#And yes that's Anna as in FE Anna
elpisofhope · 1 year
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Shitposts from our DnD game
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shellysaurus-rex · 8 months
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Fe OC Week 5 - Joy
"In the course of your long journey, you will learn from those you meet. Learn to walk and run and so much more."
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fire emblem as a series deserves more ridiculous spin-off games. TMS was good but we can get stupider!!!!
I would like to put forward: a business tycoon game where you only play as the Annas. all of them. you have to buy and sell things from each fire emblem world, with a background story about how 20 or so alternate versions of the same woman banded together to form an inescapable business empire. yes it’s probably a monopoly but let’s be honest would any of the fe worlds really have laws against that sort of thing. I want to see them commit insider trading and tax fraud I think it would be funny
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psychosophy · 3 days
Typing Shaman King Charas
I'm rereading Shaman King and I like it SO I wanted to type them! I'm only on chapter 60-something, so I'll only be doing charas that have appeared so far in my reread. I'll be covering MBTI, Psychosophy, and Classpects !
Yoh Asakura:
For his MBTI type, I'm unsure whether he uses fe or fi...his morals aren't really talked about, and most people type him as fi because of this. Yes, I would say he has a lot of morals, and I do agree they come from internally (he has a habit of helping people even tho everyone around him tells him not to), BUT I honestly think his si is MUCH higher than his fi.
Yes, he's moralistic and kind, but first and foremost he is about reminiscing (idk if that's the best way to put it). He sees the past in a very subjective light, always gazing at the stars, living in the moment but not in the way an Se user would, he doesn't live in the moment he breathes in the moment. He's silent, steady, he lets the moment pass around him, instead of trying to directly influence it.
Because of this, I think he's ISFJ (Si-FI) though if you're a PDB-truther and only use IEIE stacks, I think Si/Fe>Si/Te, so, either way, ISFJ.
For his psychosophy, he's a pretty obvious 1F and 4V, preferring the physical realm and being as comfortable as possible with little care for his volition, preferring to follow others. 2E and 3L also makes sense, he listens to others emotions and is always there to listen, 3L doesn't make as MUCH sense but that's what we're left with LoL
And for classpect, DEFINITELY a breath player, honestly I could 100% see heir of breath, both because he's A. Very passive and B. Protagonist classpect /j
But for real, I'm thinking either heir of breath or sylph of breath, but I'm leaning towards sylph. He's actively trying to free the other characters (speciifcally Ren) but doesn't steal from others like a rogue
Full Typing: ISFJ (Si/Fi) - 9w1 - 972 - SCUAN - FELV - Phlegmatic-Sanguine - Neutral Good - Sylph of Breath
Manta is for sure also an Si user, just like Yoh, but for very different reasons. Of course, he's very cautious and prefers the known to the unknown, but more than that he learns from what he knows. He takes his experiences and revelations from his senses, and puts it to practical use, which SCREAMS Si/Te to me. He's not as aggressive with sensing like an Se user, his more "down to earth"-ness comes first and foremost from his Te.
Also he's SO te/fi axis. Specifically, he has incredibly unhealthy fi at the beginning of the story. He's selfish and only uses his Te, referring to his dictionary as the truth of the world because it's verified facts.
For psychosophy, he's probably 1L and 2V, he HAS a dream and isn't afraid to go for it, but early on in the story he specifically listens to others and ignores his own wants. His entire story is about how he feels like he doesn't have a dream or purpose in life, which makes me think process volition, but I think it's stronger than a 4V would be. Also 3E and 4F I think. No real reasoning behind this, I'm just guessing LMAO
As for classpect, definitely a mind type. The mind-heart dichotomy makes a lot of sense for him, he has no identity and only looks at things through the scope of what is true. For his class, I'm not exactly sure, I think page would make a lot of sense but NOT mixed with mind...If I were to pick something good to go with mind I'd honestly say heir of mind makes most sense, with mage of mind and page of heart being a close second
Full Typing: ISTJ (Si/Ti) - 6w5 - 694 - RLOAI - LVEF - Melancholic-Phlegmatic - Lawful Neutral - Heir of Mind
I think her Te is very obvious, but I'm unsure if it's dominant or not? I don't see much Ni or Si tbh so I'm leaning towards yes. As for ni or si, I think Ni, but I'm not sure? I haven't really dived deep into her personality, but I think she shows more intuiition than sensing in general so idk...also se>ne I think.
For psychosophy, DEFINITELY 1V and 3L, I'm gonna say VFLE, her 1V is obvious, always pushing those around her to be better and having a general leader like impression on everyone. For 3L, I'm mainly saying this because I cannot see her logic as process, so 3L's what's left LMAO
Classpect is tougher, part of me wants to say rage but that doesn't make much sense to me. Time or doom would actually work better I think, but I'm leaning towards Time. Not much is known about time, this is mainly vibe typed LMAO. I'mma go Mage of Time
Full Typing: ENTJ (Te/Ni) - 3w4 - 351 - RCOEI - VFLE - Choleric-Melancholic - True Neutral - Mage of Time
I'm tired of explaining so I'mma just put the rest as just their type and come back and write about it later LMAO
Ryu Typing: ESFP (Se/Fe) - 8w7 - 872 - SCUAN - VEFL - Sanguine [Dominant] - Chaotic Good - Knight of Heart
Horohoro: ESFP (Se/Fi) - 8w7 - 873 - SCUAN - VFLE - Sanguine [Dominant] - Chaotic Good - Rogue of Life
Ren: ENTJ (Te/NI) - 3w4 - 386 - RCOEN - VFEL - Choleric [Dominant] - Chaotic Neutral - Maid of Doom
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thatwildnya · 1 year
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✨Request Rules!✨
Fandoms: Fire Emblem Awakening/3 Houses/Engage, Bungou Stray Dogs, Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact
These apply to headcanons and drabbles
Twisted Wonderland is only available as a commission except for Blog Events. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE QUESTIONS OR INTERACTIONS WITH AU COUNTERPARTS (ie. centaur au) OR OC’S. You are free to ask anything and chat about them! In fact we encourage you to share your own headcanons with us, it’s delightful!
Masterlists are below cut too! but it’s currently a work in progress so y’all gonna have to wait a bit for ‘em-
Writing Preference
As there are two people on this blog you can ask for a specific one to write your request. We have different writing styles so don’t be shy to ask for one or the other to fulfill your request!
Nya: I’m best at writing that’s are silly, short and sweet, &/or very specific headcanons (ex: twst s/o that’s like rika, drake period teeth). That includes anything that’s more on the suggestive side~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If it’s something focused on comedy or the requested characters doing something very specific I’m the one to go to!
Wild: I’m better at drabbles and headcanons that are more in depth and not just 1 sentence. I’m better at angsty and serious/dark topics compared to Nya since I’m more comfortable doing them.
We’re both great at fluff, just decide what length you want your request to be.
The yes yes’s
Fluff (resident fluff master here these are done the quickest)
Crack (don’t be shy go insane)
Angst (check the no no’s before sending)
Hurt/Comfort (remember to check the no no’s like the above!)
Yandere (another one where u better check the no no’s!)
Gore (varying degrees)
Miscarriages (this is an iffy)
Unrequited love (oof)
Oviposition (but not in a sexual way)
Suggestive content ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
M!Preg (don’t judge me)
Pregnancy (if you want you can do an uno reverse and switch up the genders!)
Readers having a disability or mental health disorders (this only applies to autism, ahdh, eating disorders, blind, mute, social anxiety, deaf, wheelchair, if there are any not mentioned here or in the no no section please ask before sending!)
note: anyone 15 and under is automatically platonic. the 3 exceptions are Kenji, Kyouka, and Yanqing. They will be aged up to 16 if you’re request is romantic. However I will only write wholesome romantic, nothing nsfw or suggestive for them.
The big no no’s
Racism (it’s not cash money)
Mental health hate (respectfully, fuck you if you try this)
Huge age gap for romantic (it makes us uncomfy, this does not include a teenager making out with a billion year old monster, fae, cursed human, u get the picture)
Green light Characters (*゚▽゚*)
confident in writing for these guys!
all FE Awakening and Engage characters that don’t appear under red/yellow list
Armed Detective Agency
Port Mafia
Decay of Angels (check red light squad)
The Guild (check red light squad)
All Blue Lions
All Golden Deer
All Black Eagles
All Ashen Wolves
Seteth, Flayn, Byleth, Rhea, Catherine
Red Light Characters ಠ_ಠ
nope not gonna even attempt
fukuchi or however you spell his name i don’t care bleh
all hunting dogs (don’t have a grasp on ’em yet oof)
Hermann whatshisface
fe villains
all BSD characters in novels and stuff
alois (annoying)
Gregor, Tharja, Say’ri, Basilio, Flavia, Anna, Cordelia, Sumia, Cherche
time skip kids: Brady, Kjelle, Cynthia, Noire, Severa, Laurent
all side quest wait didn’t you die peeps
all the emblems and primary antagonists (check yellow light for info on Griss)
Yellow Light Characters ( ̄◇ ̄;)
there is an attempt pls don’t sue me-
Shimr, Gilbert, Jeralt
That one dude from Dead Apple i’m too lazy to look up his name
Nah, batman Gerome
Vander, Etie, Boucheron, Jade, Lapis, Citrinne, Goldmary, Panette, Mauvier
i am only willing to write hardcore bdsm smut for Griss so if you want something for him skedaddle over to my nsfw blog
Character Limit
Here’s system for character limit. If you’re having a hard time understanding don’t worry just send an ask or pop into our dms~
You can only mix Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact characters.
✨Super Duper Group Request Specials✨
Here are some groups consisting of multiple characters from all fandoms with a specific theme! Keep in mind your request will most likely be broken up into multiple parts. Make your request off anon to have a better chance of seeing when a part has been posted! (These are not available for requesting Nya or Wild specifically to answer.)
Dragon Hoard Poly: a harem featuring Malleus Draconia, Neuvillette, Zhongli, Dan Feng, Dan Heng! (DISCLAIMER: This is an all in one you get them all or none.)
Kiddo Special, smol edition: have some fun playing with munchkins of the groups! Q, Klee, Diona, Qiqi, Hook, Bailu, Jean(fe engage) are ready for fun! (DISCLAIMER: This is only for fluff platonic love there will be no child touching in our goddamn lobby. You can ask to have kids from fandoms you aren’t in/ you don’t know removed.)
Kiddo Special, double digits edition: have a good time hanging out with the older kids of the groups! Kyouka, Kenji, Collie, Clara, Yangqing, Misha, Lynx, Pela, Ortho, Morgan (fe awakening), and all pre time skip underage kids from FE 3 Houses are looking forward to hanging out with ya! Here’s your options (DISCLAIMER: All of them are available for aging up to be available for romantic requests (excluding Ortho). This does NOT include anything suggestive.)
Mihoyo yo yo! Genshin and HSR
what is a Fire Emblem!? Morgan + FE students
Genshin is on Fire! FE + Genshin
Honkai is Fire! FE + HSR
The Dogs are on Fire! FE + BSD
Let us pet the Dogs Genshin! FE + Genshin
Peppy is the cutest a Dog! BSD + HSR
Forgive me Daddy I’ve been naughty: for certified dlifs, adoptive dads, and daddy vibes lovers~ Fukuzawa, Fitzgerald, Kunikida, Fredrick, Zhongli, Baizhu, Alhaitham, Wriothesley, Arlecchino, Jingyuan, Dr. Ratio, Welt
Mommy, sorry, mommy, sorry, mommy, sorry: for the ones who lacked a mother figure growing up. Kouyou, Yosano, Lisa, Yelan, Shenhe, Beido, Ningguang, Arlecchino, Clorinde, Kafka, Yukong, Black Swan
FE Three Houses
you can request either all girls or all boys from 1 house, this does not include Ashen Wolves
You can request all the staff at once, this will include Byleth
if you request the Ashen Wolves you may add 1 more character to be included
Flayn is not included in the all girls house option, she goes with the staff
specify which gender you want for any characters that come in multiple sex options (ie. Byleth or Honkai mc’s) otherwise we will choose for you
FE Awakening
meh 5 character limit just specify which gender you want Robin/Morgan to be. if you want you can group all the non humans together (Tiki, Nowi, Panne, Yarne, Nah) since there’s just 5
FE Engage
honestly just tell me ones you want 5 limit still applies and specify Alear gender
Bungou Stray Dogs
same as above lol
Honkai Star Rail
As the game just came out we might not have the best idea of their personalities and might say something that will be totally out of character as the story progresses. If you do see this please pop in the comments or ask box to let us know!
Here are the characters we’re comfortable with:
Astral Express: everyone (including Pom Pom)
Stelleron Hunters: mommy Kafka, Blade, Silver Wolf
Herta Space Station: everyone (including Peppy)
Jarilo VI: Gepard, Serval, Lynx, Pela, Clara, Sampo, Hook, Natasha, Luka
Xianzhou Luofu: Jing Yuan, Yanqing, Bailu, Tingyun, Jinglu, Sashang, Luocha
Penacony: Sunday, Robin, Misha
IPC: Topaz, Adventurine
That’s all!
Wanna get something done for Twisted Wonderland? You gotta give us sweet succulent moneys!
Twisted Wonderland
Centaur AU
Bungou Stray Dogs
Honkai Star Rail
Fire Emblem
Genshin Impact
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rubywolf0201 · 1 year
Even More Incorrect FE Engage Quotes
Panette: We can open a jar. *opens a jar* Easy. Now you try. First get a jar.
Pandreo: *holds up a bible*
Panette: Brother, that's a bible.
Pandreo: Yes!
Citrinne: If you had to choose between Amber and all the money I had in my wallet, which would you choose?
Lapis: That depends, how much money are we talking about?
Amber: Lapis!
Citrinne: 63 cents.
Lapis: I’ll take the money!
Amber: LAPIS!!!!
Framme: 24.
[Framme and Clanne giggling]
Clanne: Hey Framme, I just thought of something funnier than 24.
Framme: Let me hear it.
Clanne: 25.
[Both burst out laughing]
Griss: What kind of cold, heartless person would break apart such a loving relationship?
Griss, with an evil grin: I would!
Okay new theory, maybe we should play so quietly, no one can hear us.
Timerra, probably
Goodbye, everyone. I will remember you all in therapy.
Alear when he first meets Diamant: Don’t be intimidated, Alear. Try to imagine him in his underwear.
*picture of Diamant in a very risqué underwear appears in Alear’s mind*
Alear, sweating and blushing nervously: *internally* OH NO, HE'S HOT!
Rosado: It’s become increasingly obvious...
Rosado: I am small.
Jade: "Open twenty-four hours a day." What a stupid idea! Who wants a salad at three in the morning?
Amber, turning off his alarm clock: Oh boy, three a.m.! *pulls out a salad under the bed and starts eating*
Timerra: Ah, sunsets sure are beautiful. Eh, Princess Ivy?
Ivy: Yeah…
Timerra: Yeah, this is great, just the three of us. You, me… and this brick wall that you built between us.
We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Or the medium way. Or the semi-medium-easy-hard way. Or the sort-of-hard with the touch of awkward-easy-difficulty-challenging way.
Alfred: Do this for Firene.
Boucheron: FOR FIRENE!!!
Diamant: Do this because I told you to.
Merrin: Let's face it Bunet, we're failures!
Bunet: I can live with that.
Merrin: Let's change our names to "Why" and "Bother".
Fogado: Want to see me run to that mountain and back?
*runs back and forth to the mountains via his horse*
Fogado: …Want to see me do it again?
Céline: And now poetry by Sommie.
Sommie: *unintelligent barking*
Alcryst: *sighs*
Alcryst: Sommie has such a way with words…
Framme: Vander?
Vander: Yes, Framme?
Framme: Can I be excused for the rest of my life?
Louis: *slaps Corrupted*
Chloé: *facepalms* Louis, you have to ask him a question first.
Louis: Oh yeah…. What color is my underwear? *slaps again*
Kagetsu: Zelkov! Zelkov! I've gone blind!
Zelkov: *Turns the lights on*
Kagetsu: Oh, thanks, Zelkov.
A five letter word for happiness? M-O-N-E-Y.
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frauleinandry · 5 months
okay, so, the more I think about it, the less surprised I am about this year's CYL results?
so, like everyone else, I was expecting an engage sweep. yunaka and ivy/alear for the girls, and diamant and alear/alcryst for the boys. as everyone knows by now, that REALLY didn't happen. in fact, the only real contender was yunaka.
why was that the case? well, I have a few theories, which I'm read-more zoning because this post has gotten LONG
partially, I think this is caused by the year gap between engage's release and CYL 8. speaking as someone who's been hardcore into FE since awakening and has gone back to play all of the older games I could, I played engage, had mixed feelings, and then forgot about it.
... aaaaaand so did everyone else. yes, engage does have a fanbase, but compared to three houses and even fates/awakening... it's tiny!
I think there's a few reasons for this. firstly, there's the lack of shipping mechanics, which means it's less appealing to romance fans (which is a huge amount of people active in fanbases, and therefore voting for things like CYL).
secondly, the game is deliberately designed around dropping older units in favour of using your newest recruits, which means people are unlocking less supports, and are therefore less invested in the characters.
engage also lacks replay value due to said absence of romance mechanics and the difficulty of reclassing characters, which is another thing preventing people from actually unlocking the supports, and therefore caring about the cast.
truthfully, most of the people seriously invested in engage probably aren't active in a fandom sense, since they're playing it exclusively for the gameplay (and therefore aren't going to vote for it in things like CYL).
still, I don't think that's the only reason engage didn't win. for one, there's definitely botting - bernie winning isn't surprising, but by that much?? yeah, no.
I think that the engage vote being split - especially amongst the men's division - really didn't help. all of the three houses fans rallied behind felix and bernie, who have been consistently third place for years. meanwhile, you've got several serious candidates for both male and female engage characters, splitting the vote multiple ways - if all of the ivy voters had voted for yunaka instead, she would have easily scored second place.
alphonse and robin are a bit more surprising to me, but robin is the only major awakening character without a brave unit yet, and FEH characters historically do well. I also think the fans wanted to give intsys a message that OG alphonse/shareena/anna reeeeeally need an update.
for me, I believe the final factor in the engage loss of CLY8 is that... everyone thought they were a shoe in! everyone thought at bare minimum, yunaka and diamant were shoe ins, so why not vote for your fav minor character you'd like an alt for instead?
I think all of these factors combined is why engage did so poorly. now, do I think that this means we're never going to get any engage brave units? nah. with felix/bernie out of the pool, the three houses votes are going to be fractured between hilda, byleth, yuri, and the shezzes. truthfully, unless the rumoured genealogy remake drops between now and the next CYL, I'm very much expecting brave diamant and yunaka next year!
so, it's not all doom-and-gloom for engage fans, even if things didn't go their way this year
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fioras-resolve · 1 year
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It has Marth! And Roy! And Ike! And Robin, and Lucina, and Corrin! and it features Arena Ferox, The Colosseum referencing Arenas from FE's past, and Castle Siege! It also features music both ripped and remixed from across the series, and trophies of characters like Sothe and Anna!
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My second playthrough of Engage is going well (just finished chapter 17) and I’m still enjoying the gameplay and have definitely had a better time getting supports with my knowledge of how to game the arena as well as having access to the new support-gaining options from the start. However I’m starting to worry about the game’s long-term replayability.
In most FE games, even if the gameplay is only so-so, I can power through several runs basically because of shipping - I’d play the game multiple times to get different paired ends. I’ve already complained about that a lot in other posts, so I won’t rehash it here beyond saying obviously that’s not possible in this case. Sure, you can get different paired endings for Alear, but honestly most of the pact ring scenes and ESPECIALLY the endings are weak. Even for the people who care more about the self-inserting and picking who they want to be with as opposed to matchmaking, I doubt this would be satisfying enough on its own to merit multiple runs of the game.
So if that aspect and reason to replay the game is gone, what’s left? Gameplay, obviously. And yes, the gameplay is good - great, even! This is the most fun I’ve ever had in an FE game when it comes to actually playing the maps. However I can already feel myself falling into complacent gaming - I KNOW from a previous run which characters are better (unless they get super RNG screwed) and which combinations of emblems/units works best, and I find myself defaulting to those rather than experimenting.
It doesn’t help that this game makes it kind of difficult/punishing to do so. There are A LOT of resources to track and use in this game, and they’re all somewhat limited. Up until chapter 17 you’re limited on how many master/second seals you can get, and even once you have unlimited access... they’re expensive! And more than ANY other FE game, this one makes it hard to get money. Even knowing NOT to spend as much money donating to the countries on a second run, you’ll probably run out of cash FAST between buying seals, weapons/staves, and forging the weapons.
There are certain units that basically NEED to be reclassed in order to perform well - in particular, Anna, Etie, Lapis, and maybe Clanne would be better in classes they can’t promote to naturally. But it’s hard to justify using them and wasting TWO seals (a master AND second seal) when the rest of your army only needs one seal to do well or comes as a VERY good pre-promote. That’s not even getting into how due to the relative lack of seals and their cost, I’m less inclined to reclass units just for fun or to see how they fare in radically different roles.
3 Houses had a lot of flaws and overall the gameplay is NOT as good as Engage, but I DID appreciate being able to build my starting class however I pleased. It was a tedious process, but it was rewarding to play the same route multiple times and use most of the same units, but with VERY different classes/roles. In particular, the more balanced, well-rounded units were SO fun to teach since they could perform well in almost any class!
Meanwhile in Engage, I spend a lot of time LOOKING at the classes available to everyone and thinking it might be nice/fun to reclass some people, but ultimately, they’re doing “well enough” in their default class and I can’t justify wasting the seal(s) just for an experiment that might not pan out. If I use that seal, either one more person doesn’t get to promote/reclass or I’m wasting 2500+ gold.
That’s not even getting into the scarcity of the forging resources or how quickly you can blow through your bond fragments (and in ways that aren’t ideal) if you’re not careful. With so many resources to manage, all of which you CAN technically gain more of but only through playing extra battles (which are at best boring or difficult, and at worst DEADLY on classic), it really feels like you’re discouraged from experimenting. You want to hold onto as many resources as possible for as long as you can, so you can’t throw them around for fun to see what works.
What this game needs (as several people have pointed out already) is some kind of new game plus. There NEEDS to be a version of this game where you carry over at least SOME of the things you gained/accomplished into a new game. Personally I’d like to see it carrying over your donation levels, emblem bond levels, and MAYBE bond rings and the weapons you had/forged (though obviously removing any engravings. Also probably still erasing all the special S rank weapons).
I don’t see HOW people are expected to “complete” the game without that, honestly. Donating to the countries is too much of a money sink for one contained run, but if you had multiple playthroughs to do it, it wouldn’t be an issue. Especially since you’d get a bunch of money at specific chapters each run, and if you retain weapons too, you’d spend less of it on forging. If you don’t retain weapons... well, at least the higher donation level means you’re getting more iron/steel/silver from every map from the start, so you don’t HAVE to do skirmishes just to get resources.
Retaining bond levels means you don’t have to waste fragments getting the SAME bonds and skills and conversations with the same units. Instead you can chip away at the CBA bond level for every Emblem/unit pair. As for bond rings, I’d mainly want to see them retained so you don’t have to deal with as much gatcha hell in getting all the rings.
And of course on a new game plus, with all the extra resources at your disposal and less ways you NEED to spend it, you’d be free to experiment more with reclassing units!
I’m just disappointed because I genuinely LOVE this game but there are so many ways it could be better and give me a reason to keep playing it. A lot of the characters are great and I honestly see a ton of shipping potential in the supports... but they all go nowhere without paired endings. The gameplay is the best it’s ever been for FE, and I’d love to experiment and come at it with different units and builds... but I’m so scared of wasting valuable resources that I’m mostly unwilling to experiment and instead stick to the units that are reliable as-is.
#fire emblem#fire emblem engage#fe17#we should be getting one more free update to go along with the 4th dlc#so there's a slim chance we'll get new game plus or paired endings then. but i wouldn't bet on it#it's just depressing because honestly EITHER ONE of those by itself would mostly save the game for me#either i could focus on shipping and replay for different paired endings#or with new game plus i'd be able to relax and actually use my resources. so the gameplay would get a shake-up#and every run being more unique i'd be able to get by more on gameplay alone. right now it's getting a bit stale#for the record i haven't bought the dlc so i don't know how much it impacts the whole resources issue#i know you get a bunch of free money which would be nice but... the story AND gameplay are SO tightly designed#around having specifically 12 emblems (plus the lategame spoiler)#HOW am i supposed to get into chapter 11 or 22 when I have an army of dlc emblems?#or 17 which is explicitly a 6-on-6 emblem war? but uh with dlc that's very much not the case#hell the final battle specifically wants you to have and use all 12 emblems. but if you have dlc you probably used some of them instead#i like the added CONTENT of the dlc - more maps and more characters that the units bond with#but i don't like how they break the story and probably also the game. so i've abstained.#i know i COULD buy the dlc just for the story. but it would feel ridiculous to HAVE these characters and powers and NOT use them
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FE Engage thoughts, pre Chapter 8
Please be civil with spoilers!
Rosado is so fucking genderqueer
Like I can't even make "egg" jokes, on a transfemme reading the only masculine thing about her is his pronouns.
so long as the game has gender-locked classes (I assume) and passive abilities like Chloé and Rosado's, there is a sense in which the pronouns are canon though...
So instead consider! Transmasc "IDGAF about gender norms" Rosado rights. Or any number of extremely enby headcanons.
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*ruffles 'byleth'-mint hair* this character can fit so many genderqueer headcanons
Um. Right. Where was I.
Really? A nation of people named after flowers and it's not the nation of flowers? It's the winter-coded one? Really?
*looks at Alcryst and Diamant* Ah, yes, lovely names, let me introduce you to H:ZD's Aloy and Rost sometime >_>
I'm so gay for Citrinne. Or maybe I want to be her. Hard to tell.
Anna: "jokes on you! my parents have no idea where I am!"
me: awww adorable, spunky, great concept for a younger, less all-powerful Anna
Anna: "and vice versa!"
me: ........dammit IS ;_;
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fandompeepsgoburrrr · 2 years
Due to 3 hopes i changes quite a lot of songs and even added quite a few. I also changed the order somewhat.
Please enjoy this Character Theme Song playlist. I worked hard and am very proud, let me know what you think!
Full track list under the cut
Edge of Dawn
Black Eagles: Trouble - Valerie Broussord
Edlegard: Monster - Crashing Atlas
Hubert: Reaper - Glaceo
Ferdinand: Glass Piano - Kathleen
Dorothea: Shangri-La - Caitlyn Scarlett
Bernadetta: Courage - Clay Finnesand
Petra: Finish Line - He is We
Caspar: Call me Fighter - Matt Beilies
Linhardt: Fly Away - Lola Blanc
Jeritza: Cover My Traces - Reach
Crimson Flower: Jericho - Celdweller
Blue Lions: Panic Room - Au/Ra
Dimitri: It Knows Me - Avi
Dedue: Walk Through Fire - Chuxx Morris
Felix: Playing God - Paramore
Ashe: Lions! - Lights
Sylvain: Sky Full Of Song - Florence & the Machine
Ingrid: Handmaid - Xenen
Mercedes: Stand In The Light -  Brody Ray
Annette: Climb Higher - PinkZebra
Miklan: Come And Get It From Me - Sun Heat
Glenn: Blue Skies (Remix) - Workday Release
Azure Moon: Soldiers - Fjoka, Neoni
Golden Deer: New Tradition - Saysh
Claude: Wander. Wonder. - The Arcadian Wilds
Hilda: Time To Go - Jilian Linklater
Lorenz: Prodigal Son - Rationale
Lysthiea: Future Me - Echosmith
Ignatz: Dear Doubt - Michael Schulte
Ralpheal: Fighters - Kris Allen
Marianne: Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienne Vega
Leonie: Keep Fighting - FireFlight
Holst: Never Surrender - Liv Ash
Verdent Wind: Into The Wild - Connell Cruise
Abyss: Can't Go to Hell - Sin Shake Sin
Ashen Wolves: Alarm - Score
Yuri: Monet Issues - Chase Petra
Hapi: Like That - Bea Miller
Constance: Talk Too Much - Coin
Balthus: Botton Is A Rock - Mother Mother
Alfreic: Cruel - Everlove
Cindered Shadows: Breath Of Life - Florence & the Machine
Garreg Mach: Feels Like Home - Atoms to Ashes
Catherine: Lion's Tale - The Miscreants
Shamir: Things - Matilda Smedius, William Beneckert, HiP CouLouR
Cyril: Old Scars/Future Hearts - All Time Low
Alois: On Your Side - CiN3MA
Gilbert: Dreamer - Brave The Royals
Hannamen: Conspiracy of Silence - The Swoons
Manuela: The Grey - Annelle Staal
Jeralt: Guardian - Aether Realm
Sitri: Solitude - Valahlore
Byleth F: Valley of The Dolls - Marina
Byleth M: All Eyes on You - Smash into Pieces
Anna: Adding To The Noise - Switchfoot
Silver Snow: Heavy Hands - Ryan Lake, Joshua Duchene, Mary Clair Le Plante
Saints and the Apostles: The Call - Regina Spektor
Rhea/Serios: Plenty - Aeseaes
Seteth/Cichol: Stories - Lilli Furforo
Flayn/Cethleann: The Glow - Shannon Saunders
Indech: Chasing Twister - Delta Rea
Macuil: Feel Good - Weathers
Aubin: Make Them Hear You - nine
Chevalier: Legacy - Lost Star
Noa: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Emilie Autumn
Timotheos: Broken Bird - Jared & The Mill
Sothis: Legends Never Die - Ty Brown
Agarthians: Hush - One True God
Solon: Violence Fetish - Disturbed
Thales: Long Forgotton Sons - Rise Against
Kronya: Warpath - Tim Halpern
Cornelia: Alpha - Little Destroyer
Myson: Me and Mine - The Brothers Bright
Nemisis: Woke Up A Rebel - Ruebens and the Dark
Blaiddyd: Run Wild - Laney Jones
Fraldarious: Dare Ye Cry Mercy - Sirena
Dominic: We Are The Brave - VERIDIA
Daphnel: Indestructible - Daniel Baron
Charon: Savage Daughter - Sarah Hester Ross
Lamaine: Dragons Accoustic - Annelle Staal
Gautier: Soldier - Fleurie
Gloucester: Crooked Ways - Motion City Soundtrack
Goneril: Helios (Burn Me To The Sky) - Alpine Universe
Riegen: The Darker The Weather/The Better The Man - Missio
Maurice: Monster - Gabbie Hanna
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fardell24b · 2 months
Spider Quinn 08 The Three Misfits - Part 4
It didn’t take Anna long to find such a map. She pick up several different ones and returned to the table when she saw Gerald staring at Ted with annoyance.
“Thanks,” Quinn said, when Anna passed out the map. “Let’s see. Arboretum, to the southeast. The Zoo, also to the southeast.”
“Forests to the west and east,” Gerald added.
“Reed beds along the Creek to the southeast also,” Anna added.
“And the lake to the south,” Quinn said.
“Although it is the furthest,” Ted said.
“True,” Quinn said.
“And the eastern forests are closer than those on the west.” Anna said.
“That’s because the subdivisions extend further to the west,” Gerald said.
“True,” Anna allowed.
“So, where?” Ted asked.
“I’d say the Zoo,” Quinn said.
“Arboretum,” Ben said. “A controlled environment compared to the forests or the wetlands.”
“Forest,” Gerald said. “On the east.”
“Forest, but on the west,” Anna said.
“Disagreement,” Ted said as he wrote a note.
“Yes,” Quinn said with a sigh. “I guess I can do a forest, maybe on the west.”
“I guess the west would do then,” Gerald said.
“Oh why, the west?” Ben groused. “It is thicker than the eastern forests.”
“We could go to the east instead if you like,” Quinn said.
 “No, it’s fine,” Ben said.
“Are you sure?” Quinn asked.
“I’ll cope!” Ben said.
‘It doesn’t sound like it,’ Anna realised. She knew that she was going to be talking to him later.
“So, when will this take place?” Gerald asked.
“Like, I would have liked tomorrow, but the holidays are starting,” Quinn said. “So, it’ll be after the holidays.”
“Good!” Ben said. “I can cope with that.”
“The article will be coming out then, too,” Ted said.
“But we will meet again tomorrow,” Quinn said.
“Sure,” Anna said.
Anna and Ben left first, followed quickly by Gerald.
Quinn sighed a sigh of relief.
“You didn’t think that would go well?” Ted asked.
“Not really. But putting it off until after the holidays will give me extra time to prepare.”
“That makes sense.”
“Anyway, you want to do the interview now, or wait until the morning?” Quinn asked.
“I can do it now if you want?” Ted asked.
“Sure?” Quinn said after a quick look at the time. Whilst she was usually out as SpiderGirl at that time, she was sure Lawndale could cope, even though some people could find themselves in difficult situations.
“Yes.” Ted said. He took out a tape recorder. “Are you OK with being recorded?”
“It’s fine, go ahead,” Quinn said. ‘I’ll tell Mom later, though,’ she thought.
The interview didn’t take long.
“And do you think that this will help Anna, Ben and Gerald ‘reach their potential’ as Principal Li put it?”
“Yes. Like I see that Anna at least is connecting to me in some way, and you saw that Ben was willing to consider going to the forest.”
“True,” Ted considered. “But do you think the break for the Holidays is a good idea?”
“I don’t think there’s much choice. Tomorrow’s the last day.”
“That’s true, but.”
“But we will meet tomorrow, I’ll see how that goes.”
SpiderGirl left the school and immediately saw that Feli was waving at her from the strip mall nearby. She sighed and swung in that direction.
“What’s up?” SpiderGirl asked Feli as she landed.
“Oh, just want to catch up.”
“Are you lonely?”
“A little. My friend has gone home because of his problems,” Feli answered. She didn’t really want to talk about Ben’s hypochondria to the superheroine, so didn’t elaborate.
“I see.”
“And I wanted to talk to you about that project I’m involved in.”
“Go on then,” the superheroine said in a resigned tone.
“Right. We’ve agreed that we will do a field trip in a forest after the Holidays.”
“What’s the problem?”
“I might forget and It’ll be a shock,” Feli answered.
“Oh. Then have some kind of notes. That’ll help you remember.”
“That’s a good idea.”
“I’ll be going then,” SpiderGirl said.
“What now?”
“One more time?” Feli asked. She had liked the other two times SpiderGirl had carried her across Lawndale.
“Why not?” SpiderGirl asked. “Where?”
“Home. 326 Eichler Street,” Feli answered.
She set Feli down in her backyard. “Three days in a row…” she considered.
“I won’t be asking tomorrow, nor over the Holidays,” Feli said.
“Good,” SpiderGirl said. “I’ll see you another time.” She then swung away towards Stacy’s front yard.
“Quinn?” Stacy asked as she answered the door.
“Sorry I haven’t caught up this week,” Quinn said.
“That’s fine,” Stacy said. “Like mentoring other students is important.”
“It is, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of existing friends.”
“Of course.”
“And I can spend time with you this afternoon,” Quinn said.
And so, the two friends caught up as they watched a couple episodes of Sailor Moon.
Lawndale Sun-Herald
Friday December 18th, 1999
SpiderGirl seen carrying mysterious Blonde
Quinn entered the Principal’s office again.
“So, the problem is, this is the last day of school before the Holidays,” Ms. Li said.
“We talked about that. We’ll do it after the Holidays.”
“Very good, Ms. Morgendorffer. I will send out a reminder note for them on the first day back.”
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desiderxta · 1 year
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ON A LOOP: List 10 songs your muse has on repeat and then pass it on!
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Aqua Regia by Sleep Token
Rasputin by Boney M
Tap In by Saweetie
Woww by Magdalena Bay
Moontime by Hope Tala
Bells in Santa Fe by Halsey
Goodnight Moon by Shivaree
Boogie Wonderland by Earth, Wind & Fire
Goo Goo Muck by The Cramps 
Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes 
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tagged by: stolen from the dash! 
tagging: @chxxseyourfighter​ (for Liu!), @violentusinpace (for Anna!), @crownfell & @frstbiitten!!
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arkus-rhapsode · 1 year
"I am happy the localization kinda deemphasized that." But they did not. They just changed Anna and Jean but that's literaly all that can be said about it. At the end of the day, Alear, 17 year old can still marry someone who is 45 or older but can't date someone their age. And that option was for teenagers who play FE since it's the prime demographic and teenagers are more likely to interested in character that looks young and beautiful than older than character. A teen can like mature characters like Diamant or Ivy, but I don't they find any appeal in supporting Saphir or Vander. It would have made more sense if it was Alear's relationship with character OVER 17 that was censored, not AROUND.
Oh boy, another loaded topic.
Technically speaking, Alear isn't 17, they're 1000. They are 17 physically but that argument makes this a Nowi sort of deal where you can say physically they are underaged but because they're actually a hundred year old dragon its okay for them to get married and have sex.
FE's prime demographic is teens as you said and I see why they're like "Alear is around your age". But here's the thing, we have characters in Engage who range from 16 like Clanne or Framme, while having characters over 21 like Dimant, Seadall, Yunaka etc. Jean and Anna are 10 and 11 respectively. Like even if we say Alear is a 17 year old, I do find it messed up that a 17 year old could marry a 10 year old.
I understand bringing this into a moral argument is opening a can of worms and that everyone's particular line in the case of escapist fantasy will vary, but if we see Alear as 1000 then you would have to say "hard stop. Alear can not marry anyone under the age of 21", which would make characters like Etie, Alcryst, Rosado not someone you can marry. And of course we are dealing with the "because anime" logic that this person's real age isn't associated with their physical age, don't think about it too hard it's loose so that you are both old enough and young enough that you can hang out with the hot teens and 20 year olds. But I do draw a line at actual children. I don't think 10 year olds should have sex or get married period.
Now could we say, "then lets not make characters like Vander or Saphir or Mauvier who are over 30 romantic options?" Sure. We can. I think FE can always be improved upon in what is morally acceptable in its dating sim elements. I said there was a demphasization of dating children in FEE, there is still gray areas there. And that moral choice is really punted over to us the audience. As I said before, I do think when it comes to this topic, everyone is going to have a different sort of line of what they find acceptable inside this type of product. And of course we have purists that just want to have all the original supports and endings the same as the Japanese with zero changes. But personally, yes, I am very okay with there not being the ability to hook up romantically or sexually with people below the age of 12 regardless whether you are 17 or 1000.
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abrushwithdeath · 2 years
"What are you doin'?"
The onset of September had paved way for the sinking of summer. Sunset was coming earlier now. Sunrise grew late. The heat was dropping into crisper temperatures in the evenings and the wee hours of the morning. But midday, like this, still carried the warm breath of the dying season. Anna Marie thrived in the heat, was disappointed that it was fading out so rapidly now. Soon autumn would hit in a wave of falling leaves and October would give way to November, which in turn would collapse into the depressing cold of the winter months. The sun would slumber late hours beyond the horizon and leeching darkness would be permitted its extended chance to embrace their corner of the world. But with a small bump back up in the temps, a mid-September day seeking low 80s, she'd thought it might be time for one last bit of summer before it dissipated entirely.
She hadn't invited Remy to come with her, but she hadn't stopped him when he'd begun to follow, even made light conversation the way there. 
The decision was spur of the moment, a relaxing walk in the sun had sprung the idea upon her out of the blue. Was it stupid? Probably. Was the water bound to be frigid? Most definitely. But that was the fun of it.
Lakeside, her shoes came off first, using the toes of one to tug down the heel of the other until they lay abandoned a fair distance from the lightly rippling water. Socks took an extra breath of time, but soon they settled back in the otherwise empty sneakers and Rogue moved on to peeling off the t-shirt she'd been wearing. No swimsuit, just the black bra and panties she'd tossed on this morning (and she was suddenly very glad she hadn't gone for white or another, softer, color). It was then that Remy actually asked, as her fingers made quick work of the button and zipper of her denim jeans, what she was doing.
"What's it look like I'm doin’?" She questioned, grin on her face as she looked over her shoulder at him, "I'm goin' swimmin'." As if that was a perfectly reasonable thing to do this time of year. Realistically she knew an indoor pool would be a better idea, but nothing beat the real deal. The leaves dancing and the smell of flowers still clinging to the edges of summer breeze. The sky was clear, sun hanging high overhead, and had it not been so frigid last night you might have assumed the warmth of August hadn't yet fled. "Ya welcome t'join if ya wanna."
Plenty of people did this with caution- stuck the tips of their toes in first to test the water, slipped in nice and slow. Everything considered, she likely should have done the same. But there were times and places for inhibitions, and this didn't feel like one of them. For just a moment, she was a kid back in Mississippi, and it was late June, before her powers had kicked in. Before the incident with Cody. Before everything that was already bad went terrible and she lost pieces of herself to growing up. Bare feet against warm grass, she ran. Ran as fast as her long legs would carry her. Until the grass turned to the wooden planks of the short dock. Until the end came near and she threw herself into the water without hesitation, excited laughter bubbling even as she went under, felt the burn as her breath was stolen for just a second. And yes, hitting the cold water had sent a shock through her system. And, yes, she was freezing out here. But it also felt... nice. She let herself sink to the bottom, feet touching wet earth. Then she stayed there a few moments, eyes closed, until her lungs were screaming. And when the chill had settled in and she knew she needed to breathe, she shot back up to the surface, took a deep breath as she reached air.  After another moment, her eyes fell on Remy as she pushed her soaked, auburn hair back out of her face, "'s not as bad as ya'd think." She insisted, that same, almost childish laughter, from before resurfacing, her eyes alight with humor.
Oh, what little it took to feel so alive, feet slowly kicking to keep herself treading water. And in this way, she watched him. Not with the careful eyes she laid upon him so often, but with the same interest and curiosity she had had the first time she'd set sight on him. The first time she’d felt her heart stop in her chest for those dark eyes and that goddamned smile. Handsome. Charming. Both of those things came without a doubt. Anyone could see as much in the way he spoke, the way he carried himself. But there was also a kindness that she had learned to expect from him, even when she didn't deserve it. Sympathetic. Understanding. She had trouble admitting it, but she found comfort in being near him, sometimes sought him out when her chest felt tight. Or when she needed to feel safe. And, of course, he had a way of getting her heart fluttering without even trying. A confusing sensation that sent her in all directions. Scared was the one she usually landed on. Scared when he got too close or when she started to feel too comfortable. Scared when she thought too much about how badly she wanted him. But just for now, instead of shying away from that odd feeling that rose from the depths of her stomach up into her throat, she was basking in it. Warmer even than the sun's light dappled across the lake's surface. She thought, not for the first time, how it would feel to have her lips against his. To feel his fingers along her bare skin. The romance they could have shared if she was someone different. If she wasn't herself, what could they have? Would things work out? Would he love her? And were her fears about the intimacy she craved stemmed from the damage her touch could do? Or had her powers latched onto the fear that was already there? She was fairly certain she'd never know- as if there was a discernible difference between the two, anyway.
"Ya gonna keep standin' there? Or ya fool enough to join?" She finally asked, eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. Before he could answer, she leaned back, let herself float, hair sprawled out beneath her, eyes closed once again. Those freckles of hers were bound to be more pronounced for a while after this, the sun kissing color back into them more adamantly. That was fine by her. In fact, she hoped they'd stay prominent for a time, if just for the memory of this moment.
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godly-feh-edits · 5 years
I finally got Laegjarn on the TT banner after failing to get her on literally every other banner that she's been a focus unit! Can I please have all 3 Laegjarns saying "Sorry for the hold up, but we're all here now! Now, to show our gratitude..." Then a damaged Anna saying "Hey! No lewd scenes on this blog!"
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(Mod Toto) Anna shouldn’t you be like selling our merchandise?
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