#And you’re anticipating the moment you get to experience that reveal and all the emotions that go through you
mighty-poop · 1 year
someone: this isn’t really a spoiler lol, if you know you know ;)
me, who didn’t know: well that just fucking spoiled me, cus unfortunately, I’m not stupid.
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yoonavii · 11 months
Getting hugged by his crush
Pairing: Sukuna x Y/n
Requests are open!
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 Sukuna, typically not used to physical displays of affection, would find himself momentarily taken aback by the sudden hug. His eyes will widen slightly, and he would pause for a moment, processing the unexpected contact.
 As the surprise hug wears off, Sukuna's instinctual response might kick in, causing his body to tense up like a board. This could be due to his naturally guarded nature, combined with the fact that he’s not used to such physical contact….such warmth. 
 Sukuna would battle conflicting emotions. On one hand, his pride and the weight of his curse might cause him to hesitate and question the sincerity of the hug. However, deep down, a part of him would appreciate the genuine display of affection from his crush.
 Despite his initial tension, Sukuna would gradually allow himself to relax into the hug. He might let out a faint sigh or even a subtle, reciprocating embrace, subtly conveying his reciprocated feelings. While he might not openly admit it, his actions would reveal a softening of his typically stoic demeanor.
In that moment, Sukuna would experience a brief flicker of vulnerability. Being hugged by his crush would momentarily break down his walls one by one, allowing him to feel a genuine connection. Although he might not express it as others might do, deep inside, he would treasure the experience and recognize the significance of the intimate gesture.
You suddenly wrap your arms around Sukuna in a warm embrace. He stiffens momentarily and his eyes widen at the act.
 “I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me, Sukuna.” You told him softly with a smile. Sakuna tenses, but slowly relaxes “Hmph… Such audacity to embrace the King of Curses.”
You couldn’t help but laugh “You may be the King of Curses, but behind that, you’re also a person deserving of affection.” Sakuna softens slightly, his guarded expression falters little by little “I suppose even a king can appreciate a moment of tenderness… You have a way of surprising me.”
You continue holding on, but this time, you rest your head on his back, inviting all your warmth to him. “Well, you’ve intrigued me like no one else. I couldn’t resist showing you how much I care about you”
He pauses, a hint of curiosity in his eyes and even a faint wave of heat to his cheeks “Is that so? You’re unafraid of the darkness I carry?”
 “Oh I’m far from afraid.” You tease. You saw the opportunity and took it “I see beyond the curses and find the person worth getting close to. That’s love is it not?”
Sukuna smirks, a mixture of surprise and appreciation. “You're bolder than I anticipated Y/N. Perhaps you’re the one who can truly handle me.”
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©𝐘𝐀𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐀— Any sign/evidence of plagiarism made from outside this name will be dealt with by whatever means necessary. Legal action may occur if non fanfiction works are plagiarized.
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whyiseverynametakenpls · 11 months
I never asked for this
Genre : yay ( I think )
Tw : swearing
Pairing : Brother! Vox Akuma x male reader ( platonic )
Characters : vox, you, ike
Story : if you don't want to be my brother, then don't.
A/n : REMINDER THE READER IS A CHILD ( about 11 yrs old ), and pretend ike has like a lot of siblings, and read part 1 for more explanation
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Vox remained in silence, his head throbbing with the aftermath of the argument. One part of him urged him to rise, seek you out, and extend an apology. Yet, another part kept him rooted in place, resisting the admission of his own wrongdoing.
Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a disheveled brown-haired man, clutching a book with a hint of panic in his eyes.
His voice carried an air of urgency as he asked Vox about a missing quill. Vox's mind sparked with an idea, causing a wide, somewhat peculiar smile to spread across his face.
Perplexed, the brown-haired man questioned Vox's expression, anticipating an unusual response. Vox, however, seized the opportunity to divert the conversation.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He questioned, expecting something weird in response.
“Hey Ike, you have siblings, right?” Vox asked.
Ike nodded slowly in response. Vox clapped his hand in approval.
“Okay, so here’s the problem – my brother got mad at me for not spending time with him, and I kind of blew up… And now I need you to cheer him up!” He says unbothered by the weird look he was getting from Ike.
“Wait, wait, no – go back. You said that he got mad at YOU for not spending time with HIM. And now you want ME to go cheer him up instead of YOU?” Ike looks at Vox.
“Yep!” Vox enthusiastically says.
“Uh, no. That’s not going to work, Vox the problem is that YOU’RE the one not paying attention to him. If he knew that you sent me there, wouldn’t he be madder?” Ike explains
“Well yeah, but I don’t know how to cheer people up, you know? And you have siblings, so you have experience!” Vox replies
“I- Vox that’s not how this works…” Once again, Ike refuses.
“Ah, just do it! I’ll help you find your quill too.” Vox begs.
Ike stood in front of Vox’s desk, hesitating. But giving in eventually. “All right, I’ll do it, but don’t blame me if he gets even more mad at you.”
Vox's face lit up with gratitude, assuring Ike that he wouldn't hold him responsible for the outcome.
"(Name)?" A gentle voice called out.
But it wasn't your brother's voice—it was Ike, the son of the Duke. He was always gentle with you. Unlike your brother, or who you thought was your brother anyway.
“Ike...” You mumble.
Slowly, Ike approached you, his presence exuding comfort. With tender care, he enveloped you in a warm embrace, holding you tightly as tears streamed down your face.
The genuine concern in his eyes surprised him, and yet, it only intensified the depth of his emotions.
As your tears fell, mingling with the sadness etched on Ike's face, you found solace in his presence. It was as if the weight of your burdens could be shared, if only for a fleeting moment.
The words you had held within you for years spilled forth, carried on a current of raw honesty.
"He can't even make time for me. And now, you're the one here. He sent you, didn't he?" you whispered, your voice quivering with a mixture of disappointment and resignation.
Ike's nod, though confirming your suspicion, couldn't erase the empathy that radiated from him.
At that moment, your heart shattered further, confronted by the harsh reality of your situation. Gripping onto Ike as if he were your lifeline, you sought comfort and security in his embrace.
Ike held you steadfastly until the heaviness of your emotions gave way to exhaustion. Tenderly, he guided you to your bed, carefully tucking you in as if guarding you against the world's woes.
As you drifted into sleep, he released a weary sigh, burdened by the weight of the task that lay before him.
The following day, you awoke in your bed, your mind filled with fragments of the previous night's emotions and conversations. As you sat up, a newfound determination coursed through your veins, propelling you towards your brother's room.
With purposeful strides, you approached the door and swung it open, revealing the sight of your brother within. Without hesitation, you walked over to him and crossed your hands.
“If you didn’t want to be my brother, you could have just told me. No need to ask someone else to play your role.” You sharply commented.
“What?” Vox asked.
“You sent Ike, didn’t you? Yeah, I know. Next time, instead of playing the nice brother, just leave me alone. Do you know how hurt I was? My brother, my ONLY brother didn’t even bat an eye on me. Instead, YOU sent SOMEONE ELSE to comfort me. Knowing well what the problem was. You know what? Maybe you shouldn’t be my brother after all.” You continued.
“No, that’s not what I-“ He was cut off.
“I don’t want to hear your excuses, I gave you so many chances, yet not one time did you use them! Vox, I waited 6 years. SIX YEARS. AND NOT ONE OF YOU HAS TRIED IN ANY WAY TO SPEND TIME WITH ME.” You retorted.
“No, no, (Name), wait,” He said, before you ran off.
"You really fucked up this time, huh?" Ike's voice sliced through the tense silence, punctuating the weight of the situation that had unfolded before them.
He couldn't resist adding, "Told you it wouldn't work."
Vox released a heavy sigh, his mind swirling with a mix of regret and uncertainty. He felt at a loss, unsure of the next course of action to repair the damage caused.
But Ike's words resonated, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil.
Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Vox swallowed the lump in his throat and mustered the resolve to face the consequences of his actions.
With a determined stride, he made his way toward the door, bracing himself for the difficult conversation that awaited him.
Vox took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before softly knocking on your door. He heard a muffled response from inside, giving him permission to enter.
He pushed open the door and found you sitting on the edge of your bed, your eyes red and puffy from crying.
You looked up, your gaze filled with a mix of anger and sadness. Vox could sense the intensity of your emotions, and he prepared himself for what was to come.
He cautiously approached you, bracing himself for your reaction.
"What is it now?" you exclaimed, your voice quivering with a mix of anger and hurt. "Are you going to laugh at me?"
Vox flinched slightly at your words, his expression reflecting the weight of his actions. He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, understanding the pain he had caused.
"I know, I messed up, and I deserve your anger," Vox admitted, his voice filled with remorse. "I should have been there for you, and I'm sorry for failing you as a brother."
Tears streamed down your face as you struggled to contain your emotions. In a moment of frustration, you reached out and lightly struck Vox's chest, a mix of anger and longing in your touch.
"You were supposed to be there for me! We're family, are we not…?" you cried out, your voice cracking with emotion. "I needed you, and you were nowhere to be found."
You made another light hit to his chest, your fist connecting with a soft impact against his body. Again, again, and again, each strike carries a mix of anger and sorrow. But Vox didn't flinch, instead, he held you even tighter in his embrace.
"You can punch me all you want," Vox said, his voice unwavering despite the physical blows. "But what I want to say is that I can't undo the past, but I want to make it right."
The weight of his words, coupled with his calm demeanor, began to quell the storm of emotions raging within you. The anger that fueled your strikes began to fade, replaced by a yearning for understanding and resolution.
"Why did you ignore me?" you managed to say, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt. "I needed you, and you weren't there."
Vox's grip on you tightened ever so slightly as if to convey his remorse and acknowledgment of his shortcomings. His voice carried a mix of regret and determination as he responded.
"I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me," Vox replied, his tone filled with sincerity. "I was caught up in my own world, my own responsibilities, and I lost sight of what truly matters. But I promise you, (Name), I will do everything in my power to make it right."
The force behind your strikes began to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of vulnerability and a flicker of hope.
You released your clenched fists and allowed yourself to sink into Vox's embrace, seeking solace and understanding.
"You better mean it," you whispered, your voice tinged with vulnerability. "I don't like empty promises."
Vox nodded; his gaze unwavering. "I do mean it. I understand that trust needs to be earned, and I'm willing to work for it. I want to rebuild our bond, to be the brother you can rely on."
A mix of emotions washed over you as you took in Vox's words. Your anger started to dissipate, giving way to a longing for connection and understanding. Slowly, you reached out and embraced Vox, holding onto him tightly as tears continued to stream down your face.
"I hope you're serious," you whispered, your voice filled with a mixture of hope and vulnerability. "Because I don't want to feel this way anymore. I want us to be there for each other."
Vox returned the embrace, his arms encircling you in a gentle yet firm hold. He rested his chin on the top of your head, his voice filled with sincerity.
"I'm serious, (Name). I'll do whatever it takes to regain your trust and be the brother you deserve," Vox vowed, his voice filled with determination.
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<- first part
-> sibling angst my love 😍
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yoshikoooo · 4 months
Tsurune: Fujiwara shuu x Reader.
shuu x reader.
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The tranquil sound of the night and released arrows filled the entire dojo. The soft and melodic sound you always hear and longed or maybe... loath for everyday ranged through your ears. In the middle of the blissful night there you were shooting your nine thousand and ninety-eight shot.
Applying every knowledge you learned from your grandfather and past experiences, really showed its result as you landed your arrow at the middle of the target. A profound sense of accomplishment washes over you as you stand there, silently contemplating the significance of this achievement.
'Kyudo... Kyudo... Kyudo..?'
With a heavy heart, you confront the forbidden recollections that threaten to engulf you. Each memory is a double-edged sword, carrying the weight of past triumphs and defeats alike. As you gaze upon the target, the turmoil within you becomes palpable, manifesting in the trembling of your hands and the turmoil in your eyes.
To an onlooker, it might seem as though you're battling an invisible force—a caged banshee struggling against the constraints of its own existence. Every fiber of your being is stretched taut, bound by threads of emotion that seem to have no end.
In that moment, you realize that kyudo is not merely a physical discipline—it is a journey of self-discovery, a quest to confront the demons that lurk within. And as you stand there, grappling with your inner turmoil, you understand that true mastery lies not in hitting the target, but in finding peace amidst the chaos of the mind.
'One more... just one more.. and It'll all end'
  You made up your mind as you snapped from your thoughts to get your bow to continue. 10,000 shots for a Wish.
An oath. A promise. A will.
before you could even continue, A figure outside the dojo was seen. A silhoutte of a tall man with loose hair.
As you watch, anticipation coiling within you, the figure steps closer to the source of light, revealing loose strands of brown hair framing a face illuminated by the gentle glow.
Your breath catches in your throat as the figure's large purple eyes meet yours, sending a shiver down your spine. In that moment of profound connection, a name escapes your lips, whispered softly into the stillness of the night.
He was the one everyone idolized at school, the one whose mere presence seemed to command attention and admiration. But for you, he remained an enigma—a distant figure glimpsed from afar, yet never truly known.  So what was your relationship with him? A classmate, A teammate? A Friend..? but nonetheless he felt like a stranger to you. 
“Y/n san, Good evening” 
His deep, melodic voice seems to cut through the chaos that had enveloped you moments before, offering a brief respite from the tumult of your thoughts.
Summoning a smile, you decide to take the initiative, breaking the silence that hangs between you like a heavy curtain. It's clear that he's not one to dominate the conversation, leaving you to steer its course with your own words.
“Hmm, What is the prince doing at saionji sensei’s dojo at this godly hour?” 
you inquire, injecting a playful lilt into your voice. The weight that had hung over you moments ago dissipates, as if it were nothing more than a fleeting illusion.
Shuu's chuckle dances through the air like a gentle breeze, drawing your attention to the enigmatic figure before you. His gaze meets yours, and you can't help but tilt your head in curiosity, captivated by the subtle shifts in his expression.
"Saionji Sensei had me run an errand that ended up taking longer than expected," he explains, his voice carrying a hint of apology. "But I found myself drawn here, captivated by the sound of your tsurune."
His words are accompanied by a familiar smile, one that he seems to offer effortlessly to those around him. Despite his sincerity, you can't help but inwardly cringe at his straightforwardness, though you respond with a soft giggle.
"You flatter me," you reply, your smile unwavering as you deflect the compliment. "If that's the case, perhaps you should hurry back to Saionji Sensei before she falls asleep. It's quite late already."
You offer the suggestion with a gentle brush-off, hoping he'll take the hint.
“That I should.. Then Please excuse me..” 
he responds with a slight bow, his departure signaling the end of your brief encounter. You watch in silence as he makes his way out of the dojo, his figure gradually fading into the darkness beyond.
With his departure, the smile on your face begins to falter, replaced by a weariness that settles deep within your bones. The moon hangs overhead, casting its ethereal glow upon the world below, a silent witness to the turmoil that churns within your soul.
"Tired... I'm so tired,"
With a resigned sigh, you straighten your posture and adjust your grip on the bow, steeling yourself for one final effort.
“One more shot...” 
“Just one more..”
As you attempt to fix your form, you're suddenly overcome by a sensation of unease. Your body begins to tremble uncontrollably, sending a shiver down your spine. With a startled gasp, you drop the bow once again, collapsing to your knees in the dimly lit dojo.
"I'm shaking pretty badly," you mutter to yourself, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggle to regain control of your trembling limbs. Panic threatens to overtake you as you frantically search for an explanation for your sudden physical reaction.
Could it be hunger, you wonder, your mind grasping for any rational explanation. But deep down, you know that this tremor isn't the result of a skipped meal. It's something else entirely, something primal and instinctual that defies logic.
Taking in a shaky breath, you attempt to calm the racing of your heart, forcing yourself to focus on the rise and fall of your chest. Slowly, gradually, the trembling begins to subside, leaving you drained but determined to press on.
The cold embrace of the night air wraps around your frail body like a whispered plea, urging you to seek shelter and warmth. But you refuse to heed its call, not when you're so close to achieving your goal.
You clenched your jaw as you turn your gaze back to the target, willing yourself to push past the tremors that course through your body. Each shake sends ripples of doubt and fear coursing through your veins, but you refuse to let them hold you back.  
‘no... not now...I just need 1 more... just 1 more!’
you lash out, your fist connecting with the unforgiving wooden floor. Pain shoots through your hand, a sharp reminder of your own vulnerability. But you refuse to yield, gritting your teeth as you try to reign in the storm of emotions threatening to engulf you.
"Calm down... calm down... calm down..." you chant, the words tumbling from your lips like a desperate plea. Each repetition is a lifeline, a tether anchoring you to reality as you struggle to regain control.
But the bow remains just out of reach, mocking you with its proximity. Your hands tremble violently, betraying your inner turmoil, as you fight to grasp it once more.
“It’s not beautiful enough... Repeat!” 
“You have no time mopping the floor, get up!” 
The words echo through your ears, a reminder of the expectations placed upon you, both by others and by yourself. You can feel the weight of his disappointment bearing down on you, driving you to push past the pain and the fear.
But as the tears blur your vision and the sting of emotion threatens to overwhelm you, you can't help but wonder if you're losing your grip on reality. Madness seems to loom on the horizon, a specter taunting you with its proximity.
you're pulled back to reality by a soft and familiar voice echoing in the darkness. Relief floods through you as you draw a shaky breath, your chest rising and falling with the rhythm of newfound calm.
Slowly, you turn towards the source of the voice, your gaze meeting his familiar purple pupils. His presence is like a beacon of light in the midst of the darkness, offering solace and reassurance in a moment of profound vulnerability.
You watch as his soft features contort into a frown of concern, his brows furrowing as he approaches you with cautious steps. There's a tenderness in his demeanor, a gentle sincerity that washes over you like a wave, banishing the lingering shadows of fear and doubt.
“Y/n san... Do you feel unwell...?”
His voice, though soft as usual, carries a hint of uncertainty, and his eyes betray a flicker of sorrow.
You try to respond, to articulate the turmoil raging within you, but the words catch in your throat like a fish struggling against the current. Frustration wells up inside you, manifesting in the tight balling of your fists until your knuckles turn white. You can't bear to face him, feeling utterly pathetic in your vulnerability.
‘confiding into someone like the prince is so pathetic.. He surely won’t understand..”
Conflicting thoughts swirl in your mind like a tempest, each one more damning than the last. You can't help but feel that confiding in someone like him, someone who seems to effortlessly embody talent and grace, is an act of weakness. After all, unlike you, he was born with innate abilities that set him apart from the rest.
‘Damn it.. I’m.. so disgusting’ the word heavy with self-loathing. How could you dare to think so poorly of yourself? How could you let such toxic thoughts poison your mind?
But even as you chastise yourself, you can't shake the feeling of inadequacy that gnaws at your insides. It's a vicious cycle, a spiral of doubt and despair that threatens to consume you whole.
You feel the chill of his hand against your fevered forehead, a stark contrast to the heat that radiates from your flushed skin. With a sense of resignation, you lift your gaze to meet his, finding his face mere centimeters from yours.
"You seem to have a fever, Y/n san," he says, his voice carrying a note of concern. "I think you should rest for today."
As he withdraws his hand, you find yourself caught in the intensity of his gaze. There's a seriousness in his expression, tempered by genuine concern, that touches something deep within you. Despite your instinct to retreat, you can't help but feel a glimmer of gratitude for his kindness.
Feeling defeated and vulnerable, you look away once more, your gaze falling to the ground as you struggle to compose yourself. With a shaky breath, you attempt to gather your thoughts, to find the words that have eluded you thus far.
"No..." you begin, your voice wavering slightly as you reject the suggestion of going home. You can't ignore the way his brow twitches in concern, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of your situation.
But even as you speak the word, you can't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at your insides. The weight of his unspoken worry hangs heavy in the air, a reminder of the burden you're placing on those around you.
You watch as his expression shifts, his concern mingling with frustration at your stubbornness. It's clear that even the spoiled prince recognizes the stupidity of overworking oneself to the point of destruction.
For a moment, silence hangs between you, thick with unspoken words and unresolved tension. You can feel the weight of his gaze upon you, a silent plea for you to reconsider.
"Saionji Sensei told me that you've been here since dawn," he begins, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and frustration. "Breaking your own body just for the sake of archery is not something I would recommend, as an archer myself."
His words hang heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the toll your relentless pursuit of perfection has taken on your physical and mental well-being. You can feel the weight of his gaze boring into you, a silent accusation of your stubbornness and recklessness.
Yet, despite the gravity of his words, you remain rooted in place, your eyes fixed on the target before you. The arrows embedded within it serve as a testament to your determination, each one a marker of the sacrifices you've made in your quest for mastery.
"I... I know," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. His expression softens, a silent understanding passing between you.
As the cool breeze continues to drift through the dojo, you finally gather the strength to speak, the words tumbling from your lips in a hesitant whisper. Your energy slowly returns, the fog in your mind lifting ever so slightly as your vision clears and the lightheadedness begins to fade.
"Hey... what if you found kyudo to be the main source of your pain, yet you can't find a good reason to stop since it's something deeply attached to your heart?" you begin, your voice betraying a vulnerability that you've kept hidden for far too long.
You pause, gathering your thoughts as you meet his gaze, locking eyes with him as the wind gently tousles his loose brown hair. His purple eyes hold a depth of understanding that both comforts and unsettles you, a silent witness to the inner turmoil that plagues your soul.
"What would you do?" you continue, your voice barely above a whisper. The weight of the question hangs heavy in the air, a reflection of the existential crisis that has consumed your every waking moment.
His reaction is subtle yet profound, his demeanor shifting slightly as he processes the gravity of your inquiry. You can see the gears turning in his mind, a silent acknowledgment of the seriousness of the situation.
For a moment, the dojo is enveloped in silence, the only sound the gentle rustle of the wind outside. And then, finally, he speaks, his voice steady and measured.
"I would listen to my heart," he says, his gaze unwavering as he meets your tired, empty eyes. "If kyudou may be a source of pain, but it's also a part of who you are. Only you can decide if the pain is worth the passion it brings."
His words resonate within you, stirring something deep within your soul. For the first time in what feels like an eternity, you feel a glimmer of hope flickering to life within you.
‘Listening to your heart...’  It sounds simple enough, but in reality, it's a daunting task. Your heart is a labyrinth of desires and fears, a maze of conflicting emotions that often lead you astray.
But as you stand there, locked in his gaze, you find yourself drawn to the truth in his words. Kyudo may be a source of pain, but it's also a source of passion and purpose—a part of you that refuses to be ignored.
With a newfound sense of clarity, you take a deep breath, letting the weight of your burdens fall away, if only for a moment. The wind whispers through the dojo, carrying with it a sense of possibility and renewal.
"Thank you," you say softly, your voice barely a whisper amidst the stillness of the night. "I needed to hear that."
He nods, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. There's a warmth in his eyes, a silent reassurance that you're not alone in this journey.
As your gaze shifts to the arrows embedded in the target, a newfound clarity washes over you, illuminating your path forward. The weight of the world seems to lift from your shoulders as you come to a decision.
"I guess I can continue it tomorrow," you mumble softly to yourself, your smile genuine and free from the facade you've worn for so long. In that moment, the world seems to shift, offering you a glimpse of a future filled with possibility and promise.
Shu's smile mirrors your own as he extends his hand towards you, a silent offer of support and companionship. Without hesitation, you reach out and take it, a sense of gratitude swelling within you as you lock eyes with him once more.
"I can drop you off," he says, his voice warm and reassuring. Before you can decline, he continues in a joking tone, "I would get scolded if I let a sick person like you get home on your own, right?"
His playful remark catches you off guard, eliciting a chuckle from deep within your chest. It's a side of him you hadn't seen before, a glimpse of the warmth and humor that lies beneath his cool exterior.
"You're really interesting, Fujiwara-san,"
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sunboki · 1 year
one of my blurbs going out to han and his masterpieces.
*if you don’t notice, I have each of his songs from SKZ-REPLAY mentioned here. They’re italicized.
Han blankly stares outside the window of the train, hills rolling into an endless abyss of shadows. Meanwhile, you’re comfortably snuggled against his hoodied-shoulder—the cozy yellow fabric he’d borrowed from Changbin’s closet enough to lull you to a peaceful slumber. Plus, Jisung’s scent had now replaced the once Changbin inhabited smell. Dreamland was nice this way.
Peering curiously over his shoulder, you manage to block out enough writing to realize he’s indeed jotting down lyrics. Very Han-like.
“You’re writing a song?” Your voice sounds sleepy, sleepier than you anticipated but evidence of your napping session. Thankfully the run of the train’s wheels numb the strange sensation.
“Mhm. I got it, an inspiration. I like this moment, ‘wanted to write about it.” Jisung gazes down at you, round and emotion filled brown eyes gentle. He’s having a moment again. Where he drinks in everything he gets to experience with you, drinking the sweet taste of the candied fruit to its fullest.
“Don’t look at me like that, it makes me feel like I’m dying.” You complain, although it’s more of a plea. Hoping to erase the wistful expression off his face. Looking at you like you’re the only person in the world.
He only smiles, dipping down to capture your lips together kindly. Endlessly close. There’s a sort of lilt to this kiss, nearly desperate but not voicing it.
The pen inked on a page of that lined leather notebook he carries along with him display all the thoughts coddled in those big brown eyes. And sometimes, you wish he wouldn’t reveal them to you.
It’s almost too much, too much words with too little time. You want to be with Jisung forever and he does as well, but as you whined before; it makes you feel like you’re dying.
“I love all of you y’know. Han Jisung.” The quokka groans at this, bashful to be called his full name. He then gathers your dazed form in his arms, head now propped on the top of yours—allowing you to watch him compose whilst snuggled against him.
There’s a silence filling your section of the train. Comfortable. A sharp wisp of his hand alerts you, brows knitting. The dot he places at the last word tells you he’s finished, glancing up to meet his eyes once more.
Oh, how pretty Han Jisung is. Mochi cheeks and honeyed orbs that seem to glow at the right angle. Not to mention his lips, undeniably kissable. Han is surely alluring.
“This is dedicated to you. So I won’t have to wish you back. Keep your love in my lyrics. I get why I’m here on this earth. Meant to find you, meant to love you. All of you, just like you love all of me.”
You remember that. That time Han became scared of losing you, scared of losing his purpose. Hidden in the lyrics of one of his pieces, HaPpY. Although now, things are different. He knows.
Saccharine sweet.
“‘Not an alien?”
He laughs.
“Not an alien.”
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anhometech · 2 months
Why Your Phone Rings Matter: A Closer Look at Communication
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In our fast-paced digital world, the humble phone ring often goes unnoticed. We’re so accustomed to the jingle or buzz that announces an incoming call that we rarely stop to consider its significance. But let’s pause for a moment and delve into the world of phone rings—those brief, attention-grabbing melodies that connect us to friends, family, and business associates.
1. The Nostalgia Factor
Remember the days of landlines? When the phone rang, it was an event. You’d rush to pick up the receiver, hoping it was a friend inviting you to the movies or a family member sharing exciting news. The sound of the phone ringing carried anticipation and excitement. Today, even though smartphones have replaced traditional landlines, that nostalgic feeling remains. When your phone rings, it’s a mini time-travel experience—a reminder of simpler times.
2. The Psychology Behind Ring Tones
Believe it or not, the choice of ringtone says a lot about your personality. Are you the classicist who prefers the standard “ding-ding” sound? Or perhaps you’re the rebel who sets a custom tune for each contact. Psychologists suggest that our ringtone preferences reveal our need for individuality, our desire to stand out in a sea of identical devices. So, go ahead—choose that quirky song or soothing melody. It’s a subtle way to express who you are.
3. The Dreaded Unknown Caller
Ah, the anxiety-inducing “Unknown Caller” label. When your phone rings, and the screen displays those two ominous words, your heart skips a beat. Is it a telemarketer? An overdue bill? Or maybe it’s your long-lost cousin from Australia. The mystery of the unknown caller keeps us on our toes. We answer with trepidation, hoping for pleasant surprises rather than unwelcome sales pitches.
4. The Art of Ignoring Calls
Let’s face it—we’ve all done it. The phone rings, but we’re in the middle of something important (like binge-watching our favorite show). So, we hit the silent button or send the call straight to voicemail. Ignoring calls has become an art form. But remember, behind every unanswered ring is a missed opportunity—a potential connection waiting to happen. Maybe it’s a job offer, a surprise birthday invitation, or a heartfelt message from a loved one. Next time your phone rings, consider picking up—it might just change your day.
5. The Business of Phone Rings
For businesses, phone rings are more than mere notifications. They’re lifelines. A missed call could mean a lost sale, an unhappy customer, or a partnership opportunity slipping through the cracks. That’s why companies invest in professional answering services, ensuring that every ring gets answered promptly. So, the next time you hear a cheerful receptionist say, “Thank you for calling XYZ Corp,” know that behind that friendly voice lies a well-oiled system designed to keep the business wheels turning.
In conclusion, whether it’s the jingle of an old-school landline or a customized ringtone on your smartphone, phone rings matter. They connect us, evoke emotions, and shape our daily interactions. So, the next time your phone rings, take a moment to appreciate the magic it holds—a tiny signal that bridges distances and brings people together.
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universalinfo · 6 months
5 Ways How Storytelling Can Elevate Animal Photography in the UK
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Welcome to the world of storytelling, where every picture tells a story, and every story creates a lasting impact. For any animal photographer in the UK, weaving a narrative into your work can be the difference between a good photo and a great one.
Here, we explore how a unique approach to storytelling can transform your animal photography from mere snapshots into compelling visual tales. Let’s begin, shall we?
1. Understanding the Animal’s Story
Every animal has a story, and as an animal photographer in the UK, it’s your job to capture it. But how?
Well, it starts with observation. Spend time with your subject, understand their behaviors, and anticipate their next move. This isn’t just about waiting for that perfect shot; it’s about creating a connection with your subject that shines through in your photography.
Consider the background of each animal. Are they wild, or do they have a loving home? Each setting offers a different narrative, and your photo can tell that tale. By capturing the essence of their environment, you can create a more immersive and relatable experience for your audience.
Finally, it’s all about emotions. Animals, like humans, display a range of feelings. Capturing these moments requires patience and empathy. Your photo should evoke the same emotions in your viewers as you felt when taking it.
2. The Power of Lighting and Composition
Photography is an art, and like any art form, it requires a keen eye for detail. Lighting and composition are two tools that can dramatically enhance your storytelling.
As an animal photographer in the UK, you must understand how different lighting conditions affect the mood of your photo. Soft morning light can create a serene, peaceful atmosphere, while harsh afternoon sun can bring out the dramatic tones in your subject’s fur or feathers.
Composition is equally important. The rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing can all be used to guide the viewer’s eye to the focal point of your story. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to find the most compelling way to tell your subject’s story.
3. Capturing the Unseen Moments
The beauty of animal photography lies in its ability to reveal the hidden, the overlooked, the moments that escape the naked eye. As an animal photographer in the UK, your lens has the power to unveil these subtleties and share them with the world.
Think about the delicate interactions in the animal kingdom. A bird meticulously building its nest, the first steps of a newborn fawn, or the playful wrestling of bear cubs. These moments, often unnoticed, are the heartbeats of nature’s ongoing story. Your role is to be an observer, patiently waiting for these natural occurrences.
Don’t just focus on the big, obvious subjects. Instead, turn your attention to the patterns in a butterfly’s wings, the expressions of a fox in its natural habitat, or the gentle nudge of a mother horse with her foal.
These details, while subtle, can make your photographs truly captivating. Remember, sometimes it’s the whispers of nature that have the loudest impact in a photograph.
4. Embracing the Unpredictable
One of the most exhilarating aspects of being an animal photographer in the UK is the sheer unpredictability of your subjects. Animals don’t pose, they don’t follow scripts, and they certainly don’t wait for the perfect lighting. This unpredictability isn’t a hindrance; it’s a treasure trove of spontaneous, genuine moments.
When you’re out in the field, be flexible. If a sudden rain shower interrupts your shoot, use it to your advantage. How does the rain change the mood of your scene? How does it affect the animals’ behavior? These changes can add an entirely new dimension to your story.
Similarly, if an animal doesn’t cooperate as you’d hoped, don’t get frustrated. Instead, use this as an opportunity to capture something new and unexpected. Perhaps their movement leads you to a more interesting backdrop, or their interaction with another animal provides a unique moment. Being adaptable and open to these changes can result in some of your most memorable shots.
5. The Role of Post-Processing
In the journey of storytelling through animal photography, post-processing is your secret weapon. It’s not about altering reality, but about enhancing the story you’ve already captured. As an animal photographer in the UK, mastering post-processing can elevate your images from good to breathtaking.
Start by focusing on the basics like exposure, contrast, and color balance. These adjustments can help correct any lighting issues and bring out the details of your subject. Then, consider how you can use color to enhance the mood of the photo. Warmer tones can convey a sense of comfort and serenity, while cooler tones might create a feeling of mystery or solitude.
But remember, subtlety is key. The aim is to enhance the natural beauty of your subject and the scene, not overshadow it. Over-editing can detract from the authenticity of your image. Trust in the strength of your original shot and use post-processing to subtly elevate it, maintaining the integrity and the story of the natural moment you captured.
6. Trimble Group’s Expertise in Storytelling
Here at Trimble Group, we understand the power of storytelling, especially in the realm of animal photography. Our expertise in turning outdated content into high-quality visuals is a game-changer for any animal photographer in the UK. We combine veterinary knowledge with creative flair to make the science behind animal health not just understandable, but also fascinating and memorable.
We pride ourselves on our creativity, innovation, and commitment to quality. By working with us, you can ensure that your animal photography is not just visually stunning, but also tells a compelling story that engages and educates your audience.
In conclusion, storytelling is an art, and as an animal photographer in the UK, mastering this craft can elevate your work to new heights. And with Trimble Group’s expertise, you can transform your animal photography into engaging, educational, and memorable visual experiences. Join us in advancing animal welfare through the art of storytelling.
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aemonds-sapphire · 3 years
Comfort — Hawks x Reader
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Hawks’ nightmares only got worse with each passing day, but you finally found a way to give him some comfort.
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort. Fluff. Mentions of trauma and abuse. Manga spoilers.
Word count: 1.1k
The scream pierced through your ears like pins and needles, jolting you awake at once.
Another nightmare.
You rolled over to Hawks’ side, nudging him lightly, but to no avail.
“No… no… dad… no!”
“Keigo…” you took his damp face in your hands, attempting to still his abrupt jerks. “Wake up…”
It broke you seeing him like this. You were no stranger to his nightmares. They had been a constant in his life and in your relationship with him. But they had doubled in the past few days, and would often occur more than once each night.
His writhing body suddenly stilled, letting you know he had snapped from his sleep. Even in the poorly lit room you were able to see beads of sweat sliding down his skin and strands of his blonde hair sticking to his damp forehead.
Hawks’ eyes remained firmly shut. “I’m sorry…”
Something inside you cracked.
As you watched him bring one hand to wipe the wetness from his face, you couldn’t help but feel helpless.
It seemed like tonight his abusive father had plagued his subconscious.
But far more than that haunted him these days. He had lost his wings — even if not permanently — to his confrontation with Dabi. For somekne who valued freedom as much as he did, you knew this transcended physical pain.
The winged hero was now caged.
He was now bound to the ground and to the guilt of having taken someone’s life. Even though he had never mentioned it to you, you could see remorse eating him from the inside out.
And if these truly gut-wrenching experiences were not enough to tear someone down, something else had broken his spirit.
The very man he had idolized from a young age was exposed as an abusive father and husband. With Dabi’s reveal came not only shame to the hero society, but unspoken pain to Hawks.
He wouldn’t speak of it. He couldn’t. Not now. And even though the general public now resented heroes, he couldn’t turn his back on them.
But there is only so much one can take before they break down.
“I’m here…” you whispered kindly, tracing his skin with your thumb, careful not to touch the burn scar that spread from his neck and into his left lower cheek. “What do you need?”
You were about to slide off bed to get him a glass of water when his hand gripped your wrist.
“Stay… please…”
His hooded golden eyes were fixed on you in a silent plea.
Your heart clenched tightly, and you didn’t dare say a word.
And still, he smiled faintly at you.
Because that’s what Hawks was best at. Being a beacon of hope and comfort to others even when he was the one in pain.
“I’m fine,” he said, knowing his body language told you otherwise. “C’mere…”
He shifted to the side, and motioned for you to join him.
“Keigo… you need to talk to someone about this…” you started slowly, and even though his smile quickly faded you carried on. “If you don’t want to talk to me, then please ask the comission for help.”
This was a blow to his pride, and it was splattered all over his face.
“I told you I’m fine. I knew what I was getting myself into when I decided to become a hero.”
“Really? You a child when they took you in.”
This was definitely not what you had planned. Hawks had a deep devotion to the commission, and, in a way, you could understand why. But it still left a sour taste in your mouth knowing that they used him to carry out their dirty work, which eventually cost him his wings.
“You don’t get it. You never will.”
There was no anger in his voice, but there was no point in prolonging this. You doubted he’d ever get mad at you, and deep down he knew you were right. But his pride was the only thing he had left now.
You heaved a deep sigh, scooting closer to him. “How can I help?”
The urge to make him feel safe was so ablaze inside you that it hurt.
His lips tilted into a genuine understanding smile. Hawks knew that you meant well, and he wanted you to be assured of that.
Fuck. You loved him so much.
“C’mere… please. Let me hold you.” He insisted once more.
You were still hesitant to, again, let him get off the hook so easily.
“I need you by my side,” he said, the grip on your wrist tightening with urgency.
You slowly lowered yourself next to him, until his chest was firmly pressed against your back as one of his arms circled your body, deepening the embrace.
“You’re so warm,” he whispered as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
There was a bittersweet feeling to this. One the one hand, you wished that he’d open up to you about his struggles, but on the other you were grateful that he hadn’t pushed you away.
Silence fell between you two, and for a brief moment it seemed like nothing else matter. Nothing else crossed your mind as his heart drummed into your skin and his fingers laced with yours.
After a while, you felt him rock his body lightly. You vaguely wondered if it was just him being playful, but soon realized that it was far from that.
He was lulling himself to sleep.
And it would have been fairly easy to overlook had you not known the cause of it. He had once shared how his mother had gotten him an Endeavor plushie as a child. For a long time, he relied on it for comfort. He’d cradle it in his arms when things at home got rough. The tiny stuffed object had provided Hawks with more comfort than his parents ever had.
The comission eventually took it away, claiming that it was unbecoming of a future hero to depend on such trifling things for emotional support.
Even if he refused to admit it, you knew that that was the exact moment when he first lost his freedom and became a puppet on their strings.
But it was crystal clear that old habits die hard, and in the event of traumatic events, your body will donits best to provide comfort.
And when you can’t do it by yourself, it will seek out another source.
In Hawks’ case, it was you.
You had taken the role of Endeavor’s stuffed toy. It was enough to fill your entire skin with goosebumps.
This felt far more personal than you had anticipated.
Being his safe haven even if only momentarily.
As his back and forth faint motion slowly faded into stillness, you realized he had fallen asleep. His steady breath fanned your neck, but his grip on you never eased.
And no more nightmares or wicked dreams dared haunting Hawks that night.
He was safe with you.
Thank you to my beloved @dabifixation for suggesting this to me ❤️
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dorimena · 3 years
i’m recently jumped on the subby!bakugou train and i can’t help but imagine this:
when the time came for his first time with you, he thought had that shit it the bag. how hard could it be? well, turns out it ain’t what he expected. everything was going fine until it was time for you to lower on his cock. as soon as you did that, he was done for. you were so unbelievably soft and warm and tight, he lost all drive to be the one in charge. you thought there was something wrong with him for a hot minute because he was just fuckin sitting there, panting and not answering you. “Suki, do you want me to start moving?” “hmMMm” is the one time he did answer, along with him burring his head into your chest and squeezing you tighter. It’s like he was bracing for something. Adorable. Well when you did start moving, boy was he in for it. Instead of grunts and groans like you were initially expecting from such a tough guy, he was letting out moans which you have never, ever heard from him before. While you were setting the pace, you tried getting him to move away from your chest so you could see that cute face of his. Though he wasn’t budging. What you did see of his face however, was a lovely shade of pink across his cheeks, ears and even his shoulders. Poor thing was embarrassed for not being able to take control and feeling so overwhelmed already. Adorable. You just might have to give him a reward for that.
This is- my heart doki-dokied a bit too hard and I was ready to combust (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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You guys have been dating for some time, but you don’t really remember how long, not that it would matter.
He came to you out of the blue, nervous and trying not to make eye contact with you while having a cute blush on his cheeks. But you didn’t point it out or ask him about it, knowing it’ll just scare him off and have him ‘forget’ what he wanted to ask or say.
“I’m ready” is all he said before getting up and going to your shared bedroom.
You remember how your friends made a scandal about you guys living together and sharing a bed but never having sex. Not because they’re religious or anything, but more because they didn’t understand why you guys weren’t getting it on with one of the hottest proheroes in the country, unless he had erectile dysfunction.
Let’s just say the ruckus and mockery was enough to make you begin ignoring them. Maybe they had good intentions, but they’ve done a horrible job actually caring. You’re sure they just wanted the juicy details to get themselves off of.
Meanwhile, Bakugou’s lady friends, Mina and Jirou, were much nicer with the information, trying to not have you be discouraged with how long Bakugou’s taking with having sex with you, even if you later clarified that you’re not bothered by it, but you’re glad they care about your emotional wellbeing (?) Well, only Mina kind of confuses you sometimes, but she went to lengths to make you a cheer-up box. Really was just a box full of nice snacks that you hid from Bakugou before he pouts snarls about how he can make better snacks.
You feel a bit shy, suddenly bare on top of him after being fingered well enough to take his thickness. The blond, on the other hand, is sporting a smirk, one full of impatience yet pride, wanting to hear you moan and whine like you did moments ago. He’ll be the one making you cry tonight, making you beg for him and cry out his name loud enough to alert the neighbors about who is railing you.
Even if you both spoke about dynamics and such, you both also agreed that it didn’t matter how the first time went, as long as you both enjoy yourselves.
But boy oh boy was Bakugou thrown into a horny loop.
The moment you sink down on him, he feels you clench hard around his suddenly hypersensitive dick, he feels his gut being punched quite deeply and his thighs quiver, whether in anticipation, impatience or overstimulation.
But how could he already feel overstimulated?
He doesn’t really, but he can’t put a finger on how or what he’s feeling, not when all you keep doing is clenching and sucking more and more of him deep inside you, small pants leaving your mouth as you adjust being enough to make him realize that he can’t… move.
He’s not frozen in fear or shame, but he suddenly forgot how to move.
As if you’re sucking his knowledge of how to sex out from his dick.
God, why did you feel so good? Not even his not-so-secret fleshlight satisfied him enough like this.
Heck, he’s not even a virgin! But he sure does feel like one again.
Once you are ready, you ask him “You gonna move?” in such a sweet tone, in such a soft tone, Bakugou barely gets to remember how to answer properly.
So a hum of confirmation is the only thing you hear from him before you feel how his hips oddly move, as if simply trying to reach more in you. And if you hear his voice crack a little, you don’t say anything at all.
You wait for a bit but his hips really don’t do anything, but they keep twitching. So you tighten your grip on his shoulders and begin to grind slowly, feeling how he slides out a little and then slides back in perfectly.
Bakugou shudders as you keep doing that, his eyes focused on your chest before leaning in, burying his face in your skin as his arms wrap around your waist now, holding you not too tight but tight enough to somewhat ground him back into reality.
How pathetic! All of his sexual prowess and experience, his dominance, completely gone as you begin bouncing on his lap, pulling gasps of your names and cute moans from the depths of his throat.
You were ready to listen to his groans, his grunts, his growls, the usual sounds he makes whenever you come home early and eavesdrop his fleshlight moment, the way he lowly moans your name and compliments how well you’re riding him always haunting you to sleep, making you wish the day you both have sex come sooner.
And now that that day has come, you’re engraving his airy whines, his rising-in-pitch moans, his gasps of surprise whenever you clench rather tightly around him. And you’ve decided that from now on, it’ll be your lifelong mission to have him make those noises everyday, any way.
Whether you’re sucking his dick underneath the covers or stroking him while he’s playing some co-op game with his friends online.
You call for him in between your own much-lower-pitched moans, trying to pull your chest away to look deep into his eyes but instead being pulled in closer, making you feel the vibrations of his sounds against your heart.
So you look down, trying to figure out how to pull him off. Then you see how pink his shoulders look, making you wonder if that’s because of you or something else. And when you somehow change your angle, you catch the side of his face completely pinkish-red, making you giggle as you go even faster, fucking him hard enough until he’s choking on his calls of your name, lifting his head enough to reveal his eyes as he silently tells you how close he is, how he wants to cum.
You don’t know this, can’t even guess, not when you feel him pulling you down harder, small squeaks interrupting his whines.
How can this man be so adorable? Such a powerful being, one once praised as if a god, suddenly being a mere moaning mess under you while you bring him closer and closer to his euphoria, to his sweet, sweet satisfaction.
You smile once he cums, holding him close as you slow down, milking him as he makes cute noises close to being punched repeatedly in the gut.
You’re definitely taking the reigns from here on out, and if he wants to fuck you, it’ll be by your orders.
“Baby boy~”
And Bakugou silently nods, shivering at the name and peeping out the tiniest moan of “yes”, as if awaiting your next command.
“I didn’t cum yet.”
And you didn’t have to say it twice, not when he’s trying so hard to properly use his hips to fuck up into you, making the bed squeak inconsistently.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Make it back to me - Andy Barber smut
The one where Andy fulfills his promise and gives you a future together.
Warnings: smut, daddy kink, insecure!Andy for a minute there, divorce, talks of infidelity because reader was the other woman, breeding kink
A/N: this is technically a follow-up to this drabble I wrote during kinktober!
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Andy’s P.O.V.
My heart was pounding against my chest even before her beautiful face appeared from the office’s door. It was clear that she was confused, but I was too excited about it to even be able to verbalize what had happened and what we were about to do. So the plan was to just show her.
“You know, I usually like surprises, but this one is freaking me out,” she commented, and I laughed, throwing a glance at the rearview mirror before taking us out of the firm’s parking lot. I rubbed my thumbs on her knees, squeezing it in a hopefully reassuring gesture while I hummed a random song that had been stuck in my head since earlier.
I still couldn’t believe it. 
I thought that maybe she would have connected the dots when I parked in an apartment complex’s garage, but by the inquisitive look she threw me, it was clear that wasn’t the case at all. So I laughed when I held her hand, kissing the back of it before pulling her along with me, up the stairs to the front hall.
“Andy, are you crazy? We can’t be holding hands in public like this. What if someone from the firm lives here and sees us together?” She whisper-shouted, and an euphoric feeling took over my chest at the realization of just how incredible my life was.
“Someone from the firm does live here,” I conceded, hugging her from behind and leaning down to fit my chin on her shoulder. “Me.” Saying it out loud only made it feel even more real, especially since she whipped her head to try to get a look at me, in an effort to understand just what I meant.
“What?” I only laughed, reaching out for her hand again and giving it a squeeze when the elevator doors opened, immediately stepping out to look for the door I held the key to. “Andy, what do you mean?”
I only smiled, patiently opening the door before letting her walk in and following behind. “Sweetheart… Meet my new apartment.” Once more, her head whipped around to stare at me, interrupting her visual exploration of the new environment.
“I’m divorced,” I interrupted, effectively shutting her up. “It was finalized this morning. I talked to Laurel the day after that party. The day you got your promotion. I didn’t tell you before because I wanted it to be a sure thing,” I immediately explained when I saw her open her mouth to interject, but then she closed it, nodding as she accepted my justification.
“So while I waited for it to be processed, I bought this place. Do you like it? I was hoping you’d move in with me, I can’t wait to christen every room of this apartment.” Once again, she seemed surprised by my words, stopping her evaluation of the living room to stare at me with eyes twice their usual size.
“But you just… Andy, you just got divorced. Quite literally. You can’t tell me you want to immediately jump into the routine of a relationship again.” Frowning, I stepped forward, in her direction, arms reaching out to hold her hips so I could keep her in place while I tried to understand her emotions. 
“You don’t want to be in a relationship with me?” My heart ached at the prospect, but she only huffed, rolling her eyes at me. Immediately, I felt somewhat comforted, although still confused about what was going on through her head.
“Of course I want to be in a relationship with you, you dummy. I just… I fear you’re jumpin too soon into this, and that you’ll grow to resent me. I don’t want to lose you.” Hearing her voice my own fears only made the need to have her closer rise within me, so before I could even realize what I was doing, I had her face cradled between my hands and our lips were connected again, as they always should be.
“And I don’t want to lose you,” I decided to voice it, so she could understand exactly where all of this was coming from, how it wasn’t simply a spur-of-the-moment gesture, any of it. “So what do you think I should do? Keep our relationship without strings, fearing that any moment now someone else will come and sweep you off of your feet? I don’t want to fuck anyone else, sweetheart. And I’ve been dreaming about living all of this domestic shit with you for a while, now. My marriage with Laurel didn’t end because I suddenly despised my ring, it ended because I didn’t love her anymore. But I love you. And I want this with you. Only you.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Now, what else could I possibly say? This was everything I had dreamed about, everything I’d been wishing for since day one, since my eyes connected with Andy’s and we shook hands in the office. And here he was, offering me a future together on a silver platter and I couldn’t find it in myself to fight against it anymore, even if the rational part of me thought this was a mistake. 
Or maybe it was only my anxiety speaking, trying to get me to chicken out, to run away, convince me that this isn’t real and I’m not worthy of all of this love. Because the truth was, I was scared. Scratch that, I was downright *terrified. Because somewhere between the stolen kisses and the longing glances, I’d fallen head over heels for the man standing in front of me, who just poured his heart out in search of mine, and I never wanted to lose him.
“Okay,” was all I managed to say, instead, all I could get out. “Okay, let’s do this.” But still, maybe because Andy really was my long-lost soulmate, he seemed to understand. He managed to read between the lines, hear my devotion and my love in those simple words. I knew it because his eyes lit up, and just like that, I was being embraced by those delicious arms again, held like I was the most precious thing he had ever encountered and the only thing he needed to be happy.
He was everything to me.
“I love you, sweetheart.” Everything felt different, every pet name, every touch. It was sweeter, purer. There was no overwhelming pressure of rushing through this, trying to escape the sin, the guilt. This man was mine, now. I could finally relish every single second of this experience.
“I’ve wanted you since we’ve met,” I finally managed to admit it, making sure to look him in the eye so he could see just how serious I was about this. “I’m just so happy we finally get to be together, like… like a real couple.”
His soft smile was the reason for my heart faltering at times, and when he paired it with light brushes over my cheekbone with his thumbs, it was powerful enough to make me weak in the knees. Still, because it was Andy, after all, he couldn’t help but to tease me - I knew I should expect it from the mischief in his eyes.
“So, everything we did before, it doesn’t count?” I huffed at the same time he started laughing, barely seeing me rolling my eyes at his childish behavior since he had tears in his. And despite how much I wanted to be annoyed at him for ruining such a beautiful moment, I could only feel warm inside from seeing him this happy, and being here to share this new beginning of his.
“You know what? No, it doesn’t, daddy. You’re gonna have to get me reacquainted with your cock all over again. Are you up for the challenge?” He laughed out loud at this, beautiful face suddenly looking boyish as his eyes closed for a moment. so that he could fully enjoy his happiness.
Andy’s P.O.V.
“When you look this fuckable? It won’t be a challenge at all, darling.” I watched with perverse pleasure as she shivered from my words, eyes suddenly darkening with lust as she bit her lower lip. “Now c’mon. Let’s start christening this place.”
My first step was the bedroom, of course. I had bought a new bed with the sole intention of ravishing her on it. Sleep was secondary. “Take off your clothes,” I commanded as soon as we were inside the new room, quickly taking off my shirt before sitting on the mattress. “Slowly,” I added when I saw her initially run to obey, but then a small smile painted her beautiful lips as her movements became more fluid.
“Someone wants a show,” she teased, revealing her perfect body little by little, each new inch making the anticipation rise in me. Damn right I wanted a show. But any amount of time I got to spend with her was a spectacle of itself. She was the muse I once believed I would never find. “Like what you see?”
“Fuck yes. Come here.” She approached me slowly too, soft hands I knew too well running over her own body and making me desperate to be the one that was touching her. “I want to worship your body the way that you deserve it, after waiting for me for so long.”
I saw her eyes soften at that, her hands cradling my face when she was close enough to hop on my lap. “I’d wait even longer if I had to.” It made me happier than anything else, knowing that she was as happy with me as I was with her. 
So I pulled her to meet my lips again, groaning as I got my taste of her - but it was enough. It would never be enough, especially now that I knew I was hers and hers only. And then she inadvertently started grinding against me and it almost had me falling back against the bed. “God, you’re hot,” I moaned as I watched from under my eyelashes the way that she moved for me and only me.
“I love when you talk dirty.” Her giggles were the sweetest sound I ever heard, and I loved to be the cause for them. But my need for her was so pressing, that I ended up cutting them short by pulling her for another kiss, while adjusting her until she was sitting on one of my thighs.
“That’s nothing, darling. You know just how dirty I can be, and you still haven’t seen everything I got up my sleeve. Come on, move those hips for me,” I directed, helping her ride my thigh by the grip I held on her ass. 
“You know what I want to do to you?” I asked, my voice dropping a tone as I whispered in her ear, needing to see her cum for me for the first night that night. “I want to lick all over your skin without the fear of being interrupted,” I started, reminiscing about just how many things I wanted to experience with her now that we were officially together. “Do you know how great it will be now that what we’re doing isn’t improper?”
Y/N almost laughed, but it came out as a gasp as I flexed the muscles underneath her, making my thigh a bit harder for her to rub her sweet cunt against. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, we’ll definitely keep doing some pretty improper stuff…” I forced her to quicken her movements until she was cumming before my eyes, sweet, sweet whimpers falling from her lips as she struggled to catch her breath. “... I just won’t have to feel guilty about them anymore.”
As I turned us over to lay her body on the mattress, our lips dancing together once more, the realization that this was my life now making my head feel light with all the happiness inside of me. This was my bed, this was my woman and it was only just beginning.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Well, that’s a relief,” I teased, taking advantage of the little break that he had given my lips as he slowly but surely laid kissed around every inch of my chest. “For a second there, I thought you wouldn’t want to do dirty things to me anymore.”
That earned me a laugh, muffled by the way his lips were pressed against my neck and making me laugh by reflex, since his beard kept tickling me. “Oh, believe me, pretty girl… There’s a lot of dirty stuff I want to do to you. And I won’t lie, some of them are probably still going to happen in my office.”
I tried to swallow back a whimper that made its way to my lips as Andy licked a stripe up my neck, only stopping to nibble on my jaw before admitting to his plans. “After all, I really can’t control myself when you wear those tight skirts to work. But I don’t think they can really be blamed.”
Pink lips wrapped around my nipple and a gasp did escape me, my hands flying to hold Andy’s locks to keep him attached to my chest, but he had other ideas. “I just can’t seem to be able to be near you without desperately wanting you,” he finished, eyes connected to mine and mouth glistening with the saliva he had spread over my breasts. “You’re just too much of a temptation.”
Now, of course, after such a declaration, what can a girl do? I didn’t seem to find the words to vocalize just how I felt about him too, too busy trying to control my heart and clutching his shoulders while he sucked lovebites all over my exposed body. We didn’t really have to worry about them now, even if they would seem terribly unprofessional for some of the senior partners.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” he urged, and I swallowed dryly before finally voicing, “I want your cock in my mouth, daddy. I want to make you feel good.” Andy audibly groaned at my request, quickly rolling off of me and discarding his pants while I assumed a familiar and very comfortable position between his legs.
My mouth watered at the sight of his already fully hardened member, and I reached out to replace his hand that was slowly jerking it off with mine, leaning down to give the head a small kitten lick just like I knew he liked to be teased.
“Fuck, darling,” he moaned, and I could feel myself growing wetter at the pure power that I felt at having this man so fucking needy for me. When I slowly started to suck on the head of his cock, making my way further down inch by inch, the signs of impatience that became evident in his body only made my desire grow.
“C’mon, pretty girl,” he half begged, half ordered, leg twisting behind me in an effort to control himself. “Take it all on your own, like you always do. Make me proud.” Shit, he knew just what to say to have me quickly gagging on his cock out of my own free will.
I didn’t even think twice before going down on him until my lips met his navel. If anything, the strangled moan he tried to stop, the way his hips instinctively raised up and blocked the air from my lungs, making my eyes water, only served as incentives for me to keep going, up and down, up and down, licking and swirling and sucking until my jaw started to hurt and still, I didn’t want to stop.
Andy’s P.O.V.
It was always a battle between allowing myself to spill in her delicious mouth or perfect pussy, but today, I had other plans - and they involved me having to exercise incredible restraint as I pulled her away from my member by her hair, chuckling at the whine she let out.
“Lay down,” I ordered nodding towards the bed, and she quickly did so, crawling on her hands and knees towards the center of the mattress, but just before she could reach it, I pulled her by her ankle and turned her around myself.
“Can’t wait to fill you, sweetheart.” I was impatient, that much was obvious, but I don’t think she minded by the way her hips thrusted back to meet my fingers as I fucked her open with them, using my thumb to rub her throbbing little clit. “Do you want that?”
She nodded, managing to hold eye contact but not capable of saying anything, her bottom lip held tightly by her teeth as she struggled to swallow the whines I begged to hear. “Beg me for it,” I ordered, picking up the pace and curling my digits until I was able to hit her sweet spot every time I thrusted into her tight channel. “I want to know how badly you want me, I want to see if it even *comes close to my own desire for you.”
A gasp was still all I received as a response, and I had to contain my smile as I slowed down my movements, making them sweeter but deeper. I knew what was holding her back, and it wasn’t the weakness of her desire when contrasted to mine. “It’s alright, darling. You can scream, you can cry out my name as loud as you want. We don’t have to be quiet anymore.”
When her eyes met mine again, I could see that she understood, but it was still hard for her to fully let go. So I picked up the pace of my fingers, leaning over her to suck a bruise on her collarbones before whispering in her ear, “C’mon, pretty girl. I’ve always loved to see you squirming, trying to keep those beautiful sounds in, but right now, I’m dying to hear you moan.”
Her orgasm was what finally made her lose control, cumming while screaming my name, making me grin from ear to ear and keep the pace of my digits until her hand covered my wrist, a silent plea for me to let her calm down. I allowed her that, pulling away from her with a brief kiss on the forehead before turning my attention to myself, curling my fist around my cock that twitched with only that slight stimulation, probably because of the debauched scene before me.
It didn’t take long for her small hand to cover mine, forcing myself to jerk the throbbing member as a sign that she was ready for more, now. And so I pulled her even closer, forcing her legs to open wider before I rubbed the head of my cock between her lower lips, gathering some of the moisture there.
“You ready?” Pushing into her for the first time was always incredible. Often, it’d take me back to that long night we’d spent trying to work on a difficult case, when it all became too much for both of us to handle and I gave into temptation, bending her over my desk before burying myself inside of her.
The way she gasped so prettily at the feeling of my cock stretching her open was still the same, and it mirrored the way I groaned at how her tight walls squeezed me as I tried to bottom out inside of her. “So fucking tight,” I noted, arms resting on each side of her face as I waited for us both to grow used to the feeling of being connected again.
I kissed her once more before starting to move, losing myself in the taste of her while she messed up my hair, running her fingers through it to hold onto the locks when I did start to fuck her against the mattress. The feeling of her hands traveling further south, until suddenly I felt her nails running down my back, had me jerking abruptly in surprise, the realization that now she could leave marks on my body only leaving me more desperate for her, to make her mine once and for all.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Fuck.” The way he gasped against my mouth was so pretty, I wanted to keep hearing it for the rest of my life. “You’re mine now, sweetheart. This is where you’ll spend the rest of your life, right here, getting filled by my cock over and over again.”
It didn’t seem like a bad future to have, especially when he squeezed my hips so tight, trying to control himself so this wouldn’t end so soon. “Fuck, no one can make me feel as good as you do, darling. No one.”
My body felt warm, like a fire had been lit inside, and the only thing that made it simultaneously more controlled and brighter was kissing him, feeling him connected to me, from his forehead to his toes.
I loved this man. God, I loved him, and it felt so good to be able to feel this way, without having any guilt attached to this wonderful feeling. Knowing that he was now mine and only mine, that I could give my whole heart to him without any fear, because he’d given me his.
It felt different this time, regardless of the dozens of times I’d had him inside of me. It was like we were both stripped to our very soul, finally getting to introduce them to each other, and there was a connection, a certain recognition that I just couldn’t put into words - especially not when he was fucking me this good. We just worked. It’s like despite how it all began, we were meant to be.
“Fuck, I love you so much.” And it was that declaration of love that had me clenching around him, reaching the high of desire that only he could show me. It didn’t surprise me that as soon as my orgasm began, he started to lose the rhythm of his thrusts, until he was groaning, “I’m cumming, I’m gonna cum inside of you, just like I promised, pretty girl.”
The reminder seemed to awaken every single nerve end on my body, and I gasped as I felt another orgasm building as his movements grew more frantic. “Don’t you want it? Don’t you want my cum? Say it, sweetheart. Say you want my cum.”
The reality of the situation hit me then, serving as an added stimulation to my already overworked body. He really wanted this. We were really doing this. “Yes, of course I want it. I want your cum, daddy.”
That was it for him. I watched as Andy threw his head back, eyes closed in bliss while his biceps bulged in an effort to keep him from falling on top of me. “Yessss… Make me a dad, Y/N,” he roared, suddenly pushing himself away from me to hold my legs open even wider, fingertips buried on the flesh of my thighs.
I felt his release paint my insides, and our eyes connected just then, acknowledging the weight of the moment between us. His hand reached out to stroke my chin before he carefully rolled us over so I could rest on his chest without him leaving me.
“I can’t believe we get to stay here for as long as we want,” he suddenly spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between us. “No more excuses, no more hiding. Just you and me, and this big and comfortable bed.”
“I can’t believe I get to fall asleep next to you…” I whispered, lightly tracing over his jawline until he turned to meet my eyes, hand holding my wrist tightly to catch my attention - as if it wasn’t already on him.
“I can’t believe you think you’ll be getting any sleep tonight.” And with that fortunate prediction into my future, I knew it would be full of giggles and satisfaction, just as long as I got to have Andy by my side.
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juniorgman187 · 3 years
Any Day Now (Reid Fic)
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A/N: Plz imagine being impregnated by season 10 Spencer Reid. WHEWW CHILE
Summary: Reader’s pregnancy finally takes its toll on her, leaving both Spencer and Reader to navigate through rough waters from miles away.  Category: Fluff, Soft-soft-soft angst, One-Shot Pairing: (POV)Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Content Warning: Pregnancy Word Count: 3.2k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
At first, it was nothing I couldn’t handle.
Multiplied mood swings? Understandable, her hormones were everywhere. 
An ever-changing appetite? Great, at least now it wasn’t such a hassle for her to decide where to eat. 
A suddenly much tighter FBI vest? Well, that’s what the adjustable velcro straps were for. 
Again, nothing that I hadn’t already planned for. Even before I delved into parenting books galore, I had a pretty good general idea of what to expect. Not only because of JJ’s earlier pregnancy or Kate’s recent one, but more so because of my extensive knowledge of the human anatomy. This made riding the storm of (y/n)’s pregnancy easier ... until it didn’t. 
It was somewhere in her 35th week that things finally got the best of her. 
There was a linear increase of events that suggested things were taking a turn for the worse, so I slightly anticipated a steep decline to occur at any moment. For instance, soon after (y/n) started showing, I began to lose count of how many times I had to insert my hand between her seatbelt and her bump to create a gap just big enough so that the belt wouldn’t have such a suffocating restriction on her. Nor could I fully account for all the hours of sleep she’d lost tossing and turning, just trying to find a comfortable position where she wouldn’t be crushed by her own weight. And I certainly couldn’t remember, not even with my eidetic memory, how many times she’s almost walked out of the house completely barefoot after getting frustrated with her inability to put shoes on by herself. 
In some sad way, I knew she wished to regain some normalcy in her life. Not that she regretted motherhood, but that she wished she didn’t have to experience so many small inconveniences that summed up to something larger than the life she was helping come into fruition.
She just wanted to drink coffee again without running the risk of a miscarriage. She wanted to climb up a flight of stairs without getting winded by the first few steps. She wanted to put on a tight shirt without looking exceptionally overweight. And most of all, she just wanted to keep working.
If she had to go to hell and back to stay in the BAU while pregnant, then to hell and back she went. 
My wife, as stubborn as ever, had made me - and the entire team - promise not to baby her as soon as we revealed that we were expecting. 
“I don’t want any of that ‘but you’re pregnant’ crap, got it?” She narrowed her eyes darkly at all of us, pointing an accusatory finger. “Anything you can do, I can do pregnant.”
And from that day on, she did what she vowed to do, what I knew she could do. She still chased after unsubs, shot all the bad guys, arrested the felons, but eventually - inevitably - it wore down on her. 
The easiest effect I could identify was her drowsiness. It used to take her a while to fall asleep on the jet, and sometimes, she’d stay awake the entire flight. But after the grueling hours she’d endured during her pregnancy, we would barely board the plane before she knocked out. I think falling asleep in the seats gave her the comfort she couldn’t find lying horizontally in a bed. No one said anything, though, because she’d already made it explicitly clear that she didn’t want us to pay her any special treatment, which I understood. Nobody likes to be pitied, but after today’s incident, this went far beyond pity. 
It was just plain concern. 
“The doctor said I’ll be fine.” She grumbled, waving me away with a flick of her hand. However, seeing as she was currently lying in a hospital bed, donning a gown that only partially hid from me all the wires and pads that stuck to her body to monitor her health and relay it to the machines - she wasn’t fine. And I needed her to know that I wasn’t going anywhere, and neither was the team. (I didn’t tell her this because she would’ve quite literally took my head off, but they were all out there in the waiting room instead of working on the case). 
“Emphasis on the future tense ‘will.’ You will be fine, but right now, you’re not.” I prepared myself to deliver the news I knew she didn’t want to hear. My voice became significantly quieter, reaching such a low decibel I wasn’t sure she’d even hear it, but maybe that was by design. She didn’t want to hear it as much as I hated to say it. “Maybe you should consider going on maternity leave now.”
Immediately, my wife shook her head with the biggest pout I’d ever seen. I could see it in the way her lip quivered that she was about to cry, no doubt because of the hormones, but especially because this job was her last piece of normality. She clung to it because it was all she had left to remind herself that she was still, in some capacity, the woman she was before. 
“Spencer, please.” She begged, as if I could do anything. “I’m not ready to leave yet.” 
I pursed my lips and looked away for a second to hide my own emotions. Seeing her cry was never easy, but being the cause for it made this even harder. I felt the formation of a lump in my throat and the pricking of tears in my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I croaked. “But I can’t let you keep risking your health,” I explained, neglecting to voice the final part of that sentence. ‘Or our baby’s.’ But I didn’t say that. How could I? It would’ve only guilted her further. 
“Your blood pressure’s getting higher,” I explained, keeping my eyes steady on hers, not letting them stray to the machine that she clearly didn’t know how to read. But with one glance at the numbers, I already knew they weren’t good. I didn’t lead on just how bad they were, though. “You fainted today, and if you’d landed even a little bit differently, you would’ve ended up with a lot more than just a few scratches on your stomach.” That was the extent of my guilt-tripping. It didn’t feel right coming out of my mouth, but it was the only way I knew she would understand the severity of the situation. 
“You were already planning on going on maternity leave next week, what’s a few days earlier?” I asked, briefly referring back to her obstetrician’s recommendation of not flying after her 36th week. 
We both agreed that after week 36, she’d take her leave of absence since she couldn’t join us on the jet anyway. It was our ‘compromise.’ If she insisted on still going in the field, then she had to listen to the doctor’s orders and not fly for the last month. 
“Spencer,” She whispered again, this time with tears running down her cheeks at the bat of her eyes. With the pad of my thumb, I gently wiped them away, wishing I’d never caused them to be there in the first place. “I can’t do this anymore.” 
She never let on how difficult things had become for her. She never said it’s too much (and it must be too much some of the time). So when she finally admitted the burden her pregnancy had created, I could already sense its arrival. So without a second wasted, I pulled the guest chair right up next to her bed and sat in it while reaching for her hand. Despite the presence of the pulse oximetry on her index finger, I still took her hand between both of my own, not minding the gap that the device created. 
“You are the strongest woman I know. There aren’t many pregnant women out there who can do what you’ve done these past eight months. They wouldn’t even think of it.” We shared a brief laugh, which lightened the atmosphere enough to encourage me to continue. “You are bearing our child, (y/n). Nobody else gets to do that. Not me. Not another girl. Just you. It’s only you who can truly give for our baby right now and you’re -you’re my girl ... and right now, I need you to take care of our girl, okay?”
She nodded rapidly with still glistening eyes. For the first time, that day, she stopped thinking her job was as an agent and started knowing her job was as a mother. 
And a damn good one at that. 
_ _ _
If there was anything I’d learned over the past years, it was that I should never expect my wife to follow the rules. Today was no exception. 
She should’ve been in bed right now, taking it easy, but instead, she was standing right beside the jet, saying goodbye to each and every one of us before we boarded. 
This would be our first flight without her. 
“You take care, mama, okay?” Morgan told her, kissing her cheek before waving goodbye. 
“I’m gonna miss you so much.” Kate sighed, engulfing (y/n) in a hug that I knew couldn’t have been comfortable with each of their bumps in the way, but they relished in it anyway. If I didn’t know any better, it looked like Kate was about to cry. Maybe that’s because their dynamic was different than any other. Their simultaneous pregnancies meant that they knew one another’s struggles far better than any of us could, so granted, it would be hard for Kate and (y/n) to be away from each other. They’d been in this journey together after all, in a way I couldn’t have been.
“Oh,” JJ sighed happily, taking (y/n) in her arms and swaying gently from side to side. “You are going to be the best mother ever.” 
“Said the best mother ever.” (Y/n) remarked, laughing bittersweetly. It was something in her smile that let me know it was just for show. 
Then, in one of the rarest moments of history, Hotch hugged (y/n), earning a slightly more real smile from her.
“Get some rest. You deserve it.” He whispered. 
Not even a second after they pulled away did Rossi wait to take (y/n)’s face in his hands and plant two kisses, one on either cheek. 
“If you need anything, you call us.” He ordered, mimicking a drill sergeant.
And though, I wasn’t ready, I found myself making my way to her, getting ready for one of the hardest goodbyes. 
She wrapped her arms around my torso and let her head press against my heart. “I don’t know how I’m gonna do this without you.” 
For the first time that night, she wasn’t faking a smile or putting on a face. I knew when she was saying goodbye that she was only laughing and grinning for everyone else, but underneath it all, she was experiencing a great sadness that no one else could understand. Everyone was just as excited as we were for this baby, if for no other reason than I was finally going to have a family of my own. That I’d finally found the people who were going to be there for me forever. And maybe it was that knowledge, the knowledge of how happy this baby made others, was the reason she never let it show just how hard it was for her. Otherwise, it’d ruin the fantasy. And so she wore happiness like a mask to hide the profound pain that would’ve wounded our spirits. 
“Hey, I’m not leaving you forever,” I whispered somberly, hugging her a little tighter. “And if anything happens, I’m just a phone call away.” As much as I tried to believe my words, neither of us could find the truth in it. Even I knew I wasn’t just a phone call away. I’d be miles and miles and miles away from two of the best things that have ever happened from me. 
She inhaled sharply and pulled away from me, wiping the tears from her cheeks with the hope that I hadn’t already seen them. “I should probably let you go now.” She laughed lightly. 
Our bodies parted, but I had yet to let go of her hand. I shook it up and down gently as I told her, “I love you.”
She shook my hand back in just the same manner. “We love you, too.” 
A smile crept onto my face after the immediate realization of what she meant. 
My girls.
At last, when I walked up the steps to the jet, I finally let go of her hand at the last moment possible, and even after we released hands, our arms stayed outstretched for a passing second as the distance between them got further and further. With the warmth of her hand leaving mine vacantly cold, I watched as she replaced it on the very top of her stomach, as if to say, “We’ll be okay.” 
_ _ _
I refocused my vision to Morgan who was calling my name. From the look on his face, I realized he probably tried to get my attention multiple times before this. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” I shook my head to clear my mind, but it didn’t work. A part of me was still in another world, lingering in thought. 
My mind would never shut up about her, but it seemed like today, it was firing all these things at me at 2x speed. I couldn’t pinpoint the exact event that I felt guilty for, but really - take your pick. It could’ve been anything, it could’ve been everything. 
It could’ve been the fact that I was here and she wasn’t. It could’ve been the fact that in those last moments I saw her, I realized just how strong she was being this entire time, and how I was asking her to be even stronger, as if the weight of the world wasn’t enough. It could’ve been the realization that she was struggling this entire time, but never asked for help, thinking that she’d be a burden - the very thing she made us promise not to let her be. That is the reason after all, that she told us not to let her pregnancy be an excuse for anything. Because if she didn’t contribute anything, then she’d be holding us back - she’d be dead weight. I knew that, and yet, what did I do?
Nothing. I walked away and boarded that fucking jet like a brainless idiot.
I should’ve stayed with her. 
Morgan’s eyes turned to slits while he tossed the manila folder onto the table, seemingly setting it aside so it wouldn’t be a distraction from his question. “What’s going on, man?” 
I shrugged, pretending not to know exactly what he was talking about. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just zoned out, that’s all.” 
Clearly exasperated, he said, “Come on, man. Don’t do that. Tell me what’s wrong.” 
Whether it was defeat or a sweet surrender, I tucked my hands in my pockets and let my head hang low, eyes glued to the ground. Unexpectedly, I was sniffling and wiping my nose before I could register that tears were already coming. “I’m just worried about her.” 
It felt stupid to admit, especially considering I saw her only 8 hours, 37 minutes, and 12 seconds ago. But the absence of her and our baby was growing more and more apparent with every passing moment I spent in this office without her. Usually, she would be here to keep me company, bothering me while I located the comfort zone - not that she ever really did bother me. I quite liked her presence. 
Sometimes, when I was left alone, the room would get too quiet, and it’d just be me and my thoughts. And maybe she knew how scared of my own mind I was when it wandered, so she never let me be alone with it - never let the room get too quiet. She would talk and talk and talk, and I could never get tired of listening. Her voice was like white noise. If she was here, things would be as they always were. I would be standing at the map, and she’d no doubt be sitting in a chair, rubbing gentle circles around her protruding stomach as I felt her watching me intently. 
“Found it.” I would say, drawing a big red circle around the zone. 
To which she would say, “You’re a genius.” 
Sure, I’ve been called ‘genius’ a million times before, but it never felt the same as when she said it. 
Morgan could see the invisible pain in my chest, and he pulled me in by my shoulder to wrap his arm around me. It might not have looked like it, but it was the most reassuring hug he could’ve given me. I can’t explain it, but it felt like (y/n)’s warmth and love had possessed his body and he was radiating it now. 
“I know it’s scary, man, and honestly, we all wish we could be with her right now. But trust me when I tell you she’s not alone.” He treaded carefully with his words, and I could tell there was something he wasn’t saying but that wanted me to figure out.
I didn’t even have to verbalize my question because soon enough, when Morgan pulled back, his phone began to ring.
“It’s Garcia.” He told me, though he didn’t answer the call, which was weird enough. But then he gestured to the computer on the table, and so I half-heartedly watched as the screen changed from the blue background to a video call with Garcia. 
And who else would be sitting beside her but my wife?
“Look who I’ve got with me!” Garcia squealed, clapping her hands together excitedly.
“You’re supposed to be on bedrest.” I playfully scolded her.
“I was! I was, I promise. But after I said goodbye to you guys, I went home and got four hours of sleep, and then I went to my doctors appointment, but then when I was driving home, I thought why would I go back there when I’ve got everything I need right here?” She motioned around Garcia’s lair, even lifting up a hospital-go bag that Penelope no doubt compiled just for her. If there was anyone I trusted to take good care of her, it was Garcia. 
Like I said before, I learned to expect (y/n) not to follow the rules. So naturally, she found a way to still work even on maternity leave. 
At this point, the rest of the team neatly filed into the room, erupting in cheers of excitement at the sight of (y/n) in the bat cave. 
“Is everything okay?” JJ worriedly asked. 
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine! Baby looks good, my blood pressure’s getting better, so we’re doing okay.” She smiled proudly, and so did I. That was her first appointment on her own, and though it couldn’t have been easy, especially this late in her term, she did it anyway. Because that’s my girl.  
“When are you due, again?” Kate asked (y/n), earning an enthusiastic, “Doctor says if she’s on time, New Year’s Eve!” 
It never failed to make me smile whenever she brought up her due date. She was always excited to proclaim that our daughter might be brought into the world at the exact time we brought in the new year. 
“But if I’m early, it could be any day now.” She explained. 
Here’s where I had to cut in. “Hopefully not any day now! I don’t wanna miss it.” 
“You won’t!” She promised through a wide grin.
Something else you should know about my girl? She always keeps her promises. 
And on January 1, at exactly 12:00 - just as promised - I had the privilege of watching (y/n) deliver a healthy 6 pound and 9 ounce baby girl.
The weight of my whole world.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
Can you tell I love it when someone says “my girl”? I think that’s my favorite pet name ever. 
taglist: @rainsong01 @calm-and-doctor​ @inkstainedwritergirl​ @rexorangecouny​
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neocatharsis · 3 years
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NCT 127 Reveal The Hobbies & Obsessions They Can’t Give Up In Their Down Time
In Elite Daily’s series Rent-Free, celebrities unpack the one thought, memory, or unforgettable pop culture moment that'll always live in their head. In this piece, NCT 127 reveals the interests and hobbies even die-hard fans will be surprised to learn about.
In the past year, most musical acts had to cancel their highly-anticipated tours due to the coronavirus pandemic, and NCT 127 was no exception. That’s why its members — Johnny, Haechan, Mark, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Yuta, Taeil, Jungwoo, and Doyoung — have taken every opportunity to get closer to their fans with new music. After dropping their second Japanese EP, Loveholic, in February, the group returned on June 4 with “Save,” their latest single all about making unforgettable memories. Up next? An entirely new era. On July 7 (the group’s fifth anniversary), they announced their next album is coming in September. In celebration of all the exciting things ahead, NCT 127 opened up about how they wind down after a hard day’s work.
NCT 127 tells Elite Daily these past five years as a group have been worthwhile, and it’s all thanks to their fans, called NCTzens, who have supported them throughout their journey. “[We have so many] memories from practicing together pre-debut to our actual debut stage, and also all those times we spent working on our music and performance to meet our fans at our first concert and first world tour as well,” the group collectively says. “Each and every moment we spend on our music is for our fans, and we are working hard to better show ourselves in various different ways, so we hope you’re all excited!”
Fans have impacted the group so much that they’ve become the muse behind NCT 127’s biggest tracks. “The inspiration [behind ‘Save’] comes from wanting to save our precious memories with each other and with our fans,” the group says. And NCT 127 hasn’t let go of a single one. While they haven’t been able to perform in front of a live audience since early 2020, they held their online Beyond The Origin concert in May. They add, “It was new getting to meet fans from every part of the world at the same time.”
While the guys have their hands full recording their next project, they’re making sure to get some much-deserved R&R whenever they can. Below, NCT 127 reveal the interests that have been living in their minds rent-free.
Johnny is a major fan of horror movies. “I love how they keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time you’re watching,” he says. His favorite scary movie of all time is Shutter, which is about a couple who accidentally run over a woman and then see her ghost in photographs they develop. “Even though I watched it when I was young, I still remember the movie, and it’s one I think about often. I’ve seen the movie multiple times since I first saw it in high school, and I recall being scared of red-lit rooms for quite some time afterward,” he says.
His most recent watch was The Conjuring franchise. He adds, “After I saw the movies, I looked up some articles about the behind stories. They were pretty interesting!”
Taeil keeps music on his mind even after a full day of rehearsals. “Audio speakers really amplify music so you can hear the intricate details of the track, and there’s also that sense of excitement from when you hear a sound you like!” Taeil says, explaining his love for audio. “I like the speaker brand Focal. There’s still a lot I don’t know about speakers, but I find the brand very attractive since you can experience a flat sound that’s similar to what the songwriter intended to create.”
Taeil says the group’s sound has changed a lot since their debut in 2016. He says, “With time, our team color is definitely becoming more distinct and defined. I think the sound we have now is a very captivating one with strong hip-hop and R&B colors.”
The group’s leader enjoys connecting with others, but especially with NCTzens. “[Our relationship] is a very precious and one that I’m truly grateful for. Not only do we enjoy the same things, but we also try to improve and show that to each other. All of this is very special and meaningful to me,” he says. “It’s nice to learn of each other’s culture, and by singing in different languages, it makes me feel as if I’ve grown closer to our fans from those countries.”
Yuta loves exercising because it’s very rewarding, and although he doesn’t have a specific fitness routine, he prefers working out at a gym rather than at home. “I like how exercising makes me feel stronger and helps me to build up my strength... which is very helpful when practicing group dances that require attention to body angles,” he says. “We had a short preparation period [to learn ‘Save’], but I was able to learn the choreography quickly and had a fun time preparing.”
Ever since he was cast as Axel von Fergen in the Korean adaptation of Marie Antoinette, which is based on the 2006 musical of the same name that originally premiered in Japan, Doyoung has found a newfound appreciation for theatre. “I find it very precious how you can share emotions through singing and acting,” he says. “It’s been very meaningful preparing for my musical debut, and it’s really all thanks to the amazing seniors and producers! The process in itself has been a very fun one, and I have been preparing with a heart of gratitude.”
Doyoung is set to make his musical debut on July 13 when the production opens at the Charlotte Theater in Seoul.
Jaehyun says he “fell in love” with tennis in April because it helps relieve stress. “I’ve always enjoyed trying out new sports like basketball, bowling, and boxing whenever I had the chance. But I actually started tennis because my father recommended it,” he says. “I know this is the case for all sports, but tennis isn’t something you can master after a few tries. It requires persistence, and I started to enjoy it even more as I saw myself gradually improving.”
Jaehyun’s favorite tennis player is Jannik Sinner, a 19-year-old Italian athlete who competed in the 2020 French Open as the youngest quarterfinalist in the men’s singles event. He says, “I’d really like to go see a tournament.”
Lately, Mark is interested in taking better care of his hair. “It’s really important to me because I change my hair color a lot, and because I want my hair and scalp to be healthy,” he says. While he’s experimented with just about every color in the rainbow, there’s one he always loves going back to. He adds, “I think I liked my blue hair the most. It is my favorite color, after all, and I believe my fans liked it as much as I did. I was glad to be able to film the ‘Save’ music video during my blue-haired period. It fit well with all the scenes and the aesthetics!”
Similar to Yuta, Jungwoo has also had exercising on his mind. “My life has become more lively since I started exercising. More so than exercising to improve my physique, I exercise in order to have a healthier, richer life. Also, it makes me proud knowing I’m spending my day more productively,” he says. “The first thing I do after I wake up is to start off the day with simple stretches that improve body balance... Stretching helps to warm up the body, which reduces the risk of injury, and can also boost your mood! I think this is why when I dance, I’m able to express those movements in more detail.”
Haechan is now experimenting with all things fragrance. “I started using perfume since scents can give a sense of self-satisfaction and because I wanted to smell good all the time!” he says, adding he doesn’t have a favorite perfume. “The scent that suits me well, that I personally like, and that will suit me is always different!” However, there’s one scent that will always remind him of a certain memory with NCT 127. “This might sound funny, but I’d have to say the smell of sweat in our practice rooms,” Haechan says, adding it’s “satisfying” because it makes him feel like they worked hard after a long day. As for what draws fans to NCT 127, Haechan credits their “sincere music and performances.”
© Elite Daily
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azucanela · 3 years
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol consumption. cursing.
word count: 3k
summary: the internet is enamored with the idea of y/n l/n and bakugou katsuki, two renowned pro heroes, dating. the first issue? the pair rarely interacts. the second issue? apparently, they hate each other, not that anyone knows about that bit. of course, after one night of many mistakes, the whole world knows. 
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series masterlist
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THE NIGHT OF THE GALA, it quickly came to Y/N’s attention that she definitely should not have waited til the last minute to get ready. But, her own procrastination had bested her, especially since she didn’t want to go, at all. It isn’t that Y/N wasn’t excited to see all her peers, it’s just that...
Y/N wasn’t excited to see her peers. 
Or anyone for that matter, she was exhausted after having just recently returned from one of her longer missions, and though her publicist had insisted the timing was perfect Y/N had to disagree.
She was really hoping for a break, not to be forced into socializing with everyone. And though Y/N didn’t want to seem arrogant in any way, she was a woman who had amassed quite the influence in her years as a Pro Hero. Meaning people wanted to talk to her, they wanted her favor.
Y/N wasn’t in the mood to have conversations with people faking kindness at the moment, which was the primary reason she found herself grimacing as she slipped on her second heel. Nearly falling to the floor had she not caught herself on the edge of the doorway as she hopped out while adjusting her shoe. 
As though things couldn’t become more chaotic, Y/N’s phone rings, causing her to jump at the sudden noise in shock before cursing, hand reaching into her small purse and digging around for the item as she continues towards her door. Just before she can pick up the phone, the call promptly ends, and a knock sounds at the door— causing Y/N to groan in annoyance as she comes to a proper stand and begins to make her way towards the entrance of her home.
The knocks become more rapid, and Y/N suddenly realizes just who is at her door as she rolls her eyes, calling out, “I’m coming you impatient hag.” 
Y/N can practically hear the scoff of her publicist as she finally opens the door, revealing the woman who stands with her brow raised. “We’re going to be late.”
Before her stands Lorelai Flores, one of the most renowned publicists of their time. Y/N was lucky to have scored her seeing as she was one of few Pro Heroes who hadn’t had a scandal yet, miraculously. In fact, Y/N had been one of her first clients shortly after they’d met in a local café— the woman had come from America and Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if life there was more chaotic with how well she handled all her clients.
The woman in question stands before Y/N in a green dress as she removes her glasses, eyes scanning Y/Ns figure before saying, “you look nice.”
A smile finds its way onto Y/N’s face as she lightly shoves Lorelai, stepping out of her apartment and locking the door behind her before the pair begins to head down the hall, “you look great as well!” 
The click of their heels brings Y/N a satisfaction she cant describe as they exit the apartment complex, Y/N lived in a quiet area, an attempt to escape the unavoidable fame being a Pro Hero brought on. It was especially worse when you saw all the posts.
God, Twitter is insane, Y/N learnt that the hard way. Despite the fact that she and Bakugou Katsuki hadn’t been in the same room since graduation— for a reason— the internet had taken to shipping the pair. It was an idea that Y/N abhorred given her history with the boy. After all, they’d practically been butting heads since they met. 
But it was appealing to the masses, the idea of someone “soft” like Y/N, someone known for their charity work and kindness, their sweet smile and endless optimism. And someone... like Bakugou. Harsh, almost ill-mannered and rude— though there was no denying that he’d made progress since their UA days, not that Y/N could confirm this seeing as she hadn’t seen him in so long. That and the fact that last she checked, most of the major headlines involving Bakugou were... not very positive.
Y/N started to avoid social media once she discovered this ship. She and Bakugou didn’t have the best relationship during their time at UA, it was practically a rivalry in their last year especially. 
“All your friends are going to be there.” Lorelai hummed, scrolling through her phone as she side eyed Y/N, the pair slipping inside a limo with ease once they stepped out of building, met by one of many men that Lorelai had hired. She had insisted that now that Y/N was a Pro Hero, she’d be a target too. And of course, her publicist was right. 
Her brow raises, as she settles in the car, deciding to simply reply, “yes, I’m aware they’ll all be there.” It’s a curious comment, seeing as it was an obvious fact. They were all heroes, and given their history with UA, well... the world had been anticipating their debuts for a while. Meaning they all quickly rose to fame, some faster than others, and some remaining in the spotlight far longer. 
Surprisingly, Y/N was included in that bunch, unsurprisingly, Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya were as well. Tokoyami had also carved out a nice spot for himself at Hawks’ agency, and Yaoyorozu had managed to become a sidekick to a rather renowned upcoming hero. 
Y/N had also earned a spot at Hawks’ agency, the man demanding her presence because she had “reminded him of himself,” for some reason. And seeing as he was one of the top heroes, who was she to disagree? The man seemed to understand her desire for distance, allowing her to go on missions that tended to be further out from where she’d grown up. And she was more thankful for the space.
She’d taken to philanthropy as soon as the money started coming in. Y/N had never understood just how much money Pro Heroes made until she was earning it as well. Although, seeing as she wasn’t ranked all that high, it wasn’t until she started branching out and doing other work that it became ridiculous.
“All of your friends, Ms. L/N.” Lorelai looks up to her, brow raised as she crosses her legs, resting her clasped hands on top of them.
Y/N offers her a tight lipped smile before waving her off, “I told you to call me Y/N, we’ve known each other how long?” 
“Don’t change the subject.”
Sighing, Y/N shifts uncomfortably in her seat, eyes drifting towards the window to see there are already dozens of flashing lights lined up, surrounding the venue of the gala, hoping to catch one of the Pro Heroes before anyone else does.
With a sigh, Lorelai directs her eyes outside as well, hands clasped together as she straightens herself in her seat, “funny isn’t it? That such a vital job requires so much publicity?” A tight lipped smile forms on their face, “I suppose I should be grateful for it. After all, it’s the reason I have a job but...”
But, Y/N hated it, and so did Lorelai. 
“It’s horrid that my dress matters more than any life I save.” 
And with that, the car comes to a stop. Alerting them that they’ve arrived, coupled with a short and swift knock on the door to signal that it’s time to get out. 
Inhaling deeply, Y/N looks back to Lorelai, who takes out a pocket mirror and removes her glasses, Lorelai eyes herself in the mirror momentarily, blinking once, twice, before saying, “most people don’t bring their publicists to such events you know.”
A small laugh escapes Y/N, and she knows its Lorelai’s attempt at helping her wind down before going inside, though she replies, “you’re more than my publicist.” Offering her a smile, Y/N simply says, “and why suffer alone when I can bring my friend, and who else will make sure I don’t do anything dumb?” 
It was true, it was always nice to have a partner at such functions, someone to hang around or return to. Or more accurately, someone to use as an excuse to leave the more annoying conversations. Though Lorelai always enjoyed the free foods and gift bags— that had items worth more than her rent, Lorelai had once said— and agreed to join Y/N/
Rolling her eyes, Lorelai simply knocks at the door, letting their chauffeur know it’s time before momentarily turning back to Y/N as they say, “ladies first.”
And with that, the door opens, revealing the pair to the world and exposing them to all the flashing lights of the mob awaiting them. People shouting out her Pro Hero name, Empatha.
Named for her quirk, Empathic Mimicry. Granting her to use the ability of those she touches for as long as she wants. However, in that period of time, she can feel their emotions and pain, and the quirk she uses comes with the setbacks of the user. If the person she touches is quirkless, it is possible to get other skills of theirs, but once again there are setbacks. 
Todoroki spent much of his free time at UA theorizing that she and Monoma Neito were secretly related in some way. Monoma on the other hand, seemed bitter about the fact that Y/N was “a better version” of him. Despite this, the memory of Todoroki’s odd question brings a genuine smile to her face as she steps onto the red carpet, swiftly making her way past as she waves towards the cameras. 
It’s just as overwhelming as it was the first time. And the second time. And the time after that. Even if Y/N had taught herself to control her abilities, no longer feeling the emotions of those surrounding her. But she didn’t need her ability to feel the excitement, anxiety— and worst of all the ambition. Ambition tended to be dangerous in the hero world. The reason behind unnecessary deaths, and exposed scandals. In Y/N’s experience it was a dangerous emotion, but she wouldn’t deny it had produced some impressive people. 
The lights are blinding as Y/N maneuvers inside, colliding with someone, warm hands come to rest on her forearms as the person in question mutters out, “watch where you’re going.”
Y/N finds herself freezing, recognizing him almost instantly. By the time her eyes have readjusted to the light, she finds that Bakugou is staring right back at her, mouth gaped open.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Y/N scoffs, tearing her arm from his grasp as he quickly as she attempts to collect herself, inhaling deeply.
Y/N probably should’ve guessed it was him from the screams, pose for a picture! Why don’t you two get a little closer! Can you comment on your relationship? They’re yelling for Bakugou too, wondering why he finally decided to make an appearance. Y/N is curious as well, for different reasons of course.
Bakugou is rolling his eyes before she can continue, “please, it’s not like I wanted to see you either.” 
Y/N nods slowly, offering him a bitter smile as she inhaled deeply— taking a few steps back. “Great to see you Bakugou, truly.” Sarcasm dripping from her tone as she stands beside him begrudgingly, putting on a false smile, “I hate you just as much as I used to.” 
Pausing, Bakugou’s hand comes to hover over her waist, as he stares into the cameras, muttering, “why?” 
“We both have reputations to maintain, do we not?” Comes her response, looking to him, Y/N reminds herself not to scowl as she straightens herself beside him, waving to a group of people and inciting more screams as she beams from beside Bakugou.
His laugh is a bitter one as he replies, “right.” Y/N inhales shakily, removing herself from Bakugou as she offers him a sarcastic smile, “thanks for the show, Sweetheart, but you aren’t all that important. You aren’t doing me any favors right now.”
A laugh escapes her, and the number of flashes increases exponentially, only for her to turn to Bakugou and say, “really now? Well, I suppose you’re right I’m not important seeing as you’re the one on the front page every week for a different scandal.” Bakugou looks away, scoffing, and Y/N nearly flips him off before reminding herself where she is and saying, “And I don’t want your thanks. I don’t want anything from you.”
And then she’s off, offering tight lipped smiles to those around her as she moved further into the venue for the gala, grabbing a drink off the tray of a passing waiter, Y/N mumbled out words of thanks before downing the drink instantly. Making her way past each person when a hand grabs her wrist.
Izuku Midoriya, better known as Pro Hero Deku, had intercepted Y/N on her way to the sanctuary of every party. The bathroom. Though he was probably the best person to have caught her, and undoubtedly someone she actually wanted to speak with. Y/N had a feeling he could tell something was wrong from the way he looked at her, concern clear in his eyes, Izuku was always easy to read. But she had somewhere to be and—
And Bakugou would be entering anytime soon. And what infuriated Bakugou more than she did? Izuku Midoriya.
So, Y/N puts a smile on her face as she says, “hey Midoriya.” She clears her throat, moving to stand beside him as she asks, “how are you doing?” 
He beams back at her, his smile as genuine as ever as he responds, “I’m well! And so are you it seems, there are rumors that you’ll be entering the top 100 heroes this year, you know?” 
Y/N had heard such rumors as well, if they were true, she’d be the first of her class to become a part of the top 100. Seeing as they were still basically fresh out of UA, it would be quite the achievement for her to do so at such a young age. Rivaling the progression of even Pro Hero Hawks. 
Raising a brow Y/N shoves him lightly, “scouting out the competition are you, Midoriya?” 
Midoriya’s eyes widen and he immediately begins shaking his head as his cheeks flush a bright red, “absolutely not!” He exclaims, “I’m just so amazed by how far you’ve come and it’s been so long since I’ve seen you.” 
A small laugh escapes her at his reaction, her eyes drifting towards her empty glass as she replies, “well I have no doubt that if I do miraculously enter the top 100, you’ll be close behind.” Inhaling deeply, she meets his eyes, “now if you’ll excuse me, I was on my way to the restroom when you caught me.” Once again, his cheeks flush a light pink as he begins to sputter apologies, and Y/N simply smiles as she says, “but we should definitely catch up sometime soon, maybe we can hang out sometime soon?”
A bashful smile finds its way onto his face as he nods slowly, “yeah. I would like that.”
And with that, Y/N waves goodbye to him continuing to the bathroom and managing to avoid any more conversations though few tried. Likely hoping for some good publicity themselves, she could see people beginning to swarm Deku in the distance now— and Y/N finds herself feeling bad that she left him so soon.
But as Y/N makes her way inside the restroom, it finally hits her.
Lorelai meant it when she said all her peers are coming, the woman had probably meant it as a warning. It was rare for Bakugou to attend social events, especially since they rarely ended well when it came to him. Most days, he ended up the headline of every single news sources when it came to his public events, rarely did Bakugou have a good run in with the press. Y/N was shocked he’d made it this far in the hero industry with his poor reputation only worsening at every event.
Oh she needed a drink. Y/N needed a lot of drinks. She couldn’t do this right now, not at all.
But more importantly, she needed fun, she needed lots of fun. So, taking one last look at the mirror, Y/N inhales deeply before exiting the restroom, spotting Izuku Midoriya almost instantly. She makes her way towards him, calling out for him, “Midoriya!” Her words distract him from his conversation, drawing the attention of those around then and the people who were initially speaking to him. 
The boy seems relieved that someone has come to save him from whatever conversation he was having, waving to Y/N as he says, “Y/N?”
A grin comes onto her face as she extends a hand to him, looking to those around him, “sorry to interrupt but—” She turns back to Izuku, “may I have this dance?
He offers her a nervous smile, only sparing those around him a glance as he replies, “definitely.” 
And with that, she drags him to the dance floor, and Y/N can feel the eyes on her as she does. It certainly is a curious sight. Two of the big up and coming heroes heading to the dance floor together after barely any public interactions. Y/N is sure that once the word gets out the internet will be going insane, and so will the press. Weaving together stories of insanity to boost their readership.
At this rate, Y/N didn’t care. 
This was Y/N L/N’s first mistake of the night, but it certainly wouldn’t be her last seeing as by the end of the night, Y/N L/N and Bakugou Katsuki would be on every front page and headline. 
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note: lmk how this was pls i need validation <3
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Day 26, Post #1 by @cheesyficwriter
Title: The Greatest Chapter 
Author: cheesyficwriter
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Prompt: Moving in together
Rating: T
Trigger Warnings: None
Prompt: Moving in together 
  The Greatest Chapter
At age 10, I had the most embarrassing schoolgirl crush on Harry Potter. I'd see him and run in the opposite direction, painting the perfect image of me as a young girl who lacked the confidence needed to formulate words — any words — around someone I liked. 
Before getting to know Harry for who he really was, I was so infatuated with the idea of the Boy-Who-Lived. I wanted so desperately to be going to Hogwarts with Ron before I was old enough, knowing that Harry Potter would be there too. 
The way Harry took on a basilisk to save my life during my first year did nothing but solidify my growing feelings for him. My crush never really went away but instead transformed into a casual friendship based upon our shared experience in the Chamber of Secrets, a friendship that I was willing to accept at the time because I just wanted to be around him. 
As we grew up, I started to relax more in his presence. We gained a mutual respect for one another, exchanging laughs in the Great Hall and sharing in-jokes during Christmases at the Burrow. Those little moments, in between all of the chaos and turmoil of what used to be, helped me learn a few things about Harry that I wouldn’t have discovered otherwise — not even on the front page of The Daily Prophet.  
When I was younger, I admired Harry because I was under the impression that he possessed traits that I didn’t. I never imagined that I could be as brave, or courageous, or charismatic as he was to me. What surprised me the most about our developing friendship at Hogwarts was that there were far more similarities between us than differences. We shared the same wicked sense of humor — that I like to say I inherited from my plethora of brothers — yet could still hold my own during quick-witted battles, and I often found myself looking at Harry whenever something made me laugh, just to see if he was laughing, too. My stomach always spiraled when, more often than not, I found him looking back at me. We used our shared humor to our advantage, and I was thankful for that small respite in the midst of so much darkness. 
We shared the same values, both of us realizing the importance of family, friends, and love above everything else. It’s what we fought for every day, even when it seemed like we were too young to really know what love was. 
As our friendship continued, my romantic feelings for Harry were buried deep down in a place where I was once convinced they would stay. I decided to throw all of my energy into school, developing my skills as a witch, thus growing the confidence I needed along the way to put myself out there with other, more available boys. 
For years, we were caught up in our own lives, and it shocked me more than anyone to have captured Harry’s attention when I least expected it. From the first moment he kissed me, I never hesitated. All of those feelings I had attempted to bury came rushing back to the surface, like revealing a galleon that I had stashed at the bottom of my trunk. 
I will never forget those few stolen weeks we had together when I was 15 and he was 16. He described it as something out of someone else’s life, and at the time, I had thought that was all we would ever be. Time was fleeting, and there wasn’t enough of it. 
Harry had no choice but to dedicate his life to fighting for the wizarding world, and I was always determined to be right there beside him, up until the point where I couldn’t. I was smart enough to understand why he didn’t ask me to come with him. It was his mission. His, Ron’s, and Hermione’s. I didn’t often miss the times the three of them carried on by themselves, engaging in secret conversation and disappearing without the faintest clue of their whereabouts until much later. 
On that fateful day that Harry broke things off, I already knew what he was so desperately trying to convey to me. If I were to have accompanied him on the Horcrux hunt, it would’ve been me he was worried about instead of finding the pieces of Voldemort’s soul that were crucial to defeating him. 
That notion — although tragic in a sense — gave me more pleasure than the feeling of scoring an impossible goal during a Quidditch match. 
Regardless, Harry was never far from my mind those long months that he was gone. My childhood crush seemed silly at that point because I had gained so much more than a fleeting romance. 
As time passed, and Harry and I found our way back to each other after Voldemort's defeat, it took us a minute to catch our bearings and resume our relationship that we had put on an indefinite pause. 
It hadn’t always been easy dating him. In fact, dealing with the fame that Harry carried around with him from being a war hero had been a lot harder than I ever anticipated. But it was always unspoken that we managed, despite what any publishings had to say about us. 
I came to love him, not for being Harry Potter, but for who he truly was. His heart. His courage.  
As I stood reflecting on my relationship with Harry in the drawing room of 12 Grimmauld Place, I was overcome with emotion. Our relationship wasn’t perfect, but it was the one we were destined to have, and that made every hardship worth it. 
The room housed a large window overlooking the street, a charming — albeit dusty — fireplace, and ornate fixtures. For a person who just moved in, I felt like the house itself could have been in worse shape. Harry did an exceptional job keeping the place organized, especially for someone who, up until just a few days ago, lived there by himself. 
That’s not to say I hadn’t already spent plenty of nights at Grimmauld Place over the last couple of years. In fact, I probably spent more nights there than I did at the Burrow once I returned home from my final year at Hogwarts. 
It was during those nights that I discovered just a fraction of the pain Harry went through. He’d always been intensely emotional, and so many nights I spent shaking him from his residual nightmares of the trauma he went through, despite the wizarding world being in a much better place. I comforted him the best I could in those moments, determined to make it clear to him that I’m never letting go — not this time. 
I smiled to myself as I took a seat on the piano bench, observing the peeling paint from one of the large, cracked walls. We had a lot of work to do, but moving in together was a proper next step for us. 
"Gin? Are you home?" Harry’s voice carried through the dusty walls. 
Before I could respond, Harry was already standing in the open archway, head tilted to the side with curiosity etched across his face. “Were you just staring at a blank wall?”
I crossed my arms, determined not to let him know about my extensive reflection into our past. “So what if I was, Potter?”
He looked as if he wanted to question my retort further but instead joined me at the piano, bumping his shoulder with mine. 
“It’s a lot of fun coming home to you,” he admitted, the rich, melodic sound of the piano filling the open space from his fingertips pressing against one of the keys. 
“You know that’s practically how we were before, right? When was the last time we spent a night apart?”
Harry shrugged, and it was clear he never really thought about it. “Dunno, but it was one night too many, I reckon.”
I sighed, wanting to ask a question that had been weighing on my heart. “Do you find it odd that we’ve never really argued? I mean, even when you broke up with me-”
“Why must we go back to that?” Harry interrupted, a pained look crossing his face. 
I gave him a playful pat on the arm. I wanted our past to be something positive we could look back on and didn’t fancy dwelling on the shit times. 
“Shush. I’m just saying, even though it hurt a lot to not know where you were for almost a year, I always understood your decision. You had to go.”
Harry’s eyebrows knitted together, clearly still trying to work out the point of the conversation. “Where are you going with this?”
“I just-I can’t believe I’m saying this,” I rubbed my temple to ease my stressed-out mind. “I’m actually worried that we will never fight.”
“Oh, we’ll fight.”
I turned towards Harry, who was too busy fiddling with the piano keys to even look at me. He responded straight away, like he didn’t even have to think about it. “How can you be so certain?”
Harry snorted. “I’ve witnessed you get all hot-headed when you disagree with other people.” He sent me a dazzling grin, reaching out to trail his fingers through my stray ginger strands that hung loose from my ponytail. “You’ve got that fiery red hair. It’s only a matter of time.”
“In fact,” Harry smirked with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “I think you’re the most problematic person I know, Ginevra.”
Harry yelped when I pinched his forearm. “You prat.”
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders to pull me closer. “In all seriousness, though, we’re going to be fine.”
I stared at him in awe but leaned into him. “You are so sure of yourself.”
He grabbed my shoulders, pivoting our bodies so that we were facing each other on the bench. “You wanna know how sure I am?”
Before I could respond or even react, he kissed me full on the mouth. He growled as our kiss intensified, and all at once, our positions shifted as I felt a sharp pain in my back from my body making contact with the piano keys with a resounding trill. I was left dizzy and breathless, snogging Harry as a wave of happiness resonated through me. 
When he pulled away, his fierce emerald eyes locked on mine set my mind ablaze. “Does that answer your question?”
I decided his question didn’t require a verbal response, so I simply attached my hand to the nape of his neck before dragging his face back to mine. We didn’t talk much for a while after that. 
I knew, perhaps more than anyone else, how much Harry desired moving forward from the past. I’m ready, too, to start the greatest chapter of our lives.
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fiveisnumber1 · 3 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Main story parts:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
Pt 28 - A Family Reunion
Gently you and Five parted from your kiss as you finally took in air again. Dropping your hands from his face you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your forehead against his. You hadn't opened your eyes yet as you were taking in every bit of this moment. As you did so Five lowered his hands from your face and wrapped his arms around your waist quickly pulling you closer to him.
"Oh!" You let out, surprised at the sudden action
"Didn't mean to scare you there." Five comments as he holds you tightly
He had missed you so much. It had only been about three days but all that time was filled with the worry of if you even existed in this timeline, where you could've been, and if you still loved him after tearing you from the life you re-built. He heard you say it, that you love him, and he felt it in the kiss you just shared but he didn't understand how you could love him after he threw you into time alone, again. Five pressed his forehead back against yours as he tries to just appreciate the solace of having you here with him. As you held your boyfriend for the first time in years you could feel something was off. Pulling your head back, you look at Five. He looks back at you and you can see that something was going on behind his eyes. Gently you stroke his hair as you quietly ask,
"What's going on in that head of yours?"
Five looked at you, your head tilted slightly as your eyes searched his face for some type of answer. He melted at the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair and across the back of his neck. Five closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours once more. His voice barely a whisper as he said
"I promised no apocalypse and no time travel and I left you in time again. Alone. I just...are you mad at me?"
"I could never be mad at you, I missed you so much." You replied gently
A smile crept to Five's face and a weight fell off his shoulders knowing that you weren't upset with him, but your response also amused him. It was the exact same response he had given you when he returned to the future. It was what he said to ease your worry that he was mad at you all those years ago when he left and got stuck in the apocalypse. Five tilted his head up and places a light kiss on your forehead before replying,
"I missed you too ma chérie."
As the two of you stood embraced under the night sky a voice came from down the alleyway calling,
"Hey (Y/N), you okay? You stopped talking to the universe."
You and Five both turn to look at where the voice came from and you see Charlie standing at the entrance to the alley.
"Oh Charlie, I forgot you were here." You comment
"FORGOT?! What do you mean forgot? Do I matter that little to you?" Charlie exclaims before quickly adding "Don't answer that."
Charlie makes his way over to where you are with Five. Leaving the embrace you grab Five's hand to hold as you gesture with the other one to your friend.
"Charlie, this is my boyfriend Five and Five, this is my friend Charlie." You explain "He's the one who kept me sane while I was stuck in this time."
"That's a pretty bold claim saying I kept you sane..." Charlie states before extending his hand out and exclaiming "But wow! It's great to finally meet you. She never shuts up about you."
"Charlie!" You say using your freehand to hit his arm "Don't make me mute you."
"DoN'T MakE mE mUte YoU" Charlie mocks
With his free hand, Five takes Charlie's and shakes it. A full smile appears on his face as he comments,
"I see she's rubbed off on you."
"Not entirely, but definitely too much." Charlie jokes
"Wow, okay." You say sarcastically
Charlie and Five stop shaking hands and Five let go of yours using that arm to wrap around your waist and pull you into his side. Five looks down and you before back to Charlie and says,
"Thank you for taking care of her while I was gone."
"Thank you for coming back and taking over," Charlie jokes before stating "I'm joking, she's the only friend I've ever had so it's been a great experience so far."
"Never a dull day." You add
"I bet." Five replies
As the three of you stand in the alley, Five catches something move out of his peripheral and looks up to see Diego passing by one of the windows. He doesn't notice any of you down in the alleyway though so, a thought comes to Five's mind. As much as he hated the way his brother had been treating him lately, he knew that his brother loved you too. And Diego definitely loved you more than him. Turning to you, Five comments,
"It's getting a bit chilly out here, why don't we head inside. Anyway, I think there's someone else who wants to see you too."
Five then tilts his head to gesture up to the window where Diego is and you turn your head to look. It was your brother. The smile that you had at being reunited with Five widened as you saw your older brother above you. You turn back to Five excited and Five says,
"Let's go. You too Charlie."
Charlie smiles excitedly and the three of you walk inside and start to head up the staircase. As you do so, Five quietly details a plan to surprise Diego. When you approached the door to the apartment you waited quietly with Charlie outside. Five entered alone and as he did Diego asked him,
"Where did you go?"
"Outside. I needed some air and I had a nice chat." Five replies bluntly
Five then closes the door which is your signal and you go invisible and phase yourself through the wall and quietly walk behind where Diego stood. The anticipation rushed through you and you wanted to just run and hug your brother but you know this would mean so much more.
"You had a chat?" Diego questioned, "With who?"
"With me." You said
Diego turned around to look at where the voice came from and when he did you revealed yourself. You looked up at him with a smile on your face. You can see Diego's face go through a series of emotions as he tries to process the sight of you before him. Shifting from shock to confusion to awe he looks on at his little sister before him. You can see him get misty-eyed as he slowly approaches you.
"(Y- (Y/N)?" He asks voice wavering
"Hi Eggo."
Diego quietly takes a few steps over to you before wrapping you in a tight hug. You could hear sniffles coming from him as he held you.
"Eggo are you crying?"
"What? No...I- it's just d-dust" Diego obviously lies
You looked towards Five and rolled your eyes at Diego's response as you hugged him tighter. You knew that your brother had missed you too and even if he was trying to act tough his true colors always showed through. As you held him a knock came from the door. Diego quickly lets go of you and pulls out a knife. A voice calls,
"Can I come in now?"
Diego poises himself ready to throw but you lower his arm. As he looks at you confused you open the door and let Charlie inside.
"Hi, I'm Charlie," Charlie says extending his hand again
Diego looks on at him confused before slowly taking his hand to shake it and replying,
As you all stand there looking at each other you can feel the tiredness of your feet from standing in heels so long. Looking over towards the living room you see some couches and decide to sit down. As you walk over there the others follow.
"Som how long have you guys been here?" You question
"Three days." Five replies
"About eighty for me," Diego adds
Diego and Five walk over to the couch across from the two sofa chairs as you sit down on one of them. As Charlie takes the other one Diego asks you,
"So how long have you been here?"
You look off to the side. You knew the number of days but actually realizing how long it had been...You were taken aback a little. You look towards them and bring your eyes to meet their gazes. Taking a small breath you quietly respond,
"one thousand, four hundred and eighteen days..."
Their jaws drop and they simultaneously sit down on the couch across from you. No words are said as they stare at you. Five could barely find words to say as his mind was racing too fast calculating the amount of time. Figuring out the amount, Five's eyes went wide with concern.
"(Y/N)...that's..." Five tries to get out
"Three years, ten months, and eighteen days." You state
"Holy shit," Diego says slumping back into the couch
Five's heart dropped and the weight that he thought had left his shoulders came crashing back in full force. You were here for almost four years? He left you for years on end...again? Five looked down at the floor ashamed, he couldn't dare to look you in the eyes right now. He cursed at himself internally for making the exact same mistake that he did the first time but more so he promised himself to keep you safe and he failed. Even if you had already said you weren't mad for what happened and had forgiven him, Five couldn't forgive himself. He needed to make this up to you. He needed to get you home. As he struggled to cope with what he had done Diego asked,
"So how old are you now then?"
"I turned 22 on October 1st, 1963." You reply
"Which is funny because if you were born in 1989 then technically you're also negative 26 right now." Charlie chimes in
"Yes, I am 33, 22, and negative 26 all at the same time." You reply
"Weirdo." Charlie jabs
"Thank you."
"How does he know that? Your actual birthday." Diego questions
"Well, I ended up mentioning some things about the future to him. I was here for almost four years." You explain
"Which don't forget, you still owe me another fact about it." Charlie reminds
"Yeah, yeah you'll get it in time buckaroo." You wave off
"Wait, so I missed four of your birthdays?" Diego complains
Diego was upset with himself that he wasn't there for you when he should've been. Sensing his change in emotion you try to cheer him up by commenting,
"I'm sure you were doing something really important though!"
You watch as Diego's demeanor rapidly changes. Quickly he sits up from leaning back on the couch and looks towards you with a fire in his eyes. He must be passionate about something then. Leaning over the coffee table he looks between you and Charlie before proudly saying,
"I'm going to save President John F. Kennedy."
"JFK needs to be saved?" Charlie questions concerned
He's going to what? Save JFK? He had to be joking. You knew your brother still suffered from a hero complex but had it really gotten this bad after the apocalypse?
"Diego, you're joking, right? JFK's death is a part of history, you can't just change that!"
"JFK dies?!" Charlie exclaims shooting up from his chair
"Listen (Y/N), I know I can do it. I can save him."
"Get your head out of your ass Diego, he's supposed to get assassinated." Five adds snapping out of his trance
"HE GETS ASSASSINATED?!" Charlie yells "(Y/N) is this true?!"
You finally look over to your frantic friend, there was no way to put this lightly. A grimace appeared on your face as you pointed sad finger guns in Charlie's direction. Weakly you answer,
"...that's your fact from the future buddy..."
"NOOOOO!" Charlie yells before plopping back in his seat and mumbling "But I like JFK..."
You lean over and awkwardly pat your friend's back trying to comfort him. This was going to take some time for him though. As you tried your best to help Charlie, Diego and Five bickered over the plan to save JFK.
"You stay out of this Five. This is between me and my sister. I'm going to save the president, (Y/N) do you want in?"
"Diego, I love you but this plan is irrational."
"Thank you! Finally someone with a sense of reason!" Five exclaims  "It's this behavior that got him thrown into a psych ward!"
"You were in a psych ward?" You ask
Diego tries to stutter out a reply to you but before he could say anything Five adds,
"Not only was he in a psych ward but he also decided to get with some overly suspicious crazy lady he met a few days ago in the psych ward."
Get with? What did Five mean get with? You really hoped it wasn't the meaning of "get with" that you were accustomed to. You could feel your blood boil a bit but you try to calm yourself down. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding. In a firm but steady voice, you ask,
"What do you mean get with?"
Five looks you dead in the eyes and in the most serious tone he deadpans his response,
"I mean exactly what you think I mean."
Your jaw drops and you look down at the ground in disbelief. You said no words but your face told the story of how you were feeling at this revelation. Anger, hurt, and disgust flooded your system because you could believe your brother's actions. Eighty days. He could get over a woman he loved for almost a decade in eighty days with some stranger he only met a few days ago. Wow. You whip your head to look at Diego and if looks could kill then he would already be dead with the one you were giving him.
"Did you forget Eudora?" You spat
"What?" Diego asks
"Have you an ounce of regret?"  you chastise
Five and Charlie exchange a look with each other as they watch you yell angrily at your beloved brother, both knowing the reason why you would be so angered.
"(Y/N), I can explain-" Diego tries to start
You stand up from your seat and look down at your older brother. Your fists clenched tightly as you reprimanded him,
"Eighty days, huh? That's all it took to get over Eudora? You meet one psychotic harlot and that's it, no more Eudora?"
"I-" Diego tries to interject
"I what, Diego?" You rebuke
You took deep breaths to calm yourself but it was to no use. You began to shake as emotion overtook you. Tiny electric sparks started to fly off of you as your emotional buildup starts to seep out through your powers. Your voice wavered as you continued,
"I have been here for almost four years and I'm still not over her death. I loved her for five years. You loved her for over ten! You went on a tirade to get revenge for her death and yet you sit here now completely fine with throwing her away as if she was no one."
Charlie and Five look on at the scene before them but say no words. They both knew this was not something they should intervene in. Diego looks at you with a sorrowful look, water starting to well in his eyes mirroring yours. He opens his mouth but makes no sound. Summoning a knife you point it at your brother, your hand shaking vigorously as you hold it.
"I should kill you so you can confront her yourself and tell her what you've done." You choke out
You continue to point the knife in Diego's direction as you look him in the eye. You stare at him for a bit but then turn your head to look away from him. Stabbing your knife into the coffee table below you quietly say,
"I'm not going to though. I want you to live with the guilt of desecrating her memory."
You couldn't stand to look at your brother right now. You were disgusted at his actions. Walking away from the three of them you hear Diego stutter from behind,
"We-well if you're going to be m-m-mad at me then be m-mad at Five too."
You turn around and look back at the two Hargreeves boys.
"Oh really? Why is that?" You question harshly
"G-go on, t-tell her."
Five looks at you. He knew you were already upset, he didn't want to make it worse with the news that the apocalypse was happening again. You crossed your arms as sparks continued to fly off of you. Tilting your head slightly, you gave him a look as if to say "go on". Five knew that he had to tell you at some point so he might as well get it over with now. Carefully, he broached the topic, calmly stating,
"The apocalypse followed us here and we have six days to stop it."
The room was silent as you stared blankly at your brother and Five.
"What the fuck!" Charlie exclaims breaking the silence
"Couldn't have put it better myself." You reply bluntly
"(Y/N)-" Five tries to start
"No no no, if you're worried I'm upset at you Five, I'm not. Today has been...a day and I'm ready to stop experiencing this day." You explain calmly "We can talk tomorrow but for right now point me to where I can knock out for a few hours."
"Well, Elliott and Luther are shoved into the darkroom so you can take the bedroom. It's straight down the hall." Five replies
"Thank you. Charlie, you make the phone call, I'm going to bed. Five if you decide to sleep tonight, which I highly doubt given the circumstances and how fresh that pot of coffee smells, feel free to come join me and get eight hours of rest for once."
"Absolu-" Diego starts to exclaim
You turn your attention to him quickly and harshly question,
"I'm sorry but do you have a comment to make about my LOVING boyfriend who spent FORTY-FIVE years in a WASTELAND completely ALONE to try and get back to ME?"
Diego closes his mouth and looks away from you.
"That's what I thought," You state before adding "Goodnight."
With that, you turn around a headed down the hall towards the bedroom to fall asleep. Once you enter the room you kick off your heels and plopped down on the bed. You were too emotionally tired to search for any sort of pajamas so you stayed in your dress. As you sat down on the bed and started to process all that was said you couldn't help but get overwhelmed. Your whole existence had been flipped upside down in a matter of hours and it was just so much. Quietly, you let out tiny sobs unsure of any other way to cope.
The three boys had watched you walk away and once the door to the bedroom closes Charlie quietly gets up from his seat and heads over to the phone to make a call.
"Look what you did. Now she's mad at me." Diego complains to Five
"What I did? You were the one to go and get with that psycho." Five retorts annoyed
"You didn't have to tell (Y/N) and her name is Lila." Diego replies
"I don't care about her name and you shouldn't either. Also, I'm not going to lie to my girlfriend." Five complains standing up from the couch "Now if you need me I'm going to go get eight hours of sleep with my girlfriend."
Diego looks at Five angrily as he walks away and towards the bedroom. As Five walks through the kitchen he sees Charlie hanging up the phone.
"Charlie, you can take the couch for the night." Five states before turning to Diego "Diego get off it so he can sleep."
"You're the worst brother ever," Diego replies standing up and moving to one of the sofa chairs
"The feeling is mutual." Five replies
He then walks down the hall and quietly enters the bedroom. As he opens the door he can hear you quietly sniffling. Carefully, he approaches the side of the bed you were on and sits next to you. Gently, he strokes your hair as he asks,
"Are you okay, my love?"
"No." You quietly reply
"Is it because of Diego or the apocalypse?"
"It's- it's just a lot for one day..."
"I know darling." Five softly replies "And I'm sorry. I never wanted anything like this to happen."
The two of you sat on the bed silently and slowly you leaned over and rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. Five wrapped an arm around you and held you against him. He hated seeing you so upset. Five tried to think about a way to make you feel better, something to help ease the distress you were going through. An idea came to his head and he stood up from the bed. Turning to you he extending his hand for you to take it. You looked at him quizzically.
"What are you doing?" You asked
A boyish smile appears on his face as he answers,
"We didn't get a chance to dance at the consulate."
Your eyes start to dry and a smile reappears on your face as you take his hand. Standing up Five holds you against him as the two of you start to sway in the dark room with only the light of the moon to guide you. From outside you can hear the sound of a radio playing Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love and using your powers you open the bedroom window so the sound is clearer. You and Five locked eyes with each other and the world started to fade away. The apocalypse and all the other worries you two faced were irrelevant at this moment. Five slowly leaned his head down and pressed his lips against yours. Unlike the kiss when you reunited earlier, this one was soft and gentle rather than passionate and needy, but the emotion expressed in it was just as strong. This was all either of you needed, and just like the song, neither of you could help falling in love with the other. Parting from the kiss you rest your head on his chest and as you continue to say you can feel yourself getting tired. Five sensed it and asked,
"Tired love?"
You slowly nodded your head. Guiding you back to the bed, Five helped your tired self get in under the covers. Making his way to the other side of the bed he kicks off his shoes before removing his jacket, vest, and tie, laying them nicely on a nearby chair. As he approaches the bed you lift the covers up so he can slide in next to you. You roll towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and placing your head on his chest. Five wraps his arms back around you and rests his head on top of yours. As he slowly runs his hand up and down your back he says,
"As long as we have each other everything will turn out fine."
You nod your head lightly and Five places a gentle kiss on the top of it. You had missed all of this more than words could express. The memory of being close to Five had started to fade over your years and you started to forget what it was like to hold your boyfriend, dance with him, and just exist with him. But getting to share this with him once more you knew that there was no need to worry because he wouldn't leave your side. Closing your eyes, you start to listen to the beating of Five's heart, and soon enough you managed to fall asleep. Five watched as you slept holding you tight against him. He was worried he'd lose you again if he let go even for a second. You were so resilient, finding your way in a new world after he had dropped you in it a second time, and yet you still found it in your heart to love him. Five didn't know what he did to deserve you, what he did to get to call you his one and only, but he was going to stop this apocalypse no matter what and he was going to make it up to you for leaving you here so long.
The night went on and Five closed his eyes but when he opened them again light was peering through the blinds of the bedroom. It was morning. He had actually slept. Outside the bedroom, he could hear the sounds of chatter in the kitchen. He blinked a few times trying to get the feeling of sleep to go away to no avail. He needed a coffee but you were still peacefully sleeping on top of him and he didn't want to wake you. He smiled at the sight of you. The rays of sunshine lit up your messy hair giving you a radiant glow. A wave of feeling came over Five and compelled him to kiss you and so just like the night before he placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. And just like Sleeping Beauty, you started to wake at the feeling of a kiss from your one true love. You let out a yawn as your eyes flutter open halfway. The world was still a blur but you could tell from the amount of light that it was day.
"It's morning," you slur still half asleep
Five chuckles to himself at your groggy response. Adorable. He looks at your tired face and replies,
"Yes, it is. Good morning,"
You did not want to deal with all the revelations from the night before nor did you want to deal with whatever else the world was going to throw at you given that it was being flipped on its head again. You nuzzled your face deeper into Five's chest and you stated muffled,
"I don't want to get up,"
"Neither do I, but if you recall there is an apocalypse to stop."
"Can't we deal with it tomorrow?" you ask
"Unfortunately, that's not really an option."
You let out a huff. Maybe if you refused to get up he would just willingly stay. That was not the case though because Five sat up from laying in bed and looked down towards you. If the impending apocalypse wasn't occurring he'd happily stay with you all morning but the world was going to end and he needed to stop it. You look back up towards him with a grumpy look on your face that your plan didn't work.
"I'm going to get up so I can start figuring out a new plan, but you feel free to stay here as long as you like. Okay?" Five explains calmly
"Okay..." You mumble
Five takes your hand and brings it up to his lips placing a soft kiss on the top of it. Pulling away he looks at you once more, his thumb gently running back and forth across your knuckles.
"I'm going to go now but you come and join whenever you want."
You nod your head and with that Five gets up and puts on his vest, tie, jacket, and shoes. He heads to the door and walks out closing it behind him but not before giving you one last smile. You lay in bed for a few minutes but without Five with you, there was no reason to stay. You get up from the bed and look in the mirror in the corner of the room. Fixing your hair and flattening out your dress you decide to leave the room and walk out to the chattering of the others who were awake. You saw Luther standing by the stove, Five leaned up against a counter, Charlie sitting at the kitchen table and Diego pacing back and forth. You walk past Diego and sit down on the other chair at the kitchen table.
"No, no, no, I don't understand. They keep following me." Diego says, a scowl on his face
"What are they talking about?" You ask Charlie
"I don't know. I've been staring at the number of eggs that Luther has been cooking." Charlie replies
As you look over and see a mountain of scrambled eggs Luther asks,
"Wait, who?"
"Those Dutch sociopaths." Diego states
"They're Swedish, you idiot." Five comments "Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any more damage to this timeline."
"Oh. No wonder those guys said she's one of them when I fought them at the consulate. I'm one of the people they want dead." You mention aloud
"You fought them?" Diego and Five ask simultaneously
"Uh, Yeah." You reply bluntly
"We're going to discuss that later," Diego says before turning to Five "Why now? I mean, I'm fine for three months until you showed up."
"Yeah, I was here for a year and no one messed with me." Luther comments
"I had almost four years with no problems." You add
After you finish your statement another man walks into the room. He looks around at the people there before looking towards you and Charlie. Pointing at you two he says,
"I've seen you before."
Diego, Luther, and Five all look towards you confused.
"Oh yeah, four days ago I paid you a hundred dollars so we could. use your phone to make calls."
"You also threatened to gouge his eyes out if he didn't" Charlie adds
"You what?" Luther asks
Ignoring him you reply to Charlie,
"He tried shutting the door on my face and we needed a phone, I had no choice in the matter."
"Sure..." Charlie says sarcastically
"That's true but I feel like I've seen you somewhere else." The man says
Without another word, he walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. Odd. Diego then turns to Five and angrily says,
"I still don't understand how all of can be fine until you show up."
"Listen, even if it was my fault, which it isn't, we only have six days before the end of the world" Five explains "And the closest anyone's gotten to Dad was that driveway at the consulate."
Well...that wasn't exactly true but you weren't going to say anything. This wasn't the time. You think. As you decided to keep quiet you could feel someone looking at you. You look over at Charlie and see him staring at you intently. You knew what he was thinking in his head but you were not going to acknowledge him on it. Instead, you looked away, back towards the conversation at hand.
"Well...That's not exactly true." Luther says looking up from his eggs
"What do you mean?" Five then asks
"I saw him." Luther states
You and the rest of the group look on intrigued as Luther details the events of him seeing Reginald in person. The more he detailed the story though the more you came to a realization. That was your birthday party a year ago. How did you not see him or run into him? Your eyes then go wide as you realize something one more. You look over to Charlie who looks like he's going through the same realization. In sync you both whisper,
"The hobo."
Charlie gets up from his seat and makes his way over to the doorway to the living room. You follow after him and stand close by. The two of you stay facing forward pretending that you are still listening. Slowly as not to cause suspicion, Charlie leans over to you and whispers,
"You need to tell them."
"I'm not telling them shit." You whisper back
"(Y/N) they need to know!" Charlie whispers more aggressively
"This is not the time!" You whisper aggressively back
You and Charlie continue to whisper fight with each other catching the attention of the Hargreeves boys. They look on in confusion trying to figure out what you two were saying. As the two of you continued to quietly bicker, Elliott exclaimed,
"I remember where I know you from! You're Reginald Hargreeves adoptive daughter!"
You immediately retch at his words. You hated people calling you that, being his daughter is the last thing you wanted to be. The Hargreeves boys stare at you with the jaws dropped. They weren't sure if they heard Elliott correctly.
"Elliott, what do you mean Reginald Hargreeves, daughter?" Diego questions
"Well just look at the newspaper," Elliot says holding out the paper for Diego to take
Diego snatches the paper from his hands as Luther and Five move closer to look at it. The three of them look at the giant front-page photo of you smiling, surrounded by a group of people, as you stand between their dad and Grace. The three of them then proceed to read the front-page headline: Blasting America Upward: NASA Reveals Billionaire Reginald Hargreeves' Adoptive Daughter as Originator of  Primate Rocket Test Trial Concept
"Elliott, why do you have this?" Five asks
"I kept it because the front-page photo includes Majestic Twelve member Michael Anderson," Elliott explains
"Ew, imagine wanting to keep a photo of my dad." Charlie comments annoyed
"HE'S YOUR DAD?!" Elliott exclaims
"Yeah, regrettably." Charlie replies "I'm Charlie Anderson. His son."
"Oh wow! A Majestic 12 member's son is in MY apartment! I have so many questions!" Elliott excitedly bursts
Elliott takes Charlie by the arm and pulls him over to his desk full of papers and news clippings leaving you to deal with the fallout of the revelation.
"We're you even going to tell us this?" Five asks quietly
"I don't know...Maybe? I wouldn't know where to start..." You try to explain
"Well start explaining then." Diego commands
"Yeah! Why does this say you're his adoptive daughter!" Luther questions angrily
"First of all, I'm not his adoptive daughter. The public always gets that wrong. The only thing I am is the heir to his estate, legally I am not his child nor would I ever choose to be. All of this happened by accident!" You exclaim
"What do you mean by accident?" Five inquires
You start to pace around and make wild gestures with your hands as you try to find the words to explain the circumstances. Everything was really just a series of events. Trying your best you start to ramble to them about what's happened.
"When I was dropped in the alley I passed out, went into a coma for seven days, woke up in the hospital and the first person I saw was Mom. She found me in the alley and constantly visited me while I was in the hospital. After I was released she took me in. We went to some meeting and met Reginald and some of his colleagues. I presented the idea to send a primate into space and everyone agreed with it."
"Pogo," Diego said
"Yeah, Pogo. And then Mom and Reginald started working together, unfortunately, started dating, Mom alone legally adopted, and then we moved in with Reginald and I became a public figure. Literally, everything has been by chance! Hell, even meeting Charlie was by chance!"
"That's true," Charlie comments trying to get away from Elliott
"Wait..." Diego interjects "You were in a coma for seven days?"
"Were you in pain?" Five asks concerned
"Guys, that's not what matters right now!" Luther exclaims
"Of course it matters! She was in a coma!" Five reprimands him
"She was in a coma FOUR YEARS AGO!"
"No Luther, this is important." Diego retorts "So you're okay?"
"I'm here aren't I?" You reply to Diego before turning to Five and saying "Don't worry I wasn't in pain."
"So that's why you were at the consulate yesterday. You attended with him." Five comments
"And mom," Diego adds
"Yup. I was forced to go because Reginald, Mom, and I are apparently an influential unit." You respond
"That man will say anything but the word family." Charlie jokes as he walks over to you, finally escaping Elliott
"Oh, so you've just been galavanting about with our mom and dad while you've been here, huh? That's what you've been doing." Luther accuses
"Luther, who cares what she was doing? That's not what matters. We need to get to dad because he knows something about time travel." Five ridicules
Luther rolls his eyes and lets out a huff before heading back to the kitchen table and plopping down in one of the seats. Grabbing his fork he starts to shovel eggs into his mouth. Elliott approaches the kitchen and asks Five,
"Wait, why don't you just do your thing and, uh, time travel us out?"
Five lets out a huff before walking over to refill his cup with coffee.
"Anyone care to explain?" Five asks annoyed
"First time he tried, he got lost in the apocalypse." Luther states
A pout comes upon Diego's face as he crosses his arms. Angrily mumbling, Diego adds,
"Second time, he regressed in age and started dating my sister,"
You look over at your brother. He was making it sound like the consequence of Five's time-traveling was not his physical age getting messed up but rather the fact that he started dating you. Unsurprising yet still unbelievable. "Last time I tried, I scattered my family, and lovely girlfriend over there, across three years in Dallas, Texas, possibly triggering a doomsday."  Five explains
"Damn when you said he fucked up, I didn't think you meant he fucked up fucked up." Charlie leans over and mentions to you
"Charlie," you reprimand lightly, hitting his arm "That's my boyfriend, be a bit more sensitive."
"You said it first."
"I was summarizing..."
Unaware of the conversation you were having with Charlie, Five turns to Elliott. His signature know-it-all look on his face as he asks,
"Any more questions, Elliott?" "Uh, no." Elliott replies
"You're missing the big picture Dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal that's planning to kill the president." Diego exclaims
Dear God, when was he going to give up on this whole save JFK deal? You knew the answer to that question. It was never. He had to save JFK or JFK had to die for this to be done. You had no clue why he was making these connections though. Granted you didn't associate with Reggie outside of what was necessary but you never got an indication that he was part of a cabal. Sure he had government ties but...a cabal seemed like a stretch to you. You knew wickedness resided inside of him but he would never assassinate the president, especially since Grace admired JFK so much. Would he? "A cabal?" Luther questions, his mouth still full of eggs
"Ignore him, Luther. Look, the way I see it, we only have one option." Five states to the group
"Oh, yeah? And what's that?" Luther questions "It's time to get the Umbrella Academy back together." Five replies "Hell, yeah. Family meeting." Diego says "Okay then, can one of you get Allison, please?" Luther asks "You two still a thing?" Diego inquires
Luther just looks at him without responding. Knowing something was up Diego leans in closer and quietly asks,
"Do we need to talk?"
"No, she's married." Luther replies upset "Whoa. Dude, that's rough." Diego responds "I can handle it." Luther lies "I'll get her. Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?" Five requests "I'll try." Luther retorts
Five starts to walk away and towards the stairs leading down to the ground floor of the building. You turn to Charlie and say,
"I'll be right back."
As you walk away you can see Elliott approaching Charlie out of your peripheral and from behind you, you hear Charlie call,
You kept moving on though and follow Five down the stairs to the front entrance. When you get to the front door Five stops and turns around to face you.
"Are you coming with me?" He questions, a smile on his face
You were thinking about it but then you heard from upstairs,
"Please stop asking me about my dad! I don't like him!"
You watch as Charlie tries to speed walk away from Elliott upstairs.
"Please I just want to know about him!" Elliott says following him
"I think I'm going to stay to keep Elliott at bay and Charlie from jumping out a window." You reply to Five
"That's reasonable."
"You'll be back soon?" You ask
"As quick as can be mon chérie." Five says before placing a quick peck on your cheek
He pulls back and you give him a smile which he returns before flashing away. Turning around you head back upstairs. Luther had left through the back entrance to go get Vanya so all that was left was Diego, Elliott, you, and Charlie. Elliott continued to push Charlie to talk about his dad and you could tell Charlie was getting frustrated. His dad was the last person he'd want to talk about, especially unwillingly.
"Please I've never even gotten close to anyone whose parent is high up in the majestic 12 before just tell me something!" Elliott begs
You watch as Charlie stops in place and turns on his heel to face Elliott and looks him dead in the eyes. Charlie's face was red and his expression was less than enthused. You hear as Charlie takes a deep breath in before bursting,
"You want to know about my dad? You really want to know? He's an awful person. Never loved me, never loved my mom, he only ever loved himself. Everything he does is for personal gain and status. He could care less about anything that requires emotional labor and has done the barest of bare minimum as a parent. He's an awful man, I want him to die soon and god do I hope he rots in hell once he does. Is that enough for you?"
Elliott nods his head and from the kitchen Diego comments,
"Amen, right there with you bro!"
Charlie walks off to the couch and quietly sits down on it. You knew he was upset, he hated his dad as much as the Hargreeves hated theirs. You had no clue what it was like to despise your father but you did know what it was like to despise theirs. Walking behind the couch you stood directly behind Charlie because you knew there was one way to cheer him up immediately. Extending your arm out above his head you reach your hand out flat before proceeding to aggressively pat him on the head. At first, he tries swatting you away but in time he starts laughing. When you can tell he's all better you stop and he looks up at you.
"So a family meeting, huh?" Charlie says
"Yup. You'll finally get to meet everyone in the flesh." You reply walking around to the front of the couch
"How well do you think it's going to go?" Charlie questions
"About as well as me and Diego talking last night. Probably worse." You reply bluntly as you sit next to him
Charlie gives a small nod of his head. He had this look on his face and you knew he was contemplating saying something.
"Just say it." you command
"You're thinking about something, so just say it."
"You can't stay mad at Diego forever. He's your brother." Charlie comments
"I will do what I must." You reply crossing your arms
"You will try." He responds
You stand up and start to pace back and forth in front of the couch. Charlie knew you better than this there was something deeper than just being mad at Diego for meeting someone else. He agreed with all the points you had made before but he could just feel something was missing from your reasoning. As you pace around you complain
"It just doesn't make sense! He knew Eudora for a decade. That's approximately 3650 days plus two leap years so 3652. He knew this floozy for four. You know how much 4 is of 3652?"
"How much?" Charlie asks unenthused
"0.001 percent. It's a fraction of a fraction of A FRACTION!" You exclaim angrily
"Okay, so what's the real issue." Charlie questions
You look at him with a mix of anger and surprise.
"How dare you- I- uh-" You try to respond
You shut your mouth when you realize no response would come. He was right. That wasn't quite the real issue, it was part of it but it wasn't the root cause. You let out a sigh and look down at the ground. There was a far off look in your eyes as you sat on the coffee table across from Charlie. You thought about why you were truly upset, what was really making you tick and it hurt you to think about. You looked up at Charlie as you tried to hold a few tears back. Your voice wavered as you softly spoke,
"Besides my Mom, he and Eudora were the closest things I had to parents after I lost mine...We were a family...and it feels like he's throwing all of that away..."
"And you're losing your family to a stranger." Charlie adds
You nod your head lightly. Charlie stands up and reaches his hand out lightly patting your head. A small smile comes to your face and you look up towards your friend.
"How about we go for a short walk? Clear your head before everyone gets here. You know someone is going to mention you've been living with Reggie, so might as well get in the headspace for whatever reactions might occur." Charlie suggests
You nod your head once more and the two of you head downstairs to get some air before everyone else showed up. As you walked away Diego peeked his head around the doorframe and watched you leave, his face streaked with a few stray tears. In your fit of anger, you had forgotten that Diego was still at the apartment. He had heard what you had said and between last night and now he couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself. He still had complicated feelings in terms of Lila but he needed to figure them out because they really weren't worth you feeling like you were losing him to someone who had barely been around. He knew how awful that feeling was. Diego dried his eyes and put on a strong face as he heard Luther arrive back with Vanya.
Time passed and Five had arrived back with Klaus and Allison. It took forever to get them to come along though since they were both relentlessly drunk. As Five entered the building with his inebriated siblings he saw the other three up on the balcony above. As the sun shined in the room the six living Hargreeves all looked at each other. Breaking the silence, Klaus pulls off his glasses and comments,
"Oh, wow. I know this is impossible, but...did we all get sexier?"
Allison looks up at the balcony above. There stood Vanya in the flesh. She hadn't seen her since the night of the apocalypse. Her voice wavered and she said, "Vanya."
Vanya looked back down at Allison. Pure joy radiated off of her as she excitedly replied, "I can't believe I have a sister."
Vanya makes her way down the stairs towards where the rest of the group is and Luther and Diego follow suit. When Vanya gets to the main floor she stands in front of Allison. The two of them look at each other for a bit before Allison quietly states, "I missed you." "Thank God someone did. " Vanya responds
The two of them stand awkwardly for a second before opening their arms and enveloping each other. The two sisters happily reunited. Klaus attempts to hug Diego but Diego extends his arm keeping him at a distance.
"Oh, you are drunk." Diego states "Yeah. No, just a little... just a few..." Klaus says before noticing the hug going on "Oh, that's so sweet." Slowly Klaus walks over to his sisters and wraps his arms around them.
"Hi" Vanya softly says
"Hey, Vanny." Klaus greets placing a kiss to the top of her head
Five looked around and noticed that you were nowhere to be found. He was about to start asking questions when he heard the door to the building open and the sound of your voice speaking behind him.
"And so that's how I snuck me and my friends into a 21+ club at 16 years old." you explain to Charlie, unaware of the others in the room
"You what?!" Diego exclaims
Your attention snaps to the room filled with Hargreeves. You look around to see Vanya, Allison, and Klaus standing all together on the left side of the room while Luther, Diego, and Five stand on the right side. You then did a double-take as you noticed one more Hargreeves sitting in the corner on an old TV display. Ben. Something was off about seeing him this time but still, you smiled at him and he happily waved back. Turning your attention back to the living group you attempt to divert the topic by saying,
"Hey everyone! Long time, no see!"
"Hey (Y/N)! It's nice to see you again!" Klaus says buying into the diversion
Diego shoots you an upset look that only a protective older brother would give and you shrug your shoulders back. You see Vanya looking at you quizzically. She then asks,
"Are you my sister too?"
You now look back confused. Vanya knew you two weren't related so why was she asking that?
"She has amnesia." Five informs
"Oh." You express before turning to Vanya "No, I'm not related to you. Diego sees me as his little sister but I'm not a Hargreeves."
"Just because you weren't adopted by our dad doesn't mean you're not a Hargreeves. You're family." Ben comments from behind you
You smile at his comment. Five then proceeds to ask,
"Klaus. Is Ben here?" "Oh, uh... no." Klaus fumbles out before lying "No, unfortunately, ghosts can't time travel."
"What?" You say to yourself, a confused look on your face "Are you kidding me?" Ben exclaims annoyed
Seeing that this was going to be everyone, Five decides to move forward with the meeting and states, "All right, then. Let's get down to business."
Everyone starts to make their way upstairs and finds somewhere to sit or stand in the living room. Once everyone is settled Five takes the charge of starting to meeting and says,
"All right. First off, I wanna say I'm sorry. I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going-back-in-time-and-getting-stuck thing. But the real kick in the pants here is we brought the end of the world back here with us." "Oh, my God, again?" Klaus exclaims as he grabs himself a drink
He looks around at the group and everyone looks back. He didn't know already? Realizing that he was out of the loop Klaus continues,
"All of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the...Oh, my God. My cult is gonna be so pissed. Five! I told them we had until 2019." "We have until Monday. We have six days." Five states "Is it Vanya?" Klaus asks "Klaus." Allison chastises
"What? It's usually Vanya." Klaus retorts "Do you have any leads, Five?" Vanya questions "Yeah, we have one." Five says taking a file from Diego
Five hands the file to Allison and she opens it to see a photo paperclipped to the inside. Her eyes go wide with shock as she comments, "Holy shit, is that Dad?"
"Yeah." Diego replies "That's him?" Vanya inquires
"Standing on the grassy knoll." Diego informs "Diego and I have been trying to talk to Dad about what exactly this means. So far, we've got nothing."  Five explains
"Not nothing. He's planning to kill Kennedy." Diego retorts
"Maybe. But we don't know who or what sets doomsday in motion. Could be Kennedy, could be something entirely independent. But if we know something changes the timeline, we have to make it right." Five corrects "Yeah, but how are we supposed to fix it if we don't know what's broken?" Allison asks "Come on. Do the math. We know Dad's having shady-ass meetings with some shady-ass people. We know he's on the grassy knoll in three days to kill the president. So I think we all know what we have to do." Diego describes getting up from his chair "Talk to Dad." Five states
"Kill Dad." Diego says at the same time
Five looks back at Diego and shoots him a look while the others look around in confusion. Even Ben was puzzled by what was going on. He looks your way and you shrug your shoulders mouthing I don't know to him. "None of us are supposed to be here, right? I mean, what if it's us? Has anyone here done anything to screw up the timeline?" Vanya wonders
Everyone is silent for a second looking at each other with wide eyes. It seems like no one is going to say anything until Luther chimes in, "Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald."
"And you're working for Jack Ruby." Diego yells back "Allison has been very involved in local politics." Klaus slips into the conversation "Okay, you started a cult." Allison retorts
"Thank you!" Ben exclaims finally getting support "I'm... I'm just a... a nanny on a farm. I don't have anything to do with all of that." Vanya stutter "Well, maybe you do, we just don't know it yet." Allison comments back
Diego whistles loudly grabbing everyone's attention. With all eyes on him, he explains, "Listen to yourselves. Everything in our new lives is connected to Kennedy. That can't be a coincidence. Luther works for Ruby, Allison is protesting the government, Dad is on the grassy knoll, (Y/N) has been living with him for 3 years, Klaus is...doing something weird and pervy but probably related. See, clearly, we were all sent back here for one special reason: saving John Fitzgerald Kennedy."
"I'm sorry go back a second. (Y/N) has been living with him?" Allison asks
"If it makes it any better it was completely by accident. A series of unfortunate events." You explain
"Lemon Snickers," Charlie says to himself
"So close buddy. Good try." You reply patting his arm Everyone looks around for a second before starting to argue again with each other. Their voices becoming a cacophony of sound. You and Charlie look on at the mess that is a Hargreeves get together.
"You were right, this is worse than last night." Charlie admits
"Yeah, I told you."
From across the room, Five listens to the sound of his siblings arguing blending together. The loud mixture of noise sent him back into his memories. The awful future of if they don't stop this doomsday. He remembered the fire and destruction. The ash in the air and the bodies on the ground. A bloody mess in the exact same street just outside the building. And his siblings eviscerated by nuclear weapons, reduced to nothing. While everyone continued to argue you saw Five slipping into the recesses of his memory. Walking over to him you pull his hand out of his pocket and take it in yours. Five shakes his head slightly and looks at you after fully coming back to reality. He holds your hand a bit tighter before turning back to his siblings.
"Guys, you all die." Five states, his voice wavering as he spoke
You squeezed his hand, reassuring him that you were there for him. Taking a breath he hesitantly continues,
"I was there. I saw it. And I wanna forget it, but I can't. I saw Russian nukes vaporize the world with all of you in it...in a war that never happened until we brought it here. And Hazel gave his life to save us, so you may need to shut up and just listen to me. I don't know if the things we've experienced here are all connected. I don't know if there's a reason for everything. But Dad will. We need to talk to him before everyone and everything we know is dead."
Five finishes his thoughts and without a second to pause Luther gets up from his seat and says, "Okay, I'm out." "Did you even hear me, Luther?" Five criticizes "Yeah, I did. I heard a 58-year-old man who still wants his daddy to come and fix everything. Why don't you get your girlfriend to help you out. She's his favorite after all." Luther ridicules
Luther starts to walk away but you could feel your blood boil. Five had been through 45 years of one apocalypse, saved all of you from dying when you were unable to stop it and now was pleading with his siblings to help him stop this new one and Luther was just going to walk out? Unable to contain your anger you shout,
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
Everyone turns to look at you, Luther included.
"Minus Vanya we all agreed to travel back in time. We took a gamble to save our lives, ended up here and now we're facing a doomsday. That's the facts of the matter, we fucked up by being here and now we need to stop it and get out. If Five thinks that your dad can help us then we should listen."
"Well, you can still count me out. It's time we all grew the hell up and I'm sure you can run on home to dad and fix it Number Zero." Luther mocks
"You know you're being a real prick Luther! For someone who wants us all to grow up, it's childish of you to still be mad that my number is above yours. A number I didn't want in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE!" You rebuke
Luther shakes his head before stating,
"I'm out of here." "Luther!" Vanya exclaims
"Come back." Allison begs
Diego gets up from his seat and starts following Luther down the stairs. You watch as Luther walks away. Maybe it was better without him here.
"Where are you going?"
"Save it, Diego," Luther says
Letting go of your hand Five spacial jumps down the stairs and in front of Luther. Looking him in his eyes Five commands, "No one leaves until we figure this out."
Luther stares at Five for a second before grabbing him by the shirt and tossing him over the railing. Spacial jumping once more so he didn't hit the ground Five lands outside in the alleyway. Straightening out his uniform he looks back towards the building and asks himself, "Jeez...When did the monkey learn how to fight dirty?"
Five starts walking back to the door to enter the building but hears a clatter coming from the roof above. Looking up he sees Lila standing there. Speaking the only words that come to his mind he comments, "Son of a bitch."
Link to Side Story Here: The Tattoo - “A Family Reunion” Side Story ________________________________
Taglist: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @sunsetcurve-1995 @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind @vicassa @2cuteforyourlies @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson​ @shadowycreationcupcake​ @emily-hargreeves @metor-showers1994 @fivehargreevesforthewin​ @rinko-san @supernovavision @cicilisthebest @flickbix @hi-v-juice @magykal-777​ @zosiaduda @thethirdwheelfriend @mysticracoon @isnt-it-loverly @officiallydarkgeek @lady1505 @always-the-very-worst @tinypandagirl @libidinexx @lemongrabbuns @itwasallred @deadandoverit @shlokage @keksi249 @theoriginalkat @we-stan-fiction @bi-idiot-fanfics @annnagennnie @izzyjojo4 @megasimpleplan4ever @flowertoty @grabthemoneyandletsgo @itsametaphorbriansblog @vanillacaramelhoney @satvaldiva @disaster-magician @margotsfandoms @emily-b-m @bluechildrenlickmytoes @soft-slytherin-sweetie @oceanspray5 @im-here-for-fanfics @thebloodrobin @freestarlight @starcurrent @lilacs-lavender
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silence-burns · 3 years
Please Hate Me //part 52
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Based on: “Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Loki.” by @thefandomimagine​ Who would have thought that babysitting a god could be so much fun?
Genre: slow-burn, enemies to lovers, banter, smut
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"We fucked up."
"No, we didn't."
"We had Peter. Now we don't have Peter."
Loki's eyes were completely dark from a spell letting him see through Barbara's, but still he waved toward the completely-not-suspicious building complex in front of you. "But we found him again. That surely counts toward something, right?"
"We lost the alien pin too."
"Which we also found, if memory serves," Loki shrugged, as if the search hadn't taken the two of you the better part of an evening. Who knew searching through half of New York and visiting places it might've been dropped could be so time-consuming?
The weather was pleasant, the air growing warmer as the seasons continued to change. It was one of those days where everything felt brighter, despite how disappointing the reality might be.
"I'm still voting for arson," Loki said, assessing the tall fence surrounding the area. An area which crawled with people trying their hardest not to look like agents of some super-secret government facility, and failing rather miserably.
"You might not have noticed, but buildings nowadays have systems preventing fire from spreading."
"Do these systems work against magic fire too?"
"How am I supposed to know? Do I look like I spit magic fire on a whim?"
"You did last week," Loki muttered. The memory was still fresh.
"Wow, so now I'm the bad guy, and not the sneaky little bastard that ate all the cupcakes I left for-"
Barbara came back, flying on quiet, if a little filthy and decomposed, wings. Loki blinked twice, shedding the spell connecting him to the bird. As much as he didn't mind the heights, Loki had to admit he wasn't a fan of the sharp turns and rather random drops Barbara's flying pattern involved.
Loki pointed to one of the buildings further inside the complex. The red, evening sun hit the countless windows with blinding intensity. "The bird thinks the boy might be there."
You looked at the long stretch of road leading to the complex, like a carpet laid out specifically for you, but the crowds of agents working in the area leading to it made you cringe.
"I still vote arson."
"Why don't we just walk in, though? I mean, it was SHIELD themselves that contacted us, right? It should be okay to just… pay them a visit without sneaking around like… well, like villains. No offense."
Loki frowned. He didn't look convinced. "I like sneaking around, though. It keeps me away from trouble."
"If that’s true, how did you get banned from the Moon twice?"
"Touché. Lead the way then, love."
The way took you down the asphalt road, busy with cars rushing both ways. Despite their past issues, Loki couldn't help feeling a little bad for the agents. For all the grandeur and importance they always described their life to hold, Loki's imagination kept on showing him pictures of ants in their little nests, crawling in their endless, pointless patterns.
The ants seemed to fall into a state of shock rather abruptly after laying their eyes on the two visitors to their nest. Some of them just stood there, looking after the figures marching right to the gates, while others ran in a seemingly random direction.
"That worked out better than I thought," Loki admitted when all the space around you cleared.
Barbara perched on top of the gates, screaming on top of her rotten lungs. The security guards looked at one another and then at the approaching god. Their hands went to their guns. Loki took that as a compliment.
"I know this might surprise you," Loki said, "but we are here to talk. Fetch us your Agent Cauldron, and be quick about it."
"Coulson," you whispered.
"No matter how many times you ask me, the answer will stay the same - I don't know," Peter groaned.
His back hurt from sitting on the same, incredibly uncomfortable metal chair for hours, and the lights of the small and a little outdated office were starting to make his head throb with an upcoming headache. Or maybe the reason behind it were the endless questions to which he wished he know the answer.
Agent Coulson looked at the photos on the desk between him and the boy. These were nice pictures. If he were more sentimental, he might've put them on a fridge or maybe to the clipboard on the wall to his left. They were definitely worth taking a look at least once a day - it wasn't often one had a chance to look at a god and an ex-assassin, completely drunk, being led by a teenage boy on a spider-thread.
Peter glanced down at them too, and scowled.
"Yeah, well, we've met and hung out together, but I don't know where they are now. Sir, if I knew, do you really think I'd willingly stay behind?"
The agent didn't answer. He moved very little, in fact. Peter was unsure whether it was a part of some special, super-secret interrogation technique, but it was working. To make things even worse, the metal chair he had been given was making sitting still a nightmare. 
"That's a fair point, Peter," Coulson nodded, "but do you think I would be pressing you so much if two of the most dangerous people on this planet weren't currently on the run with an alien artifact of unknown origin that might've been recently used to damage our Moon?"
That was a fair point too, Peter had to admit. He might've even grown a little worried after hearing such news, if only it all didn't sound so exciting.
"So you DO know what happened to it, right?" the boy leaned forward, with eyes shining with excitement. 
Agent Coulson sighed.
It was a small,  almost invisible display of all the emotions boiling inside of him that he'd never show. He knew better, and had far too many years of experience to allow that. Still, the situation was beginning to wear on him, especially if he spared a thought or two to consider what the two people that should absolutely never go off radar, could be up to at this very moment. 
Last time Loki visited Earth, he led an alien invasion. Last time Coulson met you before you hesitantly joined forces with the Avengers, you'd already put two bullets in Tony Stark and were on the way to making it three.
Coulson allowed himself a moment to thank his hair for already thinning out or he'd be losing it in a handfuls. 
And the worst part was, he actually believed the boy.
He had clearly helped with sneaking you through half the city and into his apartment, but there was no evidence of him helping you out too. Wherever Loki and you were, Coulson was sure he'd hear about it soon enough. He might even let the boy go, and monitor him long enough to see if you'd show up. 
The decision wasn't an easy one, but the agent was left with very limited choices. After all, how likely was it that the two of you would just show up?
The phone vibrated on the desk in front of agent Coulson. He picked it up.
He blinked. And simply said, "Yes."
Peter did not like the absent look on the agent's face. He'd seen far too many movies not to recognize the moment the power shifted in the room. Just in time for something bad to happen. It wouldn't be a problem if it stayed on the screen - Ned and him would freeze with the popcorn halfway to their mouths in anticipation of what was to come. But here, in reality, far from the safe spot on a couch, Peter was painfully aware of how much he didn't want to know what was about to happen next.
Unfortunately, whatever powers weaved through the lives of people, deciding their fate and luck, rarely listened to young boys in their judgement. In fact, they listened to old agents even less, but that was something Peter was unlikely to ever find out.
Peter twisted on the chair biting into his backside, and looked back to the thick, metal door. He hadn't realized it when he had been brought inside, but the door looked like it could take a few shots from a gun and remain unscathed. 
Peter was not sure what to do with that information.
The door in question decided to finally open and reveal the reason for the sudden tension. It didn't even creak, so the god walked in in complete silence. You followed him, not as quiet, but just as unexpected.
Your face lit up when you noticed the boy. "There you are!" 
Peter looked at the agent. The agent looked at Peter.
"I know you're probably not going to believe me, sir, but I swear I had nothing to do with this."
The agent had no doubt that the boy was the least likely person to ever manipulate the god of trickery and lies, or the almost-ex-assasin into anything, but he didn't say a word. He only raised an eyebrow and asked, "To what do we owe the pleasure?", as if there was anything pleasant to be found in the room. But lying was not solely a domain of gods, as all the agents in the world would probably agree. 
And Coulson was a very good agent.
"We recently lost a boy, but it looks like he's just been found. Thank you for taking care of him."
"It was a pleasure," the agent smiled. "Although I can't help but worry if you have lost the pin too?"
"We wouldn't dare," Loki lied smoothly with an even more charming smile.
The god of trickery waved his hand and produced a pin seemingly out of thin air. Whether it was only a clever trick or an actual spell was something agent Coulson would never know, but for once he didn't mind. The pin felt heavy and looked just as the files described, but whether it was the real thing would only be revealed once a detailed analysis was completed. 
Still, it somehow looked like the deal was fulfilled. Coulson would be lying if he said he'd placed a bet on that outcome.
Peter sprung out of the chair the moment you waved at him to go. The agents and armed officers waiting behind Loki and you on the corridor shifted with unease, their fingers laying on triggers. A small crowd eyed every move made in Coulson's office, which was to be expected - it was not every day a facility such as this one was visited by a god.
Especially one with a rather problematic history of attempted world domination.
"If we may, we'll take our leave now." Loki bowed stiffly.
"And what about the 'favor' you insisted on as payment?"
Something cold and ancient flashed in the god's eyes. "All in due time."
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