#And you can add as many gifs of Cas looking at Dean in what you take as a “lecherous” manner. Idc
nikkisheep · 2 years
A Christmas Surprise
Dean Winchester x Angel!reader
Warnings: FLUFF, reader has a crush on Dean, Christmas fluff, too many pies for a single man, READER IS AN ANGEL, Castiel and the reader does not know how to bake, a kiss, all angels are siblings
Summary: While the boys are out on a hunt, you decide with the help of your favorite angel to make Christmas happen in the Bunker.
*Merry Christmas readers*
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The bunker was quiet without the two hunters roaming the halls. Instead, it was just you and your favorite angel. The two of you wanted to give the boys something to look forward to when they got home. It was also a way for you to finally tell Dean how you felt. You could not do that unless you had a few pies to hide behind.
With the help of a fellow angel, it shouldn't be that hard. Boy were you wrong.
"So I believe we add the flour to the bowl," You say as you do so.
"Pour 1/2 cup of water and stir for three minutes without letting sitting," Cas said.
You looked at him funny but did as he said.
"Wait, how do we know if it's been three minutes?"
"I will count," Castiel said as he began counting out loud.
You stood from your seat and stirred the batter for three minutes without sitting.
Flour was everywhere somehow. You don't know how it got in your hair and all over Cas but it did. But then you remembered Cas messing up on his counting and you threw a handful of flour at him which resulted in a flour war.
The two of you laughed and started to be serious again.
Once the flour had been rolled into the crusts, you begin placing everything together.
"Wait, Dean likes his apples fresh," You said. You snapped your fingers and disappeared. You then reappeared with a basket of apples from the local orchard.
"Dean will like the fresh apples I got," You said hopefully.
"Why must you be so perfect with everything?"
"Because, dear brother, I am an angel and you need to stop being a butthead."
"I'm being a butthead? How about you with your fresh apples?" He said before throwing one at you. This resulted in another war of food throwing.
The two of you started to mix everything together once you guys called truce and you placed the pies in the oven. You looked at the pretty dessert and smiled at your handiwork.
"Now to make the Christmas tree."
You and the angel appeared in the tree farm with a lot of Christmas trees. The two of you looked around for the perfect tree, which the two of you did find. It was 6 feet and was covered with snow. You brought it back to the bunker, where you started to decorate it with some decorations you had bought.
The pies were done so they were placed on the counter to cool as you argued with Castiel over which decoration goes at the top.
"I want the star," You yell at the tall angel.
"Well I want the angel at the top."
"I don't care what you want, I want the star."
"No, it will be the angel."
"Brother, let me have the star or I will stab you with an angel blade," You threaten. You were younger than him but he still looked at you with a bit of fear.
He gave you the star and you smiled with content. You placed it gently on top of the tree and you let out a cheer.
"We need presents."
You set off to the store to get presents. For Sam, you found a very nice amount of books that you knew he would love. You also got him some fruit because you knew he liked to be healthy.
For Dean, you looked in 15 different stores before you found what you wanted. You got him a brand new gun case, which you carved the proper symbols to keep monsters out of it, and you got him more cassette tapes for Baby. Which you even got him some stuff for Baby so that he can keep taking care of her nicely.
Cas got Dean a bunch of horror movies and he got Sam a set of hair products because he liked how Sam's hair was always nice.
"Hair stuff?" You asked.
"What? I like his hair."
"No you like the smell it brings after he is done in the shower."
"Well it's not my fault that all Dean eats is bacon and eggs."
The two of you wrapped everything up in some pretty red wrapping paper and set it under the tree. You weren't sure when the boys were going to be home but you were happy with everything until you realized that you needed Christmas lights everywhere in the bunker.
You and Cas ran around with hoards of Christmas lights to light up every part. You even put some on the bathroom walls. You placed them everywhere. In Dean's room, in Sam's room, in your room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on the railing of the stairs, and even the war room.
After all of the running around and getting everything ready, you got dressed in a silly little elf costume because you heard that people do that.
Since you had only been with the brothers for a little over five years, you were trying to get used to everything here on Earth. Heaven was very much different. See you were supposed to bring Castiel back to Heaven to be with the angels because they thought he was going soft but then you met Dean Winchester. You saw how much Castiel cared for the boys and you started to realize that your place was with your brother.
You had grown feelings over time for Dean but you knew that he would never take an interest in you because you were an angel and Castiel's sister of all things. But you knew that you had to do something about these human emotions so you were going to tell Dean how you felt about him.
The boys came home and were confused by all of the lights. Dean though, he smelt pie so he ran to the kitchen where he found you in an apron cutting the pies into pieces. To his surprise, there were more than thirty pies in that kitchen.
"Hey sweetheart, what's with the pies huh?" He asked.
"I made these for you. Cas helped out a bit."
"Why are there so many?"
"Because we were baking and Cas messed up his counting so we made too much so we just made all of these. Also a lot of these were trial runs." You shrugged as if it was normal to have thirty pies around you.
He smiled and Sam hollered for him to come to the library for a moment. You smiled because you knew he found the tree.
"What the?" Sam said.
"I made us a tree. Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it so much I could kiss you," Dean exclaimed.
Your heart started to beat faster and you knew that Castiel could tell.
After all of the gift sharing and unwrapping, you all headed to the kitchen but Dean stopped you.
"Thank you for all of this." He said.
"Your welcome, Dean."
"I know that you don't understand all of this because you are an angel and you guys don't understand this kind of stuff but I really am glad you did this," Dean said softly, looking at you with great fondness.
"I know that it is special to you humans to celebrate Christmas."
"Hey, guys look above you!" Sam called out.
Above the two of you was a mistletoe that you hadn't placed there. You glanced at Cas but all he did was shrug.
"I guess we have to kiss," Dean said, looking down at your lips.
"I guess we do. But first I have to tell you that I like yo-" Dean cut you off with the most breathtaking kiss you ever had. In fact, it was your first kiss ever. His lips moved against yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Guys, I want to eat!" Cas yelled.
The two of you parted and walked to the kitchen after a brief moment of looking at each other.
"Alright, who wants pie?" You asked as Dean wrapped his arms around your waist.
"I do!" And everyone knew whose mouth that came from.
"Merry Christmas everyone!" We all said at the same time before digging into the pies.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e6 our little world (w. robert berens)
crowley is stronger than amara? okie doke. so does cas's janky wing situation mean he still can't zap around? (presumably to add tension or whatever not being able to teleport over to save the day etc). anyway.
always interesting when they choose to have someone be traumatized by the traumatic things they've done/had done to them. this surely isn't the first time cas has beaten dean up, or killed a bunch of people/angels.
remember the days when i grumped about them not even acknowledging the mystery spot trauma for sam? well, i still grump about it. but now that's like a drop in the flood of traumatic experiences that get passed over.
anyway. we'll see how they do this ptsd/agorophobia situation.
too many plotlines/characters ugh. rowena in the wind, metatron popping up, cas doing whatever, crowley trying to control amara, amara out there partially eating people. a good chunk of why 11x04 was good for me was there wasn't all this bullshit going on :p
at least sam and dean know about amara and crowley now.
SAM No, no, no. Dean, wait. We can exorcise him. DEAN What? SAM Save his meat suit.
look at that, they remembered! :p also feels like the perennial excuse for not having to exorcise people is demons are all running around in dead bodies they're keeping alive. they're all dead anyway, huzzah, stab away
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SAM Wouldn't it be smarter to keep her in Hell? DEAN Yeah, but then he'd have to spend more time there, and he hates that place. SAM Oh, right. I keep forgetting about you and Crowley's summer of love.
lol it needed to be said! bring that bitchy energy, sam. i'd seen gifs of that, definitely requires one to capture the vibe
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unfortunate hair styling choices. 90s prom? beauty pageant? weird.
SAM No, that's not what I meant. We're going in to kill Amara. Are you ready for that? DEAN Why wouldn't I be? SAM Because we don't know the first thing about her, Dean. We don't know her powers. We don't know how to take her down. Hell, you know what? We don't even know if she can be killed. DEAN I know. But she's too big of a threat to wait. I say we go in there and we hit her with everything we got.
maybe i'm a doofus but i didn't consider until now that dean is trying to get to amara for other reasons? blugh. cat'll be out of the bag though if sam's around when they find her though surely. i'm tiiiired
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haha take that credit, bro (honestly i can't even remember)
he has a fine actor but i am *so tired* of metatron. i hope he gets taken out of the equation sooner rather than later. i guess the opportunity to beat the shit out of him fixed cas's mental health situation. tada.
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remind us of demon!dean days so we'll remember the context of the voicemail :p cute nonetheless. oh i bet that's in the recap too. i dunno why netflix doesn't have the beginning of the episode recaps anymore, started in s10. scrimp on music licensing?
OF COURSE they have to split up and just dean is going to amara.
CROWLEY Do you know how disturbing it was to realize that I couldn't bring myself to kill you? I've had tons of chances over the years, some you don't even know about, but, still... I made my peace with it, embraced my softer side, learned to accept that there was just too much going on between you and I–bromance.
not sure why dean looks surprised by that but ok
CROWLEY But you know what? I think I am gonna kill you today. I feel different somehow, ready. What can I say? Fatherhood changes a man.
feel like that was just a setup so amara could show her ~bond~ to dean (oh actually this is dredging up vague memories of a fic i read a long time ago, hmmm ok. chance to pick sam over amara). anyway point i was thinking about was wondering if they'd ever have crowley seriously try to kill dean at any point going forward
right, sammy's gotta save these rando demon guards meatsuits, hope they're not just walking corpses
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think you need to be lookin the other direction, sam
for whatever it's worth, jackles did a good job looking vulnerable with amara being creepy
CASTIEL You said you were close. Dean, how'd she get away? DEAN I'm sorry, what part of "God's freaking sister" did you not understand? She overpowered me -- end of story.
i'm just so tired of it because it's happened so many times. we just did this last season. and before that and before that. i'm exhausted. you make the brothers and their relationship the lynchpin of the show, and then you have them do this over and over and over. like, so tired and frustrated it made me cry a little bit. just like. COME FUCKING ON. not like we're lacking for conflict or plot. i can't appreciate if it's better executed this time (compared to i dunno, stabbing jewel staite) because i'm so FUCKING sick of this. maybe if this went down several seasons ago, i could appreciate it more.
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i appreciate they made the cage aesthetic here like the little tiny glimpse we got of dean in hell. again wondering if sam didn't remember the cage after he got his hallucifer stuff fixed. i assumed he did. sure makes a different in characterization if he's not toting around x amount of years of torture like dean.
abrupt segue into girl you'll be a woman soon. can't really hear that song without thinking of pulp fiction. this is me just realizing it wasn't the neil diamond version in the movie?? it's urge overkill lol (also the version used in the episode). wild
and update on what the baby episode did to my brain, i was listening to the guitar man and getting weepy and thinking how that totally could be a j2 edit/fic/something song lolsob ridiculous
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hi lovely! could you possibly do dean proposing to reader and it being really emotional? also, if you could do a time skip to what you think the wedding would be like? i would really appreciate it! no worries if you can’t. much love 💖
I can try!😁I hope some headcanons are all right, or else I might write too much👍
Dean Proposing to the Reader Headcanons + Wedding
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-Dean had to think long and hard about this decision. After all, the life of a hunter isn't very long. Plus, he tried to have a normal life with Lisa and Ben, and we all saw how that turned out.
-He also isn't one for being all sappy and emotional, but Sam (who knew what his brother was planning) told him he had to make it a big deal if he wanted to show he was serious.
-Sam might also throw in a few tips because he was going to propose to Jess after all.
-When he goes to purchase a ring, Sam is unable to go with him, so Cas does. Cue a long and hard struggle of trying to find a ring as Castiel adds unneeded dialogue. It takes around 3 hours, but he finally finds one.
-The proposal itself takes place in typical Dean fashion. As much as Sam pushed him, he was not going the romantic dinner route. That might give him away. Instead, picture you and him leaning against the Impala in front of a beautiful lake surrounded by forest. It's serene and peaceful.
-Dean tells himself that he's not going to cry, he's not going to get emotional. He just wants to ask, "Will you marry me?" and leave it at that. However, just like Sam predicted, he started to ramble and make a big emotional spiel about how you and him were perfect.
-Yes, he does start to cry. But so do you, so you have no room to judge.
-It's to the point where he can't get any more words out becuase he's a mess. Dean just hopes that him on one knee plus the ring gives away his intentions. Thankfully for him, you accept without hesitation.
-Sidenote, Castiel was spying on the whole thing because he wanted to see what a proposal looked like. He started to cry too.
-The wedding planning is left mostly to you as Dean states how he is no good at these kind of things. Most of the time, you run things by him, but he leaves things up to you. Well, you and Sam.
-Dean is really just excited for food. And to get married to you of course.
-When it comes to picking out what to wear and such. Sam went with Dean, which he later describes as being an absolute nightmare. Cas goes with you and you guys just have a pleasant time.
-Dean has Sam as his best man. It was a split between him and Cas, but since Cas didn't understand what a best man was, Sam won that title.
-The wedding takes place close to your hometown. He wanted to focus on you, and not be reminded of the horrors he endured back in Kansas.
-It's also a small wedding because the two of you don't know many people. Castiel takes it upon himself to guard the event from specters and monsters.
-As a change, you are the emotional mess while Dean takes the whole event like a champ. He's just grinning ear to ear while your wiping tears off your face.
-When it comes to the kiss, he makes it dramatic as hell. Dips you and everything while people cheer.
-When walking back down the aisle, it’s not side by side. He carries you in his arms because for once he has the happiest day in his life.
-The reception would be a fun time. Just a small band of friends or fellow hunters. You guys wouldn’t have cake, but rather pie. That was the only planning that Dean contributed on. 
-Sam would go nuts for a bunch of pictures. He is the guy who wants to have fond memories as well.
-Catch Cas not really knowing what to do but having fun with those confetti poppers that you have during New Years. Not the big ones, but the little baby ones. He would constantly go to people and just pop one at them. He did this to the two of you and Sam got a picture of it.
-As you two go off to honeymoon at wherever you envision, the two of you would take the Impala which would definitely have “just married” on the back windshield.
-Dean definitely wants to compensate the marriage.
-He also feels much better knowing that the two of you weren’t lost from each other after death. Now, you were stuck with him for eternity. That’s just how the two of you wanted it.
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casgirlsam · 4 years
not this sam. not this dean. not this cas.
a post on this team free will.
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I want to point out this exchange from 4.22 lufcifer rising. Chuck was genuinely surprised that cas and dean were trying to change the story. They weren’t in that story at all according to him. Chuck didn’t write them that way. So what happened? 
We finally got our answer and it only took *checks watch* 11 seasons.
You see, in every one of chuck’s aus, there WAS a cas. But those castiels were just like all the other angels. Fell in line. But cas?
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Those other worlds didn’t have cas forming a bond with dean. Those worlds didnt have them falling in love, pining, fighting, breaking up and choosing to come back together again.
We finally have an answer as to why chuck kept forcing them apart either by death or emotional circumstance. Because castiel, the angel with the crack in his chassis, the angel of thursday with too much heart, represents True Free Will. We’ve actually gotten it all backwards this whole time (or at least, missing something). It wasn’t dean that was corrupting cas with his humanity. It was CAS corrupting DEAN with Choice. 
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All the other sam and deans followed the path chuck pre-planned for them. All the other castiels stayed where they were supposed to: away from dean. You notice something before this episode? All those other worlds sam was seeing? One thing was missing: cas.
So why is it such a big deal to chuck that he now suddenly has a gay af romance in this story? Well because if dean is presented with other choices, he may actually cave and do what DEAN wants to do not what an authority figure wants him to do. Because dean has been written to be the good little soldier. When he’s told there’s only two options, Bad and Worse, he will pick one of the two presented options. But along came THIS cas. The broken angel toy. This Cas met This Dean and from that point on, everything was rewritten. And on the fly. Dean was suddenly choosing Secret Option C (the C stands for Cas… or alternatively Chuck’s Headache). Dean got a taste of Choice. Of Free Will. And, well, it kept chuck on his toes and even thoroughly entertained for a while…. But there’s only so much a writer can take from his characters not listening to him. So he inserts himself as a last resort. And they still wont FUCKING listen.
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All because one angel refused to fall in line like all his other alternates did. And because sam and dean joined him.
“What broke the connection?” “When castiel laid a hand on you he was lost!” and “how many times have you torn into my head and washed it clean?” “frankly, too many. You're the famous spanner in the works. Honestly, I think you came off the line with a crack in your chassis. You have never done what you were told. Not completely. You don't even die right, do you?”
free will is the answer. THIS cas and THIS dean choosing to stick together.
Like cas said himself in tmwwbk: 
“The grand story. And we ripped up the ending and the rules...And destiny...leaving nothing but freedom and choice.”
and Chuck’s creations are coming back to bite him. Along with his words.
“So, what's it all add up to? It's hard to say. But me, I'd say this was a test... for Sam and Dean. And I think they did all right. Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny, and God himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And, well... isn't that kinda the whole point?”
Yes, chuck, they did. And will continue to do so. Looks like you added a little too much of the Family Orientated trait to your sims, bro
Honestly Chuck buddy you really should have let metatron continue writing for you.
Side note i never thought this shitpost would actually like play out in front of my eyes like that… GASP AM I A PROPHET
Anyway the response to this
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Is “because of this castiel”
And more importantly like a cake its not the separated ingredients that matter. Its what happens when theyre together.
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Last night i said this:
cas: represents free will, choice
dean: represents humanity
sam: represents unity
And i meant it. Cas represents infinite choices to be made. Dean represents humanity. And sam represents unity; bringing those two together.
Without This Sam and This Dean and This Cas working together, choosing to be family, there would be no TFW. and chuck knows that which is why he’s trying so hard to tear them apart.
But this is the classic hero story. And chuck is the villain. He isn’t going to get what he wants. Not from This Sam, not from This Dean, not from This Cas.
not ever.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
Thinking About How This Wasn't Actually a Denial
But was it self preservation?
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The year was 2013 and rather than a denial, Jensen said "Don't ruin it for everybody now."
What was the fan 'ruining' for everybody? The Con? or something else? So if I was a tinhatter - and sometimes I am - I might think about other tv shows from the past that were covertly queer and how they handled the question, were TV shows 'out'?
Mainstream shows like Bewitched, you know, shows that are so clearly straight, you can tell because... well. ... they never technically used the word 'gay'. ... witches honor
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SPN Film Studies is Back in Session! Join Under the Cut for more on supernatural & the story about how Bewitched! came out of the Broom Closet
Bewitched aired from 1964-72, it's so old the first season was in B&W. The show starred Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha, the strange housewife with a stranger secret. Her husband, Darrin, unwittingly married into the whole witchy family, from the now drag icon Agnes Moorehead's Endora with her open marriage, to the unmarried and batty Aunt Clara (Marion Lorne who played the mother in Hitchcock's heavily gay coded 'Strangers on a Train'), to the extremely coded Uncle Arthur (gay actor Paul Lynde). (We can't know for sure, but it seems at least 4 members of the cast were gay themselves.) The core premise of the show involves Samantha balancing who she really is with repressing that self for the safety and comfort of her family.
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Samantha and her husband keep her [ahem] 'queer' nature a secret which gets harder on Samantha when she has to tell her daughter to live the same way, “I know what fun it is to be a part of the magical life ... to have so much at your fingertips. But we’re living in a world that’s just not ready for people like us, and I’m afraid they may never be. So you’re going to have to learn when you can use your witchcraft and when you can’t.”
There are plenty of generic 60s wacky hijinks but there are also whole episodes metaphorically about repression being harmful, episodes where characters asked if another was a 'thespian', episodes where Darrin was queercoded while under a spell, episodes about representation & bad stereotyping in media, and even two episodes where witches discussed whether it was time for witches to come out to the mortals, (whether mortals could accept that they were just nice normal people trying to live their lives like everybody else - or not - and would just freak out and kill them again).
When it came time to recast Dick York's Darrin with a new 2nd lead, Elizabeth and her husband, William Asher, knowingly cast the gay Dick Sergeant. (Although he wasn't out publicly at the time.) Then, when Sergeant came out in '91, Montgomery supported him and the two served together as the grand marshals of the Hollywood pride parade.
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Dick Sargent expressed in the 90s what he would want in a Bewitched reunion episode: for Darrin to meet another like couple, a witch and a mortal who are married, and another, and another, and end up forming a whole community and support group, finding out that it was never so uncommon after all, that it was actually "about 10% of the population." The two would march in the first mortals and witches pride parade, saying they should have come out years ago.
In '94, Montgomery had this to say about the queer themes of the show, “Don't think that didn't enter our minds at the time. We talked about it on the set, that this was about people not being allowed to be what they really are. If you think about it, Bewitched is about repression in general and all the frustration and trouble it can cause. It was a neat message to get across to people at that time in a subtle way.” (x)
Interviewer: Are you concerned that your involvement in the gay-pride parade will lead people to believe you're a lesbian?
"[Laughing] I'm really not worried about that. There are bigger things to worry about. Like the presidential election and finding a cure for AIDS. I did the parade in support of Dick. I mean, in the end, didn't we all?" (x) (Montgomery was also one of the first celebrity allies to fight for LGBTQ rights and support HIV/AIDS-related fundraisers.)
So did they talk about it at the time? No. You can bet they didn't speak about it publicly. What would have happened if a fan, publicly, had asked Elizabeth, William, or Dick about the show's queer allegory content? This was a time when being gay was a literal felony. They would have had to have lied or risked losing the show, their careers, and possibly subjecting themselves to violence.
Now. back to Jensen and the Schrodinger's long con:
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This was in 2013 - The same year that the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a federal ban on gay marriage. You certainly couldn't call homosexuality illegal in the US at that time. It's the same year that Dabb and Sgriccia spoke about the Aaron moment on the DVD and whether there's 'this potential for love in all places' for Dean. Of course Jensen said this about the very same scene: "But it was - you know - it was comedy. It was a comedic moment in the show and fortunately Dean gets a lot of the comedic moments in the show and it was just, you know, Ben was poking fun at the fact that - you know, how can we make this very kind of manly, heterosexual guy uncomfortable - uh -you know, or  or have him back on his heels and throw him off his game a little bit.”
I'm reminded of 2012 when Ben Edlund stepped in about a Destiel question at comic con, pretending it was some freaky thing that fans had made up even though he'd already written and directed TMWWBK, which had already aired.
Jensen: “What’s Destiel?” Ben Edlund: That’s some weird shit. Jensen: Is this something that you created, Ben? Ben: You don’t want any part of that.
Or the next year for season 9 when Jensen said “I think the whole Cas and Dean thing has gotten out of hand”  “I don’t think there’s anything secret to their relationship even though a lot of people wish there was” EVEN THOUGH- that season we got the nightstands acknowledgement and Misha (or both of them?) was told to “play him like a jilted lover”
Or Jensen's knowing bromance smile in 2015
I think recent events (cough spn gate) have made clear that the network and many viewers were still uncomfortable with CAS being gay in 2020, deleting even familial mentions of Cas from the finale episodes once he was revealed to be not only gay but also in love with Dean. (x) (x) (x) Can you imagine then what Warner Brothers would have said to an acknowledge bisexual Dean Winchester in 2013? Granted, there was no Trump election, but legitimate, could that have been the end of the show? Or the Russian and Conservative US viewership? Is it possible that Jensen would have feared so?
Is it possible that Jensen had a more personal reason for a knee jerk defensive response?
So was Jensen covering in 2013? Well. This happened 5 years later in 2018:
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That hostile "? No." came even though Misha confirmed that he and Jensen had discussed Destiel by that point. Granted, discussing Destiel as a concept and accepting Dean being inherently bisexual are two very different things - Cas is GN after all - still, less than encouraging.
I may never get over the jumps back and forth that Jensen did. At this point I think there's no denying that a lot of SPN's queer content was on purpose, even as writers and actors were telling fans and network execs otherwise. Yet when each person involved was brought in? that question haunts me at night. I have gone off before about the timeline in my pursuit of whether Jensen was Ben Hur'd (x) and, if so, for how long. I'm sure many in this fandom have so much to add.
In the meantime we'll just have to cherish this moment from 2019:
Interviewer: 'So, tell us just a little bit about what you’re most excited to tackle with your character this final season.’ Jensen: “Cas. Just like a full football form tackle.”
Bewitched references in SPN:
2.05 - Dean: Well, it looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose, he's gotta use verbal commands.
2.20 - Dean says Barbara Eden was hotter than Elizabeth Montgomery - sigh - Dean.
7.05 - Dean thinks a husband has no idea his wife is a witch, and refers to him as Darrin. Dean also indicates he likes the first Darrin better. - (I guess I can't make a comment about how much TV Dean watched as a kid if I get all of his references and also haven't saved the world.)
14.03 - Jules refers to the witch as 'Brunhilde' - this is a minor character in bewitched but more so from mythology and likely referred to the cartoon witch from WB cartoons - the stereotypical witch that faced bugs bunny with the green skin and straw hair.
let me know if you have any to add. Stay Witchy ✌
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: If The Bunker Had Windows Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader Pairing: Dean x female reader Words: ±5250 words Description: When a Djinn case doesn’t go as planned, not everyone makes it. Dean, who is burdened by guilt, holes himself up alone in his room for days, until Y/N comes in to check on him. Will the girl who was his perfect world be able to pull him back from the darkness? Warnings: Angst/comfort. Mutual pining, some fluff. Description of canon typical violence and supernatural creatures. Mentions of injury, death and alcohol abuse. Depression, refusal to eat, grieving, crying. Satisfying ending. Author’s note: A one shot that will punch you in the feels, according to my betas @winchest09 and @deanwanddamons. Always grateful for you girls helping me out! And to my readers, I hope you enjoy my reading, thank you for your support.
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     Serenity floats through the halls of the Men of Letters headquarters, like the morning mist on an autumn day. If the bunker had windows, the sun would have shone diagonal beams through the glass, warm and welcome, but instead it’s the light from the vintage table lamps that give this home its glow.
     Y/N moves down the hall towards the galley, her sock covered feet softly padding against the marble floors. Despite her stealth approach, Sam is waiting for her to appear in the doorway, his eyes already lifted from the tablet that lays flat on the mahogany table.      “Morning,” he greets, continuing to swipe through news articles, in his search for a case. “Coffee’s brewing.”
     She descends down the two steps and sets foot into the kitchen, the aroma of roasted beans flooding her senses. The night hasn’t been without worries and all the more without sleep, so she can use a good dose of caffeine.      “Thanks,” she returns.
     After pouring herself a generous amount of the dark beverage, her thoughts wander off to the other inhabitant of this oddly cosy concrete structure. Dean’s absence is obnoxiously evident, the air not filled with grumpy mutters before he had his coffee, neither with a lame joke that he found on the back of the cereal box, that only he finds funny.      With a deep sigh, she turns around with her favorite mug in her hand, resting against the counter. “Has he come out of his room yet?”
     Sam’s jaw flexes, the tall giant with a gentle heart glancing over. He doesn’t even have to shake his head for Y/N to know the answer. Shutting her eyes for a few seconds, she takes a sip from her hot drink, burning her tongue, but it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as the pain she knows Dean is in.
     It’s been three days since the brothers returned from a particularly tough hunt. She remembers Sam’s voice hollering through the bunker, and she instantly realized that something terrible had happened. When she found the Winchesters in the garage, Dean leaning on his sibling and barely able to stay on his feet, the air was stolen from her lungs. His skin was paler than those of the spirits she has faced and he seemed barely conscious. His eyes beheld an emptiness that faded the forest green of his irises, leaving nothing but a shallowness that reminded her of death, even though his heart was still faintly beating.
     A Djinn had gotten to him, and by the time Sam found his brother, strung up to the ceiling of the monster’s den, he was barely alive. It was too late for the young college student who the hunters were hoping to save, her corpse dangling in shackles next to Dean, drained of blood and life. She was all but a grim memoir of their failure, a reminder of the fate that would have befallen the hunter, had the younger Winchester sibling not found him. 
     Back home, Sam and Y/N carried Dean to the infirmary and thankfully got a hold of Castiel, who came to the rescue as fast as he could. The angel might not be at full power, but he was able to pull his friend away from the reaper, who was without a doubt waiting to claim his soul like the vultures that they are. 
     Even though Cas glued the shattered shards back together until Dean was physically whole again, something inside him remains damaged beyond repair. The mighty hunter, who faces his enemies head on and with guns blazing, who laughs Death in the face, is defeated, and there is not much the cosmic being can do to change that. A broken body is much easier to heal than a broken mind.
     Y/N puts her empty coffee mug aside and exhales, coming back to the present. “Did he eat, at least?” she wonders, a desperate hopefulness in her pitch.      Again, Sam shakes his head. “He left dinner by the door without touching it. I’m sorry.”      The younger Winchester doesn’t have to apologize, after all, it’s not his fault that the food was left untouched. Yet, he knows their female companion had put a lot of effort in making Dean his favorite burgers, hoping it would persuade him.     “It’s okay, Sam,” she assures, forcing a smile.
     While the younger Winchester brother returns his attention to his tablet, Y/N takes a moment to collect herself. She then turns to the kitchen counter and crouches down, taking a large frying pan from the lower cabinets. After lighting up the stove and carefully placing a second ceramic pot on the fire, the bunker’s second best cook opens the refrigerator and collects a carton of eggs, milk, bacon and cheese.
     Sam watches her move around the galley, his brow furrowed. “What are you doing?”      “I’m making Dean breakfast,” she states, matter of factly.      The hunter sighs, pity evident in the soft exhale. “Y/N--”      “I have to try, Sam.” She cuts him off, the tremble in her voice noticeable. 
     Their eyes meet when the woman glances over her shoulder, still stirring the milk and eggs in a bowl. The younger Winchester is well aware that this meal will most likely end in the trash like the others, but he understands why she feels the need to take care of his brother. It’s her way of letting Dean know that she’s not giving up on him, no matter how thick the fog grows in the mind of the tormented hunter. It’s her way of keeping busy and doing something, anything, because watching from the sidelines while someone suffers, is not in her nature. Especially not when that person is Dean, the man who she cares so much for, more than she would like to admit.
     Sam’s lips press into a thin line, the corners reaching up slightly. The crow’s feet by his eyes wrinkle and become a little deeper, despite the brown hair that frames his gentle expression. She and Sam have been friends for a long time and often don’t need words anymore. With just a look, he explained that he sympathizes with her, and that he’s thankful for her efforts. 
     She returns his small smile and focuses on her cooking again, laying out the bacon into the hot frying pan, watching the meat as it starts to sizzle.
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     Twenty minutes later, Y/N walks down the hallway towards the dorms, a tray in her hands decked out with scrambled eggs, french toast and a fresh cup of coffee. Before the first room on the right, she halts, staring at the golden ‘11’ on the wooden barrier in front of her. Contemplating if she should leave the warm meal on the threshold or not, she looks down at her feet.      “Dean?” she calls out, hesitant. “Is it alright if I come in?”
     Her question remains unanswered, only fueling her doubt. Is he sleeping? Would she be crossing a line if she enters? Of course she wants to grant him his privacy, but he has been cooped up in there for three days now, without food, without social interaction. There have been many times when she was worried sick about the hunter who has already endured so much, and these past days only add to that count. What is the right approach here? Give him more time? 
     Closing himself off and pushing down the agony is his go-to coping mechanism, and although it isn’t a healthy one, she always respected the space he needed to move past the pain. She’s used to him being quiet, taking the Impala for late night drives, drinking more than usual and sleeping less. But at least he came out of his room, at least he ate. Now, everything is different.
     Before she can reconsider, she balances the tray in one hand, freeing the other to reach for the brass knob. Carefully, she pushes the door ajar, allowing the light from the hallway to bleed into Dean’s room. The state in which she finds the resilient soldier, who courageously charges into battle and has won wars on strength and will alone, almost brings her to tears. He’s in his bed, curled up on the far left of the mattress, leaving the empty space next to him vacant. His back is turned towards her as he lays in a fetal position, the comforter pulled up over his shoulder. The darkness that surrounds him only seems fitting for his frail state of mind.
     Y/N isn’t sure if the older Winchester brother is even awake, since he fails to respond to her presence, but she steps into the shadows nonetheless.      “Dean? I brought breakfast,” she announces, softly enough that if he is sleeping, her words will not wake him.
     The broken form in the bed shifts slightly. She might not realize it, but Dean has heard her, and has done every single time she has brought him something to eat. Her light footfalls passing his room, the hesitation on his doorstep, the soft knocks on the wood, the sigh when she turned away again. A part of him was glad she never came in before, yet at the same time, he was fighting the urge to call out, craving her company, her touch. Anything even remotely close to the way she was with him in his dreams, when held captive.
     “I’m not hungry,” he croaks, his voice failing after not having used it for so long.      “You’ve got to eat something,” she tries again. “It’s been a couple of days.”
     The beaten hunter turns into his pillow, leaving the woman who intends to make him feel better by the door. A shuddering breath falls from her lips, one laced with disappointment and frustration. He should be used to letting people down by now, but it still stings. Struggling to not give in to his own longing, he opens his weary eyes and stares at the empty bottle on his nightstand, the whiskey it once beheld long gone.
     Dean expects her to leave. It would do him justice, because he doesn’t deserve such kindness. But instead, he can hear her shuffle closer. She makes room on the side table, putting the remnants of his self medication down on the floor, the glass thudding softly on the stone surface, and sets down a tray. The smell of bacon fills his nose, and even though his stomach growls in response, he is sure the food would turn to ash in his mouth. Nothing can still the hunger that this perfect dream stirred up. Nothing can fill the hole in his gut that has only grown larger since Sam pulled him away from the world created by the Djinn he was supposed to kill. 
     He gave in to a fairy tale, even though he is well aware they are make-believe. He couldn’t leave that utopia, because for once, he just wanted to be happy. Instead of stepping up and slaying the monster at the end of the book, he was selfish, weak, and a girl died because of it.
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     His self-destructive chain of thought is interrupted when the bed dips down, Y/N taking up the small space on the edge of the mattress. Her delicate hand reaches for him, moving his tousled hair from his forehead, running her fingers through his light brown locks. Closing his eyes, he swallows with difficulty, biting down to keep the tears at bay. He doesn’t want her to see him in this state, to see the fucked up train wreck that he is. 
     “Talk to me,” she says softly, her whisper breaking the silence, but Dean shakes his head.      “I can’t,” he returns, hoarse. “You should go.”      She stands her ground. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
     The tired hunter doesn’t have the energy to argue, and for a while, they just are. Dean on his side, huddled under the comforter, Y/N right next to him, one leg pulled under her, the other dangling from the edge of the bed. The motions of her gentle caressing almost lulls him to sleep, but he doesn’t allow unconsciousness to take him. The second he drifts off, he will be faced with either the same old horrific nightmares he has gotten used to, or return to the dream that will never be. Waking up from either will be too devastating for him to handle.
     Wishing she could offer him any kind of solace, Y/N allows her thumb to rub his temple, cupping his handsome face gingerly. The action draws his weary eyes to meet hers for the first time this morning. The slight improvement should be a relief, yet it is anything but. The sorrow that swims in his gaze breaks her heart.
     “It isn’t your fault,” she offers, her words so soft, that if the room hadn’t been draped in silence, the hunter would have missed it.      Dean looks away, however, shaking his head slightly, unable to accept her comfort. “It is. I could’ve snapped out of it.”
     The woman by his bedside furrows her brow, her expression soft and sympathetic. Why does he expect the impossible from himself? Why does he have to rescue everyone on this earth? No one can live up to that, not even the hero that he is. It’s a burden too heavy to bear for any being, a responsibility that sets him up to fail, because he can’t save them all. He would always beat himself up, whenever they would lose an innocent during a hunt, but this time there’s more to it. This time he can’t get up.
     “A Djinn put you under. How could you have known it was a dream?” she says, trying to help him see that this blame is not his to take.      “That’s the thing,” he sighs, the air that flows from his lungs substantial with regret and remorse. “I was aware it wasn’t real. I just… I didn’t wanna wake.”
     Without pausing, her gentle touch traces the scruff on his cheek as she analyses his words that raise so many questions. If he knew what he was experiencing was indeed a fantasy, then why didn’t his hunter instincts kick in? Coming back from a coma as such is anything but easy. Yet just like with a vivid nightmare, once one realizes the terrors are nothing but a manifestation of their deepest fears, they can fight their way back to the surface. What could Dean have possibly seen that would keep him from coming home?      “What did you dream about?” she wonders.
     His focus turns in a thousand yard stare, as if he can see it all again. Every reason that made him decide to lay down his weapons when the creature captured him. Every experience that was so tentative, that he was ready to swap that reverie for reality. Every vision, every touch, every smile, every laugh. Every wish come true. It is right there, just out of reach, displayed behind the glass that encases his memories, reminding him of what will never be.
     “Mom, Dad... they were alive,” Dean begins, the recollections causing his eyes to shimmer. “Your parents too. Sammy was married to Jess. She was pregnant.”
     Y/N listens to the fallen hunter breathlessly, trying not to blink, because she knows it would force the tears to fall from her lashes. Slowly, it begins to dawn on her why he couldn’t find his way back. 
     “There were no monsters, we didn’t hunt. Sam was a lawyer, I owned an auto shop. We had family barbecues, dinner during thanksgiving. It was…” he lets out a shuddering breath, drops brewed by bittersweet reminiscence rolling down from the corner of his eye. “It was simple, peaceful, without the constant worry. No sorrow, no regret. And you, the way you were smiling… I’ve never seen you glow like that.” 
     He breaks away from the perfect vision, glancing at the woman who he got to call his in that dream. The woman who he lived with, in a house by a lake, with a back porch looking out over the water. The woman who he married and gave him two beautiful children. The woman who he loves, and in that perfect world he allowed to love him back.
     Dean tries to swallow down the painful lump that obstructs his throat as a hint of a smile tucks at the corner of his mouth. He could tell her all that, but it wouldn’t do her any good. In fact, that illusion might break her, just like it broke him. Instead, he allows a final sentence to fall from his lips, but the emotion that has closed around his airway only allows a whisper.      “We were so happy.”
     Tears find their way down Y/N’s face, leaving shimmering pathways in their wake. Not a word has left her, not even the smallest sound. She doesn’t trust her voice to ease his dreadful affliction. 
      It makes sense now, why he couldn’t bring himself to pop that bubble. What Dean experienced, it sounds perfect. It is the definition of heaven, not just for him, but for all the people he cares about. It shouldn’t be a surprise to her that the selfless man only wants what’s best for his family, eliminating his personal desires, but it moves her nonetheless. Their happiness, her happiness, is Dean’s.      It’s only then that his choice of words begins to settle in her conscience.      “We?”
     Confusion adds to all the emotions that pass by in her misty eyes like frames of a silent film. The hunter’s gaze meets hers again, and he’s not sure if he should be terrified or relieved when he sees that puzzlement transition into comprehension. The puckered lines between her brows even out as her mouth opens slightly, her eyes growing larger, boring into his soul.      “We were together,” she realizes.
     Dean doesn’t have to confirm, it wasn’t a question after all. She has figured it out already, and that conclusion now hovers between them, neither of the two knowing what to do with the revelation.      “Doesn’t matter,” he eventually whispers. “It was just a dream.”
     The downhearted conclusion has Y/N tilt her head to the side, watching the man who she has loved ever since she met him. The memory is one she holds dear, the wide grin he flashed after witnessing her taking down two vampires with a machete, before he and his brothers even got the chance to make the kill. She didn’t think she needed saving, but when his emerald greens took her in, she felt a warmth flair in her heart. He did in fact rescue her that day, and now it was her turn to rescue him. Y/N breathes in, because in order to do so, she needs to be brave. 
     Her left hand reaches for his, which is holding onto the pillow under his head. She takes it, unfolding his clenched fist, and laces their fingers together.      “It doesn’t have to be,” she speaks softly.
     For a few seconds Dean beholds their entwinement, astounded by the gesture. Is she doing this because she feels sorry for him? Because she’s worried that her resentment would send him further into the dark? But when he glances up at her, the look she gives him stuns the hunter. There’s no pity, nor desperation. All he sees is a softness in her beautiful eyes, a calmness that tells him that it’s alright, that she knows, and that she feels the same way. 
     “Y/N...” he utters, unable to let go of her hand, but not ready to close her palm in his a little tighter. “We can’t. It’s only gonna end sad and bloody.”      She shrugs at that, running her thumb over his rough skin, the motion soothing them both. “Maybe,” she agrees, “but denying this, not giving in to what we feel, isn’t that worse?”
     His chest rises and falls slowly, his focus now locked on their hands again, while the woman still seated on the side of his bed holds her breath. It’s almost as if he’s too scared to look at her, aware how fragile this moment is. They are at a crossroads, and depending on the direction he decides to take, this instant might remain just that, a jiff, or it might be the start of something new, yet terrifying.
     “I don’t want you to get hurt,” Dean sighs, fresh tears glistening though his long lashes.
     Swallowing with difficulty, Y/N looks down, sniveling. She can feel him slipping through her fingers like sand in an hourglass, every passing second taking the battered hunter further away. But before she loses him all together, she strengthens her hold.      “I know you don’t,” she acknowledges, “but having to look back at some point, realizing we missed our shot and watched that ship sail by, that would cause me so much pain, that I--”
     The whimper that falls from her lips, draws his gaze up to study her expression. She’s crying silently, her mouth firmly closed in a thin line. The woman who goes out her way to make him feel better, is breaking in front of him because of his doing, and it hurts him more than anything he has felt in the past three days. Instinctively, he frees himself from her hold, only to take her small hand in his palm, protectively wrapping his fingers around hers. The reassurance gives her just enough strength to continue her plea.
     “After everything we’ve been through, the losses, the sacrifices. Hell, multiple apocalypses…” she begins, barely able to grasp how many battles they have survived. “We deserve this.”
     There is not a doubt in the hunter’s mind that Y/N has earned all the happiness the universe can offer, but him? No, he hasn’t. People have died because of him, lives ruined, families torn apart. He has made too many mistakes, and no amount of good deeds could set the record straight.      “Why would you wanna be with me?” he huffs, shaking his head slightly. “I’m such a fuckin’ mess...”
     Y/N takes him in, the man who has never believed he was good enough for anything. There is not a monster on this planet that could hate Dean more than he hates himself. If only he could see how Sam looks up to his big brother, how proud he would have made his parents, if they had still been alive. If only he could see her, and know how much she loves him.
     Taking a bold step, she begins to lower herself, leaning towards him. The action is rushed, afraid that the coward inside of her might alter the course, but once her lips meet Dean’s, she stills. She can sense him freezing against her and panic jolts through her body, the fear of rejection almost having Y/N pull back herself. But then he eases, his mouth moving with hers. The kiss is short and light. Neither of them intends to deepen the touch, the gesture adding enough depth to the situation as it is.
     When she opens her eyes, his are still closed. Almost as if he was still in the Djinn’s hold, and can’t let go of the bliss that surrounds him. A small smile adorns her soft features as she waits for him to look at her, which he only does when she lovingly brushes her nose against his.
     While his focus bounces over her features, taking in every perfect imperfection that makes the woman before him so unmistakably her, he mirrors her smile. No one wants to disturb this precious moment, but Dean has to let out the breath he was holding for some time. He shifts his head against the pillow, watching how Y/N pulls his hand closer, pressing her lips to the knuckles, lovingly. 
     “I’m a mess too,” she admits. “I’m just as scared, Dean. But, together it might just get a little more bearable. I know I’m just a fraction of that dream--”      “- Y/N.” The hunter stops her then and there, pushing himself off the mattress on his elbow. He might not think of himself as worthy, but he will not stand for her effacing her own purpose. The interruption silences her instantly, her wondering eyes still glossed over with emotion, awaiting. Now it’s his time to be brave. 
     He doesn’t let go of her hand, nor of her gaze. He doesn’t let go of the woman he wants to spend his remaining days with, no matter how many or how few.      “You are so much more than a fraction,” he expresses, heartfelt.
     Having made up his mind, Dean sits up and reaches for her, the warm shade of green only hooded by closing lids when his mouth finds hers. He allows himself to graze over her soft lips, drinking in the one person who he has longed for, but never expected to be with. The sensation that erupts in his stomach once the kiss intensifies is the equivalent to a firework show, the bright colors and sparks lighting up the black skies. Euphoria overwhelms him, the same sense that flooded his conscience when the Djinn lured the hunter into that heavenly hallucination. This is a dream too, and yet it isn’t, because this, this is real.
     The kiss leaves Y/N breathless, yet she is able to sense his warm hand coming up her side and sliding around her back to settle between her shoulder blades, hugging her tight without ever removing his lips from hers. Finally, they are here. After months, years of denial, they are ready to give themselves to each other. Sometimes you need to lose all that isn’t, to appreciate what is. 
     She has to pull every string not to cry in elation, but can’t stop the drops of emotion from rolling down. When Dean feels the wetness against his own cheeks, he reluctantly breaks the connection, cupping her face worriedly.      “Hey…” he hushes.      She shakes her head, dismissing his concern, and laughs through the tears. “I’m okay. I’m just - I’m so happy right now, I don’t know what to do with myself.”
     A twinkle reaches her eyes, making it impossible for Dean to look away. He never thought he would be able to witness her so content, let alone have her admit it out loud. Not in this world, anyway. An image of the custom made dream forged by the Djinn pushes itself to the forefront, Y/N on the porch of their house, comfortable in his arms, absolutely beaming. When he awoke from that coma, he thought that the illusion couldn’t be further from reality, but he was wrong.      “I’ve seen that smile before,” he says warmly.
     Y/N grin grows even wider at that, but before she can ask what the man who she just revealed her affections to means, a rumble rises from Dean’s stomach, causing them both to drop their gaze to where the sound is coming from. Once she realizes what caused it, she giggles, and it’s the greatest harmony Dean has ever heard. 
    “You must be starving,” she comments while wiping her tears, hoping he will finally take in some food after having gone three days without it.     “I could eat,” he admits with a chuckle.      “Well, it’s a good thing I made you scrambled eggs with cheese and extra bacon then.” She straightens her back and shifts to the edge of the bed, taking the tray with both hands. “Scoot.”
     Dean pushes himself up further and sits back against the headboard, his mouth watering when Y/N sets the platter over his lap. Only now does he realize how hungry he truly is. He picks up the cutlery and cuts off some toast, overloading it with egg before he has a mouthful, the delicious meal still warm on his tongue.      “Take it easy, okay? Wouldn’t want you to get sick,” she says kindly, reaching for him and rubbing her thumb over his stubble.      He looks up at here before taking a bite of the strip of meat, his eyes having gained some of that boyish sparkle again. Relieved by the sight, Y/N watches him, glad that she finally managed to get his spirits up. 
     “You want some?” Dean checks with his mouth full, pushing the plate of bacon in her direction.      She frowns at that. “Since when do you share food?”      “Since now, and only with you,” he admits. “Don’t tell Sam.”
     They share a laugh and continue to eat in silence until the dishes are so clean, they barely need washing. The pair leave the darkness of room ‘11’, Dean heading for the showers, Y/N turning the corner towards the kitchen. With a spring in her step, the giddy woman makes her way through the hallways of the enormous building. The tray in her hands feels much lighter, and not just because of the cleared plates she’s carrying. 
     With a smirk on her lips, she hops down the steps into the galley, finding Sam by the fridge, who is restocking it with the groceries he just picked up. It’s not until he notices the empty dishes which she sets down on the counter, that his gaze shoots up to their female companion’s joyful eyes.     “He ate?” he asks, hopeful.     “He did,” Y/N smiles, dropping the plates in the sink. “He’s feeling much better, he’s freshening up now.”      The younger Winchester continues to stare at her in awe, stammering something intellectual, before he pauses and blinks a couple of times.      “What happened?” he can’t help but wonder, surprised by his brother’s improvement.
     She remains silent for a few seconds while she runs the tap and adds dish soap to the hot water. What took place in his room is hard to explain. It required a long list of events, building up to this disclosure. It involved Dean opening up about what he went through, comfortable enough to share his grief and let it out. It included them both being fearless after being scared for so long. It comprehended two individuals, growing together, taking a leap to cross a gap that seemed impossible to overcome. 
     “He let the light in,” she states simply, meeting Sam with a meaningful smile.
     Grateful, the tall hunter huffs in astonishment, before he closes her in a hug and presses a kiss on her hair, not needing words to tell just how appreciative he is of her presence. He  assists her and takes up the task of drying the dishes, the two friends working side by side to finish the chore. They are storing away the plates, the noise of the china being stacked in the cupboards allowing Dean to wait in the doorway without being spotted just yet. He’s freshly showered, wearing his dark grey robe over comfortable clothes, leaning against the post and taking in the woman who has turned his life around. 
     If the bunker had windows, the sun would have shone brightly. The late morning rays would come in through the portals to the outside world, illuminating their home. The beams would have been warm and healing, burning away sadness and discomfort, like it would melt the snow on the last days of winter. 
     But the bunker doesn’t need windows.      The bunker has her.
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Thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to reblog my work or buy me coffee (Link in bio at the top of the page).
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388 notes · View notes
verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
"You, me... And Sam."
Hello my friends!!! How are you? I feel much better now thanks to all your asks and your memes and your cracks, I adore them all!
Okay, putting that to a side, and still dreaming about how Jensen will give us the ending we all deserve, let's continue with this analysis, because is time to talk about the mixtape.
From butterflies in the stomach and Foreshadows of the new God
When the episode starts, there's a hint of what Jack's mission is. But coming out from Dagon's mouth, it became like a real bad future.
Dagon: Yeah. And he's not gonna stop there. Every sad, weak human, every tight-ass angel, every sniveling demon they'll all be consumed. So go ahead. Play your games. But whether you're healthy or sick, filthy or clean, He will be born. Good times.
Is almost the contrary to what Jack will actually do for the world. He will consume but it will be Chuck's powers until the last drop of it. And against Dagon's speech, he will save each demon and angel and restore everything.
Now, let's talk about CAS coming back to the bunker...
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Gif credit @godshipsit
I think his face is saying everything here. The one entering in the bunker after go MIA, was Cas', so, Dean's face is scandalous.
Imagine that suddenly your disappeared crush enters through the door without previous announcement. Of cour we can read the bumping heart allnover Dean's cheek, his eyes went wide, in surprise. 'Is CAS!'
He was so worried this whole time, thinking the worst could happen to him, and now CAS is there, alive.
But his reaction to it will be completely different to Sam's reaction. This was settled to make us see the difference between how a friend would react and how a lover would react. Blatant.
Sam: Hey. You're all right. Um – Where have you been?
Sam is asking as a friend, but Dean, Dean doesn't...
Dean: Let me rephrase that for Sam. Where the hell have you been? And why have you ignored our phone calls?
Okay, let's just stop here, this is the way a wife will ask her husband. But because we are talking about Dean, we can see his shield. His shield is US/WE, his shield is SAM, because he wants to drag his brother into the feeling of being desperately worried. Because recognize that DEAN WAS THE ONLY ONE ALMOAT LOOSING HIS HEAD TRYING TO KNOW IF CAS WAS ALIVE OR WHWRE HE WAS IA SHOWING WEAKNESS, IS SHOWING HIS TRUE FEELINGS FOR THE ANGEL. So, the theme of the I/ME vs the WE/US is perfectly written all over this episode.
Castiel: Where I was, the – the reception was, uh, poor.
Dean: No bars? No bars. That's his excuse. Wow.
Castiel: I was in Heaven. I was working with the angels. When I saw Dagon had captured Kelly, I-I thought they could help.
Okay Castiel is proving he is lying by himself here, because he said first he had not signal, and now, he heard one of the so many voice mails Dean had left in his phone.
Sam: And?
Castiel: Nothing.
Sam: Well, at least you're back. We're glad you're back
And be prepared again for the difference between the friend and the JILTED lover.
Dean: Really? No, I'm sorry. Okay, 'cause while you were striking out in Heaven, we had a shot at Dagon, and we lost.
Maybe Dean was waiting Sam to second him in his anger. But it was only in Dean's heart, the deception, and the recalling of so many days be worried about CAS. Because that's what romantic love makes you be.
Castiel: I know. I received your messages.
This was like a bomb for Dean...
Dean: Oh, you did – you did receive the messages? Okay, that's good.
Castiel: Dean.
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Gif credit @starlightcastiel
Dean can't handle the pain in his heart of being rejected and ignored by Castiel, so he searches for his shield again: We/Us/Sam and me.
Dean: So not only were you ditching us, but you were also ignoring us? That's great. 'Cause we really could've used the backup. But, uh, you were too busy with, um (Clicks tongue) What was it? Nothing?
Castiel: Dean, I –
Dean: What the hell is wrong with you, man? You know, whatever. That's (Chuckles) Yeah. Welcome back. (walks away)
Dean is so mad with CAS. And is blatant that his reaction is totally different to Sam's.
The Mixtape as a way to reciprocate Castiel's confession, and the desperate attempt to make CAS to stay by his side.
Okay, we are now in the scene. I'm sure this scene had been dissected by many meta writers. I won't say new things, but i will point a little to their body languages.
Okay, the scene starts with Castiel knocking at Dean's door to give him back the mixtape, so jus aknowledged there that Dean gave CAS a freaking mixtape, which doesn't have another meaning that ROMANTIC. But we can assume Castiel doesn't get this human's customaries, also, we can assume he does, because boop culture that Metatron out at once in his head... So...
After Dean, without looking at him, because he is mad and now he has to handle this angel lack of knowledge about WHAT GIFTING A MIXTAPE MEANS, he said "It's a gift, you keep those."
And Castiel gets nervous.
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Gif credit @stardustcas
The swallow and the way he opens his mouth again to breathe and maybe to say something else, but he stopped himself. Castiel is nervous. I thought at first because he has to find the Colt, and he knew Dean kept it in his room. But we know now that it wasn't just that. He was flustered because the intimacy of the situation with the man he loves.
Castiel looks around before attempting to leave, maybe searching for the Colt, but then Dean starts talking:
Dean: Cas, you can't – With everything that's going on, you can't just go dark like that. We didn't know what happened to you. We were worried. That's not okay.
And in the middle of the intimate scene, awkward moment, Dean needs his shield more than never.
Castiel: Well, I didn't mean to add to your distress. I – Dean, I just keep failing. Again and again. When you were taken, I searched for months and I couldn't find you. And then Kelly escaped on my watch, and I couldn't find her. And I just wanted I needed to come back here with a win for you. For myself.
This speech is so important, because it shows how depressed Castiel felt, how uneasy. How unworthy. He needed to be useful. So he decided to start alone this dangerous journey that will end in his death. He also mentions the win. Because he didn't know he will be always Dean's win, as we will see in episode 13x06 when CAS comes back to Dean alive.
After they talk about Dragon, and Cas' asks if Sam and Dean are willing to kill an innocent, because that's dirty work, that's the mission CAS had taken in his own shoulders, Dean says this...
Dean: We will find a better way.
Castiel: You mean, we?
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Cas points at Dean with the mixtape, because he wants to clarify if Dean is referring to them, to JUST CAS AND DEAN. YOU AND ME. THE TWO OF US. And Dean is now the flustered one. Look at Dean's face, being in just one spot, recognizing that the shield can be broken, that he is talking about CAS and him. Is too intimate. Too different. So his face is burning. And even so, the words are out. 'Yes, dumbass, we.'
What was this? This was an attempt coming from Castiel to get to know Dean's feelings. Pointing with the mixtape to just Dean and him. Not Sam here. Not shield. And Dean goes for it. Goes for that WE: YOU AND ME.
But then, Dean backtraks
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He starts explaining the WE, avoiding Castiel's gaze, he goes... 'You, me...' and then he tilts his head, and adds the shield back again: 'and Sam.'
The second gif is showing Dean backtracking, Because is too intimate, is too risky, he is standing on the edge between friendship and something else. He can't cross that line. Mostly because he is not sure about Castiel's feelings for him, and more now, after seeing how CAS ignored him for so long. Dean is like:
"What am I doing? Let's mention Sam here, and turn this into no homo conversation."
But the nervousness is all over the scene, i got nervous watching it because the awkward moment!
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More nervousness. Dean's flustered eyes. The swallowing. The attempt of staring into those blue eyes of the man he loves. (The butterflies in the stomach, the heart beating fast, the dry mouth) trying to make the conversation more normal, but their faces are loud.
Vas says he likes that and then Dean is more frustrated than never and his dry mouth is asking for a beer, or maybe he find a way out from the awkward moment, the gay moment. He needs to breathe. He almost let his guard down with this angel. And the desperate way to say STAY WITH ME. DON'T GO AWAY AGAIN. To his angel.
Castiel engages with a seductive look in the middle of the sexual tension
Sam: I mean, how did Cass even get the Colt out of the safe in the first place?
Dean drops his head. Sam raises an eyebrow
Sam Dean, you – you put the Colt back in the safe, right? Dean?
Dean: It was under my pillow. It – I like to keep it close. (Sighs) He came into my room and he played me.
Okay i can even explain the intimacy of this. Even if CAS didn't know about this and he just went searching all over Dean's room. Mention this after the huge scene full of romantic tension, has a meaning. Again: INTIMACY. And adding the "He played me" to all of this is another symbol way to show theme audience this was like that scene between the guy and his crush, in wich his crush takes advantage of it and plays him by stealing something from him. Yes.
Finally, when they find CAS... This scene...
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Gif credit @stardustcas
Dean is mad, very mad at him. Because Castiel really played him. But... Look at the scene. Look at Castiel's gaze: PURE SEDUCTION. He maybe is aware of the effect he causes on Dean. And after the mixtape scene, he goes for it. Seduction as if they were in their first seasons together. And Dean is muted, and stares at him, then checks him out, and they're in their own sexual tension world, until Sam calls him. But he has to calls him twice because his brother is too embedded into Castiel's hot behavior.
But don't forget Dean is mad at him. So now, is Dean the one playing around with CAS. Throwing the keys at him and making him almost loose his stability to reach them.
Closing the circle
When Dean and Sam reach Castiel again in the middle of a battle with Dragon, Dean's desperation when Dagon is about to smite Castiel is high level.
But then Jack saves the day, not just showing CAS the future (the ending of season 15) but also, Jack gave him powers to finish Dagon.
Then, the scene in wich Castiel heals Dean is full of intimacy again. The lingerie touch, rubbing fingers. Because Dean is moving his hand slowly away from CAS touch but he ended by letting his hand to feel Castiel's rubbing his fingers. To let Castiel to heal him.
And then, CAS is gone again.
To Conclude:
12x19: The Future has Destiel all over it. Dean mad at him, reaching the level of a JILTED lover. Dean way to protect himself from another rejection using the WE/US/SAM shield. Just because he can't handle it. The doubts about Cas' feelings, and the way the angel always find to go MIA, makes his heart stutter.
The mixtape scene is one of the most emblematic. The nervousness is all over their faces, and Misha and Jensen transmite perfectly the romantic tension between the two characters and goes straight to our hearts, making us feel awkward and flustered too.
Hope you like this meta. See you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @agusvedder @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from season 12, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, November 24th 2020, 9:36 PM
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xofemeraldstars · 3 years
can i ask how many hours/days it took you to make the cas beeday gifset? i am in AWE. like. the literal sweat you must have shed over making that. or how did you get it to under 10 mb???? you are a GENIUS and we are so incredibly lucky to have your insane talent in this fandom!!!!!
hiiIIi!! 💫 thank youuu 🥺💕
WELL i just looked when i created the folder and notes file and i began planning (aka math on how to combine the 139 eps we got cas adsafdeaf which took me... probs more than an hour to make it work with the layouts lol) on march 6th!!
first gif of the set was done march 8th but since i started earlier i was more relaxed about it (rather than a week before like for the dean in every ep gifset aka 325 gifs sdsfherfsd where i felt like i was losing my mind a couple of times...) 
i wanted to finish the last one last night but i was getting tired, it was late and i felt like i was not seeing clearly anymore oof time per gif i think more thank 2 hours?? with frame gathering and all + distractions cause i watch stuff when i gif lol
under read more some gif-ing talk lol
SO looking at the dates i almost made one every day - had to go in and tweak the overall coloring for the 9th gif, it was too green so that's why there are two:
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after i was done planning i made multiple layout files so i could easily load one up based on my notes:
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^ in each case the number is the total number of scenes in the set, so p10 means a total of 10 gifs which is the layout of the 10th gif:
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as for the size!! i knew what coloring i wanted (a cooler one with a focus on blues) so i made a base coloring with 2 options for yellow/neutral scenes and blue scenes (there weren't a lot of these) and then i tweaked the color balance and exposure, in like 90% of cases that was enough (there were some very stubborn eps in there tho lol) ah look i one selective color layer lol seems like it was to add a bit more warmth from what i can see
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i just took random frames from the first batch and worked to do the base coloring on those:
> yellow base:
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> blue base:
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then after i adjusted all the coloring for each cas square 😊 i added a hue/saturation layer to remove colors i don't want (in this case green and partially magenta) to help with the size + so it doesn't take up from the max 265 colors allowed in gifs ✌😔 and depending on the eps (mostly later seasons) i reduced the saturation for red to -10 and maybe a overall de-saturation of -10 and then i also usually add a vibrance layer and increase the vibrancy to around 30-50
AND WELL this is was my gifing process here!! damn i do hope this made sense... ??? lol
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Finding Him
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AU!Dean x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping/taken, angst, mentions/implications of rape, mentions of blood, gruesome I think, maybe. (If I need more warnings, I’ll add them. Not sure what I need for warnings right now) I would recommend to being at least 18 to be safe.
Summary: Dean doesn’t come home from a supply run. Sam and the Reader find the Impala, but no Dean. Who would take Dean? Why? Clock’s ticking.
Word count: 2,400-ish
a/n: Inspired by a fic called Lost by @talesmaniac89​, only I switched the roles and the whole premise of the story in comparison.
Finding Him Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
His vision blackened by the dark hood that covered his head.
“See boss, I found him, one of the Winchester boys.” A male voice says. As if he were expecting a prize.
“Yes, I see that, you were also to get his little brother you nitwit!” another man shouted.
Dean could hear growls in the distance. Meaning he was dealing with more than just one monster. Also, what kind of monster?
“But doing this draws out his brother. Once he is out and about, I’ll get him.”
“You better, but watch out for his mate. I hear she’s feisty.”
Y/N, they knew her as well. But she was only with the brothers for, not even, 6 months now.
“Why again are we doing this? Why don’t we just swarm their base now? I mean, we can use his scent to lead us there.” A female voice was heard this time. She sounded rather annoyed by the whole situation.
“Because, it’s her I want.”
“She’s a half-breed. First of our kind. Her mother was human. They say half-breeds are weaker than their pure bred counterpart. But I beg to fucking differ!” the boss man got furious at a memory.
Y/N’s a what? Dean thought. He could only huff against the gag in his mouth that was tapped in by duct tape. His hands were bound by all kinds of bindings. Rope, tape and even chains. These werewolves took precautions to prevent Dean from escaping or fighting back.
Y/N must have done something to piss this guy off. He thought.
“Just bring the other Winchester, Lure this bitch out. I want her now!”
 “Sam, I found the impala but no Dean.” She said into the phone.
“Store clerk said no one was following him in the store. So it must have happened outside of the store on the way home.”
“I don’t like this Sam, who would take him and why?”
“I don’t know. Come swing by, pick me up and I’ll drive Dean’s baby home.”
“Sure thing, then we’ll get hunting for your brother.”
She hung up the phone. She could smell it. It’s faint but it’s werewolf. Maybe it’s time to come clean about her lineage to Sam. It might help in finding Dean.
 “So you’re a half breed. Half human, half werewolf? How’s that possible?” Sam asked. Not a hint of malice in his words, no hint of anger or hostility in his body language.
“My mom was human. My dad was an alpha werewolf. But my mom died giving birth to me. I never really had a mother. But there’s this other pack, my dad went rogue on them when they started killing humans. He’d kill his own members to save humans.” She explained.
“Your dad sounds like a good man.”
“He was. Then his alpha found us. Tried to take me. He fought back. Or, tried to. I managed to get away. But in the woods I could smell my dad’s blood. He kill him. I’m more than sure, he’s the one that took Dean. He’s trying to lure me out.”
“He really shouldn’t underestimate the Winchester way of doing things.”
“What do you have in mind, I do see those wheels in your head turning?” she asked.
“We’ll need Cas’s help. I’ll even see if Bobby or any of the apocalypse hunters are up for some fuckery.”
She smiled, what does this guy have in mind, must be awesome.
 Weeks pass.
Sure he’d feed Dean, give him water even. But the alpha has a plan. And it’s not a great one.
He’s building an army.
“It’s my daughter, Alpha. She’s presenting, and I feel she is suitable for bearing a half breed.” Said a woman behind the door.
“Once she is fully presented, we’ll put him to work. And soon she will bear a half breed. Because if that bitch won’t come to me, we’ll come to her, with an army to boot.”
Dean swallowed thickly.
Already several scared girls had come in, he was forced to impregnate these girls. In hopes of making werewolves just like y/n.
He’s not dumb, half breeds are not as weak as people or other monster claim them to be. Because of their human counterparts, they don’t give up.
“How many have we made so far boss?” the same wolf that kidnapped Dean asked.
“9. Nine half breeds. And 5 of us. Two omegas, one beta, and two alphas. The half breeds don’t even need to present. That’s the thing we need to research further.”
“I’m sure our doctors in the sandy hills would love to look at them, and this girl of yours.”
“I’m sure. But, she’s mine. Mine to tame, mine alone. I’ll make an omega out of her.”
“You want to see what offspring you and her would produce?” he asked. Seeing his masterplan now.
“We need an army. Those British hunters already got the drop on us and have killed most of ours. But now, with us being mostly half breeds. We’ll see how much of a match we are to them.”
“Impervious to silver. But they’ll die like any normal human.”
“Maybe so. But we’ll train them in combat. We will win this.”
His comrade nodded.
 A low growl could be heard from y/n as she paced the library.
“Weeks Sam, it has been weeks. We need to find him.”
“I know, Bobby’s trying to round up everyone.”
“I can feel them doing something to him, it’s not good. We need to hurry.”
“Like what?”
“I can’t describe it without making you feel uncomfortable. But it’s not good. Let’s just put it at that.”
Sam’s phone rang. Caller ID, Bobby.
“Hey, Bobby, whatchyou got?”
“Sam, bring your girl and come to our hide out. It’s getting bad out there.”
“Bad, bad how?”
“We’re out numbered. The amount of werewolves is growing. More than what we can keep up with.”
“Okay, we’ll pack what we can and meet you out there.”
Sam hung up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Their numbers are growing.”
“I told you it was bad.”
“What are you saying?”
“He’s making an army of half breeds. Like me. And he’s using Dean to help in that process.”
“You mean, he’s forcing these wolf girls to rape my brother?” Sam asks, growing sickened and angry.
“Yes. Which is why we need to hurry. Let’s just go where we need to go. I’ll tell you what we can do to win.”
 “Great, not only are you like a human, but impervious to silver. So our bullets and knives won’t kill you.” One of the male apocalypse hunters fumed.
“So how do we kill them?” Meg asks.
“Just like how you’d kill any human. An ordinary weapon. But don’t injure them. Or Don’t waste time on the kill. They…we can heal quickly.”
“You have to have some kind of weakness.” Bobby says.
“Well, we’re not totally impervious to silver. I learned that the hard way from you hunters.” She says. “Just before I met Sam and Dean, I ran into a hunter. He learned of what I was. And tried to kill me. His silver blade slashed my arm. I had this nasty looking infection. But really it was poison.”
“Dean brought you back, and we healed you up.” Sam added. She nodded with a sad smile.
“That’s why you didn’t tell us. You were afraid we’d do that to you.” Sam says. She cast her gaze to her feet, fiddling her hands at her waistline. She felt Sam’s hand at her cheek. Coaxing her to look up at him.
“You had our backs, you saved Dean from shifters and wendigos. You saved me from vamps and werewolves. Cas from angels. Hell, even our own mother from a number of monsters. We wouldn’t have hurt you darlin’.”
“When he saved me, Dean. I imprinted on him.”
“How’d you…”
“I’m not sure. He felt safe. I felt safe. It was after he saved me, I’ve been able to feel what he feels. Know exactly where he was. Or is. Some say imprinting anyone, a wolf or human, is done by sex. But we didn’t do anything. He just held me. Safe in his arms.” She explained.
“Could be that. Could be a soul thing.” Bobby says. “Soulmates.”
Sam and Y/N nodded.
A moment passed. Y/N shook her head out of her thoughts.
“We need to get Dean back before the Alpha kills him. When he deems Dean no longer useful. I can, feel him. He does feel far. But I’m sure I can find him.”
“Well, let’s do this. Bobby, you, and the hunters try to get their numbers down. Kill as many as you can. Y/N and I will get Dean out of there. Then after—”
“I’m killing that Alpha, once and for all. More lives are in danger with him alive.” She growled.
Sam could only nod.
 A shot rang out.
“All the guards outside are half breeds. Aim for the head.” She ordered the hunters that came along.
Shot after shot rang out.
She took in their scent. They weren’t that old, freshly presented. She stared at them in confusion. Half breeds don’t present. Unless a certain gene allows them to present or not enough research went into half breeds.
“Sam, you and I we need to move in. now.” She ordered. Sam nodded.
“Keep them from entering.” She told the hunters.
“Sam, let’s go!”
And they ran their way inside.
 “Get the human!” the alpha ordered.
Dean, looking a bit rough from weeks and weeks of rough sex, little food and water and no sleep. The wolf picked him up by the collar, Dean grunted against the motion as his hands were bound behind his back since the day they brought him in here. His wrists have been cut up and bloodied from his struggles.
“I’d be happy to rip his heart out for ya boss.” He sneered.
“NO!” The alpha shouted.
The wolf shuddered.
“He’s mine.”
He threw Dean at the Alpha’s side.
Dean landed on his side with a hard thud and grunt. He was too weak to play the tough guy. Too weak to give a witty comeback.
He just laid there, waiting for his death.
 Sam, preoccupied by other wolves in the warehouse as Y/N walked into the Alpha’s Domaine. His den, his ‘Throne Room’. He stood on a balcony meant for loading large machinery. It had no railing on one side.
She could smell his blood. Causing a growl to emerge deep within her chest. Her fists clench so hard she could draw blood.
“There she is.” The alpha growled.
“Here I am. Do you want to end this or should I?” she asked. Glaring down at him.
“You dare talk like that to your Alpha?” he growled.
“You are not my alpha, I’m no one’s alpha. You are a murderer.”
“Now, I’d beg to differ on that. You killed your own kind.”
“I have two kinds. Human and wolf. Humans seem a lot better than you.”
He growled at her remark.
“You mean, like this human!” he pulls Dean up by the collar. His sheer strength alone allowed him to hold Dean in the air, hanging him by his collar. He hung him over the ledge with no railing. Intending on letting him either hang to his death or drop him.
Her heart dropped.
Dean kicked, trying to get free. He began gagging for air.
“He’s weak, just like your father was. Your father was infatuated with a human and it weakened him. He was my right hand man!” he shouted.
She tried to keep a good poker face going. But Dean’s eyes began to roll as he was loosing more and more air.
“You are just like him. Infatuated with a human.”
“Let him go.” She says. Demanding.
The Alpha cocked his head, cocking an eyebrow, smirking. Oh, she thinks she’s going to have it easy. He thought.
“Please, I’ll turn myself over to you willingly. But you have to let him go. Alive!” she demanded.
“Hmm, such a tempting offer.” The Alpha says playfully. “But, no. I think I’ll pass.” He says.
He repositions Dean so he could easily wrap his hand around his throat. She could tell he was squeezing the life out of him, he kicked furiously, desperately trying to get free.
I hope this will work. She thought.
She darts, climbing up a stack of crates leading up to the platform.
She managed to get on the platform without him noticing. She could see the color to Dean’s face changing. His eyes rolling.
A fire burned in her eyes. He’s not going to take him from her.
With her claws now drawn, she forces her hand through the Alpha’s back and through his chest.
He can see what looks like silver nails on her claws.
The impact causes him to drop Dean.
He drops on to his back with a hard thud.
The Alpha gags as the poison from the polish is coursing through his veins.
“You really should have taken the deal.” She says. Pulling her hand from his back the Alpha drops dead with a thud. On the concrete ground below.
“Dean!” she gasps. Seeing him not moving.
She rushes to him, cutting him free. She brings her ear to his mouth. He’s not breathing.
“No, no, no. Dean, please.” She begs.
She works him over her shoulder as she get’s him to a more flat surface.
“Dean!” she heard Sam shout.
She laid Dean flat on his back and began doing chest compressions.
“Sam, Bobby, we need to get him help.” She begs as she worked on him.
“Cas!” Sam prays out loud. “Cas, if you hear me please, we need you to save him!”
“Cas!” she adds on. “Please, I can’t lose him!”
“Sam, Y/N.” Cas says behind her.
“Cas, help him.” She begs. Her eyes blurring with tears.
“I will try.” He says.
He places two fingers to his forehead. Only to see limited injuries healed. But Dean took in a deep, much needed, breath.
Cas falls back, weakened.
“I do not have enough grace to heal him completely. My grace has been depleting lately. Once I am fully regenerated, I’ll heal him again.” Cas says.
“Thanks Cas, it’s something.” Y/N says. “Let’s get him home.”
Part 2
What’d you think? Want more? Let me know either by ask or reblog. Remember, feedback is fuel.
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @akshi8278​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 2/8/2021
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calaryssia · 2 years
Unexplainable | Swan Song
Unexplainable Masterlist
Dean Winchester x OC
Word Count: 4.1k
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"wow." i say looking at the 1967 chevy impala in front of me. "is she yours?"
"yep. dad gave her to me. she's my baby." i smile looking over at dean. he smiles back.
when she got in the backseat she noticed the initials that were dean and sam's. i can feel the memories in this car. it makes me smile. this is were it all began. this car was their home.
me and sam sat on the hood of the impala, sam had a beer in his hand while i had my mother's journal. i was reading up on how she would channel her power, i was interested to how she did it, thought it might help me for the big fight.
"hey." i heard sam says as someone approached the car. i turn to see dean as he grabs himself a beer out of the cooler. he leans back up against the car, he stays silent for a moment.
"dean?" sam says slightly turning to him. "what's going on?" dean doesn't say anything for a second.
"i'm in." he finally says, struggling to get it out.
"in with..?" sam questions looking at dean confused.
"the whole 'up with satan' thing. i'm on board." sam gets up from his position so he's face closer to him. i put the string to hold my place in the journal closing it, turning to play attention to him.
"you're gonna let me say yes?" sam asks, not quite getting it.
"no. that's the thing. it's not on me to let you do anything. you're grown, well, over grown, man." i hold back my laughs knowing this was a serious moment. "if this is what you want, i'll back your play."
"that's the last thing i thought you'd ever say."
"might be. i'm not gonna lie to you, though. it goes against every fiber i got. i mean, truth is.. you know, watching out for you... it's kinda been my job, you know? but more than that, it's... it's kind of who i am. you're not a kid anymore, sam, and i can't keep treating you like one. maybe i got to grow up a little, too. i don't know if we got a snowball's chance. i mean the most powerful person we got is belle over here. but... but i do know that if anybody can do it. it's you and even her." dean just adds me in their since i'm here, i know he meant this conversation to be just between him and his brother but i was just here. saved him another conversation he would have had to make.
"thank you." sam says, actual gratefulness in his voice. i didn't say anything because i didn't want to ruin their bro moment.
"if this is what you want.. is this really what you want?" he says looking at the both of us. i just nod. sam takes a second with his answer.
"i let him out. i got to put him back in." i look to sam, i put my hand on his shoulder to bring him comfort.
"okay. that's it then." dean says, taking a sip of his beer. we just continue to sit there in silence. enjoying each other's presence. 
the boys come out from the building, sam and cas holding demon blood. i didn't want to go in, so i stayed outside. i was leaned against the car as sam opened the trunk to put the demon blood in it.
sam looks at me and i smile. he comes over to me taking one of my hands. "can i ask you something?" i nod up at him. "how do you see this ending up?" i look to the ground before looking back up.
"no clue. there's so many different ways this could go. we just have to hope that, what we do together is the right way." he smiles at me. before dropping my hand.
"you're gonna do great belle. you'll be able to fight him off. i believe in you." i smile, he always tends to see the best in me. if this thing goes sideways, i will always blame myself. no matter what he says. but i just nod and smile.
we get back on the road and head for detroit. where we originally said it was gonna happen. he was right. should have known.
i ride with bobby to keep him company. we make small talk most of the way there.
i look down at the journal in my hands. i haven't opened it yet since i don't have much light. bobby looks over to me and then to the book before returning his eyes back to the road.
"is that your mother's?" he questioned. i look over to him and nod.
"she gave me it before i had to leave. before i went with crowley to get away from lucifer. she told me 
'you take this, and you grow. you can get strong enough to defeat him. don't let anyone tell you different'. i hope she's right. because if i'm not. i'll just be used as a magic blood bag for the rest of my life." i say looking over to bobby again with fear in my eyes. "i have to pull this off."
"you can and you will kid. i've seen how powerful you can be. what you did with sam, showing him something." he says keeping his eye on the road. "your good at what you do kid. i have no doubt you can't pull it off. you haven't even shown your full power yet. you'll do great." i smile, a tear rolling down my check.
me and bobby come back from examining the building lucifer is supposedly in, there was demons, i could feel the dark coming from there with some red as well, which i assumed to be lucifer.
"demons. at least two dozen of them. you were right, something's up there." bobby says. i look at dean, he knows he's there too. i don't even have to confirm it.
"more than something. he's here. i know it." dean says before going to the back of the car opening the truck.
bobby and sam exchange looks. he walks over to sam, giving him a saddening stare. "i'll see ya around, kid." the tears start to weal up in my eyes. "see ya around." sam says, making my tears to start to drop. they hug. once they pull away bobby says one last thing. "he gets in.. you fight him tooth and nail, you understand? keep swingin'. don't give an inch."
"yes, sir." sam says before he walks over to me. he points to me. "you better stop that crying. you are gonna make sure you can get the job done without sending your ass down there." i laugh a little, the tears keep streaming down my face. i can't stop them. he hugs me, for maybe the last time. i miss cas and sam's goodbye, which would have caused me to probably cry more so, maybe it wasn't too bad.
sam finishes drinking the blood, me and dean not watching. once he's done he seems amped up. "okay, let's go." he says walking past us. we soon follow after him, leaving bobby and cas behind.
sam walks out into the street yelling holding his arms up. "all right, we're here, you sons of bitches! come and get it!" demons come out of the door, like they were waiting just on the other side of it.
"hey guys. is your father home?"
we get tussled into the room where lucifer was waiting on us. he was looking outside of the window, seemingly to be enjoying the view.
"hey, guys. so nice of you to drop in." he heats up the glass with his breathe. "sorry if it's a bit chilly. most people think i burn hot. it's actually quite the opposite." he doodles on the window.
"well, i'll alert the media." dean adds his snarky remark like he always does. lucifer turns around looking at dean then starts to walk toward us.
"help me understand something, guys. i mean, stomping through my front door with the witch, is a tad suicidal, don't you think?"
"we aren't here to fight you." sam says interrupting him.
"no? then why are you?"
"i want to say 'yes'."
"excuse me?" he says looking at sam shocked. sam closes his eyes concentrating killing the two demons that brought us in.
"chock-full of ovaltine, are we? and little miss over here is more powerful then the last time." he says looking at me smirking.
"don't make this about her. you heard me." sam says gaining his attention back. "yes."
"you're serious." he says still shocked.
"look, judgement day's a runaway train. we get it now. we just want off."
"deal of the century. i give you a fire ride, but when it's all over, i live. he lives. she lives. you bring our parents back-"
"okay, can we please drop the telenovela? one, that whole plan of yours won't work for belle, she's mine or michael's forever power source till the days she dies which may be never. two, i know you have the rings, sam." i try to hold a straight face but, this whole thing is starting to go sideways.
"i have no idea what you're talking about." sam is quick to respond.
"the horsemen's rings? the magic keys to my cage? ring a bell." he says getting closer to us. dean grabs my hand pulling me a little closer to him. "come on, sam. i've never lied to you. you could at least pay me the same respect." he walks through us and we all turn around to face him again. "it's okay. i'm not mad. a wrestling match inside your noggin... i like the idea. just you and me, one round, no tricks. you win, you jump in the whole while belle holds me back to make sure i don't gain control. i win... well, i win and take her. what do you say, sam? a fiddle of gold against your soul says i'm better than you." he says the last part with a singsong voice.
"so he knows. doesn't change anything."
"sam." me and dean both say at the same time.
"we don't don't have another choice."
"no." dean says worriedly.
"yes." just as he says it a bright light admits from lucifer's occupied vessel. me and dean both block ourselves away from it. once it's gone both of them are lying on the ground. dean grabs the rings throwing them on the wall.
"bvtmon.. tabges.. babalon." as he finishes saying it parts of the wall open up to a deep dark pit with air gushing through it. we both turn around to see sam getting up. dean rushes to his aid yelling his name.
"dean! i can feel him." as he says this i try to channel all of my energy and raise my hands toward sam. i open my once closed eyes to revival my purple laced ones. sam gets up and heads toward the wall. he stops, i feel this gapping feeling in my chest, i drop to the ground the power fleecing from me. dean rushes over to my side. "it's not him dean!" i yelp over the loud wind. sam then turns around looking at us and dean helps me stand up.
"i was just messing with you. sammy's long gone." he then turns to the hole saying some sort of reversal spell.  the wall comes back, the rings still there. he grabs them turning to look back at us. " i told you.. this would always happen in detroit." then suddenly, lucifer grabs me and we both disappear leaving dean. i was over with.
i laugh as i look over at my mom after she tells a joke. me, my dad, my mom, and my brother all sitting together in our living room. we had just gotten done with a hunt, a easy salt and burn. mom was joking about something that had happened.
"trey was the one who, did that not me!" i say jokingly as they all laughed at me. we were so happy. if only i could go back to that time. before my fate was set out in front of me, no way of how i could change it.
i woke up as what felt like sam's arms put me down on the ground sitting me up against a headstone. i open my eyes to see his face, but i knew it wasn't him, i flinch away as he raises his hand to touch my face. "you're gonna want to be up for this belle, it's almost time." he says pulling his hand away from my face standing up looking around.
i hear the fluttering of wings and see michael standing there using adam as his vessel. him and lucifer stare at each other for a moment. my fear settles in.
"it's good to see you, michael." he says nodding toward his brother.
"you too. it's been too long."
"can you believe it's finally here?" michael start to walk over to him.
"no. not really. are you ready?"
"as i'll ever be. a part of me wishes we didn't have to do this."
"yeah. me too."
"then why are we?" lucifer says starting over to him.
"oh, you know why. i have no choice, after what you did."
"what i did? what if it's not my fault?"
"what is that supposed to mean?"
"think about it. dad made everything. which means he made me who i am. God wanted the devil."
"so why? and why make us fight? i just can't figure out the point." i try to move a little but, i'm locked down tight. what ever he did to me before, it was still affecting me. i start to channel my powers, hoping that they won't notice while they argue.
"what's your point?"
"we're going to kill each other. and for what? one of dad's tests. and we don't even know the the answer.  we're brothers. let's just walk off the chessboard." michael looks away from his brother noticing me. he seems to give me a sympathetic look, knowing what i was about to go through.
"i'm sorry. i-i can't do that. i'm a good son, and i have my orders."
"but you don't have to follow them."
"what, you think i'm gonna rebel? now? i'm not like you." he says raising his voice.
"please, michael-"
"you know, you haven't changed a bit, little brother. always blaming everybody but yourself. we were together. we were happy. but you betrayed me, all of us, and you made our father leave."
"no one makes dad do anything. he is doing this to us." they pause for a moment staring into each other's eyes. betrayal in both.
"you're a monster, lucifer. and i have to kill you."
"if that's the way it's got to be... then i'd like to see you try." i start to fear for my existence. ready for one of them to grab me, drain me. until i hear the familiar rumble of an engine.
dean is sitting there in the impala, def leopard blasting through the stero. i smile knowing he had a plan. he starts to make his way toward us in the car.
he gets out of the car, looking toward the two brother. "howdy, boys. sorry am i interrupting something?" he closes the door and comes closer. "hey. we need to talk." he says toward lucifer.
"dean. even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid."
"i'm not talking to you. i'm talking to sam."
"you're no longer the vessel, dean. you got no right to be here." michael says interrupting him.
"adam, if you're in there somewhere, i am so sorry."
"adam isn't home right now."
"well, then you're next on my list, buttercup. but right now, i need five minutes with him." i start to slowly get up seeing as though they are distracted by dean. i see cas and bobby there, seeming to be waiting for something.
"you little maggot. you are no longer a part of this story!"
"hey, assbutt!" cas says he says before throwing a holy fire bomb on michael, he engulfs in flames. he screams making a loud piercing sound. suddenly he disappears. once it's over dean looks over at cas.
"assbutt?" cas ignores is question.
"he'll be back, and upset. but you got your five minutes."
"castiel." lucifer says to cas, anger rising in his voice. this can't be good. "did you just molotov my brother with holy fire?"
cas backs away fearfully. "uh.. no."
"no one dicks with michael but me." dean look at me as lucifer is talking nodding at me asking if i was okay. 'neither of them have used me yet.' i say tapping into his mind. he stares at me confused at how i got in his head but nods looking back at lucifer.
lucifer snaps his fingers and cas blows up. hurt spreads across my face. i had only known him for a short period of time but, he was a very nice angel, and i had grown to like him. i try to move over to him as instinct but, my feet are locked in place. lucifer still has his hold on me.
"sammy, can you hear me?" lucifer turns to him starting to look annoyed.
"you know.. i tried to be nice... for sammy's sake. but you.. are such a pain." he says grabbing onto dean's jacket. "in my ass." he pushes him onto the car. dean's head hits the window.
"stop!" i yell. he ignores me and starts to advance toward dean, a shot rung out. bobby had shoot him in the shoulder. he turns around facing him. bobby shoots him again this time in his lower left chest. he stares at it for a second before raising his hand turning it making bobby's neck.
"no!" me and dean both yell out as he drops to the ground.
"yes." lucifer says grabbing deans leg pulling him off the hood of the car giving him a punch to the face.
"dean!" i yell as i see him hold out his hand as the blood comes out of his face. he turns back to him none the less. "sammy? are you in there?" dean asks still trying to get through to him. tears stream down my face. i don't want to watch but i can't tear my eyes away.
"oh, he's in here, all right." lucifer says before punching dean again. "and he's gonna fell the snap of your bones." another punch that sends dean to the ground. i start crying loudly, partly because of the hurt, but also because i'm trying to get the attention off of dean. lucifer moves his hand pushing me back to sit down, not saying a word before going back to dean.
"every single one." he picks dean up and puts him up against the car. "we're gonna take our time." he punches him ten times across the face one after another. "stop!" i yell trying to gain his attention again. he looks over to me with annoyed glance.
"sam, it's okay." dean says gaining his attention back. "it's okay, i'm here. i'm here. i'm not gonna leave you." he punches him again twice. i feel the defeat. the pain washing over me. if only i could break through lucifer's trap i could help him. but i'm lock tight. i can't move from where i'm sitting.
"i'm not gonna leave you." dean says, he pulls back his hand for him to punch him again and something stops him. the car. it's bringing back sam's  memories. he breaks out of lucifer's grasp. i can feel the wave of power rushing back to me, i'm realized for the time being. he looks down at dean, and exchanges a glance with me. i rush over to him.
"it's okay, dean. it's gonna be okay. i've got him." i grab onto sam's arm feeling his energy radiating. he doesn't even need my help holding him back. he grabs the rings before throwing them onto the ground. i look at him and he nods saying he's got it, i go over to dean. i examine his face but he's just focused on sam has he says the words to open the cage up. i turn toward him. sam was the strongest person i've even known.
sam looks to us, giving us a last look. i could see how we was one hundred percent sure he could do this. he wanted to fix his mistake.
"sam!" we hear, we all turn to see michael standing there. "it's not gonna end this way! step back!"
"you're gonna have to make me!" sam yells over the wind.
"i have to fight my brother, sam! here and now! it's my destiny!" sam and dean share a look, we all know this is probably the last time we would see sam. in the bravest he's ever been. he closes his eyes and starts to let himself fall back. michael runs over to him trying to pull him back. i reach out my hand to push him in along with sam, sam grabs michael as i do this. they both tumble into the cage.
suddenly, the cage starts to flash out, seeming to be closing. me and dean turn to shield our eyes away from the bright light. when it's goes the cage door is closed, everything seeming to go back to the way it was.
me and dean go over to the rings, me helping him to get there. he kneels down looking at them. i put my hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him. i don't know what to say so i just keep my mouth shut. he had just lost his only family member by blood. the only one he truly had left. didn't help he also lost his half brother as well.
i feel a presence beside me and i turn to see cas. how was he alive, dean notices him as well staring at him confused and shocked.
"cas, you're alive?" dean asks.
"i'm better than that." he says putting his fingers on his face healing him. his once beat up face back to his normal one. dean stands up my hand from his shoulder falls. we both look at cas amazed.
"cas, are you God?" i ask. he turns to look at me.
"that's a nice compliment. but no. although, i do believe he brought me back." he turns around and starts to walk toward bobby. "new and improved."
when he gets to bobby he does the same thing he did to dean, putting his fingers to his head. bobby wakes up, i smile happy to see him alive again. he sits up looking to cas. cas gets up and walks away.
i look at dean as he looks down at the rings, hurt still in his eyes. i put my hand on his arm, he looks up at me as he sees the tear go down my face. i could feel his hurt. he looks at me for a second before i open up my arms for him to hug me. he gives in and slips his arms around my waist while mine go around his neck. i feel his tears drip down onto my jacket. i would never fully understand how badly he was hurting, but i was going to be there if he needed me. i knew he was gonna go to lisa, and i didn't completely blame him for that, sam told me he was gonna ask him to do that after all of this. i knew he would do what he wanted him to do.
sam told me to do what i do best. hunting, and that when i would go home and look at that sunset over the field. i would think of him, and what i shared about myself that day. i was going to miss him a lot.
once we got back to bobby's, dean was going to leave again. after he said goodbye to bobby, he can over to me not saying a word as the tears streamed down my face. he just hugged me before getting into the car and driving off. 
a man stands under a lamppost on the side of the street staring into the house that dean was in, having dinner with lisa and ben. i stare at him confused. who the hell was that? i notice what he's wearing taking a second, till i recognized him.
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Always be Yours-3
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Word Count :4,844
Story Summary: Inspired by the 2 part i did of the same title. Follows Dean and the reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: When Ezekiel reveals the angels are organizing it becomes a race to find Cas before they do. Dean starts to let you see another side of himself.
Warnings: Cursing, fights, brief character death
You could vaguely hear someone knocking at your door and groaned trying to pull your pillow over your head to stifle the noise until the thought occurred to you yet again you weren’t at some shitty motel ducking housekeeping if someone was knocking it was Sam, Dean or Kev.
“Yeah c’mon in” you hollered pushing the blanket off as you sat up running a hand over your face in an attempt to wake up. When the door opened it was Sam on the other side fully dressed in running clothes “Good morning Y/N” you looked at the time then yawned “Morning? Are you going for a run this early?” he laughed and it was then you noticed how sweaty he was “No I actually just got back. Want to go with me to grab some breakfast?” any other time you would’ve turned down the offer but the thought of Abaddon’s flunkies mixed with every pissed off angel that fell pulled you to your feet “Yeah I’ll be dressed by the time you get out the shower. We can take my jeep” He smiled “Sounds like a plan” then shut your door behind himself.
You hadn’t exactly unpacked yet so you were still pretty much living out of your bags. You’d never really felt settled anywhere and didn’t want to get to the point of seeming like you were making yourself too at home even though you knew Sam and Dean had both meant it when they said that you were welcome to stay as long as you wanted. You dug out some clean jeans, a black t-shirt and a red flannel then started to get changed.
You were just pulling your boots on when Sam knocked at the door again. “All dressed Sammy” you called out with a smile knowing he was rolling his eyes even before you glanced up at him standing in your doorway. “Ready?” you grabbed your keys,phone and jacket “Let’s go”
You had come through a few times but had never really stopped in Lebanon so you followed Sam’s direction to the diner. When you parked and climbed out you noticed he kept looking your way so you said “Spill it” as the two of you walked into the door of the diner and headed for a booth in the corner. Once you were both seated and the waitress had went to place your orders along with the to-go one for Dean, Sam finally looked back at you then shrugged “It’s nice having you at the bunker. I know Dean likes having you around too” You shook your head and reached for the sugar to add to your coffee “Dean likes me being around because he worries about you slightly less and I am almost as much of a smartass as he is” “Yeah that’s the only reason why” he muttered and you knew that tone but chose not to humor him. He was on a fishing expedition and you weren’t about to help. Instead you turned it around to ask how he was feeling.
 “I feel great Y/N, honestly I do” you studied him for a second and briefly wondered if Ezekiel was also looking back at you but shook your head to clear those thoughts “I’m glad. It scared the hell out of me when Dean said you collapsed outside that church” “Yeah then when Dean told me you were running solo after so many angels were let loose I wasn’t exactly happy to hear it” he replied with that damn smirk him and Dean both seemed to have. “Yeah well like I said I’m not going anywhere for a while even if someone calls me for backup on a hunt I’ll come back to the bunker. I promise” he nodded then by that time the waitress was bringing your food back over. You both leaned back so she could put the plates down then when she walked away you checked your phone and let out a breath “Where’s Cas?” he shook his head sadly “Hopefully he’ll make it soon but after you getting your head bashed in I don’t think we should be asking on his trail too much without all of us being there” you touched the spot in your head and scoffed “That was just a scratch Sam don’t be dramatic besides Cas is actually worse off than we are. We’ve been hunters and human our entire lives. Up until recent he’s had his grace to aid him in pretty much everything” “We’ll find him but first let’s finish breakfast and get back before Dean sends out a hunter bolo on the two of us” That thought alone made you laugh.
You pulled up to a stop outside the bunker and looked over at Sam “Think he’s up yet?” he waved towards the door “One way to find out” 
You walked in behind Sam and heard him say morning. When you walked further in you saw that Dean was standing on the lower floor in his robe. You followed Sam down the stairs then shot Dean a smile “Love the bedhead” he smirked at you then checked his watch “You two been outside already?” You pointed a finger at Sam “He woke me after he went on a run to see if I wanted to do a breakfast run. We did bring you food” 
"Real bacon and eggs extra grease” Sam offered holding the container out. “Perfect” it wasn’t until all three of you were sitting around the map table that it really hit Dean that Sam had went running.”Why do you look worried?” Sam asked and you tried to throw a look to say drop it but he said “Well there’s Cas we haven’t heard anything from then there’s you Sam” “Me? I feel great” you spoke up trying to be the neutral party “I’m sure you do Sam but you went through the trials, that put a strain on you” Dean nodded “We just think it’s better if you take it easy and didn’t act like”
You clocked it when Sam’s posture changed a half second before his eyes glowed blue “Possessed by an angel?” when you and Dean both looked at Ezekiel he added “and he does feel better. A work in progress of course but I am slowly healing him” “That’s great” Dean started but Ezekiel cut him off “I have news. I picked up chatter among the angels. Not all are wandering around in confusion” “Yeah some are after Cas” you blurted and Ezekiel nodded “There is a faction that is rapidly organizing and finding human vessels to contain them” “Lead by Naomi?” Dean questioned but Ezekiel shook his head “I have not heard that name but it is this faction’s leadership who want Castiel found. You see Dean I can be useful”
You almost felt bad for Ezekiel but you didn’t like the idea of him taking the reigns from Sam at random so you were glad when Dean spoke first “Yeah well so can my brother, So why don’t you go check your email and if we need your help we’ll let you know” Ezekiel looked at you “Y/N” but you agreed with Dean “He said we’ll let you know”
His eyes glowed again then you knew Sam was back by the relaxed posture even before he said “I mean Cas is human now. It’s gonna take him a lot longer to travel now” Dean shook his head “I’m gonna get whiplash” “Glad I’m not the only one” you muttered leaving Sam looking rather confused “What?” You met Dean’s eyes as both of you said “Nothing”
Dean cleared his throat then said “Me and Y/N were thinking if the angels are organizing then that makes them a lot more dangerous than we thought” Sam looked at you “Why do you think they’re organizing?” “It makes sense” you offered trying to get Dean to help you so he cut in “The point is that the more of them that are after Cas, the worse it is so we got to find him”
Dean headed to get dressed while Sam went to locate a map of Colorado so you followed Dean down the hall and stopped him just shy of his room. “Dean we need to talk” he turned around and crossed his arms over his chest before tilting his head slightly “about what?” you looked over your shoulder to make sure Sam was nowhere around before saying “You’ve got to back off some. I know you’re worried about Sam, believe me I am too but if he gets suspicious and kicks out Ezekiel before he’s healed we’ll lose him” you saw the moment he let those careful walls he kept up slide just slightly “There’s just still so much we don’t know about Zeke. I mean what if he has enemies and an angel decides to take out old issues on Sam” you reached out and laid one hand on top of his arms “I’ll make sure he doesn’t go out alone anymore I promise. You know I’ll kill for him or you but we’ve got to keep our heads on straight especially now that we know both sides of the playing field are organizing” you felt when his arms relax just a bit under your touch. He nodded and slowly uncrossed his arms so you pulled your hand back and smiled “I’ve got your back Dean if you’ll just let me” “Thank you Y/N” you nodded then heard Sam call your name “Go get dressed I’ll start marking out Cas’s possible paths here. We’ll find him”
Dean watched you walk away and reminded himself you were in his life because you were Sam’s friend. He’d just come along as part of a package deal. There were times though it felt too damn natural to relax around you.
You were standing at the table in the library marking off the map in grids around Longmont. There was only so far Cas could’ve traveled and the current hope was that if angels were in fact hunting him they would lead the three of you to him.
Dean walked in and looked over your shoulder so you pointed at the dot in the middle “That’s Longmont, each circle shows how far he might have gotten one, two then three days out” he looked across the names of the towns then glanced at Sam who was pouring over recent unsolved murders along that same path “Ok here we go same day he called from Longmont . Weird murder same town. Cops said it was like the girl was blasted from the inside out” Dean glanced at the screen and shrugged “Angel kill. They might have just missed Can unless they got him” “They didn’t get him” you argued and Dean cut his eyes at you before Sam clicked on another article and glanced over at the map “Y/N, you got an Emory Park, Iowa?” You and Dean both leaned across the map and you tapped the name “There, a couple days outside of Longmont” you knew Cas wasn’t dead. Hell human or not he was too smart for that. Sam looked back at the screen then said “Ok, two priests were murdered there thursday. Eyes blown out, evidence of torture. They were impaled on posts” “Torture?” Dean asked and Sam nodded “Yeah” “Angels are looking for info” you guessed and Dean let out a breath “If they get to him before we do” “They won’t” you pushed looking back at the map.
All of you were on the road to Emory park within the next hour. When you rolled up the church the priests had belonged to Dean nodded at you “You go with Sam” you met his eyes for just a second then followed Sam across the parking lot. The officials couldn’t really tell you any more than the news articles or the local sheriff’s department had so Sam decided on a gut instinct to check and see if any more angel kills had happened.
You were checking in with other hunters to see if they had heard anything angelic or demonic since Abaddon was still a worry for another day when Dean climbed back in the car “All right. Well he’s definitely been here. Good news is he’s getting cagey” “Cagey?” you asked and he nodded “He’s using a fake name Clarence” Sam scoffed with a smile “That’s what Meg used to call him. Of course he doesn’t get that’s the name of a pretty famous angel” “What?” Dean asked so you glanced up from your phone “Seriously? It’s a wonderful life?”
Dean was still clueless so you said “We so need a movie night” then tapped Sam on the shoulder “What’d you come up with because the hunters network is dry at the moment” Sam hit a few more keys then said “Another angel kill, outside a town called Lafayette. About a day’s travel east of here” “What is that Indiana?” Dean asked so you leaned up to read over Sam’s shoulder “Says body was found in a homeless camp, Insides barbequed the whole nine”
“Homeless guy?” Dean asked but Sam shook his head “No a pharmacist from Dayton” “Well looks like we’re headed to Indiana boys” 
You knew that some locals didn’t take kindly to women poking around their investigations. You’d gotten used to it so you simply fell back and let the boys take the lead. There was nothing special about the vic or his possessions except for the fact that he had dozens of episodes of the same religious podcast downloaded “Reverend Buddy Boyle’s Goin for Glory hour” “Cops said he was religious?” you offered glancing through the man’s wallet.
Dean clicked an episode then leaned over so you and Sam both could watch. The Reverend started speaking “Join me in a heapin helpin of glory friends. When you’re in the presence of the divine, you’ll know it and if you let yourself, you’ll hear it” dude was really giving you a bad vibe even before Dean fast forwarded it to the point that the good reverend said “So, remember when angels come a knocking, let em on in” “Angels cant possess a human without permission right?” Sam spoke causing you and Dean to pass a guilty look which thankfully Sam didn’t notice “Yup but I think they’re using this guy to find vessels” you reasoned and Dean added “It’s a willing audience. They’re all religious types like our pharmacist here. Buddy Boyle’s telling them to let the angels take them over” “Like body snatchers” Sam bite out and you felt a twinge of guilt again before asking “How big a reach does this Boyle guy got?” the thought of what Ezekiel said flashing through your mind again. A quick internet search showed the worst possibility Buddy’s podcast reached pretty much the entire planet.
With no other option you headed to the homeless camp in hope someone would tell you something. You felt your heart drop when Dean parked baby and you saw just how many people were there “Dean don’t be as rough as you normally are” he looked at you as the three of you climbed out and said “I’m not rough”
You followed them over to where the largest group of people were and watched Dean strike out twice with trying to get information “We’re just looking for some information. We’re not cops. Do we look like cops?” and had to back bite a laugh at how offended him and Sam both were when one of the men pointed at you “She doesn’t but you two do” you winked at Dean then stepped up to speak “We’re just looking for a friend. He’s gotten himself in a bad spot. He may have been here the night the man was killed. Were any of you here then?”
A man stepped around the corner “Maybe” you shrugged at Dean who gave a description of Cas then Sam added “He may be calling himself Clarence?” the man smiled “Clarence yeah” “Did you two talk?” Sam asked but the man shook his head “Not much” “And?” Dean questioned but the man brushed it off “I think he was on the run”
“You see him with the vic,uh the victim?” Sam asked and you shot him a glare for using vic at first. After a bit of tooth pulling the man finally told you Cas had hailed a truck marked motor city meats down and that meant he was headed to Detroit.
You needed to stop for gas and snacks on the road and you found yourself not for the first time caught between the boys arguing. “Look at these chemicals. Do you even read the label?” Sam asked holding a piece of pie Dean had bought in the store. You laughed into your coffee when Dean said “No, I read pie. The rest is blah,blah,blah” “Remind me when we ever get downtime to make you a real apple pie” you told Dean who raised both eyebrows and gave you a grin “I’ll hold you to that” then looked at Sam “When we hit Detroit we start with the homeless shelters” “Then the encampments, soup kitchens” Sam agreed and you added “We also need to check out the places he might have gone looking for work”
“I can check for vagrancy arrests and odd deaths” you offered as the three of you rounded a corner. You knew what was coming so you simply stepped back when Sam and Dean both grabbed the guy who had been trailing all of you and slammed him to the chain link fence “Who are you?” Sam asked and Dean added “And why the hell are you trailing us?”
A small part of you registered that you along with two of the most important people in your life were torturing someone and that it should bother you but it didn’t. Whether it was that Cas was at stake or that you simply had gotten to a them or us mindset he was an angel and working to hunt down Cas and the boys which made him a bad guy in your book..
You were in an abandoned warehouse where they had chained Maurice to the roof and were working to get information out of him. So far they’d gotten that he was a bounty hunter which was the equivalent of delta force reapers. “Why’d they sic you on Cas?” you asked the bloodied angel who glared at you “He warded himself” “Naomi hire you?” Dean asked but Maruice laughed “Oh you really are out of the loop. Naomi’s dead, resting in pieces” “So who’s running things now?” Sam demanded and when Maurice didn’t answer Dean nearly growled “Answer” and stepped towards him again gripping the angel blade the energy rolling off of Dean was pure aggression in that moment and you were glad you landed on protect side of his scale.
Maurice must have sensed that as well because he finally answered “Her protege, Bartholomew. He’s an up and comer” “So he figured we’d lead you to Cas?” Sam guessed. “This Bartholomew, He’s organizing the angels?” you asked and when no answer came Dean slashed him across the chest “She’s speaking to you” “That’s all I know” Maurice finally spat out.
Dean tilted Maurice’s head up with the angel blade and Maurice glared at him “Kill me if you want. It won’t do any good. If I don’t find Castiel there’s others who will” Dean’s eyes barely flicked towards you so you said “Well at least we know you wont” before Dean stabbed the blade in right under Maurice’s neck.
You drove through the night to get to Detroit but ended up chasing your tails all night. Dean pulled over and looked back at you “I don’t want to do this but Y/N if we have any hope of finding Cas alive we need plan b” “Plan b?” Sam asked but you knew what Dean was telling you so you nodded then looked at Sam “We’re letting you know” he was clearly confused when he asked “Letting me know?” So Dean sighed and repeated slowly “We’re letting you know”
You saw his posture change right before his eyes glowed blue “What is it Dean?” “We need your help” you answered. Ezekiel replied “That is flattering. We’ve been through this. I can not be making public appearances” “We get that. We’re not asking you to walk the red carpet Zeke. We just need help finding Cas” “It can not be done. He is warded” Ezekiel reasoned so you spoke up “Yeah but maybe you can use your intergalactic, hyperspace xray eyeballs here” Dean clarified “There might be a reaper for rent on his ass, can you find them?” “I could try” Ezekiel offered and closed his eyes. Dean shot you a look in the mirror so you shrugged helplessly. When Ezekiel opened his eyes again he had a place to look.
You ran in the door behind Sam about the time the reaper stabbed Cas. Before either of you could do anything with a wave of her hand she’d sent you flying across the apartment. You ended up nearly underneath Sam in the closet and both of you were getting to your feet as the reaper stalked towards you. You saw Dean move out the corner of your eye as she said “This girl’s popular with all the boys” She punched Sam first then looked at you “And girls” Dean was behind her so you nodded “I’d worry about him” and she turned into the blade as Dean buried it home.
“Check on Cas” you hollered and went to your knees next to Sam “C’mon wake up! Sammy? Zeke? Please wake up” you glanced over your shoulder and Dean shook his head “He’s gone” “Like hell” “Sorry Sam” you muttered then slapped him hard across the face.When his eyes opened you knew it wasn’t Sam looking back at you so you begged “Help Cas please”
You watched holding your breath while Ezekiel healed Cas. About the time he collapsed Cas opened his eyes so you helped to ease Sam’s body down then glanced up “Welcome back Cas”
You and Cas ended up falling asleep in the backseat leaned against each other. When Dean pulled up in front of the bunker he turned around to wake the two of you and smiled at the sight. Cas was leaned back against the seat and your head was over on his shoulder. "Take a picture it'd last longer" Sam teased and climbed out to head to the door. 
You woke when Dean gently shook your shoulder "C'mon sleeping beauties we're home" you smiled sheepishly at Cas "Sorry about falling asleep on you" he smiled in return "Don't apologize Y/N" then climbed out the door behind you.
Dean grinned and motioned towards the door "Sam has the food. You two didn't even stir when we stopped" you joked "Human Cas is very comfortable I guess" "That makes yet another person you've slept on besides me" Dean teased as the two of you followed Cas into the bunker. You shrugged "Maybe because you've never offered me your shoulder Dean"
All of you were in the map room talking about humanity of all things. “It aint all burritos and strippers my friend” Dean said causing you to roll your eyes and add “Naw sometimes it’s cowboys and pizza or maybe that’s just my taste” Cas half smiled “I understand what you’re saying. There’s more to humanity than survival. You look for purpose, and you must not be defeated by anger or despair or hedonism for that matter” that made you look up “Where’s hedonism come into it?” “My time with April was very educational” “Yeah I think getting killed is something” you offered and laughed from shock alone when he added “and having sex”
“You had sex with April?” Dean asked so you laughed “Yeah that’d be where the hedonism comes in. I mean I can’t blame her. Cas is attractive and know he’s all scruffy to boot” Dean shot you a look so you shrugged as he turned back to ask Cas if he had protection “Well I had my angel blade” Dean smirked at Sam “He had the angel blade””Shut up you heathens” you scolded them and winked at Cas who smiled “In any event I do now see how difficult life can be and how well the three of you have led it and I think you’ll be great teachers”
“Thanks Cas” Dean said and Cas smiled again “Y/N are there any more burritos?” you grabbed his hand “Cmon” and lead him into the library.
You sat down with Cas and he was asking you questions about being human so you were trying to answer them as best as possible when Dean walked in “Y/N I um need a minute with Cas” you could tell something was wrong but you stood up “Um sure” and patted Cas on the shoulder on the way by.
“What do you mean Cas just left?” you asked Dean stepping in front of him so he couldn't retreat to his room to avoid your questions the way he had Sam’s. “Look Y/N, Ezekiel said if Cas stayed he had to leave” the weight of that implication hit you hard but you had to say “Dean, this is Cas.He’s had your back and mine and Sam’s so many times. How do we kick him out with nowhere to go?” 
He ran his hand over his face “I don’t like it anymore than you do. I gave him some money and the location of a few of Bobby and Rufus’s cabins” You could tell how much the decision was weighing on Dean so you reached out and gently touched the arm closest to you and was surprised when he didn’t pull away but rather seemed to lean into your touch. “Y/N I’m barely holding it together here sweetheart so if you wanna yell at me please wait until morning”
You let the anger you’d been feeling seep out of you and pulled him into a hug. He was rigid at first then slowly relaxed against you even slipping his arms around you to hold you closer “We’ll fix it. Somehow we’ll fix it Dean” you could feel his breath on top of your head when he said “I hope you’re right Y/N”
You stood there for a few moments before Dean pulled away first. You were expecting a joke or something to play off the fact that he was showing emotion but he just stared at you for a second then said “How did you ever get tangled up in our mess of a life? Hunter or not” you shrugged “Pure luck” and that caused a small smile to tug at his lips. Yeah everything was a shit show but you had to hold onto some sort of belief that all of you could figure it out. The angels, the demons, helping Cas and even healing Sam. You weren’t naive no you knew shit could get even worse but you also knew you’d stay swinging until your last breath and so would they. That’s all the faith you needed to have. “Your bad luck, our good luck” he breathed and you couldn’t resist the urge to tease him by saying “Oh so now I’m a piece of good luck?” He nodded “You always have been” the two of you stared at each other for a moment and it looked like he wanted to say something else but Sam calling his name broke both of you out of it. You scratched at the back of your neck then nodded down the hall towards your room “I’m gonna head to bed” he pointed towards the kitchen where Sam was “And I’m gonna go see what Sammy wants”
You glanced back over your shoulder and Dean winked at you before turning to walk towards the kitchen. What exactly had just happened between you and Dean?
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278
*If anyone wants to be tagged/no longer tagged just let me know*
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
Perfectly Confused Angel- Epilogue
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A/N: Wow, I can’t believe we have come to the end of PCA! I began writing this after a conversation with a friend and it turned into one of my favorite stories! Thank you so much for reading this and enjoying it; y’all are amazing! I felt like after 15x18 of Supernatural (if you haven’t seen it, I won’t say what happened) I owed him this kind of happiness. And what better GIF to end this series than with the one that started this series? I love Misha and Castiel will always have a home in my heart
So even though it’s not mentioned until later on, I envision this epilogue to take place six months after the wedding. 
You can read the entire series here and find more fandoms I write for here.
Tag lists requests are open for all fandoms but they are CLOSED for this series.
Warnings: Lots of fluff, Cas being a naughty boi! Mentions of sex but very slightly, Dean eating tons of shit (that’s a warning) cliffhanger!
Word Count: 2,350 
Reader’s POV
Being married took some getting used to but honestly, we both had wanted this more than anything in the world, so we were ready and we were quick to adjust. After our honeymoon, which Castiel took a great interest in because we got to take a trip for two weeks and go somewhere exotic. We chose to go to Italy and we explored the more popular cities; Rome, Sicily, Venice, and Milan. The entire Italian culture was new and exciting, especially for Cas because he was so used to America and the customs they have, that seeing the way of life for Italians was completely different. When you came home, you had decided to move out of the Bunker and into your own place. Sure, Sam and Dean offered for you to stay there, but since Cas and you had plans to have children at some point, you thought it would be better to have your own space and give the Winchesters their own space. Both brothers helped you pick your place and assisted in the moving, until you were settled. The first night in your new place didn’t quite go too well. Being so used to the Bunker, every little creak in the doors or the sound of the wind blowing against the windows, made both of you rather paranoid.
“Don’t worry, Honeybee, it’s all just noise,” Cas whispered to you as you moved as close as possible to him in your shared bed. “We locked every door and window in the house.”
“Will you still protect me?” You ask, in a small, timid voice.
“Of course, I will. I will always protect you, (Y/N). That’s my job as your husband, isn’t it?” He said, as more of a question than a statement. He was still adjusting to the role of a husband and was afraid he wasn’t going to “do a good job.”
“Yes Cas, we will protect each other. You have your angel blade close by, right? Just in case?” You ask.
He chuckled before sitting up and grabbing his pillow from behind him. “It’s right here, just in case,” he said, showing you the blade that laid waiting to be used.
When sleep eventually came and took over, it felt different and you felt more rested in the morning, because he was there beside you, holding you close as you slept. As the sun rose the next morning, it shined through the blinds over the window and right into your eyes. Groaning and turning your head away from the light, you feel Cas chuckle at your childlike complaint.
“Good morning, Honeybee,” he said, kissing your temple, causing another groan to push past your lips.
“If it was a good morning, I’d still be asleep,” you say, your voice muttered by Castiel's shirt.
He laughs again before trying another approach to wake you. He leaned down to kiss along your forehead, trailing down the bridge of your nose, to your cheek that wasn’t hiding in the pillows, before ending on your lips. At first, you tried to fight him, not really wanting to wake up, no matter how much he kissed you, but when you felt his hand in a rather sensitive area, you immediately woke up and kissed him back.
“So, I guess someone’s up now,” he smirked as he pulled away to look down at you.
“Well if you’re going to do this kind of stuff, I wouldn’t mind waking up every morning,” you say, before bringing him back to your lips.
It was nice to just take your time and not have to worry about being anywhere anytime soon. Walking out to the kitchen, you took out the ingredients and a frying pan for pancakes; one of Castiel’s favorites. You thought to add chocolate chips in the batter because Cas had a bit of a sweet tooth and you knew he wouldn’t oppose the melted chocolatey goodness. Grabbing the mix, you measure out enough for the two of you, adding some water to help with the consistency. Mixing it all together, you add a half a bag of chips to the thickening batter, before finding the perfect consistency. When the pan was heated up, you took a ladle and poured batter in four separate places, making little circles as the mix bubbled up just a bit. As time passed, you examined the bottom part of the cake to see if it was turning into a brownish color, before you flip over to cook the other side. When the cakes were cooked thoroughly on both sides, you scooped them up and flipped them down on a plate and placed a small pad of butter on each one. As you started your process over again, you felt arms wrap around your waist and the tickle of someone's breath on your neck.
“Looks good darlin’,” Cas said in your ear, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
“Thank you, should be ready in a few minutes. You can grab a plate and get started if you want,” you say, twisting to look up at your husband.
“Now why would I do that?” He asks.
“Cause you’re hungry?” You answer, confusion obvious in your tone.
“Yes, but I would rather wait until you can sit and eat with me,”
“That, that right there, is why I married you. Well, it’s one of the many reasons why I married you, but your level of sweetness should be illegal,” you say, smiling at the blush that formed on your husband’s face.
“Well, you deserve that kind of sweetness,” he admitted, before coming back to your side and kissing your cheek.
“Breakfast is served!” You said proudly, when your last pancake was platted and buttered.
“Wonderful! I made us some coffee too,” Cas said, placing a mug in front of where you were going to sit at the table and his across from you. Just as you sat down and were about to cut your first piece of pancake, there was a knock at the door. You sighed, putting your fork down, before moving to stand from the table.
“I’ll get it,” Cas said, putting his hand out as a gesture for you to stay put.
“Thanks Cas,” you say, stabbing the cake on your fork once again.
“Sam, Dean, what are you doing here?” You hear Cas question, before the two brothers walked up to the table you were sitting at.
“Oh, it’s breakfast time!” Dean said, grabbing a pancake with his hand and not using a plate.
“Um, no, it’s not. It’s our time for breakfast, not yours,” you say, annoyed by Dean inviting himself to your food. Sam looked at you with an apologetic expression before you gestured for him to help himself too.
“Might as well help yourself Sam, since someone decided we were okay with him eating our food,” Cas said, reading your facial expression.
“You didn’t want me to eat with you?” Dean asked, mouth full of cake.
“No, we didn’t but since you already started eating, please, help yourselves,” you say, not losing the frustrating tone of your voice.
“Sorry, (y/n),” said Dean, before he swallowed his food. “I thought since we needed Cas for a case, we could all eat together.”
“Well I guess that would’ve been okay but you should’ve asked!” You said, still frustrated at the eldest Winchester.
“I know and I will, next time this happens. That is, if we interrupt another one of your meals,” Dean promised.
“Knowing you Dean, yeah, you’ll interrupt a meal again,” you say, half as a joke and half as a dig.
“So, what’s this case you said you needed my help with?” Cas asked, changing the subject and seeing you mouth a ‘thank you’ to him for saving the day from more embarrassment.
“Something about a series of people disappearing from a walking trail in broad daylight,” Dean explains, this time without anything in his mouth.
“Doesn’t sound like your kind of thing,” you say, not fully grasping the significance of the events.
“Yeah but so get this,” Sam said his usual catch phrase to transition into a deeper explanation. “When they find the bodies days later, there is no evidence of any blood left over in the body.
“No blood? You thinking vamps?” You suggest.
“Seems like it, but there also are no bite marks, at least not visible to the human eye,” Sam continues explaining his research he’s already conducted on this case.
“So, what then? The only real monsters that drink blood are vampires but if there are no bite marks on the vics, then how do they get the blood?” Your interest is peaked as you dive deeper into the investigating side of hunts.
“Well, this might sound rather, off, but I’m wondering if whoever is after these people, are extracting blood in a nontraditional way,” Sam says.
“How? Syringes? Like doctors?” You question.
“Maybe, but I think that would take too long, considering syringes run rather small,” Sam answers, making both of you fall silent, before Dean whines, saying he needs a beer.
“It’s nine o’clock in the morning!” You say, surprised his drinking is already happening at this hour of the day.
“Well I need to relax a bit here, kid, okay? Dean asks, bending down to look in the fridge, only finding there were not drinks with any amount of alcohol.
“You guys don’t have any beer?” He asks, lifting back up to his normal positioning, and eyeing you.
“No, we don’t. I don’t drink and Cas only really drinks when he’s with you two, so we agreed not to keep any in the house on a regular basis. However,” you trail off, walking over to a small coat closet by the front door, Dean watching your ever move curiously. “We figured you’d be visiting at some point, so we grabbed a small pack for you and Sam,” you grin when the green eyes of the man standing before you, falls to your hands.
“Aw, I knew there was a reason why we liked you, sweetheart,” Dean says, taking the case from your hands and throwing a can to Sam.
“Oh yeah, just because I keep you stocked with beer and uh,” you say, shuffling over to the pantry in the kitchen and pulling out a cherry pie, passing it over to the easily excited Winchester.
“Oh yes, that’s my girl,” Dean says, grinning wide at you.
“Technically, she is my girl Dean, but I will share her goodness with you,” Cas defends your relationship.
“Thanks bud,” he says, grabbing his fork from the pancakes from earlier and diving right in.
You laugh, shaking your head as you watched him happily pick at the dessert that sat before him.
“Oh man, (y/n) this is some good pie,” he says, speaking with his mouth full again.
“I’m glad you like it Dean, but please, don’t talk with your mouth full. It’s hard to understand you and we’re getting quite a nasty view of chewed-up pie,” you scold the hunter.
He waited until he cleared the food away in his mouth before speaking again. “Sorry kid.”
“Alright, I think we better get going if we want to get a handle on this and before anyone else gets killed,” Sam says, taking the attention of the vacuum cleaner that was his older brother.
“I’ll go grab my angel blade,” Cas says, leaving to go to your room.
“So, how’s married life treating you?” Sam said, knowing how much you used to talk about your wedding day, even before getting engaged.
“Well, it’s only been six months but I really love it. Getting to be around Cas all the time, seeing him every morning before starting my day, it means a lot. I’m really happy, Sam,” you say, smiling wide at the thought of life with Castiel.
“I’m happy for you, (y/n). If anyone deserved this lifestyle, it’s you and Cas,” he says, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Thank you, Sam.”
When the boys are all packed up and ready to leave on their hunt, you tidy up Castiel’s jacket, smoothing out any wrinkles left over, and straightening his tie. You refused to make eye contact with him, even as you felt his sapphire eyes bore down on you, you couldn’t bring yourself to look up into them.
“Okay, do you guys have everything you need?” You ask, stepping away from the angel.
“Yeah, I think we’re all good.” Dean says, looking around the living room of the apartment. “Cas? Have everything?”
He looks to you before asking, “come with us?” Your heart skipped a beat, knowing Cas wanted you with him, but you shook your head.
“I’m good. Someone needs to hold this place together while you’re gone,” you say, quickly casting your eyes back to the floor.
“Honeybee?” Cas said and you were surprised to hear how close he was to you, which caused you to look up at him. You stayed silent as tears softly began falling from your eyes; you always hated goodbyes.
“I promise to be home as soon as possible,” he says, bringing your lips to his in a loving kiss.
“Well good, because I’m not the only one who will be waiting for you to come home,” you say as the three men turn to you.
“What?” Dean spoke first.
“You still want those kids, right, Cas?” You ask, making sure he was still on the same page as you.
“Yes, of course. More than anything,” he reassures you.
“Well good, because I’m pregnant,”
The room remained quiet and no one dared to make a move, until Castiel’s mind registered your news and he was by your side, gently picking you up and kissing you once again.
“I’m going to be a Father?” He asks as he sets you back down and you nod your response.
“Guys, I’m going to be a Dad!” Castiel beams to his friends as they hugged and congratulated you two. What better way to motivate Cas to come home safely other than knowing a little one was on their way soon?
Tags: @tloveswriting @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @markofdean79 @simpleboox @hobby27​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @spnjediavenger​ @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​
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About the drunken rant...
So yeah, I get drunk and spill all the beans about my deepest thoughts regarding the Destiel tea. In hindsight I don’t regret what I decipher and try to say in my “under the influence” state.
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Basically, I wish I was more articulated about my messy discovery, even if I required a few many drinks to openly talk about it. (FYI: When you are drinking vodka with a really sweet recently squeezed juice you just made. Even if you can’t test it, the vodka it’s THERE... YOU DON’T NEED TO ADD MORE. Trust me 😅😥😫🤢🤮)
Back to the Destiel drama. I still believe that it shouldn’t be canon in the state Dean and Cas left things since the prayer episode. In my opinion, all the drama originated by Mary being killed by Jack, was just an excuse for the writers to put a hold over DEANCAS as a focus for a big part of the fandom. I almost felt like it was a direct intent to kill the idea once and for all.
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But the following episodes kept bringing this tiff between those two, not only as two friends fighting. The subtext was always there to code them as a romantic couple. Now, for what I wrote last night, I realize that one of my discoveries about the very END of Supernatural has to be focused about the boys, the four of them solving the Chuck “issue”. Albeit our need, I mean the clown collective need, to see our OTP be acknowledged in the open, if we really believe in them as the GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD. They need a separate frame to work in all the mess it was built up around them since Season 13. Yes, way before the “You are death to me" bullshit.
So, while trying to look forward beyond the last seven episodes. Like I always stated to anyone who approach me with the question: What do you think will happened at the END? Besides telling whatever my mood swing to the hopeful side or worse case scenario. The only thing I got for sure, there will be a Movie or a 6 episode Special… eventually.
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And as sure as I think I am about this fact, that can also be a reflection of my inner clown hopping for an extra time for Cas and Dean to really make Destiel “END GAME” satisfactory for the hard core shipers. I also believe that the “Sub textual you know the drill” ending will be implied in the next 6 episodes, and reflected in the final that will be years later after the Chuck “issue” is solved. Will be subpar if this Destiel result takes the last hug, and… “I forgive you” pray.
I mean, wouldn’t be great to see the relationship of those two be actually included in a plot separate of the dealing with the GOD SITUATION? That takes his time to really explore The Profound Bond that could start as a great friendship, an has both Dean and Cas grow as characters that deserve to be together as romantic couple, not because a popular demand and the accidental exploitation of an Onscreen chemistry?
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In the end, is the internal task for everyone to wish and hope for the best ending you want to obtain. And this post is not just a length explanation of a rant while being drunk. I don’t regret what I wrote, only what I didn’t explain because I was led by my emotions. And also, to thank @gatstiel​ @fangirlxwritesx67 @zeeimpalaangel and @jenabean75 @zevbaldwin for keeping up with my drunkenness and still being worried about me while the rant was in progress and in the next day. Thank you for caring about me, and rescue some of my babbling as a valid DrunkenMeta attempt.
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septembersghost · 4 years
cas really told dean what we ALL wanted to tell him. he looked him in the eye and told him everything we've been pushing out into the universe to try to get to him for YEARS AND YEARS, he said everything dean DESERVED and NEEDED and THOUGHT HE WAS UNWORTHY OF HEARING. cas was all of us! he was all of us!
(preface: I wrote this yesterday, but didn’t publish it. it was before the current fandom situation, but the meaning of this still stands.)
the emotional distress this causes me, I--
yeah, I feel this, and maybe it’s an unusual place to land due to context, but as someone who has loved Dean and clung to him and found refracted fragments in him and wanted so much for him to recognize his worth and his beautiful, gleaming heart, who wanted him to make a home for himself after making himself a home for so many others, who has screamed this into the universe for years, hoping against hope some stars would align and he’d be allowed to hear it...Cas was rather like a surrogate there. Cas was saying things we’ve known for so long to be true, that we ached to tell him when we saw him hurting, when we were processing his damage with our own. and Cas was doing this selflessly because it brought him happiness simply to have Dean hear it, which is relatable, but also I think underestimated in its importance. so much was put on Dean’s shoulders so young. he’s been the caregiver and the one making self-sacrifice so often. he deserved to have that said unconditionally.
it’s multifold in a way, I’m not quite certain how to unpack this, but as a loves-him-too-much-and-probably-projects-too-many-of-my-Issues-there Dean!girl, it was also something I personally needed to hear. I needed to hear it for Dean. but I also needed to hear it for me. which means there was a part of me in both of them at that moment, somehow.
that entire scene was a catalyst. it was a thesis statement inherent to the narrative finally being made a literal part of the text, laying before us the fact that Dean’s love was the beating heart of the story (wbk), that even in the violence and chaos and the tumult, Dean’s love was always the thing not only driving him, but guiding and touching everyone else, rippling forever outwards and causing change, expanding their found family, expanding their possibilities, expanding their world, and ours by extension. lighting the way on those dark back roads. it was meant to symbolize the most authentic, uncontrollable, unscripted, vital representation of free will in the universe. and for a story so much about changing your fate, about not accepting destiny, about uniting with others by choice, that was tremendous. (also somewhat meta - Dean was never “supposed” to be this on paper, so it’s like his indomitable spirit was determined to rise beyond the original outline, unplanned. all that heart and vulnerability was Jensen breathing life into it, and from that point, Dean was uncontainable.) what a breathtaking concept. that this one human being’s capacity for love was so extraordinary, it didn’t only help save the world, it rewrote the story itself. 
we don’t need to follow orders, or these cruel, rigid structures to be worthy. to be brave. to be devout. we can rip them up and choose anew. we can make our own faith. we can do that with love.
you do not set up a thesis that profound, that humanistic, if not to make it matter. to see it count. to acknowledge what that love adds up to, show it illuminating new paths and empty spaces, warming the shiver of grief, cradling broken places as they mend.
they really presented that to us, to Cas, to Dean, finally to Dean. they took this and made it sincere:
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like. ten years later. they went - actually, let’s melt the facetiousness away. he was right and he should say it. (this is Point of No Return! “screw destiny, right in the face” is also in this episode! ALL the threads could connect back to origin points.)
it’s even another human/divine mirror allegory - the gloriousness of that love’s transformative possibilities, and the humility of that love simply living quietly with us, as we continue to honor it by making it from one day to the next.
to render that...something that precious...null and void, I just...that is not smart. or deep. or resonant. that’s cynicism/nihilism (which this story never was. never. it could be grim and it had teeth, but it also contained moments of joy and always had its core of hope) and intentional injury for the sake of it. the opposite of said thesis. (literally the antithesis, presented with no catharsis. which is not how story structure works!)
Cas really stood there and said that for all of us, and Dean really was bright enough to be emblematic of that for all of us, and this should have been extended proudly and healthily to Sam too (rather than the excruciating way we had to hear it). a reason to live, a token of healing. that’s why there’s a gulf of grief being experienced right now. because it wasn’t only them. it was us. erasing the meaning of this was erasing a part of us. what a senseless tragedy. I am so disgusted by hubristic, dismissive “plot” being used to rug-pull audiences as we’re snidely told it’s subversive. it’s not subversive if it collapses your whole narrative, it’s hollow. it’s not meaningful to say someone earned peace in death, rather than letting them earn freedom and contentment in LIFE. you know what would be truly subversive? recovery. survival on your own terms.
this is why we’re snatching control of it back, however we can. they really thought they did something with that finale? no. but they did have something, even if it was unintentional, even if we understand it and see it better than they did, with that thesis about love, and it still exists. for 326 episodes, we know it exists. love as an undercurrent can’t be surrendered.
love cannot be killed or swept aside.
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Attention (Sam Winchester x Reader)
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Summary: Reader does what she has to in order to get a little attention from Sam. No matter the consequences.
Warnings: smut, dom!Sam, brat!Reader, spanking, rimming, anal fingering, ssssmmmuuuutttt, implied daddy dom!Dean
I had told him what I needed. Told him that I was feeling needy. He told me that he was almost done and that was an hour ago. I tried to get his attention again but he would just give me the look. I stomped back to our room and plopped on the bed, sitting there in silence for a few minutes before an idea came to me. I took off all the clothes I had been wearing, leaving on just my lacy underwear, and changing into the large plaid shirt, buttoning it up to my sternum. I put on some lip gloss then walked back out to the library and sat beside him reading one of my books, resting my bare feet on the table, one hand resting between my legs, and making sure the curve of my ass was on display.
I could feel his eyes on me before he cleared his throat and sat his book down, “YN, what are you doing?”
“Reading,” I said, keeping my eyes down, trying to keep focus on my book, and moving my thumb along my pussy. Rule number 1 and 2 broken.
“You changed clothes.” I felt every scan his eyes did of my body and could hear the way his jaw clenched as he spoke.
“You’re so smart Samuel,” I cooed while glancing up, then moved my gaze back to the book, “I got hot so besides to change clothes.” I rolled your eyes. The sound of the chair scraping against the floor echoed throughout the room. The warmth that Sam radiated surrounded me and his hand tangled in my hair pulling my head back to look him in the eye. I had just broken three more rules by calling him Samuel, having a smart mouth, and rolling my eyes.
“You wanna run that by me again sweetheart?” His face was mere inches from mine.
“I said I got hot. So I changed clothes.” I glanced down at his lips, “Anything else you want me to repeat?”
Sam let out a growl and pulled on my hair, making me stand up from the chair. He kicked said chair away and pressed my upper body against the table, “You’ve been such a brat lately. Is this what you wanted? Did you need sir’s attention?” He pressed his hard cock against my ass, making me whimper.
“Please sir, I want you to fuck me.” I let out a little whine and rubbed my ass against his crotch. I heard the slap from his large hand coming down on my ass before feeling the sting.
“You know I don’t like begging.” He growled and ground his crotch against my ass. He brought his hand down on my ass again. “I think 10 is a good number, don’t you? Two spanks first every rule broken.” It was a rhetorical question. I was going to get whatever amount he wanted to give. No less but maybe more.
“Yes sir,” I let out a small whimper and pushed my ass out more for him as he moved his body to the side. Both of his hands were gripping a cheek and he gave them both a rough squeeze before bringing both hands down at the same time.
“You know I love your ass you little brat but I love it even more seeing it red, black, and blue.” Sam groaned then bent down slowly pulling my underwear down. He kissed his way back up my legs, stopping and biting my left ass cheek. He pulled back only slightly to bring one of hands down on my ass again. The slap echoed through the room and he bent me over more before pushing my ass cheeks apart, licking my pussy to my ass, swirling his tongue around my tight little hole.
“Sir,” I moaned loudly and pushed my ass into his face. Sam continued licking my pussy and teasing my hole before pushing one of his long fingers into my ass, making me push back more against him and start to straighten up from the new feeling. He let out a dark chuckle before wrapping his free hand around the back of my neck and push me back against the table.
“You better fucking stay there.” He growled in my ear as he leaned over me. He slowly pushed his finger in and out of my ass and spanked my ass in an upward motion harder than he had previously, “Tell me how many you’ve had.”
“S-Six, sir. You’ve spanked me six times.” I groaned as he slowly added another finger, fucking my ass with them slowly. This is how he liked for me to keep count, silently. And at random points in the punishment he would ask how many he’s given me, adding to the punishment if I get the count wrong but praising me when I would get it right.
“I’ll give that one to you on a technicality. I wasn’t counting the one before deciding the number.” I let the corner mouth quirk but then his hand came down roughly making me let out a squeak and jump slightly, “But if you don’t wipe that fucking smirk off your mouth I will add to it.” He growled, thrusting his fingers deeper and speeding up.
I let out a loud moan and slapped at the table, “Fucking shit Sa-Sir.” I pushed my ass back against his hand, tilting my hips trying to get him to change his angle. Instead he slapped my ass down back to where it was.
“What was that brat?” I could hear the smirk in his voice. “Who is it that’s making you feel good?” He moved his fingers faster while adding one more.
“You are SIR!” I squealed, arching my back and pushing my ass back against Sam’s large hand. “Sir, you always make me feel so good! Please let me cum Sir!” I moaned so loud I’m pretty sure Cas could hear from wherever he was.
He pulled his fingers out and squeezed my ass cheeks roughly, pushing and pulling them apart, “Tell me what rules you broke.” He moved one hand under me, slowly rubbing my clit, putting the slightest bit of pressure on it.
“D-Don’t touch u-unless given permission. L-Look at Sir when sp-speaking to him.” He increased the pressure and speed, “It’s always Sir or Sam when we-we’re alone but never S-Samuel. FUCK! D-Don’t roll my eyes. A-And don’t be a smartass.” With every rule recited he increased the pressure but as soon as I finished the last rule he brought his hand down for one final spank, only placing it right on my pussy, making me squeeze my eyes shut and softly hit my forehead against the table. I needed to cum so bad but knew I couldn’t without permission.
I could hear Sam moving behind me and felt this tip of his cock brush against the back of my leg. I opened my eyes, hoping to get a glance at Sam’s marvelous cock but felt a large hand grip my hair tightly, pulling at it and making me look up. My eyes were met with green pair looking down at me.
“You can’t go a full 3 days without getting into trouble?” Dean smirked down at me. Sam gripped my hips roughly and bottomed out in my pussy in one thrust, making my eyes roll back. He roughly pounded his rock hard cock, letting out a stream of cussing mixed with growls.
“H-He was giving all his attention to research.” I moaned loudly as Sam pushed his thumb into my ass while continuing his assault on my pussy. “Told him I needed attention.”
Dean brought his fingers down rubbing a thumb across my bottom lip and wrapped his other hand around my throat, cutting off my blood flow. “Awe, little girl was just being needy.” He pushed his thumb between my lips. I nodded, giving him big tears eyes, and swirled my tongue around his thumb.
“So very needy Daddy,” I pouted as I sucked at Dean’s thumb.
Sam moved his thumb in and out of my ass and lifted one of my legs up on the table which had my eyes crossing and moans vibrating against Dean’s thumb. His cock pounded roughly against my cervix and his large hand dug into thigh, holding it against the table.
“Told her to wait and I’d give her attention.” He growled out, his thrusting becoming uneven and sloppy.
“H-Had me waiting for ov-over an hour Daddy.” I moaned to Dean while thrusting my hips back against Sam’s. I could feel his cock twitching inside my pussy. “Please Daddy. I need to cum.” I gave him big eyes again and let a tear down down my cheek then sucked his thumb back into my mouth. Sam let out a rough laugh and wrapped his hand in my hair, pulling me into his chest and away from Dean. One arm wrapping around me keeping me pressed against him.
“Your Daddy isn’t the one you need to ask. He can’t help you right now you little brat.” Sam groaned against my ear, his pounding becoming even getting sloppier.
“Please sir. Please let me cum. I’ll be good for you I promise.” I begged, digging my nails in the arm he had around my waist. Sam bit down on my throat, holding himself deep inside my pussy as he came. His cock and hips twitching with every pulse of cum. He gently kissed up my throat, moving his hand closer to my clit, rubbing right above it.
“You can cum baby girl.” He mumbled against my throat as he continued kissing in. I let out a loud moan only for Sam’s hand was moved away at the last second and slid his softening cock out of my drenched pussy. “But only after you help your Daddy cum.”
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starchaser-7 · 4 years
I’ve had my tumblr since maybe 2011? 2012 this is the first time I’ve posted this much since I got the account.
Like I’m this shocked by the Destiel news. And, Jensen Ackles acting was amazing, I truly do not believe for a moment that Jensen is homophobic, I just don’t! If he is, do not repost this and bring me all the facts, I don’t need that right now! There’s been enough going on in the world without people ruining others views of how others view an actor.
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Misha Fucking Collins, my Chuck! That was an amazing performance, like I know many people think it was a one sided performance but... if you only watched that part of the episode or just that episode. DO NOT TALK TO ME!!! Okay just don’t, you don’t know the show, you don’t know the characters and to say that a character (dean) who taught a lesbian, yes a lesbian, how to flirt with a man... just like, yes he has internalized homophobia, and yes his reaction wasn’t what many saw coming, or believed to be genuine.
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But! Knowing this character, knowing all the shit his been through. Know that, hearing what Cas was saying, hearing that he basically deserves the world, yet doesn’t get it. Yeah, okay his reaction, Jensens acting. That was well played out. And don’t you dare say he didn’t react, this character has never grieved that hard since ever, not when his brother died, not when his dad died, not when his adoptive father died, not when his mom died again. He lost his best-friend, who died saving him, after telling him that he is loved. Can you all just stop with the Jensen is Homophobic for a minute and either watch the goddamn show, or realize that maybe just maybe you should let us have this? Let us believe what we want? Because, how Twitter and Tumblr have been acting towards someone whose given 15 yrs of his life to a show, and treat him like trash for one scene is horrible, like what happened to family don’t end in blood? Huh? What happened to, SPNFam forever? If this is how we are acting towards one of the main actors just two weeks before the end of the show... idk how this happened but it’s wrong and y’all calling Jensen a homophobe and having a homophobic reaction even jokingly are igits! And should be ashamed.
@myshipshipsitself added that:
Jensen is not homophobic side here: Jensen has played an openly bisexual character in a polyamorous relationship, opposite Patrick Dempsey (fun fact: Patrick’s character’s name was Cass). Blonde. Look it up. Also, check out the Instagram page for Family Business Beer Co. The beer company that Jensen and his wife started. The logo on their Instagram? Pride flag. So fuck off with all this homophobic Jensen shit. It just ain’t true. 
Just thought I should add that to this post because it’s important, and I agree while heartedly.
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