#And they lived dysfunctionally ever after
crystalkleure · 2 years
I’ve said before that Akira is basically that “I didn’t know how to deal with having a crush on a classmate so I just wrote them a letter that said ‘Get out of my school’” post towards Zac, and he absolutely is, but Suoh is actually even more Like That towards Fubuki.
Suoh’s got whatever the homosexuality version of Cuteness Aggression is going on there.
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idk if this is still the case but when i was really In It in animorphs feelings a couple years ago because i was unemployed for the first time in my adult life / temporarily living alone in the last house my family lived in / freaking out about climate change / generally Going Through It, and like poking around the animorphs scene on tumblr, there was this notion commonly expressed that rachel and tobias were "toxic," the major piece of evidence for which was the scene in 33 where she "tries to trap him in human morph." which like first of all i'm SOOOOOO SORRRY that the fucking fifteen-year-olds secretly fighting a guerrilla war in which their greatest threat is the mind-controlling slugs they're trying to save humanity from but their second greatest threat is the diminishing hourglass of their collective sanity as they all have to work steadily harder and more desperately to not just completely lose their shit entirely from all the violence and literal 24/7 constant threat and murder that is happening, like i'm sorry two literal children who have managed in this ongoing horror show to forge a bond of loyalty and affection and care and attraction and understanding that can act as a kind of solace neither of them have any other way to access, sorry those actual murder babies sometimes have some communication problems. lmao. but also it's insane to me that people read that scene (in which they're dancing to, i'm not making this up, iris by the goo goo dolls - i mean they don't tell us the song but it's a slow goo goo dolls number that even tobias knows, so - they're dancing to iris by the goo goo dolls at a school dance that is not going well because they are both awkward about the newfound public Officialness of their relationship and rachel who is the only one of them who has ever been capable of socializing like a normal person is in a particularly bad mood because of the emotional hangover of her starfish adventure [great concept executed terribly in the previous book], and then like after two entire minutes of letting himself feel some nice emotions tobias spots the clock and starts leaving to go demorph and then rachel runs after to him to awkwardly attempt to share that she is very fucked up about how insane she has become and she wants to hold on to things like school dances and also this is all happening in a hallway by a student poster on red tailed hawks that states their lifespan of a handful of years in the wild, it's so good) as rachel trying to trap tobias in morph, when like, first of all, "good thing happening -> time to punish myself for feeling nice for 5 whole seconds " is like THEE tobias thought pattern because he's the number one kidlit trauma baby of all time, like truly the first time i dove back into the series i was struck by how well his narrative voice captures Child Of Insane Family Dysfunctionality, he is NOT a reliable narrator on this, but also second, and more saliently, like, believing this scene is rachel attempting to trap tobias in morph requires that you believe rachel, all by herself, made a plan in advance and then attempted to execute it, which is a skill we literally never see her demonstrate even one fucking time outside of the comfortingly familiar hunting ground of the mall
#animorphs#i have a hard visceral aversion to personally adopting ADHD headcanons in general#(you do you idc about people's headcanons but like#this is one that reliably does not do it for me [person with ADHD] and which also often makes me feel weird for vague reasons#but again like this is not an Argument or a Criticism have your fun it's simply not for me)#BUT. someone once said they headcanon rachel as ADHD.#and that is... the ONLY time i have ever read that and been like 'oh wow no okay yeah that tracks'#which honestly thinking on it now i feel like sort of helps me articulate why i'm usually like 'her?'#bc i feel like i tend to see it as like 'this would be cute/relatable/fun to project on to' (you do you not for me)#or i see it based on like... a perception of general ADHD Vibes#which like. on the one hand i get. there can be Vibes. there's a reason the set of people i Enjoy A Lot has ADHD overrepresented on it.#but personally i am like. but where are the scenes of them ruining their own life for reasons attributable to ADHD traits#i don't personally get anything out of lumping people into a DSM category with me if they are not also constantly ruining their own lives#like i can just relate to them because we have similar Vibes. that's plenty.#but rachel.................#the scenes of rachel constantly ruining her own life because of her inability to think for 5 seconds before speaking or acting ever. like.#that's in every book rachel ever has#she literally has a line at one point like 'i don't know why i say these things. they just pop out of my stupid mouth.' girl same...#anyway. speaking of ADHD. i have GOT to stop letting myself 'just check tumblr a little bit' while i'm waiting for the adderall to hit
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Fate is a bitch and loves to play cruel jokes. Xiwu comes back to Tantai Jin again after leaving with Xiao Lin only to come to kill him with the nine nails once more, this time determined more than ever to see her mission through.
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He always used to question Xiwu’s explanations because he didn’t trust her and her motives, usually rightfully so, but now he’s become a fool in love. Tantai Jin no longer cares why or how she has returned to him as long as she is in his arms.
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The way he rushes to her and envelops her in his arms to make sure she is real!
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The relief overcomes him and he chooses to believe whatever Xiwu tells him because he can’t bear the other option - living a life without her - so he takes her back, even if she no longer loves him
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He also wants to offer her an explanation of his actions and to talk it out but Xiwu refuses. She has already decided to kill her love for him to fulfil her mission, she now wishes only for his death.
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At this point, it’s clear that Tantai Jin loves and needs Xiwu more than she does him because he is the one who forgives her the worst he thinks of her without any hesitation, be it an attempt on his life or eloping with her crush, while she can’t, her forgiveness being but a ploy to lure him in and make him go soft so she could collect all the nails and finish him off, this time for good. They both think the other is a murderer but she wants to kill him for real this time, the very crime he has just forgiven her for. He loves her unconditionally, she does not.
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He is again satisfied with scraps from her. He might be obsessively and dysfunctionally in love with her but she is the one who holds all the power over him.
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It’s terrifying how love has changed Tantai Jin. He used to be so self-reliant and independent, but now he has become completely dependant on Xiwu to a point where he can’t no longer function and starts to lose his mind without her, so he desperately clings to her, to the little she allows him to have of her.
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positivelybeastly · 6 months
"How screwed up are you really, Hank?" Tess' question is blunt as a brick to the face, though she asks it in that wry way of hers, the corners of her mouth twitching up in a little half-smile. She watches him with her head slightly tilted. "On the scale of mutant dysfunctionality."
The lowest level on the Mutant Dysfunctionality Scale is "Somewhat Fucked Up".
"Hmm, well, let's see."
Hank thinks about it for a moment, standing with his legs apart and his paws shoved in his suit jacket pockets, casting his gaze to the heavens as if asking the cosmos just how truthful he should be.
"I've died twice, though I was robbed of the pomp and circumstance of an actual funeral both times, coming right back to life with a new face and an entirely new neurochemistry.
I've been stabbed, beaten, strangled, drugged, poisoned, hypnotised, brainwashed, shot in the heart, electrocuted, felt my fur and claws fall out, had my mutant energy drained away from me until I was an amorphous blob of flesh.
Every member of my graduating high school class, my priest, my principal, and my first girlfriend, were all murdered by an alternate universe version of me that would have killed my parents as well, were it not for a bizarre moment of conscience.
I've been left to die of malnutrition by said alternate self, bricked up in the basement of the building where I first shed my semblances of humanity in a fit of ego.
Almost every single one of my friends has died at least once, some multiple times, all of them while I had to watch on, knowing that I couldn't do a thing to save them. One of them was posed on my dying body like a particularly shitty Claude Monet painting, that was ever so nice.
I've had my higher brain functions ripped out of me, hunted students, eaten human flesh, had to throw it up in a S.W.O.R.D bathroom after brushing my teeth so hard my gums bled.
I've plumbed the depths of mutant creation, torn down the walls of reality, sold my soul in search of answers to the Decimation, only to be told, sorry old boy, the game was rigged from the start and you did all of that for nothing. Worse still, it was all written down, so of course someone found out about it and used that information to create bio-Sentinels out of the corpses of students I used to teach.
I've been told by multiple members of my team that I'm a traitor to the mutant race, that I don't consider the consequences of my actions, that I'm unstable, unreliable, untrustworthy. I have a lightning bolt scar on my lower back where Storm electrocuted me, right before she threw me in a cage for a week, where everyone could see me, and point, and laugh at me. Like a circus animal.
I'm deathly afraid of ever having children, because my genetic code is spaghetti and, as the foremost mutant geneticist on the planet, I don't think any child of mine will successfully make it term. If they do, they'll likely die young, or curse me for inflicting my mutation upon them.
I've been told by an extra-dimensional Watcher of time and space that I disgust him. That I, alone, am responsible for the destruction of no end of positive futures for the people I love.
I've had to watch the man I love die, multiple times. I fear telling him my true feelings, because if he rejects me, then, well, that really will be it. At least this way, I can live in quiet, sobbing despair and pining."
Hank smiles back. Tightly.
"So, to answer your question, Tess, I'm doing just dandy. Why not let's go ten pin bowling I'm doing so well."
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He breathes deeply for a moment.
"Oh, and I stubbed my toe this morning. That stung a fair bit."
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urne-buriall · 9 months
hiii ! 11 and 22 for the ask game💖
11. What's an idea for a fic you've had that you'll probably never write?
alternate ending for S8. seeking out not Crowley, but a different demon to complete the final Trial, salmondean use a tracking token from the MoL bunker--a gold florin--that will locate a known crossroads demon. this leads them to an unassuming low-rise apartment, and to the door of none other than our bestie Charlie, who is mid-D&D campaign. one of her friends is the demon, and turns out to be none other than Niccolò Machiavelli, the Italian Renaissance philosopher famous for writing The Prince and who will SCOFF at Crowley being King of the Crossroads/King of Hell because "I taught that guy everything he knows"
aside here to say look. here's the thing. I have a deeply personal obsession with Machiavelli and he's MISUNDERSTOOD and ROMANTIC and just wants to write silly devil stories and plays about men cheating on their wives and things! and he just wants Italy to be a unified Republic and all anyone ever remembers him for is that ONE LINE from The Prince which was so self-aware it was nearly parody
back to the plot: this manipulator extraordinaire understands their aim. in fact, he can help them. but he's got a few things to get in order first. and while he initially seems to just be playing for time and trying to put off his transformation into a human, Dean learns more from him. Nico's lived topside for decades now, has had little interest in Hell and does his best to stay out of there. and nearly ten years ago, he fell in love. with a person who took his deal. the guy he loves ended up rejecting Nico, furious that Nico can't break the deal for his soul and feeling tricked. Nico's carried a torch all this time, knowing at once that the only way to be with his beloved is when they are both in Hell, but not wanting that for the man he loves either. and now he has the chance to become human, and he wants to make sure the contract will expire at the same time to protect his beloved from a terrible fate
there is, per usual, much consideration of what it means to deserve to go to Hell and suffer for eternity, and whether demons can be redeemed, etc. etc. and alongside all of this, Cas is still planning his deal with Metatron for Heaven, but Machiavelli is casually like "oh yeah that guy is totally lying and using you can't you all tell? no?" and is also the one to point out "it's a love spell, idiots. and Cas is the only one who can do it because he's an angel who's in love"
it's a fascinating time, that tail-end of S8, full of things that could've been. in canon, we have full-powered Cas and for whatever reason it feels like he's never in the same room as Dean. and I can't help but think what if that wasn't the case? what if it could be different? there's so much that hasn't been addressed after the crypt scene and I want to move some of these chess pieces and then make them kiss
it's titled "the devil's interval" after the musical term for a tritone, famously used by Wagner in the "Tristan chord" in a story about forbidden love. the tritone can be a daring and unsettling sound, allegedly prohibited by the church. to the ear it demands resolution, just as we might say the untold desire of certain characters demands resolution. so yeah. that's an idea I have had that I am not writing, which is why you get to read its summary here. whoo.
22. Pick out a random line from a fic you're really proud of
lately I've been thinking about the Dean character-study moments in our lights in ashes so have this one:
Leave it at that. Dean had grown up wrong, his character and his desires thwarted and trained out of shape by intense self-arbitration. His only consistent role model growing up had been the picture of dysfunctionality: controlling, mercurial, and exacting. For all that Dean appeared to the world as someone tall and strong and self-possessed, what grew in John’s shadow, neglected and underfed, was inevitably a crooked, stunted thing.
ask game
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Propaganda for the Zoldycks
CW: murder, physical abuse, solitary confinement, whipping, mind control, needles
"Most of it comes from being a clan of assassins who begin their brutal training from birth. There is also the thing were they locked Alluka in solitary confinement for years, and Illumi using mind altering abilities on Killua multiple times."
"The Zoldycks are a family of world class professional assassins that have passed killing techniques down for many generations. This involves incredibly harsh training and cruel punishments (eg whipping) for the children to learn those techniques starting at a young age. The eldest brother Illumi has been using a needle he pierced his younger brother Killua with in the brain to mind control him to an extent, and has been emotionally abusing him for years. The parents locked up their daughter Alluka in a small play room underground guarded by iron safe doors because she has a dangerous power. They treat her as a liability instead of a person to the point that the only one who treats her like a person with rights is Killua. Also the mother Kikyo is just batshit crazy lol"
"The entire bloodline is made up of assassins and they prioritize the family business over everything. They are abused at an early age to withstand poison, beatings, and electricity, and are sheltered from things outside of assassination because they live in the mountains and take great lengths to shelter themselves from the rest of the world. Because Killua (12 years old) has the most potential out of his siblings, his family insists he becomes the successor and take after his father, and even when he runs away and slashes his mother, they continue acting as a primary opposing force against Killua, mostly Illumi, who plants needles to manipulate and control Killua, frequently telling Killua he does not need friends and all he will ever be is a murderer. As Killua seems to be the “center” of the family, his siblings are held to a lower regard. Alluka is locked away and her and Nanika are referred to as “monsters” and are referred to as an “it,” with only Killua caring for them while others seek to control her. Kalluto is envious of Alluka’s relationship with Killua and seeks to bring Killua back. Along with this, Kalluto does not fully understand the concept of friends and is still trying to find who they are as an individual because all they’ve known is to listen to their mother. Kikyo and Silva, mother and father, both want Killua to become the head assassin, however Kikyo is more desperate, overprotective and overbearingly upfront while Silva allows Killua to leave, posing as “the only supportive one” and stating in the long run, Killua will come back as a coldblooded killer is who he is at his core. Milluki does not go outside"
"What ISN'T dysfunctional about them? A family of assassins, they train all their children to be killers, including with literal torture. Killua is the one of the family who's a main character, the heir of the family, and he eventually runs away due to the dysfunctionality. All the kids are isolated, told they don't deserve friendship, and they all have different opinions on family matters but it affects them all! Illumi wants to control Killua to as extreme a degree as he possibly can, and even though Silva lets Killua leave, he fully expects him to return home and join the family business again, and both him and Zeno knew about Illumi's extreme methods of control.
And then there's Alluka, whose power is dangerous and possibly deadly but not in her control. Due to this, the family don't see her as family, constantly misgendering and dehumanizing her, locking her away in a single room for years. Yikes! Silva, Kikyo, and Milluki all want to keep her captive and (at least in Milluki's case) use her power for his own gain. Illumi wants to kill her before her power kills them, but eventually thinks he can find a way to control her himself. Killua just wants to save her. The whole family have this idea that infighting is okay as long as they don't kill each other, and even cruelty against each other is allowed no matter what."
"The Zoldyck family is considered to be, by far, the deadliest and most infamous group of assassins in the world. Their family name alone can strike fear and terror in the underworld. Children in the family are trained from birth in the art of assassination (including drinking poison, electric shocks, etc.) Those talents are the training's result: resistance to almost all types of poison, the ability to tolerate high amounts of electricity and pain, and immense strength, for example Killua was able to open a 16-ton door. Even at a young age they are already capable fighters and assassins. Another example is the youngest son Kalluto who was immediately accepted into the most notorious criminal gang at the age of ten. The oldest child, Illumi, is a master of disguise; whereas the next oldest, Milluki, is a computer wizard and an expert hacker.
Attacking and attempting murder within the family is fair game. But, during an intra-mission, when family members have conflicting ideals and principles, it is against the rules for them to kill each other. Killua is in one scene inside an isolation chamber, his arms chained up. His older brother Milluki holds a whip and tortures him. He thinks that Killua is the most gifted in the entire Zoldyck Family yet he is a failure for letting his emotions go first, to which their grandfather agrees.
Alluka is locked up as everyone fears the second youngest child. Deep underground, Alluka's room is secluded from the rest of the members. Before one could reach her room, several metal doors must be unlocked.
Illumi psychologically manipulate his younger brother Killua and wants to kill his best friend. Kikyo is also a cruel person, as she had no qualms about testing her fourth child's power on innocent people, which is likely to result in their deaths. She also dislikes people thinking her treatment to her children is cruel and uncaring.
Their main line of work is assassination, but they also demonstrated doing work that involves primarily or solely disguise and deceit, tracking, and invasion and support."
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m-ir-a-n-da · 11 months
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You simply cannot convince me that Summer and Qrow aren’t actually Ruby’s parents.
• Qrow has always been much more protective of Ruby than Yang. He’s always been much closer to her. Despite the fact that technically (if Summer and Tai are Ruby’s parents) Ruby is not actually Qrow’s niece.
• Ruby exhibits no resemblance to Tai. Yang very clearly looks like both of her parents, but Ruby looks just like Summer. Which is of course a thing, but she inherited Qrow’s personality in many ways.
• Summer and Tai getting together and having a daughter less than two years after Raven left just seems so unlikely to me. Their relationship is confusing if we believe the information that’s been presented to us at its shallowest level, and everything we know about Summer would lead me to believe that Tai is not her type. At least not right away. And then how were she and Raven still friends or at least cordial in the Volume 9 flashback?
•Also, the way Qrow assumes authority over Ruby even in Tai’s presence and the way Tai yields makes me think that Tai respects Qrow’s rights as a father.
•I think it’s possible Summer and Tai began to fall for each other as they raised their children together, and I think it makes sense for Tai to love Ruby as his own. He has raised her on his own. Perhaps that’s even the source of the tension between Tai and Qrow and explains Qrow’s drinking and pain surrounding his semblance.
• not to mention, Ruby’s last name isn’t Xiao Long because Tai ISNT HER DAD. Also, it explains why Qrow is always coming around even though he and Tai clearly don’t enjoy each other’s company. He would want to watch Ruby grow up, and Tai wouldn’t take that away from him regardless of his personal feelings.
• But the one thing I can’t figure out is why Ruby wouldn’t know. Why would Qrow not have raised her? For what reason did Summer and Tai raise their children together? Perhaps Qrow’s semblance? In Volume 4 he says it makes things hard on his family, and you can tell there is some DEEP rooted trauma there. Also, Team STRQ is known to have made some very poor decisions when it comes to emotions and relationships in the past, so why wouldn’t they think it was a good idea for Qrow to pretend to be Ruby’s uncle? I mean, they kept Ozpin’s secrets their whole lives in order to avoid panic and disorder.
I want more info on the dysfunctionality of the Xiao-Long-Branwen family. Did something happen that is related to Summer’s disappearance? I feel like this information is about to revealed to us.
Ruby had to go through the transformation she did in Volume 9 so that she can handle the fucking bomb that’s about to be dropped on her in the coming volume(s). They are setting us up for a major development in the STRQ past that is somehow going to be directly linked to how they defeat Salem.
Team RWBY has continually made better decisions than Team STRQ did at their age which will show us why STRQ has failed to defeat Salem and why RWBY can.
(Me hoping to god Rooster Teeth doesn’t ruin RWBY by making too many volumes, but also trusting them to do the right thing for the story, because they have always prioritized its natural development.)
There is a Harry Potter level of complexity to the relationships between all the characters and the story that doesn’t make it into the script. (I mean just look at how much depth they gave to Neo and Torchwick without Neo ever saying a word and Torchwick barely even interacting with her on screen.)
I don’t care that Miles Luna said Qrow is not Ruby’s dad. That was five years ago. I think the show has brought us here in a way they might not have intended it to.
Sorry that’s a disorganized mess, I’m just spewing my thoughts. Moral of the story: I am excited about all the ways volume 9 left us uncertain of the story’s next steps and I cannot wait to see where they take us next.
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wicked-jade · 2 months
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Ah, Dutch. My wild-eyed, bleach-blond problem child. The Cobra I never meant to fall for, but here we are. What can I say about him that I haven't already? I feel like i should just point at my back catalog of Dutch/Johnny fic and let it speak for itself. 😂
I have so many headcanons about this little bastard. I want to put him in the spinner and squish him like a squeak toy and bully him for his stupid bleached eyebrows. But also I will bite anyone who dares come for him. I want him and Johnny to live happily (if dysfunctionally) ever after. I want him to get out of prison and be reunited with the surviving Cobras and get a second chance at life (because literally everyone else in this series has gotten one).
Realistically, I know we'll never see him CK, but I'll always be a little sad about it. But that's what fic is for, isn't it?
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we-the-human · 6 months
Who would win? Boomer who gets his misinformation from Facebook or zoomed who gets his misinformation from TikTok/tumblr?
The zoomer gets his misinfo from tiktok, then makes his own video about that video and it gets put on Facebook. then the boomer watches the video on Facebook and also receives the misinfo. Then, because they are both addicted to porn, the boomer DM’s the zoomer a dick pic. And since the zoomer grew up in a culture of online validation but hates himself, concedes to send his only fans link to the boomer so he can pay to see the zoomer dress in kitten outfits and ultimately follow his story for money until he decides to come out as trans, at which point the boomer comes out with a marriage proposal and they live dysfunctionally ever after
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 3/1
Marching into March with a bevvy of b-e-a-utiful new books!
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All Night & Every Day #1 One-Shot -  Ray Fawkes & Andrea Frittella
It's time to party! While celebrating is the last thing grief-stricken introvert Michaela wants to do, her friends drag her out for the night and end up trapping her in a hellish curse: a party that never ends, with no way to escape...not even by dying!
Now she must navigate the labyrinth of the legendary Banquet Hideous all on her own and learn its terrible secrets before she is consumed forever!
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And We Love You #1 -  Fell Hound & Angela Wu
In the throes of a violent dystopian war, a young soldier perishes on the battlefield and begins to bleed out all her memories. Mixing heart wrenching emotions with stunningly gripping visuals, this is the tale of one woman's life, death, and the love which transcends both. A brand new epic from the world of the Ringo-nominated Commander Rao!
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Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer Special -  Casey Gilly, Joe Jaro & Ario Anandito
It's been 4 years, and Buffy, Angel, and Thess have been living in relative peace as a dysfunctionally cozy family. But nothing can last forever... Tara might not be dead, but they're losing hope for her staying among the living, and strange new vampires have been sighted.
To get to the bottom of these unfolding horrors, our gang will have to head underground... and face the horrifying true cause of the decline in vampire activity!
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Deadfellows #1 -  Kody Hamilton & Ramiro Borallo
Pete Miller has just gotten out of his two-year relationship, reeling from the chaos of it all without friends or family around. As he moves into his new awful, one-bedroom apartment Pete attempts to take his own life, but is stopped by a benevolent ghost. Moved by the kindness of this supernatural stranger, Pete sets out to bond with this ghost at all costs-but he quickly learns he doesn't understand the paranormal or their intentions.
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Demon Slayer: One-Winged Butterfly GN -  Aya Yajima & Koyoharu Gotouge
Shinobu and Kanae ask Himejima to teach them how to slay demons. After he refuses, they must complete the impossible task of moving a giant rock to convince him to introduce them to trainers. In other tales, Zenitsu tricks Inosuke into helping him dig a hot spring under Uzui's training, Mitsuri grapples with her reason for becoming a Demon Slayer, Genya discusses his family with Sumi, the Hashiras try to make Tomioka smile, and Kimetsu Academy forms a rock band-much to Shinobu's chagrin!
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Hunt. Kill. Repeat. #1 -  Mark London, Francesco Archidiacono, & Marc Deering 
It's Kill Bill meets Clash of the Titans in Hunt. Kill. Repeat. The all-new, action packed series by Mark London (Battlecats, Knights of the Golden Sun). When the Greek gods invade Earth, society is quickly forced to comply with their new rulers.   However, one god, Artemis, rejects her brethren's ideology and has found solace in the love of a mortal. When she is called to Olympus to answer for her betrayal, the gods strip away her godly powers and leave her for dead. Now, ten years later, Artemis is on a quest for revenge to confront her father, Zeus, for taking away everything she ever loved.
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Phantom Road #1 -  Jeff Lemire & Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Dom is a long-haul truck driver attempting to stay ahead of his tragic past. When he stops one night to assist Birdie, who has been in a massive car crash, they pull an artifact from the wreckage that throws their lives into fifth gear. Suddenly, a typical midnight run has become a frantic journey through a surreal world where Dom and Birdie find themselves the quarry of strange and impossible monsters.
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Nayra & The Djinn GN -  Iasmin Oma Ata
Nayra Mansour feels anything but at home in her New England boarding school. There's the constant pressure from her strict family, cruel bullying from her classmates, and exhausting friendship demands from Rami, the only other Muslim girl at school. Nayra has had enough. Just when she's considering transferring schools to escape it all, Marjan appears. As a djinn, a mythical creature in Arab folklore, Marjan uses their powers and wisdom to help Nayra navigate her overwhelming life. But Marjan's past in the djinn realm is fraught with secrets, guilt, and trouble that have a way of following them all the way to the human realm. And so they must face what they've done before Nayra is pulled into the mess they've made.
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Muros Within Magic Walls: The Case Of The Cemetery Girl GN -  Paolo Chikiamco & Borg Sinaban
Manila-the walled city recently freed from a dictator's iron-fisted rule-is a magical metropolis where monsters flit and feed along neon-lit streets. In this noir-tinged dystopian graphic novel, the capital exists in an alternate reality where myth and fantasy collide. A one-armed Taga-Sagot-a gatherer of information, an answerer of questions, a fount of knowledge-is charged with finding the missing "daughter" of a small-town mayor lost amidst the temptations of the open city, now a den of pleasure districts and corruption. In a city now governed by the mysterious Societies, tensions between the human and nonhuman inhabitants are about to hit a breaking point.
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Why Are You Like This: An ArtByMoga Comic Collection - Meg Adams
Finally, comics that answer life's most pressing questions: Is my partner actually upset or just hangry? Whose turn is it to remember the reusable shopping bags? Is it appropriate to put up Halloween décor two months in advance? (Spoiler alert: Yes. Yes, it is.) From the joys of marrying your best friend to the bizarre musings of a twelve-pound pup to the humor and heartbreak of anxiety, Meg's all-too-relatable comics leave no stone unturned.
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We’re All Just Fine HC -  Ana Penyas
This heartfelt graphic biography is a tribute to the artist's grandmothers and a generation of women who quietly soldiered through over forty years of Fascist rule in Spain.
Artist Ana Penyas's grandmothers Maruja and Herminia live alone in their respective Spanish towns, largely neglected by their children and relatives, who never visit. But when Ana comes to see them, she realizes that these women, whose day-to-day existences now seem mundane, experienced firsthand an incredibly tumultuous and fascinating period of Spanish history.
In We're All Just Fine, Penyas weaves the memories of her grandmothers to craft a narrative quilt that pieces together what it was like for women to assimilate to Spain's dramatic political and cultural shifts in the late 1970s and '80s. The sudden transition from the authoritarian, repressive Franco regime to lively and liberating democracy was at once incredibly freeing but also destabilizing for women used to their traditional roles as dutiful housewives.
Through this intimate lens into her grandmothers' daily struggle - of their silence, the small acts of rebellion, and great gestures of resilience - Penyas gives voice to an entire generation of "invisible'' women whose stories have rarely been told. Combining collage and rough-hewn pencil drawings, and mixing past and present, Penyas offers a decidedly feminist tribute to the forgotten lives and legacies of her grandmothers.
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We Live HC Vol 1 -  Roy Miranda & Inaki Miranda 
The year is 2084 and the world has changed. Wracked by calamities and crawling with monsters, the last remaining humans face a dangerous existence. And now, the Earth has been sent a message from the deepest reaches of space - a dark countdown to the extinction of all humanity. But there is hope! Five thousand children will be rescued by these mysterious message-senders. This is the journey of Hototo, one of the lucky five thousand - but only if his teenage sister, Tala, can safely deliver him to the nearest Beacon before time runs out.
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Storyboarding For Visions Of Wim Wenders HC -  Stephane Lemardele
In 2014, storyboard artist Stéphane Lemardelé began work with legendary filmmaker Wim Wenders (Paris, Texas; Wings of Desire) on his newest project, the emotional Every Thing Will Be Fine. The opening scenes Stéphane worked on would become some of the most renowned of the film, but it was the relationship he built with Wenders that would truly change him. Through this graphic novel memoir, Stéphane captures not only the production of this film but moments of artistic reflection from Wim himself as he ponders the trajectory of his career and evolution as an artist, and the use of film as a tool to examine our own humanity. This book is a rare peek behind the curtain for all fans of cinema, featuring actual storyboards from the production.
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Red Zone #1 (of 4) - Cullen Bunn, Mike Deodato, Lee Loughridge & Razzah
Randall Crane, an unassuming American professor of Russian and Slavic Studies at NYU, is called in by the US government for a secret international mission back to Russia, where his long-buried secrets come to light. When his support team of commandos is ambushed and killed, it's up to Randall to fight his way out of Russia using his "particular set of skills."
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Wildheart: The Daring Adventures Of John Muir GN - Julie Bertagna & William Goldsmith
The exciting life story of John Muir-who sailed to America as a boy and ended up changing the world; told for the first time in a graphic novel. John Muir led an adventurous life, starting with his wild and playful boyhood in Scotland to his legendary exploits in America, where he became an inventor, a global explorer, and the first modern environmentalist; and even became friends with a president! His heart was always in the outdoors and he aimed to experience all he could. Most importantly, though, John Muir told the world about the wonders of nature. His words made a difference and inspired people in many countries to start protecting planet Earth-and they still do.
Whatcha scooping up to start the month, Fantom Fam?
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Thinking bout sub kissing seishiro's hands has me frothing at the mouth
It had me frothing at the mouth too so I went ahead and wrote small(1.2k) fic about that. It's the forbidden AU: X!Seisub fluff. But also with Seishirou's mental gymnastic added to the mix. Imagine some Bible level miracle happened and they're living domestically dysfunctionally together :D
Fic is under-cut
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From corner of the eye Seishirou noticed Subaru approaching the couch. Before Subaru could discern him staring, Seishirou lowered head and resumed with reading; alas with divided attention. Even after years of living together Seishirou couldn’t help being on guard around Subaru; biology in motion, second nature to stay on slight guard around anyone.
Once Subaru closed enough proximity for not being aware of his presence being too unnatural, Seishirou gazed up and regarded him with brief look; acknowledged presence. Meek smile from Subaru in return, almost shy; perhaps fondness was also there, something Seishirou had to admit to still not being able to fathom entirely. Oh well, leastwise his over-sized pyjamas looked adorable on Subaru; he didn’t even suggest Subaru uses it, he wore it on own initiative. That fact made gesture more endearing.
Without saying a word Subaru lounged on couch to his left; always on side he could be noticed on, Seishirou realized shortly after they’ve got back together; kind but pointless. If he wanted to sleep Subaru ought to have went straight to bed, not nap here on couch. It was almost December, certainly not advisable to lay down without any sort of blanket. Plus Subaru was likelier to catch all sorts of nasty cold as self-care simply wasn’t his strongest suit; add magical backlash into mix. Cold would be Subaru’s problem to deal with however by extension also his; therefore Seishirou would rather avoid what is avoidable.
Perhaps Subaru was silently urging him to take a shower so they can both go to sleep? Cute but I’m afraid you don’t hold that sort of control over me Subaru-kun.
Subaru yawned beside him and bent legs at knees. Seishirou had ti suppress yawn on his own; instead he flipped next page. Eye hastily scanned text up and down, then left to right. Maybe Subaru did have a point; certainly warm bed sounded like far better idea than forcing himself to concentrate on book he lost interested in; especially when half of his focus was on person laying beside him. Nevertheless he refused to give in to any will other than very own and for those reasons Seishirou decided to spend couple minutes more in somewhat soothing silence before calling it a day.
Soft rustle to the left; just as soft hair strands brushing over trousers. Seishirou glanced down; realized Subaru cuddled closer to him. Maybe it’s attention he wants? Oh well, even if not in the mood for anything too serious nor ardent, how could he pass the opportunity of playing the role of devoted lover? Permitting corner of lips to curve into knowing smirk, Seishirou brought free hand down and combed through Subaru’s bangs. Instant puff, but there was no mistaking shy smile on Subaru’s lips.
How absurd. Fundamentally you’re not that different from naive boy you once were, yet were far easier to read when you were so desperate to hide what you’re feeling. Seishirou returned attention to his book; just in name. As on autopilot continued stroking Subaru’s hair and cheeks; caress was accepted, even welcomed. The advantages of having docile lover, irrefutably worth one’s time. Still, Seishirou was no fool. Said yielding extended only to surface things; ones that failed to matter in long shot. Inane to even assume tension between them would ever be resolved, that Subaru didn’t have volition on his own and -
Subaru’s fingertips grazed over his wrist. That captured Seishirou’s undivided attention; alarms went off within psyche; he silenced them with ease. As well as whetted appetite. Seishirou remained motionless, simply waited to see what Subaru had in mind. Oh so slowly, like he was avoiding raising up any further alarms, Subaru encircled hand around his wrist; then just as gradually lowered it down. Seishirou allowed the maneuvering. What he didn’t expect was for Subaru to kiss back of his hand.
Touch, for being mundane and chaste as it was, felt oddly intimate. As if slipping into uncharted territory, instinct nudged at him to retreat into safety. Refusing to yield into own irrationality, Seishirou stilled his hand; allowed Subaru to place kisses over palm and back. With eyes closed and expression serene, Subaru appeared deeply engrossed in such trivial touch. They had to hold some meaning to Subaru he failed to comprehend at the moment.
I’ll reach into your soul eventually. There won’t be a thing about you concealed from me. I'll own your every thought.
Seishirou envisioned inverted pentagrams on Subaru’s hands; moment later marks came to life. In reality, situation tended to be reversed, he’s usually one placing kisses over Subaru’s hands; over where marks of his ownership were craved. In split second it flashed through Seishirou’s mind that this was ritual of reverse ownership; those apprehension diminished as no chants from Subaru were detected; no hints of omnyojitsu.
Perhaps symbolically then? Of no account, for time being he’ll settle on observing tenderness of Subaru’s expression; even if odd intimacy threw him off loop in ways he couldn’t pinpoint. Quite peculiar of himself to pose an enigma to no other than himself, nonetheless such uncanny moments intensified in frequency whenever Subaru was added it mix. Seishirou would be lying if he claimed he was delighted with that prospect but sometimes one needn’t probe too deep; mustn't as some things were better left unanswered; unlabeled.
Longer kiss was placed right on back of palm. Subaru finally opened eyes and their gazes met. No flinch, no pause. Seishirou made sure his expression betrayed none of inner conflict; let subtle smile reach lips, neither too flat to be closer to frown, nor too plastic to be obviously fake. Subaru and melancholia went hand in hand, better for both of them if Subaru remained in somewhat normal spirits rather than one of his blues; after all, he’d be one reaping the benefits of keeping his lover content.
Eventually Subaru let go; let hand slide down and lowered head back on his thigh. Silence stretched on, like nothing happened in the first place. Curiosity weakness of his, even more when something piped his interest. Seishirou decided to press the matter, but play it off as triviality.
“Cute of you Subaru-kun but what was that for?”, he asked while raking through Subaru’s hair once more.
Soft groan; Subaru appeared to be enjoying the tenderness. At that moment he appeared as if he hasn’t aged a day past sixteen; timid and sentimental. Yet unguarded eyes let out nothing of inner thoughts and wishes; no less of an enigma than night they reunited couple months ago.
“I’m not sure…”, Subaru began indeterminately. Paused briefly, gazed shyly to side before finally answering with more assurance.
“I just felt like it”
That answered absolutely nothing, Seishirou through privately. Howbeit typical of Subaru to act upon emotions. In retrospect he probably projected own inclination towards deceptiveness onto Subaru; habit of his, but also innate instinct to always stay ten steps ahead of everyone; especially someone as enigmatic and magically powerful as this grown up version of Subaru is.
All of that apparently unnecessary scrutiny evoke hunter in him; looks like he was in the mood actually. Seishirou slid hand down to Subaru’s chin and coaxed him into lounging position. Subaru didn’t appear startled, if anything he seemed receptive to anything Seishirou had in mind. Good. Distraction more then desirable; perhaps he needed it more than Subaru did.
“Let me show you then what proper kiss looks like”, Seishirou teased and brought Subaru up into real kiss.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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Legislatures in red states are reacting to the shooting of an unarmed black teen by a racist white geezer – but not in a good way.
Tennessee, eager to uphold its reputation as the nexus for far right legislative dysfunctionality, is making it more difficult to sue gun manufacturers.
Tennessee moves to shield gun firms after school shooting
Heaven forbid that one of those merchants of death should ever be held financially accountable for the carnage they cause. That would mean less money for contributions to the NRA-GOP. 
BTW, Tennessee Republicans don’t have their own house in order but they feel they have the right to tell everybody else how to live. 
Tennessee Republican Resigns After Being Caught Sexually Harassing Interns
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talkingtea · 1 year
#atleastgoals as y’all always say. Cause truth is both GG and JR are trash. We shouldn’t want her with either. You guys say you don’t even want GG doing another show/movie with a black co-lead. But you’re okay with him dating CP?
Yes, because there are only two options for Candice in the whole entire world and saying that Grant, who we flat out said ain’t shit, is a better option than the dumpster fire that is Fuckboy must mean that we want them to live dysfunctionally ever after together. 🙄
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haughtyshipping · 2 years
ok basically what happens is that mizuhikishipping and angelfireshipping get divorced so sad too bad anyways then cynthia swoops in and seduces diantha lol resulting in phaesporiashipping (obvs) and cyrus and malva are like wtf 😐💔 and they live dysfunctionally ever after the end 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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The Dove to the Vampire: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Rosalie Hale x Stacy McCain (oc).
Warning: panic attack, Swearing, Mates, Dysfunctionality.
Words count: 3255.
Summary: Rosalie believes through the centuries her forever was Emmett only to finds out Forks has other plans. Throughout her Vampire life she had no doubt about it. Stacy has lived her Reservation High School experience to the fullest knowing that despite having beta blood running through her very veins – there is no wolf in her very future. Starting new year in forks high of all places thanks to her sister.
A/N: Do note, I am sorry for taking so long but my first language isn’t English, so I had to make sure everything made perfect sense or something similar to it.
One day, Stacy wakes up to the reality no sister in the room parallel to her anymore not her obnoxious singing to whatever plays in her Spotify playlist. Houston loved to recommend songs as soon as Stacy stepped out of her room saying how good they were and such it was our little play every single Monday. She would usually plead that would be the day you would see reason and see her songs taste was as she loved to say, “Impeccable”. Stacy softly whispers to herself.
Stacy clenches her hands on her sheets a breath she takes deeply wishing to cry her pain away from every corner in her body. Her body laid rigid letting the minutes go by the clock hoping in some deep corner in her brain that her mother is no longer at home.
She wouldn’t be that unlucky right? Not twice in a row? Stacy legs move over the bed as slow as she could possibly do; what she didn’t have in luck she had in professional sneaks if that’s even a word.
Stacy puts her palm down on the bed to move herself forward ever so slightly to the edge of the bed and steadily taking a breath only when extremely necessary.
Every time of every day in the past 4 years has Stacy train herself little by little. Maybe it’s wishful thinking that she could train herself to trick the wolves outside her home.
“I still believe this is a mistake.”
Stacy abruptly stops her feet from touching the cold floor this Saturday morning setting her presence known to her mother. The voice is recognizable as that Stacy blue eyes shift to the door. Her handle turns softly not to disturb her sleep a soft sigh escapes Lucy, “Don’t mom me, Houston. You want Stacy to go to Forks High? I have no jurisdiction there.” Lucy raises her voice takes a deep breath her heels tick on the hard wood floors. Stacy takes a deep breath a thought in her brain repeats so vividly she believes she spoke it.
‘Time it right’.
‘Time it right’.
‘Time it right’.
Stacy holds her breath once more her eyes shift from her reflection in her full body mirror by the door and the door itself. The only thing stopping her mom is the thought she is sleeping. Lucy lowers her tone after Houston seem to stop talking in the other end.
 “You don’t see the problem here, do you? Stacy hates the Cullens. Forks High School has more Vampires than Humans at this point; you want to send Stacy over there? Human Stacy?”. Stacy rolls her eyes at her own mother for ignoring the fact she is a witch. Lucy laughs at something that Stacy could care less.
“A witch? Houston don’t feed Stacy dreams. She has no wolf let alone inheritance of your father”. Lucy spits vile toxic like the mention of my father offends her and I having any connection to him near her is toxic.
Stacy holds down the lump forming in her throat to revolt let her sharp words wound Lucy so deeply no amount of healing could fix her up.
“I am her mother, I am sure I would have notice if my daughter showed signs of being a witch, Houston”. Lucy stops midway more steps she takes. A sigh escapes her lips, “I have you know! I have Stacy watch 24/7 to keep her safe”.
Stacy has been dealing those fateful 4 years ago, she thought that would be the worst she had encounter, her mom unjustifiably punishing her own daughter for no reason.
The strings of her heart shatter every time no matter what no matter when no matter who says it, she just have to paint a perfect smile on her lips and play that everything is perfect. Hell. No, hell doesn’t compare to the realization that her family is no more. Her family is broken beyond believe and there is nothing she can do to stop that.
Over time, the necessity to breath disappears, tears don’t feel like tears anymore, there is nothing that could even come close to hearing her mom proudly deny Stacy origins.
Nothing compares to a 14th year old girl finding out that one of the strongest werewolf blood runs through her veins despite your wishes; you aren’t granted that gift given to all your previous predecessors that came before you. Something that everyone around you said you’ll surely get so much you believed them even though you showed no signs of such gift.
Once I reach the reservation, their smiles aren’t a comfortable blanket. They are welcoming, but I have no idea if it’s because of my past or fear of my mother’s wrath.
Their lips smile weakly like shattering glass at every point; however, their eyes falter around like searching for an escape goat. It’s always the same. Forks makes it a little better over there I don’t exist to anyone whatsoever. I am a ghost blending in the shadows of every corner, a renegade with a mission to cease to exist.
Another raspy breath this time not being as quiet as before her heart rings in her ears beating even more faster than before like air felt as a distance cousin not able to reach her lungs. Thoughts nonexistent.
Stacy tries to call for help, but no words escape her lips. Stacy eyes wander around to her full-length mirror then her cabinets, her hands shake not sure when they started to shake, Stacy glance down placing her other hand to hold onto it to make it stop. It couldn’t happen right now when you were trying to be as quiet as possible.
“This is not what’s best for her!”, Lucy keeps screaming to the phone as her heels clicking on the hardwood floor. Stacy takes a weak breath trying her hardest to align herself pick up the pieces before her mom finds out she is awake.
It was futile.
Stacy takes deep breath after another breath louder than her previous attempt her lungs call her to give them at least any type of oxygen. She tries once more a set of coughs welcome her attempt. A knock on her door Stacy glances towards it. Stacy feels sweat drips from her forehead.
“Stacy? Are you okay?”. Lucy knocks again turning the handle to see if it’s open. Stacy tries to stand up only to crashed face first to the floor. Stacy hears in the background as Lucy’s feet contact the door, bringing the door down with enough force.
Stacy tries to breath for a new set of coughs to come forth that’s when Stacy finds herself getting picked up in warmth hands that feel like something she hasn’t had in a long time. Home. Blue eyes crash with her mother’s staring down at Stacy as she is picked up bridal style wasting no time to rush out of the room.
Stacy opens her mouth to say at least anything as Lucy feet reach the outside every werewolf around the house rushes to get in the cars; however, Lucy runs in the opposite direction of the town reaching her hand to move Stacy closer to her body to give her enough warmth trying to help.
“It’s okay Stacy. I know somebody”. Lucy whispers into Stacy ears as she rushes at a speed Stacy sees colors instead of houses or cars. Lucy stops frantically searching a breath she takes her ears pick onto her target, “Edward. Don’t think I didn’t saw you”. Carlisle softly speaks a chuckle between words.
Lucy moves forwards finding herself on the second floor of the Cullens household. Every Vampire and Werewolf around turned to their intruder in completely shock. Her brown eyes lock with golden eyes as she opens her hands holding a shaking and sweating Stacy, “My daughter is having a panic attack… please. I didn’t know who else to turn too”.  
“How the fuck did you made it up here?”, A black hair and brown eyes boy stood up as if offended he didn’t realized Lucy enter the room. A smirk paints in her lips dying soon after at Stacy state. Carlisle speeds to Lucy picking Stacy from her arms, “Alice helped me. Esme get everyone else out”.
A pixie like woman speeds out and back into the room while a blonde one stood up her golden eyes stare at Stacy intently like the air escape her lungs the minute we got in here. Lucy raised an eyebrow at her then glances back at Stacy.
“I am not leaving her alone,” Lucy follows Carlisle pushing hair from her face. Stacy continues to shake uncontrollably. Her eyes drift around the room Lucy hopes is to not register where she is, Stacy would kill Lucy, Lucy knows Stacy dislike of the Cullens.
Stacy eyes land on Carlisle her heart rings on his ears he gives her a soft smile.
“My name is Carlisle. Everything is okay; Stacy nod your head if you can understand me”. Stacy nods her head twice.
Alice speed to Rosalie extending her hand up, “Emmett. Don’t”.
“That’s good. You are doing a wonderful job”, Carlisle smiles placing Stacy on the kitchen counter only letting her go when he was sure she was seating, “We are going to play a game”.
Lucy glances back at the blonde woman with a name. Rosalie gets her hands out of another vampire whose hands were guiding her out the room. Rosalie walks back into the room slowly her golden eyes staring at Stacy. She walks inching closer but stops a breath she takes in. Lucy glances back to Stacy eyes locking with this vampire.
“Lucy,” Carlisle checks places a hand on Stacy chest her heart has normalize.
“An Angel”. Stacy calls out.
“A Dove”. Rosalie calls back a smile forms on her lips.
Carlisle turns his head around extending one hand up to stop Rosalie. He calls out to her, but all Rosalie could see is Stacy. Lucy looks between her daughter and Rosalie eyes lock like the world around them disappear. A growl escapes her lips as realization hit her mind like a truck hitting her hard. Carlisle stares at Lucy ready to kill Rosalie then back at Stacy eyes entangle with Rosalie’s.
“Rosalie. Don’t attack,” Carlisle tries to stop an incident for forming. Lucy takes a step forward.
“I will never hurt her,” Rosalie blurts clear as water from her porcelain lips a smile plaster on her lips keeping her eyes interlock with Stacy. Rosalie speed past Carlisle; Lucy launches forward to rip the Vampire away from her daughter.
Carlisle brought Lucy into an embrace stopping her from moving forward. Both move around to Rosalie moving two fingers forward using them close enough to seem walk on Stacy palms, “It’s supposed to distract you, is it working?”. Rosalie inches closer to Stacy.
“Well…”. Stacy whispers gulping saliva keeping her eyes on Rosalie golden eyes a blush covering her cheeks.
“What was I supposed to forget?”. Stacy asks gulping once more a breath she takes pushing some hair off her face.
“It looks like nothing.” Rosalie whispers inching forward to Stacy. A growl in the background from Lucy not liking this outcome one bit.
“Take your hands away from my daughter!!”, Lucy growls screaming at the top of her lungs, Carlisle holds his arms around her form. His eyes move back to Rosalie playing with Stacy who shrinks at Lucy’s words.
Rosalie stops the smile on her lips died instantly catching how Stacy shrank in size. Stacy’s blue eyes drift from Rosalie’s golden ones to her mother; Stacy looks back at Rosalie in a bit of concern whispers, “It’s okay. I have dealt with worst”.
“No”. Stacy looks back up at Lucy like something inside her just click for the first time in 4 years. She feels slightly brighter like the sun finally broke through the dark clouds in her life allowing her to breath what life had to offer and finding Rosalie sure as hell was not it. Not one bit, but despite how bad it looks for a family gathering how karma and destiny are laughing at Stacy’s parents right now, aren’t they?
Stacy couldn’t help to break out in a fit of laughter at the whole thing. Her dad hates Vampires with a passion, and Lucy is a werewolf that has the set rule that vampires are literally the devil.
Everyone stares at Stacy as if she had grown two oversize heads or had a concussion. Carlisle clears his throat about to say something to clear the confusion; however, Stacy beats him to it clearing her throat.
“Mom. Let’s not start this conversation now.” Stacy pushes hair out of her eyes back behind her ears. Her eyes never leaving Rosalie that seem to have calm once more not the daggers she sends Lucy two seconds ago, “When we get back home you cry to me how bad this looks or whatever not like you have taken everything else already”.
“Don’t take that tone with me, young lady”. Lucy eyes glow yellow like the verge of her humanity was question at this very moment in time. Carlisle turns in a flash stood in front of Lucy discussing with her without a word said his golden eyes keeping contact with her wolfish ones.
Rosalie closes her eyes taking a deep breath inching ever so closely to Stacy, her lips wide charming smile. Stacy looks at her like the world could have turn upside down and she wouldn’t have cared in the standing ovation that in reality without Stacy alternative motive Rosalie had made a vacation spot in her heart.
“Let’s leave them be for now”. Carlisle tries to stop Lucy growing discomfort racing thoughts in her little brain as her eyes dance from her daughter and Rosalie still though kind of alive light around Stacy. Carlisle brings Lucy’s eyes back to him like clockwork Lucy pushes past Carlisle trying to reach for Stacy.
It little, but it was enough. The intent alone Rosalie turn putting one arm over Stacy front the other to slap Lucy’s hand away just slightly as a way to say no, “I don’t think so”. Rosalie starts her golden eyes shine with the light in the room. A short but seemingly annoying smile paint on her lips less charming that her genuine one, Stacy thought. She ponders on how Rosalie genuine smile could light the room if she ever got to see it.
“Stacy expressed her mind just a second ago. Did you not heard her, or did you prefer not too?”. Rosalie asks not leaving much to Lucy to respond as she continues, “Are you the type of parent that does her way or the highway? If that’s the case let me make it heavenly clear to you. You can walk off and leave if so you wish, but Stacy isn’t leaving this house or my side or anywhere with you for that matter”.
Lucy growls shake the whole house and Stacy in it. Stacy glances up at Rosalie finding her nails ever slightly more interesting than Lucy who starts shaking at the apparent thought just clicking in her brain. Stacy stood frozen it has been a while 4 years to be exact since somebody had gone to step up for her like that to her own mother. The woman that in her mind couldn’t careless about well if she is a witch or not.
Rosalie looks up acknowledging Lucy glares.
“I am not a threat. I would never harm her”. Rosalie repeats the words she said not long ago. Stacy looks at her then her mother not sure why Rosalie keeps repeating that.
Stacy reaches out her hands to hold onto Rosalie’s cream sleeve blouse. The color did look good on her skin not much of a contrast for her pale skin; however, it looks good on her.
“It’s okay, angel”. Stacy blurts the nickname she believes fits perfect for Rosalie that really seems like the word if she stands still only needs to sprout out wings to fly off into the sunset, “Lucy will not harm me. She just wants to make sure I am okay after all I did just have a panic attack”. Stacy whispers each word softly taking breath in between them. Lucy glances down at her own flesh and blood, a nod she gave out to put truth to her daughter words.
Rosalie glances between them. Her danger level sky high willing to launch at the mom; however, she gulps anything she had inside her mind. She turns back to Stacy enjoy the idea of being next to her for however long they had, “Tell me, dove?”. Rosalie starts locking her golden eyes with Stacy. Her hands lock on the side of Stacy stomach pulling her up and down the counter with ease like Stacy weight absolutely nothing.
“Hey! I am heavy!”, Stacy protest that went unheard by Rosalie placing Stacy on the floor only letting go when Rosalie was sure Stacy could stand despite that Rosalie stood so close to her Lucy glares didn’t cease one bit.
“What’s your favorite color?”. Rosalie plays with golden locks from Stacy head waiting for the definitive answer.
“huh... Pink. Why?”. Stacy ponders confused of that question alone. She had though the first question a vampire had ask was something else entirely not her color preference.
“To get to know you better”. It was her response as she takes Stacy hands within hers leaving a soft kiss on them. Rosalie looks back at Lucy a glare of her own covering her golden eyes, “You need to get used to seeing me a lot more than now”.
“Rosalie. It’s time”. Alice clears her throat to the relief of Lucy hearing those words. Alice and Rosalie were out the room. Lucy grabs Stacy by the arm dragging her out the room with Carlisle behind trying to talk to Lucy who didn’t listen one bit. Stacy heard a couple of slipped words from them both speaking at a speed she had no idea her mom could even mutter words.
“This is the last tim-”. Lucy pushes the car door open dropping Stacy in it then shutting it. Carlisle appears in front of her soon after, “You know as well as I that separating them will set”.
Lucy opens the driver door then closes it again.
“My daughter is 17, Carlisle. 17. No. I am a mother first”. Lucy blurts out in shouts waving her hands in the air. Stacy rolls her car inside the car not sure what is going on but feels it has something to do with Rosalie. The anger that makes her feel she can pull up a cream blouse and not look like a total dead animal in it.
“We can figure this out just frequent visits”, Carlisle suggested his eyes fall to Stacy then back to Lucy whose thinks hard on such a decision. She looks to the trees then back at Carlisle, “Fine. Supervised visits. I will be present”.
“Of course”, Carlisle whispers gulping the lump in his throat. Lucy smiles satisfied at his answers opening the driver door to enter. Stacy asks what’s going on, but Lucy doesn’t answer what so ever. The werewolf around enters different cars driving after Lucy’s cars. Carlisle watching them leave down the streets a sigh escape his lips knowing this is another way karma is setting the wheels of destiny in motion. 
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This au is haunting me so thinking about Empath Ben escaping from the lab when she's 18-19 and turning up at Mike's farm. Mike has powers, she's always known she has, when you grow up on a farm being able to produce plants from your hands is incredibly convenient and her parents moved them out of the way far enough that no one has ever caught her.
And after a year or two of Mike and Ben healing and bonding Richie Tozier shows up, clearly running from something (not the lab, they can tell, and if it was she'd definitely not been there as long as Ben, she's far too well adjusted) and they're more than happy to let her stay. But she's also scared whenever she looks at Ben. And they can't tell why.
So they live in unaware-the-other-have-powers dysfunctionality for a bit until eventually Ben gets deeply fed up and reveals herself by just projecting fear and confusion on Richie over and over until she understands whats happening and she ends up having to tell her.
So they live in unaware-the-other-have-powers dysfunctionality for a bit until eventually Ben gets deeply fed up and reveals herself by just projecting fear and confusion on Richie over and over until she understands whats happening and she ends up having to tell her.
Then more stuff happens, eventually the farm becomes like a magnet for Losers with Powers, and they have a wonderful and peaceful time and all date each other :)
(also like Murder TW but: a lot of the ghosts were just other people the lab killed but also I think empathic abilities have the power to be incredibly fucked up like.... can she just... take someones emotions? Like all of them? and then when she crashes them all back in it basically sends their brain into shock and kills them. idk im just thinking about how empathic abilities can be Really OP but also anyone ben killed deserved it)
Anyway here's the closest I think I'm gonna get to writing anything for this:
“What do you think of her?” Mike asks, carefully, like Ben can’t already tell how nervous she is. 
(She’d have been able to without feeling it, anyways, she only grows dandelions when she’s particularly panicky, and right now the tiny petals peeking under her sweater cuffs are already well past yellow and beginning to fluff into white.)
Ben shrugs, just as carefully, “I dunno. I don’t think she’s… bad. She felt surprised and kinda scared when she saw us. Don’t think she knew anyone else was here.”
“You sure? I’ll kick her out if you want me too. Won’t even feel bad about it.” She blatantly lies, and Ben pushes her amusement into a halfway false I-know-that's-not-true annoyance. Mike snorts, “Yeah, yeah, okay. I wouldn’t feel that bad about it. I’m gonna trust your judgment either way, you know that.”
She lets her gratitude float between the two of them, warm and safe and familiar, “Not bad. Definitely… hiding something though.”
“Like what?” 
She shrugs, “I think she’s scared of me.”
“Uh-huh, yeah, that makes sense.” Mike teases, sending a white freesia blossom winding around her wrist. I trust you.
“She’s not bad. I know that.”
 “Alright then.” Mike’s worry eases a little as she smooths her lips into an almost-real-but-not-quite grin, “I’ll put her on the chore wheel.”
The farm is nice. Boring looking, and certainly not where Richie would have chosen to run to, but the city is unbearably noisy, here is almost far enough away, and Mike and Ben seem more than happy to let her stay.
It’s good here. It’s safe here. She’d just… feel safer if Ben wasn’t surrounded by so many fucking angry dead people.
At first, she hadn’t thought a ton about it, she’d run out here to get away from ghosts (and you know… people, but that was an immediate nonstarter) but she’d always known there would be some somewhere. Richie knows better than anyone alive that there isn’t anywhere on the planet totally, one hundred percent free from someone dead. 
But she’s been here a full day, and not once have the ghosts drifted aimlessly away they way they usually do. They tend to get bored, but the areas around Ben have remained cramped tight with ghosts. Unsettled ghosts. More unsettled than Richie’s ever seen ghosts.
They’re are sticking so close by she can’t even ask if she’s about to be murdered by this quaint, strange lesbian farmer couple without said quaint, strange, possibly murderous lesbian farmer couple hearing her.  
But it’s not like she has a lot of options. 
At least the ghosts are preoccupied enough with Ben they haven’t seemed to have caught on to the fact that Richie can see them yet. They will, eventually, but Richie’s tentatively alright with at least waiting it out here until they do, or, well, until Ben murders her in cold blood and adds her to their ranks.
Whichever comes first.
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