#merlyn posts
adhd-merlin · 7 months
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Queen Guinevere at the stake
Le Morte d'Arthur, Thomas Malory (x) // The Once and Future King, T. H. White (x) // BBC Merlin, Queen of Hearts (3x10) // Camelot: The Musical, Alan Jay Lerner // Merlin (1998) // Lancelot, Edwin Arlington Robinson (x) // The Rescue of Queen Guenevere by Sir Lancelot, William Hatherell (x)
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hmslusitania · 2 months
For the OTP Ask:
#21 with Arrowverse: Tommy Merlyn and Oliver Queen.
21. "I don't drink." "Oh really now? When did that start?" Sooooo.... this became basically a deleted scene from season one? I've never written arrowverse fic before, this was honestly very fun! I mean, angsty, ambiguous ending, but fun to write at least!
Be at the party. Be Oliver Queen. Be the idiotic socialite they all still expect you to be.
It’s not quite working the way it should, and Oliver kind of hates that. Most people are buying it, the strangers, the hangers on who’d always wanted to flock to and fill up the Queen and Merlyn parties back in the day. There’s a blonde girl by the bar who’s a little too young to be hanging with this crowd, and she reminds him of Sara with a sharp stabbing sensation right up under his ribs. There’s Laurel, real and here and so understandably mad at him, for dying and for surviving and for every shade in between those two extremes. There’s Thea, definitely too young to be at this or any party, still working on that drug problem he’d tried to curb when Amanda Waller had brought him back to Starling in time for Tommy’s birthday party, years earlier.
They all still see the Ollie they’d lost, the man who’d died the second Robert Queen pulled that trigger.
The memory of his father drags him out of his maudlin thoughts about how well his social camouflage is or isn’t working. He’s got a task, something to accomplish tonight. There’s a reason he’d arranged to have his welcome home party here, right across the street from the offices he’ll need to sneak away into, to cross one more name off the list.
“You look more in need of a drink than any man I’ve ever seen.”
Oliver tears his gaze away from the party, away from the target’s office, and discovers Tommy, standing beside him with a glass in his hand that he’s extending Oliver’s direction.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a party with an empty hand,” Oliver says, but he accepts Tommy’s offering. After his time in Russia, after his time with the Bratva, there’s basically nothing the booze in Starling City can do to him. Frankly, considering how he and Tommy had spent their youth, the only reason the Bratva’s vodka had been able to do anything to him at all had been because of his drier time on the island.
“Yeah, I don’t really drink at parties anymore,” Tommy confides.
Oliver takes a sip of the concoction Tommy’s brought him, and raises an eyebrow. “Who are you and what’ve you done with Tommy Merlyn?”
Tommy laughs, just a little, and ducks his head before he scans the crowd. Oliver doesn’t have to follow his gaze to note where his attention pauses: Laurel at the bar, Thea in the crowd, and ever so briefly on the blonde at the counter who reminds him of Sara.
“You don’t want to hear the story,” Tommy assures him. “Promise.”
“No, I think I do,” Oliver says. It’s not… quite right for the Oliver he’d been before all of this, but it’s in keeping with the man he’s trying to be publicly. The Oliver who regrets the decisions he’d made before he’d been lost at sea, the Oliver who’s come back to Starling City to do right by his family and his family legacy.
But there’s a script for stories like this, for reasons why socialites don’t drink at parties. It’s usually something like “I don’t drink white wine anymore, because I had a terrible day entertaining my father’s contacts at the club, and I spent eight entire hours at one table and the waiter kept refilling my glass of chardonnay and now whenever I smell the stuff, I dry heave.”
It’s usually silly problems like that, that don’t have any bearing on Oliver’s life anymore, that he can’t imagine caring about. But from the cloud that passes over Tommy’s face, he’s suddenly driven to remember Hong Kong, to remember escaping Maseo’s guard long enough to call back home, to remember being placed on a roof with a sniper rifle, because Tommy had trekked across the globe to find him on the faintest shred of hope that Ollie might still be alive.
It won’t be stupid socialite reasons, and Tommy confirms that when he steers Oliver closer to the stairs and to a quieter part of the party.
“While you were gone—” Tommy pauses to shudder, and swallow back the idea of the five years Oliver had been dead for all intents and purposes. “—my twenty-fifth, Thea snuck into the party, and she was, uh, I don’t want you to go off the rails about this, but she had a drug dealer, and, I should’ve been keeping a better eye on her. I tried, man, you have to know I did everything I could to be a big brother for her while you were missing, but this guy got into the party anyway, and I’d been drinking enough that it took Laurel intervening to keep Thea out of juvie, and ever since, I might not have been able to keep her out of parties, but I can at least make sure I’m sober enough to keep her out of trouble.”
He doesn’t mention that the drug dealer had died at the party, and Oliver doesn’t blame him. They’re not at a point where they can be totally honest with each other about what they’d been doing with their time in their five years apart, and they’re not at a point yet where Oliver can tell him about the Hood, about the arrows, about the list.
But they don’t have to be at that point for Oliver to know in his bones that Tommy is a good man. A better man than he’ll ever be.
“I know you did,” Oliver says, and lets himself give in to the impulse to throw his empty arm around Tommy’s shoulders and pull him into a hug. “There was never any doubt in my mind that you’d keep an eye on all of them for me.”
“Yeah,” Tommy says, and his voice is a little thick when he responds, but it’s nice when he actually hugs Oliver back. It’s… it’s nicer than Ollie deserves. All of this is, even the open animosity he’s getting from the Lance family. “Yeah, man, you know it was the least I could do, since I — since I couldn’t do anything for you.”
If they were other people, it might be the moment Tommy tells him about following a wild goose chase to Hong Kong, about clinging desperately to the hope that Ollie was still alive, not because he didn’t want to keep an eye on Oliver’s family for him, but because of the simple fact that he missed him.
But they’re not other people, and they’re both maintaining reputations, and Tommy’s reputation might be hiding less of a dark interior than Ollie’s own fakery, but it’s no less of a mask. One of these days, at least for a minute, he wants to sit down with Tommy without a mask to hide behind. He wants — well. He wants a lot of things, and one of those things is that he wants to share the whole truth of himself, the reality of everything from Lian Yu and Hong Kong and his return to Starling and Russia with someone, and Tommy’s the only candidate he’s got. Not just because he couldn’t bear the idea of burdening his mother or Thea with it all, not just because Laurel is rightly not speaking to him, but because Tommy’s… Tommy. He wants to tell Tommy about Shado and Slade and Sara and Ivo and Anatoly and Tatsu and Maseo and Constantine and goddamn Amanda Waller. He wants to tell him about his father, about the list, about whatever the fuck the Undertaking is.
But Tommy is Tommy, and therefore Tommy is a good man, and Ollie—
Well. He’s not Ollie anymore, for one thing. And he’s not a good man anymore either, if he ever was. But maybe, maybe, he can fix his city, and if it costs him his life, well. At least he’ll be content to know that he’s got Tommy, keeping any eye on everyone left who’s still precious to him, including Tommy himself.
“I love you, man,” Tommy murmurs, just quiet enough that it could get lost in the music and noise of the party if Oliver wanted it to.
“I love you too,” Oliver says, and then he has to tear himself out of the embrace he’d started. He has to duck into the stairwell with the excuse of needing to track down a bathroom. He has to find his bow and hood where he’d stashed them.
He’s got a name to cross off.
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Brynjolf: *glaring at Kaidan* Don't you have a goat to woo somewhere?
Merlyn: *inhaling mead* Oh my gods- *coughing and laughing while Inigo slaps her back*
Kaidan: That was NOT my fault!
Brynjolf: Explain that to the goat.
Merlyn: *snickering* Yeah Kaidan, we'd all love to have an explanation for what was running through your head that night.
Kaidan: Oh don't you even fucking start with me, you tried to marry a Hagraven!
Brynjolf: She what-
Merlyn: So you're gonna cry about the goat not being your fault but then turn around and be mad at me still for the hagraven? At least it looked like you!
Kaidan: How in the hell do I look like a Hagraven to you?!
Merlyn: To a drunken me? Very likely! Long black hair, hooked nose, pale skin, I can see the resemblance!
Lucien: Did she just call him a Hagraven?
Caryalind: She did. More tea?
Lucien: Please. *sipping from his teacup while watching the argument*
Kaidan: Even if you could see the resemblance don't you think you would have remembered you were already married?!
Merlyn: Gods we really are doing this right now. Fine. *She stands up, slamming her tankard on the table* I can at least admit that I was thinking it was you I was marrying again. Happiest day of my life! Why wouldn't I want to relive it? You tell me one fucking thing Kaidan. In any world, how the fuck do I look like a GOAT to you?! If that's what was even going through your head while you were trying to woo that damn thing, and if it was me you were thinking about in the first place!
Kaidan: *inhales, raising a finger in the air. He stops with his mouth still open, frowns, and closes it. This repeats a few times.*
Brynjolf: *clapping him on the shoulder* If I were you, I'd choose my next words carefully. If at all.
Caryalind: *sipping his tea* No matter how he responds he looks bad.
Lucien: Yep.
Kaidan: *lowers his hand, deflating under the glare of his angry wife.* I-
Merlyn: Well?
Kaidan: *sighing* Come on love, you know I wouldn't think of another.
Merlyn: Then you'd think me ugly as a goat.
Kaidan: No! Neither of us were in our right minds that night. I wasn't-
Merlyn: Don't fucking turn this back around on me, Kaidan.
Kaidan: I'm not trying to- Oh for fuck's sake. *He sees her eyes getting teary, and pulls her into a hug.* ... You know I love you right? You are the most divine being in my eyes. Whatever I was thinking that night, I would never replace you. Not the most beautiful woman in Tamriel. Not my wife.
Taliesin: *watching them make up with a look of disgust* Why do I get the impression you brought up the goat on purpose?
Brynjolf: Eh, who knows.
Taliesin: Homewrecker.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 7 months
I know it's weird, but maybe you could put Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk and Eobard Thawne?
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Notorious villians all in their own rights who together formed the Legion of Doom. But do you like to see the three together romantically, see their scheming more platonically or rather not see the three together at all?
Thank you for the suggestion Anon and sorry it took so long to post.
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saraminia · 2 years
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brckhmptn the show is over. thanks for everything
(Brockhampton via Instagram - Nov 17, 2022)
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gotham-at-nightfall · 4 months
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Green Arrow and his family are finally safe and reunited!
Green Arrow #12
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 year
I haven’t even gotten to s1e20 of arrow but I know it’s gonna fuck me up emotionally bc the fact that Tommy’s last words were fucking “thank you.”And then Oliver had to leave him there buried under rubble or he would’ve been caught or succumb to smoke inhalation, whichever came first. And then the scene where Quentin has to hold Laurel back before she runs into a burning building even if a part of her knew the building would collapse but she didn’t care because the love of her life was in there and why didn’t she turn around?? And let go of me dad please let go of me were the only things running through her mind.
The episode is just so gut wrenching.
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merlyn-bane · 1 year
WIP Poll Game - Winning Snippet
As promised, I've included a snippet from the winning WIP below. I thought about posting nine sentences to stay to theme, but I couldn't really find a good place to pull that from, so you're getting a little more than nine sentences haha. Whoops. Snippet under the cut!
Obi-Wan sighs before plastering on a smile for his Commander—no reason to make him worry, after all. This is something that is solely Obi-Wan’s problem. “It’s nothing, Cody, I—just remembered that I’d been scheduled for a minor medical procedure at the Temple. I suppose I won’t be making it, now.”
The explanation does nothing to lesson the severity of Cody’s eyebrows. “Do you need to go talk to Bones, Sir? I’m sure the medics could assist you with…whatever it is.”
Obi-Wan forces himself not to wince. “It is, unfortunately, something of a specialized issue, Commander. Not to worry, it’s nothing I can’t take care of next time we’re on Coruscant.” 
“If you say so, General.” Obi-Wan watches Cody come to the conclusion that it’s something Force-related, and makes the decision not to disabuse him of that notion. There’s no reason that he needs to know otherwise.
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This picture is so fucking funny to me—
🎶One of these things is not like the other🎶
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lovelycatdraws · 2 years
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My boys ready to go back home
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elioherondale · 2 years
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"The Best It's Gonna Get" - Celldweller Green Arrow New 52 # 0
Hey, so this is the first ever comic edit I’ve ever done which features the backstory of Ollie becoming GA and Tommy Merlyn becoming the Dark Archer (who’s the focus of this edit). I hope y'all like it~
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frostbitebakery · 4 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
I got tagged throughout the week by the most wonderfullest @bluemaskedkarma, @ferretrade (uno-reversed), @cacodaemonia, and @merlyn-bane
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“Sound strategy but you gotta be quick about it or Mr Snuffles will find himself bottlenecked, outnumbered, and about to be eviscerated. More tea?”
“Yes, please and thank you. I’m sure the siege will be okay. Mr Snuffles is a brilliant strategist! And Princess Sparkleblossom is a fair and just ruler.”
“Princess Sparkleblossom is a ruthless little bi—“
Omega’s eyes widened. “I’m telling Fordo,” she whispered.
“…tch,” Alpha finished lamely. “Fuck’s sake.”
Omega gasped.
This is for fulfilling two prompts at once and I hope @thornhands and @lesquatrechevrons aren’t too mad at me XD;;; Last line was Alpha 17’s lovely tiara.
I’m tagginggggggg
All-pressure to turn you into diamonds: @ferretrade @chiliger @ominouspuff
No pressure, instead I’m fluffing your pillows, tags: @omaano @razzbberry @foxglovecove @meebles @mxopifex @marbled-polecat @maybe-murphy @badwolf36
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raphaerolo · 3 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, put the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as you have words (or as many as you feel like)
Tagged by just so many people (some from a while ago but it's okay): @anxiousotters @chiliger @bladelei @nobie @vytels
I'm once again doing the double wip, drawing and writing. First, drawing!
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They're everything to me.
I don't have much explanation for this one, iykyk (and it's pretty obvious). My last line was shading on Cody's face. They're just—
And writingggg. I just finished changing this 5k wip from past to present tense, but I did add a line to this scene. I love putting accurate math into my codywan teacher au fic. Precalc is so fun.
“So the inverse of this function, if we swap out x and y and solve for x, comes out to be 2x plus four. Is that all making sense so far?”
He sees a variety of nods and decides to move on.
“Now, if we loop back to transformations,” he says as he grabs a whiteboard eraser. He swipes at the orange marker and it - doesn’t erase. He scrubs at the marks and they just smudge, but don’t vanish. “This marker doesn’t erase.” He chucks it into the trash can by the door.
“What, no, don't throw it out,” Waxer cries. “You could give it to Mr Kenobi.” Other students begin calling out their agreement.
Cody glares at his students. “If I give that marker to Mr Kenobi, when he discovers it doesn’t erase, he will just write over it and it won’t be good for anyone.” Cody should know; Obi-Wan had accidentally written on a whiteboard at home with a permanent marker and, well. Trying to read three layers of his handwriting overlapped was a challenge to say the least.
Tagging.... okay, first of all, everyone who tagged me, uno reverse flip flop I'm tagging you all back. And also. @smoosey @chickengodnoodle @why-cant-turtles-fly @friendlyneighbourhoodelf @ferretrade @merlyn-bane consider yourselves all tagged
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gotham-at-nightfall · 10 months
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Green Arrow escapes his nemesis to finally return home!
Green Arrow #6
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merlyn-bane · 1 year
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