#Ander Answers
hallow-witxh · 4 months
There’s so much information out there! Where do I start?? I feel really lost.
Hey you! Sorry it took so long to respond, life happened. Unfortunately.
Yes, it can be very, very overwhelming. Starting is often the hardest part of the craft. I can't speak for every practitioner, but I can speak for myself. Keep in mind I am Pagan, not Wiccan, and I firmly stand by that. My path of learning is biased toward Paganism. This also won't be a list of things I did; this will be a guidance post for your own research.
When you're looking for books, make sure to research who the author is. There are so many out there who make up information, steal ideas from others and other cultures, straight-up lie, or spread information that's been debunked.
Before you do any spellwork, research protection. You will want to know how to keep yourself safe and unbothered by outside forces.
This is a big one. When you research (absolutely anything), cross-reference at least five to six sources. The more you see it, the more likely it is to be true. If it's something niche you can't find very easily, go to more experienced practitioners and ask for further guidance. Some practitioners specialize in certain things, so choose who you ask wisely. For example, I am a Green/Kitchen Witch, so my knowledge resides in the garden and kitchen. I wouldn't come to me about divination.
Don't panic. You're going to face a lot of contradicting information. Just remember that there is truth among the misinformation, and it may take some digging to find it.
Don't lose patience. This takes time. Don't 'speed run' through studying.
Write. Stuff. Down. Write it all down. Keep notes. Write down questions and problems. This is a life saver.
Avoid practitioners who are racist, ableist, homophobic, and/or transphobic (just watch out for bigotry in general). I've noticed that these people have some not-so-great things to say and they will guide you down paths paves of their bigotry.
Avoid people who will ridicule your mistakes.
These are just the basic tips I was given when I was just beginning myself. If you want more guidance, you are free to message me again.
Blessed be.
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pissywiser · 1 year
is fluorescent bylerescent (spelling rahh) a reference to fluorescent adolescent and if not i might cry
umm ofc !!!!!!!!! best am song ever in the entire world when i heard them sing it live my brain imploded
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markscherz · 4 months
I'm in the last few months of my phd (on herps) and your frog posts really keep me going
I am so happy, @du-bist-anders, that my little tumblr bog here is helping you get through what I know is an immensely tough thing. I wish you speed and success in this last push, and especially a break once it is over. Because we all deserve a break.
Here are several thousand tadpoles from a pond I visited today with my family. What a glorious display it was.
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autoneurotic · 1 year
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dewsgremlin · 24 days
I love how Cos joins Per's live, just to ask if he could ask a question. And he is only asking if Per asks him to ask his question. And then it's just some super random question and obviously an insider between them.
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l3irdl3rain · 7 months
Sorry if you've already talked about this, but what's up with Valentine's eyes?
Also I'm a big softy for all animals but it's been a while since I had heart eyes for a cat that fast, I'm glad he's in your capable hands 😭💕
Don’t quote me on this but I think it’s called iris atrophy? My old cat Anders had the same thing going on and I had asked doc about it and he said it was just pretty normal aging changes. Anders didn’t have any glaucoma or anything so there was no eye treatment needed. And he had such a laundry list of issues I didn’t ever bother to ask any other questions like “what is this called”
Pictures of Anders’ very similar eyes for reference
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sunshine-in-a-bottle · 11 months
Anders was totally correct to blow that place up btw<3
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deathbypufferfish · 4 months
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I can't believe these teenage boys are bad at communicating and taking an actual break
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"fenris hates all mages" counterpoint: he just has beef with Anders Specifically
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Methinks Kaisa should be absolutely BEFUDDLED at Anders. Like "so you just. Got up. And left. FROM JOHANNA PEARSON???? ARE YOU WELL MENTALLY????"
My first reaction to him was how he managed to fumble The Woman of all time and I think Kaisa would agree.
THIS. Kaisa is absolutely gobsmacked that this pathetic slime of a person saw fit to fumble JOHANNA???? Like Kaisa is out there 24/7 wondering how she could ever deserve this woman, borderline having breakdowns over not being good enough for her, only to find out that the Most Ridiculous Person You’ve Ever Seen not only has gotten a chance, but also probably got more than one and still messed up every time. She’s been training jumping higher and higher until she learns how to fly only to find out that all along the bar was on the fucking floor.
And it’s not even only a ‘Johanna’ matter, but also a ‘Hilda’ matter. Because Kaisa genuinely cares a lot about her and would be beyond pissed to know that he sees himself as a good dad regardless of having left multiple times and come back acting like nothing had happened. (<- Note! Op has only watched until episode 5, I don’t know if he gets an apology scene later on) Also he thinks he’s the one who leads his daughter in the path of adventure??? Excuse me??? Not only does Kaisa know she has one super badass mother, are you not seeing the Witch™️ in the room? You think you can do better than giving her magic spells? A resurrection staff? Hunting tide mice? Taking her through a maze built by the greatest witch alive? No, you can’t. Because you think adventure is letting her drive a shitty truck.
But the hilarious thing in the dynamic is that (at least as far as I have watched), Anders is super tone deaf and can’t tell when someone doesn’t like him/holds a grudge against him. So he’d probably see Kaisa as a new figure in Hilda’s life who he wants to befriend and completely miss the way that it looks could kill Kaisa would have him dead and buried in a second.
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eeriemothz · 25 days
it brings me endless amusement when artists/fic writers acknowledge Justice in any Handers piece they might do. Is he apart of the relationship? Is he desperately trying to pretend it isn't happening? Is he even friendly with Hawke? Is he in the cuck chair?
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hallow-witxh · 4 months
Hello! What do i do with the residue after finishing a spell? Like, the wax and ashes? What do I do with that?
Hello hello! I'm sorry it took so long to get to this.
With ashes, I sometimes mix them in with salt to create black salt. Do be careful doing this because the spell's ashes carry residual energy that you may not want in certain other spells. When I don't mix it into black salt, I smoke cleanse it then pour it into a large jar and seal it up. Every witch has their own way of discarding ashes, so try and research some options that best suites your needs.
As for wax, I generally smoke cleanse the extra wax and save the scraps to remelt. I use the letter sealing wax, so it's as simple as dropping the scraps back into the spoon to melt. For candle wax, you can keep them in a jar (even the same jar as the ashes) after cleansing them or throw them away, although in my opinion, that seems a bit disrespectful.
Again, each practitioner has their own way of handling 'leftovers', so click around, ask others, see what you can find.
Best of luck!
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pissywiser · 1 year
hey grey :]
hello!!!! did you watch eurovision??
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galli-halli · 7 months
Auch keine richtige Frage, aber muss auch mal los werden das ich es irgendwie auch so soft finde wie aufgeregt Klaas bei wmds ist, also find das zeigt einfach auch wie wichtig ihm das alles (Joko) ist und er das gut machen will, hab ihn glaub echt noch nie in den letzten 15 Jahren so konstant aufgeregt / unruhig / nervös gesehen und hab auch das Gefühl grad das Finale verlangt ihm da alles ab weil Joko da echt einfach entspannter und bisschen cooler ist. Aber wie sweet das gerade dass die Situation ist die diese Seite an ihm hervorbringt, spricht irgendwie ja nur dafür wie unfassbar das ist dass die sich jetzt nach allem in dieser Situation befinden.. das Joko ihm auch dieses Vertrauen sozusagen entgegenbringt, hab das Gefühl wären sie vor ein paar Jahren anders abgebogen in ihrer privaten Beziehung zueinander wär das alles so anders jetzt aber ich liebs so sehr und weiß nicht wohin mit meinen Gefühlen
Hallo Anon,
ich stimme dir da in allen Punkten zu!
Es passt so schön, weil Klaas gerade in der neuen WSMDS Folge behauptet hat, er sei nicht aufgeregt. Obwohl er es eindeutig ist, nicht still sitzen kann, vor Anspannung teilweise fast platzt und ich selten gesehen habe, wie er so abgezockt wird, wie er sich im 2. Finale von Joko hat abzocken lassen.
Ich glaube, es ist wirklich eine Mischung aus Stolz, in Jokos Show mitzuwirken, Joko beim Moderieren zuzusehen usw., einer bleibenden Überforderung, weil die Situation so ungewohnt und kurios ist, und eben der Aufregung, alles richtig machen zu wollen, Joko nicht auf die Füße zu treten - und trotzdem natürlich unbedingt gewinnen zu wollen.
Vor allem im Finale sieht man diese verschiedenen Ebenen dann zusammenkommen. Beim ersten war er viel zu hektisch, beim zweiten stellenweise zu selbstsicher.
Ich find aber den letzten Punkt, den du genannt hast, auch sehr schön. Jokos Vertrauen in Klaas, ihr Vertrauen ineinander, macht die Teilnahme im Panel erst möglich. Joko ist angekommen und hat genug Selbstverständnis, um sich von Klaas' Teilnahme nicht verunsichern zu lassen und es zu genießen. Klaas wiederrum hat schon länger einen Punkt in ihrer Partnerschaft erreicht, in der ihm nicht mehr das wichtigste ist, zu gewinnen oder Joko eins auszuwischen.
So fühlt sich diese Staffel wie ein Miteinander der beiden an, obwohl sie theoretisch gegeneinander antreten. Das bedeutet nicht, dass der Ehrgeiz weg ist, aber der Spaß, den sie gemeinsam haben, der steht im Vordergrund.
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vigilskeep · 11 months
the reason i do still want to try fhawke for my red hawke/anders disease sometime is that the visuals of the genuinely intimidating bloodthirsty brash young mercenary and their healer boyfriend who despite all this calls them sweetheart <3 really just get better
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peyton-warren · 2 months
☀️: Kiss/Marry/Kill the last character you wrote, the last character you saw on a post and the last character in your camera roll
Damnit @ellethespaceunicorn !
Last charter I wrote
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Last charter I saw in a post
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Last character on my photo roll
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Alright. Hard one (kinda ) first. Am gonna kill Cavilerine because he has regenerative powers (right?? Right, Elle???) Done. Easy.
Kiss: Anders. I'm gonna make out so hard with that man. If it leads to other things than so be it. But yes going to make out with Anders.
And marry Walter. He is my favorite and I loves him and he loves me and our children will have the prettiest hair ever.
Wanna play along? Ask me something from here
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