#Andrea Di Biase
ardentpoop · 2 months
most people REALLY aren’t critical of the show’s framing of hunting it’s kind of depressing to me.
“dean was wrong to treat sam the way he did in s4 bc sam was better than the things they hunt”
try again lol. what exactly makes these characters “worthy” of staying alive to you? compare sam’s behavior + treatment by the narrative to dean’s to cas’s to jack’s to that of one-off monsters killed by hunters: madison, lenore, amy, andrea, etc. if you want to really make your head hurt throw in the recurring side characters whose “monstrosity” was nullified or excused by their proximity to the main team of “good guys”: benny, werewolf!garth, post-s8 crowley, rowena. as well as the recurring antagonists whose “monstrosity” only underlined their preexisting “badness”: GORDON, pre-s9 crowley, lucifer’s vessel nick. as well as the characters whose mental illness or “instability” opened them up to the same threats that “monstrosity” would’ve opened them up to: martin, claire, sam (always always sam.)
tbh it’s no wonder so much of this audience doesn’t understand just how gruesome s4-5 were from a sam-focused perspective when they aren’t picking apart the show’s flimsy and biased justifications for who lives and who dies. no matter WHAT sam did there was no justification for dean and bobby locking him up and nearly killing him in such a dehumanizing way and there was no justification for everyone around sam encouraging him to jump into the cage as “penance.”
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gaysessuale · 1 year
Classifica personale (top 10) degli episodi di Tintoria, ciclo di Snodo (22-23)
Valerio Lundini
The Pills
Piero Pelù
Andrea Delogu
Nuzzo e Di Biase
Aurora Leone
Lo Stato Sociale
Pietro Sermonti
Questo è il post del giorno
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sinapsimagazine · 1 month
Da Giulio Scarpati a Nuzzo e Di Biase: ecco tutto il programma completo del PeM Festival diretto da Enrico Deregibus
Da Giulio Scarpati a Nuzzo e Di Biase: ecco tutto il programma completo del PeM Festival diretto da Enrico Deregibus
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londranotizie24 · 6 months
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Modena: Notti Ducali, tre giorni di musica e cabaret in Piazza Roma
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Modena: Notti Ducali, tre giorni di musica e cabaret in Piazza Roma. Antonello Venditti e Francesco De Gregori in concerto domenica 25 giugno; Paolo Cevoli, Duilio Pizzocchi e Giuseppe Giacobazzi, per la prima volta insieme sul palco, lunedì 26; il pianista e performer Dardust in un live multimediale martedì 27 giugno. È tutto pronto per “Notti Ducali Live”, la nuova rassegna estiva promossa dal Comune di Modena e organizzata da Studio’s programmazione spettacoli, con il sostegno della Fondazione di Modena, che si svolge in piazza Roma, sullo sfondo del Palazzo Ducale a partire, appunto, da domenica 25 giugno, primo appuntamento dell’Estate modenese 2023. I dettagli della rassegna sono stati presentati nella mattina di venerdì 23 giugno, con una conferenza stampa in piazza Roma alla quale sono intervenuti l’assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Modena Andrea Bortolamasi, che ha sottolineato l’intenzione di consolidare il progetto nel tempo, e Marcella Pelati di Studio’s. Alla presentazione hanno partecipato anche i rappresentanti di Conad Nord Ovest, Gruppo Hera e Bper Banca che hanno contribuito a sostenere la manifestazione. “Notti ducali” è un nuovo format per Modena, pensato per unire linguaggi culturali diversi, in modo da raggiungere pubblici differenti e un target il più ampio possibile, e per valorizzare spazi e luoghi storici. Domenica 25 giugno, la rassegna si apre con il concerto evento di due dei più amati cantautori italiani, Antonello Venditti e Francesco De Gregori che portano anche a Modena la reinterpretazione dei loro grandi classici. Ad accompagnarli sul palco una band che unisce per la prima volta i musicisti che da anni collaborano separatamente con i due artisti: Alessandro Canini (batteria), Danilo Cherni (tastiere), Carlo Gaudiello (piano), Primiano Di Biase (hammond), Fabio Pignatelli (basso), Amedeo Bianchi (sax), Paolo Giovenchi (chitarre), Alessandro Valle (pedal steel guitar e mandolino). Sul palco anche Roberta Palmigani al violino e le coriste Laura Ugolini e Laura Marafioti. Il coordinamento musicale è a cura di Alessandro Canini. Lunedì 26 giugno, Paolo Cevoli, Duilio Pizzocchi e Giuseppe Giacobazzi, i tre comici più rappresentativi dell’Emilia Romagna, portano a Modena i loro cavalli di battaglia con momenti di interazione e autentica improvvisazione, in uno spettacolo che parla a un pubblico trasversale attraverso un linguaggio che coniuga teatro, canzone e commedia. Per entrambi gli spettacoli ci sono ancora pochissimi biglietti disponibili (che si possono acquistare sui circuiti Ticket one, Boxer Ticket, Ticketmaster, Vivaticket). L’accesso a piazza Roma sarà possibile a partire dalle 19.30. Per informazioni e per prenotare posti riservati alle persone con disabilità è necessario scrivere una mail a Studio’s ([email protected]). Martedì 27 giugno, “Notti ducali” si rivolge al pubblico più giovane portando a Modena il “Duality tour” di Dardust, pseudonimo di Dario Faini, pianista italiano tra i più ascoltati dalla nuova generazione. Un’esperienza live multidimensionale e unica, con effetti visivi spettacolari divisa in un primo atto per piano solo tra le pareti di un interno giapponese e l’avvicendarsi delle stagioni, e un secondo con l’elettronica al centro e un paesaggio dinamico sullo sfondo tra visual, manga e ispirazioni che corrono dall’omaggio a Miyazaki a Ryūichi Sakamoto.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Job: SenckenbergBiK-F_Frankfurt.ScientificDataCurator
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Job: SenckenbergBiK-F_Frankfurt.ScientificDataCurator > Date: 24 December 2022 at 05:18:30 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Dear all, > > please take a look at our new job post: > > Scientific Data Curator (m/f/d)full time position > > For more detailed information please follow the link: > https://ift.tt/UGbOJ4K > > We are seeking a data curator (m/f/d) to manage the database of an > interdisciplinary DFG research unit "Kilimanjaro Social Ecological > System (Kili-SES, https://ift.tt/Rp5tNHB". In this project, > which extends that of the previous KiLi research unit, natural and > social scientists are working together to investigate the interactions > and inter-dependencies between people and nature at Mount Kilimanjaro > under land-use, climate, and governance change.  The successful applicant > will establish and manage the project database, set and maintain data > standards within the project, and aid researchers across the project in > locating, processing and publishing data. > > Tasks to be performed include > > Establishment, development and curation of the project database (within > the BEXIS2system)Transfer of older data to the project database Scientific > data quality controlData publication in scientific journals [...] > > What is awaiting you? > Flexible working hours ' leave of absence due to family reasons (audit > "berufundfamilie") ' parent-child- office ' annual special > payment ' company pension scheme ' leave of 30 days/year > > Place of employment: Frankfurt am Main > Working hours: full time (40 working hours/week) > Type of contract: 2 years, preferably starting in early 2023; there is > a good opportunity for extension. > > Salary: according to the collective agreement of the State of Hesse > (pay grade E 13, TV-H) > > Please send your significant application details by 24th January 2023 to > [email protected], quoting the reference number #11-22019. > > Yours sincerely > > Isabel Gajcevic, M.A. > > Personalsachbearbeiterin > > SENCKENBERG > Gesellschaft für Naturforschung > > (Rechtsfähiger Verein gemäß  � 22 BGB) > > Senckenberganlage 25 > > 60325 Frankfurt am Main > > Besucheradresse: Mertonstraße 17-21, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (1. OG) > > Telefon/Phone: 0049 (0)69 / 7542 - > > Leiterin Personal & Soziales > > - 1458 Loke, Uta > > Stellv. Leiterin Personal & Soziales > > - 1319 Elsen, Carina > > Team Personalbeschaffung (Recruiting) > > - 1478 Gajcevic, Isabel > > - 1564 di-Biase, Maria > > - 1204 Reitinger, Jasmin > > Fax: 0049 (0)69 / 7542-1445 > > Mail: > [email protected] > > Direktorium: Prof. Dr. Klement Tockner, Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt, > Dr. Martin Mittelbach, Prof. Dr. Andreas Mulch, Prof. Dr. Karsten Wesche; > > Präsidentin: Dr. h.c. Beate Heraeus; > > Aufsichtsbehorde: Magistrat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main (Ordnungsamt) > > Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft > > Vernetzen Sie sich mit uns: > https://ift.tt/XQ4eyoA > > > "[email protected]"
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donospl · 5 years
Maria Chiara Argirò “Hidden Seas”
Maria Chiara Argirò “Hidden Seas”
Cavalo Records, 2019
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Dziesięć utworów zawiera w sobie drugi album włoskiej pianistki Marii Chiary Argirò. Na pierwszej płycie dominowały brzmienia akustyczne. Obecnie liderka w większym stopniu zwróciła się ku brzmieniom elektronicznym korzystając z syntezatorów i melotoronu, a także pianina Fendera.
Ale akustycznych fragmentów również nie zabrakło, szczególnie w drugiej…
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Does SE have an e-mail or something? Cause it will be funny for them to know someone who WORKS for them is starting shit between fans or being biased af with their game.
Ooo an ask! This may be my first one!
Hmm, I'm sure one could be found. I'd be surprised if somebody hasn't already said something or somebody at SE at least saw it. The biggest difference in the way it's presented, compared to the other VAs, is she only shows scenes with Aerith (at least on YouTube) and makes comments about shipping things. It's actually easy to play FF7 remake without saying anything about shipping. Commenting on the train roll scene doesn't need to have a shipping angle, for example, but it's hard to ignore the tension it creates.
Cody got shit for saying he preferred Tifa on his Gold Saucer date. It was a direct question about who he takes, and he answered. He could have said Barret, and I'm sure at least 1 person would have a problem with it because it wasn't A.
Tifa's VA was getting harassed for just being Tifa's VA. I haven't heard about Briana being harassed, but don't agree with it if it's happening. I don't agree with extreme, toxic shipping on either side. I just happen to see if happen way more often on the other side, sadly. Briana pushing the ship either way makes these behaviors from fans worse.
The only thing these extreme behaviors do is cause more extreme bias on who the players like. If this keeps up, a large portion of the fandom will be like "eh whatevs" when she dies, which would be sad.
I'll admit that this crap online made me have a problem with A, but I do try to ignore it and find the good qualities in the character simply with what we are presented with in the game.
I can't watch the VA, though. I expected an unbiased look, but it was clear within 5 minutes it was very biased.
In addition directly to the ask, it's possible SE gets tons of emails about stuff. I'm sure somebody had a fit because Nojima liked Cloti posts on Twitter. Or Andrea's VA made that slick comment wondering how they're gonna do Under the Highwind. The difference is, these were not constant things. It's not a streamer who works for SE constantly bringing it up.
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amphtaminedreams · 4 years
A/W 2020 Fashion Month & Top 20 Collections: Before Vogue Went Blank (Part 4)
Hi all,
Welcome to part 4! It’s gonna be a bit of a shorter one because I wasn’t sure if I could fit the last few collections into my part 3 since I also want to include a ranking of my favourite F/W20 shows. I have so many ideas for what I’d like my next few posts to be (there’ll probably be a bit of gap between them as I would like to try and get some fiction writing in too) and I need help and recommendations on one post in particular so I thought I’d open by explaining that if anyone would like to send me suggestions! The post is basically going to highlight the often under-appreciated personal style of PoC, and I’d also like to make sure I include all types of bodies and genders and ethnicities (other than white girls, as we get enough credit as it is, all a tall, skinny blonde woman has to do is wear some light wash jeans, heels and a blouse and high fashion Twitter are posting non-stop about how incredible her style is)! This can be a celebrity, a model, an influencer or even just one of your friends if you think they deserve some hype too! Obviously there’s only so many photos I can include but I will make sure to look at any suggestions, though of course I’m gonna be biased towards the grungier looks; I gave Dolls Kill a pass for a long time because I thought the brand had changed and become more responsible over the last few years but since Shoddy Lynn’s thoughtless Instagram post during the protests last month and then her lacklustre response video, I say fuck that “goth is white” bullshit, alternative black women are hot af. I’ll also make sure to include a list of my favourite black owned clothing lines I’ve seen people talking about on Twitter and Instagram so again, if you have any suggestions feel free to inbox me. Other than that, I have a couple of lookbooks planned and after, either a post about my favourite shows for style inspiration OR a lookbook depending on whether I have the clothes to do it already/can source a few things from Depop-Depp-I’ve made a commitment not to buy anything new for the next couple of months and I want to stick to that this time round! I’d also like to do a general collation of my favourite summer outfits, an almost scrapbook-y kinda post, and another post on some of my favourite fashion icons (I’ll probs end up repeating a lot of the women from the post I was talking about above but I’ll try and include different outfits to keep it varied!). 
Now, into the final part, and the top 20, starting with Tory Burch (I’m really pissed off because I added an unnecessary E in after the R and now Tumblr is once again being stupid and not saving any of my editing changes-also I said on the next post instead of in in the last paragraph and my anal-retentiveness is kicking into high gear). 
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You’d think it’s a kinda anti-climatic one to open with but I do like this collection! It reminds me a bit of last season’s Miu Miu but more so of Brock’s general aesthetic, though with more layers and in some ways to its detriment, a lot more wearable. Looking like something from a bygone era is part of what gives Brock its mystique, but Burch’s designs are practically made for the Chelsea born and bred lifestyle blogger who dresses for a cold spell in the Coachella valley all year long and treats trawling Pimlico’s furniture shops and meeting their girlfriends for coffee like it’s a full-time job. She’s probably born into money and doesn’t work all that hard but hey, she looks angelic holding a bouquet of flowers and in 2020 we all low-key want her life, right? It’d go against my ethics but...*whispers* it would be nice to be that girl just for a couple of days. It is a gorgeous collection, with a lush colour palette and an ever graceful variety of prints and textures, and it toes the line of being accessible and being worthy of a fashion week spot with dexterity. 8/10 and it only loses marks because it’s safe for the brand.
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When it comes to Valentino, they’re a pretty reliable favourite for me, and this season’s collection doesn’t break tradition; this one is slightly grittier than usual too which is a big win for me. Whilst the usual sophistication and delicate details are there, quirky embroidery, sequins and tulle, we also get a lot of leather and more black than usual, which I pray doesn’t a herald a return to people thinking “I only own black clothes and listen to Artic Monkeys” is a personality trait. I don’t know if it’s intentional, but there seems to be a lot of aquatically inspired pieces in this collection too; the 3d roses resemble scales to me (and are a really unique texture), and the way the tulle is placed kinda reminds me of fins and has a mermaid on land feel. It wouldn’t surprise me, since Valentino does tend to draw from nature quite a bit. Highs for me were the Valentino red tulle piece and the tulle pieces in general, of course with the embroidered florals as well which the basic bitch in me always looks forward to. The few lows were concentrated in the leopard print section, a print that for me is really overdone and reminds me of recent Dolce and Gabbana. It was cool when layered with the matching coat but I otherwise could’ve done without it.
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Vera Wang is another one of my reliable faves-I think I like this collection even more than the last, it really is a fucking DREAM. The overly floral pieces I wasn’t too keen on but I’ll ignore that on the basis that as with Gucci, the tulle-harness combo is everything I look for in a dress and more. I know manic-pixie-dream-girl is a bit of a slur (not a slur slur but you know what I mean) in terms of the associated character, but this 90s Courtney Love grunge twist on that aesthetic is gold, fully realised big anarchist fairy energy (which is a screen name I’m surprised I don’t see more often and which I might now steal). These dresses were made for someone like Zoe Kravitz or FKA Twigs on the red carpet, and if god forbid I somehow ever ended up on one, I would go to the ends of the earth to be wearing one of the dresses from this collection. Aside from the dresses, I appreciated the moody doesn’t-want-to-be-at-the-family-function teenager inspired sleeves and the 2014 Tumblr Cruel Intentions style knee high socks. Love, love, LOVE it.
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So, Versace started off strong with the all black looks-the cut outs were cute if impractical and the fit and flare trousers in particularly were really well fitted (from a distance, at least). I hated the film Red Sparrow but the visuals were very cool, and this section reminded me of that, like a high fashion collection based on Jennifer Lawrence’s character. There were some stunning colour combos in the Ashish like hyper-floral part too, and the houndstooth, marble and Versace tile prints were sick. The black jumper with the flowers on reminds me of a jumper of my nan’s I always wanted that my aunty ended up donating to a charity shop after she died not knowing I liked it. Gutted (not just about the jumper obviously, looool).
HOWEVER, as with many 91 look collections, it was sloppy at times. A lot of pieces I at first liked (I.E the silver dress we saw Kendall Jenner in, included above) are kind of unfinished up close. There was also a big varsity inspired section which was nice at times but got pretty repetitive and occasionally looked like it could pass for Jack Wills or a bad Michael Kors collection. On the whole, it had both its pros and its cons which puts it directly in the middle of the pack.
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Victoria Beckham’s collection is near the lower-middle quartile when it comes to plotting the highs and lows of the F/20 collections. The pieces are pretty and accessible, I’d definitely wear them, but they’re predictable and mostly a rip-off of other brands who did something similar in a more interesting way. Though her collections are never really experimental, this one is particularly safe, and she and whoever helped design this season’s pieces were clearly avoiding the edges of the box like a child playing the floor is lava. It’s alright, and I hate coming towards the end of the post with negativity, but I have to be honest, and this just doesn’t really interest me beyond a “yeah, that’s nice” glance.
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Vivienne Westwood, on the other hand, is always interesting whether I would actually wear it myself or not. Despite the mix and matchiness that is essential to the deconstructed look, which being the basic bitch I am I often struggle to see past, there were some gorgeous pieces and eurgh, I could really talk about that Bella Hadid look all day. The contrast between the exaggerated femininity of the waist cinchers against the androgyny of the less structured, oversized pieces is a really interesting one and the colour combinations work beautifully together. I also love the idea behind the collection, which is, in the words of Andreas Kronthaler about “rites of spring, and the good and the bad, and conflict, and the good prevailing over evil”. Ahhh, I hear you say. THAT’S what’s with the garlic necklace. Can I get another pat on the back for summing up this collection as “vampire slaying uniform” in my notes? I mean, that’s kind of a good vs. evil situation, isn’t it? I know it’s hard to ignore how hot vampires always are in TV series and movies but just think of the true forms of the ones off Penny Dreadful and remember THEY DRINK BLOOD (I personally think being a vampire would be really cool, just need to work out how to do it “ethically”).
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Lastly, Zimmerman, and I really can’t say how happy I am to end on a positive note because this collection was stunning. Not without all the characteristically ornate, indulgent and painstakingly detailed efforts we’ve come to expect from Nicky and Simone Zimmerman, these looks (in an icy winter themed colour palette as well) are the offspring of a sophisticated flower child and a 70s glam rocker and I think with this sentence I’ve finally put my style aspirations into words. Honestly, give me the money to produce a modern day Almost Famous and I’ll make my character this no-nonsense intersectional feminist front woman of a fictional Haim-like band who sings with the voice of an angel but is rock and roll as fuck and eats men for breakfast and I’ll put her in this collection and (deep breath) it would be ICONIC. There. Got to the point eventually. Am I talking about a 2020s version of Steve Nicks? Possibly. After all, I do have a framed illustration of her on my wall. But regardless, I need those lace-up velvet BOOTS, that mesh dress with the celestial embroidery, the flame detail pieces, the white pussy bow blouse with the eyes on it. Everything is sooo dreamy; when I was looking through the collection for my favourites, I saved pretty much every. single. look. IT’S EVERYTHING I STRIVE TO BE. WHY CAN’T I AFFORD ZIMMERMAN GOD DAMN IT!?
See, I’ll be going on about Zimmerman in a couple of paragraphs again because it will be very high in my top 20, which I’m so glad is a top 20 BTW. I know I said it would be a top 10 in my last post because I thought that was how I structured it last time but I double checked and it is 20, which is a relief; once again, picking only 10 collections would be very hard. SO! Let’s get into it!
1. Gucci
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I hate being predictable but Gucci once again holds the top spot for me. How could I not love this? I would say that I hope Alessandro Michele fucks up next season so I don’t come off as a boot licker but when the boots in question are platform Mary Janes and knee high socks and they’re underneath tulle with BDSM inspired harnesses on top...maybe boot sole doesn’t taste so bad after all.
2. Zimmerman
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Well, I did say it wouldn’t be long until you were seeing the same outfits again, so at least you know my word is good.
3. Moschino
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Wow, as if putting Gucci first again wasn’t bad enough, Moschino’s also a non-mover. But...Marie Antoinette this season and Picasso last? And this campy? It’s like Jeremy Scott reached into my brain magician-into-a-top-hat-style, picked out an interest of mine at random, and tried to communicate this to me through the medium of design with THE most chaotic energy humanly possible. I an only commend the man, because he succeeded, and I approve. It’s weird because before I always saw Jeremy Scott’s designs as tacky and yet I’ve loved all the collections I’ve reviewed, so I must ask...are the collections getting less tacky or am I getting more tacky? Much to think about.
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4. Vera Wang
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The battle armour of a punk princess. Not very good at protecting against knives, arrows, bullets or...anything really, but I’ve never really been the kind of person to get into physical fights (apart with a bouncer who tried to push me down the stairs once at an ABBA night but I was really drunk and she was mean, alright!?), so who cares? Nobody can make you do anything in dresses this pretty.
5. Lanvin
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I’m a few years behind everyone else but I’m still on the Mad Men hype train and I don’t ever want to get off. All I wish is that Betty Draper had *SPOILERS* divorced Don’s detty arse earlier and rode off into the sunset in that white Bella Hadid coat with the red lip to match (or the checkered one above will do).
6. Etro
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As long as she remains the queen of dreamy bohemian fashion, I’m not gonna do Etro dirty by putting her any lower than this ever again on the basis that she’s not conceptual enough which ashamedly is what I implied in my last ranking-yes, Etro is a she because just as most women deserve more from men, she is beautiful and deserves better than my previous disrespect! I said what I said. 
7. Dilara Findikoglu
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I see your Thom Browne and your Commes Des Garcons and I raise you my “weird”-though-not-actually-that-weird-at-all-can-we-all-just-dress-like-this-on-a-day-to-day-basis-please? fave, Dilara.
8. Paco Rabanne
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Battle armour that actually COULD protect you against knives, arrows, and bullets. Maybe. Well, you’d hope so anyway for the price.
9. Rodarte
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Suddenly my phobia of spiders has evaporated. And no, it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that these ones are diamond encrusted, what are you on about?
10. Alberta Ferretti
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The colour combinations in this collection were stunning. Honestly. I just picked a really bad pic to illustrate that. Go read my first post to see (grifting 101: complete)!
11. Charlotte Knowles
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I saw Bella Hadi wearing a Charlotte Knowles two piece, so I bought a Charlotte Knowles two piece. 
LMAOOO, I wish.
12. Balenciaga
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It’s occurred to me a couple of posts too late now on the basis that Tumblr is being a dick and won’t go back and let me edit stuff, even little typos, but I’m now wondering if there’s a link between the climate change theming of the show and the exaggerated structures of the pieces? Ya know, the whole abundance is killing the planet line of thinking? I know analysis isn’t exactly on brand with these silly mini captions and that oversized and exaggerated proportions is one of Balenciaga’s running motifs anyway buuut just a thought I had! And sidenote: I do believe overconsumption is killing the planet! The way I phrased that made it seem like I’m a climate change denying dickhead! That I am not! Maybe if I shave my head, legally change my name to Steve, get a British flag tattoo on my bicep, and spend every waking moment in my nearest Spoons I’ll get there but it’s not on the agenda quite yet!
13. Christopher Kane
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If fashionable robots took over the world, they’d raid Christopher Kane’s studio and fry us all with laser beams whilst wearing his dresses.
14. Fendi
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Siri, play Vroom Vroom by Charli XCX.
15. Olivier Theyskens 
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Mandarin collar. Mandarin collar. Mandarin collar. NEXT TIME I WILL REMEMBER WHAT THE PROPER NAME IS INSTEAD OF NEEDING TO GOOGLE IT AGAIN. Come on brain, you’re supposed to be good at this kinda thing, make it happen.
16. Elie Saab
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Blair Waldorf’s wet dream. Add in some platform boots and chain jewellery and now it’s my wet dream too.
Because Chuck Bass is creepy as FUCK and maybe it’s because I watched Gossip Girl at the ripe old age (lol) of 21 and most people watch it as teenagers but I don’t know why YOU WERE ALL SO OBSESSED WITH HIM! He tries to sexually assault Jenny who is about 14 in the VERY FIRST EPISODE. I think I went off on a tangent here but it had to be said. You girls have no taste.
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Don Draper was an absolute dog, but he was played by Jon Hamm, and he might be one of the finest men on the planet. What’s your excuse, Chuck and Blair enthusiasts?
17. Miu Miu
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As someone who has probably been/met many a spoilt brat in her time, I appoint Miu Miu as the official sponsor of the Spoilt Brat™ aesthetic and yeah, that’s something I just made up but I’m on the money here. Imagine one of those “daddy, can you get me a pony?” types all grown up. Are you telling me you don’t picture her in Miu Miu? Because that sounds like a lie.
18. YSL
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The war flashbacks I get of the Friends episode where Ross tries to get out of those leather trousers aside (I know it’s PVC her not leather but they have the same sheen, you can’t deny it), these outfits turn me into the irl version of the heart eyes emoji. It’s not like I think this is the best collection I’ve ever seen, YSL could def push the boat out a bit in terms of experimentation, but there aren’t many people who wouldn’t look hot as fuck in one of these pieces
19. Balmain
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I didn’t like ALL of it, but the looks that I did like were amongst the ones that stuck out to me most when I was reflecting on the collections I’ve reviewed: the breast plates and silk capes and the scorpion detailing are real chef’s kiss moments.
20. Marques Almeida
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Miss the collection that gave us this coat off the list? Never.
That is the end! Wow! I started saving the photos for this review back in late January/early February or whenever it was that the first fashion week began and now it’s mid-fucking July!? I don’t know if that speaks more to my incompetency or what a state the last few months have been. I’m not gonna write a super long ending paragraph because you’ve heard enough from me already and it’s 2:30am and I’m being hassled by Trump supporters on Twitter (literally just for stating that it’s a privilege to be able to pursue a career you truly have a passion for rather than having to be practical about finances first) anddddd I’ve got a closing shift tomorrow so I should probably log the fuck off and remove my clown makeup before it’s time to start my shift, lol!
Quick recommendation before I wrap this up, there was a really interesting debate on ITV literally a few hours ago on the Stephen Lawrence case that I thought I would recommend (they also showed the 1999 dramatic portrayal of events afterwards) about racism in England and whether or not much has changed since the murder. I didn’t catch the whole thing but from what I did see, there were some really strong points being made and I think it could be a good thing to sit and watch with your family members if you want to get talking about the Black Lives Matter movement and aren’t sure how to broach the topic. I bring it up because I feel like most middle-aged white people trust ITV so they’re less likely to turn their noses up (lol, I wish I was joking) at it and maybe go in with a more open mind. I’d like to keep the conversation about social issues going so if there’s anything you’d like me to get some information together on and make a post about-I read yesterday that there’d been arrests of THE PEOPLE PROTESTING the way Breonna Taylor’s death has been handled. No, not the police officers responsible for her death, the people simply pointing out that those police officers have done wrong. It’s a ridiculous situation and just shows how deeply embedded a police officer’s supposed right to kill and to use force is in upholding the American status quo. I wish I could end the post on better news, but let’s hope that next time I post, there is some, and as always thank you for reading til the end if you did get this far! I really don’t have all that many followers on here but do et me know if there’s anything I can reblog or share to help.
Lauren x
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natsunoomoi · 4 years
FFVII Thoughts
-This whole thing with Jessie is so much filler it’s mostly unnecessary. Plus I feel like the whole impact of Jessie and her arc and even this filler is detracted by her being a former actress. Like I mentioned before I feel like her being an actress and known for toying with men kind of takes away from her crush on Cloud and makes it seem cheap. Also even though she’s someone’s daughter who is more tech inclined, I always thought of her as an engineer herself and like a former Shinra engineer that quit would have been a more powerful message than that of an actress. Even if you keep her Dad getting sick it adds an extra layer. Like say she worked in R&D and they like pushed an experimental mako enhancement for the plant too soon and she warned it would make people sick and it made her Dad sick. There’s a lot of ways her story would have been better and fit more nicely into the narrative. :/
-Even though Jessie annoys me, Biggs is kind of okay but he comes off to me as a little cliche. Wedge is kind of a little nicer.
-Aww, they took out the pickpocket on the train during the ID scan. That would have been a lot harder to deal with, but yeah.
-Good lord they stretched out these areas.
-Completely lost in this lamp and platform maze, but after a long time I finally figure out how to get out even with the items.
-Another maze and more reactor context change.
-Robot change where you can screw it over. That’s interesting.
-Yay Aerith!
-Dang Reno. You hard.
-OMG stupid ghosts get out of the way. I bet I have to trek all this way back to get this materia.
-This church is now also a crazy rat maze.
-Now onto roof rat maze.
-Ugh, why do I have to take the long way just to avoid Rude?
-Let me explore the town!
-Cloud and Aerith are way more helpful in this game. The kids have a secret hide out. Cool, I guess.
-Chadley is seriously simultaneously frustrating and useful.
-Yay I can go back and get crap from the church.
-Okay, so sneak out. Why tf is there a pot right outside my room that I can’t see?
-Okay, so there’s Aerith. We have a secret tunnel-ish. So many ladders. So much up and down.
-Out of that maze and yay they kept that scene where Aerith brings up Zack. Still not sure I’m liking all the foreshadowing cuz this was a spoiler in the original game.
-Tifa looks nice in that outfit. Like in general in this game though. They gave her a pretty thoughtful makeover that like captures the essence of her original profile, but also with some added tweaks in style that I actually like better. Like she didn’t have those thigh highs before, but those are a nice touch. And instead of her mini skirt her skirt is actually a skort and is pleated. Plus like the better boob support.
-Good lord Wall Mart is so involved now. So many alleys. Get out of the way yo!
-Leslie seems kind of cool, but I’m not sure cuz he works for a creep.
-Ugh hussle of trying to figure out how to get in. This sponsorship thing is new. I guess Corneo got more exclusive in this game.
-I have to go to the coloseum? Ugh, why?
-This crowd is full of haters.
-Okay winning over the crowd....
-I have an extra battle? WTF is this BS. I almost wish it was the Turks making a surprise appearance. That seems like a silly stupid thing the original would have done.
-Obviously Cloud caught someone else’s attention.
-Yay! Finally dress up time.
-Awesome. I’m doing a bunch of quests now.
-Whoops I didn’t level up my materia all the way. I got most of them so it’s doing fine but just the medicine thing.
-I saw a lot of people complaining about Jules, but he wasn’t so bad? I just needed to remember the rhythm and what I was doing by saying it so I could keep track of the pattern.
-Ugh, Johnny where you taking me? I have to wait for someone not yet.
-Oh Aerith looks nice. I like her outfit.
-Okay time to dress up Cloud.
-Whoa, Folia is a honeybee? Teh shock.
-What is this mini-game? It’s hard to keep rhythm and sometimes I actually can’t see the queue. Why do you design a mini-game where you can’t see the thing clearly?
-Oh shit I missed a track because I didn’t want to sit there and keep playing a frustrating mini-game. D:
-Yay! At least I got the cute dress. But real talk I kind of miss the old way to dress up Cloud only cuz I would want to see what the different colored wigs look like, but that whole storyline is very trans insensitive. Or even drag insensitive, so I understand why they changed it.
-Andrea is kind of cool. I was worried they were going to make him into some kind of flaming stereotype, but actually although he definitely has some flare, he’s a pretty well balanced character and none of the characters really judge him for his personal choices. Although definitely some judgement for the stuff they make them do, but that’s fair because you’re being subjected to it. Good on Cloud for following along.
-Okay time to take down this fat loser. So how does this work? How do you know who he’ll choose?
-Wait does he just choose Cloud every time? That’s a little less fun. I liked dressing Cloud up as the prettiest princess so that you could get him picked.
-This bit of them threatening Corneo’s private parts is still one of my favorite things. It was teh shock when I saw it the first time back in the day and I still enjoy it now.
-Ugh, the sewer. Also a lot of denial. But ugh the sewer.
-My sister was right. The train graveyard is creepier.
-Oh crap I forgot to steal from Eligor. !@#$@#%
-Alright climb the pillar. This is kind of slightly more fun with the extra scenes from Reno and Rude.
-Whoa, they saved Wedge. Cuz he originally totally ate it. Like straight fell off the pillar several stories and was unresponsive.
-Biggs and Jessie still die. That’s fine. I actually feel less sorry for Jessie dying than I did with the original. :/ I think because they managed to actually make her irritating with how over the top they made her.
-Aerith and Marlene is so cute!
-Helicopter shots are annoying, but I like hearing Reno. It’s sad that Fujiwara Keiji died two days after this came out. This is like the last thing he did probably. But his voice fit Reno really well. I don’t think it fit Ardyn well. Ardyn I think deserved a lower register, but I think Square gave him the part probably because of his diagnosis cuz I think Ardyn’s in-game struggle in a sense reflected his real life trials in some way only in the game he became immortal. Real life not so much, but immortalized in a sense through these works. I wonder if Square would have wanted it to come out sooner so that maybe he could have played it himself a little bit before passing, but they had to push the date for quality and stuff.
-I don’t know why, but I really like looking at Reno’s open shirt. Like I think the way they did his abs are a bit different from Advent Children. I think his shirt is even open wider than in AC. *checks* Yeah, it is. AC it’s buttoned up toward the top and just the top one or two are left open. And okay for real Remake has his shirt open even more than even in the original. Nevermind him buttoning up more for AC, but like in original FF7 polygon Reno and original Nomura art Reno looks like it’s only unbuttoned to about mid-pecs. Remake Reno is like down to like the top of his stomach. I guess I can’t complain about the equal opportunity fan service.
-Tseng is actually done pretty well, but I keep looking at him cuz he just strikes me as odd.... Oh wait is it his hair? Is that a hair tie? I don’t think he had a hair tie before. I think we were just supposed to assume he had his hair slicked back and kept in place by gel or hair spray. Also his face is interesting cuz I think they tried to make him actually look Chinese, but I think he just turned out looking kind of like Tamaki Hiroshi. Oh and Suwabe-san!
-LOL Rude carrying Reno like a rag doll.
-And there goes the plate. Oh, no, Wedge. I guess he did die. But the kitties. ;o;
-Let me explore Wall Market! Ugh, fine.
-That Kyrie chick seems kind of a little annoying. I kind of want to let Barret hit her. But I’m probably biased because I had a hot mess of a flatmate with that name and she like didn’t clean up after herself and left dirty dishes in her room and like pushed it up against her roommate’s bed. >.> Like passing responsibility over them to someone else. And I think she maybe broke one of my cups? And like tried to use my stuff without asking? Maybe stole some stuff too but idk. And like worst of all was like she sold her car so she could get money because she couldn’t hold down a job and like needed money and instead of like you know paying rent and bills, she spent it on shoes and make up and left the receipt out for us to find.
-Wall Market is...different in the day time.
-All teh quests.
-Okay Kyrie is still kind of annoying and stupid when you talk with her one on one, but she at least seems better than my flatmate.
-Oh old lady is the Angel.
-Findin’ all the birds. It kind of strikes me that they added this in cuz of how much time it takes to get places and it’s kind of like XV and even the XIV MMO, but not. I guess it’s a staple now with their newer titles because of how grand they make the scenery.
-Down in the sewer again....
-I just really wanna find Corneo’s stash.
-OMG I got a chase this little asshole now.
-Okay so now Leslie. Leslie is a good guy after all. Not a bad new character too. Nice decent development and stuff.
-But gdi Corneo’s still alive. I mean, I knew that cuz Wutai, but ugh.... I think he deserved at least a punch in the face.
-Okay so anyway I guess I’m going up now. Just going to finish up stuff before I go past the point of no return. Get all teh things I can from the coliseum and all that.
-Climbing, climbing. Oops I missed a thing. Was I supposed to?
-Gdi this helicopter thinger is annoying. I can’t slash any boxes. Just kick them around.
-Okay done so I guess I’m going in.
-...Is this a parking lot?
-Oh okay so here’s the entrance.
-Shinra headquarters actually looks like a bigger version of Square Enix’s headquarters in Higashi Shinjuku. I’ve been there pretty recently and also like to cut through the office building to get to Artnia cuz I don’t want to walk all the way around. Decor and stuff and specifics are definitely different, but like the double tower U-shaped look with the walkway in the middle thing is very much how the building is in Shinjuku. Specifics with the stairs and escalators are also different, but kind of the same deal with some amount of ambient lighting at night time and the lobby and such is still mostly open in the evening for people who work late or want to pass through. Some of the doors being locked or like certain staircases and such being roped off are a thing as well. I just know this cuz I often go to Artnia around dinner time when I’m there, so it’s generally after hours already.
-I think even the parking lot situation might even be the same? I’m not sure because I usually take the subway and that let’s out into the mini mall downstairs, but parking if you go there and do that is like subterranean for sure and would be the first layer if it was on a plate.
-I mean, the HQ is also technically kind of on a plate also. Cuz the mini-mall is like below normal street level, but it’s like more cool with like a Lawson’s and restaurants. Coming up from the subway is also a lot similar POV-wise to coming up through grappling hook too in terms of perspective.
-Getting the key. Getting a glove on the way. This part is kind of cool. I always liked this part of the game in the original too and exploring an empty office.
-This is suspicious. I have to take a tour...?
-I guess this is interesting to learn about the company and stuff.
-Weird movie theater. Oh look a spoiler hallucination in the theater. It’s nice to see more of Sephiroth.
-Oh yeah the mayor. That’s a bit of a change that he’s secretly Avalanche. Whatever cool. Yay I got a weapon.
-I gotta do a battle simulator. Oh great I guess if I want items I have to sit here and do all the simulators.
-Oh look it’s Chadley. I have turn ins. Take my stuff.
-Okay so hike upstairs....oh shit they’re going in. Sneak slowly behind and like go around and explore stuff.
-Found the toilet. Haha. Tifa yells at Cloud if he goes in the wrong one. Good.
-This is a nice bathroom.
-Okay up in the vent.
-Interesting extra context and oh yeah Palmer saw Sephiroth.
-Hojo is more gross looking than I remember. Like piled on extra creep factor for him.
-Following into the lab. I guess I should be glad he wasn’t a dumbass and trying to mate Aerith with Red XIII.
-Interesting that it’s only now that they’re really making good use of Those Who Fight Further. I don’t think I’ve really heard it all that often before.
-Yay! Yamaguchi Kappei!
-This part getting serious with Sephiroth is appropriate, but kind of different with him starting to freak out.
-Oooh, Turks scene! It’s nice that they know they are fan favorites now and they put them in more scenes. I wish it would actually play their theme every time they show up like it used to. That’s what made them badass too.
-Aww, Aerith’s room.
-Interesting they are talking in Aerith’s room instead of getting captured and Aerith talking through the wall.
-Shinra science experiment...You’re probably not entirely wrong.
-Huh, wisdom from Red XIII. That’s different context.
-Wow, that’s different. Pointing out a different greater enemy so early. I guess it makes sense Aerith would know because of the whispers she hears, but also it kind of sucks the mystery of the progression of the original story.
-Dang, Sephiroth and Cloud confrontation-ish now? Not going to mysteriously take a body and stab the President?
-Oh joy another crazy rat maze.
-Hojo is definitely more gross than he used to be.
-Oh, nope. Just different order. There’s the trail of blood.
-Well, “blood”. Jenova blood is now apparently purple bubbling ooze.
-President Shinra is just hanging?! DISAPPOINTED. I liked it better when you just showed up and he had a giant sword in his back. Also wondering if you’d be blamed for it, but yeah, sword in the back!
-This is what you get for showing mercy. :/ Sword in back was better.
-Oh shut up already so Rufus can take over.
-Oh you get to watch the sword in the back.
-WTF. He’s not supposed to stab your party.
-Ghost things protecting fate is weird. But also I have some theories like the game is conscious that it’s a remake or something and for some reason they’re repeating history, but some things are different because people don’t do things in exactly the same way but certain things are fated to happen so they have to be preserved.
-Interesting that this game shows the cloaked figures going back and forth between Sephy. Kind of takes away the fun from years of debate on the subject about wtf is happening.
-And here’s Rufus. Still better than his Dad.
-I like that there’s more Turks footage than the original.
-Kind of nice that there’s more tender moments between Tifa and Cloud or rather we can experience them bonding more first hand.
-Did they make Wedge die in a different spot?
-Motorcycle bit is a bit different. Boss on motorcycle is kind of hard. Died once.
-I think it’s just cuz it’s a Remake that they added him here, but Sephiroth is at the end of the highway and I kind of think it sucks. :/ Cuz like it shouldn’t be like this.
-Why is Zack alive? Oh I think this is a flashback. Aww, this is supposed to be a hidden thing. ;o; Stop feeding them all the stuff. Let them find it.
-Whisper monsters...Okay this is just some kind of an AU. Like not really entirely a remake, but a different game in the same timeline cuz Sephy figured out somehow how to alter time and space. Aerith knows kind of what’s up because she became god essentially during AC. Would also explain why the game itself is giving away so many damn spoilers too.
-Holy shit, is Zack dead or not? D:
-Okay I looked up a thing and it said his death is ambiguous, but he’s never seen. Zack was an actual SOLDIER too so he could be a cloaked guy for all we know. But also at the end of AC it was both him and Aerith chilling together welcoming people to the lifestream so who the hell knows what she did.
-Biggs is alive?!
-So okay, if this is an AU things can change and I’m less gripey about the weird things that happened. Cuz it’s like just another pinpoint on the timeline that kind of has pseudo time travel and when you repeat things over again they’re not always exactly the same. I suppose for Square itself it’d be kind of boring to make an actual Remake because they don’t want to take away from the original and they want people to still buy that too cuz it was so good even though the graphics didn’t age so well. Instead they slapped Remake on a new title and trolled us all into thinking they actually did it when actually it’s like a timey wimey thing.
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SPOILER ALERT: The Walking Dead Seasons 1-5 + New Viewer Thoughts
so i started watching the walking dead last month and i have so many thoughts, so i decided to compile them into one place so far. i might forget a few moments and i might forget a few character names so, sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️ this isn’t in chronological order, but i’ll try my best to do that, but i’m writing these as i remember the moments. if you haven’t watched it, you’ve been warned !
even if Rick was dead, it’s still really messed up for the best friend and wife to get together
i think Rick had every right to hand cuff Myrle to the pole. there’s no time to be disrespectful for no reason. you can’t be an ass to someone and then expect them to help you. i did slightly feel bad when they left him on the roof but it’s what he deserves
when Rick met up with the group, i honestly thought Lori didn’t really love him anymore during the rest of the time
i miss the farm a lot. it was nice and cute :/
Sophia wouldn’t have died if Rick told her to stay instead of run back 🙊
the build up to finding Sophia was longer than it needed to be
Maggie flipping out on Lori and yelling her business out loud was a little uncalled for. yeah, she almost died but she should’ve known the risk and even if she was mad, she still didn’t have to yell it out loud for people to potentially hear
Dale was always trying to get into everyone’s business, it was sad when he died but idk how i really felt about him
they really should’ve let Andrea die early on if she was going to continue to be whiny. if she really wanted to die, she could’ve done it by runing off and getting bit or by shooting herself at any time. i didn’t like Andrea much, especially in the third ? season (the one leading up to her death)
Shane and that dumb face whenever he was mad 🙄
I liked Shane at first but then he got annoying. What part of you can’t love your best friend’s wife don’t you understand ??
I feel bad for that kid that Shane tricked and killed in the woods
I also feel really bad for Otis. Who knows if they could’ve made it
The prison was okay but it made sense as a good shelter. It’s unfortunate how much supplies they lost.
I’m so glad Rick killed the leader of that prison gang!
I understand Lori’s death, but her body didn’t have to be eaten :/
T-Dog :((
Justin ? (The guy who set off the alarms) is an asshole. Like you really think of the walkers killed everyone you were going to make survive out on your own ??
The war between the prison and the governor is Myrle’s fault. He didn’t have to kidnap them, he could’ve just secretly followed them
It’s not the group’s fault that some Woodbury’s people died. If you have one of their people in capture, obviously they’re going to kill some people to get them back. The governor destroyed everything because of someone else’s fault 🙄
I did not enjoy the governor. I’m glad he died but he did not get a good enough death in my opinion. It would’ve been more satisfying to see Mishoan (sorry if it’s misspelled) to kill him, and definitely not by a bullet to the head.
If those two sisters at the apartment let the governor leave when he wanted to without them tagging along, then who knows if his climb back to power would’ve happened
Martinez? shouldn’t have saved him after what he witnessed. he knew he was a threat. should’ve saved the girl and left him and told the truth to the sisters
The governor’s other henchman, that black guy (I don’t remember his name at all) what was the point of him?? The camera kept focusing on him as if he was going to do something or be important but in the end he just died
i felt bad for Milton at the end :/ he finally came to his senses and it was a shame that he died
Andrea should’ve sucked it up and killed him the first time when she was supposed to. Also, idk why she thought she had the power to save everyone like this is war ?? saying “stop and make up, these are my friends” isn’t enough honey lol. She wasted too much time looking at Milton while she was trying to free herself bc it distracted her focus and time
I don’t know why Lori was so mad that Rick killed Shane, like ???
Poor prison :/ i couldn’t stop thinking about all the supplies they lost
I never understood whether the sickness in the prison was random or it was started by something else, like the infected rats? everyone got sick then they just moved on, like it seemed like too big of a plot element to move on so quickly
I’m surprised Hershel never caught the sickness after literally getting coughed in the face
Hershel did not deserve the death he got :/
I’m not surprised that Myrle was killed and turned, but I think it’s good that the person who finally killed him was Daryle bc it gives closure. If Myrle originally stuck with the group with Rick around, i don’t think things would’ve worked out
I’m glad Mishoan joined the group, she’s a great addition and she’s badass with that sword
At first, I didn’t catch on to the fact that Tyrese and Sasha were siblings so i genuinely thought he was cheating on her and was so confused when Sasha never got mad lol
I understand Carol wanting to stop the spreading of the sickness but at the point with so many other people sick what was the point? How are you going to secretly kill and burn everyone was is sick ??
It was sad seeing Rick banishing Carol but in a way I understand because you can’t just secretly betray a group like that
The group getting separated was so sad :/ but I liked the story build up of seeing how certain character pairings were together, and learning more about them. For example, Daryl and Beth :/
The part where Daryl and Beth come across the dead body debris and the camera focused on the boot, it never showed who the boot belonged to to make Beth hysterically cry. Yes, they showed the other group dying in the same spot before Carol ran into Tyrese but the way Beth reacted made it seem like someone from the group died. Unless she was just crying from the thought of someone in the group getting killed?
When Daryl and Beth ended up in that church and they noticed the supplies were fresh, meaning whoever lived there was still around, I wonder who it was supposed to be. At first I thought priest when he said he had a church, but then we found out it wasn’t the same one so I wonder who was there
Rick really bit off a man’s neck 😳 gotta do what you gotta do though
It made me nervous when Daryl joined that group because I thought he was going to be forced to stay or I thought the group was going to be the next big guys, but i was relieved when they died quickly.
I can’t believe Lizzie killed Mika :/ some kids don’t understand, I get it but if one of them were to survive I wish it was Mika. As sick as it sounds, if Lizzie got bit maybe she would’ve realized the seriousness of the walkers or maybe she wanted to be one of them. Carol had to do what she had to do afterwards.
I applaud Carol for how much she’s grown. Despite her abuse, she never stopped being kind hearted and grew into this strong woman who can protect herself and others, and also stands up for herself more
Terminus did it’s purpose by reuniting the group but it was so short lived. Like they managed to escape cannibals but run into them shortly after, but then kill them altogether and then that’s it, they move on to the next group?
Why did they have that moment with Rick, Carol, and those two people from the town, Rick giving him his watch, just for the guy to disappear and then randomly show up at Terminus and die?? Like what was the point? I was expecting more.
Glenn used to be the sensitive, nervous guy but now he’s grown into the strong, hard man and while his silliness is gone, i’m happy about his character development bc he does what he needs to to survive
Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene are an interesting group and interesting addition to the whole group. Not much to say about them (except Suzie Crabgrass 😍)
Sasha and Tyrese were an interesting addition too. I like Tyrese better
Tyrese is a sensitive, nice man, I like the fact that he’s not overly aggressive and kills everything living thing in his path. He’s like a big teddy bear, the protector and it gives a nice balance. Yeah, it unfortunately cost him his death but his character was needed :/
Bob was the most random character addition. Even after it showed what he did before he met them, i still don’t understand what his purpose was. He got a young man killed because of his alcohol issue. He tried to sneak a second bottle but then didn’t do anything with it. Why mention the alcoholism twice to not do anything more with it? Even after he does it doesn’t affect the group besides Sasha being emotional.
The addition of the priest is kind of random too. He was alone; they helped him and gave him shelter, but what else? He even tried to escape and got the others in trouble trying to save him so?? At the new community, I haven’t seen him much so what happened with him?
Beth’s death was really sad. I wanted her to make it but i understand that if Dawn didn’t accidentally kill her, Rick wouldn’t have killed Dawn and Noah would’ve been forced to stay. If Noah stayed, then they wouldn’t have had a reason to move up north.
The hospital seemed like they were genuinely trying to help people but why they were so forceful and strict didn’t sit right with me.
The doctor wanted to leave but I don’t know why he didn’t go with the group?? He would’ve been useful for them.
I like Noah so far (though i might be biased bc i did watch everybody hates Chris lol) i’m guess he’ll be more useful later on
Tyrese’s death was the moment that finally made me cry :/ specifically the moment they showed his beanie 😭😭
Rick went from trying to do right and trying to save everybody to not taking anymore shit and I love it
I miss Georgia already.
Season 5 has been slow for me. As of right now I haven’t finished the last 3 episodes yet because I don’t understand the point of the new community that they’re in. It’s too good to be true. I don’t trust anybody except Aaron bc he seems niave. Trouble is going to happen with the woman’s husband, I can tell him and Rick are probably gonna fight until the husband dies. The wife will freak out. The leader of the group seems suspicious. The whole area doesn’t sit well with me. I’m constantly waiting for something to happen bc the whole time they’re being watched & they know what Carol and Rick are up to.
that’s all for now. once i finish season 5, i’ll add to this
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burlveneer-music · 5 years
Maria Chiara Argirò - Hidden Seas - keyboard-led contemporary jazz (Cavalo Records)
Composed by Maria Chiara Argirò Maria Chiara Argirò - Piano, Synthesizers, Fender Rhodes, Mellotron Sam Rapley - Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet Tal Janes - Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Andrea Di Biase - Double Bass Gaspar Sena - Drums, Percussion Leïla Martial - Vocals Also Featuring: Mauro Polito - Programming Gaspar Sena - Vocals on "Nautilus" Tal Janes - Percussion on "Ocean" Lyrics by: Leïla Martial, Maria Chiara Argirò on "Beneath the Surface" Vera Jonas on "Sea Song" Jamie Doe on "To The Sea" Daniel Gadd on "Starlight" Artwork by Tamara Ablameiko Design by My Elastic Brain
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lasemainedubizarre · 5 years
La Semaine du Bizarre  2019 Du dimanche 1er au samedi 13 décembre 2019
La semaine du Bizarre réaffirme sa particularité suscitant la curiosité d’un public toujours plus large : Des formes artistiques singulières des créations inédites, une programmation élaborée à la manière d’un collage, au gré des rencontres et des propositions de structures amies (theatre, danse, musique , cinema, etc).  Elle renvoie à certaines esthétiques marquantes du 20ème siècle, tout en donnant carte blanche à des artistes contemporains, confirmés ou émergents.
Production Théâtre Municipal Berthelot  - Jean Guerrrin /  Ville de Montreuil.En partenariat avec Les Instants Chavirés, Le Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil (CDN), Ateliers de Paris CDCN, Danse Dense, Luna Park Films, le Phonomuséum de Paris, Label69.
Le Théâtre Municipal Berthelot - Jean Guerrin - Montreuil   6 Rue Marcellin Berthelot - métro Croix de Chavaux (à 300 mètres) Une salle de 210 places / un espace convivial  / buvette / stands éditeurs indépendants / disquaires /  Dj sets Le théâtre Berthelot a toujours  été lieu d’accueil pour des projets surprenants ou prospectifs, à commence par Georges Méliès avec une pièce en 1923, Le TEM avec Jean Guerrin  et d’innombrables résidences de  créations sonores  et chorégraphiques.
https://www.facebook.com/events/1856860954559974/ Réservations : [email protected]  01 71 89 26 70 Contact  Patrice Caillet :  [email protected]  06 17 18 65 78
Artistes accueillis depuis 2012 : PERE UBU Moon Unit (+  Chris Cutler), Joanne Leighton, Elsa Biston et Benjamin Sanz , Dominique Petitgand, Bertrand Lamarche, Violaine Lochu,  Jérôme Poret, Laura Lot, Victor Thimonier, Sandra Abouav, HEIMAT, Black SIFICHI, Bruno Billaudeau, Xavier Mussat,  Bordigaga, Denis Lavant , Anne Ropers, Pascal Comelade, Olivier Brisson, Sophie Agnel et Jérôme Noetinger, Ravi Shardja, Andrea Sitter, Joujou,  Philippe Burin des Roziers, DDAA / déficit des années antérieures, Ensemble Electron, Olivier Benoit, Marius Loris, Les Hôpitaux , Chocolat Billy, Pierre Bastien, Steve Argüelles,  Ghédalia Tazartes, Olivia Grandville, Ivan Argote, Pauline Bastard, Vincent Epplay, Jac Berrocal, Hermine Karagheuz (lecture René Daumal), Jacques Kébadian, Hubertus Biermann, Emmanuelle Parrenin, Harold Schellinx, Dorian Pimpernel,  Le Renard,, Charles Pennequin, Un Drame Musical Instantané, Thierry Weyd, Lubriphikatttor, TG Gondard , Vania Vaneau, La cellule d’intervention Metamkine, Pierre Escot,  Thierry Madiot , Arnaud Rivière, Le TOC theatre, Luis Rego (lecture Roland Topor) , Laurent Di Biase, Le colonel, Jean François Pauvros, Tomoko Sauvage, Michel Giroud, Francesco Cavaliere, Magnetix, Anton Mobin, Gwen Jamois, Quentin Rollet, GOL, Jean Jacques Palix, Marie Pierre Bonniol, Musta Fior, Les Editions PPT / Stembogen, Cactus, Luna Parks Films :  films de  Marcel Marien, Jan Svankmajer, Jean Denis Bonan, Ferdinand Khittl,
Programmation 2019
Dimanche 1er décembre à 20 h - 8 €  
Ghedalia Tazartes / Rhys Chatham   Ce concert marque la deuxième rencontre de deux figures légendaires.  Beaucoup revendiquent un cinéma pour l'oreille, dans cette catégorie, Ghédalia Tazartès est de loin le plus grand de tous. Sa musique assemble des éléments sonores de toutes natures et de toutes provenances ... entre Orient et Occident ou on ne sait où. " (Dominique Grimaud). Rhys Chatham, multi-instrumentiste et compositeur, n'a pas besoin d'être présenté (Theatre of Eternal Music de La Monte Young, Dream Syndicate de Tony Conrad en passant par le poste de direc- teur musical de The Kitchen et la scène de musique expérimentale post-Minimal New Yorkaise  
Musiques Imaginaires  un programme de 8 films réalisé par Marie-Pierre Bonniol autour de l'idée de musiques imaginaires, incarnées, transfor- mées, avec des musiques et morceaux de Pierre Bastien, Asmus Tietchens, Jean-Jacques Palix et Eve Couturier. https://julietippex.com/roster/imaginary
Mardi 3 décembre - 20 h 30 - 5 €   " À l'ombre de la canaille bleue "   un film de Pierre Clémenti  France / 1985 / 82' Avec Pierre Clémenti, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Achmi Gachem, Simon Reggiani… Afin de réprimer une révolution, les autorités de Nécrocity confient les   pouvoirs de police à une bande d'infâmes malfrats. Un polar politique en vers libre, tourné entre 1978 et 1979. "il y a ici quelque chose de William S. Burroughs. Le plus punk et le plus urbain, le plus volontaire- ment en désordre des portraits du Paris de la fin des années 1970 (Philippe Azoury)  Une proposition de Luna Park Films. En présence de Jean-Pierre Kalfon (sous réserve).
Mercredi 4 décembre - Entrée libre sur réservation   Pneuma-récital  - Sébastien Lespinasse Une expérimentation de la langue poussée à ses limites. Les mots deviennent des signaux, des coups de poing, des déplacements physiques d'ondes. Celui qui parle est parlé par tous les bouts de la machine à dire. Celui qui parle dissout son nom dans les identités intenses de la langue.   
No  mistakes only bad  follow-ups :  Une conférence dansée sur Rachel Rosenthal Créée et interprétée par Nathalie Broizat  Rachel Rosenthal (1926-2015), est une figure clé dans le développement de la performance aux États-Unis. La pièce se concentrera dans un premier temps sur la période des années 50 où elle faisait partie du cercle Cage/Cunningham laissant apparaitre la question de l'identité, du genre et de l'authenticité. Une philoso- phie de la distanciation et de l'ironie est également mise en exergue par le postulat suivant : se prendre au sérieux n'est pas sérieux. Commande du CCN de Caen. Avec le soutien de la Fondation des Etats-Unis, de la Ménagerie de Verre/ Studiolab, du CND/prêts studio. Love Labo est accompagnée par Danse Dense.
Vendredi 6 décembre à 20h - Tarif 8€   Nina Garcia et Maria Bertel,  France  Sauvage,  Somaticae 
Un nouveau partenariat avec les Instants Chavirés. Forcément de traverse et aventureuse, cette soirée en trois parties propose une plongée aux confins de l'électronique et des musiques libres actuelles. Des aspects free, massifs et électriques des musiciennes Nina Garcia et Maria Bertel en passant par les attaques technoïdes et acides du grenoblois Somaticae et l'étrange musique électro concrète rythmique de France Sauvage. http://www.instantschavires.com
Samedi 7 décembre à 19h30  - Entrée libre sur réservation  
Porque  -  Structure Couple  Danse 27 min  Lotus Eddé Khouri et Christophe Macé collaborent sous le nom de Structure-Couple, explorant la radicalité du geste visuel, musical et chorégraphique à travers une Scénographie : Christophe Macé, Lumières : Structure-Couple, Régie Lumière : Baptiste Joxe 
Production CHORDA, Co-production : Le Générateur, Avec l'aide de la Drac Ile-de-France - Programmation hors les murs de l'Atelier de Paris / CDCN en partenariat avec Paris Réseau Danse.
Soundtracks :  Mathieu Bauer  / Sylvain Cartigny   Un projet qui s'appuie sur deux faces d'un vinyle de sons divers et variées. L'ensemble de ces fragments sonores très court, dictent les ruptures et les couleurs musicales aux deux musiciens qui se délectent de cette bandes sons, aux univers improbables.  
Les Revues phonographiques : Jérôme Poret, Myriam Pruvot, Quentin Rollet,  Jalal Aro et Marc Parazon   Initiés par Jérôme Poret et le comité des autoctones du Bizarre, les Revues phonographiques pour son deuxième rendez-vous diffuseront une série de complicités d'artistes musicien.es et de machines parlantes au travers de la collection du Phonomuseum toutes en live et en cornet acoustique ! Une coproduction Labelle69 et Phonomuseum.
Expositions :Comité des autochtones du Bizarre et Samuel Arthur : Around the world. Série de 108 cartes postales touristiques dont les images ont été recouvertes à la peinture noire. Seuls persistent le nom du pays, de la ville ou du lieu représenté ainsi que les éléments de design graphique. …………………………………. Théâtre Municipal Berthelot - Jean Guerrin 6 rue Marcellin Berthelot 93100 Montreuil Métro: Croix de Chavaux Réservations: 01 71 89 26 70 [email protected]
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riffsstrides · 7 years
Vitor Pereira Quintet
at the Vortex Jazz Club -  Bohm’s Hologram, 2015
Vitor Pereira - guitar/composition Chris Williams - alto sax Alam Nathoo - tenor sax Andrea Di Biase - bass
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Job: SenckenbergBiK-F_Frankfurt.ScientificDataCurator
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Job: SenckenbergBiK-F_Frankfurt.ScientificDataCurator > Date: 24 December 2022 at 05:18:30 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Dear all, > > please take a look at our new job post: > > Scientific Data Curator (m/f/d)full time position > > For more detailed information please follow the link: > https://ift.tt/UGbOJ4K > > We are seeking a data curator (m/f/d) to manage the database of an > interdisciplinary DFG research unit "Kilimanjaro Social Ecological > System (Kili-SES, https://ift.tt/Rp5tNHB". In this project, > which extends that of the previous KiLi research unit, natural and > social scientists are working together to investigate the interactions > and inter-dependencies between people and nature at Mount Kilimanjaro > under land-use, climate, and governance change.  The successful applicant > will establish and manage the project database, set and maintain data > standards within the project, and aid researchers across the project in > locating, processing and publishing data. > > Tasks to be performed include > > Establishment, development and curation of the project database (within > the BEXIS2system)Transfer of older data to the project database Scientific > data quality controlData publication in scientific journals [...] > > What is awaiting you? > Flexible working hours ' leave of absence due to family reasons (audit > "berufundfamilie") ' parent-child- office ' annual special > payment ' company pension scheme ' leave of 30 days/year > > Place of employment: Frankfurt am Main > Working hours: full time (40 working hours/week) > Type of contract: 2 years, preferably starting in early 2023; there is > a good opportunity for extension. > > Salary: according to the collective agreement of the State of Hesse > (pay grade E 13, TV-H) > > Please send your significant application details by 24th January 2023 to > [email protected], quoting the reference number #11-22019. > > Yours sincerely > > Isabel Gajcevic, M.A. > > Personalsachbearbeiterin > > SENCKENBERG > Gesellschaft für Naturforschung > > (Rechtsfähiger Verein gemäß  � 22 BGB) > > Senckenberganlage 25 > > 60325 Frankfurt am Main > > Besucheradresse: Mertonstraße 17-21, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (1. OG) > > Telefon/Phone: 0049 (0)69 / 7542 - > > Leiterin Personal & Soziales > > - 1458 Loke, Uta > > Stellv. Leiterin Personal & Soziales > > - 1319 Elsen, Carina > > Team Personalbeschaffung (Recruiting) > > - 1478 Gajcevic, Isabel > > - 1564 di-Biase, Maria > > - 1204 Reitinger, Jasmin > > Fax: 0049 (0)69 / 7542-1445 > > Mail: > [email protected] > > Direktorium: Prof. Dr. Klement Tockner, Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt, > Dr. Martin Mittelbach, Prof. Dr. Andreas Mulch, Prof. Dr. Karsten Wesche; > > Präsidentin: Dr. h.c. Beate Heraeus; > > Aufsichtsbehorde: Magistrat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main (Ordnungsamt) > > Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft > > Vernetzen Sie sich mit uns: > https://ift.tt/XQ4eyoA > > > "[email protected]"
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pangeanews · 5 years
Oggi Leopardi compie gli anni. Insieme agli auguri, sveliamo l’autore che il divo Giacomo ha “plagiato” per scrivere “L’infinito”. Ovvero, modesta proposta per una storia della letteratura italiana alternativa
Senza Amore, sottotitolo L’ultimo capitolo della letteratura italiana, è l’ultimo testo scritto da Andrea Sciffo, insegnante di liceo, poeta, novellista e saggista, edito dalla rivista digitale sui generis Il Covile, cui l’autore monzese contribuisce regolarmente con meditazioni che hanno in due viennesi, Hofmannsthal e Illich, in due lombardi, Corti e Quadrelli, e in Simone Weil, i puntelli di un pensiero radicalmente altro – cristiano, cattolico, dunque fedele all’intuizione poundiana per cui il sentire (per esempio: il potere della musica) unisce, col cuore, nella carne, mentre il pensare (per esempio: il vuoto cerebralismo) divide, nella mente, nelle idee, o meglio nelle ideologie, quindi negli ideologismi, nonché all’et-et asburgico, tardobarocco e antimoderno – insomma controcorrente rispetto alla letteratura e alla critica gnostica, e a-gnostica, del XX e XXI secolo.
Lui è Andrea Sciffo
Senza Amore, sottotitolo L’ultimo capitolo della letteratura italiana, perché tale è secondo la sua tesi la storia delle patrie lettere, da intendersi come letteratura post-unitaria (l’equazione di base è proprio questa e vale a dire che tutto ciò che è post-unitario si colloca in un ambiente decisamente post-amoroso) ossia della falsa patria di nome “Italia” e non delle sue singole parti – le quali soffrono tuttavia di una falsa “identità” che si fonda appunto sulla totale mancanza d’amore, da cui deriva, e che deriva, da una storia anch’essa “senza amore” che abbraccia – o meglio strangola –, soffocandola in una stretta mortale tutta la letteratura italiana – o meglio italofona –, a partire dal cronologismo (“la crudeltà di Chronos”, ovvero “il male radicale”, scriveva il leibniziano Gilles Deleuze a proposito del naturalismo di Émile Zola) che limita le scuole e la scuola.
Si tratta ovviamente dello storicismo e dello scuolismo dei Tiraboschi prima e poi dei De Sanctis, dei Croce, e infine dei Ferroni, dei Sapegno, contro i quali Sciffo scrive in quello che si direbbe un piccolo pamphlet, non fosse che quello pamphlettario è un tono che non appartiene alle sue sue corde, cor–cordis, al suo cuore, libero dal grottesco gioco delle parti di cui è vittima un paese preso tra Commedia dantesca (cf. Inf.) e quotidiana commedia farsesca – “senza amore”.
“Se esiste una definizione sintetica che possa abbracciare la letteratura italiana nella sua interezza, […] è proprio questa endiadi che consta delle due sole parole che non andrebbero mai accostate. Se è senza amore la storia delle patrie lettere, a maggior ragione lo sono anche le storie individuali dei singoli che popolano la cultura italica, cresciuti nel suo cono d’ombra come tanti arlecchini senza arte né parte”.
Così esordisce Sciffo puntellandosi, o meglio, come scrive egli stesso facendo eco a una massima apocrifa metà anni Cinquanta di Noventa, che denunciava come tutta la cultura ufficiale italiana fosse fondata sugli errori della scuola torinese, e così la scuola di Stato, lo stato delle cose delle stantie scuole “scuolastiche” ancora e sempre deamicisiane (Cuore) basate a loro volta sulla continua coscrizione degli studenti e cittadini (senza amore e ormai senza civitas) e sul disamore quale condizione forse irrimediabile in assenza della parola-chiave che è summa di tutti gli affetti e aspetti (eros, agàpe, filìa, storghé, dilectio) del sommo affetto – per rilanciare poi l’idea di un apprendimento più libero – non meno impegnato – con mezzi propri – magari più essenziale – anche in povertà – anarcronistico nel senso di libero dal potere del tempo –  come Pinocchio.
“[…] E poi verrebbe la grande amorosa agnizione, un ritrovarsi in armonia con l’altro da sé, una catarsi purificatrice del gran difetto del soggetto moderno: l’ipocrisia. La vecchia pagliacciata sarebbe finita e soltanto i suoi estremi attori fingerebbero di non accorgersene: il trucco scivolato dalle guance e i costumi logori; le battute del copione prevedibili e comunque i guitti ne dimenticano ogni volta una o due”.
Come Pinocchio con un libro trovato quasi per caso, o con la convivialità, tema fondamentale del pensiero di Illich, oppure nella natura, o nello spazio rurale, come fece la Weil, due ambiti quasi del tutto assenti tra gli autori “italiani” del XIX e XX secolo – certo con qualche eco nella Brianza di Manzoni, nella Padanìa della Scapigliatura, nel Veneto di Comisso, di Zanzotto, ma di norma declinati in senso atrocemente negativo come sul Vesuvio di Leopardi, nella Sicilia di Pirandello, di Verga, in Cristo si è fermato a Eboli, e nella Roma di Moravia, di Pasolini, tanto per citare degli esempi d’altri universi etnici e letterari.
Senza Amore, sottotitolo L’ultimo capitolo della letteratura italiana, e le ultime pagine sono proprio quelle di Manzoni, e soprattutto di Leopardi, alle quali non è corrisposto secondo Sciffo nessun rinascimento – essendo stato il cosiddetto risorgimento politico la fine, – quanto un trionfo – sancito dalle istituzioni, dagli scuolismi, e dalla scuola, – di una serie d’istanze tipicamente leopardiane come il senso del dolore e della noia, tra erudizione e freddezza, e della figura del “letterato” denunciato dalla Weil, proprio a proposito del poeta recanatese cui Sciffo oppone il dalmata Tommaseo, che considera ben superiore.
Dietro c’è una vera e propria censura, ovvero l’ostilità verso tutta la letteratura del Seicento, parallela a quella ancor più dichiarata dei Savoia e di tutto il risorgimento nei confronti del Barocco, del Tardo-Barocco, con la sua Gesamtkunstwerk, l’opera d’arte “totale” che va dalla figurazione pittorica alla parola alla musica alle figure architettoniche che negli esiti del movimento controriformista trovò un altro ultimo capitolo (nel 1866 nel monastero cretese di Arkadi, unico esempio greco ortodosso di Barocco, dava rifugio a dei martiri resistenti agli ottomani – nel mentre da cinque anni gli “italiani” inneggiavano al fatto di essersi cinti il capo con l’elmo pagano appartenuto a Scipione l’Africano)… – e nelle lettere autori come Filicaia, Magalotti, Maggi, Menzini, Redi, Salvini… – e De Lemene, che secondo Sciffo fu plagiato proprio dal poeta de L’infinito…
“Riempie il tutto, e se fingendo io penso / oltre al confin de’ vasti spazij, e veri, / deserti imaginati…”.
Questi versi sono tratti da una raccolta di poesie sacre edita a fine Seicento, e che per Sciffo “quasi certamente Leopardi plagiò per poi rifonderli forse inconsciamente nel più celebre dei suo i Canti”. Così come nel libro Sette giornate del mondo creato (1686) “per esempio […] le due terzine con cui Giuseppe Girolamo Semenzi immortalò Il passero solitario [sic]”, con queste melodiose parole: “Sto poetando al ciel ne l’erma cella / talora e far godo la vita anch’io / selvaggia quanto più, tanto più bella, // Passero solitario è detto pio. / Gloria però del solitario è quella, / onde un bruto non è ma quasi un Dio”.
Come si può evincere dalla lettura del volume Arcadia edificante, edito da ESI a Napoli nel 1969 e curato da Carmine Di Biase, prima di Leopardi e della letteratura unitaria ovvero “senza amore” l’universo italofono era ben altro, dal “controcanto” lombardo a quello partenopeo con poeti che cantano il Creatore, le Creature, la loro creaturalità, e infatti un terzo esempio che egli cita è una strofa – “strofa che espone il legame psicobiologico del poeta tardobarocco con la ‘natura’ sentita come simbiotico altro-da-sé con cui però è inevitabile la pulsione fusionale: in un processo di integrazione tra organico e inorganico che mi pare di una limpidezza mai più ottenuta in tempi recenti, per la quale il ‘creante’ viene chiamato ‘autore’ delle cose che un individuo sente come maggiormente intime e personali”.
L’entità chiamata “Italia” – come ha fatto con la cultura di alcune sue regioni – come ha fatto recidendo l’albero che costituivano – che tali erano sotto occupazioni non più estranee – come sotto quelle cristiane spagnole e austriache – ha annichilito, annullato, o meglio emarginato, questo suo possibile “controcanto” che dice di un mondo  del tutto differente, radicato nella creaturalità, d’uomini connessi col Creato come lo sono i passeri, e gli alberi, e in cui l’autore, il poeta, non canta soltanto del suo dolore, della sua noia, ma anche e soprattutto della sua “comunione” con Dio, per tramite di ciò che è “altro-da-sé”.
In questo Sciffo è allievo della scuola-non-scuola della Weil, di Quadrelli, e dunque erede della vera tradizione, quella del Cristianesimo, della poesia di Hölderlin, del Tardo-Barocco, e della censurata “Arcadia edificante” di cui ha voluto testimoniare: non senza ma con amore.
Marco Settimini
L'articolo Oggi Leopardi compie gli anni. Insieme agli auguri, sveliamo l’autore che il divo Giacomo ha “plagiato” per scrivere “L’infinito”. Ovvero, modesta proposta per una storia della letteratura italiana alternativa proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/31X86ih
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