#Andalusia Day
hadesisqueer · 1 year
Happy día de Andalucía
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Andalusia Day
Andalusia Day or ‘Dia de Andalucia,’ is celebrated every year on February 28 in Spain. Andalusia is located in the southernmost region of the country and on this day in 1980, the people of the region voted to make it an autonomous community in Spain. The word ‘autonomous’ implies the power of a community or territory to self-govern and make its own decisions without outside interference. Although a few nationalist groups prefer to celebrate on December 4, February 28 is the officially recognized date for Andalusia Day.
History of Andalusia Day
On February 28, 1980, the people of Andalusia organized and held a referendum, titled the ‘Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia referendum.’ The purpose of the vote was to decide on the independence of the Andalusian community. The referendum was successfully passed and from that day, Andalusia became autonomous.
However, a few nationalist groups choose to celebrate Andalusia Day on December 4, a date which marks the demonstrations to demand independence that took place in 1977. Andalusia Day is celebrated as a community public holiday where businesses may close to participate in the festivities. It is, however, only celebrated in Andalusia and not the rest of Spain.
Some schools may also close for a week to participate in a ‘Semana Cultural’ or ‘Semana Blanca’, which means a cultural week or white week respectively. Schools also celebrate the Friday before Andalusia Day with a traditional Andalusian breakfast of sliced toast drizzled in olive oil and a cup of orange juice. Students also color in pictures of the symbols of Andalusia.
Andalusia Day is usually observed by families in intimate gatherings, although festivals and other social activities also mark the day. The people of Andalusia usually decorate their buildings with the national flag, as well as green and white bunting.
Andalusia is located in Southwestern Europe, south of the Iberian Peninsula. It is largely an agricultural community, though, in recent times, it has seen exponential growth in industrialization. Andalusia has eight parts to it, Almeria, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and the capital city of the community, Seville.
Andalusia Day timeline
1918 Flag of Andalusia
The flag of Andalusia is designed by Blas Infante, a writer, historian, and politician also referred to as the father of Andalusian nationalism.
1977 Demonstrations for Independence
A public protest takes place to demand Andalusian autonomy.
1980 The Statute of Autonomy
The ‘Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia’ referendum is passed into law.
2007 Parliament of Andalusia Awards
The Parliament of Andalusia grants the Medal of Andalusia to Miguel Báez Espuny and honors José de Sousa Saramago, with the title, ‘the Favorite Son of Andalusia.’
Andalusia Day FAQs
Does Andalusia have a president?
Yes. The current president of Andalusia is Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla.
What language is spoken in Andalusia?
Spanish is the official language, although you will find different dialects depending on the region.
Is Andalusia a small community?
Andalusia is home to over eight million people so, a relatively large population considering its size, a little over 87,000 kilometers square.
How to Observe Andalusia Day
Spend time with friends and family
Celebrate with color
Use the hashtag
For all the wonderful Andalusian people, celebrate this special day by taking the time to spend with friends and family. Also take a moment to reflect on what being part of a community means to you.
Decorate your home, office, or place of business with colors representing Andalusia. The colors of their national flag are dark green and white.
Spread the sense of pride in the community on Andalusia Day by using the hashtag #andalusiaday on all your social media platforms. Start an online conversation.
5 Fun Facts About Andalusia
Largest population
Land of the vandals
Caves of Nerja
Christopher Columbus
Andalusia’s hinterland
Andalusia is one of the autonomous communities in Spain with the largest population.
Andalusia means ‘land of the vandals.,’ and refers to a German tribe that settled there in the third and fourth centuries and were considered destroyers.
In Andalusia’s Caves of Nerja, the earliest-known artwork in human history was found.
It was from Andalusia that Christopher Columbus embarked on his famous journey of discovering America.
Andalusia’s hinterland is the hottest region of Europe.
Why Andalusia Day is Important
It’s a declaration of independence
It’s an opportunity to have fun
It reminds us of the value of community
The day is a joyful reminder of the fact that Andalusia is a self-governing community. It’s a celebration of the region’s history in achieving sovereignty.
Andalusia Day affords individuals the chance to partake in activities. Look out for community events such as cultural week or festivals that pay homage to this day.
Andalusia Day promotes a great sense of community among Andalusians. The shared history helps to break down barriers.
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chuckdraug · 1 year
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«¡Andaluces, levantaos! 
¡Pedid tierra y libertad! 
¡Sea por Andalucía libre, 
los Pueblos y la Humanidad!»
-Himno de Andalucía
¡Disfrutad esos molletes con aceite!
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docpiplup · 2 years
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I think it's important not to ignore the critical situation regarding the amnesty for illegal irrigation by the Andalusian Parliament that the Doñana area is experiencing today. This unique natural space must be saved!
Sign to say NO to the bill that could make Doñana disappear.
The future of Doñana is increasingly at risk: despite the fact that the lagoons and marshes have dried up, the Andalusian PP intends to continue with the project to amnesty illegal irrigation in the surroundings of the national park. The proposal, paralyzed for now, seeks to benefit a residual group of offenders who have been illegally plundering water for years and who do not represent the Andalusian agricultural sector at all. The measure could push the natural space to its extinction.
The heart of Doñana already meets the conditions to be declared at risk of disappearance. Signature to demand an end to the extinction of Doñana.
Despite the tremendous state of drought in Doñana and the fact that it was recently announced that all its freshwater lagoons were practically dry, Partido Popular in Andalusia has resumed the project to amnesty illegal irrigation in the Doñana area. A proposal initially launched to the Andalusian Parliament as a bill by the parliamentary groups Partido Popular, Vox and Ciudadanos.
From SEO/BirdLife we ​​maintain the complaint that the proposal represents a new attack on the Doñana natural area, since it favors the multiplication of irrigation and goes against international, European, national and regional legislation. If it's approved by the Andalusian Parliament, the measure would aggravate the current process of extinction of Doñana.
We consider that the new government should reject this proposal, refocusing political approaches towards criteria that provide sustainability to agricultural development in Doñana, prioritizing the protection of the National Park, and that are consistent with contexts within the framework of ecological transition, hydrological regeneration, adaptation to climate change and the environmental sensitivity of European consumers. In addition to active policies that promote a true conservation of Doñana, we ask the Parliament of Andalusia to debate and approve a motion that urges the Government of Spain to declare the coastal lagoons -present in Doñana- the first endangered habitat in the country.
Doñana, in danger of disappearing
According to our data, 90% of Spanish coastal lagoons suffer from serious problems that put their future at risk. Doñana accounts for 28% of this habitat, of which other large lagoons in serious danger are also exponents, such as the Mar Menor in Murcia or L'Albufera de Valencia.
The declaration of the coastal lagoons of Doñana in danger of disappearing not only implies recognition of a situation that has been taking place for too long, but also a turning point that generates obligations for all the competent public administrations to ensure their conservation.
“The Andalusian Parliament should not spend time and resources debating a proposal with very serious effects on one of the jewels of Andalusian, Spanish and European biodiversity, and on the local communities around it. We ask the parliamentarians to focus their efforts on activating serious policies that guarantee the conservation of Doñana, and to urge the Government of Spain that this space, along with the rest of the country's coastal lagoons, be recognized as spaces in danger of extinction ", says Carlos Davila, head of the SEO/BirdLife Doñana Technical Office.
The proposal ignores that the aquifer has been declared overexploited by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge due to its ecological status as a protected space, and goes against all the scientific literature on the extreme deterioration that the National Park is suffering. A situation recognized, according to technical and scientific reports, by all national environmental administrations, by the IUCN, the Ramsar Convention and UNESCO; in addition to the agreements signed by the Doñana Participation Council itself.
Likewise, we recall that the Court of Justice of the EU condemned Spain last June for not having taken into account the illegal wells or having adopted measures to avoid the alterations of the protected habitats that caused the aquifer to dry up.
The biggest threat to Doñana
Water management in the Doñana area is currently the greatest threat facing the conservation of the natural values ​​it houses in the short, medium and long term. “A real commitment is necessary to establish a holistic approach at a hydrographic basin scale, and at the same time harmonize all social, agricultural, tourist and cultural uses with ecological aspects, not only in the natural space but in all its immediate surroundings, including the areas of the territory without legal protection that may cause the deterioration of the quantity and quality of groundwater, as well as of the terrestrial ecosystems and the directly dependent wetlands”, Davila points out.
A risk for the agricultural sector
In addition, when preparing this proposal, European consumers have not been taken into account. We must not forget that, in the end, all this alleged agricultural and socioeconomic development that is intended to be promoted with this bill revolves around consumers who are increasingly interested in the environmental traceability of the products they buy. However, in the text of this proposal, no mention is made of consumers, a decisive part of the food chain in the red fruit sector and who, surely, will not understand this way of promoting the sustainable development of one of the the counties with the greatest environmental impact for the conservation of our natural heritage
Commitments that SEO/BirdLife asks for administrations
- Declare coastal lagoons as the first habitat in danger of disappearing in Spain.
-Ensure the definitive closure of all illegal operations that affect the state of the aquifer, with an execution schedule and a budget allocated and sanctions included, and launch a program of continuous monitoring in the medium-long term that prevents a similar situation.
-Commit to establishing a complete control and inspection plan with the aim of dissuading the practice of illegal extractions.
- Cancel any new concession planned, at least as a precautionary principle, until to ensure the non-deterioration of the water masses and their associated ecosystems.
-To ensure the justification of all the wells that are regularized and to assess their impact on the ecological status of the water masses.
-Ensure that 100% of the legal wells establish consumption control systems, coupled with a price policy that encourages the reduction of consumption and that assumes the recovery of the costs of the Water Framework Directive, including environmental costs.
- Establish irrigation control with global criteria for the entire aquifer and not individual ones, which is regulated by means of a global exploitation system that adapts to the annual availability of water resources, supported by irrigation communities.
-Apply a management and restructuring plan for the entire sector environment of the protected natural space, which truly conditions its evolution to the long-term conservation of the habitats and species of Doñana: with maximum surfaces, maximum extractions, and with the transfer of farms located in those places that are most fragile due to their environmental interest for the improvement of water performance. This goes through an adjustment of public and private endowments to the real availability of water and limiting the use of resources so that the system of water contributions required by ecosystems is respected.
-Apply a plan to review and relocate the pressure produced by the extraction of water in tourist facilities, especially in the Matalascañas urbanization.
-Ensure that official measures are published in the hydrological planning to adjust the period of flooding to the annual pluviometric reality, the Cross-sectional movement of water and the water balance of groundwater masses.
-Ensure the commitment to present a medium-long-term plan that avoids the dependency of the natural space on transfers.
-Elimination of all eucalyptus plantations, even if they are located outside of the protected areas, which remain uneliminated and which indirectly affect the recovery of the lagoons fed by the aquifer.
-Draft and approve the Management Plan for the protected areas of the Doñana Natura 2000 Network, including an evaluation of the state of conservation of habitats and species of the natural space, measures and follow-up in relation to the obligations ations that mark the European directives and the basic state legislation.
-Identify the ecological and water requirements of the habitats and species of the Natura 2000 Network spaces for their incorporation with immediate effect in the Hydrological Plan of the Hydrographic Demarcation of the Guadalquivir 2022-2027, especially in relation to the definition of minimum flow regimes and maximum, seasonal regimes and necessary generating flow (or ranges) so that the aquatic species and habitats linked to the water reach their conservation objective.
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I thought it could be a good addition to list the species of birds that live or visit the natural park:
Accipiter gentilis (Azor Común/Goshawk)
Accipiter nisus (Gavilán común/Eurasian sparrowhawk)
Actitis hypoleucos (Andarríos Chico/Common Sandpiper)
Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Carricero tordal/Great Reed Warbler)
Acrocephalus paludicola (Carricerin cejudo/Aquatic warbler)
Acrocephalus palustris (Carricero políglota/Marsh warbler)
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (Carricerín común/Sedge warbler)
Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Carricero común/ Eurasian reed warbler)
Aegypius monachus (Buitre negro/Black Vulture)
Aix galericulata. (Pato mandarín/Mandarin Duck)
Alauda arvensis (Alondra común/Skylark) 
Alca torda (Alca común/Razorbill)
Alcedo atthis (Martín Pescador/Common kingfisher)
Alectoris rufa (Perdiz roja/Red-legged partridge)
Alle alle (Mérgulo atlántico/little auk)
Anas acuta (ánade rabudo/Northern Pintail)
Anas crecca (Cerceta común/Common teal)
Anas clypeata (Pato cuchara/Northern shoveler)
Anas penelope (Silbón europeo/Eurasian wigeon)
Anas platyrhynchos (Ánade Azulón o Real/Mallard)
Anas querquedula (Cerceta carretona/Garganey)
Anas/ Mareca strepera (Ánade friso/Gadwall)
Anser albifrons (Ansar careto/Great white-fronted goose)
Anser anser (Ganso común/Greylag goose)
Anser brachyrhynchus (Ánsar piquicorto/Pink-footed goose)
Anser erythropus (Ánsar chico/Lesser white-fronted goose)
Anser fabalis (Ánsar campestre/Bean goose)
Asio otus (Búho chico/Long-eared owl)
Anthus campestris (Bisbita campestre/Tawny pipit)
Anthus pratensis (Bisbita pratense/Meadow pipit)
Anthus spinoletta (Bisbita alpino/Water pipit)
Anthus trivialis (Bisbita arbóreo/Tree pipit)
Apus apus (Vencejo común/Common swift)
Apus melba (Vencejo real/Alpine swift)
Apus pallidus (Vencejo pálido/Pallid swift)
Aquila adalberti (Aguila imperial ibérica/Spanish imperial eagle)
Aquila chrysaetos (Aguila real/Golden eagle)
Aquila fasciata = Hieraaetus fasciatus (Aguila perdicera/Bonelli’s eagle)
Aquila pennata =Hieraaetus pennatus (Águila calzada/Booted eagle)
Aquila pomarina (Aguila pomerana/Lesser spotted eagle)
Aquila clanga (Aguila moteada/Spotted eagle)
Ardea cinerea (Garza real/Grey heron)
Ardea purpurea (Garza imperial/ Purple heron)
Ardeola ralloides (Garcilla cangrejera/Squacco heron)
Arenaria interpres (Vuelvepiedras común/Ruddy Turnstone)
Athene noctua (Mochuelo/Little owl)
Asio flammeus (Búho campestre/Short-eared owl)
Aythia ferina  (Porrón europeo/Common pochard) 
Aythya filibula (Porrón moñudo/Tufted duck)
Aythya marila (Porrón bastardo/Greater scaup)
Aythya niroca (Porrón pardo/Ferruginous duck)
Botaurus stellaris (Avetoro común/Bittern)
Branta canadensis (Barnacla canadiense/Greater Canada goose)
Branta bernicla (Barnacla de Cara Negra/Brant Goose)
Branta leucopsis (Barnacla de cara blanca/Barnacle Goose)
Branta ruficolis (Barnacla de cuello negro/Red-breasted goose)
Bucephala clangula (Porrón osculado/Common Goldeneye)
Bubulcus ibis (Garcilla Bueyera/Cattle egret)
Burhinus oedicnemus (Alcaraván común/Stone-curlew)
Buteo buteo (Busardo Ratonero/Common buzzard)
Calandrella brachydactyla (Terrera común/Greater Short-toed Lark)
Calandrella rufescens (Terrera marismeña/Lesser short-toed lark)
Calidris alba (Correlimos tridáctilo/Sanderling)
Calidris alpina (Correlimos común/Dunlin)
Calidris canutus (Correlimos gordo o Playero rojizo/Red knot)
Calidris ferruginea (Correlimos zarapitín/Curlew sandpiper)
Calidris maritima (Correlimos oscuro/Purple Sandpiper)
Calidris minuta (Correlimos menudo/Little Stint)
Calidris temminckii (Correlimos de Temminck/Temminck’s stint)
Caprimulgus europaeus (Chotacabras gris/European nightjar)
Caprimulgus ruficollis (Chotacabras pardo/Red-necked nightjar)
Carduelis cannabina (Pardillo común/Common linnet)
Carduelis carduelis (Jilguero/European goldfinch)
Carduelis Chloris (Verderón/European greenfinch)
Carduelis spinus (Jilgero lúgano/Eurasian siskin)
Cercotrichas galactotes (Alzacola rojizo/Rufous-tailed scrub-robin)
Certhia brachydactyla (Agateador común/Short-toed treecreeper)
Cettia cetti (Ruiseñor bastardo/Cetti’s warbler)
Charadrius alexandrinus (Chorlitejo Patinegro/Kentish plover)
Charadrius dubius (Chorlitejo chico/Little ringed plover)
Charadrius hiaticula (Chorlitejo grande/Common ringed plover)
Chaladrius morinellus (Chorlito carambolo/Eurasian dotterel)
Chlidonias hybrida (Fumarel cariblanco/Whiskered tern)
Chlidonias niger (Fumarel común/Black tern)
Chroicocephalus genei = Larus genei (Gaviota picofina/Slender-billed gull)
Ciconia ciconia (Cigueña blanca/White Stork)
Ciconia nigra (Cigueña negra/ Black stork)
Circaetus gallicus (Águila culebrera/Short-toed eagle)
Circus aeruginosus (Aguilucho lagunero/Marsh harrier)
Circus cyaneus (Aguilucho pálido/ Hen harrier)
Circus pygargus (Aguilucho cenizo/Montagu’s harrier)
Cisticola juncidis (Cisticola buitrón/Zitting cisticola)
Clamator glandarius (Críalo europeo/Great spotted cuckoo)
Clangula hyemalis (Pato Havelda/Long-tailed duck)
Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Picogordo/Hawfinch)
Columba palumbus (Paloma torcaz/Common woodpigeon)
Coracias garrulus (Carraca/European roller)
Corvus corax (Cuervo grande/Common raven)
Corvus monedula (Grajilla/Western jackdaw)
Coturnix coturnix  (Codorniz/Common quail)
Cuculus canorus (Cuco Común/Common cuckoo)
Cyanopica cyanus (Rabilargo/Azure-winged magpie)
Delichon urbica (Avión común/House martin)
Dendrocopos major (Pico picapinos/Great spotted woodpecker)
Egretta alba (Garceta grande/Great white egret)
Egretta garzetta (Garceta Común/Little egret)
Elanus caeruleus (Elanio común/Black-shouldered kite)
Emberiza cia (Escribano montesino/Rock bunting)
Emberiza cirlus (Escribano soteño/Cirl bunting)
Emberiza hortulana (Escribano hortelano/Ortolan bunting)
Emberiza schoeniclus (Escribano palustre/Common reed bunting)
Erithacus rubecula (Petirrojo/European Robin)
Falco naumanii (Cernícalo primilla/Lesser kestrel)
Falco peregrinus brookei (Halcón Peregrino/Peregrine falcon)
Falco columbarius (Esmerejón/Merlin)
Falco subbuteo (Alcotán/Eurasian hobby)
Falco tinnunculus (Cernícalo vulgar/Common kestrel)
Falco vespertinus (Cernícalo Patirrojo/Red-footed falcon)
Ficedula hypoleuca (Papamoscas cerrojillo/Pied flycatcher)
Fratercula arctica (Frailecillo/Atlantic puffin)
Fringilla coleps (Pinzón vulgar/Common chaffinch)
Fringilla montifringilla (Pinzón real/Brambling)
Fulica atra (Focha común/Coot)
Fulica cristata (Focha moruna/Red-knobbed coot)
Fulmarus glacialis (Fulmar boreal/Northern fulmar)
Galerida cristata (Cogujada común/Crested lark)
Galerida theklae (Cogujada montesina/Thekla lark)
Gallinula chloropus (Gallineta común/Common moorthen)
Gallinago gallinago (Agachadiza común/Common snipe)
Gavia arctica (Colimbo ártico/Black-throated diver)
Gavia immer (Colimbo grande/Great northern diver)
Gavia stellata (Colimbo chico/Red-throated diver)
Gelochelidon nilotica (Pagaza piconegra/Gull-billed tern)
Glareola pratincola (Canastera común/Collared pratincole)
Grus grus (Grulla común/Common crane)
Gyps fulvus (Buitre leonado/ Griffon vulture)
Haematopus ostralegus (Ostrero/Eurasian oystercatcher)
Himantopus himantopus (Cigüeñuela común/Black-winged stilt)
Hippolais polyglotta (Zarcero común/Melodious warbler)
Cecropis daurica = Hirundo daurica (Golondrina daúrica/Red-rumped swallow)
Hirundo rustica (Golondrina común/Barn swallow)
Hydroprogne caspia = Sterna caspia (Pagaza piquiroja/Caspian tern)
Hydrocoloeus minutus = Larus minutus (Gaviota enana/Little gull)
Hydrobates pelagicus (Paíño europeo/European storm-petrel)
Ixobrychus minutus (Avetorillo común/ Little Bittern)
Jynx torquilla (Torcecuello/Eurasian wryneck)
Lanius meridionalis (Alcaudón real/Southern grey shrike)
Lanius senator (Alcaudón común/Woodchat shrike)
Larus audouinii (Gaviota de audouin/Audouin’s gull)
Larus argentatus (Gaviota argéntea/Herring gull)
Larus cachinnans (Gaviota patiamarilla/Yellow-legged gull)
Larus canus (Gaviota cana/Common gull)
Larus fuscus (Gaviota sombría/Lesser black-backed gull)
Chroicocephalus genei = Larus genei (Gaviota picofina/Slender-billed gull)
Larus marinus (Gavión Atlántico/Great black-backed gull)
Larus melanocephalus (gaviota cabecinegra/Mediterranean gull)
Chroicocephalus ridibundus = Larus ridibundus (Gaviota reidora/Black-headed gull)
Limosa lapponica (Aguja colipinta/Bar-tailed godwit)
Limosa limosa (Aguja colinegra/Black-tailed godwit)
Locustella luscinioides (Buscarla unicolor/Savi’s warbler)
Locustella naevia (Buscarla pintoja/Grasshopper warbler)
Loxia curvirostra (Piquituerto/Common crossbill)
Lullula arborea (Alondra totovía/Wood lark)
Luscinia megarhynchos (Ruiseñor común/Common nightingale)
Luscinia svecica (Pechiazul/Bluethroat)
Lymnocryptes minimus (Agachadiza chica/Jack snipe)
Marmaronetta angustirostris (Cerceta pardilla/Marbled teal)
Melanitta nigra (Negrón común/Common scoter)
Melanitta fusca (Negrón especulado/Velvet scoter)
Melanocorypha calandra (Calandria/Calandra lark)
Mergus serrator (Serreta mediana/Red-breasted merganser)
Merops apiaster (Abejaruco europeo/European bee-eater)
Miliaria calandra (Escribano triguero/Corn bunting)
Milvus migrans  (Milano negro/Black kite)
Milvus milvus (Milano real/Red kite)
Monticola saxatilis (Roquero rojo/Rufous-tailed rock thrush)
Monticola solitarius (Roquero solitario/Blue rock thrush)
Morus bassanus (Alcatraz atlántico/Northern gannet)
Motacilla alba (Lavandera blanca/White wagtail)
Motacilla cinerea(Lavandera cascadeña/Grey wagtail)
Motacilla flava (Lavandera boyera/Yellow wagtail)
Muscicapa striata (Papamoscas gris/Spotted flycatcher)
Neophron percnopterus (Alimoche/Egyptian vulture)
Netta rufina (Pato colorado/Red-crested pochard)
Numenius arquata (Zarapito real/Eurasian curlew)
Numenius phaeopus (Zarapito trinador/Whimbrel)
Nycticorax nycticorax (Martinete común/Night heron)
Oceanodroma castro (Paiño de Madeira/Madeiran storm-petrel)
Oceanodroma leucorhoa (Paiño boreal/Leach’s storm-petrel)
Oenanthe hispanica (Collaba rubia/Black-eared wheatear)
Oenanthe oenanthe (Collalba gris/Northern wheatear)
Oriolus oriolus (Oropéndola/Oriol/Golden oriole)
Otus scops (Autillo/Eurasian scops owl)
Oxyura leucocephala (Malvasía cabeciblanca/White-headed duck)
Pandion haliaetus (Aguila pescadora/Osprey)
Cyanistes caeruleus = Parus caeruleus (Herrerillo/Blue tit)
Lophophanes cristatus = Parus cristatus (Herrerillo capuchino/Crested tit)
Parus major (Carbonero común/Great tit)
Passer domesticus (Gorrión común/House sparrow)
Passer montanus (Gorrión molinero/Eurasian Tree Sparrow)
Passer hispaniolensis (Gorrión moruno/Spanish sparrow)
Petronia petronia (Gorrión chillón/Rock sparrow)
Phalacrocorax carbo (Cormorán grande/Great Cormorant)
Phalaropus fulicarius (Falaropo picogrueso/Red Phalarope)
Phalaropus lobatus (Falaropo de pico fino/Red-necked phalarope)
Philomachus/Calidris pugnax (Combatiente/Ruff)
Phoenicopterus roseus (Flamenco común/ Greater flamingo)
Phoenicurus ochruros (Colirojo tizón/Black redstart)
Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Colirrojo real/Common redstart)
Phylloscopus bonelli (Mosquitero Papialbo/Bonelli’s warbler)
Phylloscopus collybita (Mosquitero común/Common chiffchaff)
Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Mosquitero silbador/Wood warbler)
Phylloscopus trochilus (Mosquitero musical/Willow warbler)
Pica pica (Urraca/Magpie)
Picus viridis (Pito real/European green woodpecker)
Platalea leucorodia (Espátula/Spoonbill)
Plegadis falcinellus (Morito común/Glossy ibis)
Pluvialis apricaria (Chorlito dorado europeo/European golden plover)
Pluvialis squatarola (Chorlito gris/Grey plover)
Podiceps cristatus (Somormujo lavanco/Great crested grebe)
Podiceps nigricollis (Zampullín cuellinegro/Black-necked grebe)
Porphyrio porphyrio (Calamón/Purple gallinule)
Porzana parva (Polluela bastarda/ Little Crake)
Porzana porzana (Polluela pintoja/Spotted crake)
Porzana pusilla (Polluela chica/Baillon's Crake )
Prunella modularis (Acentor común/Dunnock)
Pterocles alchata (Ganga ibérica/Pin-tailed sandgrouse)
Pterocles orientalis (Ganga ortega/Black-bellied sandgrouse)
Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Avión roquero/Crag martin)
Puffinus griseus (Pardela sombría/Sooty shearwater)
Puffinus mauretanicus (Pardela balear/Balearic shearwater)
Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Camachuelo común/Eurasian bullfinch)
Rallus aquaticus (Rascón europeo/Water rail)
Recurvirostra avosetta (Avoceta Común/Pied avocet)
Regulus ignicapilla (Reyezuelo listado/Firecrest)
Remiz pendulinus (Pájaro moscón/Penduline tit)
Riparia riparia (Avión zapador/Sand martin)
Rissa tridactyla (Gaviota tridáctila/Black-legged kittiwake)
Saxicola rubetra (Tarabilla norteña/Whinchat) 
Saxicola torquata (Tarabilla común/Common Stonechat)
Scolopax rusticola (Chocha perdiz/Eurasian woodcock)
Serinus serinus (Verdecillo/European serin)
Somateria mollissima (Eider común/Common eider)
Stercorarius parasiticus (Págalo parásito/Arctic skua)
Stercorarius skua (Págalo grande/Great Skua)
Sternula albifrons = Sterna albifrons (Charrancito común/Little tern)
Sterna dougallii (Charrán rosado/Roseate tern)
Sterna hirundo (Charrán común/Common tern)
Thalasseus/Sterna sandvicensis (Charrán patinegro/Sandwich tern)
Streptopelia decaocto (Tórtola turca/Collared dove)
Streptopelia turtur (Tórtola europea/European turtle dove)
Strix aluco (Cárabo común/Tawny owl)
Sturnus unicolor (Estornino/Spotless Starling)
Sturnus vulgaris (Estornino pinto/Common starling)
Sylvia atricapilla (Curruca capirotada/Blackcap)
Sylvia borin (Curruca mosquitera/Garden warbler)
Sylvia cantillans (Curruca carrasqueña/Subalpine warbler)
Sylvia communis (Curruca zarzera/Common whitethroat)
Sylvia conspicillata (Curruca tomillera/Spectacled warbler)
Sylvia hortensis (Curruca mirlona/Western orphean warbler)
Sylvia melanocephala (Curruca cabecinegra/Sardinian warbler)
Sylvia undata (Curruca rabilarga/Datford warbler)
Tadorna ferruginea  (Tarro canelo/Ruddy shelduck)
Tadorna tadorna (Tarro blanco/Shelduck)
Tachybaptus ruficollis (Zampullín chico/Little grebe)
Tetrax tetrax (Sisón común/Little bustard)
Tringa glareola (Andarríos Bastardo/Wood Sandpiper)
Tringa ochropus (Andarríos grande/Green sandpiper)
Tringa nebularia (Archibebe claro/Common greenshank)
Tringa stagnatilis (Archibebe fino/Marsh Sandpiper)
Tringa totanus (Archibebe Común/Common redshank)
Troglodytes troglodytes (Chochín/Winter wren)
Turdus iliacus (Zorzal alirojo/Redwing)
Turdus merula (Mirlo común/Common blackbird)
Turdus philomelos (Zorzal común/Song thrush)
Turdus pilaris (Zorzal real/Fieldfare)
Turdus torquatus (Mirlo capiblanco/Ring ouzel)
Turdus viscivorus (Zorzal charlo/Mistle thrush)
Turnix sylvatica (Torillo andaluz/Andalusian hemipode)
Tyto alba (Lechuza Común/Barn owl)
Upupa epops (Abubilla/ Hoopoe)
Uria aalge (Arao común/ Common guillemot)
Vanellus vanellus (Avefría europea/Northern lapwing)
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The Ultimate Guide to a Perfect Two-Week Spain Travel Itinerary
Experience the beauty and charm of Spain with this two-week travel itinerary. Discover hidden gems, explore historic sites, and immerse yourself in the rich culture of the country.
This Spain travel itinerary guide post contains my Hotels.com, Expedia, Vrbo, and Viator affiliate links. I may receive a commission when you book a hotel or tour from this article, though at no additional cost to you. I hand-pick and recommend only the hotels and tours I have thoroughly researched and feel comfortable recommending. With a wealth of incredible cultural sites, spectacular…
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fauvester · 1 month
as a longtime follower i am ofc pleased about your success in your medical educational journey but seeing you returning to your historical roots has me 😭😭😭
I live like so much closer to ashland than I did for most of my life honestly I was long overdue for a trip (KY is a state predominantly of yawningly vast farmlands and bucolic ass towns to explore)
and none of our eras are ever gone, just buried under layers of other sediment, ready to be uncovered by archaeologists...
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soleilonthesun · 24 days
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• I'm sure Sae likes Valencian paella. He tried it in Valenciana watching the Mediterranean Sea. Together with Leonardo Luna.
• When he had the opportunity to go to Spain, the first thing he thought about was going to the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. Liked it a lot! And he took a lot of photos!
• Sae liked the town festivals of Madrid. In fact, together with the U-20 they went to the towns of Madrid to drink and dance.
• When book day arrived, people were very interested in the culture of Catalonia and Aragon. On that day, a book and a rose are given on Sant Jordi. When he got home, or his room, he had many books and roses in his hands because he is known in Spain.
• I'm sure he liked the history of Andalusia. He went to the Alhambra! The red of her hair made him remember. Because the Almhambra is a construction of the Arabs from more than 1200 years ago.
• He try the Spanish Tortilla. I'm 1110% sure. Spoiler: He liked it too!
• When Sae found out that there was Holy Week, he was a little scared from the beginning because of the fires, the darkness and the Christian priests. Finally, he relaxed a little. Likewise, he liked the other side of "Spain."
• When he was in Madrid, he visited the Royal Palace and the Prado Museum.
• He really likes the Spanish poet, Federico García Lorca. He thinks that his poems are a brutal reality.
• He went to Oviedo and Cantabria to see the Atlantic Ocean. He was very amazed that Spain has like a sea and an ocean.
• He is still learning Castilian Spanish. Apart from this language, he is learning Valencian/Catalan.
• Sae Itoshi trains at the Real Madrid headquarters, at the Santiago Bernabeu.
• Real Madrid always welcomes you.
• Sae likes Andalusian flamenco. He tried the suit on, and it fit quite well. It seemed like an award.
• When Sae was recruited to Real Madrid at the age of 13, the change from country to country was abysmal. It was difficult for him the first few months, but he eventually got used to it.
# Behind the scenes:
Bachira: Did you really write headcanons for Sae while in Spain?
Isagi: Well, my next tourist destination is Spain...!
Hiori, Karasu, Hyoma and Nanase: Let's go with you and Soleil will be the guide!
Soleil: EH????
Soleil: What have I done now-? 😃
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by Benjamin Kerstein
The U.S. decision to finally end Iran’s perennial impunity and force its theocratic regime to pay a price for its genocidal imperialism is welcome, but it means we are about to meet a familiar personage once again: the weeping terrorist.
The weeping terrorist is a bifurcated creature. First, there is the terrorist part: He slaughters large numbers of people in the most sadistic and public way imaginable; wipes out entire religious, ethnic and racial groups of which he disapproves; undermines and topples governments; foments civil war; props up dictators and tyrants; and finally commits genocide.
Then comes the weeping part: When the victims retaliate, the terrorist erupts into floods of tears at his unprecedented and unspeakable suffering, the brutal assault on his rights and freedoms, the vile racism and bigotry of those who persecute him, the immutable purity of his motives and the righteousness of his cause.
The weeping terrorist has been here before, particularly in his Palestinian nationalist form.
For over a century, the Palestinian national movement has murdered, raped, dismembered, incinerated, assaulted, slandered, demonized, ethnically cleansed and religiously persecuted not only Jews and Israelis but anyone who stood in its way. For just as long, the Palestinians have responded to any retaliation with a deluge of tears. No one has suffered as much as they, they sputter, no one’s “resistance” has ever been more justified, and no people has faced such racist and genocidal enemies. After all, look at all these dead women and children, the weeping terrorist wails after having murdered scores of women and children.
This piece of theater has been performed by many empires, nations and religions. But it must be said that it is embedded particularly deep in the history of Islam. To this day, Muslims view Muhammad as a persecuted prophet without honor in his own country, when he was an immensely powerful and notably aggressive warlord. One may feel he was justified in being so, but the fact that he was is incontrovertible.
The Muslim world today often brands its enemies as “crusaders,” although the Crusades were essentially a belated response to the Muslim conquest of the entirety of the Middle East and North Africa, the subjugation of their indigenous populations, and the establishment of a settler-colonial empire. Indeed, Muslims still lament the loss of Andalusia, even though they had merely lost what they had conquered and colonized from Christians a few centuries before.
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"For a few days, Israeli profiles on networks have been influencing the possibility of recognizing Catalonia as a response [to Spain recognizing the state of Palestine]. An Israeli opposition lawmaker, Sharren Haskel, has gone further with a letter to Netanyahu. In it she asks to recognize the independence of Andalusia, Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Aragon, the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands."
That wasn't on my 2024 bingo card for sure.
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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First Ever Human Depiction of Lost Tartessos Civilization Uncovered in Spain
Archaeologists representing Spain’s National Research Council (CSIS) excavating at the site of Casas del Turunuelo have uncovered the first human representations of the ancient Tartessos people.
The incredible results of an excavation that shed light on a mysterious and ancient civilization that flourished in southern Spain several centuries before Christ have been presented by Spain’s National Research Council.
The Tartessians, who are thought to have lived in southern Iberia (modern-day Andalusia and Extremadura), are regarded as one of the earliest Western European civilizations, and possibly the first to thrive in the Iberian Peninsula.
In the southwest of Spain’s Iberian Peninsula, the Tartessos culture first appeared in the Late Bronze Age. The culture is distinguished by a blend of local Paleo-Hispanic and Phoenician traits, as well as the use of a now-extinct language known as Tartessian. The Tartessos people were skilled in metallurgy and metal working, creating ornate objects and decorative items.
Archaeologists from Spain’s National Research Council (CSIS) on Tuesday presented the amazing results of excavation at the Casas de Turuuelo dig in Badajoz, in southwest Spain, as well as the results of the excavation.
Five busts, damaged but two of which maintain a great degree of detail, are the first human and facial representations of the Tartessian people that the modern world has ever seen.
The ornate depiction of the stone busts, as well the inclusion of jewellery (hoop earrings) and their particular hairstyles, resemble ancient sculptures from the Middle East and Asia. 
These “extraordinary findings” represent a “profound paradigm shift” in the interpretation of Tartessian culture, excavation leaders Celestino Pérez and Esther Rodríguez said during the press conference.
Given the scarcity of Tartessian archaeological finds thus far, this ancient society is shrouded in mystery.
Tartessos’ port was located at the mouth of the Guadalquivir river in what is now Cádiz, according to historical records. In the fourth century BC, Greek historian Ephorus described it as a prosperous civilization centered on the production and trade of tin, gold, and other metals.
What is unknown is where the Tartessians came from, whether they were an indigenous tribe with Eastern influences or a Phoenician colony that settled beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar).
The team from Mérida’s Institute of Archaeology believes two of the busts discovered in what is thought to be a shrine or pantheon represent Tartessian goddesses, despite the fact that Tartessian religion was previously thought to be aniconic (opposed to the use of idols or images).
The stone busts’ facial depiction, as well as the inclusion of jewelry (hoop earrings) and their specific hairstyles, resemble ancient sculptures from the Middle East and Asia.
Archaeologists believe that the two goddesses, along with three other sculptures that were significantly more damaged, were part of a stone mural depicting four deities watching over a Tartessian warrior, as one of the defaced busts has a helmet.
The ornate effigies, which are thought to be around 2,500 years old, are also significant for art historians, as Ancient Greece and Etruria (an ancient civilization in modern-day central Italy) was previously recognized as the epicenters of sculpting during this time period.
By Leman Altuntaş.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Andalusia Day
Andalusia Day or ‘Dia de Andalucia,’ is celebrated every year on February 28 in Spain. Andalusia is located in the southernmost region of the country and on this day in 1980, the people of the region voted to make it an autonomous community in Spain. The word ‘autonomous’ implies the power of a community or territory to self-govern and make its own decisions without outside interference. Although a few nationalist groups prefer to celebrate on December 4, February 28 is the officially recognized date for Andalusia Day.
History of Andalusia Day
On February 28, 1980, the people of Andalusia organized and held a referendum, titled the ‘Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia referendum.’ The purpose of the vote was to decide on the independence of the Andalusian community. The referendum was successfully passed and from that day, Andalusia became autonomous.
However, a few nationalist groups choose to celebrate Andalusia Day on December 4, a date which marks the demonstrations to demand independence that took place in 1977. Andalusia Day is celebrated as a community public holiday where businesses may close to participate in the festivities. It is, however, only celebrated in Andalusia and not the rest of Spain.
Some schools may also close for a week to participate in a ‘Semana Cultural’ or ‘Semana Blanca’, which means a cultural week or white week respectively. Schools also celebrate the Friday before Andalusia Day with a traditional Andalusian breakfast of sliced toast drizzled in olive oil and a cup of orange juice. Students also color in pictures of the symbols of Andalusia.
Andalusia Day is usually observed by families in intimate gatherings, although festivals and other social activities also mark the day. The people of Andalusia usually decorate their buildings with the national flag, as well as green and white bunting.
Andalusia is located in Southwestern Europe, south of the Iberian Peninsula. It is largely an agricultural community, though, in recent times, it has seen exponential growth in industrialization. Andalusia has eight parts to it, Almeria, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and the capital city of the community, Seville.
Andalusia Day timeline
1918 Flag of Andalusia
The flag of Andalusia is designed by Blas Infante, a writer, historian, and politician also referred to as the father of Andalusian nationalism.
1977 Demonstrations for Independence
A public protest takes place to demand Andalusian autonomy.
1980 The Statute of Autonomy
The ‘Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia’ referendum is passed into law.
2007 Parliament of Andalusia Awards
The Parliament of Andalusia grants the Medal of Andalusia to Miguel Báez Espuny and honors José de Sousa Saramago, with the title, ‘the Favorite Son of Andalusia.’
Andalusia Day FAQs
Does Andalusia have a president?
Yes. The current president of Andalusia is Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla.
What language is spoken in Andalusia?
Spanish is the official language, although you will find different dialects depending on the region.
Is Andalusia a small community?
Andalusia is home to over eight million people so, a relatively large population considering its size, a little over 87,000 kilometers square.
How to Observe Andalusia Day
Spend time with friends and family
Celebrate with color
Use the hashtag
For all the wonderful Andalusian people, celebrate this special day by taking the time to spend with friends and family. Also take a moment to reflect on what being part of a community means to you.
Decorate your home, office, or place of business with colors representing Andalusia. The colors of their national flag are dark green and white.
Spread the sense of pride in the community on Andalusia Day by using the hashtag #andalusiaday on all your social media platforms. Start an online conversation.
5 Fun Facts About Andalusia
Largest population
Land of the vandals
Caves of Nerja
Christopher Columbus
Andalusia’s hinterland
Andalusia is one of the autonomous communities in Spain with the largest population.
Andalusia means ‘land of the vandals.,’ and refers to a German tribe that settled there in the third and fourth centuries and were considered destroyers.
In Andalusia’s Caves of Nerja, the earliest-known artwork in human history was found.
It was from Andalusia that Christopher Columbus embarked on his famous journey of discovering America.
Andalusia’s hinterland is the hottest region of Europe.
Why Andalusia Day is Important
It’s a declaration of independence
It’s an opportunity to have fun
It reminds us of the value of community
The day is a joyful reminder of the fact that Andalusia is a self-governing community. It’s a celebration of the region’s history in achieving sovereignty.
Andalusia Day affords individuals the chance to partake in activities. Look out for community events such as cultural week or festivals that pay homage to this day.
Andalusia Day promotes a great sense of community among Andalusians. The shared history helps to break down barriers.
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leeofthevoid · 3 months
Cold-blooded Beings - Part 4
Farleigh Start x Reader
a/n: It's been a rollercoaster and I hope I delivered a decent chapter this time around. I was thinking about making oneshots soon while resting my brain from this series. I promise you...Things will go a little crazier from here. Please share your thoughts! I'm so scared to write SMUT.
Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol, Strong language, Violence
Word Count: 2521
|| Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Guilt and Glory
With the help of other butlers, Duncan helped you, Farleigh, and Felix settle in. After two weeks of convincing from Farleigh and Felix that you should stay at Saltburn for the summer, you finally caved. It saved you hours on the plane going back to your estate in Andalusia for two months. 
Three days before Saltburn:
Getting a phone call from your mom after your exams, hoping for congratulations and a heartwarming invite to stay at your family home in Vienna. "Hello, daughter, how have you been?" You cleared your throat and smiled, "Been doing well, Mama."
"Very well then, I must let you know that you will reside at the South Estates when you depart from Oxford." You sighed and bit your lip in disappointment, trying to save yourself from an argument you might start and lose. "I see; thank you for informing me ahead of time. Where will you all be, if you don't mind me asking?" 
"Your Papa and I will be in France with your siblings. There has been a problem with our family branch there; your father's side always wants attention to be on them." You can't help but sigh with your mom, remembering how your cousins who lived in France were so overbearing even though they only leeched off from your father with money, not even half your allowance. Fakes. "Stay safe, Mama. I love you. Tell Papa and the little ones that, too." She hummed and ended your call.
"Well, that was stressful," Farleigh commented while typing away at his laptop. "Sorry you had to hear that; extended families suck ass." Farleigh chuckled and looked at you briefly before typing again. "I would know." He took refuge in your room every chance he got because you apparently had excellent ventilation and better leg space. Very obvious by the way he called dibs on your bed. "You'd like that, though, right? Be able to tell the leeches off?" 
You turned back at Farleigh while you sat on the foot of the bed, confused. "What's that supposed to mean?" 
He raised both his eyebrows with a slight smirk playing on his lips. "I'm just saying. You were so annoyed with your family leeching off your father, yet you can't tell Oliver he's using you as an ATM." He raised both his shoulders innocently and bit his lower lip. 
The air turned hot, and you didn't like the room's energy. "Farleigh, he's my friend." 
"Or your pet project?" He closed his laptop with a loud click and looked at you, waiting for a fight. It was frustrating on your part to be asked such cruel questions, especially after your Mother basically left you on your own. 
"Leave it, Farleigh. I'm not in the mood to discuss this." 
He scoffed. "Why? Because it's true? You just got bored like Felix and preyed on the scholarship weirdo." A visible frown plastered on your face as you stood up. He slid to the edge of your bed, a smirk still on his face. "Stop!" 
"Are you scared to admit that he looked so helpless when Mr. Ware favored me over him? When he stood in the corner of the hallways without friends?" 
"Farleigh, what the fuck!" 
He stood up and started to walk closer to you. "No. I'm sick of you playing god. You and Felix think you could bring another kid into the group without problems?" 
"Farleigh enough!" 
He was before you, towering over you with that shit-eating grin. "Is the Monarch losing her cool?" 
"Fuck off, Farleigh! Just because the Cattons took you in doesn't mean you're not a leech, too!" 
He smiled at you and sighed. "That's why I like you, Y/N. You're rotten, unlike me, who begs, right?"
You looked up at him with a confused look. "What happened? W-Why are you like this?" 
Farleigh didn't answer and left your room. 
You found out that night from Annabel that Farleigh apparently overheard how you and Felix talked about his Mother. How Felix told you about Fredrica Start's pitiful fate and your blatant honesty of her foolishness, making Farleigh beg for allowance more ever since she got sick. 
You sat down on your bed while Duncan instructed the maids how you liked your room done; he's such a true gentleman for that. They took a few minutes to place things under the head butler's watch and hurriedly left the room when they finished. 
"Dinner is the same time as before, Miss Y/N. Please wear something appropriate for a black tie event." You thanked him as he left. Leaving you alone in the special room the Cattons gave you. Venetia always said it would be yours because you were part of their family. Starting to think that you've been too loose with your mouth about family. 
Speaking of Venetia, she lightly knocked on the door and opened it, finding you in the middle of the room. "When they said they had someone good for me here, I didn't expect they were telling the truth." You ran to her and hugged her tight, even lifting her off the ground for a split second. "Vee! I missed you so much! You look beautiful!" 
A chorus of laughter and giddiness filled the once-quiet room. Venetia pulled you to your bed and sat down facing each other. "Babes, I was a fucking wreck when you left. Felix and Farleigh were worse, but that day was the most horrendous. Duncan had to pry Felix off the gate, Farleigh threatened to commit arson, and I was inconsolable." She had a knack for exaggerating stories like your Aunt Elspeth, but it does put a funny image in your head. 
You laughed, but she tried to convince you more. "I personally tried to jump off the plane to go back, but the guards told me that I would break my legs." Venetia realized how silly it sounded and laughed with you. You missed her so much because she never honestly did act her age, but in a way, you liked it better. Being able to have an older person connect with you better.
You plopped yourself on the bed as Venetia inspected her nails. "Farleigh and I aren't on good terms." She looked away from her nails to give you a look of disbelief. "Oh, please. Farleigh could never stand not being with you. Whatever you did, he would have been over it by now." You dramatically gasped and put a hand on your chest. "Why would you assume that it was me!" 
"Between you and Farleigh, you never get butthurt with anything since you were little." She was right. Farleigh seemed to be back to normal when you sat next to him in the cab, clingy. Did you catch him at the wrong time that day? Either way, you'll confront him after dinner to ease your nerves. 
Venetia talked her head off about the things she's been doing at Cambridge, even told you about the boys there that you should meet since "Oxford men are so last season," according to her. You both got ready in your room when Felix knocked on your door to join the gossip session you were having. Felix may be a guy, but he sure does have the mouth to rival his Mother. The room was filled with gasps, giggles, and squealing when Duncan knocked on your door to fetch you. It's dinner time. 
Venetia wasn't a fan of dinner time, especially when Elspeth did nothing but shower others with affection and not her. Elspeth was so excited seeing you walk to the dinner table, all dressed in a lovely white cocktail dress and dolled up. "Darling, look at you! So tall and beautiful! You definitely grew to be a model like me." You smiled at Elspeth as she hooked her arm around yours to lead you to sit next to her at the dinner table, sitting beside her. You looked back at Venetia, who smiled when mouthed 'No way,' rejecting all compliments Elspeth showered your way. 
Dinner went smoothly, aside from the fact that Farleigh wasn't as…Farleigh to you. He talked but barely did the usual gossip and glittering of stories. You loved that about him. 
Dinner ended on a good note. You had to excuse yourself from Elspeth and Pamela, who quickly fell into gossip when you walked away from them in the dining area. 
You walked outside to the yard, where their pond was. Sat on the little dock and looked at the stars littering the skies. "Lost, Pretty lady?" You looked up to the familiar head of curly hair and a wicked smirk. A cigarette in between his lips as he looked down on you. "Hello to you too, Farleigh. Tired of ignoring me?" He rolled his eyes and sat next to you. 
"Actually… I'd love to have you all to myself before Oliver comes here. You get a little too invested in your pet project." You scoffed and shoved him a little. "You act like I'm not your pet project, too, Farleigh. Don't deny the fact that you've been entertaining me so you can get more sexual partners." 
He laughed and scooted closer to you? Resting that big head of his. "You like it."
"No, I don't." Shaking your head while suppressing your smile. 
"Yes, you do."
"Yes, I do." 
You both chuckle as he takes the ends of your hair, playing with it between his fingers, caressing it so lightly. 
"I like our tension. The fact that you're the only pussy I haven't tried yet." You groaned and pushed him off you as he laughed. "Yeah, well, it takes more to get in between my legs, Start." 
"Oh god, don't tell me I must be Oliver to do that." He said in an incredulous tone. 
"What? It's true!" You shove him again but fail as he latches his arms around your waist while lying down on your lap. A fucking tease and a prick for reminding you about your gap in strength.
You gently caressed his head as you made yourselves comfortable on the docks, "I'm sorry about what I said…I don't mean it like that, you know?" He looked up at you with those beautiful eyes. "You meant it; you're just usually not an asshole to make me feel it." You drew out a breath and looked down on him. To actually look at Farleigh, one must brace themselves to have their breath taken away. He was mind-blowingly beautiful, and no one can deny him of that privilege. The Cattons were all beautiful. A beautiful chaos. 
Farleigh thought the same about you. It wasn't like you were a hidden gem; you never paid attention to it. He was mesmerized by something much more than him. That the person he had at arm's length is so…Unattainable.
"Farleigh, I was an asshole, and I hate myself for that. Please allow me to apologize and at least make it up to you." When you told him that, he had this mischievous aura, but he kept silent. "I'll hold you up to that." You almost regret being a decent human being. 
You simply hummed as you set your sights on Saltburn. Farleigh returned to playing with your hair, braiding, and doing all types of knots. 
It was a good night. It felt like so many things had changed, and so many things had stayed the same. 
The next day was eventful. Felix pulled you all out of bed at six in the morning to enjoy a time together at the vast Gazebo they had near the pond. Farleigh, Venetia, and you all looked like the undead, slowly dragging your feet to follow Felix. 
"Ladies and Gentleman! It is with my great pleasure."
"Fuck off." Farleigh snidely remarked. Felix gave him a dirty look, making you and Venetia go into fits of giggles. 
"As I was saying. Ladies and Cunty man, I'm happy to show you all…Picnic paradise." 
Two maids opened the Gazebo to show you a beautifully set-up breakfast on a picnic blanket. Venetia slowly walked up to Felix with a smile and hug, sleepily hanging on to him as he led her to the blanket. "I'd love to praise Felix, but the sun is barely out to help me hide my lies." You chuckle as Farleigh slides his arm around yours and follows the two siblings inside. 
Venetia and Felix always had a weird relationship. They clung to each other since you were all kids while you and Farleigh felt like outsiders. Venetia fed Felix some food while Felix was lying down on the blanket, reading that Harry Potter book. "I reckon Mum would be upset that we ate without them." Venetia had this playful smile on her lips, mouth stained with wine. “Auntie Elspeth would understand; our special guest is too special to have a slimy ole English breakfast.” Farleigh answered.
All eyes turned to you mid-bite on a croissant, making you a tad bit conscious. "Seriously, can't there be a hint of privacy for me and my breakfast?" Felix propped himself up with his arms and turned to look at you. "Voyeurism is a thing of this family." He gave a wink, prompting you to throw a good pastry away…On his face. Farleigh and Venetia soon held to their food and chucked it at Felix. 
A food war at six in the morning! Elspeth said it was Utterly preposterous looking back at how much mess you made. The Gazebo was filled to the brim with food all over the wood panelings and the stained glass roof windows. All of you went out looking like a mess, and it got many questions from Elspeth and Duncan. 
"Eugh, I'm going to take a bath." The first few words that broke the silence while you were all standing outside the house lined up like school children. "Want me to join you?" You smacked Felix on the chest hard as you marched past him to go up to your shared bathroom with Fareigh to get everything out of every crevice. 
After the initial buzz from the morning’s event, you all sat with Sir James at the library to watch another movie he had set his sights on. It was funny; it really had the room filling up with laughter and some smart remarks from Farleigh. 
Then came the Oliver topic. Felix first reminded us about Oliver and his situation. How he invited him due to the loss of his father, thankful and grateful that your best friend was kind enough to cheer Ollie up. Elspeth gasped and was verbal about her sympathy, especially towards Pamela…Very verbal and elaborate.
Farleigh sat behind you on a chair, typing away on his laptop with a disapproved look, you checked his screen and they were all littered with Fuck yous and other colorful words. Guess he truly did hate Ollie. “And he lent me his bike, Mum! I was seriously going to get into trouble, but my savior just happened to walk by!” Elspeth gasped and rubbed Felix’s arm in a motherly manner. 
You can’t help how Venetia had a tinge of jealousy or yearning on her face. It can be a topic discussed for later, you suppose.
At the end of the day, you are reminded of a few things, and they all circle around Oliver. Not to be crazy, but…Why do you feel so nervous?
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portraitsofsaints · 1 month
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Saint John of Avila
Doctor of the Church 
Feast Day: May 10
Patronage: Andalusia, Spain, Spanish secular clergy
Saint John of Avila, a Spanish priest, was an engaging preacher, wise confessor and spiritual director to saints like St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis Borgia, St. John of the Cross, St. Ignatius of Loyola, to name a few. His missionary efforts were in Muslim dominated Southern Spain where he wasn’t afraid to denounce evil.  Saint John’s writings have become classics and he was named a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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toblerlens-blog · 3 months
"In the vast expanses of Andalusia, the greenhouses sparkle like shimmering jewels, reflecting the warm light of the day with tender grace. A magical sight that enchants the senses and touches the heart. Under a sky that speaks of infinite horizons, the beauty of the landscape reveals itself in every reflected beam. 💫🌿 "
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Author Ask Tag Game
A huge SORRY and thank you to @mjparkerwriting for tagging me in this waaaaay back in August (what the heck - how did this happen haha).
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
That sometimes being a strong, independent woman isn't enough. Sometimes we can't succeed alone or even with the help of loyal friends. Sometimes it really does take structural, systemic change and that change doesn't happen in a single life time.
As for why I chose this theme... I didn't really. I started with a premise (princess runs away from arranged marriage and accidentally falls in love with guy she was betrothed to). When I turned that premise into a plot with stakes I decided to have something that pressured the protagonist to go back to her marriage. The thing I chose was needing to prevent a war. The theme just kind of emerged from the tension between her saving her people and not being trapped in a marriage she didn't want.
2. What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
Southern England (loosely) in 1333 AD and some other cultures that would have been in contact with, bordering, or having diaspora in England (Wales, France, Breton, Al Andalusia, Persia, Byzantine Empire, Jewish diaspora, and like one thing from Scotland).
Other inspirations include a few Shakespeare comedies, how Tolkien uses English speech patterns to indicate social class, the Robin Hood myth, and Tennyson's poem "The Splendour Falls".
4. How many chapters is your story going to have?
Draft 2 had 15 chapters averaging between 3000-5000 words. I've already broken up one of those chapters in draft 3 and will probably break up more. So, at least 16? But I might split them all in half if I decide they are too many pages when I finally change the page size of my manuscript from standard word doc to book-sized. So maybe around 30?
6. When and why did you start writing?
The immersive daydreamer who loves to read to fandom to CinemaSins to film and tv show critique YouTube to writing advice YouTube to I'm gonna write my daydreams down so I can reread them for fun to I want to try my hand at a properly structured novel (but it's just for me) to dammit, I've put so much work in I want to polish this and publish it one day Pipeline is very, very real.
7. Do you have any words of encouragement for fellow writers of writeblr? What other writers on Tumblr do you follow?
You can edit a bad draft. It is so much easier to fix something than to make something from scratch. Your first draft is not an adequate reflection of your abilities as a writer - neither is your second, neither is your third. Asking for help is a skill, rewriting is a skill, workshopping is a skill, googling writing advice is a skill, taking a break is a skill. Your novel isn't your best work until it's done - feedback, and breaks, and months of writer's block and all. Push through. You're not a bad writer, or a good one for that matter, until there is a finished product to judge. I know looking at an unfinished draft riddled with problems can be demoralizing but you will find those problems and you will fix them. Just be patient.
I'm gonna steal MJ's idea and tag seven of my "other writers" - seven because that's how many questions are on in tag game.
@zeenimf, @ambiguouspuzuma, @macabremoons, @lexiklecksi, @sleepyowlwrites (though you've probably been tagged 1000 times in this haha), @stesierra, @ettawritesnstudies
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