#Android Pidge
icypantherwrites · 2 years
New Fic: Interlude: What Makes Us Different (But Also Human) 
Part of the Human Nature series.
Summary: Where Pidge and Keith discuss what about their heritages of android and Galran are the same, different, and discover how truly human they actually are.
Story snippet:
“Are you tired?” she asked quieter. 
She could only imagine. He’d had the trials with the Blade of Marmora that morning that had been both physically and emotionally draining, then the whole thing with Allura in the hallway, the cryo-pod and yeah, she’d be exhausted too.
He gave a short nod. “Can’t sleep,” he said quietly and his hands — sans gloves, one of the few times she could recall seeing him without them — tightened to white-knuckles around his mug. 
“Come watch a movie with me,” Pidge said, the suggestion out of her mouth before she could think it through but that was perfect actually. “If you can’t sleep, you can at least focus on something else other than,” she tapped her head, “everything else. And maybe the nice, dark room with ambient sound and comfy, squishy couch pillows and blankets will make you oh so sleepy.”
Keith’s lips quirked up the barest bit. “Hercules?” 
“Duh,” Pidge grinned back at him. “Plus the young Hercules sort of sounds like Shiro, don’t you think? And it’ll be like he’s singing us a bedtime lullaby.”
Keith did let out a laugh then — a real one that crinkled his eyes — even as he shook his head and Pidge’s grin widened. 
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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Oh. Uh. Oops? So, apparently I had started this all the way back in November, but due to losing the vibe for it, I never finished. Well, I stumbled upon it again while going through my WIPs, and I decided to finish this up. Damn, it's been a very long while since I've touched the Android Pidge AU. And it both hurts and feels good to finally be able to get this one worked on and finished. I missed my girl. And I forgot I gave her a few changes from her initial design. And I like it.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one. Until next time!
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ao3feedsheith · 4 months
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home https://archiveofourown.org/works/56155474 by StuckInARiptide Keith returned to the quiet town of Garrison after almost 10 years away. He hopes this will be the start of a new life. It turns out to be so much more. Words: 4824, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Android Chip (Voltron), Keith's Family (Voltron), Shiro's Family (Voltron), Minor Characters Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Allura & Keith (Voltron), Hunk & Keith (Voltron), Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt, Keith & Voltron Paladins Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Shiro (Voltron), Omega Keith (Voltron), Omega Hunk (Voltron), Beta Lance (Voltron), Beta Allura (Voltron), Beta Pidge | Katie Holt, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Pack Dynamics, Pack Bonding, Scenting, Scent Marking, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Pining Shiro (Voltron), Mutual Pining, Fluff, Slow Build, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Keith (Voltron) Needs a Hug, Keith (Voltron) Has Abandonment Issues, Hunk (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Human Allura (Voltron), Shiro doesn’t lose his arm, Scars, Lots of scars, Feels, Minor Adam/Shiro (Voltron), it’s mentioned exactly one time, Reunions, Reunited and It Feels So Good, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Courting Rituals, Nesting, Dens via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org May 25, 2024 at 06:20AM
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graphicpolicy · 6 months
Exclusive Preview: Infinite Wheatpaste is a universe-spanning sci-fi adventure
Exclusive Preview: Infinite Wheatpaste is a universe-spanning sci-fi adventure #comics #comicbooks
Relationships . . . androids . . . car repair . . . time travel . . . gods – these interconnected stories set on the edges of human experience share the moments of the little bits of life that feel less than real. Infinite Wheatpaste by L. Pidge and published by Avery Hill Publishing is currently on Kickstarter! Abby and Lilah are a couple drifting apart. Jeff is a flaming star. Soe is a…
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symbioticship · 7 months
So if you know wittyy-name and zizzani fanfic shadow of the past and ghost of the future same time switch concept but different
It's not a time switch it's a dimension switch (it's a season 4 divergent?) the last thing that happens is meeting Lotor...or is it?
And the switch is from the world from the show to one where the gang is in a home of delinquents
That's right they are a bunch of hell raisers, well except for hunk he just followed Lance in.
Shiro is their live in counselor
And this delinquent home is funded by Allura in one of her many humanitarian projects.
Coran is the bus driver/delivery/if you need outside help he's the one to call. Why?
Because the house is in the middle of nowhere, and treated more like a camp than anything.
Keith is an Arsonist that burned down a building
Pidge is hacker who helped him get into that building
Lance nearly killed someone
Hunk helped drive the victim to the hospital
There's reasons why each of them did these things you can even change the reasons if you please
But the only thing that should start the same is pidge and Keith are friends and hunk and Lance are too
Keith and shiro are still brothers but because his family adopted Keith though he left Keith behind to pursue his career and left in a messy fight.
There is no aliens in this universe but there's still a kind of magic.
There are soulmate connections here.
They appear as glowing color when skin touches skin, though it's not just romantic there's also platonic/familial connections
So if Lance were to touch hunk the color will come out blue, if he were to touch a stranger nothing would happen. If he were to touch Keith it would turn purple.
Mixing colors is romantic, your color is platonic
Your color will pop up on your friend if you touch your own arm while thinking of them, but if you aren't thinking of anyone your automatically going to talk to your soulmate.
It doesn't last forever just as long as your in contact.
Also you can break the connection, however it's very painful and leaves actual scars
But if you were to truly reject your soulmate and you were to agree with it then you start to cry
But these aren't normal tears, they look like stars falling down your cheeks. And it burns like acid.
You can't melt your face off but you will be branded with a black mark where your tears fell the most
So the one who 'switch places' is Lance.
TW: major character death and mentions of sui
You can take this out if it makes you uncomfortable but the thing is the reason why they switched is because they both died at the same time.
There is another variable but I'll only tell the writer what it is!
Of course they were rescued in time to live but they did die in the medical sense for a few minutes.
Voltrons Lance, VLance, was killed by Shiro (or was he?) And woke up in a hospital bed on earth.
The Lance of this dimension was rescued after an attempt.
And everyone is shocked when he's awake.
Not because he survived, but he's nothing like their Lance. So happy and goofy and talks to everyone like they're friends.
Which is weird because they hate each other.
Even Hunk is considered barely an acquaintance.
So Lance who considers these people his family plans to fix that, while trying to find a way to get back home.
The thing is, is there really a home to go back to, or is this all in his head?
You have full range to change what you please but there's just a few things I ask to keep.
One is to keep the soulmates stuff, doesn't have to be the same thing just soul mates
The future pairings are Klance, Shiro matt, shay hunk are already a couple.
I had someone with pidge but it was just an oc that is only ever mentioned in the background (an android in the Voltron universe) so that can be scrapped if thou pleases
Lotor is there to cause a wedge between Lance and Keith. Like Lance Lotor is also bi. The two of them actually like each other, and bond over their shared interest in Allura.
It's not a ruse Lotor legit just likes Lance.
And last but definitely not least
The title, if you don't mind, can it be Astronutcase?
Love y'all!
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snivy1245 · 9 months
Best fanfics I've ever read: the Human Nature series by @icypantherwrites. Voltron fanfic about Pidge discovering she's an android. Heartfelt, funny, philosophical, and extremely well written.
Link to the series:
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vldfanenesp · 2 years
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Voltron Legendary Defender Fanfiction
Hilos de Telar
Historia Extra: Base Minera BX-21L7
 BX-21L7. 18
  En alguna parte de la base minera, de los profundos corredores de los niveles inferiores, el paladín negro corría contra el tiempo para salvar no solo un inocente confundido o toda una población de esclavos, sino alguien muy importante para él.
–¡Shiro! –dijo la joven paladín verde por el comunicador.  Era una suerte que la cabeza de Voltron solo pudiera escuchar de momento su voz y no ver su imagen debilitada por la pérdida de sangre –. Logré localizar a Vrindan –le aseguró ella entre susurros –. Se encuentran dos niveles arriba de tu posición. Podrás llegar más rápido si tomas el acceso a tu izquierda.
El visor en su casco le compartió la ruta a seguir, sincronizada gracias a la destreza de Pidge en los sistemas.
–Gracias, Pidge –preguntó sin detener en lo mínimo su marcha –. ¿Cómo están los demás?
Shiro dio la última vuelta a la izquierda topándose con dos androides galra resguardando el pasillo. Sin problemas y con la pericia de su brazo robótico, el paladín destruyó a ambos sin problemas.
–Keith y Lance están por llegar a su objetivo –escuchó la voz de Pidge mientras las piezas cercenadas de los robots salían en todas direcciones.
–¿Has podido comunicarte con Hunk y Coran? –preguntó él con calma una vez que todos los enemigos fueron neutralizados. Sin ningún cuidado, Shiro retiró un panel de metal de la pared, revelando un duco de emergencia que conducía a una escalera ascendente.
–Aún no –respondió la chica, en lo que el paladín negro comenzaba su acenso en apretado ducto –, pero sigo intentando.
–¿Y Allura?
Hubo un momento de silencio antes de la fatídica respuesta.
–No puedo encontrarla en la base con las cámaras –dijo la chica con clara decepción en su voz.
–Sé que encuentra bien –le aseguró Shiro con la gran confianza que lo caracterizaba –, estoy seguro de ello. ¿Cómo te encuentras tú? ¿Puedes resistir?
–Como si una puñalada en abdomen y una lenta pero consistente pérdida de sangre pudiera detenerme.
Su tono jovial no relajó en lo más mínimo al líder de los paladines.
–No es gracioso, Katie.
Finalmente, Shiro alcanzó la cima de la escalera. De un solo puñetazo de su brazo robótico, mandó a volver la escotilla, dejándole el camino libre a un corredor de los niveles superiores.
–Sigo aquí –respondió ella con resignación –, y no voy a dejarlos.
–Y nosotros a ti –le aseguró con él sin contener la emoción que escapó de sus labios– . Solo aguanta un poco más.
Hubo otro momento de silencio, en el que claramente era perceptible que la nariz de Pidge hacía todo lo posible contener el resultado de sus emociones que quería escurrir por ella.  
–Ahora… da vuelta a la derecha –finalmente continuó la chica tratando que no se le quebrara la voz –y sigue derecho hasta llegar a las escaleras…
–¿No es camino de vuelta al CeCoA? –interrumpió Shiro reconociendo el camino.
El paladín se percató de lo que eso podía implicar… y de lo que estaba en riesgo.
–Y Shiro… ten cuidado. Vrindan no está solo.
El líder de los paladines solo asintió en silencio, como si sus pensamientos y acciones fueran perceptibles a la chica en el comunicador.
Continuó los últimos metros a su destino en completo silencio, evitando de ser detectado por las tropas delante de él. Cuando finalmente llegó a la última bifurcación, detuvo sus pasos y con mucho cuidado espió a los galra en el otro extremo.
Efectivamente Vrindan estaba con ellos, igual que el gigante laser que disparaba directo a la puerta masiva que sellaba el CeCoA en un intenso rayo azul.
–Entonces… –escuchó la voz imponente de uno de los galra, claramente por su postura y armadura, era el líder de las tropas –los paladines se encuentran separados.
–Sí, antes del ataque –respondió rápidamente Vrindan temblando de cabeza a los pies –. Todos se fueron por diferentes direcciones en la base.
–Excelente –contestó el general con una fría sonrisa –. Será más fácil eliminarlos uno a uno.
–¿He servido bien, general? –preguntó el vrochan nervioso, frotando sus manos escamosas –. ¿Ayudará a mi familia en la mina?
El general Thogos lo miró con fastidio antes de espetarle con desprecio:
–Aún te falta mucho para reparar la traición de Mondo, pero vas por buen camino… esclavo.
Una desilusión perceptible incluso para Shiro en la distancia se reflejó en el rostro de Vrindan, pero claramente por el miedo, éste guardó silencio.
–Shiro, debes actuar pronto –escuchó de muevo la voz de Pidge por el comunicador –. Más tropas pronto se reunirán con su líder.
–Es muy arriesgado –susurró el paladín –, Vrindan podría salir lastimado.
Pero la joven estaba en lo cierto, los refuerzos se aproximaban por la retaguardia, pronto Shiro quedaría rodeado.
–Necesitaríamos algo que los distraiga por unos segundos –comentó el paladín.
–Eso Hunk y Coran lo tiene cubierto –dijo Pidge.
 –¿Cuánto falta para que abran la compuerta? –peguntó el general Thogos al soldado galra parte del equipo de control de laser.  
–Aunque lograron poner la segunda barrera –comentó este –, el láser conseguirá atravesarlo en unos pocos minutos más.
Una maliciosa sonrisa de dibujó de nuevo en los labios del general ante la expectativa de la victoria. La retoma de la base minera estaba resultado mucho más sencillo de lo que se imaginó.
Pero el sentimiento no le duraría mucho tiempo.
–¡General! –lo llamó repentinamente otro de sus oficiales, el encargado principalmente de la comunicación con la armada –. ¡Tenemos problemas!
–¡¿Cuáles problemas?! –gruñó el líder galra con furor.
–¡General! ¡La armada… – musitó el soldado con duda, ganándose una mirada furiosa de su oficial superior – e-es atacada por uno de los leones de Voltron!
Pero ante de que pudiera bramar alguna otra pregunta u orden, el paladín negro de Voltron apareció en el pasillo dando una increíble pirueta sobre alguno de los droides mecanizados. Los robots perdieron la cabeza ante el contacto con el brazo luminoso del paladín.
El resto de los soldados y mecas en el corredor se volvieron en dirección del paladín, pero debido a el escaso espacio en el mismo, no les daba la suficiente libertad para disparar contra éste sin terminar hiriendo a uno de los suyos.
Shiro aprovechó esa ventaja, permitiéndoles derrotar sin mucha batalla a la mayoría de los soldados. En cuestión de segundos, el paladín alcanzó el laser logrando destruir a los droides que guarecían el arma. Mientras este hacía una demostración de su fuerza y destreza, el general se mantuvo al margen, rechinando los dientes ante el fracaso de sus soldados.
Cuando el ultimo guardián del arma cayó ante las habilidades de Shiro, este rápidamente desactivo los paneles de control de laser, apagándolo por completo. La sensación de tranquilidad que provocó en Shiro la desaparición del haz de luz, resultó ser muy prematura.
Entonces se sintió una gran explosión que sacudió la base completamente. Shiro perdió el equilibrio por unos desconcentrándolo de la situación. Un grave error.
Antes de que pudiera reaccionar para evitarlo, un látigo de metal cargado con electricidad, se enredó en su cuello, apartándolo del arma laser en lo que descargaba en su cuerpo un voltaje alto.
El paladín no pudo evitar gritar del dolor por la descarga, mientras todos sus musculo se entumecían.
Shiro cayó de rodillas ante la fuerte descarga del arma del general Thogos.
–¡¿Quieres demostrar que eres un leal sirviente del imperio Galra?! –bramó el líder galra con una terrible sonrisa en lo que se dirigía a Vrindan. El pobre joven vrochan había permanecido oculto dúrate el ataque de Shiro como espectador mudo de la batalla –. ¡Acaba con él! Ahora que esta débil.
El pobre joven volvió sus ojos amarillentos en dirección del general, sin poder creer lo que le estaba pidiendo.
–¡Demuestra tu lealtad al imperio galra…! ¡A mí! Y entonces tal vez consideraré perdonar a tu gente.
Ante aquellas palabras, Vrindan tragó saliva. Temeroso, salió de su escondite y con mucha duda tomó una de las armas de los soldados caídos y caminó hasta Shiro, quedando en su rango de visión.
–Vrindan… no quieres… hacerlo…
–Pero debo…
–Vrindan… –alcanzó a mascullar el paladín a pesar del dolor –. Mondo no deseaba esto… ¡Arggg!.... Él murió por tu gente.
–¡Mentira! –el vrochan alzando el arma en dirección del paladín, en lo que sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas.
–Shiro… –a pesar del dolor, la fuerte descarga y la interferencia en la señar, el paladín pudo escuchar el susurro de Pidge por el comunicador.
–No, Virndan –insistió Shiro tratando de mantener la mirada firme, dándole seguridad a sus palabras –. Mondo… realmente a muerto.
–No… –musitó el vrochan negando efusivamente la cabeza, tratando de convencerse a sí mismo del engaño. Pero la seguridad y lastima en los ojos de Shiro a pesar de todos, no le dejaban la menor duda.  
Poco a poco, el joven fue bajando su arma.
–¡Inútil! –rugió Thogos apartando de un solo golpe a Vrindan, lanzándolo hasta la pared contraria del corredor –. Ustedes los vrochan son una patética raza. No merecen ni arrastrase a nuestros pies –maldijo con furia antes de volverse de nuevo hacia Shiro –. Y en cuanto a ti, paladín… este será tu fin.
Pero antes de que el general pudiera hacer lo que fuera que estuviera maquinando contra Shiro, el mismo Thogos salió disparado por igual como lo había hecho antes Vrindan, chocando de lleno contra el arma laser, destruyéndola por completo.
Ya libre de terrible látigo del general, Shiro se encontró justamente con la princesa alteana blandiendo un enorme y grueso pedazo de metal, que con su super fuerza, podía sacudir sin problemas.
–Perdón por la tardanza –dijo ésta con una sonrisa ofreciendo una mano al paladín –, pero creo que nos rezagamos un poco.
A un costado de ella, la pequeña Lundi salió corriendo en dirección de su tío, rodeando sus manos alrededor de su cuello. Vrindan no dudo en corresponder al cariño.
–En realidad… –musitó Shiro sin aliento y algo adolorido – creo que fue justo a tiempo –dio un largo suspiro ante de volverse a la gigantesca puerta de acero que protegían el centro de mando –. Pidge, puedes abrir la compuerta del CeCoA.
Pero no hubo respuesta en el comunicador.
La señal… estaba muerta.
Hola a todos
Sé que terminé últimos dos capítulos de la misma manera, pero espero que aun así lo disfrutaran.  
Un abracin
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lancemclance · 7 years
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a screenshot redraw, featuring designs from a voltron au I’ve been making for a while!
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icypantherwrites · 1 year
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Fanfiction: Made with Love (7 chapters total)
Summary:  [Sequel to What It Means to be Human] Pidge has come to terms with the fact she is an android, but she still has questions. And the only people that can answer them are the ones who have known her for her entire life. It’s time to find both Matt and her dad and learn the truth about what happened to her.
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chibi-pix · 3 years
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After the previous image, @a-haunted-sock mentioned a need for a character chart of Pidge’s true form (which I’ve mentally been calling Cosmic Pidge). So. I did a basic of her alongside the other Pidge form, which I’ve been considering having as an android with a very human appearance. Also, I think Cosmic Pidge can change her size, though is typically enormous. She is, at least in thoughts so far, a cosmic deity. 
Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy this. Until next time.
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coolnonsenseworld · 5 years
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more wips
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ao3feedsheith · 6 months
To Be Human
To Be Human https://archiveofourown.org/works/54899218 by AnchoredTether Shiro is a detective for Arus Police and has been assigned an android to work as his partner, a military-class weapon named L4NC3. Though he is initially annoyed by the prospect of working alongside an android, Shiro learns there is personality behind the machine, personality that is far too human to be synthetic. As the duo uncover the mystery of a murder, they find New Altea has even darker secrets beneath the surface, secrets that could become the downfall of androids and mankind. Words: 2073, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Relationships: Lance & Shiro (Voltron), Lance/Pidge | Katie Holt, Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt Additional Tags: the D:BH and Neir Automata mashup AU no one asked for, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Robots & Androids, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Androids, Android Gore (Detroit: Become Human), Body Horror, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Brainwashing, will be a bit of dead dove: do not eat later on, detective!shiro, android!lance, android!Pidge, alteans and galra are still part of this universe, Blood and Violence, Psychological Horror, Amnesia, POV Multiple, Angst, it's going to be mostly gen? but definite hints of Plance and Sheith, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Aged-Up Character(s) via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org April 01, 2024 at 10:38PM
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hidge-resource · 5 years
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pygmalion, the sculptor who fell in love with his own creation
day 3, engineering | date night for @hidge-resource
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edenslostwallflower · 4 years
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LE does this thing where if she sees something she likes she’ll say so, then ask if they can keep it. Most of the time this is at standard, cute, animals or items. But there has been one time shortly after her activation that she met Lance, he said something potentially flirtatious or trying to sound cool and she was just:
‘I like him. Can we keep him?’
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olkarianprincess · 5 years
Inspired by @chibi-pix to make an Android!Pidge AU
But in this AU, things start out the same. Matt and Shiro are captured, Shiro meets up with the gang, and he tells Pidge they’ll find Matt. The problem is his reaction when she finally finds him. He’s surprised, concerned, and then worried. There’s no happy celebrating brother, just one deep in contemplation.
Pidge is worried but Matt says everything is alright. When they get to the castle of lions, he brushes past everyone and goes to find Shiro. They go to a room together to talk and Pidge decides to listen in.
It’s hard to tell what they’re talking about. Their tones are serious, almost angry. Shiro insists that Matt keep things to himself and not tell anyone. Matt wants answers. He warns Shiro not to trust Pidge and she’s wounded. After everything she did to find him, he isn’t acting like the brother she remembers at all.
And later that night, when she’s going through a box of tech Matt brought with him, she picks out a slip of paper. It’s an announcement for a funeral from before the Kerberos mission. And it has her name as the recently departed.
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blueplanettrash · 7 years
Hi! Let me start off by saying how much I love your writing, it always makes my day a little brighter whenever you post something. Also I’m not sure if you’re taking prompts or not, but I thought that you have fun with this idea. So What about Lance as a robot, an Android that’s somehow been able to have human emotions and an actual soul, maybe bc of quintessence or smth. Like what if the galra made him and he somehow ends up with the team and they find out about him. Idk it’s up to you really.
Holy fucking shit man, I love this prompt! I went with a kind of Astro Boy kind of vibe if you haven’t seen it; first of all, how? Second of all, go watch it, some parts will destroy you. I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Since he was a little kid, some things just didn’t connect at some points. He knew that he belonged in his family, he was in all the family pictures since he was a little kid, he was always treated as family by everyone that he lived with, and his parents were protective like he always remembered them being.
But sometimes, he just felt like things weren’t right.
He thought that it started after he and his family had gotten in a car accident; because he was feeling sick that day, he got in the front seat and his mom had sat in the back seat with the rest of his siblings. All he remembered from the incident was seeing a car’s headlights heading straight towards him.
When he looked up pictures of the crash after waking up later and saw that the entire front passenger side was caved in.
He was lucky to be alive. Lucky, that the only lasting damage was a coma.
After waking he found that his family would sometimes act differently around him. Shoot him strange looks when they thought he wasn’t looking. He never asked them about it, it wasn’t much of his business but he always felt like his siblings would spend more time without him than ever before.
It was the opposite for their parents though, it seemed like they were always hovering around him. They were always asking how he was feeling, if anything was off with his body after the crash but he always said no, understandably to their relief.
Being in a family of programmers, engineers, and many other extremely intelligent people, he thought that it was expected from him to shoot for the stars; quite literally in his case. They had always been supportive of his dreams, going so far as to tutor him when he had trouble, help him with his applications, and go through their connections to give him a better chance at being accepted. But suddenly, when he gotten his acceptance letter and joyfully shared the news with his family, they decided that they didn’t want him to go.
They were adamant that he wouldn’t be going to the Garrison. He wouldn’t be following his dreams anymore.
He cried and begged, pleading for any sort of explanation. Why did they not want him to be happy anymore? Why didn’t they want him to see the stars?
In the end, he snuck out to the last bus to the Garrison with only a single duffle bag filled with memories from his family. He couldn’t make it to the building before he was calling his mamá and apologizing for leaving. She screamed at him, demanding that he come back home but he could only tell her that he can’t give up on his dreams, and he wasn’t going to be going home until they could accept that.
It turns out that he never got to see if they accepted his decision or not.
He didn’t know why his family had started acting strangely around him but he didn’t often question it either. The crash was traumatizing for all of them, even if he didn’t exactly remember it.
Everything changed when they were battling the Galra, as most of their life-changing moments did. Everything had to happen with dramatic flare these days.
Being captured was high on the list of undesirable things to happen to the team. Especially when they were all together like this. They had taken Hunk and Lance first, taking the opportunity to grab Pidge while she was trying to figure out the centre’s computers. It was harder to capture Shiro and Keith but soon enough they were kneeling beside their teammates as well.
“So you are the paladins of Voltron? I have to say, I’m not very impressed,” the Galra commander smirked, his eyes drifting across their angry faces.
“Don’t underestimate us!” Keith growled, struggling against the soldier holding him. The commander let out a resounding laugh before striding forward and grabbing Lance by his hair and pulling him away from the line, to the loud disapproval of the rest of the team. He dragged him a few feet away and stood between the two groups.
“I’m giving you one chance paladins, surrender Voltron to me or I will shoot the Blue Paladin,” he threatened, pointing his gun towards Lance’s head.
“Don’t do it, guys!” Lance yelled panicked, wide eyes looking at his friends.
“Well,” the commander pushed.
“We won’t,” Shiro said sternly, trying subtly to loosen the soldier’s hold on his arms. The commander looked at him with narrowed eyes for a moment before shrugging and turning towards Lance.
“Alright,” he said calmly, his finger squeezing the trigger.
Without a sound, the laser left the muzzle of the gun, hitting Lance in the head. He slumped to the ground with an echoing thud. There wasn’t a single sound for a few moments until a horrified scream erupted from Pidge’s mouth.
They sobbed, screamed, and begged violently struggling against their guards trying to get to Lance’s side.
“Take them to the ship, we’ll see how the princess of Altea will take the news of her team’s capture and unfortunate loss,” he laughed, the soldiers nodded wrenching the distraught paladins to their feet and started dragging them towards the looming Galra warship.
“NO! LET US GO! LANCE! LAAAAANCE!” Hunk screamed, he strained towards him, only turning back in the right direction when the soldier hit him in the back of the head. Even as his vision went blurry from the hit, he looked back and his eyes widened in shock.
He was pushing himself up.
He went to shout his name with a smile but stopped when he finally got to his feet.
Half of his face was gone. Instead of the gore and blood that he expected, all he could see was gleaming metal and sparking wires.
“Lance?” He whispered, in a blink, he was behind the commander and with a single punch, he was throwing his hand straight through his back and out his chest. With a final roar from the Galra, he toppled to the ground motionless.
The rest of the soldiers’ hands dropped away from the paladins and they stared at Lance in shock. His hand slid out of the Galra’s body without a struggle. Slowly his head turned to look at the rest of the soldiers.
“Survival mode has been activated, do not engage,” his voice was distorted and emotionless, though it still clearly sounded like Lance. The metal was still sparking, and the exposed eyeball was eerily illuminating the intact part of his face. His other eye matched and, was opened wide, the normal dark blue was glowing a bright blue.
The soldiers didn’t heed his warning and one of them charged at him, gun drawn and aiming. He shot off a couple of rounds, but it didn’t phase him and instead, he stomped towards him and grabbed his throat. The soldier started struggling in pain as he started squeezing, his eye didn’t move an inch until the soldier went limp in his grasp.
He only looked away when another soldier charged at him and without warning, sliced his arm clean off letting the soldier drop to the ground unmoving. He backed away in horror when Lance only turned towards him, the new stump sparking at the same beat as his face.
It was like the soldiers were just tiny germs in his path, with only a few quick punches they were on the ground, either unconscious or dead. He looked over at the team who was still reeling in shock.
“No enemies detected,” he said before he fell to the ground, back hitting the dirt with a thud.
“Excessive damage to external and internal assets, seek immediate repairs,” he droned on, laying on his back looking up at the stars.
After Shiro was able to snap through his restraints, he went to each of them and deactivated their bindings. Together, they cautiously approached their fallen teammate.
Kneeling at his side, they carefully looked over his body and tried to figure out a way to carry him back to the Castle in his shape. He didn’t turn his head to look at them, instead, they stayed glued looking up at the night sky, filled with stars from another galaxy.
“What are you, Lance?” Pidge whispered, eyes searching his figure for any clue. At the whisper, his body seemed to shake and for the first time, the glow dimmed in his eyes, returning to the ocean blue they remembered.
“I don’t know,” was the teary reply. They went to say more but again his entire body locked up and his eyes returned to their glowing state.
“Repairs required, shutting down,” he announced before his eyes shut and his body went limp. They cast frantic looks at each other before Shiro was picking him up and they started sprinting for the Castle. As they passed the bodies of the Galra, Pidge scooped up Lance’s disembodied arm and sprinted after them.
When Lance woke up, he wasn’t exactly sure where he was or what had happened.
“Lance?” He looked over and saw Hunk standing beside his bed looking at him with concern.
“Hey, buddy!” He said cheerfully, giving him a wide smile.
“Um, do you remember what happened?” He asked nervously, wringing his hands together.
“Not really? I mean I know that we went on a mission and stuff but after that, it’s pretty blurry,” he admitted, looking around the room to see the rest of the team gathered around his bed. “Why? Did something happen?”
“Yeah, something happened,” he replied. Lane waited for him to continue but it seemed like he was having trouble getting it out. Instead, he turned to Pidge who was sitting beside Hunk on her laptop.
Her fingers stopped tapping and she glanced at him nervously. His eyes flicked between her and Hunk before straying over to Shiro and Keith who were equally as silent.
“What happened? Is there something wrong with me?” He asked frantically.
“The short answer to both of those questions is that you’re an android,” Pidge said carefully, moving her body to face Lance completely. The spoon fell from his hand, clanking off the tray and landing on the floor beside the bed. His eyes were wide in shock before he burst out into laughter, clapping his hand on his leg.
“That’s a good one Pidge, you almost had me,” he chuckled, wiping a fake tear from under his eye. He glanced around but no one else was laughing, instead, they were looking down at the ground. “Pidge?”
“I know that’s a joke that I would make but it’s not Lance,” she insisted with a frown. His eyes darted from her to the rest of the group, quietly begging for one of them to crack a smile, but none of them did.
“But, robotics aren’t this far advanced, it would be in the news, it would be everywhere on Earth,” he argued, gesturing wildly with his hands. “Unless…I’m not from Earth?” he asked with a wince but Pidge only shook her head at him.
“Your programming is all in English and Spanish, you were made on Earth and we think we know why nobody knew about such an advanced robot,” she said, moving to her computer set up. He ignored the programming part and tried to focus on the information she was giving to him.
“Your creators; Rosa and Cortez McClain,”
His stomach dropped.
“Everything is in your main database; their research journals, their processes, everything that was needed to keep you running, they even included where you live,”
“Mom and dad?” He whispered weakly. “This can’t be true Pidge, it can’t! I remember being a little kid, I remember growing up!” He was tearing up in a panic, grasping at straws that were quickly being pulled away.
“In their journals, they talked about a fatal incident,” Pidge tried, looking at her screen quickly.
“The car accident,” he clarified without missing a beat. It was always stuck in the back of his mind like a looming shadow.
“I shouldn’t have survived it, I-I didn’t survive it. Lance didn’t survive it,” he corrected himself. His hands clenched at his sides, shaking slightly.
“Lance,” Hunk tried, moving forward to put a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t call me that,” he said weakly, brushing away the gentle touch.
“I SAID DON’T CALL ME THAT! I’M NOT LANCE! I’VE NEVER BEEN LANCE!” He cried, eyes wide and filled with tears as he yelled at Hunk. With a gasping breath, he burst into sobs and hunched over, hiding his face in his hands. Hunk’s hand went to his back, gently rubbing up and down. As much as he wanted to wallow in his newfound misery, he was calming under the motions.
“What do you mean you’ve never been Lance?” Shiro asked calmly, coming to his other side and laying a hand on Lance’s shoulder. He gasped in an uneven breath, and tears rolled down his cheeks.
“The real Lance died in a car accident, I’m just someone-something that looks like him and has his memories,” he explained carefully. “I-I just feel like such an imposter,” he burst out with another sob. “This wasn’t the life that I was supposed to live, this is the life that Lance was supposed to live and I’m here instead,”
“We’ve never met the other Lance, we didn’t get to know him,” Keith said, finally stepping forward to stand beside Shiro. “We’re your friends, not his,”
“But if he was still alive, you probably would have been his friends,” he argued.
“But that’s not what happened! It’s unfortunate what happened, but this is the outcome and you’re our family Lance, we care about you,” Hunk broke in, startling Lance. He watched him with wide eyes.
“Family…” he trailed off suddenly in thought. Emotions raced across his face before settling on devastation.
“Lance, it’s pretty clear that your family loves you if they were willing to go this far to keep you with them,” Pidge reminded him, before patting him on the arm.
“You don’t understand,” he stated mournfully, turning to look at her with new tears streaked down his cheek. “I was made to be a replacement, what if I get back and they’ve just made another one of me?”
They sucked in a quick breath at the question. They were noticeably hesitant to answer if they had already replaced Lance once, what was stopping them from doing it again?
“Then fuck them,” Keith finally said. Their heads snapped over to look at him with shocked faces.
“Seriously, fuck them. They shouldn’t doubt that you’re alive; when Shiro went missing, I never gave up hope that he was alive. The same with Pidge, and now she has proof that Matt is alive,” he said gesturing first at Shiro, then a beaming Pidge.
“Sure, the Garrison can lie but what acceptable thing can they come up with? ‘Three teens go missing during a lockdown?’ My dad is gullible but even he would know that something is up,” Hunk said with a smile, which Lance tentatively returned.
“I’m apologizing in advance for the shit that I’m going to go through in the next little bit,” he said quietly, a frown sliding across his face again. They huffed good-naturedly before wrapping him in a group hug.
“Don’t worry Lance, you’re only human,” Shiro soothed. Immediately, his mood plummeted again and he sagged a bit in their arms.
“But am I?” he asked quietly. The arms tightened around him.
“Of course you are, it doesn’t matter what you’re made up of,” Pidge said, squeezing him as much as she could. “You laugh,”
No matter where they were, no matter what was happening, Lance could always make light of the situation. When she felt down, a mischievous smile in her direction had her perking up, waiting for what Lance was going to do. Maybe he’d throw in a joke, or pull off a prank, most of the time he would stand there laughing at himself if the joke fell flat. She could see that sometimes, he would joke more for their sake.
“You cry,” Hunk added.
Days and nights spent in the kitchen, with Lance sobbing over a mug of watery space cocoa. Arms squeezing around his body trying to take as much comfort as Hunk could bear to give. When it came to Lance, he could take it all if he wanted. The nights in the kitchen came more and more often the longer they cruised through space, the possibility of returning home growing lower as the days passed. He could only let out his emotions at this time of night when no one else was around and only trusted his best friend to stick it out with him.
“You get scared,” Keith said softly.
Lance wanted to be brave and he pulled it off well, but if you looked close enough, you could always see his hands shaking before every mission. You could see the hesitance in his eyes during a mission planning. He would look off to the side to avoid eye contact during practices when he was facing off with Keith, Shiro, or Allura. They were all scared and they knew they were all scared, but Lance was a lot better at hiding it.
“You care, Lance,” Shiro finished, brushing his fingers through Lance’s hair.
Every planet, every inhabitant got Lance’s full respect. When he was there to save somebody, he was in 100%. It didn’t matter if they were rude to him during a meeting, if they were in trouble, he would lay his life on the line for them. He tried to hide what hurt him to keep the team happy, he did whatever he could to present his best self so they didn’t have to worry.
“You’re you,”
“Thank you,” he whimpered, leaning into the hugs a little bit more. A wobbling smile was on his face and happy tears were rolling down his face.
“You don’t have to thank us for this Lance, we’re always going to be here for you no matter what you think of yourself,” Hunk said with a grateful smile.
Lance just let himself be for a few minutes. Just let himself feel the warmth radiating off of his family.
“You know,” Hunk suddenly sighed. “I love how you haven’t noticed that you’re missing an arm,”
“WHAT!” He yelped, flinging everyone off of him to look down at his arms. One was the familiar brown he had always been used to while the other was a sleek white and black metal. When he flexed his fingers, the joints lit up with a blue light. He looked up at Hunk with wide eyes.
“I don’t know how much of the fight you actually remember but we were able to transfer some of the “skin” on your arm to fix your face. Turns out that Alteans do not take cosmetic surgery lightly, so it’s nice and even too!” Hunk said, holding up a mirror for Lance to look in. Apparently, he was right because he saw the exact same face he always had.
“Your arm was completely useless though, so we made you a new one,” Pidge preened, scooting up to run her fingers up and down the arm.
“Okay, I guess that’s kind of cool,” he admitted, bringing it up to examine it more closely.
“Great, now would you like the bad news or good news first?” Hunk asked cheerfully despite what he said. Lance looked at him with a deadpanned expression before he let out a heavy sigh.
“Well, it can’t be any worse than any of the other news today, bad first,” he chose, looking back down to the arm.
“Okay, well, we aren’t exactly sure how Altean tech will work with yours, so we’re going to have to monitor you for a while,” Pidge said with a bit of a shrug. “We haven’t fully activated it so there won’t be much damage if there is a problem,”
“Okay, that doesn’t sound too bad, the good news?” He asked looking up at Hunk who was fully smiling.
“Shiro,” he said instead. Lance blinked in confusion looking over at their leader instead.
“We’re twining!” He exclaimed, batting at Lance’s new hand with his own metal one.
“Oh my god, that literally just made my day,” he laughed, as he leaned over to Shiro and gave him a one-armed hug.
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