#And you know. As a very kind and gracious man. He'd probably like to be a little more humble than necessary.
wolfeyedwitch · 4 months
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Sorry for the wait!
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When Charles went in to check on the vampire, he instantly realized his mistake.
They were kneeling and looking up at him, blood bag entirely untouched.
He was so stupid! Of course they wouldn't take food just like that. The poor thing probably thought he was taunting them or testing them. Or maybe they came up with something even worse, who knows what horrors they have been forced to accept as normal.
"Ah. You're up." He tried to make his voice seem calm and content to limit any possible misunderstandings of intentions.
Who knows how effectively that will be, but at least he's trying.
Watching them carefully, he stooped down and picked up the bag. He held in front of him, handing it to the vampire.
"Here you are, dear. Please eat, you have my permission."
He didn't know what he'd do if they refused a second time.
CW: internalized dehumanization, it as a pronoun, disordered eating, past starvation
The vampire did its best not to appear tense as its new owner entered the room.
"Ah. You're up." He sounded.... not quite casual. Like he was trying for it, but missed.
Well, too late for it now. It just hoped that he would explain why he was upset when he inevitably punished it.
Its owner walked over and picked up the bloodbag, watching the vampire like a bug under a magnifying glass the whole time. He...
He held the bag in front of himself.
Out towards the vampire.
Offering it.
This was a new level of cruelty. It was one thing to avoid temptation when left alone; it was another thing entirely to maintain control when the blood was being held out in front of it like Tantalus and his punishment.
"Here you are, dear." His voice was more genuine now, a mix of pity and some other emotion it couldn't quite place. It wasn't any of the usual emotions it heard from owners: anger, disgust, or malicious glee.
"Please eat."
"You have my permission."
It hadn't done anything for him yet! It had only just arrived; why was he feeding it now, before it did anything to earn such privileges?
It hesitantly extended one crooked hand to the outstretched bag, expecting it to be taken out of reach at any moment. When it grasped the bag, it snuck a glance at the man's face once more, trying to see if this was truly allowed.
He gave a small nod.
With that encouragement, its control snapped. It snatched the bag out of the man's hands before he could change his mind. It raised the bag to its mouth and bit, savagely tearing it open and greedily gulping the contents.
The first taste was beyond description. It didn't matter that the blood was room-chilled rather than body-warmed, or that the taste of plastic and chemicals pervaded it. To the vampire, it was ambrosia, the finest thing it had ever tasted.
It wasn't just any blood— it was human blood. The best sustenance for a vampire, and the only kind that could fuel a vampire's preternatural healing. It had been denied the substance for longer than it cared to recall, subsisting off the animal blood it was given only rarely.
In moments, the contents of the bag were gone. All that was left was the gore it could feel coating its mouth and chin in messy smears.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, it had made such a mistake.
How could it have been so careless, so disgusting as to make such a mess of itself? It could hear its trainer's voice echoing in the back of its mind, reminding it that if its owner was gracious enough to feed it, the very least it could do was be neat while eating.
Do you really want to remind your owner of what a disgusting parasite you are? If you act like a wild beast, you'll be treated like one.
As it tried in vain to wipe away the remnants of its meal (it could lick its hands clean later, but for now it needed to not anger its owner further), it made the mistake of glancing up to see the look the man wore. He was looking at it like a butcher looks at a lamb going to slaughter: dispassionate and assessing.
Like he was imagining where to make the first cut.
With that thought, it finally connected the pieces. The artist, his macabre art, giving it blood.
This was in preparation for a painting. It had to be. Its owner had decided after looking at it that it needed sustenance before he could start any project. It couldn't stop the shiver that ran down its spine at the thought.
To hide the mess it had made of itself, and to show proper gratitude and submission, it bent down. It was already kneeling, so it folded itself over its legs until its forehead touched the floor.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
this is so exciting !! could i possibly request molasses chip with percy dolarhyde :0
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– 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐬
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐞 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: okay, we are starting off strong with one of the most emotionally constipated men we all know and love, fantastic choice, anon. <3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: bits of angst, 90% fluff, nothing else I can think of!
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The word love rarely makes its way past Percy's lips. Hell, he's not even a romantic; not in the traditional sense at least. His version of that is offering you a continuous stream of alcohol or eyeing up your figure when he thinks you aren't looking.
He'll call you darlin' and sweet pea and the occasional sweetheart, but even then his tone would be dripping with ridicule. Pure, genuine affection? That's for sissies. Percival Dolarhyde is a cowboy, thank you very much.
But he isn't immune. Oh lord above, he is weak when it comes to the smallest things. Furrow your brow, raise your voice, give him a single stern look...as long as you're giving him attention. Because he craves it like a baby cries out for milk.
That's how he'd fall in the first place; fast and hard with a deafening smack on the pavement of love. But still, he'd fall reluctantly. Always putting on that bravado. Always trying to speak over you even when his voice shakes. Always trying to be clever even when it's obvious that you have him beat. Anything to convince himself that he's not going soft.
The first time he says it, he doesn't even intend for it to happen.
You'd probably be arguing with him; because, goodness gracious, Percy is fantastic at turning anything into a problem, especially with how terrible he has it for you.
You'd scream at him, "Why do you have to make such a fuss over nothin' anyways, Dolarhyde? Is that what bored little rich boys like you long to do? Be an insufferable little weasel to any–"
That assumption would make him so frustrated that he'd yell back, "It's because I love you!"
And there's the truth. The nugget of honesty that lies in the shriveled and ragged remains of Percival Dolarhyde's heart. It's tiny and pathetic and quivering, but it's true. It's all he has.
And for a second, you'd think it's almost tragic knowing fully that the only way he knows how to act upon his feelings is by taking and taking every little crumb he possibly can. So sad that someone else might laugh in his face just to humble the spoiled brat of a man.
It's what Percy expects. He'd never been one to extend kindness himself. Even in the best of times, an impulsive declaration of love changes things drastically. What kind of a scoundrel would he be to expect anything else, especially from someone he'd been so dreadful to?
But you take one look at his dusty face and catch the gloss of vulnerability in his jade eyes as they dart to the ground nervously. And somehow, that's enough for you to excuse him.
You sadly and slowly grab his hand, feeling his fingers shake when they interlace with yours. Bringing his knuckle to your lips, you kiss the dusty flesh and say softly, "We can figure that fuss out next."
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magatsunohana · 2 years
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I'm here to remind everyone that our very Yasashii Gakuenchou has defensive magic strong enough to withstand an attack from someone that's currently in overblot. Granted a tree was used by the phantom to attack, the damage dealt to the surroundings was no joke either.
Also, I don't know if you've noticed, how good Crowley's reaction time actually is. Because from the looks of it here in these panels, Crowley was already moving away to usher majority of the other students to safety, because see, he's already away from Trey's group when Riddle's phantom split the ground with the tree, but the moment Crowley noticed that the impact was heading straight for Trey's group, he was right back to where they were with his barrier cast instantaneously to shield everyone from harm. Crowley is literally the only thing standing in the way of Trey and the attack's impact. His barrier was strong enough that the place they were standing on wasnt affected, instead, the damage gets split over to the sides where the shield wasn't cast.
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So you know, I do believe that Dire is very sincere when he says that his students' well being is his top priority. Which also, allow me to point out, he's a fine judge of what to prioritize, and is quick to make that decision, and the necessary actions needed to fulfil his goals. At first, his priority were the students that MAY end up getting hurt due to Riddle going berserk. Trey's group is trustworthy enough to give instructions to, so he gives them the go signal to seek assistance from the staff, but the moment he sees that that group was in danger, he shifts his priorities to those who need to be protected first and foremost. Since the danger shifted, he has to adjust to it, because his top priority is the wellbeing of his students. And at this point, everyone's wellbeing was being taken into account. From the bystanders and other members of Heartslabyul, to the group he entrusted with a task, to Riddle. He doesn't leave anyone out. Everyone is accounted for. I'm a firm believer that Crowley didn't engage Riddle because as part of the Night Raven College Staff, its Headmaster even, lifting a hand against his students is something that he wouldn't do-- despite the necessity. He well could have fought Rosehearts, but that puts not only every student in the vicinity in danger, but it puts Riddle at the greatest risk. Crowley understands how Blot works, and how Overblot works. IF, If he were to fight Riddle himself, that would cause the Housewarden to expend even more mana. Magic consumption is fast enough when someone is in overblot, so he is making sure that the boy doesn't push himself to the limit. Being in overblot, the negative energy corrupts a person-- as they say, evil Berserker mode. And I believe that it's safe to say, anyone who is hot-tempered and extremely angry is very quick to provoke. In my opinion, he's taking the safest measures, the most optimal course of action so that our overblotee doesn't get any more provoked than he already is.
So yeah, IF IN CASE he was present for other overblots, I don't think he'd be the type to just run away without a reason, or leave everything to MC and company. Because he is there, he will do what needs to be done in order to protect his students, without aggravating the student that was in overblot.
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See here, he even takes the blame for it himself. He doesn't blame anyone else. Not Trey for going against Riddle, not Ace for punching his Housewarden, he isn't even putting the blame on Riddle. Crowley takes responsibilities for his actions and his shortcomings in the best way available, and with as little collateral damage as possible. It may not always be the most logical solution to the students, but when he's there and he decides to act, it's for the best. BUT AGAIN. It also stays true to his style of "allowing them to resolve their own troubles by themselves". Otherwise he'd just fix this all himself, but where is the growth for them in that?
I do love that Crewel has a line when he talks about the staff wherein he says that Crowley is always just thinking about his students, to the point that he works himself to the bone. And that, there are times when he flees the scene when it becomes problematic, and that sometimes, it has to be that way. This really shows me how different things are behind the scenes. (Every one of the staff who has exam lines say nice things about Crowley.) When it's just the staff and Crowley vs the students and Crowley. Then again. This is understandable. Since they are all fellow staff and colleagues, there's less thresholds and boundaries, compared to students. But it's not like Crowley slacks either in terms of his relationship with his students... which I will discuss in some other post, just not this one. Feel free to ask me about it, if you feel like it. I love talking about Crowley.
Anyway, I do like that we dont see what Crowley is capable of from the get-go as it gives us a lot of freedom when it comes to what he can do. But I do like what we're currently privy to at the moment. And that's the fact that he can use complicated magic without even missing a beat like it's nothing does say something about him. Crowley even has transformation magic in his arsenal, which is probably one of the more complicated types of magic (if we base it from how difficult form-altering potions are to make, then we can probably make the assumption that transforming/shapeshifting into other forms are just as rare, complex, and complicated to perform). If we take into account the timespace teleportation magic used to summon students, if that's part of his magic repertoire and not just solely the mirror's ability... then I think it's safe to say, Crowley can do so much more, given time and circumstance.
But that's it for me for today.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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Ok so, what if Mc went to Twisted Wonderland but around 10 years earlier so they are a kid, so what if Crowley decided to adopt him since their a kid and have no where to go anymore but may I have some headcanons of him raising kid Mc but along side with the staff members too
Sorry if this is too long
Waaawaawaaaaa y e s. Ss ‼️‼️‼️💖 how r u so big brain waa this isnt fair
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- so like
- since MC in the story is around 15-16, right?
- and this is 10 yrs prior to the story
- ur like, 5-6 years old
- so! Crowley finds you one day, abandoned somewhere
- i feel like he'd be focused on finding your parents, and after finding no trace of anything, he gets concerned
- when finding out you're from another world, he is a bit shocked~ however since he has no way of returning you to your world, he adopts you!
- for he is oh so gracious~
- he's a flamboyant, yet sometimes harsh father~ but the most adoring father ever beegdhs ???!!?
- puts u on a pedestal and praises you to no end sjjsjss 🥰👍‼️
- if he somehow can, he might teach you how to do magic when you're a bit older!- if possible, of course
- and only the basics... Small things, so you can protect yourself yk yk?
- crowley deffo sobs if u happen to go to school (considering education is very very very important ig)
- he got attached to u hshe 🥰
- i feel like hed be a lil protective over u if u were his kid
- not protective to the point of threatening ur possible s/o (if ur interested in that) with a gun tho lmao sbshdhhd
Heres some hcs of the staff babysitting u bc i got brainrot over that shshsbs
- fashionable man
- snbsbsjs he dresses u up
- wine aunt im sorry
- ur his fave puppy ╰(*´︶`*)╯
- waaaa
- I'm not exactly sure on him,,
- i feel like hed have kind of a soft spot for kids? Ehe
- he'd let u let lucius ! ♡
- p sure he has daughters, so he probably has some knowledge jsksk
- ashton is gonna make u do pushups im sorry BHSJSJS
- no but like hed have you watch him do some exercises and have you try to copy him
- carries u around shhshsh
- ive always had a hc that he kinda acts like some sort of an older brother? Hehe
- wait so since this is like 10 yrs prior to thw story hed be like 15 yrs old right
- maybe this is like
- a babysitting job
- hsjsjsj ehehe
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Significant Strides in Relations
Author: Merlyn Bane
Word Count: 10.3K (shut up, don't @ me okay)
Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi manages to catch the attention of his attache on a diplomatic mission.
Warnings: Adult Content™. Strong language, smut. Virgin!Obi I guess. Unprotected sex--wrap it up!
A/N: Did I come back from the dead just to post some completely self-indulgent bullshit? Yes I did. This is like 3.7K worth of smut with like 5K worth of justification and like 1K of Skywalker bullshit at the end and I'm not sorry about any of it. I would also just like to blame @no-droids and their Open Door series for giving me a Thing for Obi-Wan in the first place.
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(gif found on google, not mine)
You want to fuck the Jedi.
And, yeah, sure, you feel a little bit bad about it. You know enough about the Order to know that that's something the Jedi don't do--if the poor man knew the direction your thoughts had taken, he'd probably be scandalized. You can clearly imagine his face turning, just, scarlet, especially because you do mean fuck. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi is visiting your planet on a diplomatic mission that you haven't been briefed on the particulars of, and you've been assigned to him as an attaché during his stay--tending to his needs, making sure he's comfortable while he's here. It's a function you've performed many, many times as part of your duties to the royal family, but Kenobi has been...particularly pleasant, to work with. The Jedi is kind, treats you like an equal even though you're technically working for him for the time being, and he's funny. You hadn't realized the Jedi were allowed a sense of humor, but Maker, this one is sarcastic, constantly teasing with a playful glint in his blue eyes that is...not helping you with the whole 'wanting to irredeemably corrupt him' problem that you're currently having. 
You show up at his quarters just before breakfast to collect him as you have for the last two days and he's already there waiting for you, opening the door just as you're coming to a stop in front of it.  Kenobi gives you a gracious smile as he steps into the hallway with you, letting the door slide closed behind him, and you return it before turning to start making your way to the dining hall. He falls in step next to you and despite the fact that he really isn't walking that close to you, you swear you can feel him there. "Good morning, young one." 
You snort softly, scrunching your nose up as you give him an unimpressed side-eye. "Young one? You realize I'm within five years of you? I think you spend too much time with your old padawan and not enough with your peers, Kenobi."
The Jedi chuckles next to you, looking suitably sheepish as he grins over at you. "My apologies, my lady," he says, and you can tell that he's teasing you lightly. You roll your eyes but don't correct him--no, instead you internalize it, and his innocent my lady gets cataloged away with the rest of the impure thoughts that have been plaguing you since you saw him in the great hall upon his arrival. "I meant no offense."
"None was taken."
The conversation sort of just...drifts off, and you take the time to study his features out of the corner of your eye while he's looking ahead. The Jedi is...handsome, and frankly you think it's very unfair of the Order to lock all of that up under a chastity vow. The lines of his face are classical, look like they could have been carved from marble--only accentuated by the scruff of the beard lining a jaw you kind of want to sink your teeth into. 
And, Maker. His eyes. The clearest crystal blue, like twin glaciers, piercing directly into your soul every time you meet them but...gentle. Always gentle. You know he's as talented a warrior as he is a negotiator, you've heard the stories, but you would never know it from his pretty eyes. 
"What are your plans for the day, Master Kenobi? Since there won't be any official matters taking place today." It's the third day of the week, and on your planet it is considered inappropriate to do such work then. Most of your people will be in services today, to include the royal family. You probably should be, but you had offered to stay behind and continue to assist the Jedi--you've never cared for such things, anyway, and you certainly think he makes for better company.
Kenobi turns his head just enough to give you a small smile before he looks forward again, humming softly as he considers his answer. "I will likely confer with the Council this afternoon, update them on how the negotiations are going. Perhaps I will take some time to meditate, as well. You may have most of the day to yourself." It's quiet for a moment, then: "And you may just call me Obi-Wan, if you wish."
Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan--
It does not escape your attention that this isn't an offer that was even extended to your employers, who he's supposed to be here on the sole purpose of brokering an agreement with. They've still been using titles with each other, you know they have. Fuck. "Obi-Wan," you repeat, hoping that it escapes his notice how much you find that you like the way it feels on your tongue. Obi-Wan. "If you find you have the time, later, maybe I could show you around a little more. There are some places on the palace grounds I think you might enjoy."
The Jedi hums again, and you can see that he's still smiling when you look over at him. "I will certainly keep that in mind."
You reach the dining hall only a few minutes later, and go your separate ways once you've gotten your food. You find a seat at one of the far tables tucked into a corner that's already populated by a couple of your fellow staff members, making sure to sit so that you're facing him so he can get your attention if he needs it. You're being elbowed almost the second your ass hits the seat, the girl to your left clearly desperate for whatever gossip she thinks you have as she leans in and whispers at you in hushed tones. 
"Maker, you've got a dreamy one. You're so lucky, I was assigned to--"
You're not even listening, not really--tuning her out while you tuck into your breakfast. You suppose you don't have any real right to be so annoyed with her, truthfully, given that you've been having similar thoughts about him yourself all morning and for most of the last couple of days, but you find that you are anyway. The girl doesn't even seem to realize that you're ignoring her, continuing to chatter at you until one of the other people at your table manages to redirect her attention, if not the subject. 
 You tell yourself that the reason your attention stays focused on the Jedi is in case he needs you for anything but you're not very convincing, even to yourself. Your mind wanders while you eat, formulating scenarios that all seem to end with Obi-Wan between your thighs. Most of these thoughts are generally nonsensical, idle flashes and half-strung together images, but some of them come through with alarming clarity. 
I want to suck his cock.
The Jedi suddenly chokes on whatever it is he's just eaten. 
You instinctively shift to stand up to try and help him but his companion is already there, smacking his back with more force than you think is probably necessary and laughing loudly enough that you can hear him from your table. Skywalker, you think his name is. He's still chuckling when they settle back down, despite the thoroughly unamused looks Obi-Wan is shooting him. You snort quietly to yourself and Skywalker turns his head to look at you like he can sense your eyes on them. Your eyes meet for a second, two, and then to your horror he winks at you.
Your stomach sinks. No. No, no. No. He's just winking at you because he caught you looking over at them, right? Jedi can't. Jedi can't read minds, right? Surely not. The younger Jedi raises an eyebrow at you, the edge of his lip curving into what can only be called a smirk, and you really. Just need the ground to open up and swallow you whole right here. Maker. You're going to have to work with Obi-Wan for the next couple of days--how the fuck are you supposed to look him in the eyes, now, knowing that he's heard you this entire time? 
 Breakfast passes both entirely too quickly and not near quickly enough, and before you know it, both Jedi are getting to their feet. You curse quietly under your breath and stand yourself, disposing of your tray before you manage to make yourself walk back over to join them. You still have a job to do, regardless of whether or not you want to dig yourself a nice deep hole to die in right now. You do your best to force a smile once you reach them, really trying your absolute hardest to pretend that none of...that, had just happened. Like you haven't been caught lusting over Obi-Wan fucking Kenobi by the man himself. 
Skywalker is the first to speak, that Maker-forsaken grin still plastered firmly in place on his face when he does. "Hello,"
You think he's having entirely too much fucking fun with this, frankly. 
Obi-Wan seems to agree with you, if the look he gives his companion then is anything to go by. You swallow, doing your best to reign in your composure as you raise a hand to wave at him in response before turning back to the man you're supposed to be assisting. "Are you--" you pause, clearing your throat before continuing. "Are you ready to return to your rooms?"
Maker. Maker. Why did you have to say--
"Quite," Obi-Wan answers before you can stutter out an apology, giving Skywalker what can only be described as a warning look before he turns back to follow you. Your gaze stays all but permanently affixed to the floor as you start making your way down the hall, the only thing indicating that he's still beside you the sound of his boots on the tile. 
You can feel his eyes on you when you reach his door but you still can't bring yourself to meet them, clearing your throat awkwardly and folding your hands behind your back in a bid to stop yourself from picking at your thumbnail from the nervous energy that's suddenly coursing through your body. "I. I hope you have a pleasant rest of your day," you manage to stutter out, taking your leave before he can say anything to stop you.
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You end up having a couple of hours to yourself to stew in the privacy of your own room before anyone comes for you. 
You groan quietly when you hear the knock at your door but haul yourself to your feet and make your way over anyway, pushing your hair out of your face. You frown minutely when you find one of your coworkers standing there. Kaljova--she's assigned to Skywalker, if you recall correctly. She seems vaguely concerned with the state you're in but is kind enough not to comment on it, giving you a polite smile instead. "Master Kenobi has asked for you," Kaljova tells you, and has the grace to pretend to not notice the way your face falls with it. 
"Do you know what he needs?" you ask her, blessedly managing to keep your voice even. You reach down to grab your cloak from the table by your door and tie it around your shoulders without waiting for her to actually answer, stepping out into the hallway and letting your door close behind you. 
She shakes her head, shrugging a little bit. "Master Skywalker didn't say, I'm sorry."
You shake your head, sighing softly but giving her a small, reassuring smile. "It's okay. Thank you for letting me know."
She returns your smile and nods once before she turns around and leaves you to your own devices again. You groan quietly, pinching the bridge of your nose as you work up the nerve to actually make your way to the visiting diplomat wing where you know he's waiting for you. It takes you a couple of minutes but you do manage to make your feet move eventually and they carry you there far faster than you'd have liked them to. 
You swallow harshly and close your eyes for a second before reaching up to knock on his door, bracing yourself. Maker, he probably wants to talk about it, clear the air or whatever, and you are just...absolutely not even a little bit equipped to deal with that right now, frankly. You're able to school your features as the door slides open but just barely, and you stop breathing altogether when you look up and meet those pretty blue eyes. 
And he seems...surprised to see you. 
That kriffing--
"You...didn't send for me, did you?"
Obi-Wan shakes his head, looking more confused if possible, and you just sigh quietly, giving him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I think there was a...miscommunication." And I'm going to kill your fucking padawan. "I'll just--I'll just go." You raise a hand in a very awkward not-wave and turn on your heel to go, but then.
The Jedi gently grabs you by the elbow, and everything stops for a moment. 
"Wait," Obi-Wan says, softly--like he's trying not to spook you. You take a deep, stuttering breath, and sigh it out, relaxing where you stand as you give up on getting out of this. "I believe...it would be a good idea, if we talked."
Yeah, that's. That's pretty much what you figured, unfortunately. 
"I'm very sorry, if I made you uncomfortable, I...I didn't know you could--" Didn't know you could hear me. 
"I know," he tells you, just as gently as before, and you reluctantly turn just enough to be able to face him. His eyes are soft when they regard you, and you find your breathing evening out despite yourself--wondering idly how much of it is actively his doing. "Just...come inside. Please."
You can't find it in yourself to deny him so you nod, letting him lead you into the room and trying to pretend that you can't feel your heart stop when the door slides shut behind you. Obi-Wan seems to notice you not knowing what to do with yourself because he gestures to one of the chairs in the sitting area, sitting down in the one opposite it once you're settled. It's quiet for a moment as both of you seem to search for the right words. 
"I would like to begin by apologizing for Anakin," he says finally, and you snort as the words register.  He gives you a wry smile in return, and continues. "He means well, but he can be...thoughtless, in his humor, at times. Particularly when it is at my expense."
"He sounds like he must have been a joy to train."
That earns you an almost startled sounding laugh out of the Jedi, which manages to get a real smile out of you. "I fear he may have also misled you, to an extent." He tells you, not quite meeting your eyes now as he scratches at his beard. You give him a questioning look and he sighs softly, leaning back in his chair. "We...can hear thoughts, but only if we go looking and it is considered very inappropriate to do so without reason."
You feel your eyebrows knit together in confusion, then, and you tilt your head at him. "But you…?"
Obi-Wan winces, and nods. "You may have...projected, this morning, inadvertently. It was...rather loud, and my guards were not as firmly in place as they probably should have been."
Oh. So you'd shouted it at him, then. Great. "Oh."
"I had...gotten a sense of the direction of your thoughts, before that, but you were acting very professionally so thought it best to pay it no mind."
That's...very kind of him, actually, to have simply ignored it even though it must have made him uncomfortable, especially when he so easily could have just told you to knock it off or requested a different attache. You clear your throat, finding yourself picking at your thumbnail again. "I appreciate that."
"You needn't be embarrassed, you know." the Jedi murmurs softly, and you look up to meet his gaze despite yourself. He smiles at you a little bit, then, and it brings something very warm into those blue eyes of his that almost makes you just a little lightheaded. "These things happen. You're only human, you can't be expected to have complete control of your thoughts all the time."
"You do," you point out, just because you feel the need to. "Jedi do. So I'm told."
"We spend our whole lives learning to try." he amends, and there's something so human in the way that he grins that suddenly, all you want to do is lean over and kiss him. "It is a constant exercise, not a skill that can be mastered."
"Still. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable this week."
"Uncomfortable might not be the right word for it, speaking truthfully," Obi-Wan admits, so quietly that you're almost not even sure he's really said it at all. And--Maker, is he implying what it sounds like he's implying? You know your eyes must be just about bugging out of your head with the shock but he mercifully either doesn't notice or pretends not to, scratching at his beard again as he seems to consider his next words, and you...really need him to stop doing that. It's becoming hard enough to maintain your focus as it is. "There were times where I was perhaps...tempted."
You stare at him, blankly, blinking slowly as the words process. Tempted tempted tempted-- "I thought Jedi couldn't…"
Obi-Wan clears his throat, and suddenly he's the one looking unsettled. "Technically, the Code prohibits intimacy, attachment. It...says nothing about the act itself."
Oh. Oh.  
You're still staring at him, just completely dumbstruck, so the Jedi seems to decide to take it upon himself to continue talking and fill the space. "For most of us it ends with the same result, functionally, but. Technically." 
Maker, get it together. You feel like you're on a several second delay, having great difficulty processing this new information, let alone giving him the verbal response to it that he's clearly waiting for, now. "Have you--"
"Almost. Once. When I was a padawan myself. My master and I were stationed on Mandalore at the time, assigned to protect the Duchess." 
You're grinning, now, you can feel it tugging at the edges of your mouth. Maker, you suddenly need to know this story like you need to breathe. "What happened?"
Stars, you swear you can see the tips of his ears turn red. "Qui-Gon caught us. It has...certainly dissuaded me from making any attempts since."
You laugh. You can't help it. Suddenly you're laughing so hard it nearly hurts, grasping your middle with one hand while wiping tears from your eyes with the other. You would feel worse about it if Obi-Wan didn't look so amused himself. "Oh, you poor thing." you snort before your brain can catch up with your mouth, and you feel your own face heat when you realize the implication of what you've just said to him. Way to go, Ace. 
Except...he's still grinning at you, amusement dancing in those blue eyes, and all the air seems to rush out of the room when they lock on your own. Kriff. "Are you suggesting that I'm missing out, then?"
He's teasing you, the bastard, and all of sudden it makes you feel bold. You lean forward in your chair, then, resting your elbows on your knees as you encroach on his space and pull your lower lip between your teeth.. "I'm not suggesting anything, Master Kenobi," you all but purr at him, "but should you be interested in finding out for yourself…"
The offer hangs in the air between you, then, like a lit fuse while you just stare at each other, both waiting to see if the other will make the next move.  
"And what might this...demonstration...entail?"
"Nothing you aren't completely on board with," you tell him immediately, because if this happens--Maker, if--it is absolutely imperative to you that he enjoys himself just as much as you do. Which...gives you an idea, actually. "I make sure my partners have a good time. Haven't done my job if they don't."
Fuck, the Jedi's eyes are blown. His pupils have nearly overtaken those pretty blue irises and it makes your breath catch with how much you want to ruin him. You can feel the tension rising in the room between you, feeding on and feeding into your arousal in a vicious cycle. He swallows, and you watch his Adam's apple bob with it and narrowly resist the urge to bite him. "Oh?"
Kriff, you need to leave before you fuck him right here and ruin your plans. You give him a small, soft smile and stand, padding over to him. His eyes track each movement, his head tilting back to gaze up at you when you come to stand between his knees, and you can see how ragged his breathing's gone at the sudden proximity. You reach out and let your palm wrap around the line of his jaw, your fingernails scratching lightly through the coarse hairs of his beard, and the Jedi's eyes fall closed before you even lean in. He gasps when your mouth brushes against his own, the faintest whisper of a kiss, and your smile widens. "I think, that you deserve to be seduced properly, Obi-Wan," you breathe. "I'm not going to fuck you, Baby, not just yet. When you really want it--then I'll give it to you."
 It takes several seconds before he's able to get words out again, and when he does you can barely hear what he's saying from the rasp in them. "I think, my lady," he pants, "that you are being exceedingly cruel."
You chuckle softly, letting your thumb brush across his lower lip before you straighten up and take a step back, ignoring the almost whine that escapes his throat when you do. "Perhaps."
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For the rest of the evening, you act as normal--as if none of the events of the day had taken place. You meet with Obi-Wan and escort him to the dining hall for dinner as usual and go your separate ways once your trays are piled high. You do your best to resist the urge to glare daggers at the other Jedi, particularly when he grins and waves at you, but you are able to content yourself with the sharp look Obi-Wan gives him for it as he sits down. Dinner is uneventful despite Skywalker's best efforts, and passes quickly. You give Obi-Wan this time to...come down, essentially, to gather his wits back about him before you really set your plans into motion in the morning. You had left the Jedi absolutely wrecked this afternoon, and not only do you think it would be just a little unfair to begin your seduction in such a state, you're a little concerned that you might actually kill him if you overwhelm him so much all at once. So, you give him time to breathe. 
Or at least, that is your intent. 
The sudden drop almost seems to have the opposite effect. Obi-Wan's composure is, outwardly, as impeccable as always. No-one but you and Skywalker--you're sure--would be able to tell that anything's up. The only reason you do is because you still can't take your eyes off him so you notice the way his haven't left you, either. And, Maker, the way he looks at you. You almost want to give in, drag him back to his rooms now, but. You meant it earlier, when you said you thought he deserved better than that. The concept of virginity as a special thing is not one you've ever particularly put much stock in, yourself, but you know that this is, will be, a big deal for him whether he's willing to admit it or not. You want to give him at least this much. He might not be allowed true intimacy or emotional attachment, but that doesn't mean the sex has to be careless. You meant it, when you told him that you take care of your partners.  
The next day, you start slow. Obi-Wan is actually fairly busy with the diplomatic mission he'd been sent here on in the first place, which makes that relatively simple. The only time you really get with him that morning is when you're escorting him to and from meetings, so you spend that time finding excuses to touch him. Subtle things, like adjusting already-straight the collar of his robes. 
"Good morning, Obi-Wan," 
The Jedi steps out into the hall with you and lets the door close behind him, returning your greeting with an easy grin that makes your heart skip a beat. "Good morning. Where are we off too?"
"You have a meeting with the Chancellor, first. It'll be long and likely boring assuming Skywalker behaves himself, but productive." You give him a soft smile, stepping forward and looking up at him from under your lashes. He watches you intently, almost seeming to stop breathing for a second when you reach up and adjust the tan collar of his robes, your fingertips brushing lightly against the skin of his throat when you do. You let the moment linger a second longer than it needs to before you step back to a respectful distance and nod down the hallway. "Shall we?"
Brushing his hair out of his face when it's fallen into his eyes.
Obi-Wan looks about as tired as you expect him to when he comes out of his meeting a couple of hours later but he has a small smile for you when he sees you waiting for him in the hallway anyway. Skywalker follows him through the door seconds later but barely pays either of you any mind, grumbling something about breakfast as he follows Kaljova down the hall. The two of you stand there for another moment, glancing at each other and chuckling at the younger Jedi's irritation, and you notice idly that some of his blond hair's managed to fall out of place. You reach up to brush it back out of his eyes and bite your lip when they zero in on your own, and you find yourself leaning in further before you can stop yourself only for you to jump apart when the door slides open again. The Chancellor gives you both a polite nod as he takes his leave, completely unaware of what he'd interrupted, and you have to shake your head to clear it once he's out of sight. You can still feel the Jedi's eyes on you when you turn to make your way to the dining hall.
It continues this way, more or less, until lunch, when you decide to kick it up a notch going into the afternoon. You remember what he told you about being able to pick up on your feelings, at least in a general sense, whether he went looking for them or not so you decide to lean into that and let your mind run wild with the things you want to do to him. You're careful not to project any particulars at him this time but you can tell that he definitely takes notice when you start letting your thoughts wander. 
You're still sitting in the dining hall at your separate tables, and you smirk lightly when his eyes snap up, watching them narrow when he realizes what you're doing. You maintain that eye contact shamelessly, pulling your lower lip between your teeth as you try to imagine what's waiting for you underneath those robes. Skywalker's glancing back and forth between you and grinning but Obi-Wan ignores him completely, raising an eyebrow in your direction that you merely shrug at. You see him shift slightly in his seat after a little while of this and decide to lay off a bit--for now, at least. 
Obi-Wan has to consult with the Jedi Council after lunch so you decide to have some mercy on him immediately leading up to that and take a break from your little game. You're sure he's still aware of the arousal boiling low in your belly while you walk him back to his rooms after lunch but you're not actively focusing on it now, letting yourself relax and the Jedi by extension. 
It's during dinner that evening that you really kick it into high gear. 
You're not even fully sure this is going to work, since you've only ever done it once and by accident, but watching Obi-Wan converse with Skywalker at their table, you know you want to try. So you focus your attention on the Jedi, and hone in on the thought of what you think it might be like to kiss him until you see him stiffen and you know he's got it. You keep going, feeding him different images that only grow more explicit as you grow bolder. Sucking and biting bruises into the skin of his throat and chest while you grind down against his cock. Looking right into his pretty blue eyes while you stroke that cock, watching him come apart when you finally take it into your mouth like you've wanted to do practically since you laid eyes on him. Riding him, burying your hands in his hair and swallowing his moans while you bounce in his lap. 
Obi-Wan grits his teeth across the dining hall, gripping the edge of the table he's sitting at tightly and pointedly not looking at you while he tries to regain control of his breathing. Skywalker is staring at you, wide-eyed and slack-jawed in total shock, and you only smirk back at him in response as you let the projection drop. You didn't necessarily want the other Jedi to see those things, truthfully, but you don't know how to control the projection well enough to block him out and he's been enough of a dick about the whole thing this week that you really don't feel all that badly about the fact that he looks like he kind of wants to bleach his brain, now. 
You simply go back to your meal once you've dropped the projection, though you can't help the small grin that stays plastered on your face. The next few minutes pass that way, but then.
But then.
Well, projection goes both ways.
It feels sort of like a tickle, at first, at the edge of your mind--easily ignored. Then it turns into a gentle prodding, and when you look up to confirm your suspicions, his blue eyes are locked firmly on yours and it takes your breath away. He's...being remarkably gentle with you, knowing that no-one's ever been in your head before like this, waiting for you to relax and let him in in a complete roll reversal that shocks you. You barely manage to contain the gasp when you do, because he's suddenly pushing images back at you. Obi-Wan thinks back to how your fingers had felt in his hair this morning, and then reimagines that feeling with you in his lap, tangled in his hair while you kiss him. Then, fuck. With his head between your thighs. He stops and focuses in on this one, imagining as many details as he can manage as he pushes it to you. Your hands pulling on the blond strands while his grip your thighs, holding you open as his tongue laves through the folds of your cunt. 
The moment feels like a tipping point, and both of you know exactly what is going to happen once this meal is over. 
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You're so pent up and aroused when it's finally time to leave that you're lightheaded with it but somehow you manage to get to your feet anyway, and thankfully you don't end up having to deal with Skywalker at all because Obi-Wan is out of his seat first this time and meets you halfway. There's something in the air between you, something tense and charged, and you know you need to get him back to his rooms now. He seems to be on the same page because he wastes no time in following you out of the dining hall, and his strides are longer enough than usual that you actually struggle just a little bit to keep up. 
And there's something so…juvenile about this, rushing off and sneaking around, but it's...fun. You feel almost like a teenager again, truthfully, so eager to get him alone somewhere private so you can get your hands on him that you're all but running down the hallway to get there. 
You're on the Jedi the moment the door closes behind you but he's right there with you, pulling you in for a kiss that's all enthusiasm and little finesse but heats your blood anyway. Your fingers tangle in his hair as you tug him closer and he moans with it, his own hands finding your face and framing it gently. You run the tip of your tongue along his lower lip and press forward when his mouth opens into it on a gasp, licking into his mouth until he has to pull away to breathe. 
Maker, he already looks a mess; beautifully flushed with his hair all askew and his pupils blown wide. It makes you want to do, just, unspeakable things, but you know you still have to take your time and ease him into it or this will all be over too fast and you can't have that.  
"Go...go sit on the bed," you murmur, putting a hand on his chest as you step back and take a second to try and get your wits back about you. "Take your boots off. And your cloak."
And, Kriff, he does it immediately, nodding at you with that just fucking wrecked look in his eyes before he turns to do exactly what you told him, laying his cloak over the back of one of the chairs and padding over to the bed where he sits on the edge before leaning over to take his boots off. You watch him the whole time, almost high on the heady feeling that comes with this hyper-competent Jedi Master doing whatever you tell him to. 
You take your time in joining him, partially to tease and partially just because you need those extra few moments. His eyes track every movement as you remove your own cloak, laying it next to his as you toe your shoes off, and you give him a small smile as you make your way over to the bed. Obi-Wan's breath hitches when you climb up onto it and seems to stop altogether when you carefully settle yourself on his lap, his hands fisting at his sides until you reach down to take them gently and guide them to your waist. "You can touch me," you purr, running your nose along the line of his jaw and grinning to yourself when his grip suddenly tightens with it. "It's encouraged, in fact."
He snorts quietly, so breathily that you almost miss it, and starts rubbing circles into your sides with his thumbs. "Noted," he rasps, and you grin wider before you press a kiss just under his jaw. The Jedi shivers with it and the reaction emboldens you so you continue downward, pressing kisses along his skin until you reach the collar of his robe and then you're working at the belt of his robes, eager to get at more of his skin. Obi-Wan seems to still have enough presence of mind to help you, shrugging out of the first two layers once you're able to get them open and discarding them to the side carelessly. You reluctantly have to pull back so you can yank his undershirt over his head but then his whole torso is exposed for your viewing pleasure, so you decide you're alright with the short interruption. 
"See something you like?" Obi-Wan quips breathlessly after a few seconds of you shamelessly studying every line and pane of his chest and you only smirk at him an answer, leaning back in his lap to get a better view and darting your tongue out to wet your lower lip. 
"What are the odds of anyone seeing you without the robes?"
His eyebrows knit together momentarily like he doesn't know what you're asking, but he seems to put the pieces together when you suddenly duck back down and lick a broad stripe along the line of his collarbone. His hips jerk up with a broken moan before he's able to manage an answer, his head tilting back and further exposing his throat. "Un-unlikely," he gasps out, and you're grinning again as you start pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses lower until you find a spot on his pec that pleases you and you stop and suck. The Jedi gasps raggedly, his fingers digging into your waist as he tries to ground himself, but you don't stop until you know a bruise will bloom there. "Something to remember you by?" he hisses, and you chuckle softly as you trace the round little blemish with the tip of your finger. 
"Oh, Baby, I don't think you're going to have any difficulty with that with or without a few little...reminders." 
Obi-Wan moans again, low in his throat, when you start pressing a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses down his chest, gasping out and trembling the first time you let him feel teeth. His hips buck again and then it's your turn to gasp when his cock rubs right up against your cunt--already so, so hard. And, Maker, it is not a small bulge. What's he hiding under all of those neutral fabrics? You leave a meandering line of bites and hickeys all the way down his chest, ignoring the way he whines when you shift back off of his lap so you can continue down to his stomach. He leans back on his palms, then, watching you intently with dark eyes that make your pussy clench between your thighs, and his breath catches in his throat when your hands find the ties of his trousers. "What are you--"
"Told you I wanted to suck your cock," you remind him, biting your lip as you start undoing them--slowly enough to give him ample opportunity to stop you if he wants. "That alright with you?"
The Jedi nods mutely, suddenly seeming at a loss for words, and you smirk as you sit back on your knees and start pulling them down his thighs until he springs free, and--
Kriff--how fucking dare the Order deprive the galaxy of this magnificent cock? 
He's not the longest you've ever seen, per se, but he's thick enough that you almost wonder how you're going to take this thing and beautifully flushed, with defined veins that you just know are going to feel incredible inside you. You lean in to lick a stripe right up the underside of it before you can stop yourself and Obi-Wan cries out at the sudden stimulation and shakes, falling backwards onto his back. You moan softly at the response you pull out of him and lean up until you're able to take the head into your mouth, watching as he squeezes his eyes shut and grips the bedspread until his knuckles go white and unravels. "Watch me," you tell him, taking him in your palm and pumping slowly while you wait for him to respond, "Wanna see those pretty blue eyes."
He forces them open just like you told him to, keeping them trained on you as he bites down on his lower lip and takes a shaky breath and you take him into your mouth again, satisfied. He cries out again but a little quieter this time, and you hum around his cock as you start bobbing up and down on it slowly, almost teasingly so, holding his hips down as best you can so you control the pace. You definitely want to feel him come down the back of your throat at some point, but this isn't the time for that. You have every intent of him coming buried deep inside you tonight. 
It becomes something of a game, figuring out exactly what he likes. Hollowing your cheeks to make your mouth tighter around him and moaning until he gasps. Teasing the slit at the top with the very tip of your tongue until you swear you hear him curse. And then you take him to the root.
And, Maker, he swears when he bottoms out and it shouldn't be so insanely hot hearing those words come from this ordinarily so well put-together Jedi but it is. You realize how close he's approaching his end so you reluctantly pull off of his cock, then, ignoring the whine that escapes from high in his throat when you do so. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand while you try and catch your breath, which is not made any easier by the way he's looking at you. You know you must look just as wrecked as he does, now, all flushed skin and swollen lips, but if you didn't know better you would genuinely think the man was about to eat you alive. "I think, my lady," he rasps finally, after several seconds of staring at each other, "that you may be slightly overdressed."
Kriff. You glance down at the tunic and trousers that you are, in fact, still wearing, before looking up to meet his eyes again. You maintain that eye contact as you sit back up on your knees, pulling your lower lip between your teeth as you slowly start undoing the laces holding the top closed. Obi-Wan watches each movement like it's the most mesmerizing thing he's ever seen, pupils blown so wide they've almost completely obscured the blue. He groans quietly when the tunic slips from your shoulders, his tongue darting out to wet his lower lip when your breasts come into full view. "Is that better?"
He shakes his head mutely, swallowing harshly as he seems to try to gather the words. "I want--may I--kriff, lay back. Please." His gaze follows you closely as you slowly lower yourself down onto your elbows, intensely curious what he's about to do. The Jedi takes a deep breath like he's steeling himself and then he's shifting forward until his body stretches over top of yours, kicking his trousers the rest of the way off in the process, and it's your turn to gasp when you feel his lips brush against the underside of your jaw. He's holding himself up enough that you can't necessarily feel him press against you, but Maker, you can certainly feel the heat coming off of him and his warm breath against your throat. "I believe it's my turn," he murmurs by way of explanation, chuckling softly when your next breath comes out ragged.
"You don't--you don't have to do that," you moan, and Stars--you mean it, you do, especially this first time, but you will be just absolutely fucking inconsolable if he changes his mind right now especially after he went and put the fucking image in your head during dinner earlier. 
He doesn't grace that with a verbal response but you're hardly complaining because he starts trailing kisses down the side of your neck instead, and Maker he must have been paying attention when you were doing this to him because you swear he's replicating the technique. "Tell me what you want," he murmurs lowly into the skin of your throat before nipping at it experimentally, listening to you gasp as he keeps talking. "Tell me how to please you, Darling."
His fingers find your nipple before you're able to even begin trying to formulate words and you cry out at the sudden stimulation, arching up into it. "F-Fuck, you're doing a pretty kriffing decent job already," you pant and he chuckles again, running his tongue along your collarbone like you'd done to him and moaning when he gets another ragged gasp for it. "Maker.  U-Use your m-mouth,"
You think for a second that he's going to make some smartass comment about how he already is, but mercifully Obi-Wan seems to know what you're asking him for and decides to be kind about it. He continues exploring your breasts with his hand while he returns his mouth to your throat, licking and sucking his way down the column of it until he reaches your sternum where he stops to suck a bruise into the skin. He gets you so worked up by the time he reaches your breasts that you almost don't realize how close he's gotten until those blue eyes are flickering up to meet yours and he's taking your nipple into the blazing hot cavern of his mouth. You open your mouth on a wordless shout and start to writhe under him but he's right there, both hands coming down to your hips to hold you in place as he laves his tongue around the stiffening peak. Obi-Wan focuses his attention on your breast until you're whimpering and then switches to the other, moaning around your nipple when your fingers tangle in his hair. 
"You like that, don't you?" you purr down at him, watching the Jedi through half-lidded eyes as he moans again in an affirmative. You pull, then, gently--experimentally, seeing if it's something he'll even like, and then he. Fucking bites you. "Fuck, Obi-Wan!" 
"About as much as you liked that," the asshole grins at you impishly as he pulls away from your breast, leaning in to kiss you before you can call him on it. His hands find the top of your trousers once you relax into it, and he leans back to look at you as his fingers dip into the waistband. "May I?"
He starts pulling them down as soon as you nod your consent, sitting back and watching as every inch of skin is revealed until he's removed them completely and he tosses them to the side with the rest of your clothes, leaving you totally bare in front of him. Obi-Wan just...sits there for a moment, taking you in, and you let him, relaxing back against the mattress and smiling up at him. 
"Beautiful," he breathes finally, returning your smile with a small one of his own before he's shifting down, keeping his eyes on yours as his lips brush against your hip. He reaches forward and runs one finger through the lips of your cunt lightly, almost teasingly, watching you gasp and try to grind down into it. "Would you like it if I tasted you here, Darling?" Obi-Wan hums, continuing to press kisses along your hip and the insides of your thighs while he waits for an answer and, Maker, the coarseness of his beard against the sensitive skin there robs you of all conscious thought. All you're able to manage is a nod because you're so strung out and you need him there right now but that seems to be enough for him because he starts leaning in, one hand on each of your thighs as he licks a broad stripe right through your cunt. 
Stars, you can't even form the words right now to talk him through this like he'd asked, but he...doesn't actually really seem to need your help, here. The Jedi focuses in on your clit right away, swirling his tongue around the little bud before he sucks it into the wet heat of his mouth and you nearly sob at how good it feels. "D-Doing so good, Baby," you manage to get out, and the words almost come out as more of a mewl as he hums around your clit, sending jolts right through you. 
You whine in protest when his mouth leaves your clit but his thumb replaces it soon after, rubbing slow circles around it like he's trying to drive you insane on purpose. And then, Maker, his tongue dips into your entrance, licking up inside you while all you can do is sob your pleasure into the air. He keeps going this way for several minutes, steadily working you higher and higher with his tongue buried in your cunt and his thumb strumming your clit until your thighs start to tremble and you feel that coil inside you start to wind tighter. Obi-Wan moans between your legs as when he realizes you're approaching your end and steps up his ministrations, his thumb picking up speed until your back arches underneath him. The orgasm burns its way through you, slow but intense, until you're nearly cross-eyed and delirious with it and he keeps working you through it until you're shaking with overstimulation and pushing his head away. 
The Jedi goes willingly when you push him back into a seated position once you've managed to regain your bearings, and Maker, he's a sight like this; his hair just hopelessly disheveled from your fingers in it and your slick coating his chin and kiss-swollen lips. You take a moment to just look at him, committing this image to memory for all of those nights after he leaves when you know you'll look back and picture this with your hand between your thighs. His hands find your hips as you crawl into his lap and settle there, squeezing gently and letting out a soft moan when you lean in to kiss him. Obi-Wan is the one that licks into your mouth this time, mimicking the way your tongue had tangled with his at the start of this until you're moaning into it. 
He gasps into the kiss when you reach down between you to take his cock in your hand, stroking it slowly while you shift in his lap and Stars, you swear the Jedi underneath you stops breathing entirely when you line him up and the head of his cock presses right up against your entrance. "Maker, please," he begs then on a broken moan, pulling out of the kiss to catch his breath but leaving his forehead pressed up against yours. He opens his eyes to hold your gaze intently as you start to sink down onto him, crying out at the fucking stretch of it. You take your time taking his cock, both for his benefit and your own, and the slow intrusion into your cunt has you shaking before he even bottoms out. 
"Fuck, you feel so f-fucking good," 
And it does. You have to take a minute to adjust once you've taken him to the root before you can move, gripping his shoulders tightly in an attempt to ground yourself, and his hands tighten on your hips in response. The Jedi looks like he might implode if you don't move so you take pity on him, sweeping him into another heated kiss as you roll your hips forward and swallowing his ragged gasp that escapes his throat. You keep the pace slow at first, steady, working yourself open and easing him into the motion and the way your pussy feels wrapped around his cock, and you manage to keep that pace for a few minutes until it becomes too much for both of you.
Obi-Wan's hips buck up at the same time your hips rock forward and you choke on a loud cry, throwing your head back when the head of his cock suddenly hits you right in the sweet spot. He seems to realize that you liked it because he does it again and again, his hands suddenly becoming vices around your hips as he starts thrusting up into you. You keep bouncing in his lap as best you can with his hold on you, meeting him thrust for thrust and Maker, nothing you'd imagined has anything on this. You bury your face in the side of his neck in a pitiful attempt to muffle the sounds that are leaving your throat, sucking and biting at the skin you find there and enjoying the moans you get out of him in return.  
You suddenly find yourself on your back with the Jedi above you, swallowing down the gasp that tears out of you as he claims your mouth in a searing kiss. Obi-Wan starts thrusting again immediately as he lets instinct take over, leaning forward on his elbow next to your head to give him better leverage. You nibble on his lower lip as you bring your legs up around his waist, gasping into his mouth when he fucking growls at the feel of your teeth and knotting your fingers in the strands of his hair again. His free hand comes up to cup the side of your face, holding you in place while he kisses the breath from your lungs. 
You're not going to last much longer, if the way your cunt is already starting to tighten around him is anything to go by. He shifts his hips just slightly, down and to the side, and you almost scream when he manages to find an angle that has the head of his cock hitting your sweet spot straight on at the same time as the warm skin of his torso brushes against your clit on each thrust in. Fuck, fuck, fuck, how did he get the hang of this so fast? He's going to kriffing kill you, if he keeps this up. "Stars, Obi," you sob out, "I'm gonna--"
The Jedi presses one last firm kiss to your mouth before he's pulling back to watch you fall apart, his hand leaving your face and moving down your body until he's stroking your aching clit with his thumb again, rubbing it in fast, small circles like he's learned you like it as he continues fucking into you like it's the last thing he'll ever do. "Right behind you, Darling," he grits out, his voice coming strained and wrecked and you know he means it. It only takes one, two, three more thrusts before you just fucking shatter, crying out into the air and trembling as the orgasm obliterates you. He follows not half a dozen thrusts later, burying his face in your neck and gasping as he fills you with everything he has, his hips still pumping lazily as he comes down. 
Eventually, the Jedi collapses down on the bed next to you, reaching over to brush some of the hair out of your face and giving you a dopey grin that's such a wild juxtaposition from his usual composure and his reputation that it makes you giggle, unable to help yourself. He raises an eyebrow at you playfully but it only makes you laugh harder, shaking your head. "Maker," you breathe, finally, because you can't seem to string together anything else. Obi-Wan chuckles next to you and reaches over to pull you back into his chest, burying his face in your hair while he tries to catch his own breath. "You are...a very quick study. Maker."
You can't see him grin, but you can hear it in his voice when he speaks again. "I'm glad you're pleased," he teases, and you only roll your eyes before letting yourself fully relax against him. Your eyes start to droop but you don't have the energy to fight to keep them open, and you end up falling asleep right there in his arms.
He lets you.
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You wake up the next morning almost unbearably warm, and when you go to try and sit up, you find that you can't. You freeze as a half-baked realization suddenly comes over you, hesitantly cracking your eyes open.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Oh, kriff. 
You fell asleep here last night. In the Jedi's bed. With the Jedi. He, it turns out, is the reason that you can't move. Obi-Wan's got both arms wrapped tightly around your middle, holding you against his chest with his legs tangled up with yours, and Maker you would never have pegged this man for a cuddler but you couldn't be more wrong, apparently. It does, however, create quite an interesting problem for you.
This is his last morning here before he leaves to return to Coruscant. He and Skywalker are supposed to leave early, before even breakfast. Skywalker will, doubtlessly, be coming around to see what's what's holding his old master up, and soon--and you are still here. 
Where you are. Definitely. Not supposed to be.
You don't know how much time you have but you know that it isn't much. You have got to get out of here before Obi-Wan's pain in the ass prior padawan shows up, and the Jedi looks so peaceful like this that you kind of wish you could just let him sleep but you really don't want to just sneak out on him after last night. So you sigh, reaching up to shake his shoulder gently. "Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan, we have to get up."
It doesn't take much to wake him, thankfully, and he lets go of you to prop himself up on his elbow as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice still hoarse from sleep as he peers down at you, not quite as surprised to see you there as you'd have maybe expected him to be. 
You don't even get a chance to answer him because there's suddenly a knock on the door, and both of your eyes widen at it. Skywalker. "Obi-Wan?"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, where the fuck are your clothes? You're out of the bed before Obi-Wan even has a chance to stop you, frantically trying to find your clothes and put them on. You toss his trousers at his chest when you come across them and that seems to be what finally spurs him into motion, standing up so he can get them on as he calls back to the other Jedi. "What is it, Anakin?"
There's a moment of confused silence, then: "Cody's landing the transport now."
Obi-Wan opens his mouth like he's about to tell his old padawan that he'll be out momentarily, but doesn't get a chance to get the actual words out before you both hear the hiss of the door starting to slide open. Thank the Maker, you just manage to get your tunic back on before Skywalker comes into sight, and you do your best to try to look fucking normal as his eyes flicker between you but your heart fucking stops when you glance to the left of you and realize that Obi-Wan still isn't wearing a fucking shirt. His entire chest is exposed, which means that all of the marks you left scattered across it are also exposed. Fuck, fuck, fuck--
"I'll just. I'll just see you on the transport."
Skywalker is gone before either of you can react, the door sliding shut behind him. Your next breath leaves your lungs with enough force that it's almost a wheeze, and you have to bend over and put your hands on your knees for a second while you try to process what the fuck just happened. Obi-Wan blinks next to you, looking directly ahead for a second or two more before he suddenly starts chuckling, and you stare at him incredulously. "I'm sorry," he says finally, "That was just…"
You're laughing too, then, shaking your head as you step back over to him, ducking down to grab his shirt from where you can see it on the floor. You place the fabric in his hands and lean up on your toes to press a light kiss to his cheek, giving him a small smile. "Until next time, Master Kenobi?"
He gives you a small smile in return, and surprises you a little bit when he leans in himself and presses a soft kiss to your lips. "Until next time."
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Mercifully, no-one questions him when Obi-Wan finally makes it to the transport. He intentionally doesn't look at Anakin even though he can feel the other man's eyes on him as he finds his seat and sits down, straightening his robes. He finds it difficult to keep the smile completely off his face so he just ducks his head instead in the guise of settling in for the flight and studiously ignores the way Anakin is still staring at him. 
"How was your trip, General?" Cody asks, leaning around in the pilot's seat to look back at him once they've left the planet's atmosphere. Obi-Wan opens his mouth to answer but Anakin's there first, suddenly grinning ear-to-ear in a way that makes him distinctly uncomfortable. 
"Oh, the General had a wonderful time." the younger man drawls, looking him right in the eyes as he does, and Obi-Wan wonders not for the first time if Qui-Gon died and left Anakin in his care as some inhumane form of punishment. "Made significant strides with relations and learned a lot, I'm sure."
"Oh, well, that's good, Sir." Cody responds, and Obi-Wan really dearly hopes he's as unaware of the insinuation as he sounds. Cody really does not need to know these things. Anakin does not need to know these things. "I'm glad your mission was productive."
Anakin opens his mouth like he's going to say something else but closes it abruptly and grins instead when Obi-Wan glares at him and shakes his head slowly in warning. "Thank you, Cody." Obi-Wan says instead, leaning back in his seat and letting his eyes close as he tries to relax. Maker, he can still feel the effects of the night before, his muscles are more sore than he would have expected and he finds that he's very aware of the bruises you'd left behind and it's...strangely pleasant. 
He's not allowed to have emotional attachments, but. He kind of does hope that he'll see you again one day anyway. Until next time, Master Kenobi. 
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story-thief · 3 years
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Y/N- Age: 16, Hight: 5'5", Gender: female, Quirk: Mind Reading, Class: 1-A
AU- None, Domestic fluff
Relationship background: You and Eijiro have been dating for quite some time now and are extremely close. ___________________________
It was early in the morning and Eijiro Kirishima had decided to go for a short walk before school started. UA was still asleep or just waking up, along with the majority of the city at that time. The red-headed boy couldn't help but hum to himself softly as he wandered the plot around the high school dorms. He liked nature far more than the city, though he loved both, and as such, he liked to take a short lap around the campus before starting his day.
The grass padded gently underfoot as he neared the end of his stroll, and that's when something caught his eye. It was a patch of bright blue and purple flowers covered in a very curious design, Kirishima had never seen anything like them. "Woah!!" He chimed excitedly as he squatted down to give them a closer inspection. The flowers were very extravagant despite their small size, looking as if the worlds most talented and skilled artist had done each one by hand. Seeing them made him think of his girlfriend, (Y/N)!
Kirishima blushed lightly as she came to mind, he'd have to show these to her after school, he was sure she'd love them!!!
Ecstatically, he reached down and gently picked a few, smelling them. They were sweet like fresh fruit. Upon reaching the pavement of the dorm's grounds he soaked in a little more of the morning's crisp atmosphere. As he took a deep breath he was quickly overcome with a strong sensation of vertigo. Stumbling lightly he shook his head briskly, blinking rapidly, surprised by the sudden tiredness. "What the-??" He coughed. What was that!? His body was probably still trying to get up and going, he'd be fine, he thought as he shook it off, flowers still in hand as he marched toward the building doors.
As he walked in, the teen boy felt another strong wave of dizziness and fatigue hit him hard. Geez, why'd he feel so out of sorts all of the sudden he was fine though, right?! Kirishima ignored the sudden change and attempted to keep walking, successfully making it up the stairs and to his room.
Opening the door, he felt unsteady on his feet. The red head made his way over to his bed where he plopped down to stop for a quick breather. What was going on??! Did he just not get enough sleep and it was only just now getting to him??? Gripping his head in his hands, he glanced over at his clock to see how much time he had. It was only 7:20am, he could probably squeeze in another forty-five minutes to an hour with plenty of time to get ready.
Eijiro flopped backwards onto his bed, eye lids getting heavier and heavier till eventually the world went dark.
(Y/N) chirped and talked excitedly with Tsue and Uraraka before class started. It was about five minutes or so till it was time, and it was only then that she realized that Eijiro was no where to be found. "Hey Bakugo!" She called to the grumpy blond who only turned around in his chair to glare back at her. "Have you seen Eijiro at all today??" The young girl asked him, to which he responded curtly, "Tch- How should I know??? The dumb idiot probably missed his stupid alarm." He grumbled, turning away from her to stare straightforward.
(Y/N) furrowed her brows, weird.... he didn't typically cut it this close...something must be wrong. She worried as concern flashed her features. "hmm, I'll be right back!!" She called as she dashed out the door, Iida's protests could be heard as she jogged off.
Quickly pulling herself along, she moved from the school to the dorms; she then made her way to the boy's dorm halls. She swiftly and easily found Kiri's door, her quirk picking up on his brainwaves which were surprisingly relaxed and passive for how outgoing and high energy he was.
Easing his door open, (Y/N) was met by a dark, empty room. Wait- where was he?? "Eijie...????" She called softly, slowly walking in. "Eijiroooooo~~???" She whispered quietly before flicking on the lights.
The room was indeed empty and tidy with the exception of his clothes strewn lazily across his bed. “Weird... where’d he go?!” She wondered aloud, walking further into the room. She could sense him near by, so where was he??? “KIRISHIMA!” She called one last time, causing something to stir.
Motion caught Atashame’s eye and she looked down at the clothes on the bed to see a tiny lump the size of a rat or a mouse moving under the shirt. “WHAT THE-?!”
Kirishima slept peacefully in what felt like a large warm mass of blankets when something woke him. “KIRISHIMA!!!!!” He heard a familiar voice call loudly, startling him awake.
As he opened his eyes and looked around he couldn’t quite make out where he was. All he could see was-.... red cloth? He squirmed around trying to find the opening to whatever or wherever he was. “WHAT THE-?!” He heard the same voice again, only now he was able to recognize who it belonged to. “(Y/N)?!” He asked looking around, still confused as to where on earth he was.
”K-KIRISHIMA?!” He heard her exclaim, “Yeah! Where are you?! Where am I?!” He replied, still crawling through the endless ocean of fabrics. “I-Is that really you?!” She asked again, only confusing him more, why’d she sound so confused, what was going on, AND WHERE ON THIS BLASTED EARTH WAS HE?!
”Yes it’s me!!! (Y/N), what’s going on?!” He yelled, growing weary. Suddenly the fabric opened just enough to pop out his head.
(Y/N) watched in absolute disbelief as the lump crawled around confusedly. It sounded as if it were Eijiro, but how in the galaxy would he have gotten that small??! She couldn’t wait any longer....
She tentatively reached out and opened the shirt from the neck collar, tossing it back a little, still nervous of what she might find. As the shirt fell back, a tiny head with frazzled, staticky red hair popped out.
His little head looked around, blinking in the bright light. “(Y/N)??” He asked again still trying to make out what all he was looking at, his complete size difference making everything seem so foreign.
Things finally registered and (Y/N) finally came to grip that this was indeed, reality. “YOURE SO SMALL!!!!” She cried. Eijiro winced at the loud noise, eyes going wide as he worked to look at her, “WOAH!!! YOURE HUGE!!!” He squeaked back, his voice only slightly softer and higher than normal.
(Y/N) shook her head briskly, “NO, YOU SHRUNK!!!” She exclaimed, gesturing to the rest of the room. Kirishima sat up and looked around, the shirt still draped across him. “WH- YOURE RIGHT?!” He exclaimed, falling back over from the sheer surprise.
(Y/N) reached her hand out in an offering for him to climb on before realizing that-... his clothes were on the bed..... and he was inside of them... which would naturally mean-
“WAIT!!! YOURE WEARING CLOTHES RIGHT?!” She yelled, turning bright red. The little man moved to cover his ears again at her loud yelling before processing what she said. With wide eyes, he quickly looked down at himself which was still covered by the shirt, to see that he was, indeed, naked. “Uh- No not really!!” He admitted, wrapping the shirt tighter around himself, a rose color tinting his cheeks. He looked up at her sheepishly, “Y-you don’t happen to have any kind of tiny clothing... do you?” He asked in embarrassment.
“No, I don- WAIT!!! I MIGHT!!!!” She exclaimed running out of the room, leaving the little red head on the bed.
Aaaaaaaaaand she was gone. Kirishima was left in his room by himself. He stood and began walking around on the mattress, still trying to get a gage at both his current hight and at the reality of the situation. This was a dream right?? What happened?/ He was fine this morning!! As he did, he heard footsteps returning. "CRUD!-" He then dove for the cover of his shirt, his head poking out, just as (Y/N) had left him.
He watched the giantess come skipping in, "Tah-dah!!!!" She exclaimed cheerfully, holding up a doll's outfit. The was a red T-shirt and ripped shorts, along with black leggings that had been cut to create makeshift boxers. Eijiro lit up, surprised she even had the stuff! "Its so manly!!!" he exclaimed happily. "Here!! I'll uh- heh, I'll give you a moment of privacy...." She chuckles, tossing him the clothes and turning around.
The tiny bean of a child takes them gratefully and ducks back under his original clothes to change. He soon comes out fully dressed,  toothy smile and all. "This is awesome!!" He laughs, "O-Oh!! Im decent, you can look now!!" He tells her, signaling her that it was safe.
She turned around and was met by the most gracious darn adorable thing she had ever seen in her life. "AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!" She couldn't help but squeal at the precious sight. "You're so tiny and cute!!!" (Y/N) giggled hysterically. Eijiro blushed lightly at her reaction. "Hey!!"
What (Y/N) saw before her was truly an image from heaven. There he stood, proud and small, dressed in the clothes her dolls had been wearing previously, hair a fluffy, wacky, tussled mess, sharp, sharky smile shining a bright glow, and best of all, He was so tiny, he could easily fit on her hand, shoulder, pocket, you name it!!! It was simply too much adorableness for her and she could no longer help herself.
She eagerly held out her hands as if asking his permission, to which she was granted as he carefully climbed on, wrapping his minuscule hands around her thumb as she lifted him. "You're so stincon lincon cuuuuuuuuuteeeee~~~~" She giggled, looking him up and down as he sat cross legged on her palm. He blushed more, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!" He laughed. "How did this happen?!" you ask, sitting on his bed where he once stood.
"I- I don't know.... I felt sick at one point so i decided to lie down and get some more rest and well- I only woke up when you came in and I was already small!!" He explained. "Huh-.... Well... you know, Recovery Girl might- OH NO WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS!!!" She cried, standing quickly and knocking him over as he gripped onto her hand for dear life. "Woah!!" He cried, startled by all the sudden movement. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!!" She apologized, “I keep forgetting....” she admitted embarrassedly.
The tiny boy shakily sat up, giving her the same determined smile as his little body quivered from the adrenaline shock. “Don’t worry about me!” He exclaimed hardening himself in her hand as he grinned up at her. The giantess smiled back though she was still very apologetic. "I should still be more careful though, i'm just glad you're alright." She told him with a relieved sigh.
"Let's go see Recovery Girl about this first..." (Y/N) suggested, him only nodding in response. "Here.. Uh..." The girl then began looking herself up and down, trying to find a suitable spot to place him. Kirishima quickly caught on, "I can just ride on your shoulder!!!" He suggested, which she silently hoped he would. "Sure!!" (Y/N) chimed.
She tried the awkward motion of keeping her palm facing up while trying to make it easier for him to get to her shoulder. In short, he almost fell.
Once he was comfortably standing onto her shoulder they headed for the infirmary. "I really hope this can be fixed...." (Y/N) half muttered, slight worry crossing her features. The tiny shark on her shoulders only nodded as she opened the door and walked inside.
The sweet, short old woman known as Recovery Girl was tiding up the place when they came in, possibly after a different patient. "Oh!! Hello (L/N)!" She greeted, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?? What's wrong!!" She asked, apparently not noticing Kirishima's current state.
”I’m fine thanks! Um, I’m actually worried about this little guy....” She chuckled, turning her shoulder more toward the old woman, showing off her minuscule classmate. “Oh!!!” She cried, startled to see him like that. “What ever happened??” She asked the two. “We don’t know.....” “I just woke up like this...” they both commented.
Recovery girl thought for a bit, “Well what did you do in the last bit of time before it happened???” She asked, (Y/N) turning to look at Eijiro best she could whilst he thought. “Well, when I first woke up this morning, I was normal sized and I went for a walk around the campus grounds...” he recounted, “then when I came back to the dorms I suddenly got really dizzy and nauseous.” He finished.
The old woman placed a hand on her chin, “hmmm was there anything out of the ordinary or slightly different as opposed to other days??” She asked, making him think for a minute.
”Not that I remember- Wait!- I think, YES! I remember near the end of my walk there were these flowers!! I’ve never seen them before!” He exclaimed quickly, earning an interested look from Recovery Girl. “Were they blue and purple with little white designs?!” She asks, “YES THEY WERE HOW'D YOU KNOW!?!” “Wait have you dealt with them before?” (Y/N) asked after Kirishima.
The little woman let out a long sigh, “Yes I have, they’re a nuisance those things...” she grumbled, “Eating or inhaling them have the same effect, only eating will cause it to last longer,...” She explained. “And as I’m sure you’ve noticed so far, they make you shrink. The effects will ware off after a little more or less than 24 hours, depending on how much of it you took in, otherwise it can’t be helped.” The woman finished illuminating the situation for them, “I’ll send someone out to exterminate them in a bit.” She says, “For now I believe you two have classes to be attending.” She says, handing them a pass that explains where they’ve been, most likely for Aizawa Sensei. “Oh- ok then!! Thank you!!” They both called as she shooed them out the door.
“Looks like you’ll be like this for the rest of the day!” (Y/N) comments to him as they walk to their home classroom. Kirishima, still smiling ear to ear just shrugs, “I’m honestly excited about it!! Sounds like I’ll be fine, so I think this could be pretty fun!” He tells her to which she snickers, opening the class door. “Heyo! were back!”
Being small wasn’t all that bad! Eijiro got to sit on his girlfriend’s shoulder and desk throughout all the classes and while he didn’t admit this out loud, not having to take notes was actually kinda nice!!! And when lunch rolled around, Lunch Rush even made him a tiny dish just for himself!
Yet despite all this, Hero training classes for that day were called off, much to the little rock’s disappointment, leaving the two of them the entire afternoon.....
“So what do you wanna go do??” Eijiro asked as they flopped on the couches of the common room, little Kiri sprawled on her stomach. (Y/N) shrugged, “Well, before you shrunk I had a date planned for today...” She half asks, looking down at him with a soft smile. Kirishima perked up immediately, “REALLY?! WELL LETS GO!! WHO’S TO SAY WE CANT STILL HAVE FUN!?!?” He yells enthusiastically, standing now as he smashes his little baby fists together. (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh, knocking him off his feet.
Gracious she was beautiful.
And the size difference only seemed to emphasize everything amazing about her despite how people said it typically brought out every imperfection.... maybe that’s what he liked so much about her, that both he and she were so different yet similar, they completed each other in so many ways, every quirk and goofy thing about her just seemed so amazing to him.
Oops!! He must’ve gotten lost in thought!!
”Oh yeah!! Sorry, I spaced off for a minute!” He laughed with a blush, scratching the back of his neck. (Y/N)'s face lit up with a smile, “It’s ok!! Just noticed you seemed somewhere else!” She grinned, sitting up some.
As she offered her hand, the little red head climbed on, beaming up at her. "So where are we going!?" He asked excitedly. "I just guess you'll have to see!!" She teased, slipping her shoes on and jogging out the door with him still on her shoulder, using her ear as support and not fall.
After some nice small talk about random things and the events of the day, they soon arrived at the train station. "Come ooooonnnnnn you've gotta tell me!!! We're going on the train, man!!" The little man begged. "Nooo, That ruins the surprise!!" She responded, determined not to tell, just as much as he was to find out.
Coming to a bench, (Y/N) stopped to sit down and wait for their ride. As they did two little girls and their mother sat beside them.
Kirishima pouted on (Y/N)'s shoulder, trying to plot on how to get her to reveal their destination. As he did it was only out the corner of his eye that he saw a giant hand reaching for him. As he moved to react it wrapped its fingers around his upper half and face. “ACK-?!” He let out a muffled cry as he kicked and pushed at the hand gripping him.
(Y/N) was preoccupied looking up details about her and Eijiro’s date on her phone, which she held next to her hip on the opposite side of Kirishima so he couldn’t see. So much so that she didn’t even notice when the two little girls plucked him up and began playing with him excitedly like they would a doll.
“Alright Eijiro!!!” She chimes, turning off her phone and turing her head expecting to see him on her shoulder only to see a couple of girls practically torturing the poor little guy. “Oh my heavens!!!! Um, you need to give me him back!!!” She told them, reaching for her boyfriend. “No!” One cried, holding him out and away from (Y/N). “Excuse me, Madam???” She panicked and got the attention of the woman who seemed to be absorbed in something on her own device. The woman startled when (Y/N) rapidly tapped her shoulder, “Hi!!! Yeah- um that’s mine and your little girls seem to not want to give it back!!!” She quickly told, terrified they might smother him.
Their mother reacted swiftly, “Lina, Haru!!!” She scolded, “If that’s not yours then you need to give it back!” She chided.
The girls looked down each and apologized, handing the limp little form back to (Y/N). “Thank you!” She said quickly, cupping him tenderly in her hands as he gasped for breath the moment the tiny fingers released.
The mother startled upon seeing that Kirishima was alive and not some other little doll of sorts. “Oh dear me!!!!” She cried, “Is that thing alive?!” She asked in disbelief.
(Y/N) didn’t answer, too occupied in making sure her shrunken boyfriend was alright. “Kiri are you ok?!” She cried, subconsciously holding her breath as he sucked in every possible one he could.
The tiny shark gave a weak smile and a thumbs up, still coughing and choking on each breath.
“I am so sorry!!!!” The mother apologized again, still absolutely dumbfounded. “It’s ok!” Eijiro croaked, “Dont worry about it, I’m fine!!” He added, trying his best to put the giantesses about him at ease.
The little girls just stayed quiet, looking terribly sorry, but too shy and ashamed to say anything.
It was then that their train arrived, quite busily too. “I think he’ll be ok, it my fault for not paying better attention....” (Y/N) reassures, supporting the shakey tiny in her hands as she got up and began heading for the train. “Oh my heavens!!! Are you ok?!” She asked again once they were out of earshot. Eijiro did actually seem alright now and he nodded, “Yeah! Just scared me, I wasn’t expecting that!” He says cheerily despite the fact that his body is still clearly vibrating. “Yeah me neither, and honestly I’m kinda worried about being on here....” (Y/N) admitted as they climbed onto the train and began looking for a seat. “Do you have anywhere safe you’d feel comfortable letting me sit??” Eijiro asked, cocking his little head to the side.
(Y/N) looked herself up and down, “Would you be ok in a pocket??” She asked him, using her thumb of her other hand to pull open one of her front pockets on her pants.
Kirishima lit up and smiled, “Yeah!! I don’t mind that!!!” He chirped. She smiled warmly at this, lowering her hand so he could climb in. She watched with slight amusement as he awkwardly tried to slip inside, swinging one leg, then the other, and completely disappearing from sight as she could feel him drop down inside.
As Eijiro slipped into the pocket he wasn’t honestly expecting such deep pockets, like who needs pockets this big?!
Luckily the pocket was loose and he was able to wiggle around, trying to find how to best be comfortable. It took a while but the mini man finally settled. It was like a giant warm cocoon of blankets!! Enough so.... that.... he began... to......... drift....... off~~.....
"Hey! Kiri!!" Kirishima awoke to something very large nudging his side softly, "Hmm?! Huh???"  He muttered, blinking in confusion as he tried to figure out where he was. He found himself in a warm, dark, and cushioned room that swayed steadily back and forth. And he quite frankly didn't remember entering it... "Eijiro!!" (Y/N)'s voice broke his thoughts, and that's when realization struck him. He had fallen asleep in his girlfriend's pocket on the train. "What??" He asked, squirming to peek his head out the pocket and up at her.
She giggled upon seeing his fluffy little head emerge. "Did you seriously fall asleep??" She laughed, walking through the station as she climbed off the train. "Maybe?" He grinned back up at her, "Wait, wait, give me your hand!!" He cheered, already getting out of the pocket, "Woah!! Geez little dude, are you trying to fall and get crushed!?" The young girl exclaimed, stumbling slightly as she tried to catch him.
Kirishima ignored her question and wasted no time in climbing her arm, pulling himself up to her shoulder. "SO WHERE ARE WE HEADED!?" He eagerly bounced, ecstatic to finally be getting to see what she had in store. (Y/N) couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm.
(Y/N) walked out of the station and down the street, people they passed giving shocked, startled and amazed looks at the enthusiastic little bean that bounced relentlessly on his girlfriend’s shoulder.
As the building came to view, Kirishima let out a gasp. “NO WAY!!!” He cried, his sharky little smile growing wider than his face could handle.
(Y/N) lost herself in laughter over his reaction, the place she had taken him was a new restaurant. It had only been open a week and it already had some of the highest ratings in the area. And best of all, they were famous for their numerous meat dishes. Kirishima had been talking about wanting to go ever since it was announced that one would be built here.
”If you like it enough, we can always come back when your bigger and can eat more!!” She told him, to which he eagerly nodded.
She pressed the door open and walked in. They were then seated at a table for one, in an outside area underneath a covering. “Wow!! This is actually really nice!!” (Y/N) chirped, Kirishima waddling carefully down her arm to sit on the table before slipping and sliding the rest of the way, which he quickly shook off, adding his own excited comment, "I know right!?" He cried, "I've been looking forward to this for a long time!!" He yelled, absolutely hyped, per usual.
Not too long after they had sat down a waiter came over to take their order. "Good evening ma'am, my name is Akio!! I'll be your server tonight!!!" he hummed, giving her a charming smile. Kirishima silently grew jealous, frustrated that his lack of size made him invisible, and therefore his girlfriend a target for this young fellow. (Y/N) on the other hand seemed to pay it no mind, "Ah!! Thank you!!" She responded politely as she would under any occasion, yet it only grew the miniature man's jealousy.
"Are you ready to order or do you need a little longer??" He asked, still very clearly into her. "I think we'll wait a little longer!! For now could I get a water??" she asked. Akio gave her a confused blink when she said 'we' but shook it off, "of course!!" he chimed, moving to walk off before (Y/N) glanced down, "What do you want to drink??" She asked Kirishima, confusing the waiter even further, "I'm sorry me-??" he turned around, seeing that she was not looking at him, but down by her folded arms that rested on the table. And there his eyes met the tiny crimson ones of Eijiro, who gave him a quick look before returning to his bright and happy demeanor and answered the giantess. "Wanna just share a strawberry lemonade?!" he chimed, to which the girl seemed to perk up at, "Oooo!! Actually that sounds great!!" she beamed, turning to face Akio, who was currently in a state of shock.
"I- He- He's alive!?" The server finally sputtered, "And so small!!! How?!" the man couldn't believe what he was looking at, causing (Y/N) to scratch the back of her head, "Right, I forgot that this would still startle people,... I feel bad I've kinda gotten used to you like this..." She laughed to Eijiro who smiled back, "I know right?? Anyways, its a long story!!" He told the waiter who remained starstruck. The man nodded nonetheless, making his way off to go retrieve their drinks.
As soon as he left Kirishima felt better, he didn't like the look he was giving her, but now that the waiter knew the young girl wasn't alone he'd most likely lay off. "So what's the menu say?!" He asked merrily, rubbing his little hands together. (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle as he hopped onto the menu where she was trying to read, already looking at the kabobs. "OOOOO!!!!" He gasped at a specific option that he was definitely getting! It was an assorted kabob of fish, shrimp, beef, pork, and chicken, some vegetables like tomato, cabbage, and beets. "I know what Im gonna eat!!" He cheered hugrily, mouth watering madly. "What about you??" He asked, his smile like a tiny sun glaring up at her. "Well, I think i'll figure it out once I can see what's there!!" She teased, gently grabbing the back cuff of his shirt between her two fingers and setting him down, off the menu. "Sorry!" He sheepishly chuckled, wriggling briefly at first but going limp when he saw she was going to set him back down. She then couldn't resist the urge to ruffle his soft hair with her index finger. "Hey!! You know that's hard to fix!!!!" He whined at the motion, gently pushing her finger away with his tiny hands. (Y/N) just grinned wider, suppressing a giggle.
"I'll probably just get a Katsudon!!!" she told him as their waiter was returning with the drink. He brought a little shot glass that was filled with some of the drink. (Y/N) thanked him before telling him their orders. they agreed that Kirishima would get the meal normal sized and they'd just take whatever he didn't eat to go. Soon they were enjoying some of the best food they had ever had.
Surprisingly Kirishima had managed to eat an entire kabob, but given the fact that he was a human vacuum, it didn't startle her too much.
After dinner they went for a walk, making their way down the streets of the area, more wandering about rather than having a set goal in mind. "Today's been really crazy..." The hero in training commented with a laugh as she waltzed one of the area's public park walkways with her boyfriend perched behind her ear. He liked the spot as it was more secure than just sitting on her shoulder and he got to mess with her hair. "But very manly!!" He added, braiding a couple strands. "Yeah!! It has!!" She agreed as they made their way back to the station. As they walked, (Y/N) spotted an ice cream cart. "Ooo!! Hey, wanna get a quick treat before we head back to the dorms?!" She asked him, feeling as he quickly stood, gripping onto some of her hair for balance.
"YES!" "OW,OW,OW,OW,OW!! KIRI THAT HURTS!!" "Agh-!! S-Sorry!!" he quickly apologized, letting go, therefore losing his balance and quickly falling. "Woah!!" "Eijiro!!!" Atashame caught him before he hit the pavement, "Jeez...." She muttered, taking a slow breath after the heart attack she had just received. "Y-You ok?!" She asked, pressing a hand to her chest as if to calm her heart beat and breathing. He just nodded, giving her another shaky smile like before. "Well I'm just glad you're alright..." She sighed before lifting him up to her face and planting a kiss on his small, soft head. He blushed and smiled radiantly as she pulled away, leaning up to return the gesture on her large nose, causing her heart to flutter. He was just so sweet and precious, and huggable, and squishy, and soft, and adorable, and fluffy, and ahhhhhhhh~~~~  (Y/N) couldn't help but think to herself, subconsciously squealing and hugging him to her cheek, lost in her own thoughts. "Ack- don't crush me!!" Kirishima laughed as he hugged her back.
She finally pulled away, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself!!" her tiny boyfriend grinned mischievously before jumping from her hand to sit on her nose and better hug her face. "Hey, I wasn't done hugging you!!" he half pouted, earning another soft giggly squeal from his giant girlfriend. "Ok, now Im satisfied!! You give very manly face hugs." He declared proudly, grabbing the hair atop her head to pull himself up her face. "Ow! Eijiro I just told you that hurts!!" She flinched, hovering her hands just below him as if for him to jump down but he ignored her, eventually climbing up and onto her head where he sat proudly. "Sorry, but I really wanted to try siting here!!" He told her as she could only smile at his silly antics.
"Alright what flavor?!" She asked him as she walked over to the cart. "hmmm.... How about fudge and vanilla!" He suggested, "Really?? Just fudge and vanilla??" She laughed, "Yeah!! Its a classic!!" He complained back, slightly put out by her silent judgement. "ok, ok, that's a good point, I will admit." She gave in as they came up on the cart.
"Could I get a soft serve mix of fudge and vanilla??" (Y/N) asked the man as he served them up in a small paper cup. He nodded and handed her the soft frozen treat, not really noticing the tiny man on her head at first before taking a double take as the two walked off to find a park bench to sit on.
They soon came up on a decent bench, and (Y/N) sat down carefully as to not knock the itty bitty shark off her head. "Alright!" She grinned eagerly, "Ready??" She asked him, feeling the pitter patter of tiny hands and feet crawling toward the front of her head. "HECK YEAH!!!" He cheered, just as excited, if not then more. "Catch!!!!" He yelled taking yet his third leap of faith. "DUDE!!! STOP JUMPING!!!" she cried in surprise as his tiny little form went hurdling from above yet again.
Kirishima just laughed wildly as the soft, warm cushion of his beloved girlfriend's delicate hands caught him, cupping up around him protectively. "No more. I revoke your rights!! You keep giving me heart attacks!!!" (Y/N) scolded, completely cupping her hands around his tiny warm body. "Wha-!? Hey!!!" He squawked, trying to press against her hands in retaliation, "You can't do that!!" He protested, squirming around trying various different ways to wiggle his way out of her grasp. "Well I just did!!" She quickly shot back before she was startled by something warm and wet running itself across her fingers. "A- ARE YOU LICKING ME!?" She asked in loud disbelief, hands flinching for a brief moment to lessen her grip on the tiny man-child who stopped briefly as a chorus of tiny, mischievous giggles came muffled from her cupped hands. "SO UNCOOL!!" She added before a sharp needle-like pricking registered with her. "DID YOU JUST BITE ME!?" She cried again, this time hesitating in her grasp just enough for him to poke his head and arms out. He was a laughing mess.
Much like a worm he continued to wriggle through her fingers. "Oh no you don't Mr!!!" She scoffed, reaching a second hand to grab him, just his arms and the topmost parts of his fluffy red hair poking out of the top of her fist, just his legs kicking wildly as he refused to yield. "Ha! Gatcha!!!" (Y/N) spoke too soon when he began to plant his feet against the base of her fist and he slide out of her hand, slipping out of his shirt too in the process.
And now she had a tiny, shirtless boyfriend running across her lap and the park bench as she tried desperately to stop him.
Oh brother.
"Kirishimaaaa~~~" The girl whined, grabbing him by the ankle and quickly bringing him up to be eye level with her as she glared at him. "What do you have to say for yourself??" She asked as he tried desperately to atop laughing, "You're beautiful and that was awesome!!!" He finally answered, tears running up his face from laughing so hard and being held upside down by his foot. (Y/N) couldn't stay even remotely put out if she wanted too and soon she too was laughing as she set him back down on her knee, planting a loving kiss on his head again. "So are we gonna eat this or are we just gonna let it melt??" She finally inquired, still grinning at him as he caught his breath.
Smiling his wide, toothy smile, he finally nodded in response. "Yes!!" He added a vocal reply, still quite excited from their little wrestling thing. "You wanna try it first??" She asked, scooping a small amount of the frozen dessert out of the cup. Kirishima nodded, reaching for the large spoon, leaning to take a bite off of it before (Y/N) moved the spoon forward so he'd be able to reach better from where he was. And so, The tiny red head got a face full of cream.
"OOP-" (Y/N) exclaimed as she accidentally shoved the sweet into his face. Kirishima popped is head out of the large spoonful, taking a moment to process what had just happened. "PPFFFFTttttttt-!!" The girl was soon lost in laughter over the sight of his stuned face completely slathered in gelato. "Um, I think you have a little something-" She tried to manage through her laughs.
Eijiro finally grinned, starting to laugh with her, "Maybe I should hold the spoon." He told her, wiping the ice cream from his face and onto his hands, and then into his mouth. "Its good though!" He piped up again through a full mouth. (Y/N) finally calmed herself, grabbing a napkin that they had also received from the vendor. "Here let me help." She offered, using the paper cloth to gently wipe and clean his face. "Better?" "Yeah thanks man!"
(Y/N) Then tucked away the napkin and they were able to enjoy the rest of the treat, taking turns taking bites, Kirishima at one point or another got his revenge, slapping a dollop of the treat onto her face. "Eijiro!" She exclaimed as he chuckled. The rest of the walk went nicely after they were able to sufficiently clean sticky hands.
After another warm pocket ride on the train, they walked to the dorms, both happy but tired from the long day. It was late when they got back as well, meaning it was dark and they were both feeling sleepy. Walking into the dorm building, they were met by friends who were eager to hear about the date, tease, and poke fun at the couple.
"Hey Eijiro?? Do you want me to just drop you off in your room??" (Y/N) asked after they were away from the others. Her minuscule boyfriend bit his lip seeming unsure. "Well... I don't really want to be alone while I'm this size..." He admitted, "Could-... Could i maybe stay with you for the night??" He asked her sheepishly, a bright pink glow lighting his features like a lantern. His girlfriend could only smile, her heart swelling in her chest, "Of course Baby!" She comforted, and began heading back to her room.
After opening the door, (Y/N) very gently set the little man down on her bed before grabbing a pair of folded clothes off her dresser, "Here, get comfy!! Im going to go change." She told him before heading into the bathroom.
After she left, Kirishima bee-lined for the large fluffy pillow, jumping on it and sinking into its mushy surface, feeling very warm and secure as it smelled strongly of (Y/N), by far his favorite smell in the world. The bathroom lock soon after clicked and his girlfriend came out, dressed in modest, simple pajamas, a white top and light blue shorts. She looked around trying to find where he had gone before she noticed the tiny lump sprawled across her pillow. Letting a soft giggle escape, she crept quietly toward the bed, pulling herself onto it without disturbing him. She then promptly lied down, gently burying her face into the pillow, nuzzling the tiny man with her nose and forehead. Kirishima gives a soft "oof-" at this, startling him awake from his nodding off. (Y/N) rests the weight of her head on the pillow, still hugging it to her face, tiredly kissing Kiri's belly as it’s the closest thing to her lips. She then let a warm, airy sigh of exhaustion escape and wash over the little body, ruffling the clothes a little, mindful that the breeze isn’t in his face.
The little shark is delighted and surprised by the sleepy snuggles. He hugs the giantess's nose and kisses the closest spot he can reach, between her eyebrows, which he then begins to massage in a satisfying circular motion, hoping to coax the muscles into a softer expression and ease any tension there.
With a small smile curling at her lips, (Y/N) continues to plant very slow, gradual kisses on her little boyfriend's entire torso along with the side of his face, pausing now and then, almost as if she'd fall asleep with her lips on him and her face half atop the tiny.
With a tender expression of his own, Eijiro caresses the girl's nose and cheeks all the while, enjoying the love and attention. He felt like if they were the same size right then, (Y/N)’s head would be buried in his chest, and he would be petting her soft, well kept hair. He had to admit that it was strange to be the comforting bed for a giant, but still, he loved it. He noticed the giantess dozing off and his little beaming grin grew. It really had been a long day especially with the fun they had had, and snuggling sounded very very inviting.
(Y/N) was almost asleep when she felt his tiny hand pat her face, signaling her to let him out from under her face. "Mmmm- Sorry..." She giggled groggily, letting him scurry out from underneath her. the two then carefully situated themselves with (Y/N) on her side, curled around her tiny man who hugged to her large warm body.
(Y/N) had slept very soundly throughout the entirety of the night, and when she awoke, it was to the very soft warm golden glow of the sun stretching itself into the room through closed blinds. The sleepy girl didn't quite remember closing the blinds last night. As her eyes gently fluttered open, it came to her attention that Kirishima was not a tiny little bean anymore, but very much his normal hight as he wrapped himself around her. A bright blush that rivaled the color of her man's hair blossomed on her cheeks, ears, neck, and tops of her shoulders. She looked up at his peaceful face as he held her close in a spooning position, her being the little spoon. (Y/N) then noted that he had her sweats on, but remained shirtless, his body like a human heater. She smiled to herself and snuggled close to him. 
Truly one of the best days ever.
A request for: Sunshine
i had a lot of fun writing this!!! Thank you to WinterKlover for being my beta reader and helping me sort my story to its finest!!!!! Keep up the cute requests!!! Ill be working on them as much as I can!!!! ____________________
Up next: ( ∆ requested, Ω inspiration)
∆~ Bakugo x tiny YN - Hot Pocket
∆~ Giant deku x YN - Baby Bird
∆~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Dynamight!? More like Firecracker!!!
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Crown Jewel
Ω~ Shoto x Tiny YN - Baby It's Cold Outside
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Hickery Dickery Dock
Ω~ Bakugo x Tiny YN - Pest Control is For Pests
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - The Prize Fish
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - Baby Shark
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Big Bad Wolf
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Peter Rabbit
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - He's A Pop-Rockin Pixie ___________________
let me know if you guys want some of these sooner than others, right now they are in the order of request and then inspiration. Requests willl come before inspiration.
This is my art please do not trace or repost without my permission. feel free to reblog though, id appreciate that!!
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cool-guysyndrome · 6 years
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(I was gonna post this to Instagram first but the story got too long so here sees it first skkdhdh)
Title: dammit why do i always give the angst a resolution
TW: anxiety attack, heckloads of angst, swearing because virgil+stress=i get to write swearwords
Patton paced the dimly lit room, becoming more agitated with every step. He didn't know where he was, why he was there, how he got there, anything. It was awful being completely in the dark, thrown randomly into some foreign place with no forewarning or instructions. He had so many questions that it was hard to think at all. Where were his friends? Were they okay? Were they even in the same place as him? What if they were across the country or something? How would he find them? Where even was this country? Was he in a country? Why was he in a weird castle thingy on a mountain? It was scary up so high. What were these weird clothes he was wearing? What was wrong with him? Why could he suddenly create a weird green fire with his hands? Was he going crazy?
Patton sat down and leant against the cold stone wall, trying to steady his breathing. Was this how Virgil felt when he had an anxiety attack?
He looked down at his hands, scared to accidentally replicate the spectacle he had made when he went outside and set a tree on fire.
"Maybe i can control it?" He thought aloud. Worth a try.
Patton shut his eyes and tried to focus his thoughts on the tingly feeling that had spread through his fingertips when he made the fire the first time. Sure enough, he felt a soft heat begin to emanate from where his hands were outstretched, and when he opened his eyes he saw the small green flame dancing across his fingertips.
He found that he could make the flame larger or smaller by mentally compressing it, like a camera's focus lens. It was amazing, but at the same time it scared Patton more than any fear he'd ever felt before. This wasn't a kind power. This was something destructive, something dangerous. If this power was any clue to why he was in this strange place, it was not a comforting one.
Patton released his mental hold on the fire and it dissipated into nothing. He realised with a start that he had been crying while watching it, and he wiped his cheeks dry with a sleeve.
Whatever this was, it wasnt going to be easy, and how his heart ached every time he thought about the others was really not helping. Especially Virgil. Sweet, lovely Virgil, who was always kind and worried for Patton as much as his mother did, was probably hurting just as much as he was. That thought would have killed Patton, but his thoughts were mercifully interrupted by a-
"Fuck. Just when i thought my day couldn't get better huh."
Virgil glared at the fallen ornament like it was personally responsible for all the wrongs in the world, which it probably was in his eyes.
He crouched down with a sigh and picked up the broken pieces of ceramic. There were far too many breakable things in this stupid palace for someone as clumsy and lazy as him to be around.
He found some servant to give the pieces to, waving off their apologies and persistent praise. It was exhausting, all this social interaction. Virgil wondered how Roman ever wished for this kind of thing, but he supposed Roman was the only person crazy enough to like it.
He kept walking, slow enough to still pass as a walk, but fast enough that he could escape to his room as quickly as possible. Finally he reached safety, locking the door behind him. He sunk to the floor, exhausted.
"This place is fucking crazy. I think im going crazy." He told the empty room.
"I dont know what they want me to do half the time, and they treat me like the fucking king of the universe more than some stupid prince. I just want to go home and not have to deal with this stupid, stressful, nonsensical place and its mad inhabitants!"
He ran a hand through his hair.
"Inhabitants? What am I saying? Fuck, i sound like Logan."
Logan. The others. Shit. "Great now thats just a whole other problem as well. Wonderful. Fucking fantastic!"
Virgil stood up and took his cape off, tired if the heavy and unnecessary clothes. He started to anxiously pace the room, caught up in a flurry of thoughts that were making it a little hard to breathe.
"Shit. Shitshitshit. The others. Are they safe? I need to go find them. Are they even here? What if theyre in trouble? Logan and Roman might be okay on their own, but Pat..."
Virgils voice trailed off as his mind thought a horrible, terrible thing. Patton. Gentle, bubbly Patton, the light of his life, could be in danger. Or worse, already hurt. Virgil fell back to the floor, every inhale more of a struggle than the last. His whole body filled up with an overwhelming sense of dread that drowned out any of his attempts to calm himself down. His heart began to pound like it wanted to escape his chest, and he pulled at his hair like he wanted to rip it out. He thought he heard a strangled scream from someone nearby. Why were they screaming? He should be the one screaming. Then he realised that it was his own voice, and he was the one emitting the heartbroken cry. He managed to stop his screams but there was no ceasing the sobs that wracked his body as he lay curled on the floor, his mind repeating a single horrible thought a million times-
-over Patton's head flew a tiny streak of black, and it seemed to be hurt because it wasnt flying in a very coordinated fashion. One wing was flapping a lot less than the other.
Patton waited for the little animal to settle, then he stood a few feet away from where it had landed on the table.
"Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya. You look like you need a bit of help, actually, little guy."
He started moving towards the table very slowly so he didnt startle the creature.
"Hey, its okay, im gonna help you, alright? Lets have a look at that wing."
Patton continued to talk soothingly to the little creature until he was close enough that he could reach out and touch it. He saw that the animal was a small black bat, and one of its wings had a splinter of wood in it, not enough to do bad damage, but enough to affect its flying ability.
Patton slowly outstretched his hand, and waited for the small animal to make a move first, as a kind of permission. The little bat looked up at him with big black eyes with a shine of blue in them, and if it were human Patton would have sworn it was studying his face.
Then, all of a sudden, he heard a voice say, "Help?"
He nearly fainted.
"What?! Did you- did you just speak?!"
He watched the bat carefully, but its little face didnt move an inch even though he heard the voice clear as day. "Help wing?"
Patton couldn't help staring at the little creature.
"How are you doing that?!"
"Person help wing? Yes, no?"
"Oh my goodness gracious. And i thought the fire was weird."
"Help wing, yes, no?"
"Yes, yes, sorry, yes, ill help you. May i?"
Patton held out a hand to the bat's wing. The little creature obliged and lay its wing across his hand.
"If i ever see him again, i will definitely tell Virgil about this. He'll hate me for it because he's always wanted to talk to animals."
"Yea, hes my boyfriend."
"Oh. Boy Friend Virgil." The little animal seemed to think for a second, then it spoke again.
"Boyfriend, Virgil. I, Jazzy. You?"
"What?" Patton took a second to realise what the little creature meant.
"Oh, is that your name? Oh! Its lovely! I'm Patton!"
"Pat..ton. Patton. Patton help Jazzy."
"Yes, thats right, im helping you! By the way, are you a boy or a-
-Gurl you are a mess. You're lucky i can pick locks hun."
Remy closed the door quietly and went to sit beside where Virgil still lay on the floor.
"I heard you scream. Good thing i convinced those other losers that I'd handle this." He glanced down at Virgil again, noting his fists still clenched in his hair.
His voice was a bit more firm as he continued. "Virgil. Can i touch you?"
The purple-haired boy hesitated a moment, then shakily nodded through his hands. Remy gently pried his hands down from his hair.
"Can you sit up for me?"
Virgil did.
"Okay. Can you copy my breathing? 4-7-8 yeah?"
Virgil nodded.
Once Remy was sure that Virgil was no longer in such a bad state, he got him to sit on his bed and gave him a glass of water.
"Thanks." Virgil managed as Remy handed him the glass.
"Youre fine, gurl, i get this kind of thing a lot. The staff here get stressed all the time and someones gotta help calm 'em down, y'know?"
"Besides, gotta have you in top condition so i can 'scold you' as Perce puts it, or as i like to say, roast your sorry ass."
"Really? What did i fuck up this time?"
"Oooh gurl you wouldnt believe it. So much that the cat wants your hide."
"The cat?"
"The cat."
Virgil wasn't quite smiling, but his eyes werent as sad any more.
Remy lay back on his bed like he owned it.
"Nah, I'm messing with ya."
"I know." Virgil couldnt help a small smile.
"Its not the cat, hun, its the rats that cat's chasing that want your blood. Have fun arguing with rodents."
"That bad huh?"
"Nah not really. Percy wants to help you with some stuff you were struggling with today."
"Struggling?" Virgil raised an eyebrow at the other man.
Remy chuckled. "Gurl, you and i both know you aren't really the prince. Gotta have someone in on the secret to help before everyone is."
After Remy left, Virgil lay back on his bed, realising just how exhausted he was. This wasn't going to get any easier. But maybe it could, at the very least, be possible.
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