for their partner, because they know they deserve better. i think they're all stubborn/yet passionate which makes them all flow so well together!
anyway, i could talk about buddie or oth all day (just ask vicki 🤣), and i'm definitley rambling now 🤣 but there's just a few of my thoughts! feel free to send me any of yours if you want 🥰
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maya-matlin · 1 year
Obviously Naley is one of the best TV ships of all time, maybe even THE best, so I'm challenging you to name a few things you don't love or would change about the way their ship was written! For me a big one is their S2 plot and her music storylines in general- I'm all for conflict but I thought Haley, who values personal relationships so much more than 'celebrity', was pretty out of character through S2. I also ---pet peeve alert - HATE how all the main OTH characters are not only athletes and cheerleaders but soooo gifted creatively! Lucas becomes a semi-famous novelist, Peyton becomes the producer of her own record company in addition to being a gifted artist, Brooke has her own fabulously successful fashion line which she started back in high school, and we then get Julian who's a successful film director and Alex Dupree who's a B-list movie star. Nathan isn't creatively gifted but is of course not just a great athlete but good enough to be in the .0001% who gets to the NBA. And they all still live in this small North Carolina town lol...I mean, I don't expect the show to be strictly realistic, but come on! More than even one of those things happening strains credulity. So I loved that Haley was presented as the ONE character who was so relatable and into academics and down to earth and all that, but the show then suddenly decides after S1 purely because the actress likes to sing that Haley is not just a decent singer but good enough to immediately go on TOUR?! What?!?! It's an aspect of the show that annoys the hell out of me. I loved Haley as a teacher for a variety of reasons and think it's the perfect career choice for her and will always resent that they had to also make her a star singer lol. 3. I'll still never quite get why Naley had to marry a few months into their relationship when they were just juniors in high school and there was no pregnancy. 4. So I like Nathan a lot overall, but there's no denying that he was a HORRIBLE, borderline emotionally abusive boyfriend to Peyton (as you've pointed out, he left her stranded on a dark and deserted road, was super cruel to her, and was all set to let her suffer legal consequences for a car accident HE caused lol) and I just don't love the "but the RIGHT girl can immediately tame and save the bad boy" trope. So I love that Naley brought out the best in each other, of course, but I just wish the change in Nathan hadn't been quite so abrupt! OK, thanks for listening to be vent!
Hmm. The thing about parts of Naley's season 2 arc is that personally, I think Nathan and Haley were mostly in character during everything leading up to Haley leaving for the tour. In my opinion, it's a pretty realistic depiction of what happens when you get married as teenagers following a short relationship before you've been able to become independent people. The circumstances were pretty unrealistic. In real life, a small town girl probably wouldn't end up going on tour a couple of months into performing live for the first time in her life. Haley's career wouldn't have taken off nearly as fast without Chris there to vouch for her talents and bringing The Wreckers to Tree Hill. But if we ignore all of that, the reality is that Haley spent her entire life afraid to take chances. Falling in love with and marrying Nathan allowed Haley to be more impulsive and to become a braver person. Nathan, in contrast, needed Haley's stability and good influence. While he was the same age at her and hadn't been allowed to live independently away from his toxic and abusive parents for long, he had more romantic and sexual relationship experience prior to Haley and was looking to slow down rather than jumping into new things. So for Nathan, giving up something like High Flyers was less of a big deal at the time than Haley choosing not to go with Chris to New York. Nathan had grown up with a life of privilege, receiving the best money could buy as far as getting ahead as an athlete. Plus by the end of season 1 and first half of season 2, you could assume that Nathan was beginning to associate basketball with Dan and kind of happy to stop defining himself as Nathan the basketball guy. In the long run had Haley never gone on tour but Nathan also not gone to High Flyers, I think it's possible Nathan himself would have began to feel stifled and grown resentful of putting his dreams on hold solely to be a husband. Anyways. I think Haley liked having something all her own independent of Nathan, and the Chris factor and her lack of experience with men prior to Nathan put her in a messy situation. There are multiple episodes where the subtext is that Haley on some level regrets rushing into marriage or has doubts about it (201, 205, 210, 217). I think it's completely understandable for Haley to feel that way. As much as I love them and consider them one of all my time favorite couples, they weren't ready to be married. Nathan and Haley had to learn to be better partners to each other and as the seasons went by, they became more successful. But during season 2, everything was new and more uncertain. So rather than being honest with Nathan about the kiss with Chris and her perspective re: putting her dreams on hold, Haley panicked and kind of internalized everything out of fear of what it all meant or the ramifications of what she'd done.
In regards to your thoughts about Haley craving fame, I don't know that it was really about the fame part as much as it was Haley wanting to pursue music and getting professional validation and fulfillment from performing and having people like her music. Haley says she loved every night of performing and she seemed to be excited about appearing on television, but I wouldn't say it meant much more than that. However, Haley's POV is very vague and confusing following 213. She's only ever shown either in brief phone conversations or when Nathan and Lucas visited her on tour. During 217 in particular, Haley is poorly written. Not because her thoughts and feelings aren't valid, but because the words coming out of her mouth are a piece of forced writing meant to ensure that Nathan and Haley remain separated and that Nathan essentially gives up on their marriage. Haley is not given the chance to explain herself. So as a result, Haley appears selfish and like she cares more about being a rockstar than Nathan's feelings. That's exactly what the writers wanted at the time. The story of Naley's separation and Haley's time on the tour was NEVER about Haley. It was all about Nathan's pain, depression, and his fight through the pain of losing the love of his life. Haley's role on the show was minimized to the point of her becoming a villain for having ambitions and for making mistakes the same as the other characters. It got a little better when Lucas visited Haley because Lucas was close enough to Haley that he truly wanted to understand and was willing to hear her out. So, we got the official explanation that Haley stopped wearing her wedding band because she no longer felt she deserved to wear it. The moment she presumably removes her wedding ring would have been prior to her televised interview. Yet, Haley keeps her ring finger covered up. She compromises herself by denying the marriage while also kind of upholding it? She still refers to herself as Haley James Scott and doesn't officially flaunt the fact she isn't wearing her ring, but she allows Chris to lie about their relationship. I feel like I've completely lost the plot here, but what I mean to say is that I don't take issue with most of Haley's writing in season 2. I simply think she was written by people completely uninterested in her perspective and her journey compared to Nathan's and REALLY lost out on the lack of consistent writing and POV during episodes 214-223.
What would I change about their writing? Well, obviously a lot of season 2 LOL. I think we should have seen Haley's time on the tour. We should have seen her becoming confident and thriving in the spotlight all the while missing Nathan and being heartbroken over what she's been forced to give up in the name of chasing her dreams. It's implied Haley and Chris were good friends during this time. It would have been nice to see the shift from Chris kind of aggressively coming on to Haley to Haley making it clear nothing was ever going to happen between them, and Chris accepting this enough to become Haley's confidant. Beyond that, I would have given Haley more of a backbone during season 3. I think she stood her ground when absolutely necessary, but Nathan also kind of held all the cards for a lot of season 3. His attitude about her Halloween costume for instance was bullshit. He also should have put his damn wedding band back on before they officially became engaged again because they'd been sleeping together for months and were literally living together by that point. What was I supposed to take from that other than Haley hadn't yet earned it? In season 4, I would have liked Nathan and Haley to have gotten an equal focus during her pregnancy. Season 5, I think more should have come out of their separation story line. I loved the episode where they reunited, but it also kind of seemed a little too easy for Nathan. I obviously don't blame him for the majority of what went down with Carrie or her predatory behavior, but the fact he was watching her swim naked was SO sketchy. There were multiple moments throughout the series where the possibility of Nathan cheating on Haley came up and it was always horribly executed. Whether he went through with it or not, it was annoying for Haley to constantly have these physical threats. Like, Haley was beautiful and sexy as hell, and Mark Schwahn was a demon. I also don't feel like Haley doubting Nathan re: Renee in season 7 was needed. That felt like a retread of season 5. Thankfully, it didn't last very long. Otherwise, I honestly don't have any complaints. More often than not, their relationship was well written.
I completely agree that it was unrealistic for all of the main five to basically become superstars. That took some realism away from the show and made the later, adult seasons harder to enjoy because like.. we're watching Nathan and Haley in their big house where a professional football player seriously shows up at their son's birthday party. While the show overall felt grounded for the entirety of the series, those moments detracted from the series as a whole. That being said, I LOVE rockstar Haley, so we'll have to disagree there. It's not that I don't enjoy her as a teacher or someone interested in helping others learn. It's just that teaching was never Haley's dream. It was something she was good at, but it never fulfilled her the same way being a musician did. On that note, it annoys me that the writers felt the need to make Haley smaller to make Nathan look/feel bigger. By season 7, Haley once again was a musician full time. But when Nathan retired from the NBA to become a sports agent, Haley took over Karen's Cafe rather than continuing to perform. Just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with any of these professions. They're not inherently "lesser". It's just that it was written that while being in the NBA was Nathan's dream, Haley's dream was being a singer. Ultimately, I don't think Haley was ever supposed to be super successful even at the height of her career. The potential was there during season 2 and obviously she toured again in season 7, but I never got the impression she ever achieved the same kind of fame that Nathan and Brooke did.
Yeah, I'm of two minds about that. Part of me is like, "Yessss! Naley forever!" When I was watching season 2 for the first time when I was around 12, their teen marriage was couple goals to me. Nathan and Haley are a rare case of two people that settled down young and still managed to live happily ever after. But on the other hand, we see how much of a mistake it was to rush into marriage. When Nathan proposed, he told Haley she was the only true thing he had. He put SO much stock into that marriage. I genuinely think part of the reason he proposed at all was the fear of losing her after that porn fight. Had Haley not wanted to explicitly wait until marriage for sex, I doubt the thought would have occurred to him. Haley let herself get swept away by the romance of young, first love and was a wife before she'd even experienced anything. From a story line standpoint, I love it. But speaking as someone twice their age at the time of the marriage, there were so many reasons why they should have waited.
I don't think I was the one to point that out, but I 100% agree with those points! I always forget how bad Nathan was during the first few episodes of season 1 because he'd grown tremendously by 122. But jesus christ, he was the boyfriend from hell. It really came across like half the time, Nathan used Peyton as a sex toy. He learned a lot of horrible, toxic messages from a young age and was on the path to becoming Dan Scott when Haley came into his life. You're correct that that particular trope is oftentimes really gross and overdone in fiction. Thankfully, I actually think OTH is one of the few shows to get it right. Peyton is never blamed for Nathan's bad behavior or viewed as "lesser" than Haley for being unable to fix Nathan. Their relationship was toxic and they couldn't have been more wrong for each other. Both Nathan and Peyton always stressed how awful their relationship was, and Nathan is thankfully quick to own up to his bad behavior during their relationship. But, you make a good point. Nathan's turnaround from emotionally abusive asshole boyfriend to sweet and patient boyfriend to Haley happened very quickly. Really, everything with Naley in season 1 was pretty rushed and could have used a few more episodes. The pacing is way off. They spent so much time building up to their first "I love you" only to have them married three episodes later. I think the key to Nathan's shift is that originally, I believe the Nathan/Peyton/Lucas triangle was supposed to go on longer. Since that ended up being replaced by the infamous Brooke/Lucas/Peyton triangle, that freed Nathan up to get together with Haley sooner.
You're welcome! I apologize for the length of my answer!
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rigginsstreet · 2 months
Okay, I understand hating S2 Br*cas. Tell me, what is it about Seasons 1 and 3 that made sense to you? But yeah, I suppose your opinion on the fandom/show pitting them against each other is fair 😊 I just think I’m at a point in life where I can love all of the main characters in their own ways. Plus, I can’t view them the way I did as a teenager/in my 20’s. Besides, the worst characters for me are Nicki and Felix. Those two are a hard NO for me 😒😤 How did you find their characters?
season 1 theyre just creating a typical love triangle as is par for the course in teen dramas so while i dont want to see them together... fine. i get what youre doing from a writing perspective. lucas and peyton obviously cant get together happily in season 1 you need the drama. naley is already there to fulfill the core couple role. having both naley and leyton wouldve been too fast too soon. you need lucas having a sloppy love life cuz it also provides the balance for the switch in nathan and lucas from how they are at the beginning of the season vs the end
season 3 idk i guess because season 2 was such a shlog to get through for them that by season 3 its like whatever might as well keep going down this road. plus the rest of the season is so solid on its own that br*cas can be easily overlooked for me lol and also we're really getting back into leyton even just as friends and its so so funny playing that against br*cas as a couple and looking at which relationship is clearly stronger
nicki is just funny like i dont even care if shes horrible. she makes me laugh. and shes hot. and sometimes thats enough to sway me. obviously in her beef with peyton im picking peyton but nicki does still entertain me. felix.... he had potential but it was just not in the cards for him. if he was written different he couldve been interesting but what we got was just ... idk i dont hate him or anything but i definitely dont care about him
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pillybaxto · 2 years
Helloooo here I am! haha life has been really good thus far. 3 weeks in S and everyone has been really nice, helpful. lots of parties but my body is not up for it.
today i am typing this in the study of Naley Nest on a Tuesday, 12pm as im wfh. we are going to have dinner with uncle jerry at meating place later with nathan's folks. life is really awesome. haha.
last weekend we just hosted a 623A block party and it was really cool. alot of families came and manage to bond with everyone. haha was really cool.
yea my life now is so amazing and im just so fucking grateful. really. i have everything that i can ask for. so right now, im just feeling like im ready for a kid. haha. yea.
let me list down my daily gratitiude here today:
Thank you for my family - for them being healthy and helping me in many ways even though i cant reciprocate much. but thank you for giving me a great fambam
Thank you for my in laws - thank you for gifting me such amazing in laws and the current arrangement so we can remain close
thank you for my husband Nathan. for him being there for me at home like a moral support pillar
thank you for Kiko and President - my fur and reptile kids who are both soooo cute and lovely and they make me so fulfilled!
thank you for my new job in S. so far its been really really amazing. i just hope that i can ride out next year and still love it and be here a long time. haha
thank you for my old job in R - i really think R has changed my life. from a lost soul to now being more confident and certain about what i want. and of course my amazing colleagues and bosses who were there
thank you for my beautiful beautiful home. last year this time i couldnt imagine what my life would be this year and now that im living it, its so fucking amazing.
thank you for my friends - for all the fun weekends and moral support all around me
thank you for my body, my brain - for allowing me to function enough to do this job and be good at it
thank you for everything. i really really mean it. oftentimes i wonder what did i do to deserve this.. haha. but thank you universe, for taking such good care of me.
thank you universe for being so cool and amazing. i love you. thanks for always looking out for me and everything.
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zalrb · 2 years
So I'm decades late but finally watched One Tree Hill. I REALLY did not want to ship Brucas because I already knew that they weren't endgame and that Lucas is The Worst in many ways. But of course I ended up loving them---even more than I love Naley! I honestly think they're perfect for each other and make each other happier and better. How can the writers not feel the same way?!?! I also didn't hate Lucas nearly as much as I expected to and hated Peyton more than I expected to. And I absolutely love the Brooke/Haley friendship but assume that's a fairly popular opinion. Also, I heard Julian was adorably dorky but he's actually kind of smug and obnoxious to me -when he has any personality at all. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that even after all these years some people are joining you on the Brucas ship. This is totally your fault ;)
"when he has a personality at all" KILLED me because accurate. honestly, there are fierce defenders and shippers of brucas and there always have been but i still feel like their relationship is underrated and its significance diminished and that's also because the writers worked overtime trying to undo everything they did with brucas in seasons 2 and 3 and in season 1 they were also inconsistent with lucas and his feelings because in one second they give him dialogue that makes him seem borderline indifferent to brooke but then the next second it's this expression of deeply caring for her and i know people will say you can love someone/care for someone without being in love with them, which is of course true, and others will be like "it's the whole this person may be great but they're just not the one" which can also be true but oth didn't do that well because the writing and what lucas saw in brooke would contradict itself, like when he's talking to nicki and he describes brooke he goes, "she's all fun" but the whole point is that they had an emotional connection when they take care of peyton and he realizes that she isn't all fun, when he tells brooke that he enjoys that they're different it doesn't read like he's placating her or trying to convince himself particularly when haley is being bitchy about brooke he is quick to be like, she's honest, she makes me laugh, and he's firm about it.
and then leyton and brulian are so overblown and explain their importance in such obvious dialogue that things like lucas painting a door red for brooke, defending her to people who only see one side of her, jumping through her fwb hoops, the nicknames, the mentioning each other's quirks, the letters, the photos, the details just get swept to the side
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userlaylivia · 2 years
5 shows
tagged by: @itwasepic tysm bb <3
rules: pick 5 shows then answer the following questions. don't cheat. then tag 10 (or however many) people.
my shows:
the secret circle
the vampire diaries
the originals
one tree hill
1, who is your favorite character in 2?
hope mikaelson always and forever!! she's the one I would defend until my dying breath no matter what!!
2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
John Blackwell, I love every character on the show except him and it's not just because he messed with my otp either!
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
it's a mix between the s1 finale and 1x08 I loved both episodes so much but I love so many eps of the show so lol
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
season 2 always!! I loved it so much and everything was so on point and the brucas/jeyton/naley stuff was just perfection!! s1-3 were AMAZING!!
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
Damon/Elena of course!!, they are my otp of all otps and always will be!!
6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
handon always!! I ship hope with everyone on the show but handon is my otp and always will be!!
7. what is your favorite season of 1?
well tsc only has one season so that's the only one that can be my fave lol it DESERVED BETTER!!
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
it's hard to choose an episode for the show but the shooting episode even though it's heartbreaking and keith dies which I'm still mad about but the writing and acting made that episode my fave!!
9. what is your favorite episode of 2?
It is a tie between 1x13 and 4x03!! both episodes were emotional and intense and just overall AMAZING OMG!!
10. how long have you watched 1?
I started the show when it premiered in 2011 and watched it till the end and I've rewatched several times since!!
11. how did you become interested in 3?
well i read the books not long before the show then I saw commercials for the show and started it and that's how I got interested!
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
phoebe tonkin!! she's the reason I started the show and she's my favorite character on the show and I've loved her for YEARS!!
13. which do you prefer? 1, 2 or 5?
I can't choose between them tbh their all 3 my favorite shows!! but tsc is without a doubt one of my all time faves and I'm bitter it got cancelled! legacies is my current fave though!!
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
well 3 because tsc only has one season and tvd has 8 lol
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Hayley or davina!! I would love to have super strength and be that fast but I'd hate to drink blood lol and being a witch would be so cool omg!!
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
well considering they have crossed over numerous time and one is a spinoff of the other I'd say so lol
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
adam and faye!!! they were my guilty pleasure ship on tsc and I think they would've been so great together if only we got a second season ugh
18. overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
um probably 5 since I liked it more past s4 than I did tvd and I genuinely love a lot of the characters and ships and the storylines are so powerful on oth and I love it more in general!
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4??
neither since neither one has much of a theme, just the title card with blood dripping down lmao
20. what is your favorite episode of 3??
I can't choose just one episode but 1x11, 1x14, 1x19, 1x22, pretty much every ep of s2 because it's my favorite season and I could go on and on but nobody wants that lmao
tagging: @ravipanikar, @annacoleman, @tabithatate, @lizzimcguire, @lizzies, @miriammaisel, @mseloisebridgerton, @bettycoops, @forbescaroline, @emmanelson
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othramblings · 2 years
Just found your blog and love it!! Finally someone who sees kinda how screwed over the writers did to Haley. I actually don't ship Naley anymore since I think he always treated her like shit and the whole sex tape with drunk Brooke really disturbes me since it's hinted he did this to alot of drunk girls.
Thank you!! I am desperate to see more people talk about how one of the major failings of OTH is the treatment/writing regarding Haley. There's a lot of (rightful) attention on the hypersexualization of characters on OTH and how misogynistic OTH is because of the people in charge of running the show. There should also be more discussion about the misogyny from the showrunners that caused Haley to be secondary to Nathan and to have less screen time, storylines, etc. because she challenged Mark & Co. and wasn't viewed as "sexy" by the fans/showrunners. The hypersexualization in the show takes up so much conversational space which is ironic. It's not sexy to talk about how Joy was mistreated on the show but we should still talk about it. She is one of the best actors on OTH, and I think she emotes better than Chad, James, and HIlarie consistently but they all repeatedly got way juicier material to work with than she did. That's my opinion of course but it is what it is. As for the sex tape storyline....I could rant about that for days, just like Naley's season 5 plotline 😂. Nathan's behavior was over the top and gross and it felt like it was meant to be played for laughs almost? None of it was funny or "hot" even though I know so many people love the Brooke x Nathan of it all.
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girlysword · 3 years
Unpopular Opinion:
The Naley relationship is, of course, amazing, but the buildup to the relationship suuucks. Knowing Naley was coming, I was waiting for the moment when the audience would be shown that Nathan likes Haley for real but it never came. Instead we are told that Nathan likes her. Honestly, this “tell rather than show” technique for establishing ships is used across the show. Lucas likes Peyton from before the show starts, Brooke throws herself at Lucas before they have even properly met, characters say that Julian likes Brooke while he is technically still pursuing Peyton, Clay says that he likes Quinn the first time they meet, etc.
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useragarfield · 4 years
Hiii Lolo!! 💕 This is for the favorite fics ask game! I got a little carried away because I was so interested/excited...here ya go! 😊 🎭 😱 🥰 👩‍👩‍👧 👩‍⚕️ 🎲 ♾
If you don’t want to answer them all that’s completely fine!! Thanks in advance! Love ya!! Hope you’re having a lovely day because of course you deserve it!!! ☀️💓
(THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME THIS DEAR. i wanted to wait to respond until i could do some deep diving and give you a real answer. as a fic writer myself, i do tend to reread my own stuff, but i don’t want to me indulgent or anything so none of it is here but sljgksg i hope YOU are having an amazing day and i’m so flattered that you cared to ask.)
😊 a fic you like to read when you’re happy
drinking salted water by grimgrace (THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN)
this fic is so familiar to me it’s like a warm, spidey scented hug. one of the first fics i read over and over because it was simply perfect with just the right amount of bittersweet. happy endings and spidey kisses? i’m S O L D
Poster Boy by MilkshakeKate (THE MAN FROM UNCLE)
milkshakekate is simply the best and my favorite tmfu writer, which is saying a lot because that is a dedicated writing fandom there and i owe them my life. anything they write is incredible, but something about the secret rendevous mid mission and all the uniform stuff really uh. got me.
Gwen Stacy and the Wonders of Spider-Sex by Jenetica (THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN)
i’ve read this so many times i could not tell you. the relationship growth? the intrigue? THE HOT SPIDEY OF IT ALL! never been and never will be disappointed by this fic.
the language of touch by moodyreindeer (CLOAK AND DAGGER)
alright this section of ao3 & fanfic.net is tiny for one of my favorite pairings but i fell in love with this fic the first time i read it and have never fallen OUT. it’s so genuine to them and i love it sm. idk. read it, it’s GREAT.
🎭 a fic you like to read when you’re sad―either to cheer you up or because it matches your mood
Reckless by ninemilestogo (THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN)
a truly detailed tasm au where my kids are ANGSTY but end up happy and also the best use of the comic book villian chameleon ever. although to be fair, i haven’t read enough of them.
😱 an angsty fic
may i feel, said he by sugargroupie (ONE TREE HILL)
on the surface this is smutty, but it’s my favorite naley fic OUT THERE in these streets. the writer does teenage nathan so well i yell a lot on the inside. i don’t know how many times i’ve read it.
The Man, the Mystery, Richard Castle by RachelCAstrid (CASTLE)
one of the first castle fics i stumbled upon after my rewatch and it has my whole heart!! it’s sweet and angsty and in depth, and you can’t lose by reading it. DO IT. i dare you.
the sole relentless tenderness by satellitesonparade (YOUNG JUSTICE)
wally and artemis will make me cry for the rest of my life, and this is one of the best writers for it, so yeah. gift yourself. read it. sob saltily.
🥰 a fic for people in love
She thinks it’s funny that they’re awkward in bed by Emma_dghc (CASTLE)
this just makes me swooooooooon. i love intimacy and little moments a lot in my fics, it’s what sells me on relationships between characters, and this did an incredible job! one of my favorite fics set in season five, which is a fic fave for me i suppose with this pairing.
by any other name by FreshBrains (DIRTY DANCING)
after i watched and fell in love with the movie i combed through the archives and THIS was my favorite one in the whole place! it’s just so, so lovely. i find that with older films it’s harder to find things that feel written true to character, and this knocked it out of the park.
Bodies at Rest by PollyLynn (CASTLE)
at this point in my life i have a read (read: a LOT) of caskett fanfics in my time and there are many more in my future, but this really stands out to me as one of my favorites. their burgeoning relationship season 5 is truly - chefs kiss - and it’s the first (or second?) fic of @pollylynn ‘s that i ever read, and without it i wouldn’t have begun to work my way through all of their incredible stuff! check them out, they are a gift.
👩‍👩‍👧 a fic that makes you your appreciate your (found) family
The Team by loveJLforever (YOUNG JUSTICE)
the og young justice crew is one of my FAVORITE found families and i envy anyone who can do GC format because that shit is taxing as hell. this is hilarious and in character and i’ve read it through multiple times.
👩‍⚕️ and a hurt/comfort fic you like.
Teach Me To Live by dontoutchthefics (PHANTOM OF THE OPERA)
at this stage in my life i kind of set up a house on ao3 and rarely dare to venture to my old place on fanfic.net, but for this story it was absolutely worth it. it’s a gorgeous phantom of the opera modern/coffeeshop au that still has singing and this authors prose is STUNNING. it was a fic i stumbled across simply due to @ilustrariane ‘s INCREDIBLE commission which i highly suggest you also check out.
🎲 one fic that made you change something about your life, and what: 
Lessons for the Lost by KayMoon24 (MULTI-DISNEY)
this was literally the first and only time that i actually connected enough to email back and forth with any fanfic writer online! their prose and respectful + in depth taking on different topics just blew my mind for a disney fic and it’s still top tier in my head. it inspired me so much i started my own (which, ain’t as good at all), but this is the best one of its kind. wherever you are kay, ilysm!
B O N U S 
The Horizons Saga by njsafkbj (link is for Part I of VII, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON) is a gorgeous fic written before we even knew there would be another HTTYD that is so well done about Toothless and Hiccup recovering from the events of the first movie and growing and yeah.
♾ one fic you tell yourself not to reread because it makes you feel SO MUCH but you always end up going back to it
the world fits inside your arms by flyingthesky
one of the first works i ever bookmarked on archive of our own, possibly the one fic about real people that i love. it’s so lovingly written, and i see it as i guess a sort of real life au idk, but i reread it whenever i’m feeling bittersweet and angsty because it sends me right back to 2013-14 when emma stone and andrew garfield owned my life and had no clue.
The Next Great Adventure by brella
hands down best young justice fic i have ever or will ever read. season 3 of young justice exists in a different universe to me, this is the best fix it fic ever, and i reread it once a year to put myself through hell and back, not unlike wally in the speedforce.
royally flushed by satellitesonparade (YOUNG JUSTICE) princess diaries wally/artemis au
Mistaken Messages by MistyMountainHop (THAT 70′S SHOW) jackie/kelso soulmate au
Acts [1-5] by lone_lilly (CASTLE) castle/beckett smutty goodness
so bad but he does it so well by greenconverses (PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS) percy/annabeth college punk/princess au
Poor Unfortunate Soul by makapedia, Peregrine Williams, witchynick (SOUL EATER) maka/soul succubus au
and the camera flashes (make it feel like a dream) by ladililn (BROOKLYN 99) jake/amy celeb photographer/celebrity au
Silent Still by yaba (ONE TREE HILL) brooke/julian ANGSTY FIC set in 6.23
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bughead · 5 years
For the ask game: 001 + bughead
when I started shipping it if I did: i’ve shared this story before; i kind of started shipping bughead backwards. if you were around during s1, you probably remember parts of 1.08 were leaked right after the pilot aired, which included the bughead kiss outside of fp’s trailer. i, a spoiler junkie, of course watched it and was like *jack skellington voice* what’s this? so technically 1.08 is what made me start shipping them, but because i’d watched it before they even had their first interaction, i was already shipping them when 1.02 aired 
my thoughts: how do i even put it into words? i just love them so much. they’re my absolute favorite. in the words of veronica lodge, “they’re each other’s soulmates” 
What makes me happy about them: honestly, most things make me happy about them–but i guess i’ll start with how they nail the childhood friends to lovers trope while also providing a somewhat unique spin to it. yes, they grew up together, yes, they were a part of a bonded trio, but it’s been said they were largely connected through archie. archie and betty were friends and archie and jughead were friends, so naturally betty and jughead were friends. then, one day, betty reaches out to him for help and they start to develop a bond completely independent of their friendship with archie. jughead’s obvious soft spot for her was (and still is) absolutely precious. it was beautiful to watch betty realize who she really is and what she really wants and to find somebody that suited her better in the process. relationships that build you up, that allow you to better yourself and grow, are just the best. they are truly at their greatest when they’re together, and, honestly, that’s rare on tv shows marketed towards teens. they’ve been each other’s main source of support and love since the very beginning and that’s just *chef’s kiss* 
What makes me sad about them: obviously s2 was rough. on one hand it was touching that their greatest fear was something happening to the other–but, as i said, they’re best when they’re together. their problems could have been solved sooner (or at least been less traumatizing) if they’d worked together. it was really hard not to be frustrated with them. we also had to deal with three stupid one-off kisses. although, i will say i’d take that over what varchies had to go through with v*ggie and a*chosie
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i mean……. no one. it’s bughead or bust for me 
My happily ever after for them: well, it’s no secret i deeply desire naley-bughead, but, that aside, i’ve always been slightly torn with where i’d like them to end up career wise. the obvious choices are journalist and novelist, which i do support, but a little part of me loves the idea of them starting up their own private eye agency. like ed and lorraine warren, but, you know, without the demons. but i realize journalist/novelist is more reasonable and i’d be okay with that. i would really like them to live outside of riverdale. it was a problem i had with pll, too. they went through horrifying things in a corrupt, twisted town and they still…… chose to settle down and start their families there…….. WHY? new york is where i headcanon betty and jughead the most, but california would also work considering we know betty enjoyed her internship there. honestly, i’d be okay with anywhere outside of riverdale. all of those things are a bit secondary, though. my biggest wish for them is just to be happy and together 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: their preferred position seems to be betty with her head on jughead’s chest, but we’ve also seen big spoon jughead/little spoon betty a few times. i stan a couple that sleeps on the same side of the bed and shares a pillow
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what is their favorite non-sexual activity: working together. doesn’t particularly matter on what. i’ve said before, their kink is partnership  
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ohsupernaturall · 6 years
I will try to dedicate every chapter to either an account or a person I like, because we all need to share the love. My first tribute goes to @lozkelly , we don’t know each other, but as I browsed the naley tag, hers was the first post and when I opened the blog, it was so much fun. So there we go. Please note that if you are tagged, I am not asking you to read. I just want to give you a random I love you (and/or) your account
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Nathan and Haley couldn’t remember a moment in their lives where they weren’t in love, and everyone in tree hill was aware of that. They had gone through every life stage together, starting with waddles in the sandpit at three years of age, until seventeen as he put a ring on her finger when she happily accepted to be his wife. But it was indeed an off match, for all their love, they couldn’t be more different. Nathan was star athlete of tree hill high school, leading the basketball ravens to victory in the state championship. On the other hand, Haley James Scott was the school valedictorian, who tutored students for the joy of it.
In this sense, they balanced each other out, and they evened the others’ extremities. Haley has gotten into cheerleading; realizing it was actually quite the strenuous activity rather than mindless girls waving around pompoms, and Nathan would occasionally pay more attention in class, not that he didn’t have his own private tutor whenever he needed.
Standing right below the hoop in the school gym; his own grounds, it was a win-or-lose moment; if he scored that basket they win the championship. And then there she was, Haley with a proud smile that beat the taunting of his opponent Damien West
“You got nothing, Scott, nothing!”
Nathan looked at Damien with a cocky smile, drawing strength from Haley, he threw the ball, without looking; his faith that the world will make it worth it, for him and his girl, was prominent.  The cheers were deafening, and Nathan didn’t need to look, to know that he had made the shot, when Haley crashed right into him.
He lifted her off the ground, into his strong arms, her breath tickled his ear as she screamed over the crowd “you did it, babe!!!”
“We did it!” he rejoiced, repeatedly kissing her shoulder, before he was hauled away by his teammates. Haley patted his back playfully as he was lifted on their shoulders, the whole gym cheering his name, and she joined right along.
The celebration lasted long enough, with Nathan high-fiving everyone in sight, receiving the trophy and stealing Haley’s hugs and kisses; those were his favorite. Then it was time to go home. Their little apartment was warm and cozy, not very luxurious, but it brought them together at night and that was what mattered.
It might have not been like that, Nathan was rich, coming from an incredibly wealthy family of three… actually technically four, before his sister had passed,  he had cried in Haley’s arms night after night when it happened; the chauffer was taking the fourteen year old to ballet practice, then the next thing they knew, the car had exploded, the monstrosity of the accident was investigated  for a long time before declared a cold case, ,many people ruled it to be payback for Dan Scott’s antics, their father, for many people had beef with him. Still, the fact that the kids paid for it, made Haley’s blood boil. Dan was remorseful for a month or so, but then he managed to bounce back as if nothing had ever happened,
Nathan on the other hand, was never the same; they used to play together all the time, along with Haley of course. As a matter of fact, it was her who had blandly declared that he and Haley had a crush on each other.
Of course almost hitting puberty and going through the awkward phases of; acne and hormonal urges for him, braces and frizzy hair for her, reluctance to see each other again, and a desire to kill his sister were there. Nathan and Haley have been best friends since they were three years old, and the notion of their relationship not working out would mean the friendship over. But why wouldn’t it work? They loved each other, more than life itself, always have ever since they met, a deep understanding ran through them and even their friends thought it hard to believe that someone would find their soul mate at such a young age.
So, one summer night as raindrops hit the road, he timidly whispered those three words “I love you” and Haley’s entire face lit up, she jumped in his arms and crashed her lips to his. Overcome with relief and joy, he had entrapped her arms under his, wrapping both arms around her and lifted her up, spinning in circles as the rain poured over their heads. It was then that they knew, forever was together.
When he had told his dad of his plans to marry Haley, Dan was appalled, for she didn’t come from money or status. Hurtful words were thrown around and as soon as his father had said “gold-digging whore”, Nathan stormed out of there, after he threw a punch to the old man’s face. Haley’s parents had welcomed him for the two and a half weeks it took to find a place of his own, also a small job in food service and a night shift at his uncle’s garage made emancipation easy, especially when drug addicted mother was added to the list, Nathan felt bad about it, he loves his mom, but she had fallen through a downward spiral ever since her daughter had died, especially when Nathan needed her most.
Their wedding was simple and special, Haley didn’t even have a wedding dress, and her mother’s wouldn’t fit, so she wore a little white sundress with slippers, and Nathan got dressed in one of the suits he wore for the fancy events his dad threw. Being poor may not be easy, but being with the person you love was worth it all, even those nights when electricity would shut off after they don’t pay the bills; and they would sit up all night playing checkers by candlelight, and the nights when he worked until he couldn’t even move, Haley would come back from her shift as a waitress and remove his shoes and overalls when she finds him collapsed on the couch from exhaustion.
As soon as they entered through the front door, Nathan grabbed her arms, spinning her around, so she would land in his arms; Haley sighed, content, as she nestled into his warm strong body. His hand snuck under her cheerleading top, calloused fingers running across bare stomach. Haley bit her lips, eyes fluttering and body tingling, she leaned the back of her head against his chest, pulling his other hand to her lips and planting soft butterfly kisses where his pulse is.
“Oh, Nathan!” she moaned, as he leaned down and brushed his lips against her jaw line; over a  beauty mark, finally reaching her ear and nibbling on the lobe “I love you”
“I love you too, Haley James Scott” he whispered huskily, his kisses moving to the nape of her neck and then down her back, all the way till he was kneeling, planting a lingering kiss on the “23” tattoo she had gotten for him; his jersey number.
Weak in the knees, Haley shakily turned around, Nathan’s kissing never stopping, planting them all around her waist, she scratched his back and head, folding in half over his shoulder. Smoothly, she took off the basketball jersey, as he stood up once more, pulling her with him, her feet lifted off the ground, Haley wrapped her legs and arms around him, so tight, that you would think they were conjoined. Nathan moved them both to the shower.
Haley’s breath hitched, watching the steady stream of water run down Nathan’s sculpted chest and chiseled abs, he poured some shampoo in his hand, massaging her scalp as she kissed his chest, right by his heart, once and again. He moved his shampoo covered hands down her face, leaving a trail of bubbles on her cheeks, making her look up into his sky blue eyes.
“My man played so well tonight” she said.
“Yeah, he did, didn’t he?” Nathan winked at her and she playfully smacked him.
“Babe, be serious. The scouts couldn’t keep their eyes off you. I saw one talking to Whitey”
He shrugged “That could mean a lot of thi…”
“And I might have eavesdropped and heard them say you were a shoo-in for a full scholarship ride to Duke” she interjected, eyes wide innocently.
“Are you serious?”
Haley nodded, squealing with joy, as he hugged her tight, lifting her off her feet.
“What would you do without me?” she teased.
“Die!” he said, kissing her passionately “never leave me”
“I am not going anywhere” she whispered sincerely “always and forever”
“Always and forever”
They spent the next few minutes scrubbing loofahs over each other’s bodies, on every curve, their heart warm and content. In his arms, Nathan held a woman who loved him in spite of all his flaws, who loved the worst in him before the best. He reached out and wrapped a towel around her body, after doing the same for himself, Nathan picked her up, one arm below her knees and the other right under her shoulder blades, and headed to their tiny room.
He dropped her gently on the bed, allowing her towel clad body to bounce on the mattress, and then positioned himself on top of her. Nathan rested his head down her chest, when he felt her tense up.
“Nathan” whispered Haley “did you hear that?”
“What? I didn’t hear anything”
Then sounds of shuffling came from outside once again, and Nathan sat up.
“Do you hear it now?” she asked.
“Should I call 911?” she fearfully whispered to Nathan who was hastily putting on a pair of shorts.
“No, just wait here”
“Nathan!” she warned; her heart in her throat, making to grab his hand “Please!! Just don’t!”
“It is okay” he whispered, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go.
The sounds from outside were coming closer, and Nathan hoped with his heart that it was the neighbor’s cat, it had broken into their house many times before, still, he took one look at Haley behind him and felt his heart hammering against his ribcage, cautiously, he made to grab the baseball bat in the closet. His hands were just twisting the doorknob, when a force sent him sprawling to the ground. Haley screamed at the top of her voice, pulling the towel closer to her body, their bedroom door had flown off its hinges, and in its place stood three masked men armed in machine guns.
“Shut up!” one of them growled, pointing his gun at her.
“Wait! Wait!” panicked Nathan, his eyes fixed on Haley “we don’t have money but take whatever you want, okay, just don’t touch h…”
Sharp pain exploded across his face, as the back of the gun collided with his nose, sending blood splattering in its wake, and Nathan saw stars; his hands went to cover the injury which momentarily hazed his vision.
Haley’s cry of agony was stopped dead in her throat half-way when their guns were once again raised in their faces “Please” she whimpered.
Her plea fell on deaf ears as another one said “get the girl”
Fear gripped Nathan’s heart like a vice, but it was drowned by fury surging through his bloodstream and he growled “No!”
Gone was all the horror of getting shot, Haley being taken away was all he could see. Nathan jumped up and tackled the man coming closer to Haley in great speed, not even shielded with his bat, which was thrown aside upon impact. Nathan had gotten in three punches to the man’s face, when the other two men ganged up on him, their kicks and punches echoed around the small room, all Nathan could do was curl up in a ball and accept the agonizing onslaught, grunting with every blow.
“Stop it” Haley cried in rage, jumping off the bed and on one of the men’s back, he yelped in pain when she caught his ear between her teeth, biting hard, the man threw her off like a weightless doll. Haley’s head rammed into the nightstand and she fell unconscious, crimson blood seeping from her fanned out hair, on her  
“Haley” his voice barely came out in an agonized raspy whisper, choking on blood, as his vision began darkening. Before he completely submitted into the abyss, one of the men made a grab for Haley’s limp form, disregarding her dignity and lifted her over his shoulder.
One thing Nathan knew for sure, he has failed at protecting his wife.
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triplevarsity · 6 years
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                              RP POSITIVITY WEEK            
                  DAY 07: FAVORITE VERSES / THREADS / GROUP VERSES Did anyone think that i would get through this category without geeking out about Lia aka @seesgood, because no freakin’ way is that gonna happen. My first thought when i saw this category was Lia.  SUNSHINE of my life, we have five million threads and verses together and it will never, ever be enough. I want everything with you, all of the time. Our Forwood is my favorite otp in the world and I live for each and every one of our threads. Filled with angst, feels, angst, sometimes fluff, angst, and oh yeah, more ANGST. ooops sorry not sorry i’m an angst queen.  Okay so, i’m gonna start with the thread/verse that started it all. That introduced me to this lovely, amazing, beautiful, and every other word of that nature, goddess of a human being. PERFECT CHEMISTRY aka sometimes known as THE FORBES BET. This verse is everything to me for more reasons to count, but biggest of all, in the words of one our favorite movies, it brought me to you. Four score ( aka years ) and many moons ago, I met this little Caroline blog on my dash. And then we bonded over this book called Perfect Chemistry. This book about two very different people, a bet, and how flaws are okay, and of course true love. And then came the verse, tweaked to fit our characters, mostly the jocky and arrogant rich boy, Tyler Lockwood. And this verse became one of the most amazing things I have ever written in my life, and a prize it more than anything else. This verse brought me Lia, and it brought us back. After a few years hiatus, somehow we found each other again. And the first thing we did was continue this verse. Further proof that just like my love for this wonderful human being and fave OTP, it will never die. It’s four years later and we are still writing and exploring, and I smile and cry at every reply. But obviously one verse was not enough with the shining light that is Lia’s Caroline. So next we have our MEAN GIRLS AU aka Four For You Glenn Coco. So this verse started Lia and I’s trend of joining GVs together and keeping our threads going long after the GV. Tbh this verse just started with a mean girls group verse, and turned into something much more. Tyler and Caroline can be shallow, fight like cats and dogs, and don’t have the best relationship in this verse. But as we build it up, we strip the layers, and see the strong love they hold for each other underneath. I love exploring this complicated relationship in this verse, and how it’s not all puppies and rain all the time. But in the end, like any forwood I do with Lia, it is epic. and what’s next but the SOUTHPAW AU. We haven’t gotten that far in this verse yet but it already owns my heart like any thread I do with Lia. She is the one who got me to watch this movie and now it’s one of my favorite. The dedication these two have for each other and the raw and immeasurable love that brings me to tears. I can’t wait to see what else this verse brings us. and then in true ‘alie and lia fall in love with a gv and no we are not letting it go’ fashion, we have the GREY’S ANATOMY verse. Once again starting in a group verse, let’s just say Caroline and Tyler aren’t exactly instantly in love. Tyler is a dick, Caroline is a treasure. And they help each other become better people. They go through grief, love, and everything in between. And of course this verse brought the competition of ‘who can make who cry the hardest with replies’ and tbh i bawled my freakin’ eyes out.  now we got the SWEET HOME ALABAMA AU that tbh is filled with a lotta rain, kissing, what ifs, what could have been, and so much more. This movie has been one of my favorite movies for most my life, but Lia brought it to life in even more of a way. I love them talking about what they gave up, and how much they miss each other and still love each other, even if they are too afraid to admit it half the time. and tbh i’m a sucker for any verse where Ty and Care are married and separated and attempting to deny the love they still hold for each other. and we are gonna close out this epic love letter with one of my all time favorite verses. TREE HILL IS HOME. and surprise surprise, it started with a group verse. I started this GV when i first started to get into OTH, and now it’s one of my fave shows. It was a natural pick for Tyler to fill the shoes of Nathan Scott ( and i’m still convinced they are the same character ) and Caroline being Haley James-Scott. Everything in this verse gives me life, but nothing more than our Forwood version of Naley. I’m gonna keep this verse going forever, I hope you know that. And the angst was amazing, and now i’m so excited to get to their reunion. It’s another verse that makes me cry at times, in the best way. And we still have pregnancy, mob bosses, almost dying, prom, graduation, first child, and so much to go through with them.  okay, time to close out this huge essay that is pretty much an ode to how much I fuckin’ love this human being. So here we go. I fuckin’ love you. I love our verses with all my freakin’ heart. I will keep them forever and ever, just like Perfect Chemistry. Every plot i think of, I think i want this with lia. and I just wanna say thank you for still loving my angst queen, slow af at times, and crazy Tyler and self. I look forward to more years and this list growing to the point where it could become a short story. THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THE BEST OTP OF MY LIFE AND THREADS THAT MAKE ME SMILE, LAUGH, CRY, AND FILL MY HEART WITH LOVE.
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zalrb · 3 years
On my first oth rewatch since I stopped watching after the event which shall not be named in season 3 and I still laugh at the fact that they thought it was a good idea to follow up a brucas rain kiss with a naley one like… HELLO?? I like naley too but come on. Could you break down why the brucas one was better?
Maaaaaaaaaaaaan, you're going after Naley and RAIN? Their, like, trope?? BRAVE.
Honestly, I'm rewatching the scene now and I'm just have to say, I know James is tall but when they're lying on the floor together, I'm like you have very long legs, lol.
I don't think the Naley kiss was necessarily worse than Brucas’, in fact when it comes to the actual physical look of the kiss, I think they’re a bit better
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it's just more trope-y, you know? So I prefer Brucas’ circumstances and thereofre their kiss. Like it would be one thing if he picked her up and brought her back to the house
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and in fact I think that would’ve been hotter and more romantic? But instead they kiss on the hood of his car
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and it’s very much for the aesthetic
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like even his reason for going out to the car, I was like but why would you keep the box of Haley’s stuff in your car, Nathan?
Brooke running out in the middle of such a horrible storm requires a bit of suspension of disbelief but considering that this is about her insecurity over the boy she loves/loved cheating with her best friend,
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I’m like, OK and him going after her because he actually does love her
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is like cool and there’s a desperation there for her to understand how much she means to him
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and the dialogue calls attention to the fact that they’re in the rain
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that when she kisses him in it, it’s like yeah, he chased her through a storm, gave a passionate speech, of course she kisses him
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the passion in this kiss because of the narrative and the chemistry just works more for me but I wouldn’t say it’s better.
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natsugia · 6 years
Tagged by: no one, but saw this on @seethem-dancing, so maybe Mary in a way?
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
I choose:
Gilmore Girls
One Tree Hill
The first character you loved:
Rory Gilmore
Kate Beckett 
Haley James Scott
The character you never expected to love so much:
Jess Mariano 
Javier Esposito
Brooke Davis 
The character you relate to the most:
Jess Mariano
Kate Beckett
Haley James Scott (a bit of Peyton Sawyer too)
The character you’d slap:
I’d like to slap all of them for different reasons, but the most would probably be Lorelai Gilmore
Honestly, I love them all so much, I don’t think I’d slap anyone.... but maybe Captain Gates? I never thought she fit as well as Captain Montgomery. But even her I don’t really want to slap lol
Lucas Scott: I’m actually one of the people that was cheering when he left in season 6. Ugh good riddance. Also, sometimes Peyton too mostly because there were times when she was TOO EMO. Like girl stop whining! You’re stronger than this!
Three favorite characters (in order of preference): 
Jess Mariano, Paris Gellar, Rory Gilmore
Kate Beckett, Javier Esposito, Richard Castle
Nathan Scott, Haley James Scott, Brooke Davis
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Lorelai Gilmore: Originally loved her in season one, but then season 2 came around and I found her hypocrisy to be absolutely horrible. Her whole schtick as being the “cool mom” went out the window the second Rory started doing something outside of her comfort zone, starting with Rory’s friendship with Jess. It’s hypocritical (and sexist) that she was perfectly fine helping Lane to rebel against Mrs. Kim and her rules, but vilified Jess for all his rebellious actions, which were mostly harmless pranks. I found the way she treated Jess despicable, especially since she treated people pretty much the same way he treated them. And the way she treated her parents? UGH! You’re a grown woman still acting like a spoiled teenager who can sit and judge everyone around her but can’t self-examine and see what you’re doing wrong. Not to mention how self-centered she was. And I find it hilarious that for all her efforts to make sure Rory didn’t end up like her, Rory still ended up like her lol. 
I don’t have one. I love all of them. Honestly what a wonderful cast.
Lucas Scott: Originally loved him for being the abandoned (by his father) sensitive writer that grew up in the working class. I loved his friendship with Haley. I loved the rivalry turned love with Nathan. I liked his friendship with Peyton and would have supported that relationship if it wasn’t for Brucas. For all the sweet actions of Lucas portraying him to be a “good guy,” he was absolutely horrible to his mom in season 2. Like why can’t you just say you have HCM? I hated his treatment of Peyton, Brooke, AND Lindsey, and honestly by season 6, I was so glad he was leaving. Take your cheating, “I can’t make up my mind” ass and get out. Like Dan was an asshole, especially after murdering Keith, but at least he embraced that role. I may have hated Dan, but he was pretty upfront with who he was. Lucas? Not so much.
A character you did not like at first but now do:
Paris Gellar: God she was such a bully in season one, but as the show progressed, she became this really dynamic character, and now I just can’t help but love her. 
I’ll say Captain Gates, just because she’s the only one I didn’t immediately love. I think I was just biased because I loved Montgomery and hated that he died.
Brooke Davis: Originally thought she was the rich, spoiled, popular, mean girl, but she became so much more. What an icon. 
Three OTPs:
Literati (literally my OTP, I love them so much), Lane/Dave (sorry Zach, but Dave will always be my favorite. Who else would read the entire bible and play guitar at Korean service just to take Lane to the prom? Nobody.), Paris/Doyle (Nobody else is more perfect for Paris, and why are they divorcing??? Why Amy?) Javajunkie was ruined for me when Lorelai cheated on Luke with Chris at the end of season 6/early season 7. If Luke was supposed to be this love of your life, you don’t cheat on him. Especially with the EX that has caused problems in your relationship before. Like WTF?! I can understand being frustrated because Luke is shutting you out with the whole April thing, but it’s incredibly selfish that you can’t be patient for longer than a few months to let Luke learn how to adapt to having a daughter in his life. You know he loves you. He’s not cheating on you. He just needs to know how to adjust to being an actual father. He’s had years to get used to Rory. Give him a chance to get used to April. And instead of talking to him about how you were feeling, you get drunk, demand an ultimatum, which of course Luke is going to refuse, and then sleep with Chris. Nope. Sorry. Love is not selfish, and it’s not about getting married. It’s about support. And that went out the window when things weren’t going the way Lorelai wanted them to go. Honestly, I think Lorelai and Chris deserved each other.
Caskett (obviously), Esplanie, Ryan/Jenny
Naley (literally my OTP, that’s the type of relationship I want), Karen/Keith (I was devastated when Keith died at the end of season 3, right after he proposed. WTF Mark?), Brucas (at least until the end of season 3 and I saw how broken Brooke was getting from dating Lucas because Lucas CAN’T MAKE UP HIS MIND. But season 2 and the first half of season 3? Ugh I loved Brucas so much.) 
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Always and Forever
Title: Always and Forever
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 854
Warnings: FLUFF, One Tree Hill
Summary: Dean has a small birthday surprise for the reader.
A/N: The other day, I asked my dear best friend to chose between Dean and Jensen and she responded with Dean by like a tiny itty bitty amount. This fic is for my best friend’s 21st birthday! Happy Birthday @winchestdiaries! I love you B.Davis! <3 
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You began to stir, your body waking comfortably for the first time in what felt like forever. Your body felt well rested, of course a little sore from hunt after hunt. It was finally time to rest, relax and finally catch up on the increasingly long list of tv shows you had listed on netflix.
 You rolled over, expecting to bump into a warm, half naked body beside you, only to find it was empty. Your eyes opened widely, searching the room in hopes to find the man you were looking for.
 Dean Winchester was nowhere to be found. Very unusual.
 Dean Winchester was your best friend and your boyfriend all in one. After meeting on a witch hunt and helping the boys kill the woman to save Sam from becoming paralyzed, you grabbed a few beers and the two of you just clicked. Some flirty banter, a bit of whiskey, and a lot less clothes later, here you were. The man was all yours and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your cheeks everything you thought of the man. He was the best part of you.
 You slipped out of the bed you shared with him, your cold feet hitting the concrete floor as you moved to grab one of his flannel shirts off the chair by his desk. The material still smelled exactly like him, even after being through the wash. It swam on you, hanging off your body almost perfect as Dean would describe it.
 The bunker was silent as you stepped out of the room. No sign of either of them as you made your way towards the library. Sam had to be awake, since he was up at the ass crack of dawn every single day.
 The library was empty, but the smell of apples and cinnamon filled your nose. Someone was definitely in the kitchen, cooking up something delicious. You smiled as you made your way into the kitchen. You didn’t know what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t this.
 Dean Winchester was standing in the middle of the kitchen with an apron covering his chest, oven mitts on his hands. He had a bit of flour on his cheeks and a bit.
 “Mornin’ handsome, whatcha doin’?” you questioned with a smile spread wide across your cheeks.
 “I was going to surprise my beautiful girlfriend with breakfast in bed, but since she’s awake,” he grinned, placing the oven mitts on the counter before making his way over to you. His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you up slightly to meet him halfway in a kiss. “Good morning, gorgeous. Happy birthday!”
 “Yeah, yeah. It’s just another day of the year, Dean,” you chuckled.
 “Just another day my ass,” he scoffed. “This is your special day. This is the day you were born and if that never happened, I wouldn’t have you standing here with me.”
 “I guess that is one good thing.”
 “I promise, there is nothing big because I know you don’t want that. But, since it’s your birthday and I love you, I made you a homemade, Dean Winchester apple pie and I have cinnamon to go on top. Your favourite and you get it for breakfast, sweetheart,” he told you. Your heart fluttered in your chest. He remembered your favourite pie and made it for you on your birthday.
 “Sam wants to do a dinner for you tonight, but I’m yours for the day. We will do whatever you want to do!” he added in. “But I did get you a little present.”
 “You didn’t have to do that. I have you and that’s all I need.” Dean walked over to the counter and opened the cupboard door, pulling out a medium sized box from underneath it.
 “You will always have me,” he let out a laugh. “But I know you’ve been wanting these for awhile and I saw them. Just here, open it.”
 You furrowed your brows as Dean handed you the box with a pretty green bow on the top. You carefully ripped the paper off the box, only to find that he had bought you the entire series box set of One Tree Hill. You had mentioned it to him once,  a long, long time ago. You never thought he would have remembered that, let alone the name of the tv show.
 You placed it on the table before jumping on him, wrapping your arms around his neck, crashing your lips to his, almost recreating the first Naley kiss, you thought. Dean was going to regret buying you the box set by the end of the day with the amount of episodes you planned on watching.
 “You are the best boyfriend in the world, you know that?” you beamed, pecking his lips once more. You couldn’t contain just how excited you were. It was the best birthday yet. “Thank you so much for this, Dean.”
 “I just want you to have something normal in your life, and I know how much you love the show,” he shrugged.
 “I love you.”
 “I love you, too sweetheart.”
 “Always,” you whispered.
 “And forever.”
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jamesandlilys · 7 years
shipping meme: 1, 2, 5, 15, 23, 37
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had: my first proper ship was Dramione. I was genuinely obsessed with it. I’d read all the fanfics, reblog all the art, join all the forums. I was fucking there for it. I still love it tbh, it’s always gonna have a special place for me
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life: Jily is my most important ship, I mean they’re everything to me. Their love is so pure and not without challenges but you just know they’re there for each other 100% and they’re proper domestic which is what I love. Of course none of it’s canon, but oh well.Feyre/Rhys is my second most important ship. They’re so fucking healthy it kills me. There’s so much trust and honesty I love them. And my third most important is Naley. Fuck people who say young love doesn’t work. They knew what they wanted and they worked damn hard to keep it
5. Do you have any poly ships? Lots! Kevin/Jeremy/Jean is my main
15. Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Of course! Sometimes you just know
23. Which of your ships deserve better writing? Jily. Definitely Jily. The fanfiction is amazing though. There are some that I genuinely think are canon
37. Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? Friend to lovers, enemies to lovers, it’s cold and for some reason we have to share a blanket, coffee shop au’s, muggle au’s, the list goes on
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