#Android Auto App
drejerlane40 · 11 months
Mastering the Upgraded Android Experience
Android, the world's most popular mobile operating system, is constantly evolving to provide users with a more immersive and feature-rich experience. With each new iteration, Android introduces exciting updates and enhancements that take user interaction to new heights. Whether you're a long-time Android user or a recent convert, mastering the upgraded Android experience allows you to make the most of your device's capabilities and enjoy a seamless and personalized mobile journey. Here are some tips to help you unlock the full potential of your Android device. - Stay Up to Date: Android releases regular updates that bring new features, performance improvements, and security enhancements. Make sure to keep your device updated to the latest version of Android. This ensures that you have access to the latest features and bug fixes, providing a smoother and more secure experience. - Customize Your Home Screen: Android offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor your home screen to your liking. Take advantage of widgets, app shortcuts, and live wallpapers to create a personalized and convenient home screen layout. Arrange your most-used apps, add useful widgets for quick information, and choose a visually appealing wallpaper that reflects your style. - Explore App Shortcuts: Android's app shortcuts feature allows you to access specific app functions directly from your home screen. Press and hold an app icon to reveal a menu of available shortcuts. For example, you can quickly compose a new email, start a timer, or navigate to a frequently visited location with just a tap. App shortcuts save you time and streamline your workflow. - Utilize Split-Screen Mode: Android's split-screen mode lets you multitask like a pro. With compatible apps, you can simultaneously view and use two apps side by side. To activate split-screen mode, open the recent apps overview and long-press on an app's title bar. Drag it to the top or bottom of the screen, and select another app to fill the remaining space. This feature is particularly useful for productivity tasks, such as reading emails while taking notes or watching a video while browsing the web. - Master Gestures and Navigation: Android offers gesture-based navigation options that provide a more fluid and intuitive user experience. android phone Depending on your device and Android version, you can use gestures to navigate the operating system, access recent apps, and switch between them. Familiarize yourself with the available gesture controls and choose the ones that feel most comfortable to you. - Explore Digital Wellbeing: Android's Digital Wellbeing features help you maintain a healthy relationship with your device. Take advantage of tools such as app timers, which limit the amount of time you spend on specific apps, and the Wind Down mode, which promotes a good night's sleep by activating a grayscale screen and reducing notifications before bedtime. Digital Wellbeing empowers you to balance your device usage and prioritize your well-being. - Enhance Security and Privacy: Android prioritizes security and privacy, and it's important to take full advantage of the available options. Set up strong and unique device unlock methods, such as a PIN, pattern, or fingerprint scan. Explore the privacy settings and customize app permissions to ensure your data is protected. Additionally, consider enabling features like Google Play Protect, which scans your apps for potential security risks. - Try New Apps and Features: Android's vast app ecosystem offers a wealth of options to enhance your device's functionality. Explore the Play Store and discover new apps that cater to your interests and needs. Keep an eye on Google's announcements and updates to stay informed about the latest features and services introduced for Android devices. Allows you to harness the full potential of your device and elevate your mobile journey. By staying up to date, customizing your home screen, exploring new features, and prioritizing security and privacy, you can make the most of Android's versatility and create a seamless and enjoyable user experience. Whether you're an Android enthusiast or a newcomer, embrace the endless possibilities that Android offers, and unlock a world of convenience, productivity, and entertainment at your fingertips.
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techniktagebuch · 6 months
16. Dezember 2023
Das Handy und die Autowaschanlage
Die Mutter (80) war in der Autowaschanlage. Also, umgeben von ihrem Auto. Dort hat man ihr mitgeteilt, dass ihre bisherige Prepaid-Autowasch-Karte (10 Autowäschen, die elfte ist gratis, oder so ähnlich) abgeschafft wird und sie dafür jetzt eine App braucht. Diese App wünscht sie sich mit einer für mich kaum nachvollziehbaren Dringlichkeit, also etwa zwei Mal pro Woche, das ist zwei Mal pro Woche öfter als jede andere App bisher.
Ich rate aus prinzipiellen Erwägungen davon ab. "Du musst dann das Handy dabeihaben! Und es muss aufgeladen sein! Und dann musst du wissen, wie die App heißt! Und wo die ist! Und wie das geht!", warne ich sie. "Wie oft wäschst du denn das Auto im Jahr, drei Mal? Die paar eingesparten Euro sind doch den Stress nicht wert."
Andererseits will ich die Mutter ja auch nicht in ihrer technischen Entfaltung bremsen. Nachdem wir das Thema Autowasch-App wiederholt besprochen haben, lasse ich mir ihr Handy geben und suche im Play Store nach der App. Sie ist nicht schwer zu finden, da man der Mutter einen Flyer mitgegeben hat, sogar ein QR-Code für den Weg zum Play Store ist darauf.
Es gibt nur drei Bewertungen, alle drei sehr schlecht. Außerdem kann man, wie es aussieht, nur mit Kreditkarte bezahlen, und die Mutter hat gar keine Kreditkarte.
Ich versuche die App trotzdem zu installieren.
"Diese App funktioniert nicht auf deinem Gerät", sagt das Handy.
Ich sehe in den Einstellungen des Handys nach, welche Android-Version darauf läuft. Es ist Android 7. Die Autowasch-App erwartet mindestens Android 8, was nicht übermäßig anspruchsvoll von ihr ist, denn die aktuelle Version ist Android 14. Mein eigenes Handy, ebenfalls von Motorola, ist auch erst bei Android 11 angekommen, aber ... 7? Ich sehe im Techniktagebuch nach, seit wann die Mutter dieses Handy hat: seit fünfeinhalb Jahren. Es hatte also schon beim Kauf ein veraltetes Betriebssystem und hat seitdem nie ein Update bekommen.
"Die Autowasch-App kann man bei dir gar nicht installieren", sage ich, "dein Handy ist zu alt." Dass man wegen eines minimalen Autowasch-Rabatts ein neues Handy beschaffen sollte, findet auch die Mutter nicht, und damit hat sich das Thema erledigt. Ich hätte ungern Support für die aus meiner Sicht unnützeste App der Welt geleistet, ich glaube ja schon nicht an Autobesitz, und wenn man ein Auto besitzt, glaube ich nicht, dass man es waschen muss, und wenn man unbedingt ein Auto besitzen und waschen muss, dann braucht man DAFÜR KEINE APP.
(Kathrin Passig)
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gaydelgard · 2 years
spotify is objectively bad just baseline but its started approaching more-annoying-than-its-worth levels recently
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cergissoft · 2 months
car customization apps for Android open up a world of possibilities for automotive enthusiasts, allowing them to personalize every aspect of their vehicles with ease. From intuitive design tools to vibrant community forums, these apps cater to every need and aspiration, empowering users to unleash their creativity and elevate their driving experience to new heights. Whether you're a casual enthusiast or a dedicated gearhead, the world of car customization awaits, ready to turn your vision into reality.
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nexus-nebulae · 3 months
why are phones made to treat people like children now. i spent a thousand dollars on this damn thing. let me choose my own settings goddammit
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therandomartmaker · 6 months
Reasons Discord's New Mobile Layout Update is Bad
The reply function is redundant, as most people are used to just holding down and tapping the reply option at the top. If they're going to change it, they shouldn't have gotten rid of the member list for this functionally bad option. It also doesnt line up with any other platform in terms of swipe direction.
The member list is gone from easy viewing
It doesnt auto open your last group chat/DM making multiple simultaneous conversations far more difficult and longer
It's already broken my app once (Locked all channels including other servers' to one channel. I could not access anything except that and my DMs.)
You can not see images that have been pinned in the pins tab.
The search function was fine before. Where did your before, during and after date search go??
All of Discord's individuality is disappearing.
Getting used to a mobile format actually impedes usage of the desktop format and likely discourages people from multiplatforming discord because theyre so used to the "intuitiveness" of the new "tailored for mobile" experience
There is no way to CHANGE IT BACK. This is like Tumblr rolling out Tumblr Live without any Disable button At All.
Why are they marketing midnight mode as Something fucking ENTIRELY new??? It has always been a feature on Android as the AMOLED theme???????
Disable swipe-to-reply by activating full-screen Launchpad in Advanced Settings
Discord’s new layout is apparently permanent. Keep sending feedback and rating it one star on all appstores; if you get redirected to the advice article, double tap gove feedback.
If you, too, dislike the theme, head to settings (you can double tap your account picture) and go to Appearance, scroll to New Layout and Send Feedback.
Overall, what they've done is disorientate every single current user on discord, and you cannot avoid it unless you've not updated to the latest discord because this is not an update. It is a feature that has already been on the latest update and is being slowly rolled out, like Tumblr Polls.
Good Luck, and may we send as much feedback as possible and have them make it optional or at the least, revert it. I've already sent in at least seven complaints to discord, commented on their instagram post about the layout and I'm about one star review it on google play and app store.
This isnt just the appearance and vibes being off like the new (ish) app icon, this is a matter of functionality.
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tech91india · 8 months
IPhone Unboxing #iphone15 #unboxing #apple #ios
Video Source : https://www.Youtube.com/@WhySoQrius
View On WordPress
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jessiarts · 1 year
Hey, PSA:
On your phone, go to Settings> Security and Privacy> Privacy> Other Privacy Settings> Ads> Delete Advertising ID
Then go back to Other Privacy Settings> Google location history> Turn off Location History &/or Turn-on Auto-Delete (you can set a time period of how long to keep it)
Then, staying on Other Privacy Settings, go to '+ See all activity controls'> Web & App activity> Turn off (you can also turn-on Auto-Delete for here too)
Then Scroll down to Personalized ads> My Ad Center> Turn Off Personalized Ads.
Google has no business knowing/storing everything you do online, and knowing/storing where you go everyday. Turn it off.
These instructions are for an Android phone, IOS might be different. If you have IOS or another operating system feel free to add on with your own map to where they've buried these settings in your phone to help others.
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tonyglowheart · 1 year
*finally looks up the owner materials videos on my new car to figure out what some of these darned buttons on the side of my steering wheel are*
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thatrandofangirl · 1 year
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florencewellch · 1 year
Everytime I consider switching to iPhone, stuff fucks up stuff on the app for iPhone users only and reminds another great thing about being an Android user
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divierteteetb · 1 year
¡Tienes que usar estas apps si tienes carro!
Ahora en casi cualquier en dispositivo tenemos la opción de conectarnos con Android y es de esperarse que desde los radios/pantallas que ahora tienen los autos, podamos acceder a diferentes aplicaciones, pero ¿Cuáles son las mejores? Tenemos una lista:
Tumblr media
Android Auto: Con esta app tendrás un copiloto inteligente que te ayudará igual o mejor que la asistente de Google de tu celular, ya que tiene una interfaz simplificada y acciones a voz que le puedes pedir, de la siguiente manera: ok Google pon la canción (nombre de la canción), u ok Google llamar a (nombre del contacto), o también ok Google ir a una ubicación determinada.
Drivemode: Esta aplicación es ideal si estás empezando a manejar, ya que te permite hacer todo desde un solo lugar, escuchar música, buscar rutas con Waze o Google maps, te indica mejores rutas, lugares cercanos, bombas de gasolina, restaurantes y lo más importante es que puedes activar el modo conducir, que bloquea llamadas, mensajes y todo tipo de distracción.
Sygic: Si bien conocemos Waze y Google Maps, con esta aplicación tienes un navegador GPS que lo mejor que tiene es que funciona sin conexión a internet y puedes acceder a mapas de cualquier parte del mundo y planificar tus rutas, incluso en lugares sin conexión o de difícil acceso.
Simple Radio: Si por dónde estás pasando estás escuchando emisora y se escucha interferencia, pero tienes buen internet, está app es la solución, pues puedes escuchar cualquier emisora del mundo.
Parkify: ¿Alguna vez te ha pasado que parqueas tu carro y luego no recuerdas dónde está? Con esta app tienes una solución a ese problema, pues mediante bluetooth la app se conecta al de tu carro y cuando te alejas se desconecta y guarda automáticamente la última ubicación de tu vehículo ¿fácil no?
Sabemos lo importante que es para ti mantenerte conectado a tus pasiones y si manejar es una de ellas, no esperes más para descargar una de estas aplicaciones.  Recuerda que debes tener la mejor conexión a internet, por eso si deseas puedes conectarte con el internet de ETB,  ingresa aquí y solicita el plan que más te guste.
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales para más información y blogs, encuéntranos en Facebook como: ETB.Colombia, en Twitter: @ETB y @ETBsoluciones  y en YouTube: ETBCorporativo ¡Te esperamos!
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ceyhanmedya · 1 year
<strong>Chrome OS</strong>
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/chrome-os/
Chrome OS
Chrome OS
Chrome OS is a fast and resource-efficient  operating system based on Gentoo Linux,  developed by Google and targeting internet users.
Chrome OS  has been developed for users who do all their work over the internet (web browser) . It offers a desktop experience like Windows or macOS, as in conventional computer usage, but  it is not possible to install applications outside of the Chrome Web Store as in other operating systems . Chrome OS is an operating system designed specifically  for Chromebook devices. This operating system, which can be used without any additional software , is light and fast. It consumes less power with its lightness and simplicity.
What does Chrome OS do?
The relevant operating system runs on the Google Chrome web browser and can use all applications of Chrome.
For online work that does not require powerful hardware, Chrome OS  (Chromebook as the name of the devices that contain the operating system) can be used. It is suitable for Netflix, YouTube, Spotify and similar social media uses.
In this operating system, which can be logged in with a Google account, all Google products can be accessed without any problems. In addition,  applications available on Google Play can also be accessed.
Chrome OS does not support programs that can be installed on Windows or macOS operating systems.
While Chrome OS offers an online experience, it is also suitable for offline use. Creating documents, sending e-mails, and similar processes without an  internet connection are synchronized with Google when online .
In summary; If the user does not need powerful hardware and does all his work from the web browser, Chromebook and Chrome OS will be a good choice.
Chrome OS features
remote connections
As with other operating systems, remote desktop connections can be made in Chrome OS. With the “Google Remote Desktop” application similar to Microsoft RDP and VNC,  a connection can be made to a remote physical computer or virtual machines.
File manager and media players
Chromebooks with Chrome OS already have file manager and media player/viewer apps. With these offline applications, MP3, JPEG and similar media files can be viewed.
This file manager works in sync with the Google Drive product.
How to install Chrome OS?
Chrome OS, like other operating systems, is not an operating system that can be installed on every hardware. However,  with the version released by the “Neverware” organization, Chrome OS can be installed and run on a USB memory.
By downloading the Chrome OS image from the relevant source, it can be written to an 8GB or larger USB flash drive and booted on a supported hardware.
Chrome OS history
It was announced as a cloud-based operating system by Google on July 7, 2009  . After that date, some Google employees used Chrome OS and usage statistics were recorded.
While Chrome OS was originally  Ubuntu based, it became Gentoo-Linux based in 2010.
On November 19, 2019, Google  released the source code of Chrome OS publicly under the name Chromium OS .
In 2010, Google  released an unbranded laptop with Chrome OS under the name CR-48 .
With the “Aura” package made in 2012  , an interface update was made that targets a more desktop experience than the usual web browser interface.
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tecnologygaming · 2 years
Android Auto prepares big changes: no app will ever be what it was again
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cergissoft · 2 months
Car Customization Apps For Android
The Ultimate Guide to Car Customization Apps for Android
In today's tech-savvy world, personalization is key, even when it comes to our vehicles. Whether you're looking to add a touch of flair, boost performance, or simply make your car uniquely yours, car customization apps for Android offer a plethora of options right at your fingertips. From sleek interface designs to intuitive user experiences, these apps cater to every aspect of your customization journey. Join us as we delve into the realm of car customization apps and discover how they can elevate your driving experience.
Why Choose Android Apps for Car Customization?
When it comes to car customization, Android apps stand out for their versatility and accessibility. With a vast array of apps available on the Google Play Store, Android users have the freedom to explore various customization options tailored to their preferences. Whether you're a novice enthusiast or a seasoned gearhead, these apps offer something for everyone, allowing you to unleash your creativity and transform your vehicle into a reflection of your personality.
Unleash Your Creativity with Customization Tools
One of the standout features of car customization apps for Android is their extensive range of tools and functionalities. From virtual paint booths to intricate design editors, these apps empower users to unleash their creativity and visualize their dream ride with ease. Whether you're experimenting with different color schemes, adding decals, or fine-tuning performance settings, the possibilities are endless. With intuitive controls and realistic rendering capabilities, these tools provide a seamless customization experience that puts you in the driver's seat of your design journey.
Personalize Every Detail with User-Friendly Interfaces
In the world of car customization, user experience is paramount, and Android apps excel in this aspect with their user-friendly interfaces. Designed with accessibility in mind, these apps feature intuitive navigation and streamlined workflows, ensuring that users can effortlessly navigate through various customization options. Whether you're adjusting wheel sizes, exploring interior upgrades, or browsing through aftermarket accessories, the user-friendly interfaces of these apps make the customization process a breeze, allowing you to focus on bringing your vision to life.
Stay Connected with Community Forums and Resources
Beyond the realm of individual customization, car customization apps for Android also foster a sense of community among enthusiasts. With integrated forums, social media platforms, and online resources, these apps provide a platform for users to share their experiences, seek advice, and stay updated on the latest trends in the automotive world. Whether you're looking for inspiration for your next project or seeking expert guidance on installation techniques, the vibrant community surrounding these apps ensures that help is always just a few taps away.
Explore Endless Possibilities with Modular Add-Ons
For those looking to take their customization journey to the next level, car customization apps for Android offer a wide range of modular add-ons and expansion packs. From performance upgrades to aesthetic enhancements, these add-ons allow users to tailor their experience to suit their unique preferences and aspirations. Whether you're seeking to boost horsepower with engine mods, enhance audio systems with premium sound packages, or elevate aesthetics with custom lighting solutions, the modular nature of these add-ons ensures that you can continuously evolve and refine your vehicle to perfection.
Conclusion: Transform Your Ride with Car Customization Apps for Android
In conclusion, car customization apps for Android open up a world of possibilities for automotive enthusiasts, allowing them to personalize every aspect of their vehicles with ease. From intuitive design tools to vibrant community forums, these apps cater to every need and aspiration, empowering users to unleash their creativity and elevate their driving experience to new heights. Whether you're a casual enthusiast or a dedicated gearhead, the world of car customization awaits, ready to turn your vision into reality.
contact us: Emailus: [email protected]
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samuraiko · 21 days
CR's BEACON and a bit about it
So of course I had to get in on this because I'm all for discounts and early access and NOT giving money to Twitch and YT if I can help it.
And yes, the site is getting SLAMMED at the moment, but I've now managed to get in, and it's working great.
Couple notes:
If you have the same email address for the CR shop and for Beacon, once your Beacon account is created, it auto-applies the discount to the shop. You will see the price crossed out and a discounted price next to the item (limitations do apply, they go over that).
I gather there is some wonkiness going on with the Discord, so I'd suggest waiting a day or so on that one.
Cooldown (the immediate after-show filming) IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. Listening to them conspiracy theorizing and Matt answering a couple things (or in more cases, "You don't know!") is just great to watch.
Yes, there is subtitles/captioning, and it looks like it's done by the same folks they have doing the main eps.
Re-Slayer's Take is *NOT* the main cast -- it is run and played by other people. I gather this is in a similar vein to Midst, but them allowing other groups to "play" in Exandria. It is also all-ages-friendly.
There is an app in the Apple store and Android store -- IT IS CALLED POCKET BEACON. HOW FUNNY IS THAT?!
UPDATE: I've seen a couple of Twitter posts about the app possibly being geolocked -- cannot confirm or deny as I live in the United States and thus cannot check (and am reluctant to dick around with my phone).
UPDATE: Someone brought up in the replies that captioning/subtitling is not yet on everything, and in a couple cases, it's a bit wonky. Again, hopefully to be straightened out sooner than later.
UPDATE: Someone else in the replies wondered about whether coming in on a live broadcast late means you can still start from the beginning or not.. IF SOMEONE CAN CONFIRM OR DENY THIS WITH TONIGHT'S BROADCAST, DROP ME AN ASK AND LEMME KNOW, PLEASE!
I'll add more to this post as I encounter things!
you can join late and start at the beginning, it looks like they upload the whole episode rather than doing a live broadcast.
however, it DOES NOT have subtitles, though the speed and quality can be adjusted.
there is also no break material, just a quick fade in and fade out.
also no ads
In a rare non-Apple access win, can confirm that Pocket Beacon does not appear to be geolocked for Android, at least here in Australia!
Re: captioning, 4-Sided Dive does not appear to be captioned/subtitled (yet).
The Android version does appear to support Chromecast
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